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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 689 KB, 1035x850, shmuppers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2438406 No.2438406 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2438428
Quoted by: >>2438470

How hard is it to make the move from controller to stick? Is it worth it?

>> No.2438459
File: 58 KB, 510x480, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2438461

>no Team Shanghai Alice

Now you fukt up son.

>> No.2438461


>> No.2438470

I don't think it's hard. I also had no problems when I had to change to from d-pad to analog stick.
I think for some games it's almost mandatory, like Radiant Silvergun for example. Otherwise, it's just too difficult to do the button combinations. But otherwise, it's mainly just for the fun I guess.

>> No.2438481

they're all very good though

psikyo only slightly less

>> No.2438492

>all these otaku weebs voting for cave
Irem had the coolest games no doubt

>> No.2438508

Was Rayforce the first STG to implement cinematic background imagery which would later go on to be associated with Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga?

>> No.2438519
File: 16 KB, 320x240, arcade_0045_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In The Hunt is a work of beauty.

>> No.2438525

what is it about cave that makes people so salty

cave makes really good, polished games, many of which were released when not a lot of other companies were making shmups. no shit people are going to like them.

>> No.2438536

their games are popular

>> No.2438546

Same reason people hate on Ikaruga. Popular things get to be hated due to many people highly overrating them. I don't mind Cave from a gameplay standpoint but I fucking hate their pre-rendered graphics bullshit.

>> No.2438553

Battle Garegga is the most popular shmup of all time but I never see /vr/ shit on it.

tl;dr your hipster argument is bullshit and you need to stop posting.

>> No.2438559
File: 1.85 MB, 1132x720, rsilvergun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No contest. Treasure makes every other shmup dev look smalltime.

>> No.2438571
File: 63 KB, 460x83, 2 votes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2438575

No one rates or overrates Raizing shooters.

>> No.2438575
Quoted by: >>2438604 >>2438663

Go look at system11 boards, BG's been in the #1 slot consecutively for several years.

>> No.2438585
Quoted by: >>2438596

no treasure? wow op you're a faggot

>> No.2438596
Quoted by: >>2438665

They have like 2 shmups you faggot. If you really think 2 games are really better than the amount of quality shumps irem, taito, or toaplan put out you are just a treasure fanboy faggot.

>> No.2438604

I stand corrected then.

I'm basing my claims on my personal experience on /vr/ and a few other forums I occasionally visit where Raizing fans seemed to be the least obnoxious to me (compared to, again, Cave or Treasure fans). The fans don't overrate their games because they're correctly rated.

>> No.2438656
Quoted by: >>2438674

fuck off back to /v/ or /b/ kid we don't need your memes here

Anyway I would probably say Taito, because they had extreme amounts of financial success, pioneered the genre through an arcade success (space invaders) made a variety of shmup series each with new gameplay innovations and sold a variety of arcade hardware.

>> No.2438658
File: 264 KB, 391x396, U0603eA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 1 vote for Psikyo
You are all milktoast millenials

>> No.2438663


Bakraid is better.

(And also probably my favorite shmup)

>> No.2438665
File: 127 KB, 975x780, eboshidori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2438673 >>2438675

>Gradius V
>Sin & Punishment 1,2
>Bangai-O 1,2
>just 2 shumps

You're the faggot here, boy-o.

>> No.2438673

not that guy but Ikaruga and Silvergun are their only arcades shmups

>> No.2438674

>implying people here don't only for Cave because of them shitting umpteens of boring bullet hell shit out and pandering to otaku with their anime characters
Could as well just vote ZUN and touhou

>> No.2438675
Quoted by: >>2438680

S&P and Bangai O are not shmups and the rest of those aren't even retro you dildo.

>> No.2438680

S&P is basically a 3D shmup. Bangai-O is a fixed arena shmup.

>and the rest of those aren't even retro you dildo.
So? People post Crimzon Clover and Dodonpachi Daioujou all the time.

>> No.2438696

Does anyone know know why my Highscore.dat for shmupmame 2.2 doesn't work anymore?

>> No.2438702
File: 58 KB, 316x389, 44f5e3717995dad4349a7b0a7f1f5c9d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2438710

>le epik millennial joke

>> No.2438709
Quoted by: >>2438712 >>2438737

Imo Naxat should be added

>> No.2438710
File: 141 KB, 298x324, q7oaDXu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rest my case. Thanks for the laugh, comrade.

>> No.2438712
Quoted by: >>2442082

not an arcade developer really. top developer nevertheless.

favorite Summer Carnival game /shmup/?

>> No.2438716

>no Capcom
>no Namco
>no SEGA
>no NMK
>no Compile
what faggot millenial made this image?

>> No.2438726
File: 26 KB, 500x100, NMK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now here's an arcade developer which while not one of the best ever, is still pretty damn underrated


>> No.2438729

I shit on battle greggor all the time.
Fucking rank control, pffft.

>> No.2438737

The poll and image are about arcade developers.

>> No.2438741
File: 17 KB, 241x300, th (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no SNK
You don goofd son

>> No.2438749
File: 249 KB, 850x1100, guardianstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2438809

Stand the fuck back kiddos. Your favorite weeb shit developer ain't got shit on Afega.


>> No.2438769
File: 1.12 MB, 2100x1500, 2090022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2438773

Wat are some shmups which are on the easy site and good for noobs to practice?

>> No.2438772
File: 43 KB, 319x310, 1411250039742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stop shitting on weebs, this is nice board :^)

>> No.2438773
Quoted by: >>2438797

compile stuff

>> No.2438797
File: 592 KB, 1050x1900, Super_Aleste_SFC_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I will take a look at them, thanks!

>> No.2438809
Quoted by: >>2439071

That game is not so bad to be honest (the Korean version, since they fucked up the export versions by cutting down the screen resolution from vertical to horizontal). It is rather odd and annoying though.

>invincibility cheats in the video
What a faggot.

>> No.2438860

Is it in poor form to use bombs a lot?

>> No.2438913

Ikaruga I can sort of understand because a ton of people with little to no knowledge of the genre think it's the best shmup ever.
It's not really the same with Cave.

>> No.2438919

no, you can only play the way the internet finds acceptable
having fun is also prohibited

>> No.2438926

Depends on the STG. In Raizing shmups you pretty much have to bomb all the time for score, whereas Darius Gaiden rewards you for not bombing at all.

>> No.2438939
Quoted by: >>2438961

/irem/ or bust faggots

>> No.2438949
Quoted by: >>2438958

To be honest I like to pretend they don't exist.

>> No.2438957
Quoted by: >>2439024 >>2440004

>Seibu Kaihatsu


>> No.2438958

I end up doing that too, except not on purpose

>> No.2438959

I love Psikyo shooters, Gunbird and Sengoku Blade especially, but anyone can see their games are all pretty much reskins of the same couple games, so it's hard to pick them over the other companies in the poll.

>> No.2438960
File: 1.06 MB, 640x360, 3676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2438961
Quoted by: >>2438963

R-Type is a poor-man's Gradius and all their other shmups are forgettable.

>> No.2438963
Quoted by: >>2439205

R-Type is a polished Gradius.

>> No.2438964

Not really. I tend to try and save bombs for situations in which I am overwhelmed or backed into a corner, but that strategy results in a lot of unnecessary deaths for me, since my reflexes are just not good enough to pull it off. Anyway, if you watch top playthroughs online and shit, they use bombs pretty often.

>> No.2438973

While not a SHMUP arcade dominator, Tecmo's Final Star Force was pretty damn unique. It is the only SHMUP that changes the music for each powerup.

>> No.2438986


Cave suffers from a lack of variety in their shmups and people who are nuts about Cave also tend to be on the narrow minded side. That's my opinion, but I'm well aware it's not worth caring about these days.

>> No.2438989
Quoted by: >>2439078

Did the dev for Viewpoint ever make another shmup?

>> No.2439005

Just make a note of trouble spots that you're likely to die on and save a bomb for each. You can deviate in emergencies.

>> No.2439008
Quoted by: >>2439076

>Cave, one of the biggest reasons why shmups are such a niche market now
>Being voted number 1


>> No.2439016

>Battle Garegga is the most popular shmup of all time

You mean Space Invaders. Most people don't even know that Battle Garegga exists.

>> No.2439024
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2440004

I agree. Viper Phase is one the coolest vertis out there.

>> No.2439071
Quoted by: >>2446824

>That game is not so bad to be honest
It has careless enemy placement, a retarded charging mechanic, and they ripped graphics from Musha Aleste (among other better games). If that's not terrible then I don't know what is.

>> No.2439076

They make good games, that's all I really care about.

>> No.2439078

turns out they are also ex irem employees
everyone at snk worked at irem at some point, it's ridiculous
they made pulstar and blazing star but none in a 3/4 view like viewpoint

>> No.2439205
Quoted by: >>2439209

If by polished you mean casualized.

>> No.2439209
Quoted by: >>2439246

How do you figure?

>> No.2439246
Quoted by: >>2439264

>permanent shield
>homing missiles
>only 2 loops
>charge beam
>no rank

>> No.2439264

rtype is a memorizer, I usually stop playing around fourth stage in the level with tight corridors and invincible enemies start coming in and the only way to survive is to memorize exactly where you need to place yourself. Every rtype has a level like that. Also if you ever die your default speed makes you into a sitting duck but your max speed is so uncontrollably fast you might as well kill yourself.
I might as well study for a math test

>> No.2439270

I'm really just starting to play shmups seriously with Battle Garrega and DoDonPachi. Am I screwing myself over by refusing to continue even at my low skill level?

>> No.2439281

that's just my opinion but I think resetting all the time at every minor mistake is both unfun and demotivating. sometimes you'll botch up your run entirely but you should still push forward anyway

>> No.2439286
Quoted by: >>2439812

protip: start coinfeeding to clear a game until you finally get the hang of it. remember the quantity of credits that you've spent
first you spend 20 credits
then you spend 15
then 10
then 5
congratulations you did a 1CC

that's how I did it. once you manage at least 5 1CC's you can finally start playing for score

>> No.2439369

You should do a good mix out of it. Always starting from new is boring and waste of time. Sometimes it's better to just use continues to practice your problem zones more instead of constantly starting from new and doing shit you already know in and out over and over again.

TL;DR: using coins is good for practicing ypur weak spots

>> No.2439807
Quoted by: >>2440168 >>2440250

If you're not using save states to practice you're wasting your time

>> No.2439809

Just play with 3 credits, for the most games it's the optimal way - you play the hard stages on each run, even if you messed up in the beginning and there's still necessity of getting good and an excitement after reaching previously inaccessible parts of the game. And after completing the game this way, you should know your weak spots, training which helps to reach 1CC very efficiently.

>> No.2439812

I did this for Raiden and it's pretty hard to get back up on your feet.

Mars Matrix is my favorite warm up shmup for the reason that you have a fair chance to kill from a respawn.

>> No.2439996

So everyone, what are your favorite non-arcade shmups? I'm trying to expanding my horizons, and I don't know much about them. I obviously know about gradius and R-type, but not much else.

>> No.2440004
Quoted by: >>2440027

truly a sad state of affairs
I dunno man
It feels way to slow compared to any of the Raiden's when it comes to powering up your ship.
Raiden Fighters Jet is like the gift that keeps on giving for me atm

>> No.2440027

I like slowly paced shooter more than fast paced. It feels more immersive to me, rather than to be able to maneuver super fast across the screen and have super powerfull weapons. In Raiden I always just end up using this totally OP laser which spins across the whole screen and the game just becomes a clusterfuck.

>> No.2440031

where is nichibutsu.
Terra Force, motherfuckers

>> No.2440040

SNK whit the neo-geo, CAPCOM and SEGA whit their arcade model + the Naomi.

>> No.2440126
File: 40 KB, 507x480, chorensha-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2440142 >>2440259

Compile's Spriggan and the Aleste series, Hudson Soft's Gate of Thunder/Winds of Thunder and Star Soldier series, Naxat Soft's Summer Carnival games, Technosoft's Thunder Force series, Treasure's Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga, ZUN's Touhou Project, a bunch of X68000 doujin titles like Cho-Ren-Sha 68k and Illumination Laser. Probably a couple that I've missed but these are my favorites which I think of as essential.

>> No.2440142
File: 30 KB, 256x232, RX3-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot that Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga both had an arcade release, whoops.

Be sure to check out RayXanber III for the PC Engine CD if you're into R-Type-styled shooters, btw.

>> No.2440146

Include poohou but no takumi? You're a fucking disgrace son.

>> No.2440156

>cave makes really good, polished games
Which are often ruined by completely annoying scoring systems, chaining is ass however they do make plenty of great games to i agree.
>Same reason people hate on Ikaruga
Nah i hate on ikaruga because unlike it's fans i actually really played it.

>> No.2440163

>Am I screwing myself over by refusing to continue even at my low skill level?
No you are learning great habits and attitude to carry you in the future that said though use everything available to help you practice every part of the game ie save states otherwise you will just perfect first 2 stages and keep having to grinf through it to learn every little wall.

>> No.2440168

>If you're not using save states to practice you're wasting your time
I mean i think you're being a bit harsh but ultimately i agree with this but would rather state it like you can decrease the total time it'l take to get good by implementing save state practice.

>> No.2440172
Quoted by: >>2440259

>So everyone, what are your favorite non-arcade shmups?
Satazius is amazing.

>> No.2440229
Quoted by: >>2440259

T-ᵗᵘᵐiᵏi ᶠiᵍʰᵗᵉʳˢ

>> No.2440241
Quoted by: >>2440243 >>2440259

shmups.org hated this game, that means it must be good

>> No.2440243

also make sure you apply the update patch, it's really important

>> No.2440250

Because that's how everyone did it in the arcades back in the day

>> No.2440251
Quoted by: >>2440425

Holy fuck why is Takumi not on here

go play Mars Matrix

>> No.2440252

back then they had less games and more free time to waste

>> No.2440259
Quoted by: >>2440262 >>2440308

Thanks for all the suggestions.

I can't even find info about this game (besides videos).

>> No.2440261
Quoted by: >>2440264

It's poor form to die when you still have bombs left

>> No.2440262

dont bother, it's an euro shumper

>> No.2440264
Quoted by: >>2440425

if your dying OR using bombs
just give up, stgs aren't for you

>> No.2440276

I was going to say Crimzon Clover but I just learned that it got an arcade release that the English version is based off of. Huh.

So I guess I'd say:
Musha Aleste

>> No.2440308
Quoted by: >>2440751

Keep in mind to avoid the SNES port of Spriggan Mark 2 (called Spriggan Powered) like the plague.

>> No.2440425

kids are playing tee-ball.

his yagawa.

>> No.2440465
File: 31 KB, 340x175, thunder-force-iv-megadrive-00a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2440686

Whatever man. People couldn't endlessly credit feed one game back then either. It makes practice more fun and efficient.

>> No.2440706

Touhou. It's the only shmup that isn't designed with artificial difficulty.

>> No.2440730

Speaking of treasure, does anyone know where can I get the ikaruga/RSG font? The first result is from shmups forum, but the download link is gone.

>> No.2440751

Spriggan Powered wasn't developed by Compile and it's more of a remake (or demake) than a direct port. Even then Spriggan Mark 2 does not compare to Seirei Senshi Spriggan.

>> No.2441526

>Because that's how everyone did it in the arcades back in the day
And yet 99% of all records made then don't stand today. Practice is practice utilize every tool or just stay being a crappy player banging on bitterly about how everyone today is cheater or crap for using practice tools as if that deducts from the end result.

>> No.2442082

92' Still I like Psycho Chaser the most.

>> No.2442234

Really hard decision. All had theier ups and downs, so in all very equal of quality.
But i went with irem, since they are quite often forgotten/underrated.

>> No.2444085


>> No.2444207
Quoted by: >>2444612

throwing all my bets on Cave.

DoDonPachi never fails to entertain.

>> No.2444226
Quoted by: >>2444671 >>2444718

I voted Irem in the strawpoll, but thinking more on it, I'm more towards Taito.

RayForce is my absolute favorite shoot-em-up of all, G-Darius is excellent, so is Darius Gaiden, haven't played Gekirindan that much but I like it so far. RayCrisis and RayStorm are okay.

as for the others, I love R-Type and that's about it from Irem (oh, and In the Hunt is fantastic) -- never been too hot on X-Multiply or Dragon Breed (cool concept though), I like Dangun Feveron from Cave and the rest of their /vr/ stuff is just okay to me (DOJ is my favorite Cave game, and that's not /vr/), Raizing's stuff never clicked with me (Batrider is cool as fuck and I should probably spend time to figure it out though, and Garrega's soundtrack is actually the best thing ever), never played a Psikyo game so I wouldn't know, not huge on Toaplan, and Xexex is the only Konami shmup I like (I really don't like Gradius, Salamander is okay but still too much like Gradius)

Cho Ren Sha is my absolute favorite non-arcade shmup of all, followed closely by Kamui.

>> No.2444612

>DoDonPachi never fails to entertain.
Until you actually play it for score.

>> No.2444671
Quoted by: >>2448113

classic Taito shooters are pretty dope. Tiger Heli (where a bullet hitting your bomb actually trigger the bomb and doesn't kill you), Twin Cobra

>> No.2444689
Quoted by: >>2446061


kamui, reflex, alltynex 2nd on sale till 8th of june.

three great shmups for 10 dollars

>> No.2444718

>he doesn't like Gallop and Image Fight
Get out of here

>> No.2446061

Finally bought Alltynex Second and feel like a complete idiot for ignoring it despite loving the other two games just because I don't like 3D graphics. The game is incredibly fun. Made me want to get a good score almost immediately even though I rarely play shoot em ups for score.

>> No.2446824
Quoted by: >>2446939 >>2448118

>If that's not terrible then I don't know what is.

>> No.2446934

You are most likely a millenial, though.

>> No.2446939

still better than that toehoe pedoshit

>> No.2446962
Quoted by: >>2447891 >>2448103

Why is it that so many shmup posters on /vr/ act like jerks? Go back to /v/

>> No.2447814
Quoted by: >>2448127

how do you make vertical shooters not look like stretched shit on MAME?

>> No.2447891

>"hardcore" genre
>elitist fanbase
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.2448103


They act like jerks pretty much everywhere. I have no idea why they behave in such a way.

I wish the average player were nicer and more helpful instead of just being condescending most of the time.

>> No.2448113


Those are Toaplan.

>> No.2448118

>worst x game ever, hu hu hu
god these youtubers just need to fucking stop this shit and let the games speak for themselves.

>> No.2448127

Use the RA core instead, you don't have to mess around with it as much to make it work.