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File: 628 KB, 1147x1130, hostanslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
722221 No.722221 [Reply] [Original]

Repostan. Old thread autosageing.

You should all have it by now.

Wiki at http://swr.mizuumi.net/

>> No.722227
Quoted by: >>722324


>> No.722229
File: 617 KB, 632x900, 1212123204247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.722236

Had to edit around the duplicate filter somehow. I like Aya too, although not that much.

>> No.722237
Quoted by: >>722343
US West

>> No.722241
File: 30 KB, 400x571, 1212123283088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>722258

My wife isn't a slut either ok?

>> No.722240

Looks dangerously like a TAKE IT EASY head in thumbnail.

>> No.722258
File: 220 KB, 472x639, 1212123421138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>722274 >>722286


Fine. Truce?

>> No.722274

Your wife has a nice navel.

I want to lick it.

>> No.722286
Quoted by: >>722337


>> No.722323
Quoted by: >>722437
US West Coast. Expect some Sakuya

>> No.722324

So, um, go back to the MB thread? We're not preventing you from playing it, unless every single MB player switched games.

>> No.722334
File: 222 KB, 768x1024, 1212123860619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, Truth.

Also, here are the replays of those matches against that monstrous Suika. Recommended watch for Reimu and Suika players. Ignore the first three replays, I don't even know what those are of.


Also, rehosting:
Advanced Reimu/Youmu/Chiquita; Low-level Slacker/Slut

>> No.722337
File: 301 KB, 800x1155, 1212123895461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm. Well, I'm fine with it as long as they are only sluts with each other and I get to watch.

>> No.722338


>> No.722343


>> No.722345

Just in case magister didn't see it in the autosage thread

>I think I remember facing you in IaMP, Magister.
>If I'm correct I remember you kicking my ass in it as well.
>anyways, those were some fun games.

>> No.722354

I was the guy asking for them. Thanks a lot.

>> No.722359
Quoted by: >>722373 >>722379

Is there an option to shuffle the cards? I tend to get the same ones and wiki says there are more.

>> No.722373
Quoted by: >>722386

You've got to unlock them or use the score.dat from the wiki. Then modify your card deck in the profile section.

>> No.722379

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you want to know how get new cards, edit decks, or cycle cards in battle? If it's getting new cards, just save yourself some pointless grinding and download the save from the wiki.

>> No.722386

Using the score.dat on wiki also unlocks the ones for netplay right?

>> No.722393

They are the same cards, no?

>> No.722398

Yep, single player and netplay use the same list.

>> No.722399

Yep. And playing the game at all seems to unlock cards anyway.

>> No.722423
Quoted by: >>722431

GGs, but I have to cut it short. I'll be rehosting in a bit.

>> No.722431
Quoted by: >>722462

GGs. Lol at whiffed chain into big Runpast.

>> No.722437
Quoted by: >>722447

That was some fast paced action, wasn't it?
Good game though. I still don't understand how Reisen's 626 B/C works exactly

>> No.722447

... The red field?

It's weird. If your opponent's inside it, you can't be hit, or something like that.

I prefer the alternative (purple) one that your imaginary bullets inside it turn real.

>> No.722462

Also, goddamn Youmu is fast. I usually have time to recover from grazed firepunches, but Youmu is right on top of you from the getgo.

>> No.722481
Quoted by: >>722713

Feel free to kick my ass anon

>> No.722530
Quoted by: >>722757


>> No.722527
Quoted by: >>722543 >>723480

Nice games. Question for you: I noticed neither you or the Suika player use many skill cards. Is this just your style or have high level players decided that supers and bombs are more useful?

>> No.722528
Quoted by: >>722820

Youmu and Marisa are my mains. Experimenting with Sakuya, Reimu, Aya, and Yukari

>> No.722543

Some of them are definitely worth it but most people haven't figured them out yet.

>> No.722590
File: 310 KB, 512x620, 1212125424475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>722613

>Ignore the first three replays

One of the Aya-Reimu matches was me ;_;

I don't know why you saved it either, I couldn't touch you in the second round.

>> No.722613
Quoted by: >>722727


>> No.722616
File: 105 KB, 810x1440, 1212125707366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.722689
Quoted by: >>722930
Goof off game, all welcome

>> No.722713
Quoted by: >>722737

Good game Anon

>> No.722727
File: 32 KB, 364x475, 1212126408976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>722738 >>722744

Do what now?

>> No.722737

GGs. I should probably be less predictable/ stop running into shit I know is coming.

>> No.722738


>> No.722744


Man, what the fuck. It's gotten to the point where I go to save this picture as "alicermdoll.jpg" and I start typing it in to my Alice folder...and there's already a file named that. And I check and it's the same picture.

>> No.722747
File: 84 KB, 600x750, 1212126557083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.722757
Quoted by: >>722770


Damn I suck at this game. ggs anon

>> No.722770

You got a win or two off me and were able to play a good game ever times.

GGs man.

>> No.722820
Quoted by: >>722834



>> No.722834
Quoted by: >>722849



nah, it's all good. ggs

>> No.722849

haha, it works.

>> No.722893
Quoted by: >>722929 >>722952

Looking at the replays, it seems like my main problem is movement rather than actual fighting.

>> No.722929

Movement is part of fighting. All fighting begins with movement.

>> No.722930

Thanks whoever joined, gotta sleep now though

>> No.722952
Quoted by: >>722960

It usually will be, especially against a Patchi player. You have to constantly keep an eye on your meter (or make mental note on how much you use of it at all times), so you don't run out while grazing fireballs. Sad thing is, you'll run out of orbs before she runs out of magic EVERYTIME.

Best thing is to counter with some quick, tough projectiles, or grazeable attacks (Aya comes to mind)

>> No.722954

anyone playing, can anyone host?

>> No.722960

Can't you just graze on the ground? It doesnt use orbs that way

>> No.722983

wont be able to graze much cuz its short, the patchi will be constantly shooting at you and you are bound to get hit.

>> No.722984

Or you release D during any short moments of respite. Holding D drains the bar damned fast.

>> No.722992
Quoted by: >>723316
Hosting and experimenting with gamepad

>> No.722996


Problem is, ground dashing is more predictable, and after you dodge the first projectile, they'll have another waiting for you, or just a melee attack to the face.

>> No.723025
Quoted by: >>723039

Essentially, yes, but it's merely a stall tactic since, EVENTUALLY, you'll have to stop. All the while, Patchi would still be airborne and pelting you with constant rain of fireballs. You graze, unexpectedly stop right below Patchi, eat a fire, and enter a juggle of eating 2-3 more or air tech just to drain your meter flying away and eat many more right when you land. Again, Patchi would've drained like 3-4 orbs by then, and you're plan has changed from pressure to keep-away.

>> No.723033

All of you SWR players that know about Xfire: http://www.xfire.com/xf/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=184406

>> No.723039
Quoted by: >>723059

You can dash, jump, then back airdash indefinitely. Both of you can essentially stall forever.

>> No.723065
Quoted by: >>723125

Patchy fireball spam is the worst way to play her against people who know what they're doing.

>> No.723059

Hmm, learn something new everyday, huh?

>> No.723125

...it's usually the people who don't know what they're doing that spams Patchi's fireballs all game, which means if they do encounter someone who knows what they're doing, they really don't have any other choice when it comes to other characters (outside of Marisa BIIIMU, Patchi's the only newb friendly character)

>> No.723168
Quoted by: >>723210
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.

>> No.723199
File: 40 KB, 256x256, 1212130019969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723214

>(outside of Marisa BIIIMU, Patchi's the only newb friendly character)

>> No.723210

Sorry whoever connected. That was too laggy.
Running again on

>> No.723214

This may be the most stupidest thing I'll ever say, but I'm going to right here, right now.

You can't win a match with just 22B/C... even the newbiest of newbs will wise up to it sooner or later. I'm living proof of that.

You were better off posting a Slut picture than a Remi.

>> No.723234
Quoted by: >>723302


Remi isn't all 22B/C. She's all RAGE, but 22B/C is only a small part of it.

>> No.723240
Quoted by: >>723246

22b/c is so easy to counter, theres so much time to block it then you can punish on the rebound

>> No.723246

This is true.
Listen to this man.

>> No.723302
Quoted by: >>723317 >>723322

This, basically. Her jab is annoyingly fast. Her dash acts as a crossup if close enough. Her fly makes trying to predict where she'll be/ laying down bullet cover/ keeping her in the corner damned near impossible. She has a small hitbox, making some shit whiff her, especially when crouching.

22b/c is just the icing on the rage cake.

>> No.723316

o lawd. Those first games against Patchy fireball spammer were SO RAGE. Then I figure out the ultimate counter. GGs.


>> No.723317

She's also incredibly likely to eat physical attacks due to her parabolic motion. Throw more punches and less bullets.
Remilia's only borderline overpowered ability is her 5C, too dense, hits for too long, stuns for too long and can be jump cancelled into the perfect leader. You could also argue against invuln columns, but Reimu and Aya are just as bad.

>> No.723320

remi really isn't that good, especially against a turtle. shes not a top tier character but close.

>> No.723321
Quoted by: >>723332

No. You are wrong. I beat patchy spammer only with 22B/C and the occasional 5AAAA+Special.

>> No.723322

Oh, forgot that you can only play in Patchy's library/SDM Hall against her. Since they're indoor stages, the visual effects of weather don't show up. Unless you can read/recognize the kanji for weather at the top of the screen, you're kinda in the dark about what's weather effect is onscreen.

tl;dr, Fuck Remi for various reasons.

>> No.723332
Quoted by: >>723340

you're obviously playing against a horrible patchy that doesnt know how to block

>> No.723335
Quoted by: >>723410
Rehosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.

>> No.723340
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1212131665806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723347


Generally speaking, Patchy spammer = I don't know to play this.

Patch has some great rushdowns. Very little of them involve C spam.

>> No.723347

a good patchy is actually really fucking hard to go against as remi

>> No.723351
Quoted by: >>723356

Been away from a computer for a while, so I just need to update to GAME ON?

>> No.723353
Quoted by: >>723454
hostan US West

>> No.723356
Quoted by: >>723361

Update and forward necessary port. And if you'd like get the score.dat from the wiki and update your card decks.

>> No.723361

Aye, thank thee Anonymous.

>> No.723401
File: 94 KB, 500x680, 1212132728617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
723401 EU
I am terrible, worst player on /jp/ terrible. Connect if you want to feel better about yourself or just fancy a cake walk.

>> No.723409
Quoted by: >>723416

Wow what the hell happened to someone's Suika? Did you get stuck doing that animation over and over?

>> No.723410

lol, glitched out when I tried to counter.
GGs anyway.

>> No.723411


I disbelieve your claims. Time to prove that I am worse!

>> No.723412
Rehosting, Atlanta, GA, USA.

>> No.723416

I must have. I guess if you get hit during a counter it goes fucking nuts.

>> No.723440
Quoted by: >>723459 >>723489


Fun, too bad we got lagged out

>> No.723454
Quoted by: >>723519

Still hosting.

Intermediate leveled player.

>> No.723456
Quoted by: >>723491

Do observers cause lag?

>> No.723459

Sorry my pc crashed for some reason. I'm going to rehost if you'd like to continue.

>> No.723480
File: 22 KB, 1024x768, 1212133773679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika's alt skills don't do anything for his style of play, and I need only one (Youkai Buster) to be effective.

Advanced Reimu/Youmu/Chiquita; Low-level Slacker/Slut

>> No.723489
File: 154 KB, 500x700, 1212133937085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723497

Ouch I liked your raymoo a lot better.


>> No.723491
Quoted by: >>723497

No, I don't believe so. But it would seem that way to the observer if they walked into a match late so the game has to fastforward to realtime making it seem like it lags.

>> No.723497


Sorry, not the same guy. I figured he would've already joined and I'd just be observing again. Sorry about the lag, I'm in America.


Yeah, I know about the fast forward, I was just wondering because the game I was watching seemed to lag out and I was hoping it wasn't my fault.

>> No.723519

Sorry, shitty router + SWR = LOLINTERNETCRASH, apparently.
GGs though.

>> No.723525

Oh Magister, your playstyle is just a hideous level of agreesion based on observation.

>> No.723527

Damn, the one time I'm doing something else you decide to come back.

>> No.723546
Quoted by: >>723716 >>723719
US West Coast, mainly a Sakuya player and new to netplay. Do your worst Anon

>> No.723590
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1212135516432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723604

Were you the same guy I fought the first time? I can't believe I didn't win a single match. ;_;


>> No.723594
File: 474 KB, 836x1180, 1212135573652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723689 EU Remi

>> No.723604

No, you're my first opponent today. You're also the first person I've seen use that technique with Komachi. Keep working with her.

>> No.723618

HOLY SHIT suika. That was a dirty zangief you pulled on me.

>> No.723639

Was going to wait until Comrade finished, but screw it. HOSTAN!

>> No.723672
File: 127 KB, 665x607, 1212137326560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723694 >>723723

I've exhausted my limited bag of tricks anon. I've got no idea what to do about that weather where you can't block and It fucked me in the ass every round.

Next please.

>> No.723681

Beating up Anons sure feels wonderful.

>> No.723689
Quoted by: >>723717


>> No.723694
Quoted by: >>723713

How about running?

>> No.723713
Quoted by: >>723727

Running what?

>> No.723716
Quoted by: >>723721


Well Anon, that was every single character in the game. Good show. Not very sporting-like to quit out of nearly every single match at your last ounce of life, but hey, whatever

>> No.723717


>> No.723719
Quoted by: >>723725


GGs. I'd say you have a pretty good Sakuya for your first time netplaying, but I can't say I'm a good judge. I felt guilty about a few of those wins, I felt like the luck of the weather was really on my side. Most of the time superarmor or no melee came up I felt like it was definitely in my favor.

>> No.723721
Quoted by: >>723731


Eh? I didn't quit once... a few of those matches went back to the character select screen for some mysterious reason (the first time I thought it lagged out until character select came up, but then I figured you must be doing it) but I had nothing to do with it... At least one time it happened when I was about to win.

>> No.723723


>> No.723725


Yeah, I don't really care what people say about baaaawwwing about the weather, but it CAN be kinda unbalancing sometimes and some characters have a huge advantage while superarmor/melee are in effect. Its kinda fun for a nice add-on. If only there was a way to friggin turn it off.

>> No.723726
File: 190 KB, 600x680, 1212138380757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723785

Rehosting. I still haven't won a single match.

>> No.723727


>> No.723731
Quoted by: >>723736


Oh, in that case, I apologize for accusing. I did think it was odd that you quit out right as you were going to win that one time. Though there are people out there that randomly quit out if the match doesn't go their way.

>> No.723738


>> No.723736
Quoted by: >>723744


Well, I don't blame you, I myself thought it was you. I just didn't think much of it, figured you decided mid-match you really didn't like the character (since you seemed to be trying them all out) and wanted to re-select or something. But if it wasn't either of us it raises the question of what the fuck was it? Because I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be doing that.

>> No.723744


You'd think that if it disconnected it would have just plain disconnected. It *did* seem to happen about the same amount of time each time though, or at least thats what it felt like.

Anyone else experience this problem?

Also, I've noticed the game seems to be pretty indecisive about how it wants to handle lag. Half the time it will manifest as massively delayed keypresses (almost impossible to win in this case), sometimes it manifests as skips, and sometimes it just plain goes in slow mo. I fought a match earlier that was about ten minutes long, and not because of good grazing

>> No.723745
Quoted by: >>723760


im okay i guess, will be playing patchy suika and meido

>> No.723750
Quoted by: >>723753

GG sorry for the lag.

>> No.723753
Quoted by: >>723757

Can't play for beans in bullet time. My sense of timing was messed up. Otherwise GGs. Guess you're EU or somewhere like that?


>> No.723757


>> No.723760
Quoted by: >>723768

Looks like I D/C'd...oh well, good fight.

>> No.723768
Quoted by: >>723799

was close, got really laggy round 3 when it was neck and neck, sorry if it was me :( reconnect if you want.

>> No.723785
Quoted by: >>723795

GGs, does that mean we're equally bad?

>> No.723795
File: 87 KB, 400x400, 1212140723699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows but that was damn fun. That yuyuko vs komachi towards the end was pretty epic.

>> No.723799
Quoted by: >>723804


>> No.723804
Quoted by: >>723928

you kiced my butt, you are very very good at full blocking my patchouli 5 card special.

>> No.723811
Quoted by: >>723925

Any EU servers up?

>> No.723846

Say anon how do you unlock the counter guard system card? It's the only one I'm missing.

>> No.723924

GGs Magister.

>> No.723925
Quoted by: >>723987


I'm hosting,
EU only

>> No.723928
File: 125 KB, 480x599, 1212143512811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, we played a LOT. Yuyuko is probably the worst matchup for Reimu. GGs, but I'm exhausted now. I think I'll head off to bed.
Sounds like a drink. I'd try it.

>> No.723937
Quoted by: >>723952

Whoever played me, that was a buttload of games. GGs across the board.

Guessing your main is Sakuya with Reimu on the side.

>> No.723942
File: 191 KB, 878x1102, 1212144014177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.723950


hoasting/still getting used to mah new gamepad.

>> No.723952


You guessed right

You were always a sliver of health ahead of me in the end though. Very good games.

I think the problem I have is I didn't realize that the blocking worked like Street Fighter, where if one person is on the ground doing a melee attack, then the one in the air cannot block it. Took me a while to notice that.

I also have supreme problems pulling off 623 movements, which is why you never really see me combo those.

>> No.723966
Quoted by: >>724003 (EU)

>> No.723985
File: 57 KB, 638x474, 1212144969496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>723989

What does this mean? I get it every time I try to connect to one of you.

>> No.723987
Quoted by: >>723992

>>723925 here

>> No.723989

coneccting failed

>> No.723992

GG, sorry that I suck so much, I just started.
But your Youmu is fucking strong.

>> No.724003

I suck...gg

>> No.724017 (EU)

>> No.724032

Worst player on /jp/ here. I just realized that you're the same sakuya who destroyed me earlier so I got the hell out. Sorry about that.

>> No.724075


>> No.724078

GGs. Too monster for me.

>> No.724080
Quoted by: >>724144


>> No.724093
File: 402 KB, 715x715, 1212147357821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
eu suika low

>> No.724102
Quoted by: >>724119


Installing right now as we speak.

>> No.724109

I play with a keyboard and don't know how to do combos.

>> No.724119
Quoted by: >>724131 >>724140

Where the balls is Estonia.

>> No.724131

North Yurop I think

>> No.724134
Quoted by: >>724138


>> No.724138

"Z" key

>> No.724140

It's the tumorous growth below sweden's testicles.

>> No.724144
Quoted by: >>724162 >>724163

GGs rehosting.

>> No.724146

At what point should I expect to be good enough to compete online? Or rather, by what standard do people identify themselves as begginer/intermediate/advanced/whatever?

>> No.724150
Quoted by: >>724156 >>724159

hey guys do I need to play some STORY MODE to unlock some sweet ass moves or I can just go on and just do my thing?

>> No.724151

By being able to perform a combo means that you are net-ready.

>> No.724156
Quoted by: >>724158

You have to unlock those moves by playing online with others or you can get the score.dat from the SWR wiki.

>> No.724158

fuck that shit, I am going to dive straight in. No dicking around, I'll do this THE HARD WAY.

>> No.724159

Story mode also works but it's slower than netplaying.

>> No.724160
Quoted by: >>724176

If you feel you can pull off something amazing with certain characters, but not with others, you should play that character.
One you learn the basics you are good to go online.
About the beginner/intermediate/etc thing, I dunno, lol. Perhaps this relates to the amount of games played online. The more you play, the more experience you get.

>> No.724162
Quoted by: >>724234

GG. Rehosting.

>> No.724163

to laggy gg i guess

>> No.724176
Quoted by: >>724185 >>724186

I really disagree with this school of thought. If you go by this you're more likely to just fall into spamming gimmicks and not learn a character properly. With a little bit of work you can learn any character.

>> No.724185
Quoted by: >>724190

If spamming works without flaw then it's the game's fault, not the player's.

>> No.724186

Allow me to rephrase
>You should MAIN that character, but continue to practice with the others.

>> No.724188

If you're able to beat someone, even someone bad, without taking any damage, you're at least intermediate possibly advanced. Or if you win more often than not.

Beginners are those who always lose. Always.

If you win some and lose some you're intermediate.

>> No.724190
Quoted by: >>724194 >>724228

no, you're just playing against shitty people if it works. When people actually learn to play you'll have to get that crap out of your muscle memory, which is a lot harder than learning things properly in the first place.

>> No.724193
Quoted by: >>724196

Any beginners still hosting?

>> No.724194
Quoted by: >>724209

>If spamming works without flaw then it's the game's fault, not the player's.
>spamming works without flaw then it's
>works without flaw then
>without flaw


>> No.724196
Quoted by: >>724219


right here i need a few cards unlocked mind helping?

>> No.724197

I'll try hosting because god damn it hurts mine balls to connect.

>> No.724206
Quoted by: >>724221

I suppose my interfield isn't working, because nobody's connecting, god damn!

>> No.724209
Quoted by: >>724214

okay, well there's no such thing in this game, that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the gimmicks you may find during the first times you play that hit the AI and bad players. Spamming these will only teach you bad habits.

>> No.724214

I know. I was talking about cheap shit that always works even if you're fighting a competent opponent.
I agree with you though. I started out playing one way against the flawed AI and found I had to relearn a lot while playing online.

>> No.724221
Quoted by: >>724225

Make sure your port is open in your firewall and router should you have both.

>> No.724219

Not working

>> No.724225

God damn it I KNEW this was going to come to this!

>> No.724228
Quoted by: >>724235 >>724244

Nobody tells you how to learn things properly though. Defensive yuyuko is the only thing I can play that doesn't get ripped to shreds in seconds.

>> No.724234


>> No.724235
Quoted by: >>724237 >>724271

You learn things properly by watching other people play or by learning not to care if you win or lose, instead trying out new methods of play in each game.

>> No.724237


>> No.724244
Quoted by: >>724273

Do we need to start making SWR coaches

>> No.724250
Quoted by: >>724255 >>724268

You can always use the "Low tier" excuse, that your character just happens to be harder to use than his character, and that is why he won.

No need to get better when you can just be a unfriendly brick and boast your ego with lies
¯\[ ◕з ◕]/¯

>> No.724255

Sion plays SWR now?

>> No.724264
Quoted by: >>724268

Oh, and don't forget to use "Low tier" boasting also when you happen to win. Like, "Haha, look how shitty and hard character I used and you still lost. Goddamn scrub"
ヽ[ ◕з ◕]ノ

>> No.724268
Quoted by: >>724278

What happens if they rage and use the same character you do in every game and completely school you?

>> No.724271
File: 7 KB, 133x172, 1212151266550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>724279

Mate if I cared about winning I'd be playing another game.

>> No.724273


>> No.724277
Quoted by: >>724288 >>724377
hostan US West

>> No.724278

Ragequit in the middle of second round and blame it on the host.
[╯◕з ◕]╯╧╧

>> No.724279
Quoted by: >>724283 >>724319

Well if you're playing a game I could observe one or two.

Or I could fight you and see if you've got any problems assuming you're getting your ass handed to you.

>> No.724280
File: 55 KB, 499x649, 1212151497952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg @ whoever fought against me

>> No.724283

ok lets play a couple

>> No.724285

ggs, dude. Nice Patchy

>> No.724286
Quoted by: >>724327 >>724329
EU hosting. Might be laggy, quit if it's too bad.

>> No.724288
Quoted by: >>724375

Sorry, too much lag. Rehosting.

>> No.724296

>> No.724305
Quoted by: >>724332
Youmu/Aya/Iku player - EU only

>> No.724317 us central

>> No.724319
Quoted by: >>724330

I'm going to put what little success I enjoyed down to lag anon. Normally it goes very much like round 4.

>> No.724321 ;10800
any aus player?

>> No.724327

ggs, your Aya is pretty good.

>> No.724329


Nice gaming, man!

>> No.724330
Quoted by: >>724364

Based on those two games, the only thing I can say is you have too much unnecessary moves and that your grazing ability isn't as high as it could be.

Grazing ability can be sorta raised by playing story mode. As for the unnecessary moves, you need to learn the range and timing of a character first. That's mainly through experience, and maining a character can help with that.

Other than that, you seem to have an understanding of movement and projectiles. I'd recommend you not use Komachi though. She's not exactly an easy to learn character.

>> No.724332

>>724305 here

ggs, sorry the lag in the third game was my fault.

>> No.724364
Quoted by: >>724386

Well I'm nowhere near advanced techniques so I actually find her to be the easiest character to use because she has those big knock down attacks that are easy to punish people with. I have a great deal of trouble catching people with normal characters like disco scarf.

>> No.724375

GGs, rehosting

>> No.724377
File: 77 KB, 270x270, 40fab01c0d412af351c1eeb206803388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>724455

gg, can't do shit under corner pressure

>> No.724386

Well if you enjoy it, that's what really matters. Personally I find Komachi to be too melee/ground oriented with slow projectiles and specials for my tastes.

>> No.724397

seems to me one of the easiest ways to vastly imporve how much you win is simply to change your spellcard deck, ditch the useless crap and stack it with high damage comboable spell attacks(remi has a bunch of these, that can be comboed off a sucessful divebomb), and spellcards that you can do after a blocked melee attack that punish for high damage (patchouli has 2 of these that both do great damage for their card cost)

>> No.724402
eu low

>> No.724455
Quoted by: >>724627

GGs, rehosting
US West

>> No.724584
File: 99 KB, 500x625, 20bba45b1e772d16360d8f881d6ee5ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>724587

gg @ alice dude

>> No.724587
File: 39 KB, 90x120, foaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.724627

GGs anon.

>> No.724766

bump need moar gaems
