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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.22031608 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 1690x2000, 1624591707654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it dieeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.21879985 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 1690x2000, 1614576895824 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4d6udm.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a bolt from the blue, it's time for the Numbers Review.
Data collected at Cycle 60.

Here's the R.I.C.H. report for today:
>Total Shares in circulation amount to 20,638,970, a 0.86% increase from yesterday's volume
>Average shares per coin is 317,523. There are 28 coins above this average.
>Calliope currently has the highest volume, at 1,990,579 shares, or 9.64% of market volume.
>Kanaeru currently has the lowest volume, at 37,395 shares, or 0.18% of market volume.

Top 5 Volume Increases (of 56):
>Kovalskia :: +7.3%
>Zeta :: +6.9%
>Kanaeru :: +3.7%
>Civia :: +3.4%
>Ui :: +3.1%

Top 5 Volume Decreases (of 9):
>Kronii :: -1.4%
>Luna :: -1.1%
>Kanata & Koyori :: -0.8%
>Chloe & Mio :: -0.6%
>Nene :: -0.5%

2 coins (Choco, Pekora) had a net 0% change in volume today. Not for lack of trying.
21 other coins had a sub-1% change in volume today.

Here's the R.I.S.E. report for today:
>Starting Liquid is estimated at $182,279.00, which is a decrease of 1.69% from yesterday's estimate.
>Total Market Value for today is $463,334,068,949.76, which is an increase of 0.66% from yesterday's Market Value.
>Average Value per Share is $22,449.48. A total of 12 coins are above this average.
>Calliope currently has the highest value, at $61,279,397,247.09 in total market value, or 13.23% of market value.
>Nana currently has the lowest value, at $351,552,617.80 in total market value, or 0.08% of market value.

Top 5 Value Gains (of 34):
>Rushia :: +48.9% lol
>Calliope :: +30.5%
>Nene :: +19.6%
>Kronii :: +17.7%
>Mio :: +15.3%

Top 5 Value Losses (of 31):
>Marine :: -26.6%
>Towa :: -25.7%
>Korone :: -23.6%
>Amelia :: -16.7%
>Noel :: -16.3%

27 coins had a sub-4.5% change in value today.

Here's the F.R.E.E. report for today:
>Today's Superchats totaled to $223,564,354, which is a decrease of 47.14% from yesterday's Superchats.
>The Broker made $344,983,102.76 today, a decrease of 31.3% from yesterday's salary.

Top 5 Superchat Increases (of 18):
>Kanaeru :: +4.8%
>Ina'nis :: +2.5%
>Pekora :: +1.5%
>Ayame :: +1.3%
>Lui :: +1.1%

Here's the M.O.V.E. Report for today:
>4 coins (Polka, Civia, Moona, Calliope) adjusted green, but are still trending upwards.
>3 coins (Kanata, AZKi, Ayame) adjusted red, but are still trending downwards.
>4 coins (Rushia, Nabi, Coco, Risu) adjusted red, but are now above their pre-adjustment value.
>54 coins are on projected trend lines and have not intersected with their pre-adjustment values.

Top 5 Most Volatile Coins (per Hour Average):
>Subaru :: $134.06 Up
>Koyori :: $132.89 Down
>Rushia :: $132.25 Up
>Fauna :: $132.21 Up
>Mio :: $131.67 Down

Top 5 Least Volatile Coins (per Hour Average):
>Matsuri :: $13.34 Up
>Watame :: $17.60 Up
>Ayamy :: $17.66 Up
>Polka :: $20.67 Up
>Shion :: $21.13 Up

Overall Average movement was $32.87 per hour.
Average Upwards movement was $58.85 per hour.
Average Downwards movement was -$94.43 per hour.

Exceptionally low trading today, especially for a day as red as today. I suppose there weren't very many strong deals, though.

The Financial Underwriters of Comprehensive Knowledge would like to remind you to stay informed, shitpost responsibly, and FUD accurately.

>> No.1258056 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 1690x2000, __mori_calliope_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kuon_bb__7e266ddd424cc7cbd38d63aa57e823d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to love guilty gear
>goes as far as to say she mains johnny
>plays bedman on stream
>barely knows how to do any combos
>repeatedly gets bodied even gets instant killed by a button-mashing ky
What did she mean by this?

>> No.1088882 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 1690x2000, 87823766_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Mori's sponsored fightstick arrived yet

>> No.647212 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 1690x2000, 87823766_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Sad News] There's not much faith in our boy out there

>森さん格ゲーできるんか. 意外だ
Mori-san playing a fighting game, that's unexpected.
Will she really be okay?
This just has to be a stream aimed intended for beginners from overseas, right?
The viewers will be impressed if she can just move the character properly.

Can Calli-san really play a fighting game?
If she can barely play, won't this be a really rough stream?
>ホロプロでギルティ1番語れるのはオタク知識あるシエンだと思う. でも全員素人プレイという
I think out of HoloPro Shien is the only one who knows anything about Guilty Gear, but they'll all be pretty amateur level.

That being said, someone on 5ch translated the clip of Mori talking about playing Guilty Gear and now they're actually pretty hype for the stream. (https://youtu.be/WSOUfvXh9I8))

Could Mori actually have the most playtime of them all?
>え、期待していいのか? 必殺技出せて大喜びするレベルしか期待してなかったけど
Wait, I can actually have expectations? I was honestly at the level where I'd be over the moon if she could manage even a single Instant Kill move, though?

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