A thread for the discussion of Mori Calliope and the members of her extended universe.
Anyone got that mega link? I wanna hear Hey There Delilah again
>>17011336you can find it in the usual torrent places
I'm going to bed. You should too
>>17011336Or just look at it on youtube
>>OPWait wtf people still make actual Mori threads?
>>17011770No. This is an Ope thread.
>>17011770t. deadbeat
Mori Love!
>>17011842Is all this drama happening because Ope is breaking out of her cage?
Love your oshi, but holy shit does she chug that dumb bitch juice sometimes. Hope her surgery goes well.
This whore ruined hololive
>>17012001Damn, someone should let the rest of Hololive know.
I still can't believe the council revoked her pass, she's just the white girl of Nippon now...
i'm not the biggest mori fan, but I think it's kinda ruthless how mean people can be to her over stuff that doesn't matter, hoping she returns soon
>>17012158Thanks bro
>>OPdesu im suprised her management didnt suspend her for all she did. according to twitter shes just going to 'stream when she feels like it'. cant help but fear she is learning the wrong message from this, and management is doubling down on that by not punishing her
>>17012260It's probably because holo management isn't full of a bunch of incel retards and so they realize it's not a big deal
>>17012260I'm surprised you're still trying to make such a big deal out of it.
>>17012260Why would they suspend her over a dumb tweet? Are you insane?
>>17012132its only for a month.
>>17012260I dont even think they would have noticed it if she hadnt make the apology tweet. With that at least Jchad should be aware, I hope.
[Sad news] Mori is on Twitter again...
>>17012450Honestly twitter or even social media in general may be her actual addiction.
>>17012450[Good News] She wants to tell her friends she's doing alright
Imagine being one of the deadbeats who thought she might learn something from this.>Signalboosts hatred of her cuck fans>Gets told by everyone how terrible that idea was>Doesn't care about the misery she inflicted on deadbeats>Retweets more trash taste garbage to "own the haters" again
>>17012450CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER٩( ᐛ )و(`_´)ゞᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ(´∀`)
>>17012615Of all the hills to die on.
>>17011336Use the updated version
>>17012615Calli for the love of god flush your phone down the toilet or something you need to STOP
>>17012158just remember that this place doesn't actually matter and it does its worst things to the people that read it
>>17012720Watson didn't have a yab where she posted on trash taste cuck porn taking a shit on her gators mere hours ago.
And to think none of this would have happend if you just let Connor's old bad opinion of vtubers just... be.
>>17012845This. The only winner was the anti with the SC. People who are legitimately upset are perpetuating this way more than Mori is
“Get cucked.”
>>17012845>It's our fault for hating someone who shittalks Hololive, including all Mori's genmates, senpai and kouhai>Not Mori's fault for being more in love with her fake friend Trash Taste abuser clique than her fans or Milky or Hololive
>>17012917Most of the people who are upset and talking about this want to be upset
no offense deadbeats but if my oshi did this to me i would feel like complete dogshit for at least a few months, how are you managing to hold up after everything that happened
“Get cucked”
>all these new IPs giving us the latest mori tweets
Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Was this concrete information before? That she's releasing an album, not an EP/single? And that it's releasing this month? I don't remember her saying this on stream.
>>17013014>at least a few monthsYou spend too much time here
>>17013025Cute. shame it's shadowverse though
>>17013062Lo-fi shit
>>17013062isn't he working with mori on the lo-fi album?
>>17013062isn't that the lo-fi?
>>17012841Nah, Watson shits on her fans by streaming instead.
>>17013062You moron.
>>17013103>>17013099>>17013097Oh, now I remember.
>>17013062Anonchama, that's the Lo-fi album
>>17012917And yet she still likes that tweet which shows she supports her actions.
>>17012720>>17012841Damn, watson really have to damage control calli's ass everytime huh
So uh... do we need to change the roster up now?
>>17013062>>17013136I guess the fact that it has the instrumentals included gives it enough songs to be called an album rather than an EP
>>17012978Lmao you can hate him and create the craziest cuck rrats all you want for all I care, but you can't deny that what started all of this was the SC bringing that topic into her stream. Literally what does that accomplish
>>17013204No. Why would we?
>>17012969>>17013053Go sleep Mori
>>17013014Yes, I am fucking miserable. I loved her. I really did. After she mentioned gachikoi a couple of times and actually said that she felt like they were important, I thought she understood my feelings... but I was just an easily exploited wallet to her. I never mattered. None of us did.
>>17013204Wait to see what sticks until the next time
>>17013224That SC was based beyond belief.
She’s liking cuck memes too
>>17013188what tweet is your schizo mind referring to ?
>>17013255How many times are you gonna do this larp
>>17013014I don't think of her as a prostitute by wanting GFE? I just enjoy her stuff, I could care less about the rest. Hell, that she's still a shitposter at heart makes me like her even more.
If Mori loves Vshojo and TT so much why doesn't she join them?This is an unironic question btw.
>>17013342More money in hololive.
>>17013342I hope she does, I hope she graduates.
>>17013342Music branding and SC
Schizos can do what they want, but damn repeating that deadbeats are heartbroken by the NTR shitpost is something kek, that tweet was funny as shit.
>>17013279>>17013325>>17013381What... the tweet she liked was a dude complaining that he as a man was getting advertisements for female dating sites
>>17013356Not if she keeps pissing off unicorns and anyone who generally just isn't a cuck.
>>17013188What tweet? The yagoo with kiara and calli with TT one? That's just a fucking vtuber + human joke, you can't be serious and still think everything she does is related to this dramaActual schizo behavior
>>17013404A black man sat behind a white woman and you think that's the context? Is this your first day on 4chan?
>>17013405Please, we both know she isn't losing any of her big paypigs.
>>17013405Hard to swallow pill. The people who are bothered by this are in a <1% minority and she won't even notice you dumbasses left
>>17013404Anon.... Mori is the gamer girl and there is a black man behind her.
>>17013290Are you being intentionally dense?
>>17013435cuck posting has poisoned your mindyoure literally getting mind cucked
>>17013423The one where C-word is fucking her in the ass in front of a crying deadbeat. Have you been living under a rock?
>>17013279>>17013325>>17013381Deadbraps I'm so sorry...
>>17013404you need to view this in the lens of a cuckposter. Then you shall understand
>>17013450This, Mori's fanbase is not the typical holo fanbase
>>17013457>>17013454>>17013435imagine having your mind this poisoned by porn
>>17013450Ah yes Reddit shitting on her clearly means that it's a minority opinion.>>17013443You know that isn't true
>>17013525>You know that isn't trueHave any dropped her?
>>17013405>Unicorns>not cucks
My oshis will never fuck up this badly. Migo, Subaru, Luna, Kiara, Ame, Sana sankyu.
>>17013520I don't watch that shit, but if you think Mori isn't aware of the implications you must literally think she's retarded. She's doing this to keep punching down on the fans who loved her.
>>17013555Doesn't seems like it based on the replies to her schedule tweet.
>>17013555Idk I'll let you know next time she has a scheduled stream with superchats.
>>17013525Everybody except /vt/ has already moved over the drama
>>17013609kek keep trying, it's not working yet.
>>17013609jesus maybe you need to get off the internet too
>>17013571a cuck is someone who enjoys being cheated on
I'm sustaining mental damage reading this thread and global.
>>17013609Take your meds
>>17013639If you genuinely believe that you are as naive as Mori. Blood is in the water, the knives are out.
>>17013639>Delete all discussion on it with threat of banTHEY MOVED ON BRO!!!
>>17013609I think you should take your medあs.
>>17013609Are you guys seriously going to keep autistically keeping track of her likes and analyze how possibly it can relate even in the most stretched scenarios to this drama?
One day you guys will find a better chuuba, I promise...
>>17013665Yes, so Unicorns.
>>17013716>the most stretched scenariosIt's not a stretch though
>>17013691Yeah, /vt/ sis and kids with plastic ones
>>17013691drama addicted subhumans aren't people and don't count
>>17013639>>17010797I fucking wish
>>17013716Yes, people have been doing it to every holo since /jp/. Don't see why it'd stop now.
>>17013671Eh, just don't browse em for a few days then. Mori is not streaming, so you're not missing out on anything. The schizos have a fairly short attention span.
>>17013696If you aren't a schizo, you've moved on
>>17013609I believe you, Anon.
>>17012260You speds need meds
>>17013716Everything she does will now have a spin narrative, just dont give them You's
>>17012158they always are, and they're on the usual path to going WAYY too far...
Predictions on her next fuck up?
Well fellow deadbros I'm out for tonight. May the morning bring a stream and a heathier thread.
>>17013700Where's the anti-/u/schizo when you need him...
>>17013404Why would he complain that he was being encouraged to date f*males?
>>17013881Have you ever dated a female? it's horrible.
Assuming you guys saw by now but glad that Mouse and Mori's collab is still on for Friday. Stay strong and weather the storm it'll pass eventually.
>>17013875I'm not him but I hate shipping. Right now though and maybe from here on out, I'd welcome the /u/posters back >>17013881maybe hes a fucking gay. I don't know all I know is that he was complaining about youtube showing him dating advertisements
Well, let me know if Mori streams, till then I'm going dark.
People say Calli needs to take a break. I agree, but not for the same reasons. I think Calli needs to take a break until she learns to pronounce Gura's name correctly. If I hear Calli pronounce Gura's name wrong one more time I am going to be very displeased.
And now she's liking NijiEn male tweets..... Mori get the fuck off Twitter.
>>17013973It seems every collab is still on, I think the guerrilla part is only for her solo streams
>>17014041Who the fuck caresWho the fuck fucking caresShe could like an image of a cute dog and you'd be doomfagging over it at this pointJesus christ, shut the fuck up
>People back in the thread defending Mori saying it's a nothingburger>Usage of "incel" increases by 1,000% Hmmmm. So basically all the "Mori dindu nuffin" are twitter trannies
>>17013716rrats gonna rrat
>>17014167Nta but obviously you care a whole hell of a lot.
>>17014167>OMG Mori liked a dog picture? I bet she wants to have sex with one!
>>17013389in all honestly, Mori just needs to shut up to prove that she's the one who's rent free living in anti's minds.
>>17014337Don't mind me, just sipping some sprite
>>17014337Well she is in fact, a yte Woman.
>>17014349Antis already proved that themselves. Anyone who denies it are already beyond hope
>>17014313I care only so much as it annoys me when anons waste this thread talking about literally fucking nothing. Now post your cutest Mori, asshole.
>>17014406>talking about literally fucking nothingShe's been posting for more than a week about how she has utter contempt for her most devoted fans, how exactly is that nothing?
>>17014406 Is this you?
>>17014349Dont mind her, she is just liking stuff.Antis are just all over her twitter activity to keep shitposting
>>17014467If she gave them no material they couldn't do shit, but she's specifically liking stuff that feed their retarded rrats for fuck sake
Are >we still joining divegrass?
>>17014463Take meds
>>17014279Finally, a new wojak
oh right, SEA hours
I'm tired of the antis, of the yesmen and of fucking Mori being a womanchildren, I'm out
>>17014512Based, seeing chimps chimp out is always fun.
how petty is she? management clearly told her to take a break, no interactions and then come back, yet she still likes shit on her account. literally just why, she could just close the Calliope twitter account and have a vacation.
Cuckbeats stop making threads
>>17013381mori says no to BMWF
>>17014588>Do something retarded>Double down on it and make the situation even worse>BASED!Deadbeatts are Mori's worst enemies. At least antis actually mock her when she does something dumb, Deadbeats encourage her to dive into a spiral of self destruction because they think imploding owns the antis
>>17014512But they also outed themself for letting some tenant not paying tho
>>17014707Literally everything she does is going to make it worse so why not shitpost while she can?
Don't be like Mori. Go watch someone else while you wait for her to calm the fuck down.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0E68RI2F-kWatch this deadbeat play the FOTW menhera simulatorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr_buLBrOI8Or this other deadbeat making pancakes with Anya
What is your guys favorite cover by MoriI like this one the most it really speaks to me as a deadbeat and I relate to the lyrics on a personal levelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I6LJIQeN50
Mori. This makes me angry at a fundamental level!
>>OPAll babes are the same.
>>17014762>【Needy Girl Overdose】Is she your new oshi?This is not a good game for Deadbeats to watch right now. Don't be cruel by recommending this.
>>17013875>"Calli, why does your saliva taste bitter?"NO GURA DON'T KISS HER
>>17014761>Literally everything she does is going to make it worseLogging off Twitter and going off grid for 3-7 days would let it blow over.
>>17014512Why are you still following her if you hate her so much? Got Mori on the mind much?
>>17014954Somehow liking cuck shit and retrweeting more Trash Taste is better? Wake the fuck up.
All Calli can do is whether the storm. That’s all you can do. Will she do it?
>>17014954You're right, liking cuck shit and Niji male tweets is clearly the superior option. Kick the deadcucks in the ribs while they're down.
>>17014993>"I don't want Mori to give material to the haters.">"wtf, why do you hate her?"I love her, dude. Even if she doesn't know or care who I am.Yes, Mori is always running through my brain: but right now it hurts.
>>17014888It's a fun game. I watched Astrel and a bunch of indies play it too.
There are actually worse things than likes on twitter, bsaed on previous behavior.So unless you are here to shit on her dont lose your cool over little things lie that.
>>17014888Its actually really good
>>17015220Is there a route closest to mori?
>>17015187Why does this sound like a fucking threat? Jesas.
>>17014999>>17015057Yes, shitpost while the shitposting is good. That's always been the rule.
I feel like I have to twist my brain apart in order to see the things you guys are seeing.
>>17015187She should stay the fuck off from internet. Literally just gone for one week. ONE FUCKING WEEK. THAT'S IT. But No, Her Ego keep winning. She should learn from Moona
Her graduation/arrest will be the most celebrated day on /vt/ Can't wait
>>17015251Mental darkness and no sex.
>>17015376>Mori graduates>teams with Coco to make a Hololive that doesn't suck>Spergland shuts downI can't wait.
>>17015154Holy shit, this soundpost of mine is still getting passed around? I still substitute "ogey" in when this song comes on my Pandora.
What day does Trash Taste record? Asking for a friend.
>>17015376>implying any mortal prison could stop mori from doing dumb shit on twitter
Please let it end. Please.I am actually getting scared this time.
>>17015376I mean, she's still sitting at 1.89 subscribers. she hasn't lost any.So long as she and anyone else from holo don't try to add any fuel to the fire, it'll burn itself out.
>>17015108It's all NTR shit. There is even an achievement called "Cucked".Take your disgusting fetishes somewhere else, you literal deadcuck.
>>17015108>>17015220Well maybe you guys deserve Mori afterall.
OH NO NO Deadbeats! I seriously hope Cali recovers and doesn’t take this too deep to heart, hope her gen mates lend her a shoulder behind the scenes. It would break my heart if Calis passion got soured long term by this. Wish her the best!
>>17015670>new IP>frogposter
>>17013520>>17013643>>17013657>>17013684>>17013700The original tweet is by a Hololive rigger who is having vtubers send him voice clips about how they're sucking up to him for work and seeing other men. Cuckolding is 100% the joke in that tweet. But Mori totally doesn't know, she never knows. She just keeps coincidentally doing all this yabai shit over and over.
>>17015757>coincidentallyShe knows what she's doing. You fuckers are always on and on about how she's /here/ but now that it's inconvenient you pretend she's some ignorant normie.
>>17012158Hope she sees this bro
Jchad love
>>17015757she knows EXACTLY what she is doing
>>17015835You really can't read sarcasm at all, can you retardchama?
>>17015879Of course not, autists are well known for that.
>>17015879I can genuinely feel my brain melting after everything. Everyone looks like they're posting in bad faith, I can't tell what's real or fake any more. I just wanted to love my Mori but pretending she's an idiot won't help anything, she keeps "fucking up" and "making mistakes" to the point that it really looks like she hates us and is doubling, tripling down on the things she's done and said because she doesn't want to admit that her stance is wrong, that she's caused people hurt, that she's overlooked so much sour feeling and let it boil over like this.I should probably go touch grass. Fucking damn it.
Back from my week long vacation. It was a blast. I missed my Mori, but I see now that she is taking something of a break. I don't mind if that's what she needs to de-stress and clear her mind. I will wait for her and be happy with all the good stuff coming soon.Another week, another "yab" which goes away the second you see any context. Entirely unsurprising. (Keep trying, antis, you'll get her eventually!)Congrats to all the fetusbeats that I'm sure were born the last seven days. Good to be back.
>>17016066>I should probably go touch grass.Just do it. Look, a lot of us have had some illusions shattered, but she's still Our Mori. Take some time off the internet like that dumb bitch should, goddammit Mori, come back a little later and watch a Mori stream. It'll all feel alright again. The internet can poison you.
>>17016119I don't know man. I don't think I can do it.Even if all this dumb shit is forgotten tomorrow things will never go back to the way they were.
I only hope she does take a break. She should stay away from twitter too, put a little distance and maybe see this whole situation in a new perspective. Taking a break will not do shit if she keeps coming here or if she keeps returning to twitter.
>>17015648Not everything is about sex, retard.
>>17016189kek what a bitch
>>17016189Things change all the time. Doesn't mean you can't love your Mori. Just means there may be some reservations with that love. Going all-in is rarely a good idea anyway. People will always disappoint you.The question is, does the good she inspires in you outweigh the disappointments? For me, I say yes.
>>17015835>>17015870The wigger rapper who thought lean was a new age term for alcohol most certainly does not know what she's doing
>>17016189You have no commitment to this woman. She obviously feels very little commitment to you.
>>17016247Ah yes, the charlie fangirl who sang the cuck song a year ago has no idea what cuckolding is.
>>17016242>Going all-in is rarely a good idea anyway. People will always disappoint you.I just thought she was different.
>>17016066Assuming this isn't a bit, you really need to legitimately take your meds anon. You seemed to have hinged your mental health on your favorite vtuber. Mori drank her stupid bitch juice and let antis get to her head.
>>17016331We tried to tell you man. I did my very best.
>>17014279*adds to MD5 Filter*
>>17016331Nobody is different, not even yourself. Everyone is a walking disappointment, even the "successful" ones.
>>17014518I don't see why not.
>>17016321Does she understand the subtext of that YouTube ad tweet that she liked? At this point, I can't even tell, but I'm leaning towards no.
>>17016331>this time it's different, if I put this person on a pedestal I certainly won't inevitably be disappointed this timeYou might just be retarded anon
>>17016189Nothing changed, it's all in your head.
>>17016218The game is literally about sex and cucking her fans while making fun of them or getting cucked by her as she has sex with someone else on-stream and you end up alone.
>>17014518Why wouldn't we be?
>>17016467Insulting her intelligence in order to preserve your sanity. Naruhodo ne.
She was just larping. Theres no way she was that stupid
>>17016331You're being gaslit by nijifags pretending to care
Why is it so hard to pin all the blame to Trash Taste? they're the one who started shits in the first place, even anons posted hard evidince of timestamped yt links
>>17016552at least post the updated one
>>17016571You literally hate them for existing because they have dicks. That's like the ultimate form of betafaggotry
>>17016622*adds to MD5 filter*
>>17015757>>17016467Trying to relate that YouTube ad to cuckoldry is a hell of a reach.
>>17016571what happened? I know about the tweet but I usually just watch JK streams and listen to her music
>>17016622Gotta get the skelejak in there
>>17016638It's not that much of a reach.
>>17016638Lurk forever.
>>17016571Context? Evidence? Timestamps? They don't count!HAHAHAHA
>>17016668It's literally just "hot gamer girls near you", stop projecting.
>>17016631I hate them because they shat on Nene, cuckbeat
>>17016686>>17016668It is when you're not terminally /pol/
>>17016708>tweet was from known holo rigger>cuck cuck cuckyou have brain damage.
>>17016546Yes, I'm insulting her intelligence. If she were smart she would not have engaged an anti right after this ruckus died down, nor would she have mentioned doing lean while employed with a Japanese company, nor would she try to explain it away by calling lean new age lingo. She is guzzling that dumb batch juice and can't seem to stop
>>17016571I put the blame on TT. Connor should have made a public apology and we could sweep all this under the rug.They don't have Mori's back. They are using her.
>>17016737found the target audience for the ad
>>17016749show me on the doll where Mori touched you anonmaybe its time to grow up a little
Mori Calliope just flew over my house!
>>17016754>Connor should have made a public apologyinstead he sent a tweet "easy W"
This split will be gone soon. Kanpai, deadbeats!
>>17016638Do you know where you are?
>>17016737>>17016741Read the posts you reply to, then dilate. "Context" isn't so convenient when it's not on your side, huh?
>>17016789I'm angry. She is planning 9/11v2
>>17016571Did they also teach her how to OD on cough syrup?
>>17016789If you leave out money with mean notes she'll shit down your chimney!
>>17016761>they>Joey said this take outside TT>in fact, most of these takes are done outside the podcast.At least clarify your claims because the podcast itself is innocent, it's the hosts you have an issue with.
>>17016761pick one (don't be lazy to type the links now)
>>17016777Nah, I don't visit that cuckoldry obsessed board, sorry.
So it all boils down to the same shit>Mori doesn't care about Hololive>Mori doesn't care about bringing harm to other Holos>Mori's friends are bad people (and she's a bad person too)>Mori hates her fansSame shit. Different week. Trying to use a new filter doesn't hide the day 1 rrats which are dead and should have been buried months ago.Now shut up and post cute/cool/or even sexy reapers.
>>17016876>sourcing a screenshot of a schizo baitpostogey
>>17016904yup. We wouldn't be having any discussion if Mori didn't sabotage it herself.
>>17016815Are you sure you're not the one on lean, anon? Reading didn't change the context.
>>17016876>>17016761>Mori collabs with TT people>person from TT named Connor state that people could get success and a lot of money in hololive without being a good streamer>https://youtu.be/Oy0jqr6KY9Q?t=6m25s>fast forward>member in Moris stream says she basically agree with him by associationg with him>https://files.catbox.moe/lfcm82.png>Mori insults the member (lol) and says that Connor apologised to every holoEN member>https://youtu.be/MXh0xBaItcc?t=2m15s (From a member stream, so i can't take it from original source)>This clip of Kiara suppsedly disprove that>https://youtu.be/8Flzv4pZUak?t=5h14m55s>Mori donates 50 subs to Connor on her twitch account (likely new account)>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce-cR-f8TlM>someone superchats "condom money for Connor">https://www.hololyzer.net/youtube/archive/superchat/iJvbxzGh_a4.html>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E66K-4G3o8&t=6991s (mori reaction)>Mori announces that she wont read all aka supa>https://youtu.be/iJvbxzGh_a4?t=36m0s>keeps talking about the drama on stream>src : (i cant find any other instance of it except where she stop reading all supa. but she had some conversation about it on the comment)>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly (guerilla) from now on>https://youtu.be/iJvbxzGh_a4?t=49m40s>people even in her youtube comment section are mad to her>(ive scrolled a bit, but i cant find it. there should be at least one somewhere)>few days later she responds to 6 days old tweet of someone posting a comic of deadbeat getting literally cucked by Connor who is fucking Mori on the picture>http://web.archive.org/web/20220123054143/https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1485121754624593924>even reddit gets mad at her>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please.">https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/sam9io/uhh_calli/>https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/sam9io/uhh_calli/htukq15/>https://files.catbox.moe/lxuexz.png>she gets downvote bombed.>she announces break>https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1485136066008944640>says she "hit the lean hard">https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1485138115656228864?s=20>she just confirmed getting high with codeine as drugs are rare in japan for someone as her.>a mixture of Jolly Ranchers, Sprite, and codeine that will get you high asf.>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_(drug)>basically admits drug use>damage control a bit later>https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1485152994119221248?s=20>https://files.catbox.moe/t7oy6q.png>Connor tweets "easy W">https://twitter.com/CDawgVA/status/148513779851265228
>>17016789WTF she can fly too?! Yagoo pls nerf!
>>17016189Dude, do something with your life
>>17016788You realize the notion that mori handled this like an idiot is not a schizo take but is the prevailing opinion, right? Then again, you're probably baiting for (you)s, inwhich case, well played
>>17016959Okay, let me explain it for you to bring you up to speed. It was a tweet about cuckolding. The original tweeter is tweeting about cuckolding. Mori has directly interacted with the topic of cuckolding several times in her career, as recently as yesterday. You are a cuckold. Does that help?
>>17017043>It was a tweet about cuckolding.
>>17017043>it's about cuckolding because I say it's about cuckoldingogey
>>17014699Why? You think you can drive us away that easily?
>>17016969>Connor tweets "easy W"
>>17017089 But really.... It literally is a tweet about cuckolding.
>>17017142proof next thread, right?
>>17017089>>17017081Wow, Nenechi's appeal really strong to make someone like this go the deep end. >idiot couldn't just accept the fact that Joey's an idiot and misread the whole article>he had to make a vision of Joey being a moustache-twirling villain.
>>17016904None of those are true, except for her friends being bad people, and that only applies to Connor, and arguably so. She's just letting a cutting SC get to her more than it should
>>17017142Sure anon, and I am Calliope Mori :}
>>17017158>>17017115tourists must go and stay go to the archive reps, do them
Wew, this is a war zone.
>>17017158what do you think the original tweet was about if not cuckolding??? its a deadbeat crying while mori gets railed by connor, thats cuckolding/ntr
>>17017081>>17017089>>17017158>"Yeah, I totally read the post">Didn't read the postHere's your last (You). Better luck with your next oshi.
>>17017081But it was? It was a parody of a current popular cuckold porn. It was a cuckold tweet. That isn't what's up for discussion.
>>17017115He did. It was in context of something completely unrelated to hololive. Which pretty much shows you how bad faith that post is
>>17016924>I want a source!>Gives source with meticulously timestamped links and quotes for relevant parts that support the claims>Whoa schizo post!
>>17017142Not everything in the world is about cuckolding, anon.
>>17017059My goal is beyond your understanding
>>17017210>>17017212did he say anything about why he deleted the tweet?mori should take a page from pewdiepie's book and fucking quit twiter
>>17017236>Nooooooooo that's not what Connor meeaaaaaaaanttttttttWorked real well the first time
>>17017223Nigger, read the fucking context of what you're replying to. This is about the "hot gamer girls near you" youtube ad that people are trying to say is cuck shit because there's a black man in the picture.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Slz9CT6oA8I hope Mori will watch this
>>17017254It's because everything there is out of context at best and lies at worst. Basically this >>17017236
My condolences to you deadbeats
>>17017227>>17017232Also why would you know what cuckold porn is popular?
>>17017295Oh shit, you're actually stupid. Yeah, Brian would never tweet about cuckolding. :) https://twitter.com/AyanaLushVT/status/1485443656114851840?s=20
>>17017305>Long form quotes and timestamps to the actual video are "out of context"Just give up you retard. Anyone with a brain who watches the video can see he was shitting on Nene there is no additional context that makes Joey the scam man look any better.
>they replied to the bait ngmi deadbeats
/vt/ thinks this is a cuckold image.
>>17017301god I love clocktown
/vt/ thinks this is about cuckolding LOL
>>17017331Maybe they're conflating cucked with blacked.
>Redditors start to crawl back to the thread after going and hiding during the yab to claim "Ackchually it's very good if Mori hangs out with the Trash Taste fags"
>>17017301>Just rolls over and takes itAme really is a cowardly bitch,
>>17017434Do you get upset when an ant insults you?
>Make one stupid tweet which gets called out and deleted>OMG YAB YAB FINAL YABEven if Mori did do something offensive and wrong, I probably wouldn't even care because the retards cried wolf too many times. I would just want her to make an apology and go keep doing her thing. Or are some still on the "force her to graduate" bullshit?
>>17017397Can't be, there's no black people in the image.
>>17017464No, but I still stomp the ant.
>>17017464He puts his foot down
>>17017469I dont remember anyone deleting tweet though
>>17017540Of course you don't. Because you don't actually care about any of this, you just care about the drama.
Dramafags should get the rope
>>17017618Right after apologists
>>17017540In the detailed documentation of her crimes the tweet is posted through an archived link because the original is gone.
>>17017540nvm i remember now
>>17017675>her crimeswhat crimes did the BIPOC reaper commit other than drug possession?
I've had an epiphany: Mori!
>>17017618It's laugh worthy, i can't imagine grown ass men gossiping like schoolgirls, going around reddit and discord to find something new to say.Your oshi is a bit retarded deadbeats but i hope none of you are weak enough to move out
>>17017618They'll eventually join the 41% so it's all good.>>17017888Mori love!
What does it mean when someone types out and posts the word cuck 700 times a day?
>>17017922Don't worry. At this point, anyone left obviously doesn't respect themselves enough to move on.
>>17017922Stuck with her through a lot, but I think it's time to bail. Mori herself would probably tell me to stop watching her if staying hurts this badly.
>>17017978Depends. Do they also have pink hair?
jwu what's da update
>>17018015anon, you've said this perhaps for a 500th time since this happened. You want a medal?
>>17018039Mori unironically has made more cuck posts.
>>17018039dramafags still dramafagging
>>17018047Take your meds
>>17017922>It's laugh worthy, i can't imagine grown ass men gossiping like schoolgirls, going around reddit and discord to find something new to say.Grown ass men gossip too. This meme of gossiping being for women is bullshit. Hetero men gossip as much, only they also whine about gossip.
>>17018084No, I'm sincerely asking. There has been an anon who's constantly using myriads of the same basic statement.
>>17018119>everyone on /vt/ is the same person
>>17018119>an anonTell us how we feel about it.
Doesn't some of Mori's behavior makes you think she did something in her youth to deserve getting bullied?
>>17018171No. She did not deserve it. She does not deserve it now either.She does not know how to handle trolls, and that makes me think she could not handle bullies either.
>>17018171No one DESERVES to get bullied, you bad faith nigger.
I'm can't even be disappointed at the antis that are here, they are expected and are predictable. Those who truly needs to gtfo are you niggers who can't seem to satisfy the urge to talk to these scum.
>>17018171Yes. All her problems find their root in her own terrible attitude.
>>17018250I don't know man, when I look back on my childhood, I was an annoying fucking kid.I deserved some of it (but definitely not all of it)
>mori continues to fuel the firegetyouroshiincontroldeadbeats
>>17018270Keep crying
>>17018371>get>in>your>oshi>deadbeatsWorking on it!
>>17018371She doesn't give a fuck about deadbeats, why do you think we could do anything to talk her down?
I said yesterday that there's a possibility that she'll start mentally stopping herself before mentioning TT or Connorguess that's not a possibility after all
>>17018219>>17018250I agree nobody deserves to be bullied but that isn't what's happening right now. She's facing the consequences of her actions and that's just how it is.If she doesn't like all the idol shit she shouldn't be an idol.
>>17018472>shitting up /vt/ = Mori facing consequences
>>17018513>indefinite hiatus = shitting up /vt/
>>17018513It's honestly kind of insane how you can ignore literally everything else and sum it up to "shitting up vt"
N word pass revoked.
>>17018559>pokemon tournament she organized is in 5 days>Mumei confirmed it's still happening>indefinite hiatusogey
The nip reactions are pretty funny.
>>17018630>nigger says something on twitterwho cares
>indefinite hiatusStraight up making shit up now. All of this anti stuff would be a lot more effective if you just kept to the facts and didn't try to morph everything into the FINAL-ULTRA-SUPER-HUMONGOUS-YAB....yet such reduced displays of public jackassery wouldn't be as amusing to watch. As payment for the circus, you can have a pity (indirect) reply.
>>17018759Mori, probably. She worships nigger culture after all.
>>17018785Ok so when is she coming back?
>>17018796>if i care, she careslol
>>17018686>I want to say to her, "Why don't you stop?">Well, it's a common pattern for edgy freak womenFUCKING LMAONips have cunts pinned down.
>>17018650>Mumei confirmed it's still happening>so Mori confirmed she'll be thereHave a nice read of >>17018785 She said she's taking time off. Tell us when her next stream is scheduled, go ahead I'll wait
>less than a minute apart>literally reposting images from catalogJesus Christ
>>17018686Can someone tell them about the lean, it'd be funny
>>17018887I legitimately wonder what the reaction would be if they knew what lean was.
>>17018927I feel like they will fucking shit themselves knowing Calli is doing drugs while interacting with other holos. Might even report her to the police
>>17018984you realize that an unsubstantiated report will get you to jail, right?
You mother fuckers just need to learn to stop replying to bait, you saw what happened to mori when she took it.
>>17018984considering they have no clue what lean is, they'll be more inclined to believe she really had mixed up the slang
>>17018686Unfortunate that they've fallen for the rrats about Connor, especially since there's literally no way they'll ever learn the full context. The funny thing is that most of them would've been blissfully unaware if she hadn't responded to the cuck post. What a shame.
>>17019016Is it really unsubstantiated if she explicitly says it in a tweet? They can pass it off as a concerned citizen reportedly seeing a foreigner say they're doing drugs online
>>17019056>Thing actually happens>Rrat
>>17019056>since there's literally no way they'll ever learn the full contextJust because you are desperate to excuse his behaviour doesn't mean that what he said is any better with "context"
>>17019042I AM SILLY
>>17019042This split will be dramafag/shitposter central with long stretches of dead hours for at least the next week. Falling for bait doesn't even matter anymore.
>>17019042nice mori boobs
>>17019098>doesn't mean that what he said is any better with "context"The context completely changes what he meant>>17019094>out of context clip pushed>shitposters consider it the truthrumao
>>17019207>The context completely changes what he meantNo, it doesn't. I understand that he's your friend, Mori, but stop making excuses.
>>17019247Every fucking time
>>17019207Reminder, clipwatchers are cancer and drama peddlersThis goes for fucking podcast clipwatchers too
>>17019247>le crying skeleton
I'm just disappointed that my oshi is a drug abuser.
>>17019056>>17019207What did he mean then? Explain it us, not just yell "Context". Explain the so called context.
>>17019465>new IP
>>17019042i lolled
>>17019247>He dont have any counter argument
I think Mori needs 3 managers
>>17019501>new IP
from what I understand connur said>if you get into hololive, you'll have an audience even if you're talentless, because of the brand nameright?i don't like conan the barbarian and i actually hope he goes to prison for weed or somethingbut i fail to see how that's insulting to hololive or it's talent - unless i'm missing part of itif it's insulting anyone, it's cover's hiring process, and even then i'd say it's a stretch. the way i heard it, he presents it as a hypothetical
>>17019501Mori: I now have 3 managers.Mori: Me, Myself, and I.
>>17019228>>17019423>entire conversation was actually about people who lie on their resumes in order to get a job>says that hypothetically if you lie on your resume and get hired by hololive, it doesn't matter whether or not you're a good streamer because you'll have instant success before even doing a thing>never mentions the current talent at all
>>17019520Well, it's a good thing you're not ironmouse because she was smart enough to see why that's insulting and stopped him before he could dig his grave deeper. I would sure love to hear the rest of what he had to say, but unfortunately our friends at VShojo realized he was starting drama.
>>17019501I unironically do think she should get another manager. One to handle music stuff and one to handle streaming and health. Mori has mentioned before that JChad does a lot of behind the scenes work.
>>17019551Mori, Calli and Ope are the new managers of Mori Calliope
>>17019608then tell meif i have more reasons to dislike connor i'm all for it
>>17019520Yeah that's correct. He wasn't calling any holo talentless. Dramafags just removed the entire context of the conversation.
>>17019608It's pretty funny to see people say nothing was wrong with it when it clearly made Mousie uncomfortable and made him change the subject.
>>17019520>>17019584>"None of the Hololive streamers are talented, they just coast on the brand name.">Not an insult
>>17019653>dramafag can't readtypical
>>17019643They mixed it with the Joey thing and every /vt/sister went with it
Go make a Connor/TT general if you're so obsessed with that guy. Holy shit.This goes from "I don't like her mentioning him on stream" to "I hate him, think about him (and his dick) every day, and anyone associated with him deserve misery."Dude, I think (You) want to fuck him and see Mori as some kind of competition.
>>17019674>TTkid is insanepredictable
>>17019705This is the Connor/TT general kekbeatchama
>>17019705Nah, we'll talk about it here because Mori made it relevant to herself. Cry to her if you hate it.
>>17019705>old IP
>>17019705They need to do it so their oshi /vt/ will notice themShitposting is the equivalent of an akasupa to them
>>17019711Nah, he got a point
>>17019608>>17019646>It's pretty funny to see people say nothing was wrong with itNo one is saying this. Dramafags are claiming that he insulted the talent when he didn't. It was still a dumb hypothetical involving another vtuber company which is why Mousey wanted to change the subject. How do you people lack basic critical thinking?
>>17019705If you don't want the thread to be filled with Connor spam, maybe you should tell Mori to stop sucking his dick :^)
>>17019734Ogey faglord. She's not going to steal the man you lust after.
>>17019705Anon this has been the TT split since the first Collab you just didn't notice it.
>>17019829Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
>>OPSo what do the japanese think about her right now?
>>17019829>read between the linesaka jump to schizo conclusions. No thanks. I'll just watch the full fucking video and take what's said at face value.
>>17019870sexy menhera woman
>>17019870The same thing we do. She's retarded and taking Connor's dick.
>>17019870Kari san kakkoi
>>17019767Following Connor's logic that any Holo will succeed, prove that your oshi owns her success and isn't brand carried. I'll wait, because you can't.
>>17019895>use your critical thinking>no, stop thinking
>>17019870Calling her a menhera quite a bit. Haven't found out about the lean yet so she's probably safe for now.
>>17020027Someone needs to teach them. Since they dramafag harder than white people over drug use.
>>17020027Yeah, I pray they don't find out that she posted on twitter that she's been abusing opiates. That shit might make them chimp out.
>>17019985Reading between the lines when there's nothing to be read isn't critical thinking. If a chuuba says that they're tired and will end the stream early, it's not critical thinking to "read between the lines" that she's actually tired of being a chuuba and tired of dealing with her fanbase.
>>17020118There's "nothing to be read" because it's convenient for you. Try answering >>17019936, Mr. Critical Thinking.
>>17020027This is literally the only thing im worried about. EN fans are one thing but JP fans being mad about drug abuse... thats honestly kinda scary
>>17020027Why can't anyone just go tell them about it?
>>17020160>>17019936>Following Connor's logic that any Holo will succeedHis logic was that you're guaranteed instant success once you're hired. He didn't mention anything about succeeding long term. Secondly, you can disagree with his hypothetical and still realize that he wasn't insulting the holos themselves.
what is this fucking le drug addict larp
>>17015295how far will you take your cope cuckbeat?
>>17020234Dodged the question, try again.
>>17020234>he wasn't insulting the holos themselvesBut he was. He could have used anyone as his "Hypothetical Example" of being brand-carried, but he chose Hololive. I wonder why that is.
>>17020236How many people here type japanese well enough to properly explain what lean is anon...
>>17020303Not me for sure.
>>17020286NTA, but hes saying you cant answer the question if the question present a wrong assumption
>>17020303Kari-san ... drugoii?
>>17020295It's so funny because he unironically fell for the "Vshojo are indies" meme, so he likes to "contrast" them with big soulless corpo Cover
>>17020295NTA, but who are you goint to choose then ?
>>17020295Because Hololive is the most successful Vtuber brand?Why would he use Nijisanji or some other corpo as the example when those brands don't guarantee as much success?
>>17015295I feel the same. Replying to that one image is one of the few times I would ask "WTF are you thinking?" but it's ultimately harmless. Just a little episode of stupid which she's correcting by cooling off.Nearly all the other times I'm not even connecting anti posts because they're seemingly talking about someone totally different.
>>17020328There's no assumption, retard. I didn't say if Connor was right or not. He thinks he is, and in his own words "he thinks we can all agree". You refuse to respond because it insultingly suggests that a Hololive member might not own her success. The dumb girl on call with Connor was able to realize this immediately, I'm sorry that you're less intelligent than a vshojo.
>>17012845there are millions people on the internet and you can't control everyone, instead if calli just control herself and stfu none of this would have happened, it's a lot easier
>>17020365Nintendo games. They can be as mediocre as they like but people will always cream their pants over them because Nintendo.
>>17020295>I wonder why that is.Uhh...because Hololive is the most popular vtuber company on the planet? C'mon anon...
>>17020425brb, auditioning to be a nintendo game
Can't wait to be cringing to myself five years from now for caring this much about VTuber drama as an adult.
>"everyone lies in their applications because once you get the job it doesn't matter that you lied">uses Hololive as an example for this>cuckbraps will mental gymnastics that this somehow doesn't imply that hololive members lied on their application
>>17020448It's a better example because it doesn't target individuals while still conveying the "point" of the argument, for fuck's sake.
>>17020450why wait i do it already, but the spicy shit is just too funny
>>17020286I didn't dodge anything. Question was presented with the wrong logic which I pointed out>Following Connor's logic that any Holo will succeedThis was not Connor's logic.
I'm honestly scared about the lean stuff...Not that I believe she actually does lean, but that it could get her fired, or worse
>>17020462Yeah, the "out of context" excuse is laughable because in context it's even worse.
>>17019936I'll see your post and give a response that every girl has their own talents and charms that they deserve recognition and love forMori is a nice singer and makes fun songs that I enjoy even if she can be a bit bullheaded, while also having the nice gap moe of pretending to be a tough rapper while honestly being one of the girliest membersGura has a lot of enthusiasm for singing with a nice voice to go along with it, while also being an absolute memelord and it's funIna's a good artist with a nice comfy aura that lets me relax while doing art reps with her streams onKiara is a bundle of energy that can make anything seem like a pretty good time from enthusiasm alone and runs a fun show with HolotalkAme is la creatividad personified and puts a lot of effort in to make fun content, she also has good zatsudans and stories to tellKronii may be a doomer menhera, but she's funny and can really sell the gap-moe of a fake narcissist Mumei is a precious thing with good comedic sense and an excellent ability to carry conversations and streams with tangents while also being a guerilla monsterSana is comfy and willing to do her own thing and seems happy for it, long-form VODs are something I enjoy watching and I enjoyed her Pokemon streamsFauna is a cute sweetheart that gives comfy streams with her unique voice, watching her play hitman was a fun time and I really enjoy her collabs with MoriBae is some fucking peak Tomboy Childhood Friend Experience and has some really fun to listen to zatsudansI am the first and last Unitybeat, and may every dramafag and /vt/sister rot in the pit of despair that is their reality
>>17020501Explain how instant success is not success. I'll keep waiting.
>>17020425How the fuck would a game company work? They were talking about entertainers/streamers who lie on their resume at that point.
>>17020521She doesn't and even if she did, it's not illegal.
>>17020494It's not a better example. Games don't have resumes they can lie on to become successful Nintendo games.
>>17020525Yeah but there are plenty of talented girls outside of Hololive who are drowning in obscurity and now you're suggesting that their talents just pale in comparison to the handful of girls under the Holo label. That's not very unity of you.
>>17015295No fucking kidding. We've been on this stupid TT timeloop more than a few times now and every time it comes up it's just non-stop stale bait.It just means that this board is infested with a bunch of leftoid twittards and r/edditors. /pol/ was right, once again.
>>17020546>It's not illegalAnon....
so you guys finally stopped being ghostlings
>>17020525unironic unicorns and dramafags get the rope. Mori Will Never Fuck You.
>>17020623Oh damn, we're timelooping? I totally forgot the other 12 times Mori got suspended.
>>17020543Easy, the success of a battle doesn't translate in the success of the war.The success of a single doesn't translate in the success of the singer long term.The success of a single movie doesn't translate in the success of the director or the producer.Denying that Hololive has brand power is being purposely obtuse, no independent would get Hololive debut numbers videos for example, denying that the vtuber has to carry that success long term is being retarded, no one watches things they don't like in the long run.t.other anon
>>17020586The post was directly in response to Hololive chuubas deserving it, you disingenuous monkey
I love Mori. I hope she's safe and healthy
>>17020544>>17020584The point of his argument was that something can be successful without deserving it. I would have chosen Nintendo, or Medal of Honor, or fucking Fortnite because i'm not a scummy dickhead like C-word that thinks he needs to shit on an entire group of performers to "impress" his dying e-girl crush.
>>17020664You explained some thing you like, that's nice. Now explain how they would have succeeded without the Hololive name.
>>17020659>Mori got suspendedDYRBI?
>>17020543If a chuuba gets 100k subs out the gate, then over the next year gets 50 more subs, is that considered a success? No. Did they start off with "instant success"? Yes. 100k subs is more subs than most vtubers will ever see in their lifetimes. The context was people lying on their resume to get the job. You can't succeed long term once people find out that you're a shit streamer.
>>17020660Moving the goalpost.
>>17020712They don't seem to realize that guerilla mode doesn't mean suspendedIf she was suspended she'd be dark, not just deciding to pop up when she feels like streaming
>>17020402You're making assumption about connor logic in your question. you and the other anon have different interpretation of connor statement, but you assume your interpretation is right in your question
>>17020718>If a chuuba gets 100k subs is that considered a successUh, yes.
>>17020762No, I'm not making any assumptions. The ``other anon'' is the one trying to qualify what he said with words he didn't say. Fuck off and learn English before you try to be pedantic on the internet.
>>17020546Its illegal in japan anon.
>>17020718Anya has literally nothing going for her except the brand and is still more successful than 99% of indies.
>>17020764>removing a crucial part of the sentence
>>17020751Which means, once again, SEA hours is showing it's colours.I'll repeat what I said. /pol/ was right and the entirety of that region needs to get nuked.Fucking hate this shit, I just want to enjoy Mori content. Faggots still believe they have a chance with her.
Seeing deadbeats cope lole this is so sad, Stockholm syndrome to the max.She "kidnapped" (You)r hearts and now she's just abusing the ever living shit out of (You), and all (You) can do is just sit back lovingly take it... I'd never want an oshi like this.Deadbeats deserve better
>>17020856>new IP
>>17020856>Deadbeats deserve betterLike who?
>>17020827Earth to holodrone, getting 100k subs is succeeding.
>>17020856You Will Never Be With Her
>>17020856>Deadbeats deserve betterSo recommend me a new oshi you prick, I want out.