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/lit/ - Literature

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2563014 No.2563014 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>2563226

I need a liberal arts credit to satisfy "tolerance and intolerance in the US"

So I'm taking African-American Lit next semester.

What should I expect?

>> No.2563021 [DELETED] 

I imagine you'll be reading some stories written by niggers.

>> No.2563020

lol @ modern academia

>> No.2563026
Quoted by: >>2563033 >>2563301

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

I enjoyed it.

>> No.2563027

you can start by killing yourself, op

>> No.2563033


Yep. When I took a similar class I also got "Go Tell It on the Mountain" by James Baldwin and "The Outsider" by Richard Wright. You probably will too.

>> No.2563038
Quoted by: >>2563054

>Tolerance and intolerance in the US
>African-American Lit

Good luck getting anything related with 'tolerance' out of the course, especially if an angry PhD candidate is the instructor.

>> No.2563052
Quoted by: >>2563301

Expect some of the best literature the United States has produced. Especially Richard Wright, fucking genius.

>> No.2563054
Quoted by: >>2563056

The idea is that tolerance is the goal.

I realize black people don't write much about how nice white folk are to them.

>> No.2563056
Quoted by: >>2563124 >>2563175


Shockingly, in a lot of cases we haven't been very nice to them.

>> No.2563124

typical white guilt liberal spotted

>> No.2563175
Quoted by: >>2563186

>I love black people
>I never had one over for dinner

>I engaged in wrongful actions before I was born
>so sorry

>> No.2563185
Quoted by: >>2563187

Expect a lot of really hot black radical feminist types who have a secret fetish for their white oppressors.

>> No.2563186
Quoted by: >>2563196


That's some cool race bait man. You get that at stormfront? They make quality stuff. Mhmm.

>> No.2563187


but I'm chinese!

>> No.2563192
Quoted by: >>2563198

this thread is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo badddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

the best part is where op should expect to find hot radical bitches with unrelaxed hair who secretly thirst for white guys in cargo shorts who made a thread on /lit/ to find the best translation of crime and punishment and then never read the copy they bought as a result

>> No.2563196
Quoted by: >>2563209 >>2563217

Don't be angry because you profess to love black people even though you want nothing to do with them in your personal life.

>> No.2563198
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>sage on /lit/

That's cute.

>> No.2563203

why are you taking liberal arts in the first place?

>> No.2563209
Quoted by: >>2563273

Yes, leave it to a liberal to preach what everyone else should be doing for a "better world" while doing the opposite themselves.

>> No.2563217
Quoted by: >>2563278


I don't love black people. I don't love any people. I'm a misanthrope. I do enjoy african-american literature.

>> No.2563218
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Quoted by: >>2566101

I'm taking "Asian Thought & Behavior next semester to fulfill a similar requirement.

>pic related, what I hope the class entails

>> No.2563226

>What should I expect?
Have you taken an English class before? or whatever?
Expect reading, expect writing.

>> No.2563273

To clarify, I'm a liberal but I don't subscribe to the ideology of white guilt. Do you know how repulsive black and Hispanic people find it when some white person is trying to placate them like a child? They hate it. I treat them based on the way they act.

I'm so tired of these guiltyfags telling me what I should do when they treat black people like deadly animals on the endangered species list--majestic but dangerous beings best admired in magazines, movies, and television. It's all shit. They're just people. They keep 'reminding' them how different we all are and prevent the healing process. It's like picking a scab.

These politically correct idiots walk around doing a disservice to everybody, including themselves, and embarrass the fuck out of everybody near them.

>150 YEARS AGO YOUR GRANDFATHER'S GRANDFATHER WAS ABUSING SLAVES (untrue in all cases I was able to find in my family lineage going back to the 1600s)
The black corallary to that is

Now think about it, of I'm supposed to feel bad for slavery, how are blacks supposed to feel? Disempowered. Alienated. Distraught.

Fucking idiots.
Sorry, I mad.

>> No.2563278
Quoted by: >>2563305

What is all this "we weren't so nice to them" business about then?

>> No.2563291
Quoted by: >>2563292

haha I'm taking this to /pol/.

>> No.2563292

link please

>> No.2563301


invisible man is one of the most expansive and thrilling of the 'great american novel' genre, zora neale hurston's diction is masterly, toni morrison's prose is incomparably lush with texture, image and color. and then there is also langston hughes.

and that's just off the top of my head. there really is a fantastic, rich body of afro-american literature out there.

>> No.2563305
Quoted by: >>2563312


They were dealt a pretty shitty lot for a long ass time. I don't have to love them to acknowledge that.

>> No.2563312
Quoted by: >>2563316


>> No.2563316


Yes, we. White people, more generally the institutions of power in the United States.

>> No.2563333

>institutions of power
Now you're thinking with your head.

>> No.2563360

It's often a classist narrative. I don't know about you, but my ancestors employed no slaves; they were poor. The assumption is that 'we' are middle-class or higher.

In fact, 'they' do not find this narrative 'repulsive'. Many do, but you won't be encountering them, you'll be encountering the community of pious liberal mediocrities who earn a living working this circuit. You'll encounter the work of hammy poets whose delivery seems to be based on Mike Myers in So I Married an Ax Murderer, and people who have spent decades as 'community leaders' who stand by beliefs that are patently absurd. This is the only class, for instance, where you may have to listen to the work of someone who thinks that 'the J00z did 9-11' and that raping women is a political act. So... yeah. If you enjoy pretending to give a fuck and competing with your fellow students to see who can most extremely eat shit and remain convincing, this is the class for you.

>> No.2563387 [DELETED] 

i ain't ever done read no nigger scribbles and i ain't gonna be startin now

>> No.2565191 [DELETED] 

go fuck yourself you anti-white racist, if you love niggers so much - you know, if you've got the jungle fever - then go fucking mate with them. Don't force us to mingle with the rest of your filth you multi-cultist jew

>> No.2565214

Oh /lit/, I am disappoint. I expected better.

In any case, if you are reading about African-American lit, there was an important book just published titled, "the cross and the lynching tree" by James Cone. It's a pretty quick and easy read, and it'll give you a tone for what your semester will be like, plus it'll introduce you to some important African American voices. Plus, if you go into class looking like you know what you're talking about, you'll get the attention of the black chicks taking the class. Score with one of them, OP. Do it for the rest of us here at /lit/.

>> No.2566096
Quoted by: >>2567050

>So I'm taking African-American Lit next semester.

>What should I expect?

Some really depressing writing. The Black experience before about 1970 was seriously fucked up.

>> No.2566101
Quoted by: >>2567035


She's actually Swedish.

Anyway, reported for nsfw on a blue board.

>> No.2567035
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>blue board


>> No.2567049
Quoted by: >>2567063

black president, non-whites the majority on the supreme court....
what institutions of power?
The jew run federal reserve?
The jew run media?

If it was so horrible to bring them to the new world for a better life, then obviously we should ship em back to africa.

>> No.2567050
Quoted by: >>2567063

>The Black experience before about 1970 was seriously fucked up.

Typical brainwashed liberal.
You are aware that blacks are universally worse off NOW then 50 years ago? Imagine how awful it was when blacks worked, had families, and weren't criminal violent subhumans.
oh and had neighborhoods too.

>> No.2567063
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>> No.2567067
Quoted by: >>2567071 >>2567202

Is there particular reason why stormfags have been invading /lit/ the past few weeks? Or is it one solitary misguided fool who keeps starting battles he cannot possibly win?

>> No.2567071
Quoted by: >>2567081 >>2567202

It's two guys tops.

>> No.2567081
Quoted by: >>2567084

I'm not tired of fighting them, but I am tired of threads being derailed.

>> No.2567084
Quoted by: >>2567090

I've fought them numerous times and won easily.
They're neither a challenge nor an amusement.

>> No.2567090
Quoted by: >>2567097

Hence my exhaustion at the derailing of threads. I mean, it's 2012, who still fucking believes in Holocaust denial? Get a new conspiracy theory!

>> No.2567097
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>> No.2567108


>> No.2567202

I don't think it's just one guy. Right wing extremists are like rats, once they find some place where mods are lazy enough to let them stay, they'll come in masses.

>> No.2567423

Bump for more genuine discussion of the great works of African American literature in spite of stormfags seeping out of /pol/.

Is there any good contemporary black lit? Or is its time pretty much done with?