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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.59533196 [View]
File: 434 KB, 600x855, Ayames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically speaking, the vast majority of male posters here are incels, and that includes the anti-unicorn posters and/or the ones who say they watch for entertainment
they have survived just as long as the posters who have had sex, without having sex or talking to women
so why do vtubers pretend as if avoiding relationships and crossgender interactions is a difficult request when the consequences of that(being single and sexless) is true for her fans
>it's different for x
human beings don't have rpg classes

>> No.56183034 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 434 KB, 600x855, Ayames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famous Quotes of Great Men:

- Hirobumi Ito: "Do not associate with lying Koreans."
- Yoshida Shoin: "It's impossible to reform the consciousness of Koreans."
- Natsume Soseki: "I thought it would have been better if I hadn't been born as a Chinese or Korean."
- Arai Hakuseki: "Koreans are comfortable lying when it's inconvenient for them."
- Yukichi Fukuzawa: "There's a hopeless and helpless ethnic group in this world. They are Koreans."
- Inazo Nitobe: "The cause of Korea's downfall is rooted in the Korean people."
- Soichiro Honda: "Don't get involved with Koreans."
- Eisaku Sato: "There's no reason to stop those unruly Koreans from leaving on their own."
- Ume Tsuda: "Animals are better than these dirty Koreans."

Japan should teach these teachings in compulsory education.

Words of Lee Myung-bak, former President of South Korea, regarding Zainichi Koreans (during his visit to Japan in June 2003 on a TBS TV program interview):

"I don't think it's a good thing to hold onto ones original nationality in a foreign country. I want compatriots to contribute to the society they live in."
"It's strange for those who fled from the Korean War to talk about reunification of the homeland. Bullets won't come flying into Japan. They have no right to say such things to our compatriots."
"I don't trust those overseas Koreans. They don't fulfill their duty of conscription and yet still claim to be Koreans."

>> No.56180596 [View]
File: 434 KB, 600x855, Ayames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famous Quotes:

- Hirobumi Ito: "Do not associate with lying Koreans."
- Yoshida Shoin: "It's impossible to reform the consciousness of Koreans."
- Natsume Soseki: "I thought it would have been better if I hadn't been born as a Chinese or Korean."
- Arai Hakuseki: "Koreans are comfortable lying when it's inconvenient for them."
- Yukichi Fukuzawa: "There's a hopeless and helpless ethnic group in this world. They are Koreans."
- Inazo Nitobe: "The cause of Korea's downfall is rooted in the Korean people."
- Soichiro Honda: "Don't get involved with Koreans."
- Eisaku Sato: "There's no reason to stop those unruly Koreans from leaving on their own."
- Ume Tsuda: "Animals are better than these dirty Koreans."

Japan should teach these teachings in compulsory education.

Words of Lee Myung-bak, former President of South Korea:
Regarding the comments made by President Lee Myung-bak about Zainichi Koreans (during his visit to Japan in June 2003 on a TBS TV program):

"I don't think it's a good thing to hold onto nationality in a foreign country. I want compatriots to contribute to that society."
"It's strange for those who fled from the Korean War to talk about reunification of the homeland. Bullets won't come flying into Japan. They have no right to say such things to our compatriots."
"I don't trust those overseas Koreans. They don't fulfill their duty of conscription yet claim to be Koreans."

>> No.56180355 [View]
File: 434 KB, 600x855, Ayames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


・伊藤博文 『嘘つき朝鮮人とは関わってはならない』
・吉田松蔭 『朝鮮人の意識改革は不可能』
・夏目漱石 『余は支那人や朝鮮人に生れなくつて、善かつたと思つた』
・新井白石 『朝鮮人は、己に都合が悪くなると平気で嘘をつく。』
・福沢諭吉 『この世界に救いようのないどうしようもない民族がいる。朝鮮人だ』
・新渡戸稲造 『朝鮮亡国の原因は、朝鮮民族という人間にある』
・本田宗一郎 『韓国人と関わるな』


韓国 盧武鉉(ノムヒョン)前大統領の言葉
故盧武鉉大統領が在日を語る (03年6月の訪日時TBSのテレビ番組で)


>> No.54288339 [View]
File: 434 KB, 600x855, Ayame2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Ayame in a yokozuna outfit.

>> No.32623846 [View]
File: 434 KB, 600x855, 49E501EA-D5B3-4ABB-852C-A15E1DC69B0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best vtuber. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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