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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 555x520, 1268294883967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5094518 No.5094518 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>5094573

So, Hiri is never coming back. Let's all say goodbye to Hiri. She turned out to be a slut and a bitch, but we still need to say goodbye to her.

>> No.5094523

sour grapes

>> No.5094530

I liked hiri and i still do

>> No.5094537


Also, please be true.

>> No.5094534

Cancer. Stop loving your fucking userbase.

>> No.5094548

I feel kind of bad for fucking with her so much in that thread earlier.
Oh well.

>> No.5094550

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.5094556
Quoted by: >>5094581 >>5094584

Damnit, /jp/, what did you do now?

>> No.5094557
Quoted by: >>5094573 >>5094576

Who the fuck is Hiri?

>> No.5094569

you are supposed to say nice things about people you are saying goodbye to.But i guess this is just the /jp/ way.

>> No.5094573

Some drawfag was attention whoring. Don't worry about it.

>> No.5094576

The OP/a shitty troll.

>> No.5094581

We raided her facebook and she got mad.

>> No.5094583
Quoted by: >>5094757 >>5094761

Thank you mods, if this is true.
Though i feel kind of sad that they banned !Ciel from /jp/.
He is the only one who could singlehandedly drive away the newfags we are going to have once summer holidays come.

>> No.5094584

I released her IRL info about her in the thread, then she started getting unnerved and lost her cutesy act after I convinced her to tell everyone if she's a virgin or not. She admitted to being non-virgin and now no one likes her anymore.


>> No.5094592


>> No.5094601
Quoted by: >>5094610

What the fuck?
That's going way to far, man.

>> No.5094610
Quoted by: >>5094713


Fucking summer.

>> No.5094696

Did you say it in red?

>> No.5094717
Quoted by: >>5094765

Have a link to the archived thread?

>> No.5094713

/jp/ isn't /b/, that level of harassment is not needed here.

>> No.5094750
Quoted by: >>5094810

So /jp/ is starting to turn bad.

>> No.5094757

You did well, my good sir. You worked for the Greater Good.

I have to agree. Butt was so incredibly idiotic, it was actually kind of refreshing. It kinda reminded me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNBNqUdqm1E
And he fitted that role perfectly.

>> No.5094761


>> No.5094765


>> No.5094810
Quoted by: >>5094829

No, /jp/ starts turning bad when random 17 year old girls start thinking /jp/ is their personal playground and continue their shenanigans despite having full knowledge the whole community (with the exception of one or two vocal "fans" whose opinion doesn't really matter) is against it.

>> No.5094829
Quoted by: >>5094838 >>5095019

I was just saying that you guys could have been a bit nicer.....

>> No.5094838
Quoted by: >>5094857 >>5094853

That could have invited her to come again - a risk we can't afford to take.

>> No.5094857
Quoted by: >>5094871


oh, you're one of those "anonymous is legion" guys

>> No.5094853
Quoted by: >>5094887

Is she even that bad?The other one was worse.

>> No.5094867
Quoted by: >>5094889

Too much elitists fags on /jp/. But who cares.

>> No.5094871

Lol that kinda sounds funny.

>> No.5094887


What Other?

>> No.5094889
File: 618 KB, 142x166, baw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5094906

>elitist fags
>your face when you were writing this

>> No.5094901
Quoted by: >>5094929

Oh, she's a non-virgin?

Glad you guys drove her out then.

>> No.5094906
File: 21 KB, 182x182, bawx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face while writing this

>> No.5094912

S t O p B e i N G a P s y C h o c o P Y C a T T H i E f M O O t a K A C H R i s T o P h E R P o O l E f R o M n E W Y o R K h t T P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5094929

Goodness if i was her i would have said yes i was a virgin but i guess she just did not know what /jp/ thought of non-virgins.

>> No.5094933
Quoted by: >>5094950

So /jp/ has avatar roleplaying and raids now?

>> No.5094950

Yep but they don't like it.

>> No.5094957
Quoted by: >>5094972 >>5095095

And you guys wonder that you are ronery losers.

>> No.5094972

I would not call them losers just mean people.

>> No.5094994

I wanted to get to know hiri

>> No.5095018

I wonder why people dislike Hiri so much but love people like Sion and CurryButt

>> No.5095019
File: 175 KB, 800x800, 1244427575220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bit nicer
Are you serious.
Well, no I CAN'T be nicer. Why? Roleplaying is too offensive to be in /jp/. And, what do you know, I was offended. The mere thought that my best Internet hang-out place, the place I've put my mind and soul into and all my attempts to have nice things in that very place would be replaced by some idiot chatting via a poorly drawn avatar not only offends me, but it also makes me mad, frustrated, brings my piss to a boil and doesn't let me take it easy. When I came to /jp/, I thought: "Yay, I won't have to endure roleplayers, among other things, anymore!". And I'm sure I can't be the only one who thought like that.(hence the "we" other Anonymous already said, which also covers my case)

No, I won't be nice to her. I still think she is as repulsive of a sight as daily Bawson 10/10 page spam for two months. She is one of the reasons the Maid should be online 24/7 watching /jp/. And I'm amazed at the amount of people not only tolerating, but LIKING this. I mean... am I in some kind of bizarro /jp/ all of a sudden?

>> No.5095040
Quoted by: >>5095061

oh shit did you guys actually give two shits about this retard?
I thought only he posted in his threads samefagging

>> No.5095047
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1237859346781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating, young blood.

>> No.5095058

y O u R a D M I n , m O o t , a K A C H r I s t o P H e r P o o l E , t h e N E w y o R k c O o L k i d W i t H s u n G L A S S E S A n D F R e C k L E s , p U B l I s H E S F a k e S e M a I l S A n D S t E A L s O t h E r S W O R K . d o U A g R e E W i T h d I S ? i f n o T : h t t P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5095061
Quoted by: >>5095067

Fucking retard thinks his opinion matters.

Don't make me use my mental chi waves again you backpedaling nerd.

>> No.5095067
Quoted by: >>5095131

you are next you fucking retard

>> No.5095078
Quoted by: >>5095122

You don't think she is cute? Not even a little?

>> No.5095086
Quoted by: >>5095162

I don't know why I read your shit but I think you should finish your homework.

>> No.5095087

She was silly to give out personal info on here anyway but i do feel bad for her.

>> No.5095095
Quoted by: >>5095119 >>5095185

Oh hi, there's always one of you in every thread so let me give you the usual rundown. Most jpers are dissatisfied with reality, that is 3d, to the effect of rejecting it in favor of delicious 2d escapism. This applies especially to women and to this particular attention suckling avatarfriend who takes the time of day to shit up my beloved board with her transparent cutesy mannerism and blatant disregard to the kind of discourse this board is trying to promote.

>> No.5095119
Quoted by: >>5095127

>3d pig disgusting hurrrrrr xD

Oh look it's the retard who was spamming the Lenfriend thread not long ago.

>> No.5095122
Quoted by: >>5095181

No. She is as bland, pretentious and devoid of any "cuteness" or "fun" as any other avatar tripfag I have encountered in my sad, pathetic life. However, I'd have to ask YOU instead: What did YOU, an adult who knows the basic premises of posting on an imageboard that has nothing, I repeat NOTHING, to do with roleplaying and has been posting here for at least two years, find in this poorly executed bitch of an avatar?

>> No.5095131

What we have here, is a faggot who only likes that which wil never love him back, 2-fucking-d

>> No.5095127

oh look it's the retard who posted the lenfriend thread not long ago

>> No.5095155
File: 47 KB, 4000x3138, 1215552118573 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhum, I see... Please, continue.

>> No.5095160

/jp/ does stupid pointless things.jpg
I liked that drawfag. She was fun and only made a thread every once in a while, it didn't shit up the place any worse then the idolfriends or mahjongbuddies.

>> No.5095162

What's this? A roleplaying fan calling me immature? Did it bother you that much that the Janitor shares my opinion? Or do you think he is underage too?

>> No.5095167

Leave the fucking retard alone. He's my prey.

>> No.5095168
Quoted by: >>5095185 >>5095193

I like a girl in real life
what now?

>> No.5095181

Well, I did find her annoying, but I liked saving her pictures because those were pretty cute.

>> No.5095185
Quoted by: >>5095207 >>5095221

Oh, sorry Suigin, I didn't mean to reference you, I meant >>5095095

3D is great you guys. You just have to find the right girl. No, it isn't easy, no way, but in the end, it seemed worth it for me.

>> No.5095193

I prescribe 72 hours of non-stop eroge. If symptoms persist repeat treatment.

>> No.5095207

Go away, normalfag.

>> No.5095221
Quoted by: >>5095244

I like a girl in real life too and I share his opinion. Now what?
You know, the point of this board is to escape from our real life, not talk about it. This is where 2D comes in. And I won't stand for any masat01!FR0hP.YNx. thinking that somehow this isn't the case.

>> No.5095244
Quoted by: >>5095259


>> No.5095259
Quoted by: >>5095271

Troll? I don't care, I rest my case.

>> No.5095271
Quoted by: >>5095423

Do you have any idea what I said?
I simply said you lie...if not, I find that hard to believe, as it seems to be a contradiction to yourself. You can explain your reasoning to me though so I can understand it better.

>> No.5095338

so much sage in this thread o_o

>> No.5095423

Then don't speak in an obsolete manner, trying to sound cool, if you want to communicate. And no, I don't speak Japanese.

I only talked about myself because the situation forced me to. Now that we got that out of the way,
the fact that I just told you that a part of my personal life is like that doesn't mean every other user shares the same experience. And, indeed, there are so many people here who have serious social phobias, personality disorders or are just plain shy, that would make a successful at life jock cringe. Therefore, we have all agreed (and mind you, this goes way further than just /jp/) to set apart our personal life from our Internet one. And since talking about our hobbies already is some sort of escapism from daily routine for some other people, ones who may actually have lives outside, they don't bother extending their personals over other people who need that escapism(the ones with social problems, etc.). It's some kind of social agreement, but one that is wanted equally by both parts. And, I'm sorry, but you can't go around ruining that agreement.
