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9857854 No.9857854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are all the Neets doing?

I recently went on food stamps, I thought I would be embarrassed with using a EBT card but it's really not bad.

>> No.9857861

Food Stamps is the only thing i refuse to use. Far too public and at the start of the month supermarkets are crammed with niggers and single white mothers.

>> No.9857864

I'm sure if you managed the money well enough/he;d out for a few days after the first it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.9857866
File: 131 KB, 640x720, 1221285797521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get food stamps if I've never worked?

>> No.9857867
Quoted by: >>9857877

what are you talking about, everyone uses food stamps now

Also why don't you just go in the mornings or late night to get your food, you're less likely to deal with others, idiot.

>> No.9857869

Give them to your mom.

>> No.9857876
Quoted by: >>9857879

Man you really need to get out more, food stamps basically look like debit cards now, so NOBODY would know you have one but the cashier.

Also I'm using food stamps and I'm the palest guy in my area

>> No.9857877
Quoted by: >>9857903

The start of the month everyone gets their foodstamps. The stores are cramped as fuck regardless of the hour, it's also embarrassing to be lumped in that group. I'd rather starve.

>> No.9857879

Don't talk to me about going out you useless fuck. I actually have a job.

>> No.9857881
Quoted by: >>9857906

So everyone that's unemployed are "useless fucks"?

Yeah you really need to get out more and stop telling fantasies.

>> No.9857885
File: 61 KB, 584x738, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting food stamps doesn't mean you're lazy plus I doubt you have a job

>> No.9857892
File: 54 KB, 606x678, 1327025527760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually have a job

At sucking cocks?

>> No.9857894

Hey man that's a respectable age old profession.

>> No.9857895


>> No.9857899

Oh yeah? Well, the Jerk Store called, and they're running out of you!

>> No.9857903

Good god then just starve if you're going to be that much of a faggot about it.

What "group" do you mean? You have everyone on food stamps and not giving two shits about it, I hope you have a job and independent with that attitude or you're just doomed.

>> No.9857906
Quoted by: >>9857919 >>9857931

You're the NEET that's on foodstamps and you're trying tell me I'm the delusional one? Get a clue you, useless fuck.

>> No.9857909

I'm not a NEET anymore

Getting pushed back into normal life made me realize how much I miss it, it's pretty depressing.

>> No.9857912

Doing okay, playing video games and watching animes. I gave my mom my EBT card since she does most of the food shopping.

>> No.9857914
Quoted by: >>9857925

I think the isolation is starting to affect me. I could be going off the deep end. Just today I met my dead grandmother in a state of trance. She seemed happy, she's probably in heaven.

>> No.9857919
Quoted by: >>9857927 >>9857936

>On /jp/
>Telling everyone that he has a job to feel mighty
>Not the delusional one

I'm not even him but do you even know where you are?

>> No.9857916

I'm learning about tarot cards. I never knew they all represented something, they're really cool.

>> No.9857925
File: 19 KB, 300x302, 3891289981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9858017


One weird thing about being on the internet is I can never tell if someone is being serious or not.

>> No.9857923

I'm feeling the pull of the consumerist lifestyle.

I want to make music, and I've convinced myself that I need a $500 MIDI keyboard to do it.

>> No.9857927


I'm not even him but do you even know where you are?

>> No.9857931
File: 54 KB, 511x574, 1325962488714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're delusional, why aren't you starving then using benefits to temporary feed you?

>> No.9857936
Quoted by: >>9857948

I can tell that you're the same person as >>9857919 because it's obvious that you're straight from /a/.

>> No.9857937
Quoted by: >>9857951

he's delusional just ignore him, my mom was on food stamps if people think everyone on food stamps are lazy fucks then they're idiots.

>> No.9857948
Quoted by: >>9857968

I'm >>9857931 actually.
I just don't get people with idiotic thinking like yours.

>> No.9857951
Quoted by: >>9857957 >>9857954

Your mother was a piece of shit then. Probably some trashy whore who got knocked up at a young age.

>> No.9857957
Quoted by: >>9857963

My mom was a piece of shit for feeding me? Well okay mister troll

>> No.9857954


take it easy, bro. We don't welcome /b/like behavior around these parts.

>> No.9857961
File: 26 KB, 320x263, black-woman-attitude_4523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all this

"I ain't no using no food stamps, hmm hmm, no way no Sir I ain't doing that."

Come on d00d...!
You're sounding like a sassy black woman...

>> No.9857962
File: 55 KB, 442x399, 1346644359314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone on /jp/ care if someone is on food stamps, you're all fucking NEET losers.

>> No.9857963

Yeah, your mother was a piece of shit for continuing your existence.

>> No.9857964
Quoted by: >>9857971

I have a job and go to school, am I eligible for food stamps? I dont know anything about them.

>> No.9857968

Sorry, the abundance of >greentext and reaction pics threw me off.

>> No.9857969


I aint no loser!

>> No.9857970


>> No.9857971
Quoted by: >>9857974

If you're white and don't have a mental disability, then no you aren't eligible.

>> No.9857972

My computer is finally unable to play new games. How do I get money to get a new computer?

>> No.9857974
Quoted by: >>9857978

funny, I'm white with no mental disability and using food stamps.

>> No.9857975

Social anxiety.
Not that I'm saying I wouldn't use food stamps though. Actually I never went shopping in my life.

>> No.9857979
Quoted by: >>9857977 >>9857992

Which makes it true?

>> No.9857977
File: 444 KB, 1000x1412, 17230810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9857979 >>9857982

The angry guy said he has a job.

>> No.9857978
Quoted by: >>9857984 >>9857990

How did you acquire them and do you have a job?

>> No.9857984

Nope, the unemployment rate in my state is high.

>> No.9857982
Quoted by: >>9857992

I'm Bill Gates, I guess you have to believe me.

>> No.9857990

If you have no job and going to school you can get them easy

>> No.9857992

it's not something to lie about...

>> No.9857994

Just like I'm saying, I'm Bill Gates

>> No.9857998
Quoted by: >>9858006 >>9858028

if he (you) had a job then why would you care about any of this, it seems a bit childish.

>> No.9858001
Quoted by: >>9858028

But you're lying about it

It's easy to see you're samefagging

>> No.9858006

Cut him some slack, he's just now old enough to get a high school job and he's excited about it.

>> No.9858017
Quoted by: >>9858023


Everyone on /jp/ has a form of autism so everything should be taken at face value.

>> No.9858021
Quoted by: >>9858029 >>9858060

Hobbies alone don't make you a social reject, NEET, or a shut-in. You people need to stop assuming because someone visits a board they're just like you.

>> No.9858023


I can't do that anon. I've been here a while but some of the stuff I read is just crazy.

I just assume you all are joking

>> No.9858027
Quoted by: >>9858041 >>9858058

i'm supposed to help my sister move on friday which also involved meeting my uncle who will be asking what my plans are now that I've skipped out on yet another year of university, what do I say?

>> No.9858028

I wasn't even part of the exchange until now. Stop bullying.

>> No.9858029
Quoted by: >>9858034 >>9858036


>> No.9858034
Quoted by: >>9858059


>> No.9858036
Quoted by: >>9858059


>> No.9858041

Jut say whatever he'd most like to hear you say,

It's not like you have to actually go through with it.

>> No.9858044

I'm sorry. I just lost it for some reason. You really hit a nerve there. For someone like you to have to audacity to try to seem superior to me really really pissed me the fuck off.

>> No.9858050

Who are you and who is that post directed at?

>> No.9858058

Just fake illness and blow the whole thing off.

>> No.9858059
Quoted by: >>9858080


>> No.9858060
Quoted by: >>9858068


Because you know me right? You know me so well. You know everything about me, my influences, what hurts me, what helps me, what haunts me, you know it all right? You know what I’ve been through, going through and will go through don’t you? You know all my choices and the reasons as to why I made them, right? Listen, think what you want when you come and mouth off about how ridiculous, or stupid, or slutty or dumb or ugly or whatever else you want to call me, but remember that you don’t know half of the story, and I doubt when you’re pointing the finger, your own slate is clean, is it?

>> No.9858063
File: 173 KB, 329x290, 1345573584555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I'm going to get my favorite fun foods with my EBT Card and have fun as a NEET, while you slave away at your job with minimum wage

>> No.9858067

Don't get flustered that we're better than you. The fact that you work makes you an inferior person. Slaving away all of your time. Maybe someday you can be like one of us.

>> No.9858068




>> No.9858080
Quoted by: >>9858382

LOL owned

>> No.9858088
File: 11 KB, 300x222, This entire fucking thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9858200
File: 41 KB, 185x185, 1347613427746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9858208

If I apply for food stamps while on /jp/ bux does it cut into the amount I get in /jp/ bux or is it extra credit?

>> No.9858208
Quoted by: >>9858227

Nah it's extra credit. Eat up!

>> No.9858227
Quoted by: >>9858235 >>9858279

Can you save up food stamp credit or do they reset every month?

>> No.9858235

No you can't save up.

>> No.9858279
Quoted by: >>9858286

you can save up, the don't reset but if you're frequently not using it, they'll reduce the amount of money you get.

>> No.9858286

They do both here, they expire at the end of the month, and if you don't use it all they give you less.

>> No.9858285

how do you guys deal with the soul crush loneliness?

>> No.9858382




>> No.9858885
Quoted by: >>9858891

How do I get /jp/ bux? I have 10 years of medical records saying im mentally ill. Who do I ask for the bux?

>> No.9858891

Wow, should be a piece of cake. Just google SSI and follow the steps.

>> No.9858897
Quoted by: >>9859024

Looking for neetfriends again, anywhere, bonus for yurop.

i know that's not much to go on but i'll try to be a good friend

>> No.9858922

My mom got an EBT card a while back, at my grocery store you could tell them "debit" when they asked and it would still go through as food stamps, no idea if it still works though.

I'd always feel embarrassed when I used it so I'd pretend I borrowed someone's card to buy them food. You can always tell the cashiers look down on you for having one.

>> No.9859002
Quoted by: >>9859014

am I the only person with self check out at the grocery store?

>> No.9859014


No, we have those here too, but there are no food stamps in Australia so I only use it to avoid talking to the cashier.

>> No.9859024
File: 201 KB, 938x1000, 1348292846740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

email this guy he's cool
