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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.97044060 [View]
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Welp, it's over...
Is it just me or does it somehow feel like there weren't as many iconic moments in this fes as compared to previous ones?
Older ones had the casual fan pics that got turned into memes, kino moments like Foobs saluting before Parade, emotional moments like the Suisei x Azki letter + Last Frontier with changed lyrics, announcements about future gens/projects, high energy songs, powerful debuts of non-JP talents like Risu, Bae etc., dance moves that became iconic or even just Pon moments like Laplus slipping and sliding.

This year as a whole felt kinda... Mid? Bland? Safe?
Idk the right word for this feeling..
Everything went as usual, the programs and lives were well done, but it just felt like nothing really "stood out" y'know? No announcements either..

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