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File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1329837777055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9032473 No.9032473 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the point of being able to put any skill up to 20 points when 4/5ths of them aren't more than one point and 3/5ths aren't worth a point at all.

The only choice given here is whether you want your character to be shit or not. And permanently shit because there aren't any respecs.

>> No.9032489

What are you even talking about?

>> No.9032530

Just go play Diablo 3 you casual piece of shit. Enjoy your single-player lag DRM.

>> No.9032532

Because when the people who made D2 designed skill trees, they just made a bunch of skills that were themed to the character and didnt really care about balance or viability.

It's when players wern't so concerned about balance and shit.

>> No.9032542


>> No.9032604
Quoted by: >>9032616

Nothing in your post is true. Not even the no-respec part, sadly.

>> No.9032616

It was for 90% of the game's lifetime. A patch 10 years later doesn't change what most people experienced playing it.

>> No.9032638

Because people used to have fun playing games instead of minmaxing and fighting in tournaments.

I remember when I first made Necromancer. Maxed out my skeletal army, fire golem and curses and didn't give a fuck about minmaxing. I beat the game and I had fun instead of trying to determine the numerically advantageous way to do things.

>> No.9032653
Quoted by: >>9032668

what a fucking casual

>> No.9032668

Enjoy doing arithmetic instead of roleplaying.

>> No.9032667

>I remember when I first made Necromancer.
>Maxed out my skeletal army
>I beat the game
Complete and utter bullshit.

>> No.9032674
Quoted by: >>9032687 >>9033304

D2 was cool because unlike D3 it didn't use that "new" disney skill/talent system ripped from modern World of Warcraft.

>> No.9032676

Did you ever get to hell? You had to minmax to be viable in hell.

>> No.9032687

D2 as cool because unlike D3 it didn't use that always online DRM to fuck everyone.

>> No.9032691

D2 was cool until botters destroyed the game entirely. Now it's basically unplayable except on privat games with friends.

Sucks for people without friends. Like me.

>> No.9032697

That was time when corpse explosion was instant-death I think.
So, possible.

>> No.9032706

*was when

>> No.9032707

If you're using corpse explosion, then why max skeletons?

>> No.9032715
Quoted by: >>9032736


maybe he played after 1.10. max skeleons were good then even with normal items you'd find by playing. And corpse explosion + amp melted people even in hell. You could probably do it naked if you were careful enough.

>> No.9032717


Because no one knows how to skill a character the first time.

>> No.9032713

Why not?

Also, not the same poster.

>> No.9032722
Quoted by: >>9032825


Am I missing something? What does maxing skeletons do that would make you not want to skill the best move in the game (aka corpse explosion)

>> No.9032728

not that guy, but god damn, it took a fucking long time to beat bosses

>> No.9032731
File: 120 KB, 690x700, zombie1711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032779

Wasn't that like when D2 first came out or something.

I remember corpse explosion being patched pretty quickly.

>> No.9032736

>maybe he played after 1.10
I don't think so.

Corse explosion was only OP on 1.01-1.03.

>> No.9032748

When China finally becomes STRONG do you think they're going to look back and be embarrassed by shit like this?

>> No.9032753
Quoted by: >>9032771

>I beat the game
On normal right?

Because even on normal Diablo destroyed my skeletons like toys.

Also, glay golen > fire golem.

>> No.9032759

Their growth is already slowing.

>> No.9032762

>implying chinks know what shame is

>> No.9032766
Quoted by: >>9032867 >>9033364

>4/5ths + 3/5ths = 7/5ths or 1⅖ what the hell.

Also I don't like how Diablo II encourages item farming, though the need to do so is class-dependent. Diablo was nicer there, although that has its own stupidities.

>> No.9032771
Quoted by: >>9032793


Now, now. China will always be known for cheap knock-offs and pirating. I would love to know what console that is, though.

>glay golen > fire golem.

No one skills fire golem. Clay is almost the standard choice. Some people take iron, but even that's pretty exotic.

>> No.9032779
File: 96 KB, 640x480, screenshot005jf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032795 >>9032824

I'm pretty sure that was only for fire enchanted + extra strong bosses.

Picture not mine.

>> No.9032780

The first Diablo had the coolest intro ever


>> No.9032793
Quoted by: >>9032824

What about blood golem?

>> No.9032795
File: 57 KB, 600x600, awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032797 >>9032819

Isn't it cool that in Diablo 3 you just go back to a recent checkpoint when you die?

>> No.9032797

It has a hardcore mode too, you know.

>> No.9032824
Quoted by: >>9032843 >>9032950

Golems are for tanking, so having one that drains your life whenever it gets hit is a terrible idea. Although a while back they were bugged, so when they hit something they increased your life according to the hit monster's life, instead of how much damage they did. That was pretty awesome.

They also toned down multi-shot lightning enchanted enemies, they were even more disgusting.

>> No.9032819
Quoted by: >>9032836

Eh, it doesn't really change much other than making the run back to where you died shorter.

>> No.9032825
Quoted by: >>9032842

Skeletons are made from corpses that could otherwise be exploding. Seems pointless to have both.

>> No.9032836

Yeah I just laid down portals once in a while anyways.

>> No.9032842
Quoted by: >>9032847

Except for when a battle is over and the corpses become useless. You then raise them as your army. They can scout and shield you from nasty surprises as well.

>> No.9032843
Quoted by: >>9032950

Wasn't there some trick with like iron maiden and the blood golem that was pretty cool to do?

I would usually use the iron golem because it was cool to make a golem out of swords and shit.

>> No.9032847
Quoted by: >>9032851

>They can scout and shield you from nasty surprises as well.
You mean be killed by a poof, right?

>> No.9032851
Quoted by: >>9032909

The poof that has a high possibility of killing a necro outright ? You should thank your lowly minions.

>> No.9032860

Somebody buy me diablo 3 please!

>> No.9032867
Quoted by: >>9032950

>item farming
Does that even matter? All the times I've played it, I only used what randomly dropped for me or whatever I could find in a shop, and I had a great time. Looking for one specific kind of weapon must be hell in a game with so many options like that.

>> No.9032874
Quoted by: >>9032914 >>9032924

So, how much did they fuck up the diablo franchise with D3?

>> No.9032909

I'd rather just use bone shield or whatever. It's not like I didn't put everything into raising my health anyway and bonespear shit to death while my golem tanked.

I love being lazy with skeletons on EZ modo nowadays, but in those times, I gave up on using skeletons beyond mages the first time I went into Maggot Lair. Not that those stupid lightning beetles weren't already killing them left and right while blasting sparks everywhere.

>> No.9032914

It's better.

>> No.9032924
Quoted by: >>9032942

Tyreal was recast as a bald space marine

>> No.9032950

I'm probably hazy on details, it's been ages since I played, 1.10 I think. Just looking things up, apparently in 1.13 damage is no longer transferred to you with blood golems so maybe they are viable.

Also looked up the Iron Maiden (or Thorns or whatever) trick, apparently when enemies damaged themselves from hitting a blood golem, that counted as healing for the golem/you. Given how much damage some enemies do, wow. Maybe this is what I'm thinking of in >>9032824

Which class were you playing?

>> No.9032942
Quoted by: >>9032982

He's the barbarian.

>> No.9032965

I can't play Diablo because i dont have a GAYMEN computer

>> No.9032982

No he's the paladin since he's black.

>> No.9033029
File: 10 KB, 438x291, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033043 >>9033062

>Diablo 2

>> No.9033043
Quoted by: >>9033062


Real pros substitute the Ith for an Ist.

>> No.9033062
Quoted by: >>9033104


Casual nooblords that only played Diablo II when the expansion came out because they were shit on classic.

>> No.9033063

It was so easy to write bots for D2.

>> No.9033064
Quoted by: >>9033098

If you think skills in d3 are bad take a look at torchlight 2.

The only mage spell that does decent damage is prismatic bolt.

The rest are gimmicks.

>> No.9033088

so far the second most bang for buck vidya ive ever bought, second only to splinter cell theory someshit

in splinter cell i couldnt even get online

>> No.9033098
Quoted by: >>9033117

What's wrong with gimmicks? Can you not kill things with them, or you'd rather plow directly through the game instead of using a gimmick to fight with?

>> No.9033104
Quoted by: >>9033140


You have my deepest sympathy if you were anything else than a casual nooblord in D2.

>> No.9033117

Well, the mage starts with a spell called magma bolt. This does like 35% of your weapon DPS and has a % chance to cause a 3 second DOT.

You can probably get a 100 dps weapon by the time you finish the temple of water, so your spell causes about 35 damage.

The DOT is useless because theres no time to wait in a diablo style game to wait for enemies to die of DOTs and if you are going to be spamming the spell, the duration doesnt matter because you are going to be refreshing the dot everytime you cast it.

The damage based on weapon DPS never increases either, so theres no point putting anything more than 1 point into it.

Meanwhile prismatic bolt with a 100 dps weapon seems capable of 200+ damage per cast and homes in on enemies.

>> No.9033140
File: 128 KB, 800x600, The Secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually ranked #26th on the 1st Paladin Ladder, #12th on the 2nd Paladin Ladder on Classic, and I was also the #9th Paladin to reach level 99 once Lord of Destruction came out...

Those many nights and days of running Chaos Sanctuary over and over and over... and then.. Bloody hills over and over and over.... For nothing..

I wasted a few good years of my life on that game, so... thank you very much for your sympathy. It is indeed greatly appreciated.

>> No.9033154
File: 295 KB, 800x560, 03d9b1fc3cc9388e1a6734e9e532895d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033204 >>9033527

When do Wizards stop feeling so gimpy, my Demon Hunter was 10000% more interesting throughout normal. I sure love casting Arcane Bomb 3 times and jerking off waiting for ARCANE POWER to come back

>> No.9033186

So now that everyone's probably beaten D3 on every difficulty, is there any use for the player run cash shop?

>> No.9033204
Quoted by: >>9033265

where is that delicious ahri from
tineye came up with notihng

>> No.9033207
File: 30 KB, 466x305, huehuehuehuehueehu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033288


>> No.9033265
File: 364 KB, 700x990, 1290298204587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9033288
File: 3 KB, 251x231, xNxff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033403

>No sockets
>Not ethreal
Cool useless polearm I guess

>> No.9033304
Quoted by: >>9033372

What are you on zun!bar, WoW's talent trees were pretty much ripped from d2 skilltrees. Now D3 has no skill tree system and just has this retarded volatile slot system that doesn't belong in an rpg.

and what the is a disney talent/skill system anyway.

>> No.9033364
Quoted by: >>9033369

There are five little girls.
Three of them wear their hair naturally
One has a ponytails
One has twintails

4/5th of them don't wear their hair with more than one tail
3/5th of them don't wear their hair with any tails at all

>> No.9033369


>> No.9033372
Quoted by: >>9033382 >>9033394

Nah dude, WoW revamped their system a while ago. Maybe since the last new expansion? The skill trees are gone.

But anyways that's what they based the D3 system on.

>> No.9033382
Quoted by: >>9033412

The most frustrating thing is the automatically assigned stat points.

Worst game mechanic.

>> No.9033394

>Maybe since the last new expansion? The skill trees are gone.
No, that's coming next expansion
>But anyways that's what they based the D3 system on.
No, because the D3 system came first and both systems are different.

The new WoW system has the players chose a specialization, then every 15 levels they can choose one of three abilities offered for that tier. The abilities are unique to classes but not unique to specializations, except some of the abilities work differently depending on your specialization. A max level character will have one of the three level 15 skills, one of the three level 30 skills, one of the three level 45 skills, and so on. To respecialize I believe they need to pay a fee and redistribute all their points.

In diablo 3, you never choose a specialization, and skills unlock as you level up, but you can only hold so many skills at the same time. You can switch these skills around freely pretty much whenever you like. It's like an rpg where you get party 15 members but can only have say 4 at once, except those party members never level up at all.

>> No.9033403
File: 588 KB, 700x1000, demacianspurity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033433

Bitch thread? Bitch thread.

>> No.9033412

I meant to post it on /v/ originally.

I got confused by the first reply and realized I had posted it on the wrong board. Then I posted it on /v/ too, it probably 404'd hours ago.

I was surprised to come back hours later to see people actually started replying to this one.

>> No.9033433
Quoted by: >>9033441

wow, when two characters are pure together, somehow the effect is tenfold

>> No.9033441

DEMACIA! Is home of purity. Unlike Noxus.

>> No.9033447
Quoted by: >>9033454 >>9033464

Why are gamers such a whiny group of bitches? They complain more than any other demographic I know. Just reading all the people crying about DRM and all that in D3 makes me laugh.

>> No.9033454
Quoted by: >>9033470

You laugh because you don't buy your own games, so you have no idea what kind of impact DRM has on actual consumers.

>> No.9033464

What is worse, gamers whining about DRM or tripfags whining about gamers whining about DRM?

>> No.9033470

I bought D3. 'DRM' has absolutely zero impact on me.

>> No.9033479
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] AKB0048 - 01 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[379E601F].mkv_snapshot_10.14_[2012.05.16_01.50.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033491 >>9034093

Is it me or do you have to go full defense to even have a chance of surviving anything above hell mode? Playing barbarian.

>> No.9033483

Excuse me for asking, but why is this thread on /jp/?

>> No.9033488
Quoted by: >>9033509

enjoy playing when the servers are down in 20 years and nobody ever successfully emulated the server streaming
enjoy playing when the servers are down after a few days and not years which has happened several times
enjoy playing over lan
enjoy modding
enjoy having latency in a single player game

why do you pay for video games that encourage behaviors designed to fuck the consumer over?
always online must be a technique to maximize profit from the real money auction house which jones and associates run

>> No.9033491
Quoted by: >>9033510 >>9033513

should of rolled a monk or DH

>> No.9033501

Remember kids, if the game isnt 1000 years old and not touhou. Its poop!

>> No.9033509
Quoted by: >>9033534

>enjoy playing when the servers are down in 20 years
When I am 43 years old I don't think I will really care about playing Diablo 3.
>enjoy playing when the servers are down after a few days and not years which has happened several times
Really? The game has only been out for 3 days. And no time when I've tried to play has there been any issue. Why don't you relax a little?
>enjoy playing over lan
Why the hell would I want to play over LAN? I can't believe people even still complain about this.
>enjoy having latency in a single player game
Who the hell in their right mind plays Diablo by themselves? (In either case, I have not experienced any latency issues)

>> No.9033510

>should of
Should HAVE.
Or should've.

>> No.9033511

>>giving Activision Blizz $60 for World of Diablo 3 just so they can fund the next World of Warcraft

I'm quoting the actions of many people.

>> No.9033513

I feared as much. Any other barbarians working their way through hell mode and above?

>> No.9033516
Quoted by: >>9034010

So who's not playing the torchlight II beta?

>> No.9033521
Quoted by: >>9033525 >>9033532

Good for you. I've had numerous problems caused solely by it.
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory doesn't work on 64-bit Windows, except with a crack.
- Another game I have has a manufacturing defect which prevents its CD check from working. Again, a crack fixes it.
- Steam was needed for Half-Life 2. Which back in the day, was a terrible thing. Ended up playing with a crack for a while.

Those cases aren't even the worst ones. Other people get unplayable games because activation servers are down or under DDoS. Or music that only works on one type of music player. Or e-Books that get remotely deleted.

>> No.9033525
File: 63 KB, 419x248, sany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033544

> Another game
are you hiding something from us, Anon?

>> No.9033527

The prodigy passive skill helps with mana woes.

>> No.9033534
Quoted by: >>9033566

I can't believe you can seriously approach my post in such a mindset that you would break it down with poor hand-wave excuses to justify DRM and take it right up your ass.

I still play games that have been out for 20 years. I hope you realize that it's going to be extremely difficult to ever emulate Diablo 3, and it may never be properly done. And it's not about Diablo 3 in particular. If you don't give a shit about this behavior and laugh and people who are taking a stand against it, while you throw money at greedy publishers testing the waters to see what they can get away with, this will become the standard, and games that aren't shit like D3 will have always online as well.

>Really? The game has only been out for 3 days. And no time when I've tried to play has there been any issue. Why don't you relax a little?
Aren't you lucky, entire countries have been offline, and the whole world has been unable to play the game at several points due to battle.net in its entirety being down. I think you may be lying.
>Who the hell in their right mind plays Diablo by themselves? (In either case, I have not experienced any latency issues)
If I ever bought it I would have gone through the game by myself at least once before going online. I don't want normals, latency, server interrupts and ADHD preventing me from taking it easy to enjoy something I have been waiting for for over a decade (in the hypothetical case where D3 isn't shit)
>Why the hell would I want to play over LAN? I can't believe people even still complain about this.
No latency, you can play with friends who are in the same room? I don't have any friends either and would never do this, although back in the old days I did do it with my little brother who was never quite as interested in video games as I was. That doesn't change that removing this option because Activision is greedy is not something to be defended.

>> No.9033532
Quoted by: >>9033544

That's cool. What does any of this have to do with D3? It works on 64 bit windows. You can digitally download it if you purchased a disc and it is broken (though you should just take a defective disk back to the store). And it does not run on Steam.

>> No.9033542

If you guys dont like D3, then never play it, better yet never even mention it. Go play the "far superior D2" and have fun with that. And EVEN better of a idea, go to /v/ to discuss this crap. Reported every single one of you, including myself.

>> No.9033544
Quoted by: >>9033547 >>9033566

You were talking about DRM, and I'm giving you real-life examples of where it has caused me problems. And just because it's not a problem for you (yet) doesn't mean it's not an anti-feature that makes your games more prone to breakage, and limits what you could be doing with them. Diablo II had LAN play. Diablo 3 does not, even though there's no technical reason why it shouldn't.

It's Future Cop: LAPD if you want to know.

>> No.9033547
File: 577 KB, 800x800, 9b67dba878feb251d72b3fe513de3ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Future Cop: LAPD

>> No.9033566
Quoted by: >>9033584 >>9033586

>Aren't you lucky, entire countries have been offline, and the whole world has been unable to play blah blah blah
That's cool. That happened at launch. You mentioned the servers being down after a few days. They are not down now. The game sold so well (I guess you've lost your valiant fight against it and DRM) that there were some server issues. The same thing happens whenever Blizzard releases an online game.

>I don't want normals
Do you not have any friends to play with?

>latency, server interrupts
As I've said, the game is fine. It had issues at launch. The end.

>and ADHD
That sounds like a personal problem.

>No latency
Again, there aren't really any latency issues. Do you use dial-up or something?

>you can play with friends who are in the same room?
Oh oka-
>I don't have any friends either and would never do this
Then don't complain about an option 'being removed' that you would never use.

>You were talking about DRM
I was talking about D3's DRM and its impact on me.

>I'm giving you real-life examples of where it has caused me problems
None of those problems seem particularly relavent. Disc manufacturing issues? Game not working on 64 bit windows? Come on now.

>Diablo II had LAN play. Diablo 3 does not, even though there's no technical reason why it shouldn't.
Diablo II is also 12 years old. LAN play was actually a thing back then. Today? Not so much. There are many things D3 does not do, even though there is no technical reason it can't.

>> No.9033584

>That sounds like a personal problem.
It's a problem with people I would potentially have a problem with. A lot of people just want to rush through the game for no real reason. Don't you understand that sentiment? It's like picking up a new MMO with this dick who won't read a single quest and just looks at the kill 5 of those things and collect 10 of that thing summaries. In D2 characters practically told you their life story when you first met them, and I would listen to that because I care about those characters more than XXXXMarisaEbinDDD. So I would play single player first. But this game doesn't even have single player, just multiplayer where nobody else joins.
>Then don't complain about an option 'being removed' that you would never use.
A lot of people are still going to want to use it, and the only reason they aren't going to be able to is because Activision wants to Jones people over. Should I not care about their greed just because at this point in time, it isn't affecting me directly? What about when it does, but nobody cares, just like I didn't care when it affected them?
>LAN play was actually a thing back then. Today? Not so much.
Maybe according to Blizzard's PR department. Starcraft 2 still doesn't have LAN even though it was supposed to get it one day, although in reality this was just Activision's strategy to ease into removing it from all future games entirely.

>Again, there aren't really any latency issues. Do you use dial-up or something?
No matter how good your connection is, it doesn't matter if you aren't close to the servers.

And these servers may not exist forever. This is basically an MMO, and one day, like many MMOs before it, it will be shut down, and people will simply be unable to play. LAN becomes a lot more important there, as does single player, but since Activision can't make any money at that point, they don't care.

>> No.9033586

I just gave three examples where a DRM system was stopping me from playing a game I wanted to play, how is that not relevant? Splinter Cell the game works fine in 64-bit Windows. StarForce the DRM doesn't. Yes the game could've failed for other reasons, but it's not like this additional failure point adds any value to my game.

>> No.9033598
Quoted by: >>9033605

I won't give a shit about Diablo 3 in 5 years, let alone 20, I'd never play it single player, and I couldn't care less about LAN. So all of these apocalyptic issues don't mean anything to me.

The game's pretty fun. Deal with it, gaylords.

>> No.9033605
Quoted by: >>9033626 >>9033630

>I won't give a shit about Diablo 3 in 5 years, let alone 20
>The game's pretty fun
Apparently it's not that fun.

The more you encourage always online with your money, the more games will have it, the more likely you're going to end up paying money for a game that ceases to exist in 10 years or so when you still want to play it.

>> No.9033626
Quoted by: >>9033649

whatre you saying? D3 doesn't have single player?

>> No.9033630

It is fun, but it's far from being one of my favorite games - it won't even come close to being my favorite game of 2012. So it's enjoyable for the time being, but I'm sure I'll get bored of it once I beat everything and get my fill of each character. No big deal.

>> No.9033647
File: 352 KB, 1200x800, to15054526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033659

Man I was thinking about the D3 demo while I was in the shower. The level design was so mediocre and linear. Then they just made everything else extremely streamlined so average joe gamer doesn't "waste his time on difficult things". Complexity is what makes RPGs so fun to begin with.

I just don't get these AAA titles anymore these days. They aren't made for old gamers like me anymore. The only thing I can do is vote with my money and not buy this stuff.

And on a semi-related note, why are necromancers so hot?

>> No.9033649

You have to be online to play Diablo 3, because most of the game content is streamed to you from the server. You don't even have the required data to play it without the internet, and to set that up, someone would need to leak the server code, which is Blizzard's property, and set up a server with it that you'll need to connect to. This will likely never happen, people will just set up clumsy servers with their own custom code that attempts to mimic the official workings as much as possible, but ultimately falls short. Like private WoW servers today.

Blizzard can also ban you from their game if they don't like you, it says so in the EULA you agree to. You essentially have about as much right to play your Diablo 3 copy as you do your WoW account.

>> No.9033659
Quoted by: >>9033663 >>9033764

ZUN!bar, you played like one third of act 1. Shut up.

>> No.9033663
Quoted by: >>9033733

>ZUN!bar, you played as far as you can without actually purchasing the game, that isn't enough. Please purchase the game and play it more so you can form a proper opinion

>> No.9033733
Quoted by: >>9033736 >>9033764

I don't see how having an informed opinion is such an outlandish idea.

>> No.9033736

It is to the people from /v/ who constantly keep coming to /jp/

>> No.9033741

Why would I buy a game I don't like just to confirm that I don't like it?

>> No.9033764
Quoted by: >>9034044

Nothing wrong with drawing conclusions from a demo. That's the whole point of them actually. They're created so people can make an informed decision before buying (or not buying in my case with D3).

>> No.9033773
Quoted by: >>9033815 >>9033896

What level is everyone?
Me, I am a level 51 witch doctor just starting hell.

>> No.9033777
Quoted by: >>9033787

except it wasnt a demo
it was a beta

>> No.9033787
Quoted by: >>9033841

"Beta" is what Blizzard calls their demos, to make the players feel privileged for getting to play them. Everyone gets into their betas if they really one to at some point, and Blizzard doesn't care whether they actually test or not.


>> No.9033815

I am a measly 21 wizard.

The first two acts were longer than I was expecting.

>> No.9033825

Oh man, I'm going full buyer's remorse over this.
I'm getting 450ms latency which is bad even for Australia.

Also I just don't enjoy it.
I used to approach D2 with an obsessive-compulsive fervor, checking every barrel and killing everything in a level.
Now I play D3 for less than an hour and feel like going to bed instead.

>> No.9033841

it's called a stress test you spaz

>> No.9033896
File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, Diablo-III-2012-05-19-04-56-10-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 52 Monk, almost done with Act 1 on Hell. Am I cute uguu~

>> No.9033930
Quoted by: >>9033941

First of all;
You're proving you don't play d2 because there are respects, idiot.

Second of all;
Your only come back, all of you, to the claim that anyone has beat the game with a subpar spec is 'BULLSHIT! LIAR!'. You have no argument. I've beat the game on hell, solo, with a poison dagger necro, a max stam max run speed barb, whatever. You name it, I've fucking done it in the last 12 years.

The game was NEVER impossible no matter where you put your stats or skills. The game only became impossible if YOU SUCKED DICKS AT PLAYING IT.
Not being able to watch tv and mindlessly hold down mouse 2 is vastly different from 'impossible' dickwads.

I hate you all, you're all liars and stupid, I'm off to play diablo 2 and pick talents at random. And I'm still gonna beat it.

>> No.9033941

Good, you just leave. You must have been a little lost in the first place. /jp/ is for people who play and love D3 only.

>> No.9034010

>>So who's not playing the torchlight II beta?

Runic please respond with beta key.

>> No.9034044

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9034093

Needs eBOTD

>> No.9034105
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x1024, Diablo III 2012-05-15 15-17-29-60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the content shown in the Beta really made an awful impression. Good that the game gets much better almost immediately afterwards. Story in a hack and slash? Who cares, I love the creative ways to mow down the demon hordes. DH is like the lesbian progeny of a Bowazon and a Trapassin, and boy is it ruthless.

>> No.9034138
File: 255 KB, 1201x1719, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9034918

First this belong on /v/
second its outdated mechanic
People did anyway make every minute a new thread on the diablo fan forums asking for the perfect build.

Anyway str for gear rest you dump all in vit , and I mean all,this was the best build in the game stats wise so simple.

You want to see how balanced Diablo 2 was
check this http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/Hammerdin
This was my hero a high leveled and geared paladin , you play it with 2 buttons , 1 for teleporting arround and 1 for spamming hammers , it should 1-2 shoot everything on the map

>> No.9034832


>> No.9034918
Quoted by: >>9034930

The one bitchy complaint about D2 was ALWAYS how stats and skills were permanent and one wrong point would make your character completely gimp and force you to totally relevel that level 80 character. YEARS LATER they finally added for you to respec your stats and skills.

I guess people are complaining now that they don't have the option of completely screwing themselves over

>> No.9034930

You ever play with mods the stats distribution actually becomes important and not "do this every single time."
