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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 958 KB, 1600x1050, 1306270353822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7392095 No.7392095 [Reply] [Original]

Oh god that's sad.
Sure he seems like a annoying secondary but nobody deserves such a treatment

>> No.7392103

>sucking random men's dicks

>> No.7392105
Quoted by: >>7392112

>on the streets
>please email me

>> No.7392106

Get out Marisa.

>> No.7392108
Quoted by: >>7392134

That's inconsiderate of you.

>> No.7392110


>> No.7392112

he has a data plan

>> No.7392114

He played borderlands for over 120 hours; he deserves everything he gets.

>> No.7392116

>TF2: 2238 hrs
>Borderlands: 125 hrs

More like it was kicked out for being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.7392118
Quoted by: >>7392149

I wouldn't mind having a girly boy dressed up as Marisa on my dick 24/7. no homo

>> No.7392128
File: 509 KB, 999x714, 18776904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa hates fagze!~

>> No.7392134
Quoted by: >>7392144


He can call himself a stegosaurus for all I care, but he has no right to tell other people what to call him.

>> No.7392144


>> No.7392145

Seems kind of sad people would do degrading things just for a place to live. But oh well, maybe that's my pride speaking. I don't know what it's like to be in that sort of situation. I'd probably just be homeless.

>> No.7392146

I don't follow trips. Is that anyone worth helping?

>> No.7392147
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>> No.7392149



Nope. Dudes with legitimate gender issues don't make any effort to look cute. Just like real women.

>> No.7392152
File: 1.36 MB, 1599x1192, 1306272519403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's daze

>> No.7392157

Can't he just go to a homeless shelter?

>> No.7392158

he doesn't consider that THIS might be why he's kicked out, and not his genderbending?

>> No.7392159

Does he have Downs or something?

>> No.7392163

>Last online: 4 hours 25 minutes ago

I think he's doing okay.

>> No.7392168
File: 282 KB, 800x600, 1280165420070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2238 hours in TF2

He's not welcome in my house, that's for sure

>> No.7392172

I kinda feel bad, though
not for him, for whatever tf2 team picked him up the season isn't over yet

>> No.7392180

Typical steam user.

>> No.7392190
File: 42 KB, 396x385, 1291653835765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392210 >>7392213

>you will never find the real marisa homeless, and have the joy of showing her simple human warmth

>> No.7392206
Quoted by: >>7392211 >>7392219

My door's open to sweet, good natured hobos but competitive FPS players rarely meet that description.

>> No.7392210


>showering her with simple human warmth

If by Human warmth you mean semen,I would never want to do that.

I wouldn't give him normal human warmth either

>> No.7392211

some of us are actually pretty nice guys, though

though I'll agree that this ogre-like thing most likely doesn't fit the description

>> No.7392213

You would let a thief inside your house?

>> No.7392219


I'd actually swap places with a kind-hearted hobo that looked to accomplish his dreams. I've wasted everything good I've ever had.

>> No.7392220
Quoted by: >>7392239

>mfw when sage doesn't work even when 90% of posts in this thread are saging this thread.

>> No.7392229

I'm so hard right no-

>> No.7392234

I find it interesting that /v/ reaction was "HA HA' and "Free blowjobs? I'm in!", and /jp/'s reaction is "poor guy" and "I might help him, but he seems sketchy/fucked up"

Basically, what I'm saying is, you guys are acting nicer than /v/. Step up your game, we might lose our elitism awards at this rate.

>> No.7392239
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>> No.7392244
File: 40 KB, 289x292, marisa slapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor Marisa

>> No.7392246

link to the /v/thread?

also, sorry for acting like a newfag here, but is there any way to sage and noko at the same time?
Because I want to stay in the thread, but I don't want to shit up the board

>> No.7392253

>>96253880 /v/ thread.

>> No.7392254
Quoted by: >>7392265


>> No.7392255
Quoted by: >>7392298 >>7392509

Why do people who get thrown out not flip their shit? If my mother tried that I would make sure she could never walk again.

>> No.7392257
Quoted by: >>7392263 >>7392265

You can use nokosage, but nobody regards saging as "shitting up the board" here. In fact, it's the opposite.

>> No.7392261

Noko+sage, good job, house, sister, fuck etc.

>> No.7392258 [DELETED] 


>> No.7392263

never mind this post, I misread you

>> No.7392265

nokosage actually works?
I never knew

Also I meant, I don't want to bump threads that clearly aren't about the board topic.

>> No.7392266
Quoted by: >>7392279

I think more /jp/ people can relate to the situation on some level.

>> No.7392276
File: 35 KB, 455x89, mrskrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392284 >>7392290

>> No.7392277
Quoted by: >>7392287

Being elitist is one thing. Having some fucking humanity is another thing altogether.

>> No.7392279

there are fewer people on /jp/, too, which lightens the flack you get if you're a somewhat nice guy
I guess

>> No.7392284

I hope he learnt that playing FPS competitively is not cool.

>> No.7392287
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>> No.7392290
Quoted by: >>7392297

you know, I'm sort of happy he's OK
also checking if nekosage works with sage+noko, as well

>> No.7392297

Yup. Welcome to a page 2 discussion.

>> No.7392298

Good fucking question. What would they do sue you?

>> No.7392300


>> No.7392302

You can't sue anyone without a pulse

>> No.7392305
Quoted by: >>7392309 >>7392311

i dont know, maybe they'd call the cops and you'd go to jail

>> No.7392309
Quoted by: >>7392315

Which is probably better than the street in some places.

>> No.7392311
Quoted by: >>7392322 >>7392323

Does jail have decent bandwidth?

>> No.7392315

The sad part is that you're probably right for large portions of America

Dunno how it is over here in Norway, don't see much homeless people, actually, even though I've lived in two of the largest cities in the country.

>> No.7392320

I could think of worse places than Florida to be homeless.

>> No.7392322

your ass will have a decent bandwidth

>> No.7392323
Quoted by: >>7392341

There are quite a few with decent bandwidth. Got to keep guards that are off-duty between shifts happy.

>> No.7392341
File: 192 KB, 400x400, 1246663659694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392368 >>7392370

how would you know? sometimes /jp/ can be scary

>> No.7392368
Quoted by: >>7392400

Not from personal experiences. I used to know someone who was a security guard at a local prison who claimed that the guards were allowed to browse the internet during breaks. He used to torrent from the public computer because he averaged around 2mb during downloads.

>> No.7392369

Got what he deserves.

>> No.7392370

He might have personal experience. I was homeless for a while.

>> No.7392373

/v/ thread has now become about whether animals can be gay by nature. Does watching 2 male horses fuck make you gay?

>> No.7392382
Quoted by: >>7392397


to think i used to hang out on /v/

>> No.7392390
Quoted by: >>7392397 >>7392399

/v/ disgusts me more than a homeless gay transgender. Talk about funny.

>> No.7392395

/v/'s a piece of shit, what do you expect?

>> No.7392397

Go back to /v/ please.

>> No.7392399
Quoted by: >>7392403

What the fuck is your problem? What have gay transgenders done to you? Fucking insensitive asshole.

>> No.7392400
Quoted by: >>7392418

That's rather ironic.

>> No.7392403
Quoted by: >>7392422

Nothing, it's just disgusting. What happened to your reading comprehension?

>> No.7392404
Quoted by: >>7392411

this entire thread can be summed up with 'lol america'

>> No.7392411

I think it could also be summed up with AUTISM.

>> No.7392418

He isn't too bright. He won't get in trouble anytime soon though with his record though.

>> No.7392422
Quoted by: >>7392433

No, there's nothing disgusting about them. Fuck you.

>> No.7392428
Quoted by: >>7392438

>Kicked out of his house for being a transsexual
>Melbourne, Florida
Sounds about right. It might not seem like it at first glance, but Florida is FULL of super-conservative evangelical bible-thumpers and white trash. Especially north Florida.
I feel kinda sorry for him if he's wandering around in this heat, it got up to 101 degrees F yesterday, and that's just up around the panhandle area...
Well, I hope he can find a friend to stay with.

>> No.7392429
File: 1.05 MB, 2576x1920, hpim1281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392434 >>7392442

I believe the more important issue is:
What happened to all his stuff?

>> No.7392433

>i don't find it disgusting
>therefore it is objectively wrong to say it's disgusting

I don't even think they're disgusting myself, but others may disagree

>> No.7392434

His mother either threw it in the trash or pawned it.

>> No.7392438
Quoted by: >>7392459

>>7392152 <-this having a friend

no seriously?

>> No.7392442
Quoted by: >>7392467

>sleeping with your waifu

>> No.7392448

witches get stitches

>> No.7392459
Quoted by: >>7392462

Eh, you never know, perhaps there are people who are genuinely friendly and caring in this world who wouldn't mind taking him in. Not everyone in Florida is a dick.
Also, I gotta hand it to him, that cosplay IS pretty good... even if it is a bit creepy.

>> No.7392462

he looks like a serial rapist, goddamn
but yeah, it looks decent at least

>> No.7392467

I wish I could sleep with my waifu.. ;_;

>> No.7392476
File: 390 KB, 800x800, =(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that this person will be in any after-world she or he always wanted to be in.

R.I.P ;_;

I will pray for you.

>> No.7392483
File: 239 KB, 1062x710, 1303412706568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392542

Thank god the real Marisa is okay.

>> No.7392488
Quoted by: >>7392491

This is what happens when you tripfag.
We always warn you about your attention whoring/not knowing your place ways, but they never listen!
And they end in the streets, sucking dicks for a living.

>> No.7392491

such is the life

>> No.7392496
Quoted by: >>7392529

I wish I could get my penis sucked by a (not necessarily convincing, but still somewhat cute) male crossdresser.

>> No.7392500



>> No.7392509
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 13896328_gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392515





At least then they'd have a nice jail cell to sleep in...

*sarcasm* -_-

>> No.7392510
File: 94 KB, 550x480, 1273708498077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392521

>mfw I was reading this thread and only when I reached this I realized I was no longer on /v/

Just goes to show how infrequently they talk about video games over there.

>> No.7392514
Quoted by: >>7392517

remember guys sucking dicks for money isn't a good idea since you can get throat cancer from a STD

>> No.7392515
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1306043604928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*sarcasm* -_-

>> No.7392516

This person makes me want to not like touhou.

>> No.7392517

You can get more than throat cancer...

>> No.7392518
File: 95 KB, 539x480, 1304215565077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7392521

You should go back there

>> No.7392525
File: 26 KB, 446x501, 1305318918950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7392588

So what with the "/jp/ group" in Steam.

>> No.7392529
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 1306253967932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd do this if I had the chance to.

>> No.7392535

That fucking sucks. If I had my own place I would totally take him in and wouldn't even ask to get my dick blown.

>> No.7392542
File: 246 KB, 1216x3328, 1305852740122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd still suck a dick though, faggot

>> No.7392549
Quoted by: >>7392556


Another shit thread on /jp/.


>> No.7392553

Transsexual suicide rate is 50% ;_;.

>> No.7392556

Nobody on /jp/ is in the position to decide when a thread is shit and when it is good, unless the thread is obviously spam or a troll thread

>> No.7392573

Any non retarded transexuals on /jp/'s opinion on this?

>> No.7392581

Disgusting transsexual deserves it.

>> No.7392588

We've got a steam group?
