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>> No.95626893 [View]
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I put a Shiori helping of choco syrup on my ice cream today..
I earned it..

>> No.92640666 [View]
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I'm sure some of you are good people, but the day of the rake must come and it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make

>> No.92602123 [View]
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She's just a wee bit weird and not everyone's cup of tea, but that's fine
I like when people notice and appreciate how goofy she is

>> No.92072205 [View]
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It's fine, I got alone to watch Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle every year in mostly empty theaters
God I wish I had someone to go with

>> No.89075368 [View]
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>pull stuffs for a mewtwo deck on the first few packs
>still can't pull my damn pikachu cards
I'm doomed to be the Kaiba equivalent

>> No.84469621 [View]
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>> No.83930469 [View]
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She's one step away from becoming a true harem protagonist and fucking every Advent..
And then she'll expand beyond and put all of her EN under her cocktrol..

>> No.82800179 [View]
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>retarded schizo gets a hard on with his two inch weiner for something happening
>overplays his hand so fucking hard that he looks like a deranged fucking psycho
>doesn't realize this does the exact opposite of what he wants and only turns opinion against him even more
Zhangs don't want him, doxxsisters don't want him, women in general walk to the other side of the street when they see him on the sidewalk, his mother cries when she remembers she has to feed him in between getting railed by the Boston Celtics, just a truly pitiful human being
I hope he isn't older than 13, because that would mean he'd have an extra 20 years of wasted life that could've gone to some poor starving African child and been more of a net positive

>> No.82350517 [View]
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She just wanted to be able to stream what she wanted when she wanted without any permissions red tape like she did at the start
It's unfortunate, but the reality is that all we could do is try to change the 80 year old ojii-sans' stranglehold on the Japanese diet and their outdated laws
And you'd have more luck convincing the middle east to be at peace

>> No.82244363 [View]
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She felt sad because something she ate wasn't as tasty as it should have been which lead to a sad day of reflection because of a deteriorated mood
For him, this was the greatest victory since the conquest of mesoamerica
For Kiara, it was just a lame Tuesday evening that was followed up by having lesbian sex with holos

>> No.81886687 [View]
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I see you're too new to remember the Signing Hell sagas of other holos
Every talent is allowed to set how much handsigning they want to do, and they very often get way too generous with them and end up swamped with signing homework and carpal tunnel for months
I think the last victim of it was Mumei IIRC, where something got fucked up with them and she had to do them over, just like Luna before her

>> No.81414200 [View]
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Please understand that we have two or three mentally ill shiggers that unironically browse and participate in catalog threads and they think it's okay to drag that kind of filthy behavior back here
If we could take them out back and shoot them, we would

>> No.81400825 [View]
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Well Bae, this is why you put points into movement speed
Otherwise you can't outrun raptors

>> No.80180733 [View]
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You're lucky the meidos are holding me back from unleashing my /his/ and /gsg/ racism against Germans

>> No.79389381 [View]
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I still fall asleep to videos of horror kusoge nightly

>> No.78375580 [View]
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He's been pissing and shitting himself harder than ever for 5+ months now
He has nothing in his life except this
The average homeless person is less pathetic than him

>> No.78074752 [View]
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Now I watch cowboy game while subjecting myself to the worst thing imaginable
Giving Starfield another try with Star Wars mods

>> No.77979581 [View]
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I hate it, actually
Fuck Bungie

>> No.77060707 [View]
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Man, I wanna do some princess play but I don't wanna redownload World..
I'll probably just play Skyrim with my Shiori follower while I watch, my connection would be doo-doo for Japan anyways as an ESTchad

>> No.76715369 [View]
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My wife is very polite and it's a very good trait to have
She's lovely

>> No.76633180 [View]
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What is the gosling equivalent for blade runner 1982?

>> No.76127300 [View]
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I was so confused at your reply

>> No.76112243 [DELETED]  [View]
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