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/lit/ - Literature

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2569271 No.2569271 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>2569289 >>2569930

>Claiming to be a fan of literature
>Only fluent in English

Seriously, if this is you gtfo right now. If you can't fully appreciate romantic literature in its true form, you don't know SHIT about literature.

I for one am fluent in English, French, and learning Latin and German. Will hopefully be fluent in the latter in a few years.

>> No.2569275
Quoted by: >>2569294

>Romantic language

Nigga can you even classify linguistic genealogies?

>> No.2569279

Any excuse to feel superior to everyone, eh?

>> No.2569281
Quoted by: >>2569294

english and german are germanic languages.

>> No.2569283

I am fluent in English, Spanish, French, Persian, and learning Latin. Reading Omar Khayyam's quatrains in Persian. Feels good, man

>> No.2569287

sage 'cuz you're retarted

>> No.2569289
Quoted by: >>2569301 >>2569890

>not knowing ancient greek
>not knowing russian
>not knowing italian
>not knowing spanish
>not knowing japanese
>not knowing chinese
way to shit the bed, son

>> No.2569294
Quoted by: >>2569320


>Never heard of German Romanticism...

Pick up some Hölderlin pleb

>> No.2569296
Quoted by: >>2569954

>learning other languages when everything worth reading is translated to english anyway


>> No.2569301
Quoted by: >>2569327 >>2569899

OP here, i'm 18 btw, i'll have mastered ancient greek by the time i am 30 at the most.

also why the fuck would i ever bother to learn piss-skin languages.

>> No.2569310

Frankly I'd rather read a translation by someone with common sense who happens to be scholarly enough to understand the culture of the country (at the time the novel was written) a language originates from. I wouldn't trust myself to know those things, even if I could speak the language.

>> No.2569317
File: 84 KB, 420x314, 1334440715195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dice que es fanático de la literatura
>no puede comprender un simple post
>en cuatrochan

>> No.2569320
Quoted by: >>2569410


Romantic language, not Romantic literature you tard. German is a Germanic language, not a Romantic language.

You know what, why am I wasting my time explaining this to someone so dense.

>> No.2569327
Quoted by: >>2569336

>i'll have mastered ancient greek by the time i am 30 at the most


>> No.2569330
File: 100 KB, 818x526, Adorno Presents Borges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2569364

>> No.2569336

>Isn't on his bucket list to read the Odyssey and Iliad in their true forms.

Ignoramus' these days...

>> No.2569342

>bitches about people only knowing English and therefore not being able to appreciate certain genres of literature
>only knows two languages himself.

You've fooled yourself into thinking you're superior to everyone when you're not. Get down off your pathetically small high horse.

>> No.2569347

You can speak two languages?
You must know everything about literature.

[insert condescending Wonka meme template]

>> No.2569358

I don't have enough fucking time to devote myself to learning all the goddamn languages of the world, and even if I did I wouldn't bother because there are enough great English books and quality English translations of great foreign books to occupy me for several lifetimes. So fuck off you elitist prick.

>> No.2569364

I think reading Borges in translation can still be valuable. The ideas that are presented are amazing in themselves, though of course much nuance is lost in translation.

I think I may really learn Spanish for this reason alone.

>> No.2569395
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> 2012, year of our Allah
> not speaking Arabic
Infidel logic

>> No.2569410

You don't refer to latin derived languages "Romantic languages", it's Romance languages.

>> No.2569411
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good for you.

>> No.2569416

You're really not going to understand the nuances better than a translator unless you become extremely good at the language. I know that people who read English literature with English as their second language get only a diluted experience compared to those who speak English as their native tongue. Nabokov is one of the few exceptions I can think of, and he was a linguistic genius.
I speak English and French.

>> No.2569798

I only speak english and dutch, so fucking what? why would I want to learn anything else?

>> No.2569806
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Quoted by: >>2569820

ITT: Plebs calling plebs plebs

>> No.2569817
File: 39 KB, 474x473, 1334313386622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if what you say is true, your attitude is kinda childish.

You might speak 3-4 languages but you narrow mind would not let you take advantage of that.

I speak, english, french spanish and will be soon learning german or japanese but i dont make a big deal out of it.

>> No.2569820
Quoted by: >>2569823

>he didn't sage

>> No.2569823


Shit, i thought i did...

>> No.2569833
File: 121 KB, 800x800, 1334427832968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down to the Kierkegaardian master-race.

>> No.2569890

>not including Hindi, Sanskrit, or Arabic
You, too, sir. You, too.

>> No.2569899

Seriously, OP, If you're going to act pretentious, knowing only TWO FUCKING LANGUAGES, at least one of which you clearly aren't fluent in, is not impressive. Then referring to any Chinese and Japanese as "piss-skin languages" was a nice touch. You have solidified yourself as a disgusting pleb.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2569902
Quoted by: >>2569906

There's more than enough English literature to spend my life on. I don't need other languages.

>> No.2569904

I can solve this one for you OP

>Only fluent in English
>Claim to be a fan of ENGLISH literature

There we go, now nobody has to get mad. English lit is by far the best anyway.

>> No.2569906
Quoted by: >>2569907 >>2569909

The point is to get different perspectives, so that your readings don't end up becoming a massive underlying circle-jerk.

>> No.2569907


I don't adhere to a theory of influence.

>> No.2569909
Quoted by: >>2569911 >>2569914


Also there exist different perspectives within English literature.

>> No.2569911
Quoted by: >>2569913

>hence "underlying"

>> No.2569913
Quoted by: >>2569919


What is an underlying circle-jerk as opposed to one that isn't?

>> No.2569914
Quoted by: >>2569917

No they dont. Its the English perspective.

>> No.2569917
Quoted by: >>2569927


Everyone who speaks a language shares a perspective?

There are no race divides within a language? No class divides? No gender divides? No religious divides? No political divides? No philosophical divides? We're all just a monolith?

>> No.2569919
Quoted by: >>2569921

One that exists in one isolated discourse (e.g., Europe). This is also why even different countries within Europe produce different types of literature and American literature is in some respects a radical departure from British literature, and so on.

>> No.2569921
Quoted by: >>2569925



You've just admitted that two discourses exist within English literature. The British and the American.

What the hell are you even doing?

>> No.2569924
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 23705_370376157112_526067112_3704037_166529_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was raised in the most important language in the world
>mfw everyone needs to learn how I speak.

>> No.2569925
Quoted by: >>2569935 >>2569949

YES, but that is beside the fucking point. There is still an underlying connection within English literature, and a shared history and upbringing. Other countries and languages produce literature that is sometimes radically different, having been closed off from English literature and the discourse that takes place within English literature, and vice versa. Good god.

>> No.2569927

All of those divides share the same English perspective, though.

>> No.2569930

you read for lofty ambitions of understanding and appreciating the words? shiiiiiiiiiit i feel bad for you, son. i read to pass the time. there aint no use in turning it into much else. you'll be dead soon enough and your polylingual appreciation will be gone forever. if there are benefits from reading they'll come out regardless of any ambition that cold well prove counterproductive.

>> No.2569935
Quoted by: >>2569940


>YES, but that is beside the fucking point. There is still an underlying connection within English literature, and a shared history and upbringing.

>There are no race divides within a language? No class divides? No gender divides? No religious divides? No political divides? No philosophical divides? We're all just a monolith?

>> No.2569936

Quel butthurt? No, no, misure OP tu est une faggot.

>claiming fluency in English...

>> No.2569940
Quoted by: >>2569943

Right, but those can all be classified as a part of our individual culture, correct? No one is saying our perspective doesn't contain many different viewpoints. The access to all these different viewpoints combine to form our perspective. But a different set of viewpoints combine to form theirs.

>> No.2569943


>Right, but those can all be classified as a part of our individual culture, correct?


>> No.2569949

'Discourse'? What does that actually mean, anyway? Sounds like cultural, historicist bullshit.

>> No.2569950

op, why do you feel the need to validate yourself on a literature board? especially in such a puerile tone.
if you are older than 18 you should know better, if you're younger you shouldn't be here.

>> No.2569954
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>reading translations

>> No.2569959
File: 56 KB, 600x480, 1334384255936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when you like the smell of your own farts but no-one else does

>> No.2569961
Quoted by: >>2569967

I'm fluent in six foreign languages-english, italian, french, spanish, russian and german, and I limit my reading to mostly books in english. You know why? Because french sounds and reads like someone is rapidly farting and clenching their buttcheeks, german is like scraping nails on a chalkboard, italian is irritating beyond comprehension with a ridiculous level of intonation, and spanish makes me laugh just hearing it, it's a language i can't take seriously because of how hilarious it sounds. Anyway what I'm saying is that english is probably the best language in the world, it's fucking badass.

>> No.2569967

amerifat not fluent in anything except hamburgers detected

>> No.2570088
File: 4 KB, 161x149, 7-12-37-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is shameful and if you posted in it you should feel bad