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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 84 KB, 600x337, ss_45844801aa76e4e2cad7b3882d1efb072b0666ba.600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10566885 No.10566885 [Reply] [Original]

ITT weirdo, artsy, experimental shit from before "arthouse" became synonymous with navel-gazing indies

>> No.10566961

Is this the one that came with the audio tape narrated by Pertwee?

>> No.10567328
File: 108 KB, 1000x1500, Cosmology of Kyoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this was the only game Roger Ebert didn't hate.

>> No.10567343

I hate westerners so much

>> No.10567665

This game was unique, extremely Japanese in a way no American in 90s could pull off yet I'm not sure if it was made by actual japs

>> No.10567674
File: 139 KB, 800x781, cover-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10576251

Does this counts

>> No.10567716
File: 56 KB, 640x480, the_museum_of_anything_goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10573952

hardly a game but
The Museum of Anything Goes

>> No.10567724
File: 162 KB, 1024x768, 3r4rL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Real Lives", not arthouse but definitely experimental. One of the most interesting games i've ever played. Thought it was a bit older before I looked it up admittedly

>> No.10567727
Quoted by: >>10567736

>Little Janardhan couldn't redeem

>> No.10567735
File: 3.49 MB, 1600x1200, game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10588353


>> No.10567736
Quoted by: >>10567741

Speaking of India, you can also get raped in the game.

>> No.10567741

They went all out with the realism huh?

>> No.10567761
Quoted by: >>10567815

Panic - Sega CD

there is no real gameplay. you click everything in the room to watch the funny animations until you move on to the next one

>> No.10567815

Panic! does have an actual win state. You gotta make it to the overlord computer and de-virus it, though it all comes down to choosing the correct route of buttons.

>> No.10568364

>that fucking sequel that came out decades later with the horrendous Unity look and a character that looks and moves like the CGI guy from the "going to the store" video
And on top of that, apparently it was the last thing that Christopher Lee was in.

>> No.10568381
File: 30 KB, 640x480, hell-cab_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hellcab. one of the first games ever released on cdrom

>> No.10568487

All games are art as they showcase particular aesthetics/ideas by the creators. Walking sims are shit stale art compared to something like Katamari Damacy

>> No.10568601

you're an idiot

>> No.10569928
Quoted by: >>10570123

t. dumbass gameplay-hating hipster

>> No.10570060

This game was pure gold.
>Born in Egypt, single child.
>Neither parent would get a job, entire family is starving.
>Get removed from school.
>Have every single disease in the game.
>Run from home at 15.
>Best job available with no education at all is soldier.
>Parents starve to death next year.
>Have an abyssmal attractiveness stat, every single woman rejects me.
>Die in a war a few years later.

>> No.10570123
Quoted by: >>10570161

go be an idiot somewhere else

>> No.10570149
Quoted by: >>10581042

It's not that he hated other games it's that he never tried any others. He said he only tried one or two others only because of massive pressure, and this was the only one he liked of that tiny sample and said games aren't for him.

>> No.10570161

You're an idiot. Go be an idiot somewhere else.

>> No.10570950

Garage: bad dream adventure
kowloon's gate and the sequel
Eastern Mind: the lost souls of Tong Nou

those are the typical weird artsy games that I always hear about, I also recommend Germs nerawareta machi for the psx, you can find a translated ISO in Cdromance.


>> No.10570992

It was made by Japanese, niche Japanese-developed Mac and DOS/Windows games from the 90's are super-interesting and unique compared to the stuff people think of coming out for PC98 around that time.

>> No.10572656
Quoted by: >>10573369

Only a Spanish patch exists for Germs last I checked.
I guess I can decipher taco better than I can decipher moon but dang :(

>> No.10572798
Quoted by: >>10573390

>Eastern Mind: the lost souls of Tong Nou
I don't have the link anymore but someone made a zip full of pre-configured Osamu games, probably on archive.org, they are all pretty cool

>> No.10573369
Quoted by: >>10580560

fuck i forgot about that, can anyone rip the entire dialogue of the Spanish translation, if so i can translate to English, i just don't know anything about programing. also check Baroque for the PSX not that artsy but still kinda interesting

>> No.10573390

Here you go, although this is only Eastern mind


>> No.10573398
File: 15 KB, 276x360, Portal_1986_Computer_Novel_Box_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10573935
File: 535 KB, 1008x940, ihatovo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ihatovo Monogatari

1993 adventure game for the Super Famicom. Feels like the kind of combat-less, mysterious adventure/walking sim you'd see more than a decade later made in RPG Maker. Based on the works of Kenji Miyazawa, best known for Night on the Galactic Railroad.

>> No.10573943
File: 15 KB, 309x390, 1-NeD0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wordimagesoundplay for the PS2.

>> No.10573952

This looks fun to play with a high fever

>> No.10573964

The Story of Kamikuishiki Village

>> No.10573983

He said "arthouse", not just art. So there should be something like a deliberate eschewal of accessibility or conventional enjoyability as a game in favor of its artistic intent.

>> No.10574772
File: 7 KB, 514x344, unclebuddy_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10576686

Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse

A collection of hypercard stacks, making up the "literary estate" left behind by your (non-existent) sci-fi/punk-nerd uncle Buddy.

Someone seems to have recreated in HTML5. https://dtc-wsuv.org/projects/uncle-buddy/archival/

>> No.10576251
Quoted by: >>10576573

what is this?

>> No.10576573

Nta but it’s Suzuki Bakuhatsu, it’s about this woman who keeps finding bombs inside random objects and has to defuse them. It has the same director as Strider which is pretty interesting.

>> No.10576686
Quoted by: >>10576803

this one is weird as shit. good post!
i gotta play more stuff from the Hypercard era.

>> No.10576803
File: 1.35 MB, 1484x835, Zaum Gadget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10588365

There are a lot of odd experiments made in Hypercard around this time, often by people who weren't traditional "game developers".

Uncle Buddy kinda fits into the trend of hypertext fiction/electronic literature, along with stuff like "Afternoon, a story" and "Patchwork Girl".

You'd also get weirdo stuff like Zaum Gadget (pictured), which is described as being an alien document translated from some ancient machine language.


Honestly, the 90's was an interesting time for "artgames" because the technology was evolving so fast and there was a lot of growing interest in games, so you had a lot of folks who weren't game devs just seeing what they could do. And sometimes it was shit, but it could also lead to some interesting results.

>> No.10577857
File: 18 KB, 640x400, balance-of-the-planet_6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balance of the Planet. Chris Crawford's work in general really.

>> No.10578010 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10578024

making it a shit non-game that relies on shock factor would be the opposite of art though, this is a different medium.

>> No.10578024 [DELETED] 

games are a different media, neglecting gameplay while relying on imitation from other media and shock factor would make it shit art.

>> No.10578028 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10578037

games are a different media, neglecting gameplay while relying on imitation from other media and shock factor would mak

>> No.10578037

games are a different media, neglecting gameplay while relying on imitation from other media and shock factor would make it shit art

>> No.10578635
Quoted by: >>10579781

>niche Japanese-developed Mac and DOS/Windows games from the 90's are super-interesting and unique compared to the stuff people think of coming out for PC98 around that time

>> No.10579781

NTA but for late 90's there's the complete works of Osamu Sato, Garage, Cookie's Bustle etc.

>> No.10580560

There's an English translation that's being worked on, allegedly.
It's quite nice. I haven't seen this brought up very often, but the game is virtually unplayable unless the player is using the in-game encyclopedia. And despite there being a few comments saying otherwise that I've seen, it does have an ending.

>> No.10580568
File: 7 KB, 259x194, gaball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaball Screen!

>> No.10581009

Theres a really cool first person game about wandering inside paintings of an irl french painter. the graphics and style is really cool and surreal. Dont remember how the game is called, but you are feel free to search for it

>> No.10581023

Here's two games

youtube.com /watch?v=FSexPWoFf8I
youtube.com /watch?v=gtZrQTN_L5s

>> No.10581042

He tried TMNT on NES and I think he said he got addicted to it for a while

>> No.10582024

>omg i must raise awareness
Says nobody

>> No.10582221


>> No.10582323

Just barely retro

>> No.10584549
Quoted by: >>10584792

Hey ever heard of this game called LSD

>> No.10584629
File: 113 KB, 325x320, 1704660220112922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10586802

I mean, it's not as arthouse as some of these, but it's close enough.
People know of its existence but barely anyone has played the thing

>> No.10584792

Everyone has

>> No.10586802

Isn't it playable in browser?

>> No.10586856


>> No.10587972
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, cdi link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this one text adventure game made by a group of lesbians who lived together in a cult or something in the 80's. I wish I remember what it was called, iirc they released a bunch of text based games on cassettes.

>> No.10588227 [DELETED] 

Arthouse is code for fag and only fags talk about it

>> No.10588236

Same. Arthouse gayspeek for crap that sucks. This gay word is from the northwest where it's full of junkies and everyone hates their politics

>> No.10588238

In other words, you collect dildos

>> No.10588245 [DELETED] 

Do you shitheads really need to show up everywhere and ruin everything. No one wants to be part of you cult bullcrap. They want to enjoy life without giving credit to your weird cult of northwest shitheads that think they own everything

>> No.10588353

Ah, my favorite Japanese roleplaying game.

>> No.10588365
File: 12 KB, 512x342, macjesus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10588369

MacJesus was another weirdo Hypercard stack

>> No.10588369
File: 9 KB, 512x342, DeepAngst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World Builder had some weird ones too

>> No.10588372 [DELETED] 

There were quite a few interesting artsy experiments during the 90s Macromedia Director era. Eastern Mind and Scrutiny in the Great Round are two that come to mind.

>> No.10588374
File: 43 KB, 800x600, scrutiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were quite a few interesting artsy experiments during the 90s Macromedia Director era. Eastern Mind and Scrutiny in the Great Round are two that come to mind.