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File: 479 KB, 844x1526, story2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6350377 No.6350377 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>6351897

Nekoneko-soft new title will be a loli-ge.

>> No.6350582

Hmm, I'm not familiar with that company. How good are they? I like the sound of loli-ge.

>> No.6350916
File: 188 KB, 650x600, brigitte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 year old twins? Frilly dresses? I like where this is going.

>> No.6350924

Too bad they look older in their faces.

>> No.6350940


I plan on giving it a shot.

>> No.6350942

She's blushing and shouting at the same time. Must be tsundere.

>> No.6350951

I am officially excited. Game looks awesome.

>> No.6350961

Nekoneko-soft didnt die some years ago?

>> No.6350970

I hope the girl's breasts aren't too big, I have a bad feeling.

>> No.6350998
Quoted by: >>6351019

They shut down in 2006, but made a comeback last year.

>> No.6350999
Quoted by: >>6351019

It did die but it came back in July 16,2008 after 1 year and 9 months

>> No.6351019

Good to know.

>> No.6351742
File: 341 KB, 800x600, scarlett010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6351809

I wish they'd have done something like Scarlett instead ;_; . Damn, that'd have been so great.

>> No.6351798

Oh wow, they really are 10 and it looks like they have ero scenes too. This is the second time I've ever seen a mainstream company blatantly say the age of their lolis is underage the other time was with a 12 year old.

Of course Sakuranbo Shogakkou does it all the time but they're a doujin soft company.

>> No.6351800
Quoted by: >>6351808

Question what does ppoi mean at the end of a word? I see it from time to time, this time 子供っぽい

My Japanese is fairly weak.

>> No.6351804
Quoted by: >>6351823

>>Oh wow, they really are 10 and it looks like they have ero scenes too. This is the second time I've ever seen a mainstream company blatantly say the age of their lolis is underage the other time was with a 12 year old.

There's more doing that than you may believe.

I'm pretty sure it is the case in Musume Shimai, Please Teach Me ABC, Mei Shoujo, etc.

>> No.6351808

-ish, -like

>> No.6351809 [DELETED] 


>> No.6351823

I've not played Please Teach Me but I have played a decent number of loli-ge such as Musume Shimai, Mei Shoujo, Oyatsu no Jikan, Pink no Ayumi, Hatsukoi, Futago Ecchi, and Nekokawaigari and like a dozen others. What they've always done is ignore how old the girls are, sure you know damn well Pudding in Oyatsu no Jikan is extremely underage but they never say how old she is and in Nekokawaigari they even discuss how the twins are just kids but again you don't get their ages.

So yes, the girls in Musume Shimai and such are in Jr High and that's obvious, what isn't obvious is how old they really are. They never come out and say whether they're 12 or 15 or if they were held back 4 times and they're really "18" like some companies cop out on.

The fact that Nekoneko-soft, a company I'm unfamiliar with, is willing to blatantly state 2 of their main characters are 10 is surprising to me.

>> No.6351838
Quoted by: >>6351865 >>6351874

Watch it have no ero. Ultimate trolling.

>> No.6351865
File: 177 KB, 650x600, maricca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clearly see 10 year old loli nipples.

>> No.6351874
File: 47 KB, 640x480, i0174630-1287852366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ビジュアルノベル18禁
No chance of that.

But I do agree, it's pretty surprising, since lately even things like "high school" are becoming just "school", and you see some impressive disclaimers like this one.

>> No.6351890
File: 130 KB, 800x600, evcho06_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, their heads are horrible. They really don't know how to draw lolis.

>> No.6351897
Quoted by: >>6351959 >>6351971

>loli eroge

Confirmed for never getting translated neither officially nor by fans.

>> No.6351959
Quoted by: >>6351972

Oh for fucks sake, at least wait with bitching about its translation until the game is out.

I doubt it'll be worth translating anyway, it likely won't be better than other NNS games like Scarlett or Sanarara.

>> No.6351968
Quoted by: >>6353171

Why doesn't she have a DFC?

>> No.6351971

>implying loli eroge has never been translated before.

>> No.6351972 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6351977


>> No.6351978

I miss the Sa Na Ra Ra art.

>> No.6351977 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6351997


>> No.6351997 [DELETED] 

>reported for greentext

>> No.6353171

Because nekonekosoft hates loli. They'll make her look at least pubescent even if she shouldn't be.
Another shit game

>> No.6356979
Quoted by: >>6357009

Why do they have gigantic heads and older-looking faces?

>> No.6357009

What bothers me is their tits but I'm ok with it because precocious puberty
