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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 609 KB, 266x198, Kyou Wants The Dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9702001 No.9702001 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>9705602 >>9705852

Who is best tsundere?

>> No.9702027

Kyou is a cool girl

>> No.9702036


>> No.9702048


>> No.9702057

The black hair chick from the eroge maker hanime

>> No.9702061


>> No.9702068
File: 41 KB, 414x300, 1309407881833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702074

Tsudere is stupid. If I want a girl to hate me I just get a 3D one.

>> No.9702074
Quoted by: >>9702081

The tsun makes the dere better dude.

>> No.9702081
File: 55 KB, 500x450, 1332416833613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702087

no it doesnt, it just tricks your virginerd mind into feeling validated

>> No.9702087
Quoted by: >>9702107

The trick works for us atleast.
Who cares about having higher standards, in the end it just means you're with less ease happy.

And some people like some femdom.

>> No.9702107
File: 101 KB, 253x250, 29183829_p31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702109 >>9702872

some people are into smearing their shit on the walls, that doesnt make it a well adjusted thing to do

>> No.9702109
Quoted by: >>9702116

To each his own.

>> No.9702116
Quoted by: >>9702152

yeah, if thats what helps you sleep at night bro. most retarded excuse to be cooked up since “if it feels good do it”

>> No.9702152

Stay cynical bro.
But I can sleep happy.

>> No.9702174

I don't like this thread so I'm going to report it. A thread asking which is the best character in Japanese fiction pertaining to a certain archetype (most often found in 2D) is not otaku culture at all!

>> No.9702178

Kyou a shit.

>> No.9702239
File: 58 KB, 480x480, Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702242

I think people have some misconceptions about tsun and its purpose.

I'll start by saying that humans love contrast. This extends beyond writing and etc - there's an entire course of human food where sweet and salty/umami flavors are blended together in interesting ways called breakfast. Top chefs add bitter or acidic accents to their sweet desserts. Water tastes best after having none for a long while. A game is most enjoyable when you haven't played it for a while. Humans despise monotony. The bottom line is that if you temper something with its opposite, or its absence, it becomes more enjoyable to humans.

There's a concept in writing based on this called the love/hate dynamic. It's a schema for managing the direction of hate and love toward the protagonist, who is an extension of the reader. More hate means that any instance of love will seem much more genuine, tender, or enjoyable to the reader. The prevalence of the hate also dulls its severity in the reader's eye. The opposite is also true. A protagonist having been showered with love throughout the whole piece means that the viewer will find any instances of hate especially jarring, and that the love present will have its effectiveness diminished.

Imagine a story as having a finite amount of two resources: Love and Hate. Having the protagonist be loved over the course of the entire story spreads the Love resource out thin, making it seem to be less present within the story.

>> No.9702242
File: 330 KB, 600x436, evengelion driver is caught admiring ass in mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702266 >>9702626


Tsun is one of *many* ways of balancing the love/hate dynamic. It's widely used because it's easy and portable - both sides of the dynamic are built into one character for easy adjustment. The see-saw tends to wax toward Hate, for the reason that it leaves the Love resource on reserve, and in high concentration; a writer can inject the Love resource into the story during any scene and its effectiveness is immediate. This helps encourage climactic writing.

There's some creative ways of dealing with it, too. I think all of you are familiar with the amazingly awful anime Rosario and Vampire. This is another monster-of-the-week story the likes of which hundreds are produced daily in Japan by teenage fanfictioners - but it dealt with the dynamic in an interesting way. The tertiary protagonist, Moka, is two extremes built into one person - there is her ordinary kind and affectionate side, as well as her inner harsh, distancing side. This was a very effective character invention which had not been used before in any story, and accounts for the story's popularity.

There's another way which has been around for quite a while. In Ender's Game, Ender's siblings Valentine and Peter account for the extremes of love and hate respectively. Valentine is very caring and affectionate, and has a great deal of love for Ender. Peter is a sociopath who hates and manipulates Ender, appearing to show no genuine affection.

>> No.9702266


is this why everyone started hating batman for no reason

>> No.9702267
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 14f3db922f2832e25f7f5c699b058747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702276 >>9702293

I know I'm not very original, but If I'd have to pick a tsundere then I choose her.
The fact that she cries just because she gets scared by Okarin screaming at her makes her moe factor skyrocket.

>> No.9702276
Quoted by: >>9702278

Except she doesn't hit you in the face whenever she's tsun. Which puts her way behind other anime characters (in terms of ridiculousness) in the tsundere department.

>> No.9702278
Quoted by: >>9702288

Actually I think that's another reason to prefer her.

A real tsundere shouldn't punch you or hit you in any way, because the "tsun" side should be just a smokescreen she uses to hide the fact she's actually madly in love with you.
There's no way she's actually wish to hurt you.

>> No.9702288
Quoted by: >>9702314


>because the "tsun" side should be just a smokescreen she uses to hide the fact she's actually madly in love with you.

This is shit. It diminishes the tsun and makes it seem fake. It imbalances the equation.

>> No.9702293

You don't cry when someone yells at you?

>> No.9702314
Quoted by: >>9702367

Yeah, that's just like your own distorted opinion man.

The "tsun" part of a tsundere is fake. that's the point of it. The most classic sentence a tsundere will say is "It's not like I'm doing this for you or anything". It's so much closely associated with the concept of "Tsundere" that just saying that you're automatically a tsundere.

Why would someone do something good for you for no reason? It's blatanly obvious that the tsundere does it because she loves you and the clumsy denial of what is obvious is the major appeal of a tsundere.

>> No.9702333
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1344701424918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702509

As voted by Nippon.

>> No.9702367


>that's the point of it.

uh no it isn't

>> No.9702380
File: 41 KB, 704x480, [gg-TakaJun]_Kara_no_Kyoukai_-_The_Garden_of_Sinners_-_01v2_[3F2E8FEA].mkv_snapshot_43.19_[2012.09.03_22.33.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da bes

>> No.9702436
Quoted by: >>9702485 >>9702509

So many anime threads, all of a sudden.

>> No.9702485

So many = one

>> No.9702509

Misaka "Sparky" Mikoto was voted number 1 light novel by the Japanese so you are wrong sorry get the fuck out. Only someone from /a/ would make this mistake OUT!
There are tsundere girls in light novels and visual novels too I guess you wouldn't know that though because you spend all of your time shitting up /jp/ with retarded YouTube level comments like this. Gosh why don't you just get the fuck out you shitty autist?

>> No.9702602
File: 223 KB, 850x1214, rin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a reliable bro, hilarious, and doesn't suffer from fucking bipolar disorder that plagues other so-called tsunderes. Bipolar disorder isn't tsundere in my books. They should be steadily warming up to you and their tolerance for 'misunderstandings' and related bullshit increasing. They are in 'love' with you after all. The tsun:dere ratio should start out high and start being tipped towards dere although there'll always be a bit of tsun. That character progression is tsundere for me. Some would also argue that random, even extreme violence is an effective delivery vehicle for tsuntsun but I personally don't have masochistic tendencies. Who'd like a girl who may punch you into space any minute and never give you the benefit of the doubt? Even when she's your fucking wife already?

>> No.9702620
File: 1.11 MB, 800x600, poor saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real Kyou (not the bad anime imitation) is the best tsundere, in my opinion. Her outbursts are solely verbally unless the recipient deserves it (the only one getting kicked on a regular basis is Sunohara, Tomoya only gets a dictionary thrown at him once (for improperly treating her beloved pet) and is run over by her once (for letting her beloved pet escape, causing him to return all wet and sick). Contrary to many tsundere characters who mindlessly let their emotions take control of them when angered or embarrassed, she uses her superior intellect to either screw with the victim's mind (a great example is the scene where she and Tomoya manage to convince Sunohara he is completely and utterly worthless) or to screw with her victim indirectly.

Honorable mention goes to Never7's Saki, who is probably the most convincing and realistic tsundere I've ever seen in fiction. Her tsuntsun shell is caused by her inability to trust people and with that her inability to communicate properly with people in general. Under the shell, however, is a lonely, depressed girl with little self-esteem. She desperately wants someone to rely on, but cannot find anyone due to her inability to trust people.

>> No.9702618
File: 228 KB, 650x600, 1335616297956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9702654

p good taste dude i prefer her progenitor

>> No.9702626

>Ender's Game
I read that book as a kid. Is it some sort of a classic now? Maybe it's time I re-read a book for the first time.

>> No.9702629

you good sir know the difference between a tsundere a bitch

>> No.9702654
File: 241 KB, 800x960, homuhomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9704481

Homu's cool. Ciel a shit though.

>> No.9702688


I found her personality very tiring, and I like tsunderes.

>> No.9702872
File: 480 KB, 400x226, 1344676006640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9703852


>Disliking tsunderes

You gay or something?

>> No.9702943
File: 282 KB, 1280x1450, Sugiura.Ayano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9703491

>> No.9703491
Quoted by: >>9703837 >>9703864


is this from that new azumanga daioh clone

>> No.9703837
Quoted by: >>9703868

From the art style it looks like Yuru Yuri.

>> No.9703852
Quoted by: >>9703872

Tsundere a shit. They're overused pandering garbage. Rei > Asukaslut

>> No.9703868

Now that's such a new and good way to shitpost that I have to quote you.

>> No.9703864


>azumanga daioh clone

Please, mistaking genres for plagiarism got old 20 years ago.

>> No.9703872
Quoted by: >>9703888

Yeah, because you never see Rei type characters around.

>> No.9703888

Original Rei > Original Asuka slut

>> No.9704481
Quoted by: >>9704485


Isn't this that ultra-chunni shit? Why do you like anything from it?

>> No.9704485

I want to think you're joking but this is a pretty believably bad post.

>> No.9704493
File: 72 KB, 350x430, jung.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soviet perfection.

>> No.9704509

But the question is,
what is tsundere?

Tsun gradually changes to dere, or dere pretending to be tsun?

>> No.9704548

You posted her OP

The only girl I ever loved

>> No.9704625

Kurisu is objectively best Tsundere

>> No.9705602


I like this gif.

>> No.9705679
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 723225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9705690
File: 384 KB, 1309x1541, 1347101937704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have fine taste sir.

>> No.9705835
File: 152 KB, 566x800, 83d9a0a09ee3e57ac87a394ae59eda40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this 2.

>> No.9705852 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 469x480, 1340438134869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a shot of her vagina?

What are they trying to imply?

I thought this was a family show.

>> No.9706587
File: 16 KB, 250x300, c193441chara3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No contest.
