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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40153613 No.40153613 [Reply] [Original]

Read more. and listen!
Ignore Tatsumoto spam

previous thread:

>> No.40153634



>> No.40153912
Quoted by: >>40157715

Wtf I can’t read Japanese because I’m a beginner so when I clicked on the link I didn’t expect you to take me to your Patreon wtf? This guide is a scam
Thanks for the great guides! I personally used all of them and I’m fluent now!

>> No.40153914
File: 465 KB, 477x598, 1655053943032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh thanks for the thread op
love that new thread smell

>> No.40153933

great guide
for all the newfriends we use this one now. the "guides" in the op are outdated and frowned upon.

>> No.40153952
Quoted by: >>40153965

people who get frustrated/hate them do so cause they are playing the wrong game
she craves being put down and dominated and ravaged when shes being stupid (in a pleasant way), or to play w/e
instead of doing that and having fun with her, people get mad and argue inane shit instead of enjoying her sweet treasues
how could she be anything but mad?

>> No.40153965

so they are like dogs they want to play

>> No.40153979
File: 179 KB, 1414x1414, FVCgOZnacAAr8U1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for any confused newfriends, this is the only thread approved guide

>> No.40153980


>> No.40154004
Quoted by: >>40154028

japan needs more diversity

>> No.40154005

cats basically
just like with cats you need the right combo of aloof, attentive, and playful

>> No.40154010
File: 1.09 MB, 1240x1754, 1654615536616(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek yeah i guess
if your golden retriever wants to go out and run and instead of doing that you start arguing why running is stupid lol golden retriever is gonna piss on everything/destroy things until you shut the fuck up and take it outside
lmaoing cause its so true

>> No.40154028

pride month bros lets gooooo

>> No.40154041

todays kyoku

>> No.40154057
File: 2.67 MB, 300x169, 1655033294234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40154068

lmao holy based

>> No.40154068
Quoted by: >>40154079

kneel to women

>> No.40154079
File: 74 KB, 555x680, 1655043331535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but v美人

>> No.40154086
Quoted by: >>40154122

its never hot people its always gross weirdos gay kissing

>> No.40154109


>> No.40154122

i only ever see hot babes kissing (i watch jav)

>> No.40154129

jamal might remember back when hot emo scene guys used to kiss each other for girls attention

>> No.40154160

yikes lmao

>> No.40154166
Quoted by: >>40154214

think i worked too hard yesterday
top of my neck muscles keep twitching at the back of my head feels like my brainstem is throbbing

>> No.40154181
Quoted by: >>40154219

love that feeling.
fucked myself up last friday and i feel little electricity jolts every time i move, had been so long
treasure doms bros youll miss it when its gone

>> No.40154214
Quoted by: >>40154269

i can sometimes hear my spinal fluid trickling around
really nice feeling

>> No.40154217

don't know that one feel

>> No.40154218
Quoted by: >>40154241

i have sensations like that sometimes and kind of a knot too and i always think ive got cancer its annoying

>> No.40154219
Quoted by: >>40154241

dunno if this is doms, bro

>> No.40154241

unironically stretch more and give yourself massages, it helps a tone
if you had pulled something youd probably know (i hope)
thrown my back twice but never pulled anything yosh!

>> No.40154263

never catch me doing anything beyond calistenics imagine fucking up your back and joints for vanity muscles

>> No.40154269
Quoted by: >>40154314

that's just a sign that you've acquired so much japanese that your body struggles to contain it

>> No.40154289 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40154321

this guy is so obnoxious and he never stops posting

>> No.40154300

if tumbling counts as calistechnics to you that was one of the times...
the other was heavy squats
its no big deal really was fine in a month and didn't have long lasting effects
learned to not go for that last rep if i know i cant tho

>> No.40154314

anon you are so pleasant!
wanted to say i love your posts!

>> No.40154321

you shouldn't let minor things like that get to you, anon
feel bad for all the people that avoid lifting at all thinking that it will ruin their joints
all things in moderation

>> No.40154323
Quoted by: >>40154442

yep love that anon fr fr capjanai

>> No.40154328

every dude who squats and deadlifts with heavy weights has either fucked up there back, will fuck up their back, or is lying about having fucked up their back
literally every one
"nah nah its fine now i swear muh form" then they blow it out a month later

>> No.40154346
Quoted by: >>40154365

specify what counts as heavy squats or deadlifts right now so I know whether to laugh at you or not

>> No.40154350

the moderation is your joints and back doing its job as a biped walking around for about 30 years
any extra stress or weight on top of that is just speeding up your bodies age

>> No.40154352
Quoted by: >>40154372

true true
thats why i only do weightless squats, pushups, pullups and bicep curls

>> No.40154358
Quoted by: >>40154382

well i mean you know you are taking a risk, humans grow through pain and surpassing their limits
guess wrong, and you pay for it
its as all things, your gf might murder you and steal all your things
you just have to he careful as much as possible

>> No.40154365
Quoted by: >>40154381

go back to your containment board /fit/izen
youve ruined a lot of peoples bodies with your broscience ive seen it firsthand

>> No.40154372
File: 375 KB, 1929x2000, 1655043387047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based chad knows what matters
love this post

>> No.40154373
Quoted by: >>40154412

personally I spend nearly 100% of my days supine on my couch so that gravity doesn't compress my spine, slowing my body's aging to the point where I'll never lose joint function

>> No.40154381

thanks for clearing that up

>> No.40154382

>you just have to he careful as much as possible
i.e. dont put excess stress and weight on your body expecially in repetition
you shouldnt even be overweight because of how it will fuck you up. the lighestest you can be without starving your bones and muscles is ideal why do you think womens hearts dont give out as fast

>> No.40154403
File: 78 KB, 771x1200, 1654189117737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just gave humans fire, not our fault they burned themselves
plus, to get a babe like this you have to at least match her, but probably surpass her
spoiler:most cheerleaders and ex gymnats i know fucked their backs too so ehh
tap the bridge before crossing

>> No.40154412

>slowing my body's aging
you should consider eating more calories from fat since its the only macronutrient that doesnt promote growth hormones

>> No.40154428
File: 109 KB, 599x509, 1654335793926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40154450

miyamoto musashi dueled over 60 times, to the death, and participated in many other fights that could not be described as duels where some died and he did not

his recorded injuries?

explain that

>> No.40154434
Quoted by: >>40154458

majiru? majiru?

>> No.40154442


>> No.40154450

heavy weightlifting with the kind of cardio conditioning only a true genetic freak could manage simultaneously
bet that mfer was built like a tank, probably deflected swords off his muscles by flexing

>> No.40154458
Quoted by: >>40154472

that's why girls make it and tism master wont

>> No.40154472

og vs qm 会話対決 livestream lets goooooo

>> No.40154485
Quoted by: >>40154517


>> No.40154507

split squats and romanian deadlifts

>> No.40154516
Quoted by: >>40154526

would anyone be interested in gaming with each other while talking Japanese

>> No.40154517

since I've doxed my face in pieces I might as well do a live video in Japan with him since I'm sure he'll visit. No chance for tricks or editing.
Gimme like 6 months after I move back.
yotsubachan level mistake
Just like ドンマイ

>> No.40154518

that would be fun

>> No.40154526

i could set up a discord?

>> No.40154530

would prefer watching a boxing match between them

>> No.40154531

uh oh queefy boy shaking in his boots!

>> No.40154548
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>> No.40154564

qm wouldn't want to livestream with his face since there are people who legit want to kill him over his discord antics. you two could do a voice conversation and livestream it though

>> No.40154592

He can wear a mask or something. I'll be nice outside the live. Id like to see the cute baby anyway if they are on family holiday.

>> No.40154597

they could do it right now but og is too chicken lmap qm offered to battle after her nonsense vocaroo self own and she got scared

>> No.40154612

>Id like to see the cute baby anyway
yikes og what are you planning

>> No.40154613
Quoted by: >>40154693

what makes you think they'd wanna meet you? lol

>> No.40154627

true true we could invite jamal and ciaran to the vacation too, djt battle royale in japan

>> No.40154634

he's objectively better then me right now in certain metrics like reading and advanced vocab
I need to be in the zone after staying in Japan for 6 months and studying up. I want it to be a slaughter

>> No.40154646
Quoted by: >>40154693

>studying up
what are you gonna study? minna no nihongo? lol

>> No.40154654

all djt battles in recorded history so far

>give me half a year
>one party pussies out

>> No.40154661

lmao true

>> No.40154669

so true, they rp like cutthroat hyper-competitive types but never back it up

>> No.40154672

still no redemption stream.....

>> No.40154691

qm has won every djt battle he's been in and og has lost all of her battles. not looking good for her

>> No.40154693

I'll finish vol 2 and the advance books finally :)
I get along with Germans usually and I know some nice spots in Tokyo to visit
I can't imagine djt drama would manifest irl that's not how humans work.
Hell they can use my spare room if they want to save money

>> No.40154705
Quoted by: >>40154721

if i go to japan can i use your spare room?

>> No.40154708

don't fall for it bro she didn't mean "slaughter" in a figurative way here >>40154634
you will die

>> No.40154712
Quoted by: >>40154719

dame and then quizler sneaks into the other room for some post-match action

>> No.40154719
Quoted by: >>40154725

i like where this is going

>> No.40154721
Quoted by: >>40154741

probably not qm was vetted by a normal woman and has a baby otherwise I'd not trust him there either
sorry man

>> No.40154725

he may lose the match but he will win the game

>> No.40154726


>> No.40154741

i had a girlfriend she dumped me

>> No.40154745
Quoted by: >>40154768


>> No.40154760
Quoted by: >>40154790

Sorry no single men
(Frufi doesn't count cause he's a fairy)

>> No.40154767
File: 497 KB, 742x571, shittori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daym acquried that a while ago

>> No.40154768
Quoted by: >>40154786

but she dumped me because i wasnt good at sex

>> No.40154779
Quoted by: >>40154796

wouldn't let qm stay if he wasn't with his wife just to be clear

>> No.40154786

yup you failed the vetting

>> No.40154790

yeah ok take the schizo that doesnt take his meds i hope he doesnt murder you when he goes psychotic

>> No.40154796
File: 629 KB, 406x720, anime atm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i paid for my stay at your gorgeous estate?

>> No.40154800

go fuck yourself whore

>> No.40154806

og has thought this through

>> No.40154813

frufi is a good egg he's not that kind of yay
don't be rude

>> No.40154826

you never know, he wouldn't upload videos of his freakouts. once he knows where you apartment is you wouldn't be able to stop him

>> No.40154828

yeah you are gonna get raped and murdered if you are so guillible to let a schizo in lol

>> No.40154836
Quoted by: >>40154862

that wasn't my post
but you snapped fast enough to be sure you ain't coming

>> No.40154841

that's what she's hoping for silly

>> No.40154862
Quoted by: >>40154910

im coming for sure. inside you as well. any retard could manipulate your shit tests, you are better off not doing it

>> No.40154865

hope queefler leaks the address for the boys

>> No.40154895

women cant orgasm

did i pass the test

>> No.40154910

yep, my vetting never fails.
the state of you.

>> No.40154935
File: 2.14 MB, 1078x620, ramen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40155111

how can i make youtube shorts only show me japanese content?

it shows me pozzed normie stuff half the time that's not even relevant to what i'm usually watching

>> No.40154958

frufi has been consistent for years. i just know he's fine he's beyond peaceful. anyway im pretty sure he's not even bigger or stronger than me and i wouldn't be there at the time who cares. locks can be changed

i hope he's not having to read these insinuations rn you all are snakes in the grass

>> No.40154965

you're wet thinking of what he would do to you, aren't you?

>> No.40154978

>i just know he's fine he's beyond peaceful.
he's an actual mental case lol

>> No.40155022

Bunch of sick tickets in this thread.
A lot of "mental health" discrimination
Just because some people perceive the world differently you make all kinds of wild insinuations despite everything in their behaviour and attitude being to the contrary. Even worse when they're falling on hard times and feel like they don't have any friends to turn to

So much for "Bros"

>> No.40155039


>> No.40155042

>file deleted

>> No.40155049

saw a cute fairy scene in something i wanted to save for frufi but now i forgot where i saw it

>> No.40155056
Quoted by: >>40155093

you don't know him
basket cases like him can easily snap and turn dangerously violent during a schizo episode

>> No.40155057

this anon? not well wtf

>> No.40155063
File: 661 KB, 720x1280, 552.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40155082

I kind of have a concept that probably doesnt exist for learning vocab words.
Does anyone know of any videos that shows someone acting out a conversation for each word, or showing the object for each word.
Like for an example theres a video of a dude showing an apple on a desk, on the desk is a paper that says りいんご or some related concept.
Its immersion but for vocabulary learning

>> No.40155091 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40155138

are you retard?

>> No.40155093

you've watched too many not-yay movies
I'm more likely to get attaked here in a sec omw to get coffee
Japan wouldn't have kept him this long

>> No.40155096
File: 93 KB, 182x207, 1592603451846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40155103

>> No.40155103

jamal knock some sense into her

>> No.40155110 [DELETED] 

? i didnt read any of the posts

>> No.40155111

set your locale to japan and your language to japanese, theres a setting in giigle somewhere about "regional content", you want that checked
i only get gaming stuff, vbijin stuff, music stuff, and a ton of other things, but theyre in japanes
those aren't bros, its the not well n6cel contingent that hate women/are legit schizophrenic, and not in a frufi harmless way

>> No.40155114

Jamal knows fruf is a harmless fairy

>> No.40155130
Quoted by: >>40155161

its called rosetta stone, somewhat works i guess didn't do it for long, its anki but pictures

>> No.40155137

og wants schizo frufi to stay with her in her tokyo apartment and warm her up at night in exchange for free rent

>> No.40155138
Quoted by: >>40155157

How rude of you. For someone to ask about a concept of learning and you call them incapable. I just asked for a simple concept and of its existence.

>> No.40155154

og wants qm to ntr

>> No.40155157

don't mind that anon, hes not well
you on the other hand are based

>> No.40155159
Quoted by: >>40155168

only before i get to japan
short term cause he's homeless and friendless

>> No.40155160

What should my target number of cards daily be if I'm grinding out core 2k while keeping retention?

>> No.40155161
Quoted by: >>40155217

The problem with rosetta stone its a scam that doesnt even teach that much, even the meme japanese apps teach more than rosetta stone and both are kind of bad.
The best way i learn is photographically im not that much of an audio learner, i can remember voices from people but audio learning isnt much of my thing. I tried anime for learning at my level it didnt go quite well so i thought id go back to just learning vocabulary.

>> No.40155167 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40155282

he obviously cant post when hes freaking out and breaking the dishes

>> No.40155168
Quoted by: >>40155179

when you get to japan he will stalk your apartment

>> No.40155170

learned 飛行機 from rosetta stone
i think it was of the first words they teach

>> No.40155172

shes free to live her life dude

looks like a bunch of ppl r just mad it cant be them

>> No.40155173

depends on your iq.
i say shoot for the moon(50+) and reduce when you need to.

>> No.40155176

jaxcrement mad a decent post, im amazed

>> No.40155179
Quoted by: >>40155197

women have a thing for aggressive mentally ill men we cant get it

>> No.40155182

do you think its wise to tell an unironic homeless schizo where you live and give him keys to the apartment you will move into in a few months?

>> No.40155197

I trust his mental clarity more than 99% of the lot of ya

>> No.40155203
Quoted by: >>40155235

>regional content
wouldn't that go by my ip?

>> No.40155217
Quoted by: >>40155548

dunno of anything else, what worked for me was 童話 and graded readers, i just started mining right away (tadoku)
i also listen to a lot of music and watch things raw and my vocab is much bigger than what i can read tho so we are mirror opposites
as many as you want, doesn't seem to be an upper limit beyond your stamina imho
anyway youll discover fast how many tou can actually do
remember you have to be consistent, if you end up doing cards 3 hours a day, you will have to do cards 3 hours a day going forward (more with reviews) to not fall behind
this is, consider opportunity cost and time spend, rather than card numbers, starting, cards take a while to rep, as you go theyll take 5 seconds or less if you arent reading examples and the like

>> No.40155235

here, this also applies to youtube recs if using the same account

>> No.40155247

Gambs says all you need from grammar is to read Genki I up to chapter 6 then just do Core 2k/6k. Is that legit?

>> No.40155257

i think gambs is a basket case in a non yay sorta way so probably not
didn't he freak out a couple weeks back?
someone commented he was gone but i didn't look into it futher

>> No.40155259 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40155266

gambs is a 110 pound wet noodle armed virgin

>> No.40155266

self own

>> No.40155271
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1625285626665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

board tourist here.

is it a good idea to learn japanese even if my reasons are extremely shallow? Why are (You) learning it?

>I want to know what the fuck Susumu Hirasawa is saying in his songs
>I want to know the lyrics to songs from other artists/bands like YMO and P-MODEL
>I want to maybe read Kokoro and other books in their original language
>what if I get hired by Nintendo? even Nintendo of America has "fluent in Japanese" as part of their preferred qualifications

I have no intention of living in Japan in the near future, interest in watching unsubbed anime.
I have no Japanese friends, no Japanese family, and very little interest in getting any as I live in the US.

>> No.40155282
Quoted by: >>40155292

? which dishes? did you skip your clonazepam reps?
anyway its an empty apartment so anything he broke would be his own

>> No.40155289

shut up wench and make me a sandwich

>> No.40155292

is that what you use?

>> No.40155295
Quoted by: >>40155303

yeah his monitor was off lmao

>> No.40155298

probably better ways to invest your time than wasting it on Japanese then

>> No.40155302

learning japanese is never a good idea but if you have the time to waste it can be fun

>> No.40155303 [DELETED] 

that would make me gambs you dont know how the joke works

>> No.40155318

you are asking people who are spending years learning this sgit to better enjoy ToT
which is to say any reason is good or bad, anyway those things will takr a while to achieve but if you want to do it, you can
there are actual retards in japan, and they are retarded in japanese
thus, empirically, it can be done even if one was retarded, which you arent

>> No.40155321

Does anyone have Cure Dolly's Sound Sister Deck? For some reason I can't download from her site even when I join her mailing list. Thank you!

>> No.40155326

japanese people are just retarded actually
so in order to learn japanese u must become a retard

>> No.40155330
Quoted by: >>40155359

easy listening practice:


>> No.40155334

make the trash thread this time

>> No.40155354

learning a new language is good for your brain overall, but the commitment is enormous. if you can't spare 2-3 hours a day to study and immerse, you are probably wasting your time. if you are not living in japan, you pretty much have to be a weeb in order to learn japanese.

>> No.40155358

you just need a japanese kanojo which i at one point had

>> No.40155359

holy picked up (women daisuki dakara)

>> No.40155373

once you're retarded words like

start making sense

>> No.40155391

theres some truth in this

>> No.40155411
File: 435 KB, 534x800, 1655063801128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40155418

i remember when i achieved retardation
i was talking about my rolling suitcase and called it a ゴロゴロやつ
thats when i knew ikj

>> No.40155425
Quoted by: >>40155457

thats p gewd

>> No.40155426
Quoted by: >>40155445

>Nothing Found

>> No.40155430


>> No.40155433
File: 508 KB, 662x955, 1654411197111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong semendemon

>> No.40155445

jamang you're up

>> No.40155457
Quoted by: >>40155471

my bf walked out on me in embarassment in tokyo once because i said コンビニ when asking for directions
i literally couldnt convince him something so retarded was the normal thing to say

im so glad im single fuck that guy

>> No.40155471
Quoted by: >>40155478

did he know japanese?

>> No.40155476
Quoted by: >>40155498

sounds like he understand japanese is retarded

>> No.40155478

not at all
really annoying when someone who doesnt know a language somehow thinks they know better than you oh wait

>> No.40155483
Quoted by: >>40155503

was he a mansplainer?

>> No.40155486
Quoted by: >>40155535

he probably did he just played dumb so you could show off and feel good about it

>> No.40155491
Quoted by: >>40155525

hate those people
esp since i read a lot and onow all the things and a lot of times pretend i don't so people have something to talk about

>> No.40155498

no no, see he couldnt believe it was retarded
whereas i knew it was
although he gaslit me well enough i was even doubting myself
>maybe i should say コンビニエンスストア maybe thats more normal...

>> No.40155503

never explain anything bros

>> No.40155506
File: 20 KB, 1203x159, 94EADAFF-934A-4FB8-B1B7-526DA45BAE82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40155560

>> No.40155521

why did you pussy out of the 4bc match

>> No.40155525

haha yea same

>> No.40155535

nah he never admitted i was right and he was properly upset and "embarassed"
his favorite punishment was to dramatic abandon me somewhere where people would see so id feel humiliated and sometimes lost

>> No.40155548
Quoted by: >>40155592

the issue with me learning audio is keeping up im not at that level i think. Or maybe im better at reading japanese than hearing it. Im just sort of picky learning this language the normal type of learning everyone does doesnt suit me well, the meme text books are kind of shit so are the apps, and learning by audio is not my thing either.

You would think a video of some japanese university tapping his leg or foot and saying the word ashi for leg and foot would exist along with other words but it doesnt. Thank you for listening to my autism though, i will try to venture off and learn at my best pace i dont want to fail again

>> No.40155550


>> No.40155560


>> No.40155571

yeah i used to like you, or at least feel some kindred because we are very similar but 3 to 4 autistic arguments over shit you knew nothing about convinced me it was better to not waste my time in the future (japan cost of living, perfect music performances, lawyers)
a lot of the stuff you said seemed like retarded shit to try to appeal to retards for internet image points (dismissed some singers talent as the result of simping when shes a legendary songstress) etc
remembering everything is its own curse.

>> No.40155577

lmao he cant tell the sarcasm and hes calling me autistic

>> No.40155578
Quoted by: >>40155609

lmao onigiri anon knows how to hold a grudge better than me
>i used to like you
i wont lose any sleep over it no worries m8

>> No.40155579
Quoted by: >>40155589

Dyel cope kek

>> No.40155589

dont forget your copper arthritis bracelet gramps

>> No.40155592
Quoted by: >>40155610

no worries bro, for what its worth, all the guides are garbage pseudoscience with a sample size of 1, the meme approaches detail what worked for the author (or in tatsucuckholds case, what he thinks might work, but then he doesn't even english good), which is to say, they might or might not fit you
only really universal things are mining and perseverance/consistency i think
you know, you could make what you are looking for if it doesn't exist, and if it ends up working you can advertise it... hopefully not here
anyway theres maybe 10 patreon bucks in it for you

>> No.40155600

lmao he cant tell the sarcasm and hes calling me autistic

>> No.40155609
Quoted by: >>40155628

that wasn't aimed at you 130 iq gurl and i don't even know what you are talking about
i actually like you, or at least think you are fun

>> No.40155610
Quoted by: >>40155616

You know it aint a bad idea, i memorized like 6 words today because i acted out the action of it.
Or maybe i could pay someone to do it for me.

>> No.40155616

okay act out 瑠璃

>> No.40155624

he can't read that hes looking for a guide keep up (i can't read it either)

>> No.40155628
Quoted by: >>40155708

oh sorry i thought you were talking about the cost of onigiri at family mart argument and making fun of vtuber covers
>i actually like you, or at least think you are fun

>> No.40155634

had to look it up. ironic i have some in a box.

>> No.40155638
File: 25 KB, 1196x207, 3CC3C11D-E1F6-4F5D-8AFC-DE911B34AAA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40155645

>> No.40155643
File: 90 KB, 580x476, red_flanked_bluetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired 瑠璃鶲

>> No.40155644

acquired 不可侵条約

>> No.40155645

i wish i could travel back in time and btfo that thread

>> No.40155655
File: 24 KB, 414x395, E150CE30-6819-4027-8F3E-D7220834B6D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t understand ほうがいい

>> No.40155656
Quoted by: >>40155705

if you have time travel fantasies about your djt career youre in too deep bruh

>> No.40155664

fuck you 4bbc jannyshit

>> No.40155672
Quoted by: >>40155688

"better this way"

>> No.40155688

ho knows whats good

>> No.40155694


>> No.40155701


>> No.40155705
Quoted by: >>40155721

it wouldve been really funny though all those people were stuck doing core 2k or whatever even 2018 wouldve been great but now everyone knows everything its so boring

>> No.40155708
Quoted by: >>40155746

kek cute
well, its impossible for everyone to have good taste, so i don't hold lack of it against people
funny tho, youd be a decent one, speak japanese, have adventures, like music, have goals, and japanese cultured in the net ways
most of the huge ones have adhd
its a gig designed for us (art in general really)

>> No.40155721
Quoted by: >>40155729

>now everyone knows everything its so boring
that one anon never revealed the secret behind crtk

>> No.40155723

Sounds like you need a trip to Tae Kim


>> No.40155729
Quoted by: >>40155742

fuck everyone who shilled rtk it set me back a full month

>> No.40155742
Quoted by: >>40155771

no one shills rtk here tho

>> No.40155743

>he fell for the joke shills
oh no no no

>> No.40155744

never remembered the kanji
never will
simple as

>> No.40155746
Quoted by: >>40155776

the problem is ive been spammed from all sides with "best of" hits for years now and literally 0 talent to be had even with jp holos
im not just biased i actually find them all talentless oppourtunistic whores with nothing to offer unless you are susceptible to siren songs (thirsty men)

all the way back to kizuna ai, i never saw any real appeal. something uncanny happens when a vocaloid avatar suddenly has a pickme whore behind it and i hate it.

>> No.40155755

autistics cant into humor confirmed

never would i have thoughts someone would see "the rtk, based" and go "sounds like a plan"

the world is truly a wonderful and immense place

>> No.40155757

oh no no no 4chanbros we got too cocky


>> No.40155759


mandatory watching

>> No.40155767

speaking of opportunistic whores
whens the onlyfans drop?

>> No.40155770
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40155771
Quoted by: >>40155818

were talking about september 2020 it was different back then qm jamal and bunko had just streamed and everyone was aggressively shilling their own variety of snake oil i wasted a lot of time setting up pitch stuff too cuz people were posting how they wish theyd learned accents from the start

>> No.40155776

oh that must be your competitive instincts and your own hangups with aging
but dont you see it? that's part of why its cool, a lot of them are older and genuinely interesting but in a world of plastic dolls like the onlythots, would never made it due to age/looks/lack of silicone content
the avatar is meaningless, its just a mask that lets what the person has inside, emerge, much like this place
people with drive/talent/who are interesting, make it, others, do not
of course theres simp factor in there but dunno the extent, in jp a lot of the bigger vtubers are guys, so it cant be simping

>> No.40155781
Quoted by: >>40155807

honestly man if you took one serious look at rtk and didnt know better thats on you
a fucking month? learn japanese first next time

>> No.40155785

everytime i watch missa i just hear her going "anon please i need it so bad... im out of ammo anon... wont you load me up with yours...~?"

>> No.40155793
File: 96 KB, 773x679, 滾る.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40155799

i knew youd come to love women one day brother
holy dame

>> No.40155803
File: 216 KB, 1000x713, FVFV-7RUAAAH8WQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40155821

曲 of the day in 5

>> No.40155807

i only spent 1 week on rtk and learned like 600 kanji but wasted another 3 weeks on kanji studies i tried kklc too cuz quiz said he tried it then i tried making kanji cards and then finally i was like ok ill do your fucking core deck and did core 6k in like 40-50 days

>> No.40155818


>> No.40155821
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x818, 1654941745354(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooooo thanks!
saved it twice to make sure

>> No.40155822
File: 506 KB, 1280x720, 1647545924401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40155843
Quoted by: >>40155878

dunno i think it helps retaining vocab because you can break it down, i find it difficult to remember vocab with kanji im not used to seeing

>> No.40155864
File: 60 KB, 483x612, ミミッキュ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40155915

only japanse women

>> No.40155865

cartoon girls is childhood practice for the real thing
its popular with virgins, teens, and autists for a reason

>> No.40155871
Quoted by: >>40155898

if i had to start over, i would do kana and radicals for week 1 and then 150 rtk cards as primer for 2.3k core. it sets up a good fountain, helps you with breaking down kanjis and won't take too much time.

>> No.40155878

im reading my first ln without mining and even though i see a word a few times i dont always recall the meaning, will i acquire through reading only method?

>> No.40155898

>if i had to start over
imagine getting a ball to your head or something and it selectively causes you to forget only japanese
would be hell man

>> No.40155907
Quoted by: >>40155918

you mean a tumor fucking retard

>> No.40155913

if you dont learn japanese to intermediate level purely in kana and spoken, you are learning the language bankwards and are perma crippled
ywn think like a native if you do that

>> No.40155915

the real issue is the opportunity cost, anything that puts you in contact with kanji will make the kanji easier to remember
is it thus better to spend more time with the kanji in english, or in japanese?
all i know is one of the first things i did was look up 斤 and the like in japanese before deciding it was a waste of time cause the common radicals are obvious and the uncommon ones are uncommon
one of the anons who is really good at nip says that when very advanced radicals become useful but im not there yet and its probably best to wait till then for me anyway
love that dress

>> No.40155918
Quoted by: >>40155949

no like a baseball

>> No.40155924
Quoted by: >>40156262

Is jamal still here?

>> No.40155925
Quoted by: >>40155942

i actually have an epic new vocab learning method you might like

>> No.40155928

imagine if someone threw a tumor at you so hard you forgot japanese...

>> No.40155934
Quoted by: >>40155949

there might be a vtumor for that

>> No.40155942

no v-whore better touch this gem

do share

>> No.40155949

god no
don't mind that anon he has like 10 iq rounding up
hes done more to convince me iq is real than the inane poltard that used to spam about it every morning
want someone to throw kiwawa at me so hard she impales herself bros....

>> No.40155962

dame it even says hot so you know its a banger

>> No.40155965


>> No.40155966

Just doing stuff in japanese for a year, you'll get the same result

>> No.40155995
Quoted by: >>40156062

help with what? nobody fucking knows, nobody knows you, sorry
you know the choices, pick one
for what its worth theres no magic bullet so if you think you get to shave a bunch of time by switching right now, i think its unlikely, but i havent made it yet. and i mined from the start
still, people learned japanese before flashcards existed, so it must be possible

>> No.40156013

quiz reaaaal quiet since the japan challenge when out

>> No.40156016
Quoted by: >>40156096

Is there some yoji about a slow and painful death or something like that?

>> No.40156026

>when out

>> No.40156041
File: 94 KB, 992x658, 懐く.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40156061
Quoted by: >>40156087

i dont want to post it here and accidentally help a scumbag but ill message it to you if youre interested

>> No.40156062

yeah i get it. does everybody here mine shit?
i hate doing grammar and mining so i just quickly look up everything and hope it will stick with enough reading

>> No.40156082
File: 175 KB, 748x1000, 9A2DB4DA-9BC4-4E69-A25B-901B41CC4008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156123

よしよし!CCNA study done, time for some anki and Misa grammar videos

>> No.40156087

ive still got a bit before mal lets me message back

>> No.40156096


>> No.40156111
File: 13 KB, 620x134, 1636581117868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156156

this you?

>> No.40156117
File: 59 KB, 1011x613, 敬う.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156128


>> No.40156123

no, not everyone, a lot of people just look up things and hope it sticks, and they are still around, so...
miners are probably the minory or perhaps 50/50
but a lot of people who don't mine anymore did mine ridiculous decks so if someone with 30k cards says mining is a waste of time, do.consider they did mine 30k cards

>> No.40156128
Quoted by: >>40156135

holy based
sauce on art?

>> No.40156129

yea it'll work, it will take you a lot longer; you might even quit because progress is so slow. it's like doing only body weights and forgoing barbells and dumbbells. you will get there but you never be as efficient or near the level of those who use multiple methods.

>> No.40156135
Quoted by: >>40156144


>> No.40156144

broooo look at this dirty fucking thing shes just asking, no, begging for it...

>> No.40156156


>> No.40156165

can someone say something mean to me to motivate me to study grammar today?
maybe slap me around a bit?

>> No.40156166


>> No.40156167


>> No.40156174

oh damn, there are two of the same namefags... but i only have one bullet
say something only the real one would know!

>> No.40156177
Quoted by: >>40156198


>> No.40156192
Quoted by: >>40156197

no, slap yourself degenerate, do you need us to jerk you off too? if you want to do it do it, if you don't, dont, what about tomorrow will you ask to be slapped tomorrow too? and the day after?
go and slap your own fucking self hard enough it wakes your bitch ass up and stings tomorrow so you remember to do it then too
best solution is finding a way to study grammar that isn't so painful youd rather come humilliate yourself than do it
goon to misa or something

>> No.40156197
Quoted by: >>40156213

yosh, outputted

>> No.40156198
Quoted by: >>40156217


>> No.40156211

yosh time to read the new jashin chan *cracks open a beer*

>> No.40156213
File: 2.21 MB, 606x1078, 1653254866334.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

output to misa not my post...
...dame the fuck...

>> No.40156217
File: 649 KB, 800x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40156225


>> No.40156233

this is why im learning japanese

>> No.40156240
File: 90 KB, 1390x646, 死角.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40156255

comprehensible japanese media

>> No.40156260
Quoted by: >>40156283


>> No.40156262
Quoted by: >>40156289

dude i have 40 million residential #s ur dumb as shit
get in here and do it for free

yea i was in the middle of a computer game with the dads so i couldnt post for a few hehe

>> No.40156264

dame all these worhtless sluts look the same

>> No.40156283
Quoted by: >>40156297


>> No.40156289
Quoted by: >>40156300

wtf bro i was just sayin i want you to make the thread like you said so we can mpve there

>> No.40156297


>> No.40156300
Quoted by: >>40156348

sry it looked like a post from the guy who does abuse
he shows up and says something like that and next thing i know i have to make a few extra mouse clicks to continue posting
idk why he hasnt figured it out yet

>> No.40156301


>> No.40156312

is there a name for when a kanji is within another kanji (金 when inside 鐘) , and is there a list for all of them?

>> No.40156322
File: 127 KB, 632x767, 宥める.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156331


>> No.40156331
File: 141 KB, 566x796, 1654180486461.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156345

i..is that...

>> No.40156345
Quoted by: >>40156404

if you want it to be. one benefit of coomercards is that you create your own context.

>> No.40156348
Quoted by: >>40156376

we don't have 40 million ips bro
where's the thread

>> No.40156350
Quoted by: >>40156495

fuck this
elu is live

>> No.40156356
File: 104 KB, 586x653, 枯渇.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40156376
Quoted by: >>40156378

idc about makin a thread cuz my days just about over here

>> No.40156378
Quoted by: >>40156462

lets make it tomorrow

>> No.40156404 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 1006x2048, 1654773825234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love coomercards!

>> No.40156407

Any good videos for listening comprehension and conversation pieces?

>> No.40156427


>> No.40156441


>> No.40156448


>> No.40156450

what a coincidence, djt is full of colorful fruits

>> No.40156456

colorful frufs

>> No.40156458


>> No.40156461

based, excellent post

>> No.40156462


>> No.40156467

nta but thanks, nice channel

>> No.40156482

holo guy is so fruity

>> No.40156489

yep moe is popular and loved in djt

>> No.40156495

whats an elu?

>> No.40156497

use pure audio rather than audiovisual
erovoice.us hvdb.me

>> No.40156500

true, idk how he does it

>> No.40156501

>yep moe is popular and loved in djt
moe? no
fake moe? yes

>> No.40156508
Quoted by: >>40156546

speaking of moe
its a shame he didnt have more skin in the game on them idiot coins
eth more like --ack

>> No.40156509


>> No.40156519

holy スキゾ

>> No.40156520

why does he keep bringing up cryptocurrency?

>> No.40156528

yup moe won

>> No.40156529

funny, its not the name that makes the rose, some are putrid and rotten, some are based, and either way, it comes out
pehaphs theres a world where the nameturd is happy and loved
but then, that wouldn't be him

>> No.40156530
Quoted by: >>40156560

bc i was right when i called the top and eventual crash months ago

>> No.40156542

nfc hes retarded or something, just let the maids know when things need taken out, they've improved a lot
guess the inane retard thinks this is biz LMAO

>> No.40156546

why is that a shame

>> No.40156560

yeah after calling it out for a year or something

>> No.40156565

not even jaxcrement likes moe lmao holy shit ahahahahaha
wife and kids bros...

>> No.40156568

bro i have 40 mil residential addys
i will do what i want and u will only be able to clean up behind me

>> No.40156571
Quoted by: >>40156574

yeah i was going to say it's weird cause this is djt
but it's not like random unwanted blogging is unusual

>> No.40156572

hes more interesting than he seems

>> No.40156574
Quoted by: >>40156582

its no worse than other ppls blogging or vshitter posting so

>> No.40156581

>he said something mean about him so he must hate him!!1!1
yeah rainbows and sunshine guy is such a limp wrist faggot lol

>> No.40156582
Quoted by: >>40156592

that is what i was saying, nice comprehension

>> No.40156590
File: 692 KB, 340x281, 1655084056276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156601


>> No.40156592
Quoted by: >>40156614

i was agreeing with u and providing a supplemental statement
nice comprehension lol

>> No.40156601


>> No.40156602


>> No.40156614

yup, that's what i was doing
keep it up buttercup

>> No.40156618


>> No.40156631
Quoted by: >>40156647

are there any thread personalities left in djt that aren't washed up?

>> No.40156645
Quoted by: >>40156653

what do you mean

>> No.40156646

no all u were doing was signing ur post

>> No.40156647


>> No.40156650

og, fake moe are rising

>> No.40156653
Quoted by: >>40156668

shit how did i forgot about moe
nevermind, sorry king

>> No.40156658


>> No.40156663

overly aggressive dumb guy absolutely destroyed and dismantled by jamal

>> No.40156668

count tour secinds with that ones hes getting married and havibg kids anytime bow

>> No.40156672

cant believe were all here again

>> No.40156681

i could hear moes voice breaking lmao

>> No.40156686


>> No.40156689
File: 1.31 MB, 1062x1499, 1649888910241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to be nice to your fellow anon, think 10 seconds before pressing submit on that mean comment, and lastly

dont be a meanie!

>> No.40156696

your monitor
its off

>> No.40156699

holy touch grass hahahahaha
dont mind this anon for he is not well

>> No.40156702
Quoted by: >>40156724

hope you make it to the hospital in time
damn, strokes are fucked up...

>> No.40156706

holy fucking based

>> No.40156710

that was actually your projector
you still havent turned it off yet

>> No.40156712


>> No.40156716

yah dont be mean guys
if ur like ever actually typing on ur keyboard angrily and breathing heavy u fuckin lost the game no caps fr

>> No.40156720
Quoted by: >>40156751

the dudes who post softcore stuff every post are boring

>> No.40156724

thanks vro its just ahahaha
sorry i cant find my sides
good thread lmao
>and then he said im getting married and having kids soon, so i asked him have you like ever talked to a girl, and he goes, like on the phone?

>> No.40156725

wish i had a gyaru gf irl that would tell me to be nice every time i did anything even remotely impolite

>> No.40156745

what do you mean?
sv3xcrement says...
i need to get married and have kids

the perfect moe chatbot nears completion bros

>> No.40156751
Quoted by: >>40156782

i dont like the addiction to inhuman titties bc now u have real girls out there trying to be the anime and its actually rly disheartening this is what humanity is doing to itself

>> No.40156757

lmao ahahaha its true he just cycles through his lines ahahahah

>> No.40156758
File: 150 KB, 1120x1378, 1655085092915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40156760
File: 507 KB, 534x590, F67273D7-090A-4C94-9722-FFB1EB01BF11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go get tendies and cake for my immersion session?

>> No.40156762

yeah this anon is well.. unwell

>> No.40156769

I know
It warms my cold dead heart

>> No.40156775


>> No.40156776
File: 54 KB, 565x518, 1621769705560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40156788


>> No.40156779

i can

>> No.40156782

its pretty hot tbdesu. girls only value themselves if i think theyre attractive. they want to make me horny

>> No.40156788
Quoted by: >>40156800

ahahahaha almost forgot the inane anime girl he posts every other post lmao
had to check

>> No.40156795
Quoted by: >>40156809

moe actually be the type of ninja that started the npc meme

>> No.40156797


>> No.40156800

hes getting his moneys worth off that jpg

>> No.40156808

yosh 今日も outputted

>> No.40156809
Quoted by: >>40156835

no way his problem is he seems less interesting than he really is

>> No.40156811 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 782x758, 1630456643418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop saying the same thing more than oncee noooooo

>> No.40156825

le self portrait moment
bottom text

>> No.40156828

Aaaaaand s*yjack completes my bingo card

>> No.40156830

you forgot matt killed dolly bro, its his new focus group tested meme
6 figures wife and kids here we go

>> No.40156835

The term "cope" gets thrown around a lot but...

>> No.40156836


>> No.40156840

ahahahaha i fucking cant he posted the sijack

>> No.40156843

ドンマイ 気に流れ

>> No.40156851

wonder how the jannys feel when they get pulled out of their vt*ber thread to remove a basedjack here
do they still feel?

>> No.40156853

keep it up he might actually laugh himself to death

>> No.40156865

ahahaha my sides hurt i love you bros ahahaha
holy shit

>> No.40156866 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 220x220, 1625019223243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop posting basedjaks noooooo youre supposed to act smug and sarcastic like me

>> No.40156874


>> No.40156879

ahahahaha and theres the other one
thats how i imagine him tooo lol

>> No.40156949
Quoted by: >>40156964

why is this anon having a meltdown?

>> No.40156951




>> No.40156964

he aint well

>> No.40156986

sorry bros i was just thinking of moe sitting with miss moe and going huh? what do you mean? have you looked up what sv3 says about that? then popping his beady eyes as he rages and it was too much ahahaha
he really is such an interesting and funny guy lmak

>> No.40157000


>> No.40157016

gonna need to hear sveriges thoughts on schizophrenia

>> No.40157034

what do you mean?

>> No.40157043

youre being unreasonable

>> No.40157045

yup 楽勝 for 萌え

>> No.40157052

to quote moe

>> No.40157069


>> No.40157387

is cure dolly good enough for learning grammar i hear both sides and subjective views, but whats djts take.
Ive never seen her before really besides 1 video.

>> No.40157395

>is cure dolly good enough for learning grammar
>i hear both sides and subjective views
you mean tatsucuckhold spam?

>> No.40157445
Quoted by: >>40157515

you dont know japanese so you shouldnt give advice

>> No.40157454
Quoted by: >>40157462

nice one

>> No.40157455
Quoted by: >>40157464

desu i would "learn it wrong" first by using your textbook then let cure dolly recontextualize and correct your understanding. her videos are too hard for beginners.

>> No.40157462


>> No.40157464

>>40157395 is pretty much all you need to know, the other guy is just trying to be epic
kinda agree with >>40157455 but i dunno if i'd call them too hard for beginners

>> No.40157473
Quoted by: >>40157515

of course you agree with yourself ahahah

>> No.40157477
Quoted by: >>40157497


>> No.40157479

im new here, what is this tatsu?

>> No.40157487

GTFO tatsucuckhold

>> No.40157494
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, A126A5FC-C0A6-4B90-8855-C59174785664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cure Dolly + Misa are all you need

>> No.40157497

qm knows more japanese than the person who wrote that guide (proven fact) and said cure dolly is retarded and cripples you

>> No.40157501
Quoted by: >>40157606

the cuckold of all cucks, the supremely cucked, the prepper of bulls, the guzzler of jizz, the tatsucuckhold

just a worthless spammer that spams his worthless malware infested blow here in hopes some retard bites

he speaks neither english nor japanese btw

>> No.40157506
Quoted by: >>40157523

guy who slapped random resources plus schizophrenic opinions together to form a "guide" in the hopes of getting patreon dollars
as you can see the level of mental illness here is particularly high even for a general, but yeah, cure dolly is a good resource

>> No.40157507

jamal says cure dolly was right

>> No.40157513

he doesn't

>> No.40157515

cuckoldmoto is this mentally ill guy >>40157473
and you

>> No.40157519
File: 84 KB, 890x954, 162534892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Tae Kim but didn’t really understand particles until I watched dolly desu

>> No.40157523

i dont have mental illness, i have adhd
it is a mental yayness

>> No.40157525

Ciaran says cured dolly is right

>> No.40157539

dunno who the fuck any of those eshitters are (not care)
anon says cure dolly was right
simple as

>> No.40157542

funny how a simple "is cure dolly good for you?" is all it takes to revive this place when it dies

>> No.40157544

anon doesn't know japanese

>> No.40157553
File: 23 KB, 389x109, 1654991817211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is rightfully held in high regard
choo choo sensei was the real deal

>> No.40157555
File: 116 KB, 865x594, 陳列.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40157557
File: 1.92 MB, 498x398, 1648605579308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40157574

Choo choo sensei...
still cant believe she died

>> No.40157572
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, 3B40BEDC-76D6-4572-AAEE-EA77E8F63CFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40157574
Quoted by: >>40157595

when i hear that whistle blowing...
i hang my head and cry...

>> No.40157591

i know that feel

>> No.40157595

same unironically
she always answered my comments...

>> No.40157603
Quoted by: >>40157613

i thought i was gonna go to bed but i guess not

uh yea dollman was right in the beginning but then after grammar trains went off the rails

>> No.40157606

you sure do like to talk about cucks a lot lol. are you really that upset that i said you dont know japanese? you already replied to me like 10 times lol

>> No.40157610


>> No.40157613


>> No.40157622

>not care
learn english first wtf

>> No.40157637
Quoted by: >>40157835

DynamicCards >>>>>>>>>>>>> AnimeCards > SentenceCards

>> No.40157654
Quoted by: >>40157662

i wipe my ass with your dumbass cards

>> No.40157658

the cards that give me head is the cards u kiss

>> No.40157659
Quoted by: >>40157696

Cure dolly sensei is the best

>> No.40157662


>> No.40157667
File: 178 KB, 900x576, 776271-3866821490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40157668

I'm already at my limit, I fucking hate everything that has to do with the West, I NEED to learn Japanese

>> No.40157681
File: 129 KB, 753x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40157696

true true

>> No.40157710


>> No.40157712

don't know that feel, love everything, i love japanese too, thus i learn it, but the west is also wonderful
i invite anyone, especially the mentally ill n6cel shitters who live with their mom and wait for their tendies like cute pets while trolling inanely online, to travel and see the world
you are so lucky, anywhere else, you would not survive, let alone do any of the idiot shit you waste your lives on
mom wont bring you tendies forever, either
wake up. this is your real life.

>> No.40157715

There is nothing about patreon, shut the fuck up, cunt.

>> No.40157718


>> No.40157722
Quoted by: >>40157809

>i love everyone
>next sentence starts talking shit
un well bros
ahahahhaaha holy shit its rent free

>> No.40157727

the absolute state of cuckoldmoto lmao

>> No.40157728
Quoted by: >>40157735

the mentally ill guy paragraph guy types the exact same way as the guy who keeps insulting him

>> No.40157734


>> No.40157735

i copied tatsumotos tactic it is very effective

>> No.40157740

dumbass if he didn't care about the retards he wouldn't tell them to get their act in order

one day theyll regret the time they wasted

>> No.40157745
Quoted by: >>40157754

you also copied his english level skill is
very is nice

>> No.40157752 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 1000x635, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40157753

Yeah, me too. I just started learning Japanese yesterday and I’m already pretty good.

>> No.40157754

i didnt say anything wrong >>40157539 not care guy lol

>> No.40157759
Quoted by: >>40157776

honestly bizarre, is his gameplan just hoping that someone will go "grrr... i know there's a patreon on his site, i'll go check to prove it" and then accidentally misclick several times until they donate?

>> No.40157763 [DELETED] 

All of the other shit is free so who the fuck cares?

>> No.40157764

oshikkoing onto the unko haha

>> No.40157765

yep this anon won
(don't link his patreon tho retard, take a picture maybe)

>> No.40157770
Quoted by: >>40157855

stfu tatsucuckhold

>> No.40157776

i think hes like frufi, but the other way

>> No.40157786

>tatsucuckhold patreon
thanks mods

>> No.40157789
Quoted by: >>40157855

yooo tatsucuckhold

>> No.40157795

I'm not lucky for being born in Mexico which is also infected with (((that))).
I won't even discuss why everything is so shit here and even in the "first world". I just want to focus on the positive things.
>let alone do any of the idiot shit you waste your lives on
rude, Math is more useful than yourmom

>> No.40157797

miniyogurt got a point tho his guide is free

>> No.40157804
Quoted by: >>40157839

i visit my family in chihuahua sometimes

>> No.40157806
Quoted by: >>40157839

good luck bro

>> No.40157809


>> No.40157811

moms are based tho
math not so much

>> No.40157812 [DELETED] 

>i love everybody as long as they agree with me!!1!
yeah so does everyone else retard ahahahahah holy shit

>> No.40157819

the ahahas are getting to me

>> No.40157821
File: 766 KB, 2000x1087, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this

>> No.40157831
Quoted by: >>40157844

stfu karen

>> No.40157835

im a big fan of coomercards myself

>> No.40157839
Quoted by: >>40157970

I don't know why I have the feeling that after experiencing a few months in a safe city, I would feel really anxious when coming back.
It's a cartel state...
thank you for your support.

>> No.40157844
Quoted by: >>40157875

you sure do love everyone ahahahha
my sides bros ahaha

>> No.40157849 [DELETED] 

ahahah im fUcking Gay ahaHAHahahHA

>> No.40157854

karen carin too much

>> No.40157855

No. You just prove my point that you’re retarded.

All right.

>> No.40157862

you can tell when they are real and when they are not tho
i imagine the original poster gets orgasmic pleasure from his discarded condoms being licked clean by his lessers in hopes some of it transfers
alas, cargo cults aiming at soldiers with sticks did not really get anyone shot, but the cultists
anon is probably laughed off but i imagine he is trying not to go off again cause his sides still hurt


>> No.40157868 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 900x645, 53ACD2E5-AA9E-4E9A-BC1E-B2EF6E35A0E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40157912

>especially the mentally ill n6cel shitters who live with their mom and wait for their tendies like cute pets while trolling inanely online

>> No.40157870

>Yes, today is not going very well
damn this language fucking sucks

>> No.40157875

uhm low iq bro youre friendly firing
cargo cult bros bot like this...
oh fuck
ahah un trying its just so buzarre

>> No.40157876

Only pedophiles care about this

>> No.40157878

felt it out just fine

>> No.40157880

u can translate "fucking sucks" back to japanese and just say chotto br0

>> No.40157883

jamong chotto

>> No.40157885

how does chotto mean not going very well

>> No.40157896
File: 159 KB, 1200x891, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40157898

no te rindas hermano, si quieres salir, es posible hacerlo, te lo prometo, tengo algo de experiencia en el tema, pero no voy a decir mas al respecto

buena suerte, todos vamos a hacerla

por cierto me imagino que lo sabes pero ese post era a los idiotas que se la pasan chingando todo el dia, no a ti, tu eres a toda


>> No.40157905
Quoted by: >>40157907

more like this thread fuckin chotto

never posting again cya

>> No.40157907

no chill

>> No.40157912

wtf no frogposting retard no

frogs dont go in jp come on bro

>> No.40157913
File: 53 KB, 725x432, moon runes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40157962

muh context-based language

>> No.40157918

this will solve nippons overpopulation issue for sure, nip kids are having too much sex

>> No.40157933
Quoted by: >>40157962

in japanese its rude to blogpost

>> No.40157956
File: 501 KB, 1697x2400, 1654975802805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me its the teeeheeeheees

>> No.40157962


>> No.40157970

yeah i am always scared when we go we still have fun though and my family knows all the best food places

>> No.40157973
File: 1.30 MB, 917x1156, 1654974396118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40158290

>tfw you accidentally brought on the ahahaha meta
jolly cooperation bros we laughing

>> No.40157979
Quoted by: >>40157993

we were born too late japan appreciator bros..

>> No.40157986

holy touch grass. didnt read but im sorry that happened or happy for you

>> No.40157993

goddamn im gonna be horse tkmmorrow
love you so much bros you always give me a good laugh
surely the inaka...
oh fuck... bro... our cute and funny swimsuits
anime is dead...

>> No.40158002

>gonna be horse
personally im gonna be dragon
dragon my balls across your face if you don't stop trying to be epic

>> No.40158010

hoarseね ;)

>> No.40158014

actually, this may make guys hornier
it gives girls more value.
trust me, I'm a Mathematician in the making, I will help solve the Japan population crisis (if you know what I mean ahahahahha)

>> No.40158040

im alreafy half horse its only natural the rest would follow
ahaha love the ahahaha meta, it cracks me up.

>> No.40158044
File: 259 KB, 461x447, 1E721868-33E1-401B-B830-9FA8BB913148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, you need cure dolly

>> No.40158058
File: 2.07 MB, 576x1024, 1653521885317.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40158398

ahahaha before and after ahahaha

>> No.40158065


>> No.40158087
File: 1.66 MB, 960x540, 1654379705489.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well always have 国一

>> No.40158105

>jul 214
do former local newscasters really?

>> No.40158108
Quoted by: >>40158151


>> No.40158143

just started sentence mining and I've never had so much fun. we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.40158151
File: 58 KB, 512x512, 1654801584145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40158158
Quoted by: >>40158266

kept telling you bro

>> No.40158174

someone web scrapped 10 thousand wani kani sentences for me? you want those

>> No.40158182

read わなかに

>> No.40158184

dammit i put the ? in the wrong place im stupid

>> No.40158242

Tobira anki mega is down. Anyone have it?

>> No.40158259

i appreciate it but I wanna try mining my own sentences, thanks

>> No.40158266


>> No.40158280

is it that one? if so that link works
if not, dunno

>> No.40158290

todays kyoku https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C5IIoZsci8Y

>> No.40158292
Quoted by: >>40158314

the person matters more than the method

>> No.40158303

>keep falling in love with twitch streamers who use face-tracked 3d anime avatars
how do i solve this???

>> No.40158311 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40158319

just wait till youre over 18

>> No.40158314

you mean vtubers or is there power that lies further ahead?
what do you mean?

>> No.40158319

im 28

>> No.40158328 [DELETED] 

can you stop. you make use mid 20s virgins look bad

>> No.40158340

don't mind the nameturd hes not well
you can love whomever you want, noboxy really cares

>> No.40158343 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40158387

vturd mentally ill guy feels indirectly attacked by my post

>> No.40158387 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40158390

he made 4 posts responding to it lmao

>> No.40158390


>> No.40158397
Quoted by: >>40158408

yoooooo desuwa

>> No.40158398
Quoted by: >>40158408

A: She has no tits
B: She has no cake

>> No.40158408
File: 356 KB, 1513x2048, 1655025906343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40158414

yoooo nice art desuwa
good morning DESUWAAAAAA!
she has ahahaha though and a fun personality

>> No.40158413
Quoted by: >>40158427

moe fell for the fucking vtuber meme? holy hell fuck this place now

>> No.40158414
Quoted by: >>40158420

This anime girl has odaxelagnia

>> No.40158418 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40158446

fake moe always posts jav, gravure, and vtrannies

>> No.40158420

most girls do
people like sucking and biting things dunno why

>> No.40158427 [DELETED] 

that fake moe aka obsessed with namebros guy

>> No.40158437
File: 232 KB, 722x362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40158444

reps done, 25 new words

>> No.40158444

based keep it up

>> No.40158446

true true

>> No.40158455

love fakemoe, hes like moe if moe wasn't a badly programmed oblivion npc

>> No.40158464

true true

>> No.40158466

the last 3 posts are all fake moe talking to himself

>> No.40158482

not true

>> No.40158497


>> No.40158508

of course you love yourself

>> No.40158511
File: 112 KB, 430x602, 27e5cbbe60ffe3d5abc542d64b20ca72-2910953541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40158550


>> No.40158519

yall are mad all the time maybe you should meditate

>> No.40158539
Quoted by: >>40158547

nice meme

>> No.40158546

based! great idea I will try it out

>> No.40158547
Quoted by: >>40158568

medicate i mean

>> No.40158550

there was a rezu jav that showed how to do this fundoshi.

>> No.40158562

Current thread: #3290

Previous threads:
>>40140511 #3289
>>40125611 #3288
>>40113444 #3287
>>40103743 #3286
>>40092354 #3285
>>40078208 #3284

>> No.40158568


>> No.40158588
Quoted by: >>40158597

ahahaha that anon is still here my sides
if he spent one tenth the amount of time he spent here on japanese he would actually be good ahahahaahha

>> No.40158597

looool true

>> No.40158602
Quoted by: >>40158610


>> No.40158610
Quoted by: >>40158634


>> No.40158634

true true

>> No.40158662
File: 640 KB, 596x1805, transification.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is the localization coordinator of persona 3, 4, and 5 pc ports. i fear for naoto..

>> No.40158676

learning japanese so i don't need to care about translators

>> No.40158679

its time to take the trans out of translation

>> No.40158685

thanks for spreading this random trannys account who i dont give a fuck about

>> No.40158687
File: 34 KB, 474x487, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ニンジャ or  サムライ 

>> No.40158690


>> No.40158697

kunoichi tsubaki has made me more interested in ninjas

>> No.40158704


>> No.40158705
File: 37 KB, 680x451, DDD83A0A-19A9-42D0-8992-327D9256105F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny when anons who brag about how many vns they read get tripped up once they see something in all hiragana

>> No.40158716

that person dyslexic or something?

>> No.40158801
Quoted by: >>40158806

bet most people couldnt understand this

>> No.40158806
Quoted by: >>40158877


>> No.40158877
Quoted by: >>40158906


>> No.40158906
Quoted by: >>40159150

気に障っちゃったのはおめえのgayfaggotさであった sdfu

>> No.40158944

>brain autocorrects
og finally finds a niche

>> No.40158959
Quoted by: >>40158965

does vertical text affect the reading speed of the japanese? reading vertical text in english sucks ass.

>> No.40158962


>> No.40158965

depends on if they have ninja genes

>> No.40158979

most of djt is is in their mid to late 20s making me feel like im ancient at 30

>> No.40159150


>> No.40159312





>> No.40159335

I just passed N5

>> No.40159343
File: 885 KB, 498x277, お目出度う.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40159722

is there an addon or something to show new cards in the order added but in reverse? so the most recent first

>> No.40159727
File: 82 KB, 416x900, FVFhm4RaAAElZWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40160391

goooooooooooood morning

weren't all those games already translated?
plus on pc you can play in japanese

>> No.40159772
File: 2.77 MB, 2330x3974, FVF9vLCaIAAsJV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today's daily dose of immersion


>> No.40159797
Quoted by: >>40160016

as for me really waiting for that iroha x lapu song that releases in half an hour

>> No.40159814
File: 122 KB, 375x378, wat the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do people become like this

>> No.40159833

mental yayness

>> No.40159877
Quoted by: >>40159910

What is even the point of kanji if everything can be written in hiragana or hell even romaji

>> No.40159910
Quoted by: >>40159931

filtering bakagaijins

>> No.40159931
Quoted by: >>40159952

but it even filters the native speakers.

>> No.40159952

a small price to pay

>> No.40159956

what is even the point of writing, we can record audio now

>> No.40159970

kanjis look cool

>> No.40159982
Quoted by: >>40160059


>> No.40159996
Quoted by: >>40160098

That is also valid point.

>> No.40160016
Quoted by: >>40160031

that was kinda underwhelming

>> No.40160031

yeah weird song but i liked how they said titty

>> No.40160059

i sense another epic chug

>> No.40160068
Quoted by: >>40160169

If you work fulltime and actually have friends/other hobbies/go out for fun you should stick with 20. This will be roughly an hour a day after a month or so which you can pretty much always make time for. Anything over 40 is for NEETS with too much time or people that are smart enough to never need to ask such questions.

>> No.40160098

no it's not, audio isn't as scannable as text

>> No.40160169
Quoted by: >>40160213

tfw when basically neet but sometimes get bogged down even on 20 and have to reduce it for a few days

>> No.40160213

Don't feel bad anon. I was just being snippy. If you cannot get into the mind space for vocab learning you should pick up other habbits that structure your day. When you have a job it's really easy because I just have a "time of day" when I do my reps. It is every day and I am used to it now. If you are a neet and lack that structure you should try things like going for a walk every morning and doing your reps when you come home or go to the gym and do you reps after that. Find a time and stick to it until you do not have to motivate yourself anymore since it has become a habbit. I really believe it is all about structure and habbits because when I was a neet I was WAY LESS productive then I am now with limited free time.

>> No.40160254

nah I didn't mean it as I lack motivation or habits, I mean it turns into a slog with poor retention sometimes
maybe it's just the words, sometimes you get a bunch that are pretty similar and it takes extra effort to sort out the confusion

>> No.40160391

who knows, but she was bragging about on twitter. if i had to guess they want to remove some "problematic things" for the xbox audience. kinda like what they did with resident evil 4 VR.

>> No.40160411

how much japanese do you know?

>> No.40160440
Quoted by: >>40160455

>or go to the gym and do you reps after that
I don't recommend that, doing any mental work after heavy workout sucks ass.

>> No.40160455

true true, feels like a total caveman mong
guess we found out that anon is pussying out in the gym and not lifting HEAVY

>> No.40160466


oh, nothingburger

>> No.40160734


>> No.40160907
File: 157 KB, 2000x2000, eugoods_00_448179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40161348

yoo uniqlo sailor moon collection

>> No.40161348
Quoted by: >>40161388

jp only?

>> No.40161388
Quoted by: >>40161508

my eu shop has them but female only it seems

>> No.40161508
File: 41 KB, 640x640, goods_71_423511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll wait for the anniversary stuff to drop

>> No.40161535
Quoted by: >>40161565

why do they need to localise games that were already localised?

you're gonna play in japanese anyway, right anon?

>> No.40161565

see >>40160466

they just need to change the button prompts and ps terminology to xbox terminology
and make sure all text renders properly

>> No.40161597
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, squat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40161650


>> No.40161650
Quoted by: >>40161707

i legit don't get how they're so weak, like that's barely able to walk up the stairs tier
and that pekora short where she couldn't hang on a bar for like 5 seconds?

>> No.40161685
File: 109 KB, 914x671, dyrbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adjusting terminology

>> No.40161707
Quoted by: >>40161749

they stay in their room all day and never do any sports
just like me

plus they are women so less basal muscle mass

>> No.40161749
Quoted by: >>40162036

yeah they probably order everything to door as well so don't even get to carry some groceries around

>> No.40161933
Quoted by: >>40162043

>kinda like what they did with resident evil 4 VR.
What did they do?

>> No.40162027
Quoted by: >>40162060

How does it work? Do I need jp keyboard to write it? I was kinda expecting it to be like google translate where you can draw it.

>> No.40162036
File: 2.04 MB, 1475x829, fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or their parents cook for them

>> No.40162043
Quoted by: >>40162170

>removed "no way, fag"

>> No.40162060
Quoted by: >>40162085

you write on paper and slap enter if you did it right bruh

>> No.40162085
Quoted by: >>40162137

oh im fucking retarded, thanks.

>> No.40162137
Quoted by: >>40162312

might as well use an anki deck like the tofugu one since that'd track your progress
i still use it after like half a year to keep my katakana in check because i always forget it for some reason

>> No.40162154 [SPOILER] 
File: 243 KB, 220x220, C9403202-7900-4ECC-8C66-15203FDB28AD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40162198

>>40154958 Thank you so much for your will to help! I sincerely appreciate that and your ability to resist vulgar masses too.
Sorry if I gone too far with fairi language but my struggle is not a rent or other expenses but a visa or residence permission as a fairi(because I want to continue cute magic yayly and dreamy in my home country(Harajuku yni). But sadly there is no possible solution for me for now :c www

Well that is exactly how dark lords of antimagical reality wants you to think . In fact all my videos are “freakouts” and” in yay way because other time I just sleep or study or draw aquarell making clay yni fairi dolls playing with lego littlest pet shop etc. What’s more is that I even use “evil” antifairi demonic horcruxe sub personalities that try to “fight” with other one as well https://youtube.com/watch?v=miT1DnDFazU because my true personality is ultra yay and healthy pure and innocent dreamy.
Based on yni magical research only antifairi do all bad things and (mass)murders rapes (sex “magic” ) and more disgusting things because those things are caused by parasites/ «»demons»» or cutemagicallyscientifically antifairi(reversed cutemagic without subjectivity。It is ultra inspiring for me to see that mental yayness becoming included in daily conversations here but please be gently reminded that mental yayness is angelic/ fairy nature which means calmness, purity and subjective approach of yni…^

>> No.40162170

damn all I had to see was the first one before i knew the rest was gonna be turbocancer

>> No.40162198

You could marry a local fairi to gain permanent residency

>> No.40162312
Quoted by: >>40162350

It's literally my first day so I'm just grinding hiragana for now. Just spent 6 hours learning using this https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html and now I wanna try other way around.

>> No.40162313

fap while you still can. picture will be deleted soon.

>> No.40162316

yup, would not trust that

>> No.40162350
Quoted by: >>40162478

that's how i learned it too, it's an alright method
might be a good idea to not bother with writing though, just pure grind, it also helps if you can touch type because you'll associate key location with writing if that makes sense

>> No.40162478
Quoted by: >>40162617

It's just reading is much easier than writing, every mongoloid can read so I feel like I'm gonna learn it better by writing. That's how I also learned cyrillic.

>> No.40162617

i was exactly like that too but it turned out a waste of time, i'm talking about kanji studies as well

>> No.40162833

just learn how to write kanji components and then use that to write your favourite kanji and funny words

>> No.40163285
File: 367 KB, 417x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40164297 [SPOILER] 
File: 258 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2022-06-13 21.57.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

