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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3981473 No.3981473 [Reply] [Original]


Or is it overpriced shit?

>inb4 shills
>Win 10 is botnet.

They also made a better Unbuntu version, but that doesn't have a gamepad.

>> No.3981495
Quoted by: >>3981498

It's a comfy machine for gaming. If you can get it for 300 bucks it ain't overpriced at all if you consider the alternatives.

>They also made a better Unbuntu version, but that doesn't have a gamepad.
That's much bigger also and really not meant for gaming.

>> No.3981498
Quoted by: >>3981509

I found the /g/ thread. They hate it. Also 600 fuck loonix bucks.

>> No.3981502

Overpriced shit.

For the same money buy a nice CRT, a real system, a flash cart, and comfortable chair. Then sit down and play some old games in a way you can actually appreciate them and enjoy them instead of playing them as a mindless way to pass 20 minutes.

When you're out in public and bored spend your time looking around or talking to people. Leave the video games at home.

If you -must- play games in public just buy an old PSP.

>> No.3981506
Quoted by: >>3981518

>When you're out in public and bored spend your time looking around or talking to people. Leave the video games at home.
Where do you think you are?

>> No.3981509

>/g/ is one person
It's a modern UMPC, there aren't really any alternatives, the Pyra that's much weaker is even more expensive.

>> No.3981518

On /vr/, not /r9k/. Many people here are "normies" with jobs and families. And can talk to another human being in public without having a panic attack.

>> No.3981545

Bacl to Reddit with you

>> No.3981551
Quoted by: >>3981554

It costs the same as any netbook with the compareable specs (no harddrive for obvious reasons). Except this one is 4 times smaller, pocketable and has a built-in controller, so it's definitely not overpriced.

Whether or not it'll perform well as an emulation machine is a different matter. Controller is OK, not the best, but it's decent and has all the necessary buttons. Battery life is ~3.5hrs of intense play (modern PC games/Gamecube emulation) or ~5hrs of not-so-intense play (emulation up to PSX, MAME, old PC games) with manual CPU limiting.

It can play PC games up to ~2007 in relative comfort with some tweaking, and stuff up to 2013 with major tweaking. Morrowind and Oblivion are rather uncooperative with Win10 thouhg and run worse than Skyrim.

Only buy from official AliExpress store to get the newest version (better buttons and sticks), or else you risk getting inferior ones.

If you don't intend on playing anything above PSX and can live without superior N64 emulation - consider getting GPD XD (android, no keyboard) since it has better battery life and is much cheaper.

>> No.3981554

>Battery life is ~3.5hrs of intense play (modern PC games/Gamecube emulation) or ~5hrs of not-so-intense play (emulation up to PSX, MAME, old PC games) with manual CPU limiting.
I agree with the modern PC games but I got 5 hours with GameCube emulation too, playing SMS

>> No.3981560
File: 13 KB, 570x383, simplythebest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3981676 >>3987994

>a flash cart, and comfortable chair.

I dunno about flashcarts but a comfy chair would cost ~499 shillbucks in singapooru.

>> No.3981676


Maybe you could save by settling for Class 2 or 3 hydraulics.

>> No.3981702
Quoted by: >>3981727

>that weird guy that talks to random strangers on the street.

>> No.3981727


You must be from New England, or a Scandi. It's totally normal in many places in the US to be friendly and talkative to strangers in public.

>> No.3981732

>advocating staring at people in public
>living somewhere where talking to strangers on the street/public transit is in any way acceptable
>believing there are 'normies' on /vr/

>> No.3981741
Quoted by: >>3981754 >>3981775

It's really not though, especially in cities. Most places only the homeless, rapey, and/or unstable do that and there's literally nothing worse.

>> No.3981754
Quoted by: >>3981767

I think that's just what you perceive... I know in cities that have serious bum problems it kind of puts a damper on general public friendliness cause you have to be on guard that they'll ask for money but that's not everywhere, nor will every interaction you have be like that

>> No.3981767

It's definitely true in my city, but I am in New England. It seems true in the other east coast cities I've been as well. Every interaction with strangers in my city is a nightmare, anyone who talks to you out of nowhere is highly likely to be out of their mind.

>> No.3981775
Quoted by: >>3981805 >>3982346


Have you considered that perhaps other places in the world are not like the particular large metropolitan area you happen to live In?

>> No.3981805
Quoted by: >>3982010

Of course, but it's 2017. Talking to strangers uninvited is considered an invasion of privacy in many large cities and civilized nations around the world. It's just unbelievably rude to accost someone and take up their time like that.

>> No.3982010
Quoted by: >>3982029 >>3992692

Thank God I wasn't born in an autistic country like you. The natural human nature is to approach and communicate with others when you are sitting or standing up in the same area waiting for something.

>> No.3982029

Thank God I wan't born in a nation without boundaries like you. That's not human nature, it's a literal invasion.

>> No.3982061 [DELETED] 

I think I'll take a GPD Win it's a known quantity and at that price? Wew lad.

>> No.3982346

>Have you considered
Have you captain irony?

>> No.3982353
Quoted by: >>3983024




no thanks gook

>> No.3983016

Nope, get punched by a nigger for saying hi.

>> No.3983024
Quoted by: >>3983202

Everything is made in China these days.
That's literary not an argument anymore without having actually seen the product yourself.

>> No.3983202
Quoted by: >>3983212

yeah you are right. Maybe gook was a bit too strong a word. Some Chinese devices are very well made. But most are shit quality. I mostly just hate windows 10. Microshit really needs to fix their OS.

>> No.3983212

You won't be interacting with the OS that much if you plan just gaming with it, Windows does have the benefit of well supported emulators and decades of native games. Browsing the web, listening to music or watching videos is totally doable too, it's not like your life depends on the device like your desktop work computer, etc.

>> No.3983224

Nahhh lad, everyone here has full blown autism, has never kissed a girl, and still lives with there mothers

>> No.3983230

>has full blown autism
>has never kissed a girl
It's 2017, even autists get laid
>still lives with their* mothers
I have a dad too

>> No.3983256
Quoted by: >>3983259

I also have dyslexia... Dont be so insensitive

>> No.3983259
Quoted by: >>3983408

Sorry, bro.
You mean dysgraphia?

>> No.3983408

Most quiet possible.

>> No.3983538
Quoted by: >>3983546 >>3983548

>i live with my mothers
>i have a dad too
>mormon detected

>> No.3983546
File: 21 KB, 350x394, 1489930750797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and still lives with there mothers

>> No.3983548

Do want, if you are only related to one of your mothers, it isn't wrong to fug with the others, is it?
Half sisters aren't as bad either as full sisters I guess.

>> No.3983982
Quoted by: >>3985486

It's not bad the buttons for me felt very sticky, it also gets hot too quickly to be a comfy system, I ended up selling mine

>> No.3984251
Quoted by: >>3988003

It definitely isn't unless you are in some backwoods hick town where everyone's related or already know each other.

>> No.3984328
File: 26 KB, 384x280, 1990_Pure_My_Doll_0017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I kissed a girl once...

>> No.3985486
Quoted by: >>3988002

Did you have a early unit? I have the newer revision and don't have problems with buttons nor does it get particularly warm

>> No.3987823

But the whole point is to be able to fit it in a pocket.
>If you -must- play games in public just buy an old PSP
Really not an alternative.

>> No.3987994
Quoted by: >>3991406

where do you even get your chairs from

>> No.3988002
Quoted by: >>3988005

I have a backer unit and I really do need to get around to replacing it, they will do it I just keep putting it off.

Not retro but playing lost Planet 2 on a portable blows my god damn mind. It's also nice to be able to download games right off the net and play them on the same device, no jumping hoops to load them onto your device or your SD card or whatever. Finally it's cool to play dos on the go with an actual keyboard.

>> No.3988003


>not living in a backwoods hick town

I guess some people just don't like being /comfy/

>> No.3988004
Quoted by: >>3988007

Do you realize that it has a built-in 3rd party controller?

>> No.3988005

Backer units suck, it was predictable, I held off buying one before the revision units came.

>> No.3988007
Quoted by: >>3988013

Yeah, it can work as a generic d-input controller, a mouse or as a xbox 360 controller. Covering all the bases.

>> No.3988010
Quoted by: >>3988017 >>3997243

For that price you can get a Vita and hack it.

Access to Vita, PSP, PS1 perfectly plus all the 16 and 8 bit emulators and a much better build quality.

>> No.3988013
Quoted by: >>3988015

I refer to its quality and durability. Haven't you used gamepads not produced by console manufacturers?

>> No.3988015

The quality is great for it's size though.
It even uses the exact same thumbsticks are the Vita does and the shoulder buttons are branded clicky switches.

>> No.3988017

You own one that you talk about it's built quality? I can't say there's anything wrong with the quality of the device itself (except the QC that does not apply to every unit), not like the cheap knockoff Chink systems.
Also, how about DOS, native library of decades of Windows games and support for emulating newer systems?

>> No.3989903

all that autism in this thread

>> No.3989924
Quoted by: >>3989929

Should have picked it up when it was cheaper. It's worth $300 and nothing more.

>> No.3989927

Games are fun on the road as much as they are at home. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3989929
Quoted by: >>3990004

I see deals for 300 bucks all the time
>should have picked it up when it was a broken piece of shit
you mean

>> No.3989934

I'd rather play games than talk to a fuckface like you.

>> No.3989948

Ubuntu version is in no way better. In fact ubuntu makes it worse than W10.

>> No.3990004
Quoted by: >>3990036

Doubtful, cheapest I see now is $350.

>> No.3990036

They pop up like "limited 4 day offer" from time to time, just check daily and you will find it in a week

>> No.3991406

Singapooru of cose. Because i'm a liberal. Byt that's not retro related.

>> No.3991620

>You must be from New England
Fuck you, buddy. We're the friendliest people in the entire country. Not our fault you're an asshole.

>> No.3992692

What country are you from? Because only third worlders and mentally ill people go around harassing people on the street for no reason.

>> No.3992694

I live on my own, thank you very much.

>> No.3994872

hurr shill, win10 is botnet

>> No.3995428
Quoted by: >>3995441

I don't get why anyone would use this to play more modern stuff. I'd use it for indie retro-esque games you can't get on the GPD XD.
Such as Necrodancer, Super Time Force, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Shantae and so on.

>> No.3995441

>Such as Necrodancer, Super Time Force, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Shantae and so on.
Very comfy indeed. But why not more modern stuff? Mass Effect for example is lots of fun on it.

>> No.3995834

>Would you emulate with a mini china notebook?
It's actually a handheld gaming UMPC

>> No.3995860
Quoted by: >>3995902

>even autists get laid
Yeah I bet Chris Chan is swimming in pussy.

>> No.3995902

Who knows, there are more fucked up people of the female gender then he is

>> No.3997243

How is n64 and saturn on the vita though?