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>kzuuha starts playing apex>lose 1.5k viewersking...
>>15517136He's not playing. He's narrating a game.
Numbers are gay, and so are you. Now you can all kys
I like that I was the one that posted the original image from the OP in this thread like three threads ago.
>>15517182that reminds me I should make another bait thread, brb
Susan fucking the numberfags so hard rumao
>>15517182astel cute
So what, the Pekora rrat has fucked the numbers for everyone. Wow call me crazy
>>15517182how can I be gay if I only fap to traps?checkmate loser
Someone please post Numberoly!
So has anyone actually tagged team youtube on twitter and asked what the fuck is going on?
kys kys kys kys numbersnumbers number you are the cancer to this board fuck off fuck off
jwu, are the numbers as bad as yesterday?
>>15517237You got me, fuck
>>15517182Did you just waste ytour life span on this shit post?
>>15517256I thought this was a blue board
>>15517242a, you're a seaspicnigger, it's getting deeper and deeper this mental illness of yours.
>>15517256Go back
>>15517235>Pegora forced by management to make a tearful apology in 3D complete with naked dogezaThis is the only way Cover can fix this now
>How long until /#/ gets nuked?Because all the CCV we discussed before are all meaningless fake numbersThese is no meaning of inclining or declining
Indies who were on an incline must be seething right now.This shit is bad for the mental health.
>>15517242>Minecraft collab can't break 20kUndertale sans battle wasn't a debuff after all
>>15517256poggers, omegalul my dude
>>15517291Bigger then Coco graduation?
>>15517270Arguably worse.
SUSAN HATE>>15460192>>15460343>>15460728>>15463896>>15511184>>15515632>>15516974
>>15517297We numberfag vod views and divide them by tiers based on the length for better comparison... I guess.
/vt/ would be perfect without this thread.
>>15517256I don't get forsen fans, this joke is stale as fuck and was never funny to begin with. What compels them to still post it for so many months?
>>15517297>These is no meaning of inclining or decliningSubcount/sub growth is always there.
I told you guys CCV was an irrelevant metric! VODs per upload are how you really measure a Youtuber's popularity.
For what it's worth i think Korone and Fubuki are getting the numbers i'm expecting of them in these kind of streams.
>there are only 35k people watching hololive right now
>>15517337going back to sleep then
>>OPWhat's with this OP image
does this mean gura's 2nd outfit reveal completely mogged pekora?
Personally I think we should numberfag likes more.I don't know why people almost never do that.
>>15517342So 50 different bait threads of the same shit is fine? Sure>>15517347Not as exciting. Wake up, look at sub growth, go back to sleep?
>>15517342aww did your nijinigger fee fees get hurt again?
>>15517351kek, yesterday's anon was right?
>>15517351I always see a lot of low ccv to extremely high VOD views in a lot of jps especially
>>15517357I'd argue Korone is a bit below what I'd expect, Lamy's stream seems about right though. Actually, Lamy's numbers earlier today (with Pokemon) didn't seem to be all that weird either, come to think of it.
>>15517339>vod/timeThat's not how that works, anon. And we still need the CCV data for that anyway.
>>15517379I would believe an actual decline if it happened over months.But I can't believe it if it happens within a week.
>Youtube fucked with CCV again>Namibia has no waterTruly the end times are near
How did Korone have nothing happened to her and still reclined that hard?
>>15517397No, cuz Gura's still 300k VOD views behind Peckers.
>>15517432Is this a visual metaphor for all the views drying up?
>>15517277>>15517290Ignorance can only get you so far.
>>15517432Aren't these numbers normal for namibia?Are we sure the cull is real?
>>15517342lmao no. there would still be other retarded bait threads.
Okay you fags, stop panicking for a moment.Did the VODs per stream of the JP chuuba change at all? If not, then the YT cull is real.If it reclined, then I guess we can say that Hololive is really reclining.
>>15517404Because EN wins that category handily.HoloEN streams usually end up with like numbers higher than the peak CCV during the stream and if it's a long stream, I've seen cases where the likes are 2x the peak CCV.Might lowkey drive up VOD views after a few days, since likes and comments help push videos in the youtube algorithm.
>>OP>anons believed in false numbers through all this timeRepent, /#/, REPENT!!
>>15517443mr koro has been a 10k avg per stream for months, the thing about her is that she usually has a high ceiling the long break and the current sporadic streams don't help much tho
>the cocky cuck queens of niplive will have to come crawling on their knees begging same-Sama to boost themTop fucking kek 2022 is already off to a banging start.
How are other youtube big streamers' numbers right now?
how can chumretards still believe gura doesn't have dead subs? SHE SPEAKS ENGLISH, the most spoken language in the world, everybody in the world knows english but only a few know japanese and some jp holos get her vod numbers anyway without speaking the language, i'm tired gura and her numberfags
>>15517490>I guess we can say that Hololive is really recliningIt's been literally less than a week lmao
>>15517345This joke is just all about triggering anti-weebs and otakus in chat which there are a ton in his chat.
>>15517475that was last month's numbertoday is below 1k like this should become the real meta then, sort comments by new and you can see people unironically think that the thumbnail is real somehow
If JP and EN are finally on an even playing field then no JP stands a chance against Gura. She is about to take her throne at the top of vtubing. More powerful than any HoloJP or Niji. I can already hear the seething last samurais.
>>15517528Everyone in Japan took a hit, even that Japanese drama streamer got 20k less than usual iirc
If my memory serves me right, Kanae sudden short totsu half a year ago got 35k, so today's totsu actually underperformed.
>Samurai schizo is a chumbudWho would have thought.
Is the end of numberfagging near?
>>15517537Oh nyo~ how can Pokimane only hit 10k CCV when she's speaking english and has 6M subs?
how is hololive going to explain this to advertisers
>>15517475It’s a big event so people are rushing in. Like when a giraffe shows up and it gets 5k .
>>15517558>600k+ VOD views for a 13k peak CCV 2 hour streamI kneel, that's some insane growth.
>>15517607As long as there are numbers there will be fagging.
>>15517651Advertisers always pay according to vod views
>>15517432Why does this keep showing up in my live tab, anyways?
>>15517677Even if the numbers are fake?
>>15517651On youtube, subs are king
I don't like VOD numbers because it's full of clickbait thumbnails
>>15517668she wasn't kidding about being the strongest idol
>>15517500That only means EN's actual CCV is far more than double the displayed stream CCV, likes are usually 10-20% of CCV.
>>15517537Your English reps anon...... I'm getting a nosebleed from what I just read.
Mysta just confirmed that he has the most Japanese viewers (didn't catch whether that was about Luxiem, Nijien or his viewers overall)
>>15517706A lot of anons watched it for shits and giggles, so it is associated with VTuber watchers and got fed to a bunch of people.
Okay I've looked at a few more Taiwanese vtubers and all of them seem to be down on their average, this girl gets between 650-1k for all her zatsudans, this one didn't break 500. Again this is especially important because the Taiwanese do not celebrate the western New Year, there is no coping with saying people are visiting their families
>>15517558is this the gura of jp? even on her 3-5k peak ccv streams she gets a constant 120k+ per stream]heard her vod for the relay stream was one of the highest, just a bit under nene's even though she had the worst ccv
>>15517603>samurai schizoDoesn't exist, stop deflecting ENschizo
>>15517584That wasn't a totsu, kanaefags said this is his first totsu ever.
>>15517651>Advertisers cares about CCV over subs and vod
>>15517708You fake it til you make it, anon.
>>15517708Absolutely! People have been having religious wars thousands of years, fake numbers are nothing comapred to that.
I cant believe Pakora single handedly reclined all of hololive
>>15517760>doesn't existReps.
>>15517745What else did you expect? He mainly streams around this hour and his number during late JP hours are significantly higher than that during EU / US hours. It's reasonable that he'd have most JP viewers and some SEA sprinkled in
>>15517731Doesn't mean much, JP viewers just don't "like" videos as much as EN do.
i think this might be it for mehelp, how do i go back to just watching streams without caring about the number
>>15517736Umm I don't know what you're talking, about it wasn't that hard to read. They dropped a 'of' at the end, nothing to write home about
>>15517823what I actually do is that I inspect element on the view count, delete it and then don't try and look in this thread
>>15517242Shut up you stupid fuck. Deja de cagar cada thread con tu estúpido troleo, idiota.
>>15517754so what is this? yt asian servers bug? ens seem fine
So about the upcoming MK tournament numbers... Can any of them break 20k?
Tbqh, if i was an advertiser, i want the watched hour numbers the most.
>>15517867Jp cope, that's what it is
>Lui>NeneHoly shit someone save them
>>15517757shes the strongest idol for a reason
>>15517288>>15517863Fucking newfags not catching the reference. I'm not even a spic:
>>15517822Actually where did this come from?
>Tamaki, Rape, Mea, Maimoto 6kIt's over...
>two digits
>>15517562See ya in a month SEAbud
>>15517432Big collab today. We have horses and giraffes and a full pack of oryx. It would have been 6k+ by now
>>15517939Ayamy is always 2-3 digits, nothing new.
I say we all only discuss twitch numbers from here on out, the only 100% accurate, unadulterated numbers
>>15517869unless susan fixes her shit, only the best racer of group B on the finals
>>15517799There is a possibility that this might be true, specially considering gen 3 are the ones with the biggest number drops right now. When it comes to idols all members are 'pillars'. A popular member like Pekora having a yab could have a domino effect on the others.
think miko will break 10k? her last karaoke was at about 12k right?
>>15517814>some SEA sprinkled inIs this a bait or something because most of niji viewers are from sea and is not a bad thing to admit.
>>15517939Damn 2 digit views for some with 5 digit subs. Something's going on here.
Like I've said before. So many of these girls are in reality, net negatives. So much fat could be trimmed off the Hololive body and I guarantee investors are going to be looking at the next quarter very closely. If things don't improve, don't be surprised graduations start happening left and rifht.
>>15517929Thank god. Maybe that trap will finally think up something better than just rehashing the same staff + Maimoto.
>>15517929Who is Rape?
>>15517983Even affecting the Nijis... I kneel Pekora
>>15517997have you never visited one of the ui threads
>>15517432In case no one realizes, the watering hole is an artificial one to attract animals for the tourist lodge that runs it. Yes, Oryx is scripted, just like all your other favorite streamers.Namibia had power outages all this morning, the camera just got back online, the water hole hasn't filled back up yet.
If we numberfag VoD views there will be an anomaly that despite rarely stream but has high VoD views called Suisei kek.
>>15518040Those are music views ESL-kun
For extra fun>50 viewers>20 donations in 20 minutes
>>15518037WHAT THE FUCKcan this day get any worse
>>15518061You don't need to tell me my dear EOP.
>>15517918Don't care, you're a spic now, deal with it.
>>15518032>>15518042UI got raped before?
So with the numbers reclining all across the board possibly due to the Christmas yab, do we now agree that Pekora is the most popular VTuber in Japan or atleast one of the most popular?
Did someone make a compilation of the Christmas Karaoke Medley views? Kinda interested in how each holo did
>>15517927Look up one of the channels like Kai_EN and compare the likes on their EN videos compared to the JP videos. The EN videos all have more likes by a wide margin.
>>15517867>ens seem fineGura is down by quite a bit failing to break 20k with Minecraft.Kiara and Mori also have streams performing worse than expectations, Gingerbread house doing worse than the cookie baking at the same timeslot just a week prior and Mori's Jump King Speedruns barely clearing 8k.Ina barely being affected can easily be explained by her timeslot not allowing for a lot of JP viewers to begin with
>>15518095She's rape materialVisit her threads
so are numberfaggots ignoring vox's number because of holocope? hes at 5.2k his usual number
>Koyori 3.8k>Choco (ASMR) 3.5k>Watame 3.4k>Polka 2.7k>Okayu 1.6k>Nene 1.4k>Lui 1.4k>use this to join a stream with 2 viewers>numbers become 3 only after 40 secsSusan...... Also i am using a phone with no adblocks
>>15518134This is ccv I imagine?
>>15517985Having sea as your audience is pretty gross. They're generally worthless greynames.
The numbers are recovering?
>>15517757I am no expert but Haachama has cultivated this idea that every stream is kinda weird and most of them have something unique, so maybe people come and see VODs for that?
>>15518143It is
Damn so no one can even put up a fight against Gura anymore. That's lameCall me when someone can actually give Gura a competition
>>15517651It's not going to be great but most sponsors are sold vod views (impressions). Sometimes you can sell them activations (CTA on a live stream) which is pretty good for streamers with hyper-engaged fanbases (think products selling out on Amazon because the streamer mentions them), so that part of the pitch will be a harder sell, but hopefully by this point you can point to historical conversions instead of hypothetical ones based on current CCV. So yes, it's a problem, but vod views (impressions) are the easiest way to pitch to a sponsor, and if you're selling them on enthusiasm you should have internal data for it.
No Youtube have definitely changed something again.
>>15518132A lot of chinks in his chatYou can take a look
meanwhile, in korea...
>>15518172There is if you'd stop using average VOD viewsIf we're counting revenue total VODs is almost always the way to go
>>15517757ayame 268kpekora 262ksuisei 249kfubuki 248kmiko 211kaqua 202kI don't think 139k is even close to higher group
>Youtube numbers somehow even more warped and useless than beforelmao, might as well just use vod views at this point. And yes music counts, its like saying game streaming is the only aspect of the gig, music has always been a big aspect of vtubing.
>>15518143I'm kinda interested too, I'm not doing anything right now so I'll make one real quick
>>15518141Rumao RumaoHow can we save HoloJP?
>>15517607No. We just have to recalibrate peaks and note when this shit occurred.
The worst thing about Susan's latest fuckery is that it will demotivate chubas.Imagine being Roboco and seeing your CCV being at 800 peak or Lui right now at 1.5K.Fuck Susan.
>Miko stalling at 6k for a karaoke with not much overlapFuck this shit Susan
>he still thinks >we shouldn't use vods per stream for the most consistent metric to numberfag
Somebody please think of the vsingers!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>15517708As long as everything is equally fake, it's fine. We just can't compare the numbers now to the numbers a few days ago
>>15518212Wait wut? Didn't fubuki, miko, suisei and aqua mogged pekora in live viewers in that relay? Only ayame seriously?
>>15518203Spamming videos isn't a sign of popularity, ENschizo
The cope in these threads are massive
>Choco 5k in a ASMRis this normal?
Reminder to not respond to falseflagging nijiniggers trying to use Susan's fuckery and trying to pit HoloJP vs HoloEN.
>>15518236RBC at 800 is a good day. You mean 400 views, Anon.
Haneru new outfit got 1.1k, she got more than that just playing Pokemon earlier this month...
>>15518214It always has been amusing to watch retards in this thread try to explain why music views in what's ostensibly an idol company don't matter as much as CCV (when it comes to Holo).
>>15518275Howdy fellow brit
>>15518272Nor is your lack of streams.
>>15518298bong pride worldwide lad
>>15518275Gatcha streams, he should have higher numbers if his audience is jp and sea.
>>15518142I went to a random one with 3 viewers and after a minute it went to 2 viewers lol
>last samurais trying to deflect to nijiniggers now that they're losing in CCVsLmao, you just love to see it
>>15518275>Mysta is lowerSo Is the cull for SEA?
>>15518280Below average, but not hugely so. May have gotten a bump from hosting the collab with Subaru/Luna though.
CCV:Like ratio nearly 1:2Susan...
>>15518296Music views are much easier to get than VOD ones, how many VODs with 10 million views are there?
>>15517757Haachama has one of the biggest EN audiences in JP. The more EN's you have the better your Vod views are going to be.She has like three live translators in her streams.
>>15518040if we're going to do vods we'd likely want to do total vod for a period and average per vod for a period similar to how we do peak and avg CCV
>>15518280Her ASMR usual number is 7-8k
>>15518322I mean Vox is such a jealous attentionwhore bitch who wants to keep the spotlight to himself. He saw from the moment that Mysta debuted that he will somehow get overshadowed by him that’s why he’s slowly taking away his audience by taking over his timeslot and overlapping with him.
>>15518359Songs should be much easier to get views in, far more effort and money goes into making a song than streaming minecraft.
>>15517867Not really, ENs also got affected but not as extreme, mori didn't get 9k on JK rta, gura didn't get 18k in minecraft iirc, kiara handcam stream was like 6k, moom marika was only about 6k, kronster didn't get 10k on a fotm game. kinda like what happened last December but now the JPs got fucked more compared to EN
>>15518364Pekora caters to EOPS heavily by mostly making goofy noises and talking simply and rarely delving into anything that isn't what exactly isn't on screen. In fact its a big part of her success.
>>15518266>equally fakeanon..
>>15518351it was 1:3 for aki yesterday
>>15518289>RBC at 800 is a good day. You mean 400 views, Anon.Roboco typically gets around 2-3k per stream.
>>15517680>>15517712>>15517783>>15518174This.Subs and views are the most important on YouTube, all those streams stats don't matter as much. YouTube is a video website first and foremost, streams are just a sub-category of videos.
>>15518289RBC is virtually never below 1k what are you smoking
>>15518275Mysta had 8k yesterday with Vox streaming on the back too and now he has 4k.
>>15518364>She has like three live translators in her streams.Two now. Reiza (or whatever his name) got banned from her chat because he was too much of a coomer, even for Haaton levels
These threads are high on copium, now resorting to muh vod views kek.I hope these useless threads go down the shitter
>>15518467This is a livestreaming business though, it's kinda demotivating for the streamers if it only shows a part of the real viewers.
>>15518469Could say the same thing to you, Anon. Stop hitting the pipe hard.
>>15518476Stop lying faggot
So...I must assume today's gold will as lackluster as that 3D debut which only peaked at 20k, right?
>>15518248she's lucky that she even broke 7knot expecting her to reach 10k at this point
Rate these numbers.
>>15518482Reiza's been there. He is too stubborn to die.
>>15518532My bad, it was the day after, yesterday he had the female debuff.
>>15518541Nenechi will get good SC numbers
>>15518203The saddest part about the whole ordeal with views/upload talk is that you should always reflect the subscriber participation of said views. But that is never brought up in when discussing views/upload, I wonder why.. Oh right it's because of this.Gura: 538897 average views/vod, 14.6 % subscribers participationKuzuha: 477,824 average views/vod, 41.5 % subscribers participationOnly 14.6 % or her subscribers are willing to watch her either live or on vod. That's got to sting right?
I know we're focused on Holo right now but struggling to clear 10k with Ui-mama, Mea and Maimoto is wild
>>Susan finally addressing the Youtube Gender Gap and halfs view count from male viewers to equalize the problematic gender representation inequalitiesbased
>>15518541I'm cry laughing.
>>15518507Wasn't this guy getting 8k before? First time GTA V should atleast match those numbers, check Gura and Ame's numbers for comparison, they were atleast equal to or greater than their average peaks.
>>15518525Check the fucking numbers, it's available for everyone>>15518541>Subaru 12kDignity... restored?
If Luna doesn't have (notable) guests, are we going to see a 3D live under 25k CCV?
>>15518541>the homo with the lowest numbers almost beating Lui So what gives? The cull doesn't work for the homos?
>>15518567That's quite normal for her stream with Manjisanji debuff.
>>15518574>wave 4 mogs CouncilHolocope in 3...2...1...
>>15518507>Yet, can't get the "EN Gold" despite all the cullNijiniggers can't stop losing
>>15518583I mean the other highest performing nijien that most likely share the same SEA/JOP/chink fanbase as him decided to overlap
>>15518525Show the numbers then. Peak CCVs of RBCs past 20 streams and lets see who is right
>>15518603It's far from a normal stream for him.
today's gold
>>15518583then 8k was from the horror stream where most people tune in for his "uwu cute screams" and when there was zero overlap for the fujo audienceGTA is a slightly different audience but he should slightly incline if vox stops streaming but them getting high 5k viewers is impressive
>>15518275>>15518507Niji males just debuted and are too new. They don't even have enough and reliable data for the same type of streams. Do you even know how to do statistics anon?
>>15518583He only has women watching, women don't want to watch FPS and a story with only ugly and old men, he had 8k playing a story focused horror game.
>>15518541I know that Miko's karaoke never got great number but holy shit
>>15518574Isn't first GTA stream is super buff?
>>15518508>This is a livestreaming business though, it's kinda demotivating for the streamers if it only shows a part of the real viewersAnd with livestreams, they get paid with superchatsOther than that advertisers don't care if viewers watch the ad during the livestream or watch the VOD instead
>>15518565You'd just get called a Nijinigger if you ever dare to divide views to subs but doing that to views per upload is fine.Because it fits the narrative.
>>15518265Jesas. Hien should break 1k relatively easily and stay around that number
Lmao Watame is rewatching her debut stream and she was saying how nervous she was because a massive 12k people were watching
>>15518658oh my god the fucking cope, so how long does this debut buff end for you stupid faggots because luca, ike and shu are already comparable to the nijiEN girls for their sub 1-2k views.mysta and vox are the clear breakout stars.
>15518608(You)On deez nuts
>>15518603Pizza Papa is doing a 24hr stream
>>15518681i'll believe the cull when hachi gets sub 1k
>>15518603Susan decided to fix the ccv gap and break the glass ceiling
>>15518627Ah shit didn't realize vox was also streaming fair enough, still think those numbers should be a bit higher considering its first time GTA V but we'll see later
>>15518601Last year she didnt even have a 3d so don't count on her having one this year either. She might just do another totsu.
>>15518583>Gura and Ame's numbersThey stream for children and men who have such games popular. Mista said that most of his audience are girls(more than 50% ), and they are not interested in such games >>15518664Fem audience debuff
>>15518565shhhhh don't point this obvious fact to the holobronies
>>15518565You know the other way is true too right? A lot of Kuzuha's viewers aren't subbed to him.>That's got to sting right?I don't think either of them care.
>>15518650>under 26k goldPathetic
>t-t-t-t-the boys are still new so thats why they're getting high numbers!111>ike, shu and luca already sub 1-2k viewers>mysta and vox averging 5k and when theres no overlap 7-8k.why the fuck is there so much copium in these threads today
Lui nee...
>>15518754That's right Pakora. Get used to it. You'll be a 15k shitter at best from now on.
>>15518723's announcing it in 20 minutes.
>>15518732So is good Kuzuha reclined, because it means there is more participants on his streams and less tourists inflating the views, right nijisister?
>>15518565Why watch vods when you can watch clips? Maybe Kuzuha should get a stronger clip game nijinigger
So Kanae has today's gold as of now?
>>15518723She's doing an announcement stream in a few minutes, 100% that's an anniversary 3D
>>15518785pffft imagine trying to spin this shit on the nijiniggers when you retarded holobronies are ignoring guras pitiful engagement numbers.keep making me laugh you number retards lmaoooooooo
>>15518787But the topic is about VOD views??
holy shit is this the cope thread? all this bullshit about some made up ccv cull is hard to watch, nijiniggers this should be the time you use all the shit in this thread to add to that HOLOCOPE list
>Pekora 262,134>Ayame 268,410>Suisei 249,287>Fubuki 247,723>Miko 211,401>Aqua 202,020>Rushia 200,704>Chloe 180,183>Towa 172,271>Noel 167,813>Mio 163,770>Subaru 162,522>Nene 146,301>Botan 140,376>Haachama 139,753>Lui 137,987>Shion 136,869>Flare 136,299>Matsuri 124,922>Kanata 124,460>Aki 123,406>Polka 115,439>Roboco 114,734>Koyori 101,468>Mel 112,688>Watame 98,036I mean...a lot of these don't make sense at all ngl
>>155183511:3 or 1:4 for Roboco during the first 10 minutes today
>>15518787You go to the top comment in the description and everything that will be clipped is timestamped even some things that evade the clippers, im convinced this is how a large portion of people watch
>>15518804He won already, Kuzuha finished for today and no holo is going to beat that in an hour. That being said, that's low even for him.
>>15518695And you're a thirce-damned idiot for not understanding a simple fact that Debut buffs are very difficult to call early. The best way is to wait a month and then look back, because then you have enough data. Looking at a week or two isn't usually enough. Not to mention debut buffs are a function of hype and tourists, and really the only two who managed to garner any real amount of hype are Mysta and Vox. Come back in a month and if they're still pulling the same numbers I'm willing to concede that that's likely the level they'll stick at barring any oddities.
>>15518804>as of nowThere's like 2 hours left and the closest stream is suba's 11k outlast 2, pretty sure this one's in the bag
>>15518804>holo totsumachi not even bronzesad
>>15518824Most of Gura's fans aren't watching her vods because they can watch clips instead, simple as.
>>15518828What are these numbers of?
>>15518650>Two totsumachi streams with big guest call ins>Niji event stream>PekoMari collab>5 person 1 POV Holo collab>Gold is 25kIt'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
>>15518804>The gold barely holding with 20kI swear I have seen this before
>>15518825I'm fucking posting mystas and vox's high numbers since they haven't fallen off compared to ike, shu and luca and it's getting ignored. holobronies are high on copium and the retarded nijiniggers aren't laughing hard enough at them.
>>15518828>Ayame 268,410Now imagine if she was trying for real
>>15518828That's Christmas Relay Views?
>>15518828>watame the lowestWhat the fuck? Explain this shit sheepfags.
>>15518861oh I forgot, this is for the guy who was asking for the relay vod views
>>15518852There's no debut buff for Niji EN, Motherfucker. Get that shit in your brain already, retardedfuck. What is up with this thread today?
>>15518859Then isn't Gura is losing in that metric? >>15518825Yeah sure so half of the JP viewers died overnight
>>15518824>But the topic is about VOD views??Bring subs in
>>15518745Yes that is equally true, the number shows it. But ask yourself this, what is wort more, a sub that watches you or one that doesn't? I think you already know the answer.
>>15518852maybe you're the stupid faggot for also ignoring eythiras pathetic debut numbers, this is less to do with debut buff and more to do with the fucking vtubers ability to keep the audience checking in on them interested, hell you got an example with this with holox or is that copium still blinding you
>>15518828>Haachama 139,753APOLOGIZE!
>>15518885Hers got taken down for copyright before going back up a couple of days later
>>15518875>it's getting ignoredCry more about it, bitch
>>15518857those aren't vtubers anon.
>>15518695>>15518759Come back around 2 months when their numbers stabilize just like edengumi. I am saying this as a nijijpfag myself.
>>15518904She's not losing because you need to add clip vod views to get the real popularity to sub ratio numbers and by that measure Gura stomps.
>>15518916A sub is worth what a sub is worth, an arbitrary e-peen number attatched to your channel that advertisers sometimes look at. The only thing that matters is them looking at your page and seeing consistent high vod views on your 12 recent videos.
>>15518946lmfao first it was a month and now it's 2 months? holy's less to do with debut buff and it's more to do with how they capitilize on their early content, ethyria is a good example of what NOT to do
>>1551857411k already
>>15518963Doesn't matter if said channel owner is too lazy to take sponsorships.
>>15518877I didn't notice that ayame should've been on top, my mistake.>>15518926I mean, given that she had the lowest ccv, I think being 15 is pretty good, and I'm pretty sure views got culled too, haachama and nene both lost 5k views more or less
>>15518627didn't Vox use to stream after Mysta? it at least seemed like after their first streams the boys were avoiding overlap with each other as much as possible I guess it's numbers over Unity now
>>15518959>add clip vod viewscome on.. that might be the biggest cope I've ever read. And I say that as a holo viewer.
stop biting retarded bait
>>15518608What's to cope, they are very successful. Why can't you just talk like a normal person?
>>15519018No? Vox’s usual timeslot is 2-3 pm EST
I dunno holobros, this looks normal to me. Mysta would be at least at 7k if he wasn't overlapping. JP gets affected harder by New Year celebrations.
>>15519002Hey goorah probably got paid plenty for that cover song, and it even grew her korean fanbase a sizable portion. lazy shark can live off member money for the rest of her life so she doesn't try anymore.
I'm too lazy to count, how many concurrent viewers is it?
>>15518916What? A sub that doesn't watch is better than someone who watched and chose not to sub.For 2 simple reasons,1) Subbing is a clear sign of support, whereas watching could just be a casual or tourist2) One number is accumulated in the most important number for a youtuber (subs), the other is a number on one VOD out of hundredsPeople move on from content creators, that's an undeniable reality, but in the case of Kuzuha and many Nijis, people aren't even willing to sub to them.
>>15519036nah, just let them shit out their vod views cope and laugh
>>15519036Vox is a fucking bitch, stealing Mysta’s seanig audience and his usual timeslot
>Gen3 reclined>Gen6's debut buff is over>Ayame is no longer a premium chuuba>FBK's pokemon reclined>Miko is still the most popular 3rd optionNijisanji may win the January 2021 gold ngl
>>15518650This had Toya and Kuzuha call in...
>>15518875>samefag>attentionwhoreprobably a real tranny
>>15519067New outfits for HoloX and Nene though
>>15519036eh? they have overlapped before and mysta was still 7k so he is reclining here specially witha superbuff of GTA
>>15519048>lazy shark can live off member money for the rest of her life so she doesn't try anymore.I think Gura could live off a shoestring with the way she lives...
>>15519064They are in the same country dumbass. Of course they stream at the same time.
>Pekora's Xmas yab did to hololive what dodgeball did to nijisanjiWhat goes around comes around
>>15519068Remember that the 2 biggest holo collab couldn’t even break it
>>15519114Yeah, but still man...
>>15519030Idk, the Koreans likely not gonna watch her VOD but subs to her anyway
>>15519030If people put in the effort you take total channel views + clip views of that chuba for a week/month and you would have a really accurate measure of interest and could tell who is just getting a tiny clip boost and who is inclining over time
>>1551905375588 from
>>15519126Any numbers for her previous zatsudans?
whats with the trannyschizo spamming this thread?
Roa showing that she's alive is the harbringer of holobronie end times....
>>15519192I'm not opening that sussy link
>>15518963>advertisers sometimes look at> The only thing that matters is them looking at your page and seeing consistent high vod views on your 12 recent videos.Meanwhile Anya gets the same Blue Archive sponsorship as HoloEN and 2-view NijiJPs get the same sponsorships as Manjisanji...We have no idea what sponsors are looking for, but CCV definitely isn't that big of a deal to them.
>>15519055Come on, this is getting sad.. I should say thank you though, you just embraced that the majority of Gura's subs are dead subs.
>>15519105So where are the viewers going to now? Back to .LIVE?
>>15518922>>15518891All I'm advocating for is WAITING you absolute faggots, instead of leaping to the conclusion that they're going to be consistent 5k+ streamers in SEA time off of 1-2 weeks of streams. Why are you so insistent on claiming as such when nothing is gained or lost from waiting a few more weeks before making claims? If they hold it, good on them and they should throw out 2-3 more waves to capitalize. If not, then its just another thing to consider for NijiEN before they debut their next waves.
>>15519048I don't personally hate Gura but I can't help but feel like her popularity alone is unfair. There are other holos out there putting effort into streaming, making music, doing everything possible to grow their fanbase and they will never be able to even get close to GuraMeanwhile Gura almost just sit there and popularity just come to her naturally. It's like a case of "the rich get richer". Even if she is THAT entertaining, this is just bs
>>15519144Sounds like Hololive as a fucking whole.
>>15517867EN has already been fucked since last December..People either weren't watching then or didn't care because none of the JPs got hit as hard.It's kind of hard to ignore now that everyone else has gotten hit.
>>15519231>hard work
>>15519210>4 hour tweet>200k likes, 82k retweets>Roa has 209k followersNijiJP twitter is something else. I think this has more likes than Lulu and Coco's graduation tweets.
>>15519215Idiot, that's just server's ip because I can't be bothered to buy a domain
HoloCope List>The nijien male will flop>It's just an debut buff don't worry>It's an new cull that only impacts holo>Are merch sales are pretty good.>Niji En audience is just sea> Muh subs>The vods views>If we had holostar en it will be bigger the niji en> The Jops are celebrating new year>C99 is taking all the views> Twitch ccv does not countCope hololive you guys are done can't even win gold anymore.
If this keep going we will have shit number like 15k win gold. Im scared now.
>>15519231Most popular creators are a case of the biggest stone getting more moss, Trash Taste is a perfect example, their content is feces, but just out of catching the algo a few years back and catering to ironic weebs they get huge click through and live off it, same with the Pauls or any other arbitrarily famous person. You can always find talented 2views in any industry. That said Gura still deserves her success, and I would say she improved hugely as a streamer over the last year in terms of keeping energized and engaged. She does need to make more music though but I think she is autistic about it.
>>15519229Kizuna Ai will cancel her hiatus and incline massively next month
>>15518825I know screeching COPE is the easiest solution when you're scared and don't know what's going on, but if you actually look at the fucking numbers, since you're posting in the fucking numbers thread, maybe you would actually see what's wrong with the fucking numbers. Assuming you aren't just shitposting, that is.
>>15518963Noels sponsorship for some food stuff had bonuses based on how high the live views would get.i remember it cause it was in the same week as the first cull so her fans complained
>>15519226>t. retard with nothing of value to add
>>15519316you say this garbage but vox and mysta are doing fine
>>15519295Aren't you supposed to watch Mysta's stream instead of shitting the thread up, tranny?
>>15519285Remember it got 200k already the last time I checked, must have something sussy going on
>>15519307I am aware of all of that. But all the talk about how Gura popularity came from her debut at the right place at the right time make me feel like she really just got lucky
>>15519295>Only 4 of the nijis are in the top 20 viewed tubers for the year>All apex spamming males>Holo JP core swamped the top 20 top to bottom so EOP only cope doesnt even matterok
>>15518037>the watering hole is an artificial oneNOOOOOOOOOO!>MOOOOOODSBan this doxxing nigger
>>15519053thats 64k, >>15519192 that link is probably a virus
>>15519295>The nijien male will flopThat's not a cope, it was a prediction. They exceeded expectations.>It's just an debut buff don't worryAgain, expectations. Just WAIT a month or two will you?>It's an new cull that only impacts holo>anDec 2020, are you new?>Are merch sales are pretty goodMerch was a Nijicope until it got destroyed by Hololive, this is nothing but your deflection.>Niji En audience is just seaMales to be precise. Determine it yourself.>Muh subsSubs are important, that's you coping.>The vods viewsAgain, important. CCV was numberfagged here because it's exciting to do.>If we had holostar en it will be bigger the niji enVoices in your head doesn't count.> The Jops are celebrating new year>C99 is taking all the views> Twitch ccv does not countYou can't even do this shit right can you?
>Nene counting down to Kira Kira Kintama Kinyoubi>Superchat bombBrilliant
>Three sub 20k in a row
do people here watch streams?
>>15519430Make it 4, she's fighting Sans again right now
migo... your likes
>>15519364>vox and mysta are doing fine>somehow this implies everyone is doing fine
>>15519430About to be 4.
>>15519288Still nope
>>15519430>Had better numbers than PekoMarineApologize to Undertale
>>15519465I just tuned in to Peko. Jesus another late stream for me but guess I will try to watch as much as possible
>>15519465No, it's against the code of the numberfags.
>>15519095Initially, Vox occupied a timeslot 3-4 hours later.
Nip tally>【12/30 にじホロ同接ランキング】> 1. 叶(凸待ち) 25,498> 2. 風真いろは(凸待ち) 22,176> 3. 白上フブキ(ポケモンブリダイ(深夜)) 20,346> 4. ラプラス・ダークネス(ゴッドフィールド) 20,209> 5. 癒月ちょこ(ぎりちょこ企画) 19,546> 6. 兎田ぺこら(Minecraft) 18,962> 7. にじさんじ公式(にじヌーン) 18,819> 8. 白上フブキ(ポケモンブリダイ(夜)) 15,983> 9. 葛葉(雑談) 14,697> 10. 宝鐘マリン(Minecraft) 14,639>>(にじホロ以外10位圏内)> なし>>【1万以上枠数】> ホロ11枠(いろは・フブキ・ラプラス・ちょこ・ぺこら・フブキ・マリン・スバル・クロヱ・ころね・クロヱ)> にじ3枠(叶・公式・葛葉)> のりプロ1枠(犬山たまき)>>※Holostats・NijiMadoを参照、他団体・個人は独自集計のため参考値です。>※枠の有効無効を集計人が判定すべきではないというポリシーの元> 枠立て直しは理由を問わずすべて有効としています。> 個人の脳内で無効にしてください。
>>15519473She had 5.5k people in her waiting room btw. So in the past hour, it's only increased by 2k.It took her 15 mins to reach her waiting room number.
3k only on the Ninjin song intro, I can't fucking believe it...
>>15519231The funny thing is that Gura hates her numbers, she stated multiple times already that she wants to have less viewers so that she can get more personal with her viewers
>>15519411Fucking idiots I swear, it's just an aws instance running a script to calculate concurrent viewers. That records.json is the raw data while the original link shows this graph
Youtube fucked up FOR sure.
>>15519526They were guerillas and he didn't want to overlap in the first week with his genmates.
>>15519430I wonder how she feels right now. Not streaming on Christmas was a big mistake. Fuck Holobronies.
>>15519538I mean she DID get less viewers. The only number that are big on her channel are subs and VODs view which shouldn't matter because CCV are the people you directly interact with
>youtube upgrated the anti-bot system>holo getting lower numbers
So youtube must have hit something JOPs use, like an adblock equivalent or a certain browser or something nothing else really makes sense.
>Kenmochi starts stream>9k in 3 minsLooks like the cull isn't affect Nijis afterall.
Roboco, my poor Roboco...
>>15519569Wait, are you saying fuck her? Or fuck the people who stopped watching her? I really am losing track of what your shitpost is trying to achieve.
>> tu...
>>15519637"Susan cull" has always been a holocope to explain their recline.
>>15519637>Pakora not even at 6k in 5 minutesits over...
>>15519569Literally a "Social experiment gone wrong" moment lol. I actually wouldn't put it past her to try doing it just to see how people react
>>15519637Kanae's numbers aren't dropping either... Aaah...
toya easy 10k
>>15519662Fuck entitled purityfags, much better now?
>>15519641These are worse numbers than her late 2019 fortnite streams.リップルがツール水増しでYouTube君怒りの大暴走
>>15519637>Title: Last stream of the year
>Narukami reveals that Nozomi's vtuber bf is P**ael, this would be shit storm
>>15519199Which one, anon? There's a few...>>15519231>fairness in successNo such thing. There's no accounting for taste (or the lack thereof), and you can't blame someone for something that is beyond their control. We got both Gura and Ame for this case. Two people who don't want all the fame that came to them basically out of nowhere. One was actively hostile to it due to their lack of talent (and an inferiority complex that will never make her satisfied if she wallows in it), and one that is passive to it in spite of not wanting it (even though she's admitted discomfort by it), which makes people want to gravitate towards her even more due to how relatable she comes off.
>>15519685It was pretty obvious a long time ago that Kenmochi's audience doesn't overlap much with other Nijis. His content is very different from other Nijis so it's not surprising. There's no funnel when his streams end.
>>15519722>this would be shit stormMaybe in early 2019
>>15519597Regardless of what the CCV counter says though her chat still moves a mile a minute. I'd love to see a 'chat messages vs CCV' ratio statistic because I feel like Gura would be an outlier.
>>15519364Vox and Mysta are also doing streams that should be a buff. That they are just normal is strange
>>15519605The most logical option, which for some reason is not considered
>>15519411>>15519543Kenmochi went live so it's even higher now.
>>15519753Nijis viewers don't overlap with anyone, if they did, they'd actually be as strong as holo.
>>15519561What is the reason behind Ayamy extremely low popularity? Yeah she is a mama of a low tier holo and might or might not have a boring personality but how did it get as bad as 100-200 range ccv?
>>15519782Youtube's chat replay has been broken for longer than the CCV
>>15519791you know what they say, you cant beat the cock
>>15519680Iirc she said she went to the doctor bcs ear pain. But the Japs don't forgive
Did toya have a waiting room btw or did he just start the stream? His graph is funky as fuck.
>>15519782no anon the cull only applies to holoJPs in this moment, the ccv counter with a 20-40 percent error bar is all we care about, its impossible that gura could win, we have to cope, we must cope
>TOP FUCKING KEKHe shouldn't have streamed. If he gets anywhere under 33360 his median will drop to 33360 and Ayame will pass him, with her current 33838 median.
>>15519810Isn't she the next level GFE: a chat groomer.
toya 15k 13 minutes in, not bad
>>15519722Is that about roa's tweet in the first part? So the litigant is narukami then
>>15519829I know what happened bro. I watch her streamBut what happened is all in the past now, I want to see what Pekora would do from this point on
>>15519861Holy shit, I didn't consider how high the stakes were for this stream.He might just get it tho since he's been on a roll this month.
pekora doing poll right now
>>15519898>He might just get it tho since he's been on a roll this month.Ayame is in the NY relay? If so1) if she is over 27k whatever result will be her median2) if she's under 27k her median becomes 27092
>>15519722only a shitstorm for pakael who is getting NTRd with the rest of the apex sex discord
>>15519790That's a cope, get out you holobronie. They're just overlapping each other! (Gods I feel obnoxious typing this, how do you fuckers do it?)
>>15519917Love me that 70% audience participation rate in 1 minute.
>>15519940>>15518134Ojou always win!
>>15519949Yeah don't do that
>>15519597>>15519782>>15519841I can't tell if you're one retard or more than one...The CCV display doesn't affect who is on chat, just who is classified as a legitimate viewer. That's why you get discrepancies like streams under 20 minutes with more likes than live viewers or polls with absurd levels of participation relative to the CCV.
>Pakora sub 10kis she just aqua now? jesas
Sometimes I wish there were a jannie or two who actually bothered to visit here on the regular. The fact that we have open dox sitting here for hours at a time sometimes is just.....sad.
>>15519951Tbf, that's more or less on par with EN's pools (i.e: IRyS's, Mori's) with similar CCV. Moreover, her stream just started 15' ago so viewers queue is still being processed. Don't really seem that strange to me
>>15519951Didn't pink cat had a poll the other day that only had 10% in a minute? Kek, and vshojofags want to compare twitch numbers to youtube numbers
Pakora killed Hololive kek even care about ccv when you can VETO
>>15519722>Roomate picSee you 1 week anon
>>15519996Lol Aqua would probably do worse right now
>>15520016Again the difference between JOP and EOP audience participation is huge, I'd be very surprised if that didn't also apply to polls
>>15519797no, it's at 74445 now
>>15520066>>15520006Yea fucking right. Jannies don't visit the thread, especially if it's jp dox. Not until someone does something like drop EN dox does anyone actually fucking bother. This shit is going straight into the archive.
>>15520095Anon, can you make time in JST?
>toya 18k 20min in for "LAST STREAM OF THE YEAR"yeah shit is broken hopefullly is only youtube queues being retarded.
kenmochi, I fucking kneel
>>15519881>I want to see what Pekora would do from this point onFor the most nothing "yab" ever recorded in vtuber history? I'm guessing not much besides keep the grind going as usual.Let's be real, all the retards pushing this rrat do so only because they can't wait to see the titan fall, otherwise nobody would give two fucks.
>>15519996you might want to delete your post SEAnig
>>15519951Pekora is interested in whats going on as well and used the poll to test active viewership. Sasaga number bunny
>>15519861So nijisisters, now you believe the cul or are you sis still in denial?
>>15519465No, people posted Namibia numbers last thread when the camera had been down for over 5 hours.
>>15519722I mean, how lower she can get at this point? The only thing I would be suprised is if she's pregnant and leaves because of that.
>>15520140kenmochi is almost at 20k so try again holobronie
>>15520140Holobro, Kanae is still live with 20k...
Toya needs another 11k to prove holobros wrong in the next 10min.
>>15520117I looked at a few of his past zatsus, and he's usually at 25k+ at the 20 min mark, so maybe something is wrong afterall.
>>15520121No more like what to do to recover number, her December have been quite bad so far even before the yab
This kills the number rabbit
>>15520161>>15520197>sub 20k on a 30k-40k+ per stream guyno cull at all
>>15520200Too esoteric, anon.
>>15520113sorry anon, can't do changes in the script now or it will wipe out the graph. Here's the script if you can be bothered to
>>15520235why do holobronies lie....maybe if he did a final year game stream where that actually generates 30k, then i'd believe you but his zatsudans are always within the 16-25k range
>>15520074cant recline if you dont stream
My beloved 3view wife just got at least $7.5k in superchats for her birthday countdown but she won't be in any charts because Playboard doesn't track her, I hate those gooks so much
>>15520199> her December have been quite bad so far even before the yab>187k costume>76k pokemon elite 4>36k, 29k, 43k pokemon streams after E4???
>>15518852anon you're replying to someone newer than Edengumi
>>15519722At this stage is narukami's word worth anything? I don't see it blowing up yet.
Tier list now ( Solo stream, none event ) :>S tier : 15k>A tier : 10k>B tier : 5k>C tier : 3k>D tier : 1k
>>15520197Nice thumbnail bait kek, he knows how to play the game.
I kneel to Kanae.
>>15520300Ok sorry, maybe her lack of gold this month give me that impression
>>15520273 in mind the title of the current stream so that should have net him another 30k easily.
>>15520291I kneel...Onion sama...
>>15520044Why do you push this shit in the numbers thread of all places. We couldn't give a fuck if Pekora gets fucked live on stream if it gets big numbers. If you want to troll the unicorns then go to the Pekora thread.
>>15520273lmao. lol even
>>15520293How do you get that much with low views? GFE?
Did Toya just take gold already?
>>15520355Because retard (like YOU) will never learn to ignore him.
>>15520095Is it today graph? While certain individual peaks were lower, a 110k+ peak of total CCV across all streams for Holo on a day without big event seems normal to me. I remember someone mentioned early December that Holo's peaks during good normal days were around 100 - 120k. If anything, Niji's total peak is a bit lower than expected
>>15520378Hasnt broken 20k yet.
>>15520328That's all his thumbnails and stream titles. He's a clickbait master.There was a month where all his titles were just "Kenmochi Toya" and the thumbnail was his stupid chin face as a meteor hitting the Earth.
>>15520273>Title : Last stream of the year>Not even 30k
>>15520199No, her December was perfectly fine signs of whatever the shit is going on with the current CCV is from her last Gartic Phone stream, which also happened before the "yab".
>>15520346HOLY SHIT, his last zatsu did 32k?
>>15520074>>15520127>>15520355>replying earnestly to Pekoschizo of all peopleWhen are you going to learn? Can't you see how desperately he's spamming because no one is biting his bait? Stop giving him what he wants.
>>15520378It's past midnight.
>>15520408Haachama baited graduation and got shit numbers too. And?
>Doxx still upI mean, she has been on decline and is not even the shadow of her hey days.So shit like that would barely affect her...since there is nothing to hit there.
>>15520375She's one of the .LIVE girls who got canned and brought all her gachis over when she reincarnated
>>15520413IIRC that was the stream he announced the MK tournament.For comparison's sake, he was at 26k at the 20 min mark for that stream.
>He-Ayame losing to Ayame in median viewsKek
>>15520364>17k>lacks readin comprehension when is put a dash between 16-25k for zatsudansREAD FAGGOT READ!
>>15520421So is Pekora schizo the same as the Shark schizo and the samurai schizo? It's all just one deranged Seafag?
>>15519561Downgraded from a 3view to a 2view again...
>>15520413Toya bros?
Saying "NjiEN tier" would be a compliment to this one right now, Jesas Christo
> Last stream of the year> Sub 20kYes this is the real number of Vtuber. The whole 2021 is just your delusion.
>>15520463>multipove collab stream is a zatsudandon't use words you don't know next time you retard
>>15520440Haachama has been baiting graduation for a year at this point.
the 30 minutes mark stall is real
>>15520460There's a reason he's called "He-Ayame" and Ayame aren't called "She-Toya"
>>15520273>maybe if he did a final year game stream where that actually generates 30kKenmochi gets better numbers doing zatsus than games.Gaming streams that aren't zatsus in disguise like actually drag down his median.
>This can't be a cull because our numbers on buff streams are just as midget as our numbers on debuff streamsDo nijiniggers really?
>>15520484I'm starting to feel less bad about IRyS' December numbers.
>toya strugling to break 20ki need a drink is over.
>>15520469Last thread he straight up admitted that he is a shitty human being so I think there's no doubt about it
>>15520484How did a Japanese Council sneak into Gen X?
>>15520484Can La+ and Mori save her
>>15520484Lui-nee, why...Seriously, why? She isn't that bad and she works hard. She might not be a big hitter, but I'd expect her to be around Flare level, not approaching RBC territory. Her SC is lowest among her gen, too..
>>15520526Prepare to possibly feel a lot worse, anon... just in case...
>>15519722Jannies, if you're seeing this post, it's because I'm replying to a JP doxxGura is SenzawaLet's see which one stays and which one goes.
>>15520557Japanese shit taste, they hate hag voice
>>15520557>she works hardis not about working hard is about being different than the restand only iroha and lap+ fit the bill.
>>15520484This is lower than Mysta and Vox at SEA hours lol
>>15520508Well, i join a literally 2 view stream and only got counted after about one minute, susan is a fucking schizo.
>>15519810Unlike Shigure Ui and Kagura Nana I don't think she interacts with most of the Vtuber community that much. And she's not that famous as an artist. So most people checking her out are just Mel fans and Mel herself doesn't get a lot viewers either.
>>15520395That 110k peak is yesterday's. This is the graph from 0 AM JST
>>15520469Most likely. Pekora's the big boogieman for anyone interested in numbers after all.
>>15520608sea hours are mysta and vox stronger timeslot tough. But yeah lui is the sana of the gen.
>>15520557>I'd expect her to be around Flare level, not approaching RBC territory.She's not close to RBC lol. Lui is Polka-tier.Decent numbers during non-primetime and no overlap.Decimated during overlap heavy primetimes.Good numbers when collabing with more popular members.Flare is a 10k karaoke getter, she's solidly mid-tier.
Meido please do your works...
>>15520526IRyS got a big drop in December, but she is still ahead of half of EN. You should feel bad for Sana, Ame, Bael and Kiara too if you want to feel bad for her. Well, unless you are talking about her new song's number or her drop in streaming hours, in which case feel free to go ahead
>Toya losing to ChocoCCV cull is not real right, Nijisisters?
>>15520658>You should feel bad for Sana
>>15520643>lui is the sana of the genlui at least tries to stream though
The stall is real, every stream I swear
What I feel is that they did something on the JP side that didn't affect the EN side. Lo-fi is still getting 27-28k so it can't be EN. Toya, Kuzuha, Kanae is still hit regardless. Subaru can't get 15k+ on Outlast. Pekora barely gets 20k for Minecraft and so on. Conclusion:1. YT culls viewers from JP, either reworked their view count system or JP was late to the party after EN got hit2. A lot of people celebrating the last 5 days of 2021 outsidePoor ol Korone didn't 10k surprisingly
>>15520718>that parallel with the 20kkek
>>15520469Can't say if they're all the same, but it wouldn't surprise me. It's just painfully obvious that he's Pekoschizo whenever he shitposts and baits about Pekora, yet for some reason people still reply to him in earnest instead of just fucking ignoring him. It's like they're new to these thread or something.
One of the most insane things right now is that Kenmochi's stream has more likes than Pekora's stream.Say what you will about JPs not dropping likes, but they drop likes for the chin man.
>>15519722>Post deleted
>>15520737>JP numbers are affected>Niji numbers still stable while Holo numbers recliningSounds like a whole lot of Holocope rumao
>>15520707Say it with me!How are we going?Slow and steady!Where are we going?To our deaths!Nijisanji!
>7k viewers>9k likesnever seen this happen in miko's stream
>>15520557Not about working hard, it's about getting your own gimmick that separates yourself from the rest. All she's done is singing and zatsu then Pokémon. Just play better games and she'd be fine.
>>15520791Nigga you blind ?
>>15520737doompost time maybe Susan finally took notice on jp vtubers after their numbers on holox, mariokart and xmas collab, and decided to fuck them all because fuck those literal pedos
>>15520557>Design is a debuff>Voice is a debuff>Have been collabing mostly with Chloe who doesn't have great ccv and her gachis will not watch Lui>Have been doing a lot of utawaku while her singing is just averageShe needs to step away from Chloe and find a good mid to high tier senpai collab partner. Maybe she can get along with Botan? She also needs to stop doing so much utawakus.
>>15520718I knew it. This is the Ludwig buff....
>>15520801She's about to hit 10k likes soon... Susan please...
>>15520791Low quality false flagging Lmao
>>15520813YOU are blind. Look at the overlap. Everyone is doing "last stream".
>>15520541Ah yes, the trolling aussie.Truly the scum of 4chan.
>>15520737Peko + marine combined got 31k ccv. Ain't that bad
>>15520801Someone please make the meme of James Franco looking at the other dude in a noose going "First Time?", but with Gura instead.
>>15520801Unlike western viewers JP viewers just leave a like and don't really stick around, there's no 'bug'.
>>15520842And no one write on the title
Maybe youtube sold some servers that process viewers? Or they broke, and they can't fix them due to shortages? Because it doesn't look like a cull at all, more like hardcoded caps on numbers
>Nijifags trying to shit on Holo by pretending that their Nijis are always so lowAmusing outcome
>>15520821I kinda like her interacting with Mori
>>15520871Jesus Christ, /#/ must truly be coping if you think PekoMarine getting 31k combined is "not bad"
>>15520871That is terrible. 31k Should be just from one pov
>>15520737I think they also affected the EN side but not as extreme. Gura didn't get 20k in minecraft, Mori didn't get 8k in jump king speedrun, Mumei didn't hit 7k (though it might be because her stream earlier was kinda shit), Ina also didn't hit 10k. This can either be explained by holiday debuff or more CCV fuckery.
>>15520839I have only seen likes higher than viewers in id never seen something like that in jp
>>15520712What do you even quote here? She streamed last week with low numbers?
>>15520886>Maybe youtube sold some servers that process viewersthanks for the laugh anon
>>15520783About time, that was faster than how long some of this stuff hangs around, but then again we know meido/jannie action is slow to move on /#/.
Toya is just reading some boring shit. I forgive God-Emperor for this 'low' number (which is higher than what Pakora got killing Ender Dragon).
>>15520912>Mori didn't get 8k in jump king speedrunShe did, did you mean to type 9k?Not that I think speedrunning Jump King is buff content in the slightest, if anything the opposite
>>15520884trolling or pretending to be retarded?
>>15520920The idea that you should feel bad for someone that is on yet another long break.
>>15520737Someone earlier in the thread said Taiwan was affected too, I'd want to see more data for that though
>>15520884*rubs eyes**blinks**rubs eyes again*>Looks at Youtube numbers*chuckles mournfully for the death of /#/
>>15520972????She is taking a break because she wants to. Fuck off.
>>15520882Gura has never had more likes than viewers during a stream
If god emperor Touya gets the gold today I will KNEEL.
Holobros, it's time to take meds and L. If Youtube did something to numbers then streamers would have complained. But everyone is quiet.
must be the work of chinks
>>15520884Literally the opposite, anon.
>>15520378wasn't it 25k?
>>15521035I'm certain she has, for longer streams (which makes more sense since viewer churn). It's very unusual for JPs to have likes higher than views in any period of time under 2 hours though, unless they're one of the saviorfagged ones like Aki/Mel/Robo, and even then not as high as they were today.
>>15518875"high" numbers. sure anon
>>15520961Really? Highest I seen was the counter being stuck at 7,400 for a long time when she got her pb so I might be wrong. I think jump king RTA should atleast be neutral for Mori now specially since she's planning on holding an event for jump king RTA the streams also attracts autists like me so it should be neutral I imo
>>15521072It took weeks for people to start complaining after the last cull
>>15520915I've seen JPs with lower CCVs get more likes than viewers, but this is first time seeing someone like Miko get one.
>>15521035She literally got 33k likes during her 32k peak unarchived karaoke stream 2 days ago.
>>15521072Well, why would they complain after 2-3 days? That's hardly enough time to draw any real conclusions, and they have the REAL valuable numbers, "Unique # of users". If THAT hasn't dropped off but their CCV has, then something utterly rotten has happened. We wouldn't be able to see that though.
>>15520557Flare has the minecraft autism audience and has huge buffs during Shiraken collabs.Lui-nee just doesn't have anything unique about her just yet. Mio also had the same issue early on until she became the de-facto "mom" of hololive and captured the hag-hunter audience.
>>15521067He can't even break 20k. Losing to Choco should be embarrassing.
>>15520737>Poor ol Korone didn't 10k surprisinglyKorone typically gets 13-15k on these types of streams. I've only seen her get sub-10k when she plays retro games.
FBK trying to save Aruran......truly Hololive leader
>>15521140Wait for her next stream.
>>15521104 Also, I'm fairly sure that RTA/speedrunning isn't a buff just going off Fauna's Minecraft speedrun streams and Fubuki's Undertale speedruns.
>>15521104>jump king RTA tourneylol that will be one stupidly short event, autists like mori and degozaru are already doing it under 20 mins, unless they choke
Is it normal for Pakora's chat to be this grey? Did she lose members from the yab too?
>Chin stalling at 19kYeah, is over, pack it up everyone.Numbers will be shit for the next 2 days.
>>15521140Watch streams fag, she also got higher likes than peak ccv in minecraft the other day but that is explainable by viewer churn, pretty much most of her streams that last longer than 2 hours get higher likes than peak ccv mid stream
Reddit duck was a ccv monster a week ago, now she barely gets 10k
>>15521188Lmao more like forever
>>15521188>2 daysShit numbers are here to stay
>>15520783I think most of the faggots here were just whining and never reported the post.After I reported it, it got deleted within 2 mins.
>>15521185for undertale it's like this. There was more green in minecraft earlier.
Vox playing Genshin>6.2k peak last week>6k peak todayWhat cull are you talking about?
>>15521072>Everyone is quietYou must be retarded to think that they would actually try to make a content out of this Lmao? Pretty braindead of you
>>15520912Lol no, these are normal numbers for Gura, she has a Maincraft game now debuff
>>15521188NJU and Niji/Holo new year streams tomorrow....
>>15521107usually 9k likes mean she is at 15k or at least over 10k
Hololive is no more. 2022 will be year of Manjisanji
>>15521185Not sure but I believe some gachi dropped her since then, she got much less supa post yab
>>15521224Motherfucker, I reported that shit as soon as I saw it. In fact everytime some faggot thinks this is /hlg/ and drops dox, I report it as soon as I see it. The fact that the La+ dox stayed around in numbers and even hit the archives is proof enough that /#/ is pretty low priority for mod action most of the time.
>>155212481st Relearn English2nd That Minecraft stream was at EU prime time
>>15521248Post the lastest MC stream you childfucker.Even cunny is reclining with the Youtube cull.
>>15521240he is losing viewers faster now same for mysta. Mysta not able to break 6k is worrying.
Once again, Ayame wins by not streaming
>>15521185Check holostats. Her undertale runs have less members posting every time.
>>15521251Even if they perform worse they'll still be higher than holo whatever with those culls (if they actually exist)
>>15521289huh, maybe it was the Gura dox post that triggered it then kekI woudn't be surprised if her roommate is a keyword among jannies
>>15521289Do you mean actual dox or just her old twitch channel which is a nothingburger
>>15521288At least check it instead of being a threadreader pls
can anybody explain the green part?
>>15521210Post Migo's numbers
>>15521364It's so stupid how much comedy I'm getting from Ayame cucking the monthly #1 from Kenmochi after he cucked it from Fubuki, who truly had the most amazing Dec 2021.
>>15521185>>15521221>>15521288>Is it normal for Pakora's chat to be this grey?It's 2/3 members. Was it any higher before?
>>15521248Wasn't that a geurilla stream that was different from her regular stream time? All her other minecraft streams were 20k~ peaks though I may be wrong.>>15521173The thing is that this stream had a hype moment to encourage viewers to tab-in and get counted in the CCV so I expected it to be somewhat higher
>>15521240>normal stream>gacha whaling stream
Why do people still consider Minecraft a buff game? Nene can't even break 4k yesterday, Shiraken collab got overshadowed by HoloX MK. Minecraft meta is over
>>15521314The last stream does not count because of the partisan collab with Fauna and Sana
>>15521364she knew this would happen, and only told towasama
>>15521472She better not fucking stream tomorrow
>>15521422It starts plateauing after the first 20-30 mins, what the fuck susan
>>15521501shes listed to appear on the main channel
Nene currently has over 320 superchats with apparently 1.6k watching, that's 5 viewers for every SC which is an absurd ratio come on now
>>15521423now?>6k viewers>10k likespeaked at 7k I think?
>6.4k on karaokeMiko...
>>15521501Today* fuck my nip time reps
>>15521472Who would have thought a devil and an oni would become friends.
>>15521537You know that it's possible to press a like button before the start of the stream right?
So was Gura's unarchived karaoke yesterday more impressive now that the cull is pretty much confirmed?
Damn, I really thought Mysta could get 8k with GTAV.He's still overlapping with Vox, but Vox is on the residentsleeper main story parts now so anyone who wants to watch both would've migrated by now.
what the fuck is happening
>>15521440It's considered a buff game since it can create storylines and random collabs when the server is active. And it's not as big of a buff for everyone. No idea what nene currently is doing though.
>>15521392Who knows?>>15521399Not the Twitch channel, though I haven't even looked, but her roommate twitter with fanbox, pics(faceblocked) and shit. I'm pretty sure that if it had been a HoloEN member, that shit wouldn't have hit the archive.
>>15521585You know people have been staring at the like button like a hawk since the stream started and it was at ~1k at the beginning of the stream.
>>15521185>>15521221>>15521288>>15521376Holy samefagging, Batman!
>>15521596they cant hold the sea audience for long unless they start speaking chinese/japanese
>>15521245NTA, but last time a bunch of 2views complained to YT Twitter. They aren't going to make content out of it, but there would be shit ton of QQing on Twitter
Nenetradamus here, famously famous for predicting shit like council debut, holox debut and en 3Ds for devember, I now come to tell you that Pekora shall be present in the whole of nye collab, with miko, dismissing all the rrats and lifting the curse that watamage has cast upon the vtubing world. Happy new year!!
>>15521676Congratulations, you just gave the fucker 4 (you)s for the price of one. It's obvious enough to everyone else, hence the ignoring of it.
I think it's about time we use vod views instead of ccv for numberfagging.
>>15518822>pitiful engagement numbers.I fail to see how 477824 is better than 538897
>>15521676Peko schizo literally doing unpaid overwork from morning till midnight everyday anon, well ...
Youtube numbers are too screwy for me on all fronts and playboard misses SCs all the time. I think I'm done numberfagging. There is only so much nonsense I can take. I don't know why Youtube is doing this outside of really shitty coding but the results are the same. See-ya. >Kanae 25k with a totsuI remember Maimoto getting 35k with way less popular guest a few months ago.
>>15521695>SPOILEDI'm sorry but what fucking timeline are you from? That month doesn't exist here. Also 0% chance that happens you larping faggot, it's dead, gone. No hope for PekoMiko.
>>15521763>higher than Pakora's Ender Dragon collab with Marine just reading some boring shitGod-Emperor, I kneel
>>15521763damn nijisanji is really dyingI think they are going bankrupt before 2023
>>15518916>But ask yourself this, what is wort more, a sub that watches you or one that doesn't?why does it matter when she still has more vod views?
Nijifags, your day of reckoning will come tomorrow when NJU fails to hit 100k
>>15521746>I remember Maimoto getting 35k with way less popular guest a few months ago.To be fair, that was his birthday totsu and iirc it had a theme like 31 guests for his 31st bday or something.But yes, it is very weird that Kanae only got 25k today and this was before Kuzuha streamed and took away a few thousand. Also weird that Iroha only got 22k when Koyori did something similar 2 weeks ago and got 58k.
Cullnigs will seethe hard when JP keeps mogging the shit out of EN
anons...I tell you this, it's not watamage's as chamage! this all started with haachama's ccv pommeling down while her vod views and likes remined pretty high!!'tis the end of times....
>>15521687Mysta already said that Taiwan is a country. He has a pretty strong hold over Taiwan audience
>>15520801>>15520882Here's the best I can do
>>15521755>spoilersmy predictions just didnt take into account omicron fucking all the schedules up, but i was right still
>>15521794Because it' become VODs per stream when pitted against Pekora
>>15519126Ayamy is usually in triple digits. This is the first in a while I seen her in double digits
>>15521841>>15521633Love you numberchads
>>15521755>>15521780>>15521785For the record, this is his 9th lowest zatsu on Mado record this to ccv.
Nips think Holodex is the problem and not counting external sources into the CCV.others think it's the end of year debuff.
>>15521898So only numberfags ITT are coping with Susan cull and JPbros are sane people.
>>15521842Devember isn't a real month anonchama, I'VE CAUGHT YOU YOU TIMELINE LEAPING MOTHERFUCKER! (I'm certain you meant to type December, but it's funnier this way).Jokes aside yea, the debut timelines for council/Holox were speculated to be August/November by many, but the exact weeks were a bit harder of a read. In hindsight their placements make sense given the other events that occurred in those months (I'm almost certain Council and IRyS were meant to come out a month earlier, but Coco grad month likely caused everything to get shifted).
>>15521898>holodexneh, very few people actually use it regularly. Only the big autists
>>15521898Nips are fucking retarded
>>15519353>Try to type "チキン" in Pakora's chat. She actually banned the word lmao.what? why?
>>15521942SOME numberfags. There have been multiple people here stating end of year debuff is the more likely culprit, and that the anomaly of lower CCV but higher likes may be attributed to people getting stream notifs, dropping a like but not able to stick around as long due to family shit, thus lower CCV.
>>15521962Shit ton of JOPs use it for multi-view mechanic and EOPs use it for their built-in LiveTL, though
>>15521942i would love to see how end of year only affects CCV and not anything else likes and VOD view
>>15521898This is retarded.Do that many use Holodex?>>15521942Nijisister your turn comes tomorrow. I don't think you are breaking 100K tomorrow.And based on Toya's grand failure today (he's literally Choco tier these days it seems) I don't think Nijisanji will last the next year.
>>15521964would be an easy way to disprove though for holodex, just add a counter of users on that specific view. If you ever get a number that is higher for holodex then for the view counter then you have confirmed they don't count embedded streams watchers as viewers. Doubt holodex will do it though.
>>15522014Isn't it because that no one bothers tracking them?
>>15521995Cold Chicken, anon, do you even need to ask?
>>15522036Again,. this is too esoteric. If you have to explain a joke it is not really funny, is it?
>>15521741Guy even watch every single stream then dislike lol. Next thing you know he'll do detailed summaries of streams too then tell how much he hates it lmao. What a way to spend a life just to get 2 or 3 (you)s lol...
>15522028>Choco tierHow did you find this thread? You are actually too braindead to understand numbers.
>>15522082The best thing is that he even post proof that he is in Peko chat, admitting he is a shitty person and feel proud of his "work"
>>15522013Not really. The majority of jp viewers are mobile users, the cull doesn't affect them
>>15522014It takes 30s to be counted as a view, and around 2-3 seconds to drop a like. It's entirely possible that >>15522003 might be right. JOPs and EOPs could have jumped in briefly for a few minutes, dropped a like before switching off their phone / left to focus on working or partying with friends / family
Guys, it's my fault.A week ago, some retard said only Gura gets good VOD views in EN and I said "If you looked only at Mori and Miko's VOD views, you would think they have comparable CCV." and welp, Miko got a Mori-level CCV peak today.I can't remember the last time Miko had less than 10k and it wasn't a shill stream.
>>15522014It's obviously not end of year debuff since there was no drop in JP like this last year.Myth got hit by a similar cull last year in early December and never recovered.
>>15522048Nips eat KFC during Christmas EveYou should be able to figure out the restHer banning the word isn't a joke btw
>>15522028>And based on Toya's grand failure today (he's literally Choco tier these days it seems)>>15522095>How did you find this thread? You are actually too braindead to understand numbers.Anon, I ....
>>15522125As in, the cull shouldn't affect japanese streamers
>>15522082That's just the thing. He has nothing else going for him in his life. All he has is hating on one (1) vtuber and farming (You)'s. Truly a miserable, empty and pathetic existence.
>>15522163So you are braindead AND blind.
>>15521924I stopped watching Pekora after the new shitty outfit reveal with shit hairstyle
>>15521898>HolodexJP viewers are like 70% mobile viewers, sure the PC power users might use it, but the proportion is low compared to the vast majority of views.
>>15522159Anon, it is too esoteric even for people into japanese pop culture. You are allowing the voices in your head to take a proportion too big for your own good, just because you can make this connection it doesn't mean even weebs would be able to do likewise.
>>15522180Anon, if Toya struggling to pull ahead of Choco by 200 viewers is not a sign of the end of times what would even be?
CCV is extremely depressing right now so here's some views numbers.Penut's Xmas Midnight MV got to 600k in 5 days
>>15522163>toya barely doing better than chocoit's fucking dead isn't it?
>>15521898do we have data of how many people use holodex?
>>15522082There is one shizo like that on 5ch. He's probably paying more attention to her stream than most nousagi, constantly write long ass detailed posts explaining why that stream wasn't good.
>>15521924I gotta say, I hate this shitty hairstyle. The moment I saw I just knew she's gonna use this trash exclusively from now on. At this point, I would rather have her original model back, than this.
>>15522278Post the screenshot anon
>It's holodex's faultThe average jp viewer watches vtubers from their smartphone
>>15522204>>15522048how many times are you gonna use the word esoteric? did you just learn about the word today or something?
>>15521898>Nips think Holodex is the problemThe nips are absolutely retarded. Doesn't Holodex have less than 10k users overall? I'm pretty sure it would have caved under the pressure if it had to process so many people given the type of website that it is unless they're making big money to support the hardware/bandwidth to make it work.Remember:>the CCV meter now updates faster>there are certain thresholds where CCV simply "stalls" before continuing to rise>people who were affected by the CCV culll/validator from last year were affected much less than those that weren'tKnowing this, it is clear that YouTube did something on their end to either improve their current CCV validator or the Japanese were finally the recipients of the staged rollout of their part of the CCV cull thing.
>>15522391It's a perfectly cromulent word!
>>15522190Give Begora another chance, she's trying to confuse Migo into thinking she's Suisei
>>15521898>holodexseems like they're just as retarded as this thread
>>15521004NTA but thats probably what he means. Sana is voluntarily taking a break so there is no need to feel bad that her numbers are tanking. I'd actually feel bad if she was streaming like ~5x per week for multiple weeks and still not getting numbers
Is it even confirmed that holodex and similar things don't count for viewers?
>>15522417There's no way it's uniquely Japanese. Plenty of JP streamers ate shit last year too.
>>15521898So holodex is kill huh
>>15522417>improveas in, make less accurate, while also arbitrarily hard capping ccv in some cases?
Kanae’s totsu has been going on for hours.. how many guests does he have?
I was under the impression Holodex views never counted in the first place? Besides vtubers I follow that were never on there have also been culled so that's clearly not the issue.
Pekora 20k GET!!(Jeez that feels wrong)
20k get, getting close to killing Sans now.
>>15522577You tell me lmao.It's Emperor Hal calling rn btw.
>>15522629Yep. She was almost there, good chance she can finish it tonight as long as she doesn't lose focus too much.
>>15522504No, hence it's all speculation.. But it would be easy for Holodex to check.
>>15522577just counted the words on screen but i think over 44+
>>15519430not today, peko
numbersfag bros status?
Watame's new album sold pretty well I guess? Need Oricon anon to get the full number though.
>>15522688>Ill **ASK** my overseas brosSorry, typo on that part of the translation. Also>REMEMBER TO CALL ME ON MY SHIT IF I FUCK THINGS UPI'll never be japanese if you guys don't help me translate t things better
>>15522504We don't even know if tab out/ adblock/ region block theories are true.All we know is youtube fucks with CCV numbers and they're known to be unreliable. Unfortunately, it's the only consistent numberfag-able number we got.
Pretty good here too.
>>15522523Not talking about the streamers, but the users and their servers.>>15522540Yes, exactly that. The Ludwig buff, because they all seem to conveniently stall hard at around 10k, 20k CCV (Ludwig's average, according to playboard) at some point 10~30 minutes into a stream (or slowly crawl up all the way.
>>15522688lol im nevervous bros.. what if we just lie to him and say everything fine
>>15522688Got my tux on, ready for invasion.
>all that greyPakora...
Also Kanata's new song charted #4 on daily Oricon.
>>15520557her voice is a MAJOR debuff. You can literally hear the granny in it, unlike with Mio and Botan. Its a real shame, it filters me from her singing too.
>>15522750Tab out is pretty much confirmed, there's ton of proof of it.
>>15522720is killA Totsu of all things peaked as low as fucking 26k by Kanae is today's gold.
>>15522688He said he will ask his overseas friend about the situation in 4ch and the like, not that he will investigate them himself
>>15522804You can just watch pekora's current stream for confirmation. Tab in when she gets close to the end, tab out when she fails.
This is great. EN and JP are now on an equal playing field and the last samurais are going to be huffing copium all year as Shark Queen Gura mogs all the JP talent.
>>15522277If is to be trusted, they got 2M visits in Nov, averaging out to be ~63k per day (16.57% from US and 7.94% from JP). Doesn't seem to be that much
>>15522804I just said it wasn't 100% confirmed because there are outliers like watchalongs where the majority of people in the stream are likely not tabbed in.But just take this Pekora undertale stream for example. She tanks like 2k viewers in seconds when she loses, which is unbelievable to me.So 2000 people just close their streams the moment she loses eventho it takes her less than 1 min to start the next run and these mfers come back within 2 mins?
I really dont' get why YouTube would go to such lenghts to suppress live viewers, shouldnt big numbers = better? I get that YouTube is so huge it doesn't matter anymore but still it seems silly
>>15522854That was what I said in the translation, I think, that he would ask his 4chan buddies.But the fact he has 4chan buddies is already exceptional
>>15522895She literally lost yesterday, SEAbud pekoschizo.
>last samurai does this faggot ever get tired lol?
>>15522688Stop posting your 5ch comment
>>15522235Look at thumbnail.
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN *Here it goes>25,498: Kanae (Nijisanji)>22,104: Iroha (Hololive)>20,347: Fubuki (Hololive)>20,210: Laplus (Hololive)>19,532: Choco (Hololive)>18,949: Pekora (Hololive)>18,819: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)>15,874: Fubuki (Hololive)>14,697: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>14,637: Marine (Hololive)>12,000: Subaru (Hololive)>11,238: Chloe (Hololive)>10,958: Korone (Hololive)>10,698: Tamaki (NoriPro)>10,263: Chloe (Hololive)
>>15522935It's all for the advertisers baybee. They were likely asking YT to do something about supposed 'bot views', and Susan moves at the whims of advertisers.
>>15522935Youtube Gaming sort of cares but even they get fucked by the head office. This is probably just collateral damage from some goal Youtube is pursuing. I mean look at trending to get an idea of what Youtube actually wants to promote.
>>15522997I kneel to Niji today. Three top ten spots within a skinny day. Are we truly over the era of big numbers?
>>15522916They are still listening to the stream anon, just doing other stuff and leaving it in the background
>>15522722>>15522758Going to be hard to tell since a lot of people picked up the physical version in her anniversary goods. No idea if there is a way to track it there.
>>15523052Yes, that's the point I'm making for the tabout theory.It's incredibly unlikely that 2000 people are closing their streams the second she loses just to come back within minutes.
>>15522997Gura killer btw
>>1552299725k gold... lowest since that cursed mario kart pekora stream?
>>15522895Fellow seacowboy I tip my hat to you.
>>15522997CHOCO SENSEI, I KNEEL!>top 5 on her own ahead of Kuzuha, Pekora, Marine, Subaru, Nijisanji Main Channel, Korone and Chloe!WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW!
>>15522997 maybe....?good waiting room for the official stream afterwards...?I NEED MY NUMBAHS
>>15523063Yeah same case with her first album. It could sold more than Suisei's album (unlikely) but there is no way to know. Come to think of it, why doesn't Watame sell her physical album on physical store like Suisei?
>>15523003That is retard, AD are paid per AD and only if the viewer click on it
>>15522997wtf, a few weeks ago 25k wouldn't even qualify you on the top 10
>>15522722glad for the sheep, she deserves it.
>>15522722Watame's album is grouped with her anniversary goods so the numbers on these sites is always going to be only a subset at best.That being said, Watame's numbers in general have gone down the gutter since she did her sololive (read a lot of SCs and stopping playing minecraft), which kinda culminated in her low-CCV 3D live last night.Not expecting much for her, but she can take a break for a few weeks and come back stronger (and play more minecraft).
>>15523103are you retarded she did an ASMR stream. those are always big numbers for her
>>15522945No, not his "4chan" buddies. he is saying that he will ask his foreigner friend to go on and investigate "4chan" and the like not that friend is a "4channer">clipping her own speedrunget fucked clipniggers
>>15522935Ad money is everything for youtube. They decided to only count their mobile users who actually see ads and the old people that browse without an adblock. That way they pay less to streamers for viewers who don't make Youtube money.
* DECEMBER GOLD SO FAR *1) Chloe (Hololive) - 98,821 - Archived Karaoke2) Chloe (Hololive) - 74,800 - The Radio Station3) Hololive ch (Hololive) - 52,239 - Announcement4) Shion (Hololive) - 93,815 - Outfit Reveal5) Chloe (Hololive) - 63,541 - Unarchived Karaoke6) Ayame (Hololive) - 59,998 - Return Stream7) Mio (Hololive) - 54,729 - Anniversary Totsu8) Shion (Hololive) - 89,072 - Birthday 3D9) Calli (Hololive) - 89,923 - Outfit Reveal10) Toya (Nijisanji) - 89,652 - Niji Mario Kart Lottery&Rules11) Ame (Hololive) - 74,496 - Outfit Reveal12) Gura (Hololive) - 112,093 - Outfit Reveal13) Ayame (Hololive) - 99,651 - Birthday 3D14) Chloe (Hololive) - 31,961 - Evil God Korone15) Pekora (Hololive) - 69,956 - Announcement16) Fubuki (Hololive) - 42,374 - Shiny Hunt17) Haruka (Nijisanji) - 25,019 - 3D debut18) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 69,242 - Mario Kart Tournament19) Pekora (Hololive) - 187,336 - Outfit reveal20) Pekora (Hololive) - 46,691 - Pokemon21) Toya (Nijisanji) - 78,645 - Niji Mario Kart Finals Lottery22) Koyori (Hololive) - 58,518 - Totsu23) Fubuki (Hololive) - 38,611 - Shiny Hunt24) Marine (Hololive) - 71,316 - HoloX Confessions25) Suisei (Hololive) - 49,543 - Christmas Relay Karaoke26) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 130,092 - Mario Kart Tournament Finals27) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 65,631 - 3D stream28) Gura (Hololive) - 32,247 - Unarchived karaoke29) Watame (Hololive) - 28,259 - Anniversary 3D Live30) Kanae (Nijisanji) - 25,498 - Totsu
>>15522997Honestly prefer losing to nijiniggers than chumschizos shitting both boards
>>15523189>25k goldWell not the saddest gold ever at least
>>15523159kek, a swing and a miss
>>15522997>25,498: Kanae (Nijisanji)I don't think I can take these numbers anymore... If tomorrow we don't get 120k+ on the NY streams I'm never coming back to these threads...
>>15523159You're getting trolled and you're wrong.That wasn't her ASMR stream, it was her collab with Luna and Subaru.Her ASMR stream got 7.9k.
>>15522688Things that they need to know:>ad blocking software = +0 view added>tabbing out of the stream = +0 view added>muted stream = +0 view added>multi POV watching = +1 view added ONLY to your active POV>sharing account = +1 view added ONLY to your active stream (unless flagged as bot, then +0 view added)There are a number of other scenarios that are harder to tell unless you have a large group to study with, such as whether YouTube Premium works with adblock so that you still count as a viewer and whether or not multiple windows actually work on multiple streams.
>>15523189>32,247>28,259>25,498what a pathetic end of year
>>15523189So, who will get the last gold of the year?
>>15523167desperate times call for desperate measures
>>15523158Oh, he means>asking his mates to investigate on 4chaninstead of >asking his 4chan matesIs that it? My translation is funnier tho
>>15522688Has they said anything about kaoru pako note?
>>15523257NJU for sure. The number is to be seen, though.
>>15523257NJU - Rindou Mikoto off the backs of 58 Nijislaves 1M and become the fastest Towa's song.
>>15523233God you holobronies are pathetic, can't take L like a man.
>>15523266Funniest thing is that there is pretty much zero mention to that at all, at least in the rated comments.I don't really read all comments, there is 600 per thread or so, I skim the top rated
>>15523167Smart lass. No need to give clipniggers the views when you can do THIS one yourself.
>>15523124You forgot about sponsorships that ad companies pay to youtubers depending on their viewership
the only thing that can save us the haachama and marine ero art review...but that's sadly never happening...
>>15523086remember that most nips watch normal streams on their phones
>>15523257100% NJU because Holo's new year eve event is just variety show.
>>15523176unfortunately there is simply no way to stop this, they have no reliance on streaming at all, it is a sideshow to them that they wouldn't care disappeared tomorrow. What can be done? Its their platform to mess around with as they wish, and they can pick the winners and the losers at will. We can only cope as they kill livestreaming on youtube with a smile.
>>15523284I was feeling sad that Pekora isn't likely going to beat Kanae's number with Sans.Then I realized that Kanae's number doesn't even count since it's from yesterday.Then I realized today is NJU so nothing even fucking matters.
>>15523086No one is closing their streams. They're all still playing it, they're just tabeed out. The rest of the streamers are either on mobile devices or TVs that will constantly have the stream active either by leaving the device unlocked or through picture-in-picture.
>>15523294Beautiful cover
>>15523124Not always, it depends on the ad. someone that buys certain types of ads it's important that the viewer is "real".
>>15523349There's going to be more people appearing in NJU than the Holo NY stream because there's more people performing in NJU than HoloJP lmao
>>15523117For vol. 1 she said she didn't feel right selling an album that was mostly short meme songs at full price. She hasn't said anything regarding why she did it with this one yet as far as I know.
>TOPPEST OF FUCKING KEKSHere is the ranking so far, counting Toya stream todayAll Ayame has to do to take the month is>to do nothing and not streamIs she streaming tomorrow in her channel?
>>15522688kek u serious?
>>15523150>which kinda culminated in her low-CCV 3D live last night.Flawed reasoning. She got gold with a 28k ccv stream ffs
>>15523326>>15523425VOD view, CCV is completely meaningless for that
>Kiara being raided by the gooksDaFuq?
Roa's tweet has been trending for a while. Over 200k likes and almost 100k retweets.
>>15522688JP cant number?
>>15523326You should see the viewership of some of the Nijis who get sponsored get, a bunch of 1-2k CCV shitters get the same type of opportunities as Kuzuha and Kanae.I honestly think sponsors care more about image fit and branding than actual numbers.
>>15523294A large chunk of Suisei fans seem like Gura fans and don't really watch other people in Hololive.
>>15523596niji twitter power, bora's graduation tweet had around the same iirc
Kiara doing poll
>>15523596Posted about it earlier >>15519285It's fucking hilarious that she has more likes on that tweet than she does followers.It's on track to surpass Lulu and Coco's graduation tweets.Cover really fucking needs a twitter topic or at least apply for one because this is just embarrassing.The tweet announcing HoloX + Nene's NY outfits has 35k likes ffs.
Kiara 125% participation in 1 min poll
>>15523189its higher than a 3d debut the fuck?
>>15523477hey Suisei is holding pretty good. January will be terrible though
>>15523425That mean view on the ad though
>>15523533Only natural after all the HoloEN's clip trending there. I expected to be on Bae or Kronii's channel but they don't stream so they go to the third best holoEN to speak korean.
>>15522629I have never seen this type of graph before for Pekora. She basically jumping up and down
>>15523804Anon, some ads aren't click-through ads and they pay for just watching.
>>15523477>Ayame mogging Toya>Fubuki mogging all of Nijisanji>Kuzuha mogging Miko and Gura, but in turn gets mogged by Marine, Aqua, "reddit duck", and Pekora> Suisei below Koroneis literally every schizo in this thread got mogged?
>>15523942 for mario kart
>>15523533Korean KFP clipper made a clip where Kiara told clip watchers to watch her stream. 45k views in a few hours.
>>15523907This happens ALL the time with Apex, and to some extent Mario-kart.
>>15522629why is this happening here but didn't for fubuki pokemon autism?what i'm asking are those alt-tabbers her western pc only viewers and the rest are japs using phone etc?
>>15523907>She basically jumping up and downThat part is actually normal for this type of “reset” game.
>>15524041Yes and she rarely play those 2 games
>>15523942And those ad are just videos on Youtube that got play before the stuff you wanna watch it's the view on those AD that they're paying for
>>15523150Is there anywhere that still attempts to track member numbers? While her CCV dipped the chat stats have mostly been equal or higher.
>>15523724Aside from potential bragging right what would they achieve paying twitter for a topic?
>>15523533that is a considerable number of gooks, seems like they are more like eops than nips in the sense that they aren't shy to flood the chat with their language
>>15524125There's this, but idk how accurate it is.Watame is 4th in Hololive.
>>15524064Because she's fighting Sans and viewers keep raising as the fight goes on, then people tab out when she dies and has to start over, and slowly tab back in again.