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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.82956267 [View]
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I just have a huge hardon for giantesses and amazons. But I'm kinda obsessed with vtubers in particular for this fetish.
I think because I like the idea of some totally ordinary girl suddenly become huge and powerful, and I get some of that vibe from chuubas becoming popular, successful, and generally having a strong influence on their fans.

Like, even the tiniest little brats represent their fans as tiny little creatures than can fit in their hand.

>> No.81202652 [View]
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>> No.68089041 [View]
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>> No.45686841 [View]
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honestly the hottest part is just the thought of Kiara being able to look down, with a VR headset or something, and see a whole crowd of real tiny people around her and knowing they see her as a giant
wonder how that'd affect a girl's ego...

>> No.38657444 [View]
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What about big girls that are also buff?

>> No.24579095 [View]
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I suddenly wanna see a chuuni comic where all the demon girls become gigantic and evil, and Irys has to stop them because her demon half also made her huge

>> No.23256128 [View]
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Buff Kiara in her sparks outfit would kill my dick

>> No.23130516 [View]
File: 473 KB, 1788x2500, 1640070026186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see how goddamn fast KFP were to send kisses Kiara way the second she asked for them because she requested it? That's how you know how badly those workers want to plant their beaks on their extremely hot tenchou. The cuteness of Kiara hasn't fizzled out a single bit during this supachat reading. In fact some could say that she's only becoming cuter and cuter every second she thanks a supachat and goes off on a tangent. Is that kind of power even achievable?
In less than 30 minutes, the return of Ina's Elden Ring is upon us. And this time, she's here for revenge. Mohgwill is going to have to NIHIL himself after the beating Ina's about to deliver to that shota hoarding beast who caused Ina's previous computer to isekai into another world. You lowly ojisans better make sure to tune into Ina's stream so you too can witness what it looks like when Ina's power is fully unleashed. It will be a glorious fight, remembered throughout the universe and only the most foolish humans would dare to miss it.

>> No.22748870 [View]
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>> No.22709336 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>> No.22696035 [View]
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>> No.22693059 [View]
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>> No.22692690 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Do chickenfags really?

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