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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16073756 No.16073756 [Reply] [Original]

nothing good will ever coming from catering to this place.
please learn from your mistakes

>> No.16073876
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>> No.16073981
Quoted by: >>16097719

There are perfectly healthy streamers over at /wvt/. Kiki is just not one of them.

>> No.16074141

Goes without saying.

>> No.16074283

To me, the craziest part is all she had to do was not shitpost over discord.

>> No.16074302
File: 9 KB, 297x216, 20211210_144602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to have mentally stable /here/ oshi

>> No.16074426
Quoted by: >>16119621

When have women+4chan ever mixed? It's never a happy ending.

>> No.16074448

>in last year of highschool & planning to go to college
>2 jobs
>training for entertainment industry opportunity
>emotionally mature, stays away from drama
>outright declared she won't have a bf as long as she keeps streaming because it'd be unfair to her bf and her viewers

>> No.16074480

I watch Nade from time to time and she seems to be pretty down to earth. Entertaining and enjoyable so idk. Found her on here.

>> No.16074714

Beatani despite her crazy fans is actually has pretty good head on her shoulders
I don't really get why she recently starting to get a lot of hate from /here/

>> No.16074790

It's just Kiki and her willingness to bend over backwards for her retarded fans

>> No.16074835

Extremely based.

>> No.16074843
Quoted by: >>16075937

think you've already answered your own question

>> No.16074861
Quoted by: >>16075937

The problem with Bea is that she’s Japanese so it’s not always obvious to western schizos what is part of the character and act and what isn’t.

>> No.16075007

>stream on twitch and abandon her youtube fanbase
>deleted her old youtube streams
>deleted her old tweets
Nade is a different kind of menhera. She have that kind of obsessive personality of wanting to be perfect.

>> No.16075067

Who would've thought that women who use 4chan would be mentally ill. Truly a shock.

>> No.16075170 [SPOILER] 
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at least she isn't a liar like Kiki

>> No.16075282

Don't be silly. Kiki is going to put all the homos in a gas chamber! Isn't that going to make all our lives better?? What's wrong with that???

>> No.16075345
File: 252 KB, 2400x1263, F8412DEB-FB73-4A47-B429-1FF977F90DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them are crazy in the head

>> No.16075868
Quoted by: >>16075973

>deleted her old tweets
That one's false, she mentioned thinking about it bc it's 'weird to have lots of tweets that link to nowhere.'
I don't consider Nade menhera tbqh. She's just socially awkward and even that's improving as of late.

>> No.16075937

I have no problem with Beatani but her fanbase is full of schizos

>> No.16075955

is it bad I want to be a /here/ Vtuber? I feel most comfortable around other schizos.

>> No.16075973

Yeah I can back up this, I remember watching a stream where she was talking about deleting old stuff. She asked people if she should do it etc., so its not a mental breakdown or anything. I don't like the twitch move tho, but I understand why she did it. But I never remember to open that site so I miss a lot of streams nowadays.

>> No.16076007

You say that now but after a few weeks of actually doing it you'll have a pistol in your mouth.

>> No.16076025

You'll need strong mental fortitude.

>> No.16076061

If you’re strong enough like Beatani, sure

>> No.16076320

half the indies that get discussed absolutely browse /vt/, they just dont post or signal it because they know better, or better yet they shitpost all the time

>> No.16077082

This is the way. Vtubers shouldn't (shit) post on /vt/. They're supposed to inspire discussion, not try to astroturf it. Leave the shitposting to us backseat managers. We've got this.

>> No.16077609

Give me a summary of this kiki individual.

>> No.16077760

>autistic bunny
>rules champyons with an iron, but fair fist
>in league with little man
>psychic alien

>> No.16077803

It seems the best thing for /here/ to do is to make the occasional reference, but never explicitly say they go to 4chan.

>> No.16078018

What happened with kiki now?

>> No.16078096
Quoted by: >>16082456

What do we have, another try not to fuck a fan challenge [impossible]?

>> No.16078402

People found out her PL because of the filename of one of her images.

>> No.16078888
Quoted by: >>16110323


>> No.16080217

We need to distinguish between /here/ and /terminally_here/ chubas
Big yuge difference!!!

>> No.16080403
Quoted by: >>16081276

I can't wait til this girl turns out to be the next Nyanners

>> No.16080925
File: 18 KB, 497x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum inside this hag's ass.

>> No.16081276

You mean use us as a stepping stone to kickstart her channel then disavow us when she gets popular enough?
No shot that would happen again right?

>> No.16081756

I can't figure out if she's a hag or underaged. There seems to be some conflicting statements.

>> No.16081907

Real deal hag. Used to work on some tech company.

>> No.16082038

Pippa is based, Kiki a shit

>> No.16082230
Quoted by: >>16087709

Don't know what you're referring to, I watch her but I never go to the threads

Don't bully Reimu guys

>> No.16082456

nope, it's the classic try to hide your boyfriend from your fans challenge [gone wrong]

>> No.16085699

Compulsive liar, boyfriend, fake rape allegations. She's now in "the hospital" with a "fractured spine" and the schizos are still lapping it up.

>> No.16086293
Quoted by: >>16086778

>all the pretend marriage stuff.
what in the actual fuck has been going on in there?

>> No.16086778
Quoted by: >>16088591

Kiki "married" her fans, which caused them to go full schizo (with some even buying wedding bands). It got to where if you didn't devote yourself to her entirely and only watched her and then weren't a good husband. This was bound is spiral out of control eventually and shatter and it finally is now.

>> No.16087709
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See https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/44587090/#44587475 for the full summary with links to proof
Thread is a lot in denial and she said she just had an accident and went to the hospital

>> No.16087997
File: 30 KB, 459x213, 1629783924953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh... kek

>> No.16088160

The biggest lie was that her ass is big. I can forgive a lot, but not this.

>> No.16088459
Quoted by: >>16088737

no fucking way

>> No.16088591

I... jesas.. . it's like towa/rushia thread bad end

>> No.16088620

I wouldn't be surprised if the injury was the result of a suicide attempt.

>> No.16088737

The funniest part is dating that Cyberlive mod but he dipped out himself
People thought it was impressive she got a collab with Lumi who had 5x her viewers, only 2-3 weeks or so in, but maybe there's an explanation.

>> No.16089111
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>> No.16089153

This is something you'd expect of a teenager to believe can pass off as truth

>> No.16089253
Quoted by: >>16094132

People really believe this shit? Pathetic attempt at damage control, this is something a teenager would do.

>> No.16089652

It really is telling that the only /here/tubers I follow and think are worthwhile are the ones I discovered initially outside of /vt/.

>> No.16090981
File: 22 KB, 144x160, 1641564822248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do champyons really?

>> No.16094132

Yes, worse, they completely rewrite stuff >>16089125
they're already back into full denial and "kiki love"

>> No.16096257

There are big misconceptions with what people call /here/vtubers

First is thinking a vtuber posting here = a promise to always please anon's every demand
If they do promise stuff or make clear they're catering, sure, but it's rarely the case.
nu-4chan but especially /vt/ has insanely strong biais about random stuff, that totally deserve to be ignored, and some anons think you're either 100% 4chan or should fuck off, while being mostly newfags
Boards were never meant like this, you can use internet normally and use 4chan too, nothing wrong with that.
The only who really catered was kiki, she literally lived in the thread and parroted every anon opinion

>> No.16097189

>mame and shame
does he think this is discord?

>> No.16097719

i dont go there because that place is probably full of trannies, sjw cancer or both

>> No.16098934

I wish anons would stop over-exaggerating time, in the screenshots it says "a couple of weeks". then anon decides the description should say a few months. Those are two very different periods of time

>> No.16099746
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The only good things that come out of here aside from memes are group projects where everyone who frequents the place throws a little bit of themselves into the mix. Even then, mentally ill attention whores manage to ruin projects some times. There is a thin line between making it obvious that you are in sync with the behavior or attitude of this site, and falling into the realm of pandering and switching up who you are in order to please fat fucks who come here. As the spectator it almost always seems like that person is trying too hard which ends up pushing me away from them. I'll continue blissfully enjoying the antics of some random Japanese girls instead.

>> No.16100530

Honestly positively surprised how she turned out
She keeps a small but solid distance with the audience, great on OPsec, have set goals and and skilled, not easily influenced but discuss most of her decisions with her fans still.

>> No.16100605

She just says she's 10 years older than kiki and feels like a hag because of that, pretty typical from her ahah

>> No.16100734
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Quoted by: >>16101515

Even bigger ones and even ones who then joined a bigger company https://streamable.com/mv8tfy

>> No.16101266

>discuss most of her decisions with her fans still.
I'm really glad that she worked on being better at communicating. She didn't used to be good at it, and it would cause misunderstandings between her and the community.

>> No.16101354
Quoted by: >>16134425

This whole thread, no, this whole culture is beyong pathetic. You retards are the zoomer equivalent of people buying tabloids, except you endlessly dissert about fake persona and planned drama.

>> No.16101515

>4chan is really scary one, I;m scared to even say the name for fear of invoking their wrath
>No, they love you
>I don't know if I want that
Wow, Fauna is absolutely based.

>> No.16101659

And she took the best advice we could give - don't refer to /here/. Sure she knows some of the memes but she doesn't pander. She's a tourist, and that's okay as she's not pretending she isn't.

>> No.16101692
Quoted by: >>16102606

A literal menhera wow. I tried giving Kiki a shot but the weird relationship she had with her thread weirded me out.

>> No.16102604
Quoted by: >>16102729

there's lots of perfectly sane vtubers that post/lurk here, the main thing though is they don't make the fact that they use this website their entire identity and especially not their entire selling point.

like, Beatani is the go-to example for that kinda vtuber, But she really doesn't do those kinds of things. In fact she's on record saying she hates being called a /here/tuber since she was already streaming for a while before the explosion in popularity her post here created. Sure she has a clover choker on her model, she sings Clover Club during karaokes as a sign of appreciation, and her English is pretty clearly formed by spending a lot of time here/with people that are terminally here. But she's not "the 4chan vtuber" by concept, design, and execution. Those are all byproducts. And again this is probably the most commonly cited example of a /here/tuber, just look at the sea of indies on /wvt/ that (generally) keep it under wraps on-stream and on their social media.

>> No.16102606

I actually dipped out after one or two weeks, that heavy GFE just made me too uncomfortable

>> No.16102620
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I love crazy bitches that self harm. Get well soon Kiki and start the process all over again.

>> No.16102729

Yeah, /yah/ threads has been a bit shit recently unfortunately, because a few anons (the ones with the most free time) don't accept that they don't own her and that they can't force here into obeying them, so they'll "take the thread hostage" and complain until they get tired
But beatani won't care at all
It would have been better if it wasn't a 24/7 general but can't prevent them from creating it

>> No.16103016
File: 74 KB, 846x816, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16106725

kiki was an attenionwhore minor groomed by an /r9k/ shitposter that literally everyone on that board hated. she realized she was being groomed, outed him, and he got pinned for statutory rape.

his "frens" ever since have made it their mission to make her look far worse than she is. make no mistake kiki is not sinless, but this is beyond the pale.

that's what this is. it's the /r9k/ "frens" of a disgusting groomer that even the worst board on this site hated, dogpiling kiki for getting their pedo friend jailed. attached is a screenshot from one of them (robwoof) asking me how to best prove that the girl they've been trying to prove is kiki really is kiki

>> No.16103187

oh look another discord apologist dad
please commit rope ASAP

>> No.16103380

Jeez, is Dumpling girl almost 40?

>> No.16103423

>It would have been better if it wasn't a 24/7 general but can't prevent them from creating it
most sane fans have known that since the start, it was never the intention to become a 24/7 thread after all.
as much as /yah/ boogeymans about it the discord siphoning actual discussion away during off-days where there's no stream and the only thing to discuss is a "I want to eat mikan" twitter post or some shit is a net positive. if nothing else it means you can safely ignore shitpost HQ.

>> No.16103493
Quoted by: >>16103733

is it true that Kiki went to yah's server a couple of times and tried to larp as someone else?

>> No.16103496

Drama between chuubas has always been strange, but this is a whole 'nother form of insanity.
Atleast we can say gayops are now a thing for vtubing.
>captcha: VN0GS

>> No.16103733

there was definitely someone doing weird shit on the discord but at this point whether it was her shitposting under a false name or someone larping her shitposting under a false name, fuck if I know and frankly fuck if I care I'm just glad they're gone. I'll come to this thread to discuss the whole ordeal but I'm beyond tired of having to hear about it in a thread that really has nothing to do with Kiki.

>> No.16103897
Quoted by: >>16106817

Beatani seems really nice in private, I'm surprised

>> No.16104031

>please learn from your mistakes
Kiki was very very very obviously throwing red flags around like candy. If you didnt realize this after a week or two and dip out, theres nothing you will ever learn
You're going to be embroiled in shitposting, discord faggotry, and getting cucked until you give up on vtubers if you dont learn

>> No.16104182
File: 824 KB, 1242x2688, 5FDCCB10-3BCD-4FC0-AE1C-4108308905F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a /here/tuber hamming it up for views, who would have guessed?

>> No.16104205

how do you find out your oshi was groomed by peodpohiles and your first thought is
>she lied and cheated on me :(
nigger, she was abused.

>> No.16104251

Goslings are retarded

>> No.16104383

Because champyons are abusive groomers themselves.

>> No.16104414

I was never groomed. Nobody has ever cared about me.
We are not the same as she implied we were.

>> No.16104470
Quoted by: >>16104601

Unless shes younger than like, 15 years old, "grooming" is an excuse for getting caught or doing something you regret

>> No.16104530

Five letters say volumes. She hates you. She’s using you for simpbux.

>> No.16104553

because they're unhinged schizos and angry that someone else groomed her before them

>> No.16104601

she's also clearly mentally ill, i'd give her more leeway. also, she wasn't caught doing something she regretted, she outed him herself in the middle of their relationship

>> No.16104678

>kiki is a tr*nny enabler
chumpyons are so fucking pathetic holy fucking shit kek

>> No.16105033
Quoted by: >>16106130

another wvtranny, and a tranny enabler roleplaying as le based and redpilled chuuba.

>> No.16105055
File: 138 KB, 264x345, 1641109682747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.16105164
Quoted by: >>16107023

Does someone really think that she injured her spine?

>> No.16105320

who are you?

>> No.16105366


>> No.16105911
File: 46 KB, 326x327, 1619276024623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16107023

This is so pathetic what mother would hop on Youtube after her kid tried to kill herself and tell a bunch of strangers BEFORE taking her to the hospital? Holy shit

>> No.16106130

Pretty sure she refused to associate with /wvt/

>> No.16106523


>> No.16106725

That's why I wish other champyons didn't deny everything so hard, she was a victim and it would make it easier for everyone if that was accepted at least

>> No.16106807


>> No.16106817
Quoted by: >>16107039

She shitposts in public for entertainment but is really professional and serious in DMs it's almost uncanny.

>> No.16106996

lol what an embarrassment, I'm glad I never contributed anything to her

>> No.16107023

All of them
It's insane, they laugh together at people who even doubt it
At this point even herself admitting fault would be called a shitpost "ahah she's so clever and funny"

Their response was that her mom knew how much she loved her fans and would want her to alert them first

>> No.16107039

I never trust a vtuber, I seldom trust a Japanese, and I assume by default a Japanese vtuber is telling lies built on other lies.

>> No.16107063

I just watch her play games, everyone else is stupid

>> No.16107095

God she's embarrassing

>> No.16107123
Quoted by: >>16109417

>Their response was that her mom knew how much she loved her fans and would want her to alert them first
The father stuff is also fun, supposedly she showed him the chat and he thinks of them as the real husbands of her daughter or some shit like that

>> No.16107337

kek, i have made it to the rent free area boys

>> No.16107445

Kiki you're the only itoddler here... please make that on your computer next time

>> No.16107726

>the old “take somone else’s damning evidence against me and turn it into a joke” strategy
Retards lapping should consider suicide. Face it chudpyons, your “based” oshi kneels to trannys

>> No.16108046
Quoted by: >>16114910

>Still not talking about the leaks
Kiki is sure something

>> No.16108177

The fact that identical twins have different genders proves the whole gender thing is a bunch of hogwash.

>> No.16108195
Quoted by: >>16108285

graduation soon

>> No.16108265

Kiki and her fans are quite retarded

>> No.16108285

I mean she has what? 1-2 years left of uni?
kinda soon

>> No.16108299

pretty creative post, I appreciate

>> No.16108656
Quoted by: >>16108879

>can't even gather 10 views between all of them
>full of schizos that will turn on you at a moment notice
>if you don't give them an excuse, they'll make one up
No shit, I've seen the numbers chuuba that advertise here pull. This place doesn't matter.

>> No.16108879
Quoted by: >>16109247

congrats on showing you never checked a single one

>> No.16109247
Quoted by: >>16110968

/here/ chuubas are 80% of each others stream audience

>> No.16109417
Quoted by: >>16110544

>would want her to alert them first
In a situation where your child tried to kill herself and her spine is fucked (which she miraculously can still tweet through?), her Youtube chat would be the last thing on her mind. Does this girl even understand how humans work

>> No.16109464

genuinely can’t tell if you’re being based or not

>> No.16110084

Plenty of them are here, the problem is ones who are like "I'm the official /vt/ tuber lolol!!!" according to and nominated by nobody. Hell Koopa understands us much better than Kiki since she was at least just a random anon originally. Kiki was clearly not even a longtime vtuber fan and doesn't really understand much of this place.

>> No.16110297

I was in the threads when she started posting, she posted in the catalog with vocaroos asking if she should become a vtuber. Meidos even banned her because she was trying to make a general before she even debuted, for weeks.

>> No.16110310
Quoted by: >>16110607

Kiki is more acquainted with /an/ and /soc/.

>> No.16110323
Quoted by: >>16110520

That's not a summery, it's a rabbit hole with links upon links upon screenshots.

>> No.16110520

real summery >>16089125

>> No.16110544

>>In a situation where your child tried to kill herself
To be fair, her "mother" was talking about the fractured spine when she talked about the self inflicted injury
It's pretty weird how the champs are ignoring this

>> No.16110607

Even Eira is better

>> No.16110682


>> No.16110792

They will act as if it don't matter

>> No.16110968
Quoted by: >>16111269

Not at all though
Even if you limit it to just /vt/'s ones, there are like 3 or 4 kiki viewers in the regular 100+ bea viewers
Nade got many new viewers from raids of people like Koragi or MoonJelly (bigger indies)
Small corpos who are here like Pippa or Lumi also have completely different audience
There's barely any overlap

>> No.16111144

>I fractured my spine
>but also my parents took me to the hospital in the car
>I'm on meds
>but they're letting me go home not even 24 hours later
This is the worst lie I've ever seen a vtuber spout and the fact that anyone believes this is baffling.

>> No.16111269
Quoted by: >>16111494

/wvt/ chuubas specifically
I should have been clearer

>> No.16111284

Wow they're still trying to paint it as if she didn't lie to them

>> No.16111292

People sometimes attribute that claim to vtubes who never did, like Bea sure she learned the local lingo because most of her time using English was shitposting in threads, but aside from the very first selfpost she never associated directly afterward.
She uses her own anonymous board now too for stream and stuff.

However yeah Kiki definitely is all on to be the 4chan chuuba, even the twitter handle is @bunnyonvt, she regularly posted screenshot from thread and talked about it in public etc

>> No.16111368
Quoted by: >>16111608

That's the most cope I've seen in a single post

>> No.16111384
Quoted by: >>16111608

Kiki belongs to us. We only have to decimate the retards who keep harrassing her. I have no idea why so many schizos do these kind of shit.

>> No.16111430

So I stopped watching Kiki a couple of month ago but I've still been seeing her tweets and I'm wondering what the fuck happened.

>> No.16111494

Ah then yes though nowadays it's like 5 or 6 different small circles where everyone share the same viewers within those circles but pretty separated.
And a few are much bigger like Koragi and have their own audience. Or well, Menace.

>> No.16111503
Quoted by: >>16111608


>> No.16111568

Google tells me a spinal fracture takes 6-12 weeks to heal. I wonder if she plans on keeping up the charade for that long.

>> No.16111608


>> No.16111623
File: 61 KB, 1607x239, 1631367688014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/16059259/#q16064855
The other poster is a pretty sad cope but yeah, check the links and judge for yourself

>> No.16111805

one of my co-workers recently got in a car accident that caused some back problems (didn't really talk about it much so I don't know the details) that made it so they couldn't do any real bending for about two weeks
of course that isn't a straight-up broken spine but that's at least a bare minimum if she wants to backpedal later and say it wasn't that bad.

>> No.16111872
Quoted by: >>16113269

It's a deep rabbit hole https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/44587090/#44587475

>> No.16112631

>f she wants to backpedal later and say it wasn't that bad.
She will and her cucks will eat it up

>> No.16112893

>Still calling them tranny
That's not how you go about it...

>> No.16113008

>if she wants to backpedal later and say it wasn't that bad.
She won't, look how happy the champyons got when they saw her posting again after being taken to the hospital

They are not even questioning anything that has happened so far, she doesn't have to explain or address anything, she just needs to give them attention and they will make up any excuses she needs for her

>> No.16113044
File: 1.00 MB, 643x643, whoasked-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16113061

twitter doesn't like much hateful language

>> No.16113246

She literally tweeted that she left the hospital. No one leaves the hospital after a fractured spine, and on top of that it was a suicide attempt.

>> No.16113269

Eh, too long for me to care. I'm going back to watching Holos.

>> No.16113449

Based tbdesu. I have some non-/here/ friends who are chuuba and I may just transition to supporting them fully instead of also watching /here/tubers.

>> No.16113511
Quoted by: >>16113627

There's some guy copying messages from here and posting them on pyon, what are you trying to do?

>> No.16113627
Quoted by: >>16113702

The cucks can't see the truth

>> No.16113660


>> No.16113702

more like you are so desperate you'd make up anything to hurt Kiki, you fucking tranny

>> No.16113804
Quoted by: >>16114439

There are a bunch of different types of spinal fracture with varying recovery times depending on the fracture points and other variables. We would need a specific diagnosis from an xray or CT scan to know. With her being sent home and being able to stream and do shit just after the first hospital visit I think its probably safe to assume this was a minor fracture of the posterior part of a vertebrae since she obviously didn't need any type of surgery but her complaint of leg related symptoms after the incident may suggest some sort of nerve damage which would make things much worse. I don't know about giving minor trauma patients heavy opioids like oxycodon but hey maybe Australia is like that. I think it's very weird how much she is apparently moving about, I seriously would recommend some good rest with very minimal movement for a few days. I am quite intrigued by her case and I would love to ask her some questions about it, but she obviously ignore or ban me.

>> No.16114140
Quoted by: >>16114659

>Kiki is streaming again
...I thought she was in the hospital, I seriously can't follow her stories anymore

>> No.16114159
File: 66 KB, 844x671, 1641381917943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short Kiki is a minor from r9k/soc doing meetups and got in trouble, tried to restart fresh as vtuber and heavily pandered to GFE and "le racist troon hater 4channer so bad" audience while edating the mod of a small corpo who later dropped her because she was mentally ill
While dating she was also constantly swearing to only think about her fans etc. getting many donos ofc
she's getting deeper and deeper iner her lies and fans show an insane level of mental gymnastics

>> No.16114439

Or you know, she's faking it and it isn't worth expending a single neuron's more of energy thinking about her.

>> No.16114554
Quoted by: >>16115265

Take a page from the Cyberlive book and breadcrumb the fact that you read what happens on /vt/ without openly pandering. Open pandering means you become too dependent on this place's opinion of you, and that's something you wish to avoid.

>> No.16114659
File: 19 KB, 463x453, 1613186356853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16114790

>Less than 12 hours after injuring herself and having to be taken to the hospital by her parents she is back home and streaming a game
>Champyons for some reason don't find anything weird about this

>> No.16114736
Quoted by: >>16115267

doesn't add up
this guy would be 7 then

>> No.16114790

She was recording vocaroos and answering the thread the whole time too
pretty crazy girl, impressive!

>> No.16114910
Quoted by: >>16114973


>> No.16114946
File: 201 KB, 358x304, 1640324470743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16117269

Reimu is here but doesn't pander to here, there's a difference.

>> No.16114973


>> No.16115265

Basically yeah just being aware of what people think here is quite a different deal than "look I'm copying literally every single opinion you have just by coincidence, I love you let's all get married" etc which reeks so hard of pandering. I'm guessing that like half+ of her remaining fans are either naive underage shits or fucking 80 IQ to not be deterred by all the bad signs nor to feel she's trying too hard.

Do you remember, when she debuted, jannies were literally deleting the threads and she got mad about it? Gee it's almost like they knew something and knew she's fake bullshit and didn't even want to give her the chance to dupe some of the kids here. Pre-debut she was in essence vtweeter status attention whore here.

>> No.16115267

>this guy would be 7 then
this guy?
what are you even saying

>> No.16115409

She even posted screenshot of being "banned for racism" proudly on twitter, she took every single
shitpost seriously for a long time, kept crying about jannies not banning "trolls" who posted fake things, it's insane how new she looked but everyone gobbled it up somehow as long as she repeated how much she hates niggers trannies and jews and discord she was the epic 4channer

>> No.16115476

The Eichenwald, classic

>> No.16115675

This one is interesting, it really doesn't make sense that she went to the hospital if she was sleeping for a few hours

>> No.16115699

>Do you remember, when she debuted, jannies were literally deleting the threads and she got mad about it?
This was happening because she/her followers were spamming threads before her debut, so it took a while until jannies registered the fact that she had actually become a vtuber eventually.

>> No.16116084
Quoted by: >>16118631

I remember hearing that a long time ago and I remember it getting disproven.

>> No.16116123

Saviorfags can't save Kiki this time.

>> No.16116133

Here's the kicker: what gives credibility to these posts is the phrase "English is not my first language". This is personal information not previously available, and furthermore it feeds into some of the rrats peddled about her, so it's not the kind of information that would bring her any benefit whatsoever to be released. This does not say anything about the state of her body, but it does strongly suggest the idea that it is indeed not her posting.

>> No.16116188

Wait, so she faked hating trannies and the champyons accepted it just like that? What the fuck? Why even bother pretending to hate trannies if you're just gonna back down publicly like this?

>> No.16116324
Quoted by: >>16116748

>so it's not the kind of information that would bring her any benefit whatsoever to be released
Of course it does, it gives credibility to the message being written by her mother
She wanted the thread to stop talking about the drama, and this was the best thing she thought of

>> No.16116557
Quoted by: >>16116782

oh no bros... we heard kiki's mom on stream. what now?

>> No.16116748
Quoted by: >>16118807

It's a terrible gambit for her, her ethnic background feeds into the old doxxposts about her, which are pretty much the thing she's trying to bury in the first place.

>> No.16116782

graduation is imminent, having her mom on stream makes her fall a little more harder

>> No.16116783

where is random moth

>> No.16116830
Quoted by: >>16116979

Why in the fuck would a mother go to Youtube chat when her daughter is apparently dying

>> No.16116979
Quoted by: >>16117109

>is apparently dying
That's not really the way I interpreted it, but merely as "her state got worse", which is not impossible because she's a retard who kept streaming instead of resting.

>> No.16117038

>Kiki actually using the leaks as a stream asset
I'll at least say that she has balls of steel, she must be really sure that her fans won't abandon or doubt her no matter what
And she obviously won't try to address anything or ask Eira or Lumi to deny the screenshots, she doesn't even need to because her champs will defend her regardless

>> No.16117109
Quoted by: >>16117232

Lets pretend she never mentioned her spine, lets pretend she did something like faint from skipping breakfast. A mother still wouldn't be talking to a fucking Youtube chat. If Kiki was able to tweet IN HER MOTHERS CAR then why couldn't she post in Youtube chat?

>> No.16117126

Until she goes unstable again and posts something like "this is kiki's sister, she fell down and broke a leg. she will be at the hospital" then be back 2h later.

>> No.16117195

kiwifarms lolcow thread soon

>> No.16117232
Quoted by: >>16117580


>> No.16117246
Quoted by: >>16117677

and here i used to think beatani fans were schizos, this drama makes them look as rational as enlightment philosophers

>> No.16117269

Not only does she not pander, but unfortunately even though she's here, she also doesn't seem to have learned much either. Until she blew her cover she was very incognito, and had plenty of chance to do some real deep digging into learning about how people feel about her. So if she's done this yet doesn't seem to have listened much and failed to turn her indie-tier numbers around, is it even doing her any good? I mean just seeing the answers of how to manuever through a tough spot (be like Irys, your personality is the only way out) and failing to listen makes me just shrug and say "be that way, it's not my gig." I guess the worst you can say is she contributes nothing to the brand, doesn't deserve her spot and is making a career out of simply standing next to the people who are worth it and bringing the brand its fame. With her outfit she isn't far from actually-resembling a leech to boot.

However, some chuubas seem to take great care to address things people dislike about them here (Mori, Kiara etc) and that does seem to work to keep them on-course and win back people and grow their fandoms. I mean hell Gura here-whistles like every fucking week pretty much, and openly said she literally doesn't use social media at all. She is like a master class in knowing how to take good humorous bits from this site to be fresh and funny and dominate the medium, while also avoiding what's not worth openly taking from here (like the racism and shitty tribal nature that Kiki and Pippa parrot like dumbasses).

>> No.16117281

>ask Eira or Lumi to deny the screenshots
I asked Eira

>> No.16117354

did you get a response back from her?

>> No.16117425

NTA but it's 3 AM in Wales.

>> No.16117441

Asleep it seem

>> No.16117580

I don't care if she's menhera she's still lying. It doesn't make it suddenly truthful.

>> No.16117677
Quoted by: >>16119729

At the end of the day Kiki acts real nice to/around her fans but appears to be a menhera basket case in private, but Bea is in fact the total opposite and puts on a mean persona to her fans but is a thoughtful/reasonable person in private.

So their fanbases have different flavors of whatever kinds of people are attracted to/interact with those elements. I guess if the "fanbase reflects the oshi" mantra has meaning it means Kiki's fans are going to be two-faced schizos like she is and Bea's fans just like to shitpost to her/each other but at the end of the day are reasonable people.

As for other here/former heres Koopa had it made and blew it for herself, she had good fans and seemed a decent person. Pippa always was kind of tryhard irritating and her fans are exactly like her. Lumi is the one and only good /here/chuuba besides Bea IMO. I'm not even trying to pit anyone against each other, tribalist shit is stupid, she is just the only actually-nice girl who appears to be genuine and her fandom is pretty nice as a result (along with being rather gosling heavy but sometimes that can't be helped, besides it's not like that's a bad thing).

>> No.16117693

There's a difference between a chubba who posts here, a chubba who panders to here and a chubba who really is /here/

The one who posts here is like bea and rosemi. They advertise themselves and treat us like a second reddit. They keep the professional distance by only posting things they would post just as easily on twitter.

The chubba who panders to here like kiki is the most mentally ill. They for some reason see /us/ as the primary audience when in all honesty people here are pirates and cheapskates who will watch and post about you but otherwise stick to shitposting as the primary goal and therefore torture you if you take any post seriously that insults you even on your own thread.

And finally, the truly /here/ chubba knows about the chan culture, the board culture, and how to signal that you are /here/ to generate talk about you WITHOUT directly pandering to us. As such they know how to go right up to the line of shitposting without crossing over and accidentally calling ollie a seanig on a collab stream.
Because they are slightly harder to point out its all speculation as to whether they are truly /here/ or not. But examples of the "style" a /here/ chubba would act like would be Gura, Mori, Lumi, Nyanners, possibly mumei

>> No.16117830
File: 11 KB, 889x120, isreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she said this earlier but I don't think she wants to get dragged into the drama

>> No.16118004

I hope the sheep will kill herself for dragging beatani into another secret discord.

>> No.16118360
Quoted by: >>16118489

yahalo this is shep here. i didn't say this okay

>> No.16118489

sure Eira

>> No.16118631

It wasn't disproven, well people just said "it's false" and that was it, the proofs weren't as undeniable as now.

>> No.16118708
Quoted by: >>16119062

One thing I don't understand is WHY somebody would lie about being a ebil racist 4channer.
The "im sorry tranny" tweet is bad for business
Saying foreigners should be out of Australia is bad for business
Saying she doesn't like gays on stream is bad for business.
Nothing she is "lying" about helps her in any way. So im inclined to believe she's actually being MORE honest than she was when she was on /soc/

>> No.16118730

where have you been? everyone already considered Kiki a hapa as a fact
If anything it proves the opposite, she'es "giving" an information she knows is already seen as real to make it seem more realistic

>> No.16118807

no, it was all over the threads before as she made allusions to it many times

>> No.16118878

It's literally the only thing she can do, and knowing myself how real are those it's really disturbing to see champyons calling her based and all for this... really feels so wrong, she's setting herself up for a bigger fall

>> No.16118908
Quoted by: >>16119111

>Okay worst case scenario let's say that you're right and she's lying. So what? Everyone lies. Who would drop their support over a bit of lying? I'm sure she had a good reason if that was the case anyways so whatever.
I'm speechless

>> No.16119062

Starting vtubing without an audience or network is basically dead on arrival, playing the lottery have more chance to bring you something
hundreds of vtubers are streaming to 0-1 viewers right now and for months sometimes
4chan give you at least 10, often more, viewers, if you're "fit" for it
Kiki go a starter of 20-30 viewer from it, which is INSANELY valuable for indies you don't even realize

>> No.16119111
Quoted by: >>16119891

He phrased it in a thoroughly retarded manner but there is a point in not caring beyond kayfabe.

>> No.16119156
Quoted by: >>16119230

>accidentally calling ollie a seanig on a collab stream
Did this actually happen?

>> No.16119230
Quoted by: >>16119590

It was an example. I said the /here/ chubba knows NOT to do that.
The pandering chubba would do it immediately.

>> No.16119324

Bro it's 2022. This place stopped being obscure in the late 2000s. 4chan is just social media with the safety off.

>> No.16119437
Quoted by: >>16120794

In other words there's a "here" as in /vt/ and a here as in 4chan. 4chan has almost 20 years of history and is a dominant force in the Western sphere for anime and otaku-y things.

A girl who has been here 10-15 years and really considers /a/ or /v/ her homeboard is not gonna look at /vt/, which has not even been here a year, as something beyond basically a morbid curiosity/business-related type deal instead of like their own soulmates as a board. They could easily like 4chan (or at least some boards) but not necessarily /vt/ and yet still be here, but not identify as being from here. /jp/ is kind of an oddity in that from 2017-21 it was also the vtuber board but it only was really an endemically-/jp/-feeling topic only up to about 2018. 2019 on as Holo started to boom and dominate the board it became mostly outsiders seemingly from twitter/discords etc and then with HoloEN Global became a melting pot for boards across 4chan and simply was a new culture birthed in of itself.

/vt/ was derived from Global in essence but it's kind of become its own thing past that. Things like this topic period of various herechuubas and stories/meta about them would have been impossible in global or on /jp/. It's its own animal and I'm not sure if I like it. I still like chuubas and /vt/ but herechuubas are a real mixed bag. I mean think about it, they're randos, it's a total coin toss. Holos and Nijis are carefully trained and managed by corpos to be entertaining and also not go off their fucking rockers in drama shit. Herechuubas are often indies with 0 management or limiters and you see all sorts of strange evolutions and directions from them a corpo would never get the chance to do. On seeing them, it's interesting but kind of harrowing and shows why agencies exist. Even then, they sometimes still fail and bring in trouble like Pippa, but they're better probability of not being a fucking roller coaster of bullshit.

>> No.16119590

Shame, it was so oddly specific it made me think somebody actually did it

>> No.16119621

Boxxy is still going strong

>> No.16119626

>And finally, the truly /here/ chubba knows about the chan culture, the board culture, and how to signal that you are /here/ to generate talk about you WITHOUT directly pandering to us
This guy knows what's up. There are no girls on the internet. Smart ones know the value of the rule.

>> No.16119634


>> No.16119729

>As for other here/former heres Koopa had it made and blew it for herself, she had good fans and seemed a decent person
Koopa's still doing fine though, not sure what you're getting at

>> No.16119891
Quoted by: >>16120047

The kayfabe point doesn't matter when is about the streamer larping as their own mother to tell their fans that her daughter self injured herself and she has to take her to the hospital

>> No.16119906
Quoted by: >>16120877

There's a rrat that she had sex with a fan
This is still unproven but it cut her numbers down a lot

>> No.16119940

Relative to how she used to be it's literally the definition of "it's not the same after the yab." She got crushed under the butt of a big ass rrat that's never gotten off her. If that never happened? If she played her cards right? She'd have been the fucking queen of /vt/. Hiro might have considered her a shoe-in for Clover, the literal official 4chan tuber, of which take close notice nobody has that spot still and there is only one official one.

But like I said, she blew it. Or at least a rrat did.

>> No.16119961
Quoted by: >>16120044

Where's the content?

>> No.16120044

Well just up the chain it's replying to, since that anon was too lazy to check a few links see >>16111623

half her viewers are vtubers, which is a choice I guess...

>> No.16120047

>when is about the streamer larping as their own mother to tell their fans that her daughter self injured herself and she has to take her to the hospital
And this somehow is not the craziest thing I have seen about this fanbase

>> No.16120794

Also on top of this there's a secret /here/ as in trash and /wvt/ - a lot of the /here/chuubas are really in fact trash-borne and that explains a lot about some of them like Pippa and Non.

The thing is the /wvt/ /trash/ community never went away unfortunately even though it deserves to die a fiery death in being made obsolete by /vt/. It only existed because there wasn't really a spot for them before a vtuber board existed, as /jp/ was for Japan-relevant/associated talents only (even HoloEN was a big stretch there). That is the missing piece, being unregulated by nature (its own threads spammed to shit sometimes) the place is an uncontrolled nuclear explosion of vicious drama and I'd reckon plenty of that has found its way back into /vt/. Unsurprisingly the absolute worst most unhinged and actual-literal-schizos come from trash.

>> No.16120877

>This is still unproven but it cut her numbers down a lot
It wasn't even the rrat that did that, it was the hiatus she went on over the summer. The rrat did make the threads basically unusable during that period because of all the schizoposting, and is probably what led to them becoming so much less active, but it had no real impact on her actual vtubing at all.
I don't think being the official 4chan vtuber is ever what she really wanted anyway.

>> No.16121640
Quoted by: >>16122023

its hilarious that they believe that themselves. Reffering to the /wvt/ thread here as "front desk". fucking putrid garbage who made a colony here. thank god /trash/ exists so it keeps them locked away

>> No.16122023
Quoted by: >>16123036

speaking of wvt like one singular entity is really retarded
Maybe one year ago it was more or less possible, but it's been a while that it's many different circle very different from each other who just go there as t he main hub for en indies
there's often 130~140IPs many post people know only a portion of the others and there's literally all kind of chuubas

>> No.16123036
Quoted by: >>16134199

the fact that the "sane" ones have not run them off already is enough to lump them all into one bucket. they are all in on it. whether they are friends or not. They worked together to create the cliques and gossip drama. I wish I had a good list so I know who to anti
>you are a le champyon
I had that bitch marked as a newfag grifter from the beginning

>> No.16125692


>> No.16126145
Quoted by: >>16126289

She's ridden with problems, mostly internet and health. But other anons are right too, her mishandling of rrats, her old viewers becoming vtubers and the general expansion of /wvt/. Still a fun streamer, but really killed the hype with all of these. As for me, unfortunately there are other vtubers straight out of /wvt/ that cater to my specific kind of autism so naturally I'd prefer to watch them over her. Most of them are male.

>> No.16126277

relative to most parasocial relationships, its pretty healthy!

>> No.16126289

I still respect and like her, the first month or so was a blast, she used the thread for feedback incredibly well and improved stream by stream
Then health issues started, and she took more distance, got pushed around by other vtubers who abused the fact she coudln't say no so her first collabs where 1 viewer males no one wanted to see, and little by little she just drifted away in her group and was either sick or doing collabs
Many events had like 30 VIPs in her chats all vtubers honestly as a viewer it was incredibly unwelcoming
I still think she's good but she just feels very distant and, well not snobbish but idk, like you can't reach her, she got a circle she trust over everything else and you're just a viewer, I guess.
Fromst the start anons noticed her priority for chat reading was heavily biaised and it never lever her.

>> No.16128229

Even not knowing this there were clear signs shes very mentally weak or imamture. Her birthday breakdown, the obsessive ego-searching herself, desperate cries for attention in the threads. Shes very unnatractive in that respect.

>> No.16129264
Quoted by: >>16132233

>Her birthday breakdown
What breakdown?

>> No.16130097

Desu there's a reason the people who aren't completely unhinged have left her

>> No.16130579

Has there been a faster implosion before, or is this a new record?

>> No.16131386

I don't understand why did she became the punching bag for both /yah/ and /wvt/. They claim that /pyon/ "raids" them but none of them has any proof of it. Is it just because she's an easy target or there's some cross thread shit stirrers who want drama and thread wars?

>> No.16131482
Quoted by: >>16131734

/nade/ user here, I think it's the latter. some annoying fuck keeps bringing up Kiki there too.

>> No.16131527

Schizos will schizo. /pyon/ bitches about getting raided by the dreaded discord tranny boogeythems all the time

>> No.16131549

Vtubers and their fanbases are toxic. Once Bea, Lumi, and the rest of the indies decided to side with the revenge porn posting doxfag pedophile and exclude Kiki from collaboration and try to bully her to suicide, the fans took the cue and piled on.

>> No.16131632

Normally whenever /pyon/ gets "raided" the IPs don't change
But this is a special case
Also not only is Kiki an easy target but so are her viewers. They take bait and go with it a lot easier than Kiki does

>> No.16131734

I see. It's nice from the badgers to stay out of this. You guys are pretty chill.
Kinda sad how easily people are influenced around here and how they jump on dramas at every oppurtinity. At least it's not my oshi I guess.

>> No.16131765
Quoted by: >>16131833

Bea called Kiki out and Kiki left because she couldn't handle the pressure. Your daughterwife is a schizo menhera and no amount of delusion can change that.

>> No.16131833
Quoted by: >>16132053

Bea and other grown women ganged up on an underage mentally ill girl and tried to bully her to suicide.

>> No.16131937

>"My entire personality is le ebin 4chan edgelord please be my husbands! Ignore the fact that I am clearly putting on an act, I wuv u wittle schizo!"
It was painfully obvious from day one Kiki was bad news, but so many just went along for the ride anyway. If you fell for this shit and ignored all red flags, you are beyond salvation and will spend your entire life walking into metaphorical rakes and being taken advantage of.

>> No.16132053


>> No.16132111

Reminder to unsub and unfollow Kiki if you were flowing her and haven't already, the last thing you want to do is be attatched in any way to an underage b&, or her now very clearly psycotic followers.

>> No.16132142

This is why trusting in girl /here/ chuubas was a mistake, did you faggots not learn from Koopa? And every anon here doesn't have the guts or skill to be a good male vtuber

>> No.16132200

fake and gay

>> No.16132233
Quoted by: >>16133456

Some baiter posted some shit in pyon thread, i think it was about her new model(?) which she was reading during the stream as she always does. She didnt take it well and had to erase the vod, then proceeded to run a crusade to find which viewer was trying to make her feelings hurt. Thats how i recall it. For a chuba whois supposed to be here she has very little tolerance how to cope with shitposting about her.

>> No.16133352

I'm not sure how much you watched beatani but she's not so much from the 1st category, she did 1 selfpost at the very start, being both a board veteran but a 4chan newbie, and never ever since then did she openly associate with 4chan

She uses the loca vocabulary because she learned english while shitposting but all of this was only assumed, never shown , her content overall doesn't speak about 4chan, she nly showed japanese boards ab it when talking about japanese culture
The one exception I would concede is commenting 4cc, but I think those VOD go unlisted after.

>> No.16133404

most of yah and nade don't care at all for kiki, stop falling for falseflags and shit stirrers, you're doing the same fault that you blame on the others like this

>> No.16133434

pyon has nothing to say about that being obsessd about tranny and thinking trannies and wvt are constantly raiding them when one glance over there would show them it's retarded

>> No.16133456

yeah the new model thread was insanely painful
basically she spent a lot of money in getting a new model for no rational reason very fast, and it looks weird, but everyone had to pretend and gaslight themselves into thinking it was so much better because the thought that it wasn't good was not acceptable. Even a good drawfag made an alternate proposition that was interesting but was shamed for it, anyone saying anything not positive was an enemy.

>> No.16133548

Pyon seems like a cult

>> No.16133604
File: 171 KB, 355x460, 1638698659024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My retarded polar bear christmas cake daughter is the best performer.

>> No.16133649

Reminder that Kiki went for the same artist as Lumi, one of the people she clout chased.

>> No.16133718
Quoted by: >>16133962

And Kiki's model looks so much worse it's not even funny. Seriously wtf happened?

>> No.16133770

All these kiki rrats and shit, fake or not, made me realize how unstable Kiki really is. The second she stuck with the GFE and cried multiple times on stream was the big red flag for me to leave. I regret giving my money to her.

>> No.16133813

Please, I don't want to lose another 2view vtuber to rrats.

>> No.16133844

That's the fate of every 2view if they stuck with this hellhole long enough

>> No.16133932

She is doing this to herself
Kiki, if you are reading this, shut the fuck up. Stop making crazy excuses. I'm not even going to tell you to start being honest because at this point your fanbase would eat you alive, but at least try to not be such a fucking retard.

>> No.16133962
File: 1.04 MB, 1434x526, kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you guys are going on about, I actually like the new model way better

>> No.16133989

The dakimakura looks better than the live2d tbdesu.

>> No.16133993

>posting a still front view pic of a L2D model
At least try to find a clip

>> No.16134014

Why isn't /wvt/ banned from this board? They are actively breaking this site's rules by raiding all those small generals here.

>> No.16134076
File: 862 KB, 2921x1228, 1635878241616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16134448


>> No.16134199

here's a good list, unfortunately it doesn't show the names. but these chuubas are the ones you should avoid since they associate with that shithole

>> No.16134201
Quoted by: >>16134259

there are no confirmed raids other than the ones from discord. besides, /wvt/ is great for discoverability and banter with vtubers who openly post there.

>> No.16134259
Quoted by: >>16134408

it's a shithole. in fact every /here/tuber is expect for nade and bea (unfortunately bea got corrupted by wvt whores). they should all be banned from /vt/ for breaking the rules and they can go die in their putrid trash

>> No.16134306

Yeah I have no idea how some of these people don't see pandering and emotional manipulation for what it is, even accounting for autism. A chuuba deserves theirs fans and vice versa though, so it's pretty funny how someone trying to take advantage of the retarded spergs here always finds themselves inundated with an unending stream of drama from possessive schizos.

>> No.16134408
Quoted by: >>16134470

Nade hasn't had a single collab & she's been active for 4+ months as a chuuba. Pretty fucking incredible that she managed to solo her way to where she is now 2bh, I have nothing but respect for her.

>> No.16134425


>> No.16134448

I never realized how smushed and retarded Kiki's head was and now I can't unsee it

>> No.16134470

this. nade is the only good /here/tuber and I hope putrid wvt hands will never corrupt her. stay vigilant badgers and don't let her fall into the wvt abyss...

>> No.16134521
Quoted by: >>16136095

The best part is it only takes one anon making a slightly negative post/comment to have her go full menhera and cry on stream

>> No.16134726

The problem isn't with the /wvt/ here but the one on thrash. They shat up multiple threads on vt in the past (yah,nade,pyon,clg) with their unrelated dramas and their thread is filled with unironic groomers and mentally ill faggots who like to hurt vtubers who aren't part of their incestous circlejerk.
t. ex trash faggot who had enough of their witch hunts and schizo timeloops
They included a bunch of unrelated vtubers "as their own" just because they've been brought up there a couple times, like Nade for example.

>> No.16134845
Quoted by: >>16134946

Was about to explain "it's not what it looks like" but this poster got it already >>16134726.

/vt/ /wvt/ is a split off of a thread that's a million times shittier because it's in an unregulated furry hellhole that time (and mods) forgot. As for people thinking it's a "raid", it's really discord or possibly even just one single person raising hell sometimes.

>> No.16134908

>They included a bunch of unrelated vtubers "as their own" just because they've been brought up there a couple times, like Nade for example
it's disgusting how those trannies try to force everyone into their circle to seem relevant when in fact they're all 2views who are all propped up by each other and no actual viewer actually watches them

>> No.16134946

/trash/ is the best board on this faggot website even with all the gay furry shit

>> No.16134962

Always cater to /vt/
Never be boring

>> No.16135084
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>> No.16135110

badger here
I was always suspicious of Kiki for variety of reasons, good to see that Nade kept her distance

>> No.16135177
Quoted by: >>16135763

The old one was minimalist and kind of janky looking from a factual-who guy from Fiverr but it wasn't actually-bad, just not pro-looking as the rigging was pretty simple. The new one has better rigging but for some reason looks weird, like a coked-out little runt version.

The most actually-perplexing bit is this >>16133649 because Lumi is fucking gorgeous, A+ design, I really don't know what happened to Kiki but I would guess she asked for the el cheapo rush job and maybe the exaggerated bits making her look weird, like the clover getting twice the size. I think the permanent ":3" face is also a bit jarring and seems like something that would be requested (as that's certainly not a normal thing), as it's an anime expression usually held for only a moment and isn't permanently fixed in place.

>> No.16135439

Was it Kiki or Lumi who made the first move? I recall Lumi showed up in one of Kiki's very first streams, but don't know if that became a frequent thing as this was shortly before I ducked out myself (kiki is way way too transparently pandering sometimes and that was embarrassing to witness).

>> No.16135516

Lumi has a habit of checking out /vt/ girls. She lurked in a Nade stream too but didn't say anything. Kiki likely got in touch with Pippa, not Lumi, for that weird collab.

>> No.16135614

It was Pippa who made the first move. The only collab they did Lumi asked Pippa for a collab and Pippa said she wanted to invite Kiki. Lumi then brought on one of her genmates to fill a slot. After that Kiki tried to cloutchase but they figured out she was a danger and stopped talking to her after that by the looks of the chat logs leaked.

>> No.16135648
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Quoted by: >>16135698

Who? I recognize like only 5 vtubers there

>> No.16135698
Quoted by: >>16136162

exactly. those 2views are so irrelevant that no one even recognizes them. but if you happen to see their face, you know to avoid them

>> No.16135763
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>> No.16135877
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Quoted by: >>16135939

>we have fucking over 250 2views

Holy shit I had no idea. No wonder there's so much endless turmoil, how the hell can everyone coexist in that thread? They should split into little separate threads somehow, more things like /asp/ maybe.

>> No.16135939

to be fair, not everyone on this list is /here/ and some are even other corpos but about half are really /here/

>> No.16136095
File: 175 KB, 766x1024, 1637027485212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16136261

>Make a negative comment
She cries
>Talk about another chuuba
She cries
>Post any female
She cries
>She starts fucking up and sucking at the game
She cries

>> No.16136162

Im conflicted, some of the ones I see in the list are actually decent and I enjoy their stuff, like Vampoyo for example, the whole sprite thingy they've done is really interesting.

Is everyone in the list really as bad as anons say or is it just that the flak of the recent hit is marking them as bad?

>> No.16136212

How is amiya related

>> No.16136261

And that's the best part

>> No.16136388

>still insulting them
i-i guess that's based for you guys???

>> No.16136440

Of course not, there are decent ones among them as well. But they live in a schizo filled unmoderated trashcan by choice and they get into ton of drama relative to their small size and since there are so many vtubers posting in trash I think a certain portion of them are unironic schizos.

>> No.16136461

It's just people marking off them as bad. A lot of them are just hobbyists doing it for fun, some are successful and represents the top of vtubers in the west and some have pretty much retired and quit vtubing.

>> No.16136510

okay there are 2 kiki vtubers, which one are you talking about as i am out of the loop as well.

>> No.16136559
Quoted by: >>16137132

It's probably overexaggerated. Some of them aren't even 2views.

The ones you should worry about are the people that actively pander to 4chin, especially on stream.

>> No.16137120

I am doing my best to make sure I don't get noticed by that shithole
t. 2view that was apart of the chuuba threads when they were on /jp/

>> No.16137132

I'd say basically easter eggs/herewhistles are probably about the best extent, like they're aware of here, but it's not like they're blatantly after us like sleazy used car salesmen nor are they desperate for validation.

In fact what the big two corpos do in having some whistles slip through (in fact, pretty loud ones sometimes) but not directly stating they're here, keeps people on their toes wondering and hence, that vtuber on their minds a little more because it's a possibility but just ambiguous. It allows people to believe whatever they prefer.

What's fascinating was a week or two ago seeing Reimu of NijiEN accidentally out herself as here (and a warosu reader at that, so pretty in-depth - willing to look up/research things) as she wasn't really suspected of it yet is on-fire unambiguous 100% factually here. Now that we know, suddenly she's talked about 10x more than ever before and it's suddenly gained her some compassion here where previously she had none. So why? Simply, she's here but cool about it - she isn't a faggot being all obnoxious with blatant containment breaking and selfposting attentionwhoring. She's quite literally just an anon - you wouldn't have known if it wasn't spoiled. That's kind of neat, and makes her in fact way more relatable because that discreet kind of use of this place is like how most of us are, we shun people acting like stupid containment breakers on twitter/YT etc so why wouldn't that apply to vtubers.

>> No.16137404

a lot of this thread reads like shit you made up for the sole purpose of being angry at a situation you yourself invented.
