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>> No.93903256 [View]
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Speaking Kaela and of schizos, I saw a clip a bit ago where she talks about literally being the HELP in GSH. She volunteered to do talk therapy with inmates with mental disorders. She was very insightful and made some good points, it was pretty touching. Basically imagine you see things and hear things that are exactly as real as you looking at the screen you're reading this on, in the room you're sitting in, hearing whatever you're hearing. Except everyone you meet is telling you that some of what you see and hear right now are not real. You're just that fucking crazy. Some of the people you're talking to are not there, it's just an empty room.
As if the whole world is 4ch. It's terrifying. Really gave me a new perspective on Shondo's situation. Her mother has it as well. Also gave me a few keks because Kaela is in SEA and the region is known for the globally highest percentage of schizos. It really is an epidemic there. I have no idea why this is the case but it sure is. I'd say Nimi Nightmare and Ela could team up so schizos could GSH, but I don't think help is what Nimi intends lol. Shondo should be able to feed those fat tapir tits to DDD size all on her own.
I've wondered in the past how the usual mazed holobox sapling stereotypical fan would deal with the edgier stuff from her and her friends like Shondo. I guess we're about to find out. It should be no surprise to anyone that she is kind to and friends with crazy people, really. She likes her fans after all (affectionate).

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