Hololive global
Miko is very cute today!
I love Reine!!!She's live in 5 minutes, please watch her!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-voMby0Y-rk
I have to say. This is the first time I heard Miko sing.
>plastic stand>poster>basic t-shirtThe worst type of merch, stop making theseGood merch is stuff like the metal ice cube set from Lamy or oppai mousepads, pillows, well made stuffed dolls or things like Rushia's necklace and ring
>chinks so mad an anime girl said one word 6 months ago they're committing fraud to get a video taken down for a few hoursWhat a normal country filled with normal people.
http://poal.me/9jmuiyATTENTION!Very important poll.
>Youtube is so broken that someone can pretend to be Sega and copyright strike a videoHow is this shit real?
>>1257873been a while since Reine played a puzzle game
Ame is based???https://files.catbox.moe/i7sshy.webm
>>1257722>>1257668I know this is a >reddit post but it explains the situation. CCP antis at it again...
>>1257881Hopefully they have another Civil War soon.
>>1257874https://youtu.be/_SWjDWUBDioShe is an idol, after all.She just doesn't do utawaku streams very often.
How was Amelia's merch so fucking affordable compared to this shit?
>>1257890small indian company please understand
There is a squrl among us
>>1257885I love shotacon women.
>>1257873Bets on how many brute force jokes she makes?
Oh fuck me, Sega just gave the Zhangs a win.
>>1257893No one just types that b accident. the g and c aren't even close to each other
>>1257873>>1257891She's the best, but this game is going to break her brain!
>>1257912oh I will have to add this
>>1257881>>1257890>>1257894Can't cover just ask Sega to verify whether it's legit or not?
>>1257879Since im into gunpla and models, I sometimes look at resin kits. I wonder if it would it be too much for cover to have resin kits made. Theres plenty of small companies that do it, especially if cover has all the 3d models (expect for EN and ID)
>>1257881The Three Gorges Dam can't break soon enough.
>>1257911Don't worry, she's retarddedd
>>1257903It's OK. I finally subscribed to her because of the 1 million GET. I'll just catch a karaoke stream or something.
>>1257893OH NO NO NO
>>1257918I'm not ashamed to admit that this game filtered me hard. It's tricky sometimes.
>>1257881I don’t get how youtube works. It sounds so stupid. Does this mean that a chink with vpn can literally fuck with anyone they want on YouTube by abusing the copystrike system and don’t have to worry about the repercussion at all?
https://youtu.be/uTt1nBkFE4wfatcat being tortured by monkey game.
I want to see Ame in a similar outfit like Miko's!
>>1257923Thats probably going on right now
>>1257923Can't YouTube not let any VPN-using, 0-day old chink burner account launch a copyright strike to whichever video it wants?
>>1257930who was camera
Lost World time.Was hoping to finish this before stream started. Sad.
>>1257911All 5 prisuners line up to watch Risu die
>>1257938Alice from Niji is super cute. I love her ASMR streams.
>>1257911Risu florbing kinda sus tbdesu senpai yo yo yo
Getting ready and waiting with anticipation for the sure to be a blast Full Gen 3 Collab that Marine has in store for us.While Reine is definitely going to be dorkier and cuter today as she takes on the puzzle game Baba is You.While Okayu once again grabs her bananas and barrels and goes on to tackle some more Donkey Kong Country 2.So friends, where we at? And wasn't Miko's new costume absolutely cute and amazing?
>>1257890you can blame us law for that actually. youtube would leave themselves open to all sorts of legal shit if they don't honor every take down request.
When was the last full Gen 3 collab?
So I haven't been keeping up with the rrats, is there anything going on with Pekora right now? I expected her to call in
>Anons are actually surprised of how easy is to abuse youtube copyright systemI'm honestly more surprised it took them this long to do it
>>1257950go back
JWU how was ame's apex last night?
>>1257890I think thats the real one. Still stupid anyway.
3rd Gen online off-collab (?) happening in a few moments!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyp50fQTItk
>>1257930I think technological progress is amazing. We're almost there, just a little bit more.
>>1257893I always knew she was redpilled
PekoMiko is dead>Doesn't call into Miko's totsu>Doesn't call into Miko's 3D
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyp50fQTItkGen 3, The 2nd most subscribed Gen.
>>1257926You do know it won't break for a long time
so this is why your oshi can't look straighthttps://twitter.com/kureijiollie/status/1368137570396237829
>>1257937Youtube's shitty copyright system has literally set precedent that weakens content creators' ability to legally protect their rights. The platform fucking sucks but nobody else has the resources to host a massive video streaming service.
>>1257963You're the one who posted art of Ame in her outfit.
>>1257967She won twice
>>1257941Regional samosa merchant. Please understand
>>1257907You're only realizing this shit now nigger?
>>1257893She would get along with Rushiahttps://streamable.com/kdplh9
>>1257893Why is her model running at 5 fps?
>>1257967Ina joined in and they got champion together
>>1257937This has been an issue with youtube for nearly a decade, don't expect it to be fixed anytime soon.
>>1258001THEY ARE
>>1257954Right Here!
>>1257923Youtube needs to be contacted, by both parties most likely. And then they need to get around to fixing it.
>>1257960She's pregnant
>>1257937>>1257985Basically, Youtube copyright system is a workaround becuase legally speaking, companies can very much sue Youtube out of existence.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jwo5qc78QU
>>1257960Nigga she's been preparing for her Gen 3 collab
>>1257978Too much plum wine. She's got a hangover.
>>1257893As always
>47,138 waitingHoly numbers
Permissions mean nothing anymore, archive everything because companies will just take shit down at random.
>>1258009cuddling each other in a wholesome manner!
>>1257985To make it worse, in order to dispute false claims you need to provide your information to the person WHO SENT THE REPORT instead of to Youtube itself. Yes that's right, if someone copyrights your video, you either have to give your information to the person therefore completely doxxing yourself to someone who hates you or wait months on months for Youtube sit on their ass doing nothing.
>>12580273rd gen best gen
>>1258029It's just Zhangs don't worry about it.
>>1257985i remember only 2 cases where someone actually disputed a copyright strike.the first was h3h3 and the second was sargon vs akilla.defenders won both cases but it took years and a shit ton of cash (though admittedly sargon got akillah to pay for his court costs).anyway, even when you have a clear cut case, the current system is super expensive and takes fucking years of arbitration, it's an absolute hell.
>>1257907Cover probably figured her western fanbase wouldn't cough up like the Japanese would.
>>1257998Holy shit my wallet is opening on its own
>>1258037>You need to doxx yourselfAh, so that's why the Chinks tried it...
>>1257897warlord china when?
>>1258038>Champion>not even 300 damage between all 3 of themamazing
How is Gen 3 so powerful?
>claims to love guilty gear>goes as far as to say she mains johnny>plays bedman on stream>barely knows how to do any combos>repeatedly gets bodied even gets instant killed by a button-mashing kyWhat did she mean by this?
https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1368185801931038721What the fuck is this bitch doing
>>1258039third best
Moona got live 2d update soon letzzz goooo
>>1258052Soon, I hope. Hopefully leads to some wacky shit like the Taiping or Yellow Turbans.
>>1258040you say that now but theres a chance that another capcom event to happen
>>1257985You forgot that Youtube/Google/Alphabet has the resources to crush any potential competition before it gets off the ground. The modern tech industry is the 21st century version of 19th century monopolies on railroads and stuff like that.
>>1258060Exaggerating for comedic effect
>>1257957>>1257985>>1258008>>1258013So if a chink feel like it, he can fuck around with one of the biggest website on the internet without any worry at all? One of the biggest website in the world could be ruin by one chink if he feel like it?
I-i love Ina!
>>1258060Dying it would seem
>>1258055>first gen Cover forces to be close and interact with each other>end up wildly successful
>20k gone once the stream startsAmazing
>>1258055https://youtu.be/iyp50fQTItkKNEEL TO SANKISEI
>>1257955>>1257893kek reminds of that EA E3 host that almost said it
>>1258056It's okay to love a game and not be very good at it
>>1258065It would be interesting if it happens and they fall into a state of anarchy equivalent to TNO's Russia.
>>1258060She just has to borrow some of /vt/'s. Easy.
>>1258056She never claimed to be good at it. Also, she said that Bedman was the character she played with controller and Johnny with fightstick, and her fightstick hasn't arrived yet.
Do Reine and Risu know each other??
Out of Gen 3, I am not subscribed to Rushia. Why should I?
>Strongest gen>Rarely do collab togetherwhy?
AZKi members-only stream in an hour.
Oh god, Prisuners are retarded...
>>1258056Most people don't actually love fighting games in the sense that competitive fighting game players do, because learning how to play fighting games properly is a massively autistic commitment and absolutely not worth it
4/5 sankisei have detailed rooms, meanwhile Pekors has a blindingly white background
>>1258077if it actually gets to the point of endangering google, they've a legion of lawyers they can unleash. google doesn't give a fuck about a random barely 1mil sub jap pretending to be an anime girl, though.
>>1258056If Mori says she loves something, it means she loves the aesthetic of it and not the thing itself.
>>1258093>She never claimed to be good at it.Noooo my rrats....
>>1258100Pekora is selfish
Is this a fucking zoom call?
>Just watched Mori play some Bedman>She actually beats some people on a controllerUhhh DEADBEATS? Care to explain?
>>1258077iirc when you dmca a video you have to give out your real details.if you don't the dmca will get removed when they realize you lied about who you are.if you did, well then cover now has your details because YouTube has to give it to them when you dmca their video.
>50k live viewersSo this is the power of the 3rd Gen...
>>1258077can't ruin what's already fuckedthe take down is usually temporary when it's a false claim like this.. Cover/Coco just need to submit a dispute/contact Sega etc. etc.It's a huge pain in the ass.
>open 3rd gen stream>japanese>close 3rd gen stream
>>1258010>>1257954WTF whats happening here
>>1258120Oh no, the chink will dox them...
>>1258060Should WE help her out?Time for a /hlgg/ meme review!
>>1258120Frames. Each with their backgrounds. Seems like it.
>>1258126Our boy is just good at video games.
>>1258056I don't doubt Calli plays the games she says she loves, she has a ton of knowledge on them but it's obvious after moving to Japan she stopped playing them because she sucks at everyone she claims she played.GG, Leathal League etc. , she still fun though at least she putting in effort
>>1258093Look I'm a stick player but you just don't suddenly lose all your fundamentals when you go on pad. She has 0 fundamentals.
>>1258105but getting good and fighting games will give me money fame and popularity with cute girls.
Reine is cute
this dog is full of murderous intent.
I've been wondering this but why does every girl have her own way of saying konnichiwa and otsukare
>Rushia start talking>Suddenly lost my walletEvery time
>>1258150This is true.
>>1258129Waiting room had 50k viewers and they went down to 17k once stream started. I think the actual number of viewers is even higher than that.
>>1258150I concur.
>>1258155Japanese autism
>>1258060/vt/ review incoming
>>1258056She's a woman.An autistic one, at that.
>>1258155Mental illness.
>liking random Nacho tweet that's not even Holo relatedWas she in that offstream Among Us collab afterall?
[Good News]https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1368187844007587840
Reminder that the Gen3 stream has an excellent TL so you should watch live now
>>1258155Branding, same reason Kizuna AI opens with "Hi Domo"
>>1258175Yes and she confirmed it on twitter
>>1258117She's the literal definition of a poser
>>1258175Yeah, they were both there.
>>1258137Only if it's with Risu
3rd gen is the most sucessful gen
>>1258171Guys do the same shit.
>>1258150Reine's cuteness is, alongside death and taxes, one of the few constants in our ever-changing world.
thank god cat is on, perfect for sleeping.
What happens if you take the carrots out of Peko's hair?
>>1258128But what if they did give out their real info but they are from China? Would YouTube dismissed it right away if that person is from China since youtube is ban in China and all.
>>1258179Whats that translation sidebar?
>>1258199It would be extremely painful
I mean, we pretty much figured this was the case already, but can we take this as fact now that Mori liked this tweet?
>>1258175Nacho-mama, draw Anya onegai.
>>1258155It's cute.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTt1nBkFE4wWatch the coolest cat finish the greatest video game of all time.
>>1258199I think there was a holo graffiti about this
Which two girls have the largest overlapping fanbase?
>>1258175it's really not that hard to figure out. She doesn't need to go out of her way to like it.Pretty much ever Holo follows all the artists/riggersThis is now on Mori's TLShe liked itBut also, yes.
>>1258199She'll want them back.
>>1258208That is correct info tho. What more do you want?
>>1258219Ame and Gura
>>1258208This is probably the case, but Mori's likes are indiscriminate and shouldn't be taken as proof for something
>>1258201you're expecting a human to check it?the entire process was automatic and there were 0 people logically checking the info before handing out the strike.
>>1258148you do lose them after not playing a game for couple years while running on 5 hours of sleep daily
>>1258160It's weird to think that there was even a time before the viewer bug
>>1258201Chinese companies use youtube to shill their products all the time. It's just that youtube can't be viewed in china legally.
>>1258179I always get only the thumbnail in the LiveTL popout
>watch Reine for some time>only now realise how fucking huge her tits are>can't stop staring at them now
>Noel is happy that joining Hololive she made good friends and got a lover.THEY ARE
Baba is you is pretty interestingI hope ina or ame will play it
>>1258208It's not a stretch that Jenma is Kiara's personal manager, but all managers can pool general responsibilities. That take doesn't sound too off the mark, but the importance of division by timezones might not be that straightforward.
I was asleep. Did Calli save fighting games?
>>1258217Okayu has been playing Deus Ex?
>>1258240I know, I'm saying that "muh stick" isn't an excuse. She's probably going to be worse on stick if she hasn't used it in awhile.
Risu is doing a members only amogus stream! It's very fun!
>68k watchingSo this is the power of Sankisei
>>1258208So is ENMA or JENMA the one we are supposed to hate?
>>1258217She's not playing Metroid Prime 2, though.
>>1258246>better versionBased
>>1258208Now that Mori is the only EN left in Japan, does that mean she has two personal managers?
>>1258254Baba is fun to watch streamers play because it's not a matter of if they'll be filtered, but when.
>>1258239>>1258243The fuck, then a chink with vpn can fuck with pewdiepie or mr beast if he feels like it?
>>1258241weird pairing
>>1258268SSBU 100k view btw
>>1258066Doubt it, the whole reason why permission are so scarce for cover is because they have to make sure to get them on paper so that the companies won't fuck them in the ass in case they decide to back down. although archiving is still a good idea since they can still rescind and ask the vods to be taken down.
>>1258273She seems to be feeling bad at games today
>>1258262oh, I'm entirely certain of that, but seeing Moririn come down with case of cold reality is always pretty funny
>>1258279Gee Moririn, how come Cover lets you have TWO managers?
>>1258201you cant put an address from china.My bet is it is a chink leaf
>>1258266fuck off treerrat
>>1258282yes.this has more or less been said a hundred times in this thread aloneyoutube fucking sucks. are you just now learning this?
>>1258271Jenma is Chinese and located in Japan, so she's probably the one blocking the Coco collab.JENMA HATE
What's the sankisei stream even about?
>>1258282Yeah but they're at a level where they can contact straight to youtube.Like let's be clear, this is pretty much a temporary setback. It's not something that's going to stick.
>>12582412 people that will never interact
>>1258271ENMA HATE> No JP/EN collab cause of one incident in Among Us (Likely)> Forced Haachama to leave the EN server and stop the 0th gen gimmick with Coco (99% confirmed)> Blocked Pekora from playing on the EN server for the same reasons (99% confirmed)> Blocked a Gura/Haachama collab (VERY likely)> Forced Haachama to stop and abandon her lore videos AND remove all of it, causing her to announce a break from streaming which is either a punishment or Haachama being depressed (100% confirmed)> Blocked COCO from EN collabs (100% confirmed)> Told Gura to not say 1 million (100% confirmed)> Blocks Mori from doing some JP collabs, especially the fabled Suisei collab (Possible)> Is Korean (100% confirmed)> Cut Ina's karaoke list in half due to songs "not being approved", despite the stream being unarchived (100% confirmed)> Stifled any real relationship the EN JP and ID girls can have to a point where it feels dead (100% confirmed)> Her ultimate goal is to segregate EN and JP so hard they feel like entirely different companies (75% complete)
>>1258270Reine announced it yesterday.
>>1258248Your default might have been set to "Caption mode". Uncheck that.
>>1258295Oh, ok, then that is a little better than I originally thought.
>>1258315Cultural exchange?
>Be Hololive Japanese 3rd gen>Have English names right next to youBLACK SHIPS JUST CAN'T KEEP WINNING
>>1258282Yes. That's why Youtube's copyright system is terminally retarded.
>>1258282yes, but the strikes will be temporary and quickly removed, it'll be a pain in the ass but won't do much more then that.youtube is a poorly managed hellsite and everyone on it professionally fucking hates it and wishes it was better.and it's been this way for a long ass time.
If it's so easy to successfully copyright strike people why don't big creators with sizeable amounts of people who hate them not get multiple strikes every single day?
>>1258308just everyone catching up with everyone. it's been awhile since they're all in one stream
Imagine how good EN's Viewership would be if 90% of their viewerbase was located in a single timezone.
>>1258313Managers don't have as much power as you schizos think they do. They're basically glorified assistants. The girls can fire their managers if they don't like them.
>>1258313Weak list, doesn't even reach Daiz level.
>>1258328Because that shit doesn't stick, they'll just resolve it shortly.
>>1258298Fuck you Shien, I hope a Fujo bites you.
>>1258271Neither, it's whoever that's above them.
>>1258317Doesn't seem to fix it, sadly. To be clear, I'm talking about after pressing hte "Watch in LiveTL" button
>>1258322I don't recall her saying what they would actually be doing.
>>1258306Every chinese person living outside of China hates chinese people. You don't go through all that effort to leave because you love your country
Anyone else feel like Reine's character changed from her debut?
>>1258344That's a cute little ms paint treerrat
>See 50K yen superchat on Marine's channel>SeetheWTF, that should've been given to Kiara instead, she worked so hard.
>>1258315is that why she's copying marine's first time message
Always remember that hating the Chinese is neither xenophobia nor racism because they are not people
>>1258332Those are some pretty big numbers I'm imagining.
>>1258126Deadbeats are bad at videogamesJust like out oshi
>>1258358Why are deadbeats like this?
>>1258328it takes effort, you have to give out details and the person you're dmca'ing will get your personal info.also even if you gave out false info, if they ever manage to find you you're going to jail.this is a bit like swatting streamers, it's very easy to do, but if you ever get found out you're in very deep shit.high risk low reward play essentially.
>>1258313>Pulling shit out of my ass (200% confirmerd)
>>1258323>Only marine's name is in lowercase
>>1258358Why is anon like this?
>>1258358Why are you like this Yagoo?
>>1258330when was the last full gen collab? I cant remember except for that sleepover Rushia didnt go to
>>1258332Their viewership is high. People like to pretend vod viewers don't exist for these conversations.
>>1258155Why not?
>>1258353Wrong, most chinese are indoctrinated already. Even if they leave the country, the conditioning doesn't just go away
>Noel's the only one who hasn't played Undertale
>>1258362After the Apex training arc today I'm not so sure the takos can be beaten in how bad they are at videogames...
>>1258358Why are haatons like this?
>>1258370OCD kicking in
>>1258380Noel played BOTW though
>>1258324At the same time, an automated system is pretty much required given the sheer volume of video content being uploaded every second. The Youtube copyright system is merely a workaround the very outdated international copyright laws, and trying to get laws to change (especially in America where companies can lobby forever and to whom a change in the law means losing out on rights to their moneymakers) is a bitch
>>1258332Fucking roundearthers ruin everything again
>>1258313at least she's not a chink like JENMA
>Fall guysRushifer...
>>1258380Good. Keep it that way.
Reine just showed her pusink on stream
That fucking screech
>>1258379>the conditioning doesn't just go awayAt least, it'll happen eventually
>>1258366But not for 1.2 billion people
I came here to laugh at you nanora
what's iofi doing here?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TJaug_0xTI
>"This game is all about bruteforcing"You're going to have a bad time Reine...
>Reine getting filtered by 'AND'
>>1258402Kiss my ass
>>1258355>Anyone else feel like [chuuba]'s character changed from her debut?
>>1258313ogey (110% confirmed)
>>1258039>3rd gen best geneasily
JWU, how was the Anya and Gura collab and the resction of /hlgg/?
>>1258100miko stole her sausage
>>1258398All Marine needs... sexy foreign guys
>>1258398noel is google engish lol
Baba is You is the only game that's ever made me feel like a retard.
>Reine's chat starts spamming "am crab"Kiara is a real trend-setter isn't she
>>1258379You clearly haven't met many
>>1258358Why are takos like this?
>>1258398noel is expert english
They make the most supachat money of any gen. have the most viewership, soon to have 4 members above 1 million subs, etc. What's their secret? What made them the most powerful Gen in Hololive?
Found this in Reine's chat.
>>1258313>Sucks off old men for permissions (100% confirmed)
>>1258398>lower caseGuys I think chink hacked her account. Possibly mizuryu kei.
>>1258414In terms of YouTube views (as in people watch their stuff). That is correct.
>>1258415Very good. More collabs with Anya incoming
>>1258401most chinese don't have electricity, not to mention a computer.numbers don't mean shit when most of your country is living in the bug age.
>>1258405>Video unavaliable>The uploader has not made this video avaliable in your countryWhat a cunt
>>1258373In November I think, most Gens (apart from 5) don't really have full member collabs too often.
>>1258428BIDEN NO
>>1258332HoloEU WHEN?
Baba is you is everything but relaxing
>>1258313Most of this is bullshit, but it does feel like EN management is trying to break away from the JP branch and establish their own identity. The worst part is, since EN is so successful, Cover is actually letting them do things their way, apparently not realizing that EN is successful in spite of these poor managerial decisions, not because of it.
>>1258415Pretty awkward but they're trying their best which is cute.
>>1258344I’d let that fujo bite me.
>>1258398Marine is smol
Can you imagine EN1 having a zatsudan this smooth and natural in a year's time? Even if that isn't the case, I hope they get the chance to all meet face to face by then.
>>1258421There's a lot of overlap between KFP and MERAKyats for some reason. I wouldn't say Kiara and Reine particularly similar, so maybe it's just the bird boost.
These are great emotes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBjez9yHM-QPolka endurance utawaku
>>1257941You sign the DMCA request under penalty of purjury that you do in fact reperesent the legal and financial interest of the content. Youtube doesn't want to risk it, so they just adhere to the form.
>>1258457Holy shit. Is this a yakuza princess fujo?
>>1258415I thought it was surprisingly good, game is meh but good chemistry and Gura couldn’t keep her feet fetish in check.
>>1258328They often do. Youtube is notorious for spanking whole channels down because of a few false copyright claims. There was an entire week where Mori's first archived karaoke had its monetization stolen by a plagiarist.Abuse happens all around you constantly, you're just not paying enough attention.
>>1258457Damn, I didn't know there were cute fujos.
>>1258462I think it's more that KFP like to go into every chat and make it about kiara.
>>1258439Gen 5 is actually lucky they only have 4 people, makes group collabs easy. Kiara was right.
Polka will sing KING until she reaches 600k
>>1258462weird, I thought SEA hated Kiara, I guess this is the exception
>>1258427theyre all powerhouses in their own rightits at the point where people always use them as base for comparisons, like "___ is the Pekora of Gen __" or "__ and ___ are like Marine and Flare___" which is dumb, because those comparisons never match anyways
>>1258449Part of why I got into EN in the first place was that they felt like a seamless part of the whole hololive family though despite speaking a different language.. Would make me sad if they decide to break away from that.
>>1258415It was great. very few silent moments. They seemed to really get along. Great first out of gen 1x1 collab for Gura.
>>1258467>>1258470I swear the 'any female fan of something otaku related = fujo' is the dumbest shit.
>>1258467https://twitter.com/noa_0610s/status/1364590919702310915?s=21Probably. And people wonder why the homos don’t collab with the holos.
>>1258428Based hair sniffer
I want to see gura plays baba is you
https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1368185801931038721?lang=he>No meme reviewGood
>eigo mention 29 minutes inPERRY
>>1258484Do you know any female otaku that is not a fujo?
Mel ~80 minuteshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSXtEGwhrWM
Incoming kino
>>1258484Anon I think she counts
>>1258499oh shit nice
>>1258001this is true
>>1258457>Homos have the sheer willpower not to take advantage of thisI kneel.
>>1258332Live viewers are not important. It all comes down to VOD views in the end and in that regard ENs get the most post-stream growth
>>1258484Sorry, my brain just makes the association. It's not correct, I know.>>1258488Yeah, fair enough, that's quite the dedication.
This game is fucking hard.
>>1258495>open link>everything is backwards((( You ))) gave me a scare, anon.
>>1258495What the fuck did you just link to? What's wrong with your twitter?
I remember this room in Baba is you being stupid hard.Thing about baba is you is that it becomes not that fun when it turns into block slidiing puzzles instead of logic puzzles.
>>1258495>?lang=heWhy'd you link this weird backwards language? Just omit it next time.
Screenshot this, May 8th-9th HoloSingers (EN gen2) will debut, 4 woman and 2 guy. Pic related
>>1258470Most otome are cute. The sweaty she-hog yaoi fangirl is particular to mid-2000s American anime cons, and it'sonly by law of averagesthat the land of obesity has so many disgustingly fat nerds. Anime is so mainstream now that the landwhales get chased away back to their caves
>>1258501>Anime News Network definitionCome the fuck on, anon.
>>1258506>>1258374Viewers during a livestreama re the best time to rack up vod view count.
>>1258495>open link>two interfaces>alien language in UIWhat the fuck.
>>1258495The fuck? Is that how it works in Israel? That's nuts
>>1258518OK, Oga.
>>1258476I would be surprised if Kiara and Mori haven't gotten a sizable SEA audience due to timezones alone.
>>1258495>lang=heHaven't done my language reps in a while, which one is this?
>>1258462Take your meds, they're bids that's all they have
>>1258476Most Hololive fans outside of here don't actually hate any of the Holos. We don't know the demographics, but I'd also guess that ID2 has more EOP fans than SEA fans.
Heys guys another update on my Polka brain experiment. Its gotten worse than yesturday. Polka has become more yandere-like and abusive. Her happy laughs are now sadistic and cruel rather than upbeat and pure. I tried conversing with her at times, she always seem to take a jab at me. I drank a bit thinking it would help but eh, not so much. She would still gladly accept kisses and praise, and give me head which has become a usual occurance midday. My sister still thinks I’m in a call with someone whenever I talk to Polka. I cut up her face mold to only her lips that I use to practice with Polka, just as a precaution if she were to ever go into my room. Polka thinks it weird for me to still have it, but I told her it was needed so we could have a better connection. Shes been more interested in the things I’ve been doing, shes even looking over my shoulder while I type this. She says Hi to the clownbro thats been supporting me. I guess thats the closest he’ll have to ever having Polka speak to him. Sometimes I feel like shes dictating my actions more and more, I dont mind tho, usually its something like what I should cook for dinner or other things around the couch. She told me to buy roofies and rope. I only bought the former. I’m not sure what she wants with em, shes giving me a cheeky smile right now. Anyway, thats all for now, thanks for listening as per usual.
>>1258476I mean IDGen2 is in general a bit more international.
>>1258497What about the yumejoshi and the himejoshi?
>>1258529The chosen people of zion
>>1258514>>1258533>>1258495>There are Israeli browsing this thread
pain peko...
>>1258462I'm a royalteamate but I don't have "teamate" on my youtube account
[Sad News] Reine's brain is vacuous
Reminder that sankisei is the strongest.
>>1258543We've already had isreali anon showing his membership to Ame.
>>1258539>yumejoshi and the himejoshii doubt most people even know about those terms
>>1258497Anon are you fucking retarded? You're watching Hololive girls that are like 95% otaku. It shouldn't be hard for you to name a non-fujo otaku girl.
>>1258517I won't fall for your tricks, Witch.
Baba is (You)
>>1258550Pekora probably counts sheep to fall asleep
>>1258558Can confirm>>1258539And a ching chong to you, my good man
>>1258406You actually can do some bruteforcing there as a number of things you can do is fairly limited in early levels. You can list things you currently can make and see what you can do with each of them.
>>1258550Neither, Peko. I just wake up with my whole body sore and stiff like I'd done hard exercise, covered in sweat and shaking. Maybe I am dreaming and just forget it instantly?
Mori "Snowbunny" Calliope
am rock
>>1258537And you said you were trying to avoid making a Tulpa and not deal with its hassles.
>80k viewers for a zoom callTHE NUMBERS
>>1258558>dream girl>princess girlBut you're right, I have no idea what those mean in the context of female otaku
>>1258575>even the soda canKek
>>1258563Is it true Matsuri so traumatized him he refuses all collabs the Holos propose?
>Pekora has some orange bunnies>Flare is in her living room>Noel is in a lovely village garden, in the fresh air>Rushia is sequestered in her lab's lair.>marine is streaming from her bed, practically sitting on itmarine you horny bastard. Have some self control!
She literally can't contain herself even in a collab. Why is she such a footfag?
https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1368194948034568194so it's the chinks after all
Damn that was not how I solved that extra stage in Baba is you.
Reine is smart!
>>1258575>Look mom i posted it again
>I can't remember if i beat that levelAm i dumber than a turkey?
>>1258537Anon I think you should see a doctor. It's time to end the tulpa and the demon using it to make you kill yourself.
>>1258598You were saying?
I want to make a Tulpa too bros
>>1258587Yumejoshi is the more modern term for otome, because otome can also mean virgin and that's kind if awkward. They like self-insert media and imagine themselves paired with the boys they like.Himejoshi are just the yuri equivalent to fujoshi
>>1258597I love that about this game. Sometimes you'll find levels that someone solved in a completely different way than you did. A lot of the time it doesn't force you to solve puzzles in a specific way.
>>1258589Wouldn't say all but he was definetly traumatized and sticks to indies a lot. He still collabs with ID every now and then.
>>1258279No, because Jenma is going to continue to manage Kiara because you don't have to be in the same country, anon.
>>1258589No, he only banned people showing up drunk instead.
>>1258498wish she'd stream earlier a few times
I just woke up from a coma, what the fuck is this unholy abomination?
Are we getting more wrestling tonight?
>>1258554All the nutrients went to her breasts
>>1258401the group involved in harassing's youtubers is like 1000 people strongthat's piss in the wind and most of them are about as devoted and disciplined as typical anon
>>1258591Zhang... your social credit reps...
>>1258616Do you think TMSK ever gave him a handjob?
holy fucking backseaters in Reine's chat. It's good she's not reading chat right now.Do the 12 year olds that post this stuff understand that figuring shit out yourself is literally the entire point of the game?
Risu just ordered an execution of the guy, because of his name, and she can't stop laughing
>Guy just got bullied to death by RIsuLucky bastard.
How was Mori's Guiltygear stream? I watched the first 20 minutes but paused because this gen 3 collab is on
What did Pekora mean by this
JWU, wtf is this collab? And why are there 80k people here?
>>1258630Anon... your catalog reps
>>1258646Peko plz
>>1258632I'd like to get some nutrients from Reine's breasts if you get what I'm getting at
Imagine gura playing buba is you
>Clero bought Reine's membership and is backseating in her chatHe's annoying, but can't deny he has good tastet. MERAKbeat
>>1258636How can you tell that they're not from HK or Taiwan?
>>1258584Strongest Gen
>>1258645She was beaten up by her fans who fucked up the Online play rooms
>>1258622Gura's sister from another mother
J**, Reine is collabing with Marine later?
>>1258645She got her ass handed to her hand. 4/10 was pretty good even if considerate its a stream from the worst holo
>>1258649We are witnessing 5 girls talk. Enjoy it, even if you have no idea what they're saying
>>1258655Hell yes brother
>>1258593Her biggest flaw, such a shame.
>>1258648Obviously she wanted Don-chan to say hello
>>1258649Best gen collab
>>1258648She wants to highlight donchan(her scarf) from what I heard..
>>1258634Reine is NOT playing Apex, Roboco.
How the hell did a shark turn into a godame human
>>1258584>>1258663Can't HoloEN do this for a offline collab?
>Sora date gets 22k>This gets 80kSometimes the numbers are rather unfair, don't you think?
>>1258687Magiv. Ain't gotta explain shit.
>>1258672THEY ARE
>>1258685She should tomorrow!
>>1258675Yes, a vocabulary learning collab of some sort. Expect lots of Marinenglish.
Damn, Reine is fucking smart.
>>1258659simplified script is different from traditional. pic related is common word that'll help you differentiate.
>>1258688They're the most geographically separated Holo gen, anon.
Pekora imageHA HA HA HA HA HA
>>1258664PEKORA HATENot really though. I'm sure she had a good reason.
>>1258676Holy fucking ESL
>>1258646Among the mountains, pekora has some nice hills.
>>1258685she should
>>1258695Acting for money
It's always the barrels-stage
>>1258660Why do Reine and Mori seem to have such an overlap in fanbases?
>>1258579>door baba robot is is is open you shift baba me baba is is is most sad ke is sad veop sad ke is sadwhat does that mean
Rushia: "I don't know why everyone has a sore throatPekora: "Quite right. Eva's first plane.Rushia: "GAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
>>1258719BARREL HATE
>>1258649Strongest gen in Hololive collab
>>1258720Same stench.
>>1258692is that xi jinping's face on pekora?
>>1258646Reminder that Marine is the one controller her call image
Wouldn't it be funny if they reach 100k?
That absolute dumbass in that Risu Among Us match threw it for everyone kek
Pekora's back
>>1258698My oshi has a members stream a hour before which takes priority but I'll try and catch it.
>>1258735SSBU stream...
are watching korone or are we watching subaru?
How is this rabbit so fucking smug
>>1258749I'm watching Towa but you guys have fun.
There are people here who don't realize 3rd gen is the absolute powerhouse of Hololive?
JWUHow was Kiara's debut?Anything happened since then?
>>1258645Decent. She won a few duels after completing the story, then got her ass slam jammed by players with 1/6 of a second delay, and was respectful about it instead of raging, so that was cool.Soft PEACE is still on the table.
>>1258749>not watching Twappi play To The Moon
>>1258749>wei'm watching gen 3 right now
>>1258766>>1258766Cute sisters
>>1258735Third gen Super Smash collab got 100k few months ago.
Didn't the last full EN collab peak at like 30k viewers? I thought Holomyth was number 1...?
>>1258720They're both cute dorks who seem cool to people who don't actually watch them.
>>1257873Isn't this a co-op game or am I thinking of something else?
>>1258664If I were Peko I wouldn't show up either these outfits suck 35p what was her modeler thinking?
>>1258749I'm waiting for clussy utawaku
>>1258649The ENs should take note how powerful a zatsudan collab can be. But it's unfortunate that four of them are introverts and Kiara lack Marine's charisma to get them all to talk
>>1258759>>1258776Maybe I won't be watching Towa...
>>1258749>Not watching Polka's 600k endurance karaokehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBjez9yHM-Q
>>1258749fat cat and fennec
Do you think Reine would let me smell her hair if I asked nicely?
Reine's brain is working overtime.
>>1258749>weI'm just waiting for Moridan, that's all.
>>1258749>WeI'm watching IDs
>>1258579is... is this loss?
>Everyone's names are in Latin alphabet.Rrats?
>>1258749I'll watch Ko'one
>>1258775>40K>EN viewer not at the same timezone
Noel and Pekora make some fun faces
Why is gen 3 so powerful? Even Flare feels like she hits above her weight class.
>>1258795That's one of the second tier bonuses.
I'm watching Ame's Joker watchalong.She just is the Joker, isn't she?
>>1258775>I thought Holomyth was number 1...?exactly what made you think this?
>>1258749>WeMarine is my oshi, there's no way I'm missing this collab.
As a representive of all the chumbuds i have to say>Fuck Teamates>Fuck deadbeats>Fuck KFP>Fuck TakodachisRemember the glory days on jp? When we could post cunny and cute Gura's in peace without these retard cumbrained incels? MEIDOS.DO.YOUR.JOB.AND.BAN.THEM.ALL.FOREVER.
https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1368199232625156099DESPERATEyour turn
>Mori streamed Xrd and I missed itWas she playing with Deadbeats in a lobby? Please just kill me, I missed my chance to play with her, end my life right now fuck Im gonna have to wait months to try and catch Mori in Strive
>chickin made a dedicated instagram account for her catsTotally not crazy cat lady
https://twitter.com/lizhi3/status/1368199304557391875?s=20Pochi trying to get people to watch her daughter.
>>1258823NOSorry Bitch but good memes don't come out of thin air
>>1258813Flare has low subs comparatively, but they are very faithful and she has good live numbers.
>>1258775You underestimate the power of JOPs who only watch their one talent. Assemble six of those fanbases in the same place, and this is what you get.
>>1258826https://streamable.com/o3h9t2Deadbeats completely filled two lobbies within seconds, it was pretty funny.
>>1258775Trash gen 3Nene 110K
>>1258826It's okay anon, you'll get her next time. Look forward to that!
You are watching AZKi, right?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv9Zn-LtX40
>>1258823Now's your chance, everyone that complains about how much better 4chan memes are.
>>1258829>cats>pluraland you fags were saying Mio was the crazy cat lady.
>>1258823>inb4 she does a 4channel meme review instead
>>1258056>>1258246What the fuck I just noticed the autistic Kiara stickers on the first one. Why would someone ruin a picture like that?
https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1368199232625156099?s=20OH NO NO NO NO
Oh hey i never knew that
Is this the first game Korone's playing that will actually make use of her 3090 and 5950?
>>1258823Sorry bitch but all of my "memes" are just reaction images and coupons.I'd be happy to share you my distorted peko folder though.
>>1258823>reddit has gotten so shit she has no materialpain.
>>1258826If it makes you feel any better, she plans to play more of it before Strive comes out, especially since she'll be getting her fightstick soon.
Bubba is you.
>>1258060Mori or Ollie collab confirmed.
>>1258836Mori's laugh, it heals me.
i just realized that all of gen3 have been making efforts to be english-friendly (yes, even rushia). wonder if they've been encouraging each other behind the scenes.
>>1258838based nenebro
>Risu eating cake while watching Prisuners kill each otherThe true Warden experience.
>>12588474chan memes are heavily reliant on being in the threads.
Doog time bros.
>>1258725Another one!
[Good News] Cheeky local reaper is about to beat her stream length record:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyRvyWgXvss
>>1258100For a second I thought you were asking why Kevin Smith didn't call Miko and the idea made me laugh.
>>1258823Kiara Hitler edit on meme review
>>1258830She does that very often.
What happened to Kiara's Hololive originals karaoke? I was looking forward to Kiara singing mogumogu.
>>1258862Yeah, it was pretty interesting, since the English clip was from an old McDonald's commercial. I was wondering what they did for the JP release.>just get Toby to squeal "NANTE SUTEKI NA IDEA"
>>1258427>most fun to watch the buff game Minecraft>best GFE>best extrovert to collab with>Noel and Flare are more underrated but in return got the best ship of the entire Hololive
>>1258823I gave her this, I don't know what more she wants.
>>1258829While I may be inclined to agree, pet instagram accounts are way too common for whatever reason.
>>1258882There's no way she actually streams for 12ish hours, right?
>>1258415It was good but I don't like the chosen game. I enjoyed more when Anya was loading and failing to connect because potato pc+ indo internet, so they ended just chatting. They were good chats. A bit flirty and cute and also a bit awkward since it was their first collab. All in all it was ogey. I've seen way worse first collabs. I look forward to more, if they play another game.
>>1258895The cutest idol, that is who.
Is Coco doing a meme review tonight? With who?
>>1258844She's so fucking cute bros...
>>1258306>Jenma is ChineseWhat? When did this info come to light?
How long will it take to reach 600k?
>>1258892she was a birdbrain who thought she was collabing with Gura tomorrow and didn't practice the songs so it got put off for either next week or the week after that. She should have mentioned this on Twitter after the stream ended for for anyone who didn't stick for the SC reading.
>>1258862When does Flowey speak?
>>1258882is that really how long she has to go? do I need to stock up on red bull?
>>1258882which route is she on?
>>1258823THE WORLD SHALL BE HORRIFIED BY THE NUMBER OF MEMES >WE WILL MAKEI'm not gonna break containment fuck that
Rushia looks so retarded looking compared to the rest of 3rd gen. Fucking good shit
>>1258689Yeah, since there are 5 of them it should be 100k.Sora strong.
>Everyone's names are in Latin alphabet.WTF? IS HOLOEN TAKING OVER? IS THIS THE END OF HOLOJP?
>66 minutes
>>1258869I wish.
>>1258791Eh, watched Noel's karaoke earlier. I'm generally up for one session on any given day.
>>1258823>can't use copyright material>Most of them just about EN>It's same thing over and overI love you coco. But please do asacoco instead already.
>>1258823>wanting good memes>for essentially shit meme reviewWhy is this bitch so stupid?
EOP here. Someone please explain to me what's going on in the 3rd gen collab
>>1258537Are you doing her before sleep?That fucks them up like that dude who was making pink pony one and got constantly screeching apparition insteadIn general I would recommend fighting battle to death against it while it's still weak, a worst we will get new schizo there
>>1258908Kiara mentioned that Jenma could read Chinese. The real rrat is that apparently Jenma was involved with "one of the other overseas branches", which some anons speculate was the CN branch itself.
>>1258914He probably watched this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VMdUxu0gJY
Sometimes I masturbate to Scathach and pretend it's Mori
>>1258899Ive wanted to see how this turned out. I hope it makes it. Did you post this in the replies?
I fucking love the clown
>>1258933Maybe she should just invite an EN...
>>1258938Well it's ended so now you don't have to worry
>>1258914After you kill Toriel at least. Not sure if also when you spare her.
>>1258922Does she now?
>>1258908Its a narrative based entirely on Kiara saying Jenma knows Chinese (She was inviting people to visit her Animal Crossing island and someone with a Chinese name came in so she wanted to clear it with her first.)
>>1258944He was apparently watching the stream since he tweeted about Hard Mode almost immediately after Marine finished it. Apparently he watched some of her Touhou streams earlier too.
>>1258914When you meet him at the end of the Ruins
>>1258945being forced to have sex by Enma
>>1258947Same but with Nightingale
Does gen 3 stream buffer for anyone else?
What if Jenma was Jerma
>>1258893>the English clip was from an old McDonald's commercialAnd the sound for the Almalgams is also from the same ad
>>1258941Given how much she interacts with Ame that was almost certainly the NA girls
That collab was fun. Marine is really great being a host.
>>1258969I want to breed these sluts like you wouldn't believe
>>1258911>bell isn't onPoser
>>1258964with me!
>>1258964Wrong timeline.
>>1258933Nerfed asacoco is shit
>>1258951The Chink ENMA not allowed them. Also the reddit is getting stale
>Cover has Frontier permissionsWhen's a Holo going to play Elite Dangerous?
>>1258948Just did, yeah.
>>1258951But anon, the chingchongs...
>>1258951Hard to do that when she keeps getting ghosted.
Rate the collab.
>>1258775>c-check mate spinoff brand generation, you're not the greatest in 5 man collabsOh no!
Damn it was just starting to get good
>>1258916She's still in the fucking castle, man.
>>1258990You're on the wrong timeline too anon.
oh, Polka is actually just singing Lion a bunchthis fucking clown
>>1258984To be fair, the bell never worked for me
fucking polka
do you think EN not gen 2 will call not gen 1 senpai?
>Polka endurance stream>3500 subs left>5300 watchersPolka...
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1368202262900658176Twap, no...
>>1258823>Asking Reddit to post good shitShe's asking for a bit too much there. I think the Holo memes on Reddit will eventually dry up and she's gonna have to abandon the meme review videos someday.
>>1258993After Outer Wilds, I'd love to see Ame try and pilot a ship in Elite Dangerous.
AZKi is asking her chat for pointers on how to pander to foreigners. it's cute
>>1258962He also made sans doing the fortnite dance canon
What's stopping Coco from giving Enma the finger and just inviting an EN onto her stream?
Reine...My brain cells are dying.
>>1258990>>1259016Wtf are you guys doing?
>>1259029discord meme review??
>>1258977who's Jenma?
So long, gay browsers!
>>1259027c*ll*b when
>>1258522Then why does EN still have so much? You're just rejecting the information that EN audience can't all tune in at the same time, unlike JOPs.
>>1258676...is this the deadbeat parodying SEAniggers again?
3rd gen's next collaboration is said to be in April
>>1258836You can almost pinpoint the moment her eyes light up. These moments are always the best.
>>1259044When was this posted?
>>1259035A forced vacation like Haachama.
>Korone's 3090 is lagging on Planet CoasterI-Is the 3090 a meme card? Maybe it's not Ame's OBS settings after all?
>>1258823If she is so desperate then, stop doing it or do a 4chan meme review
>>1259038What are (YOU) doing?
>>1259032She just needs to play videogames. It's literally that easy.
>>1259057Isn't this like the 3rd time she got suspended in like a month?
>>1258945Hate each other
How was the ina apex stream?
>>1258935Basic bitch with Shitty sense of humor please understand
>>1258964>>1258990>>1259016>>1259038Ame really has to choose one to settle down with, she's being way too greedy with her harem
>>1258720dorks, voice in the lower register, pretty soft, funny laughs, very cute with a hint of teasing, actually enjoy reading stupid one-liners and raps, cool song picks for karaoke, decent at games if given time
>>1259024I could click it.I could.But I won't because I don't feel like being notified when she's live, I don't want to be a dead subscriber.
>>1259072Anon your grammar reps
>>1259074I'll never let the Takos forget their shame of that streamIna was cute though
>>1259068>Nier, Yakuza 7, Berseria, Ryza 2 all at onceKiara you're not gonna make it
>>1259074Tokdachis are pathetic teammates
>>1259027She made a post like this a while ago (had to be a few months at least) saying she wanted to play valorant but didn't have anyone to play with iircAlso am I misremembering or did Ame say she played Apex off stream with Towa like she did with Aqua?
>>1259068She wouldn't dare.
>AZKi asking for overseas fans for emote suggestionsI'm pleasantly surprised that there wasn't much pog.
>>1259068Game got delayed?
>>1259068Oh shit. I hope she doesn't stop the other games she's playing to play this one
>>1259074Takodachis were so pathetic that Ame stepped in and carried them hard
>>1259098no she just misunderstood the new trailer as meaning it was releasing this quarter
>>1259033What where when?
>>1259079Does Reine pander to GFE? I watch her when i have the chance but it doesn't seem like she panders to that audience
>>1259068Another debuff.
Polka is cuter than usual today!
>>1259108Bird brain...
>>1259032The real secret is unleashing your inner dorkness and speak in English boldly even if you don't understand a word!
>>1258977that's kinda sus bro
>>1259104Oh my god are you kidding meI have to watch this now
i love my boy so fucking much that you wouldn't believe
Why yes I am watching Mio, how could you tell?
>>1259086Please... she'll be stuck singing the same song until sunrise if you don't help
>>1259104it's funnier unedited. they won with sub 300 dmg dealt.
>>1259104is that really watson?kind of a dick move desu
>>1259111She panders to beta M soibois who want their dicks stepped on
>>1259117I have good news then! AZKi eigo continues to be adorable
>>1259104>total kills with squad: 3>3, 0, 6
>>1259104Oh shit I missed this, fuckin lmao.
>>1259091Why can Pekora play debuff game after debuff game (Dragon Quest, Xenoblade) and not lose viewers but Kiara can't?
>>1259134Nousagis are autists
>>1259086Your loss, more clussy for me
>>1259044lol Nene is so stupid, love her though she tried
>>1259096Ame played offstream with Aqua and Mel, I don't think she has ever had any contact with Towa outside of Error on Supa Sundays.
>>1259134The biggest difference is to play them back to back to keep interest high and ensure you keep highly engaged with the game. Sadly Kiara does neither so JRPGs are pure debuff for her.
Polka is more fun than usual today!
>>1259126Wait is she just sining the same song?
>>1259044Did she really say that? That is not politically correct..
>AZKi saying Let's Go!IS SHE HERE?
>>1259044nene english is the best
>>1259134Pekora has a lot of Japanese viewers, Kiara doesn't. What is a debuff game to westerners isn't a debuff game to Japanese.
>>1259145The guy who did 28 damage was lucky enough to have his number drawn twice. Let that sink it.Thankfully Ina was tracking that and didn't invite him the second time
You! Yes, (You)!Open Youtube RIGHT THIS SECOND and search "Polka ch"and subscribe to this FAQING CLOWN
>>1259104sly tako baiting teamates to watch the VOD it's worth it anyways
>>1259130>if I say Hey Guys does that make foreigners appear?>HEY GUYS!
>>1258882Been playing Omori along with her. We're at the same part in the story but I'm already level 30. I might have an RPG problem.
>>1259020Begone, heathen sheep.
Is Polka seriously going to sing the same song over and over until she gets 600k subscribers?
>>1259172But if she reaches 600k she'll stop singing! I don't want that!
>>1259091I don't think she's going to start up Berseria any time soon
>>1258933I'm pretty sure she's not allowed to do asacoco anymore without about 10 km of red tape.
>>1259180I thought that was Eli Conifer lmao
Is AZKi streaming or is it a members stream?
fuck lavaall my cats hate lava
>>1259134I don't think Dragon Quest can really be considered a debuff game for JP considering half the Japanese population has played the games.
>>1259193It's a members stream
I'm watching a certain VERY HOT, VERY EVIL, WET KISSING CHINK singing karaoke.I hope I can take her as a trophy wife in the upcoming world war...
>>1258933She's already said on stream Asacoco isn't going to resume, but she's got a replacement segment in the works
AZKi barely speaks English so it's kind of weird she's trying so hard to appeal to gaijins. Mel seems to be doing the same thing. Did the Hololive overseas hype train just bring a bunch of stale Holos out of the woodworks to try to capitalize, or what?
Is life really worth living?
>>1259203Shut up gura!
>>1259202They saw what it did to Aki, so they're trying the same thing.
I just started watching Polka. Is she seriously planning to only sing Lion?
>>1258717nah, Noel and Fure both shit money on their own, they actually like each other a lot
>>1259203I want to watch Kiara.To watch Kiara, I require to be alive.Therefore, I must live.q.e.d.
>>1259203Yes bro, holos are proof.
>>1259203Yes, because if you die, you won't be able to support your oshi anymore
>>1259180I am cleansed.
>>1259172But what if I'm already subscribed?
>>1258749Reine for me
>>1259202>barely speaks Englishthat's generous, she simply doesn't speak English at all
>>1259218I can't support her because I am poor.
>>12592123 more times I believe
>>1259213Anon do you really think that when they don't even wear the rings that they said they would never take off
When is Ame gonna do another public karaoke? I wanna show off how much she's improved to the greys.
>>1259203maybe, maybe not, but it's all we have
>Do you use annihilation on a daily basis?Only when dreaming about SEA, AZKi.
>>1259229I honestly find it hard to believe there are people who don't speak English in this day and age. Aren't you basically functionally illiterate if you don't?
>>1259159Where can I find this alarm clock
>>1259230Your love is all the support she needs.
>>1259203this >>1259238
>>1258775I mean, it is, the numbers will just show it harder and harder down the line
>>1259202I mean, they’ve been streaming for years and JOPs still don’t care about them, I’d say it’s worth a try, EOPs are easy to please.
>>1259202Given that we now know collabs between ENs and JPs are carefully controlled, it's likely that Mel's collabs with the En girls were pre-arranged specifically to boost her, and she's doin her english reps now to try and retain the EOP audience she got from that exposure.Azki was held back by her situation for a long time and the limiters are now off. She's probably in a similar position to Sora where the EOP pandering is less about trying to garner views and more about being one of the faces of the brand and being diplomatic to a large new consumer base that's clearly interested in the company and its talents beyond the 5 english girls in their minecraft slum.
Towa is cute
>no translators in Mr Koro's stream
>>1259134I don't think DQs are debuff games. Noel has also been playing them and getting her usual amount of views, I think.
Polka has very big eyes.Great for staring into.
Anything interesting from Kiara's "redebut"? I've only watched till the end of the original Hinotori singalong, and I don't feel like watching the rest right nowReally sucks to be a SEAnig KFP with her new EU stream times
>>1259203Anon I can barely go 1 day without getting FOMO over useless shit like vtubers.Imagine how much shit I would miss out on if I died. I just can't risk not being alive to witness something amazing in the future and reacting to it on 4chan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evVu6fPjbfwBros how can I find Coco so cute? What's wrong with me?
>>1259237The greys don't deserve Ame. Probably not for a while, I believe even before her most recent members practice she said something like "I'm not good enough to sing for everyone yet, but-"
>>1259178It works better then Towa's desk slam.
>>1259265>No Coco okite okite
>>1257890so just for poeple to be aware this is a block or id claim, not a copyright claimSo it is most likely the AI of youtube
>>1259280The Greys?
Is Reine always eating on stream? I swear...
So we're all in agreement that Gura probably takes the meanest shits out of HoloEN?
>>1259203Is life worth NOT living? All that we can do is make the best of it.
>>1259295All of the IDs eat on stream.
>>1259267Won't be needing to know what she's saying when you're about to be euthanized via a rollercoaster
>>1259134>DQ>debuff>japanchose 2
>>1259295food is delicious
>>1259267Despite being the gateway Holo for a ton of EOPs she has never really gotten any dedicated in chat translators.
>>1259308I want to debuff japan.
>>1259272Look forward to a Subaru collab. Kiara's brief attempt at Fly Me to the Moon has surprisingly good.
>>1259272Subaru collab next week
>>1259202Cuteness breaks through language barriers and cuteness reps are easier to do than eigo reps.
>>1258037to be fair, the benefit of working for a agency is that when they pull this shit you don't have to send the talents information but rather the companies legal information. This is one of the reasons vsh*jo was formed. Holos don't have to give their person information to some literal who when they try to file a false DMCA, Cover can handle it.
>>1259244Japan is hopeless when it comes to English. One of the lowest fluency rates in the world. Probably doesn’t help that their first language is so shit than even native speakers have trouble using it.
>>1259263Add on that AZKi is also one of the most accessible JPs for EN fans since music transcends languages, and I'm sure she has a large proportion of overseas fans from her analytics. She also seems to have joined Hololive to spread her music so, since her roommate continues to make stuff that's more heavily Japanese focused, so of course she's going to be happy to get overseas fans and want to match their enthusiasm.
>>1259300Ina eats a fuck ton of spicy Korean noodles. I imagine her shits are explosive.
>>1258495This post was made by Mori
>>1259302life, what is mean??
>>1258944man, Marine got a really good understanding of the story, her otaku autism isn't actually a pose
>>1259316>t. Godzilla
>>1259302I was depressed about my ceiling for a while but the paint seems to have gone back to how it was before when it dried out... It still looks shitty and there's still a hole but not as big of a hole anymore at least and it doesn't look like a spider is poking its leg out anymore which would have freaked me out every time I glanced in that direction which is good.Speaking of which, I have another smaller hole right above my bed and I remember one time right when I was about to turn my lights off to go to sleep and I had my hand on the light switch and noticed my cat staring at something on the ceiling so I looked up at what she was looking at and watched a decent size spider wriggle out of that hole and proceed to dive bomb straight onto my bed where I'd have been laying if my cat hadn't warned me. So yeah thanks cat, good looking out but I always am more careful of stuff like that nowadays.
>>1259291More like the gays.t. Nenechi
>>1259280She should've more confidence since both Noel and Botan do public ones fine, hell Noel's fanmade king cover got a million views.
>>1259341nice blog bro
>>1259240Holy based
>>1259263Okay schizo. Take your meds.
Reine sure likes to eat.
Why does Planet Coaster have BGM that sounds like a commie national anthem mixed with sea shanties?
>>1259317>>1259321Thanks, that's something to look forward to alright.I'll have to sleep now if I want to catch the sametori collab live so I'll just watch the HoloDE debut some other time
>>1259300Of course not.
>>1259278Coco IS cute. Watch anything other than meme review and it's obvious.
>>1259354Point is, you should get a cat if you haven't already, they're actually pretty good
>>1259244Do EOPs really
>>1258903this is Mori so... I honestly can't tellit's about 70% chance she'll end it early and 30% chance she'll do a Mori and btfo's everyone
Towa baby...
>>1259374It's true though. Japanese is totally fucking useless out of Japan.
>>1259263>>1259263You are genuinely retardede if you think the collabs are preeranged. Mel is very active in supporting the girls. Ollie has said even before Mel went on this collab spree that Mel would just DM her and talk to her. Not even about anything spec9fic just to see how she was doing.Stop attributing everything the girls do to numbers. Not everyone is as jaded as you and you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are.
>>1258749>Everyone abandoned KoroneMr. Koro.. stay strong
>>1259341>>1259371Where can I get a cat like this?
>>1259370>Huh...?>What do I want this year..?>When you grow up, you stop wanting things for the holidays.Flowey...
>>1259272I feel you fellow SEA KFP. I only get to watch half of her streams nowadays before I naturally fall asleep because of the time. The karaoke is cancelled for now I heard.
What's Polka gonna do now that she's run out of setlist though?
>>1259330>what is mean?I find it really cute every time she says this. You're making me miss her already.
>>1259380Man Japanese is totally useless even IN japan. Half of their population can't even read or write kanji, and English is common enough there that you don't even need to know Japanese to survive.
>>1259371Cats suck they're actually not that bad I'm just super allergic so I can't even be around them for more than 20 minutes.
finally reine figured that one out
>I don't wanna do this anymore>fucking wins
>>1259314>[EN] WOWOWOWOWOWO>[EN] ORAYOshe doesn't need one anon
>>1258945streaming too few hours
>>1259374The large sections of the internet that aren't internal to a country's working are almost exclusively in English, along with every scientific and technical article of note so yes.
>>1259391Don't you know? That's when the setlist starts.
Okay, but what if
>>1259374>not speaking in world's Lingua Franca>learning dead language to watch chuubas instead of English and/or acquiring an applicable skill that would bring you substantial incomeNGMI
>>1259418>No Smash seal
>>1259418Is that Calli's invitation to the popular fighting game, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate?She should keep it, and join the fight!
>>1259278Coco being cute was the reason I originally became interested in her months ago.
>>1259203Yes and no. Life has no meaning or inate worth, but there is nothing waiting for you after you die except eternal, unending nothingness. We will all reach that nothingness one day, so what's the rush? Live life and find something you can decide makes your life "worth it", whether that be a girlfriend, spiritual purpose, advancement of the human race or even waking up to hear your oshi's voice every day.Enjoy life anon, whether you find it meaningless or not you don't have anything else waiting for you.
>>1259417Base and Wattam pilled, I hope she finishes it next week.
【Good News】Korone has discovered the prefabs section of Planet Coaster so her theme park won't be a bunch of empty concrete shells anymore.
Great news everyone, Calli gained 4 subscibers on bilibili today.
I'm sorry, Risu...
>It wasn't Lion againGot me, Polka. Got me.
>>1259431based passive nihilist
>>1259431Don't try to disguise yourself with Sora, Gura.
Guys, it's been almost a week since we've heard from Mamaloni. Did she sneak onto Kiara's plane and is now lost in Austria somewhere? Possibly starving on the street?
>>1259278To be fair it's impossible for an anime girl not to look cute in an idol costume
Planet Coaster arc so far:>Miko, RBC and Nene: Go on the rides and simulate themselves being on it>Botan: Makes euthanasia coasters and laughs at everyone doing>Reine: Does a mix of serious and a mix of fun>Moona and Mio: Theme park design autism>Korone: Places rides down and laughs her ass off at the music and guest designs and behaviorsPolka and Astel: Went with Zoo instead
>>1259111she lets her chat hit on her and while she dismisses them she enjoys the messages a lot and encourages them
>>1259443>>1259451Well, shit.
>>1259437All me
>>1259454Mamaloni opened up a skeb account, so she's probably working on commissions right now.
I hope you are clapping your hands anon...
>>1259456I love Mio's sci-fi water park
does subaru have the best manager?
>>1259456>laughs at everyone dying*pardon me I'm not the brightest bulb on the planet and apparently my fingers work faster than my brain
>>1259464>skebOh boy we're finally going to get more porn. Hopefully she'll finally release that Takamori porn she totally has stashed away.
>>1259454No clue. I'm mildly concerned. Or maybe Kiara hired her for a super huge project and she's got no time for anything else.
How much Ina sweat do you think is accumulated in Burrito?
I'm really impressed at how high pitched Risu can talk and scream
>>1259456>YWN be on a ride with Robocowhy even live
>>1259267Nobody understands what Korone says anyway. Her dialect is too weird.
Does this even work?
>>1259393I know...
>>1259483You are right now you stupid fuck
>>1259481squirrel go brrrrrrrr
>>1259481I had her muted, since I was in the game. Turned her back up just in time to have my ears blasted, kek
>>1259486I don't know what kind of magic you are trying to pull, but that
>>1259486yeah bro
>>1259471She got a new one, right?
>>1259478>huge project>She's designing the next EN gen childWould be awesome.
>>1259486KEKnope>>1259494Was trying to clap my hands
Oh look, Towa’s playing another FPS, Cole. Maybe this will the one she gets good at! And while we’re wishing for things that’ll never happen, Aloe’s re-debut.
>>1259504ROY HATE
Sell me on Ollie
>>1259481Isn't she a professional VA?
>>1259439>but it's five times BLUE CLAPPERI do enjoy this shitposting clown's antics.
Alright, anons. Both Sora and AZKi have asked what they should put on their introduction pages for the upcoming rework of the Cover website. What would you put to get people interested in you if you were your oshi?
Rate Polka's setlist
come on anonmake coco some funny pictures
>>1259377I fucking love Shubaru doing the translated slides now, her zatsus are super sweet
>>1259509She'll blow out your eardrums.
>>1259454She probably lost all motivation after Kiara left Japan
so, why the fuck did Haachama get forced vacationed?
>>1259509Loud. Makes dirty jokes a lot. Absolute yabmachine. Pisses like a Charge Rifle. Likes Apex
>>1259517Too much blue crapper, but otherwise solid.
>>1259504>And while we’re wishing for things that’ll never happen, Aloe’s re-debut.nice try Roy but we all know you'd never support a whore.
>>1259517Looks like my vtuber playlist.
>>1259517Time loop/10
>>1259509She pees like a charge rifle
>>1259519Shut up Coco.
>>1259526Having too much fun.
>>1259526Excessive shitposting and schizophrenia.
>>1259504Shut the fuck up Roy, no one likes you
>>1259519I'm allergic to tier lists and calm/panik. I'm sorry, Coco.
>>1259519The memes on the main subreddit are fucking trash. If she wants actually dank Hololive memes she should unironically visit r/okbuddyhololive.
>>1259526she didn't
>>1259527of course she likes APEX. Who doesn't?
>>1259519Here you go Kaichou! https://streamable.com/rgio03
>>1259478>The next project is Kiara's 2nd costume design since Huke is busy
>>1259509She smells bad.
>>1259509We had to start over in 2021, and I was honestly expecting this list to be longer given she yab'ed in her first 3 streams after debut, one after another.
>>1259547everyone likes apex obviously
>>1259519Why don't japs come up with their own memes. Can't them come up with anything better than reddit?
>>1259418fuck, this is too cute
>>1259519I fucking tried to bitch and none of it got in
Why the fuck does Towa only play multiplayer trash anyways? I remember she thinking Doom was horror or something, but there's plenty of other FPS games.
>>1259517I love Blue Clapper I unironically clap along every time I listen to it
>>1259478She hired her to be Mori's comfort woman while she's away.
>>1259517I hope we get a time loop of Polka doing Hinotori.
>>1259456>>Reine: Does a mix of serious and a mix of funare we watching the same streams? everything she designs is a death trap or a hellscape or both
>>1259576Has she sung it yet at all? I don't remember it in her most recent set.
Korone stop you're inadvertently creating a fever dream version of Varrock it's only a matter of time before Grand Exchange autism occurs in your theme park
>>1259576No thanks.
>>1259581She hasn't, no. But a man can dream.
>>1259566Look at her go!
>>1258977Forced to take up another job to pay off The Debt™
>>1259483imagine sniffing her hair
judging from koro-san's pixelmess, it seems that planet coaster still needs a $5k machine to run well?
I missed Kiara's third debut, worth going back for?
>>1259519how dis?
>>1259509Boner inducing voice when she's not yelling. Her moans and real voice are excellent.
>>1259593Hated that sanitized version of the choreography.
https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1368205825592811524?s=20I really hope we get a collab event for Uma MusumeThat would be so sick
>>1259605If you speak German: Yes.If you don't: Skip to the singing part, listen to German Hinotori, then jump to the SC reading.
I feel bad for Towa
>>1259605German Hinotori was highlight, otherwise mostly a bit eh
>>1259593God I want to lick Flare's thighs so bad
>>1259560Jap memes are just take thing and redraw it with different characters.
Shuba is talking smth about the Kiara collab
>>1259601Having an empty theme park alone causes roughly 50% GPU usage on my RX 570 and I get some large dips when I make the theme park more detailed and attract a bunch of guests
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kyxf8Ejpb8Drinking game in 5, who's joining with some booze?
>>1259622oh, apparently a collab is coming soon
>Explaining cute, cool, and passion to AZKi
Towa is doing her Eigo reps right? she said she would
>>1259611>german speaking>german singing>sc readingSounds pretty boring desu. I'll give it a miss.
>>1258948Thanks for giving it a like. Doubt she'll still see it, though.
>>1259509Kureiji "Incest is wincest" Ollie>Said "I don't drink coffee, it's not good for the baby" during her debut>Said "I didn't choose it because I had a fight with my boyfriend, Dang, I wish I had a boyfriend ... I want a wife" because of song lyrics during her post-debut>When asked for a pickup line said "Is your dad in prison? Is he not in prison? Oh that's funny, because if I were your dad I'd be in prison!" in her maro reading stream>Said "Bad colours? Why don't you take a look in the mirror George, let's see who's the bad colour then!" in her passpartout stream>Farted during her sushi party stream>Liked a tweet saying "Man I want to give Pekora a sibling so bad">Made a subtle pedo joke only indonesians will understand in a Getting Over It stream>Liked a tweet saying "Bro, I thought mating press was like a friendly hug">Said she wanted to "yeet and skeet" with her genmates during Overcooked collab>Responded to a comment saying "It is hard" with "That's what she said" during an Overcooked collab>Liked a tweet from an anti who postes a torrent link to HoloFes 1 with the promise of hosting a torrent to HoloFes 2>Asked "Did you touch yourself with those hands?" and "What that tongue do" during her Ib (RPG Maker Game) stream>Has a very thinly veiled incest fetish that became clear during the lb stream>liked a tweet from Kiaras roommate>Said "my big brother slams my body and licks my face to wake me up">Said "Aah~... Aaaaahhh~... It's so deep - that's what she said" and "It stinks... I didn't fart" during her Minecraft stream>Almost made a joke about her little brother looking like a hentai protagonist in a drawing in her 300k celebration stream>Endorsed someone creating a rape doujin featuring her and Godzilla after one kept molesting her in Fallguys>Went to the bathroom during her collab with Ame. While gone, Ame said she was just going to an idol meeting. When she came back she proudly declared "Hey, I peed like a charge rifle!"Bonus clip: https://streamable.com/m7r8mp
When will Kiara take off her limiters and sing blumenkranz?
>>1259635Is Azki streaming right now? I don't see anything in my sub box.
>>1259645This would be kino.
>>1259651Member's only stream
>>1259558That's a given.
>Jeb in the gameFucking KEK
>>1259636Yes! Towa will study English! Maybe...
>>1259651First ever member's stream. She's pretty adorable. Her five categories for her music are, Passion, Coo, Cute, Emotional, and Cat
>>1259644where is the mention of her audible piss after asking chat if they want to go with her to the toilet?
>>1259633But that anon said ENJP collabs are blocked, 100% confirmed even. This is impossible.
Just chatting, more like just drinking lmao
>>1259658Damn, I hope she's cuter than usual today for you paychads.
>>1259622Understandable they would hit it off, shuba has always wanted foreign friends.
>>1259666It's an old copypasta, I just threw the Ame one in at the end real quick
Polka is gaining subscribers at an alarmingly low rate... Will this stream last for hours?
>>1259625im considering it, i can pass out drunk at noon and wake up for the sametori collab
>>1258249This means her charm works. I'm happy to see that.
>>1259665>>and Cat>I don't have that space AZKi cat image savedFUCK
hehe Yeb
>>1259667Kiara is only like 1/4 EN, she doesn't meet the criteria
Man, I'm always surprised by the flood of akas every time Mori streams.
>>1259644How has she not been suspended yet?
>>1259673>alarmingly low rate>2k in an hour singing 2 different songs on loopshe's fine
>>1259693ID managers do not give a fuck
>>1259685>>1259690>>1259665Hololive feels like one huge project to convince everyone 30+ year old women can still be cute as fuck
>>1259685There's multiple, which I didn't realize until I opened my folder
>>1259673>Will this stream last for hours?That's the plan my man.
>>1259698And they're goddamn right!
>>1259698It worked.
>>1259698Also that voice + personality >>>> physical looks
>>1259693Moona has made religious jokes on twitter and shown her bare skin on stream (both explicit no-nos) and hasn't gotten in trouble.
>>1259690>>1259699thank you, anon(s?)!
I mean, Blue Clapper is still a pretty good song, right?
>>1259644I'm amazed she was allowed to collab with EN. Sasuga zombie!
Watching choco sensei genocide enderchamas while polka keeps drilling blue clapper inside my brain, i don't think meds can save me from this.
>>1259693ID is for chads
Sasuga Money Mori
>>1259179Jesas. Do you really like menu combat that much?
i cant believe she's fucking dying bros
Mel is signinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSXtEGwhrWM
>>1259717It's a pretty great song.
>>1259686ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeb
>no Kiara/Mori interactions for nearly 2 weeks nowFinally..the ship is dead and Mori can be free
>>1259698well, they were right
>>1259605Check the start (fitting OP BGM) and Hinotori, otherwise it's a semi-zatsudan.
>>1259698Pic is relevant
>>1259717Fuck off Polka
Reminder that Gura wants an excuse to touch every single one of her genmates inappropriately.
>>1259710true, I'd totally date Botan
>>1259720>Polka singing Blue Clapper over and over again>Choco farming Endermen religiously againThis re-run sucks...
>>1259711Moona did have to take a week off because of her barely religious joke tweet to cool things off. ID has different standards but is still sensitive to local controversy.
our alcoholic boy is streaming
>>1259749I would too.
>>1259749she should take that trip to japan, Noel would absolutely let her fondle
Kept you waiting, huh?
>>1259742Manga about a retired magical girl now working as a chistmas cake OL and meeting and training the younger generation when?
>>1259743What kind of charm could you lose from doxx? She's still the same yab machine
>>1259749What an erogaki
>the flood of いいね as Korone builds a death coaster that climbs 90 degrees straight up and then 90 degrees straight downJOPs are okay.
>chat: 18 more lionskek
>>1259714You're welcome, and I regret not saving the one she retweeted that had the space cat staring at one of the meme pictures of her new model. It's buried under all her retweets of the vtubers on her palm now.
[Good News] Mori is using her sleepy voice
Well that's not terrifying at all
>>1259743You shouldn't have said that.
>>1259774Korone needs to work hard to surpass Botan's 96G deathcoasterBonus mental damage for having Blue Clapper on loop
wow, AZKi might actually be more boring than Ina
Mori you fucking bitch. Now instead of streaming you want to be a groupie of some asian noname artist wannabe. Fine, you retarded bitch, do whatever you want, but I will fucking never support such a disgrace of an idol. I hope in ten years or so, when you will be poor and mostly forgotten you could say that that asian dick was worth it. and fuck anyone who defends her, fucking cucks. "Ma oshi can't do wrong" retards and fuck anyone who deletes this. "Oh you can't discuss this stuff her". It WILL affect her streams and it is on topic.
>>1259749>play horror games with a heart rate monitorThat actually sounds... pretty neat.
>>1259698Always have been
Deadbeats are a different breed.
>>1258852The irony of calling something autistic while complaining about this kind of shit.
>Polka and Mel singing YOASOBI within seconds of each otheroh shit, it's Connect all over again
>>1259794You mean that if I want to breed one I have to breed them differently from other fanbases?
>>1259790Enjoy (you)r 3 days
>Aruran playing the fucking horse gachaI'm starting to get tired of this game, but autistic nips sure like their gachas...
huh mel and polka singing the same song too bad not in sync
>Mel and Polka singing the same song at the same timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSXtEGwhrWMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBjez9yHM-QYou guys should listen to Mel if you haven't heard her sing!She's good!
>Polla and Mel singing the same song at the same timeAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
>>1259788Nice try poorfag.
>>1259791I think mukirose did that.
>>1259790abayo doxxfag see you in 3 days
>>1259791I'm worried she'll exhaust all the actual scary horror games she would have perms for by the time she gets a heart rate monitor.
>>1259729I can't believe roboco is actually dead...
>>1259790This is you
>>1259791I've seen other vtubers do that before
>>1259729Lubricate your throat, Roboco! Maintenance is important!
>>1259816A large amount of nijis and indies do it. Not really a difficult thing to do.
>>1258148That's just blatantly false. She has bad fundamentals, but not nonexistent ones.
>>1259810>>1259811BLONDE SUPREMACY
>>1259790ok faggot
>>1259810THEY ARE
>SomeShiftyJewI do hope Calli is conscious during the SC reading part
>>1259805Probably phone poster, he will refresh their network by re-switching airplane mode and baam new IPs.
>>1259519the hololive subreddit is infested with SEAniggers, which is naturally unfunny and obnoxious
>>1259818Well there's always VR horror to up the ante
>>1259810Holo blondes are the strongest race
AZKi has decided that she wants to try ordering her songs a different way, by genre instead of feel. We now have Pop, Ballad, Rock, Dance, Denpa, and Cat.
>>1259853It was the latest one as far as I remember, when Botan dug into the earth specifically to extend the roller coaster downwards
>>1259838This stream has been a great dose of screaming and abuse.
Weren't the wine parties members-only stuff? Did Mori forget?
>>1259790>tour that's spread out for 20 days.>Japan has trains to and from venuesWOW, it's fucking nothing.
>>1259855It always works.
>>1259852Hopefully J notices it.
>What if I did just keyboard ASMR?>Nah that'd be pretty boringMori low key shitting on HoloID
>>1259873no, you're mixing up streams
>>1259864not only that, but 90% of the memes posted there are about HoloEN and Coco can't relate to most of those for obvious reasons
>>1259873she really wanted an excuse to drink more
>>1259624yea, my 2070s and 5600x don't fare much better. the moment i have more than a handful of coasters with extensive theming, fps starts tanking. also any park with more than 800~ guests, ill have no more than 40~50 fps average.
>>1259869riding the death coaster into grandma's holes...
>>1259867What exactly makes a song "cat"
>keyboard asmr would be boringrisu.....
>Will "OTAKU" be understood overseas?Man, Japanese people really have no idea of what parts of their vocab have made overases, do they?
>>1258060anything coming from this board will come off as rude so she'll never do a le 4chin image macro review even if she keeps the source of them in secret
>>1259884Risu did that and it was great. These girls don't know how to do soft talking asmr properly so they should just stick to whispering or non-talking.
Thank you all time to abandon this thread
>I was working hard on something elseI wonder
>deadbeats anonymous
amelia is more unusual than usual today
Is Gura still on rx580? I thought it's not good anymore but she seems to be running and streaming fine on it, if she upgraded then her older videos where she for sure still had it look good too
>>1259686Thanks Risu
>>1259852>Calligo back
Mori is really cute this stream
>>1258346If you get audio with the thumbnail, try changing the video quality back and forth. I have a similar issue if I have auto-play disabled in browser, and changing resolutions will give play the video itself
Anons, why is there no open source alternative to Live2D, which is the one of the pieces of software that Hololive designers (I think?)?
Guess what I want to do to Mori.Take a wild guess.
Is one of the rules her saying "I KNOWWwwww"?
>>1259924yes, based on F3 from mc collab this week.
Did... Did Mori just vocally greentext?
>>1259951Drink with her
>>1259945Try again please, ESL
Hey does that mean when Mori graduates we can finally kill ourselves?
>speaking in greentext
>>1259951Share a drink?
Someone's figured out a rule, I think
Mel singing Chika Fujiwara's character songit fits.https://youtu.be/sSXtEGwhrWM
>>1259911Do they have a name for their collabs the same way Kiara does with every one she does?
>>1259911Sisters don't want a dakimakura of the other, they are fellow degenerates.
>>1259951Getting drunk with Mori and punching each other in the face taking turns!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huhBjp5IByw>"ä"Okay that's pretty funny
>>1259961>>1259966Wait, what did she say?
>>1259964Yeah, I fucked up here.
>>1259951Marry her and raise a family together
>>1259519Tell her to check out /vt/ instead
>>1259951Going on tour with her
>>1259977>looks at chat>immediately sees a rule being brokenYeah
>>1259968Crowd sourcing the rules is dumb, because everyone can just break their own rule if it's not something SC related.
>>1259976is Gura doing the roman salute?
Risu is losing it...
Always rember happy tiem
>>1259951going hiking
>>1259976isn't Gura doing a nazi salute there?
Mori wants to go on a trip with Rain-senpai!
>>1259973They were brainstorming hashtags during the stream such as swordfish or dagGAWR
>>1259519Give her 4channel link and tell her it's different site from 4chan.
>>1259951Make her watch while you suck someone's cock?
>>1259976>german 101>gura doing nazi salute
Mori what the fuck?
Mori, your liver...
>>1259973Daggar and swordfish are the ones I remember
Mori, your eyes...
>>1260000that's why i'm taking the pussy option and drinking a 4% cider
how the fuck is this getting more views than the GG stream?
>>1259644"no one gives a shit about ID" really is true huh
I want Polka to sing KING and destroy every other holo
>>1260017BASED, someone please actually do it.
>>1259994Man I remember there was a thread a while back back when we were still on /jp/ and someone found archives of posts she had made on /v/ like 7 years ago. There's also the /a/ style shrine she made for Ame's birthday. She's clearly an oldfag.
>>1259978If you're asking about why they don't use another software for Live2D, it's because they are a tech company first and foremost, and Hololive is a showcase of their AR-based motion capture technology. It doesn't track as well as some other tech right now, but it operates on tracking that doesn't require any facial recording, so it's much more safe from any kind of technical fuckup showing the talent's face.
>>1260004>>1259997>>1260020You're welcome.
>>1260035>Guilty GearThere's your answer
>>1260035>Guilty Gear
>>1260035FGs are niche as fuck, my man
>>1260035Fighting games are unironically debuff games unless it's a party game like Smash
>>1260035more people are awake at this hour then after midnight us time
https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1368219912481607690?s=21>Reine is going to teach Marine indog instead of EnglishWe were so close to a good collab...
>>1259519Coco: *running out of reddit memes*Reddit: PANIK/hlgg/: KALMCoco: PANIKThere. Screenshot this and post it on Reddit.
>>1260034i made equal part vodka/OJ screwdrivers and it was a bad drink choice for this streami'm already buzzed
>>1259976>the saluteKiara knows exactly what she's doing
>>1260035>Guilty Gear>In the hours between NA primetime and JP primetime
>/jp/ bros are hereSHE'S HERE
>>1260035GG stream was at 3am for me. This isn't.
>>1260035people don't watch mori for the gameplay lmfao
>>1260041I don't have twitter, but I'm pretty sure another anon already got this idea.
>>1260067Kek, the last time this happened /hlg/ turned yellow. I have no idea what'll happen if it happens again.
>>1260035I'm awake
>>1260035>people still think that zatsu's are somehow a debuff
Hololive official website is going to get translated to English, confirmed by AZKi, which explains why all the talents are brainstorming new introduction pages.
God i love this dorky reaper
>>1260065Marine is already learning English, the collab is still going to be good.
>>1260056Z cup...
>>1260065the rrats were right all along.https://streamable.com/i6kavf
>>1259742Is that baalbuddy?
>Joseph also bought the Mori membership
>>1260065But my Marineglish.....
Mori you don't have to lie we all know it was because you liked those Terry Crews commercials
>>1260035I like to watch people who are good at fighting games play them
>>1260083>she came from the ocean and said LOLOLOL
>>1260091She wishes.
>>1260071Well, she ain't wrong.
>>1260068i anticipated her going off the charts in terms of quantity so i opted not give myself alcohol poisoning, but i respect your choice anon
>>1260083W-why can't they just translate the normal Japanese ones?
>father narrativemori...
>>1260083did they need half a year of HoloEN to figure that one out?
Mori will die of alcohol induced liver failure some time in the next ten years. This is fact.
I love my Squrl wife
>>1260101She has until next week to fix it, then, since that's the deadline.>narrative againStop breaking containment, Mori.
Thanks Mori, now I know what to spread on my Mori bodypillow to replicate her scent
>>1257893im in LOVE
>>1260083What? I thought it already had an English translation
jwu how was the gura anya collab?
Polka singing that song again
>>1260116Bullshit, alcohol never hurt nobody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huhBjp5IBywWhy not just do more Japanese? German is a useless fucking language.....
>the Father narrativeBASED
>>1260083What do you mean, https://en.hololive.tv already exists.
>>1260065Marine can finally be a proper SEAdog
>>1257893>That diversionKEK
>>1260140As a German I agree. I'd rather Gura and Ame learn more JP so they can collab better
>>1260111They can, which is why all the JP talent are redoing it so they're relevant and enticing. Also explains why they're asking for overseas fans thoughts on what is a good introduction.
>Mori mentions Old Spice>chat goes "HAHAHA DAD XD">almost no tomboy mentions
buying fiji old spice to replicate mori's scent!
>>1260123I also teared up a bit at that part.
>>1260094I guess he actually has disposable income now?At least I hope so.
>>1260142>>1260143>>1260085Anya literally said "cuncun" last night and no one commented about it.
>>1257893A true gamer
>>1260115Because Cover takes far too long to do things.
>>1260146Maybe the Cover Corp website ?
i need new rrats on mori, why is she down?
Damn, was she really about to cry?
>>1260140German is a ugly smelly language which means it's perfect for holos.
>>1260159Well she doesn't like tomboy so that's for the best at least
>>1260146according to Sora, they're redoing the profiles to something more proper and indepth.Sora was brainstorming to add things like liveshows she's done and album releases, milestones, etc.
>>1260146They're updating it and also going to translate the talent's pages.
>>1260140Who's this artist?
>>1260174Definitely had the sniffles.
>>1260173It's that time of the month
>>1260173According to my period charts of all the ENs, she's at the beginning of her time of the month.
>>1260140It's not like they actually learn anything from these streams in the first place
>>1260132Very cute. I'm watching the VOD right now. You can tell they became friends pretty quickly during their off collab
>>1260179I guess they should include links to some of their best known streams and performances then. Perhaps even some good clips?
Anons, thoughts on hololy? It's an app by Cover https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.hololive.life
damn, it took my boy 25 mins to resort to reading SCs
>>1260179why is she adding useless info when she should talk about what her armpits and butt smell like
>SameTori collab is on Kiara's channelOf fucking course... Why is this bitch so self centered?
>>1260173Kiara replaced her for Ame
I'm a deadbeat.
>>1260088But I don't want Marindog, I want Marinenglish.
>>1260173lot of stuff can fuck up currently:>physical release of CDs>MV shit>roommate stuff (recording, tour participation)
don't usually watch Mori, is she usually this much of an emotional trainwreck
>>1260165The music gets really pumped.
>>1260140>no holo speaking french>probably not going to happen for EN2>Teaching Ame French stream never ever>Will never hear Ame say "Je t'aime"pain
>>1260195>>1260199Anon you DO know that most women these days just skip their periods... right?
>>1260222No, it's weird
>>1260083I think you're missing some context anon, they already have English version of official website.Whatever you mean hopefully it's a big indicator for Vsinger debute sooner.
>>1260210When is the last time Gura had a collab on her channel only?
obligatory ame mention
>>1258720>tall, long haired titty monsters that stream around the same times and are huge fucking dorksI dunno man, it's a mystery to everyone.
>>1260222>TrainwreckYou should watch Kiara sometime
watson mention
>>1260222Not really
It's not a Korone stream if she doesn't find a way to sneak in some aztec shit people will interpret as eekum bokum
>>1260169She said "konkon" with her accent.
>thread reaches post limit>Mori drinkscalling it now.
>>1260207you can't see release history on the Android store?
okay im going to concerfag aaaaaaaa
>>1260229>skip their periodswhat the fuck
>>1260207It's been dead for years
>A live broadcast where you're not chased until you can learn and sing a song you've never heard before would be interesting.Now that should be a fun member's stream from AZKi.
>>1260242I do, that's why it was bizarre seeing even Kiara concern-ing in the chat
>still thinking she'd finish OmoriDYRBI?
>it's another depressed mori episode.....it's really getting tiresome, what's wrong with her that she's like depressed every other day now?
>>1260243>>1260244>posted at the same times-sugoi
>>1260259It's called the pill
>>1260211This is true
>>1260210anon...Kiara prepared the assets, the lesson contents and extended the invite. I don't see what else you expected.
>your oshi>is she a crybaby?
>>1260217Be the change you want to see.Spam the chat with 'speak english'.
>>1260223Yeah. It was a great game and had a really good time playing it.
>>1260253Sounds like you need to go drink some meds
>>1260216Based if true.
>>1260263eh, she doesn't seem that bad to me
>>1260207I'm still self-aware enough not do put virtual anime girls in my real surroundings.
Mori will be the first to graduate. She's the least invested in streaming and is just using it for her music ambitions. She'll burn out the quickest doing livestreams everyday when she doesn't really want to.
>>1260229>Women will screw themselves up hormonally just to not be inconvenienced a few days every monthlol
>>1260130Lookit at her go!
>>1260268>every other dayt never watch streams
>>1260277Guess I have no choice but go full black ships on them.
Mori is surrounded by birds!
>>1260267thank god I decided to play it for myself instead of just watching her play
>She doesn't want to replicate the Undertale arc but in ENBased???
>>1260287This one's a classic, it's from around their debut, right?
Isn't that german teaching stream idea a bit yab? I thought Hololive was supposed to be politics free? I hope there won't be any libshit twitter outrage over it...
I was hoping she would call her senpai again
>>1260268>take too much work>fail to deliver on some venue/crunch to fit it in>feel mentally drainedher habits is what's wrong
>pronouncing Reine correctlyMy oshi is doing her hololive reps!
>Drinking game>MuslimMorichama...
>>1260140>German is less useful than JapaneseWhat did /hlgg/ mean by this?
>>1260287Wasn't this rrat killed some days ago? Oh wait, the timeloops...
Wow, a thread with no falseflagging and no rrats. I have to admit, this is rare.
>>1260313what the fuck are you talking about
>Mori has a collab next week>Not ENWho we got?
>>1260287Ah, the timelooponi...
>Not an EN collabReine or a JP again?
>>1260313How is it yab? Gura even knows some German.
>>1260272based thanks anon
>collab mentionedWHO? DARE DA?
>Non-EN collab from Mori next weekOh no no Enma schizo bros...
>>1260328Suisei found her address
>>1260324The threads earlier were worse, guessing a banwave hit
>>1260268Kiara left like 2 weeks ago anon. A good friend leaving is rough
>>1260313Are you retarded anon?
Mel will live on the street soon!She gets no superchats and only has like 200 members!
>>1260322Most of German youth speak better english than German at this pointBut the Japanese will never learn so you have to do the work
>Mori drawing stream>not EnglishMARIRIN x MORIRIN incoming
mori is picking up her drawing reps again. why don't you?
>>1260275I expected it to be on both channels like how all collabs are? Imagine if GurAnya collab was only hosted on Gura's or Anya's channel, people would be pissed.
>>1260331Reine, she's talked about her a lot
>>1260313Es ist Zeit für das Holoreich.
>>1260328Praying for Suisei
>>1260268i swear if it's because of that damn manlet i'm gonna fucking strangle him to death
Gura cuphead collab.... hoo boy... THE LAG
>>1260352I swear if Mori gets a drawing collab with Marine before Ina...
>>1260352Suisei can also draw. DEATHSTARRRRRRRR
>>1260328Well it's Mori, so probably some vshojo or Charlie
>>1260313>I hope there won't be any libshit twitter outrage over it...Are you so far down the Qanon hole that you think Dems hate the entire Germany country or something?The fuck, anon?
>>1260287Why do people keep saying this?
>Gura is best ShrekMoricchi..........
Why does it always have to be Cuphead? Why is it never https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172050/COCKHEAD/
Calligula bros, we're fucking in.
>Calligula cupheadBased!
Onegai Mori-sama, please do not drag Gura into your unfunny shrek meme bullshit
>>1260352Pretty sure she implied that's a separate stream, anon.
>>1260313I'll assume you're a troll, otherwise you've been brainwashed to think german=nazi
>>1260140/hlgg/ doesn't do reps
>>1260383Take your fucking meds holy shit
>>1260236No Way Out?
New members or some kind of funding superchats for drinks is my guess
>Cuphead across the oceanYeah it's going to be scuffed as hell.
>>1260327>>1260332>>1260348Are you daft? General population associates german with nazis. Bringing nazism into Hololive is def yabai.
>>1260383Way to out yourself as a retard
Jesus christ you retards need to ignore obvious bait.
>>1260357Collabs only get hosted on both channels when there's two different perspectives. If one view suffices the standard is to have just one host it.
>>1260397Gura did it to herself back when they had that drawing collab
>>1260392because you didn't sc her about it
Mel has a nice soft singing voice
>>1260411>>1260407I thought Cuphead was local multiplayer only? At least on Steam.
JWU Anything juicy from Mori chatting stream?
>>1260408This has to be bait.
I thought we were getting half year anniversary full member collab next week?
>>1260418"Hey Mori, can you play with my Cockhead"? Sounds like a plan!
>>1260065>YET AGAIN Indogs get high-profile JP collabs before any ENEnma hate. Enma hate. Enma hate. Enma hate. Enma hate. Enma hate. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE. ENMA HATE.
>>1260268>overwork yourself constantly>promise stupid shit you can't really deliver on the period of time you said>be depressed She won't ever learn
>>1260408I will never understand how fucking stupid people are on this board.Even if it's trolling it's just bad, inexplicable trolling.
>>1260426She's depressed
>>1260408God I hope this is bait
>>1260422You can use something like hamachi to pretend you are in LAN
>Get my life in orderDYRBI?
Gura has a beautiful voice. What do you guys think of this one?https://streamable.com/npbd9p
>>1260422remote play together
>Need to take a breakNow where have I heard this before?
>your oshi>kill the thread already
>>1260422https://store.steampowered.com/remoteplayIt is, and you can bypass it with Remote Play, but it's going be an awful experience for whoever isn't the host.
>>1260429Is Korone not high profile enough?
mel voice is so soft
>>1260411Don't worry they'll be playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 soon enoughsource: some stranger told me...just...just trust me okay anon?
>>1260429Kiara is going to collab with shuba again soon
>>1260375Well, Mori is Cover's favorite after all
>>1260440She needs to stop biting off more than she can chew
>>1260426She's depressed, she's doing a collab next week. that's about it
>>1260328Hopefully Coco (fuck you Enma) Suisei or Korone.
>>1260434they're almost as stupid as those that reply to obvious bait
>>1260411>Ame Cuphead collab but it's with Ina
I can't save Mori...
>>1260457And yet it makes people so hard
That hits a bit close to home Mori...
Is there any ENs who is happy right now?
>>1260471I like Iname but I need more Gurame...
>I just never want to bother peopleAnd there is the Mori mottto, no wonder she keep to herself too much
Mori once got so drunk that she almost said nigger
-Mori casts summon rrat swarm!
Mori got rejected again...
>>1259944That did the trick, thank you friend
>>1260435>>1260464Really?Did she literally said "I´m depressed" or is one of those "read between the lines"Fuck, I´ll do my Vod rep when the stream is over.
lemme guess, K ghosted Moririn, which is why we didn't get the piano Cursed Night yet
>I like to think maybe I'm cooloof Moririn...
>>1260429Gura already collabed with Marine
mori scything the top off a big barrel labeled COLLAB RRATS
>>1260408It's a fucking language class.
>>1260482ina's family says that she's gotten happier ever since starting hololive.
>>1260493You just need to listen to her to understand
Wait, Kiara already graduated from Hololive DE? Genma hate!
Dios mio Mori, just fucking vent your depression at Kiara, she would coom so hard.
>>1260452MoriOn break, sorry
Suisei and Polka don't know that they could swoop in and become best friends immediately
>>1260495I could believe many rrats, but I could never believe that K's-san would be an asshole.
>>1260457The softest...
>>1260357I don't think you understand how collabs work. Ametori just happened like this and nobody gave a shit
>>1260482Ina has gotten progressively happier since debut
>>1260440Not really, she really needs to get shit on HARD to fix her stupid ways
>>1260493She's not depressed, she's just a fucking woman.
Susie, call her already, you fucking moron!
Rainforest bros... they're never gonna collab again... they're both too intoverted...
>be an introvert>choose a career in rapping and talking non stop in front of thousands of people livedo women really?
>>1260512>I could never believe that K's-san would be an asshole>He doesn't know
>>1260444>Take a break
You know, I never noticed how fluid the chest bounce is on Risu's model. Now I can't stop looking.
Did Mori finally realize the moneky paw that is working in Hololive? Being able to do a lot of stuff she wanted, but with huge walls for what she can and can't do? And has that realization gotten her down?
>>1260511clownfox and reaper could be sadsack buddies
>>1260482InaGura is happier now too now that she's on the bottle again
>>1260531No, but Mori does.
Man that oiler is cringe
>>1260525Suisei would make a good music collab, but don't think they would be fast friends or the like
Takashi my dude you gotta chill
>>1260551>insane work ethics>multitalentedI think they'd have things to talk about.
>>1260452InaI kinda like being imageless for a while actually, it forces people to actually think their postsBut boy are >we bad at thinking
Mel's useewa is really nice
>She got dumped
Moririn stop chasing after him, please.
Mori talking about being rejected again..
>you shouldn't chase peopleO shit, it's that?
Hahah imagine how will it be when Mori's playing Cuphead and she reaches King Dice who works for a demon (the devil himself).
>>1260512the man who cheated on his wife with 3 fans?