Bludgeon me IRyS-chan!>Archives (Song Archive)1414211 (7.29 Unarchived Karaoke)1428330 (9.03 Unarchived Karaoke)1434768 (9.19 Unarchived Karaoke)>Channel>Twitter>Hololive Originals Cover Series>Caesura of Despair AMV>diorama>Other Youtube Music Songs thread>>10311420
IRyS's pee...
Portal 2 on Reine's channel in 1.5 hours.Expect a one day break after that.
>>10346895I'd drink it
She has such an interesting voice in that Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan song. What a fun song. I wish I knew about that anime since everyone in chat is saying it fits IRyS pretty well.
>>10346302I gotchu anon IRyS cursor credits to Kokoa
>>10347421Thank you so much anon! 2 room is up. Gotta love the thumbnail.
> asked manager to add subtitle for diorama> It's been 2 weeks and still no subtitle
>>10349041MANAGER HATE
>>10349041>it’s clear Cover wouldn’t add fancy subtitles to the video itself>this means it’s most likely just captioned in, a feat entirely manageable by IRyS herself in maybe forty minutes time if permitted>manager won’t permit this or complete the task themselvesSasuga, management.
Additions to the song archive, aka - T.M.RevolutionGira Gira (ギラギラ) - AdoMelissa (メリッサ) - Porno GraffittiTouch (タッチ) - Iwasaki YoshimiPeace Sign (ピースサイン) - Yonezu KenshiCOLORS - FLOWBokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan (撲殺天使ドクロちゃん) - Chiba SaekoSincerely - TrueMoonlight Densetsu (ムーンライト伝説) - DALIKING - KanariaSeikan Hikou (星間飛行) - Nakajima MegumiBonusdropped spaghetti
>>10349456I still find it hilarious that she took the “dropping my spaghetti” part literally, kek Portal 2 with Reine
Cakes grilling each other over not keeping up with normie memes, so damn cute hhhhhnnnnnggggg
I think they should have SEX!
23 minutes late, what did I miss?
>>10350711Yeah, with me.
>>10350788Minced hope and cakes being cute together.
>>10350711Reine, focus on your stream please.
>stuck in walldrawfags doko
They bounce off each other so well. I don't know if I've seen any EN collab with two people that mesh so well.
i think they're horny
>>10351063Will they scissor just for the sake of satisfying their lust
>>10351063So am I.
>>10351063You would be too in their position. They gel so well together,
Hope has left the building
Hope is gone...
>oh, fudgeBut that’s my catchphrase..
God I love those two.
IRyS GF... please...
Sex with irys and reine
Hey I just noticed, Reine members is Royaltea, it's a great match for Irystocracy.
They are so horny jesus
I am horny...
It's over ArystoChads...We've lost.
Forgot to compile sounds from karaoke (have them marked tho) so I'll merge it with the portal soundbitst. soundbit anon
nvm I'll make 2 posts instead
>Irys is shooting goo>I'm shooting goo
>>10345834Lost by 7 votes. Why didn't (you) vote for the Nephilim?
>>10356894I don't even think it's that people on /vt/ like Pikamee more. I think that people wanted to see a non Holo get somewhere in the tourney so they voted for her. Hell the voms thread gets half the unique IPs of this general and has been up for 3 days without archiving.
>>10356894Because I don't care about that silliness.
>>10356894These polls just exist to harvest my IP and break my opsec (I'm gura bee tee dubs)
>>10356894Because online polls are stupid?
>>10354032Calm down IRyS
Did she just say "The power of soda compels me"?
Those cute little sneezes.
Cute sneeze!
Cute nephilim being cute
Youtube giving me a fertility ad. Even youtube wants IRyS bred.
She doesn't get out of the shower naked...
kino stream
I guess indonesians are not used to staying up late.
>>10361701Reine's done late streams before, but around this time is usually when Reine's brain tends to just shut down. Combined with motion sickness she's just double tired.
>>10361930I love this couple
no more irys...and she hasn't even built anything for the portal
>>10361930Cute dorks!
>>10361988She said she will, she said she's been playing off stream gathering resources
>>10361988There's still five days left.
Irys no
>>10362497This dork typing foo instead of phew lol
>>10362497She is so cute...
>>10363015these dorks AAAAAAAAA
>>10365753holy based
>>10365753Oh my oh my oh my...
>>10366012the artist for this picture (something okina) is gonna do a gartic phone collab with some other mangakas(goblin slayer,made in abyss, kaguya love is war, pochi etc.) with a vtuber( her name is haneru if you're interested)
>>10368498Pochi is also Reine's mama, and a vtuber herself. I think the Goblin Slayer mangaka is working on Hololive Alternative, as well.
>>10368498Not him, but holy fuck, thanks for the heads up.
>>10368498It's Shiwasu no Okina. >with a vtuberThat blonde cat-eared girl that she designed? I see her reposting art of her regularly, pretty devoted mama. Thanks for the heads up, who's channel it will be on?
Link if you are interested. free to subscribe too, Haneru is very cute.
>>10368643>Shiwasu no Okinahe is my favourite hentai artist her doujins are soo goood
>>10368677>>10368671>fat pedo will be there tooNow I'm REALLY interested. >>10368730Yes, incredible sense of erotica. She's great.
not done with soundbits so here's two dorks being wipers
>>10370608>the sound effectskek, nice one.
>>10370608thanks for the giggle, soundbite anon
>>10370608Why are they like this?
>>10370608They so fucking cute, holy shit.
Watching the watchalong vod now and it's already painful.>already can barely hear her over the BGM>says she'll make herself lower when the movie starts>heard she'll make herself even lower when someone in chat complaintsHope...Next time should be better, right?
>>10373048I don't think anyone complained about her being too loud, it was quite the opposite actually. The only problem is that she would barely change something and ask if it's better and people would say it's fine even if she was still super quiet.
Soundbit dump from Irys and Reine 2nd Portal streamno seggs>Irys has little brain power!>oh no>Irys sneezes!>Irys trusts you wholeheartedly! (futa)>Irys and Reine debating whether to smash or not!>Irys admitting she's an m!>Irys and Reine excited over futa sex!>Irys wants to play with Reine's clit!>Irys and Reine doing the deed!>Irys anticipating for the cum!>Irys receiving the cumshot and Reine breathing heavily trying to get the cum out!>The cum finally lands on Irys' face!
>>10374161much of the audio is banter so that's the only content I can get without combing the audio the third time
>>10374161>Irys wants to play with Reine's clit!thanks soundanon
>>10374161> CUTE!
>>10373048Finished the movie part. >makes a poll for second watchalong>"I would feel bad for the 30% that voted no">no watchalongIRyS is so sweet, that's one of her main appeals, but sometimes she's too sweet.
>>10375277Yeah this destroyed me, she's a cinnamon roll, we don't deserve her
>>10374161>insert time WOOOHOOOOOOOThese fucking dorks
>>10375277Yup. Can't fault her for that. I'm hoping we get a double watchalong if we watch Cabin in the Woods eventually since that's also a short movie. It would wrap things up nicely.
It seems her current members hate fun stuff...
>>10376252I think they've been alright in general. High % of SEAfags though.
Fall means sweater time!
>>10376798>horned girl in a turtleneckShe must've put that sweater on feet first.
Hopes for the schedule? Will likely be some Minecraft with the portal stuff supposedly going on this week. I still want that Tetris99! And it's a long shot but maybe she could collab with someone, maybe drag Ame out of her shell for an Apex date or something.
>>10383932Expectations: Tetris, Minecraft, RFA, Karaoke, Members watchalongHope: Tier 3 members only discord sex stream with Reine
>>10384141>they are big reine>wait a second irys dont do thaaaa~>soft too>irys wait wait, careful with the fangs>mmmmm tasty
>>10384141>>10384550I really don’t see why some of you guys are really pushing Reine as some sort of romantic partner for IRyS, same with Ina some weeks ago, the girls get along just like IRyS gets along nicely with everyone so far, but I guess shippers gonna ship
>>10385000They're shitposting anon, i don't think anyone really thinks that. It's not like fucking Amesame, and i'm a teammate myself
>>10383932Minecraft, singing, Wario. She will be playing Wario when she gets the game. Maybe more Subnautica unless she dropped it.>>10385000I think she gets pushed with whoever she last collabed with. Still probably has the most art with Kronii.
>>10383932BPM, Doom, Ring Fit and Subnautica.
No schedule yet?
>>10390613I wouldn't expect one until Monday JST since she's taking Sunday off.
>>10374161>>10391122Thanks! How are you doing this (conveniently), streamlink with youtube-dl using the timestamps?
>>10387495>>10387921Please no more Subnautica
>>10392654Yeah I actually like the game but as far a stream game goes its pretty dull.
>>10374161someone in /mep/ did this>>10391122
>>10394994song name?
Wasn't Here Comes Hope supposed to have it's MV out this week? Or is delayed?
>>10395647are you serious?
>>10395647Simple and Clean. Either made for or made famous by Kingdom Hearts
>>10395799Chill man she hasn't sung this as IRyS yet
>>10396025yeah but how the fuck do you not know simple and clean?
>>10395707At the end of the month is what she said.But I have no faith in the current manager
>>10394994Some anon said it's not possible to sing this on Youtube even on unarchived but Kiara has done it and some holos have sung Hikari before. I hope she's able to do it at some point because her live version is really good.
>>10396333I imagine she's trying to give a good timegap to separate her n-word content from Irys, maybe in a few months
>>10396071ynr that Kingdom Hearts came out in 2002 and there might be posters here that were born after it released
>>10395707Unfortunately, given the circumstances surrounding the diorama MV release and what's been said about her position, it's better to not keep your hopes up anon.
>>10396071I'm sorry if the only song I know that is of Hikari's is first love, there's tons of music in the world
>>10396518that the*
When are they gonna fix her face?
>>10396091yeah, they have yet to give Diorama captions
>>10376798time for sweatermeat :devil:
>>10400091The things I would do to that mouth...
>>10376798Or for IRyS it means talking about how much she wishes she could eat pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice frappucinos while she slurps down seasonal cola flavors.
Catching up on the Reine collab and they're having so much fun. insert disk scene from the sound clip was pretty funny to watch too. They both know what they're doing. Reine's youtube comment timestamp guy is a madman.
>>10391287If live, I use obs to record stream or audacity to mark, clip and edit audio. I edit videos with vegas.If I forgot or didn't mark a part I check verified comments in live chat and timestamp comments (easy on holodex), and comments in this general and sometimes at /hlg/Does recording via vlc with streamlink work?
>>10402369I don't tend to record most lives in full, and have no editing software. I've been using streamable to clip and recording that with streamlink using powershell. It can take a few minutes for each because streamable's clipping seems to shift slightly and if the video is too long, I have resize it and convert again. Still figuring it out a bit.
>>10400091Imagine the blowjobs...
>>10403317Not too hard to imagine...
>>10401920>Also Reine's youtube comment timestamp guy is a madman.I know right, there's these few merakyats that note down literally hundreds of timestamps for every single Reine stream, including collabs and stuff, and they've been doing it for months, they're goddamn madmen. I wish every holo had timestamppers as dedicated as them.
Is she a virgin? On the one hand she is kinda normie, so she might lost her V-card in highschool or later. On the other hand she's a huge dorkish weeb and maybe slightly autistic, so she probably wasn't interested in relationships before.
>>10405286She's not a virgin, I took her first time!
So what's wrong with you guys? Why didn't you want to watch a movie with IRyS? Why can't you guys pick up on any signals?
>>10405577Sometimes you gotta show a woman who's callin' the shots
>>10400508Imagine coming back home and hearing Irys greet you with her JWU voice. As she sleepily stumbles toward you, arms outstretched, you hand her a warm slice of pumpkin bread and a PSL. She grips them in her outstretched hands, then wraps her arms around you before repositioning herself so she can both drink the latte and nuzzle her head against your chest.
>>10405577i'm torn between my need to breed her and my newfound desire to join the 30% and "no way fag" her
Why did Ina abandon Irys?
>>10405968irys has all of holoJP on the mainland to get to know though
>>10374161> yeah!
>>10405709Please stop...>>10406043Yeah offcollabs are better than discord sex.
>>10405709Anon please, I don't want to be sad while I'm at work.
>>10385000IRyS is constantly horny, we just want her to work out that sexual frustration.
I got something for ya anons
>>10368603>>10368643>>10368576glad you are interested, I'm not an avid irys man but she's cute and so are you(in a manly way), I wasn't sure about posting it because it'd be advertising another vtuber but if you're interested, it's not the first time they collabed on gartic phone before.
I wish IRyS would do more zatsudan streams. I never really like zatsudan streams in general but I really enjoy it when it comes to IRyS.
>>10413962That's why you shouldn't have taken Reine's virtual barbed strap-on, IRyS...
>>10405709>life with IRyS is like the pregnancy episode of I Love Lucy, even though she's not pregnant
>>10413962 says she should drink hulk juice.
>>10418129> Hulk Juice is based
>>10418848For throat problems during the dry wintry season.
>>10374161At this point I'm 100% sure she does that on purpose
>>10422181Honorary EN1!
IRyS it's almost 3AM, schedule or stream frame for tomorrow please!
IRyS doko?
>>10422451>>10422484Break day
>>10422559Yeah but it's the end of the day, most of the time she'll put up the frame before sleep since she goes right into the stream after waking up.
>>10422729She's either:>busy>horny>drinking sodaor>all of the above
>>10423986She has to take some off-screen time to satisfy the urges of her demon-side after all.
>>10424066actually streaming is her break from me satisfying her demon-side urges
"Soda Drinker Pro" stream when?
IRyS is playing Minecraft right now.
Next stream is up:
>>10385000I don't really ship them romantically, I just think the two of them together exude a lot of sexual energy through their banter and rival-like chemistry. There's also the fact that both are pure sex and have hot designs that go very well together.Basically, they make me horny, and I just want to see them have sex.
Is the Irys is bisexual rrat true
>>10427830If it moves is prey
>>10427226IRyS MC is the best MC.
>>10427226I wonder who she will torment this time?Ollie and Kronii got HOPED so far.
>>10427152Schedules are hard to come up with anyways, not that big of a loss.
>>10428329If she sticks to the same timeslot every day yeah it's fine.
>>10428303this could finally be the Ame moment
>>10427152>>10427226>5 AMIRyS your sleep schedule...
>>10428472What is sleep?
I really need an IRyS-Nene collab. I feel like they would go together like bread and butter.
>>10429748Nene would be great but any collab has huge kino potential, the Nephilim is so good at bouncing off of people!
>>10429748>>10429903IRyS has also liked some art for Lamy and Botan, I would like to see her collab with any or all the GEN5 girls really
>>10431264I have a feeling a Polka collab has a lot of potential. IRyS is innocent and sweet like soda, Polka won't be able to resist teasing and playing with her. Only to discover that Nephilim has a demon side too!
>>10431448I love Polka but idk if she's the type to reach out for a collab. Lamy watched IRyS karaoke and even tweeted about it after. I think IRyS has a chance of collabing with just about any JP that's not introverted, she seems very sociable and isn't afraid to reach out to people.
>>10429748>Nene doing this in the EN serverYeah, i would like that
>get filtered by IRyS' model when she was revealed>ignore her since she doesn't interact with the rest of Myth all that much>finally watch a bit from clips of the EN vs ID Mario Kart stream>see more and more of her in Council streams>really enjoy her>watch her when I can nowIRyS-SAMA...I CAN'T KNEEL ANY HARDER!
>>10405709I thought I could avoid this feel today...
>>10435995Honestly her timeslot filters a lot of the EN audience because even West coast NA bros with a normal sleep schedule can only catch the start of her streams, not to speak of the East coasties. EU is mostly a no go since its early morning for them. Her schedule works for her right now being in Japan but it definitely hurts her exposure.
>>10436162She could probably start a couple hours earlier but that's Gura's timeslot. 8PM shouldn't filter the west coast people that much though.
>>10436211EN's going to have to start saying fuck it to timeslots, it doesn't even matter unless it's a birthday or some other event
>>10436211Only when she goes for 5+ hours
>>10436722She doesn't really stream for less than 3 hours unless its karaoke lol
I love IRyS!
>>10436124w-w-what does JWU mean?
>>10444493just woke up probably, anon.
>>10427830They are all bisexual unless you're not into that in which case they're not now pay them those akasupas, simp kun
>>10431802Doesn't EN server already have a (shitty) version of this anyway?
>>10435995Vegetakneel is the meme of the millennium.
>>10436722Chicanos have to get up early to make sure their Guatemalan slaves are picking the fruit.
>>10445998Its about the journey of building it, anon. It was an epic Nene saga.
>>10446149Nene is still trying to milk it and will have to creeper-proof the perimeter and construct a better base at the end point and glass-dome the entire structure. Adventure!
>>10431802At least Nene built it right. You only really 1 line with glass panels on one side or both. Hell you can skimp even more and only put ice every other tile. Still. Building it in the nether is where you want to make it.
>>10446039Not quite, but it's certainly salient
HiRyS!I love IRyS!
attention! only I may watch Irys’s livestream today. Anyone who watches who isnt me is TRESPASSING.
>>10448460Then trespass I will.
I love her jwu voice
Man this just makes me hope she eventually gets roped in to one of Mio's wake up streams so we can really hear how she sounds like right when she wakes up
she want to drink it so bad...h-hot
>You will never wake up before Irys>You will never turn off her alarm for her stream>You will never brush her hair past her ear as she slowly wakes up and stares at you>You will never say "Hirys." as you give her a kiss on the head and let her know that it's almost time to stream
>>10448929fuck you
I AM BECOME SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXImagine waking up to this voice
Ohh was she recording some stuff yesterday?
I do think some of the takeshis from /infinity/ have been here recently with the sexposting not like I mind
>>10449083Orison is in the works, she spoke about it
>>10448929don’t tell me what i can’t do
>>10449176i was a /hirys regular, but when kronii debuted i went throug a takeshification in /infinitySNEEEEEEZE AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>10448929I imagine some scruffy band type Jap guy already does this now. With COVID happening Irys supports them with our superchats, all he does is housework and fuck her after streams
>>10449306how can you leave hope for despair
>>10449387Thank you for the compliments, but no, I'm just a normal guy.
>>10449467i want to be saved by irysi want to save kronii
>>10449517both of them in tandem work for my psycological needs in a very unhealthy way
>>10449517Kronii is doing better than IRyS, she doesn't need your saving.
it's dripping wet
>>10449647>how to make your lover miss youThat's sad.
"It's drippin wet!"IRyS....
I-It's what Irys?
>>10449557idk about Kronii, IRyS has been pretty healthy in terms of parasocial stuff and by healthy I mean she's almost as deep as the goslings
I miss her already
she just glitched out!
imagine the smell
mmm irys pee
>>10448277>posting stuff right before she slept>slept only 7 hours
>>104501987 hours is enough for adults.
Sorry anons, she fell asleep in my arms and i had to wake her up again
>IRyS lugging a giant bucket of lava through a wooden bathhouse
it's a mystery hole
As many as you want, Irys
thse clicks bros im ngmi
>>10450275No, every hour less than 8 decreases your T. Don't gains goblin your sleep.
>let's sleepyes
I really appreciate the attention whoever created IRyS' model paid to ensuring she had accurate breast rising/falling to simulate her breathing. Very nice detail her outfit is lewder the more I look at it.
even IRyS isn't impressed with Ame's tunnel
Ok I love her but at some point she has to get better right? like 40 hours into MC and can't remember to eat or seelp still
What is IRyS IQ?
>>10450687it's gonna take moona or someone working with her 1 on 1, minecraft has a lot of unexplained mechanics you can't learn by a chat spamming 5 different things at you all the time
>>10450667She said Ina's rigger worked on it. The attention to details really are top notch.
>>10450687she should join Mumei and Kiara's MC lesson
>I don't understand why I'm always so low on hp>dumps lava on herself
>>10450667How come I didn't noticed this until now?SEEEEEEEEEEEX
Your oshi is fucking everything up!
>>10450754Like sleeping and eating? She still just explained she doesn't understand why she's always low on HP after jumping off everything she sees
I will now watch your retard.
>IRyS is the true embodiment of chaosWhat does that make Bae?
>>10450687>>10450768>>10450869Live2D was by rariemon.
Irys got sooooo fukin lucky. That could have gone so much worse
Lava bucket in IRyS' hands is literally giving a child with a rocket launcher
>>10450667Ironically people here think Rariemonn did a bad job with her rigging. His only stinker was Mumei's really, but if the rrat that it was a salvage job from rhombus was to believed, it's understandable.
>lol oops
why does she need so many dogs
>>10451094Giving a warning to Ollie. Based.
>>10451094she looks happy
>>10451023Yeah, 1 second earlier and it would've burned up. All in all, this was really just her further dominating Ollie.>>10451103Breeding fetish, please andastand.
>>10451133>>10451103only white girls fuck dogs
>>10450842I appreciate that IRyS is in a place where I don't know whether she's retarded or a genius, without being the kind of 'dumb' girl who screeches and panics at everything.
>>10451172>fucks shit up>lol it's fineAdmirable attitude.
>>10451005>IRyS is only 100 years old>is a Nephilim>exists as long as hope has existed>adolf hitler and the freikorps became active around the time she would have been bornUmmm what did cover mean by this?
>>10451083It's the face that's offputting at first but the longer I've looked at it the more I think it's actually better than the normal anime faces.
someone please log in and put this demon on a leashshe's going to destroy everything at this rate
something about minecraft just turns irys into a bumbling idiotand i love her for it
>>10451103She keeps killing them.
>>10451274It's the patrician's choice.
>is it not gonna turn wet?
>>10451274the tracking is good, her expressions are great
>>10451274the retarded face fits her
just swear normally irys
irys please... no rage comic references...
>>10451304she's like this in every game, not just minecraft. Her playing Titanfall was hilarious or cringe depending on your temperament
>>10451274Moeblob style becoming more popular made everyone forget different drawing styles exist.
>>10451274to be fair, liking IRyS is an acquired taste.
>Used lava bucket on stack of 15>Chat tells her it cooks 64 blocks>puts stack of 50 into a 3 coal ovenShe's doing this on purpose!
lama runs because you gave it a taste of your fist
IRyS is a one man army
Original goal turn into steal llamas owned by someone else.
isn;t alpaca the cute cool one, llama the spitty ugly one
Probably convinced her that she needs help or she'll burn down the server on accident.
>watch iRys for the first time>type 1 message in chat as a grey>she reads itWhat did she mean by this?
senpai-ish lmao
>>10452383If you think she read your "get ytcfilter" comment, there were 50 others. If you wrote the holodex comment, please kill yourself.
>discord ERP time
Why is her mouth always open?
>>10452383She likes you!
>>10452383same, in her TING stream
>>10452383She reads everyone's messages.
Bae's real voice is kinda hot bros.
>trying to see minecraft babymakingIt would be blocky anyway.
>>10452733some people like thatthere's a huge minecraft porn scene
>>OP>that's when I started breedingIrys...stop giving me massive boners.
So the breeding plan DID work!
>>10452795Let me help you with that
How does she do it, this is whole new levels of retarded
>>10452733Did you not see when she got excited over the bebe dog being born?
I liked Irys solo stream better.
>>10453009someone has to tardwrangle her
>Using PPP to levelIRyS please...
God can someone fix the PPP from Ames autism already
EN2 + Irys seem to like each other more than EN1. Bunch of impromptu collabs already.
>>10453415? Ina has easily had the most impromptu collabs with Gen 2
>>10453384it needs to be literally 1 block higher
>>10453384The only way to fix it is to demo it and rebuild it from stratchBut that'll hurt Ame's feefee's so
Bae's voice seem different from usual, is this what happens when she drops the 'character' voice? She becomes SEX?
>Talking about the past.k-kino...
They should just build an enderman farm. It's the easiest and fastest XP. I understand that Ame won't fix PPP because of what a pain it was, but it is an embarrassment when you know how much a real mob farm can produce.
>>10453493>>10453384Chat told Ame but she knew better
>>10453492I thought it was 1 block low so you could xp farm
>>10453512this is her morning zatsudan voice
>>10453512Yeah, she's cute when she doesn't have to be her character
>>10453384She wanted to build an enderman farm but we'll see how that goes.
>>10453543Damn right. Ameway
>>10453543It was why i stopped watching her. Chat told her how to do it, she chimped out like a cunt, built it wrong and then had a fit that it doesnt work properly
So Ame is aware it barely works...
>>10453831the real problem with running with chat is they'll give you 5 different sets of instructions all at once and sperg if you don't instantly do their specific method, someone needs to show Ame a good wiki
are there sharks in minecraft?
>>10453952People were even telling her to follow a guide but she even had a fit about that
>>10453984worse, there are dolphins
>>10453940You only gotta watch one JP steam to know it's not working properly, never been a secret.
>>10453831Pretty much this >>10453952 chat is absolutely retarded most of the time. Still it's really easy to fix i think
Irys commits a hate crime
>>10454019Hopefully the rabbit takes on the job of fixing it...
>>10454096the rabbit is going to build World Eater on EN
someone needs to stop her
Need "we should breed" sound clip from irys.
Bae, my ears...
how is IRyS so bad at this game
>everyone wants to go to atlantis>it's just a fucking house in the middle of nowhere that gura hasn't worked on in a year>>10453940>ame is la creatividad>haachama is el maniacoNow put them together and they create things.
irys farted...
>>10454350>it's just a fucking house in the middle of nowhere that gura hasn't worked on in a yearShe demolished it yesterday, plans to rebuild it into giant temple.
>>10454014i only saw it for a bit when irys fell into the ocean.
I'm using the same keyboard as IRyS we're basically holding hands right now
>>10454598i made this post
Well I don't think anything will happen on this stream with Bae ruining the spawns.
i'm having so much fun listening to two NERDS talk about keyboards. this is fucking kino.
>>10454598I am touching her right now, jealous?
>doesn't have a mech>prefers laptop keyboardswhat is wrong with women
>>10454651Maybe if Bae had a proper audio setup.
>>10454680they did explain their reasons for it, have you been paying attention?
>>10454560>one year from now>it's half-finished and gura is demolishing it because she wants to build a theme park like pekoland instead
>>10454701scuffkino. just relax and enjoy yourself.
>>10454715>listening to women's opinions on techreally anon?
>Irys naming the 30%
>>10454768Does Scuffkino create SOUL or is Scuffkino indicative of SOUL?
>>10454827I didn't say they were right.
>IRyS plays a lot of idolmaster>favorite is momokoI can't be the only one that thinks the reason all these girls like lolis and shotas is because they subconsciously want to be mommies my favorite is Abe Nana because she's a cute cake.
>>10454873scuffkino can only create soul for so long until the streamer's abilities to not notice it make it indicative. 1.11am est and i'[m discussing the philosophy behind some lore which is just a cover for holo en doesn't check or fix anything, they just go fucking live and w/e
Bae is fucking struggling with the real agent of chaos
Thank you bae, my ears are bleeding now...
>>10454870Who did she name?>>10454873Scuff is a retarded word.
>>10455160I really want to see a BaeChama collab, that'll probably push rrat to the limit
>it's not a seiso game>that sounds like a game I want to check out tooIRyS just can't stop
>>10455304>that hadakamy dick can't take it
>>10455191what other verb matches?
is it just me or is irys' voice sexier than usual today
I gotta stop going to /cuck(hlgg)/
>cereal chat 2.0this gets more and more kino
soggy cereal is the best!
>>10455077I like Momoka too because she looks like Haachama.
The one issue with collabs is that they basically ignore chat
>>10455539I fail to see the issue
>>10455539That's the best thing.
I love IRyS...
>>10455539that's a bonus for Irys' chat desu, they need to be purged
>>10455483What happened?
Bros i Need kronii to cum online and talk about soggy cereal with Irys
>>10455561>>10455565>>10455586I like when she reads my random messages...
you just know Irys is going to microwave her cereal after this stream to try it out
Bae audio makes it unbearable to watch.
Bae is going to fucking die
I'm with rrat on this, soggy fries are awful
>>10455539>no chat = kino
>>10455539unless it's a zatsudan or suupa reading or they need a game tip, chat doesn't need to be read.
>>10455636So do I, everyone does, but chatting to another holo is clearly better than reading seanigs chat.
>>10455657Same but Irys loves anything fatty
>microwaved stale mcdonalds friesjesus fucking christ
>>10455748She would love me then.
>>10455518but momoka came first and if would be the same age as haachama is now if aging linearly from launch to present
airfryer funds secured
She still reads chat but doesn't respond to them.
>>10455539>chuubas not having to respond to low IQ retards spamming "irys I love you please marry me babay i fly to you iran tonight please baby"Oh noooooooo
>leather santaI don't think that was santa Irys...
Bae, please.....
This is why I don't watch Bae...
Thank you for apologizing but damage is already done...
>Irys still upset about one of council eating the codI think it was Kronii, desu
>>10455764>didn't even add a little bowl with water in it so the fries would get a little moisture
>>10456018>the cod saga will become for irys what the hole saga was for kiara
why can't IRyS contain her need to breed
>I've always wanted to breedWith me
>>OP>I'll join you in the breeding session
Someone broke the button on the rails and placed it on the wall so the powered rails are always activated.
>>10456340How do they always manage to fuck things up in such a way the others won't ever know what broke
>Loses the cart>says it's okay>then falls down herself
How is she so clumsy
>>10456390None of them pay enough attention
>>10456451lightheaded from masturbating to orgasm too much
>>10456451her brain power is ocupying a lot of power thinking about breeding
Wait a minute, is the sugar cane farm broken?
>>10456390I wouldn't be surprised if Irys travelled back in time to the The Hole. She's an absolute hazard to the server.
>>10456508It's safe to assume everything is broken.
>>10456490Hi Ame
>>10456513*to dig
>>10456508If it works then something is wrong
women talking about servers
>>10456390Terrified the others will be pissed, they never admit to a mistake and don't know how to fix it, so nothing ever gets done.
>>10456688Exactly. But the one that's to blame for this culture really is the audience, specifically the harmony fags and rabid retards that attack other holos over perceived slights against their oshi. Yes, fixing a build is a personal attack kek
>>10456794ollie gets away with that, she just calls it a prank
>>10456794This board is really overrun with the mentally ill, isn't it? And they always spam "take meds, touch grass" while they're crying about some insane bullshit.
>I always mistake this for food. Yes... rotten flesh.
>chest open with nobody nearbywtf
why is my wife so retarded
>>10457130Same reason mine is...merely pretending
I'm glad Bae stopped by, felt like IRyS was even happier talking to her
>At least you know how to do it now>Was actually taught wrong enchanting mechanicsI love Hololive
>>10457130too much masturbation
>>10455932>>10455940>>10455942>>10455949I like Bae, fuck you guys
>>10457192She's fine but she can get loud at times
>>10457192Her audio just sucks.
>>10457192Stop screaming and speaking Japanese all time you rrat
>>10457192I don't like yelling
>>10457242>>10457243she doesn't have money for GOXLR
i ship the rat and the nephilim
>>10457275She doesn't need a 500 piece of kit to not yell or compress her audio so eardrums stay intact, my dude.
>Iry's minecraft stream so bad Gura decided to gorilla stream crash herIrystrocrats I don't feel so well
>>10457327It was pretty endearing to watch Bae die inside while learning more about IRyS' tastes
>>10457340she knows about that, it's coming soonright now she's using some $10 usb clipping mic
>>10457340Anon she's doing it on purpose and I love it.
ratbro here, i apologize on behalf for any hearing damage, but i really enjoyed irybae chemistry i thank the singing goddess for being so welcoming and sociable
>>10457413I had a good time, they can hang out more often
Next Thread >>10457464