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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 509 KB, 664x710, dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15058260 No.15058260 [Reply] [Original]

Happa rabbit wife edition!

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

Current Schedule: >>15029354 (You) (Cross-thread)

12 Days of Kikimas! https://files.catbox.moe/h94zmc.mp4 (embed)

Become a Gosling: https://vocaroo.com/1buvKgufInLV (embed)

Thread Song:

>> No.15059282
Quoted by: >>15068601

is she half black?

>> No.15060568

Kiki love

>> No.15061357

Kiki Love!

>> No.15062332
Quoted by: >>15062686

>Current Schedule: >>15029354 (Cross-thread)# (You) (Cross-thread)

>> No.15062382

Everyone excited for the pyon Fashion show?

>> No.15062451

In a few days

>> No.15062686
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, 1637018906882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15063877

Kek, I love my silly rabbit wife.

OP leave creating threads to me next time, I had a better one lined up and I wouldn't have left a bunch of
all of the place like a barbarian.

>> No.15062794
File: 281 KB, 691x607, 1640140802862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting a comfy edit some anon did from the last thread.

>> No.15062891

me meditating in the back

>> No.15063226

That really is comfy

>> No.15063877

I have a big version of almost all the emotes, except the most important one the smug emote. For the love of god, if somebody has it, please post so I can add it to my Kiki smug folder.

>> No.15063967
Quoted by: >>15064143

Dont have it, but would you like to post the other emotes?

>> No.15064139
File: 29 KB, 512x512, YriQYZ6PNIjj8gT-_JL4BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, I used /x/ magicks to acquire it.

>> No.15064143
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, FEJrd7gVIAU6Sem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15064197
Quoted by: >>15064295

Thanks Kiki

>> No.15064295

Nah, not Kiki, just a nerd. You can rip the full size of any emote from any channel if you open the emote image link and delete the "=[gibberish]" from the end of the URL.

>> No.15064347

Ah, I figured there must have been a way to do it. I tried inspect element, but didn't think to remove the junk at the end. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.15064380

>it works
thanks anon

>> No.15064579


>> No.15064591
Quoted by: >>15064759

Yeah, I'm a bit stressed out as I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I've yet to find the time to really just sit down and hammer it out. I'm going to try my best to get in though.

>> No.15064643

That's nice to know, thank you

>> No.15064759
Quoted by: >>15065011

Yeah, it doesn't have to be perfect. Lord knows mine isn't. Just do the best you can.

I can't wait to see yours

>> No.15065011
File: 116 KB, 390x396, 1639774420277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15065249

Yup, when Kiki is involved I always try to be my best.

>> No.15065249

Me too, it just sucks when you doubt yourself. I need to start being more optimistic....

Anyway, can't wait to see all the champ fashions created. Though i know kiki is going to love them

>> No.15065551
File: 44 KB, 484x513, 1637202798354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15065778

It's a bit late and out of the blue for horny posting, but happas make me incredibly fucking horny like you wouldn't believe. Now I'm going to bed, if I'm lucky I'll dream of my wife.

>> No.15065778

Goodnight anon, hope you have some good kiki dreams

>> No.15066233


>> No.15066436
Quoted by: >>15066503

She said she knows basic Japanese, like anime-tier. I had to deepl your comment because Kanji filters me, and it probably filters her too.

>> No.15066503

lol ok

>> No.15066512

Okay......if you're asking do i like the Japan language then yeah, Japanese products also yeah. But i don't understand the first thing in Japanese. Though I've been meaning to learn the language. Though, i dont even know if this is what you asked.

Google translate probably isnt the best

>> No.15066853

I was thinking. Kiki really is amazing. I mean she's open to us about most if not all things. She actually cares for us, she really loves us.

I know this is common knowledge here, i just...I'm still amazed. I love her so much.

>> No.15067151
Quoted by: >>15067993

She warmed my cold dead heart and even gave me a new love for animals. She is an amazing woman.

>> No.15067993

Yeah, when i found her i was in a pretty rough spot. But after watching her and eventually opening up in chat, I've felt better. Now I'm doing my reps. My family noticed I've gotten better. I even lost a little weight, though I'm probably going to gain it back at Christmas.

And I know she already knows we love her, but I can't help but keep saying it. I love her.

>> No.15068111

Just having her around has made me so much happier and has given me the motivation to improve myself.

>> No.15068191
Quoted by: >>15068427

Boxers or briefs?

>> No.15068427

As a fellow champyon.. boxer-briefs my dude, but if you have muscular thighs and don't want panty lines look for euro cut. Kiki wearing boxers though.. diamonds

>> No.15068601


>> No.15069980

Kiki Love is the purest form of love. No other love can compare tocthe love me and my wife share

>> No.15070440

how does it feel being a part of a girl's reverse harem.

>> No.15070629

I want my sperm to penetrate Kiki's fertile egg and have the egg attach to her uterine wall and have it grow into a beautiful baby that Kiki gives birth to while crawling on all 4s like an animal in a barn.

>> No.15070750

I want to skin Kiki, rip the meat off her bones and make rabbit stew
I love you cutie bunny!

>> No.15071128

Based vorebro.

>> No.15072638

Begone! Return to the cesspit from whence ye came!

>> No.15072986

It's just not the same without Fubukianon... I hope he's doing alright.

>> No.15073013
Quoted by: >>15073178

Don't worry I'm sure he's somewhere out there sucking someone's penis.

>> No.15073131

I wonder if Kiki would like the Ace Attorney series. It's a glorified visual novel so it would give her lots of time to zatsu and just comment on what's happening.

>> No.15073178

damn i wish it was mine
dude prolly super hot

>> No.15073256

is she ogey?

>> No.15073357
Quoted by: >>15073668

No, she should go to sleep instead of staying up for 30+ hours. I don't like it.

>> No.15073554

life's not a wheel, with chains made of steel, so bless me.

>> No.15073558

kiki your sleep reps...
6 please, 1 hour each

>> No.15073643
File: 922 KB, 796x545, 1610165133181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15073711

How many RT/Likes had her T-shirt tweet? I understand she deleted it and all, no problem! But I'm still curious to know how far it made it.
I think someone mentioned over 200 RTs but it's vague.

>> No.15073668

To be fair it seemed like she needed to reset her sleep schedule. She was going to bed pretty late in the morning.

>> No.15073693
Quoted by: >>15074483

He left with Oddball and are now living a happy married life. They didn't want to make kiki sad so they didn't bring it up before leaving.

>> No.15073711

It had a little over 200 retweets and 1.4k likes.

>> No.15074019

my rrat is that Kiki were a long-eared puppy all along but forgor because it's another one of papapyon's long term pranks

>> No.15074483

do you know what happened to gobbles?

>> No.15074689

thanks for reposting i made that 30mins before i had to go to work today

>> No.15074741
Quoted by: >>15074809

I killed him. I probably shouldn't have gone that far, but too late to do anything about that now.

>> No.15074809

Why would you do that? He still had to complete his reception arc you monster.

>> No.15075424
File: 113 KB, 700x389, 1637262960624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep you wasically wabbit

>> No.15075621
File: 159 KB, 1200x912, 1532005023523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15075745

The antis are time looping fast

>> No.15076038


>> No.15076075

I love my rabbit wife too, she's very cute.

>> No.15076162


>> No.15076207

>talking about me

>> No.15076266
Quoted by: >>15076307

She’s just had too much kiki, take it from an expert. With how hard she’s worked herself this month she deserves a night to cut loose. Just have a laugh with the wascally wabbit.

>> No.15076307

Expert Kiki drinker*

>> No.15076345
Quoted by: >>15076387

i tried to go to sleep really early so i could be awake for touhou but i could only manage to sleep this long. am i gonna make it

>> No.15076387

We are all.

>> No.15076557

I think I found out who kikimas carol anon is but I know Kiki doesn’t like singling people out. Please make one more for the pageant anon I know you’re here

>> No.15076570
Quoted by: >>15076822

from what ive seen hes working on carrot-kun is coming to town

>> No.15076822

I dropped it, I couldn’t change enough of it and be happy with it. I’ve been toying with Paul McCartney’s Christmas song but it isn’t perfect yet. Deck the halls has made good progress but it still isn’t where I want it. Worst case I get one out on Christmas Eve.
Kiki would be sad if you doxxed me champyon, keep it to yourself.

>> No.15076960


>> No.15076969 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 268x423, 1639808016289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15077185

i found your picture carol-pyon

>> No.15077151
File: 351 KB, 644x416, 1625346584526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be a blessing if Kiki were to urinate on my manhood while I caress her puffy slit between her thighs
alas I do not experience any romantic feelings towards her & simply shitposting the thread as a hobby once in a while

>> No.15077185

Oh fuq

>> No.15077552

maybe you should show up for more than one stream a day at best and stop making shit up. You don’t love Kiki. You only stopped “lurking” when she noticed you and your lazy parody.

>> No.15077613


>> No.15077659


>> No.15077727

calm the farm mate, its champyon unity not tranny faggotry

>> No.15077822

Do you guys really hate me that much? I just wanted to make something nice for our Wife. I know I'm not in chat alot but I have a 9-5 to keep on top of. The best I can do is keep an earbud in if it's not late. I just wanted to make Kiki happy.

>> No.15077956

Nah, they're just /wvt/ tourists larping as Champyons so they can start shit. Hide and move on.

>> No.15077960

there always seem to be at least one guy in the thread who scolds people who aren't anonymous, ignore that retard, stop acknowledging his existence

>> No.15077976 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 2045x1202, IMG_20211222_050107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you so much Kiki! Heres my little man for your soft bumbum <3
Im mega proud to be your husband!

>> No.15077995

yeah nah, you're just not champyon enough. You need to post cock with timestamp to be true champyon.

>> No.15077996

timestamp or it's not yours

>> No.15078013

is that thing upside down lmao or are you just hanging from your feet taking that pic

>> No.15078045


>> No.15078059
Quoted by: >>15078274


>> No.15078183

>small carrot

>> No.15078229

>larper desperate to prove he's not /wvt/ he showed his dick
How low can one faggot get? Kiki please cut his dick off and mince it

>> No.15078274
Quoted by: >>15078306

What do you mean, it's FOUR (4) different IPs! They can't all be a faggot!

>> No.15078306

>They can't all be a faggot!

>> No.15078389
Quoted by: >>15078498

lets just be frens, ogey?

>> No.15078498
Quoted by: >>15078583

no, i must constantly prove my dominance over other champyons and establish a hierarchy in an anonymous imageboard

>> No.15078560

We should start a list of some of the really stupid shit kyucks do. I mean my opinion was low but Im not sure what he thought was gonna result from him posting his dick.

>> No.15078581

classic America, sorry your parents did that to you

>> No.15078583
File: 206 KB, 510x782, bring_me_the_next_rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15079342

Weak. True Champyon's solve their differences in the ring, not by calling each other names like women.

>> No.15078608

He probably thinks it'll be good shlick material for our wife

>> No.15078611
Quoted by: >>15078675

Even today, posting a random pics and saying it’s kiki

>> No.15078675 [SPOILER] 
File: 277 KB, 1908x1146, 1640107987662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Kiki. Just accept it already.

>> No.15078693

anon why...

>> No.15078739
Quoted by: >>15078760

unrelated to this bullshit, Kiki should try earthbound or mother 3, I think she'd like it.

>> No.15078760

I want her to play Omori first

>> No.15078858
File: 2.12 MB, 941x573, 1637186564701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15078935

Hhnnnnnnggggg!! My heart!

>> No.15078981

She's just a humble rabbit after all

>> No.15079125

Here's a lewd drawing. I got the idea after the crash 1 streams. It's not perfect but here it is.


>> No.15079202

I love my lolibaba rabbit wife. She's just the best. And she's a rabbit, did you kno that she's a rabbit?

>> No.15079225
Quoted by: >>15079550

She is?

>> No.15079342
File: 838 KB, 352x240, aniki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? I'll make you wish you were born a woman.

>> No.15079376
File: 213 KB, 839x651, 6709D4C3-3953-44A7-B162-53F253DD41A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a little man in my bar, do your think he know’s he’s a lizard?

>> No.15079448
Quoted by: >>15079609

remind him just in case

>> No.15079494
Quoted by: >>15079609

Speaking from experience, no. So you should remind him of that.

>> No.15079550

Yeah she is!. Crazy right?! I wouldn't have believed it either. If someone else wouldn't have told me!!!

>> No.15079609
File: 641 KB, 1935x1280, 87040300-F845-406E-A701-9BFE5D5754E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.15079632

I never forgor

>> No.15079655

Wow. I-I just don't know what to say. That's Kiki. She's even said so herself. I still can't get over the fact that she's a bunny.

>> No.15079680

You have to write it in lizard. He can't read that.

>> No.15079697

Well son. You did well.

>> No.15079699
Quoted by: >>15079800

Good. Good. Did you also verbally tell him? Just in case he can't read.

>> No.15079792

Guys, I need some help. For the past week I haven't been able to draw. I've got art block or whatever. So I was wondering is there any kind of video game character you'd like to see kiki as. I already did kirby and hollow knight.

>> No.15079800
Quoted by: >>15079881

I told it to him 3 times, he can’t handle the truth.

>> No.15079838

Kiki as Kazooie popping out of Banjo's backpack

>> No.15079839

Now write it in braille, just in case he has bad eye sight.

>> No.15079872

I'd like to watch Kiki play Omori too

>> No.15079881

What a shame, some animals just can't accept the truth. Maybe one day he'll rember, and when he does maybe he'll rember you trying to tell him

>> No.15080027

Maybe draw her as a dragon from spyro

>> No.15080118

as 2B from nier automata

>> No.15080208

Kiki sounds fat

>> No.15080234

Kiki sounds cute!

>> No.15080246

uooh chubby bunny cunny

>> No.15080256
Quoted by: >>15085792

Kiki sounds hot

>> No.15080282

>fat kiki
God i wish.
t. /ag/

>> No.15080410
Quoted by: >>15080524

Newfag here. What do you all mean when you say the word neighbor?

>> No.15080524
Quoted by: >>15080566

lurk moar

>> No.15080566
Quoted by: >>15080663

Thank you for your excellent advice

>> No.15080663

(You) are welcome
now take heed of it

>> No.15080713

Doesn't she like mario? Maybe draw her as a mario character

>> No.15080959

She’s too skinny :(

>> No.15081717

Awww, so cute.

>> No.15082330


>> No.15082388
Quoted by: >>15082519

Bros, papapyon doesn't like sodie pops. What do we do?!

>> No.15082495

Does he prefer fizzy cokes

>> No.15082519
Quoted by: >>15082571

It's over

>> No.15082571

Does this mean our father-in-law doesn't like us any more?!

>> No.15082604
Quoted by: >>15082732

>I don't call them that
I'm in.

>> No.15082732

Me too brother

>> No.15083090

You know I never see to many people talk about papapyon. Like the dude is told that his daughter has around 1700 husbands all online and he's cool with it. So much that he thanks us for making her happy! That amount of wholesome is something i don't see often.

Kiki, i would like to ask you to tell papyon Hi from us. And let him know we are so happy to have him as a father-in-law.

Also mwah love you kiki. You're the best wife and the cutest.

>> No.15083322
File: 293 KB, 793x639, wallet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop you sneaky anon. I see what's going on here. You're trying to read this thread without telling me what you think of this picture of me and my wife.

>> No.15083338


>> No.15083366

We may be geese, but we're your geese. Also, phew he doesn't hate us let's GOOOOO!!!

Kiki love

>> No.15083432
File: 302 KB, 569x515, kiki_love_new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been 1 day, 18 hours, 19 minutes and 21 seconds since I last expressed Kiki Love through this png.

>> No.15083562


>> No.15083643
File: 181 KB, 2047x1597, sasuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of Papapyon

>> No.15083683

Kiki we call it sodie pop for the same reason papapyon told you that game was called bools. If we explained it to him he'd proudly laugh along and/or hit us.

>> No.15083844
File: 631 KB, 934x886, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I shouldn't tell him that I microwave my coffee everyday before an early Kiki stream as a wake me up.

>> No.15084408

Papapyon gave us the S-word pass!

>> No.15084801
Quoted by: >>15084932

it's funny cause if you read early threads, the way he was accepted and celebrated would never fly now

>> No.15084932

He never was, he was constantly trolling so it was a meme. Out of context as a newfag it can look that way though

>> No.15085183 [DELETED] 

>I won't go into it but yeah

>> No.15085350
File: 368 KB, 1080x1063, 1639772794999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sisters are back, ignore them.

>> No.15085418
Quoted by: >>15088260

Don't get gaslit champyons. Have confidence in yourself and your established opinions. Don't defend yourselves, trust your fellow champyons.

>> No.15085603
File: 344 KB, 676x555, 1614990804546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15085873

What is it about our rabbit that they hate so? She's too smug isn't she?

>> No.15085713

Just not a fan of viewers going too far into attention whores like right now

>> No.15085754

>posting mutilated organs in the thread
I'm not into that sorry

>> No.15085792

What is Kiki's mental age?
I know she said she's like around 20-22 maybe officially, but in her head? She feels pretty childish, I'm not say that as an insult btw.

>> No.15085824

Kiki stream doko?

>> No.15085873

The kyuck seethes when it looks upon smug anime girls. They internalize it as a reaction to their own inadequacies. Naturally they would get triggered by the smuggest of rabbits.

>> No.15085911
Quoted by: >>15086118


Look at these cute Otters!!!!

>> No.15086118

Cute otties.

>> No.15086794
File: 12 KB, 233x216, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087128

Anyone here grow up on Zoboomafoo?

>> No.15087128
File: 1.36 MB, 3619x2412, Coquerel&#039;s_Sifaka_lemurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's what that show was called...
I loved it as a kid, it's what made me love coquerel's sifaka lemurs.

It's what the puppet was based on. One of these

>> No.15087151
Quoted by: >>15087296


>> No.15087159
Quoted by: >>15087239


>> No.15087239
File: 187 KB, 388x295, 1613635555585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087289

Do you even look before you post?

>> No.15087282
File: 164 KB, 561x585, 1623735675116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her regardless, I'd say 16?
>Becoming easily upset or overwhelmed or having trouble calming herself down when things don't go her way.
>Into edgy provocative jokes
>Huge need for validation/attention
>Afraid to be left alone
>Pretty gullible and take everything 1st degree
>Seems completely scared by her sister like a little kid
All of this can happen at later age too, but she does feel very childish in mental, which isn't a bad or good thing, just a character trait.
I many things about her, including some of those traits, but it's true she has the mind of a teen.

>> No.15087289

They are 10 seconds apart, the thread probably didnt even refresh in between both of them posting.

>> No.15087296

Thats fine. We can wait for the stream. You just enjoy your chat, ogey

Love you

>> No.15087335


>> No.15087364

Damn, when you put it like that, it's hard to refute.
I love my childish wife! I will raise her into a woman!

>> No.15087437
File: 145 KB, 372x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087474

oh man another shitty da-"Good morning my champyon, It's time to wake up" ALRIGHT LET'S FUCKING GOOO

>> No.15087474

Reminder that Kiki hates frog posters

>> No.15087488


>> No.15087760


>> No.15087803


>> No.15087858

do you even watch her anon?

>> No.15087914

... yes, if you couldn't tell my the content. Any question you wanna ask about her so I can't show you? Preferably from early streams, since newfags aren't really welcomed here.

>> No.15087928

who cares?

>> No.15087938
Quoted by: >>15088177

you just seem like a dedicated anti anon, I wont engage.

>> No.15087942

They probably watched a couple streams a few months ago. All the bait and shitposting has been old time loops.

>> No.15087951

tell by the content of my post*

>> No.15088177

Not sure how is that being anti, I think those points are endearing.
But sure, doubt we'll get anywhere anyway if you consider something so amiable to be "anti", just gave my honest thoughts in a positive light.

>> No.15088222

don't bother, it's just the usual troll who call bait to everything randomly, it's his usual strategy
ignore that schizo

>> No.15088230


>> No.15088260
Quoted by: >>15088313


>> No.15088271

this. its to make it seem like all of us are retarded whiteknights. don't worry champyon

>> No.15088313

Yeah nvm sorry I thought that "anti calling" bait, I'll let it rest.

>> No.15088314

>I watched a girl on the internet longer than you have!
Every fucking time.

>> No.15088318

She's aware of her emotional nature and calms down herself pretty quickly so I would add +10 years to that

>> No.15088342

btw kiki already opened the waiting room

>> No.15088377
File: 17 KB, 556x64, ouh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15088434

Cute and funny...?

>> No.15088478

She got better on some point but yeah, that + her voice + claimed IRL size, I'm glad to know she's in uni or I would have started to be worried ahah. It's nice.

>> No.15088566


>> No.15088720

Glad she's open about it at least!

>> No.15089336

Uuuuuoooohhhh i love this woman

>> No.15089616
File: 18 KB, 720x128, Screenshot_20211222-094750_YouTube_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15089639

matane kiki-chan..

>> No.15089685

You guys should encourage your wife to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Maybe encourage her to sleep at night, too

>> No.15089709

Consider just sleeping fully and resetting for tomorrow. Either way don't worry about it. Goodnight and sweet dreams, I love you, mwah <3

>> No.15089737

every time

>> No.15089752

Get all the rest you need you goose

>> No.15089755
Quoted by: >>15090141

We do, literally every time. You should mind your own business.

>> No.15089797
Quoted by: >>15090141

You haven't been here long, or else you would have known we do

>> No.15090141

The best way to do this would be to avoid the late night streams. You guys could form a picket line

>> No.15090305

Honestly we could simply not come to those streams so it naturally push her to better sleep schedule
if she can't resist it's the only way

>> No.15090333

her fingers look fat, i think she's lying about being 45kg.

>> No.15090339
Quoted by: >>15090403

That's what I'm saying. If you guys reward her with views when she should be sleeping she will naturally continue to do this.

>> No.15090352

Sounds good, but you can't prevent twitter newfags from still coming.

>> No.15090366

As much as I don't like her not sleeping, there is no way I would avoid her streams to try to force her to sleep and leave her feeling abandoned. That's not going to happen, ever.

>> No.15090367

Cease your concernfagging. She's an adult and she can manage her own sleep schedule. If she's streaming at a time that I'm awake, I'll be there.

>> No.15090393

Think about her long term health, husbands. Look at the bigger picture here.

>> No.15090403

I guess champyons have responsibility too indeed.

>> No.15090408
Quoted by: >>15090429

Don't (You) me you cross trash samefag schizo.

>> No.15090430
Quoted by: >>15090688

This is just weak bait. Obviously we will NEVER ignore our wife's stream, for any reason.

>> No.15090429


>> No.15090436

>She's an adult
Did we ever get any proof of this? Sometimes I wonder.

>> No.15090527

Not really?
She said she was in uni but it's just always holidays apparently. The knowledge in her informative videos was more high school tier, though it's understandable I guess to not lose viewers.
Not much to go for, with vtubers you can never know anyway so no point bothering.

>> No.15090572

Yeah, we could. Now let's say we do. On multiple occasions she has felt bad and wondered if we still love her when only half of the viewers showed up. Now imagine if 3/4 didn't show up imagine how she'd feel. And i hate seeing her sad. So i for one will not avoid her streams. Yes i want her to sleep more, but she's made it clear this is how she wants it.

>> No.15090597

Nope, but I'm slowing getting to the bottom of who you are.

>> No.15090617

everyone hates french

>> No.15090643
Quoted by: >>15090683

Stop replying to bait. The point of us telling her to sleep longer is precisely the opposite, that we WON'T miss her stream regardless when it happens.


>> No.15090683

I'm sorry, i usually don't respond to it. But this jusy got to me

I must remember the mantra.....

>> No.15090688
Quoted by: >>15090873

Oh, I know it's bait. I am just reinforcing to Kiki that I will never leave her. I do want her to sleep though. I saw this coming a mile away. She was in the thread for hours after saying she'd go to sleep and I knew she'd try to take a nap before the stream. But there's no napping when you're sleep deprived, you just wake up feeling like shit. Now she's going to sleep for three hours, which isn't nearly enough and she will still feel like shit.

>> No.15090721

I'm assuming she reads this thread pretty often and probably DMs at least a few of you guys. You should really talk it over so she knows you aren't just avoiding her. Just my two cents. The way you guys respond to criticism kinda worries me.

>> No.15090844

>Every critical post is bait
>Every post I don't like is samefag
>Every person I disagree with is Annie

>> No.15090873
Quoted by: >>15091086

Yep, I told her when she said "what if I don't sleep" that this would happen. That she won't be able to stream later. Her sleep schedule definitely needs fixing, but these baiters are taking that grain of truth and twisting it for their purposes. No use talking about it seriously amidst all the bait, just makes it more confusing and unproductive.

>> No.15090872

This but unironically

>> No.15090874

Unironically yes, usually true.

>> No.15090880
Quoted by: >>15090937

hate tourists
hate newfags
love my kiki
love my champyons
simple as

>> No.15090937



>> No.15091029

>Scared of her sister
That's the shit that gets me, maybe it's a woman thing or a short person thing but I stopped being scared of my older brother when I turned 19

>> No.15091086

Yeah, I agree. That's why I'm ignoring the other bait. But I still wanted to take the time to let Kiki know that I will stay with her and that I hope she will start to take better care of herself because I love her.

>> No.15091206
Quoted by: >>15091482

we need to unironically get a Discord so people won't call sincere Champyon posts to be bait.

>> No.15091216
File: 194 KB, 413x419, 1637484314169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and fix your schedule Kiki
I'd hate to see the Cthulhu stream and Kikimas zatsu get cancelled

>> No.15091276

I think it's fair to express it at least, not take action. It's not harmful, maybe it can make her think about it, ultimately it's gonna be her decisions anyway, but getting the prompt to think about it isn't bad.

>> No.15091277

It's probably an Asian thing.
t. knower

>> No.15091291
Quoted by: >>15091375

>Genuine concern is also bait
>Anyone worried about their fellow 4chan user is a saviourfag

>> No.15091305

From what I understand most vtubers have the mental maturity of a 16 year old and Japanese women tend to be especially retarded

>> No.15091309

all of this is correct

>> No.15091366
Quoted by: >>15091379

What? That's a legitimate question, there have been past examples of issues related to that topic. I think it's fair to at least ask if she provided anything, what the hell.

>> No.15091375
File: 622 KB, 360x263, 1636562021038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15091422

anon is overdosed in "I can save her" somebody needs to give him Kiki and FAST

>> No.15091379
Quoted by: >>15091527

If she's not an adult, she can't post here.

>> No.15091403

In pre-debut days she was very talkative in DMs though pretty meek and lost on what she was doing, she acted like a friend.
Though since last months it's been much colder and very rare answers.

>> No.15091422

no I'm mostly worried about you guys, not Kiki

>> No.15091440
File: 718 KB, 1648x1080, 1613421415363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15091467

I'm tired of all these nonfrens raiding our threads and starting drama in other generals posing as us. I've decided I'm going to assemble a team of batpyons to help me round up the antis and take their lunch money. You will be contacted if I deem you worthy of the cause.

>> No.15091461
File: 113 KB, 1080x1197, 1636995875914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15091638

I'm slowly starting to be convinced she's a genuine underage, or that playing this Kiki avatar is severely affecting her perception of self and devolving her into a bumbling retard
Which I guess isn't bad if she's happy but it does make me a bit sick to my stomach

>> No.15091467
Quoted by: >>15091595

Will you contact them on discord?

>> No.15091479



Everyone enjoy this family trying to get their dog to get a bath

>> No.15091482
Quoted by: >>15091565

Many issues of pyon would be resolved that way and overall would make it better for Kiki mental since she often takes bait. But I think it's a lost cause given 4chan biais about that and how it's one of the boogeyman of the thread. Unlucky for kiki, she couldn't know I guess.

>> No.15091527

oh right, well everything is fine then

>> No.15091544

At this point it looks kike they actually are cycling through all the old bait from the archives. Get a better hobby.

>> No.15091561

Yeah, maybe. But for now lets all drop it. She's getting some sleep.

>> No.15091565

You guys unironically would be a lot happier if you were on Discord. I wouldn't be able to wander into your thread and concernfag anymore

>> No.15091595

No, I've already gathered everything I need to contact them in real life.

>> No.15091638

Yeah, I don't want to go too far in IRL territory anyway I just wanted to ask the question once to get champyons' opinion.
I can accept the idea of Kiki the character being her safe space to let herself go and be childish, let off steam, feeling safe with champyons, even some adults need that sometimes. Who know maybe it's also a kink of her ageplay is absolutely a real thing.

>> No.15091665
File: 3.22 MB, 452x498, 1633111198501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schizos and baitfags replying to each other

>> No.15091697
Quoted by: >>15091770

don't you have some cocks to suck or something

>> No.15091714
Quoted by: >>15091770

It's because the real Fubuki anon left and /pyon/ lost his equilibrium. He provided the needed diversion.

>> No.15091728
File: 26 KB, 220x239, 1637000113670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15091770


>> No.15091770
File: 44 KB, 281x328, 1637471616322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop samefagging retard

>> No.15091774
Quoted by: >>15093162

kek, are you 12 seriously? Threatening someone over a simple question, like you have anything on literally a random champyon, it's almost cute how chuuni you sound actually ahah.

>> No.15091824

I'm the 3rd poster only, and those posts are far too close to each other anyway.

>> No.15091835

Probably more a social anxiety thing. I used to be incredibly awkward around my older brother but there was also a near decade age gap between us and we weren't close at all

>> No.15091863
File: 33 KB, 421x178, fubukisamefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15091876

Please, you expect newfags to know about the 30 second CD on pass and 1 min cooldown on normal? AND to incorporate that into their samefag accusations? It's so much easier to call every post I don't like as samefag!

>> No.15091909
File: 88 KB, 713x249, 1617880842344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too?!

>> No.15091910
File: 368 KB, 750x637, 1627057993821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't even a part of it
Stop trying to act like you're in the /here/ and now you fucking turbonigger

>> No.15091918
Quoted by: >>15091946

I'm only the second one. Samefag accusations that fall flat are so, so gay

>> No.15091946
Quoted by: >>15091965

You aren't a single one of those posters neck yourself retardnigger

>> No.15091965

No, you.

>> No.15091989
File: 534 KB, 859x853, 1637550606817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it has been written

>> No.15092013

The people who only talk in youtube chat honestly have the right idea. The threads have been an absolute cesspit for several days now.

>> No.15092015

Look at this raven


>> No.15092065
File: 162 KB, 1087x583, 1632737856785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15092197

>>15091770 >>15091863
Wait, are you me?

>> No.15092077
Quoted by: >>15092118

Champyon love!

>> No.15092089

Just look at all those newfag replies.

>> No.15092118

Champyon love champyon love champyon love champyon love

>> No.15092129
Quoted by: >>15092203

I never read chat before Kiki starts streaming, qrd?

>> No.15092182
Quoted by: >>15092261

Champyon love and goose hate! With Kiki love as a close third!

>> No.15092197
File: 1.11 MB, 1865x387, Primal Ogey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbdicay.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15092893

>Replying to yourself to farm (you)s

>> No.15092203

Everyone prefers the YT prechat because people have to use their names there so there is no bait there. Unlike the threads here which have turned into total shit. Maybe Kiki can make a free chat room as a sort of compromise? That way we can chat with our names, and nobody will have to be worried about bait.

>> No.15092254

But it's pretty comfy in here when it's not absolute shit. Like that lizard post earlier, that was cute.

>> No.15092261

Kiki love first for me, champ love a close second

>> No.15092305
Quoted by: >>15092367

speak for yourself

>> No.15092317
File: 279 KB, 640x640, 1637935838027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Champyon Cock
>Champyon Dick
>Champyon Cum
>Champyon Splurge flying thick ropes over my face
>Champyon Seed blasting and filling up my womb
>Champyon jissom firing off like a canon and blowing out my eye

>> No.15092361
File: 131 KB, 286x297, 16666666666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095484


>> No.15092367

What do you mean by this? That you prefer the thread? I was just replying to OP. Of course its a general statement not every single person.

>> No.15092417

oh shit can't believe Christmas is so close

>> No.15092453
Quoted by: >>15092566

Kiki will fuck her boyfriend Virial on Christmas Eve! Kiki please stream it I really want to hear it

>> No.15092566
Quoted by: >>15092642

>kiki will fuck me on christmas eve

>> No.15092642
Quoted by: >>15092868

What time are you going to pick her up? Do you have any plans before sex? Possibly a nice romantic dinner? What did you buy her for Christmas? I have so many questions that need answering. I have a cucking fetish, but I think that's why I fit in so well here. I think it's so hot to be sharing my wife with so many horny guys who also want to fuck her.

>> No.15092697

This thread is a looney bin

>> No.15092855

It's getting raided. Maybe some day meidos will do their job.

>> No.15092868
Quoted by: >>15092912

Does it really count as chucking if by lore we all are the same guy, or share the same body

>> No.15092893

He's actually in his own screenshot, black magic at play!

>> No.15092912
Quoted by: >>15093016

I think so yes

>> No.15092946
Quoted by: >>15093039

It would be solved if we just used the youtube chat names as a trip here, that way not a single schizo poster can operate at all, honestly it's an effective solution.

>> No.15092955
Quoted by: >>15093030

Why would the meidos clean up posts that don't break any rules

>> No.15093001

What the fuck are you talking about? Meidos are not the thread morale committee. If you don't break the rules, you are in the clear.

>> No.15093014

He prefers the thread because he can't schizpost in YT chat without outing who he is, figure

>> No.15093016
Quoted by: >>15093061

Hmmm, i dont think so, but lets go with the 1500 hubbys all in one body. Thats the closest to cucking, but again that'd be all 1500 hubbys fucking her at the same time. And the only one would be too, since we'd be personalities of the same guy, thus making us all the same

>> No.15093017


>> No.15093030

Literally just be your on meido and filter posts that you don't like. It will also hide samefags responding to themselves.

>> No.15093039

You're right. I don't know why we didn't do this sooner

>> No.15093061
Quoted by: >>15093118

How does this work logistically when it comes to sex? Do we all share one penis?

>> No.15093073

Newfag, there is nothing for jannies to delete here, and no "trolling" doesn't apply when it's so context heavy to even understand unless you want half the regular posters ato get banned as well

>> No.15093118

Yep. Cause we are all in the brain so we are just different personalities all sharing the exact same body thus we all have the same dick

>> No.15093141
Quoted by: >>15093355

I'm not really bothered by it anyway, they're just flinging old baits around. Just discuss like normal and ignore them

>> No.15093162
Quoted by: >>15093342

Honestly I just picture some middle schooler all angry throwing a tantrum. "My uncle work at 4chan! He'll give me your ip and adress, just you wait!!!"

>> No.15093342
File: 217 KB, 318x777, 1610455669097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S-stop it right here... how dare question my based queen Kiki?? S-schizo!!!! reddit discord wvttranny jew nigger!!
>I hacked your 4chan account you know, I'm warning you, don't piss me of! I'm about to find your adress, you're basically dead if I decide so! W-why aren't you scared??

>> No.15093355
Quoted by: >>15093602

>Narrator: He was slightly bothered.

>> No.15093396
Quoted by: >>15093621

So this is the power of champyons...

>> No.15093560
File: 74 KB, 200x234, anon_IP_export2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15093629

Don't mock us. I already got your IP thanks to my gold account, I'll share it with the other VIPs here.
Think twice next time before making fun of us.

>> No.15093602
Quoted by: >>15093663

No. I'm still lurking the thread, and reading every post. Most of them are either harmless or very old rrats/discussions. They should try harder, maybe posting more dick pics, sounds like a great idea to me.

>> No.15093621

They own this board. We are their bitches.

>> No.15093629

I can't see it
How do you even register, is it included with the pass?

>> No.15093663
Quoted by: >>15093831

Not just bothered, but hot and bothered. Oh my.

>> No.15093709

Holy shit lmfao, is this your mans champyons

>> No.15093732
File: 479 KB, 600x709, 4chan_ACCOUNTREGISTER_2021V4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes, we really have some newfags in here
Here, it's lifetime so pretty cheap honestly, 4chan is just not the same once you got that.

>> No.15093781

gold is different from the pass.
pass is yearly but gold is lifetime.

>> No.15093804

You antis are really making me angry, stop pushing me or I'm gonna do something you won't like

>> No.15093821

Stop pushing yourself.

>> No.15093827

How can I push you harder? I want to see your dick.

>> No.15093831
Quoted by: >>15093864

Yeah you can keep thinking that way, I don't mind. I just don't want to miss Champyons' posts.

>> No.15093864
Quoted by: >>15093895

And my dick, apparently.

>> No.15093876
Quoted by: >>15093924

Ah fuck, no paypal??
I'll have to ask dad for the credit card I guess

>> No.15093895

Lol no thanks

>> No.15093924

It's worth it man, once you get an anti's IP you can really go to town

>> No.15093936
Quoted by: >>15093971

I'm glad kiki went to sleep, or we may have gotten her credit card number.

>> No.15093961
Quoted by: >>15094010

I sear to god, if I get one more (You) you guys will regret every leaving your /trash/ hole.

>> No.15093971
Quoted by: >>15094093

I thought Kiki was an epic /here/ oldfag and /an/ poster

>> No.15094010
Quoted by: >>15094153

I've never read trash, I just read /vt/ regularly

>> No.15094064

>kiki this
>kiki that
>rrat this
>raid that
here is some facts for you niggers I___LOVE___KIKI____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

>> No.15094093

No, this would have been breaking the rule of no underage posting.
Kiki ain't no honorless thug, she wouldn't break 4chan rule unless it's racism because she can't help being based.

>> No.15094153
Quoted by: >>15094187

I warned you about replying to me, now you're going to regret it

>> No.15094187
Quoted by: >>15094317

I have my most Jewish spells and hexes charged and at the ready. Do your worst.

>> No.15094193
Quoted by: >>15094239

Every time doubt arise in my mind, I replay the moments of her saying tranny, gaz the jews, or her tweet where she shows her ban for racism... and instantly I feel better knowing she's based just liked me. It's nice being a champyon.
Kiki love!

>> No.15094223

Too bad the raid is dying down already, unlike my love for Kiki.

>> No.15094236

Wydm? Kiki is 16 years old and has been here since 2006. She is such an oldfag that she was using 4Chan from her mother's womb.

>> No.15094239

Kiki love! This shit is so healthy! Love my invisible, incorporeal wife!

>> No.15094250

>no underage posting
The only rule less enforced than no trolling/racism outside of /b/

>> No.15094251

If I wanted to 'raid" a thread I'd do it when Kiki is online and reading, not asleep, thread will die before she wakes up.

>> No.15094317

Don't you dare bring that filthy merchant magic here

>> No.15094330

It's literally 2 or 3 schizos talking to each other since no one gives them (You)s

>> No.15094339

This. I think all of you champyons are dorks and groomers but I'm genuinely not trying to do this stuff while she's reading the thread because I can only see Kiki being miserable about it

>> No.15094352

You're just afraid of the overwhelming force of us champyons when kiki hapiness is at play, you wouldn't like us in that mood, really.

>> No.15094371

Yeah these guys are inexperienced.

>> No.15094381

I've actually gotten plenty of (You)s. (You) guys can't seem to help (You)rselves

>> No.15094394
Quoted by: >>15094462

Champyons REALLY could learn some self deprecation some day, the life of everyone would become much better.

>> No.15094462

Kiki too could learn that. She literally got tilted by 2 simples post questionning her level during Crash Bandicoot, and one was like "I'm starting to think my wife isn't so good..." which was obviously affectionate.

>> No.15094514

That's because she's mentally 5 years old.

>> No.15094524

I still remember when literally one guy (1) got her to change her mind about doing a pause during the stream by joking "oh no, a pause? we would never forgive that" while everyone said "yeah of course it's fine!", just that one comment got her anxious and hesitant.
I stopped doing banter from then on.

>> No.15094545
Quoted by: >>15094643

I hope all champyons are grooming responsibly.

>> No.15094639

Geese are putting way too much effort into this. Hopefully people don't forget about this thread in a day or something. Also I love Kiki

>> No.15094643

I wish, but the early decisions of "no DM outside business" really made it impossible to groom outside of group-grooming in the thread.
The only point of entry now is becoming like, mod for some small corpo and hopefully get involved in an hypothetic collab preparation in the future. Very little room.
I regret not paying attention predebut, there were multiple months to get her anywhere you wanted but I didn't know she was so easily influence so I didn't bother.

>> No.15094706
Quoted by: >>15094764

I'm a geese AND a champyon, that's exactly why I put efforts and little bit of truth in my shitposts. Honestly not every thread is blessed by such shitposts, I'd be envious if I was in another thread.

>> No.15094764

Based, that's how 4chan was meatn to be enjoyed.

>> No.15094815
File: 796 KB, 1092x885, 1624385533489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heard of gatekeeping?
it's a sacred act which keeps the quality from derailing, you may not like it but this is what peak saviorfaggotry looks like and /pyon/ is on the right for refusing to change, this constant 24/7 chaos which their enemies are throwing at them is what keeping them from fighting eachother and support each other instead
I love observing those breads as much as you anon, makes my kokoro skip a beat

>> No.15094868

I think we could make a social experiment
I'm a certified armchair psychologist, akshully.

>> No.15094943
Quoted by: >>15095227

You don't love Kiki, you love the attention she gives you.

>> No.15094969
Quoted by: >>15095987

Threads have been worse than this, they've been relatively tame until recently. They'll get bored and move on eventually.

>> No.15094995

I look like this, and I say this

>> No.15094999
File: 22 KB, 300x100, 1620273048825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I'm basically doing overtime to preserve enough thread chao and keeps a good balance.
It's a thankless job, but I've always been the altruist type.

>> No.15095096

You're an olderfag than me; what do you see in the future for these champyons? I'm a concerngoose.

>> No.15095175
File: 316 KB, 640x480, 1633905706462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095369

I don't see shit, I'm a shitposter who enjoys acting in 5 different personas here

>> No.15095227
File: 813 KB, 569x515, 1612900024365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But isn't "Kiki", in a way, mostly made of the attention she provides? In a sense, it's not wrong, he loves Kiki, or more precisely he loves the Kiki he shaped to be what he loves.
It's almost a form of masturbation effective, but as a group, a group masturbation if you prefer.

>> No.15095369

Hehe, carry on.

>> No.15095423

The egregoric nature of the vtuber and its fanbase... much to think about.

>> No.15095484
File: 909 KB, 733x611, 1618927519201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095546

>What did he mean by this?

>> No.15095546


>> No.15095579

That's what I said nigger, I love Kiki.

>> No.15095681
Quoted by: >>15095692

I look forward to shitting up the next thread too.

>> No.15095692


>> No.15095987
File: 203 KB, 942x712, 1637327126071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're genuinely caring for Kiki, please give a chance to this "semi-outsider" view, of course feel free to discard it after. I honestly mean it in good faith
I've wanted to discuss that often but the thread clearly seemed not suited for it, since it's pretty insular. I wouldn't spend that energy for a basic shitpost. If even one person find something worth in it then it's enough.

Believe it or not but I've been here since the beginning, I don't watch every stream since GFE and long gameplay is really not my stuff. Mostly "science" ones and Karaokes. I was impressed by her debut, she sounded so enthusiastic about sharing her love for biology, mycology, raising animals and all. She spoke about making friends, was cheerful, honestly that looked proimising.
But then, barely 1~2 streams in she completely shifted into GFE because of the feedback loop with the thread, many champyons love that shit, much more than some boring science stuff. And I get it, many people are are lonely and love-starved. But she's always been easily influenced and she just got addicted to the positive reaction and slowly became what she is. She also honestly acts like a real newfag by taking stuff way too seriously and not handling negative comment at al, which made champyons overly defensive and prevent almost any kind of genuine criticism (the new model thread was alarming, about that).
there are also pretty strong incoherence in her attitude, people here since the start know she was genuinely trying to grow fast, she was asking for collabs all around, big ones too, worried for her numbers being too low while changing hours, was bragging about the speed she got 1k at, but seems to have changed that goal? Or maybe not? I wonder.

So yeah, I'm of course a bit sad, and critical of that whole thing. I mostly read the thread, sometimes shitpost hoping that kiki finally toughen up a bit.
In the end however, if her and her fans are happy like this, where is the harm? couldn't outsiders just leave champyons alone and mind their business? .... but maybe it's a bit too simplistic to say that, because with her dependence, champyons hostility to outsiders, paranoia and very controlling attitude, I'm a bit worried for the future still. I also have some doubts about her IRL situation, but without facts it's just speculations. I'm convinced kiki has some actual disorded, not sure if schizoaffective would fit, I'm no expert. Is that way of vtubing really the cure? Or just a temporary cope? How did she change some much between pre-debut, debut, and 2 streams after debut? Many questions.
I think her overall adventure is interesting so I'll stay a casual watcher. I hope the best for her honestly, I'm just doubtful this is headed in a positive direction.

>> No.15096046

This is such a retarded take. When you love or hate someone, you only love or hate the idea that you have of them. You create mental images of their character based on past experiences and what you've already known. It has always been that way and it applies to all sorts of relationships, not just virtual ones. This love is weird, but no weirder than real life.

>> No.15096064
Quoted by: >>15096106

not reading that. Sorry

>> No.15096106

It's fine, at worst I'll just have something to reference later when it becomes more relevant.

>> No.15096180

Fresh bread, slightly more cooked this time around:


>> No.15096236
Quoted by: >>15096990

GFE is honestly not a lot of work and get a very strong result, so it's gonna be almost impossible for Kiki to be motivated to do something else.
Like the more interesting content about Mycology, not only require preparation, but won't even get the same kind of love. And most people interested in that specifically left at the start when she went into GFE.
I'm not sure if there is a way to really escape that.

>> No.15096238

>I'm convinced kiki has some actual disorded, not sure if schizoaffective would fit, I'm no expert. Is that way of vtubing really the cure?
This is where most of my concern comes in. It is clear that the remaining champyons also suffer from a similar disorder and are happy to exacerbate it in Kiki for their own benefit. Both parties seem to revel in NEETdom, and that doesn't really seem to be what Kiki actually wanted for herself at the beginning of this venture.

>> No.15096342
Quoted by: >>15096399

There is no way Kiki was completely alone before getting into Vtubing, I'm sure she had at least some kind of internet acquaintances.
Where are they now? Do she still talk to them, or ask them their opinion about what she does? If she left them I imagine they must be a bit concerned.

>> No.15096399

If the gossip from the /wvt/ thread in /trash/ is to be believed they tried to tell her how toxic her relationship with her fanbase is and are no longer close.

>> No.15096425

Being a NEET for an extended period of time really fucks with you and being a KHV for your whole life ruins you
There's in fact truly something wrong with everyone here

>> No.15096490
Quoted by: >>15096571

Yeah, though even though I made that whole post, I also realise it's not like peolpe have some easy solution at the ready, and just try to feel happy. So I'm a bit split. I just wish it wasn't basically impossible to discuss anything outside of dead hours like this.

>> No.15096498
Quoted by: >>15096624

>but I've been here since the beginning, I don't watch every stream since GFE and long gameplay is really not my stuff
Then you've missed almost all of her streams and have not "been here"

>> No.15096504

I can't agree that it completely ruins you, but it does make enacting positive change in your life that much harder.

>> No.15096562

Doesn't ruin but you do kick yourself down more and harder and if what Kiki says it's true she would've roped in 2 years time if she didn't start vtubing

>> No.15096571

What is there to discuss with it? What is your end goal? Trying to make her act differently? That won't make her happy. You are projecting your own values.

>> No.15096590

Fuck off Annie, stop trying to change our wife just because you don't personally like "GFE" as you call it. It's a positive experience for us and positive for Kiki as well.

>> No.15096595
Quoted by: >>15096669

Champyon cope!

>> No.15096624
Quoted by: >>15096749

Semantics, I said I wasn't a regular. I kept up with the threads, what were champyons feelings during andd after the fstream. I did check a few minutes of most streams, but the gameplay/GFE are honestly often the same thing. But for example I saw her getting tilted by those 2 comments about her level in bandicoot and how she weirdly seemed to blame champyons in general, which was out of character kinda.
I also saw her react to that fake DM live and make the stream about it and jannies for an hour.
She streams just too many hours of mostly backlogging, if you're not into GFE it's really boring.

>> No.15096669

It's not cope, it's reality. If she stopped doing what makes her happy, which is what she is doing right now, she would be less happy. You are by definition trying to make her less happy. You are only ignoring that because you want her to follow what you think is right more than what she likes.

>> No.15096734

She would be happier if she interacted with real friends and wasn't wrecking her sleep schedule to pander to you guys. Don't see what's so hard to understand about that. She breaks down every other stream.

>> No.15096749
Quoted by: >>15096787

Sounds like you should find a different chuuba to watch.

>> No.15096787
Quoted by: >>15096841

You're such a loser, friend. You don't want Kiki to succeed or grow, you want her to chat with you and make kissy noises for vocaroo.

>> No.15096841
Quoted by: >>15097190

Every time. She has already explained her views on conventional relationships, you'd know what they were if you watched her.

>> No.15096875

It's very telling that we haven't had this kind of "I know what's best for Kiki, your fans are toxic" discourse since the last time a certain Groomer was attending streams. And then suddenly it all comes back conveniently when he shows up again. Fuck off drawgroomer, you're so obvious.

>> No.15096904

chuuni armchair psychologist now? Sometimes living with clinical shrink has its perks.. it's like were reading fresh gender study undergrads

>> No.15096990

It's difficult to explain scientific arguments to newcomers. At the start Kiki believed that she could do all these biology streams without ever running out of material. She has the ability and confidence to pull that off. However she soon realized not all of us have the same base knowledge as her, she couldn't even communicate properly since she got used to using the jargons. Most of the streams turn into basic introduction videos and tend to be shorter than what she intended. It's not GFE that dragged her away from educational streams, but it's the nature of those streams itself become vague. From her point of view, Champyons know everything but also nothing at the same time. She'll have to slowly teach everyone basic things first, and that takes more time to prepare.

>> No.15097070

Did we strike a nerve?

>> No.15097116
File: 847 KB, 528x1671, 1616743222426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think I'm delusional enough to believe that one or two guys posting that when she sleeps could have any kind of influence on her? Of course not. I wouldn't have waited for her to be off if I had this intention.
At this point why not blogpost shortly.
I just love vtubers and vtubing communities, I've started following them back in 2016 with Eilene Moemi & co, went trough all the phaes of /vyt/ which even had some people "hide their indies" to be the only to groom them. Technically started with Leaflift in 2012 where she PNGtube'd for Riot games (now one of the biggest en indies) but it was called like that.

Stayed on /vyt/ all the way until the trannyshark debut and the creation of wvt, which I kept an eye on while staying in jp, and then vt and the explosion of western indies. It's pretentious, but I'm confident I could answer any question about any vtuber, even obscure lore most don't know.
I just think ithe relation between a character and a community of people centered around it is so interesting and different every time.
I think it's interesting to observe, and I honestly don't wish harm to anyone, so I feel some worry about Kiki.
This will get somewhere, bad or good, and if at some point something happens where more "neutral" outsiders like me can have a use, then why not. Until then I'll stay mostly quiet like I've been until today.
Don't assume hostility behind anyone not in the same group as you or have different goals.

>> No.15097156

anon... she is literally autistic
it's not a negative, autistic girls are the cutest

>> No.15097190
Quoted by: >>15097284

You sound like you're in a cult, anon. Can you explain what she said to me yourself?

>> No.15097237

I do think this weird decision of not interacting even with other vtubers doesn't make much sense. She does what she want, but she seemed happy during september's collabs. It's not even about grow or networking, it just sounds good to have someone else than literally just your fanbase to talk to.

>> No.15097276
Quoted by: >>15097361

>picture of some random irrelevant chuuba no one heard about
yeah ok stop shilling your vtubers here now

>> No.15097284
Quoted by: >>15097371

vod reps

>> No.15097361
File: 3.70 MB, 2066x2662, 1633813426931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. the newest of all newfags

>> No.15097371
Quoted by: >>15097389

No anon, use your big boy words please.

>> No.15097389

why use my words when you can hear Kiki's words?

>> No.15097409

Shit anon if anyone needs to go outside it's (You)
