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/vr/ - Retro Games

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352904 No.352904 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Retro games, consoles, and the like that had lots of potential but failed miserably for arbitrary (or non arbitrary) reasons.

>> No.352918

Tell me why my Saturn is still hooked-up after 18 years but I sold both my shitbox 360 and PS3 if it failed so miserably?

>> No.352934
Quoted by: >>352951 >>353623

Fucking Sega of America killed that shit. Poor thing.

The Neo Geo Pocket comes to mind though. That didn't last very long here.

>> No.352951
File: 758 KB, 320x240, segata.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Seag of America had used the threat of violence, the Saturn would have done better. Worked for Japan.

>> No.352953

Because you're a hipster.

>> No.352959

Because people are allowed to love failures.

>> No.352960
File: 66 KB, 600x450, emo_corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>352984 >>353416

Saturn, Dreamcast, Game Gear, Neo-Geo Pocket Color.
The rest are barely worth mentioning.

>> No.352984

You forgot PC-Engine. and the WonderSwan.

>> No.352986
Quoted by: >>353031

Well, people seemed to have a thing for the Turbo-Grafx16 and the Turbo-GrafxCD.

Which I'm pretty sure was just known as PC-Engine in Japanland. The console never became a household name in the US though, for whatever reason.

>> No.353006

Saturn didn't fail in Japan

>> No.353007


I'm fairly certain OP meant "failed" in a commercial sense - which the Saturn pretty unarguably did, even if I wouldn't trade my 90's memories of Dragon Force and Guardian Heroes for anything.

>> No.353017
Quoted by: >>353034

>consoles that were successful in Japan but failed in America


>> No.353031
Quoted by: >>353071 >>353209


I'd imagine it's because the TG16 lacked the 3rd party support that Nintendo and Sega had, and while the CD was impressive, it was insanely fucking expensive for the time (about $700 today if you adjust for inflation)

a friend of mine had one when we were young though, and I did enjoy the Bonk games as well as splatterhouse, and I totally think that the TG16 had the best shooters of the 16bit generation

>> No.353034
Quoted by: >>353050 >>353056

Frankly, it doesn't matter to me if they were successful somewhere else. Making money in one country and bombing in the other still means they bombed in that other country.
And I'm sure most of the userbase here aint in glorious Nippon.
See: Xbox, sells next to nothing in Japan.

>> No.353049
File: 22 KB, 341x291, d2beta-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>353060 >>354149

the m2
we have had this game


>> No.353050

I guess that means they really are smarter than we are.

>> No.353056
Quoted by: >>353110


It's because the Xbox is several times larger than the average Japanese household.

>> No.353060

*could have had

>> No.353065
Quoted by: >>353769

Because your personal preference isn't the determining factor on whether or not a console was successful.

>> No.353071


To be fair, a lot of the consoles from the fourth generation cost loadsemunny. Even the Sega Genesis originally retailed for something like $400, and that's not even adjusted for 25 years of inflation.

>> No.353094
Quoted by: >>353103 >>353647

Really? My mom got me Genesis in '92 and according to her (though her memory is the best, honestly) it was around $100. She got me a PS1 the year it came out for around the same price at clearance.

>> No.353103

*Isn't the best

>> No.353110
Quoted by: >>355490

It's pretty close to the same size as the original model of PS3, so that's theory's dismissed.

>> No.353128



$189.99 launch price

>> No.353142

Someone posted a chart, many moons ago, of all the console prices at launch originally and adjusted to 2012 inflation. Did anyone save it.

>> No.353159


the genesis launched at >$200 actually, and was a bit cheaper than the TG16 base console.

Which is probably the other reason why the TG16 failed. It cost the exact same as the Genesis and the SNES when it was clear that the latter two would be getting more support from game companies.

>> No.353181

JUST got done watching this video on the saturn

Take a look

Man the sega saturn was filled with great jp games. You can get an action replay cart for around 30$ on amazon or ebay, lets you play those games. Also increases the sega's ram and internal save memory.

>> No.353209


Turbo CD was down to $150 before the sega cd came out, sega cd launched at $300. Turbo CD could be used as a standalone player (no tv needed) which helped a lot.

TurboGrafx was released in US the same time SuperGrafx was in Japan, and if they had just done a worldwide release of SG instead, and never released TG in US they would have been a lot better off. Instead of porting all those games to Turbo from Japan they could have upgraded them as well, and re release them in Japan as well as sell them in US.

>> No.353212


My bad, I messed that up. I might've been thinking of the Sega add-ons.

But the launch price, of the Genesis adjusted for inflation is about $350 or so.

>> No.353240
File: 107 KB, 640x1060, legendofoasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh please. The Saturn was a great system with some incredible games. (pic related) But sales wise it was a complete flop and Sega killed it far too soon. It's the perfect example for a topic like this.

Neo Geo Pocket Color gets my other vote.

>> No.353389

The same reason you're on /vr/.

>> No.353416

What about the Turbograpfx-16? And its version of R-Type?

>> No.353462

It's even better if you know how to install a region switch so you can play KOF 95.

>> No.353534
File: 61 KB, 640x382, SegaCDBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, OP's paradox IS bullshit. But on the wrong end.

It did not have greater potential. It did extremely well in context of it's issues.

Unless you consider the 32x an arbitrary problem for it.

>> No.353570
Quoted by: >>353582 >>353606

The last time I checked, you can get a mod chip for the drive for that same $30 that's a lot more reliable.

Or just swap discs if you're cheap and lazy, of course.

>> No.353582
Quoted by: >>353587

Swapping discs can burn out the drive. It's much more efficient to install a switch.

>> No.353587
Quoted by: >>353607

>It's much more efficient to install a switch.
mod chip*

>> No.353606

Well to be honest, I more or less care about the more save memory (because saving to a battery is annoying) and that it increases the ram a little. Which only a reasonable list of games can use it.

It's only the past few days have I really noticed the great library of games that are imports.

>> No.353607

I was referring to the swap method.

>> No.353623

This, the 32x and the early NA launch of the console ended up killing it.

>> No.353636
File: 310 KB, 1328x1984, stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.353647

Genesis launched in '88, in Japan, and '89 in USA. Price drops would've already happened by '92. As for your mother getting a PS1 for $100 in 1995, that's really weird.

>> No.353674
File: 22 KB, 300x200, gizmondo_skin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody remembers you existed

>> No.353690
Quoted by: >>354510


Nah, I'm kidding, even as a big Amiga fan I couldn't love that thing.

>> No.353728


Chin up, squirt, I own 2 of you.
And I never let a day go by in wherein I don't ask myself why I do.

>> No.353730
File: 188 KB, 800x600, neogeo-cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>355097

Neo Geo CD could have been great, but
>1x speed CD drive

>> No.353731

I don't know if the Saturn failed all that bad, but I certainly did.

I had the choice to get the brand new Tomb Raider for my Saturn console or Tunnel B-1.

I chose Tunnel B-1.

>> No.353740
File: 45 KB, 640x306, ferrari-enzo-wreck_100169170_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>354118


>> No.353748
File: 245 KB, 700x400, TurboGrafx-16.jpg (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a piece of shit failure and I love you for being one

>> No.353769

gold star comment

>> No.353784

I was always fascinated by the 3DO. I think its initial sale price was $700 dollars. Which of you owned the goddamn thing?

>> No.353789
File: 8 KB, 240x240, Segata Sanshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn was an amazing system. Segata Sanshiro never lead me astray. I wonder, would Americanized versions of these comericals have helped the Saturn at all over here? Mabey if the had him dress-up as a Sega Saturn themed Rider-1 (The Saturn Ranger?)


>> No.353795
Quoted by: >>354118

Didn't the head of the company of this have dealings with the mafia?

>> No.353893
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, lynx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.

It's probably the best example of the fact that 3rd party support makes or breaks a console.

I mean, this thing was launched the same year as the OG Gameboy. The specs aren't even in the same galaxy. The lynx was 16 bit, backlit, tons more memory and processing, etc. I mean shit, the thing had hardware scaling even more advanced than the SNES (mode 7 couldn't efficiently scale sprites, but the lynx's graphics system could). Hell, even the linking system was designed to be able to chain together 18 players at once.

It's specs were even better than the Game Gear, except for slightly lower screen resolution. In fact, it wasn't until the Game Boy Advance launched 12 years later that the Lynx was no longer the most powerful handheld ever made (not counting Turbo Express or Nomad since they're miniaturized consoles and not dedicated handhelds).

The only objective gripe about the lynx is battery life, but anyone actually old enough to remember back then knows that anything even slightly high tech ate the shit out of batteries, and the lynx still had a better battery life than the Game Gear.

It had the hardware, it just lacked the library

>> No.354118

see >>353740

>> No.354149
Quoted by: >>354628

Is D any good? I have it sitting in my Saturn library.

>> No.354494
Quoted by: >>354542

3DO is like a horrific parallel universe version of the PSX mixed up with DOS.

It's everything the other Interactive Movie Shit Era consoles wished they could be, with just enough tangible examples of 'games' to show how terrible life in that universe would be.

>> No.354510

But you can play Guardian! And...

>> No.354542
Quoted by: >>354560


But at least it had some good games, unlike CD-i... maybe not masterpieces but it had a couple of good games.

>> No.354560

The only 3DO game that I can remember not wanting to destroy after playing it was Starfighter 3000. Pretty much everything the 3DO had was on something else.

>> No.354572


I did. Bought a Goldstar model when they were being phased out. Before that I had a SNES and Shockwave blew my mind when I plugged it in the first time. Had a great time with it. Still a 3DO collector today.

>> No.354579


Wing Commander Remake... yeah, is a remake but it looks awesome and it wasnt released for any other plattform. There are also some japanese fmv games that were never ported to other system, one from Yamamura Misa and another one from Nishimura Kyotaro.

>> No.354628

You'll run through it in an evening, but I remember liking it back in my Saturn days.

>> No.354863

I bought one when it dropped to about $300. I remember enjoying SSF2 Turbo, but I actually had to buy a second controller to play it properly. The first-run D-pads were all 4-direction only, making special moves in fighting games unbearably difficult to perform. There were a few other good games, but I never owned more than a couple dozen, including the stack of free shitty ones that came with my system. Also of note, the controllers each had an out port on them, so hooking up multiples meant that you had to plug controllers into each other.

>> No.354980

Game wise, I would say The Last Express.

>> No.355002

fucking primal rage,johnny bazookatone,scud,clocktower.

>> No.355074
Quoted by: >>355131

It failed because it was expensive as shit at launch, and most of its best games never got localized.

I've had a Saturn since 95, and I'm never getting rid of it.

>> No.355097
File: 33 KB, 400x547, Waiting for a Neo-Geo CD game to load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.355110

Thanks for this, just downloaded Bulk Slash, I'm going to have to add that one to my collection one day.

I doubt I would've ever played it if I hadn't seen that video, it's one of those games nobody ever talks about.

>> No.355129

My use of the Saturn was short-lived, but the best games I had for it were Gex and Solar Eclipse. Never got to try Nights.

>> No.355131

If price is the reason it failed, explain the Neo Geo and its longevity.

>> No.355163
Quoted by: >>355197 >>355232

>Neo Geo

>> No.355197
Quoted by: >>355234 >>355331

1990-2004 (longer?)

>> No.355232
Quoted by: >>355331

Check your history.

>> No.355234
Quoted by: >>355283


Considering the GOTY of 2012 was released for it it's still more worth owning than current gen consoles

>> No.355253
Quoted by: >>355290

The System and games weren't bad. It's just Sega handles it in the worst fucking way possible.
The release of the Saturn was filled with so many blunders. I recommend going to wikipedia and reading about them.

>> No.355273

Actually, this brings up an interesting thing: 3DO actually wanted to have a "Universal" game market, where people developed their games for every system. Reminder: this is exactly what caused the VG Crash of '83

>> No.355290
Quoted by: >>355304 >>355717


Reading back on it, I'm surprised SEGA managed to get any console out of the door, they fucked up all of them. Maybe not so much with the Mega Drive, but even that had its shitty add-ons.

>> No.355294
Quoted by: >>355317

Sega went through a lot of bullshit during that time. What was with the CD and Saturn and whatnot?

>> No.355296


The two aren't comparable.

It's the same way an overpriced car meant for middle class families would fail, but rolls Royce is still around. It's two entirely different markets.

Besides, Neo Geo was an arcade company that happened to convert some hardware for home use. They weren't betting the farm on the home market.

>> No.355283
Quoted by: >>355358

I agree. I wish someone would release a romcart for NG like they did with nes/snes already

>> No.355317

The American and Japanese branches weren't communicating well.

In America, the Genesis was doing fine, outselling the SNES by a good margin when the CD was launched. It was totally unnecessary. In Japan, they were playing catch-up to NEC and the PCEngine, which had just gotten its own CD system - so the Mega CD made sense there. The American division, later, had no idea what was going on with the Saturn, so they built the 32x thinking they had a long time to sell it.

>> No.355304

Sega's home console divisions have always been subpar, both hardware and software. Especially nowadays.
Their arcade division is where it's at.

>> No.355310
File: 52 KB, 324x246, 1364010792549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>355365

>Neo Geo was an arcade company

>> No.355331

The Neo-Geo MVS (the coin-op motherboard and cartridges) was alive until 2004. The AES (home console) was basically dead on arrival, and only received releases because they were literally the same ROM chips as the arcade version.

>> No.355365
Quoted by: >>355394


Please explain how SNK wasn't primarily an arcade-based company.

>> No.355358
Quoted by: >>355415 >>355591

It would likely cost over $500.

The Neo-Geo has many different sets of ROM data in every cartridge, each of which run at a different speed and hold different data. The 68000 has dedicated ROMs for the main program. The Z80 has dedicated ROMs for the sound program. The sound system has dedicated ROMs for samples. The graphics system has TWO sets of dedicated ROMs, for moving sprites and fixed tiles.

That's a fuckload of memory chips, adding up (potentialy) to a gigabit of data, in many different configurations. Supporting every Neo-Geo game on one cart is VERY expensive.

>> No.355394
Quoted by: >>355413

That's not what he said.

>> No.355413
Quoted by: >>355434


Oh, so it's just a matter of being autistic over terminology when it's completely obvious what was meant. Got it.

>> No.355415

I bet a lot of people would pay $500+ for one. Hell, Garou is worth more than that right? To be able to play those games on the NG proper would be amazing..

>> No.355434


You know if you just admitted you made a mistake you wouldn't look so much like child

>> No.355468

Considering no one actually owns a Neo Geo console except for the eight people in /vr/, I'd say their longevity is based on a heavy arcade presence.

>> No.355490

You didn't get the joke

>> No.355539
Quoted by: >>355549

>The two aren't comparable.

They were both expensive home consoles. There. I just compared them.

>> No.355556
File: 53 KB, 534x334, thumb_633419zodiac_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>355596

The Tapwave Zodiac, it was a gaming handheld and PDA combined, it had a touchscreen and an analog stick, it could run emulators and homebrew natively, it could have been better than the PSP.

>> No.355549
Quoted by: >>355574


Way to miss the point

>> No.355568
Quoted by: >>355583

>Neo Geo was an arcade company

Where was that arcade version of Crystalis and The Samurai Shodown RPG? What NG Pocket games were arcade titles?

>> No.355574

I just compared them, and you're scrambling to dismiss the fact.

>> No.355591

still cheaper(other than emulators) than buying acual carts

>> No.355583
Quoted by: >>355596 >>355601


Okay. SNK was a handheld company that dabbled in arcade games?

>> No.355596
File: 72 KB, 344x279, WOOHOWOAHHHWOHWOOOAHAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing looks amazing.

You got dem backwards mothafucka.

>> No.355601
Quoted by: >>355680

I'm not sure what tangent you're on now. I'm simply stating they weren't *only* relying on arcade titles.

I really shouldn't have to point this out.

>> No.355680


And I'm saying it's silly to point out. It's like correcting someone who calls Cadillac a car manufacturer by saying "nun-uh, they made some tanks once too".

So yes they made a few non-arcade things. Doesn't change the fact that the reason e Neo Geo in home form didn't fail completely was that SNK was able to simply use the same rom devices they used in their arcade games, which were their bread and butter by any reasonable standard.

>> No.355717

The way I understood it, SEGAs management was incompetent as fuck, but they also possessed the unique ability to pursue goals like they where competent.
Getting out a 16-bit console? Done.
Try to outrace the Playstation? Done.
Try to outrace everybody in gen 6? Done.
Kill themselves when they had a userbase? Done.

>> No.355783
Quoted by: >>358430

What about The Need for Speed and Road Rash, the 3DO versions of those games are actually pretty damn good (also, NFS on the 3DO was the first one on the entire series).

>> No.355797

>this thread
>steamy pile of vaporware box
>hl3 rumored to be released q3 next year in already future

my vote goes to: amiga cd32

>> No.358430

>Road Rash
Oh shit yeah that was fun on the 3DO. I liked the Shockwave games too.