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8296027 No.8296027 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>8297934

A long time ago, here on /jp/, someone posted links and information for a vertical shooter with garish enemies, abominations and assorted demonic looking enemies. I was hoping that /jp/ might remember.

I vaguely remember someone looking like Hatsune Miku, looking like some sort of dark messiah surrounded by half decayed corpses/monsters trying to reach her.

>> No.8296095

Anyone? At all?

>> No.8296120
File: 154 KB, 800x600, a2a1f009ca933283d01bcb7fb2cc30fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8296144

Maybe it was parody of Doom?

>> No.8296144
Quoted by: >>8296158

No, you had to choose between 4 characters, then went through Hell. It was not a 1 person shooting, but a shooter like Gradius.

>> No.8296158
Quoted by: >>8296173

The only thin like that I can think of is aurora blast, but I don't think any of the girls looked like miku

gradius is not vertical, but hmm 4 characters...

>> No.8296173

I'm sorry, you are right, it was horizontal.

Miku was not one of the characters, but she was featured as an image in the same site, with the same nightmarish feel to it.

>> No.8296429
Quoted by: >>8296447 >>8296457

maybe it's one of his games


>> No.8296447
Quoted by: >>8296451

Yes! This is the site!

Thank you very much. Now to hunt down this title.

>> No.8296451
File: 400 KB, 1600x1200, 6970827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My memories were a bit muddled. This is the Miku image. Still, I remember the game itself to be mildly easy, but I never finished it.

>> No.8296457
Quoted by: >>8296482

It's most certainly a game from here. They even released a Vocaloid shooter at C79 or C80. I think the one you're looking for is Hellbound. Galshell is kinda similar, too.

>> No.8296482

Yeah, played it. It was kind of bizarre as well, with grappling Miku twintails as weapons.

>> No.8296958
Quoted by: >>8296997

Found it. Hellbound.


Have yet to test it.

>> No.8296997
Quoted by: >>8297011

"Sorry. Site RapidLibrary.com is under construction. =(
Please return in a few minutes. We hope it will be O.K. then. =)"

>> No.8297011
File: 64 KB, 500x500, title_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploaded it to my mediafire.


>> No.8297934
Quoted by: >>8297958 >>8297963

The only Miku I know is this みっくすまるちぷらい すぱいらる - http://akiragoya.sakura.ne.jp/game/mix/

>> No.8297958
File: 17 KB, 384x256, screenshot8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's that one.

Miku could use her twin tails to block bullets. Sorta like how the X-Multiply ship could block bullets with its tentacles.

>> No.8297963

Doesn't look very hellish TBH. I'm disappointed.
