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>> No.97244981 [View]
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Do people know what sarcasm is?
Me think you're desperate to cuckpost for some reason

>> No.97224920 [View]
File: 6 KB, 79x87, 1740997335177446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ofc he was full of shit
you can't trust anything coming from /ope/ that thread had a nijicord on their fucking ass for a year now
not surprising they're doing this shit gay ops right in the middle of the nijibot shenanigans

>> No.97172683 [View]
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Be more blatant lmfao

>> No.97106438 [View]
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>matome homocuck tranny

>> No.97045868 [View]
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Nigger she likes that song and said so on stream

>> No.96860553 [View]
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that angle don't work when one of them hire an homo and cover has been cutting out a lot of homoshit recently
>huuur duuur they didn’t stream anyways
she literaly said it's been a long time coming nigger you're just mad hololive isn't bursting in flames over it, unlike your shit ass company did over pusing a fat chink to suicide kek

>> No.96763269 [View]
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>homo "inclining" after a "raid"
lol lmao

>> No.96737106 [View]
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Vox is going to a shrink to cry about his past glory day in NijiEN, they have different kind of arcs over there kek

>> No.96726680 [View]
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true numbers don't lie, now look at this >>96726367

>> No.96714832 [View]
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I've been to those faggot, their female organs can't express any kind of feelings or grievances without being et with a fucking wall of shit
Not to mention that nijiEN is literally 90% avatarfaggots sucking each other off
Meanwhile nijinigs are camping ITT to seethe at anything Hololive ever do
You're a retard and a fag

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