Bungee Jumping editionYouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK9V2B22uJYu3N7eR_BT9QATwitter: https://twitter.com/omarupolkaChat room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YGc137vs70Short videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeSJuaJO8RDa-ZZTAV5TFyYlMembers-only videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOK9V2B22uJYu3N7eR_BT9QAPoruta: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeSTubZPTBdw8lK9J8e2wjXXKaraoke streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeRg-ItW0T1W9uHOj8pnlaK1Legend of Polka: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeQQOdp1rukMK8MW_DgkMhdsPolka Radioka: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeSltmL2GMtbgjtI-PIXID1GAudiobooks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeTnRz4mL6OKYQO8rxiOyDv1>What are Polka's membership benefits?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdXo3HuplLQ>Is it worth even if I'm an EOP/ESL?Yes. Also remember to keep doing your reps.>Latest original:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdYAZZ5SOFk>Latest cover:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DzqJQggP9s>Latest episode of Legend of Polka:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuL3fNh0sQE>Latest episode of Polka Radioka:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg9Bj29qT0oNews/Upcoming>HOLOLIVE 3RD FESTIVAL!https://hololivesuperexpo.hololivepro.com/>Envy Baby reached 6 million views on youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpoysjZfWrU>Sponsored collab with Lamy! This time they...eat foodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3rXKYMSpU0>Polka will be playing Another Eden with Flarehttps://twitter.com/rpg_AE/status/1468890703002742790>Polka went bungee jumping with Izutsu in the latest episode of PolDenMerch:>Hololive x Don Quijote plushies (one kind Zain provided this link)https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEODAI-116579>Hololive Wafers (Starts shipping in March 2022)https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html>Hololive x Lawsonhttps://www.lawson.co.jp/lab/campaign/hololive/Previous thread >>13992589
All Polka CoversOfficial ones:Ochame Kinouhttps://youtu.be/IixAr5W3TIcMenhera Janai Monhttps://youtu.be/syhlmTNW_a8Loser Girlhttps://youtu.be/NdHPnTd2Jd8Envy Babyhttps://youtu.be/UpoysjZfWrUVampirehttps://youtu.be/Md0TBfwo9rMUndercoverhttps://youtu.be/W5IVzLi-RugBakushouhttps://youtu.be/xfrS_3gRdrgProud Idolhttps://youtu.be/Lx1PNCat-Q0Jealousyhttps://youtu.be/P4uBibShEK0Blessing (with Lamy, Botan and Nene)https://youtu.be/cYfUaHljuKgMr. Music (with Lamy, Botan and Nene)https://youtu.be/063INZy-ZtMJapari Park (with Lamy, Botan and Nene)https://youtu.be/mO0s9WTI-eUSakura Skip (with Lamy, Botan and Nene)https://youtu.be/gRqv6tQZ3poTurning Love (with Kotone)https://youtu.be/oFEChsGiQ6AInstant Heaven (with Kotone)https://youtu.be/HmiEOSUtIfAClown of the Nighthttps://youtu.be/I16cQyBxsKwCinderellahttps://youtu.be/ACImtqaabpwKaikai Kitanhttps://youtu.be/k-q93ccVQqMFly Me to the Star (with Reine)https://youtu.be/s0p7jwJKkzsPhonyhttps://youtu.be/zK3Lev1A2NYMonster (with Lamy)https://youtu.be/6N6kY2_W37kTondemo Wondershttps://youtu.be/0DzqJQggP9sUnofficial ones:Venomhttps://files.catbox.moe/hi4u2e.webmfloshttps://files.catbox.moe/cawe1c.webmMokusei no Beathttps://files.catbox.moe/3ntycj.webmCynical Night Planhttps://files.catbox.moe/afyc2v.webmAutophagyhttps://files.catbox.moe/tf77y6.webmHibanahttps://files.catbox.moe/aub2vz.webmCharleshttps://files.catbox.moe/br0o4h.webmTeikoku Shoujohttps://files.catbox.moe/g0syut.webmManichttps://files.catbox.moe/qj6ppk.webmBitter Choco Decorationhttps://files.catbox.moe/nbh97c.webmMairieuxhttps://files.catbox.moe/mjyaxe.webmWhole Lotta No'shttps://files.catbox.moe/90l4xa.webmDelusion Sensation Compensation Federationhttps://files.catbox.moe/odmwh4.webmRokihttps://files.catbox.moe/7bx7q6.webmAhegaodoruhttps://files.catbox.moe/ooelki.webmDelusion Taxhttps://files.catbox.moe/3cr2e8.webmGhost Rulehttps://files.catbox.moe/c74nej.webmTengakuhttps://files.catbox.moe/60c2ft.webmSand Planethttps://files.catbox.moe/phf510.webmOtome Kaibouhttps://files.catbox.moe/6kiw9l.webmLiterary Nonsensehttps://files.catbox.moe/c44jmd.webmUnknown Mother Goosehttps://files.catbox.moe/7p7c9v.webmGurengehttps://files.catbox.moe/u6y6px.webmKINGhttps://files.catbox.moe/wlvtne.webmDream Riserhttps://files.catbox.moe/yoi11a.mp3
Originals:Hologram Circushttps://youtu.be/LQ_eazT56FABlue Clapper (with Lamy, Botan and Nene)https://youtu.be/CyqMKCYBTzMKimi Dake no Princess (with AZKi)https://youtu.be/3Y_gXyuHF-4Surprise Paradise (with Haachama and Nene)https://youtu.be/CrbMV64PmPUPohttps://youtu.be/TGJ9-1LWFtEEverBluehttps://youtu.be/vbhgQ_C_jaMPastel Tea Timehttps://youtu.be/kdYAZZ5SOFkStreaming services:Pohttps://polka.streamlink.to/poEverBluehttps://polka.fanlink.to/everblue
Polka graduates in a weekhttps://twitter.com/Luca_Polka/status/1459157978448232452
Polka sex
I love her moving along while singing, this is a pretty cute stream.
>>14433944It looks great. She really comes alive when singing.
>>14433944I want to Poltect this smile...
>youtube keeps track of my zain membership tenure even I after I lost it last monththat's nice>inb4 losing it in the first placegive me a break. I lost my card after I got jumped by some assholes and forgot to update my card details
>>14440796Shit happens, nobody's gonna hound on you, especially after getting jumped. Glad you're okI've had a dogshit week, scammed on monday and car accident today. Nobody's hurt, plus it was a company car, so I should be fine, but if I get into a financial pinch, might have to pause my membership for the month.
>>14442446hang in there, buddy. We're all gonna make it.
>>14442611I'll live. Feel like shit, but I've gone through worse.At least emotional codependency is better than alcohol dependence.I'll rewind the part where polka read my message, kissed me, and told me she loved me during than mengen, that should cheer me upHere's a happy polka!
>>14442446Hang in there, at least your alive. Which is the hardest part.
christmas Polka is so cuuuuute I DONT EVEN *hnnnnnng*
I am going to make filthy half-breeds with this fennec!
IKZ Polkas
Can't believe I fell asleep waiting for the karaoke, archive reps here I go...
So here the Christmas plans
Owaruka, time for archive reps! I hope the reading stream is soon...
I really like the current OP picture. I really do.
>>14450643>Calling the kids you make with polka filthySwing and a miss. That's why I'm gonna be a providing father to our beautiful children!
That was a great stream last night. Lots of good songs. And the numbers? Literally had more likes that viewers. People came, had to go, but remembered to give her a like. Fantastic Zain
>>14473920Something about Santa Polka hits just right
>>14475280This. She is like the personification of Beauty and Hope with this costume
Is it possible to organize all the zains here to make one polka's cover reach 500k before new years? How many times would you need to play the song? Does YT still detect the view or it gets bugged like last year?
>>14476277Been thinking exactly that recently, it's just that there's not much to do aside from watch (which I do on every device I own, even work computers) and try to "algorithm-thread" by selecting Polka's videos from the recommended on more popular songs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdHPnTd2Jd8My favorite cover is already over 500k
>>14476792Does looping views counts? or you need to F5 every time you replay a video?
>>14476878based taste
>>14433410I remember how happy she was blasting past her goals in the Polka Polka collab. ‘Tis a shame, but I wish her the best.
>>14476928that's a pretty good question, imo loops counting doesn't really make sense so just in case I'm re-entering the video, usually from recommended or directly from the channel page (wouldn't surprise me if they had thought about people just F5ing)
>>14476277I'd like to see this but for her originals since those are a bit more expensive to make in her part. Also 1M instead of 500k but that would be harder
>>14477449Yeah I personally would like to help Ever blue reach 500k
>>14477449I agree on this, originals definitely take priority. Pastel Tea Time at just 149k is criminal
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469538330895618050/PLEASE BUY A CAKE
Ok, lets do this we choose one original song and we'll keep replaying it until new years to see to where can it reach. Pastel tea time or Ever Blue?
>>14478702For me, it's Ever Blue, the best orisong from Hololive.
>>14478418gotta love those replies whenever someone asked for her instead
>>14479467she really replied to everyone huh, I shouldnt have went back to sleep when she tweeted that... fuck
>>14478702I'm already listening to Ever Blue on repeat.
I'm boosting Pastel to 150k!
I'm sure that if we make some kind of image with propaganda telling you to play Ever Blue and Pastel Tea Time like KFP does everytime Kiara release a song we'll get help from other boards
Ever Blue is my pick
>>14481626You motherfucker, you did it!
I don't like idol music and am very picky with japanese music or music in general, but I wanna see Everblue's numbers boosted, because that is one of the very few hololive songs I like. Also it's theme is pretty great.
I did it
I'm going to be alternating between the originals and the sub 500k covers in case spamming one song doesn't help
Make a playlist of her songs. Then you don't even have to manual refresh the page if looping doesn't count.
>>14481910Basically this image, then>>14482572There is this one already https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeTnH4EvPHYEcqCUx145dDUPAlso it was updated 5 days ago, does it mean that a new one is coming out?
>>14482720Ok. Im gonna make a quick edit. What is better"I WANT YOU TO PLAY EVER BLUE" or " I WANT YOU TO STREAM EVER BLUE" ?
>>14482720I'm saying you want to boost specific ones.
>>14482572I've had that for a long time, so atleast 10k views I've contributed with across her songs since I made it.Also got a separate one on my work PC with a diff acc
>>14483059" I WANT YOU TO STREAM EVER BLUE" sounds good, remember to include both linkshttps://youtu.be/vbhgQ_C_jaMhttps://polka.fanlink.to/everblue
>>14483156that's a nice one. I guess I'll use both and make a Pastel Tea Time and Ever blue. I guess the links will have to be in the post. I dont see a way to include them in the images. unless the fanlink has a QR Code?
>>14483224I meant to say for those links to be included on the post, whoops.You can make QR codes here, https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/I made this one using them, it's for Ever Blue's.If I weren't a giant bitch I would make these stickers and put these on random walls on the street to spread the word of Pol
>>14483447I guess I can include those QR in the pic.Thats a good idea, you could just print it in your home and pasted it everywhere, believe me, I did some propaganda sticking several times and it isnt embarrasing and generally people dont look at you
>>14477253Can't you just open multiple tabs and mute them?
>>14483844Pretty sure youtube only counts for the active windows, not sure how multiple monitors work with it though
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCSoC6VfE2sFlare's frame for the gacha is up!
>>14498204polka overdose...
If Polka wanted to steal (you) from another girl who's getting too chummy, how would she go about it?
>>14504466Promise a face sitting + tail fluffing session.
>>14505748Well, that would work on me, no question about it. But let's say she needs to be a bit more subtle about it.
>>14506125Remind me of that time our ringmaster was subtle
>>14506125Well, one of the things that made me schizophrenic were her eyes. Amethyst being one of my favorite colors, if she looks at me, I'm done.The flaw with the question is the implication that she would have to worry about another girl stealing me from her. It just wouldn't really become an issue.>>14506541 brings a great point to consider as well.
>>14506541>>14506952>Remind me of that time our ringmaster was subtleThis is... true. I might have to rethink this, then. I'm writing a piece of fanfiction, thus why the question. Perhaps manipulation or beating around the bush really wouldn't be her style
>>14507274better share the link to the story with us once you're finished with it. Best approach for her is for her to talk a big game, then start falling apart once the pressures on.
>>14508575It's not a straightforward story considering it's about Polka as a loli; so it makes the dynamics of her trying to win (you) over a bit more complex than simply being sexually forceful. But I do want to start shifting her personality closer towards our Omarun as the story progresses, maybe that's the place to do it.https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vQXjwQk_oFyrRlVMTnN3Y6XMg1ghKBPD3z9_gC5SzEEtFnPopKQwtwNwWcbTgzTCIRDbAoBOlovB4zW/pubChapter one is here, I'm working on part two now.
>>14509646Oh fuck yeah, working on pt 2? I've had the story bookmarked but haven't read it in a few months. I'll reread and refamiliarize myself with your rendition of her, try to help out
>>14509924Thanks. Yep, finally got started on it, about 5000 words in and this will be a pretty long chapter. The first one is more about the setting and tone of the story and relationship with (You), so I feel like her characterization leaves a lot on the table but given the circumstances I think that's reasonable; I'm not giving myself that crutch for part two, or trying to at least.
>>14510370So, from what I gathered, polka is going to try to win (you) from risu's advances. The main issue I see is that anon has stated his stance on being a mentor/fatherly figure over a lover a few times. Unless there is a time skip or some plot meddling for anon to abandon his hesitations to date loli polka, I see anon trying to explain to polka about how she's not his type, and her taking it as he hates her, then runs away. Kinda wrote yourself into a corner...
> https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469882204348366849Picking up unfinished stuff from yesterday micra this evening if her headache gets better.She does remember she has promotion stream with Flare, right?
a hug to all the Polkas here
Ohapol. Still unable to dream about the ringmaster...
I wonder what outfit Polka will go for when collabing with Flare later since Flare will prob be in her updated original outfit
>>14521614Since it's a sponsored stream I doubt holos can go with anything but the original outfit (or whatever clothes they are using in the advertising)
I wonder... we probably won't see polka and botan finish that hackermens spy game, right?
Does anyone have that really long love letter she wrote to her fans in christmas? Or any other examples of menhera behaviour? Don't get me wrong, I think it's really cute.
>>14525585oh hey, Flare is using her revamped original outfite
>>14511788I wrote the whole story with the concept of "daughterwife" in mind, so the fatherly figure relationship is intentional. Of course I have more to write that'll start to flip that relationship, but it'll have to start from Polka's side. Maybe the most accurate way to go about it is to be very obvious about it, progressively getting bolder/aggressive until (you) get the hint. I wanted codependency to be a theme, but not sure I have enough content to write something that long.
https://twitter.com/itsuwa0815/status/1470049541177044999ANOTHER Polmama drawing!
>>14528716*hnnnnnnnng* my heart
>>14521828They can (FBK always use her elegant costume in this kind of streams) It just that generally most of them use their original outfit
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1470073931436806146Polka plans to collab with Noel!
>>14483156>>14483447Can someone tell me if the code works? I dont have space on my phone for a qr scanner https://files.catbox.moe/ksq8v4.pngMy IP range is banned from posting Images so I left a link
>>14531994Pastel tea time versionhttps://files.catbox.moe/n4q65d.png
>>14531994>>14532208Works nicely anon, also I liked this version a lot >>14532452, probably going to post it a lot
>>14531994>>14532208>>14532452And the version without the QR Code if you feel like including the link on the posthttps://files.catbox.moe/ur8xet.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/3hk0pe.png
>>14531994it worked for me atleast
>>14531480> 案orゲームさがしてるJust play Minecraft?
>>14509646Man, I've just read the chapter and wow, that's amazing. Now I see why you put the hag orgy story in standby, this is a masterpiece
>>14535351Imagine drinking whine from her bellybuttom
>>14531480Pol needs to make sure that Danchou girl is a good fit for her Flare.
>>14531480Pol needs to make sure that Danchou girl is open to threesomes.
Magic: The Polkaing
>>14537850Surprised I haven't seen people sporting vtuber alters so far
>>14537850I mean the rakdos are a thingjust alter any rakdos circus performer card
poruka doko?
>>14528716This may be mama's cutest polka yet.
>>14548916Awake! And she decided to update Polka News!https://twitter.com/holoholopolka/status/1470176088643227650
>>14552335>crane gameMaybe she will go for the Mio&Ayame Merch in that online crab game
>>14535537Hey anon, thanks for the high praise. Hopefully I can keep the same quality for part 2.
>>14509646That was quite a story to read before going to bed, I'm not usually one for self-insert fics but the feeling this one left is pretty good. Do share part 2 when you're done with it!
Is there a way to make Ever Blue be the first result when you search it on youtube? Even if I'm subscribed to her it only appears third, and I think if it were first it would help ncrease its views.Also 15k until 400k! Don't stop listening Omaruza.
>>14564422Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it mostly gets cucked due to the title being in katakana and then translated by youtube, right? Either boost it up until it surpasses the other results with the same name or search for it in the original form
>>14564422Lets go Omaruza! Go share your propaganda panflets in generals and bait threads
>>OPah, if only the polker actually looked that good in that outfit, instead of it managing to make me prefer either clownsuit.
>>14569701She does
>>14569701don't you dare insult the original clownsuit
I love her
Yup she's doing MollyOnline
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7p38UL3VTIMolly Online frame is up! In two hours!
>>14577143Polka doko???
those "ohmahgods" got me acting up...
I want to wake up to this face every day.
set ready, hololive! merchhttps://setreadyhololive.hololivepro.com/
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1470416942926548992Next streams decided
>>14588300Probably another cinematic, comming soonThese english interns need to start proof reading...
hell yeah, more PolkaMon!
Just one dose of Polka per day is not enough
>>14591683We don't get even that much.
>>145916832 is not enough either if you ask me
>>14593504>They're not living with polka's roommateSad!
>>14531480>Might get Noel Polka ASMRPlease please please please please
>>14595201I am her roommate.I have become Polka.
Just noticed Pol finally got behind Lamy in number of subs a week ago.
I'm ready for the new years SEX clothes
>>14596005They trade places every now and then, this is atleast the 3rd time this happens
>>14596122Oh, so I wasn't paying enough attention.
>>14595212> one hour Asobi Taisen
Spent the day watching a fennec play crane games. It was a good day.
>>14595212Noel wants to make her studio a place where Holos can do ASMR or record non-music stuff in general. So there is a really good chance it will happen.
>>14598489How long have it been since Polka did public ASMR? Noel had plenty of ASMR collabs so she likely wouldn't mind that much, but I doubt Polka will suggest it, as doing this kind of stuff together is quite embarrassing and totally doesn't sound like a good idea for a first collab.
>>14600431I don't think it will be a first collab but I do thing its definitely a possibility at some stage.
>>14600431Not even 2 months since last public one from Polka
>>14588405this is fucking gorgeous, I want to buy the biggest print available
>>14601131I don't think we should count this onehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hreU1CDQX0A
Need... Polka... stream...
>>14603016Why does she get hotter the more deadly she gets?
Did anyone else buy the Polka plush? I'm debating if I should get one or not...
>>14629255I ordered but the wait until April or whenever they ship is intense
Illustration Book by Polka's mama is now accepting preorders!https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=1165509
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1470712967109148673No stream today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1iSg_FDCXYI spotted a Polka!
>>14629255I got one as well, I've gotten more used to long shipping times, but it still hurts a bit
>>14629255I'd buy one but plushies are hard to hide and I keep my power level on the down low
Anyone have a link to an old(?) video with gokisei where Pol casually mentions to everyone how her and the zain were becoming codependent?
>>14640390I believe it was this one https://youtu.be/Yi4go06lexQSorry for the lack of timestamp, I'm on mobile
>>14642637It was around 29:52, I remember joked about it too
>>14642637>>14642655Thank you, the bit starts there and she says it around 31:25
>>14634546For these who will go there after seeing this, there was no Polka. Flare put Polka stand-in pic on screen as good luck charm for first hour of the stream, but was unable to summon actual Polka this time.
>>14646120Cute. It makes sense with how many SSRs she pulls with Polka
>>14629255I'm unenployed and argentinian
>>14629255Bought it and awaiting shipment, it arrives february apparently, it seemed pretty cute>>14646914>ArgentinianThat's fucked up.
>>14629255Is it sold out already?
>>14648016>https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3153842Sales period ended, but you could probably be on the lookout on yahoo auctions jp when it ships, someone will probably sell theirs if you really want it.
isn't she really fat?
>>14629255I would've liked to but couldn't justify the purchase at the time>>14646914Just what is it with south america and polka? UY here
>>14652560>Blonde >Fox earsWe love blondies and between the 90's and 00's our TV had a lot of animes with cute half animal girls
>>14629255i regret not getting it...
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1470911359705808896Consider yourselves warned.
>>14655535https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dABb2ChBpTYIn 10 minutes!
I'm glad these Christmas outfits are a thing, they're so damn cute. Polka looks really pretty in hers!
If only Pol could read right now,
Why is Polka's mouth open like she is about to eat some matarashi dango?
>>14665517Her mouth movements seem lagged or some shit in general.
As a finn, Poruka's sauna looks more like a crematorium
Polka isn't my oshi but I thought this thread could use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nnk-W3WE3c
>>14667503>tfw no Polka gf to wake me up since I'm a heavy sleaper
>>14661322Yeah also Collarbones = sexy
>>14648431>https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3153842THAT plush? I was thinking of the don quijote plushes I bought both don't worry
>>14669744I'm retarded, here's the right photo
I don't catch a lot of Minecraft streams. Who made the giant castle near where Polka is right now?
>>14671552That's one of Pekora's creations.
>>14671552that's Haachama's Tower of Babel
>>14648016If you mean the don quijote plush I just bit the bullet and bought the last on on CD, I already got the zain plush that ended awhile ago
Another day, another night of hoping for dream polka to appear for a cute date!Please let it happen god it's been so long since the last time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9gAP19OwxEHere we go again in a couple of hours.
>>14686189> LIVE_STREAM_OFFLINE: This live event will begin in a few moments.Is that so?
>>14686333https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1471120261659660290It took a bit, but now it started
>>14682033No Christmas costume for the one stream I can watch. Sad!
Why is your oshi so fat?
>>14686566Christmas costume means home3D and it's not that good. I like live2d movements with normal costume more than Christmas 3D one.
>>14686822True, but that costume makes her exceptionally adorable even if it's a little clunky.
>>14692645We're getting closer to the sex outfit...
>>14678362Any routine to dream? I literally only dream like once every 2-3 months
>>14693776My best advice is to get into a good mindset before you go to sleep. Get relaxed enough that your mind will subconsciously try to conjure up something appealing.
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1471189410909618177/>Playing Pokemon 4AM on a thursdayPolka...
9h 51min total of Pol streaming games today
>>14694735listen to Polka ASMR while falling asleep helps a lot (and you sleep like a log)
why must she always stream when I'm wageslaving? archives just aren't the same...
>>14705118The obvious solution is to stop wageslaving or do it in a time when Polka doesnt stream
Have a bump from 10
>>14706949B-but then how would I pay for membership, anon?
I want to eat this fennec out as she plays minecraft
>>14716585Based and same
Sharing a drink with omarun!
>>14719921I hope you brought enough for everyone, because everyone here is Polka.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45-e6qWmrwkPolDen frame is up!
>>14729340Pol Den starting NOW!
>>14729340electrocution fetish episode...
>>OPnice pol
>>14738972i love Polka!
>>14743405Wait someone told me if I try to fuck a clown I'd get clowned on.
>>14743518more like this would prob happen
Polroommate just tweeted
>>14745408YES PLEASE
>>14745447>tfw no Polka gf to commit double suicide together
>>14744455Why aren't you calling her omarumate
>>14748963You mean Polga?
>>14745732>tfw Polka will never lock you in her basement and slowly torture you physically and mentally until you snap and become polka
>>14771341It's already too late! POL!
Flare and Pol Tweets
No Rajioka today. But ASMR instead.https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1471745036442554368
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxkZOIHjMpmdQ_8K0g5M6UmbfYXhj7sY7hNew membership Polst!
Tfw no Polkaasan, Polmouto or Polneesan
https://youtu.be/d0ra5Gdz7qQASMR Frame up! It's non-member as well!
> Shigoto mitai ni natteruDid anyone requested dango eating?
Yandere Pol ASMR was my fav part
>woke up early>listen to Polka's ASMR without leaving the bed>fall asleep againIt was a good way to start the day
>>14794080>wake up late bc work schedule>missed out on polka asmrIt was not a good way to start the day
I wonder if cover could get permissions for Takayan's songs, Makeinu would be a pretty cool one to hear with Polka's voice
>>14794448Does she even like Jrap?
Reminder that Luca Polka is graduating tomorrow, here's her last stream in case you're interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcrIMOJ1GB8
>>14801178Did she gave any reason why?
I am finally able to post again. I missed Polka so much. Gonna hear her ASMR stream later.
>>14801281If VGeneration is VGaming then I'm pretty sure they suck as a company.
I love Poka
See you next thread, omaruza!
>>14801281>>14804566Here's hoping that some other agency grabs ahold of her.