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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.14247369
File: 284 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_20211206_160944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream Saikai!

>> No.14247503
File: 1.05 MB, 638x550, 1638897789613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14249740

i hope she's ogey

>> No.14247752


>> No.14247948 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 466x539, kangz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another isometric game for the next stream?

>> No.14249740 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, sleepmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's sleeping shhhhhhhhhh

>> No.14249753

The one she played today only has about 1 more hour of content so might as well finish it.

>> No.14249815 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 782x758, 16472919579393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14249966

> i hope she's ogey

>> No.14249966
File: 84 KB, 1064x1077, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let her rest anon

>> No.14250905
File: 645 KB, 742x672, 1611070088416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats power, son.

>> No.14250960

Her neighbors must have loved that part.

>> No.14251813
File: 1.37 MB, 888x1095, GigaMoonaChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14252129

If Moona has 1 million supporters, I am one of them.
If Moona has 5 supporters, I am one of them.
If Moona has a supporter, it is me.
If Moona had no supporters, I would not be on earth.
If the world opposes Moona, then I oppose the whole world.
Until the last breath, I will support Moona.
Moona Hoshinova Ch. ...

>> No.14251850
File: 34 KB, 944x769, 51455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14252129
File: 1.46 MB, 1988x3056, moonknightuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's sloppy but I offer this humble image edit in Mooner's name
pls say you like it bros

>> No.14253208
File: 1.46 MB, 1988x3056, moona knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14258172

Actually, scratch that, tried to fix it a bit, as much as my abilities and tools allowed
Moona always gives her best for us, I should try to give my best for her
My best isn't very good but still

>> No.14258157
File: 270 KB, 2048x2048, FFslugNUUAIH6Yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258172

Kek chill out anon it's alright. There's no need to be insecure like that

>> No.14259413

so the one that called her with different numbers so fucking many times is an auto bills collector? fucking KEK mooner you got me worried

>> No.14262805
File: 79 KB, 661x735, 7321A407-4020-4BC3-860B-77CC12921FB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okite okite!

>> No.14262807
File: 103 KB, 1155x854, 1637982113720~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14265956


>> No.14262900

Damn. That control

>> No.14264362
Quoted by: >>14267361


>> No.14265956

anon, her PC hasn't arrived yet

>> No.14267361

dit memek

>> No.14270025

We racked our brain before trying to figure out why moona antis hate moona, and we keep coming across example where others are doing the same thing, yet they get a pass. It's like she is under greater scrutiny and higher standard, perhaps this is due to the timing of her debut which is before the holoEN and is thus subjected to the more conservative JP standard compare to the later more liberal EN standard. Moonaitos are equally under greater scrutiny and standard, as I have observed. Often the little minority, the little bad thing, is attributed to the whole group.

But perhaps there is a silver lining here, with the high standard, people were made more mindful of their actions, more aware of their shortcoming, as we see there haven't been any yab about moona for a long time. /moon/ used to harbor hostility toward post about other chuubas, but now people can pretty much post other chuubas like risu and other ID even ollie as long as the post is made in good faith. Even if an ollie post is made in bad faith, at most people will just report it without saying much about ollie. This is partly thanks to people being conscious enough to not overly abuse it. Every time there is a significant "number" celebration, there are also accompanying post reminding of the numberfagging. This is something I rarely see among other fanbases except maybe kfp since it has become a meme for them.

/moon/ is critical to itself. Not the best out there but is trying to be better.

>> No.14270539
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1630557273739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn, who cares. Post Moonas.

>> No.14270770

something something it's every man for himself here
something something this place isn't a community nor a fanclub/hateclub
something something you speak ONLY for yourself, your actions doesn't represent any group of people or anyone other than you
something something just don't break any rules
something something reddit

>> No.14270807
File: 733 KB, 2170x1448, IMG_20211207_142929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14270879


>> No.14270879

creepy fingers

>> No.14271011

>It's like she is under greater scrutiny and higher standard, perhaps this is due to the timing of her debut which is before the holoEN and is thus subjected to the more conservative JP standard compare to the later more liberal EN standard.
I don't think this is the case at all. I think it's only because, for a time, she was the one that stood out the most among HoloID. And she was mostly associated with Pekora which made it easy for people to attach the label "leech" to her. So people paid close attention to her as if they're just waiting for her to slip up which she did and they capitalized on it. And even if include Ollie's "yabs", those are only things that are nitpicked /here/ that would absolutely make no sense if you try to spread it across the same place Moona's antis spread hers.

>> No.14271200
File: 73 KB, 630x800, FGAplQCaQAE_RYJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analyze these nuts Anon.

>> No.14271240
File: 2.26 MB, 1250x1642, 1630421586915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14271399

Mooner's concept art soon. Goodnight.

>> No.14271399
Quoted by: >>14271520


>> No.14271520


>> No.14274058

yes anon, it took me a several minutes to understand, but yes

>> No.14274575

mooner if you have a problem and cant find out a friend to talking with, that has similar working field as you a vtuber, try to get close with moree or tiara, moree have been on a worst place of racism and had a ton of side hustle at the early stage of holo, but she still managed to keep her sanity safe, while tiara has been around on idol works since 15 y-o, you sure know wht shes been through as an ex-idol, pretty sure you guys could share a thing or two.


>> No.14275262

Moona is not struggling in the friendship department anon

>> No.14275826
Quoted by: >>14276705

Hahaha don't listen to this anon mooner

>> No.14276204

Why not recommending Nene instead of Kiara? I think they have more things in common

>> No.14276269
File: 85 KB, 535x573, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off my thread

>> No.14276380
Quoted by: >>14277326

Moona stopped her reps Anon, although even with both of their ngmi energies they could talk about Hannah Montana and Disneyshit.

>> No.14276402
Quoted by: >>14277326

Le olde language barrier anon, duh

>> No.14276705
Quoted by: >>14283556

Oh shut the fuck up

>> No.14276778
File: 377 KB, 900x818, 1635038416510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14276803

>reddit spacing
>treating /moon/, a thread in anonymous tannu tuvan tapestry forum, as a "community"
Maybe you should go back
>now people can pretty much post other chuubas like risu and other ID even ollie as long as the post is made in good faith
Oh look, an off topic enabler. In your willdest dream faggot. This is not ID general.

>> No.14276999

English, please.

>> No.14277326
Quoted by: >>14277867

Doesn't Nene still do her eigo reps iirc?

>> No.14277867

She's knows less than Peckers last I checked.

>> No.14278611
File: 96 KB, 400x400, 1618551415661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14283610

I really love Moona

>> No.14278667

dude, you just embarrassing yourself. this thread is just a place for discussing moona, and just for that only. this thread dont discuss other members, the discussion is just about the collabs or potential good partners for future collabs/duets. anti's come from different places and they always be so stubborn. the only thing better is just to ignore them. this board is shit, but other social media is not any different either. all of it can be a good places only if some schizo doesn't try to ruin it, like (You). just takes your meds and go breath some fresh air outside

>> No.14279540
File: 488 KB, 220x220, cute-cat-oh-yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14279601

>> No.14279590
File: 2.48 MB, 800x800, werf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14279601
File: 503 KB, 220x220, 1626919194828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14280058

How about a duck?

>> No.14279969

No tweet from moona today, ppl getting woried

>> No.14280033
File: 371 KB, 220x220, cat-pout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here Moon

>> No.14280058
Quoted by: >>14280197

Nice try shuba

>> No.14280197
File: 139 KB, 1136x1235, 1628988315815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Ducks are very adorable.

>> No.14280337

Moona ganba moona ganba moona ganba, ganbaree moonaaa

>> No.14280403
File: 23 KB, 357x402, 1633523194612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14280457

>less eating, sometimes forgot
>Always puking
>Stressed out
What a perfect combination,
Ganbare moon,

>> No.14280457

If you think about it all of it is just connected in one way or another.

>> No.14280499
File: 302 KB, 680x447, 1627118534901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14280774

why are you like this?

>> No.14280522

Moree? Tiara? Who tf are those?

>> No.14280575
File: 125 KB, 1716x963, 1621832353168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still cant stop laughing form imagining this scenario

>> No.14280687

Can't yall concernfag stop spamming I'm worried for once? I know she is sick rn, but she's fucking adult, she knows what the fuck she needs to do.

>> No.14280704
Quoted by: >>14280792

>you can't feel sympathy for another person

>> No.14280721

>Imagine being this person's relative

>> No.14280774
File: 112 KB, 300x300, 1635010891573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14280987

Nah the real question is: why is she like that?

>> No.14280792

It's become annoying now, every time I open the thread it's full of concernfag spamming I'm worried

>> No.14280797
Quoted by: >>14282760

NTA, but being sympathetic doesnt mean you spam your "concern" like it's a broken record. like chill, my brother, we get you the first time. no need to flood then thread with your "concern" posting.

>> No.14280824
File: 103 KB, 309x279, 1633266568862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14280878

Bros, i hope she's okay

>> No.14280878


>> No.14280987
Quoted by: >>14281067

oh wow! humans can feel tiredness and at some point they feel stressed out! shocking!

>> No.14281067
File: 194 KB, 512x512, 1633134016810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikr? She shouldn't be like that, she ain't hunan

>> No.14281224
Quoted by: >>14281354

this the perfect demonstration that shows concernfags are completely retarded.

>> No.14281354

there's a world differences between
>"i hope she's okay"
>"she is not allowed to be not okay"

>> No.14281537

Everyone need to calm down. She is not dying ffs, at worst she is just having a nasty cold. She know how to take care of herself, it's not the first time she got sick this year.

>> No.14281565
Quoted by: >>14281736

People are going overboard with the concernfagging because a lot of Holos are literally dying recently. Korone and Nene for example.

>> No.14281568

im gonna CONCERN

>> No.14281678
Quoted by: >>14283815

She's fine, let her rest anon

>> No.14281712

>77 replies
>37 posters
aight imma head out

>> No.14281736

This. Everybody said they can take care of themselves since they're a full-fledged adult and all yet they still got fucked up real bad like that. Who can guarantee it won't be Moona who will get fucked up next is her condition get worse?

>> No.14281875
File: 260 KB, 1200x1200, EyrRaE4VEAM3VJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can

>> No.14281936

Go make a fake Twitter account and reply to her tweet with your supportive words, she'll read it right away.

>> No.14282051

ITT doxxfags creeping on her personal twitter. MOOOODDSSSS

>> No.14282143
File: 212 KB, 1796x2048, 1638897184386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14282284 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14282322

>her personal twitter
Can you give me the link?

>> No.14282322


>> No.14282760
Quoted by: >>14283472

>No #concern talk in #general please.

>> No.14282827


>> No.14282989
Quoted by: >>14283038

Hmm... When she got animated like that somehow it remind me of Jaiden animation, even her voice, personality & roommate looks similar WTF..

>> No.14283038

Anon take your meds

>> No.14283041


>> No.14283279

its so fucking cute!!

>> No.14283472

says (You).

>> No.14283556

>He doesn't know

>> No.14283594
Quoted by: >>14293702

Its cute! I hope Moona leave a comment there so she/he feels more appreciated and make more Moona's contents.

>> No.14283610
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1638595612252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unhealthy

>> No.14283621
Quoted by: >>14283673

Did she say what she'll do if she streams today? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to skim through the vod.

>> No.14283673

Hope it's a freetalk.

>> No.14283704
File: 260 KB, 2048x1366, FGAV45KaAAYKlfS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14283791

kek mobil
missed the opportunity to say MoonerMobile

>> No.14283815

Oh wow concernfag and restfag should fuck each other

>> No.14283847

>not purple with yellow stripes
drown that shit

>> No.14283946
File: 30 KB, 350x490, 1929493934998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t.

>> No.14284484
File: 180 KB, 2048x1366, FGAV5WTaQAM7P3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14284609


>> No.14284609
Quoted by: >>14285394

What the fuck this is so fucking cute.

>> No.14285394

Because moon is cute!

>> No.14285440

hope her internship ended soon, cant wait for the racing games ark

>> No.14285455
Quoted by: >>14286440

January-February she said.

>> No.14285480
Quoted by: >>14286440

what racing game?

>> No.14286440

so around 4 months? damn thats fucking long for an internship, wondering if her working senpai forcing her to do bunch of fucking works, because they thought mooner is just a college student with lots of free time

i don't know, forza maybe? or maybe that one miko have played months ago, hope she gonna try snowrunner, its fucking good

>> No.14286616

Cooking stream, ikuzoo !!!

>> No.14286727

4 months? the fuck, isn't normally it just 2 months.
my internship is just 2 months, my major is the same as hers btw.

>> No.14286869

idk anon, its just my dumb calculation, dont trust me

let her have her own quality time and rest

>> No.14287030
Quoted by: >>14287155


>> No.14287086
File: 32 KB, 612x476, 1638254205005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14287155
File: 37 KB, 652x523, 1637423728367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14287281
File: 166 KB, 777x777, 1638896317796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14287303

buy lots of foods mooner, lot of foods, food is good

>> No.14287319
File: 293 KB, 853x832, 1630219292002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she's resting bros.

>> No.14287329

be glad this year Indonesian Universities change it into internship not a real "KKN" since covid started otherwise you won't be able to see mooner stream for two month if that the case since she will be send to remote area.

>> No.14287409


>> No.14287440
File: 297 KB, 1086x610, tnd-p99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not leaving until my project is finished

>> No.14287501
File: 323 KB, 2048x1954, DE7560EB-730E-4E8C-B903-F726BE15C50C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14287753

Cute Moon

>> No.14287629
File: 234 KB, 444x582, GTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14287753

I made this gif

>> No.14287646
Quoted by: >>14290720

same as me. my internship was only 2 months (5 days a week, 8 hours a day). mooner... i think they're enslaving you...

>> No.14287722
Quoted by: >>14287804

anon, DKV's internship is totally different from KKN

>> No.14287724

ye >we got lucky there.

>> No.14287753

That stares.. H-hot

Finally based anon, been waiting for months now, thankies

>> No.14287804
Quoted by: >>14288134

NTA, but care to explain it to me? coz all i know internship and KKN are two different thing and both are required before you work on your thesis.

>> No.14288134

well as far as I know about KKN is you go to some village and try to fix the village problem, well in DKV's internship you just can apply the internship to some studios like a graphic design studio, animation studio, etc or you can apply to some "Dinas" (Idk what is in English) and the work time is like a work, 8 hours a day.
basically a normal internship. the thesis is you just explaining what you doing on your internship and what project you made with the internship place. i got really lucky, i got choices to make resume about my CV and portfolio rather than internship because of covid-19
sorry for the bad english.

>> No.14288246

Feels bad for Chloe here lmfao


>> No.14288410

reine thread is over there >>14191521

>> No.14288450

please, for once, spare her

>> No.14288550

To be honest, Chloe is not bad. But hearing it together with Moona's version is ... yeah too much.

>> No.14288842
Quoted by: >>14289069

How about her JP karaoke?

>> No.14288924
Quoted by: >>14289069

Bulantachi , even id dagger can do better than that orca

People rarely put Chloe x Moona because it's not fair
Instead of clipping it will look more like mocking Chloe clip

>> No.14289069

Good, but still average.

Chloe is definitely better than Anya, but if you like Anya more then that's fine. I agree about the clipping, but it will benefit Moona too so I am not complaining.

>> No.14289440
Quoted by: >>14289527

Enter Moona

>> No.14289527
Quoted by: >>14289587

Huh, where?

>> No.14289587
Quoted by: >>14289727

In my soul

>> No.14289701

Yes Chloe is good for JP level singer but not on Mooner's level yet

>> No.14289727


>> No.14290064
File: 233 KB, 2048x1122, 51C74B48-154D-46E4-8728-7F04A0E386D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14290154

Now debut as vtuber Nyori

>> No.14290161
File: 52 KB, 440x460, 6B29E2F7-D62E-42FE-AFF6-A2DDC99AFE1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14290225

Flasher Moona when?

>> No.14290240

With me

Now take your clothes off mooner

>> No.14290374

>her nails were never purple
mandela effect

>> No.14290497

I really love her color

>> No.14290589
File: 13 KB, 189x209, Polish_20211208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's

>> No.14290615
File: 98 KB, 385x899, 96-66-103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

96 66 103

>> No.14290720

In my case, it was 16 times (you can adjust how many months do you want to be there yourself). So either she needs more money (which is pretty much unlikely), the place where she take her internship is a black company that gaslight her or her uni's curriculum is just retarded

>> No.14290865
Quoted by: >>14290944

Is that a mole on her oppai?

>> No.14290944

Think it's just lineart desu.

>> No.14291691

moona noooo
the police will arrest you like sisk...

>> No.14292660
File: 134 KB, 1314x1833, 1609895724558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14292699

i know that anya is a dagger, but why does she have to make her chin sharp like that?

>> No.14292727

I mean it’s really cute…

>> No.14292779

Her tiktok account, please.

>> No.14292945
Quoted by: >>14292992

3D mooner?

>> No.14292992

Oh yeah, people might actually be able to make a decent model for her now

>> No.14293094

Hey Moona !!!

>> No.14293117
File: 644 KB, 2421x2860, __moona_hoshinova_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_aho__c7c5972df18ab2edd34a1e398b375706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mooner feet...

>> No.14293151
File: 182 KB, 720x279, paina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you find out your brother fantasizes about you even if it's an artificial cartoon version

>> No.14293172
Quoted by: >>14293702

she's in the comment

>> No.14293284
Quoted by: >>14293619

Moona is a good person bros, cherish her.

>> No.14293416

ogey, who did this? i want to kiss him/her in the forehead

>> No.14293613
Quoted by: >>14293746

Is her 3D model going to keep the autisitc look?

>> No.14293619
Quoted by: >>14293734

Thanks for comfirming that bad LN writer.

>> No.14293702


Moona!? Love!! Chu~

>> No.14293734

You're welcome bro.

>> No.14293746
File: 261 KB, 651x327, 1612060080774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, it's not Moona without the look.

>> No.14293920


>> No.14293983

will moona do another unboxing stream with live cam?
even after the ZA HANDO incident?

>> No.14293984

She was busy playing Genshin

>> No.14294021

she will do a live cooking stream because she likes to eat therefore she is a good cook

>> No.14294128

For her to release the design sheet ? I think she want to release it near the 3D debut but obviously that got push back

>> No.14294133

Perhaps she can use some skin-tight gloves like what Calli use on her cooking stream? I think it would be more safe if she do that

>> No.14294161

When Weiss Schwartz new booster pack came up maybe Bushi will send them a carton so they can do an unboxing stream. The new booster pack will include ID and EN this time

>> No.14294256

her kitchen is pretty reflective, she needs something to cover her face, hoodie and mask I think.

>> No.14294277
Quoted by: >>14294323

Moona's Pokemon adventure...when?

>> No.14294323

Once her PC finally arrives probably

>> No.14294341
Quoted by: >>14294736

Feel like too much of a risk and you would need to plan out a place to place your camera or have a rig

>> No.14294621

I think Aki's cooking streams are a good reference to solving that particular problem imho

>> No.14294736

An hero yourselves.

>> No.14294757

That’s nice. I’d love to have a cooking stream someday, especially since Moona seems like she’s competent enough in the kitchen.

>> No.14294787

This looks good but I think its to much work to set it up

>> No.14294922

Yeah, that setup is definitely not suitable for a one time thing only.

>> No.14295131

can she even cook? everytime she eats something or posts something related to food, it's either she bought it or someone made it for her.

>> No.14295530

An overhead camera is probably the best set up I can think of, it show off the content (cooking, unboxing), these rig are pretty cheap and it would only show her arms at best (she can wear skin tight gloves for that).

>> No.14295716

Consider she want to make some food as a gift for her neighbors so I assume she can, she made some stuff in the past and show them off on stream before.

>> No.14295845

uh, i believe she made cakes for iofy birthdays. so maybe she's good at it. she's probably just busy or lazy to do it

>> No.14296775
File: 195 KB, 640x900, 1637640766012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just can cook anything and stream over it anon. I mean Calli just cook a burger, Rushia just cook some spaghetti and Haachama...

>> No.14297087

Even if she can't, a learning how to cook stream would be pretty fun too.

>> No.14298475
File: 375 KB, 1280x1700, Hoshistar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14302081
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>> No.14303520
File: 445 KB, 750x640, 1622387111520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14325220

>> No.14304136

good morning moona

>> No.14305998
Quoted by: >>14308475

I just checked Iku's waiting room for Nyori Senpai Collab, and it doesn't have Moona's character on the thumbnail. So she won't be there?

>> No.14308475

seems like her PC hasn't arrived yet

>> No.14308569
Quoted by: >>14308696

Love her so much, bros

>> No.14308696
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>> No.14308729
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>> No.14309094

wake up, moona. or im gonna CONCERN.

>> No.14309637

shut up

>> No.14312031
File: 122 KB, 1280x1280, FGGGxPIVUAEwhUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14313125
File: 174 KB, 1400x912, media_E7OuH5jUYAAjH27.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, Mooner

>> No.14316174
File: 439 KB, 777x777, 1611357377886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14317918
Quoted by: >>14317946


>> No.14317946

Morning Mooners! Go rest again.

>> No.14318109

You woke her up

>> No.14320033

love you mooner

>> No.14322926
File: 130 KB, 678x900, FF-NMkrVUAALPO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14323884

If Kanatan keeps her word she's gonna sing Moona's song today. https://youtu.be/capR8xb-osE

>> No.14324396


Mulai hari ini talent hololive Indonesia juga menerima donasi via platform SOCIABUZZ (eWallet dan Bank Transfer lokal)!
Link donasi dapat kamu temukan di deskripsi maupun layar streaming masing-masing talent.


>> No.14324788

Why not just link the tweet?

>> No.14324836

basically a local dono method is available now for Indonesian viewers.

>> No.14325013

I guess after opening up a local shop for merch this was eventually going to follow.

>> No.14325144

she not fat though it was all a lie

>> No.14325220
Quoted by: >>14325983

I really hope we get more berserk I just wanna see it end

>> No.14325866

minimum donation amount is $1 except risu($1,39), treerat really need money huh.

>> No.14325983
Quoted by: >>14336081

author is dead

>> No.14325993

>treerat really need money huh
Unironically, she actually needs money

>> No.14327301


Iofi boba and risu peanut is understandable but wtf is moona dong?

>> No.14327486
Quoted by: >>14327595

Dong in Indonesian means "please" so that phrase translate to "please treat me too"

>> No.14327595

T-thanks Gita


>> No.14327943
File: 8 KB, 678x205, Screenshot_433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah right, i see the problem, yea she better change it

>> No.14328095

> Mooner
> A woman who name her fanbase "Moonafic"
Nah I bet she won't. She just loves this kind of word play

>> No.14328271
File: 139 KB, 463x453, 1622645204841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14328616

I want a piece of Moona's dong...

>> No.14328557

Traktir = Treat
Moona dong = Moona Please
Moona pls ...

>> No.14328616

now that you've mentioned it... i-i want one too

>> No.14329020

I wouldn't know this video exist if youtube didn't recommend me

>> No.14329110

That's too cute

>> No.14329281

Now i really want her to sing Billie Jean so that this video can be updated with her voice

>> No.14329707

I can imagine her starting or ending her 3D debut with this

>> No.14329720

wow it also support international credit card payment

>> No.14330197
Quoted by: >>14330298

You have no idea...

>> No.14330298
Quoted by: >>14330398

I'm not a member to risu, but why? Last I heard she wanted to buy a house

>> No.14330364

I hope this doesn't apply to IDs especially moona

>> No.14330398

Somewhere okay, remember she's off topic.

>> No.14330486

I don't get it. They can't do unarchived anymore?

>> No.14330534

Is this from an EN member? Because both a JP and an ID member just did an unarchived karaoke fairly recently.

>> No.14330600

Why tho? Did US updating their copyright law?

>> No.14330798 [DELETED] 

Reading the thread, isn't this just the en management and not yt itself ?

>> No.14330830
Quoted by: >>14331568

Its referred to ludwigs, if im not mistaken, he streaming while watch a babyshark vid live plus the superchat are on, i guess itll be fine if the monetization are off like how mooner usually did

>> No.14331568
Quoted by: >>14331958

So it's just nothingburger? Goddamnit /vt/ and its usual retarded take

>> No.14331593

It's just certain songs, and since we've gone this long without anything happening to her, I think she's gonna be fine.

>> No.14331958

It's not nothingburger but it has been blown out of proportion.

>> No.14332027
Quoted by: >>14332107

All songs in karafun is safe right?

>> No.14332072

Lol, anyway I'm glad moona begins to cook her food, cooking stream onegai moon

>> No.14332107

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.14332203

I thought it was still within fair use of copyright as long as the performer doesn't take any profit from the songs they performed (in yt case, SC and ads). For once I hope Gita use her head for this or it just Omega who got paranoid and it's only applies on EN

>> No.14332327

Apparently, karaoke song rules are changing. In what way exactly, we're not sure yet.

>> No.14332413
Quoted by: >>14332452

IRySter... your timestamp (assuming this was supposed to be some passing comment she made)...

>> No.14332452

It works for me. around 3:03:41

>> No.14332564
Quoted by: >>14332688

I know it was IRyS who said that hence why I specifically said it might be that troon who got paranoid. I just hope this change won't affect Moona too much

>> No.14332688

I hope so too but IIRC Ollie might have said something similar a few months back but it hasn't affected Moona in any way

>> No.14332756
Quoted by: >>14332987

Maybe this is wht mooner said that whats unarchived stays in unarchived, you could share it on cloud but not republished on jewtube, to prevent the copyright holders claim in the future

>> No.14332987
Quoted by: >>14333097

Now that I think about it rather than unarchieved the streams, isn't it better if she just delete it all together?

>> No.14333097

Nah, the A.I doesn't give too much of a crap about privated videos as far as I know. It doesn't even hit unlisted stuff unless it gets shared around too much.

>> No.14333110

>only say eurobeat is no go
>some change on rules due to permission
>nothing about whether english song are completely no go
Might be related to instrumental used. Karafun doesn't seems to have eurobeat.
But then again, she said we might hear it from other holos.
Still look optimistic.

>> No.14333176

Yes. Don't doompost yet unless we hear it explicitly from Moona that unarchived is a no-go anymore.

>> No.14333875
File: 1.16 MB, 3508x2480, nhau70ddkor71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14334162

I think the main takeaway, barring further elaboration, is simply that karaoke/singing streams will require an even-more thorough check for permissions, legality, etc., to see if what's being covered is copacetic or not.
Whether the Holos themselves (or their branch/individual managers) are willing/able to put in the work to make sure all the Ts are crossed is probably gonna be down to the individual member. Regardless of whether they can be monetized in any form or not, many of the girls (Mooner of course being one of them) obviously enjoy singing and, on a more cynical/corpo level, know that even if the karaoke streams themselves aren't a source of revenue, they at least draw attention and clicks, whereupon they can turn around and do monetizable things for any new fans even if it's not necessarily singing.
Let's wait to see what the response is on the individual basis, or maybe Cover will make a blanket policy, before we start doomposting and lamenting the loss of singing streams.

>> No.14333898
File: 154 KB, 1386x2048, 1636625044561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl this no unarchive karaoke things really give me panic attack anon

>> No.14333938

I dont see the problem, the people who'd use it would be indonesian who understand the contex anyway

>> No.14334162

There's a part of me that fears that management would be incompetent as to just ban unarchived karaoke altogether instead of thoroughly checking each song and instrumental.

>> No.14334685
Quoted by: >>14334812

> checking each song and instrumental.
It's already something Moona and at least ID management has already done since the beginning. She always said she or Gita has to check if a song is okay to perform when someone request a song for karaoke.

>> No.14334729

What happen if cover banned all western songs from karaoke stream?

>> No.14334812

That's good then, maybe her paying specifically for those instrumentals gives her a bit more security when it comes to these permissions

>> No.14334868

Then we'll have to face the reality that there'll be no Unarchived Karaokes anymore.

>> No.14334940
Quoted by: >>14334989

it's time to sing some indonesian song then. a lot of them are in english so a lot of people still can enjoying it.

>> No.14334989

Isn't Indonesian song right harder to get ? I remember Moona has been trying for awhile and she even have to take down her bday doll cover

>> No.14335024

* Baby doll

>> No.14335060

i thought it was western song in general but she explicitly said "eurobeat", so i think it's all good. and it seems she's been trying to get a permission for that in a while and didnt get it.

>> No.14335073

chance PPT sing moona's OG

>> No.14335076

Talk about permission, i just checked some JP vsinger
This vsinger cover Celine Dion meanwhile Holo isn't even allowed sing it on unarchived..
>Inb4 Indie, she affiliated to Project:Yuires

>Can't sing EN songs
I hope YAGOO black magic somehow make it works, and got blanket permissions for EN Songs to sing it on archived.

>> No.14335131

everytime moona sees a request from her chat, she always double checks it first on jasrac if they have the permission or not. so apparently she's aware of what she's doing. no biggie.

>> No.14335185

>This vsinger cover Celine Dion meanwhile Holo isn't even allowed sing it on unarchived
ogey this unironically made me seethe. what the actual fuck?

>> No.14335189
Quoted by: >>14335226

>This vsinger cover Celine Dion meanwhile Holo isn't even allowed sing it on unarchived..
Maybe it's easier to get permission for the Japanese version.

>> No.14335226

Ah never mind, I'm an idiot that didn't watch the video first.

>> No.14335518

Realistically, I see no reason why YT would suddenly change their permissions especially since the girls don't get any profit from it at all.

>> No.14335579

Plot twist, she's rich enough to buy license to cover Celine Dion song, hope Moona can do that someday

>> No.14335580
File: 46 KB, 620x675, keikaku doori (keikaku means plan).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I mean, it would be fucking crazy if they made a heavy-handed change to platform policy that protects the feelings of major corporations and doesn't do anything for the more generalist creator userbase.

>> No.14335607
Quoted by: >>14335707


I don't understand how western copyright works
Check the license part on description

>> No.14335707

I'm assuming it's easier for non-corporates to get these permissions.

>> No.14335911

i bet it's a stalker

>> No.14335951
Quoted by: >>14336096

maybe this is why moona said unarchived karaoke must stay unarchived,,, and since moona always use original instrument, not accoustic version,, it would be high risky getting noticed by AI or liscensed company

and music company get greedy if they know you on a big company making moneys

>> No.14335994
File: 726 KB, 900x900, 1632847635960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally found her niche in singing English songs
>Gets permissions taken away
Fucking hell

>> No.14336006

that bullshit, look at how maha5 already cover multiple ID song without a problem. it's either gita is lazy or they didn't really care.also cover finally got permission to use socialbuzz and tokopedia after a year and half. meanwhile, nijisanji has already use the same platform since last year.

>> No.14336081
Quoted by: >>14336139

does it not sound like I don't know that you fucking idiot.

>> No.14336096

But that's the thing, she doesn't profit off of it.

>> No.14336139
Quoted by: >>14336973

No one can sense sarcasm from your shitty English.

>> No.14336166
Quoted by: >>14336344

And he put tracking device on the flower to track her apartment, I hope she's not dumb and bring it to her apartment

>> No.14336204

>permissions taken away
says who?

>> No.14336225

finally live camera cooking stream

>> No.14336240

It's not a problem with YT itself, per se. It's the damn AI. As it grows 'smarter', it also becomes more proficient in flagging the Content ID in the videos. Sometimes it even flagged a streamer when they already have permission to put the song in their stream, or even a more hilarious one, there's that time when it flagged a musician playing HIS OWN ORIGINAL SONG.

>> No.14336307

Ahh yes I remember a recent Niji 3D debut got flagged and anycolor has to argue with YT that they got the permissions, just plain ridiculous

>> No.14336310

I looked up that big face streamer (Ludwig) who apparently had a big (well, if you give a shit about YT drama) incident recently where his stream got cut because of Baby Shark.
Watching the reupped archive, it was literally like 2 seconds into the song and boom, flagged and stream cut. It's kinda disturbing how quick it was, and how little of the music had to play for it to be caught.

>> No.14336341
Quoted by: >>14336501

i think it's not about western companies not let hololive talent to sing their song or play their game. because permission is not a really big deal in western companies as fair use already written by law. it's just cover being a dick and they wont let their talent to do anything unless they have permission signed on paper by both companies. they become overprotective after some of their talents got adspocalypse last year.

>> No.14336344

>Air tag
This is the girl who jumped in someone trucks willingly

>> No.14336501

What the fuck do you mean it's not a big deal? There's hundreds, if not thousand youtubers who got their channels nuked for having western songs in their videos, just this year alone.

Just look at what Disney has done, and that's just the worst offender.

>> No.14336556

minecraft irl

>> No.14336626

I've said it on another thread and I'll say it again here that's what happened when you let retarded AI that coded by retarded pajeets to take the charge and stubornly refuse to fix it up despite many bugs it exhibits.

>> No.14336661
File: 149 KB, 828x1708, VFvXE4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, I keep listening to the "Moona is next door" version of her singing over listening to the actual audio.
I-it's not like I'm dreaming of actually being her neighbor, remarking in passing how amazing her singing is to her embarrassment, assuring her I really don't mind because her voice is so beautiful, and eventually building a relationship with her, haha...

>> No.14336742
File: 339 KB, 488x427, 1631415288712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14336769


>> No.14336799

Fuck that shit. Instead go straight to her parents and say you want to marry her. Indonesia is ass-backward enough this actually has a chance of working.

>> No.14336941

Its her snacks cabinet right?

>> No.14336944

moonapium is a strong substance, anon. dont overuse it or you'll end up like some moonaito here.
only chads do that.

>> No.14336949


>> No.14336973
Quoted by: >>14337249

somehow you got more autism then moona

>> No.14337015
File: 38 KB, 718x640, catstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337045

> Asking Moona's parents for her hand in marriage via taarof
Kek even if against all odds her parents gove you their approval, how can you be so cruel for asking that in the first place?

>> No.14337129

Bros, yris talking about that she cant singing eurobeat anymore, also i noticed that some members even just using a random clips as their instrument at karaoke, is it possible that the new rules yris talking about is that they have to use a legit third party instruments services like what mooner did with her karafun, maybe just thats it?

>> No.14337239

It's possible. She didn't specifically say that the new rule would be that they won't sing English songs again.

>> No.14337249

NTA, but you're somehow more of an ESL than moona
the virgin "dating"
>noooooooo im way too affraid of commitment and responsibility in a serious relationship so we're just dating and have all the "fun" without having to worry about commitment and responsibility.

the chad "straight to her father"
>knows that he is ready to take over her father's responsibility
>presents himself in front of her family and elaborate why he's ready
>basically saving himself (and the girl) from getting close to haram shits and straight for the halal

>> No.14337375

That's also what I think when I watched her VOD but then again knowing Cover is since Holocaust, the chance for the worst to happen is non-zero. Then again I personally think it's just Omega who's retarded and even more incompetent than Gita, who at very least still ask Moona to use a legit third party instruments service and still checking out the song she want to sing on the top of that, and got panicked when he learned about what happened on Ludwig

>> No.14337440
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>> No.14337506
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>> No.14337527

irys explicitly said that she cant sing eurobeat songs in the future but somehow people start formulating a narrative that karaoke permission in general got taken away which is based on beyond what irys' just said. it's unbelieveable how retarded one can be.

>> No.14337625
File: 27 KB, 331x56, kiarareply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337630

Could be. We don't know what Irys use for her karaoke and I remember the duet that Gura does with Moona is just her using a clip as backing track. The board is blowing this out of proportion and the rule may just limiting song ver or like anon said you have to contract with a third party for Karaoke track.

>> No.14337643

Kanata singing Moona's song

>> No.14337658

She did it! She kept her promise!

>> No.14337689

Ai no Chiisana Uta sounds hard to sing.

>> No.14337720

It is

>> No.14337764
Quoted by: >>14337815

tenshi is dying

>> No.14337774
Quoted by: >>14337892

Great job Kanatan. The high notes are super hard.

>> No.14337795

Kanata sound so bad, sorry...

It's dangerous hearing Moona singing, I keep making her as a standard for vsinger

>> No.14337815

If Kanata is still in her prime, do you think she would be able to pull it out perfectly?

>> No.14337817

She did really well, the song's just too high for her

>> No.14337841

ah I'm late, I'll watch the vod later then

>> No.14337854

Nah, the song is not in her perfect voice range. Moona has diva's range.

>> No.14337868

>Kanata thought Moona's song sounded like a Disney or a Musical song
Now that you mention it...

>> No.14337892

Yeah she did the song justice, Moona's going to be so happy

>> No.14338041
File: 252 KB, 424x533, 2098520985253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14338096


>> No.14338050

Kanata love! I actually can't believe she remembers her promise to Moona since it has been a few months since she asked.

>> No.14338096
File: 101 KB, 296x342, 1620372084704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be over the Moon... hehe

>> No.14338392
File: 27 KB, 395x298, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based tenshi and comet recognising the moon

>> No.14338455

if you missed Tenshi singing mooner's song

>> No.14338496

I think that was about her next song

>> No.14338524

all i can do is subs to her as a gratitude bros

>> No.14338619

holy shit she really sing the song, thank you gorira tenshi

>> No.14338631

I didn't realize that her ori song is this hard.
Didn't she say the note was supposed to be even higher?

>> No.14338645

Thanks kind anon

>> No.14338647

Suiseggs part is mentioning her next setlist song anon

not mooner

>> No.14338671

Yeah, the first draft of the song was even higher but she can't reach it so she lower it

>> No.14338713

bros, apparently mooner started a donation war on her friends channel few days ago KEK

>> No.14338770

Giving back to the community, noice.

>> No.14338774

Holy shit even tho Kanata must used her head voice many times in order to reach the notes, it was well-made effort
Iirc wasn't she once tried to sing it with its original notes in one of her stream and it was really that high that even Moona was struggling to reach the notes

>> No.14338794
Quoted by: >>14338970

Yeah I definitely don't beleeb it.

>> No.14338939
File: 513 KB, 1536x2048, 98498498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump the Thread

>> No.14338941
File: 67 KB, 544x618, 1630101205283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14338995

i made the new bread

>> No.14338947

Moona trying to assert her dominance...

>> No.14338970 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 1536x2048, 1633866522729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me btw

>> No.14338995

edit code is moonaitos if anyone want to add another clips
