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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 845 KB, 2480x3177, 1615080029286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1324353 No.1324353 [Reply] [Original]

What was her name again?

>> No.1324421


>> No.1324441
Quoted by: >>1324480


>> No.1324459


>> No.1324464


>> No.1324467


>> No.1324480
Quoted by: >>1324489

what was her surname again? joe what

>> No.1324487


>> No.1324489


>> No.1324493

Based cute and funny cunny bear

>> No.1324509


>> No.1324576
File: 660 KB, 960x540, 0IuOYDn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324651

Bear cunny.

>> No.1324981
File: 37 KB, 595x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1325051 >>1328245

She seems smart enough to handle the association.

>> No.1325011
Quoted by: >>1325095 >>1325234

Literally who??

>> No.1325051
File: 9 KB, 300x207, proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329069

>the clover

>> No.1325095

Kumagai Chisato, aka. Beatani. She made a post on this board a couple days ago asking for some advice regarding overseas viewers.

Watched her recent stream, she seems pretty entertaining.

>> No.1325234
File: 19 KB, 658x172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1325260

Thats /our/ daughter faggot don't you ever call her a literal who again.

>> No.1325260
File: 19 KB, 666x124, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1325280 >>1327960

Also, collab when...?

>> No.1325276

Our precious daughteru Chisato Beacunny.

>> No.1325280
Quoted by: >>1325407

She is growing quickly, already has leeches and all. Im proud.

>> No.1325333
File: 2.72 MB, 3060x1721, 1615128606011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1325488 >>1325613


Slay the Spire stream in a couple hours. Lets support our daughter.

>> No.1325372

cunny bear

>> No.1325407

What leeches? She follows everyone that followed her.

>> No.1325488
File: 25 KB, 557x550, images - 2021-03-08T190003.943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one in midnight
>one in work hours
I failed her...

>> No.1325508
Quoted by: >>1325560 >>1325573

From less than 200 subscribers to 680 in 24 hours. You guys are Cute and Funny.

Her previous stream topped out at 68 viewers, I hope she demolishes that today.

See you there boys.

>> No.1325560
Quoted by: >>1325666

She went from 60 subs to 215 after posting here. Nice to see she gained even more subs in the meantime.

>> No.1325573
File: 343 KB, 500x500, 1615096318029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1325652 >>1325666

She had like 40 subs when she posted here actually.
Glad I got in on bearcunnycoin early!

>> No.1325609

If she really wanted to get more popular she should advertise herself on Reddit. Why hasn't she?

>> No.1325613

Too bad op is a faggot and couldn't keep himself form making a thread before a stream got announced.

>> No.1325627
Quoted by: >>1327321

She's from futaba and likes imageboard culture. Reddit is dumb and gay.

>> No.1325652
Quoted by: >>1325670 >>1325697

It's not too late right?

Reddit sucks. Posts that don't get much attention sink to the bottom where no one can see them. The frontpage belong to hololive. You're actively encouraged not to make or comment in posts like those due to the karma system.

>> No.1325666
Quoted by: >>1331665


Ah, thanks. I saw her post early on and fell asleep right around when we taught her "CUTE AND FUNNY". I happened to wake up right in time for her stream so that's where I remember her subs starting at.

Wanting our daughter to play with the Autistic kid down the street...

>> No.1325670
Quoted by: >>1325697 >>1325702

Plenty of indies on r/virtualyoutubers

>> No.1325689


>> No.1325697

It's only too late when she actually blows up with 1000+ live viewers and her chat becomes too fast to interact anymore. That probably won't happen anytime soon.
If you actually check the vtuber board nobody ever comments or interacts though. Maybe you'd get exposure there but if you want a sense of community then it fucking sucks.

>> No.1325701

Let's go!

>> No.1325702

Yeah, the ones that managed to get interactions. What you don't see are the countless indie threads that didn't get enough upvotes.

>> No.1325768

>comfy europe hours

>> No.1325782

Our girl almost has 700 subs now.
Will she get to 1k during this stream?

>> No.1325876

Who is making the non pozzed thread?

>> No.1325877

You guys are watching her other videos right? You're supporting her existing content to get to know her better, aren't you?

>> No.1325995
File: 326 KB, 557x557, 1612190182981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1326023 >>1326034

/wvt/ here
I come from the future
Soon enough your board will be overrun by cute anime girls.
They will be calling you faggots. They will be spying on everything you post. You will never find inner peace.
This will in turn invite other cute girls who are lurkers to become chuubas. You will soon realize the sad reality: you were always surrounded by cute girls. They lurked among you. Thousands. Millions.
The sheer realization might drive you to madness. The things they seen. The things you said. You will be suddenly aware of everything that you have seen in this light. You will finally know who really were all those people pretending to be gay anons. Who keeps making all those shipper posts.

This also happened once, in /a/, many years ago. It was never the same. Be strong brothers. Hard times are ahead.

>> No.1326023

It's okay, anon, we are all little girls here.

>> No.1326034
Quoted by: >>1326337

>post with mori and not thread favourites
Fuck off fakefag.

>> No.1326042
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>> No.1326050
Quoted by: >>1326299 >>1327963

our daughter will play Darkwood on the 2nd stream.

>> No.1326122

I'm... I'm weak to chokers...

>> No.1326187
Quoted by: >>1329449

I wonder if it's a mistake to refer to herself as an ENVtuber. I think advertising being a JPVtuber trying her best in English is more appealing. ENVtuber as a label has an implication of being native or fluent.

>> No.1326232
Quoted by: >>1326258 >>1326285

Is this how having a daughter feels like?

>> No.1326258
File: 70 KB, 1080x1206, 1615132575647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so. I'm filled with pride.

>> No.1326285
File: 139 KB, 293x398, 1614569435266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally tweeted about having to beg her sister to buy her a Switch even though she's 24. She's probably a shut-in NEET or something. Just like the daughter we've always wanted....

You'll buy your daughter a Switch right anons?

>> No.1326299

That game is fucking great, good choice

>> No.1326328
Quoted by: >>1326383 >>1332750

It could just be part of the LARP, since her whole lore is getting trapped by her sister in the internet.
That being said she's 100% a NEET, since she said she can stream and sleep whenever she feels like.

>> No.1326337
File: 687 KB, 1025x525, Mori says it like it is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1326604

Do you know the story of why Mori became the ambassador of /wvt/ when dealing with outsiders in this board?
Do you know of our never ending war against the TBAs since our creation, and how Mori came one day from the sky like an angel of vengance and delivered victory to us?

/wVT/ became deadbeat territory for a reason, friend.

>> No.1326383
Quoted by: >>1332750

I'm pretty sure by her Twitter posting history she's definitely a NEET and definitely leeching off someone in her life, probably her sister. No one with a life posts that often.

>> No.1326415
Quoted by: >>1326461

Im a poorfag but i will shill her so other anons pay for it.

>> No.1326461
Quoted by: >>1326741

I unironically never use my switch and would send it to her if I could. Unfortunately it's probably banned since I installed homebrew on it.

She did say she was looking into streamlabs and an amazon wishlist though.

>> No.1326604
Quoted by: >>1326687

There is literally one fag in the thread that kept posting the shit pasta and even then it was emo ame and not mori. Fuck off fag.

>> No.1326687
File: 267 KB, 2000x2000, 1600308741754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one fag
>only one pasta
He lacks critical information. The anyaposters would like a chat with you.

>> No.1326741

Cunny bear is in good hands.

>> No.1326941
File: 2.63 MB, 2000x3000, 1602425891897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't abandon her, right?

>> No.1326994

You guys and jp forgot about Aoi and Yuki already
Poor bear girl will get abandoned soon

>> No.1327066


>> No.1327082
File: 700 KB, 2480x3177, 1592977917688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1327112

Newfag here, so no idea who they are.

>> No.1327144

Now that you say this her "lore" literally stated that she had argument with her sister and she was banished into the internet world and is trying to escape.

any rrats?

>> No.1327160

She's a dude using a voice modifier, ain't she?

>> No.1327173

give me more art of her please

>> No.1327182
File: 31 KB, 600x335, 8c5a3779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1327183

Yuki is better off with her JP audience anyway.

>> No.1327186

big if true
we could probably get him to beat the shit out of gook moot when they meet

>> No.1327191

I don't care either way as long as she's cute.

>> No.1327207

That'd only make it better

>> No.1327254

Must be the best voice modifier I've ever heard, there's no synthetic tone to it nor does she use a higher pitch to try hiding it. The occasional cracks are a little suspicious but that must be because of her setup quality.

>> No.1327321
Quoted by: >>1327385

5ch is basically Reddit though

>> No.1327385
Quoted by: >>1327438

futaba is 2chan not 5ch
5ch is reddit yes, but futaba is otaku-focused and was the inspiration for 4chan.

>> No.1327438
Quoted by: >>1327463

2ch is dead. 5ch replaced it. That's why 5ch exists now.

>> No.1327463
Quoted by: >>1327527 >>1327531

Holy shit newfag do your fucking reps. 2ch and 2chan aren't the same thing. Futaba is 2chan while 2ch/5ch is known as 2channel.

>> No.1327467
Quoted by: >>1327499 >>1327553

>has tags for gore fanart
>"I'm cute no matter what state I'm in"
Holy shit she's confident.

>> No.1327499
File: 394 KB, 1668x1668, 1615134171044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's unironically pretty based

>> No.1327527

Thanks for the spoonfeeding anon, now I don't need to look it up.

>> No.1327531
Quoted by: >>1327573 >>1331208

Why the fuck did that die anyway? (not that other guy you are quoting)
I remember checking 2channel like, not even that long ago, then I come back and suddenly 5ch is a thing.

>> No.1327553

I like her personality. Wish there were more indies like her that don't give much of a shit about the idol/seiso image and just say "yeah do whatever you want I'm inclining and cute".

>> No.1327573
Quoted by: >>1327612 >>1327652

The pedophile who owns 2x4chan stole the servers from Hiromoot and migrated it to a new domain that he owns. That's literally it.

>> No.1327612

Oh, shit, I totally forgot about that prick. I remember reading something about that now that I think about it.
I wasn't sure if it was that site or not.

>> No.1327639

our cunny bear is futaba user, not 5chan

>> No.1327652

Wait, really? the one who took control from hot wheels?
I could see it happening with a niche website owned by an inexperienced nobody, but that is site was pretty big.
How do you even steal server?

>> No.1327677
File: 68 KB, 981x264, cword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1327731

You will watch. She isn't asking.

>> No.1327731

O-ok as you wish.

>> No.1327750
File: 177 KB, 400x400, -1KGeh0O_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so sad for bearcunny. Hiro already have a favourite vtuber.

>> No.1327755
File: 1.23 MB, 995x974, 1603654758151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so proud for kickstarting her frequent usage of cute and funny.

>> No.1327784
Quoted by: >>1327817 >>1327868

A little known piece of history for you about 4chan - the DNS of this site was hijacked once.
Someone cloned the site and then stole the domain.
Nobody knows who did it.
Hilariously, though, their poor servers crippled under the weight of 4chan posts within minutes.

Equally, on another note, someone stole an entire DNS root before. I believe it was or .5. It actually WAS routing properly and could manage it. Running root DNS requires expensive as fuck hardware, beefy ass routers needed for that shit.
Nobody knows who did it. But the main suspect for it was NSA.

>> No.1327789
Quoted by: >>1327868

He ran the hosting for the servers while Hiromoot was the administrator, because it was easier to get around Japanese censorship laws by hosting it in the US. Then he betrayed Hiromoot and stole the website and its domain, then migrated it to a new domain owned directly by him.
The guy's entire career is built off of doing this same tactic to steal websites by offering to be a benevolent web host for anyone trying to avoid censorship, then yanking the site from under them. The site has pretty much stagnated since then since he does literally nothing but collect ad money to pay for child prostitutes while living in the philippines.

>> No.1327803
File: 56 KB, 757x556, Nxn6RW6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1327868

Jim was the host, which simplifies things on his end. Stealing domains is his bread and butter, well stealing domains and femboy cock.

>> No.1327817
Quoted by: >>1327857

>tfw we're posting in an actual honeypot site
very nice

>> No.1327857
Quoted by: >>1327886 >>1327907

Everyone knows 4chan is a honeypot. It's the reason why the government will never bring this site down no matter who wants it down. Either due to /pol/ or any other scandal. 4chan is a place where they can monitor stuff.

>> No.1327868

huh, interesting.
>he was hosting the server
yeah okay, that does sound familiar
right! that clicks everything in place for me.
So basically exactly what he did with 2^3chan?
Did that lawsuit ever go anywhere?

>> No.1327886

Moment of silence for the dumb retards still frequenting /b/ then.

>> No.1327898
Quoted by: >>1327960

Alright fucks. I suggest you niggers make a general and link her youtube if you want anons retain their attention span. I tried looking for her and had to google before I found her youtube channel. Let me click the links, it's easier for newfags that way.

>> No.1327907
Quoted by: >>1327944 >>1330168

The only explanation for why /pol/ hasn't been deleted yet is that the government won't let Hiromoot delete it. The traffic it brings in can't possibly be worth more than the inability to ever attract advertisers or make 4chan "mainstream" because it hosts a board full of mentally deranged terrorists.

>> No.1327920
File: 54 KB, 297x188, 1599131815210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are in the exclusive club, right?

>> No.1327923

It's probably best to engage with her on YouTube and Twitter. You'll have a bigger impact on Twitter if you have followers you can retweet to obviously but you can still like her tweets and reply sometimes. She asked about people's time zones and what games people would like to see earlier today for example.
YouTube is easy even if you're a nobody: just like, subscribe and comment. All of it should help her visibility. If you're anxious about writing comments don't worry, the bar for YouTube comments could not be lower. You could even make a brand account and name it Anonymous if you like.
She's been busy liking almost tweet reply and comment, better strike while the iron's hot if you want those warm bear fuzzies lads

>> No.1327944
Quoted by: >>1328004 >>1329266

No, the real explanation is that deleting the board /pol/ won't take /pol/ out of 4chan.
People want and will talk about politics, by putting it in a containment board you keep it in one corner of the website.
Otherwise you will have much more frequent political threads on unrelated boards.
I mean, there's /b/, but that's been a porn board for many years now (sfw /b/ when?)

>> No.1327960
Quoted by: >>1328449


I thought we agreed in the first thread not to turn it into a general but we've already had 2 more threads since then with no new streams so I guess so much for that idea.

see >>1325260
you are in the exclusive ryonachads club right?

>> No.1327963
Quoted by: >>1328193


fuck living in eastern europe, literally both streams at midnight or past midnight

>> No.1327980

Of course. I had resisted making an account until now but I did it just for her.
I think the bear might become my oshi.

>> No.1327992
File: 96 KB, 573x231, 1608916718044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1328004
Quoted by: >>1328999

/pol/ doesn't even do its job as a containment board though. Faggots still can't stop themselves from spamming their anti "tranny" and "sjw" culture wars garbage in every single thread on every single board even when it's against the rules.
If anything making it clear that this entire website isn't a place for politics and kicking out all the election tourists by deleting their favorite board would be the best way to clean it up.

>> No.1328031
Quoted by: >>1328072

I'm going to look at her most recent follows and judge the shit out of you all

>> No.1328049
File: 574 KB, 1020x1020, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will her members be called, /vt/? Membearship? Kumrades?

>> No.1328072

Anon most of them have 0 tweets she already commented on it. We're all friendless losers that have no use for Twitter except as a content feed.

cunny & clovers

>> No.1328075
Quoted by: >>1328176 >>1328211


>> No.1328086
Quoted by: >>1328211

Cunny Clovers

>> No.1328089
Quoted by: >>1328211 >>1328217


>> No.1328126
Quoted by: >>1328141


>> No.1328141


>> No.1328176

I second this.

>> No.1328193
Quoted by: >>1328217

Leave the streams open anon. For viewer count

>> No.1328211
Quoted by: >>1328364

I like this as a serious answer.
These are great as inside alternatives.

>> No.1328217

This. Just rewatch it when you come home.
This is the most likely one, right?

>> No.1328245
File: 563 KB, 569x802, B A N E .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329069 >>1330082

>4 rows of text
>each row contains one U

holy shit

>> No.1328364
Quoted by: >>1328397

>both use a form of 'cunny'
>inside alternatives

I see what you did there.

>> No.1328397
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1596783574830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it's better to think inside the box.

>> No.1328449

I'm from /wvt/ and got interested when some anons talked about her. She's braver to actually selfpost in /vt/ than most of our chuubas over there, so hats off.

>> No.1328597

I will never abandon her so God help me

>> No.1328638
Quoted by: >>1328683

please no, I don't want to get Kano-d again

>> No.1328673
File: 55 KB, 173x195, 1145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1328806 >>1330981

So where's the lewds?

>> No.1328675

Never. She shoved the daughter pill down my throat

>> No.1328683
File: 111 KB, 500x492, kanosmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're one of the fags that got hard filtered I see.

>> No.1328726

Japanese ESL doing content for EN audience is a pretty untapped market isn't it? All there really is is Pikamee. You get the cute accent and it appeals to EOP weebs because it's a real actual Japanese girl

>> No.1328749
Quoted by: >>1328763 >>1328803

>Neneka hit it big with saviourfags that they're crowdfunding buying shit for her friends

I could see it happening, but at the same time 4chan.

>> No.1328763
Quoted by: >>1328799

Folks here have been asking for her to put together an Amazon wishlist. I could definitely see it happening.

>> No.1328799

Crowdfunding an expensive purchase is kinda hard anonymously though. Who knows who'd run off with $600 for a drawing tablet.

I can see some people buying stuff individually.

>> No.1328803

Maybe optimistic but I feel like she'd make a decent amount from people here serious about supporting her

But I also don't want her to go too hard in on making content for EN/oriented to us, she needs to keep a balance

>> No.1328806
Quoted by: >>1328815

be the change you want to see

>> No.1328815

I'm trying with the only skill I have: Begging

>> No.1328895

i want to understand our daughter, redpill me on slay the spire.

>> No.1328926
Quoted by: >>1328959

It's a deckbuilder/roguelike hybrid

>> No.1328949

Probably one of the best "card" games available right now.

>> No.1328959

not that anon but
my kingdom for an actual deckbuilding game, I miss when things like the pokemon TCG on gameboy could exist and weren't either rougelike hybrids or just moneysinks like the actual card games

>> No.1328963

Don't know about slay the spire but darkwood is a god tier survival horror game. I'm pleasantly surprised

>> No.1328969
Quoted by: >>1328996

Why are people suggesting these terrible games to her on Twitter?

>> No.1328996
Quoted by: >>1329085

Creating a twitter account is itself a symptom of garbage taste.

>> No.1328999

An easier way would be to bring back Not4chan, move /pol/ there, auto ban for 12 hours from 4chan/nel if you post on not4chan, and vice versa.
Yeah really niche area.
Lily used to speak more English but recently slowed down a lot despite her English being decent.
This girl also speaks English reasonably well, does a variety stream style, fairly unique look and feel to her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Ri2DzxGr4
I wonder if the sudden attention will get other indies coming here to introduce themselves, it would be pretty funny.

>> No.1329069
Quoted by: >>1329107

what did she mean by this???

>> No.1329085
Quoted by: >>1329099 >>1329377

B-but she has a Twitter as well...

>> No.1329099
Quoted by: >>1329137

The Japanese don't know any better. Please understand.

>> No.1329107

Dunno about the U's, but the clover thing basically refers to this place.

>> No.1329137
Quoted by: >>1329178

I mean, this is very true. Twitter fucking sucks.
I'm especially pissed off by artists using it instead of dedicated fucking picture sites with tagging / folders.

>> No.1329178

Ironically Twitter is the least shitty and least censored of the big social media sites. It's literally the only one where you can post explicit loli porn and not get banned.

>> No.1329249
Quoted by: >>1329292

anon Japanese lolicon artists have been banned multiple times...

>> No.1329265
File: 450 KB, 1000x900, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now...

>> No.1329266
Quoted by: >>1329283

Moot literally deleted /n/, /pol/'s predecessor, and it worked for years though

>> No.1329283

We don't live in those times anymore, anon.

>> No.1329292
Quoted by: >>1329308

I'm following dozens of loli h-game artists who post their shit on twitter and never get banned. Even guro/ryona artists don't get banned. Maybe some have gotten banned to be made an example of but for the most part Twitter gives 0 shits. It's like how Youtube was 10 years ago when they only enforced copyright if you had a court order or really bad PR situations.

>> No.1329293

There's always Pixiv, where they even allow realistic 3D loli renders.

>> No.1329306
File: 146 KB, 310x437, itwashorrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First stream tomorrow is at night
>Right after I skipped a night so I could force myself back into a sleep-at-night-wakeup-in-the-morning sleeping schedule
God damn it.
Not that it's going to stop me

>> No.1329308

I think it takes a group of cancel culture faggots to mass report them before they get kicked off. A lot of the Jap artists get by because they stay in the Japanese ecosphere of Twitter and nobody cares there.

>> No.1329377

I let self promotion slide as an exception to the rule. Social media marketing has become such a meme that it is hard to blame them for thinking that this is how it is done.

>> No.1329442
File: 19 KB, 450x86, 800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching the duolingo stream VOD
>She's already super happy about having 200 subs
>Meanwhile right now
I love everything about this, I'm so glad she came here

>> No.1329449

>ENVtuber as a label has an implication of being native or fluent.
Not to mention a faggot TBA tranny

>> No.1329461

Remember that her goal was to have 1000 friends. We're almost there, bros...

>> No.1329465
File: 81 KB, 1020x1020, 1608827111233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canon clover womb tattoo when

>> No.1329487

Never, my daughter is to remain mint in package.
To be admired, but never used.

>> No.1329488
File: 107 KB, 242x288, uooooooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then she'll really be /ourgirl/!
This needs to be her very first lewd.

>> No.1329493

Is it fine to lewd the cunny bear?

>> No.1329512

I just hope they're real subs and not someone inflating her count, because eventually google will find out and she'll lose like half her subs if it is

>> No.1329513
Quoted by: >>1329533

she has a 18+ tag and explicitly gave us her blessing

>> No.1329533
File: 17 KB, 776x109, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, but you have to remember to understand her inner self!

>> No.1329540

Do it. The lewder the better.

Like "entertaining" all 700+ of her new friends at the same time

>> No.1329542

Would ask in the drawfag threads but they never draw anything interesting just Hololive shit. Besides theres only like 3 drawfags on this entire board. Faggots...

>> No.1329551

Just watching her Duolingo stream since >>1329442 reminded me. It was processing last I checked.
Already surprised how good her English is.
Good job Beatani, you mastered Duolingo easily! Duolingo RTA success!

>> No.1329554

>wanted to recommend her hotline miami just to see how a jap would react to it
>read the tweet too late

>> No.1329575
File: 839 KB, 500x650, Anime eyebrow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329604

D-did she just invite us to get to know her insides?

>> No.1329589
File: 20 KB, 643x183, 1603088334257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1329599
File: 38 KB, 158x160, 1518719780274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329665

I want to understand the insides of her butt

>> No.1329604

She's basically saying to make lewds that are in character for her, right? So since she's a smug arrogant bear we should give her lewds where she's a smug arrogant loli. Or ryona where she gets put in her place by violent ojisans.

>> No.1329605

god. she has us wrapped around her little bear fingers doesn't she?

>> No.1329618
Quoted by: >>1329730

Giev smug loli domination nao.

>> No.1329633
Quoted by: >>1329730

>we should give her lewds where she's a smug arrogant loli.
The best kind of loli.

>> No.1329650

Yes she does. That was her plan all along. We have been betrayed backstabbed and quite possibly bamboozled. And I love her for it.

>> No.1329657

And she didn't have to do a damn thing. It's pretty impressive, actually.

>> No.1329665
File: 20 KB, 540x540, 1602876904830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passionate, sweaty anal sex with Bea-chan!

>> No.1329668
Quoted by: >>1329688

She's got the spine to come to a foreign anonymous and promote herself. I respect it.

>> No.1329686
Quoted by: >>1329730

I want to cuddle and impregnate this bear

>> No.1329688

But where do you draw the line between spine and gall

>> No.1329692
File: 892 KB, 552x887, 1614962999597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329730

>Smug loli dom
Something is rising and it is not just her subs

>> No.1329708
File: 95 KB, 1024x681, 1539534547675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329752

>inner self
>guro tag


>> No.1329714

When actual begging happens.

>> No.1329730

By the way in her JP intro video she said she was accepting boyfriend applications. You have a chance goslingbros...

>> No.1329732

The cuter they are, the more spine it is, the uglier they are, the more gall it is

So since she is cute, it is spine

>> No.1329750

I'm afraid you must ask for permission from her dad first and her dad is everyone here.

>> No.1329752
Quoted by: >>1329767

As she said herself, she's cute no matter what state she's in.

Though I hope nobody takes that as an invitation, only R-18 for this bear please.

Sorry, she already accepted me. You'll have to fight me for it, in bed.

>> No.1329754
Quoted by: >>1329770

So is this a general now? I just hope we don't get too many schizos around here

>> No.1329756
File: 69 KB, 782x1022, Ev27qrHXMAEj_ZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1329766
Quoted by: >>1329785

If she does talk with Hiroshimoot, will she become the true winner of the 4chan vtuber contest?

>> No.1329767
Quoted by: >>1329812

I love her like a daughter but I'm really hoping for guro/ryona art just to see her reaction.

>> No.1329770

she's streaming in 2 hours hope this is the last thread until the next stream

>> No.1329773

When her begging overshadows her stream quality

>> No.1329785

A worthy winner. Make it happen Hiroyuki, she fucking loves you dude.

>> No.1329787

What does she like in her boys?

>> No.1329795
Quoted by: >>1329815 >>1329839

Owning a Nintendo Switch

>> No.1329811

A cock as thick around as her arm.

>> No.1329812
File: 92 KB, 309x444, 1470823259333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1329849

I'll turn you into guro art, you demon.

>> No.1329815
Quoted by: >>1329888

I'm in. See you fags later.

>> No.1329824
Quoted by: >>1329849

best way to invite schizos. unlucky

>> No.1329839

I knew I bought this thing for a reason, let's go!

>> No.1329849
Quoted by: >>1329875

I'd really like that...
Well that's why she only put it in her JP intro probably. Maybe I shouldn't have shared it.

>> No.1329875
Quoted by: >>1329905

>I shouldn't have shared it
yea probably too late now, idiot.

>> No.1329888

Proud of you anon, you did it. Look forward to the wedding.

>> No.1329905
Quoted by: >>1329998

In my defense someone already posted it in the first thread so anyone who got in early already knew this.

>> No.1329914
Quoted by: >>1330003

Her strap-on.

>> No.1329998
Quoted by: >>1330023 >>1330062

i was there as well, now she gained notoriety on /vt/ and has a target on her back and the goslings pointed directly at her.
bad move.

>> No.1330003

I would fucking wish

>> No.1330023

She's a big girl, anon. I think she can handle herself.

>> No.1330062

She isn't close to big enough for goslings to become overwhelming though. She's still following back anyone who follows her, and eager to interact with anyone who talks to her on Twitter. If anything she'd probably welcome some goslings to worship her smug character.

>> No.1330080

i mean obviously but there's a difference between playing on normal difficulty vs on expert difficulty. both are doable doesn't mean both are equally as enjoyable if you're not well versed in that game.

>> No.1330081

I want to handle her so bad...

>> No.1330082


>> No.1330118

Her not being a big girl is her main appeal though.

>> No.1330143
File: 389 KB, 680x584, 1615132502439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1330166
File: 11 KB, 246x20, you're a big moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1331165

>She's a big girl

>> No.1330168

>The only explanation for why /pol/ hasn't been deleted yet is that the government won't let Hiromoot delete it. The traffic it brings in can't possibly be worth more than the inability to ever attract advertisers or make 4chan "mainstream" because it hosts a board full of mentally deranged terrorists.
I think you are giving them too much credit. I agree they probably regularly monitor some of the boards.

>> No.1330464

I'm watching the duolingo stream and the fact that she got bored of it literally five minutes in and just turned it into a free talk has already won me over

>> No.1330469

She knew exactly what she was doing.

>> No.1330496

She spends the entire rest of the stream talking about her favourite things, it was fantastic

>> No.1330534
Quoted by: >>1330591


>> No.1330591

slay the spire = drug

>> No.1330656

well duolingo is for eternal beginners

>> No.1330663

Which one of you containment breaking FUCKS

>> No.1330684

god you fucking retards

>> No.1330692

>Showing "cunny" comments

>> No.1330693
Quoted by: >>1330716

I saw this image posted on Twitter too, some guy named "Vtuber Cringe" posted it

>> No.1330696

I do not consent to having my posts here on fucking Reddit. How can I file a DMCA claim?

>> No.1330697
Quoted by: >>1330761

Well shit. Rip Beatani.

>> No.1330700
File: 24 KB, 598x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so that's that >pic related was about

>> No.1330713
Quoted by: >>1330993

It's an actual cancerous redditor, not even a new account.

>> No.1330716

Brb. Getting my shotgun.

>> No.1330720

Duolingo really is bad. It's at best, a secondary research material, hell, tertiary.
There's much better material you can use to learn languages out there, like subs for native content so you can line up what you know with the voices.
She's already at a level beyond Duolingos target market, idiots with too much time on their hands that want to gameify their education and never really get anywhere but feel good because they get award sounds.mp3
She has been posted all over Twitter on shitty accounts. This is hardly a secret.
She literally tweeted about it herself about the "secret" being out.

>> No.1330740
Quoted by: >>1330904 >>1330946

You know and I know 4chan has been crawling with redditors for years now.
They get wind of what we do because they're here looking for things to show their friends on Reddit for those sweet, sweet upvotes.
We can't stop it, but I hope they at least know they're faggots and they're not welcome.
So how did you find out about it?

>> No.1330750
Quoted by: >>1330856

Knew this would happen the moment those collages were posted. Man why can't we ever have nice things without retards breaking containment?

>> No.1330761

No, i will protect my cute and funny bear!

>> No.1330764
Quoted by: >>1330845

At least the comments seem to be nice I guess.

>> No.1330783

All one of them (excluding OP), yes. We are lucky that this post is probably going to die and not be noticed by very many.

>> No.1330785

Bro she already mentioned that the cat was out of the bag 7h ago, before that post (probably a thread on Japanese image boards or something). That it would find its way onto reddit was a foregone conclusion.

>> No.1330789
Quoted by: >>1330848

As her dad i am fucking up those plebbit users, they will infest her channel with filthy subs.

>> No.1330806
Quoted by: >>1332073

Her English was very cute and it sounds like she put a legitimate effort into studying which was nice to see. The Duolingo zatsudan was very wholesome. Will try to catch her streams as often as possible

>> No.1330818


>> No.1330821

if this causes her to blow up in subs, remember that this is what she wanted.
she wanted success and we gave it to her even if we got hurt in the process.

>> No.1330845
Quoted by: >>1330904

It's literally one comment anon. That board feels so dead.

>> No.1330848
Quoted by: >>1330909

No different to here, really. Did you even check her followers? Don't forget what site you are on.
I worry her Japanese fans will fuck off. The Japanese listener is very weak willed.

>> No.1330853

Is my daughter happy? If she's happy then i am happy.

>> No.1330856

Because we dont have enough dedicated faggots to dox and get rid off the whistleblowers around here.

>> No.1330883

We did have some turbo faggot in the last thread say to stay away from here but definitely go to Reddit. It was probably that guy.

>> No.1330885
Quoted by: >>1330955

FYI you can at least downvote it and report it. It is against at least some rules if you stretch it. Also dm the poster to delete it.

>> No.1330904

I only even made an account to help shill some of /ourchuubas/. Getting a front page post is surprisingly easy there, and if a post sits there for a day it translates to around 100 new subs if it's for a milestone. Rose, Nekoreen, Nina, Koopa, Veleck all had somewhat successful shill campaigns using this method. I check the place out every now and then to see if someone posted something that can do with bumping to the front page, and otherwise I never use the place.
> this post is probably going to die
It's in the tenth spot of that subreddit's front page. You don't even have to scroll down far to find it.
The board is mostly dead as far as interaction goes, that's why getting a post to the front page is easy. It's practically all lurkers who sort by hot, but a popular post gets 1k+ upvotes throughout the day, and that's just accounting for the people with an account and willing to upvote anything.

>> No.1330909

Time to do your reps for her and fill the void anon...

>> No.1330946

Wouldn't be surprised if half the folks here have a Reddit account, desu.

>> No.1330955

That would require you to have an account though
Big nono

>> No.1330956

Reddit's japanese-interest boards are all culturally pretty similar to 4chan, so it's not a big deal.

The main problem is if the mainstream twitter cancel crowd catches wind, which becomes more likely if shit gets posted to reddit. There's only 2 posts so it's probably fine

>> No.1330970
Quoted by: >>1331008 >>1331068

Realistically, with success comes attention from normalfags, and with attention from normalfags comes the choice between appealing to them or stagnating.
We want her to succeed so naturally she will have Redditors and their like coming over, 4chan isn't big enough to maintain a pocket chuuba for itself indefinitely.
I want our daughter to spread her wings.

That being said crossposters need to be strung up, because those are the people that believe that 4chan is for "funposting :))))))" and Reddit is for serious discussion, that's one of the many, many cancers ruining this site.

>> No.1330981
Quoted by: >>1331031

>So where's the lewds?
It's been what? 36hs? 42?

>> No.1330993

how bad can you get jesus christ

>> No.1331008
Quoted by: >>1331067

Making a reddit post to shill someone is fine desu. I encourage if it you really want them to grow.
But you have to be an actual retard to post something with cunny in it. That's the biggest issue.

>> No.1331027
Quoted by: >>1331160 >>1331265

Aaand thread's gone.

>> No.1331031

If she were a Nintendo character she would have at least 20 by now, get to it, lazybones.

>> No.1331040
Quoted by: >>1331102 >>1331118

I can't stay awake long enough, I'm going to miss her stream.

>> No.1331053
Quoted by: >>1331119

dm'd him and he deleted it, at least some decency

>> No.1331068

I don't think she'll catch on with normies, she seems too glued into internet culture, especially oldfag internet culture.

>> No.1331067

I didn't even consider that.
What a fucking retard, I can live with our girl getting exposure, but I don't want her to be the cunny vtuber like one anon here is trying to push.

>> No.1331102

Quick, do a light jog between then and now, on the spot.
Splash your face with water!
Guaranteed success or your money back!

>> No.1331107
Quoted by: >>1331132 >>1331171

I'd be surprised if most of them even knew what Windows XP was.

>> No.1331118

You will not miss her stream anon.

>> No.1331119

didn't expect that. good on him.

>> No.1331123

the fact that one of her goals long before posting here was talking with hiroyuki should tell any normalfags that this isn't the vtuber for them

>> No.1331132

Windows XP, best last Windows. I have it on a machine next to me for legacy stuff.
Although I will probably transition it to a VM image for my main PC.

>> No.1331160


Like I said, it's fine to post her there, especially with links to her channel, twitter, etc. But for the love of god take a good look at WHAT you're posting and think of the consequences.

>> No.1331165

based baneposter

>> No.1331171

I'm wondering if Watamote counts as normie friendly since its her favorite manga. It definitely was for a time after /a/ memed it into popularity but that was like nine years ago. Anyone who was into anime/manga nine years ago and watched stuff like watamote is an oldfag by now, so likely not normie anymore.

>> No.1331178
File: 246 KB, 512x512, 1605798160843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to block normies from viewing her
i get it. i truly do.
that's what success is though. first something is enjoyed by a small group who were there "when the texts were written" and then the normies come in making it successful and simultaneously ruin it.
it's how it works

>> No.1331206

I don't really have a problem with normies watching her or promoting her on reddit. Just don't use collages with 4chan posts and "cunny" plastered everywhere. It makes her look bad and will get her cancelled by vtweeters.

>> No.1331208

Hiroshima Nagasaki won the domain name over Jim Watkins and he took the original domain off from him. Though, Watkins still legally owns 2channel's servers so he just rebranded it to avoid more legal rammifications

>> No.1331222

It's not a matter of blocking normies from her, it's breaking containment and including yabs like cunnyposting.

>> No.1331234
Quoted by: >>1331555 >>1331671

I'm really annoyed by the numberfags here that would rather see her shred every interesting aspect of herself to appeal to normalfaggots so she can get le epic big numbers rather than stay small and enjoy what she's doing. Not everyone is in this job to get to one million subscribers. She even said herself that her goal was 1,000 friends. Consider perhaps she doesn't want to be a run of the mill v-tuber. Stop promoting her to Reddit dumbfucks.

>> No.1331265

Good, crisis averted

>> No.1331311

She ain't gonna get normies if her name is associated with cunny.

>> No.1331422
Quoted by: >>1331450

Y'all fuckers better not abandon her because this leldit shit

>> No.1331441
Quoted by: >>1331467 >>1331552

Do you guys just want her to have a small following than a bigger one?
Didn't she want 1000 friends?

>> No.1331450
Quoted by: >>1331487 >>1331588

What do you expect from people that whined about Reddit for the past bunch of posts?
Reddit sucks, we get it, but shut up fuckers. Go to /v/ and whine about your hatred of it.

>> No.1331460

ehh? I could name a few

literally shilling herself here just a couple of weeks go.
stabbed by yidtube and square enix. Though even after all of that, she is still making videos. She streams on mildom nowaday though

>> No.1331467
Quoted by: >>1331588


>> No.1331487
Quoted by: >>1331528

I fully expect some faggots to abandon her. It sucks yeah, but normalfags are unavoidable, and I'd rather she's successful than stagnate and die.

>> No.1331499

nah, futaba otaku culture is pretty mainstream rn

>> No.1331504

She's growing up so fast...

>> No.1331528
Quoted by: >>1331604 >>1331687

Reddit isn't even a problem, that subreddit is dead as fuck. Deader than here.
Twitter is worse, the original place the collage was shared.

>> No.1331552
Quoted by: >>1331648

A smaller talkative community is 100x better and more comfortable, but its not sustainable if you want to make a living, unless you have heavy cashcows.

>> No.1331555

her interests and hobbies are nothing special. and considering she posted here thinking this is futaba English alternative she obviously wants to get popular a s even make her own merch as she mentioned

>> No.1331566

well hope you fuckers did your archive reps and get everything until the twitter mob inevitably makes her go into hiding for being associated with the word "cunny"

>> No.1331585

More tapped than you think Meno Ibuki, Kureha Kurono, Pochi...

Reddit's got it's own collection of ESL daughters too that I can't remember the names of

>> No.1331588

Go back you autistic faggots. Find some other indie to sterilize.

>> No.1331600
Quoted by: >>1331623

there is nothing to sterilise about her

>> No.1331604

Sadly, 4chin is kinda infamous. I hope her being associated with us won't cause too much trouble in the future.

>> No.1331623

Repeating lies over and over don't make them true, Redditor. She does not currently have vast normie appeal, but that could change easily with an influx of le epic big chungus posters.

>> No.1331648
Quoted by: >>1331673

Depends if she even wants to make money in this or not, or just get the occasional superchats and sell cute merch on the side.
Majority of indies are only in it for fun, just like the general streamer community.
My friend has been streaming to us and about 15-30 other people for most of the last decade and he wouldn't want it any other way. He makes a reasonable amount of money but nothing to write home about. It's just extra income while enjoying himself.
Learn to read retard.
Also, you fuckers whining are only going to catch the eyes of a shitposter who will deliberately repost it to piss you off on purpose.
So shut. the. fuck. up. Whine elsewhere but here. You retards never learn.

>> No.1331655
File: 81 KB, 900x900, Gunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46 minutes

>> No.1331665

I thought we were the autistic ones?

>> No.1331670
File: 386 KB, 721x720, bocchi scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331671

It's tough because as a viewer obviously I'd prefer she have a smaller and more close-knit community, but if what she wants is to grow then attracting a broader and more normal audience is inevitable, and the best way to do that is to become appealing to a broader and more normal audience

>> No.1331674
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1596170333932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread made me sad

>> No.1331673
Quoted by: >>1331705

You are trying way too hard. Lurk more or go back. Or better yet, kill yourself.

>> No.1331680

You're the ones more likely to get it to happen because you keep shitting things up at the mere sight of Reddit.

>> No.1331684
Quoted by: >>1331712

just admit you don't care about her dream of growing an audience and would prefer more groomable environment faggot

>> No.1331687
Quoted by: >>1331735 >>1332648

Yep. Probably where the guy got it from.
Then again this account is the type of drama-seeker that only those who are into this kind of stuff follow, while getting blocked by the twitter cryhole cartel.
Most people who saw the post either moved along or subbed rather than looking to try and cancel her for the association.

>> No.1331692

You can't claim to have done you reps if you haven't even seen her animal crossing stream.

>> No.1331705
Quoted by: >>1331732

Learn to read. Reddit fucking sucks, but you retards are shitposter magnets by making a fuss out of it. Shut. up.

>> No.1331707

Take your meds anon. My daughter isn't your stick to bludgeon "normies" with. She's a person with her own interests and personality that is independent of both 4chan and reddit.

>> No.1331712

There's a difference between growing an audience and turning yourself into easily digestible fast food, like what you corpulent Reddit autists eat up. It's not going to happen. Find someone else.

>> No.1331718

These are the people who'd irk whenever you post nigger on this website. Redditors deserve gassing

>> No.1331722
File: 169 KB, 400x400, 16152172425651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image Cunnygai is too afraid of to give a comment on...

>> No.1331732
Quoted by: >>1331746

Go back.

>> No.1331735

>comments supportive without exception
this might not be so bad, anons

>> No.1331739
Quoted by: >>1331779

Cry moar.

>> No.1331745
File: 165 KB, 306x306, 1611793992062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331746
Quoted by: >>1331779

You whiny fucks are going to be the reason she stops coming to these threads.
Shut up or fuck off.
Back. Fuck up.

>> No.1331761
Quoted by: >>1331793

I can't wait for her stream to start so you faggots shut the fuck up

>> No.1331774

she is an attention whore, she realised she wasn't getting JOP attention she wanted and decided to groom retarded EOP anons from here by shitty dogwhistling. Why the fuck would you fall for this obvious grift?

>> No.1331779
Quoted by: >>1331791 >>1331793

She never had any intention of going to Reddit so the Redditors came here. The dumbfuck who posted that thread needs to be strung up. Unironically.

>> No.1331786
File: 40 KB, 540x572, c35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331787

all vtubers are attention whores retard

>> No.1331791
Quoted by: >>1331812

she doesn't even know what reddit is

>> No.1331793
Quoted by: >>1331812

They won't. They are just going to attract drama faggots and ruin these threads forever.
These retards NEVER learn when to shut up, then whine more when things go to shit when it was them that cause it in the first place.
I agree with you. But shut the fuck up. Seriously. Go whine elsewhere.

>> No.1331796

>someone mentioning kiwifarms
kill me right now. Hang all redditors for the love of god

>> No.1331797

You wouldn't stream on the internet if you weren't an attention whore. I don't mind someone pandering to me

>> No.1331807

New landmark, guys.
Our first retarded Rrat.

>> No.1331812
Quoted by: >>1331828 >>1331850

It could have been kept that way. It really could have, but someone just had to breach containment.
No, you dumb fucking faggot, I will not shut up because you wont go back.

>> No.1331813

If all the schizo doomsaying crybabies in here could take their meds and right fuck off, that'd be lovely.

>> No.1331814
Quoted by: >>1331837

We're like overprotective dad here. She should be fine, the best we can do is just make a good atmosphere during her streams and support her.
Maybe make some fanart too.

>> No.1331816
Quoted by: >>1331823

>the schizos are already here

>> No.1331819
File: 121 KB, 225x225, 1613583166705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1331872

Weak ass rrat

>> No.1331820
File: 510 KB, 512x512, 1609892188614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331823
Quoted by: >>1331888

This is what happens when general threads were made despite being warned against. At least it hit the bump limit.

>> No.1331828
Quoted by: >>1331845

Not that anon but shut the fuck up retard you're the problem. The reddit shit is over, you're the one actively shitting up this thread.

>> No.1331830
File: 11 KB, 174x175, Brock stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331837

>overprotective dad
that perfectly encapsulates my feelings right now. i fully agree. i'm going to actively participate in chat to make sure she feels good about what she's doing. maybe some edits/screengrabs to post later. let's enjoy this stream please.
we can fight over her soul later

>> No.1331845

The Reddit shit is clearly not over when Redditors (You) are continuously replying. It is very easy to spot you faggots.

>> No.1331848
File: 7 KB, 322x268, images - 2021-03-09T002029.098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream in 40 mins
>at 1am
>tomorrow organic chem exam
Bros... I... I failed her...

>> No.1331850
Quoted by: >>1331868

Okay retard. Fuck off then.
You're going to be the reason she never comes back here with your dumb internet website war bullshit cancer. Fuck off back to /v/ and whine about it. We all know you love doing that.

>> No.1331859
Quoted by: >>1331955

Have you tried not being russian?

>> No.1331868

It would be great if she never came back here now that the threads have been poisoned by your kind, faggot. Perhaps then she can continue on her own path rather than start doing her own epic meme reviews. Kill yourself.

>> No.1331871
File: 183 KB, 500x250, 678905234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331870

Have you contemplated doing heroin to stay hyperawake?

>> No.1331872

it's painfully obvious fact

>> No.1331881

Please nobody make a new thread after this one 404's.
I hate what it's becoming.

She'll have another stream at 3PM your time, come over then.

>> No.1331888
Quoted by: >>1331918

this was doomed from the start wasn't it?

>> No.1331897

russian bro suffering... balt here and can relate

>> No.1331906

organic chemistry is fucking easy aside from the problem solving. Just remember the patterns

>> No.1331907
Quoted by: >>1331947

Did you even read your own posts when you typed it? Fuck off sperg.
I almost hope she does post on Reddit just so you fuckers leave.

>> No.1331918

Yes. The first thread was fine, kino even, but now the less agreeable parts of the board are swarming it. In the future people need to learn to sage tactically.

>> No.1331922
Quoted by: >>1331980

So much this
Schizos are already drowning actual discussion

>> No.1331933

meds retard you are the one sperging out

>> No.1331941
File: 1.56 MB, 500x281, based bear cunny [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fywl5zv.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bear cunny

>> No.1331947
Quoted by: >>1331965

>I almost hope she does post on Reddit
Not even trying to hide it anymore, are you? Fortunately, it wont happen. And if it does, then she's just as bad as any other soulless indie trying to appeal to EOP autists.

>> No.1331955

I would fucking wish.. This is suffering
Ill try my best to be there. I will be there when my daughter streams to chear her up.

>> No.1331956
Quoted by: >>1331993

We had a good run bros.
The singular schizo just won't let us have nice things, their tribalist bullshit is more important to them than supporting our daughter.
See you guys in the next thread, hopefully with less schizos.

Please only make threads when she's streaming. It's dumb that there were 2 threads without her streaming and this one already hit the bump limit before her stream started.

>> No.1331961
Quoted by: >>1332003

I'm actually looking forward to the slay the spire stream since I've never played it or cared to look it up but if she's singing its praises I'll at least get to see a fan show off something they love

>> No.1331965

she obviously wants EOP audience retard

>> No.1331968
File: 160 KB, 345x368, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1331974

If you aren't reporting the shitposter for off-topic site war garbage, you are part of the problem as well.

>> No.1331979
Quoted by: >>1332048

hope we can all agree that collages are off limits from now on

>> No.1331980

It's literally just a single schizo anti ruining the thread, hopefully the meidos deal with him for spamming.

>> No.1331993

>It's dumb that there were 2 threads without her streaming
Fucking this. Do not make a general for her and things will be fine

>> No.1332001

>I hate reddit so much I'm going to deliberately turn the thread into shit so nobody here can actually discuss her

I wonder what goes through the heads of some schizos

>> No.1332003

It'd be really exciting if she was also good at it on top of having it as her favorite game.

>> No.1332004

I want to protect this smile

>> No.1332015
File: 50 KB, 386x385, IMG_20210309_003208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1332064

Amd funny!

>> No.1332024
Quoted by: >>1332067

I'd love to see her play Popolocrois. Just got to the bit where she mentinoed it. That game was mad fun.

>> No.1332026

Advice: if you want the schizo to be gone, just ignore him and don't give him (You)'s.

>> No.1332048

Collages aren't the problem. It's people breaching containment. If they want to post, they can always take their own screencaps.

>> No.1332059

>ignoring schizos
you act like this place is smart enough to do that

>> No.1332064

Isn't my daughter cute?

>> No.1332067
Quoted by: >>1332114

Is Popolocrois in the same vain as that one RPG for the famicom where you play an eggplant(?) knight and everyone else is a vegetable?
I don't remember the name, I just vaguely recall it form a GCCX episode I watched years ago, and it seemed kind of similar.

>> No.1332073

She seems to have a good ear for English. I was noticing how she was able to mimic the TTS right away.

>> No.1332077

Or don't bring up Reddit, which is what everyone should have avoided doing from the start. Really not that hard.

>> No.1332100

It's a male NEET innit?

>> No.1332106

Also don't forget to report

>> No.1332114

I'm not entirely sure. When I was looking it up one time I remember seeing it is part of a series but I didn't know.
I only played the one on the PSP.
If there are more, I need to find them.

>> No.1332116
Quoted by: >>1332258

I really like her outfit
The choker is great

>> No.1332118

There's nothing in her voice or past videos to imply that she is male so no.

>> No.1332132

Are your ears broken?

>> No.1332145
File: 323 KB, 800x867, 1590940781013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332156
Quoted by: >>1332193

I don't know why people bring this up in every indie vtuber thread. Voice changing software is nowhere near good enough to be seamless, all babiniku vtubers are really fucking obvious.

>> No.1332193

Even the most advanced ML algorithms for faking voices is hilariously shit.
Although I can imagine in 5-10 years it will be near flawless.

>> No.1332258

I love her cute fang.
I hope one day she can get her L2Ds weird shadow glitch fixed as she grows.

>> No.1332271

>got nearly 1000 subscribers in 24 hours
lmfao, What the fuck is this shit?
How do I learn this power?

>> No.1332290
Quoted by: >>1332328

First you must be cute
Then you need to be funny

>> No.1332292
Quoted by: >>1332348

The secret is to be endearing

>> No.1332312
File: 5 KB, 315x66, 1600241588083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she melts my heart bros

>> No.1332328

How do i become cute and funny?

>> No.1332337

I feel bad for the original 50 or so JOP oldfag bear fans who are going to watch this stream only to see her and the entire chat speaking eigo

>> No.1332348

And that she is. I love how she rolled with all the questionable stuff in the first thread and took everything in stride

>> No.1332356

I think she made it clear on Twitter that she's going to be doing both content going forward.

>> No.1332422

She's authentic, and people can tell. This is what can happen when you "just b urself".

>> No.1332427
Quoted by: >>1332510 >>1332548

I just hope she understands what retention rates are and doesn't get discouraged when the initial hype wave wears off and she only gets like 10% of her subs regularly watching her streams

>> No.1332431
File: 65 KB, 406x1220, _20210308_234930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1332465 >>1332496


>> No.1332436

funny bunny

>> No.1332452

Eh she did it basically as early as a vtuber possibly can, I think that's fair of her.
Compare that to Uto who had thousands of subs before she shifted to pandering to EOPs. Her JP audience entirely abandoned her because she did nothing but duolingo zatsudans.

>> No.1332465
Quoted by: >>1332486

What are you like this?

>> No.1332482
File: 118 KB, 827x1101, 1589744062772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are in the process of making a cute bear's dreams come true
maybe this board isn't so shit

>> No.1332483
File: 67 KB, 644x644, where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332486
Quoted by: >>1332504

Don't give them (You)'s you're just encouraging it.
Just report and move on.

>> No.1332496

post it on Twitter with her art hashtag

>> No.1332504
Quoted by: >>1332520

>thinking the jannies actually do anything
Come on, anon.

>> No.1332510

She seems pretty smart and well versed in the internet, I think she'll be fine.

>> No.1332520

The jannies on this board are pretty good sometimes, especially at removing shitty wojak and frog posters.

>> No.1332548

She knows a lot more than we give her credit for.

>> No.1332581


Stop arguing and get the fuck in here you flaming homosexuals

>> No.1332589

She is my cute daughter and I must protect. Dont ruin the magic.

>> No.1332588

Make me faggot

>> No.1332599

This right here is when the thread should have been made.

>> No.1332604

All this activity on YouTube and Twitter should help her reach more new JP viewers as well through the algorithms hopefully.

>> No.1332621
File: 6 KB, 301x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>139 waiting
damn our little bear is blowing up

>> No.1332622
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, motoyama kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1332635

we have twice the amount of people waiting than we had at yesterday's peak.
They grow up too fast, It would be nice if she could stay in the nest for a little longer, but I prefer she spread her wings.

>> No.1332635
Quoted by: >>1332652

I hope she's not too nervous.

>> No.1332648

>only positive responses
>twitter users shitting on twitter
Things went better than expected.

>> No.1332652

Believe in our little apex predator

>> No.1332670

It's just how parents act around their daughter. Yeah she knows a lot of things, we just can't help it but be worried.

>> No.1332673

Her design is very cute and simple.
I will make pixel art of her tomorrow!

>> No.1332674


>> No.1332679

Let's fucking goooooooooooooo

>> No.1332683
File: 165 KB, 362x382, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332686


>> No.1332690

>clovers all over the screen
>opens with "I'm cute and funny bear"

>> No.1332707

>she knows her place as a mere internet trend
it hurts

>> No.1332718

She's nervous bros...

>> No.1332720
File: 151 KB, 298x371, 2021-03-08 23_02_27-[ENVtuber]Slay the Spire is DRUG. - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332727

gatekeeper of the internet and cute and funny

>> No.1332729
Quoted by: >>1332748 >>1332774

What are caterpillars a metaphor for?

>> No.1332735

Not a NEET!

>> No.1332748

just sounds like lore to me

>> No.1332750
Quoted by: >>1332764 >>1332766

Never assume anything in your life again retards

>> No.1332758

Reminder that her rigging looks awfully similar to festival

>> No.1332764


>> No.1332766

I for one am glad to be owned because it confirms shes reading these threads.

>> No.1332769
Quoted by: >>1332807 >>1332933

>i clean up the internet
she's a janitor? does she do it for free?

>> No.1332773
Quoted by: >>1332784

>her job is being a meido

>> No.1332774

Just catterpillars, seeing she lives on the XP hill.

>> No.1332779

She literally lives in the internet it seems.

>> No.1332783

Bear pussy

>> No.1332784
Quoted by: >>1332807

Considering she says it's a job I'm assuming she gets paid

>> No.1332807

Woops meant for >>1332769

>> No.1332816
Quoted by: >>1332848

>that single tooth piercing your cock

>> No.1332840
Quoted by: >>1332903

>all these fags spewing 4chan lingo in chat
When will you fags learn to hide your power level

>> No.1332842
Quoted by: >>1332903

>people talking about 4chan in the chat
I want to kill every single one of you.

>> No.1332845
File: 5 KB, 306x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332848
Quoted by: >>1332865 >>1332925

Anon, she's your daughter.

>> No.1332865
File: 62 KB, 211x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1332875

And incest is wincest.

>> No.1332875

Not this time anon...

>> No.1332883

Why did you even waste the few seconds to censor that?

>> No.1332892

Because it's him.

>> No.1332901

sleepy hue is a faggot

>> No.1332903

This is why we can't have nice things.
So disappointing.

>> No.1332907

Because I respect people's anonymity, even if you can easily look it up.

>> No.1332916

I was there when my cute daughter started streaming today. I am gonna sleep tight tonight. Good night faggots, make sure to protect her

>> No.1332918

We WILL teach her many things

>> No.1332921

Don't (You) the schizo.

>> No.1332925
File: 8 KB, 225x225, hits_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332933

>she's a janitor? does she do it for free?
She said she's a Futaba janitor?

>> No.1332959

oh no she broke containment

>> No.1332962

uh ...

>> No.1332964

How hard is it to not be an unfunny meme spewing faggot in chat?

>> No.1332970

Beatani .... your containment reps...

>> No.1332969
Quoted by: >>1333017

4chan mentioned

>> No.1332971

oh no
i feel weird

>> No.1332973

>actual 4chins namedrop
Oh fug :DDDDD

>> No.1332976
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332978


>> No.1332981
File: 29 KB, 427x381, 1602791371371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332987


>> No.1332991
File: 318 KB, 2034x1346, Good night king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute tho

>> No.1332990


>> No.1332993
File: 144 KB, 432x314, cuteandfunny1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332997

Well there goes mainstream success. She's literally your daughter now, so you best support her

>> No.1332999

Imagine freaking out like fucking children because she mentioned 4chan. Fuck off.

>> No.1333000

holy shit it's over
it's only just begun
this feels fucking strange

>> No.1333001

I forgive you Beatani you didn't know...

>> No.1333011


>> No.1333012
File: 198 KB, 499x427, 1486655370478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333055


>> No.1333017

wait... >we ?

>> No.1333020

fuck I feel so bad she had to see that trash

>> No.1333021

I usually just lurk in vtuber chat streams, but for some reason she is making me want to actually chat.

>> No.1333027

>i'm a dad

>> No.1333029

We're flinging shit at each other while beatani is proud with us. What the hell is wrong with us?

>> No.1333036
File: 26 KB, 443x314, 1476700138807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take responsibility.

>> No.1333039

holy fuck we're parents
congrats faggots

>> No.1333049
Quoted by: >>1333085

>i never had sex
>somehow i'm a dad

>> No.1333050

no complaints if she is proud of us. cant do anything about it.

>> No.1333052

She's innocent, she doesn't know

>> No.1333055
File: 210 KB, 362x378, 1613556126513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333399

Commissioning ryona art right now as punishment for my daughter breaking containment.
It's for your own good Beatani.

>> No.1333059

Fuck....this is getting too meta for me....

>> No.1333066

more dads than moms

>> No.1333071
File: 92 KB, 688x754, 1590731574747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333110

why are you not making kuso fanart anon?

>> No.1333075


>> No.1333085

Thats how Jesus was born. Good luck, Joseph

>> No.1333093

She's the 4chan vtuber we needed, but not the one we deserved.

>> No.1333097

Fuck I'll take responsibility...I will gatekeep degenerate fags out. You all better do the same. We can't have a nyanners 2.0

>> No.1333103

Show know that it's more fun to love than to hate.
She's smarter than your average bear.

>> No.1333109

I got ninety nine dads but a bitch ain't one, hit me

>> No.1333110

Cute shit. Can't wait to see it finished.
I might actually draw some stuff for her. Probably tomorrow though, my head and eyes are way too sore to do something like that now.

>> No.1333114

Fuck, where is mom?

>> No.1333115


>> No.1333121

Our shitflinging came from the feeling of wanting to protect her from outsiders who would harm her.
But if this is what she wants we can't stop her.

>> No.1333133
File: 75 KB, 663x1272, Cute & Funny!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333174

>We're flinging shit at each other while beatani is proud with us. What the hell is wrong with us?

She's here to save us.

>> No.1333143
Quoted by: >>1333197

>it's easy to lie on the internet but i can enjoy the lie, yes good lie
What is she trying to tell us

>> No.1333144
File: 62 KB, 222x243, OURGIRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1333151

look ... this is fucking adorable
if this is what she wants, fuck it. i'll take responsibility.

>> No.1333170
Quoted by: >>1333216

Time to make Beartani a mom

>> No.1333174

Or use us. But I'm not sensing anything underhanded. She's just naive.

>> No.1333179

I can't stop smiling bros

>> No.1333187 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 494x800, 1615241960831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333206 >>1333213

Guys... I just had a thought.

>cute and funny bear

Could it be...?

>> No.1333197

quit being an asshole, even if you are being truthful

>> No.1333201


>> No.1333206
File: 134 KB, 525x353, I'VEBEENWAITINGFORTHIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1333213

P beat isn't cute.

>> No.1333216

Someone will have to put on a wig and skirt eventually...

>> No.1333220

>Even the chuubas that were literally anons and have majority anon viewership don't have chats as cancerous as this random jp bear
What the fuck happened?

>> No.1333229

You guys abandoned Top sis (Yuki), cow, and others. What makes you think you can stay committed to this little bear?

>> No.1333250

im a dad now

>> No.1333255

What the fuck do you mean?

>> No.1333254

holy fuck this chat what are you fuckers doing

>> No.1333258

Her love of Hiroshimoot makes her the real winner of the 4chan vtuber contest.

>> No.1333261

She's too popular. Everyone wants to see the lost bear try her best to embrace chin culture.

>> No.1333265
Quoted by: >>1333402

They'll probably settle down after a few streams.

>> No.1333278

That's it boys we're her godfathers

>> No.1333281

Schizos ruin all things anon
This is depressing, we couldn't even have 24 hours before retards ruined her chat

>> No.1333284
Quoted by: >>1333305

Kono mesugaki...

>> No.1333285

I still watch Topsis from time to time. She is mostly on her fanbox nowadays though

>> No.1333297
Quoted by: >>1333356

What went wrong

>> No.1333305
Quoted by: >>1333354

ryonabros....its time....

>> No.1333327

They atleast had the good sense to keep the association separate. She's opened the pen gates, so it's obvious the pigs will be happy to come in. I just hope they pay up once she's monetized

>> No.1333330

Personally I only memes koopa and this girl and I will commit depending on stream times

>> No.1333331
Quoted by: >>1333354 >>1333363

first she called us all peasants, and now we're virgins.

this mesugaki...

>> No.1333336
Quoted by: >>1333391

>cute and funny is being run into the ground already

>> No.1333351

This chat is what happens when you break containment

>> No.1333354

Drawfags, onegai!

>> No.1333356

she broke containment almost immediately after coming here

>> No.1333358
Quoted by: >>1333373

you fags made like 4 threads before she even started the stream

>> No.1333363
Quoted by: >>1333379

But we're a dad, how come?

>> No.1333373

Yeah this is the biggest issue but also that fag that posted the collage on Twitter attracted a bunch of mouthbreathers who don't adhere to containment.

>> No.1333379 [SPOILER] 
File: 672 KB, 1263x1158, 1615242356669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can think of one girl who has a dad who's almost certainly a virgin

>> No.1333391

good, then people can focus on her actual qualities beyond "haha she said the meme words"

>> No.1333399


>> No.1333402
Quoted by: >>1333460 >>1333491

One can only hope. They are acting like fucking children that just learned something for the first time and giggling like retards.
>Hey guys she said the 4cans epic ourgirl!!!!
No better than the fucking retards that were spamming vtuber coin cancer on /jp/, probably also the ones pressuring Watson in to acknowledge Uto and other shit when the majority of vtuber families never associate.

>> No.1333412

No one can contain anything on internet, understand it at last.

>> No.1333448


>> No.1333453


>> No.1333460
Quoted by: >>1333494 >>1333518

So what? why does it bother you? Just don't watch something you don't like.

>> No.1333464
Quoted by: >>1333507 >>1333508

I know nothing about this game is she sharing actual lore or just her autistic headcanon

>> No.1333473

Stop being so cancerous you faggots, y'all are making me cringe.

>> No.1333482

Ironclad >= Watcher >> Defect > Silent, prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.1333489

>she doesn't like the hag

>> No.1333490

>dislikes menhera

>> No.1333491

> One can only hope. They are acting like fucking children that just learned something for the first time and giggling like retards.

A girl is giving them attention. Forgive them.

>> No.1333494
Quoted by: >>1333550 >>1333615

It's kinda hard to ignore retards shitting up a chat when they take up a large section of said chat.

>> No.1333507
Quoted by: >>1333538

It's her autistic headcanon, the characters don't have that much lore

>> No.1333508
Quoted by: >>1333538

Cute autism

>> No.1333509
Quoted by: >>1333539

>calling watcher menhera and hag
I love our daughter holy fuck

>> No.1333518

The ultimate defense against criticism of media

>> No.1333535

>you are similar to defect

>> No.1333538

>defect is similar to my dad
she's pretty good at roasting for an ESL


>> No.1333539

she's growing so fast...

>> No.1333541
File: 94 KB, 719x719, EisjvitVoAACr9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1333542

This mesugaki...

>> No.1333547
Quoted by: >>1333566

Well, she's not wrong in calling us defective...

>> No.1333550
Quoted by: >>1333629 >>1333663

> Waahhh, everyone shut up! I'm trying to watch the VTuber.

>> No.1333554

>she's live
time to get comfy bunnybros

>> No.1333555
File: 130 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333659

>> No.1333557

our bear daughter loves her virgin, defective dads.

>> No.1333566

About to show her my knuckles aren't defect.

>> No.1333582

You'll just dump her in a week you faggots, screencap this post.

>> No.1333583

Ok...turn down the self deprecating comments. It's actually disgusting.

>> No.1333613

Don't need to. I already know. I'll be the last one still watching as per usual.

>> No.1333615

Get a chat filter like ytcFilter for Firefox. That will ignore shit you don't like for you.

>> No.1333625

Big Kusa...dont look...

>> No.1333627

Fuck you faggots, I'll be the last one watching if I have to

>> No.1333629

This but unironically

>> No.1333633

At worst I'll just miss some streams but I won't pump and dump her

>> No.1333652

Look at the numbers go!

>> No.1333659
Quoted by: >>1333882


>> No.1333663
Quoted by: >>1333805

Thanks for admitting you are one of the children shitting up her chat simply because she mentioned 4chan.
No different to 14 year olds on Twitter fangirling over BTS or some shit. Although in this case it is more like 30 year olds watching MLP.

>> No.1333669

She'll be famous in no time, faggot.
Also, put me in the screencap and don't forget to zoom my words up.

>> No.1333673

(You) Even she acknowledges that memes dont last long. She'll be fine.

>> No.1333683

No I wont you faggot

>> No.1333692
Quoted by: >>1333715

The game is already filtering me

>> No.1333694

>>1333333 test

>> No.1333697
File: 85 KB, 329x258, 1615217199282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333726 >>1335669

There will only be five people in the future threads just like with kano

>> No.1333698
Quoted by: >>1334011

has anyone recommended her one step from eden yet

>> No.1333711


>> No.1333715

I don't like Slay either, but Darkwood is really nice.

>> No.1333716
File: 41 KB, 600x450, carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333776

Speak for yourself, faggot. I'll be pumping her, but I won't dump her.

>> No.1333722

I like the way she says "Deck"

>> No.1333725

Did she just call us defect?

>> No.1333726

yo hun

>> No.1333736
File: 40 KB, 139x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots better fight to protect this smile, I know I will.

>> No.1333748

She's pretty entertaining. I'm sure even if all of us slowly leave her she will do fine.

>> No.1333760

Thanks for the (you) lmao

>> No.1333776

Dammit. I hear his voice.

>> No.1333790

I propose a drinking game: take a shot whenever she says 'ya'.

>> No.1333801
Quoted by: >>1333825


>> No.1333805

>Thanks for admitting you are one of the children shitting up her chat simply because she mentioned 4chan.

Take your meds, bro.

>> No.1333806
Quoted by: >>1333839

>slay the spire is overwhelmingly positive on Steam with a lot of reviews
I ain't paying 25 bux for it tho

>> No.1333812


>> No.1333816

I don't feel like murdering my liver just yet.

>> No.1333825
File: 48 KB, 680x595, 530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333840


>> No.1333838

we arent uto fags

>> No.1333839

pirate it

>> No.1333840
File: 63 KB, 691x556, based on my cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1333842

I'll die of liver poisoning even if I use water shots

>> No.1333843
File: 12 KB, 356x68, Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 22.41.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333892

it's happening...

>> No.1333869
File: 32 KB, 1446x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assblasted or confused?

>> No.1333882
Quoted by: >>1333942

High Academic Achievement Boyfriend


I see. I don't understand LOL (but I love you/////)

>> No.1333892
Quoted by: >>1333918


oh no it's happening...

>> No.1333895
Quoted by: >>1333918

probably the latter

>> No.1333907

Calm the fuck down faggots you're scaring her original fags

>> No.1333909
Quoted by: >>1333918

Little of both maybe. It's because Japanese don't give indies a chance and just stick to Niji.

>> No.1333918
File: 33 KB, 1342x186, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's alright (same guy)

>> No.1333923
File: 204 KB, 1074x1600, Matthew-C-Perry-1858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1333968

>be Japanese
>watch a tiny upstart vtuber
>overnight she gets invaded by hundreds of westerners
>their face when

>> No.1333937

But funny Apu needs to post his epic jokes over 5 posts!!!!
This chat is fucking awful. Holy shit.
All of you are cancer.

>> No.1333939
Quoted by: >>1335669

Chill out a bit dudes. Last thing you want is to push away the OG fans. Trust me that's the worst feeling in the world.

>> No.1333942

>High Academic Achievement Boyfriend

what did she mean by this?

>> No.1333945

She called me father

>> No.1333952

Come on man, it's a frogposter. They lack any brains so they don't know better.

>> No.1333963
Quoted by: >>1335669

I agree it's cancer, I haven't posted anything in a while because the chat is turning into a literal twitch level cesspool of >le funne maymay

>> No.1333968

Defect is her Husbando.

>> No.1333974
Quoted by: >>1334000

hey dude don't you think bearcoins are totally pog dude XDDD?

>> No.1333983
Quoted by: >>1334008

>Japanese friends
>kaigainiki fathers
What did she mean by this?

>> No.1333987

t. zero despair

>> No.1333990

Oh no... She is trying to calm us down...

>> No.1334000
Quoted by: >>1334012

It's so awful. I never expected it to be this levels of shit.

>> No.1334008
Quoted by: >>1334469

Are we the cucks?

>> No.1334011

honestly watching this stream is just making me wanna play that and dicey dungeons instead
but I'm glad she's enjoying it at least

>> No.1334012
Quoted by: >>1334046

this website was a fucking mistake

>> No.1334022

>im trying to read the thread

>> No.1334041

>"it's time for me to protect you"
She grew up so fast.

>> No.1334042

members = dads ?

>> No.1334046
Quoted by: >>1334085

Don't forget she went viral on Twitter.

>> No.1334069
Quoted by: >>1334091 >>1334093

Alright. I've seen enough. I watch the rest later, got to do Apex reps. Don't go falling into 100% cringe/degeneracy you bastards!

>> No.1334077
File: 47 KB, 161x156, 2021-03-08 23_49_52-[ENVtuber]Slay the Spire is DRUG. - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334322

Don't mind me, I'm just doing my reps.

>> No.1334085
Quoted by: >>1334191

She did? I didn't see it. How viral are we talking

>> No.1334091

Are you applying to be a Hololive Vtuber?

>> No.1334093
File: 91 KB, 334x400, 1597164395560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1334098
File: 107 KB, 235x269, 2021-03-08 23_52_19-[ENVtuber]Slay the Spire is DRUG. - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334322

>> No.1334130

>these moans

>> No.1334138


>> No.1334141
File: 106 KB, 228x277, 2021-03-08 23_54_28-[ENVtuber]Slay the Spire is DRUG. - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334322

>> No.1334155
File: 613 KB, 500x331, 1434060546248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1334159
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1607819235396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asides from yesterday thread did she shill herself here before? I swear i've seen her before I'm pretty sure I saw her on a dream

>> No.1334164

In vibrato, nonetheless.

>> No.1334172
File: 5 KB, 128x128, Eq808JkXIAAiOYH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334198 >>1334202

Imagine RingFit

>> No.1334181

maybe I'm going crazy but even her moans sound like bear growling

>> No.1334184
Quoted by: >>1334232 >>1334271

alright on a scale from egg to progamer how good is she?

>> No.1334185

Alright, who's gonna commission the ryona art of her trying to protect her dad

>> No.1334188

It was me, I died, go on without me

>> No.1334191

Maybe viral wasn't the right choice, but it should explain the quality of the chat.

>> No.1334198

Someone would need to buy her a switch

>> No.1334202

Needs her sister (us) to buy her the Switch first.

>> No.1334217

No more bear coins. ;_;

>> No.1334227

what an absolute faggot

>> No.1334232

This game's pretty autistic and requires a lot of game knowledge to get far. I'd say she's alright if she's playing this game for the first time in EN considering the large amount of reading required to do anything.

>> No.1334236

I hate all of you morons And your shitty jokes

>> No.1334243


>> No.1334248
File: 89 KB, 203x228, 1593458956692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334285 >>1334322


>> No.1334253

what is it with twitter faggots

>> No.1334256

And why exactly has nobody drawn art of her cute choker being snapped yet?

>> No.1334270

Jesus fuck can you coin faggots shut up with your irrelevant shit jokes? She doesn't understand them.
Can't you converse like normal people? Why do you turn in to absolute mongs when you see "chat"?
Fucking meme spamming retards.

>> No.1334271

The fact that's playing ascension in the first place means she's better than most

>> No.1334285


>> No.1334288

she sure does bring up hololive a lot

>> No.1334291

Excuse me while I try to get this shit shutdown. I hate western twitter more than anything else.

>> No.1334292

the chat is cancer, the thread is cancer.
filter bear threads, hide bear chat, keep watching the bear.

>> No.1334305


>> No.1334319

She lost because of you schizos.

>> No.1334320


>> No.1334322

thanks for these anon

>> No.1334332

Bear stole the precious thing

>> No.1334342
Quoted by: >>1334354

Hololive is truly the anomaly when it comes to vtubers. Some wish to emulate that kind of success. But I don't think it's possible.

>> No.1334349

I love our boomer daughter bros...please don't ruin her with your newfaggyness...

>> No.1334354

I'm pretty sure she's just a fan

>> No.1334365

The 2hus....

>> No.1334368
Quoted by: >>1334513

Everyone knows EOPs love hololive. She's trying to connect with her audience

>> No.1334391
Quoted by: >>1334433 >>1334463

I feel bad knowing she lurks here

>> No.1334433

>she'll come back after the stream and check in on her "dad"
>see nothing but shitflinging instead of support
fuck my life this is making me so sad

>> No.1334456
File: 2 KB, 187x101, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your fanbase now.

>> No.1334458

Imagine your dad is a schizo. You'd feel bad.

>> No.1334462


>> No.1334463
Quoted by: >>1334493 >>1334508

I'd say I hope she doesn't see this thread, but she sees her own chat. That's bad enough.
Page 9. How many garbage threads can you make?

>> No.1334468

I'm pretty sure she'll find it adorable that you guys are fighting over her. Feeds into her smug bear aura.

>> No.1334469

>Are we the cucks?
Netorare doujin when?

>> No.1334480
Quoted by: >>1334507


>> No.1334494

She mentioned before that she likes Hololive.

>> No.1334493

>Page 9. How many garbage threads can you make?
It wont matter. Someone will just make another when this dies like the faggot OP.

>> No.1334496

FUCKING lightning

>> No.1334498
Quoted by: >>1334522

This game officially filtered me. Is her next stream in 1 hour?

>> No.1334507
Quoted by: >>1334547

She did it first

>> No.1334508

>she sees her own chat
i don't think she realizes how bad it is. it just seems bad to us because we have a different point of view. she just like that all these people are watching.

>> No.1334513

While hololive isn't as popular as niji in Japan she has probably watched se of them before as a reference

>> No.1334522

No, it's in 12 hours

>> No.1334535
Quoted by: >>1334579 >>1334591

You're overreacting. Things will calm down in a few days. I hope so

>> No.1334537
Quoted by: >>1334581

i wish this thread was as comfy as /wah/

>> No.1334547

Actually, the chat starts speaking 4chan lingo first then she just mentions 4chan afterwards.

>> No.1334565

>taunting us with her nasty tongue

>> No.1334571
File: 83 KB, 201x211, 1603040205500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334621


>> No.1334579

Hard to hope so after that Twitter link

>> No.1334581
Quoted by: >>1334625

Bros I love our daughter and her nasty tongue....

based fellow takobro
the fanbase reflects the vtuber though and beatani is a shitposter so she attracts shitposters. still love her tho.

>> No.1334591

Panicposting and fearmongering is the usual for every start.

>> No.1334621
Quoted by: >>1334689

Where did these people come from? Did that twitter post really brought all these tourists?

>> No.1334622

So, she's the smug type. I'm fine with that

>> No.1334625
Quoted by: >>1334698

makes me really fucking appreciate what we have over there. as well as remind me why i never fucking venture out of the confines of that general.
but i was in the first bearcunny thread so now i feel responsible

>> No.1334630
File: 726 KB, 685x960, lulu_pray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1334655 >>1334699

Nice thread, peaceful and comfy. How about you read the thread, stop complaining about the same thing another 10 retards posted and talk about the stream? And stop giving (You)s to bait.
For me I find it surprising how well aligned her interests are with this site, she mentioned Touhou and the Marisa Stole meme so she must be a fan of them, here's to hope she plays any game. Fangames as well, Megamari is great.

>> No.1334655
Quoted by: >>1334689

>For me I find it surprising how well aligned her interests are with this site
I suspect an imageboard is an imageboard, Japanese or English.

>> No.1334660

reminder to let this thread die and to not make another one

>> No.1334675
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1443901156805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1334677
Quoted by: >>1334713

I will make another immediately with links to all of accounts.

>> No.1334678
Quoted by: >>1334713

I'll make another one just to spite you

>> No.1334681
Quoted by: >>1334713

There's already another one

>> No.1334689

No, these cunts are from here. Once one of them spouts some shit meme, the rest of the fucking retards hop on board.
They are the same cancer that ruined Hololive Global threads on /jp/ to the point they started getting banned left, right and center.
I can only hope their ADHD gets bored and they move on.
Pretty much yeah. Here, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, all the same for a large part.

>> No.1334698

same, the fact she was literally my very first twitter follower got me good. I'm too emotionally invested in her to abandon her now. i don't care that her fans are newfags or that she broke containment. she'll learn and get better with time. also /wah/ is partially comfy because takos never post in hologen and hologen never leaks into /wah/. i feel bad for the KFP posters that get invaded constantly by hologen tourists.

>> No.1334699

Beatani_pray.png when?

>> No.1334713
File: 391 KB, 220x220, 1604364755380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well time to move on then. way to ruin a good thing.

>> No.1334729
Quoted by: >>1334755


>> No.1334734

see you tomorrow for the morning stream

>> No.1334747

Faggots are an inevitable part of gaining attention, just live with it and don't engage.
Be the good part of the thread instead of fighting fire with fire.

>> No.1334755
Quoted by: >>1334767

I guess we're /yah/ now

>> No.1334760

The more you complain the more you increase the likelihood these faggots will spam chat with this drivel to spite you. I swear, as things change things stay the same.

>> No.1334762
Quoted by: >>1334781 >>1334872

maybe you should learn to politely sage in every post instead of complaining

>> No.1334767


>> No.1334781
Quoted by: >>1334817 >>1334897

Nobody knows to do this anymore. It's really sad because it's effective.

>> No.1334783
Quoted by: >>1334801

Is there a yah! counter?

>> No.1334801

we measure Yah!'s by YPMs

>> No.1334817

Spoonfeed us then. For Beatani.

>> No.1334839
Quoted by: >>1335065

Just put the cool herb in the "Options" field when you post in a Beatani thread pre-limit. Not that hard.

>> No.1334865
File: 39 KB, 375x373, 1365712352081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously ask to be spoonfed regarding how to sage?
Lurk moar

>> No.1334872
Quoted by: >>1335322

Doesn't do anything. All it takes is one person to undo a thread of it.
Besides, catalog exists. Pages are no longer an inconvenience to browse through for old threads.

>> No.1334896
Quoted by: >>1334922

Delete sistem 32 and your computer will do it automatically

>> No.1334897

It's kinda sad there's an entire generation of newfags that were raised by a generation of "oldfags" who are too new to know what saging is.

>> No.1334922


>> No.1334929


>> No.1334941
Quoted by: >>1335032

Just how new?

>> No.1335015
Quoted by: >>1335056

The absolute state of vt

>> No.1335023


>> No.1335032

Very. But willing to lurk moar

>> No.1335052

Then get to it, newfagchama

>> No.1335056
File: 99 KB, 1170x1296, 1614906502864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not all like this, I swear.

>> No.1335064
Quoted by: >>1335191

I will spoonfeed you in ways you don't deserve to be spoonfed.
4chan has an FAQ
in other words RTFM

>> No.1335065
Quoted by: >>1335083 >>1335154

In case you are sensible and feel threatened by the replies, they aren't mocking you for not knowing.
They are mocking you for not taking 30 seconds to search "4chan polite sage" on google and finding a full explanation down to it's history on japanese imageboards and it's changes trough time. That's why doing this >>1334839 is called spoonfeeding.

>> No.1335072

>thread reaching over 750 replies

>> No.1335083
Quoted by: >>1335116

I see. Thanks.

>> No.1335116

Congrats, you graduated Internet High.
I feel a father to another today.

>> No.1335121
Quoted by: >>1335169

Why are you acting like total retards? I don't see anything wrong. She is cute and funny and you are just fucking schizos who cannot watch anime bear without sperging out. For fuck sake, just enjoy comfy stream and ignore chat if it triggers you

>> No.1335154
Quoted by: >>1335241

You understand that more replies were wasted replying to this individual responding negatively compared to the one (two including yours) it took to tell them the answer.

>> No.1335169
Quoted by: >>1335278

Rewind an hour. Meme spammer galore.

>> No.1335190
Quoted by: >>1335208 >>1335250

Thread's finally about to die. Next one is >>1333693. Leave your faggotry here and try not to reveal yourselves as Redditors.

>> No.1335191

Not him but a google search brings up an archive and wiki explaining it all.

>> No.1335208


>> No.1335220

If you feel like shilling her, posting her 1k milestone to the vtuber subr*ddit when she reaches it is good exposure. They fucking love milestones over there, especially for the smaller ones.

>> No.1335241

You're right, hopefully new users remember to use google for anything they don't know unless it's almost impossible to know because some reason. I'd understand asking for the origin of cute and funny for example, but sage is older that the most boards on this site. Don't be lazy!

>> No.1335250

Jesus christ, at least wait for this thread to die.
It's not a fast board, threads don't die quickly at page 10

>> No.1335269
File: 1.07 MB, 1300x928, spoonfeeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1335290 >>1335369

I'm a kind anon, here's one free spoonfeed for you.
Cunny doesn't mean "cute and funny".

>> No.1335278

ahh, ok. Spammers were a little bit annoying but right now is super chill.

>> No.1335290

It does to me

>> No.1335322
Quoted by: >>1335337

I wish there's an autosage option like what Krautchan used to have

>> No.1335337

Likewise. It's not enough to rely on people installing extensions to do it. It should be the default.

>> No.1335369

I see. I was getting a bit confused about it when I saw people throwing it around over here. Thanks.
Now I will proceed to lurk

>> No.1335453

How much is she payed to shill this trash

>> No.1335570

It feels like she is indie without any backup.

>> No.1335669
Quoted by: >>1335707


Sad but true
I very much intend not to though

>> No.1335707

*Intend not to drop her
I am tired, sue me

>> No.1335956

I usually get filtered by these kinds of games, but she carried it for me. Great stream.

>> No.1336018


