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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13524447 No.13524447 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>13524534

Previous thread: >>13504210

>> No.13524534

gura is banned here for being a 2view A+ tier

>> No.13524617

General numberfag sites

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/CCfK7mVR

>> No.13524799

Thanksgiving isn’t a thing anywhere but the US right? JP does weird things with US culture sometimes but I presume EN is going to get a huge hit the next couple days. People have to do annoying family shit and can’t just hide and watch vtubers

>> No.13524826

Essentially, it is based off of NicoNico's metrics, which are somewhat different, but equivalent to certain YT features. We would have to create our own formula that applies to the various relevant metrics in order to properly quantify their score, but the formula itself was fairly simple and easy to replicate/verify since it was public.

We would have to use metrics that are easy to obtain for the sake of replication. Stuff like:
>Amount of content
>Time of content (individual? overall?)
>Likes (let's ignore the whole YT dislike debacle since it won't matter in the end)

There are metrics that are harder to obtain because no one is compiling the data or the data itself is obscure to us, so we would be hard pressed to include it. We might also have to make compromises if we want to include other platforms like Twitch, Spotify and Twitter (Holos use it to stream now, dunno about others).

>> No.13525018

Yea, tomorrow is Turkey Day in the US, gonna be a bad day for numbers tomorrow. Friday is just gonna be Friday numbers (weaker than usual on average).

>> No.13525027
Quoted by: >>13525113

the next 4-5 drays are going to be rough

>> No.13525082

Thursday would be a good time for any ENs to do a pandering JP-exclusive stream

>> No.13525113

Really? Is it that common for you burgers to turn this into an extended weekend affair?

>> No.13525138
Quoted by: >>13525311

>aka lets numberfag a bunch of irrelevant metrics because we're afraid to admit that the shark is the most popular vtuber in the world

>> No.13525197
Quoted by: >>13525482

Yeah. Most people travel to visit family.

>> No.13525204

Canada has thanksgiving too but it was last month. There could be plenty of options for EOPs considering how many leafs there are.

>> No.13525220
Quoted by: >>13525482

It's a family holiday so Thursday and Friday are usually considered holidays (unless you work retail).

>> No.13525256

Only 2 leafs in hololive.

>> No.13525311

Now go back to shit posting in the in your bait threads.

>> No.13525424

will Vshojo do something for their anniversary? Would love to see their numbers

>> No.13525458
File: 3 KB, 343x85, sankisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13525840

I didn't see any post regarding this in the previous thread but Gen 3 concert hashtag has been trending for a while.

>> No.13525475

Could be big because of the recent drama

>> No.13525479

They might get 20k if everyone shows up.

>> No.13525482

Ah. Yea then it's gonna be baaaaaaad for numbers this weekend.
Even accounting for it numbers gonna be bad just because people gonna be roped into family shit

>> No.13525512

Well for their warm-up act, Minecraft with Connor and KSon is happening right now

>> No.13525673
Quoted by: >>13525746

I thought Kson Minecraft was rescheduled?

>> No.13525688
File: 82 KB, 640x736, 4a9990e4e86f62f3e3c8fa95263454d4889c9597534dcde4dc1dbb1d5977ac73_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sankisei concert free part
100k+ guaranteed

>> No.13525746
Quoted by: >>13525825

Mouse has 8.1k at the moment.

Yes, rescheduled to today.

>> No.13525825

pretty low for a collab

>> No.13525838

Gura at 13k. She still hasn't played as Dante.

>> No.13525840
Quoted by: >>13525920

Anyone have the nijisanji concert as a comparison?

>> No.13525901
Quoted by: >>13525958

The Collab is melody/kson, ironmouse is just on the server.

>> No.13525903

Not on Twitch.

YT corpo numbers have spoiled us.

>> No.13525920
Quoted by: >>13525951


>> No.13525951

For twitter?
That seems pretty low.

>> No.13525958
Quoted by: >>13526095

ironmouse collabing with Connor as always
8.3k for her
6.2k for him

>> No.13526095
Quoted by: >>13526297

Wil Connor interact with Kson?

>> No.13526177
Quoted by: >>13527770

do you think Victor Entertainment lucked out by signing Sora when she's was relatively new to the scene?

>> No.13526205

advance cope to enfaggots

>> No.13526280

ENschizo is here

>> No.13526297

yeah, his and Mouse's antics are making her and Melody giggle.

Collab basically guaranteed i guess.

>> No.13526331

Number prediction for Hinotori remix? There's gonna be 3 of them kek
1m 1 week possible?

>> No.13526347

Is Connor going to invite her over on Trash Taste and have a foursome with Joey and Garnt?

>> No.13526374

Nah, they will kill each other's numbers.

>> No.13526479

Mouse is still on 8k with kson on. Don't think so

>> No.13526568
Quoted by: >>13526651

3.4k waiting on kson to start.

>> No.13526602

Nah, that too much releases at once is enough to kill possible numbers, but what is the purpose of this releases though? why didn't she just do like how Mori did it to boost her own song

>> No.13526651

5-7k probably. Might filter a lot of jops unfortunately.

>> No.13527002

Mouse 8.5k
Connor 7.3k
Kson 3.5k
Kinda low for Vshojo.

>> No.13527177
Quoted by: >>13527512

Vshojo is an actually debuff for kson she got more playing fucking poppy by her self.

>> No.13527251
File: 94 KB, 602x687, 23958734683846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13527359

>> No.13527260

No way

>> No.13527359
Quoted by: >>13527529

>english only collab
literally filtering half of her viewers
>casstle crashers
>2 pov

>> No.13527442

Doubtful, if only because of online views being split between free part and SPWN (If the watchers were numberfags they'd watch the free part on YT and switch to SPWN for the paid portion, but not all viewers are numberfags so...)

>> No.13527512
Quoted by: >>13527605

Bae got 5-6k giving Mio a tour of the en server.

>> No.13527515
File: 83 KB, 519x515, 39486783746346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold: gen 3 concert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5UouZHdBqU
silver: miko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDJUmPwxgDI depends if minecraft or cooking, subaru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLEhg_vK2BY, pekora/marine if they decide to stream after the concert 1ish.
bronze: Kuzuha valorant debuff game and not really a hype tournament https://twitter.com/room_vault/status/1463111775302217728 and its valorant

my predictions today

>> No.13527529

But anon....don't you love it when you do pointless splits for collabs where you're not going to be paying much attention to chat anyways?!
>English only
Well, this is more for the benefit of Vshojo viewers than anything.

>> No.13527590
Quoted by: >>13527818

If there are three silver contenders, then how is Kuzuha going to get a bronze?

>> No.13527605

Bae somehow ended with the same Views on her vod as Mio.
i wonder if the same can happen with Kson

>> No.13527656

his recent valorant tournament peak 25k https://playboard.co/en/video/XNq33Ga5JyA
im predicting 25k-32k for today.

>> No.13527767
Quoted by: >>13527864

Kinda nuts, Bae has more global fans than Mio.

>> No.13527770
Quoted by: >>13528308

>Sign a small new talent
>They blow up
It's every record company's wet dream.

>> No.13527818

oh right hes not a medalist now kek

>> No.13527864

the vod views were pretty much even for the first hours tough. And it was midnight for most EOPs Mio got an advanatge after Jp prime passed.
But by 5hrs they were at 90-100k both of them.

>> No.13527927

I know the difference is not that huge but mio have 140k views while bae have 112k views. So not really the same amount of views no?

>> No.13528130
Quoted by: >>13528183

Do you think people watch both POVs or just one?

>> No.13528140

If Youtube culls live views, what's stopping them from culling VOD views?

>> No.13528183
Quoted by: >>13528313

i pretty much put it here>>13527927
Another example is watames collab with sana. 5k ccv but ended with a similar growth on views as Mios. i sitll think the channels of EN girls set to japan has some affect on her live viewership

depends on the collab

>> No.13528191
File: 66 KB, 659x734, 3894683486346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13536650

gold medal count so far

>> No.13528246
Quoted by: >>13528686

they do it once in a while, they cull some vod views across the site on some specific days.

>> No.13528308

they probably signed her for pennies too. who knows if Sora will renew her contract with them

>> No.13528313

A Minecraft server tour collab. If people only watch one POV than that means Bae and Mio have around 252k fans by them selves.

>> No.13528321

Could it be explained by Bae having a higher viewer turnover than Mio? With EN's audience more spread out amongst timezones, Bae's in particular could it be burgers going to sleep while other timezones got off work? While usually I wouldn't bring this up, the timeslot here might make sense.
>inb4 ENschizo go fuck yourself

>> No.13528442
File: 340 KB, 602x800, 684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive's game show is starting its season 2 today.
Think it will do better than season 1?

>> No.13528483

If they get elder ring then yes

>> No.13528509
Quoted by: >>13536231

Im happy as long as I can see more Towa in 3D

>> No.13528599

Assuming that we do make a formula for ranking purposes, I suggest splitting the parameters into 3.

Chuuba (C):
>Amount of Content Delivered
>Overall Time
Content itself should probably exclude members only content since that is a hard metric to parse. There is also the matter of unarchived/deleted/removed content to account for.

Audience (A):

Engagement (E):
>"Thanks" (YT's paid commenting thing).
>Overall Time

Going from there it's only a trivial matter to come up with a proper formula that scales well. Notice that some metrics are repeated for the sake of calculus of the parameters since those are just parameters. I don't know what that formula would look like yet though. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

>muh watch time
We don't have access to the real metric for that on YT. Only the account knows their total and average watch time. Good luck trying to find out.

>> No.13528686
Quoted by: >>13528963

They can prevent VOD views from even registering in the first place like they do with live views, which means that ENs are also suffering from a 25-30% VOD cull.

>> No.13528755
Quoted by: >>13529017

is hard to explain since VOD queues just make it difficult to track. The fact that bae had similar vod growth and views at the end of the collab as mio tells me they were having almost the same eyes put on them. The first hours after a stream ends usually is the views dequeuing form the VOD queue.
The fact that a similar thing happens with sana makes me thing the ENs might have an extra filter on their live viewers, my only guess is becasue their content is in English and based on a japanese channel.But who knows i just found it interesting.
depends on the games

>> No.13528757
Quoted by: >>13528987

They actually do. Pekoras 3rd gen MC hardcore collab got culled multiple times. Gura and Pekora summerfest got culled multiple time aswell. Sportsfest of all pov got view culled too.

>> No.13528792

Depends on the games and talents. If there's Matsuri in it, expect low numbers

>> No.13528805
Quoted by: >>13529017

Fuck you bitch

>> No.13528963
Quoted by: >>13529029

is not common enough to say it happens regualrly unlike ccv problems.

>> No.13528972
Quoted by: >>13529303

Don't forget they're also streaming it on NicoNico.

>> No.13528987

viewbots lmao.

>> No.13529017

>ENs might have an extra filter on their live viewers
That's been known for ages though, isn't the consensus that it's down to Adblock usage? Actually, another thing I would want to test if nobody has yet is the use of embedded players, especially the use of stuff like jetri and mado because I know a metric fuckton of EOP viewers tend to use that, especially for collabs or when two popular streams are happening at once.
Well fuck you too ya cunt.

>> No.13529029

It could be happening right now and no one would notice.

>> No.13529177
File: 29 KB, 453x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13529200
Quoted by: >>13531496

I know Gen 3 Concert is almost certain to win the day but Nijifags don't lose hope, there is always a chance to steal the win.
Don't shit the thread yet, you haven't lost yet.

>> No.13529215

So.. How's nijien collab number bros? They playing castle something

>> No.13529256
Quoted by: >>13530747

pretty much selene sucking pomus numbers
2.8k vs 1.7k
same pov technically

>> No.13529287
File: 930 KB, 1674x361, 31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwelu ended his stream?

>> No.13529303
Quoted by: >>13529419

Did they also streamed the Gen 1 Concert in Niconico?
Because if no then there is a chance Gen 3 will get lower numbers than Gen 1

>> No.13529337
Quoted by: >>13529371

Nope, it's still up on nijimado and the link goes to the stream still (and its still running)

>> No.13529346
File: 103 KB, 685x68, 1607178726616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13529371

Still live on my end

>> No.13529371

Oh that's weird, it's gone from Holodex now.

>> No.13529419

Nigga what?

>> No.13529453

Today in midgetland:
>browse YT
>check Live filter
>pic related pops up
>"More spics joining the chuuba streaming game?"
>go in to check it out
>it's a Japanese grill
>learning Spanish
>actually can read and respond to messages in Supeingo

>> No.13529526
File: 87 KB, 555x471, Sono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13529741

Oh, what the heck? Selected my image but didn't register I guess.

>> No.13529547
Quoted by: >>13529741

WACTOR has been doing an unironically good job of sucking up the midget ES market, they're not going to be Nimu tier but they're not doing bad.

>> No.13529741
Quoted by: >>13530083

I wonder if any Cartel leaders watch vtubers.

>> No.13530034

Fauna at 4.5k and Kson at 4.8k. lol.

>> No.13530083

Kek, the thought of a narco deep in the Colombian jungle, watching a WACTOR VTuber off of their illicit satellite connection and sending supas using drug money is hilarious to me. I wonder if there's a legitimate demographic there that can be exploited by chuubas. If so, how would they even go about doing that and would they be paypigs?

>> No.13530099

4 overlaps with gura,fauna,kroni and baelz/mumei.

>> No.13530162
File: 225 KB, 875x1310, 1124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's superchats

>> No.13530392

what? bae actually got 1k in SCs? What happened?

>> No.13530456
Quoted by: >>13530516

Alarm clock found

>> No.13530486

her chatting stream wasn't overlapping jp prime time.

>> No.13530516


>> No.13530578
Quoted by: >>13530918

the Coco and Lamy yakuza paypigs narrative

>> No.13530747

How the fuck do they decide who streams? Single pov game, 4 players, 2 streams from Selen and Pomu while Rosemi and Enna get nothing?

>> No.13530918
Quoted by: >>13531885

There was at least one confirmed legit yakuza tatsunoko

>> No.13531079

More like they probably would buy out their oshi by force if they can.
Actually, I'm surprised I do not hear stories of popular streamers being blackmailed by mafias to get a cut of their donations, in special on the latin market. Literally here on the news there is always one story of a random family getting killed by sicarios for not meeting the quota of money for their mafia overlords.
Like imagine if a spic vtuber from latam blows up in donations and some months laters...dissapear...even the roommate.

>> No.13531251

At this point, I think NijiEN doesn't seem to have any way to incline. Even when they get an upper hand from their competitor playing genshin or honkai, no one would watch them. When they get perms for games that haven't been played by Holos yet, no one would watch them. Even when they advertise songs, no one would watch them. Even when they stealth advertise on Holo subreddit, no one would come watch them. Their cap would still be around 7-8k.

>> No.13531346

November so far
>Lamy - $89,557
>kson - $83,347
>Rushia - $74,929
>Noel - $52,761
>Kuzuha - $45,260
>Miko - $42,671
>Mori - $41,335
>Fuwa - $37,481
>Marine - $36,975
>Pekora - $35,892
>Ibrahim - $31,361
>Kanata - $31,039

>> No.13531465

Pomu 1.7k
Selen 2.5k
Ame's rebroadcast 3.8k

>> No.13531468

>Not incluiding EN
T. Cucksonoko

>> No.13531496

Not today, though

>> No.13531669
Quoted by: >>13531871

Gen 3 will get 100k today
Don't underestimate those powerhouse autists

>> No.13531678
Quoted by: >>13531774

They need someone that can go viral. But thing is, no one that NijiEN recruited has ever gone viral before, while HoloEN has 3 recruits who did.

>> No.13531693
Quoted by: >>13532861

A. learn to read, B. tell the rest of those girls to stop being allergic to money

>> No.13531774
Quoted by: >>13532592

Why would a viral girl join Niji instead of hololive?

>> No.13531782

a bit late but jesus christ suisei even watame who likely spent a fuckton on her orisongs without getting the album sales didnt shill her archive this much

>> No.13531802
Quoted by: >>13532861

The day finally came that the wigger of nippon fucked enough asian manlets to become Japanese.

>> No.13531818

Mori is there retard, Besides Mori is the only one consistent with SC numbers

>> No.13531871

Put out an absurd prediction.
If they did it then as a Holofag and brag.
if they failed then act as a Nijifag and shit on them.

I see your play.

>> No.13531885

what about Lamy and her yakuza narrative

>> No.13532051

Well, part of it is a reminder to go back and watch it without it being scuffed up, and the other is...why not?! She's proud of it and she also needs that money for more GACHA. (That's an old post BTW, archive's already gone)

>> No.13532532
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>> No.13532538

Why not? That's their fucking job to market their stuff.

>> No.13532592

Preference of culture, might want to do content that might run afoul of Holo restrictions, etc etc.

>> No.13532748

I just saw a post in the megathread in virtualyoutubers subreddit complaining about people who seethe at cross company collabs.

You can see all the niji fans claim the moral high ground .

>> No.13532861

T. cucksonokos relying on playboard before their monthly ranking

>> No.13532890

in other news, according to holostats the total views of all hololive channels is now at 4,964,851,502.
if it keeps at the current pace it should reach 5 billion in around 4 days

>> No.13532965

>barely beats kson & rushia even with event buffs
>certain to take home less than kson after cover's jew cut
and they say lamy is successful kek

>> No.13533020

oh, gen5 schizo is here

>> No.13533066
Quoted by: >>13533205

>Anon fell for the meme
Niji is as restrictive as Holo anon, this is beyond the rumored cancelled Kiara and Pomu collab.
And if Selen's yesterday stream is something to go by, EN branch is hold on leash.

>> No.13533080

>gen5 schizo appeared exactly at SEA break time

>> No.13533143
Quoted by: >>13535731

Flare's says it's not straight up a musical, but that it does have some story elements instead of just being a regular concert
Marine says it's supposedly more "musical-like" and tell a story through song and dance instead of the usual idol concerts where they just sing stand alone songs, so really I have no fucking idea what to expect.

>> No.13533205
Quoted by: >>13533703

>Selen's yesterday stream
what happened?

>> No.13533273

Anon the Holo """restrictions""" are just no schizo shit and no political shit.

>> No.13533426

Gen 5 schizo is probably a MASSfag.

>> No.13533703

The whole Twitter thing was weird but at the same time it fits with all Niji EN activity on it.
Is like there were mandated to keep some sort of relationship by force.

>> No.13533758 [DELETED] 

If you watch Twitch you can see a lot of Vtubers with more than 1k ccv these days. NijiEn's numbers are just fine but I think we should stop comparing them to HoloEn

>> No.13534003
Quoted by: >>13534239

You're not gonna trick me into watching Selen. Just tell the story.

>> No.13534005
Quoted by: >>13534239


>> No.13534239
Quoted by: >>13534324

She has to go through her social media and reply to nijis and stuff.
She says at some point "I've never taken this long" implying she does this regularly.
It could just be her own autism

>> No.13534324

That's just Selen's autism, it's how she's always been

>> No.13534341

Does collabing with Kson help Vshojo gain more JP fans? Will they like Connor?

>> No.13534385

>virtualyoutubers subreddit
First mistake anon
That place is closer to /here/ than you think

>> No.13534535

Watame didn't shill it because she knows it was disappointing compared to Suisei's
Look at everyone (holos) saying they watched it, watched the archive, or told her that they watched it and loved it
Then look at Watame's live in comparison
Additionally, they don't call her Hoshillmachi Suisei for a reason

>> No.13534557

Her main gachis are nips so no. Honestly, it seems mouse and connor shouldn’t have even been there so those who understand might be pissed for suddenly inserting themselves into a mel/kson stream

>> No.13534559

I can tell that most Kson fans just want Kson to collab with Hololive.

There's more excitement when she brings up her roommate than with any other vtuber she collabs with.

>> No.13534646

The think he is a leech

>> No.13534681

Seeing the positive feedback from Kson's collab with Vshojo, I really wish GunRun can at least try to convince Kson to join their company. Any faggots seething about company loyalty can fuck off though, the world is not some altruistic place for people to keep staying the same.

>> No.13534750
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1637269808028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>positive feedback

>> No.13534756
Quoted by: >>13534838

>"if i were to go corpo again i would just go back to hololive"

>> No.13534779

Positive feedback this stream fucking sucks.
It actually alienating her main audience and her actually en fans.

>> No.13534785

Here's a (You)

>> No.13534801
Quoted by: >>13534874

>positive feedback
where did you look?

>> No.13534838
Quoted by: >>13534898

Enough time has passed before then and I don't think she will keep that sentiment.

>> No.13534854

As a former Coco fan,I want kson to crash and burn without Hololive.

Make it clear to the other girls that they can't go on without Hololive.

>> No.13534874
Quoted by: >>13535040

YouTube comments

>> No.13534898


Watch Cover's black magic work, and see kson go into a decline if she keeps this up.

>> No.13534977

She would always go back to wherever Kanata is.

>> No.13535022
Quoted by: >>13536838

that shit doesnt even need cover's black magic, its obviously an insanely stupid idea when the majority of her gachis are clearly nips

>> No.13535040

Those are just desperate Vshojo fans trying to make joining Vshojo look like a good idea.

We know that JPs barely comment anything, so all of those english comments are sure to be from Vshojo fans.

>> No.13535097

Nah don't worry, she has her own black magic that attract gachikoi.

>> No.13535234

Did the magic fairies tell you this positive feedback?

>> No.13535282
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>> No.13535329


>> No.13535427
File: 135 KB, 859x308, 8734873847347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

January 2021 numbers


>> No.13535431

Tick Tock? What's the current growth rate for both, give or take?

>> No.13535563

Meaning, in 2021, Hololive erased about 800M difference?
That would put their interception point on around .... August next year

Tick and Tock indeed

>> No.13535564
File: 332 KB, 1018x1770, 834637846346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monthly total vod views

>> No.13535724
Quoted by: >>13535825

getting mogged while having more than triple the other side's members is just sad.

>> No.13535731

So it gonna be like the MV where they take you on a tour around their world

>> No.13535780

Yeah they did, they got into a big drama fest with nux

>> No.13535805
File: 90 KB, 950x629, 834638746346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN October monthly views > NijiEN overall total views.

>> No.13535825

Yet Niji is still earning more money than Holos rumao

>> No.13535867
Quoted by: >>13535957


>> No.13535884
Quoted by: >>13535980

>Nijisanji won October
Did I read it wrong? What happened?

>> No.13535885

>Says this anon's ass

>> No.13535925


the voices in your head told you this?

>> No.13535957
File: 74 KB, 720x886, 1629515947173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover's 2020-2021 report only had them catching up to 2019-2020 Anycolor

>> No.13535967

its 208m vs 287m

>> No.13535980


Look at both again

>> No.13536188

It's your time matomeshitter, bring some hot takes about it from your usual places.

>> No.13536231


>> No.13536306

Host towa and Mel

>> No.13536393

Mel has been so active lately that it's scaring me lmao.

>> No.13536535

don't forget to watch the future kuzuhas and kanaes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zStCQXK8xNI

>> No.13536584
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forgot the image

>> No.13536619
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>> No.13536650

could you add gen 3 as a whole?

>> No.13536838

VShojo is popular in Japan tho? They even have a deal with Nippon TV.

>> No.13536844

Better than Sony

>> No.13536905

That place is nijishill central

>> No.13536912

>They even have a deal with Nippon TV.
You are selling VShojo short here, it is NipponTV trying to use their clout to expand westward and not the other way around

>Nippon TV, Japan's leading multiplatform entertainment powerhouse, announced today that it is bringing what was a new business initiative into full swing.
>The company is expanding V-Clan, its VTuber business, overseas to develop and produce VTuber content. A VTuber, short for Virtual YouTuber, is an avatar YouTuber created with 2D or 3D illustrations.
>As part of its efforts to expand the network internationally, Nippon TV is partnering with VShojo, a major VTuber talent agency in North America.

>> No.13537029

being in a group of only english speakers would filter her jops hard

>> No.13537077

Every corpo is bandwagoning on the vtuber thing and virtual entertainment. Can't someone just buy Cover already and have them debut KR/ES? If it was microsoft, they would already have their branches taking care of the gens.

>> No.13537092
File: 1.41 MB, 1677x5234, vclan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the english homepage of the NipponTV project that partnered with VShojo

VShojo is unironically larger than the sum of the "300 vtubers" VClan boasts of managing.

>> No.13537117

Yes, VShojo is popular enough in Japan that a Japanese TV network is trying to use them as a gateway to the West. I said nothing wrong.

>> No.13537149

If Cover gets bought out, then their workplace culture might suffer.

>> No.13537194
Quoted by: >>13537450

Mods there are Nijiniggers, and there's two, not mods but Nijinigger whiteknights, one who would always appear every Niji posts, comments, thing is he's more stealth about hating Holo's, he has Unity as flair. He's Shinobihost. But its obvious who he really bias. Then there's another one, who actively claim Niji as better than Hololive, always, and he's that typical Nijinigger that praise Niji then throw as shade towards Holo. but unlike that Nijinigger Shinobihost, Panda s1 doesn't appear on every Niji posts.

Also, the mod whose active there is a Chink leaf, is a big Nijinigger. know whose another Chink leaf? Artia. That should tell you alot.

>> No.13537206

What does Vshojo even offer when you join their group? You get to label yourself as Vshojo? You get to use their so called defense force thingy? Do they take cuts?
>buy Cover and go full money making mode
will kill them faster than you can spell the words YAGOO.

>> No.13537228
Quoted by: >>13537315

Better management than any nip companies.

>> No.13537315
Quoted by: >>13537444

Their recent drama just showed that they aren't any better.

Even being generous to them, it means that they suck at opsec if an outsider like Nux manages to get his hands on that kind of info.

>> No.13537325

that would be kino. imagine hololive hololens mesh

>> No.13537377

kanata made a simulwatch frame as well

>> No.13537444
Quoted by: >>13537503

>kept things quiet and protected their talents from doxxing
>took down phishing websites within days
>acted in concert with law enforcement and cybersecurity experts every step of the way
>at no point did they demand their talents issue a public apology to anyone
They're way more competent than Cover or even Anykara when it comes to defending their talents.

>> No.13537450
Quoted by: >>13537704

I can pretty much recognize all the Nijishills with RES showing how many times I've downvoted them.

They must be internally seething that Hololive posts still gain the majority of the upvotes in their sub.

>> No.13537503
Quoted by: >>13537563

Their plans still got foiled because info managed to leak to an outsider.

Also, they already put out contradicting statements.

>> No.13537522

Taking cuts would be an instant deal breaker to Kson. Imagine finally having to not pay any form of cuts just to pay them again for little to no benefits.

>> No.13537563

No they didn't, stop believing the bullshit VShojo-antis on this board parrot

>> No.13537609

>western company
>buying cover
LOL. That's the end of hololive as we know it.

>> No.13537615

Stop defending companies, shill.

People should stop bootlicking corpos and start watching indies. Every corpo has proved they are incompetent.

>> No.13537624

Numbers on the main channel will decrease but in a marketing sense, this is much much better.
Overlap Queen Risu or Iofi should do a watchalong to redeem themselves. To get HoloID Only Audience (If there are any)

>> No.13537645

VShojo isn't a real company in the first place, they don't behave like the moneygrubbing corpos that Cover and Anykara are you retard.

>> No.13537688
Quoted by: >>13537754

/#/ not /morals/
Post numbers

>> No.13537698

on the cunt list she goes

>> No.13537696

DYRBI? Vshojo is as much of a scam as Cover and Anykara.

>> No.13537704

They're all petty fucks, they've probably been eternally seething at Hololive since Hololive were nobodies. I know, because i was there during the great seething when Hololive was starting to gain attraction towards EOPs. And that's also how i got gatekept to Niji's fandom. that Back when Asacoco 1.0

Right now, everyone, even in the Hololive subreddit's underestimating Hololive's presence in Korea. I really hope Cover makes a Korean branch. I want to see those Nijiniggers in vyt seethe and sour-grape post. I know they will be there, while again, throwing a shade towards Holo.

>> No.13537754

VShojo are already equal to mid-tier holos/high-tier nijis and this latest attempt by Nux to bring them down will only make them stronger

>> No.13537829

>mid tier Holos
I hope you meant "Vshojo" not "Mouse Vei and Nyanners".
>high tier Nijis

>> No.13537833
Quoted by: >>13537867

Kek, Vshojo isn't only composed of 3 streamers, retard.

Vshojo's overall median CCV can't even beat HoloEN mid tiers, even with YT culling HoloEN's CCV.

>> No.13537867

VShojo's overall median CCV is still higher than low-tier holos like Matsuri/Mel/Aki and way higher than mid-tier nijis that get like 2k

>> No.13537886
Quoted by: >>13537988

Vshojo doesn't have Cover's black magic. Nux's drama and new agency will start the decline of Vshojo as new competitors on Twitch start to rise.

>> No.13537913
Quoted by: >>13538057

Contradicting >>13537754
but fair enough. Though beating low tier Holos and mid tier Nijis isn't exactly a high bar

>> No.13537953

Cunt move

>> No.13537988
Quoted by: >>13538260

No one supports Nux, everywhere you go people are agreeing that VShojo did the right thing and were protecting people from doxfags.

>> No.13537998


Being slightly above the low tier JPs is nothing to be proud of, especially with YT cull taken into account.

Besides, this low tiers can reach numbers that the bottom tier of Vshojo can only dream of with the right streams.

>> No.13538041
Quoted by: >>13538182

How is that possible? Vshojo's top-tiers can't even beat Holos mid-tiers.

>> No.13538057

>Better than low-tier holos = mid-tier holo
>Better than mid-tier nijis = high-tier niji
There's no contradiction, VShojo are the only legitimate competitor to the Cover/Anykara duopoly whether in the East or the West

>> No.13538069


Speaking of the indie scene, Is Nimu still inclining?

>> No.13538149

Post numbers, dude. There's no way Vshojos are on par with high-tier Nijis.

>> No.13538160
Quoted by: >>13538413

>>Better than low-tier holos = mid-tier holo
>>Better than mid-tier nijis = high-tier niji

No. If they get 4k median to beat the 3k+ medians of Matsuri/Aki/Mel, that doesn't mean they're mid tier, that just means they're a slightly bigger fish in the midget pool.

If their overall median is somewhere around 7-11k CCV, then I'll concede that they're mid tier Holo.

>> No.13538182

They beat more average gens like holoJP gen 1 and gen 5 all the time so it's pretty clear that they're more than a match for the mid/low-tier holos

>> No.13538188

Alright /#/, if you're so smart and number-savvy, tell me how I can launch my favorite indie 2view into stardom.

>> No.13538197
Quoted by: >>13538307

High tier Nijis can reach 18k+ CCV.

Nyanners isn't even anywhere close to that.

>> No.13538235

Have her accepted into Hololive.

>> No.13538245

Neck yourself. It always works.

>> No.13538260

No one *in the general vtubing fanbase supports nux, the thing is Nux is an anituber and has his own dedicated following that's mostly seperate from the general vtubing sphere and those guys will deepthroat his cock no matter what anyone else says. You can already see them popping up in the various nux/vshojo threads in the catalogue waging war with the nyanners defence force

>> No.13538261

Join Hololive

>> No.13538307
File: 148 KB, 1546x851, nyanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nyanners isn't even anywhere close to that
You're right, she mogs their peak CCV at 27k

>> No.13538310
Quoted by: >>13538431

Where are the numbers? Gen1 and Gen5 are easily better or on par with high-tier Vshojo.

>> No.13538321

Have her leech off hololive like Uto or isegye idol or even be like Saruei and do official hololive merch

>> No.13538352

Maimoto beats that easily, and he's not even high tier.

>> No.13538361
File: 192 KB, 848x1200, FDFQvwyaQAAeqHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have her join a corpo and tell them she'll market herself as a cinderella story

>> No.13538386
Quoted by: >>13538425

Sing Hololive songs, draw Hololive girls, play Hololive games, collab with Hololive.

>> No.13538402
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>> No.13538405


She can't even achieve a single 40k+ CCV stream yet without raids.

>> No.13538413

This logic is so stupid. See >>13538160
Being 5k median doesn't mean that they're going to be in the same tier as 10k medians you fucking retard
Post numbers, liar.
October median
>29867 :: Pekora (HoloJP)
>23123 :: Suisei (HoloJP)
>22843 :: Miko (HoloJP)
>22174 :: Gura (HoloEN)
>21484 :: Subaru (HoloJP)
>17658 :: Rushia (HoloJP)
>17423 :: Aqua (HoloJP)
>17066 :: Korone (HoloJP)
>16292 :: Noel (HoloJP)
>15611 :: Shion (HoloJP)
>14662 :: Mio (HoloJP)
>13935 :: Botan (HoloJP)
>13490 :: Kanata (HoloJP)
>12968 :: Fubuki (HoloJP)
* HoloJP: 12401
>12239 :: Kuronii (HoloEN)
>11036 :: Inanis (HoloEN)
>10739 :: Nene (HoloJP)
>10240 :: Flare (HoloJP)
>10164 :: IRyS (HoloEN)
>10150 :: Okayu (HoloJP)
* HoloEN:: 10120
>9566 :: Mumei (HoloEN)
>9481 :: Nyanners (Vshojo)
>9409 :: Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>9318 :: Haato (HoloJP)
>8888 :: Lamy (HoloJP)
>8845 :: Calliope (HoloEN)
>8743 :: Baelz (HoloEN)
>8618 :: Watame (HoloJP)
>8504 :: Polka (HoloJP)
>8417 :: Mel (HoloJP)
>8131 :: Fauna (HoloEN)
>8097 :: Veibae (Vshojo)
>7810 :: Amelia (HoloEN)
>7745 :: Luna (HoloJP)
>7635 :: Kiara (HoloEN)
>5601 :: Towa (HoloJP)
* VShojo :: 5531
>5396 :: Matsuri (HoloJP)
>5354 :: Aki (HoloJP)
>4980 :: Sana (HoloEN)
>4877 :: Sora (HoloJP)
>3858 :: Apricot (Vshojo)
>3556 :: Zentreya (Vshojo)
>3517 :: Roboco (HoloJP)
>3449 :: Choco (HoloJP)
Gen 1 would be at 8290 and Gen 5 at 10516
Reminder that Kuzuha is a high tier Niji and is not on Twitch

>> No.13538425

that got me thinking, when that hololive game finally comes out, every indie under the sun is gonna play it to chase the clout

>> No.13538431
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>> No.13538449
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Holo/niji average in november so far

>> No.13538462

That's average, not median.

>> No.13538525

Can't wait to see a bunch of indies hit record highs like they did on the kusoge Korone game.

>> No.13538533

If they do and it leads into the game being a massive success, I'll forever kneel to Hololive's black magic.

>> No.13538577
File: 674 KB, 1696x796, veibae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13538679


>> No.13538594
Quoted by: >>13538988

the game doesn't even need to be good. as long as it's decent, it will do very well

>> No.13538604
Quoted by: >>13538629

Why does anybody ever try to compare Twitch CCV and Youtube CCV when they're clearly completely different figures?

It's such an odd dick measuring contest everyone fixates on when there's a billion different measures that would give you a more accurate direct comparison.

>> No.13538629
Quoted by: >>13538751

If you go by income then the leaked Twitch data shows that VShojo girls take home more money than holos too.

>> No.13538636
Quoted by: >>13538686

Basically what the other guys said, cover yourself in hololive and hope some of their magic rubs off on you

>> No.13538644
Quoted by: >>13538720

See >>13538402 and >>13538449
Botan is easily better than Pink Cat even without raids. There's no way Vshojo is better than Gen 5.

>> No.13538668

>nitpicking comparisons
>not even a month's worth of data
>max viewers, aka peaks that can be easily affected by raids
>is definitely not going to include low tier Vshojos because they don't count for some reason
Go on.

>> No.13538669

Only 17 Nijis in Top 50 (3 in Top 10) despite:
>Aqua, Ayame, and Korone not included (since they didn't have more than 5 streams)
>Hololive Ch (well it's always not included since it only does premieres)

>> No.13538679

jesus fucking christ why nitpick when you literally already have all the numbers here? >>13538402

>> No.13538686

Did any of the girls who made it into Council do any Hololive sucking up themselves in the first place? All I can think of is Bae's eternal Roberu love.

>> No.13538714

Last time pink Gura streamed on youtube, she couldn't even reach 5k CCV.

>> No.13538720
Quoted by: >>13538774

Because he's a disingenuous fucktard who's only here to push his agenda and not actually acknowledge the facts on the ground

>> No.13538751

Where's the numbers?

>> No.13538774

Even worse, he's an ESL.

>> No.13538796
Quoted by: >>13538830

so.. Today is niji+holo vs vshojo+twitch?
midget number time? because clearly top of vshojo can't match top of either niji and holo

>> No.13538813

>views split between spwn, Niconico, kanata, kiara, and the main channel
>gen 3 enthusiasm is waning
It will slip.

>> No.13538830
Quoted by: >>13538910

oh please its just one delusional touristchama

>> No.13538874

do they show the ccv on niconico?

>> No.13538893

Colors should be reversed since hololive has a blue motif

>> No.13538910

When IronMouse surpasses Pekora, I will laugh. Remember that IronMouse has been on the incline. Remember.

>> No.13538943

Here is something to put some numbers in this discussion

>Sora mean average in November 2021 so far is 3835
With that number she outranks every VShojo other than the top 3

>Lamy average in November so far is 8159
With that number she outranks every VShojo but Nyanners

>Kanata mean average in November so far is 9890
With that number she outranks Nyanners

>> No.13538956

Hey, gypsy fortune telling about things that will never happen is reserved for Nijis.

>> No.13538959
Quoted by: >>13539094

>3.6 mil sub Vtuber
>speaks language understood by 80% of the global population
>"most popular Vtuber in the world"
>only 7th place

>> No.13538988

Free advertisement.

>> No.13539007

Is it just me or ENVtuber fans are kinda fickle? When Nux released the vid, everyone is hailing him as some sort of savior. But then as soon as Vshojo released their statement, they turned on Nux and started cancelling him.

>> No.13539008

Gura doesn't even reach 27k nowawadays rumao
Pink Nyanners > Blue Nyanners

>> No.13539089

yes, because most of the vshojo fans are the same breed as the twitter SJWs that work themselves into a seething rage when a celeb didn't endorse LGBT hard enough, this kind of stuff is par for the course for them.

>> No.13539094

We don't, let the fucking EN branch die a pathetic death. We only need JP to thrive. Foreign branches ruin and contaminate the culture. Tenno Heika Banzai! Tenno Heika Banzai! Tenno Heika Banzai!

>> No.13539108

>using Twitch peaks to compare to fucking Gura of all people
Look I know you're stupid but there's a limit to it

>> No.13539156
Quoted by: >>13539208

Pretty sure anyone with half a brain new Nux was overstepping his line when he went all Batman on the doxxers.

There's a reason why vigilantism isn't a thing in real life. You're more than likely to screw over the proper authorities than help them

>> No.13539208

Actually no, everyone was praising him for doing that. They only started shitting on him when Nyanners made that discord message thing and then all the indie en vtubers suddenly changed their tune because it turns out that sucking up to vshojo is more important than sucking up to Nux

>> No.13539263

Kuzuha becomes a female vampire and gets mogged by Mel. Now Mel is becoming a male vampire to really show who the dominant vampire is.

>> No.13539267
Quoted by: >>13539352

And then return to their usual numbers

>> No.13539274
Quoted by: >>13539555

She just reached 35k CCV about a week ago.

>> No.13539294
Quoted by: >>13539373

So pink cat makes things worse yet again?

>> No.13539303

Kinda funny when EN indies are taking everything Vshojo members say like they're gospels. What happened to not liking corporate vtubers anyway?

>> No.13539344
Quoted by: >>13539395

Anything for a collab chance!

>> No.13539352
Quoted by: >>13539399

It is a shame that indies never seem to be able to retain any of the viewership from a one-off buff game like that. An indie I follow hit a significant peak a month or so back with a completely blind Nightmare DOOM run and then divebombed to like a fraction of that viewership for all of her streams in other games the rest of the month.

>> No.13539359

A lot of indies want to take their cake and eat it too.

They want the exposure that being in a corpo gives you, while not having to work under restrictions and not having to pay a cut.

>> No.13539373
File: 1.50 MB, 1328x2176, 1614411117980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, everyone who's anyone in the indie en vtubing sphere sucks corporate cock. Disliking corpo vtubers has never been a particularly popular sentiment outside of seething 2views jealous of Hololive's success, because most of them only got into vtubing because of hololive.

>> No.13539382

They want to join Vshojo.

>> No.13539395
Quoted by: >>13539448

Does vshojo Collab with 2views?

>> No.13539399
Quoted by: >>13539501

It's because the real way to build an audience is to have some sort of narrative going on.

>> No.13539420
File: 116 KB, 1488x404, hajime nyanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the notorious Pink Cat, the biggest VShojo star, the millions sub behemoth armed with the full force of the Twitch FrontPage, a well publicized charity stream and the backing of the biggest american vtuber company in the world


>> No.13539423

>that wall of text
Damn, I'm thankful that hololive/nijisanji will never be like this

>> No.13539437
Quoted by: >>13539491

I was browsing matome and they were talking about shion and fbk pokemon sword and shield archive coming back. So i checked shion channel and its really back. Can hololive play older pokemon now?

>> No.13539441

What's your opinion on this >>13539373

>> No.13539448
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, 1607449535154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some do, and also they are just generally more lose about collabs in general because they operate like regular streamers do and that means that a collab chance is just one twitter dm away.

>> No.13539491

No idea, but maybe they worked somethign out with the pokemon company. Mori and Kiara did say that this time the permissions doesn't have an end date

>> No.13539501

How does a 2view even do that, though? Most of the narratives I've seen drive streamer growth involve already-large channels in the middle of group content.

I totally get why so many people burn out so quickly if they don't manage to break out early on. It actually hurts looking at the kind of number struggles the bulk of Vtubers face, even the ones who look like they're on an uptick.

>> No.13539555

Doesn't count faggot

>> No.13539557

I don't think any of those people are 2view level.

>> No.13539571
Quoted by: >>13539747

God, I still remember just how much of a shitshow that collab was. Not even the good kind of scuff.

>> No.13539623

Minecraft, or some other kind of long running game where you can go back to it every so often to build up a consistent narrative.

>> No.13539625

>How does a 2view even do that, though?

Either join a circle of indies they can get along with and hope they all get noticed at some point.


Be involved in drama.


Join a company, like what Suisei and Kuzuha did. Suisei has her own Cinderella story from her indie days.

>> No.13539675
Quoted by: >>13540545

Basically become Vshoujo.

>> No.13539708

Contract one of the Holo mama's to design their model and have them use Hololive tags.

>> No.13539747
Quoted by: >>13540386

Speaking of, did anything notable happen to Zen?

>> No.13539776
Quoted by: >>13539807

You do know Kuzuha was already big even before he joined Niji right?

Also, yeah, either be embroiled in drama (like Chibidoki) or join small unofficial groups. Or suck corporate dick and hope they notice you

>> No.13539782
Quoted by: >>13539956

Baelz 10k
>Baelz 10k
Baelz 10k
>Baelz 10k

>> No.13539807
Quoted by: >>13540152

Chibidoki has drama?

>> No.13539825
Quoted by: >>13540117

I just stumbled upon the tvtropes page for Hololive and Niji


Comparing them both, the Niji tropes page is kinda barren compared to the Hololive tropes page.

>> No.13539832

At this point, more people will audition for Vshojo instead of Hololive. With Vshojo, they get the support and even connection to get a 3D model. And if Vshojo wants to go to that route, they can totally rent a studio if talents want to perform on stage in 3D. In Hololive, there's no guarantee you will succeed, I mean, look at Sana, Fauna and Kiara, they get pathetic numbers but on Vshojo, those who work hard will get at least 8k-10k median.

>> No.13539956

I'd hope so, they're making good progress on the game and tis also starting to get late enough that SEA+ AUS is getting back from school.

>> No.13540009

>Be involved in drama.
And this is why the indie en vtubing sphere is pretty much a never ending calvacade of petty drama, because it's pretty much the only sure fire way to get some eyeballs on you. Hell, nobody would've heard of Kyutto if some retards hadn't thrown a fit over her loli avatar, and now she's one of the more successful twitch indie vtubers. Bad publicity is still publicity really holds true for indie vtubers.

>> No.13540022

>Artgun 3d
Yea I think I'd rather fucking neck myself thanks.

>> No.13540073

Kek, imagine thinking Japanese 3D tech is any better

>> No.13540080

u're saying as if 3d is the endgoal

>> No.13540087
Quoted by: >>13540284

Kek, imagine replying to obvious bait

>> No.13540089

Nice try 3 Vshojo doesn't represent that they're a successful group >>13538402 can't even beat Sana, Kiara and Fauna Kek

>> No.13540117
Quoted by: >>13540484

I'm pretty sure the niji tv tropes page is only made because hololive has a tv tropes page, so obviously it'd be less well maintained

>> No.13540152
Quoted by: >>13540183

Need I remind you of the Vtuber thighs drama?

>> No.13540183
Quoted by: >>13540288

That's kyutto, not chibidoki.
Unless you're refering to some other vtuber thighs drama

>> No.13540284

Gimme More of those hooks, we're at bump limit anyways and I'm booorrrreeeeeed (I'm okay with baitposting and pointless shitflinging once bump limit is reached, I'm more annoyed when it happens at the start of a new thread)

>> No.13540288

Yeah I'm a retard. I meant Kyutto

>> No.13540386

He got a new model, something more robotic.

>> No.13540407

If you're a Holofag, which group do you prefer, NijiEN or Vshojo?

>> No.13540432
Quoted by: >>13540573

Oh fuck off, make your own bait thread if you like biting bait so much. Or better yet, take part in the fifteen bait threads currently infesting the catalogue because of the nux/vshitshow drama and vshocucks running damage control

>> No.13540435

Any Big YouTubers or streamers that would play the holo game?

>> No.13540484

Nijikeks desperately trying to copy the fan projects of Hololive, yet doesn't have enough fans to do it.

>> No.13540483


>> No.13540487

Anon, literally yesterday https://holo.poi.cat/stream/8qESYeTMQ2w go fuck yourself retard

>> No.13540511

NijiEN because it doesn't have pink cat in it

>> No.13540532
Quoted by: >>13540621

Why would I go for Hololite?

At least Vshojo has actual creative freedom and is radically different from Hololive.

>> No.13540545
Quoted by: >>13540576

Or UniVirtuals

>> No.13540572

Do you think anyone in Nijisanji will jump ship to Sony?

>> No.13540573

Some Anons just can't help themselves, and that's why the thread goes turboshit during bait hours and bump limit. Worse now than before since /qa/ is RIP.

>> No.13540576
Quoted by: >>13540660

The what?

>> No.13540605
Quoted by: >>13541049

NijiEN is more reminiscent of HoloEN than the Twitch culture that fills Vshojo, which has always been its biggest turn-off for me. If I had to choose, I'd definitely choose NijiEN.

>> No.13540619

If I didn't want shitposting, I wouldn't have visited this website.

>> No.13540621

Yeah but it has pink cat in it

>> No.13540633
Quoted by: >>13540675

Can't freaking wait for nux to bring his fans and hell fire onto vshojo. This guys loves drama. Be scared vshojotard

>> No.13540660


>> No.13540675

You have fifteen fucking threads to shit in, fuck off

>> No.13540698

NijiEN of course, Why would I prefer a group that invites drama?

>> No.13540711

What happened with /qa/ anyway?

>> No.13540770
Quoted by: >>13541118

This place may be docile and off topic now but when the gen 3 concert slips it will be glorious. Us nijisanji fans are licking our lips at the 35k this will get.

>> No.13540804

It got locked down and now no one can post in it.
And good riddance too since it's long since outlived its purpose and basically became a place for retards to circlejerk themselves for being retards

>> No.13540842
Quoted by: >>13541258

It was nuked since they threatened to doxx the mods/admins apparently.

>> No.13541049

Lol NijiEN copied Holos style and themes so of course they'd be similar.

>> No.13541118

is there a niji stream that will beat that today?

>> No.13541258

nice, someone should do the same with jp

>> No.13541294
File: 33 KB, 1039x293, gen3concert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concert on in 20 minutes
>only 4k in waiting
it is too early for it
and it's thursday
and anyone who cares bought tickets
and the views will be leached by other members
this will not win a strong gold if any gold at all. 35k, 40k tops.

>> No.13541329

VShojo because i hate nijifags

>> No.13541389

i hate Niji, but i take Niji anyday than a group of whore

>> No.13541403

>it is too early for it
>and it's thursday
>and anyone who cares bought tickets
Anon, Suisei's sololive was also under those condition and she still get 42k. Sankisei is more popular than Suisei alone.

>> No.13541402
Quoted by: >>13541501

Pretty sure it will have around 30mins of waiting before the free-portion actually starts.
I say it still can go 50k-60k.

Besides even if it only get 40k, does Niji have anything that can get 40k+ today?

>> No.13541436

Did Hololive main ch just fucking drop the new episode of maruyama 20 minutes before the free part as a waiting room? That's fucking numberfag genius.

>> No.13541459

There are 2 leaches and niconico
> Sankisei is more popular than Suisei alone.
Yes. And they bought tickets.

>> No.13541496

Well, at least it’s a step up from what they done before, overlapping it with lives and collabs

>> No.13541501

Look at the graphs for past concerts, the first 20 min is always a very slow incline as people filter in and either tab out or wait for the first announcement, which causes a faster incline until it the actual free part startsz after which it rapidly inclines again until the free part is done.
In other words, wait until the free part starts to start guessing what the peak might be, because before that it's all smoke and mirrors from YouTube's end.

>> No.13541535
Quoted by: >>13541560


>> No.13541553
Quoted by: >>13541925

https://youtu.be/MfLWYoBdkUE Astrophysics is another fan creator. This is just going to get more people to make free stuff for Hololive.

>> No.13541560

The same thing as usual?

>> No.13541566

Oh they did.
Well then, looks like someone's been thinking about when to drop them instead of dropping them head-to-head vs big events.

>> No.13541588
File: 118 KB, 828x293, BCB49EBE-1123-4171-836D-564A95CD9F05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel surely uses anti slip shoes and puts chains in her tyres

>> No.13541655

Retard, Suisie's concert was unwatchable for the first hour on SPWN.
It was 10 fps so people were switching to youtubbe.

>> No.13541702

kanata and kiara having a combined waiting room of 3.5k, say it with me, they are royal cunts.

>> No.13541749

>numbersfagging jops waiting numbers

>> No.13541812

This is Gen 3 Concert, all of them are much famous than Coco.
I say it'll get 500k easy.

>> No.13541824
File: 11 KB, 607x359, 632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13541887

I pity (You).

>> No.13541925

Was kinda expecting him to collab with Gura first after she sang his version of Fly me to the Moon, but this is also cool.

>> No.13541943

Same anon here, sorry, I misspoke. I meant 15k.

Sorry for looking like I was falseflagging

>> No.13541999
Quoted by: >>13549047

It won't hit 60k. Mark my words.

>> No.13542043
File: 2.18 MB, 2048x1536, 1614027186710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13542078

Go big or go home. Free part will get 100k

>> No.13542089

> social distancing
How many brownie points Cover is trying to collect from the JP government?

>> No.13542125
Quoted by: >>13542170

Cover needs to make Calli Japanese.

>> No.13542148
File: 495 KB, 1095x370, image_2021-11-25_153559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13542170

No amount of brownie points can make that happen.

>> No.13542177

considering they got the Japan consulate person to pose with their members, I would say quite a bit

>> No.13542202

So about 8k of hololive watchers should just neck themselves, better take out your oshi while you're at it.

>> No.13542204

Should they do Anykara way by not letting screenshot/photo/recording?

>> No.13542227

>Kuzuha concert was way more packed than this
who were the faggots claiming holo were more popular in Japan?

>> No.13542234

It's some unreleased cuts from Season 1. Season 2 starts next week and is every 2 weeks.

>> No.13542245

That is preshow anon. We still have half an hour to go.

>> No.13542259
File: 33 KB, 425x70, image_2021-11-25_163859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo only anykara is evil and doesn't allow recordings
oh no no no looks like cover hates recordings too

>> No.13542280
Quoted by: >>13542328

Are there really people out there with bad enough taste they'd want to listen to Kiara's awful chicken voice spouting "commentary" over the singing of the 3rd gen?

>> No.13542285
File: 308 KB, 600x602, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo is okay

>> No.13542287
Quoted by: >>13542335

Social distancing is being practiced. Atleast try to get some context before saying retarded shit.

>> No.13542315
Quoted by: >>13542348

>larping as a retard

>> No.13542328


>> No.13542335

>social distancing
>cover still pretends the chinkflu is real
right, tell me again all about how cover is not in bed with the chinks

>> No.13542342

Preshow anon if this is niji they would be doing audience interview shit.

>> No.13542343
Quoted by: >>13543262

Screenshots have always been fine, what faggot days RECORDINGS have ever been fine? NEITHER CORP has ever been okay with recording.

>> No.13542348

u're complimenting him anon

>> No.13542358

>11 minutes in
>still a flat screen

>> No.13542364

>only 20k watching
No gold. No gold. No gold.
I'm a hololive fan but I can see the writing on the wall for us. We're not winning.

>> No.13542388
File: 33 KB, 944x704, 1625350595424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13542399
File: 921 KB, 422x750, wagie_wagie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to post this again.

>> No.13542407
File: 61 KB, 1096x545, 1610689263535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on, the numbers aren't even high yet

>> No.13542408

Does this retard think Cover rule over Japan or something? i dont mind, though

>> No.13542415

Where is the ccv number on https://live.nicovideo.jp

>> No.13542428

Already higher than Mito and almost passed Watame.

>> No.13542449

you think people are gonna ask for his signature kek

>> No.13542456

Oh no no no nijikeks thought Twitter was your realm

>> No.13542479
Quoted by: >>13542661

nice try zhang you aren't getting away from paying reperations that easily

>> No.13542490

oh shit

>> No.13542492
Quoted by: >>13542638


>> No.13542505
File: 795 KB, 2591x1783, hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bite just because I am bringing numbers along for the ride.

>> No.13542510

my kneels...

>> No.13542542
Quoted by: >>13542661

the chinks are the ones who pretend covid is gone and dead because they slayed it.

>> No.13542639

>suddenly Pekker

>> No.13542638
Quoted by: >>13542702

that's a really small venue. why didn't they get a bigger one considering how popular gen 3 is?

>> No.13542661 [DELETED] 

covid exists but there's zero evidence it's lethal and even if it was it can be cured by ivermectin anyway so social distancing rules are retarded

>> No.13542683

Shut up and pay reperations chink

>> No.13542687

Gods please don't start this here.

>> No.13542702

No need for now. Once covid is over, they can easily rent THE Tokyo Dome. And streaming tickets are same price so they are not losing anything. All of the merch is going to sell out anyway.

>> No.13542712
File: 640 KB, 2048x1536, 1637830121003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13542734

>speaking starts
>Instant incline occurs
Every fucking time.
Well, let's see how high it gets by the end, because it's going to spike again once the actual concert starts.

>> No.13542759
Quoted by: >>13542788

what is the capacity

>> No.13542760

The girls start saying the normal preamble about rules and shit, Ahoy starts playing in the background and numbers jump 10k.

>> No.13542779
File: 1.07 MB, 2247x1074, 365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13542821

For anyone that cares.

>> No.13542788


>> No.13542793 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13542882

>already peaked
oh no no no
holobros looks like loosing today

>> No.13542801
Quoted by: >>13542839

Gen 3 actually have decent female fanbase huh.

>> No.13542821

I wonder how that corresponds to the CCV.

>> No.13542830
Quoted by: >>13543086

If this gets even 40k I will be shocked. 50k is too much. 60k is too much for a free part of a concert.

>> No.13542839

How much of it is due to NoeFure I wonder ...

>> No.13542869

6 hrs 170K views

>> No.13542882

You're not even managing to get to the level of shitposting.

>> No.13542896
Quoted by: >>13542981

This is like a scheduled tweet at this point. I was shitposting but I really did not think that her original song will be the only video on her channel this month

>> No.13542932

>only 32k

>> No.13542935

Why's pekora at the center?

>> No.13542960
Quoted by: >>13542986

This event will not be Big because Risu isn't streaming over it

>> No.13542970

ace and the strongest

>> No.13542972

Are your asking because you don't know or because your baiting? I wonder...

>> No.13542981

She better be a god at this point.

>> No.13542986
Quoted by: >>13543047

kek, where is the HoloID special when we need them

>> No.13543047

The same meme that Ayame only overlaps with a big event to suck some viewers.

>> No.13543084

40k get

>> No.13543086
File: 482 KB, 609x1309, 938FBD1B-4725-4739-8B8A-739EBC5A85CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40k cleared.

>> No.13543092
File: 989 KB, 2048x1536, distancing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that also related to a social distancing? Or they just weren't able to sell all tickets?

>> No.13543127


>> No.13543129

can you even see the AR at the angle?

>> No.13543130

You can't see anything from that angle so they just emptied those seats.

>> No.13543137
File: 16 KB, 1291x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even gonna reach 1m views in 7 days at this point. Pace flopped horribly after the first day.

>> No.13543165

Considering they had to hold a lottery for the tickets I don't think they had trouble with selling them.

>> No.13543176

Already passed Suisei's sololive.

>> No.13543195
File: 360 KB, 915x306, image_2021-11-25_160518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13543231

First gen live :
18:05 JST ~55400
18:10 JST ~61230

>> No.13543262
Quoted by: >>13543458

I record all concerts I buy. I do not wait for gay blurays.

>> No.13543272
File: 569 KB, 828x975, 6FFFFB2D-C2C3-42E4-9E86-285370181CF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even gonna reach 1m views in 7 days at this point
Speaking of failing to reach 1M, WTF is going on with Contrail? It’s looking like it’ll have its 2nd month anniversary and not there yet

>> No.13543284

probably reach 60k but not 70k

>> No.13543296

always kinda surprises me how tall pekora is

>> No.13543303

It's a really forgetable song. Not horrible, but really not the kind you'd want as a first 3rd gen single.

>> No.13543331

At least it's not Blue Clapper.

>> No.13543347

50k Get

>> No.13543374

What's wrong with Blue Clapper?

>> No.13543409
Quoted by: >>13543484

It's a generic anime OP song for a CGDCT anime. Fits the bill, honestly.

>> No.13543411

>Inb4 Gen5 schizo enter the chat

>> No.13543425

It's forgettable trash that hurts the ears.

>> No.13543424

It doesn’t even clap

>> No.13543433
Quoted by: >>13543498

Is there a chance that Pekora will stream today? She must not be satisfied with this kind of numbers.

>> No.13543454

You mean model height or real height?

>> No.13543458
Quoted by: >>13543582

I mean of it's for personal use, that's not too much of an issue due to the wait. If you're going to go and upload that, I disapprove but w/e.

>> No.13543459

>hot limit
seriously Peko and Noel are just too weak for this song

>> No.13543463
Quoted by: >>13543509

50k+12.5k watchalong

>60k get

>> No.13543466

>50k CCV

>> No.13543484
Quoted by: >>13543705

>It's a generic anime OP song for a CGDCT anime
Yeah, but even among those you have good ones, catchy ones, original ones and simply bland ones, and this one is definitely on the bland side.

>> No.13543498

I thought all gen 3 are doing free talk after concert? All Separate streams though.

>> No.13543509

is this how this gonna be? kuzuha vs 3 stream

>> No.13543516
File: 511 KB, 642x1370, DF6FD42B-474B-4A6F-9B00-614BEBEBF52D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13543618

First AI check checkpoint reached

>> No.13543517


>> No.13543521
Quoted by: >>13543584

Nijisanji AR concerts are more immersive, no wonder this is slipping.

>> No.13543528

50k then 49k because of the skit then 50k struggling to rise

>> No.13543569

At least Blue Clapper is very powerful as an ear worm. You can't say the same for the 3rd gen song. Hell, even the title is forgetable. I literally can't remember what it was even though I listened to it several times already.

>> No.13543574

We have 12.5k held hostage by chicken and leech

>> No.13543576

First gen live :
18:15 JST >65000

>> No.13543582

This is 4chan you big baby. Not Twitter.

>> No.13543584
Quoted by: >>13543947

i see no number in this post? are you lost nijinigger?
51k rn

>> No.13543586

This is not a fucking live
I have been scammed

>> No.13543599
Quoted by: >>13543736

>only 51k
Can totally slip.

>> No.13543618

yeah i noticed that too.

>> No.13543655

Is it just me or is this below the standard of quality of the recent FREE lives that holo has been putting out recently?

>> No.13543675

the one that destroy maimoto

>> No.13543684

Mel set the new standard

>> No.13543690

This is below Suisei and Watame for sure.

>> No.13543705
Quoted by: >>13544927

I am one the idolfag side of things, so I am willing to cut them slack given their company only recently became and actually profit making business. It isn't easy or simple even when you can throw money at the problem to make it go away.

I wonder if true thematic songs would be well received though...

>> No.13543724
Quoted by: >>13543788

>51k to 53k jump

>> No.13543727
Quoted by: >>13543831

We have a new tool!

>> No.13543736

To what though? Isn't the only thing niji is putting up today Valorant tournament? No way that brings 50k.

>> No.13543739


>> No.13543749

Cover hates pekora its to be expected

>> No.13543782

The King

>> No.13543788

Senchou ... I kneel

>> No.13543825
Quoted by: >>13543911

OK, AHOY today surpasses Maimoto too

>> No.13543826

>imagine doubting King

>> No.13543830

Atleast Marine got them to 55k. It was struggling at 51k before AHoy

>> No.13543831

Oh shiny! seems to combine a lot of the good features from other places.

>> No.13543838

55k get

>> No.13543839

55k now

>> No.13543840

threading the 60k

>> No.13543842

ahoy is making it incline

>> No.13543876

bronze boy? Or was it pewter?

>> No.13543901

>imagine calling silverboy king

>> No.13543907
Quoted by: >>13543988

Wait, you guys are ACTUALLY watching the stream?

Thought the idea was just watch the numbers

>> No.13543911

maimoto bros...

>> No.13543927

I don't know if this is prerecorded or not but it break the "live on the stage" illusion.

>> No.13543928
Quoted by: >>13543961

>Kuzuha 56k free part mogged

>> No.13543947
File: 146 KB, 1161x377, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13544051


>> No.13543961

>incoming "it took entire gen 3 to defeat king" cope

>> No.13543988

You're in too deep for me anon. Numberfagging for shit I don't care about is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.13544010
File: 492 KB, 1222x835, image_2021-11-25_162146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13544059

>> No.13544019
Quoted by: >>13544104

>Rushia, Danchou, Flare
>group song
This is actually a good way of boosting the least known for music, honestly.

>> No.13544022

One thing I always wonder during these lives on the main channel. Why hasn't cover added memberships and added all the cheer emotes from the talents channels?

>> No.13544034

>200 people on cytube
>40 live viewers on the test stream

>> No.13544039

I guess 57k was the peak, decent but i really expected much more.

Now then, can it win Gold today i wonder?

>> No.13544045
Quoted by: >>13544090

>why hasn't cover done something competent yet?
do you really have to ask?

>> No.13544051
Quoted by: >>13544154

is that the full concert?

>> No.13544059

It's been inclining the whole time you dumb fucks. Susan just stalled it at 51k

>> No.13544064

>again stalling at 57k

>> No.13544072
File: 10 KB, 743x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13544087

albino kiddo.

>> No.13544090
Quoted by: >>13544155

I mean, it's like they hate money.

>> No.13544091

Now, how many of those have Adblock? What about regions? TEAT PARAMETERS ANON, I MUST HAVE THEM.

>> No.13544104

What the, I didn't even mean to reply to anything

>> No.13544105

anything else interesthing happening beside it?

>> No.13544119

60k for Marine's unison

>> No.13544130

Concert is okayish. Bushiroad sponsored concert > hololive concert so far.

>> No.13544154
Quoted by: >>13544200


>> No.13544155
Quoted by: >>13544247

monetizing the main channel seems more jewish than usual

>> No.13544171

Will that be the last song for the free-portion?

>> No.13544180
File: 47 KB, 984x294, hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13544185

I think they are prioritizing the online viewers with this kind live

>> No.13544184
Quoted by: >>13544525

only 100k
niji got more

>> No.13544191

Daily Oricon has updated. The only vtuber album that got in top 30 was Reflexion, it ranked only twenty-seventh… that’s a steep decline. You can also go back a day or two and see sales, I guess it’s what they call "preorders"? Is it considered a first day then? Anyway, yesterday ranking shows that Reflexion sold 7459 copies (ranked third), that’s worse than even Raindrops (they had 8-10k sales first day), to compare their previous cover album sold 21550 copies first day. I suppose an overall drop in popularity and just a worse lineup have affected the sales severely, plus the album’s focusing on old songs instead of mainstream songs like the previous one. By the way, their albums are the only ones that have ONLY a physical release.
Sora’s cover album ranked twenty-fifth first day in a daily ranking, Kotone’s cover album took 29th place the same day. That’s surprisingly close, I guess it will be only 1.5-2.5k overall sales for both of them. Oricon anon is needed for exact numbers.

>> No.13544196
File: 16 KB, 940x333, 1635898474320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13544299


>> No.13544200
Quoted by: >>13544284

It last 1hr rather than 30min

>> No.13544203

>monetizing main channel

>> No.13544223

>didn't hit 60k
Welp, didnt think this would get less than the Gen1 free part watchalong, that's for sure.
Yes, I'm aware that more people may have tickets, etc etc etc, but unless Cover felt like releasing those we only have a CCV head-to-head to compare.

>> No.13544229

they aren't a jew

>> No.13544247

Well. Niji does, not saying it's a good thing just that it's a good option. Would bring bucks no questions asked.

>> No.13544250

Why is Rimuru in there? That blue light sounds like him

>> No.13544257
File: 318 KB, 875x322, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13544321


>> No.13544273

Beat Kuzuha concert at least

>> No.13544277
Quoted by: >>13544361

was gen1 also on NND?

>> No.13544284
Quoted by: >>13544354

So now length is important? But wasn't important for all mogged posts about Kuzuha's 17 minute free part?

>> No.13544299

>can’t even beat thanksgiving

>> No.13544300


>> No.13544304

I mean the performers also better. Suisei's and Watame's sololive are way better than this.

>> No.13544312
File: 357 KB, 905x305, image_2021-11-25_162853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13544388

>> No.13544315

What a disappointment. Marines birthday live with gen 3 had 120k. As a NijiEN fan I worry about gen 3's health.

>> No.13544321

turn off low latency mode, assuming you're watching on spwn
If you're watching on NNDogshit well tough luck

>> No.13544322

doesnt mean anything

>> No.13544334

Okay, now the ball is firmly in Niji's court
I'm always prepared for a surprise

>> No.13544347

Pekora got these numbers streaming that trash Korone game

>> No.13544354

i mean the longer a stream the easier it is to get viewers.

>> No.13544361
Quoted by: >>13544420

I'm pretty sure that all of the concerts are streamed on NND if they have paid tickets. Dunno about free concerts though.

>> No.13544385
File: 205 KB, 687x270, N8KNbv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchalongs might have affected the numbers a bit.
But yeah, knowing what we know about Gen 3 and their 3D live numbers, 58k is quite low so there's likely a significant amount of people who are watching on SPWN.
(The 3D announcement stream of this very concert got 94k on the same channel).

>> No.13544388

God I want to strangle the angel and deep fry the chicken.

>> No.13544394

maybe you should worry more about wave 3 flop

>> No.13544408

Main ch debuff

>> No.13544420

Fes1, Fes2, and Bloom was on NND and SPWN. Aqua's sololive was on NND, Suisei and Watame's sololive was on SPWN.

>> No.13544441

Maybe you should worry about giving (you)s to the obvious shitposts.

>> No.13544455
Quoted by: >>13544472

More like Gen 3 flop

>> No.13544456
Quoted by: >>13544562

>Reflexion sold 7459 copies (ranked third), that’s worse than even Raindrops (they had 8-10k sales first day), to compare their previous cover album sold 21550 copies first day.
Oof... and here I posted 2 weeks ago that it was guaranteed to sell well so why doesn't Cover do the same lol

>> No.13544459
Quoted by: >>13544498

Was definitely expecting more. But 58k should just be above slippage territory.

>> No.13544472


>> No.13544477

Are they going to do the aftershow on niconico or somewhere else? Would be interesting to see for numbers.

>> No.13544480

>flop gen

>> No.13544498

In before Pekora comes home, streams some obscure thing and gets 60k.

>> No.13544525

screenshot for the free part?

>> No.13544544 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13544660

>to compare their previous cover album sold 21550 copies first day
Post the proof. Prismatic colors sold 24834 copies first week so I find it hard to believe that most was sold on the first day.

>> No.13544562

is mostly lowlivers so any chance for it to sell good was gone.

>> No.13544600

pekora set a stream five minutes before the day ends

>> No.13544605

>Reflexion sold 7459 copies
What the fuck that's really low.

>> No.13544612
File: 379 KB, 960x536, ayamefang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13544645

hey mad chinks, how would you feel if i told you that ayame is in that concert?

>> No.13544630

At least reflexion has Nui in it so that +1 copy from me kek

>> No.13544641

This would be a neat AR concert but doesnt work that well as a normal one.

>> No.13544643
File: 29 KB, 943x575, 1629577877301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are burgers like this?

>> No.13544645


>> No.13544660
File: 83 KB, 620x516, 6541AAB4-CB35-4EAB-B230-9263A9A1C7F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13544677

did they woke up or something? some minutes ago it wasn't even in the top 10

>> No.13544723

>#4 on eops
tick tock Lebron

>> No.13544726

Ame's new clip: 180K in 7 hrs
Imagine Gura just uploads her past 3D smol moments.

>> No.13544778
Quoted by: >>13545047

The third rank on daily album chart only sold 1900 copies so Niji, Sora, and Kotone sold way less than that.

>> No.13544801

So she has basically one hour to get a higher peak. Since the daily stops the count at 1 am jst. i highly doubt it will happen.

>> No.13544880
Quoted by: >>13544937


I'm pretty sure all gen 3 set by now are just free chats for the concert

>> No.13544895

1 hour is more than enough

>> No.13544927

The vast majority of hololive orisongs are standard idol theme songs. It gets really repetitive, especially if you already watch other Anidol stuff like im@s. Only the more music focused holos have more unique stuff like Suisei, Watame, Towa Calli...

>> No.13544937

forgive them, they weren't around during the other holo concerts

>> No.13544973
File: 124 KB, 1042x101, albums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13545086

Guess Sora's popularity didn't grow that much since her previous releases.

>> No.13544991

Too much talking fuck this, cover pls collaborate with bushiroad again

>> No.13545047

That's the previous day anon.

>> No.13545052
File: 158 KB, 1497x412, valorant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN, Valorant surely is numbers poison. Selen is smart and seems to be staying clear of that

>> No.13545063
Quoted by: >>13545165

They did say that this is more like musical stage than a concert...... But fuck if I pay for the venue ticket I'll be mad.

>> No.13545086

Maybe it’s only me but I wouldn’t bother buying cover albums.

>> No.13545110

They aren't Suisei or Watame, it doesn't matter who sponsors the concert

>> No.13545116



>> No.13545165

Eh, I don't know. I've paid and I feel that it's worth it so far. Some songs, a bit of bants, top notch.

>> No.13545174
Quoted by: >>13545220

What the fuck is their management doing? Anycolor really needs to remove these incompetent people.

>> No.13545194

please understand, they're getting filtered by all the Japanese

>> No.13545198

We have different expectation I guess

>> No.13545199
Quoted by: >>13545324

You guys really think Pekroa will just leave and starts a stream after their month practiced concert?
Pretty sure they'll celebrate and eat together after the thing.

>> No.13545220

The only point of management in nijisan is to make sure the talent pay their dues to the company. They provide no support or suggestions, only there to extort money.

>> No.13545232
File: 20 KB, 944x329, 544113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13545392

Lebron mogged

>> No.13545246

Wish they seriously worked on their dance reps.
One of the things I enjoyed the most about Watame's concert is that she was doing actual choreography during her songs.

>> No.13545265

It's 3rd gen, anon. What did you expect? Most people aren't coming for them because of the singing.

>> No.13545307
File: 23 KB, 939x446, 1618712728633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13545557


>> No.13545312

>Music focused
Doesn't she only have one original after nearly two years?

>> No.13545324

3 of the girls have schedules streams later today.
And no, I was only jokingly suggesting that if this would slip it would be to Pekora mogging her own gens concert by doing something no one would expect.

>> No.13545330

It took marine 15 minutes to beat maimoto

>> No.13545370
Quoted by: >>13545453

Pekora was dancing better in Mel's live.
Flare is actually good at dancing but the coreography makes her look like a stiff.

Noel, Marine, and Rushia are lost causes though.

>> No.13545373

Twitter hashtag already passed Suisei.

>> No.13545375

Fair I guess. It's just that her voice forces her to sing more unique stuff

>> No.13545392

us is racist

>> No.13545395

>music focused
more like CR cup focused

>> No.13545453

Rushia's singing is good. Her body is incredibly weak so she can't dance a lot to begin with

>> No.13545493

I mean, you have to tune the choreography to the lowest skill level, otherwise it just looks bad.
You could see Pekora's growth in Mel's live compared to how she danced previously. And even marine doesn't look like a white man dancing during this (not claiming that it's a stellar performance though).

>> No.13545555

haachama has pretty unique songs if you count the short songs that she wrote the lyrics for. the rap songs, not the parody songs.

>> No.13545557

Okay, how the fuck is Twitter trending works

>> No.13545609
Quoted by: >>13546158

Check clears (or ideological alignment ticks) Twitter mod press button, TREND!

>> No.13545644

Famous or verified accounts probably counts as a higher traction value for trending.

>> No.13545725

Finally live after one hour.

>> No.13545762
File: 1 KB, 125x48, 1637834433584s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this count as a Reine win?

>> No.13545779

Doesn't Rushia have some actual health problems that stop her from doing strenuous activity?

>> No.13545792
File: 13 KB, 449x165, 1608265514320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13545856

your thumbnail rep...

>> No.13545803


LMAO how

>> No.13545806

holy shit

>> No.13545811
File: 10 KB, 338x130, 1637834433584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13545853
File: 734 KB, 1164x655, 1621929924195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red means women btw

>> No.13545856

reine funded the whole thing

>> No.13545864
File: 319 KB, 890x497, 1618884143024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of woman

>> No.13545878


>> No.13545933

Woman ratio
Sankisei > Suisei > Watame

>> No.13545952


>> No.13545955

So there are women watching Hololive.
Or these are the girlfriends of the sankisei fans attending?

>> No.13545962

I'm not a woman but I want Flare to ride my face and Noel to peg me. I still wish we had horny threads.

>> No.13545989

But we do?

>> No.13545997
Quoted by: >>13546072

Flare is relatively popular with women.

>> No.13546057

We do actually.
And split threads also post a lot of lewds of their oshi.

>> No.13546072

also rushia has many female fandead

>> No.13546140

is that a 60-40 ratio? at least we are sure they are not fujos

>> No.13546158
Quoted by: >>13546425

You really think there's some ideology behind manga spoilers trending? C'mon
It's a AI based so there's no clear answer to that. Most likely, it's a lot of engagement (likes/replies/retweets) in a short timeframe (so 100k tweets in a day might count for less than 1k tweets in 1 second). Also, the algorithm is highly biased towards Roman letters (most likely due to a English based-training set) so random English words are more likely to trend than Kana or Kanji keywords.

>> No.13546249

Really? I don't think I saw that many women on the photos posted before.

>> No.13546297
File: 5 KB, 547x134, 1616075808605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13546322

How many did Suisei's concert get?

>> No.13546322
File: 7 KB, 259x126, 1606335965866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13546358
Quoted by: >>13546395

>different color based on sex
kek, imagine this show in Amerikek. A tranny comes to watch and given a blue one

>> No.13546395

These switch colors anon.

>> No.13546425

>AI based
Twitter has been forced to admit it ‘sometimes’ flips a toggle. Basically we can never be sure why

>> No.13546467

>Emperor H-Hal… ;-(

>> No.13546480

Anycolor not paying enough money to have them flip the switch for their events.

>> No.13546493
Quoted by: >>13546745

It's always smart to have an AI override.

>> No.13546516
File: 55 KB, 828x153, D5DC8F2D-AE71-43C1-9F50-109E0F1C2105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13546521

Time to search a new game

>> No.13546523

wow, marine handsome voice

maybe that's why there's so many women

>> No.13546561
File: 1.01 MB, 1661x1363, 3666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13546558

when's Kuzuha starting?

>> No.13546663

The concert may have been a mixed of recorded and live, but it's better than the AR niji puts up with. I don't want to watch uncanny looking virtual streamers on an AR stage, I want to watch an anime concert.

>> No.13546734

How is AR bad? And how is it number-related?

>> No.13546740
File: 907 KB, 672x1100, Kuzuha.(VTuber).full.3124072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13546773

holocope if i ever see one

>> No.13546745

Anon, it’s not “AI” with an “override button”. These companies aren’t dumb to allow for the most prominent space in their sites to be user generated.

Twitter trending is a curated list. The list of potential choices may be automatic and maybe it even is on a “gets published if not overridden” basis but it is a curated list nonetheless.
And more than enough cases trends just “disappear” and then the purposefully misspelled alternative to the hashtag starts trending, only to disappear again.
In other cases hashtags with low thousand posts trend for long without getting any significant traction.

Twitter trending is a curated list. YouTube trending (and the videos that appear in that page) is a curated list. Google News front page is a curated list.
And these companies would be dumb it that was not the case.

>> No.13546767

People get fooled because she really leaves her mark on her covers and 3D lives. Error is basically her signature song even though it's a cover and she produced what was basically a remixed bloom concert for her birthday and in person live band for her anniversary.

>> No.13546773

show us screenshots nijikek kun, it's been a while the last time i watched stickman

>> No.13546824
File: 1.05 MB, 2961x923, cuteboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So there are women watching Hololive.
That vast majority of all viewers are male but their is outliers

>> No.13546827
File: 54 KB, 828x158, FE662F70-C85C-42CA-A5FF-C535A4F01939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13547051

Even more than the King, Kanae was one of the biggest casualties of the demise of APEX.

>> No.13546948

Towa-sama i kneel, why most of them love her.

>> No.13546984
Quoted by: >>13547169

I wonder if all the apex viewers just switch to watch actual pros instead. Ceo of apex, imperialhal still has his usual numbers but then again tsm fanbase is different from your usual fanbase.

>> No.13547051

His pokemon stream gets good numbers.

>> No.13547127
Quoted by: >>13547263

List of silvers so far

>2021-11-01 :: 31541 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-02 :: 37603 :: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>2021-11-03 :: 38754 :: Shion (Hololive)
>2021-11-04 :: 24261 :: Korone (Hololive)
>2021-11-05 :: 35056 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-06 :: 45785 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-07 :: 36533 :: Marine (Hololive)
>2021-11-08 :: 49804 :: Aqua (Hololive)
>2021-11-09 :: 35038 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-10 :: 48573 :: Marine (Hololive)
>2021-11-11 :: 47363 :: Shibuya Hal (merise)
>2021-11-12 :: 31268 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-13 :: 46496 :: Suisei (Hololive)
>2021-11-14 :: 34569 :: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>2021-11-15 :: 35839 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-16 :: 25194 :: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>2021-11-17 :: 28113 :: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>2021-11-18 :: 55333 :: Haachama (Hololive)
>2021-11-19 :: 29346 :: Hajime (Nijisanji)
>2021-11-20 :: 51413 :: Marine (Hololive)
>2021-11-21 :: 83690 :: Pekora (Hololive)
>2021-11-22 :: 31246 :: Toya (Nijisanji)
>2021-11-23 :: 56025 :: Marine (Hololive)
>2021-11-24 :: 51269 :: Pekora (Hololive)

>> No.13547163
Quoted by: >>13547198

According to Joysound karaoke :
Marine Ahoy has 67% male 37 % female,
probably one of the highest female percentage.

>> No.13547169
Quoted by: >>13547272

dunno about everyone else, but i watch the same apex vtubers i usually watch. they've just been playing less apex recently.

>> No.13547170
File: 7 KB, 233x128, 1635055507807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

190k at the end of the concert.

>> No.13547198

63% male 37 % female

>> No.13547199

File name gets me everytime

>> No.13547221

how do you know?

>> No.13547260


uhh, watching the concert?

>> No.13547263

Pekora winning both gold and silver this month it looks like.

>> No.13547272
Quoted by: >>13547427

>they've just been playing less apex recently.
Because Respawn done goof’d with server maintenance and things went sideways for the newest seasons.

That custom that Selen would play with Kanae and server problems prevented may have happened in the same moment a last straw situation occurred for the community at large.

Who the fuck would want to be fighting to go from the lobby to the game half the time?

>> No.13547278

bros i need a jk kenzoku gf

>> No.13547281
File: 80 KB, 553x191, 9871233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the minecraft collab was hyped?

>> No.13547283

They literally said : man please use blue and woman please use red

>> No.13547301
Quoted by: >>13547329

vshoujo is dying

>> No.13547314

"hyped", you mean by some self posters?

>> No.13547321
Quoted by: >>13547510

Horrible concert. gen 3 will recline after this.

>> No.13547325

Two streams coming up soon

Sui Pokemon and Shuba Bus Simulator


>> No.13547329

More like fanbase for Kson not into that shit yo.

>> No.13547328

mel was low energy and cono and mouse entered and even tough kson was trying to be social the shut her to the side.
she just wanted to build a house in the server and mouse and conor just dragged her to fight mobs.

>> No.13547338

Funny thing is that it truly looked like an elaborate ruse to get Connor to collab with Kson, given that her plan was to spend some time with melody and Ironmouse and Connor just happened to barge in.

I would expect better numbers

>> No.13547358

Strong streams incoming, easy over 20k

>> No.13547372

>trusted shitposts

>> No.13547393

Kson lost her Holo buff a long time ago.
Only meme review gives her a partial buff.

>> No.13547398

Trusting shitposters?

>> No.13547400

I can't wait for TT with k*on as guest. The whole board will be unusable.

>> No.13547410

>Ironmouse and Connor
look at these fucking leeches, he's dying for another clickbait

>> No.13547415

Weak streams, bronze contenders atleast.
gold gen 3
Silver kuzuha
Bronze sui/shuba/miko

>> No.13547424

Anon it's only hyped by the retarded dramaniggers trying to push Kson collabing with vshojo as the next big yab

>> No.13547427

that's customs, isn't it? i mean there's less rank grind streams and what not.

>> No.13547439
Quoted by: >>13547528

Meh, people said the same about Calli and it was really underwhelming.
For more than a vocal minority likes to shit on TT the overlap of this community with anime ensures most people won’t care about that

>> No.13547455
Quoted by: >>13547475

Where are the female hoshiyomis

>> No.13547461
Quoted by: >>13547519

But Kuzuha will be playing Valorant. It may be a tourney but it is known for being a number poison.
He may not even get bronze today unfortunately

>> No.13547462


1) Marine (Hololive) - 34.7k - Karaoke
2) Pekora (Hololive) - 42.5 - Minecraft (Sport fest prep)
3) Chronoir (Nijisanji) - 48.9k - Announcement
4) Pekora (Hololive) - 36.4k - Rhythm Heaven
5) Luis Cammy (Nijisanji) - 39.4k - 3D Debut
6) Miko (Hololive) - 81.5k - Minecraft Sports Fest
7) Miko (Hololive) - 69.7k - Sport Fest Totsu
8) Pekora (Hololive) - 57.6k - Evil God korone
9) Subaru (Hololive) - 44k - Evil God Korone
10) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 56k - Kuzuha Concert Free Part
11) Pekora (Hololive) - 55k - First FFXIV stream
12) Fumi (Nijisanji) - 38k - 3D Debut
13) Rushia (Hololive) - 81k - Outfit reveal
14) Marine (Hololive) - 81.8k - Subaru's High profile case
15) Lamy (Hololive) - 83.3k - Birthday 3D
16) Pekora (Hololive) - 31.8k - Ape Escape 3
17) Marine (Hololive) - 34k - Bus Simulator
18) Pekora (Hololive) - 82.5k - Minecraft Mod with Marine
19) Towa (Hololive) - 47.5k - Mario Party
20) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 95k - Splatoon Tpurney day 1
21) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 88.2k - Splatoon Tourney day 2
22) Subaru (Hololive) - 31.5k - Pokemon Challenge (vs Okayu)
23) Pekora (Hololive) - 57.7k - Karaoke Relay
24) Noel (Hololive) - 56.9k - Birthday Totsu
25) Hololive ch (Hololive) - 58.6k - Gen 3 Concert Free Part

>> No.13547463

they literally left her left her alone at the end
>"so where am i right now"
>no one responds
>"oh look its 3pm i should end the stream cya"
>oh by kson
it was frustrating to some degree

>> No.13547475

fucking with me

>> No.13547510
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1629350997349s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13547519

It will peak 25k-35k silver medal tier

>> No.13547520
Quoted by: >>13547570

Are you the real listanon?
because there is a chance you're a nijifag trying to jinx it so it may slip

>> No.13547522

>Silver kuzuha
the delusion

>> No.13547528
Quoted by: >>13547958

Gigguk/Joey would always cut off Connor when he was about to say something stupid with the Mori episode.

>> No.13547570

the slip only works with nijis

>> No.13547598

Watame's one is going to be hard to top in terms of what you mentioned, and also her crowd interaction even though they could only clap.

>> No.13547642

Wait, no announcements??

>> No.13547652

I have no idea why people here keep talking about the concerts quality. It's literally irrelevant. Fans will eat up anything anyway.

>> No.13547684
Quoted by: >>13547889

General numberfag sites

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/CCfK7mVR

Don't mind me just posting this for the next thread

>> No.13547845
File: 20 KB, 928x181, 1628036007527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, in the realm of midget numbers...

>> No.13547858
Quoted by: >>13548628

goddamn still no new concert costume for 3rd gen . This will probably just feed the Cover hates Pekora rrat more.

>> No.13547879
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1642348684824s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13547885

the concert was literally just they moving in some beach with jungle on the background for the whole time, 3 is gonna get shit after this

>> No.13547887

thats better than the pink one at least

>> No.13547889
File: 633 KB, 1820x1941, 26FAC11E-C1F4-41C5-9ECC-A53076020B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara, No!

>> No.13547909

>3 is gonna get shit after this

>> No.13547914

That's slip tier.
It's only 8pm(20:00), it is not a win yet.

>> No.13547915

coping and falseflagging already? is like they don't have faith in their livers anymore

>> No.13547918
File: 12 KB, 311x327, 544113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eops are confused early morning

>> No.13547919

me on weekends

>> No.13547924
Quoted by: >>13547947

Isn't this their ace?

>> No.13547945

Damn chinks.

>> No.13547946

>some beach with jungle on the background
>for the whole time

>> No.13547947
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1615540370718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13548107

No their ace is the loli

>> No.13547958

1. Kadokawa is in bed with Cover
2. Connor is a salty retard
3. They have to keep drinking Cover's load whether they like it or not

>> No.13547959
Quoted by: >>13548156

That’s not the regular anon, it’s someone jinxing for the lulz.

Joke is on him, should have added
for maximum jinx energy, plus a couple of kneel pics

>> No.13548083
File: 70 KB, 652x877, 1623019386481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13548107

Cute. Is she getting 500 then?

>> No.13548111

oh no no no nijiblokes, it even beat kuzuha in twitter trends

>> No.13548120

Use Uto tactics

>> No.13548123

KEK, there goes your ESL population nijibros.

>> No.13548156 [DELETED] 

>korni has almost 4k memebers
that is as much as kaira

>> No.13548229

>20k Suichan pokémon
>14k Suba bus simulator

Whats the current top looking like?

>> No.13548248
File: 22 KB, 383x209, 1611754282201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k get

>> No.13548292

>Free talk stream
Jesus christ aqua play something, even slither.io is fine just feed your fanbase something.

>> No.13548298
Quoted by: >>13548462

I was thinking, do corpo vtubers claim payments from their company for buying equipment/games? I can understand the iphone purchase for the live2D, but for games, are they really using their own money for it?

>> No.13548326

>Lize helesta genshin only got 6.3k
Weak when compared to the other side getting 14k on a simulator game

>> No.13548366
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, Aki choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Aki has 4 original songs right?
that puts her ahead of how many other holos?

>> No.13548386

that's weird, she usually gets at least 9k for genshin, what happened?

>> No.13548396

Where is kuzuha bros? I thought he will stream?

>> No.13548402

is genshin
that shit is like apex right now

>> No.13548419

At least tweet eubros, you guys wanting EU hours holo right?

>> No.13548442

Genshin is shit now, just like apex

>> No.13548445

Too many rabid burgers on twitter. Staying as far away from it as I can.

>> No.13548446
File: 54 KB, 831x88, lize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting less than her usual in Genshin because its a collab

>> No.13548462
Quoted by: >>13548606

Either the publisher gives them keys like most streamers or they buy it themselves. It provides security since the streamer owns all their own stuff they stream with except for obviously the company's proprietary software.

>> No.13548466

Kek. Don't watch streams when they're available, don't engage in social media, don't Superchat. No wonder Cover has basically shelved the idea of hiring another euro chubba.

>> No.13548482

Newfag here, why is EU hours dead hours anyway? Are Europeans just that ignorant on vtuber stuff|?

>> No.13548509
File: 216 KB, 1002x912, Screenshot - 2021-11-25 , 11_31_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13548529

* ongoing streams top 10, unfiltered *

>> No.13548529

Suityan strong!

>> No.13548531


>> No.13548546
Quoted by: >>13548566

Not a solo stream.

>> No.13548558

Targeting euro as a whole instead of specific countries is an exercise in niche farming and not terribly effective overall.

>> No.13548566
Quoted by: >>13548595

And? I thought people like Rion. I know I wank it to her.

>> No.13548574

lmao counting every sub as a unique user

>> No.13548586
Quoted by: >>13548660

Where is riku nijibros?

>> No.13548595


Well it seems usual Lize audience in Genshin don't like her as much.

>> No.13548606

Well, there's an unknown aspect whether they really own their accounts because they are required to make new accounts for their job to prevent main account dox. for example, steam. If they buy games for an account they personally don't play, isn't it a waste of their money whereas they can buy a game on their work account and ask for a claim later? In return, the work account is a property of the company.

I wonder if it's the case of claiming money from the company, how much budget does Anykara willing to fork out for NijiEN to keep playing new games. Other than that, it's hard to believe that all the livers from nijiEN personally own a switch unless they are required to.

>> No.13548628

I mean Pekora sound like she say no to a lot of Cover order. It wouldn’t be a surprise if they hate her for that

>> No.13548647

nice shot

>> No.13548660
Quoted by: >>13548713

Try searching the site falseflagbro

>> No.13548674

K*on still owned her Coco Minecraft account.

>> No.13548707

They keep those accounts after leaving hololive as evidenced by coco. I have no idea why you think a group of primarily gaming streamers like nijiEN all owning an extremely popular gaming system like the Nintendo Switch to be difficult to believe. Did you mean something else because that statement makes no sense to me.

>> No.13548713

Im legit asking a question. I want to see if he's there.

>> No.13548717

Subaru gonna play Pokemon with okayu again
Double chart for Subaru today

>> No.13548765

Suisei fight a lot with the management but they don't have problem with her.

>> No.13548783

School/work during the prime streaming hours.

>> No.13548812

They probably want her to be an Aqua type but she refuse since pekora enjoy streaming.

>> No.13548841

>Doesn't yuribait
>Doesn't make short clip/ green background
>Doesn't want to interact with plebbit despite say want to do it in Coco meme review
>rarely collab to boost other Holo numbers except fucking Towa and Botan
>Doesn't help much with shilling
>The only way to make Pekora appear in Hologra is using her own model without her consent
I can list more but in short her solo performance is against Cover's policy which is Loving family and teamworks

>> No.13548854

Suichan loves idol activities though while Pekora doesn't want to do the same route that Aqua did.

>> No.13548878

Towa is now an Ambassador for tourney watchalong lol

Botan's commentary would have been impeccable

>> No.13548885
File: 119 KB, 568x707, 1637390162399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13548889
Quoted by: >>13548966

>Doesn't help much with shilling
The fuck you on about?

>> No.13548897
File: 1.04 MB, 2200x2200, 1635162946677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard it from the nips, Gura is the #1.

>> No.13548931

>by forbes japan
I kneel, I cannot contest this one

>> No.13548932
Quoted by: >>13548958

glad holo has such a big following in the US (granted that would be where the main EOP following is). EN did its job of funneling EN viewers to JP

>> No.13548935

Gura is so dominant it convinced this entire thread to disregard a key youtube metric because otherwise Gura just wins by default

>> No.13548949
Quoted by: >>13549077

I'm not going to make a definitive statement but she has an argument. Her outrageous VOD growth, song views, and ceiling for big events kind of prove how strong she is. Unless you are obsessed with live CCV I don't see how you can even argue that Pekora is bigger.

>> No.13548958
File: 87 KB, 843x819, 1633566086495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13548960

This the numbers thread not the shitty creative writing thread. Surely Cover hates Pekora!

>> No.13548966

Square Enix doesn't count since she only give a shit about FF and DQ

>> No.13548991
Quoted by: >>13549020

Anon. She's been part of all the major advertisements for Cover. Are you high?

>> No.13549001
Quoted by: >>13549038


Next guests for FBK TRPG: Mio and Ayame

>> No.13549017

It's okay to admit mistakes

>> No.13549020

Those also don't count! Why? Because I say so!!

>> No.13549022

That one shark with 14k CCV today?

>> No.13549027

> Square Enix doesn't count
Put it on the list!

>> No.13549038

>>13549001 (me)

And Shuba too*

>> No.13549047

My prediction was true for gen 3 concert.

Next, Kuzuha won't win today

>> No.13549061

doesnt count

>> No.13549064
Quoted by: >>13549144

>building a sub-culture
>slow and steady growth
>merch sales
>no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
>tournaments don't count
>fortune telling
>total CCV during primetime
>trailers are ads
>Google trends
>Holo EN was a desperate gambit
>Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth
>stop picking on midgets! fight someone your own size!
>pit Vshojo against HoloEN when you're losing
>pit HoloEN against HoloJP when you're losing
>pit former Holo against HoloJP when you're losing
>Holobubble is bursting
>foreign buff/global audience bad, muh local Nips good
>YouTube Japan trends
>Apex will only get more popular from now on!
>flexible creative freedom
>Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate
>Cover uses bots
>Hal is honorary Niji
>Kson is honorary Niji
>Ui is honorary Niji
>Most vtubers are Nijisanji like and Nijisanji is part of greater vtuber community
>Nijisanji fans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
>Sponsorships are retarded
>Hololive's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
>Koshien is not an event
>Nijisanji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
>Pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
>Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
>Hololive invented unicorns
>Watchalongs are POVs
>Nijisanji isn't a corporation, it's a family
>Each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers because Selen flopped her first Twitch stream and Selen never flops
>By promoting the main channel they create more general Nijisanji fans which will then trickle down to the smaller livers down the line
>Evil God Korone is an event game
>Subs to growth ratio
>Subscribers don't count
>VOD views don't count
>Everything that brings a big audience is a special event
>>Niji is mainstream in JP, which is more important than Hololive's international dominance
>Holo's main channel kneels to Niji main channel
>Square Enix doesn't count

>> No.13549071

Not today, anon
>silverboy + valorant

>> No.13549073

it's really hard to get into the European market due to how many countries/languages/cultures are on that continent. Kiara is mountain German yet she primarily speaks English and Japanese.

>> No.13549077

You are talking as if CCV is the only thing that pekora have. She have watch hours, SC and sponsorship, she probably have the highest total vod views this year.

>> No.13549090
File: 3 KB, 272x90, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets cover permissions and forces Titan game companies to kneel
>Sets trends for games that bring high numbers for other members
>Gets Hololive collabs with normie companies just by mentioning them
>Regularly sets up streams to funnel for big events

Way to out yourself as clueless retard

This was my captcha btw

>> No.13549144
Quoted by: >>13549210

missing some things there

>building a sub-culture
>slow and steady growth
>merch sales
>no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
>tournaments don't count
>fortune telling
>total CCV during primetime
>trailers are ads
>Google trends
>Holo EN was a desperate gambit
>Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth
>stop picking on midgets! fight someone your own size!
>pit Vshojo against HoloEN when you're losing
>pit HoloEN against HoloJP when you're losing
>pit former Holo against HoloJP when you're losing
>Holobubble is bursting
>foreign buff/global audience bad, muh local Nips good
>YouTube Japan trends
>Apex will only get more popular from now on!
>flexible creative freedom
>Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate
>Cover uses bots
>Hal is honorary Niji
>Kson is honorary Niji
>Ui is honorary Niji
>Most vtubers are Nijisanji like and Nijisanji is part of greater vtuber community
>Nijisanji fans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
>Sponsorships are retarded
>Hololive's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
>Koshien is not an event
>Nijisanji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
>Pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
>Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
>Hololive invented unicorns
>Watchalongs are POVs
>Nijisanji isn't a corporation, it's a family
>Each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers because Selen flopped her first Twitch stream and Selen never flops
>By promoting the main channel they create more general Nijisanji fans which will then trickle down to the smaller livers down the line
>Subs to growth ratio
>VOD views don't count
>Everything that brings a big audience is a special event
>Niji is mainstream in JP, which is more important than Hololive's international dominance
>Holo's main channel kneels to Niji main channel
>Gen 3 should be left alone so Nijis can be properly compared to Holos
>Square Enix doesn't count

>Half the copes in this list are actually Holofags falseflagging

>> No.13549210

>building a sub-culture
>slow and steady growth
>merch sales
>no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
>tournaments don't count
>fortune telling
>total CCV during primetime
>trailers are ads
>Google trends
>Holo EN was a desperate gambit
>Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth
>stop picking on midgets! fight someone your own size!
>pit Vshojo against HoloEN when you're losing
>pit HoloEN against HoloJP when you're losing
>pit former Holo against HoloJP when you're losing
>Holobubble is bursting
>foreign buff/global audience bad, muh local Nips good
>YouTube Japan trends
>Apex will only get more popular from now on!
>flexible creative freedom
>Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate
>Cover uses bots
>Hal is honorary Niji
>Kson is honorary Niji
>Ui is honorary Niji
>Most vtubers are Nijisanji like and Nijisanji is part of greater vtuber community
>Nijisanji fans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
>Sponsorships are retarded
>Hololive's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
>Koshien is not an event
>Nijisanji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
>Pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
>Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
>Hololive invented unicorns
>Watchalongs are POVs
>Nijisanji isn't a corporation, it's a family
>Each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers because Selen flopped her first Twitch stream and Selen never flops
>By promoting the main channel they create more general Nijisanji fans which will then trickle down to the smaller livers down the line
>Subs to growth ratio
>VOD views don't count
>Everything that brings a big audience is a special event
>Niji is mainstream in JP, which is more important than Hololive's international dominance
>Holo's main channel kneels to Niji main channel
>Gen 3 should be left alone so Nijis can be properly compared to Holos
>Square Enix doesn't count
>Half the copes in this list are actually Holofags falseflagging
