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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.14018935

How do we save Gura?

>> No.14018948

right click on the image

>> No.14018993
File: 490 KB, 2260x2976, 59953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Gura! I want to marry her!

>> No.14019012


>> No.14019090
File: 186 KB, 2048x1305, E7J6ef7UYAAElTq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14019131
File: 428 KB, 2219x3106, 1633620031400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14019152
Quoted by: >>14025400

We can’t. She wants to be a menhera.

>> No.14019190
File: 36 KB, 512x256, not so quick maths.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her pretending she can read

>> No.14019280
File: 128 KB, 836x1200, 1613038685822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14019323

So next stream is the phasmo collab?

>> No.14019323
File: 378 KB, 1280x720, 20210821_121804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so, maybe something after.

>> No.14019355


is this real or a joke

>> No.14019386
Quoted by: >>14019448

It's real, a mod moved it there.

>> No.14019390
Quoted by: >>14019448

it's a joke

>> No.14019448
File: 764 KB, 2195x2195, 1625140374625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14019478

Worse, it's a rrat.

>> No.14019497

its true, her new VA is my wife btw

>> No.14019511
File: 152 KB, 411x489, 1638462306138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14019541
Quoted by: >>14019561

save her from what?

>> No.14019561
Quoted by: >>14019675


>> No.14019570

jesus schizos will do anything

>> No.14019621

Hitomi Gura??

>> No.14019675

She seems to be doing plenty fine. At the very least better than the majority of the people here i'd think so not sure how any of us would be able to help her.

>> No.14019767
File: 317 KB, 1535x2048, FDAGNNracAE5fFe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too! I also want to give her many healthy children!

>> No.14019776
File: 460 KB, 3412x1964, 1624272537793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally getting around to watching the first GTA stream and I can't believe i waited more than a week to watch this kino

>> No.14019979

It's as real as the bastard shark kid we made together sorry

>> No.14020178
File: 176 KB, 261x237, 4737276483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it.

>> No.14020273
Quoted by: >>14020331

Favorite part?

>> No.14020331
Quoted by: >>14020715

I'm only like an hour and a half in so far so a little early to say. Just her general attitude while playing id say, the dogs fucking part was amusing as well.

>> No.14020715
File: 236 KB, 1166x2048, Ezf-V_oUcAUamFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in for a ride bud.

>> No.14021243
File: 3.46 MB, 1638x2100, EywJwNCVEAA34nR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.14021260

That Gura Hulk Hogan thread is so shit, why is it still up?

>> No.14021415

Containment thread for doxxfags presumably. Don't worry, they're fucking retarded anyway.

>> No.14021833

It is so good

>> No.14021954


>> No.14022066
File: 334 KB, 1522x2048, 1637927456438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14022092

Its fucking real bro

>> No.14022081
File: 959 KB, 1668x2690, 1638553755887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14022092

Someone edit cum on their faces.

>> No.14022102
File: 21 KB, 602x323, soop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14022187

like this

>> No.14022187

what kind of soup are we feeding her?

>> No.14022270

Bukkake clam chowder

>> No.14022338
Quoted by: >>14031579

We don't

>> No.14022365
Quoted by: >>14022441

Whatever soup sharks eat when they're sick

>> No.14022422
File: 280 KB, 900x900, 1638280464050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14027441

Real as it can get, dicks out for old va gura

>> No.14022441

Human feet soup?
For a shark she sure loves them toes.

>> No.14022649
File: 628 KB, 948x1200, 88475754_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14022963

Me too, except I WILL marry her

>> No.14022963

When did i make this post? Am i going crazy?

>> No.14023181
File: 942 KB, 2802x3452, 1608516141897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14023910

It's because you didn't, I did

>> No.14023507
File: 87 KB, 640x360, 09890789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello chumbuds
gura is cute mesugaki shork that is all

>> No.14023550
File: 151 KB, 1536x2048, E96f1zvXMAE0sYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14023758 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 1080x1080, GuraDixie[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3xm3z2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14023946


>> No.14023910
File: 116 KB, 264x257, 1823848423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, why am I replying to myself

>> No.14023946
Quoted by: >>14023998

I really don't like this meme. Gura would be disgusted by it.

>> No.14023998

Hey, Gura was the one showing off her Atlantian pride

>> No.14024060
File: 62 KB, 112x112, 1638324263142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14024194
Quoted by: >>14024324

Did gura manually saved the game cause her autosave was off

>> No.14024324
Quoted by: >>14024514

post proof

>> No.14024514
Quoted by: >>14024672


>> No.14024672

rip save

>> No.14025018

Finally picked up birthday merch from post office. Why were people shiting in the shirt? It's very nice.
The mousepad is ridiculous though, I can't stop lsughing at it.

>> No.14025033
Quoted by: >>14025082

Yup RIP, if managers or gura is reading this please check it

>> No.14025071

>Why were people shiting in the shirt?
I mean, when you gotta go you gotta go, regardless of what shirt you're wearing. I definitely don't bother to take my shirt off just to take a dump.

>> No.14025082
Quoted by: >>14025604

You're still prompted to save when you quit the game, it's fine

>> No.14025184
File: 39 KB, 629x648, 1618208552739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know when the collab is? I need sleep.

>> No.14025224

were people shitting on the shirt? i've only had positive things to say about it.

>> No.14025240

King cover is less than 10k from 12 million views.

>> No.14025290


>> No.14025307
Quoted by: >>14025506

In 7 hours, I have to skip since it is 4am even though Fauna, Mumei and Kronii are my favorites after Gura.

>> No.14025311

8pm est on fauna schedule, 8pm30 on mumei
so around that

>> No.14025395

oh no no no reflect bros, what happened...

>> No.14025400
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x667, b493b6ee197f458a7f00be538d206c41-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep during her GTA stream and just now got to the part where she chose "Dixie" as her car horn. Did /ggg/ or/hlg/ react at all?

>> No.14025403

'luv muh gura and mori

>> No.14025462

newfag detected

>> No.14025487

anything funny was deleted by the tranjan except for "Gura that's racist". Artemis is male, btw. See you nigs in 3 days.

>> No.14025491
File: 1.29 MB, 811x1419, 1609354913349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serial napper here JWU after having 2 consecutive dreams about Gura.
>Gura and I are basically e-buddies
>constantly hang in VC and I hear her hum, play with her cat, drop dishes etc.
>we share memes where one was "vtubers basketball origins" I woke up and googled it's fucking nothing
>the frustrating part was me having constant technical difficulties on my side that left shark hanging
>she'd send a meme or tell a joke and my windows audio crashed and I went about fixing it in a flurry
>accompanied by the audibly sour pouting silence on the other end
>in dream I never questioned how this is happening nor the dream had any details
>Starts in small suburbs house, inside looks my childhood summer resort cabin
>One day I come out to my porch and there's a disco party going on at my neighbours
>Don't remember neighbours faces, their walkway is completely overgrown
>No walkway that's used often would be that far gone
>It's also daytime so it's weird that disco ball and shit is going on and there's no music
>I walk to get a closer look and it's a fucking kitchen fire starting
>Rush back to my house, grab gas mask (rona supplies), fire extinguisher (I do have them on my kitchen) and my prided titanium prybar
>Run over to the burning house, bang on the door and scream that I'm coming in and not to shoot me (how did I scream in gas mask?)
>Pry the door open, find the kitchen while screaming for residents, extinguish fire, luckily it didn't get out of kitchen yet
>On my way out the cat runs up to me so I take it to my house for the time being (looked like one of cats that I had)
>I don't remember calling 911 but they arrive and interview me, ask me why I have all that shit gas mask etc. and I explain with satisfaction
>they ask nothing about the incident itself
>After we're done I go back home and immediately doorbell goes off
>Says cops explained it and firemen said her wiring is faulty so not my fault
>I give her cat back in my harness and ask her pretty please to not sue me
I didn't remember shit about dream 1 inside dream 2 despite waking to pee between them.

Is this it? Am I a Gosling now?

>> No.14025506
File: 5 KB, 48x48, P3qKXgDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, catch the vod if you have time.

>> No.14025512
Quoted by: >>14025556

technically Reflect has about 15 million views.

>> No.14025556

+6.5M on Spotify

>> No.14025604

Hope you are right

>> No.14025606
File: 97 KB, 164x152, i01_234233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14025837
Quoted by: >>14027566

She's been in my dreams almost every night since I got the daki.

>> No.14025908

Also, I can't stop pinching Gura's cheeks.

>> No.14026106
File: 137 KB, 512x512, 1633285724404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the tombstone gura?

>> No.14026151

Gura pls post a schedule I need to plan out which days I tell people to leave me the fuck alone

>> No.14026194
File: 669 KB, 1326x900, 1638504336982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course we have a tranny janny, after all HE does it for free

>> No.14026247

All days.

>> No.14026252
Quoted by: >>14026501

If outfits are coming next week like it’s been hinted at I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get one until they’re announced

>> No.14026501
Quoted by: >>14029107

Can't wait to cringe at new rhombus.

>> No.14026600
Quoted by: >>14026743

People were shitting on the Omocat shirt, not the bday one.

>> No.14026740
File: 254 KB, 792x1200, 94526024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute!

>> No.14026743

What's wrong with the omocat shirt? Looks fine. I know the Gura on the jacket lacks tail, but both shirts look fine to me.

>> No.14026830
Quoted by: >>14026846

its not the subtlest of merch

>> No.14026846
Quoted by: >>14026984


>> No.14026970
Quoted by: >>14027812

I think they look fine too, people wanted more subtle designs like the other girls got. Holy shit these prices though

>> No.14026984

not my complaint but just the main one i've seen. the only thing i don't like with the merch is that it looks too much like a rock band shirt i guess.

>> No.14027284
File: 603 KB, 753x693, 1638561810519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14028963

very cute art

>> No.14027322

the apex predator shirt looks fine, it's just not for me. the pixel art one is just such a clumsy and confusing design. like... having two small designs on it offset like that just looks weird. it's in this awkward middle ground between symmetrical and asymmetrical and i just don't think it works.

>> No.14027433

Oof. That was expensive, but I actually liked the OMOCAT merch.

>> No.14027441

think we might get old va today, the new one was probably a replacement for her while she was sick
might be hard to tell since collab though

>> No.14027555

Cute! And yes.

>> No.14027566

Im extremely jealous of you guys, I still haven't had a memorable Gura dream yet and I want one so bad

>> No.14027578

Nah, old one is busy performing marital duties, for me

>> No.14027621

I bought the jacket, it might get here before my birthday merch

>> No.14027624

I really wish i would have a dream about Gura

>> No.14027724

>old va
yeah, me

>> No.14027812

Im on the fense about the apex predator shirt but I'll probably order the catalog.

>> No.14027901
Quoted by: >>14027994

Please, if you're shitposting at least contribute a cute Gura pic along with it.

>> No.14027994
Quoted by: >>14029284

PIctures should only be with good posts so I can turn on picture only mode and get rid of all the garbage.

>> No.14028248

Got me some drip

>> No.14028353

I got all of the Gura stuff. I wanted to get a few of the others but the prices put me off.

>> No.14028360
File: 298 KB, 1000x1200, 1624926213455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't spell I guess, here's a cute Gura for my mistake

>> No.14028439
Quoted by: >>14035441

omocat merch link for next thread:

>> No.14028866
Quoted by: >>14029142


>> No.14028890
File: 236 KB, 337x379, OMO Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the other girls look cutesy in all of their merch, but Gura looks deranged on all of them except the chibi pixel art. lol.

>> No.14028951
File: 1.64 MB, 913x1272, you will never be this cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the jacket, though. The trident on the front won me over.

>> No.14028963
File: 949 KB, 912x626, typical-chumbuds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14029074

uuhhhhhhhh based department?

>> No.14028975
File: 269 KB, 1024x1024, gawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharks eat people

>> No.14029000
File: 405 KB, 1080x1080, GuraDixie[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3xm3z2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14029016

The trident also won me over. Will wear during streams

>> No.14029060

The trident on the front is pretty neat, still not sure that I like the design on the back though.

>> No.14029074

It's like a yakuza tattoo

>> No.14029099
File: 570 KB, 830x1200, 1632102632439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so gorgeous, inside and out

>> No.14029107
File: 393 KB, 1680x1967, 1608351754118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand, I want her to get a good rigger, because nobody should have to deal with rhombusface, but on the other, it might cause her to stop using her older outfits, and I don't really want that. I guess I just have to hope for the extremely slim chance that her old outfits got an update, too.

>> No.14029120
File: 1.87 MB, 2048x2732, 94536448_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14029231

Gura really should have just asked for it to be Gawr.

>> No.14029134

I got the jacket, tshirt, lanyard, catalog. I’m trying to get the wah sweater too. I’m honestly really happy with how this all turned out

>> No.14029142
Quoted by: >>14029206

I love that Guras is a fishhook

>> No.14029206
File: 902 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14029230

I am 100% sure she is unaware of any implications and just liked the tune, considering her complete lack of knowledge of history.

>> No.14029231

I wonder if they actually had any say in the designs. With Gura not really mentioning the merch im assuming they didn't

>> No.14029284
Quoted by: >>14029326

idk the gura replacement va is one of the funnier rrats to me

>> No.14029294

I am a bit mad that Kiara is the only one who got a hoodie instead of a track jacket, hoodies are much cosier

>> No.14029326

Agreed but in general I do not want bad posts to have pictures.

>> No.14029345
Quoted by: >>14029446

Well if you a teammmmate as well, then you are in luck

>> No.14029363

The omocat hat is really cute, I think I'll get one. An outfit that has a pop of color with a hat is more subtle than a bright blue/teal shirt or jacket.

>> No.14029367
Quoted by: >>14029446

Ame has a hoodie too?

>> No.14029377

track jackets are better in the winter for layering, though.

>> No.14029396
File: 152 KB, 850x990, sample_f8e0cfc74f6295547486edcabb8a4454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14029468

Gura's and Ame's are the only ones that look like real signatures instead of fonts

>> No.14029397

I'm ok with that, I have enough hoodies as it is since my nephew gets me one every year for Christmas.

>> No.14029446

Oh didn't see that, looks cozy

>> No.14029468

All the others have reason to have practiced their signature and make it pretty.

>> No.14029608
File: 220 KB, 850x923, 07197720b309398cc8a2ae80bd211706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think they look too complex and uniform to be real, Ame's is very elegant, looks like a president's signature or something, Gura's looks like a celebrity's

>> No.14029652
Quoted by: >>14029784

a sense of speed and snap is highly desirable in decorative handwriting, especially a signature.

>> No.14029764

#1 mori
#2 gura
#3 kiara
#4 ina
#5 ame

>> No.14029770
Quoted by: >>14029928


>> No.14029784
File: 125 KB, 850x928, 58d772624c22bdbef16ef385af155e2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14029823

This, Ina's, Mori's and Kiara's look like they would take ages to write out

>> No.14029823

ina's does look pretty good, though, despite looking slow and labored, because of the strong stroke width variation.

>> No.14029899

Looks like it was written with a quill pen, I like it.

>> No.14029928
File: 274 KB, 2048x2048, gura nice thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14029955

The artist watched her RDR and GTA streams for this

>> No.14030015

old one va is debut gura, they have different voice
watch debut again, we haven't seen old gura a long time ago

>> No.14030067
File: 117 KB, 512x512, Gawr peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawr took over

>> No.14030079
File: 253 KB, 850x1192, 76ffb2d80d458d7c18f3350da435a996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah for me its
#1 Gura
#2 Ame
#3 Ina
#4 Mori
#5 Kiara

Gura's is as neat and slick as Ame's but the little fish bone thing adds an element of playfulness, Ame's is just a perfect signature but could've used some reference to her character thrown in there somewhere.

Ina's is pretty but too uniform, it looks like it written by a robot, I like the stroke width variation but I would've liked it if it had a bit of a slant to it to add a bit of speed to it, hers is more like calligraphy than a signature.

Mori's is just too round and bulbous as well as being too complex, there's no speed to her strokes and the finishing touches are so disconnected you can tell they would take longer to add than the signature took to write.

Kiara's is just a mess, it's not a signature but a fancy way of writing your name, like the sort of thing a bored, artsy girl might do when the teacher told you to write your name on your copybook.

>> No.14030172
File: 3.64 MB, 640x640, chu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we haven't seen old gura a long time ago
Big deal, she cute

>> No.14030235


>> No.14030245

Sure, you haven't, I see her every day, because we're married, she's my wife btw

>> No.14030250

>new job
>$12k sign up bonus
I WILL akasupa the shark and buy all her merch.

>> No.14030457


>> No.14030516

Sums it up pretty well

>> No.14030529

ok this is something i was thinking about too but maybe there's been 3 gura va from debut till now?
it also explains the trident imagery

>> No.14030532
Quoted by: >>14030708

Can someone please post the screenshot of Gura making the same face as her nendoroid?

>> No.14030672

I am proud of the thread, still no concernfag about having no news yet about the collab.

>> No.14030708
File: 35 KB, 710x400, gura nendo teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14030750

I know what you're talking about, but I was only able to find this.

Reminds that we won't be getting them until late 2022. We'll have had a few more rounds of merch by then. lol.

>> No.14030721

We're distracted with merch, but now that you've said it...

>> No.14030750

I got my jar ready and everything, I can't wait.

>> No.14030776
Quoted by: >>14030811

She wouldn't flake on other members so I'm not worried. Collabs rarely get canceled.

>> No.14030788

You'd have to be a huge fucking retard to do that lmao. Obviously no one is gonna take your bait

>> No.14030811

Mumei was also feeling bad yesterday and had to cancel her stream

>> No.14030839 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14030902

too much dicking from her bf probably

>> No.14030850

You can't seriously be trying that, right? You're gonna stop replying to yourself any moment now.

>> No.14030902 [DELETED] 

Why does everyone call Mumei a whore?

>> No.14030908
Quoted by: >>14031027

god I can't wait to cum all over my nendo

>> No.14030934
File: 3.41 MB, 2081x2898, into the jar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14031027

>> No.14030955 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14031019

cuz she is

>> No.14030957

Ah yes, Gavugula, I love Gavugula

>> No.14030967
File: 878 KB, 3578x4096, 1632969874029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14030983
File: 102 KB, 1920x1080, 94548457_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14031019 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 561x600, FFlZb1zVUAQ4ghC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14031103

But what makes people think that, idgi

>> No.14031027

It's the reason I got 2

>> No.14031028

This is not the first time Gula has played the “Cum Jar” memes.

>> No.14031039 [DELETED] 

Because antis are lonely miserable people.

>> No.14031103 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14031128

notice how Gura bf rrats are being laughed at while Mumei bf getting immediately deleted
really activates your almonds ain't it?

>> No.14031128 [DELETED] 

It's also completely off-topic roommate stuff

>> No.14031136
Quoted by: >>14031333

It's an old article

>> No.14031333

“The jar of liquid”, it just puts the model in a transparent glass jar, and then puts the essence of Shiri Qiuqin into the jar and seals it until it is full.

>> No.14031379
Quoted by: >>14031497

She has no clue about it's the origin of course. She's a seiso idol shark, after all.

>> No.14031497
File: 295 KB, 456x315, smug blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, of course

>> No.14031519
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 2021-12-04T10:42:27+1300-mpv-watch?v=_7b01SjiiBE-[01:44:07.100]-004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14031539

Ok, I took one myself. Nevermind.

>> No.14031539
File: 95 KB, 1411x744, very good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14031579

Why not?

>> No.14031652
File: 686 KB, 496x707, nendo chum jar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of the chum jar, do you think she'll ever try to get it to work, or has she completely given up on it?

>> No.14031763
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14031944

Guras leaving hololive, are you coming along anon?

>> No.14031872
File: 1.33 MB, 518x535, cookie [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6pvwb1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14032010

>> No.14031944 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 498x497, 6942e11079090fc450449073bd0c8a42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14032017

Well I followed her before Hololive, I'll follow her after

Also I just noticed that her hoodie in that GTA stream is the same shade her hair used to be...

>> No.14032003

what triggered the doxfags

>> No.14032009

The meidos sure must be busy these days

>> No.14032010
File: 237 KB, 966x1500, 8258887607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this audio

>> No.14032017

good god I wish you faggots will finally die out some day

>> No.14032050 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 500x500, padOwO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14032089

>past life and dox is the same thing

>> No.14032089 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14032274

Yes and both are off topic

>> No.14032188
Quoted by: >>14032204

shark is very intelligent

>> No.14032204
File: 265 KB, 2043x1739, GuraTensai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14032206

Did anybody get the hat?

>> No.14032240
Quoted by: >>14032450

Nah, didn't really like it and too expensive

>> No.14032251

She's given up. It wouldn't be worth the effort, everybody got the joke already, pushing it further would be beating a dead horse.

>> No.14032262
File: 311 KB, 2048x2048, 1611849356141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fails at shitting up the thread by samefagging about the upcoming collab
>fails at shitting up the thread by samefagging about mumei
>fails at shitting up the thread with doxfaggotry or the like
You'll get 'em next time for sure!

>> No.14032264

Nah not for me, but I did get like $200 worth of stuff

>> No.14032267
File: 40 KB, 173x132, NO HAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14032274 [DELETED] 

Saying they're the same is just wrong and only makes people want to post it more. It's literally well known public knowledge, even if it is (slightly) off topic.

>> No.14032375

She does want a donation jar so she'll probably get it set up eventually.

>> No.14032403
Quoted by: >>14032683

I don't wear hats

>> No.14032446 [DELETED] 

It's not off-topic at all. This is the only place on the internet where it's considered that way.

>> No.14032450

Yeah. I didn't really like the pixel art stuff besides the stand.

>> No.14032521 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's especially retarded when Gura herself makes references. She literally sang padowo during the karoke the other day

>> No.14032539
File: 317 KB, 1483x689, 1629319860568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14032565
File: 55 KB, 1499x1500, 1635605204528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point you have to take the hint and stop replying to the deleted chain, SEAbuds...

>> No.14032595 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14032873

yeah this place is so fucking weird with it, but whatever i'll get banned soon for even just thinking about it. gura cute.

>> No.14032641
File: 181 KB, 1912x1912, 1613584225572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, SEAbud*
Didn't mean to imply that it was more than one retard.

>> No.14032683

Unrelated, but are you bald?

>> No.14032716
File: 1.27 MB, 720x400, gura poke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14032732
Quoted by: >>14032844

Nope, I have big ears that stick out way too much when I wear hats.

>> No.14032737 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1920x1080, 94548457_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules are real dumb in this instance.

>> No.14032772
File: 28 KB, 520x566, 1620717678274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14032844

>mfw Gura makes fun of baldies
Not him but I am.

>> No.14032783

I agree. Also jesas that's a cursed image

>> No.14032844

Fair enough
That's alright. Gura would enjoy slapping it. The hat would get in the way

>> No.14032872
File: 55 KB, 960x1792, 1628281673550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag arguing the rules

>> No.14032873 [DELETED] 

It's not like people don't know. Discussing it always inevitably causes hard doxxbaiting and derails the thread.

>> No.14032924
File: 394 KB, 1600x2100, 1610443341890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14032971

>> No.14032953


>> No.14032971

literal kusogaki

>> No.14032980

The collab is soon, right? I see no frames yet

>> No.14032981
File: 163 KB, 2386x1591, 1625451057234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14032996

It did? Damn. Definitely made the right move buying it as soon as it went live.

>> No.14032999

in 3.5 hours

>> No.14033037
Quoted by: >>14033132

Can you guys post less? I don't like how fast this thread moves.

>> No.14033096

Ahh, I see. I got PT and ET mixed up again

>> No.14033132
File: 51 KB, 347x317, racecar bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14033152
File: 392 KB, 3669x3140, 1633008833486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna just confirmed the collab in members. They don't have matching thumbnails made in advance so they're all gonna do random ones probably.
Also you shouldn't have expected the frames to come up before her member stream ends and they start coordinating anyway

>> No.14033185

goop goop when

>> No.14033186

Huh, you're right. I feel like the jackets and hoodies will take longer to restock, but they will eventually!

>> No.14033281

Every single size is sold out WTF

>> No.14033283

So after blue, red and green, what Hoodie color would you like to see to complete the multiverse ?

>> No.14033314
File: 104 KB, 848x900, 1634489231739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks for the info, chumpling.

>> No.14033317

She should use a rotating chroma filter shader.

>> No.14033320
Quoted by: >>14033392


>> No.14033336

purpol duh

>> No.14033351

Kill all bronies.

>> No.14033392
File: 234 KB, 1400x1400, dum space gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the purple horny thing

>> No.14033470

it's a woman thing

>> No.14033539
File: 2.00 MB, 1263x1600, 1634941208605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14033671

It's color of passion and power.

>> No.14033671
File: 90 KB, 800x800, 1628988533270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never get anywhere with color ideology this cringe, sheev

>> No.14033759

I guess the phasmo collab must be starting at mumei's given time of 6:30 est instead of the time fauna gave since were 20 minutes out and no one has their frame up.

>> No.14033809 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 500x500, 1638487026066.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14033829
File: 533 KB, 800x450, 1624096337504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14033831


>> No.14033830

Please do your timezone reps

>> No.14033853
Quoted by: >>14033880

Holy shit i fucking love fauna

>> No.14033862


>> No.14033880
File: 161 KB, 1000x700, GuraFauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s great, I’m glad her and Gura hit it off so well

>> No.14033885

Don't respond

>> No.14033891

Tfw none of Ame's, Kiara's or Calli's merch has sold out

>> No.14033943

Takane Lui

>> No.14033947
Quoted by: >>14034021

is she going to build atlantis

>> No.14033968
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, coo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14034012

I think gura merch sucks!

>> No.14034012

kek I get it

>> No.14034018
Quoted by: >>14034063

Yeah, I'm gonna buy that Gura jacket and t-shi...
>all sizes sold out

>> No.14034021

Give her another year of learning the thousands of rules and small details of minecraft and maybe it might get started

>> No.14034063
Quoted by: >>14034088

Be faster next time, I think they might open up more orders seeing how much demand there was.

>> No.14034088
Quoted by: >>14034172

Yeah, I remember reading early this isn't just gonna be a limited time thing, that they'll keep making more

>> No.14034150

Same doko?

>> No.14034172
Quoted by: >>14034355


>> No.14034355

>jacket still sold out

>> No.14034357

Lmao all the XXL, XL and L sizes are sold out, M and S are still available, just goes to show the, um, average size of most vtuber fans..

>> No.14034404

Or, for the non-retards, that omocat, like most stores, always stocks much less in those sizes.

>> No.14034412

I'm a big shrimp

>> No.14034426

if you're watching gura but can't bench your bodyweight for reps, I really don't know what to say

>> No.14034434

I wish the shirt didn't say apex predator on it, would have been better with just the face

>> No.14034447
File: 393 KB, 840x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the button pins just now show up? And why shrimp instead of chumbuddy?

>> No.14034450
File: 172 KB, 436x456, 1627697233491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all grown and healthy men, besides the people who made Gura's S & M sized track suit sold out

>> No.14034464
Quoted by: >>14034719

What, you afraid of being mistaken for an Apex Legends addict?

>> No.14034498
File: 2.21 MB, 2893x4092, 14889187879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14034502

S&M are for girls.

>> No.14034500

Not sure, I didn't notice them until now either. I would have put them on my order but it's too late now.

>> No.14034533
File: 645 KB, 379x720, 1637208114035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's S&M...

>> No.14034557

There are female Gura fans???

>> No.14034587

>can't bench my bodyweight
>can do pullups for reps

It hurts

>> No.14034602

have you seen /wvt/?

>> No.14034606

Pan Piano and Kawaiiope Mori

>> No.14034617

Some, yeah but I would really love to see the YouTube demografic

>> No.14034645

Yeah, but not enough for the merch to sell out.

>> No.14034655

maledom is fine too
oh you're talking about clothing sizes

>> No.14034662
File: 2.37 MB, 1609x2861, 1635804384646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twinks just swooshing in for their easy purchase

>> No.14034678
Quoted by: >>14034717

Shrimp is for new initiates. Chum buddies are part of the ancient order

>> No.14034717
Quoted by: >>14034986

I always thought shrimp was specifically for members

>> No.14034720
Quoted by: >>14034827

There were women at the convention in Dallas. Married couples with kids too. I bet they're the "language" people in chat.

>> No.14034719

I think these kinds of things almost always look better with less or no text. It also feels more cringe

>> No.14034741 [DELETED] 

I wish I had the article but apparently women are 20% of the whole vtuber demographic
which is why you can make vague statements about women, using the all-powerful passive voice, and get offended (You)s in global

>> No.14034796

What a bunch of prudes.

>> No.14034798
Quoted by: >>14034848

despite being 20% of the population they account for 100% of the menstrual bleeding

>> No.14034807
Quoted by: >>14034896

If you're grown man and not a manlet you're going to be in a large at minimum.

>> No.14034827

ngl that's disgusting why do women have to encroach on male-only spaces like this, they already ruined anime

>> No.14034848

If it bleeds we can kill it

>> No.14034886
Quoted by: >>14034994

Yeah. Fembuds are responsible for all of the shitposts

>> No.14034896
File: 116 KB, 750x746, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be a meager 5'12"
>the merch I want is never sold out

man I'm never gonna get a shark girlfriend

>> No.14034986

Everyone's love for gura is separate, but by undergoing the great unification one can ?????????????????? Chum buddies.

>> No.14034994

The shipping posts sure. I think it's more likely that women make those posts than do /u/ schizos.

>> No.14035000

>And why shrimp instead of chumbuddy?
Because only shrimps get those. Peasant chumbuds won't be buying it.

>> No.14035119

Buttons are shit, pins/patches are where it's at.

>> No.14035122
Quoted by: >>14035281

That's actually a good point. If you won't even spend $5 on Gura, you're not gonna buy expensive merch.

>> No.14035201
Quoted by: >>14035262

sopa de macacao uma delicia

>> No.14035262
File: 208 KB, 570x570, monke tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14035281
Quoted by: >>14035857

Well, time to get my parents some track suit jackets too

>> No.14035336
File: 1.58 MB, 2300x2800, 1603593426940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.14035381
File: 13 KB, 321x282, 1624536990976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Gura asked Ame to collab the 1 block Minecraft mod together and Ame decided to just play it on her own instead.. :(

>> No.14035384
Quoted by: >>14035441

I have money to spend. Where is this merch page?

>> No.14035394

Yes, although Gura's fanbase has one of the lowest proportions of women, with Holos like Suisei having the highest.
That's why Gura wasn't sure about the hairclips merch, although some guys might buy it as a shelf ornament.

>> No.14035438
Quoted by: >>14035451

Why is it sold out... I wnated it....

>> No.14035441

Hope you didn't want larger sizes or a jacket

>> No.14035451
Quoted by: >>14035509

buy a Small, fatty.

>> No.14035479
File: 87 KB, 664x607, 1631072378003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No gura today?

>> No.14035499

Maybe, maybe not

>> No.14035500

Damn, I'm not usually one for rrats but that's a little shitty. Maybe Gura just never actually asked her?

>> No.14035507
File: 113 KB, 515x472, 1637205692554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm, my brain hort

>> No.14035509

I bought medium as motivation to lose weight..

>> No.14035511
Quoted by: >>14035555

gura busy. discord sex with fauna

>> No.14035555
Quoted by: >>14035572

Fauna is still streaming.

>> No.14035572


>> No.14035574

ame talked about it in her last minecraft, gura wanted to play with her but they need a server to run it on and dont have one, there is no rrat

>> No.14035584

I wonder if gura is just giving ame her respectful distance. after all, kiara has been spending a lot of time with the detective

>> No.14035592
File: 315 KB, 803x525, gura peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I haven't seen audio anon in a while. Is he OK? The singing archive also hasn't updated.

>> No.14035620
Quoted by: >>14035689

smol tech company

>> No.14035628

he got flu

>> No.14035689 [DELETED] 
File: 2.55 MB, 720x720, gura rigger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so sad.

>> No.14035707
Quoted by: >>14035754

Thanks for the real answer, teamate

>> No.14035717
Quoted by: >>14035776


Cover never

>> No.14035733
Quoted by: >>14035746


>> No.14035746
Quoted by: >>14035776

okay sorry

>> No.14035752
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, riggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14035754
File: 1.06 MB, 2894x4093, 82d4a98816bf368cb2028e0e4c4cc65b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14035930

i'm not a teamate, i'm a chumbie, i just missed minecraft streams

>> No.14035776
Quoted by: >>14036008

isn't it really hard song to sing?

>> No.14035792
File: 934 KB, 1333x1662, Screenshot_20211203-182620_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura's regular artfags switched to La+ and Chloe
>this guy just started cranking out Gura art instead
Very based, dare I say.

>> No.14035796
File: 1.08 MB, 3511x4096, FFgH4mNUUAIU0fZ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14035935

Phasmophobia collab

>> No.14035821
Quoted by: >>14035873



>> No.14035852
Quoted by: >>14035900

i'm here and i've just been too busy to stay caught up, sorry about that

>> No.14035857

Are they this smol?

>> No.14035859

no it would have been better if it just said "PREDATOR"

>> No.14035873
Quoted by: >>14037557


>> No.14035894

Oh what because Gura fans are pedophiles? I guess that makes sense

>> No.14035898
Quoted by: >>14035936

it would've been best if it just said "NOUN"

>> No.14035900
Quoted by: >>14035920

No problem, glad you're not dead. lol.

>> No.14035920
File: 31 KB, 576x576, 1601016122015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone dies eventually

>> No.14035930
Quoted by: >>14036043

Ah, understandable. There's been a lot of good times with that game. Marine and Pekora were able to get a server available for one block, so maybe it's possible. I can only see it getting done if all of Myth decide to do a one block session together though.

>> No.14035936

It would've been the best with BOTTOM TEXT

>> No.14035935

>no stream reservation

>> No.14035950


>> No.14036008


Maybe? but Gura hardly EVER does covers. I think you can count all her covers on one hand.

>> No.14036014
File: 101 KB, 1333x729, the audience reflects the streamer [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvralyw.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura looks like a child and is an apex predator, so she's literally a child predator.

>> No.14036043

She probably went and set up her own lmao.

>> No.14036063

>catalog sold out
I'm not even that disappointed about the shirt or jacket but I figured I would still have time to get a catalog after work. I guessed wrong it seems, just gonna have to hope for a restock now

>> No.14036077

Was she just rambling last night when she was talking about streaming something tonight?
It was right before she ended and after she talked about the phasmo collab so she didn't mean that
I want to beliebe

>> No.14036132

I imagine that one would be pretty easy to restock

>> No.14036144
Quoted by: >>14036243

Chances are probably low of a second stream tonight, but I wouldn't say it's zero right now

>> No.14036155
Quoted by: >>14036214

I just noticed I got mine for free

>> No.14036159
File: 57 KB, 938x477, 1625430652931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab in 3 hours
>Gura solo stream

>> No.14036196

She did talk about maybe streaming else as well, yes. But considering how late the collab is, seems unlikely she'll do anything after

>> No.14036197
File: 124 KB, 754x1111, 1621885869586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14036294

oh no no no, chumpedos...

>> No.14036214

They said that spending $150 or more means you get one for free.

>> No.14036219
Quoted by: >>14036615

I figured she made a mistake and meant Saturday even though she said tomorrow

>> No.14036243

It's zero. I can't recall if any of Gura's "maybe" streams actually materialized.

>> No.14036251
Quoted by: >>14036585

Oh really? Wow. Guess I should have spent just a little more then. Oh well.

>> No.14036279
Quoted by: >>14036585

Neat I didn't see that

>> No.14036294
File: 101 KB, 475x475, sharpedo uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14036328
Quoted by: >>14036431

Then you're either new or have a shit memory because she has done them before, just not a lot of them

>> No.14036330

A couple minecraft ones. I remember the salt of the nonbelievers

>> No.14036431

I have shit memory. That's why I said "I can't recall" rather than anything definitive.

>> No.14036457
Quoted by: >>14036509

you definitely sound like a faggot

>> No.14036477

Zero is pretty definitive

>> No.14036500
Quoted by: >>14036574

your definitively a fucking moron

>> No.14036509
Quoted by: >>14036573

Where do you think we are? no homo

>> No.14036573
File: 257 KB, 563x1094, 1619026113685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14036628


>> No.14036574

Well yeah, I won't even deny that.

>> No.14036585

seems like it's easy to miss, especially since it looks like you have to add the catalog yourself instead of it being done automatically

>> No.14036615

Yeah she seem'd kinda scatterbrained at the end with how she ended so suddenly

>> No.14036628

How much time do you spend hoping the anons you reply to are gay? be honest

>> No.14036635

lmao wild

>> No.14036651

I do think that there won't be a stream afterwards though. Gura probably got confused with the timezone and thought it was 6 pm ET

>> No.14036751

>gura gets confused by timezones

>> No.14036831
Quoted by: >>14036965

Gura never know what time is it or what day is it so yeah probably.
She also forgets easily when she finally gets the information

>> No.14036906


>> No.14036965

Gura needs a Personal Assistant.
I'm reminded of an old rrat now that claimed "roommates" meant Cover-assigned monitors who lived with the talent to ensure they weren't engaging in immoral conduct
or as I've taken to calling it, "a Cover-assigned gf

>> No.14037008
Quoted by: >>14037050

Yes all of JP hololive

>> No.14037050

They only like her because they think a collab with her will bring them more subs

>> No.14037054

The roomate is gay!

>> No.14037085

yeah, me

>> No.14037094

Gura could also use an audio engineer, driver, and a maid

>> No.14037136

Yeah, me

>> No.14037158
Quoted by: >>14037317

And someone to build things for her in Minecraft

>> No.14037167

Her manager is probably already doing that.
She already talks how her manager often facepalm because of her being an airhead or forgeting an information in like 10 sec

>> No.14037184

yoga instructor and fitness coach
the shark needs to be able to put her feet behind her head!

>> No.14037313

yeah me

>> No.14037317
Quoted by: >>14037352

You went too far

>> No.14037352

i can masturbate for her too so she doesn't have to worry about lifting her fingers

>> No.14037379
File: 181 KB, 644x660, 1615688484743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh

>> No.14037383
File: 1.78 MB, 823x892, unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14037403

10/10 would wear

>> No.14037415

I'd still wear it

>> No.14037418
File: 672 KB, 512x512, 1629134695629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nyo

>> No.14037419

Gura's manager
>edge lord
>is a bass head
Checks out.

>> No.14037519

No way her manager does any of that. Outside of the typical managerial duties, her manager is probably just a really good emotional support for her.

>> No.14037520


>> No.14037557

go away reddit

>> No.14037689

Which channel will the collab be in?

>> No.14037743


>> No.14037785
File: 114 KB, 266x309, 1617754825332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14037814

Yagoo's channel

>> No.14038106
Quoted by: >>14038206

Wouldn't they have multiple POVs? That's like the point of Phasmo: having different perspectives. I'd be disappointed if it's just one POV like that Guerilla phasmo some time back.

>> No.14038206
Quoted by: >>14038310

We don’t know yet. There was absolutely no information about this collab for now, except that it should happen in less than 2 hrs

>> No.14038310
Quoted by: >>14038394

A Chumpling mentioned that it will be multi-pov according to Fauna

>> No.14038394
Quoted by: >>14038503

She only seemed about as sure as any of you about that. "It should be. That's how we usually do it for phasmo, right?"

>> No.14038503

Alright. Well I guess all you can do is be patient

>> No.14038963

King cover about or less than 1.5k left by the time I post this. Should hit 12 million before the time when she usually streams, not to be confused at the time the phasmo collab stream starts.

>> No.14039360

Ame said she wanted to try it herself first too to see how it is and see if she could get anything set up. There is no rrat.

>> No.14039791
Quoted by: >>14039839

where the fuck is goop goop man god damn it

>> No.14039839
Quoted by: >>14039852


>> No.14039852


>> No.14040105
Quoted by: >>14040267

goop goop is coming

>> No.14040124 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 2560x1536, 8390980950654830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute and full of love

>> No.14040191 [DELETED] 
File: 476 KB, 905x1280, 1613963170795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14040633

Gawr proud and full of vigour

>> No.14040267
Quoted by: >>14040310

when where

>> No.14040310
Quoted by: >>14040336

Now on my face

>> No.14040336
Quoted by: >>14040379

ok can you tell her to stream

>> No.14040379
Quoted by: >>14040419


>> No.14040419
Quoted by: >>14040507

fuck you share the goop goop

>> No.14040507

now she's too tired to stream, maybe tomorrow.

>> No.14040577
Quoted by: >>14040624

they're not gonna do multiple povs for phasmo are they

>> No.14040624

why would they?

>> No.14040633
File: 2.29 MB, 1668x2388, r7854938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14040763

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.14040742

Now shut the fuck up

>> No.14040753
Quoted by: >>14040856

zero horror value if you can't see 3/4ths of what's actually happening

>> No.14040763


>> No.14040762

On Mumei's channel only it seems for now. Well that sucks. There better be more POVs. Also 30 minutes later than the intended time.

>> No.14040780

that's her! on the right! goop goop!!!!

>> No.14040791
Quoted by: >>14041025

>not VR

>> No.14040818


>> No.14040835
File: 66 KB, 750x113, 1608426706191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 minutes later than the intended time
Based confusedbud

>> No.14040856
File: 43 KB, 480x720, 1477347486390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to see it to be scared by it
and yet, Alien is the far scarier movie than Aliens despite hardly seeing bugger at all

it's about the psychological dread of the people you love dying that makes it horror

>> No.14040928

why do you people need more povs

>> No.14041011

I don't like watching anyone but Gura.

>> No.14041017

I want Guras POV

>> No.14041025
Quoted by: >>14041840

Gura is never playing this game in VR again. Use your brain

>> No.14041043

Proximity chat and 1 POV isn't a very good combination

>> No.14041060

Are you serious? You're supposed to use the in game voice chat, and you cant during hunts/when you die. It wont be fun if Gura barely talks then dies in a corner somewhere, I wanna hear her.

>> No.14041118
File: 255 KB, 1280x735, 1637731250750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want a repeat of Halloween

>> No.14041117

So we can see Gura? Why else

>> No.14041128

How did you even find this? I'm subscribed to Mumei, but nothing shows up on either my home page or on her channel.

>> No.14041176
Quoted by: >>14041255

lmao greyname spotted

>> No.14041212

proximity chat, I want to hear my wife

>> No.14041218

Right after I posted this it showed up. Susan?

>> No.14041221
Quoted by: >>14041317

/live bruh

>> No.14041228 [DELETED] 

Has Gura actually said/confirmed she supports trans rights?

>> No.14041255

Huh? For Mumei? Yeah. I only member Gura.

>> No.14041270


>> No.14041289

Kinda reconfirmed last night she's a huge car girl

>> No.14041317

I know, that wasn't an option. I've had to manually find live streams before. It just randomly showed up after refreshing a few times. Weird.

>> No.14041321

She laughs at baldies and fatties, that should tell you enough

>> No.14041377

i cant hear goop goop

>> No.14041381
File: 19 KB, 500x300, 1629520416900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughing at fatties

>> No.14041448
File: 356 KB, 811x644, 1610688582122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I'm both

>> No.14041482

pic related

>> No.14041501 [DELETED] 

Trannies should hang themselves

>> No.14041521

She still loves you, but will tease you endlessly about it.

>> No.14041583

Gotta love the spergs here projecting their gross views onto Gura. She's a sweet girl and doesn't hate people for superficial reasons like a lot of you.

>> No.14041596
Quoted by: >>14041654

You're an egg?

>> No.14041645
File: 2.89 MB, 1453x2318, gura heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14041654
File: 17 KB, 400x300, 1628869039214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14041856


>> No.14041672
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>> No.14041675

it wouldn't fit my head so nah

>> No.14041707
Quoted by: >>14041820

no, gura avoids politics and disturbing, controversial stuff like that.

>> No.14041766
Quoted by: >>14041954

she probably doesn't hate them but you're lying to yourself if she doesn't have a good chuckle at someone fat or bald

>> No.14041820 [DELETED] 

it doesn't help that artemis is hands down the most boring, zero-personality chuubas out there.
literally only got above 2-view status because of the
the gimmick

>> No.14041824

one view is boring as fuck, the point is to give an experience of exploring a haunted house as a group and everyone's reactions

>> No.14041834
File: 685 KB, 1100x1100, 1637197064941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad is bald and my hairline is receding, i think it's over for me, bros.

>> No.14041837
File: 116 KB, 500x375, 597943809775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have options, anon

>> No.14041840

I am using it. I'm just saying IMO this game is boring to watch. Especially if it is not from Gura's perspective. You go ahead.

>> No.14041856
Quoted by: >>14042092

What emotion do you feel when you see the color orange btw?

>> No.14041875
File: 346 KB, 1839x1348, dino love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14041911

get a scalp roller bro, the bleeding means your hairline is healing

>> No.14041916

I-it just means high T, right?

>> No.14041937

so is it 9 or 9:30, relying on owl's waiting room is scary

>> No.14041954
File: 73 KB, 835x469, samegaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. She's a samegaki, after all. She loves teasing and poking fun at people, but not in a mean-spirited way.

>> No.14042035

How about your grandfathers? You might have a slim chance

>> No.14042065
Quoted by: >>14042113

King cover hits 12 million in 93 days, 21 hours and 26 minutes.

>> No.14042092
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 4879209309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but pure, burning hatred

>> No.14042113

Ogey. Now what?

>> No.14042233

remember when Ame said she had basically turned her manager into a personal assistant?
