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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8507749 No.8507749 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, the offline meet-up.

>> No.8507774
Quoted by: >>8507778

I think the /jp/ offline meetup would end up in mass suicide.

>> No.8507778
Quoted by: >>8507951

instead, everyone turns up to be quite normal and uninteresting. some will probably even ride to the spot on their own cars

>> No.8507801
File: 33 KB, 296x450, jpmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8507839

/jp/ オフ会

>> No.8507839
Quoted by: >>8507921


Not cool. My uncle died at Jonestown.

>> No.8507921
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Quoted by: >>8507949

Just read the article. It seemed more like a commune than a religious group.

"those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment — socialism."

So. Even atheists can be dragged into this. There is no hope for Humanity.

>> No.8507949
Quoted by: >>8507954


It was a commune for a religious group.

>> No.8507951

I have a car but it's a requirement where I live even for a no hoper, the nearest grocery store is 13km down the road and the temperature frequently exceeds 30c.

>> No.8507954
Quoted by: >>8507970

Yeah, a religious atheist group.

>> No.8507970
Quoted by: >>8507991


They worshiped Jones as a living prophet.

>> No.8507991
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Cult of character, I know. But no deities, thus, atheists, considering their ideals and criticism of, haha, organized religion.

This is all a joke. I can feel a crushing depression incoming. I think I'll just go fantasize about Touhous drinking tea or I think I will go mad.
