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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 1633169362325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10749270 No.10749270 [Reply] [Original]

Miyabi's 3D was announced, it'll happen on the 9th of October!

>> No.10749322

Papa Minecraft
Bossu Fall Guys

>> No.10749421

Can't wait to sleep whilst watching the debut

>> No.10749445

congrats flower!! can't wait

>> No.10749502
File: 157 KB, 1000x848, E8r91FfVUActamH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10751075

This is the thread.

>> No.10749513
Quoted by: >>10749927

So Izuru probably two more weeks? Astel said that he want to be last to receive 3D.

>> No.10749927

No idea, but I could see both Asuizu getting their 3D before December with the current pace

>> No.10750695


>> No.10751075
Quoted by: >>10772891

This, fuck reddit man cancer.

>> No.10751180

How many other Holostars other than Aruran have spoken out about the bugged shadowban affecting only Holostar/hololive live chat?

>> No.10751277

Astel made this tweet about it earlier. Also I checked the replies and it seems like it's affecting a lot of youtube livestreams (someone mentioned Meika as an example)

>> No.10751323
File: 283 KB, 1000x1400, 12stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10751325
File: 75 KB, 553x621, 6441D567-AF21-473E-B12E-AD6A4EC1CF47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.10751832
File: 312 KB, 2048x1453, A685AE8A-7B89-4F7B-B73B-0BCED3E6A654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10754055

I love my cool cute sexy seaweed!

>> No.10752075
Quoted by: >>10752659

Finally, Miyabi needs stream 3D RFA one day.

>> No.10752659

I hope so, he did mention a lot of things he would want to try in 3d, along with rfa Im hoping the most for the 1,2 switch with Astel rematch.

>> No.10752884

Are we going to pretende to care about Miyabi for the week or just the usual of pretending he doesn't exist?

>> No.10753059
File: 486 KB, 525x540, unknown (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin love!

>> No.10753115


>> No.10753181


>> No.10753253


>> No.10753386


>> No.10753710
Quoted by: >>10753738


>> No.10753738


>> No.10753814
File: 190 KB, 850x1397, 1594652264384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10757325


>> No.10753859
Quoted by: >>10755907

YT can't get its shit together for at least one week.

>> No.10754055
Quoted by: >>10754134

Look at him, being all cool and shit. Who does he think he is

>> No.10754099


>> No.10754134

My husband

>> No.10755212
File: 585 KB, 2048x1448, 4E29B290-7136-4B6C-B614-2931289E97E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10756847

Look at this sexy slut

>> No.10755378

Wait, Astel got shadowbanned too?

>> No.10755566

This one is for the fujos right?

>> No.10755717

If it has a Hanakishi segment then sure, although there's a lot of flower yumejos anyway.

>> No.10755873

This one is for nobody

>> No.10755907
Quoted by: >>10763658

Apparently it's been affected Mori for the past half a year but youtube did fuck all.

>> No.10756281
File: 1022 KB, 3624x3624, E978m0HWQAIhyFf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10771164

No he's for me

>> No.10756847

he looks like an actual femboy prostitute

>> No.10756997

He’s MY femboy prostitute

>> No.10757325


>> No.10759539
Quoted by: >>10759674

Anon the picture is literally based on a song about a prostitute.


>> No.10759674
File: 113 KB, 241x241, BCEFFC11-CAB9-4624-A7EA-BF494C1F2D64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10761383

mine. MINE

>> No.10761383
Quoted by: >>10761642

lots of others have been in that hole, it wasn't yours to begin with.

>> No.10761642
Quoted by: >>10761897

N-no. If I buy and love that hole and never let anyone else touch it again it’s mine and mine alone

>> No.10761897
Quoted by: >>10764165

i speak from experience, don't get attached to whores. you got to let him go so he can play apex.

>> No.10763658

It's susan and youtube. Considering everything that's happened to chuubas so far (shadowbanned channels, channel deletions, accidental demonetization of a channel like Nose's in the middle of her stream, and now the livechat bugs), expect more problems rather than solutions in the future

>> No.10764165

If you love a whore, you let them go...

>> No.10768360
Quoted by: >>10776802

Clip bump

>> No.10770960
Quoted by: >>10774983

Horse is back on the menu lads

>> No.10771164

flower makes me gosling harder than any other chuba I've ever watched

>> No.10772891

Why are people here (on 4chan) so repulsed by a fucking wojak of all things? I don’t see this happening in any other board.

>> No.10773518

this board is filled to the brim with reddit and twittards, and that’s not a secret.

>> No.10773641

Because it's turned to cancer spam

>> No.10773688
Quoted by: >>10774021

No idea of how you never noticed but most boards seem to be annoyed with it by now.

>> No.10773924

It's ugly and unfunny

>> No.10774021

Besides /jp/ and here, no.

>> No.10774352

Wojak unfunny and overused, but “uohhhhh cunny” funny and definitely not overused. It’s just people being contrarian for the sake of it.

>> No.10774374

Both are unfunny and overused.

>> No.10774983

Watch the race here (slight delay)

>> No.10775241
Quoted by: >>10776506

If you don't find UOOOOH funny but wojak is funny, then we can never understand each other.

>> No.10776066
File: 131 KB, 704x396, astel says don't be horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10776277
Quoted by: >>10780774

He can't stop me from being horny because I want to penetrate astels tight man pussy FAGGOT

>> No.10776471
Quoted by: >>10776568

Like pepe, it's overused cancer just used for shitposting and sucking up the oxygen for any actual OC because why try and produce that when you can just force another wojak.
The fact that both pepe and wojak are used by normalfags tells you all you need to know about the normalfags here who use it.

>> No.10776506

No that can’t be I love you anon

>> No.10776568
File: 19 KB, 463x453, B276B978-02E6-41D9-90B9-BF8C87A0EC8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10776668


>> No.10776668
Quoted by: >>10776965

Ironic you use something Pekora hates.

>> No.10776802
Quoted by: >>10776871

Damn, he's good. Answers with such confidence. No wonder he's always winning.

>> No.10776854
Quoted by: >>10776883

The dosh did not come home.

>> No.10776871

>he's always winning
Except for horserace betting. Man lost today

>> No.10776883

Average day for Roberu.

>> No.10776899

Rob almost got it. End results are 4 - 12 - 1.

>> No.10776965

Ogey is retarded but at the same time I also don't care if she doesn't like it.

>> No.10777308
Quoted by: >>10777433


>> No.10777433

Hang in there son, morning pantsu SC will keep you afloat.

>> No.10779078
Quoted by: >>10779251

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm booooomping

>> No.10779228
Quoted by: >>10779458

>I don’t see this happening in any other board.
you serious....?

>> No.10779251
File: 173 KB, 1000x711, E5sVlwoVcAQ0FZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10779987

At least post a picture.

>> No.10779458

besides /jp/, yeah. other boards I frequently use are /fit/, /his/, /int/, /v/, and /vp/.

>> No.10779503

Do you only use those boards for a second a day or what, because those are boards where people get mad at wojacks

>> No.10779536

/v/ basically created s.oyjaks

>> No.10779987
File: 662 KB, 810x900, 753929f881a2f9cdada5fcf6916595d0890346e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10780091

I've never watched a single Miyabi (

>> No.10780117
File: 391 KB, 2048x1536, FAwpg0vVIAEapSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate bossu's dish of the day

>> No.10780121
Quoted by: >>10780171

I've literally never watched a single Miyabi (or Rikka or Kira) stream in my life. Are they any good?

>> No.10780171

Neither did I, but he seems to be more entertaining than Temma.

>> No.10780509

Depends if it's pork or beef, if it's pork than 0/10, if it's beef than 9/10

>> No.10780774

Uhhh fucking based and same. I want to pound the brattyness out of him

>> No.10780840
File: 462 KB, 908x638, FAn8bm1VEAMl_To.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned how to find fanart

>> No.10780867
File: 749 KB, 1280x720, FAcpdSWUYAc1-NH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10780928


>> No.10780897

Pretty late but
Temma Splatoon 2

>> No.10780925

Fucking huge carrots. 9/10

>> No.10780928
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, FAN0PAhUcAQtWD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10780952


>> No.10780952
File: 450 KB, 2048x1536, FArKh2AUcAU5kja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next 3d stream

>> No.10780970
File: 231 KB, 2048x1273, FAEged7VgAI5jhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781007


>> No.10780983
File: 139 KB, 470x509, 1619486877209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys getting horny watching a girl stream is understandable but... nevermind

What did he mean? Girls getting horny isn't understandable? Weird? What was he getting at?

>> No.10780984

The 10/4 collab listed on Roberu's community post will be with Oga

>> No.10781007
File: 553 KB, 4093x2894, E_nUbo0VQAIicjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781050


>> No.10781023


>> No.10781034

Maybe he can’t understand(as a joke) how you would get horny watching a dude doing dude things

>> No.10781039

It reminds when Arusan said to Festival he wanted to do a lotion sumo stream. I wonder if it was already planned at that point

>> No.10781050
File: 341 KB, 1064x1500, E-yg6KlWQA0DcVi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781076


>> No.10781076
File: 319 KB, 2900x1600, FAOWnt0VkAMEhbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781094


>> No.10781083

He means don't lewd him when he isn't being purposefully lewd aka playing Apex, which is funny because it's Astelapex that we get stories like how his gym teacher told him to warm his hands up in his underwear in the mornings and him rambling about how boys definitely totally don't masturbate

>> No.10781094
File: 166 KB, 1435x1383, E_2HuBEVgAA9wlK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781109


>> No.10781109
File: 338 KB, 2000x1414, FAjj78-UcAArNfC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781132


>> No.10781132
File: 1.11 MB, 4096x2442, E_xI5WsVEAAuRGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781180


>> No.10781180
File: 142 KB, 1280x776, FAEMHkhVEAsn0Vx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781215
File: 829 KB, 1040x1041, 1633197452351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781233
File: 29 KB, 641x548, E5cZ0nLVkAI2eSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781292


>> No.10781292
File: 268 KB, 1300x1348, FAN5DClVIAMNx8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781311


>> No.10781311
File: 3.60 MB, 2481x3508, E8RC5QoVEAQ2nZK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781345


>> No.10781345
File: 456 KB, 1271x1138, E85Sla2VgAEZlYF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781378


>> No.10781378
File: 825 KB, 2000x2000, E__Jz5sUUAQ4eJU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781395


>> No.10781395
File: 190 KB, 1526x1287, E_-Jg_DVUAkoZeS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781446

Temma's massive sword is too strong

>> No.10781450
File: 414 KB, 1828x2048, 1635394527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781473
Quoted by: >>10781645


>> No.10781522
File: 654 KB, 3525x2000, FAC9tWuVgAYgWKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781645


>> No.10781612
Quoted by: >>10781645

Fairy king flower boy

>> No.10781633


>> No.10781639
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, FAxGNqhUYAIQQUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10781940

6 days til Miyabi's 3D debut

>> No.10781645
File: 1.19 MB, 1308x1504, 1684593964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781774
Quoted by: >>10782275

>Trouble consultation
Kinda disappointing, but it's Roberu so I guess it'll be interesting enough. Don't know why he keeps stars collabs blank on the community posts until right before collab. Might as well announce them as early as possible to build a little more hype.

>> No.10781940

That rascal knows how to make dicks confused...

>> No.10782036

Touhou Station ft Aruran

>> No.10782275

>Kinda disappointing,
It's your chance to ask weird question anon, for example : what if there's cute kouhai that into you but you don't want to deal with workplace romance but she's very cute?

>> No.10782399

Day 1 of CR cup customs/scrims will start in less than an hour. Expect Seaweed to put up his frame in a bit

>> No.10782695

I'm sure the content of stream will probably be fine. What I'm more disappointed in is the announcement, or the lack of one. Just drop the collab names and members as soon as the collab is locked in. Helps with tempering expectations too, reduces the "with who" and "what with" thoughts. If the collab gets cancelled then just announce the cancellation. Also I want Roberu to make separate community posts for collab announcements instead of editing just the one over and over.

Cover insider onegai.

>> No.10782855

fuck off Bae

>> No.10783317
File: 334 KB, 456x397, 1627159884990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10820889

How to add the sound to the pic? like this one >>10779683

>> No.10783511

I'm really excited for this one. I know the other anon is disappointed but I'll take every single crumb of OgaRobe I can take. That aside, Robechan has good chemistry with 3rd gen. I love how they mesh with each other in and I'd love to see how they'll banter and joke around this time.

>> No.10783520

Astel CR Cup Day 1 Scrims

>> No.10783773
File: 497 KB, 1450x2048, FAwiqfCVIAEym-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10784757

I can believe it, if you said this food is made by professional.
Visually 9/10

>> No.10784839
Quoted by: >>10785361

Miyabi Rhythm Heaven Fever

>> No.10785361
Quoted by: >>10785986

Hm... Miyabi have good game taste.
Fatal Frame and this rhythm game sure is nice.

>> No.10785986

He has some of my favorite choices when it comes to gameplay streams. He grew up playing games and I like the variety a lot within what permissions allow anyway.

>> No.10786462

where the fuck do I send the question to?

>> No.10786729

As far as I can tell, it's on neither's twitter, not on the youtube link; and where to send questions to will probably be announced tomorrow morning JP time.

>> No.10786946

Won't it be the first time Robechan will use his Home3D?!

>> No.10788353
Quoted by: >>10790259

I'm assuming it's going to be the usual maro submission
If my poor nip comprehension of this tweet is correct, they'll start accepting the questions at midnight jst

>> No.10789081

watch the old man play little nightmares

>> No.10790259


>> No.10790519
File: 171 KB, 330x206, 1629655468335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Izuru: People have never become horny to me

>> No.10790531
File: 331 KB, 1920x1080, FAyKkUmVUAY7XoZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good lord

>> No.10790690

Innocent Shogun

>> No.10790920

Does he really beleeb? With legs like that?

>> No.10791073
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, FAyLQhgVIAMF76i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shien's schedule for the week

>> No.10791095
File: 339 KB, 1440x1397, 1630851402257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flower is so beautiful

>> No.10791243

Comparing his 3D announcement stream to Temmas, I think Miyabis 3D stream will surely pass 10k live views.

>> No.10791319
Quoted by: >>10793430

Sometimes I wish Miyabi can do decent high pitched/female voice.

>> No.10791320

Roberu's schedule for tomorrow

>> No.10791387

People seem to be rallying together for the OG star and it warms my heart.

>> No.10791941

Miyabi onee-sama...

>> No.10793430
Quoted by: >>10794269

Anon he can legit sound Kira tier, like, exactly the voice Kira used in one stream

>> No.10793534

I seriously hope it passes 20k, or 30k, or 90k.

>> No.10793541
File: 829 KB, 1920x1080, FAybmmXVkAIqxE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aruran's schedule for this week
This week's Izakaya ARN guest is none other than the youngest Lack child, Lain!

>> No.10793772
Quoted by: >>10795561

>20k, or 30k, or 90k
Anon, this is holostars we're talking about. You're expecting way too much considering most of the boys sans Roberu and Astel are, at the moment, still relative unknowns in the jp chuuba sphere
Realistically speaking though, Miyabi should be able to either break 10k ccv or at least beat Temma's and Aruran's ccv considering he gets the most live viewers in Yurustars

>> No.10794188

Lots of collab, as usual. There is also a 2hu chat with Beat Mario among other things. And it is really cool he managed to invite Lain.

>> No.10794269
Quoted by: >>10797371

Any example? I've never heard him doing a girly voice.


>> No.10794730
Quoted by: >>10798455

Nice, his first sibling collab. Hope that they can get along well. I think Lain is also pretty active with outside collab.

>> No.10795416

It got less than Arurans so probably not

>> No.10795561
Quoted by: >>10795850

Astel isn't even the second most subbed holostar, please keep your delusions in check Astella, Rikka and Shien are far better known please keep in mind "seaweed" can't move merch at all

>> No.10795850
Quoted by: >>10796261

Please both take your numberfagging delusions somewhere else and leave this thread to the real fans

>> No.10796171
Quoted by: >>10810711

Assuming there's ever a 2nd season for /vt/ league and /stars/ somehow gets invited to compete, what would be our hypothetical roster?

>> No.10796261
Quoted by: >>10796751

Says the person putting Astel in a pedestal while talking down to the rest, get a grip

>> No.10796751

Reading comprehension. Get a grip

>> No.10797371

Not that anon, so probably not the example they are thinking of but heres one: https://litter.catbox.moe/fhhvvq.mp4
I thought I had made a clip of him singing a duet with himself at some point but I'm too lazy to find it in my files now.
Miyako is very cute, I forgot after searching theres also this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lasLW8r2AdQ

>> No.10798455

Huh, nice first time her gets to collab with one of his siblings (funny that it's with the youngest one), Lack-sensei must be really happy to see that.
Yep, she collabs a lot from what I have seen, seems like she is very outgoing and sociable in that aspect (a true rarity in the vtubing world it seems) and enjoys collabing with others quite a bit.

>> No.10798516

Lain's a good girl, she even got antisocial Ririmu to collab with her. She's incredibly cute too.

>> No.10798676

Speaking of lack, I don't remember if it already was posted here, but he became himself a vtuber recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3SsLaWFX2o

>> No.10799815
Quoted by: >>10799989

Is the first link supposed to be broken?

>> No.10799989
Quoted by: >>10803626

Made a mistake there, sorry about that: https://files.catbox.moe/m0g1fr.mp4

>> No.10801343
File: 64 KB, 641x358, roberu hair fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10801954

Time to grow out my hair

>> No.10802336

And he dislikes red hair...

>> No.10802857
Quoted by: >>10807856

Archive of Oga's space from earlier

>> No.10802970

He said anything goes with 2D.

>> No.10803626
Quoted by: >>10808126

The gap between his normal voice which is actually pretty deep despite his cute way of talking and his girl voice is insane, he's so fucking cute

>> No.10806640


>> No.10807695
Quoted by: >>10807939

Isn't this actually a win for Bae's roommate?

>> No.10807856

Thank you anon-sama

>> No.10807939

shut the fuck up about her already holy shit everything he does and says you relate it to her no one cares

>> No.10808126

I really like the flowers voice and how he plays with it, if youve never heard it before the morning voice and deep voice are also really good: https://streamable.com/ibzvcy
The variety ikebo voices too though I only have this at hand: https://streamable.com/hrv1eo
He also cant hold the deep voice all the way through for singing usually but I really enjoy the attempts:
You didnt ask for any of this at all but Im just taking the excuse to ramble on about his voice outside of /jp/

>> No.10808216

I didn't ask nor am I the anon you're responding to but these are blessed clips. Morning voice is SEX

>> No.10808743

Based flowerlover

>> No.10808859

Blessed flower clips, thank you. The morning voice one actually gave me butterflies in my stomach, man...

>> No.10809045 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10809073

Nacho mogs this loser. Who cares about his 3D? Holostars are the biggest drain of money in the entirety of Japan

>> No.10809073

Nachon deez nuts

>> No.10809301
File: 519 KB, 1280x529, miyabi gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10809609

Ever since I first heard his morning voice during one of his morning streams I have not been the same

>> No.10809609

PuiPui molcar was a gift in many ways, I miss the morning flower streams, season 2 please.

>> No.10810711

What the hell? Why the fuck wasn't stars in this time? Looks like they have a bunch of literal who generals. Annoying because this dive grass soccer shit if fucking stupid, but I really fucking hate the faggots that try to make vtubing all about cute girls doing cute things. They have a team for the fucking MINECRAFT fan server thread, this is so fucking stupid, I so fucking unreasonably pissed, I hate this god damn board so much, absolute dog shit taste for people that run these stupid things.

>> No.10810820
Quoted by: >>10810859

If you're serious it's because there's no one in these fucking threads who actually watch streams AND cares about divegrass. Nijisanji was there and the guys were represented.

>> No.10810824
File: 75 KB, 798x848, 2A3624D0-C35B-4150-A1BD-A697E96985BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10821016

Me looking at astel lewds

>> No.10810859

>if you’re serious
Really? REALLY?

>> No.10811306

there was an open call to any general that wanted to have a team... they're not going to make a team if no one asks for one

>> No.10811452
Quoted by: >>10814449

Imagine being this much of a bitch about divegrass of all things and not knowing how it works. Vtubing is about cute girls deal with it

>> No.10813464

Morning Roberu

>> No.10814449

Yeah cute girls(male)

>> No.10814816

I want to blow Roberu ‘s nose!

>> No.10816130

>Roberu will play little nightmare in the future
I guess it beats having a company wide chillas fest. Also, if I heard right, one of this month's collabs is with Gachi-san.

>> No.10816575
Quoted by: >>10817727


>> No.10817276

Speaking of Little Nightmares, who has cleared the game the fastest so far (not counting the dlc)? Flare?

>> No.10817727


>> No.10818379
File: 661 KB, 1530x1630, E_TYlUDXMAAE1Yr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D frame is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P14PMe0GUzQ

The title is beautiful and the 僕に出会ってくれてありがとう。/"Thanks for meeting/finding me" in the description hits way too hard.

Miyabi you are wonderful and I'm so happy for you.

>> No.10819232 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 694x620, 1629230391498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any other holostart commented on the shadow banning bug yet?

>> No.10819593
File: 358 KB, 694x620, 1628960930600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10819962

Has any other Holostar commented on the shadow banning bug yet?
I'd be shocked if Roberu hasn't mentioned it.

>> No.10819962

Izuru talked about it briefly when his viewers brought it up during his recent talking chat, then started talking about that bot which spams ! with a porn website link, and then talked about something else

>> No.10820288

Rate the thumbnail + game choice

>> No.10820350

Our son has really taken a liking to that png

>> No.10820690

>Not sitting on top of the world

>> No.10820823

Que rica cazuela

>> No.10820889
Quoted by: >>10821288

you have so much to learn... download 4chanx and onee-chan. And violentmonkey and 4chansoundplayer.


>> No.10820937

I'm so happy for our flower...

>> No.10821016

but there are none

>> No.10821288

Nta but is tampermonkey an okay substitute?
You're not looking hard enough

>> No.10821312
Quoted by: >>10821532

Collab is Ludo (Clubhouse 51), other members are Tamaki and Baachan

>> No.10821532

Oh shit, love Baachan.

>> No.10821745


>> No.10821772
Quoted by: >>10829646


>> No.10822837

I slept through the other debuts and watched the vods because they run at ungodly hours for me but for Miyabi I will forgo sleep, I'm so happy for him

>> No.10823008
Quoted by: >>10823330

As the stars fandom grows bigger, do you think we'll eventually have someone do something as insane as what the adderall nousagi did?

>> No.10823138

Roberu APEX I guess: https://youtu.be/zKhkL7n5s8I

>> No.10823143
Quoted by: >>10824240

Roberu Apex

>> No.10823145
Quoted by: >>10824240


>> No.10823158
Quoted by: >>10824240

Roberu APEX guerilla get back here

>> No.10823330

What do you mean?

>> No.10823426

He means he has a dent in his head that causes him to crave thread celebrities on an anonymous board.

>> No.10823568

Some unironic schizo confessed to being responsible for Cover banning physical gifts because he tried to put in apple tags to stalk peko and friends

>> No.10823755

Damn, I used to want a digivice as a kid

>> No.10824240

He's getting desperate for numbers...

>> No.10824290

I guess I'm not the only one bewildered by the surprise Roberu Apex.

>> No.10824661

What are the chances of seaweed joining roberu for a bit after this round ends?

>> No.10825031

why the fuck is pizzadad rating 2hus

>> No.10826884

For me, it was this.

>> No.10827409
Quoted by: >>10833518

I wonder if Son is warming up for a collab

>> No.10828841

New short from Aruran

>> No.10829646

I wish I didn't click...wtf was I thinking

>> No.10830600
File: 231 KB, 1748x1181, FA10pHTVQAEXUUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10833431


>> No.10831266

Bossu - TRPG on Dizm's channel ft Takao Shinji and Aitsuki Nakuru

>> No.10833431

One of them has pants!

>> No.10833518

Makes sense. There was a long period of apex inactivity in-between vsaikyo and his collab with Izumi and Warabe. Picking up it again would only mean he's tagging with someone soon.

>> No.10833598

I know this is very late but here is Yurustars Devour

>> No.10834376

Astel - CR Cup scrims day 2

>> No.10834394


>> No.10834814

I miss Seaweed's Live2D Apex bubble.

>> No.10835130
Quoted by: >>10836200

His stupid cute lil expressions...

>> No.10835220
Quoted by: >>10835465

Does anyone know the people Astel is playing with in depth? I know Kawase is part of Crazy Racoons (and really nothing else about him), and don't know anything about who DJ Foy is (or who the replacement for DJ Foy's for this current bout of scrims in).

>> No.10835465

DJ foy loves oppai

>> No.10835503

Why hasn't he been using it?

>> No.10835731

Probably because Astel's apex/pc(?) runs slower with his live2d on? Some chuubas like Hinano are also using PNGs instead

>> No.10835869
Quoted by: >>10837982

This is gonna be good.

>> No.10836045

He suddenly stopped using it when he played with Arcstars. I remember when they first played he mentioned lag and they joked about how he needed a new PC, maybe he can't use both smoothly anymore. But I don't think he's ever outright said why.

That said lately half of the time he does karaoke he doesn't use the Live2D either.

>> No.10836200

You could always tell when he was really focused because his head would tilt forward...

>> No.10836232

The bartender and waiter have left the building.

>> No.10836302

is a trip to disney on the line or something cuz astel's fucking playing out of his mind

>> No.10836389
Quoted by: >>10836682

Kawase is hauling so much ass.

>> No.10836682

Kawase and astel are a real good team-up, they’re both strong and astel finally has someone strong to cover his ass

>> No.10837982

The magic of these threads are real... I'm so happy about this collab anons, I've been waiting and wishing for so long... ;-;

>> No.10838040

Ras is tormenting them lol.

>> No.10838721

I really like the vibes in this CR team.
Not to tilt inducing compared to last time.

>> No.10839579
File: 220 KB, 476x476, 1630126093828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10839919


Captcha : NTRPW

>> No.10841202


>> No.10841308
Quoted by: >>10842649

Aruran talkshow with Lain ("sister" from Lack-sensei)

>> No.10842649
Quoted by: >>10844623

>sex goddess design
>adorable voice
One day gap-moe is gonna kill me.

>> No.10844122
Quoted by: >>10844294

Up until now, I still don't get what Aruran's been doing in that huge excavated area where the underwater temple used to be

>> No.10844294

I think it's going to be a Guardian farm, the version that requires draining the monument.

>> No.10844623

Also, gun wielding chuubas. I think it could be interesting.

>> No.10844766
File: 103 KB, 900x506, FA3zB7dUYAIqZsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10845118
Quoted by: >>10845418

>pats your head pose

>> No.10845418

I can feel the faint ara-ara vibes...

>> No.10845721


>> No.10845767

With Aruran talking about siblings in nijisanji again, it would be pretty nice if we could see a big collab involving multiple vtuber families like, let's say, the Life family (Life-sensei, Manami, Lilith, maybe even BeatMario) facing off against Aruran and Lain or even something like Tomoe+Shien collabing with Fumi+Kanda and Luis+Ritsuki
Well, it'll probably never happen but let me dream

>> No.10846390
Quoted by: >>10849009

People who care about vtuber siblings are insufferable

>> No.10846878

I'm liking all the poses for his countdown so far

>> No.10847550

Family feud with vtubers would be a fun one-note thing. It's fairly rare for vtuber "siblings" to hang out with each other,

>> No.10849009

i like it when it's not too forced, but it's true that some people exaggerate how close some chuubas are just because they were drawn by the same person.

>> No.10852028
File: 194 KB, 1200x675, FAhYR8IUYAQ36u0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predict the amount of injuries and dick grabbing.

>> No.10854121
Quoted by: >>10855981

There will be several injuries, and all of them will be Roberu's.

>> No.10854443

Temma is going to accidentally punch someone.

>> No.10855981
Quoted by: >>10858261

At least someone will check his bladder after making the nurses run laps to empty his piss.

>> No.10858261

Temma is going to kick Roberu in the gut and he will piss himself. If that doesn't happen it means Roberu was smart enough to go to the bathroom first.

>> No.10858877

Disappointed that FBK didn't invite any of the stars to her birthday despite the fact that they now have 3Ds. I guess the FBK from Holocomi is dead now

>> No.10859325

They would all turn her down except Oga.

>> No.10859690

They don't talk to her other than Oga, and Oga couldn't invite Fubuki to appear in his 3D thanks to chinks

>> No.10860575
Quoted by: >>10872074

Might be too scandalous for the gachis of the other girls who appeared, even if Oga doesn't interact with the them, the fact he's there at all.

>> No.10861643
Quoted by: >>10863122

After Coco died both FBK and aqua had been diagnosed with the chink flu please understand cover believes in quarantine

>> No.10862848

>All of them are fit expect for Roberu
He's going to get manhandled, isn't he?
Except that it's not the first time tho

>> No.10863122

I got so angry when those cunts spammed Kuku's chat during the mh drink collab. There were no mods to help and it took her a while to turn on subs only.

>> No.10868691
File: 236 KB, 1000x1228, FAsnAmxVgAkaNsD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10872074

Yeah, that's why I said the FBK from Holocomi is dead back in the day she wouldn't have cared about that

>> No.10873877

Maybe there will be letter just like on Majin 3D debut

>> No.10875057
File: 15 KB, 417x122, Screenshot 2021-10-05 114139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Moo

>> No.10875662
Quoted by: >>10875788

While it would be based for Fubuki, it would still be rude to the other girls if she made them deal with any backlash from it. Fubuki can deal with it but putting it on the others without their say so would be shitty. I would have loved for some of the stars or just Oga to have shown up but if other talents are there it's not just a decision she can make for herself. I DO hope we get 3d FOXDEMON though.

>> No.10875788
Quoted by: >>10876221

It´s a pre recorded live, no one would have minded if FOXDEMON had a segment just like people who didn't care simply tuned out of Holocomi

>> No.10876221
Quoted by: >>10876432

Can't risk it.

>> No.10876432

Expected better from friend

>> No.10876536
Quoted by: >>10877036

Nah, this is expected. FBK is a company woman. She's not gonna mess up other's business.

>> No.10876654
Quoted by: >>10877036

I expect this from Friend, that she would not hurt her other friends just to hang out with Oga on stream, because her friends have retarded brain damaged fans who have mental breakdowns when they're reminded males exist

>> No.10876904

Friend will make decisions that benefit the most people possible over what would make her happiest. This is consistent with her.

>> No.10876937

Collab beggars whining and talking about mental breakdowns are like pots calling the kettle black.
You're pathetically cringe.

>> No.10877036

Again, this wouldn´t mess with anyone's busines, because she already fucking did it before. Holocomi was a thing

>> No.10879303

Could you please fucking stop with the begging threads, we don't need 3-5 daily thread about how they're totally underrated or holostars EN, fucking keep to your general and stop spamming

>> No.10879531
Quoted by: >>10879669

Ah yes, because it's definitely somone from our thread and not a schizo trying to make people hate the stars in the lead up to Miyabi's 3D.
Fuck off retard, this has been a recurring pattern for months now.

>> No.10879562
Quoted by: >>10879596

Since you fags keep assuming it's us who make beg threads, I'm going to start bringing back the Nekoyama threads except I'll post them every 2 hours

>> No.10879596


>> No.10879669

The posters in those threads are clearly from here

>> No.10879721
Quoted by: >>10879841

What the fuck are we supposed to do about it? Do we look like mods? Go worry about the 10+ Hololive female bait threads on the catalog instead of the 1 stars thread, faggot.

>> No.10879825
Quoted by: >>10879869

Blame the jannies for keeping the bait threads up

>> No.10879841

Stop making the stars thread faggot, no one wants your shit flooding the catalog every single day. Because it's always the same fags with the same arguments in those threads and those same anons use this thread

>> No.10879869

Maybe stop making begging threads

>> No.10879894
File: 499 KB, 460x661, 1621956808521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10880015

I'm a regular here and I wasn't even aware of the bait threads because I don't browse the catalog outside of hopping to the next general

>> No.10880244

I pin then hide my favorite generals so they're all on an isolated page, the rest of the board doesn't exist to me.

>> No.10880355
File: 215 KB, 610x562, astel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10880476

>implying that the schizos will somehow stop posting bait threads without the stars thread

>> No.10880386 [DELETED] 

There's always bait threads everyday, catalog becomes full of them when any major events happen. Common bait thread targets nowadays are usually:
>marine (up to 3 threads a day shitting on marine by marineschizo)
>noel (apparently also by marineschizo since even the noel thread is being shit up by him nowadays)
And so on and so forth
>nijien (especially fish or selen)
>pink cat, veibae, zentreya
>sometimes ollie

>> No.10880420

There's always bait threads everyday, catalog becomes full of them when any major events happen. Common bait thread targets nowadays are usually:
>marine (up to 3 threads a day shitting on marine by marineschizo)
>noel (apparently also by marineschizo since even the noel thread is being shit up by him nowadays)
>nijien (especially fish or selen)
>pink cat, veibae, zentreya
>sometimes ollie
And so on and so forth

>> No.10880476

You cant ever stop shitposters so who cares. Again, we are not mods.

>> No.10880773

Anontachi, how about we discuss Holostars in this Holostars general?
Do you think a Pokemon card game stream will be fun?

>> No.10880866
Quoted by: >>10881028

Who would he even play against? The nips don't have TCG online or does he just want to numberfag by opening packs

>> No.10881025

I just want card games in general

>> No.10881028

They are talking in that same thread with Oga and Miyabi about playing against each other.

>> No.10881037

If the stars were to play a card game, I'd rather they play MTG or LoR.

>> No.10881140

A card game collab in the style of Hanae Natsuki's Yami no Uno videos would be fun

>> No.10881174

[Sad news] Astel didn't get his Disney reservation and Christmas is cancelled


>> No.10881327

Why not a yu gi oh tourna between them?

>> No.10881338


>> No.10881788

Um... Disneyland is so full that you need to reserve your ticket several months before Christmas?
Or this is C-virus prevention stuff?

>> No.10882247

Notice from Rikka for his 2nd anniversary

>> No.10882259

And you know this because...?

>> No.10882521
Quoted by: >>10882677

Aruran Apex
Temma Splatoon

>> No.10882677

Literally who gives a shit

>> No.10884074
File: 158 KB, 525x482, 1621385618797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Temma have tiers for his membership? What does he usually do there?
