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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16708406 No.16708406 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>16708422

Towa Thread
Previous >>16654797

Upcoming shows/events:
>(01/20) 20 JST Game Shop Maruyama with Haachama as guest
>(01/23) 17:30 JST hololive IDOL Road Radio with Kanata
>(01/30) 18 JST 17LIVE GAME DAY vol.2 with Noah and Cpt
>(12/17-01/31) hololive x Tokyo Skytree Town

Previous shows/events:
>「Find the hololive Members!」
>CR Cup #8
>JOYSOUND artist interview
>Latest Hologra
>Game Shop Maruyama

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact

>> No.16708422
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(hololive IF petit-Relax time-) https://twitter.com/bnam_jp/status/1483643472133308416
(Overseas) https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/tokoyami-towa
(1st EP, Scream) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/tokoyamitowa_scream
(2nd Anniversary) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/tokoyamitowa_an2nd
(hololive Christmas Voice Collections 2021) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_christmasvoice2021?variant=42205279322332
(set ready, hololive!) https://setreadyhololive.hololivepro.com/
(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
(hololive x Tokyo Skytree Town) https://www.chugai-contents.jp/blog/event/skytree_hololive/ (domestic)
https://shop1.md-sass.jp/ (overseas)
(Hololive Wafers) https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html
(1st Anniversary) https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2885961 (Voice-only)

Solo Originals:
>Scream EP
>My Roar
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc05le75CfI
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0

Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk


>> No.16708446

>holy fuck how do you even use youtube?
Like I said I rarely actually use youtube. I mainly stick to using Holodex.

>> No.16708475


>> No.16708482
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>> No.16708487
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>> No.16708488

I don't think it's actually set to kids channel. The comments still work.

>> No.16708524

This is some client-side youtube bug, not sure what causes it but it's been there for a long time. Her channel isn't actually marked as for kids.

>> No.16708539
File: 1.35 MB, 1633x2641, 95638376_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
Today was a very good day, and it felt like Towa had a lot of fun too.
Mengens always make me feel loved...

>> No.16708726
File: 259 KB, 1400x2000, FJdxXneaMAETe5m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16708952

Geekjack has been holding my birthday goods in their warehouse for nearly a month now.
Please ship my goddamn kiss cushion already...

>> No.16708985
Quoted by: >>16729112

Same bro.

>> No.16709145

What is it about Towa that you find so irresistible?

>> No.16709176
File: 752 KB, 900x1200, ggfdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her everything.

>> No.16709215


>> No.16709218
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>> No.16709308

>Towa and Pekora both have a mysterious collab scheduled for the 22nd

>> No.16709346
File: 39 KB, 423x423, towaprey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16709355
Quoted by: >>16709398

Sora live watch party!
It's fucking going to be that sack of shit Ark, isn't it?

>> No.16709393


>> No.16709398


>> No.16709402

>booted up Valorant again immediately after mengen
Apexbros I don't feel so good...

>> No.16709411

Twap successfully groomed by another child...

>> No.16709445

She played apex yesterday. It's ok. I feel fine.

>> No.16709476

I just want her to be able to play with her friends...

>> No.16709477

I dont mind the valorant collab but solo valorant is very hard to watch for me.

>> No.16709601
Quoted by: >>16709628

It's fun watching Towa go crazy but I don't think Towa will be able to handle much more of it solo.

>> No.16709628

Runa rage quit solo Valorant streams already.

>> No.16709704

Kotachi photos...

>> No.16709722

I honestly kind of prefer the solo streams because she can be as loud and dumb as she wants by herself. Plus Valo is kind of a fucking boring collab game because there's no room for bants/zatsu.
She has more fun when she's playing with friends though.

>> No.16709781

Naked Towa reflected in Kotaro's eyes...

>> No.16709840
Quoted by: >>16709990

Give us the fat fuck's photo already, Twap!

>> No.16709988

Towa is teasing me...

>> No.16709990
File: 98 KB, 828x1472, 1619058452297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16710016

The good old day of Kotaro fleets...

>> No.16710016 [DELETED] 


>> No.16710230
Quoted by: >>16710396

Did he cure his balls back by himself?

>> No.16710396
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>> No.16710589

>10 seconds in Towa coughing her lungs up.

>> No.16710777

Gen 4 is really all over the place.
Also, Towa...

>> No.16710963
File: 655 KB, 800x1119, FJd-ZsTaAAEzj7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her dumb dorky deep laugh.
I love her deep voice and her singing voice.
I love the way she rambles when something interesting pops into her head.
I love the way that she takes care of everyone around her as much as she can.
I love how she works hard to make us proud every day.
I love how excited she gets about the things she really loves.
I love how she giggles like a little girl at dumb immature things like poop.
I love how she always just acts the same way no matter who she's with.
I love that she's the kind of person that her friends can depend on.
I love her dumb cute passion eigo that will never improve.
I love how lively and bubbly she is in 3D.
I love Towa.

>> No.16711141
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>> No.16711360

honestly i was really concerned that wherever she was had some bad mold, glad she got a better place.

>> No.16711576
File: 626 KB, 898x1300, 786084768ff3fe874ab557f3fab04381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16711612


>> No.16711612
File: 642 KB, 898x1300, e006e9b79469ee642dd6740a0f8561f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or no socks?
Personally I'd enjoy the foot job either way...

>> No.16711633

The artist's pixiv has a tailjob instead

>> No.16711635

Towa mama does not approve...

>> No.16711642

I'm reading that pekora doesn't have a pov. So it is maybe something on a single channel? What could it be!

>> No.16711678
File: 265 KB, 1375x2048, 9901f7968852ca24a22ff5a5e644c2d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could always go for the best of both worlds.

>> No.16711688

God that's hot

>> No.16711989

The dick looks like its not attached properly. Ghost dick.

>> No.16712109

I love Twaob...

>> No.16712155

The fact that Towa keeps bringing up wanting to do an overseas live show makes me wonder if she's already started planning it. Her anniversary stream+EP was in the works for a super long time after all.

>> No.16712161

I didn't watch her back then but it feels so nostalgic for some reason and makes me smile... she actually has grew so much since then...

>> No.16712192

It is a really interesting idea.

>> No.16712194
Quoted by: >>16712260

I don't know how much she can do with the current pandemic situation honestly...

>> No.16712260

It would also cost a hell of a lot for what would realistically be a lot smaller audience than she'd get in Tokyo. Suityan already said she spent most of what she earned in 2021 on getting her album and live produced. It's a nice dream, but I don't feel like it's something that would realistically happen in the near future.

>> No.16712372

I want more of this trio.

>> No.16712618
Quoted by: >>16712697


>> No.16712697
Quoted by: >>16712897

Backstage parties with hundreds of Korean women...

>> No.16712897
Quoted by: >>16713230

I really want to know what the M-F ratio for Towa is these days. If that holo average is 7.8%, you'd think for someone like Towa it'd have to be significantly higher, right?

>> No.16713157
Quoted by: >>16713199

I hope Towa does more band lives this year, I still think her first anniversary live is the best from an actual performance point of view. Her other lives have better production but the actual music parts feel a bit bland when you compare to her band live.

>> No.16713199
Quoted by: >>16713317

How did you feel about the Nene Christmas Live?

>> No.16713230

I'm actually really curious about that viewers country analytics as well. Too bad we will never see it.

>> No.16713292
Quoted by: >>16713314

Towa can see it and she makes very female friendly merch...
Her perfume sold really well too.

>> No.16713314

but how many of those were bought by females and how many of those were bought by men to use on their dakimakura...

>> No.16713317

Probably my second favorite from a performance point of view, the song choice was really excellent and the production is by far the best of any live she's had so far (thanks INNK). A live band just adds another further quality on top of everything else, and I honestly think live performers actually perform better when they can play off a good band, it's a much more dynamic environment, so it gives more room for the performer to do their own thing.

>> No.16713325


>> No.16713386

I think Towa's birthday would be perfect for another Band live, it could be Towa's most popular live event ever.

>> No.16713446

I agree the live band would be really good to have, I was just curious because a common link between the band live and Christmas Live was Suityan. You wouldn't happen to be a hoshiyomi, would you?

>> No.16713654

I really like Suisei's music and lives but I don't really watch her much outside of those.

>> No.16713711

>You wouldn't happen to be a hoshiyomi, would you?
NTA, I fucking love Suityan and Twappi both. COLLAB MORE YOU DORKY FUCKS

>> No.16714048
File: 48 KB, 1011x617, scramresults.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best we have is hololyzer superchat analysis, which seems to indicate around 65% JP, 15% china/taiwan, and 20% rest of world (EOPs, SEAs, etc.). For comparison, Kanatan's anniversary was 80% JP, 10% china/taiwan, and 10% rest of world.

>> No.16714158
Quoted by: >>16714232

fuck my country is not even on the list... I need to start representing

>> No.16714232
Quoted by: >>16714949

Same... I really would rather just buy merch or something like that instead of straight up scing though

>> No.16714448
File: 406 KB, 512x512, poochie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16714477

>Europe 1.08%

>> No.16714477
Quoted by: >>16714795

EU sololive never...

>> No.16714795
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Quoted by: >>16714950


>> No.16714949

If talent only gets 30% cut on spacha it really kills my motivation to send them...

>> No.16714950

Don't worry anon, I'm sure Towa will enjoy the personal sololive she gives me in the US
Because I'll be the only one there and it'll be really weird since it'll just be one dude in the crowd cheering, but she'll do her best regardless.

>> No.16714959

exposed shoulders...

>> No.16714999

Sometimes I wish towa wasn't such a hipster with the games she plays. So what half of holos are playing pokemon and Ark? I don't give a fuck about those games but I'd like to see her stream them, at least it would bring a breath of fresh air from the fps parade we've been fed since forever.

>> No.16715024
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It would be the best show in the world.

>> No.16715050

Towa plays the most popular FPS games!
She's probably playing ARK with Pekora too.
No Pokemon please.

>> No.16715084
Quoted by: >>16715360

If I want variety I watch something else. Some things are nice to have but you are never entitled to get something.

>> No.16715083
Quoted by: >>16715360

anon this is the hololive fps junkie we are talking about, and we literally had the mario kart arc like two weeks ago

>> No.16715123

Towa did mention she wants to try a new game genre this year, just probably not RPGs or anything super long. Which, to be fair is understandable since Towa's tiny attention span can't continuously focus on one thing at a time.

>> No.16715133

Oh, just 1 sc from my country, maybe I should've sent one too... a few bucks supachat wouldn't hurt even a poorfag like me.

>> No.16715196

towa fifa arc...

>> No.16715213

Nah fuck Ark. I love the fact I can rely on Twappi, Suityan and Okayu to not play that garbage. And if none of them are on thankfully Vspo won’t be doing it and the second coming of Nijis Ark arc has already and gone.

>> No.16715214
Quoted by: >>16715273

Twap Yakuza...
It's basically a TV show watchalong!

>> No.16715244

>girl that likes esports wants to play a new game genre
>already plays fps and racing games
oh no... twap moba...

>> No.16715245

I'm waiting for hollowknight season 3. Those late evening/midnight streams were so comfy.

>> No.16715247

I think Towa should stop playing with my heart and just marry me.

>> No.16715270
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>> No.16715273

I would love nothing more than to see Towa's reactions to Yakuza 0, I feel like she'd love that story.
To be fair she already played POKEMON UNITE so it wouldn't be all that new.

>> No.16715360
Quoted by: >>16716854

But she hasn't touched mariokart once since the event... and didn't really stream her reps before the event too, but that's understandable she was organizing the whole thing.

Sometimes when you get tired of vanilla ice cream you start craving for chocolate so you go get stuff like kit kats or chocolate donuts, but then you start wondering, what if you could get vanilla-chocolate ice cream? That's kinda what I'm feeling right now

>> No.16715433

Towa, I know you're not a remote-controlled car, but play the new pokemon game just to spite these guys.

>> No.16715469
Quoted by: >>16715593


>> No.16715504
Quoted by: >>16715560

She's already playing balo just to spite me so what's one more game to the list

>> No.16715560

Don't worry, that one's Lap's fault.

>> No.16715575
Quoted by: >>16715631

Towa should play rocket league

>> No.16715593

Anon, the Ui rape thread is 2 blocks down.

>> No.16715631


>> No.16715969

What if Towa was a remote-controlled car?

>> No.16716020

Then she wouldnt have made it this far

>> No.16716049

Towa is a remote-controlled car.
Who has the controller, you ask?
That's right, Towa.

>> No.16716072


>> No.16716091

pretty sure if anybody other than Towa had the controls the first thing that they would do would be to make towa take off her clothes

>> No.16716122
File: 398 KB, 1158x1636, E1P4AxRUcAEtASs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16716139

Towa is already naked.

>> No.16716137
File: 43 KB, 420x378, 1642444151757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16716163

Shewr'e Wtao?

>> No.16716139


>> No.16716163

This Towa looks so DUMB

>> No.16716188

You say that now but just wait until her next big plan, she'll SHOCK you!

>> No.16716198

She IS dumb...

>> No.16716270

She mentioned otome games.

>> No.16716382 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 768x709, 1617235028365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or anything in this genre, please...

>> No.16716460


>> No.16716601

towa was fairly decent in that one pummel party plane combat minigame though

>> No.16716716

Kissing Towa (with tongue)...

>> No.16716837
File: 858 KB, 3273x2974, Towa and Bibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Towapilled

>> No.16716854

>what if you could get vanilla-chocolate ice cream
Blue Bell did this and it's quite nice.
Aren't permissions for Ace Combat famously a pain in the butt? Even Nijisanji got bit by that, if I remember right.

>> No.16717061
File: 11 KB, 153x190, 20220120_045340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Twap.
I love to twap Twap.
Twapping Twap's twappers...

>> No.16717320
Quoted by: >>16717534

I'd like to see Towa interact with Chichan, I know she's got the anti problem but I think they would get along.

>> No.16717534

Towa has talked about her a few times. Would be nice if they played together some time. I could say that about a lot of apex players though. There are so many possible team ups.

>> No.16718158
Quoted by: >>16719868

TokoDaruSaka combi might be one of the best dream teams if it comes to APEX fun plays.

>> No.16719868

Towa showed interest in playing with them at least, so I think it will probably happen eventually

>> No.16721594

I hope I can see Twap again soon...

>> No.16723264
File: 1.01 MB, 2800x3951, FJcNyD-aIAA133v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16724854

Towa's been gone for centuries...

>> No.16725384
Quoted by: >>16725630


>> No.16725630
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>> No.16725691

Towa hasn't done a shibuhal custom in a long time

>> No.16725908
Quoted by: >>16726924

she has one of the only alter egos i actually find sexually attractive, and among those its #1
her branding is legit cool i would wear stuff with the bibi designs unironically.
she herself is really fucking cool, she's pretty down to earth and stuff, and even though she can shake them damn hips she tends to deflect horny supas etc and keep it real.
her voice stands out among the screechers, i like deeper or grainy tones.
actually makes some legit music that isn't just kawaii j-pop (which is fine but you need different stuff too)
with a great singing voice
her humour can be pretty sarcastic which again stands out, as j-humor is mostly slapstick

overall she's just so sexy, so cool, so talented, and i love her.

>> No.16726446
Quoted by: >>16726604

Reading some of these responses has reminded me of a template post from some years back.

1) Her name is Tokoyami Towa!
2) She has a variable chest!
3) I love her!!!!!
4) TOWA!!!!!!

>> No.16726604


>> No.16726924

>her branding is legit cool i would wear stuff with the bibi designs unironically.
this unironically, I like subtle merch, a bibi hoodie or somethin gof the sort I'd wear. I wear one of minami(373/jp singer)'s parkas and it's comfy + 'stylish' for a younger person

>> No.16727049

There is literally not enough time in the world for me to express just how much I love Towa accurately to a satisfactory degree

>> No.16728838
File: 996 KB, 1200x1600, 1616671766662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16728982

I love how Towa can talk without thinking about what she's about to say so it sounds really dumb and cute, it always makes me laugh
I love how she can just constantly talk about any subject in the world and I'll always be super interested in what she has to say no matter how trivial it is
I love how she always talks about said subject with full enthusiasm like it's the most interesting thing in the world
I love how straightforward and open she is about pretty much anything
and yet I love how easily embarassed she can get even just by being called cute at times
I love how almost anything can amuse her, and we always get to hear her cute normal dumb laugh or cute deep dumb laugh.
I love how she's always working so hard but still goes out of her way to make time for us
I love how she's always paying attention to Kenzoku and what they're doing, sometimes even bringing it up on stream
I love her dumb catchphrases that she cycles through every few months
I love how much she loves to surprise us and how she goes out of her way to do so
I love the way she asks to be praised by us and uses it as mental care
I love when she says she's happy about Kenzoku behavior or when others compliment them
I love how much she cares about individual Kenzoku and remembers names and even recognizes people who don't regularly chat or superchat
I love how she always shows her appreciation for the people supporting her, and how she always supports her friends around her
I love the dumb random noises she makes with no explanation
I love how she makes an effort to make sure everyone is involved in a collab
I love how despite that she can be very airheaded she's still so detail oriented and an amazing producer for events and organized things in general
I love it when she shows her affection towards Kenzoku
I love it when she says she loves us
I love her cute nasally voice, her deep voice, her bibi voice, her dumb goku voice, her shinji voice, and any voice that comes from her
I love how I can wake up and think about her and immediately be happy
I love how I can feel happy when she's happy and sad when she's sad and angry when she's angry
I love her
I love Towa so much it almost hurts

>> No.16729112
Quoted by: >>16731314

Is this the Geekjack experience? I want my Towa bday goods...

>> No.16731059

I want to see towa play god of war.

>> No.16731314
Quoted by: >>16733949

it depends on where you live, as a burger, i've received my things, but covid has stopped a lot of shipping to many places

>> No.16733416

What are your favorite Towa stories that she or her friends have talked about? I have only recently started watching her and she's amazing

>> No.16733949

I'm >>16708952 and I'm also a burger.

>> No.16734216

A long time ago Towa went out to eat with Noel, Towa still had a pricetag on her clothes.
Early impressions are important and Towa always looked dumb!

>> No.16737304


>> No.16737318
File: 2.47 MB, 1240x1754, 90347197_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16737456

>> No.16737357

I like the lifestyle and poopshit story with nose.

>> No.16737456
File: 314 KB, 1240x1754, Euqh-wOVkAEyJSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16737783

Bullying staff about not having enough snacks at the office and now they're always stocked.

>> No.16739171

Dreaming of Towa...

>> No.16739736

The time when Towa was practicing for her apex tournament and she went schizo and started imagining all of her apex teammates and acquaintances playing with her (she was solo) and somehow winning the round she was playing anyways.

>> No.16739857
File: 934 KB, 764x558, unknown-79_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when other girls mention Towa in dance practice, they always say she's so helpful and energetic and is a great dancer who comes up with choreographies for them
I'm happy Towa gets to do something she loves with people who appreciate her

>> No.16739994

I've heard Towa being referred to as the Manager Slayer with a Holostaff kill count of six. Any more details about her exploits?

>> No.16739998
File: 207 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is waiting for me to sleep before tweeting...

>> No.16740048
File: 784 KB, 1305x1077, 1621205878147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16740174

My favorite one was when Towa and Coco changed managers at the same time.
I'm glad the last couple managers have been good.

>> No.16740267
Quoted by: >>16740872

Kind of surprised she didn't immediately change her Twitter pic to the new Lime art when she saw it

>> No.16740368

I think she's on her 3rd manager now? she got rid of one early last year but got along well with her next one, unfortunately for reasons outside her or her manager control she had to get a new one but they get along well too
she's also openly complained about management and has made clear demands for things to be done well like with nenechi 3D and other concerts she's been in

>> No.16740484
File: 1.52 MB, 1707x3035, FJYZoRxaMAAoRf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16740525

>> No.16740525

Girls are cutest when they are dumb and flat...!

>> No.16740872
Quoted by: >>16740972

Honestly I kind of feel like she's paying a lot less attention to TOWART lately, even though it seems like she's being more active with it. She's liking really low quality "art" and even just people reposting other people's art, she used to almost always skip those tweets but it seems since the new year she just likes pretty much everything without actually looking at it closely.

>> No.16740972
Quoted by: >>16741243

but she just complain that she couldn't see some of her art in towart tag couple of day ago?

>> No.16741243
Quoted by: >>16741693

I think she does "ego searching" TOWART searching where she actually looks at stuff properly but doesn't like any art, then her TOWART liking spree where she just scrolls through the tag liking everything from where she left off, but isn't actually paying much attention to what she's actually liking. She tends to only retweet art that already has a ton of likes/RTs as well, but that might just be confirmation bias since obviously better art is more likely to have more interactions on it.

>> No.16741429

Twap is dumb.

>> No.16741693
Quoted by: >>16741903

Liking is an act of kindness.
She retweeted that Lap art the other day after a few minutes, she seems to really like stuff with her.

>> No.16741804
Quoted by: >>16741842


>> No.16741842

Towa loves me...

>> No.16741900

I believe she's also successfully slain one of Lamy's managers, after which Lamy's mood on stream improved significantly.

>> No.16741901
File: 194 KB, 372x336, 1640698560719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate 22 jst timeslot

>> No.16741903

I get that she doesn't have to do it and is doing it to be give something back to people making art of her, but as someone who actually posts art, my "like" kind of feels diluted when it's next to 0 effort shit posts and stolen art that she also liked.

>> No.16742280

I love all streams but I love afternoon streams the least!

>> No.16742366
Quoted by: >>16742449

Towa will be very cool today.

>> No.16742449

towa will mess up the lyrics and snort laugh and be very dumb mid song

>> No.16742559

I fucking love 22 jst timeslot, 17-18 jst streams make me choose between having a good night of sleep or hurting my sleep schedule for Towa, which is a good trade-off but I'm sure she wouldn't be proud of me for doing so.

>> No.16743245
Quoted by: >>16743462

Don't make towart anymore.

>> No.16743374

>DEEEER Simulator
>with Chammers
This should be fun.

>> No.16743462
Quoted by: >>16743790

I'm not sure how you can unofficially defend liking art from people who literally say in the tweet that it's not their art. It's obvious she's not paying attention to what she's liking at all.

>> No.16743790

We knew that since she liked the futa art years ago. You would probably just be pissed drawing art for her. Or go bitch on her at twitter.

>> No.16743854

kinda want to see lui play apex with towa but i dont know if her fan will be please with that.

>> No.16744091


>> No.16744231

Towa will mindbreak them too into liking Apex.

>> No.16744785

Towa will mindbreak every potential female collab partner into liking Apex by the power of her Towabanana and Towautism.

>> No.16747515
Quoted by: >>16747754

I wonder if she's going to announce something after utawaku... new MV would be nice...

>> No.16747754

Hopefully for AKUMA...
I need the MV where Bibi wiggling its fat ass appears every Bibi, Bibi part.

>> No.16747850

Seeing the TOWART she liked, she just unknowingly 'liked' the shitpost one.
Towa... your TOWART reps...

>> No.16749782
Quoted by: >>16750114

Does she still have the manager that brought food for Towa and the other girls but Marine end up eating it all?

>> No.16749929
Quoted by: >>16756659

I think it really just depends on her mood for that day. There's still days where she'll slowly go through each art post and check them individually, but then there's also like-sprees where she doesn't seem to look at everything in great detail. Towa's mood is variable much like her flat/fat chest.

>> No.16750114

I'm pretty sure that was the last manager, I think that was right before the manager got changed.

>> No.16750155
Quoted by: >>16750678

I want to be Towa's manager and get ordered around by Towa!
I want her to demand me to buy her chocolate after a hard day of recording!

>> No.16750302

Please praise now

>> No.16750622

I think I have a crush on Towa...

>> No.16750641

Sometimes, I do want some long streams with her that isn't Apex or any FPS. Like the late night Hollow Knight streams even I don't know jack shit of that game. Watching her for hours grinding for shit or getting lost at times is very endearing to me.

>> No.16750678
Quoted by: >>16750745

Shut up Mane-chan and do your fucking work rather than translating weird shit here for Towa to read.

>> No.16750745
Quoted by: >>16750777

Mane-chan WILL translate your hornyposts and show them to Towa!

>> No.16750777


>> No.16751777
File: 50 KB, 326x442, 1638103790688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hollow knight

>> No.16751859

Anon I would sooner bet Towa joins an esport team then her bothering to finish Hollow Knight, it's only an engine to generate frustated twap noises

>> No.16752912

Would Microsoft save overwatch?

>> No.16753085
File: 152 KB, 1777x1333, FJhHJISUUAAPMok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16753268

>> No.16753268

Not even Towa is safe from Towa's grooming...

>> No.16753527

I think Towa gets naked whenever she takes a bath...

>> No.16754236

Sorry if she's a little worn out during karaoke, we were busy all day.

>> No.16754487


>> No.16754557


>> No.16755307

I miss Bora...

>> No.16755358

Thanks, Migobi.

>> No.16755405
Quoted by: >>16755638

i wonder does this count as her 900k celebration.

>> No.16755638
Quoted by: >>16755701

The 900k one is the hololive song one

>> No.16755701
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>> No.16755988

Starting in a bit.

>> No.16756084

I miss Haato.

>> No.16756106
Quoted by: >>16756239

I saw someone's post, saying that my oshi is naked under her clothes. This is an outrage, Towa would never!

>> No.16756220

Why this game though...

>> No.16756239

True, Towa never wears clothes

>> No.16756568

It would be up to Rui-nee to invite Towa in the first place, she's fine to play it with foreign branches.

>> No.16756605
File: 34 KB, 772x768, 1614046133958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16756659

She'll check again later too, she makes sure stuff isn't too lewd!

>> No.16756710

My poor Kotachi...

>> No.16756726

She mentioned on stream recently that playing HK made her miserable when someone asked her if she would continue it. She said she would not go back to it. Wish I had a time stamp, but I don't remember. I think she stopped playing it right after she saw someone say she was just playing it out of some kind of obligation.

>> No.16756773
File: 43 KB, 576x285, Screenshot_20220120-192344_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy moly!
Look at that FAT FUCK!

>> No.16756802
Quoted by: >>16756868

She should just play Project Wingman. She's yab proof in Hololive, might as well let her stream some orange warcrime.

>> No.16756816

I really wish they had shown us all the full runs on the first episode so we could have seen how the fuck Towa did it that slow

>> No.16756858

I don't think she said playing it made her miserable, she said she actually enjoyed the game but the people back seating ruined it for her. That one particular twitter post she replied to awhile ago as the one she was talking about that made her lose motivation to play it.

>> No.16756868
Quoted by: >>16756938

It would be fine as long as their are not too many backseaters and the APEX addicts don't get too uppity, I think that's what really bothers Towa.

>> No.16756921

It was not Twap's episode but the end bit there with her was hilarious.

>> No.16756930

>Aqua going on solomas again
i want towa to did it too maybe not master just dia i kinda want to see llkr go bald.

>> No.16756938

It's just ace combat STG. Just turn stick into arrow and shoot things. Plane selection is pretty small, its not that complicated.

>> No.16756970

Lets not bully Lily too much!
Streamsnipers would probably make Towa hate APEX with that challenge though.

>> No.16757001

Man I really hope that Aqua makes it but...

>> No.16757091
Quoted by: >>16757115

Towa has more fun playing with friends. She doesn't really seem too bothered about doing solo ranked to prove she can do it.

>> No.16757115
Quoted by: >>16757143

i know like i said i just want to see LLKR go bald.

>> No.16757143
Quoted by: >>16757297

you really need to stop wanting Towa to do things just to spite people
that's not good content

>> No.16757163

Solo llkr could just about deal with, its ranking with her friends (male, not hololive) that makes her go crazy.

>> No.16757231

>Towa, Kanata and Arisaka Apex.
LLKR explodes and turns Tokyo into a parking lot overnight.

>> No.16757233

An interesting thought would be that it was Towa that made her this way since she didn't used to be like that.
I think there's just a group of people that don't like people they are unfamiliar with which is a lot of Towa's female friends too.

>> No.16757242
Quoted by: >>16757371

A more fun project would be a holo ranking project with people like matsuri, towa and aqua. Similar to what vspo is doing. It would be much more difficult for sure, but it would be good for them.

>> No.16757266
Quoted by: >>16757387

>gives herself so much stress and attracts so many antis that it gives her nightmares and makes her pretty much stop playing video games for months
>decides to do it again

>> No.16757297
File: 506 KB, 741x704, 1640089896826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not your remote controll car.

>> No.16757371

Aqua's autism will never allow her to play ranked with a team.

>> No.16757387

because she love apex just like towa? aqua still talk about apex from time to time in her stream so i think she really like the game.

>> No.16757447

I like this guy.

>> No.16757512

Imagine how much shit Towa would get for "forcing" Aqua to interact with a m*le.

>> No.16757534
Quoted by: >>16757675

Imagine the seething if Aqua collabs with a male... She's already an easy target for antis.

>> No.16757675

She already has...

>> No.16757677
Quoted by: >>16757701

I don't watch Aqua at all, but is there any possibility she would join something like VSaikyo if it was with a all girl (or all hololive) team? I found this clip
Pretty much seems like she just wants to play Apex solo and has too much autism for a team, but I feel like a full hololive team would be the best bet if she were to join some tournament.

>> No.16757701

A full holo team would probably be Towa and Matsuri...
It's hopeless...

>> No.16757715

FBK, RBC, Choco, Shion are also possible.

>> No.16757740
Quoted by: >>16757879

I remember Towa said something about RBC when she was talking about VSaikyo recently, I can't remember if she said she wanted to join with her or just that RBC was also thinking about joining in general. Towa RBC + third hololive member seems like a likely team.

>> No.16757879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16758111

Is aqua coming back to apex? Why people suddenly started talking about her again? If so, I hope they will play together, just pub stomping is fine for me, I don't really remember the interacting tho.

>> No.16758133

I don't think Aqua will play with Towa...

>> No.16758186


>> No.16758217

I have come to terms with the fact Aqua and Towa will never play together. Even with her back I still think it will never happen. I am not even fully sure why.

>> No.16758239

Towa is scary.

>> No.16758263

>starting stream 30 minutes early
Wonder why

>> No.16758282
Quoted by: >>16758377

Dumb Twap...
Half the people will be 30 minutes late...

>> No.16758290

anon the fact she returned to playing at all is a miracle, let's not push things too far

>> No.16758324
Quoted by: >>16758351

because neither of them will ask for collab first.

>> No.16758351

Towa did ask in the past but Aqua ignored it. Towa brought this up once in a totsu.

>> No.16758377
Quoted by: >>16758394

Towa said yesterday she is happy she has more viewers. Today she wants to get rid of them!

>> No.16758394
File: 60 KB, 371x462, 1642521527054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16758420


>> No.16758434

Haha, it's me...

>> No.16758449

>finished her work early and didn't want to wait around 30 minutes so she just started the stream

>> No.16758470


>> No.16758478

She couldn't bear to be away from us any longer...

>> No.16758525

>started stream early and broke all the numberfag sites
Absolutely devilish

>> No.16758555

It's extra comforting when Towa is singing.

>> No.16758574
Quoted by: >>16758601

holy shit I'm so fucking glad i checked youtube otherwise I would miss this

>> No.16758601
Quoted by: >>16758638

Don't worry, most people will be watching the archive...

>> No.16758638

It hits different when you hear it live...

>> No.16758698


>> No.16758993

If Towa doesn't get enough negative comments she just makes up her own. It's that time of the month ain't it?

>> No.16759238


>> No.16759241

>song name tabako

>> No.16759259

smoka bitch?

>> No.16759261


>> No.16759278
File: 540 KB, 545x607, smoka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16759290

Towa is seducing me...

>> No.16759295


>> No.16759357
Quoted by: >>16759398

Ahhhh.... So good....
Aaaaand she made ah mistake just as I was about to press submit...

>> No.16759361

Tabako time

>> No.16759398

first real mistake of the night, just as she hit 10k

>> No.16759405

Do you love Towa? Prove it. Name her tobacco brand.

>> No.16759407

Takopa time

>> No.16759568

I love this bitch.

>> No.16759573

Her acapella has improved so much since she started.

>> No.16760378


>> No.16760488

Guys, something is wrong with your oshi...

>> No.16760522


>> No.16760525

I know, it's amazing.

>> No.16760542

What a dork.

>> No.16760550

This is part of her charm!

>> No.16760562

yes we know

>> No.16760573


>> No.16760580

I love Twab...

>> No.16760708
Quoted by: >>16760832

Astel's Disney-like song is great and being the Disneyfag Towa is, no wonder she wants a song like that too.

>> No.16760832
Quoted by: >>16760861

Really the only unfortunate part is a single mention of his name brings out every fag on the planet for some reason

>> No.16760861

seaweedfags are one of the most cancerous fanbases

>> No.16760945

That's why I love that dummy.

>> No.16760958

no てんQ time...

>> No.16760978

Towa is cool today so that means Towa will be cute tomorrow.

>> No.16760988
Quoted by: >>16761021

She's on break tomorrow...

>> No.16760992

We won't see her be cute tomorrow...

>> No.16761001
Quoted by: >>16761021

but Towa said tomorrow is a rest day...

>> No.16761003

Bora headband doko

>> No.16761021
Quoted by: >>16761037

Towa is cute even when we can't see her!

>> No.16761037

I see Towa whenever I close my eyes...

>> No.16761051
Quoted by: >>16761073

I just tune in and damn she's really felt like singing today huh 8 song in 50minute.

>> No.16761073

She did a bunch of acapella in between, too.

>> No.16761143

Twa original songs...

>> No.16761207

I want to give Towa a super pat...

>> No.16761287

I understand not doing TenQ time to make more room for songs since she wants to sing, I'm alright with that
Although I hope she never cuts out TenQ time entirely... Not that I think she would.

>> No.16761395

Reading superchat is tedious and not great content but it's the zatsudan around them that's nice. If Towa just continues to do more zatsudans I personally wouldn't mind if she became a vtuber who doesn't read superchat. It will mean less superchat for her, but if she is fine with that it should be ok.
I think she will just continue to do them like this though, when she feels like it.

>> No.16761446

I wanna hear my name and sometimes message get read and responded to.

>> No.16761463

>said absolutely no requests 100000%
>takes requests
dumb debiru

>> No.16761474

The thing is that the superchats sometimes send her into tangents to ramble about and are also sometimes a good way to get some cute eigo. Plus there generally aren't many people other than kenzoku who stay for them so they're usually pretty comfy.
I'm not worried about her stopping tenQ time anytime soon though, it's just today she wants to sing more which is a good thing.

>> No.16761504
Quoted by: >>16761522

towa is remote control car!

>> No.16761515

>filter the people that are there just to make requests
>take requests from the people that listened to the whole thing
Towa is a genius!

>> No.16761522

Making Towa say yes to my marriage proposal...

>> No.16761537

towa loves me...
towa needs me...

>> No.16761541
Quoted by: >>16761634

its just only one stream you retardmenhera.

>> No.16761563

Towa loves me...

>> No.16761567

Towa loves me...!

>> No.16761571


>> No.16761584

kaigai bros we won

>> No.16761634

we were just having a little chat!

>> No.16761643
Quoted by: >>16761669

That was for B-san. Keep dreaming.

>> No.16761669

Actually it was for me and B-san

>> No.16761679

>Mori watching
fuck off cringe reaper

>> No.16761682

This was the perfect time to sing one of her more recent original songs but I love palette so it's okay.

>> No.16761687


>> No.16761715
Quoted by: >>16761776

None of them are really ballads

>> No.16761735
Quoted by: >>16761761

>Typing in the middle of singing
Powerful Twap...

>> No.16761737
Quoted by: >>16761776

It's a ballad only stream

>> No.16761761

She always does that, though usually it's to type WWWWWWWWWWWW when she fucks up

>> No.16761776

The best form of advertisement is the one that sticks out!

>> No.16761802

I miss Towa...

>> No.16761804

kek that dumb debil

>> No.16761831

I miss Towa...

>> No.16761863


>> No.16761883

I miss Towa...

>> No.16761940

How did Towa recover so well from her yabai moment? Did the yabai moment filter all the crazies from the start?

>> No.16762027

Time travelling kenzoku from 2020 here. Will things get better?

>> No.16762061

From COVID? No.
For Towa? Yes

>> No.16762094
Quoted by: >>16762438

Towa will make friends eventually.

>> No.16762111
Quoted by: >>16762137

Towa absorbed the powers of all her dead friends.

>> No.16762130

how much do you like koreans

>> No.16762137


>> No.16762139
Quoted by: >>16762438

Things will only get better, but as a result you WILL lose your mind and become extremely attached to Towa to the point where 24 hours without a tweet will cause a panic attack.
It's a good tradeoff.

>> No.16762151
Quoted by: >>16762216

It filtered the majority of established hololive fans at the time, then she built up a new viewer base organically. She's just recently started getting a lot of new hololive fans again because of a lot of new people coming in from rokisei and her exposure from the Mario Kart tournament, things are looking good for Twap.

>> No.16762160

Towa will do a lot better, even though she will lose some things along the way.

>> No.16762175

Kotachi's balls...

>> No.16762216

Unironically it was a good moment. I liked Towa since the start and I never really cared for the personal lives of the voices (aside from the things they let us know) so I am happy that Towa is happy.

>> No.16762224
Quoted by: >>16762290

I like to think what really matters is talent and hard work.
Towa has worked really hard to be here.

>> No.16762278
Quoted by: >>16762390

Doesn't really matter who it filtered out, her antis were not generally people who wanted to watch her anyway. She missed hololives boom in early 2020 and just survived doing external collabs until she had enough confidence to come back to the box. She gets along well with everyone and can organize collabs in hololive. Her live performances are great too, her singing voice is unique in hololive. People say her voice doesn't match her model, but when she got 3d people noticed that her movements actually do match her model. Plus her attitude and personalty gained her fans in the apex community, that helped too.

>> No.16762290
Quoted by: >>16762373

To be honest hololive needs people like Towa, too many holos have difficulty organizing and herding cats is always a logistical nightmare in any organization. Having someone like Towa-P involved is a good way to help boost all the other members, there's a reason why the Lives with Towa involved almost always are all great (ex. Nene live, Vark, Towa's lives, etc.)

>> No.16762373
Quoted by: >>16762502

It was kind of interesting seeing her disregard her Cinderella Switch lives when she was noting down her history for the official site, I guess she doesn't really consider them very notable in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.16762390

> She missed hololives boom in early 2020
I would say she gained a bunch of overseas viewer during this duration due to the cough who didn't know about her past.

>> No.16762438

Nice! Oh man I bet she has fun finishing Unravel 2 with Coco.

>> No.16762458

Stop Coco from saying T-

>> No.16762476

Towa will (almost) never finish games. You will learn to accept this.

>> No.16762492


>> No.16762502

Kinda pointless to list them down considering people reading the profile won't be able to watch them unlike her youtube LIVEs which are archived or Hololive Fes events which are sold as merch.

>> No.16762514
Quoted by: >>16762557

eh, I think a lot of people watched her specifically because they knew, especially directly after the incident. Usually pity viewers aren't really good because they tend to not be very loyal and just move onto the next pity case whenever they get tired of watching, but for whatever reason Towa managed to keep a lot of people around that still watch her even to this day. Along the way she also managed to get back a JP fanbase as well, and now she's gaining a lot of KR viewers as well. Worldwide Twap.

>> No.16762557

Mentally sane people do not care about such incidents. Which is kinda funny due to what is happening to Mori at the moment. Personally, I like her voice a lot.

>> No.16762585
Quoted by: >>16762663

I don't think there are a lot of mentally sane people here...

>> No.16762606
Quoted by: >>16762663

>mentally sane

>> No.16762663

You like Towa so you are mentally sane anons in my books.

>> No.16762669
File: 294 KB, 1200x1800, FJOPnHKaQAoxOF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa and I am not mentally sane.

>> No.16762685

I think your standards are a little messed up anon...

>> No.16762729

I love Towa very much and I am about as mentally stable as Towa.

>> No.16762750

Come back and say that to us again when Towa's been gone for more than a day, deadbeatchama.

>> No.16762793

I'm mentally sane anons, I'm telling ya, I'm absolutely sane, there's no way I would have some mental problems, right? Right? There's nothing wrong with loving an anime girl that much, right? So I must be absolutely sane.

>> No.16762803

I only post on VT when a stream is going on. Otherwise I am on another board.

>> No.16762818

I think it was a mixture of overseas people knowing but not caring/savoir fagging and Japanese holofans not coming because of the stigma and her isolation from the box. It looked like she gained overseas fans at the same rate as everyone else but not the Japanese fans, Japanese fans being the bigger market lead to her growth being much much slower than everyone else.
That started to change after her 3d and collabs late 2020. Her Japanese incline started then.

>> No.16762837

my mental state is good as long as Towa is around

>> No.16762850

Just link him the threads when Bora announced graduation.

>> No.16762923
Quoted by: >>16763226

Nah, go back to a couple weeks before that when Towa started acting strange again and we were able to guess that Bora was graduating.

>> No.16762930
File: 696 KB, 2433x4096, 20220120_223610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16763266

Purple women(?) SEX...!

>> No.16762979

I think when she hinted at it first we went even more crazy.

>> No.16763226

>everyone called me a schizo in the Vspo thread because I said Bora was probably graduating
I wish I was wrong...

>> No.16763266
File: 376 KB, 2000x2000, 1634121233580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only B-san were here...

>> No.16763354
Quoted by: >>16763441

I mean, Towa and Bora together made it extremely obvious. It already seemed weird how many Bora colllabs we were getting all of a sudden, then Towa started becoming active elsewhere, then the "I don't want November to end" tweet that Bora immediately responded to kind of cinched it.

>> No.16763441

I've kinda learned Towa isn't great at hiding when something is clearly wrong. She wears her heart on her sleeve pretty much 24/7. She's really only good at keeping positive secrets like her big concert plans and stuff like that.

>> No.16763479
Quoted by: >>16763553

Towa leaked her big concert plans...

>> No.16763515
File: 533 KB, 431x543, 1619825172412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16763553

>She's really only good at keeping positive secrets like her big concert plans and stuff like that.

>> No.16763553

Is it really a leak when it never happened in the end...
Also that was more of her technological ineptitude rather than Towa's ability to keep concert plans secret.

>> No.16763596
Quoted by: >>16763693

we were being schizo here too >>12834467

>> No.16763693
File: 9 KB, 917x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorly aged posts

>> No.16763733
Quoted by: >>16763922

Maybe some of them are already in the first stage of grief, so they called you a schizo.

>> No.16763750


>> No.16763922

nah the vspo thread can be gatekeepy at times, there's a reason why a bunch of vspo thread folks have mentioned talking about vspos here instead

>> No.16764159
Quoted by: >>16764317

Sounds rough if theres talk for that kinda thing, guess theres always a buncha folks that wanna spoil a good thing

>> No.16764164
Quoted by: >>16764269


>> No.16764246
Quoted by: >>16764305

I really want to hear Towa sing born to be real live, the preview from tik tok sounds so good.

>> No.16764269
Quoted by: >>16764332


>> No.16764305

It's definitely been the song I've been anticipating the most since we heard the preview, I really want to hear the full thing.

>> No.16764317

everyone is so angry in that thread now. shame cause it used to be one of the most chill

>> No.16764332

Towa baby...

>> No.16764477

It's still fine for the most part.
I'm really happy to see how much vspo have grown too.

>> No.16764483

Between the guy that complained about someone posting Putechi's return stream and the posts yesterday complaining about people talking about CR it's pretty obviously just one or two people trying to stir shit.

>> No.16765408

sex with tokoyami towa...

>> No.16765439
Quoted by: >>16765723

Ok, I've been away the whole day, what are you menheras are crazy about? Who's graduating?

>> No.16765455
File: 53 KB, 1024x850, 1642656499528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Towa's friends...!

>> No.16765723

Nothing, we're just reminiscing about bad times.

>> No.16766012

Towa mama...

>> No.16766044

It's a warzone out there, but this mental ward keeps me safe!
I love Towa!
