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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 354 KB, 768x792, 1597056016467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1440141 No.1440141 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>1440152 >>1447854

A thread for the discussion of the Mistress of La Morte, the angel of death and supporter of life, the Grip Reaper's cutest apprentice on hiatus, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.

Our boy has drawn a picture for Anya's B-day

>> No.1440152
File: 230 KB, 1121x1200, 1605933960806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1442897


>> No.1440160
File: 337 KB, 1453x2048, EwHoRh8XIAE08JJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork like you wouldn't believe

>> No.1440175

She really is Kawaiiope, huh?

>> No.1441516
File: 375 KB, 700x1000, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_hungry_clicker__36e76c3b426b01f6e966aabe8bc7ebef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catching up now and
>Mori was a school clown
Fuck, I can relate.
Among friends always the funny guy, everyone laughed at my jokes and antics, soul of the party, always fun. I thought, "yeah, this is how I connect with people". Then I changed schools, and tried the same shit with people who didn't know me. It always worked great, right? And they laughed too, but it took me a year to realize they were laughing at me, not with me. They were bitter, mean, ill-intent, they only wanted to make fun of me, because I'm such a fucking funny dummy. So it turns out, I'm not the soul of the party, I'm just a clown, a butt of a joke, some idiot who they can ridicule and make fun of. My whole fucking identity was torn down and stepped on. So I shut down, stopped making any jokes, stopped talking with anyone. Now I'm a boring, bitter asshole, just like them, with no friends. What hurts the most is that I know a schoolmate who was like me, only he didn't go through this. And now he has a ton of friends, he has a cute wife, he didn't forget how to be open with others... and sometimes I catch myself thinking that he's just an idiot. It's like looking at myself from an alternate timeline, things could've been so much different.
Please leave a like, comment and subscribe to my youtube channel.

>> No.1441857
Quoted by: >>1442231

There was nothing wrong with who you were, anon. Nor is there anything wrong with you now. If you can balance your desire to invoke humour with your sincere self, then there's not a limit to the amount of good people you can find to surround yourself with. If you still want to deep down, I think it's ok to re-embrace that side of yourself. You're not a bad guy

>> No.1442231
Quoted by: >>1442595

That's kinda what I've been doing last couple of years. I'm better now, it's just that there's still a lot of damage to undo.

>> No.1442531

Oh that spoiler is about yourself. At first I thought it might be a Mori quote and got worried.

>> No.1442595

Keep doing those reps, deadbeat

>> No.1442729
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, wfsSkEuwXR7dAAMlxcXw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1443241 >>1443279


>> No.1442874

>without experiencing shit
I'd bet there's plenty other stuff going on. Nothing stopping her from writing about mainichi things such as terebiman, like back in ze day.

>> No.1442897
Quoted by: >>1443118

My oshi is seriously skilled. Really proud of her. And that signature is dangerously cute.

>> No.1443118

That signature is so cute and feminine, makes me want to fuck it real bad

>> No.1443241

I love (You) Kawaiiope poster

>> No.1443279
Quoted by: >>1443322 >>1444316

breeders are the most disgusting people on earth.

>> No.1443322
Quoted by: >>1443537

>t. spawn of a breeder and breederfag

>> No.1443537
File: 226 KB, 1356x1911, 1615523018481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1444872

The fact he's not only breederspawn, but that they allowed him to keep living, inclines me to agree with him, but I just wanna fill Mori's insides with baby batter too much.

>> No.1443826
Quoted by: >>1444437 >>1444459

Mori went from bullied dork with hyper niche interests to being successful, topping the charts and making more money than she ever hoped. Her Japanese coworkers think she’s so cool they are too intimidated to even approach her for collabs.

That has to mess with your head. Some people never let go of their prior mentality even when they’ve “made it”.

>> No.1444293
File: 29 KB, 700x392, a679c8399eb67879653f7fe59bf9c320 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1444501 >>1453316

>Idol rappers are an oxymoron, Mori
>You should accept your death, Hypocrite!
>Even if my life is an oxymoron, I'll keep on striving to be an Idol!

>> No.1444316
Quoted by: >>1444872

fanbase represents their oshi so I'm sure Mori is into breeding as well.

>> No.1444437

I want to get under really comfy warm covers with Mori and hold her close and tight all night until she finally accepts she has someone that will accept her flaws and not beat her down just because she thinks she can't meet other people's expectations.

>> No.1444459
Quoted by: >>1445876

I've heard enough stories about Hollywood actors fucking their lives over despite so much fame and 'success' but the truth is those things don't solve your problems. Only doing enough of your reps does that.

All Mori's work has really done is given her a better environment, financial flexibility, and fame. I don't think she's taken the time to reflect on the damage her upbringing did to her. That's not me coddling her, because this is a universal battle everyone has to do in their 20s, or later if they put it off.
I hope you guys are winning your fights

>> No.1444501
Quoted by: >>1444547

The Alternative OP will prove it's possible

>> No.1444547
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x675, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1444602

>Fate/CalliP : Unlimited Track Works.

>> No.1444708 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 200x356, kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatefags...i kneel

>> No.1444742

I want to fuck the blackface oni.

>> No.1444750
Quoted by: >>1444851 >>1444894


>EN collab!
>Let us celebrate with...

>> No.1444851

Gotta follow the laws of the wild (ALIVE)
With their lives on the line (NO CHOICE)
Out here only the strong survive

>> No.1444872
Quoted by: >>1444933

>3DPD is shit
What else is new? Why are you breeders even watching 2D?

>> No.1444894
Quoted by: >>1446558

Was hoping for something more creative or at least do a party game.

>> No.1444933
File: 288 KB, 1447x2039, Etkgs0TU0AEQSFr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1445344

If you can't support all facets of your oshi you don't deserve any part of her. Begone.

>> No.1444981
File: 312 KB, 678x472, dissapointment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1445044 >>1445174

I used to think she's the smartest En, even smarter than Ina (No, she should be no1. But at least Ame and Gura, and hopefully Kiara)..
but, she disappointed me.
I was disappointed by everything, every (you).
Among chat members, there must have been some guys of quite high IQ, of quite decent education, of jobs which require quite high intelligence, like my friend being quite a skillful programmer squandering quite a fortune on Vs..
And what they were doing were just gawking at her tits and thighs, throwing red spacha, and helping her to cheat on exam.. The internet disappointed me.

>> No.1444986

>so as I pray
>unlimited brap works

>> No.1445044
Quoted by: >>1445056 >>1445212

She's an art student. You're supposed to impress her with your intelligence.

>> No.1445056

>You're supposed to *serve

>> No.1445174

It's 26, right?

>> No.1445212

If you're an art student, you're supposed to constantly check angles of lines you drew in your drawings. And
>Ina: See? the arm line is crossing to the torso in 60 degree angle, but what you drew is like 75 degree, so..
>Mori: Uh, wwwait!!! Why did you bring up figures?
her age would be like 4K+26 indeed.

>> No.1445270
Quoted by: >>1445320

You did this on purpose

>> No.1445290
File: 74 KB, 900x900, EiQN_HAX0AAV-ST[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1446080 >>1455941

>I'm just going to wash my hands real quick
Nobody believes that so why even bother to lie? Just say you're afk for a while then at least it's ambiguous what you're doing.

>> No.1445320

No? Priority goes * then + then / then -, right? It's 26.

>> No.1445344

It's all fantasy, dipshit.

>> No.1445352
File: 408 KB, 588x697, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1445400

People, I was wrong.
It's normal. I got relieved.
Sorry for being new to the world of Vtubers. She's actually a smarter one by the standard of Hololive. I'm happy knowing it.

>> No.1445358

Anon your BEDMAS reps...

>> No.1445400 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1445647

you should check aqua's score in choco sensei's test

>> No.1445435
Quoted by: >>1452329

So its * or /, then + or -, huh. Well, it's been more than 10 years, and my brain is moldy cheese, so...

>> No.1445444
Quoted by: >>1445556

I'll take the bait
>5 x 3
> 6 / 2
> 15 - 1

> 15 + 14 + 3

>> No.1445556
File: 14 KB, 536x398, bedmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1445675

>15 - 1
Not 15+15?

>> No.1445647

I checked, and you shouldn't do things which make girls lose their faces.
Have you imagined what she would feel like? The only correct answer was about snack.

>> No.1445675
Quoted by: >>1445844

No, my deadbeat. BEDMAS' order is strict, but DM and AS can be done alternatively - so long as they're done in their right tier. It doesn't matter if you add or subtract first, so long as you do either step after all the division and multiplication steps.

So with that in mind, the first steps we do are 5 x 3 and then 6 / 2

15 + 15 doesn't matter because you still have the -1 to subtract from. Whether you write it as
>15 - 14
>15 + 15 - 1
You still get the same result at that part of the problem: 29. But we're not done yet, since we have the +3 to add. Which leaves us at 32.

>> No.1445682
Quoted by: >>1445802 >>1445823

How can a semi-professional rapper be so bad at freestyling?

>> No.1445802

because she isn't witty, you need to be fairly clever for that and Moririn is not the brightest bulb
plus majority of her lyrics come through introspection and that's usually not a thing you do on the fly

>> No.1445804

How exactly did you get 26?

>> No.1445823
File: 901 KB, 500x375, BIG UPS TO (YOU) WITH THE AKA-SUPA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna be pretentious and act like Mori's the only one to put deep thought into her lyrics, but redpill me on freestyle rappers. How many of them come up with more than disses and the cliches of the genre?

Honest answer thought, she seems to be a more look-before-you-leap sort of person. From what I've seen in her action let's plays like with Crash Bandicoot, she will pause forever to analyse a problem, then execute a part of that really well, and then panic once a variable she didn't/couldn't have known about is added to the mix. It's just how some minds work. Which makes me wonder if there's any turn-based games she'd enjoy

>> No.1445844

Thank you, Deadbeat-sensei.

>> No.1445876

I was at a mountaintop once, and screwed it all up, because I was a terrible person. Without that failure, I would have never seen my flaws and wouldn’t start working on them. And I think I’m winning this fight.

>> No.1445906

>Which makes me wonder if there's any turn-based games she'd enjoy

>> No.1445930

I think the trick is freestylers prepare bars ahead of time that they can build a skeleton from, and the rest is situational. It’s like a standup comedian having some 10/10 jokes on their belt.

>> No.1445972
Quoted by: >>1446066

Perhaps what you're saying is true for her personal life and how she does music, but it's absolutely not true for how she plays video games. Look at her gameplay of blasphemous, especially the boss fights. Instead of her taking time to analyse the situation and learning the patterns (very simple for early bosses) she often tries to just rush down the enemies and button mashes.

>> No.1445974

reminds me how Mori pulled off that bit during her Setsuna Yamai karaoke

>> No.1446002
Quoted by: >>1447398

>Which makes me wonder if there's any turn-based games she'd enjoy
She seemed to enjoy Yakuza and says she loves turn based games in general: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyPvzstHcHY

>> No.1446018

>dad is mad, and I don't know why!

That one was okay.

>> No.1446052
File: 6 KB, 551x83, 1585212077964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1446331 >>1446419

I'm in boys

>> No.1446066

I'd pin that down to herself not realising that's how she plays. Boss fight comes up, she panics. But she absolutely does take the moments to analyse something - they just usually happen after she's beat down enough

>> No.1446080

that is what she is saying anon

>> No.1446186


Her freestyle at the 2:00 mark was maybe preplanned but also totally fire.

>> No.1446331
Quoted by: >>1446435

>I'm in boys
sounds kinda homosexual my dude

>> No.1446351
Quoted by: >>1446382

Reminder to the protobeats and the doxxbeats: roommate gonna announce something tomorrow due to the anniversary of the youknowwhat

>> No.1446382
Quoted by: >>1446407

>holo halfaversary and actual anniversary on practically the same day

HOW does she keep getting away with this shit

>> No.1446403
Quoted by: >>1446451

Shouldn't this be reversed?

>> No.1446407

She's already feeling the toll. Hence the mental block as of recently.

>> No.1446419
Quoted by: >>1446435

Congrats on winning on the Mori like-gacha, now fuck off and be happy in the corner

>> No.1446435
Quoted by: >>1446540

I'm a big homiesexual for our boy
is it a gacha when it keeps happening

>> No.1446451
Quoted by: >>1446483

not really. Shirou is an idealist, so Mori's idealist stance on idols would be represented correctly, Archer taking DD's form is basically referring to her saying on the TT podcast that she used to hate idols.

>> No.1446483
Quoted by: >>1446541

But Archer is his future just like Mori is her's..

>> No.1446540
Quoted by: >>1446764

Yes and I hate you for it, because you're actually lucky

>> No.1446541

think of it this way. Sure Mori is her future, which from "Assassin's" POV, is betraying her and becoming the very thing she loathes. The concept is that DD is summoned as a Servant and finds out about Mori, so she lashes out at her future self for "betraying" her cause.

>> No.1446558
Quoted by: >>1446952

I think the problem is that a lot of games only support 4 players, which kinda limits what games they can actually play together.

>> No.1446764
File: 2.67 MB, 475x196, 1588451267649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1446840

it happened 3 times within like 12 hours yesterday, with 2 blues getting read in Cuphead and Draw stream too on top of the like

>> No.1446840
Quoted by: >>1446941

Oh, I thought you were only talking about multiple Likes. SCs aren't that much of a gacha if you can time it well.

>> No.1446842
File: 660 KB, 4000x4000, 1612847325771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally numberfagging their oshi's likes.

The moment you expect something from your oshi is the she stops being your oshi.

>> No.1446872

is the time she stops being your oshi*

>> No.1446926
File: 200 KB, 1360x768, animoli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to polish my animation reps with my boy moririn

>> No.1446941

I didn't time it, I got a blue read during the end reading
as for Twitter, I don't use it a whole lot

>> No.1446952
Quoted by: >>1447050 >>1450140

Aren't there like a billion online classic board/card games they could play together?
In Don't Starve, everybodfy just runs off and does her own thing. If they all played poker, taboo or catan together, then they would feel closer connected.
Or do something non-game related like buttom left graphs, truth/dare,

>> No.1446988
Quoted by: >>1447076

oh, I'm definitely ready to follow our boy to my grave with none of the attention, but I do enjoy the endorphin rush
which is why I shit on people criticizing her for not liking the shrines directly, including mine

>> No.1447009


>> No.1447011

Don't forget to install your Windows updates, anon

>> No.1447050

Just play Uno

>> No.1447076
File: 101 KB, 800x800, EuG-CgUVkAA0gNC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1447137 >>1448897

that was pathetic of them. And Mori did see them. those people just got miffed because they didn't get accolades from it.

really shitty attitude if you ask me.

>> No.1447137

expect nothing, be happy with her happiness is the go-to approach and WITNESS ME folks gotta learn
she ain't our girlfriend, she's an idol

>> No.1447398
File: 335 KB, 1500x750, 1615473183227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1447595

It would be awesome if she could get permission to play Into the Breach, HOM3, or Kings Bounty: Armored Princess.

>> No.1447595
Quoted by: >>1447925

I read those and I raise you Battletech instead

>> No.1447854
Quoted by: >>1447893 >>1448852

Calli has a hot voice, she’s probably the sexiest holo irl.

>> No.1447877
Quoted by: >>1449678

>0 likes every comment
I'm very experienced in expecting nothing.

>> No.1447893
Quoted by: >>1449870

Calli and Coco are the hottest IRL, and Rushia and Gura are cute.

>> No.1447925
Quoted by: >>1448047

that game is great on a mechanical level (other then short range missiles being op as fuck) but it's still an absolute cluster fuck, the game barely functions, crashes constantly, loads slowly and just has way to many bugs and glitches to actually enjoy.

>> No.1448047
Quoted by: >>1448624

eh, outside of slow loading I could run it on a gaming laptop satisfyingly and without huge issues, I feel Mori would be fine, especially since she does short sessions (Unity memory leaks only really start kicking in after hours)

>> No.1448624
Quoted by: >>1448654

if you say so, but honestly when i played it the game was barely playable, and my pc can run most games no problem.
honestly if anything i'd say she should try the shadowrun games first.

>> No.1448654

Honestly, after watching her restart autism during Cuphead, I'm not sure I'd want to see her doing a playthrough of something that she could abuse savescumming in. It's one thing to do it for the lulz in Skyrim, it's another when she'd be restarting every turn that didn't go perfectly.

>> No.1448852

Nah, that would go to matsuri and rushia.

>> No.1448897

Well to be fair she did make a tweet, which is better than just liking the post to me.

>> No.1448903
Quoted by: >>1448944

she only restarded on bad runs or in cases where she had one try to do something and missed it (like with the coin)
she hardly even savescums in Skyrim outside of fucking about

>> No.1448944
Quoted by: >>1449010

Did you miss her resetting in the first 5 seconds whenever she got hit for a solid half the attempts on the flower?

>> No.1449010

considering she was pretty much eating two hits instantly whenever the vines came up that was a good decision to make, she knew she could blast the last phase on one HP so she just left herself the space to tank

>> No.1449095

Uh Deadbeats? Is it true Mori molested Kiara?

>> No.1449511

The parallel (you)niverse part hit pretty hard, so have two thumbs up on me.

>> No.1449678

Based stealthbeat

>> No.1449704


>> No.1449870

Coco and Cali also have very playful seductive welcoming ways of speaking. I'd say Ina is top tier fan service with her moans of pleasure at the end every sentence. Ina plays innocent but she knows exactly what she's doing and revels in it.

>> No.1450011

> it's another when she'd be restarting every turn that didn't go perfectly.
It's a normal behavior for musicians.
I've watched a musician play the same rift for 16 hours. At least to me it was the same rift. To their ears it wasn't hitting the notes right 1/3 of the time but you couldn't get me to say there was anything wrong with any of it. Free music is free :)

>> No.1450012

the fuck?

>> No.1450140
Quoted by: >>1450379

They could all play uno.
If people would be okay with a more Just Chatting stream as there isn't much content to talk about while playing uno. It's just something low energy to do while chatting.

>> No.1450266

>I've watched a musician play the same rift for 16 hours. At least to me it was the same rift. To their ears it wasn't hitting the notes right 1/3 of the time but you couldn't get me to say there was anything wrong with any of it.

Not to say I'm a "musician" but I have to admit I do this all the fucking time when it comes to recording. It doesn't happen when I'm not recording something, though. I'll play a riff for hours on end to it to sound like I want it to. Then I end up playing too long getting tired and end up playing worse and I get pissed that I have to force myself to take a break.

>> No.1450285

Yes. At the timeMori was really starting to understand just how to thin she had stretched herself and it was causing her to be more stressed and irritable than depressed, like how she is now.

Kiara had traipsed into her home studio to screw around with her and complain about how Gura never reads superchats and is the top subscribed in the whole organization while she reads all of them and isn't even at 1m. Mori had reached a breaking point and slammed her against the wall and had her way with her right there; groping and sucking on her aggressively. It wasn't even sexual, it was just her lashing out in frustration and getting that mouthy bitch to learn to shut up and leave when she's working.

Obviously she regrets it and it contributes to her melancholic state right now. It's a large part of why kusotori has been toning down the yuri bait with her lately, but not the reason she left Japan, amazingly. She left to be closer to family.

>> No.1450376

Be careful anon, somebody will actually believe this rrat

>> No.1450379

they don't have Uno

>> No.1450488


>> No.1450499

Everyone has Uno, it came free.

>> No.1450549 [DELETED] 

everyone has uno dipshit

>> No.1450551

Can someone explain her appeal? I can find 200 girls with her personality and sense of humor at any given anime convention. Is it because none of you have interacted with a woman before?

>> No.1450555

But they have Dos Tres Cuatro

>> No.1450578

Then go back to those 200 other girls, because you obviously wouldn't get it

>> No.1450583
Quoted by: >>1451285 >>1451586

None of the women you describe has the guts to go to Japan and establish a rap career there, while being a Teacher, while being a vtuber.

>> No.1450591

'twas relatable as fuck though
doesn't even have to be music, I've done this in rhythm and other games before

>> No.1450609
Quoted by: >>1450642

Her neck cracks give me a weird boner.

>> No.1450615

I'll take this rrat for $2, thank you.

>> No.1450642

Try the same with your boner

>> No.1450658

well, none of them have her legendary work ethic, as well as her creativity.

>> No.1450734
Quoted by: >>1450780

But they don't have her passion and will and talent to back anything up. Girls always go on about being a singer/entertainer and shit, but they're just dogs howling at the moon. Mori built a spaceship and is now freestyling on said moon

>> No.1450757
File: 135 KB, 282x300, 84679480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1450860

MilkyQueen's genmate, Tsuya Hime, is streaming.

>> No.1450780

>Mori built a spaceship and is now freestyling on said moon
....you could say that she's a Kakigori Galaxy Astronaut.

>> No.1450823 [DELETED] 


>> No.1450860

The last word would've more than sufficed
>Rice princess
How silly. Looks like an MQxComet crossover, too.

>> No.1450936

Not just musicians, anyone who's a professional and has that perfectionism extend to their play as well as their work. Thankfully, I've learned to not let my autism destroy me after beating myself mentally bloody against Dwarf Fortress and XCom.

>> No.1451080
Quoted by: >>1451152 >>1451230


>> No.1451152
Quoted by: >>1451230 >>1451802


>> No.1451230
File: 158 KB, 309x303, 1608921182595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1451633


>> No.1451259

I'm starting wonder if my initial impression of her was accurate. I thought she was very sweet and hard working. But now I kinda get the feeling she is far more sinister. Is it just me?

>> No.1451285

ever heard of spoiler tags?

>> No.1451317

Her humor and personality aren't the main draw. The 3DPDs you speak of do not restrict themselves. They are the raw disgusting apes which they just are. Calli and other Vtubers do not show their true monkey selves completely for the sake of creating the illusion of a girl that truly deserves to be loved.

>> No.1451356

>But now I kinda get the feeling she is far more sinister
What gave you that impression?

>> No.1451398

>creating the illusion

>> No.1451422

>Is it just me?
honestly yes, you're reading too many rrats

>> No.1451447

Let me rephrase your question:
>Am I a retard here?

>> No.1451518
Quoted by: >>1451614

>Her humor and personality aren't the main draw
So what it is it then because for me that is part why i like her the most of all holos.

>> No.1451586
Quoted by: >>1451631 >>1451802

>poor before Hololive

ok some things I read about her don't add up here.

>> No.1451614

It's that she's filtered. Take the actor behind Calli raw and she's just a 3DPD bitch. But by imposing a filter on herself (i.e. keeping herself from expressing certain things and being extra nice on cam), she is cute.

>> No.1451631
Quoted by: >>1451698

do you not watch any of her streams

>> No.1451633

тишe, кaлличкa, нe плaчь

>> No.1451698

yes I do. not every one of them though. and I recall her mentioning having barely any money. but if she was a teacher, then she should've had a decent amount.

>> No.1451765
Quoted by: >>1451970

How do? I often heard people going on the programs of this kind (as opposed to native teachers) being paid peanuts and scammed left and right.

>> No.1451784
Quoted by: >>1451970

>>getting payed well

>> No.1451802
Quoted by: >>1451970

>thinking teachers and doctors are paid well everywhere
Boy oh boy.

>> No.1451860
Quoted by: >>1451970 >>1452058

I don't know where you come from, but in hamburgerland at least teachers are extremely underpaid and overworked, and from what I know of the type of teaching Mori was doing it's about the same in Japan.

>> No.1451906

>ake the actor behind Calli raw and she's just a 3DPD bitch
Well i guess but i don't really see her just being bitch.

>> No.1451970
Quoted by: >>1452060

Ok then I guess we were talking about different kinds of poverty here. I earn one third from what an average teacher earns. Yes, my work is also not nearly as hard so I'm not complaining, but I was imagining Calli barely getting by, rather than just not being paid enough for the kind of work she was putting in.

>> No.1452041
Quoted by: >>1452069

>take the actor behind Calli raw
>she's just a 3DPD bitch
holy newfag, please tell me this is bait.

>> No.1452058
Quoted by: >>1452204

I'm from Germany and a teacher earns roughly 3000 Euros ($3500). That's enough to live very comfortably.

>> No.1452060

She either gets by or gets kicked out of Japan anon.

>> No.1452069
Quoted by: >>1452329

Why? Of course the raw actor is 3DPD by definition. Did you think you were listening to some advanced AI?

>> No.1452078
Quoted by: >>1452163

How new? It's easy to tell you're definitely not a protobeat or even a doxxbeat, because you don't know shit about her.

>> No.1452155

Well-crafted bait

>> No.1452163

I don't know shit because I state the main appeal of EVERY Vtuber?
If you think that her 3DPD self is the same as her Vtuber self, then there is something broken in your brain.
Obviously she is putting on an act. That's the freaking point.
Yes, she can still be somewhat authentic with regard to how she presents herself but if you think she's completely unfiltered as if you were talking to her IRL, then you're kidding yourself.

>> No.1452185
Quoted by: >>1452207

Do you even watch her? Just fuck off faggot

>> No.1452204
Quoted by: >>1452219

She wasn't a full-time teacher, and in JP a teacher's salary is already shit. She even ran a patreon for some time and said it herself that the pay is barely enough for anything. If you don't do your archive reps, then just believe it.

>> No.1452207
Quoted by: >>1452257

Yes I have her latest drawing stream on in the background as we speak. What's your problem?

>> No.1452219
Quoted by: >>1453215 >>1453265

what were the patreon rewards?

>> No.1452257
Quoted by: >>1452284

>drawing stream in the background

>> No.1452280
Quoted by: >>1452295

>I state the main appeal of EVERY Vtuber?
Probably for a lot people but i don't go assuming the worst. Maybe it is because i don't hate real women even if they aren't perfect.

>> No.1452284

yes? I don't care about the Anya pic, just her talking and the chill music

>> No.1452295
File: 560 KB, 512x512, AWAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1452448

>Maybe it is because i don't hate real women

>> No.1452329
Quoted by: >>1452696

Don't worry anon. Statistically speaking, people really don't know that much even about basic scientific facts, like what the main constituent of the air you breathe is. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2013/04/22/publics-knowledge-of-science-and-technology/
I can confirm that in German (freestyle) battle rap, people tend to have some bars prepared about themselves and their opponents. And it's evident when they use them. I don't know much about freestylers but it seems to me that some people are just incredibly good at coming up with stuff at the spur of the moment, and it's certainly not an essential talent for rappers.
I think the problem is that you are getting into goal-post shifting territory by making a point about all vtubers (or even all girls) when the question was about Mori, specifically. What is appealing about her, specifically, being not 100% the way she is as a real person when everyone kind of does that? Does every vtuber equally (have to) act out a character that is unlike themselves?
I think the quality to seem genuine, what you and me would both call authenticity, is something she can pull of somewhat well, and I don't think it's due to her being a good actor or anything like that, but because she isn't lying about her character or past when she addresses it.

>> No.1452397

Now turn this into an actual fanfic. I need some quality fap material.

>> No.1452400

You're getting shit on for how you're phrasing it, but you're 100% right that she, and every streamer, presents an idealized version of themselves. Fucking Risu of all people went on a long rant about just that when people were saying that she's 100% fake, and while that's not true, they do tuck away the sides that they don't want other people to see. This agrees perfectly well with what Rene also says about how she tried to put on a cool persona only to realize that you can't fake yourself for that long ever day as if it was an acting job, but she also mentions how she still chooses which sides of herself she wants to show.

>> No.1452448
Quoted by: >>1452881

Well, i haven't really got a bad experiences with them.

>> No.1452451
File: 30 KB, 585x600, EwJHy2hU8AEtiXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a protobeat with the good fortune to have caught a few of her old member's only streams live, watching people argue against Mori's authenticity is pretty hilarious.

>> No.1452514
Quoted by: >>1452605

Lucky protobeat, I envy you

>> No.1452536
Quoted by: >>1452589 >>1452599

She can't act to save her life. There no "subtle" with her.

>> No.1452556
Quoted by: >>1452614 >>1456825


What is a protobeat?

>> No.1452568
Quoted by: >>1452618

This is why it is in the vested interest of /hlgg/ falseflaggers and mori antis to get rid of protobeats. They don't have any more ammunition against Mori. They're losing face ever since she ended the teaching job.

>> No.1452589
Quoted by: >>1452713


>> No.1452599
Quoted by: >>1452713

I'd say it's more that she doesn't feel the need to act. Beyond some topics that are explicitly off-limits for obvious reasons, there's very little she can't speak on freely. For Mori, being a "reaper" is as far as she needs to go, the rest can just be her.

>> No.1452605 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1452621 >>1452642

You will never be a woman, tranny.

>> No.1452614

Someone who was already following and watching her pre-Hololive content and streams

>> No.1452618
Quoted by: >>1452699 >>1452718

I have never once heard of this plot for protobeat genocide

>> No.1452621


>> No.1452642

Wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.1452696
Quoted by: >>1452820

>specifically, being not 100% the way she is as a real person when everyone kind of does that
That is the MAIN draw.
An anon was asking "why go for Calli if you can find similar girls on anime conventions". The answer to that cannot be "because she's authentic" or "because she's funny". There are girls at anime conentions who are both authentic and funny. Nobody goes for 2D over 3D because 3D is LACKING something. 3D is worse because it has things IN ADDITION to all positive qualities one might come up with, namely being disgusting and horrible. 2D is superior because it lacks these additional horrible qualities. Calli would be shit if she would not hide these aspects of herself.

>> No.1452699
Quoted by: >>1453045

most of /hlgg/ hates DD discussion, even if its the small references because most of the people's oshis other than Mori aren't confident that their oshi is being genuine to them, especially the thinskinned fanbases like Gura's and Ame's.

>> No.1452713

Cope? I'm talking about the times she tries to roleplay, it's hilariously bad acting.
I mean yeah, that's basically the feeling she gives off. She knows the deadbeats like her, why pretend when she's alone in her own streams?

>> No.1452718
File: 191 KB, 1365x2048, 65673568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1452766

Agreed, I get a good laugh from seeing it happen. I still feel kind of bad for them though
It's a goofy rrat, think of it what you will.
I prefer to pop in and out, we're rarely needed for much other than to have fun, inform, and kill rrats.

>> No.1452766
Quoted by: >>1452887 >>1453167

That Sissy one was hard to kill. Only idiots would paint Ao as a villain, when he's literally the only visible member of her circle besides K's.

>> No.1452820
Quoted by: >>1452929

You'd be better off not being retarded and just stick to watching anime. You're deluding yourself otherwise. At least anime has the excuse of being written by a man. You're liking some 3dpd's personality no matter how much you try to sugar coat it.

>> No.1452838
File: 58 KB, 480x340, Bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your (you) and get out.

>> No.1452881
Quoted by: >>1452940

You just need to casually talk to any of them to know how shit they are unless you're a normie yourself.

>> No.1452887
Quoted by: >>1453167

any intelligent person with reps would know that the guy was just doing his own version of "Cursed Night" and the idiots were acting like KFP's claiming that the song was about Mori.

Also, the guy will be painting a huge target on his back if he did anything.

>> No.1452929

There are completely unfiltered Vtubers out there and I can spot them by just listening for a few minutes.
I am certain that if I ever watched a completely raw video of Mori's actor, I could never listen to her again without being repulsed.

>> No.1452939


>> No.1452940
Quoted by: >>1452987

Well a lot them are like that but not all of them are bitches especially someone like Mori.

>> No.1452966

So you're just autistic? Just say so from the start.

>> No.1452987
Quoted by: >>1453004

>not all humans are humans
sorry but that's wrong

>> No.1452993
Quoted by: >>1460287

>There are completely unfiltered Vtubers out there

>> No.1453002
Quoted by: >>1453052

>anti getting so schizo that he's splitting his head.

Be an hero already.

>> No.1453004

So you just humans. I am fine with that.

>> No.1453025
Quoted by: >>1453061 >>1453082

Bros I just realized I won't be able to handle the adorkable scuffkino that'll be Mori's 3D debut. What do?

>> No.1453045
Quoted by: >>1453091

I feel bad for Amelia and Gura. Both seem like interesting people who always want to share stories, even ones at their own expense, but then their chats berate them over it. Or they exploit what they know about past lives like it's a joke.
It's one thing to ask Mori "lol are you drunk?" while she's drinking some wine and having a giggle. It's another to ask Gura "Are you drunk again?" Both Gura and Ame become feisty with their chat at times and I can't blame them. Surprised neither one has directly told them to shut the fuck up yet.

>> No.1453052
File: 2.31 MB, 498x370, 47628568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too busy laughing at this debacle.
He chose his hole, let him dig it.

>> No.1453061
Quoted by: >>1453199 >>1453234

How long do you give her before she Naruto runs across the stage? I say 17 minutes

>> No.1453082
Quoted by: >>1453234

Prepare yourself for a mix of gang signs, dabbing, and weebery.

>> No.1453091
Quoted by: >>1453263 >>1453435

What's the fascination with HER anyway? I get that her humor was great during that time, but Gura is an improved version, much like Mori is a different flavor of DD, and Ame's great as is.

>> No.1453167

Yeah sorry for that one...
I really loved the song and I wanted to share my analysis with others. I expected Deadbeats(?) to be more understanding of it, but fuck me for assuming that I guess.
At the end of the day interpret the song the way you want to, but don't use it to villainize him.
The Sissy rrat should hopefully be dead once the EP comes out.

>> No.1453199

I would fucking die from this building collapsing from my sides erupting and destroying the walls if she did a Naruto run with her 3d rig.

>> No.1453215 [DELETED] 

[spoilersame as the Youtube Membership iirc, or as closely as she could make it.[/spoiler]

>> No.1453234
File: 33 KB, 172x140, Mogi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it, won't have it any other way.

>> No.1453248

>Naruto Run
Kamen Rider poses.

>> No.1453263
File: 106 KB, 789x796, f388f8f874832939ab20192e5625ab45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't follow much about Sen but from what I gathered I get why she disappeared. Seeing screencaps and stuff saying going into her own community pages (comments, Discord, etc.) were depressing experiences and everyone wanted to treat her like a joke 24/7. Enabling bad habits and getting to the point where she was just singing while plastered. Combined with family drama, she was basically alone and the people she interacted with online only treated her like a meme.
Gura seems much better as a content creator and happier as a person. She redefined herself while regrowing an even bigger following and while finding friends.

>> No.1453265

same as the Youtube Membership iirc, or as closely as she could make it.

>> No.1453312

Oh gay! Rrat!

>> No.1453316
Quoted by: >>1453378

one thread


>> No.1453346
Quoted by: >>1453680

Yeah.There's a reason why only Ina, Kiara and Mori are continuing their roommate's lives.

Sen was being looked at as a joke, while Gura is being looked up as "the best singer in Hololive" (even if that's kinda annoying to the JP fans)

And hell, the less said about Amegeddon, the better.

>> No.1453378
Quoted by: >>1453616

It's not a bad dialogue though. And Mori has been transparent about that fact that she used to hate on idols on the podcast.

Not really a secret, even by Mori's doxxbeat standards.

>> No.1453393
Quoted by: >>1453680

I can see why at least to me she seemed a bit more hesitant towards her fans compared to the others. To be fair it's been a bit of time since I've watched Gura, so I hope she at least feels like her fans admire her seriously.

>> No.1453435
Quoted by: >>1453776

I'm really so happy that getting into Hololive seems to have had a big positive impact on Gura. I hope she and Mori will be able to do an off collab in Nippon once the coof is over. Just imagining them hanging out, chatting and bonding over old memes, and doing irl karaoke together puts a big smile on my face

>> No.1453476
File: 89 KB, 794x960, EnOYTahXYAkdirU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Bandcamp anon. Who said there was a sale Friday. Are you there?

I'm so dumb I can't find it. Help?

>> No.1453494
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1615257125581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1453776

>lonely and autistic
>become Internet personality to socialize
>no one wants to take you seriously and be your fren or just want to use you for clout
>get cheered on and clapped for as you slowly poison yourself to death
>get opportunity to reinvent yourself
>can't escape your past

>> No.1453502

First Friday of ever month. It's not a sale, she just gets all the money.

>> No.1453515


>> No.1453530


Hope that helps

>> No.1453582

Not bandcamp anon but the next bandcamp friday is on April 2nd.
It's not a discount per say You can even buy the discography for as much as you want as long as it's above the minimum price. But ~93% of the proceeds go to her.

>> No.1453596

Alright, Deadbeats, I gotta ask. What's Mori's shotacon power level?

>> No.1453616

The next image is literally dice edited onto archer

>> No.1453623
Quoted by: >>1453685

zero, probably into height difference and fake shota though.

>> No.1453638
Quoted by: >>1453647

The nigger of nippon

>> No.1453647

More like the wigger of wippon

>> No.1453659
Quoted by: >>1453685

Mori's not a shotacon, she's just affectionate with children after spending several years as a teacher.

>> No.1453680
File: 735 KB, 4096x1065, lbH2lyJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1453826

Ina is the most reserved of the group, by far. Which is her advantage. People either watch her and enjoy or they simply ignore her.
Kiara obviously had her own stuff going pre-Hololive and sadly some people really try to use it against her. That, combined with her eccentric behavior, gave her a dedicated bunch of antis.
Amelia, she streamed and that was about it. That's both her charm to many (she's the most "normal" one) and also where the criticism comes from ("Why is she even in Hololive?" from people who still have that idols-only mentality)

Mori got extremely lucky because the fanbase she already had followed her into Hololive and were thrilled to do so. And the fans she's amassed because of Hololive found the other stuff and were happy with that too. She played a long game by putting her heart into all of it and now she reaps the rewards of both.

Gura's voice is really good and she knows what its strengths are, I don't want to get into any arguments by saying more.
She found as best of a balance as she can, I think. One where she has a character to fall back on when she wants to stay in-theme and she's comfortable enough to open up more about herself. A lot of Chumbuds see Gura as Gura because that is what Gura wants. With that comes respectfully ignoring anything that may have happened in the past.

>> No.1453685
Quoted by: >>1453859 >>1453933

Anyone have a link to that clip of her gushing over the cute family pic with boys in it?

>> No.1453776

Gura and Mori get along really well, it's always fun to watch. Off-collab would incredible.
I dream of the day all five of them could meet like that.

Poor shark. She's doing so much better right now. There will always be some who only see her for the memes, old ones or new ones like "a", but there's a lot who notice the talent she holds. Gura's a natural entertainer who makes even the most boring things a blast. She's also learned to ignore the dumber things said by her chat and that's skill every streamer needs to learn if they want to make it last.

>> No.1453826

very based anon

>> No.1453859
Quoted by: >>1453941

This one?

>> No.1453933
Quoted by: >>1454007

She just wants chad sons to raise.

>> No.1453941

Yes, thank you, that's the one

>> No.1454007
Quoted by: >>1454042

>try to raise a chad son with Mori
>his Mori genes kick in and he becomes a dork
>everybody loves him even more for it

>> No.1454042
Quoted by: >>1454614

What are you even doing if you're not making at least 3 sons and a daughter with Mori?

>> No.1454130

[sounds of jizz splashing on bone]

>> No.1454165

if you were a jannie/mod on a completely unrelated forum, would you remove vtuber doxxing?

>> No.1454197
Quoted by: >>1454333 >>1455948

No. Streisand Effect. If the information is out there then it's already too late to contain it.

>> No.1454235
Quoted by: >>1455948

No, you can't have faggots talking about forbidden knowledge if no knowledge is forbidden.

>> No.1454247
Quoted by: >>1455948

Pictures? Yeah fuck off with that shit.

>> No.1454269
Quoted by: >>1455948

Actual images and stuff meant to be malicious? Yes.
Discussion about the other works that person has done like music or streaming? No. As long as it's in comparison or relation to the vtuber.

>> No.1454296
Quoted by: >>1455948

If you mean stuff like full names or addresses like major doxx stuff, yes. Stuff that they have publicly put out there on their own, no.

>> No.1454329
Quoted by: >>1455948

doxx is strictly defined as grabbing private information and releasing it on public.

ONEposting isn't really that because it's already an open secret at this point.

Hell, I've met people who don't want to subscribe to DD because they think that it will get her in trouble if her other channel got more subs.

>> No.1454333
File: 63 KB, 627x955, moridol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1454373 >>1455948

If it violates any rules,do
if you have the power and no one from above will shit on you for doing it, do it deadbeat
roommate dox shit has no place to be anywhere outside the farms and this goddamned place

just because it is it doesn't mean you have to make it so it's easier to spread it in your own backyard

They already replied to you but First Friday of every month, and you can pay more than what required for her album,she's gonna get close to 100% (minus processing fees, around 93 as that anon said) it's her bday week and she's on tour that day but still leave a good message for her anon, she does really appreciate every single one of them

Also this is a goddamn good thread deadbeats, i'm happy to see some unity love for once, not only our mori had it rough and deserves respect and love

>> No.1454338
Quoted by: >>1455948

Was it intended for general consumption at one point? If so, it's fair enough game that deleting it will just get it reposted and spread further.

>> No.1454373

The generic Idol outfit wouldn't fit Mori at all.
Especially if in the future she's gonna do rap concerts

>> No.1454391
File: 207 KB, 237x340, 3473569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1454495 >>1454532

Rene is talking about food.

>> No.1454401
Quoted by: >>1454554

Any outfit fits Mori what are you on about? She's mainly inspired by Japanese rap, so it fits enough. Let's not pretend jrappers are hard.

>> No.1454448
File: 58 KB, 800x1200, morihoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1454478

That's all we are gonna get anon
DYRBI Cover is going to go out of their way and make custom outfits for them?
the jp fans would screech it is unfair for their girls to not get custom outfits too and that would mean having to redo the whole roster
AKB48, pls anderstand
I hate it, but she can make it work and shine in any outfit, at the end of the day i just want to see her on a stage, be it spitting fire or singing oxymorons

>> No.1454478
Quoted by: >>1454488 >>1454519

Cover can actually get a reason: Holomyth is a western spinoff. They would fashion their outfits differently.

>> No.1454488

No reason for them to put in the extra effort at all.

>> No.1454495

I swear to god, she is intentionally overlapping with Mori's streams lmao

>> No.1454519

Amelia didn't even get a birthday gift window because she is outside of japan, i genuinely do not trust Cover to do anything about EN, they set some mangers that are a barrier more than anything and forgot about them, even if they are a money printer.

>> No.1454532
File: 52 KB, 227x227, 1407721331726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1454638 >>1454762

I have realized recently that i prefer vtubers who have more deeper voices and not that loli voice.

>> No.1454554

>Let's not pretend jrappers are hard
Does gangsta rap even exist in Japan?

>> No.1454607
Quoted by: >>1454751

Yes, and it's just as hilarious when they rap about the ghetto as it is when suburban niggas do. Hell, I think one of Rene's collab songs with MM dropped the word ghetto and left me laughing for a solid minute.

>> No.1454614

wasting my life aaaaaaaa

>> No.1454626

All of the girls get idol outfits eventually for 3D concerts and big events.It will be even longer for EN since it's difficult to travel for that stuff right now.
The EN girls aren't exactly idols but they are part of Hololive and they deserve to be included in all of that. They also deserve their own alternative outfits, but right now they're only six months into it and nothing feels stale.

>> No.1454638
Quoted by: >>1454744 >>1454762

Congrats, anon. You realized that you like women, not children. Next step is to never forgive 5ch for taking sexy, sultry Towa away from us.

>> No.1454687

yakuza shit maybe?

>> No.1454744 [DELETED] 

hoping that if mori collabs with towa on a song or just a collab stream, she gets more confident in her voice and goes back to using it.

>> No.1454751
Quoted by: >>1454896

Should find some venture capital money and find some hiki NEETs with rapping tallent and have them do hardcore gangster rap styled rapping about the lifestyle
>onahole cleaning after a day of cooking to 2d
>night shopping at the convenience store
>parent's shame
>not seeing the sun for weeks at a time
It would be revolutionary, gritty, and badass.

>> No.1454762
File: 125 KB, 1280x1000, 1598073337009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed this too.

I'm already angry about that. It's such a fucking whiplash every time she goes from speaking to singing. Her voice is one of my favorites to listen too, even with the false one she has to use.

>> No.1454801
Quoted by: >>1455108

>Mori and Towa song collab where they both use their sultry voice
I need this in my life.

>> No.1454818
Quoted by: >>1455026

You greatly overestimate how much a single collab is going to do for Towa's self confidence reps, and she's pretty well committed to the voice at this point. She's a notorious ego searcher and ended up on 5ch, but didn't have the mental fortitude that our boy did to ignore the shitposting, especially after Towa's yab almost sank her.

>> No.1454896

"These guys are fucking disgusting, I love it."
-ONIHANAFUDA(キャロット) (probably)

>> No.1455026

I want them to collab and sing together because I really like them both. I don't expect Towa to stop using the voice though because at this point I have to think she wants to. No one is forcing her.

I credit Towa somewhat with HoloEN becoming a thing. Seeing how quickly a lot of people turned against her for something small, but throughout it all it was the foreign fans who supported her. Cover must have noticed just how big the market really was getting between stuff like that and what Coco was doing.

>> No.1455108

there are still upset hoshiyomis here.

>> No.1455511

Who to blame?

>> No.1455540

You're in her thread anon...

>> No.1455558

either mori or ame

>> No.1455632
Quoted by: >>1455713

>8am for night owl Mori, hasn't updated her pre-stream for the delay

>> No.1455713

>She just did

It probably is her

>> No.1455719
File: 5 KB, 358x49, death herself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1455816

Can you dumb niggers take your MORI RUINED THE COLLAB shit to /hlgg/?

>> No.1455849
File: 2.60 MB, 2310x1530, 55293458f8d6c96610dd588b7a191c9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to have to watch the anniversary collab later tonight. Going out and don't want to start it just to have to walk away.
It's really been six months with these wonderful ladies? It feels like so much longer but also like it was only yesterday.

>> No.1455875
Quoted by: >>1455920

>Can you dumb niggers take your MORI RUINED THE COLLAB shit to /hlgg/?
Fuck off, they were just curious as to what happened.

>> No.1455917
Quoted by: >>1455963 >>1455974

I want to fall asleep with my head nestled in between her fat fucking tiddies

>> No.1455920

>I'm just CURIOUSLY shitposting

>> No.1455941
File: 43 KB, 618x824, 1614843619096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people do wash their hands after they use the toilet. At least you're supposed to.

>> No.1455948
Quoted by: >>1461018

Thank you for the input, anons. I appreciate it.

>> No.1455963

Now this is fucking based

>> No.1455974

She deserves to fall asleep on someone's lap instead

>> No.1456078

I just find it funny, i really don't give a shit if she really was a reason because i am not gonna watch the stream anyway.

>> No.1456207
Quoted by: >>1456762

oh no calliope oh no
together die together die

>> No.1456250
File: 2.23 MB, 600x360, 1605929333754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those Red Superchats before the stream even starts, for the 6th Month Anniversary

Jesus is Mori's chat the one with the deepest pockets or what?

>> No.1456254

Can anyone drop some Calli greentexts?

>> No.1456491

how new?

>> No.1456638

Deadbeats range from 24-25 to 40 from what I've seen. A lot of us also have high-paying or high-hour jobs.

>> No.1456762
File: 550 KB, 3353x1886, __inugami_korone_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_vyolfers__4ff4b94637d2c009d17a240a1d1d1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1456825

A miserable little pile of memories.
But enough doxx. Have at you!

>> No.1456920

Her autism attracts other autists who work in good paying tech jobs.

>> No.1457135
File: 3.89 MB, 640x640, 1607983512120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1457414

You want to see the real dimes master?

>> No.1457372
Quoted by: >>1457521


>> No.1457414
Quoted by: >>1457470

Reminder that the bitch and Rushia both got beat by Marine's 1mil

>> No.1457470

Duh, of course the pirate will bring in the most loot.

>> No.1457521
File: 481 KB, 4096x2896, 1612905772567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By me.

>> No.1458143
Quoted by: >>1458544 >>1459148

>nobody actually bothered to gather any materials
They're all gonna die lmao

>> No.1458544

They're not gonna play long enough to die and they're all hyper broken OC steel donuts.

>> No.1459148

Makes for more fun stream.

>> No.1459738

surprisingly fun so far

>> No.1460287

Moth mom

>> No.1460303
File: 356 KB, 1196x1200, 1604446842198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1460718

Whoever thought to make Calli immortal wanted to save the anniversary stream

Whoever thought to make her recharge state Sleepy Reaper is a genius

>> No.1460325

>I've lost my fucking way

One fucking stream, Mori

>> No.1460437

let's be real, Mori is a scaredy cat

>> No.1460718

It seems that the whole thing is choke full of inside jokes turned character mechanics. I absolutely love it.

>> No.1461018


>> No.1461182

reminds me when someone casually dropped Mori's identity in a random game's Discord server

>> No.1461602



>> No.1461699

end this collab so Mori can sleep

>> No.1462287

Mori bopping

>> No.1462449
Quoted by: >>1462763 >>1462924

Well, that's still shit.

>> No.1462763
Quoted by: >>1462910

Better than a 0 effort acrylic stand. Why do you even keen that thing? Is it a key holder or something?

>> No.1462910

The stand is just a zero production effort figma for you to display.

>> No.1462924

I mean... It's the best of the three? But that isn't a high bar.

>> No.1463592

I remember how there was one takamori artist making deadbeats as death-sensei. Really telling how they don't really watch Mori's streams

>> No.1463606
Quoted by: >>1463831

I will win the stacking contest

>> No.1463662

I'm actually getting death sensei, that's it.

>> No.1463739

Kinda want the tako...

>> No.1463831
Quoted by: >>1464027 >>1464260

Do your plushie reps, Dead Beats

>> No.1464016

>And also...

>> No.1464027

Only getting the tako if I get any at all. All my skelebros hate death sensei anyway.

>> No.1464209

>Death-sensei plush
I get it because he was designed as Mori's mascot in mind but it's weird considering Mori uses it to allude to specific people. Though I guess it would've been pretty difficult to make a skeleton plush that wasn't just a stylized skull.

>> No.1464260

I love my Mori, but I'm not buying any of this merch.

>> No.1464348
Quoted by: >>1464499 >>1464829

Not gonna lie, I'm not really expecting much beyond the album for Mori's birthday if this is what they've come up with as merch for EN so far. Gen 5 was knocking it out of the park, I assumed they'd keep up the trend.

>> No.1464469

>Don't be sorry, I love you too,babe

>> No.1464499
Quoted by: >>1464720

Cover does not care about EN outside of the money they bring in.

>> No.1464720

Pretty sure that Botan and Lamy came up with the grenade plush and ice cubes themselves, and even Polka's circus poster was pretty neat. I think EN just sucks at coming up with ideas.

>> No.1464817
Quoted by: >>1465278

>Mori promise
EN will never have 3D...

>> No.1464829
Quoted by: >>1465471

Mori actually wants to make merch and is going to release some one way or another. Make of that what you will.

>> No.1464866

I'm so proud of our boy. Just look at her

>> No.1465054


>> No.1465116

There's that rough PEACE!

>> No.1465235

not gonna lie, was gonna gosling for a sec

>> No.1465278

Kek, we're fucked

>> No.1465425

Fuck yeah, that's my boy.

>> No.1465471
Quoted by: >>1465625 >>1466165

She's a good designer, but we'll see if that actually gets applied to anything slightly less generic then a fucking keychain, stand, poster, or pillow, if she has the time to work on them at all considering her 'I can't wear all the hats' speech last night.

>> No.1465493

>Reaper reset.

That chatting stream tomorrow will be fun.

>> No.1465544
Quoted by: >>1466026 >>1466273

It's scary to imagine if Mori never made it and stayed at 300k subs. Still teaching kids, permanently nervous and drinking wine in most of her streams, etc.

>> No.1465550
Quoted by: >>1465681

Cute PEACE is for solo streams.

>> No.1465577

>Merch shows up in booth but actual preorder is 11:00 JST

>> No.1465625
File: 1.61 MB, 2385x2160, 1615477593199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1465781 >>1465877

>including a pillow
Bitch, speak for yourself. Mori better release a fucking daki.

>> No.1465681

Yeah, this is what I believe too

>> No.1465781

you need to convince Luci for it.

>> No.1465877

You're welcome to buy it when it comes out, considering she wants to release one, but I'd like to see something with her personal touch to it. That might just end up being the physical release of the EP, though, which is a little sad.

>> No.1465905
Quoted by: >>1466198

That DS collab was ok. Mori seems to try to follow any plans Ame sets up. Unfortunately, I don't really like Kiara in this collab.

>> No.1466026
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1615438168764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be happy for our boy man, I don't want to imagine that.

>> No.1466165
File: 251 KB, 340x707, Princess Keychain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something genuinely designed by Mori
pick one.

>> No.1466198
Quoted by: >>1466616 >>1467304

>inb4 /hlgg/ calls you a SEANig/Chang/whatever boogeyman

>> No.1466245
Quoted by: >>1466905

If you're going to be an obnoxious faggot, you could at least post the dice shirt design that was actually good, not the keychain which is literally just a frame from the MV.

>> No.1466273

Well its a good thing you don't have to

>> No.1466288

ON- ah, whatever. It's a cool keychain, her album covers are always great too, she certainly has a sense of style. I believe our boy can come up with something very cool again.

>> No.1466321
Quoted by: >>1466546 >>1466905

I'm not buying anything with AOnigger on it

>> No.1466546

>when a black man hits you

>> No.1466616

Mori considers her a close friend so I'm always attempting to find something good about her...

>> No.1466905 [SPOILER] 
File: 324 KB, 1553x2048, 1615598353756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if it came off as obnoxious, but how good or bad a piece of merch is depends on the time, ability, and creative freedom the designer has. They shouldn't have invent the wheel to please you.
Your loss, he makes good music and has good merch.

>> No.1466984

maybe I am dumb but I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of stuff they got for just 6 months. I feel like hololive usually does worse for things like birthdays so I guess my expectations were low

>> No.1467057
Quoted by: >>1467457

I think it's less that the announcements were disappointing for a 6 month anniversary stream, and more like this is pretty much all we've gotten after 6 months. Look at what HoloID Gen 1 or Holo JP Gen 5 had after this amount of time.

>> No.1467096

It was so-so, I want Mori merch so Ill wait until 4/4

>> No.1467201
Quoted by: >>1468079

Damn, that design is amazing

>> No.1467300

I mean obnoxious as in directly posting the image when everyone knows she's done good work before. However, even the long sleeve shirts from that collection are far better then the keychains, and even they're merely 'good for merch'. I hope she can produce another one on the level of the shirt you're at least being a useful obnoxious faggot about, but that might take far too much of her time then she has to dedicate at this point in her life, which is why a unique idea is great, since she doesn't have to do the grunt work of the design herself.

>> No.1467304
File: 619 KB, 1280x720, 1586465836176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend. While Kiara has her faults, there are legit SEAnigs out to get her because she's an easy doxxtarget. The /jp/hlg/ meido debacle few days back was also a Kiara anti, and has cultivated that sentiment over months. I kept tabs on his facebook page, and I still keep tabs on doxxcords and they have dedicated in-jokes and channels to the Cake Princess. Regardless of your actual opinions about other holos, it is in our best interest to push for Unity and Chimken is currently the weakest link. They shat on Mori and the deadbeats before, and they changed targeted after we proved ourselves resilient. We know Mori can never do no wrong as long as she doesn't lose our way, but let's not get cocky?

But yes, this TakaMori thing is grating.

>> No.1467456
File: 498 KB, 420x236, 1601258105228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1468079 >>1468085

I would actually buy that shirt, that looks great.

None of it really inspired me to rush out and buy it, I may pick up the BGM. Still waiting to see what Mori's got cooking.

>> No.1467457
Quoted by: >>1467504

oh I don't actually remember everything that they've got. But what else should they have gotten by now? I can only maybe see outfits but idk what theme besides casual they could go for

>> No.1467464
Quoted by: >>1468079

Can you still get this shirt? It looks pretty dope.

>> No.1467504
Quoted by: >>1467829 >>1468105

Group song, new outfits, group merch that isn't shit etc

>> No.1467537
Quoted by: >>1469084

Not my loss, because I don't care about his music or his merch. If you like him, good for you.

>> No.1467829

I think group songs are complete garbage. Though, expecting each to have a solo song would be ridiculous. Would have been cool if they got outfits. I'm not ever expecting good merch beyond plushies.

>> No.1468059
Quoted by: >>1468483

>Calliope DAD Kiara-chan MAM
Subaru, stop...

>> No.1468079

The shirts are sold out/no longer for sale at the moment.
Pretty sure she was planning on doing reprints & resale of her old merch and music (localized in the US) along with the new merch and music CDs. But it mostly fell through due to the well Hololive. So this is one of the big things to look forward to when she does go through with starting her business.

>> No.1468085

>/hlgg/ gets salty again, once Dyes and Mori dust off the album

We're headed to another timeloop.

>> No.1468105
Quoted by: >>1468175

I don't think they would come out with a group song before the others release at least one original. I like the plushes personally but I get they are not for everyone

>> No.1468175
Quoted by: >>1468738

Also, only Mori and Gurah have talked about serious music production

I'd rather have a high quality collab between EN's finest, then a rushed clusterfuck cover of KING.

>> No.1468416
Quoted by: >>1468511 >>1468628

Post the Calli copypasta, you know the one.

>> No.1468483
Quoted by: >>1468555

gross, must be chat putting her up with it

>> No.1468511
File: 71 KB, 654x502, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1469059


>> No.1468555

She was recounting the comments she saw on Reddit about her collab with Kiara, she said people were calling Ame the 'crazy uncle' as well.

>> No.1468616

I'm gonna kill these fuckers one day, I swear to god. That's gonna be the reps I work towards.

>> No.1468628
File: 34 KB, 667x890, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1468680

Is Kiara the only one they consider an adult woman? Gura gets turned to daughter, Mori becomes dad and Ame is the crazy uncle.

>> No.1468738

Well Kiara has talked about making an album eventually but haven't heard about it for a while. And yeah I am glad we aren't getting more King from EN. I feel like there can only be so many covers of a song to where they need remixes to stand out like Reine's cover

>> No.1468904

Anybody think Live Again has hidden rrat meaning? Hear me out.
The mainframe has been encrypted many times, but Mori was a fail safe to retrieve the data. By repeating the phrase "I'm your Mori. Remember me" Mori is telling the chosen one to come to self realization despite the memory wipes. After which the character is sacrificed by Ina then cooked by Kiara and eaten by Gura. A vicious cycle perpetuated by Watsons resetting of the timelines.

>> No.1468992


>> No.1469059
Quoted by: >>1469116

Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.1469069

meds but I did enjoy the read

>> No.1469084
File: 317 KB, 1249x2304, Cosmonaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, to each his own.
I just hope my Tophamfagging doesn't get too much on your nerves.

>> No.1469116

No, Me Fucking Mori

>> No.1469220

Mori: My girlfriend whose not ready yet for marriage
Kiara: Her friend
Ina: Her friend
Amelia: Her friend
Gura: Her friend

Anything else is just fanfic by reddit

>> No.1469596

Its a joke, anon

>> No.1470592
Quoted by: >>1470660 >>1471011

I want to knock Mori up and never part with her for a single fucking second until at least our third child is born. I want to watch every waking hour as the pregnancy progresses and her belly gets slightly bigger every day. I don't want a single day to pass without making Mori blush by finding new ways to say how much I love her and our unborn children. I want Mori to get knocked up with twins or triplets so that she'll be just a bit more sedentary and I can pamper her even more. My dream scenario is a late 2nd trimester twin pregnant Mori realizing that her belly is getting so large and intrusive that she should probably just sit down and take it easy until after she gives birth. In that moment I will shower her with kisses until her nipples turn purple because all the blood will be rushing to her blushing cheeks, naturally I'll need to suck on her tits to return the blood pressure to normal levels. I want every cubic inch of air I breathe to be permeated by Mori's pregnancy pheromones, the chair she farts into every day will become a shrine if I need to buy and train the slaves to worship it myself. Every fucking day I will wake up to make Mori breakfast in bed, and every day I'll take too long so that she gets sick of waiting and waddles over the kitchen, half awake and one quarter dressed, hungry enough to start trying to eat my ass. Mori will experience a form of love so intense that new words will need to be created to describe exactly how loved she will be, just hearing those new words would be enough to bring back memories and make her cum even when she's screaming her lungs out while giving birth. I'll become a fucking Gaia practitioner to channel my chakra's into Mori every damn day until the negative ions in my salt lamps run out. She will have mystic powers from beyond human comprehension thrust upon her to make every aspect of her life more enjoyable. She will smell nicer, be more fertile, have a heightened sense of taste depending on how much love the food is prepared with, and I will always prepare it with maximum love power. When Mori sits her bare 8 month pregnant butt down on my lap to eat pumpkin pie and watch shitty movies she will cum and I won't even be erect. The sheer amount of love I've put into that pie will transfer into her tastebuds and make her orgasm on the spot, quivering so hard that the babies will take notice and begin kicking, which will remind her of how they're a product of our love and it'll make her cum even more. I'll take every piece of clothing Mori grows out of over the course of her pregnancies and preserve the lingerie, but the shirts and pants and skirts and hats will all be soaked in purified water and put on commercial cold air evaporation plates so that I can have essence of pregnant Mori's secretions mixed with mineral oil and glycol to have my aromatherapy diffusion sticks give me the scent of a 9 month pregnant mori even when she's only 2 months along. If you walked into our house you would immediately assume that Mori was 9 months pregnant from the smell alone, of course she might be, there's a 1/10 chance that that assumption is correct at any given moment. Even she will get confused. After a night of epic rough sex (during which mori will repeatedly orgasm) she'll wake up in a daze and think she's 9 months pregnant from the smell, but upon realizing that she isn't she'll obviously be a bit bummed out and rape me where I lay, as she feels like it's just the natural order that she should be pregnant with my children. Mori will become addicted to motherhood and getting pampered while pregnant and the scent of her own sweat to such an extent that it'll creep even me out. I can't accurately express just how much I want to princess carry Mori when her feet hurt and she can't bend over to see her shoes cause her belly is in the way. Maybe I can accurately express how much I want to sink my fingers into her asshole, but that feels like it's obvious.

>> No.1470660
File: 24 KB, 638x319, 1615017679166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1471011
Quoted by: >>1471813

I every part of this is great but my favorite parts are the cute ones like
> I can't accurately express just how much I want to princess carry Mori when her feet hurt and she can't bend over to see her shoes cause her belly is in the way.
It always makes me feel a special way.

>> No.1471813
File: 103 KB, 1000x772, Ameri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a turbomanlet and I'd train just to princess carry Mori

>> No.1472051
Quoted by: >>1472487

Holy fuck what manga?

>> No.1472425

I'm your Mori. Remember me.

>> No.1472470
Quoted by: >>1472602

There is an uncountable number of things I would do for Mori if she asked.

>> No.1472487

One fucking thread...

>> No.1472509

What the hell are you talking about? I like her because there's almost no illusion.

>> No.1472602
File: 520 KB, 554x554, 1612668959235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1472640

Would you chop your dick off for her?

>> No.1472607

what were the two songs she was going to sing in 1m karaoke

>> No.1472640
Quoted by: >>1472672

That's one of the few countable things I would not do.

>> No.1472672
File: 71 KB, 1199x848, 1609126842825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right answer!

>> No.1473015

Goodbye, Reaper Thread, see you when the next one is up

>> No.1473102


>> No.1473137
Quoted by: >>1473304

kek, apparently that mangaka is a woman?

>> No.1473304

It's like when I learned that Pocchi made all those doujins I blew so many loads to
Just imagining some hot Christmas cake of a degenerate woman making perverted drawings is enough to make me nut again
