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16654797 No.16654797 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>16654816

Towa Thread
Previous >>16591147

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>> No.16654816
File: 450 KB, 2000x1398, FJQqlgwaIAE3PGb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Overseas) https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/tokoyami-towa
(1st EP, Scream) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/tokoyamitowa_scream
(2nd Anniversary) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/tokoyamitowa_an2nd
(hololive Christmas Voice Collections 2021) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_christmasvoice2021?variant=42205279322332
(set ready, hololive!) https://setreadyhololive.hololivepro.com/
(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
(hololive x Tokyo Skytree Town) https://www.chugai-contents.jp/blog/event/skytree_hololive/ (domestic)
https://shop1.md-sass.jp/ (overseas)
(Hololive Wafers) https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html
(1st Anniversary) https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2885961 (Voice-only)

Solo Originals:
>Scream EP
>My Roar
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc05le75CfI
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0

Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk


>> No.16654834
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>> No.16654844

Best Towa stream/moment/clip?

>> No.16654891
File: 2.11 MB, 2449x2713, FJZJ-SCaUAIAmAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
I want to be with her forever.

>> No.16654902
File: 364 KB, 1240x1754, E-h12hdUcAAJQLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16654910
File: 782 KB, 742x720, 1634589459211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I tell myself I can't love Towa I just end up thinking about how much I love Towa...

>> No.16654948
File: 368 KB, 270x434, 1622805231825.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's 3D streams are the best.

>> No.16654976
Quoted by: >>16655123

The retards that keep referencing dumb roommate shit like it makes them cool sure seem to think it is.

>> No.16655044
File: 811 KB, 354x486, 1613561151080.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16655123

doxxmates and doxxmin stay in your own threads please we can ruin our own thread on our own

>> No.16655173

I hope Towa actually does a Phasmophobia stream with Suisei some day.

>> No.16655203
Quoted by: >>16655219

Eers'hw Woat?

>> No.16655219
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, EwiL-0jVcAMxBbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16655267


>> No.16655267

Ysuimao, Woat-aams!

>> No.16655402

Not best, but some that just came to mind.

>> No.16655697

I stopped reading because the replies were giving me brain cancer. But there is some narrative being spread around that Laplus is actually Korean or something lol and oh man if that's true. Towa is already erect and throbbing.

>> No.16655766
Quoted by: >>16655876

It's a joke based on something she said, it's not too uncommon for young girls to be interested in Korean culture.

>> No.16655869

Laplus is korean... Just like Towa...

>> No.16655876
Quoted by: >>16655901

but Towa isn't young and she loves Koreans

>> No.16655880

Towa's erect and throbbing Towabanana...

>> No.16655901

Towa is mentally a child and she very much is Korean...

>> No.16656019

Wtoa ybba...

>> No.16656056

I know it's just a meme but imagine...
purple... korean... female...
Bora... selly... Lapussy.......

>> No.16656093


>> No.16656189
File: 119 KB, 211x332, 20220119_015331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple women erotic...!

>> No.16656306

i want towa to torture me and kiss after i fall on the ground unconscious

>> No.16657401
File: 526 KB, 651x1276, 1637584797872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16657449

Reminds me of the narrative that Suisei smoked that started because some retard on /jp/ misread タコパ as タバコ

>> No.16657482

I wish Suisei would invite me to a タコパ...

>> No.16658375
Quoted by: >>16658423

I bet Towa's sleeping cutely right now.

>> No.16658423
Quoted by: >>16658456

I'm not letting her sleep tonight.

>> No.16658456

Let her sleep, you noisy fat fuck.

>> No.16658862

While most of us just assume Towa sleeps cutely, I, for a fact, think that she sleeps like a slob/dork and wears a drab T-shirt. The type that ends up in the opposite side of the bed and waking up with some dried up drool and bedhair. I like girls like that and I think Towa is like that, with the exceptions on when she sleepovers with her friends.

>> No.16658937
Quoted by: >>16659019

Towa is dumb!

>> No.16658953
File: 661 KB, 2000x2000, E0XiMDGVIAAoY3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute too.

>> No.16658965

Sharing the bed with Towa.

>> No.16658980

She's definitely that one girl who is always in a CGDCT anime who is sleeping half out of the futon with her robe almost completely off.
t.looking at it right now

>> No.16659010
File: 200 KB, 1536x2048, 1618200915022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16659019


>> No.16659095
Quoted by: >>16659199

With Kotaro alone, he can occupy half of the fucking bed with his GIRTH.

>> No.16659191
File: 3.50 MB, 1662x1488, 1641064091658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16659251

Towa definitely can't stay still while sleeping...

>> No.16659199

What a fat fuck.

>> No.16659251
Quoted by: >>16659909

B-san's wide posterior and pillowable thighs...

>> No.16659909
Quoted by: >>16660054

Imagine being caught by Towa while mid-coitus with B-san...

>> No.16660054

NTRing Towa...!

>> No.16660496
Quoted by: >>16660550

Get out of my mind Towa, I have responsibilities to take care of...

>> No.16660550
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>> No.16660774

I like how the only insult Selly responded to seriously was when Mondo said he was on the same level as Towa

>> No.16660800


>> No.16661305


>> No.16661661
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20210125_154738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16661892
Quoted by: >>16662465

Having Towa clean Nose's room before taking Nose and making a mess with her!
"Boosting" Sumire while she plays Valorant with Towa and climaxing just as she's about to clutch!
Having Noah bark while doggy-styling her mid-scrims with Towa!
Making Hinano a Mama while she has Towa sing to her!
i could keep going but this is getting cringe

>> No.16662465
Quoted by: >>16662634

>Making Hinano a Mama
That’s Kamito’s job

>> No.16662634

I will make Kamito a mama too.

>> No.16663882

Oh, sumire replied to that phasmo tweet too, twapers onegai...

>> No.16664373
Quoted by: >>16664558

Towa's getting uppity

>> No.16664558

what'd she do now, have kotaro piss in her bed?

>> No.16665780

And she snoooooooores

>> No.16666587
File: 117 KB, 2039x1378, FJZf8tMaQAcroqV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16666771

>> No.16666771

Keeping it in the family...

>> No.16667038

This, too.

>> No.16667645

Having Towa's snoring cover up for Bora's noises while you finish inside her...

>> No.16669213
File: 642 KB, 898x1300, 1613335180676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16669483
File: 1.59 MB, 2302x4093, 1641518467525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa will tweet soon.

>> No.16670024
Quoted by: >>16670669

Towa may never tweet again...

>> No.16670669

impossible, she can't resist posting emotes or gifs of herself and we will hear from her soon

>> No.16670826

Towa's pink panties.......

>> No.16670887
File: 131 KB, 935x720, E_399VYVEAMifmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16671118

Mama would never let her wear those.

>> No.16671034
Quoted by: >>16671118

They're blue

>> No.16671118


>> No.16671925
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1639112886491.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreaming of Towa and friends...!

>> No.16672652

towa's erotic hips....

>> No.16672737

filling up Towa's womb...

>> No.16673203

I want Towa to leglock me.

>> No.16674363
Quoted by: >>16674889

I hope a lot of Towa's friends come and play Valorant with her today...

>> No.16674889
Quoted by: >>16675272

Haha I hope none of Towa's friends reply so I can comfort her with my words and make her feel special!!

>> No.16675272
Quoted by: >>16675610

wouldnt that make her sad :(

>> No.16675610
Quoted by: >>16676284

I change my mind then, I want Towa to be happy and have fun.

>> No.16676284
File: 111 KB, 874x874, FE9T0dwaMAA4aBu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16677158


>> No.16677158


>> No.16677573


>> No.16677749
File: 534 KB, 1900x1400, FJYTxb2agAAszIe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16694051

>> No.16678123

I love this girl's dumb laugh and cute smile.

>> No.16678842
Quoted by: >>16682997

Towa is the cutest girl in the whole world and I don't even know if she realizes it...

>> No.16680004
File: 138 KB, 1151x1200, FJYu61laMAASUye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16682158
File: 214 KB, 2223x1375, FJbsO7NVcAA1LFK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16682830

I like the one that said she was Russian.

>> No.16682997
Quoted by: >>16683070

Say that in her egosa so that she can know that she is.
Don't keep it to yourself.
She needs to know she is the cutest.

>> No.16683070
Quoted by: >>16683174

What if she gets mad that we're comparing her to other people...

>> No.16683174
Quoted by: >>16683484

Then don't do comparison.
Just say she's very cute and... smart, that's it.
She appreciates seeing that in her egosa.

>> No.16683484

I don't think she'll get mad if you say she's the cutest girl in the world though!

>> No.16684454

bros i hella want to fuck some members of the family

>> No.16684737

Just ask Towa for permission first.
She doesn't encourage kenzoku x kenzoku relationships...

>> No.16684825
Quoted by: >>16684883

Unless it's Towa x femzoku...

>> No.16684866

Do I still need to ask for permission if I'm not looking for a relationship? I just want to bang some family members because they're so stupid and cute...

>> No.16684883

Are you really gonna argue against Towa's will?

>> No.16684895

Looking to marry a Towa and I heard this thread was the place to ask. Where can I get one?

>> No.16684925

You are go to hell!

>> No.16684930

Get in line bud.

>> No.16685000

Just like all other kenzokus.

>> No.16685158
File: 413 KB, 1000x1000, 1642446431849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16685254

I will fuck and marry Towa's friends... especially Suzy.

>> No.16685254

Her flat chest makes me horny like none other.

>> No.16685396 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1125x1125, FJXWVRSacAIBZao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16685654

Go to Skytree

>> No.16685457
Quoted by: >>16685650

If Japan opens, I will try and search some hot femzokus before Towa does.
NTRing Towa...

>> No.16685650
File: 284 KB, 2048x1836, FFX_M3qUYAQ3aDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Japan opens I don't think Towa will be worrying about femzoku...

>> No.16685654

Damn she's cute. The one on the left is alright too I guess.

>> No.16686342


>> No.16686686

Only she doesn't get a reply...

>> No.16688383

Kotone reply didn't show in my feed too, i have to scroll down a lot to see it in her tweet.

>> No.16688715

The Towa praise never ends.

>> No.16691002
File: 292 KB, 1151x2048, FJWJTg4VEAAHCHl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16691160

Doxnigger with a Towa oshi mark on twitter. I hope that faggot dies.

>> No.16691234

Is that sort of thing report-able on twitter? If so I wanna do that.

>> No.16691577

That researcher dude?
Report his ass.

>> No.16691601

Towa doko...

>> No.16691635
Quoted by: >>16691798

Holo 3rd fes...
I wanna watch it live on stage...

>> No.16691798

I really hope the live audience isn't cancelled, I want Towa to be able to perform in front of an audience...

>> No.16691866

Lucky JP-nikis getting to see the 生トワバナナ...

>> No.16691952
File: 744 KB, 2800x3951, FJcNyD-aIAA133v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Pisses on your bed*
>*Fells asleep*
>*Snores loudly*

>> No.16691969

It's gonna be really weird when only one corner of the audience is full of femzokus...

>> No.16692090
Quoted by: >>16692177

I had two nightmares during my first night with the Towa daki... Devilish...

>> No.16692177

At least you get to have yours...

>> No.16692273

Can't wait for my monthly scolding...

>> No.16692319
Quoted by: >>16692463

So it's the continuation about the Homepage stuff

>> No.16692414

Only one stream today, it seems huh.

>> No.16692459

So we're not getting any looking back on the year stream like last year?

>> No.16692463
Quoted by: >>16692837

>Homepage stuff
What's that?

>> No.16692837
Quoted by: >>16692971

Her page on the newer hololive website
it's been months and it's still pretty bare because she never finished it

>> No.16692971

I didn't know that the talents themselves managed that

>> No.16692990
File: 148 KB, 329x277, E11kWa1WUAEoU2O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16693196


>> No.16693004

Good job anon

>> No.16693196

Just after my standup meeting. Thank you Towa and anon...

>> No.16693211
Quoted by: >>16693232

I unknowingly used up my doubt points...

>> No.16693232
Quoted by: >>16693277

You should know better.

>> No.16693277
Quoted by: >>16693568

Towa-sama, or maybe her manager, really is /here/...
I always forget about that.

>> No.16693336

Towa if you're reading this
I love you very much!

>> No.16693366

I don't want towa to read the horny posts I make about her friends

>> No.16693463

I want Towa to read my hornyposts about her as long as she doesn't know my name

>> No.16693568

Considering this thread has unhealthy levels of menhera concentration, it's still one of the saner thread to read.
It's plausible every Cover's HQ computers have Towa thread bookmarked. And many evidence points out that Towa friends lurks the Towa thread.

>> No.16693578
File: 75 KB, 815x578, Fat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debi Debi
Bibi Bibi

>> No.16693597
File: 408 KB, 1200x1200, FJb13j6VgAUOwXj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen this posted here I think.

>> No.16693645
Quoted by: >>16693803

I blame Lappy for her recent addiction to Valorant

>> No.16693696

Thanks, Mane-chan.

>> No.16693803
Quoted by: >>16693889

She literally said that so yes

>> No.16693878

Dammit I can't get that

>> No.16693889

her playing valorant made me try it too and I hated it, thanks twap...

>> No.16694051
File: 62 KB, 1010x229, ;;;;;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this post

>> No.16694098

The greatest prophet of our time.

>> No.16694115


>> No.16694320

>She moved it to 30 mins more
Enjoy your nap, Twap!

>> No.16694425
Quoted by: >>16694537

I'm going to nap too, and pretend I'm napping with Towa...!

>> No.16694537


>> No.16696511

Sorry Towapi but I just can't...

>> No.16696517
File: 10 KB, 437x133, 1632875735677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things never change...

>> No.16696535

A year later and she still hasn't figured out that arcstars hurt...

>> No.16696547

Even if Towa's mind is a little special, it won't stop me from loving her!

>> No.16696551


>> No.16696557


>> No.16696737

Nothing makes Towa crazy like solo valorant...

>> No.16696778

Guys I think I'm in love with Towa...

>> No.16696782

I wonder if Towa will ever enable VC

>> No.16696835

>solo valorant
bring anyone else to play this with you... please...

>> No.16696868

It's okay, this is like a horror game for Towa solo, nothing makes her crazier.

>> No.16696874

Does anyone beside lapchan and chammers even play it? The only guess I would have is shion yo but even then...

>> No.16696886
Quoted by: >>16696950

More likely for Vspos to randomly show up in her chat than holomen

>> No.16696887
Quoted by: >>16696950

Towa's VSPO friends...!

>> No.16696950
Quoted by: >>16696980

gomen, I actually forgot about them

>> No.16696967
Quoted by: >>16696982

Towa has a positive KDA...

>> No.16696980
File: 1.14 MB, 310x414, 1599058753482.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16697176


>> No.16696982
Quoted by: >>16696994

I'm not sure the team she's playing against is sentient...

>> No.16696994
Quoted by: >>16697013

It's possible that Towa was never sentient, either...

>> No.16697009

towa... valorant gains!?

>> No.16697013

She's sentient enough to express her love and that's all that matters...!

>> No.16697079

It's a shame Lap is probably too shy to join.

>> No.16697091
Quoted by: >>16697139

Flips... Where did all these flip grey names come from!

>> No.16697125

Towa's cute table thumps...

>> No.16697139

i know that secret esport team is very popular for flip both dota and valo scene so there's that.

>> No.16697154
Quoted by: >>16697168

Towa... this MMR...

>> No.16697168

They are very special, like Towa.

>> No.16697176


>> No.16697246

Im afraid that if I watch Towa enjoy playing valorant Im gonna start playing it too...

>> No.16697279
File: 311 KB, 600x500, 1636222377212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just watch Towa slowly going insane from playing this game.

>> No.16697280
Quoted by: >>16697321

try it, you never know. you might just drop it immediately because of how shit it is

>> No.16697321

this is what I thought about apex and look at me... Im soloQing diamond ranked with gibby...

>> No.16697326


>> No.16697578

At this rate Tarkov is gonna turn into a horror game on the level of outlast if she plays it alone...

>> No.16697607

No way she plays it alone.

>> No.16697644

TowASMR tarkov... with an earrape every 10-15 minutes...

>> No.16697808

Towa's screams giving me energy!

>> No.16697935

What is this potato aim from everyone...

>> No.16698324
Quoted by: >>16698387

solo valorant towa is mental...

>> No.16698387

Towa's cutest when she's a little bit insane...

>> No.16698390

>getting this pissed at comments
I don't think Towa's going to play much more solo valo...

>> No.16698440

I don't think Twap was ever going to play much solo valo, it always drives her insane.

>> No.16698466

All according to plan.

>> No.16698504
Quoted by: >>16698557

Wasn't she literally just saying the comments were so nice to her

>> No.16698505

that's for the best. it's entertaining for us to watch once in a while but playing solo too much would be bad for her sanity.

>> No.16698557

yeah but then paying too much attention to the comments got her killed so she threw a lil fit.

>> No.16698579

That's not my fault!!

>> No.16698710
Quoted by: >>16698733

...shes a gamer alright,a cute menhera gamer at that

>> No.16698733

my cute menhera gamer wife...

>> No.16698761

Towa is so addicted to praise it got her killed...

>> No.16698772

Towa is cool...?

>> No.16698793
Quoted by: >>16698961

does she play with vc turn off?

>> No.16698829


>> No.16698922
Quoted by: >>16698942

I like dumb girls. Is Towa for me?

>> No.16698942
File: 43 KB, 420x378, 1630929985929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16698961
Quoted by: >>16699078

Yes, pretty much the only time she's played any game with VC on is her Christmas Apex stream, and she made people say a code word in chat before she turned it on so she knew they were viewers.

>> No.16699078

good to hear then, i dont want her to be addict to this type of game.

>> No.16699097
File: 537 KB, 600x800, 1635920136725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Towa to call me kimoi after I confess my love to her...!

>> No.16699103

onwards, to the member only stream! jk it's 6AM and I have classes in the afternoon

>> No.16699168

She was saying things she imagined chat would say. She said chat was very nice to her.

>> No.16699280

I miss Towa...

>> No.16699282

I miss Towa...

>> No.16699287

I miss Towa...

>> No.16699290

I miss Towa...

>> No.16699341
Quoted by: >>16699380

We got the chammers with something weird on Maruyama tomorrow.

>> No.16699380
File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1637132981827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16699381

I miss Towa...

>> No.16699657
File: 5 KB, 304x150, toa....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa really likes that dynamic with Lappy, huh.
RT'ed the instant she saw it.

>> No.16699708
Quoted by: >>16699746

Towa loves all sorts of girls...

>> No.16699746
File: 20 KB, 210x240, 1627031201425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16699768

Even the dumb ones?
Like Towa?

>> No.16699765

Towa now has a personal, physical Kenzoku she can groom herself like she's always wanted...
God I wish that were me.

>> No.16699768
Quoted by: >>16699963

Dumb girls yes
Towa... she's working on it.

>> No.16699931
Quoted by: >>16699977

I never thought my love for Towa could get any more intense than it already was but I have recently released my Kenzoku limiters
I feel as though I could write 10 books on every reason I love Towa
I feel like I could create an entire thesis just on the basis of how cute Towa is, and don't even get me started on adding why she's cool and smart.
My body is being filled with nothing but constant desire to praise Towa, overflowing with intense emotion the likes that none have seen before.
This is it, Kenzoku. Nothing else matters in life but Towa. There is only Towa. I love Towa more than anything else. Towa is my life.

>> No.16699963


>> No.16699977


>> No.16699981

Towa is my meds... my life goal...

>> No.16700263

Towa is my eternity...

>> No.16700267


>> No.16700309
File: 141 KB, 1000x1266, 1623394120572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16700328

>> No.16700328


>> No.16700440
File: 194 KB, 946x2048, FJdoo2maQAActCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16700715

I think Towa might be becoming a little too powerful

>> No.16701061
File: 60 KB, 371x462, 1620229599530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16701626

mengen... it's been so long...

>> No.16701647
Quoted by: >>16701668

She usually does mengens at the end of the month, I wonder if she actually is planning on doing 2 this month. She didn't mention it as far as I heard.

>> No.16701668
Quoted by: >>16701680


>> No.16701680

Kill yourself

>> No.16701789
Quoted by: >>16701818

>Towa Ch. 常闇トワ 前作ったメモが消えた
>Towa Ch. 常闇トワ マジでショック

>> No.16701791


>> No.16701818

She's probably just looking in the wrong folder or saved it on her other computer. That's what happened last time she "lost" files

>> No.16702001
Quoted by: >>16702038

>Towa Ch. 常闇トワ ちょい待ちね
>Towa Ch. 常闇トワ データ今手打ちしてるW

>> No.16702038

probably typing it out from the previous stream

>> No.16702101

towa doko...

>> No.16702128
Quoted by: >>16702158

Guess no stream then...

>> No.16702156


>> No.16702158
Quoted by: >>16702191

These doubt posts are not funny anymore. They are starting to annoy me.

>> No.16702191


>> No.16702366
Quoted by: >>16702542

Did they fix the bug where you can see the viewercount on members only streams? I'm pretty sure she's gotten a ton of new members since her last stream

>> No.16702367

debi debi
bibi bibi

>> No.16702542

Saw a ~50 viewer indie complaining about a poll getting 40 viewers but 150 votes on twitter earlier so i dont think so

>> No.16702547
Quoted by: >>16702558

Is she editing her hololive bio?
What's gonna change?

>> No.16702558

She's not editing it, she's just filling it out. Right now it's just the generic one the staff made without any personal stuff about her.

>> No.16702609


>> No.16702653


>> No.16702756

what did she talk about kantan?

>> No.16702828

yonkisei the cursed generation...

>> No.16702867

my yt is fucking dying... is it fine for you guys?

>> No.16702882


>> No.16702890

It was kinda fucky before but it's fine now

>> No.16702910
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x2000, FJbjNtfVIAArcPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine always dying when she stream apex but other than that im always fine at 1080

>> No.16702919

no, also dying for me t. nordic

>> No.16702970

Time to flex the tourney stuff!
Good one, Twap!

>> No.16703078

No Bloom?

>> No.16703232
Quoted by: >>16703246

In a way this is kind of a year in review stream.

>> No.16703246

Yeah I was also about to post that. It's nice.

>> No.16703307
Quoted by: >>16703427

Is she describing her home?
She really does come from a not-well-off family...
I can relate.

>> No.16703311

i rather watch towark than valorant desu.

>> No.16703337
Quoted by: >>16703355

Towa had a hard life...

>> No.16703344

I wish i was that cockroach

>> No.16703355
File: 960 KB, 320x360, 1625298093336.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16703374

It's better now.

>> No.16703374

Just think anons, towa has a better life now in part because of us. Feels great man.

>> No.16703425

The sushi story...

>> No.16703427
Quoted by: >>16703729

I thought we had already settled on this from that conversation a few months back. being a single parent family is rough especially in Japan

>> No.16703521

I do try to take good care of my wife and shower her with all the love and praise she truly deserves.

>> No.16703605
Quoted by: >>16703615


>> No.16703615


>> No.16703618
Quoted by: >>16703632


>> No.16703632

Rare stamp combination

>> No.16703637
Quoted by: >>16703700

sometimes i wonder what might've happened to towa's health if she had kept living in her current place, probably having her sleep messed up, the air there was definitely not good for her lungs (mold?), probably continually hopping across jobs that she hated, not having the ability to meet cute korean girls...

>> No.16703669

I got here really late, where did she get this bio?

>> No.16703685

jp wiki

>> No.16703700

I mean there's already one example...

>> No.16703729

3/5 of Yonkisei were part of single parent families,really makes me think it's a a surprisingly common issue nips just sweep aside, at least they can take their mind off that in holo

>> No.16703732


>> No.16703773
File: 129 KB, 1232x792, 1641919851648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yonkisei and holos in general are not a good representative of the general Japanese population.

>> No.16703783

might be a bit of selection bias desu, the kinds of people who are mentally off-balance enough to want to be nnd streamers and utaite are likely people with a less-than-stable family foundation

>> No.16703785
Quoted by: >>16703829

sup groupies

>> No.16703829
Quoted by: >>16703849

doesn't exist now.

>> No.16703847

They're not going to want to just to use konyappi, if they changed it it's because they want a localization.
I think suppies is fine, it matches her intent of being a made up word that sounds happy.

>> No.16703849

No... my groupies...

>> No.16703919

Burnouts do happen most during January.
Even some YouTubers are like that.
I wonder why?

>> No.16703942

you guys told me Towa wasn't a numberfag

>> No.16703972

vitamin D-sama...

>> No.16703989

At least she doesn't bitch about numbers publicly.

>> No.16703998

I'd imagine December is usually the busiest time of year.

>> No.16704000

Everyone is a number fag to some extent.

>> No.16704039
Quoted by: >>16704059

Compared to some other holos she's definitely pretty constrained, other ones might literally cry if the CCV number looks low. Towa at least knows what it's like to be a 3 view from personal experience.

>> No.16704059

It feels good to see Towa have very positive numbers right now.

>> No.16704061

Fuck I should've used my monthly free message on this mengen...

>> No.16704078

Someone post the Towa kissing nenechi fanart.
I dont have it.

>> No.16704102
File: 3.65 MB, 2000x2000, 91560111_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is never the aggressor.

>> No.16704120
File: 2.24 MB, 3000x3000, 1624726012196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16704153


>> No.16704125

It's impossible to be a streamer and not be at least a bit of a numberfag since those dictate whether you have a career or not, it aint some wageslave job where you just have to be there.

>> No.16704153


>> No.16704204

i remember when towa was the underdog。

>> No.16704218
Quoted by: >>16704241

Skips past the trolling kek

>> No.16704241

it never happened if you can't see it

>> No.16704242
Quoted by: >>16704348

It's amazing how she can call Ayame in almost all events she organizes.

>> No.16704284

Now I wanna see her sing Mage of Violet right now.
Towa... don't tease me...

>> No.16704288


>> No.16704295

i didn't catch much of it but don't she say pretty normal stuff like she glad that a lot of new people come to watch her lately and her 2nd live too?

>> No.16704320
Quoted by: >>16704361


>> No.16704345


>> No.16704348

Seems like Towa is seriously practicing for this 900k holouta. Oh boy.

Despite what the shitposting here says, Ayame is at the offices/recording studio a lot so Towa sees her a lot.

>> No.16704351


>> No.16704361

towamachis where we at

>> No.16704376
Quoted by: >>16704427

AKUMA is so fucking addicting. I'll watch her live again after this mengen.

>> No.16704394
Quoted by: >>16704416

I can't wait for Towa to have a solo live and then to do a watch a long of her solo live like Suityan did. It'll be kino as fuck.

>> No.16704415
Quoted by: >>16704443

Thank you vodka for making towa sing mage of violet.

>> No.16704416

react content...

>> No.16704427

I love FACT but I think releasing AKUMA first after the live would have been a bigger impact.

>> No.16704443
Quoted by: >>16704465

wait why?
Did he requested that?!

>> No.16704446
File: 655 KB, 800x1119, FJd-ZsTaAAEzj7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl sure is cute

>> No.16704463

This Towa looks weird...

>> No.16704465


>> No.16704468
Quoted by: >>16704564

I wonder wtf is happening with my youtube... every 3-5 seconds it pauses for a few seconds...

>> No.16704473

so this is what its like to be a rich bastard to pay for someone to perform at your kid's birthday party

>> No.16704498

lol, it looks like they hit fucking random on a vtuber character creator

>> No.16704499
Quoted by: >>16704592

My impression from him has improved.

>> No.16704502
Quoted by: >>16704650

The fact that Towa is always so comfortable and open in mengens really shows just how much she loves us...

>> No.16704510

i want to listen to these 2 new origs so much, the other 3 are so fucking good

>> No.16704517

This looks horrible.

>> No.16704519

I'm surprised he knows hololive songs. I wonder who's his oshi...

>> No.16704546


>> No.16704559

It's not that surprising I think, he played with vtubers a lot.
Probably Kanae

>> No.16704564

Something funky is happening with YT's EU servers. VPN to JP if you can.

>> No.16704579
Quoted by: >>16704634

If we take his song choice as any indication he is a cunnysseur ..

>> No.16704589

wtf is that...

>> No.16704592

Vodka's not a bad guy, he owns an esports team and might be Selly's new boss and isn't a fucking creep (he has a gf or wife iirc that he got covid from lul).

>> No.16704634


>> No.16704642


>> No.16704650

She always feels so much more relaxed and happy in mengens... it's so nice.

>> No.16704658
Quoted by: >>16704722

Why does she look even dumber today.

>> No.16704671

And the SCs pour in during a mengen... Devilish Kenzokus.

>> No.16704682

>dreamed about buying another cat
Towa no...

>> No.16704692

Towa is becoming an old cat lady...

>> No.16704698
File: 50 KB, 315x658, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16704766

To add onto this...

>> No.16704700

Become Miosha...

>> No.16704703
Quoted by: >>16704804

His chat let him know about a certain pekora meme.

>> No.16704722

Because she is more comfortable with chat on メン限s

>> No.16704766
Quoted by: >>16704781

Shion as an oshi is pretty based honestly.

>> No.16704778

It's kind of impressive when translators manage to "translate" the exact opposite of what she said

>> No.16704781

Something something purple women something.

>> No.16704804
Quoted by: >>16704894

Playing with someone doesn't automatically make them your oshi. Not always anyway.

>> No.16704841

she's so cute......

>> No.16704860


>> No.16704863


>> No.16704875

Kissing Towa while she's trying to whistle...

>> No.16704894
Quoted by: >>16704937

if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a subaru

>> No.16704901

I love this cute dork so much.

>> No.16704905

i wanna kiss this broken recorder

>> No.16704924

Imagining Towa catwhistling Femzokus during the night.

>> No.16704937

Did you look at the video linked?

>> No.16704998


>> No.16705007

whats za mean...

>> No.16705038
Quoted by: >>16705758

I'm fine with that, Towa ending up the kind of hag that Mio is will be so much concentrated sex.

>> No.16705046
Quoted by: >>16705069

You know Towa is in a great mood when she reads every superchat

>> No.16705069
Quoted by: >>16705120

Talking to Kenzokus really put her at ease.

>> No.16705120

I feel like that's part of why we had so many zatsudans during her high stress time in december/january

>> No.16705186
Quoted by: >>16705244

Tons of 1st timers in this mengen. And this is a fantastic one to boot so I'm sure they'll stay.

>> No.16705191

All Twappi's songs are masterprice...

>> No.16705244
File: 576 KB, 555x843, 1641734715347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*deploy the apex and external collab spree*

>> No.16705256

Papakin is better at Marika than Towa...

>> No.16705263


>> No.16705272

whats za mean...

>> No.16705354

I wonder how long it'll take for this stuff to go up on the website.

>> No.16705393
Quoted by: >>16705441

She is doing that right now and people are still joining. It's fine.

>> No.16705412

they would run into this at some point anyway...

>> No.16705419
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1637912925849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16705573

Susan please fix your EU servers while my oshi is doing mengen... The worst timing...

>> No.16705438

Playing with VSPO friends is a buff.

>> No.16705441
Quoted by: >>16705460

If anything she seems to be getting some Vspo tourists, Vspo has been putting out quite the numbers lately. also nose naked bathcast

>> No.16705460
Quoted by: >>16705500

Nose took a bath??

>> No.16705487

Spamming stamps...

>> No.16705500

It's archived if you have Nose membership...

>> No.16705517
Quoted by: >>16705576

Towa is trying to spread ccvid again with this member stamp spam.

>> No.16705573

I'm not even from eu but that shit is just killing me... truly the worst timing...

>> No.16705576
Quoted by: >>16705680

im amazed how i claimed that the cull was infectious with no evidence and the numbers thread ran with it without questioning anything

>> No.16705583

I can't believe Towa is fluent in French...

>> No.16705680

It's #,critical thinking is an auto DQ out of there,I'm pretty sure your rrat spread from # to be a somewhat board-wide known rrat.

>> No.16705717

I miss Towa...

>> No.16705731

I miss Towa...

>> No.16705758
File: 90 KB, 530x530, 1629362842339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16705763

Really nice mengen. I love Towa so fucking much.

>> No.16705765

I miss Towa...

>> No.16705837

I think I love towa too much...

>> No.16705925

I hope she does follow through on the other mengen.

>> No.16705959
Quoted by: >>16706045

Towa is going to give me a private 1 on 1 mengen in bed tonight!

>> No.16706045
Quoted by: >>16706063

Shut up, B-san!
I will masturbate to you tonight!

>> No.16706063
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1633233538345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16706160


>> No.16706181


>> No.16707050

#s anon please my rrats are of the finest quality, not like that guy's low effort bait

>> No.16707578
Quoted by: >>16708047

I just want to listen to Towa talk all day...

>> No.16708047

I love it when she just starts rambling about something that just popped into her head...

>> No.16708102
File: 871 KB, 2045x1329, image_2022-01-20_032153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed this since I rarely actually use youtube. How long has Twappi been a kids channel?

>> No.16708184

Towa baby...

>> No.16708309

Won't her comments section get turned off if her channel is set to a kids channel? Or are there different levels of what they consider kids.

>> No.16708331

apex & valorant is a kid game
