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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 728x1000, 1257048612432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4885035 No.4885035 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>4885037

You're walking home from class. The usual route, winding down past rows of shops and restaurants that stand between campus and your apartment. It's a boring walk, once you've made it for the thousandth time, one you usually make alone with only your thoughts and mp3 player for company. You trudge along, waiting till you can get home and post on /jp/.

Today, though, you stop. Wasn't that store boarded up and abandoned yesterday? You hadn't heard that anything was supposed to be moving into that spot. But there it is. A break in your usual routine.

There's a sign up above the door, announcing the store's name in simple lettering: "Cloth Exchange." An open sign is in the window beside it. Besides that, there's no obvious sign that the place is open. The windows are uncovered on the outside, but the blinds are drawn tight, so you can't see inside.

What the hell. You have nothing better to do on a Tuesday afternoon. You decide to head inside and see what's up.

A bell tinkles as you walk inside. Its... odd, to say the least. The store smells old, far too old to have just moved in. Soft light filters in past the window-blinds and through dust motes fluttering around shelves and racks lined with clothes. Behind the counter, an old woman dozes fitfully, stirring only slightly as you enter the store.

You browse the shelves aimlessly for a little while, not seeing anything of particular interest. Why'd you come in here anyways? It's nothing but old dusty clothes. Must be an off-brand Goodwill or something. Everything looks second to fourth hand.

>> No.4885037
Quoted by: >>4885059


Then... you see it. On a back rack it hangs, set apart from the rest. The most perfect school uniform you've ever seen. You didn't even think that they ever made them like this, at least outside of Japan. But here it is, on this back rack.

Next to it, just as pristine, is a maid uniform. Not just some poorly-made cosplay costume, either—you can tell at a glance that this is the real deal.

On the other side is a third outfit—this one a fancy evening gown of sheer silk. It looks brand new, like you'd find in a fancy designer store, not a thrift store like this.

What if...

Warily you cast your eye towards the front of the store. The old woman is still snoring away. And there's a changing room right there. You've always secretly wanted to try this sort of thing, haven't you?

—Which one do you want to take?

>> No.4885044

I fire up my favorite IOSYS album

>> No.4885046
Quoted by: >>4885078

all three

and the cash register

>> No.4885052

I want to run the rest of the way back home hoping no one tries to stop me, drop out of school, and spend the rest of my life in my room.

>> No.4885059
Quoted by: >>4885154


Maid outfit, no doubt.

>> No.4885065

school uniform

>> No.4885078

then to ebay

>> No.4885079

Buy all of them.

>> No.4885090 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885099


Thread reported; I encourage you all to do the same.

>> No.4885099 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885120 >>4885117


Why? It's /jp/ related.

>> No.4885097
Quoted by: >>4885110 >>4885180

This is going to end with the main character becoming a girl and then getting repeatedly raped with no way to turn back, isn't it?

>> No.4885110


>> No.4885111

There's no mention that it's a girl's school uniform.

>> No.4885120 [DELETED] 

>This is what trash from touhouproject really think.

>> No.4885117

In the first few months of /jp/ we had a rush of CYOA threads, set in Gensokyo and definitely /jp/ related.
However, they quickly became a problem, flooding the board with both the original story, people asking if they missed the threads, and cheap imitations.
Because of it, a roleplaying ban was instated in /jp/ and you can't have this sort of threads anymore.

Let's see how this goes.

>> No.4885134

I hope so. Then i really want to be the main charater.

>> No.4885139 [DELETED] 

Thread reported.

>> No.4885148 [DELETED] 

wtf at people reporting this. God forbid someone tries to post original content rather than another j-idol or "lol whats your favorite touhou" thread.

>> No.4885154
Quoted by: >>4885181 >>4885196


In one deft movement you grab the outfit from the rack and hurry into the changing room, locking the door behind you. It's small, just four feet or so square, with a small bench and a full-length mirror against one wall.

With anticipation you take off your clothes and examine the outfit you brought with you. It's perfect. Everything it needs is on the hanger, down to a pair of frilly lingerie. Awkwardly, looking away from the mirror so as to not embarrass yourself, you the parts on, one by one. You have a little trouble with the clasps on the garter belt, and ruffles on the skirt got caught at once point, but in a few minutes you seem to have it all in order.

The last thing on the hanger is a small blue silk ribbon, run through with gold thread in an intricate pattern. The finishing touch, you think, as you reach for it and awkwardly tie it into the back of your hair. You're going to look so ridiculous, but hey, you tried.

Then, just as you finish tying it, you feel a wave of nausea pass through you. You catch yourself against the wall of the booth, panting. It passes quickly though. Must have been all the dust in the air or something.

You straighten up. You have to say, the outfit feels... good on you. The way the stockings side against your skin. And it fits so well, almost as if it was tailored just for your figure. You give an experimental twirl towards the mirror—then stop and stare at yourself in shock.

>> No.4885158 [DELETED] 

>"lol whats your favorite touhou" thread

Hey, we NEED those.

>> No.4885162 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885170

Do you really want to see /jp/ ruined by terrible fanfiction (again) that much?

>> No.4885163 [DELETED] 


There are two types of people on /jp/: those who create original content, and those who don't. The first group contains all kinds of people--writefags, drawfags, and others--of wildly varying quality. Some are good, some are not.

The second group cannot stand original content. They're happy to consume content created by non-/jp/ers. But what they cannot admit is that there are people on /jp/ who _can_ generate such content--while they can't.

And so instead of trying to become better to join the ranks of the original content creators, they report every thread that attempts to generate original content, because it makes them feel inferior.

>> No.4885159
Quoted by: >>4885210

Some advice, kid. /tg/ might bitch, but, moot gave his personal OK to quest-threads in there. Might wanna take it to them.

>> No.4885166 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885208

NB: one addition to this; while I do support OC threads, even CYOA... this particular thread is not a very /jp/-related CYOA.

>> No.4885170 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885192


Are you saying /jp/ isn't already terrible?

Look at the first three pages and think carefully.

>> No.4885176 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885193

Or maybe it's just that CYOAs are shit by definition.

>> No.4885178 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885193

>/jp/ - deviantart contributors/internet psychiatrists

>> No.4885180


It damn well better. At any rate, it's been a long time since YWUIG and we're not Japan - General anymore. The topic seems to be very /jp/-related, and if this ends up not being terrible I'm okay with a CYOA thread here.

>> No.4885181

Please tell me I've been turned into the Masked Maid Guy!

>> No.4885186

I hope this doesn't get removed.

>> No.4885192 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885209

>I don't understand the difference between a disease of the skin and a disease of the heart

>> No.4885193 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885222


Hello thar, group 2ers. Enjoy your incompetence and have fun projecting it onto others!

>> No.4885196
File: 177 KB, 900x1200, 1267665882516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You were always a scrawny kid. You never had the most masculine figure. But this... this isn't you in your reflection. Your reflection is slender, your hips curvy, your hair longer and tied up expertly behind your head, your breasts—


You reach up with your hands to feel. They confirm your suspicions. Panicked, you reach down beneath your skirt. There's nothing there. Your panties are tight against your skin. There is no longer an unnatural-looking bulge there.

Before you can check further, you are startled by a knock at the door to the changing room. "Somebody in there?" a raspy old voice calls out. Shit! It's the old woman!

—What do you do?

>> No.4885202
Quoted by: >>4885229

Kill the batman.

>> No.4885204
Quoted by: >>4885229



>> No.4885208 [DELETED] 

>implying /jp/ doesn't want to be the little girl

>> No.4885209 [DELETED] 


Are you doing ANYTHING to help besides complain and report?

I didn't think so.

>> No.4885210 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885235 >>4885308


Yea, but this is much more /jp/ related than /tg/ related....

>> No.4885211


>> No.4885217
Quoted by: >>4885229

Put on white hat and gloves and moonwalk out of the store

>> No.4885222 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885242

ITT: "artists" who believe that when they are told to get out, it's not because their "art" is garbage and a disgrace to the board; it's because others are envious of their "talents," obviously!

>> No.4885221
Quoted by: >>4885257

Ask the price of your outfit.

>> No.4885227

Knock the old lady unconscious, run out with all of the outfits.

>> No.4885228

Put on my robe and wizard hat.
Seriously? Stay silent, hope she doesn't check.

>> No.4885229
Quoted by: >>4885255

You look around frantically, but you don't see him anywhere.

She would do something like that, you think. You decide not to yell, though.

There isn't anything like that around.

>> No.4885232
Quoted by: >>4885335

sauce on OP pic please

>> No.4885235
File: 173 KB, 687x953, maidrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming the maid
>more /jp/ than /tg/ related

>> No.4885242 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885248 >>4885254

>disgrace to the board

Seriously, what the fuck? You shitpost all day, flooding the board with awful threads, and you have the nerve to call _anything_ a "disgrace"?

/jp/ is terrible. Even a silly CYOA is an improvement.

>> No.4885248 [DELETED] 


This thread has gone on topic for a while. It's all related to /jp/ and Meido is okay with it.

I call it a success unless I see it again a week from now.

>> No.4885254 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885258

>I am fond of assumptions.

>> No.4885251

Roll 2d6 to determine maid type.

>> No.4885255

Check the lenght of your dress/skirt. This is important information.

>> No.4885258 [DELETED] 


Basically every single thread on /jp/ is shit. Anyone who claims that they are not responsible for some of the shit is lying.

Anyways, let's get back to the topic and not ruin this thread.

>> No.4885257


"Um, yes!" you squeal. Your voice has changed as well, to a high, girlish pitch. "Sorry!"

"It's alright, child. Just had to check." You hear her start to walk away from the door.

"W- wait!" you call out. "Um, how much do the things on the back rack cost?"

"For you?" she says, stopping. "Free of charge."


"It worked, didn't it?"

You hear her start to walk away. In confusion, you open up the door to the changing room and step outside to chase her.

The store is empty. The racks are bare of clothing. The only light in the store is filtering through boarded up windows. You are completely alone.

—What do you do?

>> No.4885261
Quoted by: >>4885330

[X] Jump into the lake

>> No.4885262

There is nothing wrong with a CYOA thread, so long as it doesn't end up like the KS threads on /a/. One every once in a while is nice, ten a week is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.4885266
Quoted by: >>4885330

[X] Feel my bouncy ass

>> No.4885271
Quoted by: >>4885330


Rape myself.

>> No.4885289
Quoted by: >>4885330

Gather up our old clothes (if they're still there) and go home.

>> No.4885300

Well, you could always do what we did with our CYOA.
Use sage for all the choices, only the OP bumps.
That way it spends very little time on the front page, and you're less likely to attract the ire of CYOA-haters.

>> No.4885305

>you are alone

Start anime emo lonely angst and end up finding happiness with the magical power of friendship and/or love with your new life as a girl.

>> No.4885308
File: 88 KB, 592x799, 1270518432525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885471


/tg/- /T/rans/g/ender.

EVERYTHING is /tg/ related, my lad.

>> No.4885314

[x] Change back, take the 3 outfits, go home

>> No.4885318

/jp/ of two months ago would have saged and reported this thread into oblivion by now. Not so for the /jp/ of today. What happened?

The name change happened. The daily raids happened. /b/, /v/ and /a/ happened.

Now, all of the newfags who never had to suffer through the worst period in /jp/'s history are inviting the same disaster upon us anew.

...I weep for you, /jp/. I weep for what you - we have become.

>> No.4885330
File: 156 KB, 550x800, cf5481715deac91fc17de71f5b29cc3b25ff64a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's nothing like that around here!


You go back into the changing room and slump down on the bench, your head swimming. Too much has happened in the past minute for you to process.

You stare at yourself in the mirror. ...You have to admit, you look good. Like, really good. You stand again, admiring your new figure. Nice ass, too, you think, as you give it a small squeeze.


...This gives you an idea. Slowly, you reach down underneath your skirt and touch the front of your panties. A shiver runs up your spine at the faint sensation. You press a little harder, and it comes again, stronger this time. So this is what it feels like...


Suddenly, you realize that it's starting to get dark outside. You should probably get somewhere safer before you start... messing around like that. You look around you for your old clothes, but you are dismayed to find that they too have somehow vanished. Your bag, though, is still sitting by the door to the booth.

—What do you do?

>> No.4885333
Quoted by: >>4885417


Put your jacket over the outfit and try to sneak out of the store unnoticed.

>> No.4885335
Quoted by: >>4885417


>> No.4885343
Quoted by: >>4885417

Put on my jacket, which I always keep placed in my bag in case of sudden showers.

>> No.4885351
Quoted by: >>4885369

...Is touhouproject down or something?

>> No.4885354
Quoted by: >>4885417

Put on school uniform

>> No.4885361
Quoted by: >>4885417

Become a paladin

>> No.4885369

We must have CYOA fans who aren't into Touhou, I suppose.

>> No.4885379

Screw safety. Go back to touching myself.

>> No.4885391


Shove the bag into my vagina.

>> No.4885399

So you're not doing checkbox-and-votes format, OP? That seems like it'd be simpler to manage.

>> No.4885417
File: 91 KB, 525x700, 1267663746516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno, I had it in a random image folder.


The school uniform has vanished, along with the rest of the items in the shop.


Why bother? You'd just fall.


Luckily, you remember you had a jacket crammed into your bag. You put it on. It covers the top of your outfit, at least, but your stocking-clad legs and frilly skirt are still visible. Still, it's better than nothing. You head to the front to the store. Luckily, the door has a latch on the back. You open it and quietly slip out into the street.

It's getting dark, probably around seven o'clock.

—Where are you going to go?

>> No.4885431
Quoted by: >>4885526


A pub.

>> No.4885433

The sidewalk outside a seedy motel.

>> No.4885436
Quoted by: >>4885526

home sweet home

>> No.4885439

Wallmart, I need useful goods at inexpensive prices.

>> No.4885445
Quoted by: >>4885460 >>4885526

Take short cuts through dark alleys.

>> No.4885452

Down a dark back alley, to get home ASAP

Nothing could possibly go wrong

>> No.4885455
Quoted by: >>4885526

The park. It always worked for Shiki when he didn't know where to go.

>> No.4885458

Back to /tg/ with you.

>> No.4885460
Quoted by: >>4885526


This. We need to get back as soon as possible!

>> No.4885463

Wake up.

>> No.4885471 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is wrong with you? This isn't /jp/ related at all and /tg/ is for traditional games.

Get the fuck out faggot shit

>> No.4885484 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885505 >>4885509

What's the best way to contact moot? CYOA is against the rules and the janitor clearly isn't doing his job.

>> No.4885495

No damn alleys. The crowded streets are safer. Just walk, fast.

>> No.4885505 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885513



>> No.4885509 [DELETED] 


But yeah this shouldn't be anywhere near this place. There's a reason we never have any threads following a person in touhou or the like.

And its very related to the "[x] jump in the lake" meme.

Very, very related.

>> No.4885514

[x] cook eggs

>> No.4885513 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ missing 2 pages
Yes there's lots of moderation that's how we've been able to keep the influx of faggots and retards from /tg/, /a/ and /v/ in line even outside of raid times.

The worst people are the /tg/ failures though.

>> No.4885526
File: 1.12 MB, 716x985, 1253229685143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could really use a drink after all this... but there aren't any good bars around here, as far as you know of.


What would Tohno Shiki do? you think to yourself... probably rape the maids. Seeing as you are one right now, you decide to avoid his advice.


Going home is probably your best bet, you decide. As quickly as possible.

You live in a small one-bedroom apartment, in a complex of mostly students. It's cheap housing, the only kind you can afford, so it's not exactly in the best part of town. You could walk around to the main entrance, but you decide to take your usual short-cut through the alleyway behind the shops backing your apartment complex. There's no-one around, luckily.

You get into the main area of your complex and head towards your place. As you walk up the stairs to your building, you hear the thump thump of a subwoofer coming from a few houses down. It looks like they're having some kind of party down there. The front door of two apartments are open, and there's a small crowd of people standing around outside.

—What do you do?

>> No.4885533
Quoted by: >>4885597

Check out what's going on there. Discreetly.

>> No.4885539 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885545

Stop posting you massive force of faggotry and go die in a ditch somewhere. If /tg/ really is taken as everything then go completely ruin your board instead of tainting our board.

>> No.4885545 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885551

Compared to others topics on the first page, this isn't bad at all.

>> No.4885547
File: 30 KB, 392x300, 1263645070034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Pull the plug on lights and radio

>> No.4885551 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter if you like it or not. It only matters if its related.


>> No.4885557

>What do you do?


>> No.4885558 [DELETED] 

Threads like these lead to the banning of many many people and the invasion of such threads on other touhou sites such as pooshlmer. It became so bad even moot stepped in and told us to quit it and that these threads were NEVER RELATED. So it doesn't fit here get it the fuck out.

>> No.4885566 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885571

ITT: we learn that meido is a roleplaying fanficition faggot

>> No.4885571 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885592

>meido is a roleplaying fanficition faggot
Yep apparently so. Meido does a lot of good for the board but this shit wont fly.

>> No.4885577

[x] go to the party and get raped

>> No.4885578
Quoted by: >>4885587

Chill the fuck out guys. Report then hide the threads, why are you retards bothering hanging around and exclaiming your rage that such a thread showed up on /jp/? Shitty threads are always on /jp/, you complaining doesn't make them any less shitty.

tl;dr hide and report faggots.

>> No.4885587 [DELETED] 

>Report then hide the threads
How the fuck does that help us when we'll just get invaded with shitthreads like these since the janitor is a roleplaying faggot? This isn't related. It shouldn't be here even if its good.

Get the fuck out faggot.

>> No.4885592 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885594

It wont fly no, But this is one big Turd boat sailing on our sea of piss called 4chan

>> No.4885597
File: 169 KB, 486x600, 1267664876502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You stop as you get to your door. It looks like they're having a good time down there. You'd always wanted to go to one of their parties, but you didn't know any of them so you felt too awkward to just walk in. But now you're an attractive woman, right? They can just walk in anywhere. And that means free booze! You put down your bag in your apartment and head back outside and down the stairs to the party.

You walk up to the crowd out front as casually as you can. You hear a guy whistle. "This isn't a costume party, you know," he says. You pick him out in a group of guys standing near the doorway.

"I just came from one," you lie quickly.

He nods. "Hey, I'm not complaining. Booze is inside, if you want it."

—What do you do?

>> No.4885594 [DELETED] 

Good idea to fish it out then.

>> No.4885602

Call the /jp/ police

>> No.4885603

Men are scary, get back to your own apartment!

>> No.4885601 [DELETED] 

Kill self to end thread forever.

>> No.4885607
Quoted by: >>4885667


Try to stop time, if it doesn't work, get drunk ASAP.

>> No.4885612
File: 91 KB, 419x600, 1268088012941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the booze, eat all the pizza rolls and start up a game of Scattergories

>> No.4885616
File: 654 KB, 1408x2000, tensi_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do Sohara

>> No.4885618

Get out of there.

>> No.4885629 [DELETED] 

This one thread is worse than the last three raids we've suffered.

Because its still fucking here for no fucking reason.

>> No.4885633
Quoted by: >>4885667

Free alcohol and strange men? Sounds like a winner.

>> No.4885634
Quoted by: >>4885667

Drink. Heavily.

>> No.4885638
Quoted by: >>4885644 >>4885667

Consume alcohol and proceed to be raped.

>> No.4885641
Quoted by: >>4885667


>> No.4885644
Quoted by: >>4885667

Consume alcohol and proceed to rape him with a strap-on.

>> No.4885656 [DELETED] 


>> No.4885667
File: 96 KB, 626x877, 1253228174115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, posting's back.


"Thanks," you reply, and make your way inside.

The inside of the house is crowded with people. You can barely hear anything over the music. You make your way into the kitchen. There's a keg of beer on the floor, and a tub of some kind of mixed drink on the counter.

—What do you do?

>> No.4885684
Quoted by: >>4885738


Mystery mixed drink sounds tasty. Let's help ourselves to some of that.

>> No.4885685

Change mind. Decide to visit little sister. Rape.

>> No.4885688
Quoted by: >>4885738

Drink the mixed drink

>> No.4885689
Quoted by: >>4885738

Dump the mystery drink on the floor and roll around in it.

>> No.4885691

Run home and post on /jp/ about whats happened.

>> No.4885692
Quoted by: >>4885738 >>4885741

Drink the probably date rape laced mixed drink

>> No.4885693

Post on /jp/ about it.

>> No.4885701
Quoted by: >>4885738

Mixed drink.

>> No.4885718

>mixed drink
>mixed drink
>mixed drink


>> No.4885738
File: 143 KB, 960x1146, 978e4d025648effe19c6105c92a27287de21f76c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beer's never really been your thing, anyways. You scoop yourself a drink of... whatever that stuff is, and take a sip. Whatever it is, it's strong, and burns going down your throat. It's tasty, though, and you're thirsty, so you down it pretty quickly and go to grab another.

Whoa. As soon as you take your second cup you have to lean against the wall. That stuff hit you fast. Your new body obviously doesn't have the tolerance you had before. You feel woozy and disoriented already.

—What do you do?

>> No.4885741

What madman would lace a whole tub of drink? It's obviously safe.

>> No.4885742
Quoted by: >>4885814

Go home and masturbate. What the fuck am I doing at a normalfag party?

>> No.4885745

Lay spread eagled on the counter because /jp/ is apparently a slut that likes frat boys.

>> No.4885746
Quoted by: >>4885814

go see little sister

>> No.4885753


Start waving the skirt, it's suddenly so fucking hot there.

>> No.4885796 [DELETED] 


>> No.4885814
File: 2.03 MB, 3000x3333, 393145782388bee5f8554a6c2836163bd9722f26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wonder for a moment why you've been thinking this. You don't even have a little sister.


This was a bad idea. You should just go home and rest. You start to move towards the door, but you stumble and catch yourself against a wall. You're more woozy than you thought. You can feel your body heating up from the alcohol and the stuffy air of the crowded house.

"Hey, you alright?" you hear a voice say from behind you. "Need any help?"

—What do you do?

>> No.4885826

Say your penis hurts. You'll probably just slur whatever the fuck you say anyways.

>> No.4885832

I love this story, keep it up OP!

>> No.4885835
Quoted by: >>4886034

If girl: ok
If guy: reply "I dont swing that way"

>> No.4885836
Quoted by: >>4886034


I only allow cute or sexy girls to take advantage of me, drunk or not.

We can make it home without assistance. It's not that far.

>> No.4885843


turn around. kick whoever asked you in the balls. walk out like a fucking badass.

>> No.4885868
Quoted by: >>4885884

Why the fuck is this shit here? Get it the fuck out.

>> No.4885870
Quoted by: >>4886034

"No, no I'm okay..."

Continue to stumble out of the party, heading back to your apartment.

>> No.4885874

Throw up. Ill probably feel better afterwards.

>> No.4885876

Kill them.

>> No.4885884
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1271284534052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885894

Eh, relax guy.

you dont have to read the thread.

>> No.4885882
Quoted by: >>4885893

Go back to /tg/, I assume this is where all the roleplaying faggotry comes from.

>> No.4885894 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885910

And you don't have to post it here. Go ruin other boards instead of tainting one that has stayed pure from this faggotry.

>> No.4885893 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885905

It comes from 2ch.
An essential meeting place for the otaku community.

>> No.4885905 [DELETED] 

No it doesn't.

Meido grow a fucking pair and abide to the board rules instead of protecting your oh so beloved roleplaying faggotry.

>> No.4885912
File: 7 KB, 193x170, 1241168194158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885919 >>4886042

Oh god this thread brings back memories.

>> No.4885910

Yes, THIS is the cancer that is killing /jp/.
THIS, a thread that's basically a multiplayer VN.
Not the "Why is /jp/ so shitty?" threads or Japanese bird cooking spaghetti, or even the constant raids from other boards.
THIS is the absolute WORST THREAD ON /jp/ EVER

>> No.4885913

Get the fuck out faggots

>> No.4885919 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885936

Yeah back when the board got locked down because faggots made threads like this one.

>> No.4885928 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885936

This thread makes me frustrated.

>> No.4885930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885936

OP kill yourself

Meido grow up and deal with the fact that your roleplaying faggotry does not belong here.

>> No.4885936 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 707x403, 1269930911712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885940


lol y u so mad tho?

>> No.4885937 [DELETED] 

You guys know the janitor might just be asleep, right?

Take it easy, I'm sure enough people have reported the thread already, ranting in here changes nothing.

>> No.4885938 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885955

Thread is /jp/ related, janitor-san agreed don't bother him about it :3

>> No.4885940 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885949

Because it attracts people like you. Who types like you and thinks like you.

>> No.4885944 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885958

If /jp/ doesn't cover threads like these, how come half of /jp/ are here waiting for OP to post again?

>> No.4885949 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 200x150, 1270869815369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885970


Sorry but I'm not even reading this fanfictiony shit. I just like seeing faggots like you get mad over the internet.

>> No.4885955 [DELETED] 

moot disagrees with janitor. I don't want to stain our janitor or possibly have him removed since he usually does a great job. But this shouldn't ever be here.
get the fuck out

>> No.4885958 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4885970

>implying its only half of /jp/

its just a troll or 2 ruining it for the rest of us, like always.

>> No.4885970 [DELETED] 

Of course you're reading it. Otherwise you wouldn't be defending it.
Then go to /tg/ they're the roleplaying board isnt it? they have D&D and keep shitting /jp/ up the most.

>> No.4885977 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 135x130, 1265291480428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885996 >>4886017

>implying this is a roleplaying thread

>> No.4885984 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 428x336, 1259124762455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4885996 >>4886017


>Implying I read this shit when I can just troll /jp/, being the easiest board to troll, all day long.

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.4885996 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4886003

Same person, go back to /v/ and take your roleplaying threads (like this one) with you.

>> No.4886003 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 485x323, 1254035546092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4886017


Might wanna check your chair for thumbtacks bro I can practically feel the asspain through the tubes.

>> No.4886004 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 392x300, CoolFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4886017

i kinda like it here actually.

problem, anon?

>> No.4886017 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4886045

Exactly the reason why these threads became a bannable offense.

>> No.4886018 [DELETED] 

Hurry up OP, this thread is becoming shit.

>> No.4886020 [DELETED] 

Ignore the trolls op, please continue.

Oh and head home asap.

>> No.4886034
File: 64 KB, 370x760, 1253229362668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"No, I'm ok. Really." You straighten up.

"Alright, if you say so," says whoever was behind you.

You head slowly towards the door. By the time you get there you've managed to get most of your balance back. You're just not used to the way this body works, obviously. You get a few cat-calls as you make your way out the door and towards your own building.

...Wait a minute. Where is your building? You must have left the party from a different door than you entered from, because you don't recognize this area of the complex. You've probably been there before, but in your current mental state you can't tell where you are at all.

—What do you do?

>> No.4886040

Last call.

If you want to continue, take it to the ghost board.

>> No.4886042

Yeah back when the board got locked down because faggots made threads like this one.

Spoiler: OP is meido, the janitor

>> No.4886045
File: 102 KB, 300x396, 1269886165620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolls like you are the reason. by picking fights with anyone who doesnt post fucking toohoos all day.

so heres one for you, bye.

please continue OP, purge the filth with MOAR

>> No.4886053
Quoted by: >>4886049

Stay away fuckface

>> No.4886054


Walk around the perimeter of the building until you find the entrance you used.

I'm not gonna be raped by anyone except myself or maybe my childhood friend if he/she's cool.

>> No.4886047



>> No.4886049
Quoted by: >>4886053


And on that note, IRL is unfortunately intruding on me right now, so I have to go. Don't worry, though, I'll be back later tonight to continue our little adventure!
