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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 506 KB, 655x580, 1602474327699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35721587 No.35721587 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.35721588 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 552x508, 1626476450339.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721590 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1001x1020, dooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never leaving Uwu

>> No.35721591
File: 75 KB, 429x412, 1603571641306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721593 [DELETED] 


>> No.35721594
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1611930147135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721595

Meido love?

>> No.35721596

leaving right now uwu bye

>> No.35721598

was the last thread deleted

>> No.35721599
File: 101 KB, 1200x1200, E6FrnKIVkAU_0Yx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721600
File: 356 KB, 2048x1937, ぺこら.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723313


>> No.35721601
File: 73 KB, 1328x747, EpwcwIuUcAAG2V-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721602
Quoted by: >>35721630

>This video is private.

>> No.35721603
File: 631 KB, 906x907, 1595242778968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721604
File: 98 KB, 327x435, 1600221294099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deletes the whole thread because they're too lazy to delete the trash
Sugoi meidos. Very cool.

>> No.35721605
File: 24 KB, 279x279, 1614103769624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721606
File: 366 KB, 522x582, 1612478535566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721632

Let's give a warm round glass of piss to our great moderating staff.

>> No.35721607


>> No.35721609

Fresh start everyone let's have a nice thread and discuss which holo we'd like to rape

for me it's towa

>> No.35721610
File: 264 KB, 498x498, 1606584026737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721612
File: 301 KB, 2048x2048, 1609029190995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721625

>> No.35721614 [DELETED] 

Guess you can nuke a thread instantly by posting CP huh?

>> No.35721616
File: 237 KB, 2048x1536, minatoaqua 1200957635312250880_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721617
File: 90 KB, 1200x1190, 1616557252948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.35721618


>> No.35721620
File: 262 KB, 658x675, animal_character_hamster_angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Towa would just stream, this wouldn't be happening right now.

>> No.35721622
File: 792 KB, 645x878, 1626268621723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Mr Koro to rape me.

>> No.35721624

Rape is gay. Consensual love making is where it’s at

>> No.35721625


>> No.35721626


>> No.35721627 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>35721649

20 minutes later*

>> No.35721630
Quoted by: >>35721658

She showed an ending by accident, said she'd cut that out

>> No.35721632

I think uvvu got scared he was getting exposed to letting in actual criminal stuff being posted and some other mod had to step in because this faggot hates holoJP too much

>> No.35721633
Quoted by: >>35721659

What are you doing now that Okayu‘s stream ended?

>> No.35721636

What if Okayu becomes a dedicated 2hu streamer after this? Who will take responsibility?

>> No.35721637
File: 404 KB, 1500x2000, 1624199971944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721641 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 310x333, 9c20FC3wzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with this they still won't clear the board of the other obvious spam threads that lead the diaperneets into dumping their CP here.

>> No.35721642
File: 667 KB, 705x893, 1614104986227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721643
File: 176 KB, 850x1210, 1620870776550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fubuki!

>> No.35721645 [DELETED] 


>> No.35721649 [DELETED] 

I mean in the way that nuke thread as a whole as opposed to individual posts.

>> No.35721650
File: 195 KB, 1122x1732, E6KEbJzVUAAbPZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NoeMari sex stream when...

>> No.35721651
File: 1.33 MB, 2500x4000, E6aaGYxVkAEMxSb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with this dog

>> No.35721654


>> No.35721658
Quoted by: >>35721670

inb4 twitter try to cancel her for it

>> No.35721659
File: 424 KB, 1999x3715, E2SiqmHVgAA49dE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will. I'll marry her.

>> No.35721662
File: 780 KB, 1918x816, 1608256704115.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721665

Still not going to /vt/


>> No.35721666
File: 2.47 MB, 1600x2100, 91281551_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheep love!!

>> No.35721668

Ah, meido-san.

>> No.35721669

Her former manager I guess, but I'll take it too by watching every stream of it because I love it so much.

>> No.35721670

she skipped through it all in like 2 seconds, she meant to hide the game but hid her avatar instead, it's not biggie

>> No.35721671
File: 297 KB, 483x483, 1600489485042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721672
Quoted by: >>35721678

why was today's ogayu 2hu vod privated?

>> No.35721674 [DELETED] 

you shitposters should lay low for a while

>> No.35721675
File: 471 KB, 1500x2100, ExKICtpUYAEQRgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721678
Quoted by: >>35721687


>> No.35721680
Quoted by: >>35721688

Aqua would be a better meido because it would be possible to get her attention by shittalking Asuna

>> No.35721686
File: 135 KB, 357x498, 1612204590290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721687


>> No.35721688
Quoted by: >>35721696


>> No.35721689 [DELETED] 

Hmm, I wonder if anything interesting happened last thread. I should check warosu.

>> No.35721694
File: 797 KB, 1544x1257, 1625168667899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721695
File: 259 KB, 435x434, E6cH771VoAEpO9G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Meru-chan, it's time for our ASMR collab"

>> No.35721696
Quoted by: >>35721712

Please don’t insult Akutan

>> No.35721697
Quoted by: >>35721723


Oy. You shouldn't be up watching your wife when you need to sleep too.

>> No.35721698
File: 1.19 MB, 1350x1909, 1620484166519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the towa bar, what would you like for tonight?

>> No.35721701
File: 578 KB, 850x1275, 1600339599561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721703

Why can't you fags be normal for like a day or two?

>> No.35721704
File: 248 KB, 900x900, badge6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy friends

>> No.35721707

One Bananasplit please.

>> No.35721709
File: 203 KB, 1152x2048, 1617461210828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a Towater, thanks

>> No.35721710

Fresh yellow water, freesh from the tap. Preferably from Towa's tap

>> No.35721712

SAO is a SHIT anime for poopy babies.

>> No.35721713

wrong life uwushart

>> No.35721714
Quoted by: >>35721725

One Towa stream please.

>> No.35721717

>2 hours until subaru
Time to do my reps i guess

>> No.35721719
Quoted by: >>35721737

why is there no restroom and why do the corners smell like piss?

>> No.35721721
File: 104 KB, 282x316, Akukin....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dumb gamer maid.

>> No.35721722
File: 138 KB, 1093x617, 1603543986342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721723
Quoted by: >>35721733

>3 hours of sleep after 40 hours awake
Okay this will be the only time I tell Korone to go the fuck to sleep.

>> No.35721725
File: 79 KB, 535x600, 1616264505522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721750

Sorry all we've got is Tonya...

>> No.35721728
Quoted by: >>35721807

The random meido protected vtuber threads that literally not a single human uses will be the longest living threads on the board soon.

>> No.35721729

Any halal drinks?

>> No.35721730

Banana Milk, fresh from the tap

>> No.35721733

Fuck you concernfag. Korone is an adult, can have a heart attack if she wants.

>> No.35721737

Shut the fuck up retarded homomarinepekoschizo

>> No.35721738

There is literally zero evidence that Aqua is dumb
Stop badmouthing her for no reason

>> No.35721740

watch my gook wife

>> No.35721741
File: 997 KB, 2935x4096, nene tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to eat your vegetables!

>> No.35721743
File: 230 KB, 848x1200, E6LRa7FVgAIv5e-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721777

Just gonna post my oshi

>> No.35721745

Choco's quiz.

>> No.35721746

Smart Holomem do not exist.

>> No.35721747

tomato maji tabenai

>> No.35721750
File: 273 KB, 971x1200, 1622363731425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721762

I'll take one then.

>> No.35721751 [DELETED] 

[ID}: bark bark bark rarrrrrrrrrrrrr ruff ruff ruff bark bark grrrrrrrrrrrrrrruff

>> No.35721752

Where is Haachama?

>> No.35721754
File: 655 KB, 1437x610, fucking noob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721757

Don’t insult my mom!

>> No.35721758
File: 242 KB, 349x377, 1617830167386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721760
Quoted by: >>35721770

towa's used socks

>> No.35721761

She is not stupid, here's the proof https://files.catbox.moe/jvwncb.mp4

>> No.35721762
Quoted by: >>35721784

imagine the bite marks

>> No.35721763
File: 2.79 MB, 260x560, akipeekaboo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721792

I love my oshi very much!! She loves you too, Anon!!

>> No.35721768
Quoted by: >>35721786

Nishizawa is masturbating to this image as we speak

>> No.35721769
File: 1.30 MB, 2926x4096, E2n-e-cVEAQ9YdM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721770

towabanana cumsock...

>> No.35721772

I think the edit is funny, but I still don’t understand why the guy called her noob when she was the only one who survived

>> No.35721773
File: 417 KB, 494x1200, 1626360273508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721780

I love my cute little alien wife!

>> No.35721774
File: 18 KB, 267x230, 1594758521740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721775

how many of these you have?

>> No.35721777
File: 1.45 MB, 4093x2894, E1glIOuUYAE2Vu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute oshi, I'm looking forward to her live.

>> No.35721779
File: 3.71 MB, 2724x3921, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_racchi__6d045c25664548aebd876fc1538e20f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are dogs not allowed in this thread anymore?

>> No.35721780
Quoted by: >>35721793


>> No.35721784
File: 210 KB, 800x960, E4TO-4cVEAA-Oib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Twap...

>> No.35721786

so am I

>> No.35721789
File: 359 KB, 1240x1800, E6c6nacVIAEEb9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs are encouraged

>> No.35721792

Your oshi doesn't even know me.

>> No.35721793


>> No.35721797

How do I choose an oshi?

>> No.35721798

Watch Kiara!

>> No.35721799

You don't

>> No.35721800
Quoted by: >>35721816

You don’t choose an oshi, it just happens.

>> No.35721801
File: 10 KB, 128x128, 1612331118251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721818

hey guys, look at me!

>> No.35721802

towa has some free spots you should pick towa

>> No.35721803
Quoted by: >>35721889

You put on Shion's hat and the hat tells you who to oshi.

>> No.35721804
File: 37 KB, 324x612, 1606209124673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't they be allowed?

>> No.35721806

She will come to you in a dream if you keep watching streams.

>> No.35721807

The blatant samefag bumping all those threads is pathetic.
Those threads have really low IP count yet a ton of people replying to the OP over and over.

>> No.35721809


>> No.35721810
File: 529 KB, 1623x3427, 1616378984328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the hours pass and day turns to night my need to put a baby in towamama increases tenfold

>> No.35721811

I like that her chat is green

>> No.35721812

uwu REALLY enjoys making 2hufags angry for whatever reason

>> No.35721813
Quoted by: >>35721821

Masturbate to each and every one of them, and whoever makes you cum the farthest is your oshi.

>> No.35721815
File: 171 KB, 1500x1500, 20210715_183909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora Love!

>> No.35721816

>it just happens
how so

>> No.35721818
File: 21 KB, 225x233, 1623325732162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721822

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.35721819

And it's always just when this thread hits bump limit. Kinda sad to be perfectly honest.

>> No.35721821

but I masturbate to all holos except my oshi I just can't bring myself to.

>> No.35721822
File: 77 KB, 239x411, 1596183321194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721823

You start noticing that you like one more than the rest.

>> No.35721825

Oshi is just your favourite member, you don't need to have one.

>> No.35721830
File: 787 KB, 1920x1080, 1624382666827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like how the moon demons speak to the elves, it's a natural process.

>> No.35721833
Quoted by: >>35721841

what happened in the last thread, i just got here

>> No.35721839

for me it was during prime time all these different streams would be on, some that I would really want to watch but I just put them in watch later and put on my oshi no matter what she was doing I kept prioritizing her over everyone else without even realizing

>> No.35721841

Homofag got angry and started spamming ending with him posting CP and the meido deleting the thread

>> No.35721842


>> No.35721843
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, 1604572273447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHION YO!!!!!!!

>> No.35721850
File: 32 KB, 182x120, 1616969358275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721851

>"Alone on a friday night, nanora?"

>> No.35721851

no I'm watching my oshis archives she's always with me!

>> No.35721854

Realistically speaking, you watch clips of the girls, then you try watching streams of those who piqued your interest. After that, watch big events/collabs and check out the girls that you like there, if you find yourself returning to one girl much more than the others she's probably the one.

>> No.35721855
File: 1.14 MB, 2400x2118, 1606012268395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721866

>> No.35721859

The Chicken

>> No.35721860

You read schizo posts and whichever ones shitting on a certain holo makes you the angriest is the one that is your oshi.

>> No.35721862
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, wrestler san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no?

>> No.35721864
File: 735 KB, 618x695, 1622023327564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721881


>> No.35721865

Biggest wasted design in the company

>> No.35721866
File: 218 KB, 602x534, 1619622508908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722136

That's it, when i'm done with my reese's you are in a lot of trouble.

>> No.35721870
File: 362 KB, 462x678, 1610589815948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721876

Can't believe I slept through this.

>> No.35721881
File: 801 KB, 1846x1123, 1624996160161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721904


>> No.35721886

Reine is the biggest wasted design, imo she's the best designed holo out there but wasted on an ID

>> No.35721888
File: 991 KB, 1800x3200, 1597063618326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721947

I just want you to know that I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really love Lamy

>> No.35721889

Shion's hat probably just calls everyone a faggot instead.

>> No.35721891

Хочешь комету?

>> No.35721894
File: 427 KB, 396x500, 1620909180059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721900

the posters in these threads are more mentally ill than i am... how did it turn out like this...

>> No.35721895

Been thinking about Lamy today...

>> No.35721898
File: 303 KB, 432x392, 1621872343824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721900

you wanna fight about it? i'm already constructing a tulpa of my oshi, bitch

>> No.35721901
File: 385 KB, 592x631, 1597275880833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Aki a good mommy/wife?

>> No.35721902


>> No.35721903
File: 3.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1603894650587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defend this

>> No.35721904
File: 1.69 MB, 590x554, 1601030231456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, I just want to hang out with my monkey friends...

>> No.35721906
File: 551 KB, 1448x2048, E6VBr-hVEAMTpcF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of like falling in love. It just happens randomly and it's out of your control. For me at least, I just want to help give her a life full of happiness and joy. I want to see her succeed! I want to see her grow into a star! Even if it's all just a futile dream, I have to believe in it.. how else will it come to be?

>> No.35721907
File: 886 KB, 2978x4096, 1621516733336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721947

I think about Lamy every second...

>> No.35721909 [DELETED] 


>> No.35721910

>he doesn't already have his tulpa done
my tulpa is laughing at you...

>> No.35721911

esam is our guy

>> No.35721916
Quoted by: >>35721938

Korone still hasn't slept

>> No.35721918


>> No.35721919
File: 251 KB, 251x782, 1626478474185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defend this

>> No.35721920

nah, too drunk all the time

>> No.35721923

why? i don't watch or care about ollie

>> No.35721925
File: 654 KB, 525x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayamy is going to suck my banana

>> No.35721928


>> No.35721929
File: 1.38 MB, 1507x2000, E6a4oTXUYAU5byh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722001

>> No.35721932

Yes but once her son's get to that age she won't know how to deal with the lust towards her

>> No.35721934


>> No.35721937

I'm watching this and she sounds old, like early 30s

>> No.35721938

She's giving management a middle finger after they all concernfagged her.

>> No.35721940


>> No.35721942


>> No.35721943
Quoted by: >>35722103

Offtopic cumrag

>> No.35721944

Very sexy

>> No.35721947
File: 948 KB, 1080x1080, 1611499881188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a bit longer Yukimin

>> No.35721949
Quoted by: >>35721961

IRyS is a cute cake!

>> No.35721951

Cute hag

>> No.35721952

can't wait for ollie to find a new white cock to lust over

>> No.35721953
Quoted by: >>35721975

>13 hours
That's not a bit...

>> No.35721955

what has made yukimin more vocal lately? I had the impression they were more timid and a onahole for botan

>> No.35721956

Who is your oshi? Some people say that making a tulpa of a existing character could be bad for your tulpa since it could lead to an identity crisis. What do you think about it? Is your tulpa like your oshi? How does it feels? Can you two touch?

>> No.35721961

She is new year left overs...

>> No.35721963
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 7d7583762176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35721966

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko's The Hangover 2 watchalong later today!

>> No.35721964

Anyone else love lamy but hate lamy posters? like why do you love lamy lamy only loves me the fuck you doing wasting time posting lamy when she's taaken already

>> No.35721966
Quoted by: >>35722006

How long is the Prime's version?

>> No.35721969

honorary hag

>> No.35721974

chess.com is pretty big they couldn’t get a better holo than ollie

>> No.35721975
File: 537 KB, 1599x2484, 1596901025276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Lamy meds won't last that long

>> No.35721976

Yes!! She is amazing!!

>> No.35721977
Quoted by: >>35721984

Which holos have the messiest rooms?

>> No.35721980
File: 41 KB, 377x502, 1598876258081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721981

Ollie has more subs than them

>> No.35721984

Easily Noel

>> No.35721988
Quoted by: >>35721999

Have you ever watched hololive members aside of her playing chess?

>> No.35721989

>>35721974 maybe she has the highest chess elo at cover, which is not a high bar.

>> No.35721991
File: 335 KB, 403x403, 1622796980464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35721992
File: 394 KB, 1500x2778, beach aunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki is pretty nice

>> No.35721996
File: 517 KB, 1237x699, 1626359687013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35721997

i was thinking of lichess.org anyway

>> No.35721998


>> No.35721999

I actually have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK4YT7lUyIo

>> No.35722000

Look at the power stances on those dumb blondes

>> No.35722001
Quoted by: >>35722041

It makes me sick thinking that someone her age still wears hot pants

>> No.35722002
File: 334 KB, 1414x2000, 1626241684912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the state of Towa's pubes? Does she trim at all?

>> No.35722003

Aki is a sweet lady she deserves the best

>> No.35722006
Quoted by: >>35722011

1 hour 41 minutes

>> No.35722008

>spanish translator

>> No.35722009


>> No.35722011

Nice, it's the same as my copy then. None of that bullshit unrated nonsense.

>> No.35722018

My girlfriend is a big slut

>> No.35722024

No, it's a god damn jungle. There have even been endangered animal sightings.

>> No.35722026
File: 454 KB, 740x493, 1612461753751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722027
Quoted by: >>35722045

are you the anon that got unsynched last time cause of the wrong version?

>> No.35722029

Kanata is too loud

>> No.35722030
File: 717 KB, 2048x1656, Eubbf7nUUAAhPk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722032
Quoted by: >>35722042

Anon... That's Towa's banana....

>> No.35722033
File: 548 KB, 481x606, 1626389048185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to pass this one.

>> No.35722037

I'm only watching this for nene

>> No.35722040

after yesterday's practice i have little to no hope

>> No.35722041
File: 120 KB, 477x1400, 1597198657643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722156

It's great isn't it

>> No.35722042

AyamyTowa collab when? Towa can practice her kpop speak

>> No.35722044
File: 2.14 MB, 1447x2047, 91281454_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a year ago they were censoring Mel and Choco's cleavage. I'm glad erolive is making a resurgence.

>> No.35722045

No actually, I can't find the theatrical version and had to leech the 35p discord.

>> No.35722051

if she beats sajam she's cool in my book.

>> No.35722062

Kanata's nipples are just right (for a chocolate shop).

>> No.35722063

chess.com stream has a basedboy and a gay masculine bear casting the games

>> No.35722064

Yeah no unrated version this time

>> No.35722067
File: 220 KB, 1009x841, 1618660731720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722082

Towa... doesn't shave at all

>> No.35722068

Hololive let's goooooooooo

>> No.35722069


>> No.35722073
Quoted by: >>35722196

They brought this upon themselves

>> No.35722075
File: 522 KB, 1920x1328, 1605974556778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a resurgence until we get the swimsuits they took from us back and new ones for those who don't have them

>> No.35722076


>> No.35722082

Where is Towa's beard then? Checkmate.

>> No.35722086
File: 221 KB, 335x404, 121412412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>began watching hololive 2 years ago
>wanted to learn japanese
>give up thinking the hobby will die soon anyways
>keep thinking that
>2 years past
>still always thinking of learning japanese but my mind thinks back that i missed out on 2 years that i could have learned had i started right then and there.
>mind goes into a constant state of back and forth with these thoughts
and in the end, nothing ever happens and i still watch streams knowing nothing and waiting for clips. my life for the past 2 years in a nutshell.

>> No.35722087
File: 48 KB, 308x291, 1614516882934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AU never again huh

>> No.35722095

I've seen this post before.

>> No.35722101

Why'd Yagoo allowed Okayu to stream with her cunt out?

>> No.35722102

It needed to be aired out

>> No.35722103


It has hololive member in it.

>> No.35722104
File: 197 KB, 1448x2048, 1613560174198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722112

I miss shionyo..

>> No.35722105
File: 113 KB, 1280x1000, 1608189531504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia stream GTA again onegai!

>> No.35722109
File: 696 KB, 854x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zombie only needs 3 wins to be champion
well she's lucky isn't she?

>> No.35722110
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1600952188245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722112
File: 275 KB, 1750x1750, 1623192958230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723269

Gaki yo...

>> No.35722113

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo. Well, thank the kami that it's just a forced company collab

>> No.35722116

What's wrong, Friend?

>> No.35722118
Quoted by: >>35722216

isn't that 4?

>> No.35722119

What an odd way of presenting the brackets.

>> No.35722122

Still better than >>35721903

>> No.35722124
File: 449 KB, 682x689, 1607750997746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722125

The best time to start learning Japanese for you was two years ago. The second best time is now.

>> No.35722129
File: 411 KB, 412x512, 1610034165259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2 years 2 years will have passed.
Something to think about.

>> No.35722133
Quoted by: >>35722142

i want to have sex with mio

>> No.35722134

I cant believe Ollie is gonna suck all those unwashed smegma filled dicks.

>> No.35722135
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1610411805423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722158

Shionyo's suicide show on a livestream

>> No.35722136
File: 516 KB, 735x659, 1614445996101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722165


>> No.35722137
File: 181 KB, 449x407, 1619073117308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722138
File: 282 KB, 473x455, slay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come here, friend. I have something for you.

>> No.35722142

Who doesn't?

>> No.35722147
File: 187 KB, 308x426, 1607695480681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722149

Mori is really hot

>> No.35722153
Quoted by: >>35722216

Anon, take another look at the picture. I don't blame you though, whoever made it is fucking retarded, but you should be able to figure it out.

>> No.35722155

one chicken too much

>> No.35722156

>new merch but no BABY hat
I guess I'll have to make it myself.

>> No.35722157 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 614x452, 1626480183568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722158

Shion is a witch who talks with cats...

>> No.35722159
File: 38 KB, 533x634, 1600713609994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722165
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>> No.35722166
File: 1.22 MB, 2303x4096, 1608286722342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722182

dekai yo.....

>> No.35722168

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that concern chads were right about Korone?

>> No.35722169

Anon, quickly, delete this before people get how much brainlet an ID hater is.

>> No.35722172
File: 219 KB, 1191x1796, 1625641262190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This last ASMR stream really boosted my newfound love for Nene. And to think that at first she was my least favorite in gokisei.

>> No.35722181

Shut the fuck up and let this woman induce hallucinations and heart failure as she stays awake for the 4th straight day

>> No.35722182
File: 265 KB, 1600x1800, 1597945623943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722186

She's still alive though.

>> No.35722187
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x720, 1625845486906.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722188
File: 489 KB, 3541x1460, 1621045507248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit im very horny for mio

>> No.35722189
Quoted by: >>35722219

Yes, her recline is REALLY bad

>> No.35722191
File: 850 KB, 848x1200, 1622540224156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722213


>> No.35722195


>> No.35722196
Quoted by: >>35722237

>They brought this upon themselves
how different is this compared to the chinks' behaviors

>> No.35722199

247(Ollie) vs 311
This is going to be blunderful... At least it should be a close match

>> No.35722202
Quoted by: >>35722226

Nobody who tells concernfags to fuck off are also saying that staying up for longer than 24 hours is a good thing.
Concernfags are faggots who tell them to go to sleep after fucking 5 hours.

>> No.35722203
File: 513 KB, 2500x4000, 1614527939914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722209

>> No.35722205

Ok I don't want to be this guy
What is the best way to learn enough japanese to understand my oshi?

>> No.35722207
File: 96 KB, 204x222, 1599959585960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722209

Too big, too saggy

>> No.35722211

post Mio lewds, onegai

>> No.35722212
File: 600 KB, 1466x1466, EmPmonXVMAAncoT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to say the H-word

>> No.35722213
File: 336 KB, 1448x2048, 1626396479757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722214
File: 1.17 MB, 1122x627, 1614048479380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722215

>no one remembers Coco anymore
What went so fucking wrong?

>> No.35722216

heh, my bad, didn't count the first match

>> No.35722217
File: 356 KB, 1728x1743, 1622662501751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722219

I hope you never find out that Aqua used to be #1 in every single important category. Her recline was catastrophic.

>> No.35722222
File: 641 KB, 694x716, 1617689892057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio spam again

>> No.35722223
Quoted by: >>35722268

Are you starting from 0?

>> No.35722226

I don't think many holos can actually fuck for 5 hours or more, to be completely fair here.

>> No.35722230

I need my soul draining kisses from Botan...

>> No.35722231
File: 2.62 MB, 3224x2361, 1623116142978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722234
File: 1.34 MB, 987x956, 1606867859501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722235
Quoted by: >>35722241

Better than Marine or Lamy spam

>> No.35722236

>Lamy and Mio hour
Please spam actually relevant Holos.

>> No.35722237
Quoted by: >>35722257

A lot different actually. We didn't go raid weiboo of whatever shithole so they can retaliate by wheelbarring. Homofags raid and spam /hlg/ on a daliy basis, they will get shit on their heads.

>> No.35722238


>> No.35722241

No, at least people here actually watches those 2.

>> No.35722242

for me, it's duo lingo

>> No.35722244

Cat paws wrote this post

>> No.35722245
File: 40 KB, 306x325, twap13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722247
File: 1.45 MB, 1240x1754, 1602614917091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right
Who the fuck gets off to such a boring hag

>> No.35722249
File: 304 KB, 885x703, 1596841327038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722252
File: 719 KB, 679x512, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722269

The Lamy Water supply.....

>> No.35722253
File: 94 KB, 724x1024, 1614527845742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722254
File: 554 KB, 498x452, 1615222561591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722262

Did I miss something?

>> No.35722257

If you lack the mental capacity to differentiate between talent and their fanbase then you really ought to take your fucking meds.

>> No.35722258
File: 46 KB, 595x618, 1021211010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gartic Phone Arc
Do you rike it?

>> No.35722262
Quoted by: >>35722270

>Did I miss something?
Yes, read the thread.

>> No.35722263
File: 162 KB, 850x1190, 1614428160262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722264

That's right, we need more Towa.

>> No.35722265
File: 865 KB, 844x1500, 1626185768646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722282


>> No.35722266

the homofag cries out in pain as he spams you

>> No.35722267

I'm going to fuck your mother

>> No.35722268

I only some anime japanese and some hiragana and katakana

>> No.35722269
File: 297 KB, 1447x2046, 1624859824043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is in stock.

>> No.35722270


>> No.35722275

Marinefags are the new watameposters

>> No.35722277
Quoted by: >>35722342

The homoshits themselves literally endorse spammin holos with collab begging

>> No.35722279

I'm bored

>> No.35722280

Time to starting to learning some english first.

>> No.35722281
Quoted by: >>35722298

Another Mio and I'm going full Takeshi

>> No.35722282

Stop spamming

>> No.35722284
File: 223 KB, 416x416, watasheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gonna watch the chicken whore.

>> No.35722287
File: 715 KB, 1085x1612, 1618076572987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722288

Why the random surprise box? You're not on /v/ idiot

>> No.35722289
File: 206 KB, 707x1000, 67867867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best gokisei

>> No.35722290
Quoted by: >>35722311

Lamyposting reminds me that Lamy isn't streaming and makes me suicidally depressed

>> No.35722292

Incoming "why are you only calling ID posts spam?????"

>> No.35722293

You need to attack where it hurts, this is basic. Are you a kid? It's simple actually, just don't play if you can't handle when someone punch you back.

>> No.35722296

so from 0 then. vocabulary, grammar, and practice speaking is what you need. how you go about learning those varies different things work for different people. if it's not sticking try a different method

>> No.35722297

Nene's tits aren't that fat.

>> No.35722298
File: 321 KB, 2048x1944, 1624270197845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722299

What if Mio read this post, right now? Imagine how devastated she would feel, especially right meow. Are you satisfied with such a way of life?

>> No.35722300
File: 983 KB, 1400x989, 91295489_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For as long as this body draws breath, I will always support the sheep!

>> No.35722301
File: 3.32 MB, 1600x2231, 1625085728907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722304
File: 246 KB, 850x1207, 1624851876156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722307
File: 248 KB, 1049x351, supporting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722308
File: 244 KB, 1300x1204, 1624709228427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722424

>> No.35722311
File: 315 KB, 1039x1730, 1618124611354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722319

Lamy can help with that

>> No.35722312
File: 153 KB, 1400x1280, 1619355105776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mid 30s
>stays up for days at a time
>has multiple piercings
>groomed a teenager into her sex pet
>wears hot pants

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.35722313
Quoted by: >>35722323

that's the only post of Anya I can see on this thread

>> No.35722314
File: 1.81 MB, 1600x900, 1615394181456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722317
Quoted by: >>35722329


>> No.35722318


>> No.35722319


>> No.35722320

i will watch Aqua's new song if you promise to watch Watame's

>> No.35722323
Quoted by: >>35722346

He was spamming zombie earlier

>> No.35722327

Where is the VOD you dumb duck?

>> No.35722328

god that's so hot

>> No.35722329
File: 528 KB, 2144x3422, 1608780032185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any second now....

>> No.35722330
Quoted by: >>35722356

If you could sacrifice ONE holo to bring Pop-chan back to life, would you?

>> No.35722331

https://twitter.com/usadapekora/status/1416187894708965387 FF7 is next week, not the week after. No early stream today.

>> No.35722333
File: 1.26 MB, 2500x4250, 1625701956748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the ideal woman

>> No.35722334
Quoted by: >>35722427

Having sex with Nene while choking her!

>> No.35722337
File: 28 KB, 693x358, chrome_AHkmb7jwEh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your reps anons

>> No.35722338

havent watched any
i saw shuba's archive disappeared from jetri though

>> No.35722339
File: 1.04 MB, 983x1434, 1608280020901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it big titty hornyposting hour?

>> No.35722341
File: 216 KB, 366x504, 1600078930265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722351

Original songs are overrated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_xMgw2j9v8

>> No.35722342
Quoted by: >>35722387

Encouraging any form of raiding makes you no better than the chinks, no matter what the cause was. In the chink's point of view, they're doing the "right" thing in order to "fix" Hololive. What that guy did to the homo's stream is not that different than being a chink spamming just because he got upset.

>> No.35722344

Glad she didn't pack two streams on her anniversary. Sounds like a chore even for her to do

>> No.35722345

Question to drawfags here who're still learning. Did you ever draw your oshi? Pekoras anniversary is tomorrow but i didn't draw anything for her because my skills are still shit, and i don't want to draw her not 100000% as beautiful as she is and I'm scared to fuck up and she may not like it. Fuck do i do (except that drawing reps, that i do)

>> No.35722346

but I only posted Anya not zombie. she's okay but not for me.

>> No.35722347
Quoted by: >>35722351

I promise to watch it

>> No.35722348

living the life

>> No.35722351
Quoted by: >>35722357

haven't listened to that either, promise to watch and I will....

lol tricked

>> No.35722353
File: 618 KB, 1262x1240, 1619015891247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, start posting already.

>> No.35722356

Respawnable like sheep or chicken, problem solved. Also, can do it every time Noel feels like she's in the mood for gerbilling again.

>> No.35722357

I actually already watched it when it premiered

>> No.35722358

Hey if Ollie does a few good movements she can actually win

>> No.35722359

>big titty
this thread is for flat girls only

>> No.35722360
File: 219 KB, 1280x1790, 1619394440783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722362
File: 184 KB, 1210x820, 1598037999420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722363
Quoted by: >>35722374


>> No.35722365

Pekora is a hero to children everywhere so even if your drawing sucks she probably gets awful fanart all the time and still appreciates it

>> No.35722370

luna screams are top tier
mio screams are top tier too
heck hag screams are the best

>> No.35722372
File: 159 KB, 707x1000, 1612820143062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukihana Lamy..............

>> No.35722373
Quoted by: >>35722645

>redeem final instead of LOSER's final

>> No.35722374
Quoted by: >>35722382

Check your DMs, the shilling on 4chan thing was cancelled.

>> No.35722375
File: 1.19 MB, 2894x3310, 1618404526079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722377

Put your soul and heart

>> No.35722380

You only get good at drawing something by drawing it, anon. And even if you make something that doesn't look great, it's still better than making nothing at all.

>> No.35722381
File: 1.00 MB, 1915x1080, okiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722382


>> No.35722386
File: 2.36 MB, 5016x3541, 84673008_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722385

>if Timmy bullies me then I'm gonna stab his dog that has nothing to do with the situation
This is the kind of logic you're presenting here.

>> No.35722387
Quoted by: >>35722397

But you see, homofags means nothing to me, they aren't Hololive. No reason to care.

>> No.35722388

Breast thread

>> No.35722389
File: 294 KB, 422x614, 1625127414420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722391
File: 422 KB, 2480x3508, 1623597276147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722559

Wouldn't be surprised if she's still getting the clips in order.

>> No.35722394
File: 2.93 MB, 1232x986, 1605547601903.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722397

In the chink's point of view, Coco was not Hololive to them so they have no reason to care. I know it's easy to be blinded by hatred but just filter them out or ignore them. It's probably just one guy false flagging riling everyone up.

>> No.35722399

>if Timmy knows that his dog can die if he keeps on maybe he will stop being a retard on place he doesn't even belong in
I can't find a flaw on this one

>> No.35722400
File: 2.92 MB, 430x258, 1613846872176.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722440

>> No.35722409


>> No.35722411
Quoted by: >>35722439

*clap clap*
next sociopath

>> No.35722415
Quoted by: >>35722433

>consistent luna streams

>> No.35722416
Quoted by: >>35722456

>Coco was not Hololive to them
Actually she had the second biggest fan translation team on BiliBili before shit exploded. Do your actual Hololive reps.

>> No.35722417
File: 537 KB, 854x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722418

Wow, she won.

>> No.35722422

Timmy owns a pitbull, that dog must die

>> No.35722424

I don't get it. What is she doing?

>> No.35722427
File: 601 KB, 2760x3480, 1624695856241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having sex with Nene while feeding her tomatoes

>> No.35722428

Kizzie, no!

>> No.35722430

It's time to nut up

>> No.35722432
Quoted by: >>35722485

if Timmy keeps throwing his dog shit on my porch after I told him to stop then I'll run his dog over with a wheelbarrow.

>> No.35722433
Quoted by: >>35722488

who are you quoting? she's always been consistent

>> No.35722434


>> No.35722435
File: 1.24 MB, 2894x3780, 1614744401571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722454

As your mom she's telling you to practice safe sex.

>> No.35722437

I'd rather fuck the dog, honestly.

>> No.35722439

>the child pornograph poster is calling me a sociopath
A criminal thinks he is better than me, heh hilarious.

>> No.35722440

Lamy milk....

>> No.35722441

She is thirsty, give her some lemonade

>> No.35722442
File: 312 KB, 1148x1560, 1595908642322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cum rag!!!
Fuck off already.

>> No.35722445

Just woke up. How was the Polka / Botan collab?

>> No.35722451
File: 1.73 MB, 1128x1486, 1621554102430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722452

Why doesn't Aqua become a VSinger already? She likes to sing more than she likes to game nowadays.

>> No.35722453
Quoted by: >>35722469

No, I don't like when Subaru privates streams over one second of showing literally nothing and then management never looks at it and it remains private forever. I still have screencaps from Aka Manto, nobody cares about your start menu with default programs, dumb duck.

>> No.35722454
Quoted by: >>35722463

Will she help me practice though?

>> No.35722455
Quoted by: >>35722464

When’s Matsuri going to like this?

>> No.35722456
Quoted by: >>35722492

Not according to NGA after the Taiwan incident. The point I'm trying to make is that don't let a couple of false flaggers live in your head. Filter them out since their pictures are Apple filenames or ignore them. It's not that hard.

>> No.35722460
File: 260 KB, 1138x1454, 1616433694708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722461


>> No.35722463
File: 294 KB, 617x788, 1623256078212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's her duty as a mother

>> No.35722464
Quoted by: >>35722490

>he didnt check the likes on her 5th account

>> No.35722465

I want to touch suisei's private parts!

>> No.35722467

Karma's a bitch

>> No.35722468
File: 1.50 MB, 1414x2000, 1621389464314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.35722469

What was on the stream that made her private it?

>> No.35722472

I must be the only fan of vtubers that doesn't care about the idol side of things

I kind of view them as general entertainers/comedians/let's players and just tune out the whole singing part. It makes me wish we had vtubers that didn't really try to release music but where known for doing other things; like maybe movie reviews or arts and crafts tutorials or something else. The idol thing makes it kind of limiting; in my probably uninformed opinion

Anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.35722474
File: 66 KB, 222x195, 1612731366804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we like Irys now that /vt/ hates her?

>> No.35722475


>> No.35722477

Frustrating... but they had fun and that's the important part

>> No.35722478


>> No.35722480
Quoted by: >>35722551

Why do they hate her?

>> No.35722481

Subaluna sex

>> No.35722483
Quoted by: >>35722497


>> No.35722484

If you only want to understand streams, you should focus on grammar and vocab, even if it's just with readings in hiragana, since it's a lot easier to understand when you just hear people talk.
On the other side, I think side-learning kanji at the same time is actually the best way to actually understand how japanese works, since it helps with vocab in a deeper way that is hard to explain, kinda because it's highly related with the individual meaning of each kanji and how knowing before-hand the readings can teach you how to guess accurately the meaning of a lot of twisted words.

>> No.35722485
Quoted by: >>35722507

That means I can justifiably wheelbarrow ID and EN whores

>> No.35722486

I don't care what /vt/ thinks
I think she's a cutie

>> No.35722487

Always did

>> No.35722488
Quoted by: >>35722692

>who are you quoting? she's always been consistent
thats bullshit anon. she did like 5 streams in feb and 7 streams last month

>> No.35722489


>> No.35722490

Even if that’s a joke I find it funny she has at least 4 accounts

>> No.35722491
Quoted by: >>35722649

She makes Chicken seethe so she is based

>> No.35722492

What are you going to do spam CP again?

>> No.35722496

What kind of title is shooting star?

>> No.35722497

I'm surprised how good the song is

>> No.35722499
File: 293 KB, 2048x1406, 1625982239928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will find more of your kind here

>> No.35722503

Probably home screen of her tablet or something like this, I didn't even notice what happened.

>> No.35722504

Hag love.

>> No.35722505

Why would they hate her? Is it just the usual chicken nuggers being retarded?

>> No.35722507

That's on you. They have mods now so I doubt you would get far with it

>> No.35722508

Try blowing your brains out

>> No.35722511
File: 321 KB, 626x885, 1600879247380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722550

>> No.35722512
File: 297 KB, 2000x1500, E6bZOr-UUAI6Kwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722513

They had fun but Polka was Polka and Botan stopped tryharding pretty fast and just laughed with occasional griefing thrown in, 4 fucking hours and still 1 mission to go for next time.
Their chemistry is good, not ShishiTowa-tier but pretty high.

>> No.35722514
File: 87 KB, 720x397, IMG_20210717_060303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722544

She looks so happy with me.

>> No.35722515

You claim /vt/ hates ID even when they don't

>> No.35722516

Azki's friend is a good hag

>> No.35722519

For the last time, lewd pics of Luna are not cp!!!

>> No.35722521

No. In fact I'm starting to actively dislike my oshi for not doing enough idolshit.

>> No.35722528

They will give her a new model eventually so I can deal with that, her dorkyness is cute

>> No.35722529

No, I'm the opposite, I need more concerts and utawakus

>> No.35722530

I'll like her when they fix her fucking face

>> No.35722533

Not really. Try vshojo, that may be more your speed.

>> No.35722534
File: 800 KB, 849x1200, 1614345228836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722535
File: 293 KB, 970x970, 1608509459237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722537

go to /vt/ you will find like minded individuals like yourself there
i want cute idol shit

>> No.35722539

We liked her even before they hated her, look up the threads. She has "adopt into JP branch" written all over her.

>> No.35722544

You are wearing long sleeves to cover up all the bruises and scars on your arms.

>> No.35722548

I haven't watched anything from her after her debut so I have no opinion on her.

>> No.35722550


>> No.35722551

nepotism hire
preferential treatment
bizarre model
streams in bosh hours
voice doesn't live up to the hype
only sings in japanese
is boring and not wacky enough

from what I've seen talked about her

>> No.35722553
Quoted by: >>35722561

I wasn't even here when that thread happened. I just want to talk some sense into people who are blinded by hate.

>> No.35722555
File: 141 KB, 720x773, 1625659852562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only KFP trannies hate her. They've been seething since day 1.

>> No.35722557
File: 522 KB, 735x1100, 91262643_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hags are the most powerful race.

>> No.35722559

I'm guessing that's exactly what the preparations are. Procrastinating rabbit... I do wonder if the Pekodemy Awards are just her clapping and saying good job or if she's actually making images or something for them.

>> No.35722561
Quoted by: >>35722580

Sure homocel, sure

>> No.35722562

Indirect kiss with towasama..

>> No.35722565
File: 117 KB, 960x773, 1626395061340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to browse here now?

>> No.35722566

Taiga has lost again

>> No.35722567
File: 1.37 MB, 2893x4092, 1617398258599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722568

>he doesnt like idolshit

>> No.35722570

No, I hope my oshi finally get's her shit together and releases an orisong

>> No.35722572
File: 170 KB, 1152x2048, 1617390053881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722573
File: 14 KB, 333x272, 1600291942338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking from the carton is your RIGHT

>> No.35722575
File: 25 KB, 881x267, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722577


>> No.35722578


>> No.35722580

You can believe what you want to believe. No amount of convincing will get to you. But, it doesn't change the fact that people have been extremely reactionary to everything.

>> No.35722581
Quoted by: >>35722641


>> No.35722584

Regardless the birthday, the countdows was really retarded. It's obvious that the EN marketing isn't the same as the JP one.

>> No.35722585
File: 121 KB, 512x512, 1021011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To = Chama

>> No.35722586
File: 769 KB, 850x1200, 1614556093658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare will ALWAYS be brown
Flare will ALWAYS have big fat tits
Flare will NEVER be a loli

>> No.35722588

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.35722589

d-did i just get metabaited or is he an actual reddittor?

>> No.35722593

She will always be a nigger

>> No.35722594

Have you done your utaite reps today

>> No.35722600

She already ditch the elf ears for nekomimi. Just wait for her new costume she's going to have smaller tits or a way to hide them.

>> No.35722601


>> No.35722603

>All traits BTFO of EOPs
I see no issue.

>> No.35722605

You made me look at the post and when did Reddit start to accept that some of them are idols

>> No.35722606

Looking at his posts it's not surprising he's an EOP who loves EN and ID.

>> No.35722608

>meanwhile nijiggers have a lighter-skinned loli from her father

>> No.35722611
File: 1.05 MB, 4000x3150, 1609500075700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy okayu....

>> No.35722612
Quoted by: >>35722627

Suisei voice sounds like a cake, a ripe cake

>> No.35722615
File: 102 KB, 437x437, okiteokite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okite Okite

>> No.35722621
Quoted by: >>35722629

Her sister is fucking ugly tho. Lack and his muddied colors suck

>> No.35722625
File: 49 KB, 640x555, 1625970037513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like her.

>> No.35722627

Cakes are past their prime by definition

>> No.35722629

Don't you mean unmuddied colors?

>> No.35722630


>> No.35722632
File: 809 KB, 772x1080, 1612692936520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722639
File: 398 KB, 640x585, shep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked iketog today, Irys is cute.

>> No.35722640
File: 1.25 MB, 577x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722646


>> No.35722641

Post it.

>> No.35722645

anon they're all losers

>> No.35722646
Quoted by: >>35722665

Someone is living the dream

>> No.35722649
Quoted by: >>35722664

literally how, kiara's been nothing but supportive to her

>> No.35722653
Quoted by: >>35722656

I am glad that IRyS is not a hag.

>> No.35722654
Quoted by: >>35722678

>dead hours
i dont want to watch subaru
id watch noel but i dont want to watch another zelda game
i dont want to watch reine because my imagination is trash. why cant she just take a video of whatever the fuck shes eating like chammers
only stream im looking forward to is luna in about 6 hours just for the noises

what streams are you looking forward to?

>> No.35722656

Haha, yeah...

>> No.35722658

I also dont care and dont consider them idols cuz they dont act like pure idols. They are just streamers who can sing and poorly dance.
With that said, I did love Marine 1M concert with the rest of sankisei, but I love sankisei so I would like anything they do together.

>> No.35722661

>it's real

>> No.35722663

Should I watch Aki play Subnautica?

>> No.35722664
Quoted by: >>35722713

It's just KFP whiting knighting Chicken cause Cover doesn't support her singing

>> No.35722665
File: 1.25 MB, 633x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722701

here's one for you hag lovers

>> No.35722667
Quoted by: >>35722675

Become Okayu.

>> No.35722668
File: 417 KB, 1536x2048, 1615046308326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hag HATE

loli LOVE

>> No.35722669

and Re:AcT had lack's cow, so what?

>> No.35722670

why not
aki is pretty cute for a hag

>> No.35722673
File: 115 KB, 1154x719, 1626470786167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722789

Looks SEA.

>> No.35722675

Kanata is surrounded by menheras.

>> No.35722676


>> No.35722678

just go to sleep anon

>> No.35722681

almost cummed in my monitor when mio sang on her 777777 stream

>> No.35722692

she had her wrist surgery and her mom this year. go check her total streaming hours for last year and she has also been catching up on her total streamed hours this year already compared to other

>> No.35722697
Quoted by: >>35722714

Are there any pics of irys' roommate?

>> No.35722700 [DELETED] 

The Gartic Phone arc continues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVUx9cNKMIg

>> No.35722701
Quoted by: >>35722737

I am legit jealous

>> No.35722704


>> No.35722709
Quoted by: >>35722791

Wrong thread faggot.

>> No.35722711
File: 2.79 MB, 960x540, 1610790687442.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722731

choo choo

>> No.35722713
Quoted by: >>35722722

isnt YAGOO wearing her merch enough for them? what's wrong with KFPs?

>> No.35722714

It's always fresh in the Outback

>> No.35722717

Thanks for the reminder

>> No.35722719
Quoted by: >>35722791

kill yourself off topic retard

>> No.35722722
Quoted by: >>35722739


>> No.35722726

this game is shit like the phasmophobia arc
cant wait till vtubers move to something else

>> No.35722728
Quoted by: >>35722743


>> No.35722729

Right thread KING, ignore the tribalist schizos

>> No.35722730

Odds on Watame crying when she hits the million?

>> No.35722731

I hope Cover pays to paint a JR rail car like that when she can do a concert with people.

>> No.35722732

Right place, right time

>> No.35722736

No, we dont want repeat of last thread.

>> No.35722737

go to /ona/ and ask how to make one of these

>> No.35722738
Quoted by: >>35722791

pls die you and the other nijiniggers

>> No.35722739

Too lazy to find it, just skim yagoo's twitter

>> No.35722741
File: 266 KB, 1214x1720, 1624116613313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am oompa roompa

>> No.35722742

I fucking love pomu

>> No.35722743

>Pomf=3 shionyo
Fixed that for you

>> No.35722746
File: 794 KB, 717x851, smugsora14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722747

The Rami...

>> No.35722748
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, 1607335498827.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722756

>> No.35722749

The arc will end once people start joining the membership just to shit up the game

>> No.35722752
File: 587 KB, 1000x1000, E4P6aw7VcAI94jU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722754


>> No.35722756
File: 759 KB, 2048x1935, Darling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722758
Quoted by: >>35722791

Time to get the fairy banned

>> No.35722759

based (You) collector

>> No.35722760
File: 561 KB, 1000x1000, E6Z4mcRUUAEjwJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722765

They're auditioning for male En and I'll join nijisanji just to have off collabs with Pomu and Fish. Then I'll have non consensual intercourse with them.

>> No.35722771
File: 46 KB, 1200x1200, 1600488295222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garlic yo

>> No.35722774
File: 77 KB, 1280x700, ankimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not lewd Sora!

>> No.35722778

Slime holo when?

>> No.35722781

wtf why does sora have so many lewds?

>> No.35722783
File: 12 KB, 543x91, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722786
Quoted by: >>35722830

Maybe you dislike her becuase she's ID, but she's a great fit for her avatar.

>> No.35722788
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x854, wata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722805

What kind of autism does watame have? How can she stand to play these objectively boring games and PLATTING them. Like i've seen autistic gamers, but she is a different breed.

>> No.35722789
File: 84 KB, 564x840, 1625977384633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still cute though.

>> No.35722791

Stay mad :)

>> No.35722793
File: 41 KB, 692x303, Untitled(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are gokishit such big failures? Or are Moona and Ollie just too good?

>> No.35722794

Im so done with this nijien posting their shit here, if they dont have membership available yet Im gonna wheelbarrow the shit out of them

>> No.35722797

pom pom pom pom pom...pom pom pom...pom pom pom

>> No.35722798
Quoted by: >>35722843

Ollie... you did some pretty childish mistakes, but she's doing fine for a beginner

>> No.35722800


>> No.35722802
File: 584 KB, 707x1000, 1609399905763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722804

Run Towa run!

>> No.35722805
Quoted by: >>35722821

she doesnt have autism, shes just padding the game to collect supachas

>> No.35722808
File: 164 KB, 1100x933, 11655615161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722810


>> No.35722813

Is Lamy the worst in her gen?

>> No.35722814

ID just have a lot of dead pity subs, it's clear from their live viewer counts

>> No.35722816

Time to listen to Duck's Tales!

>> No.35722818

do it anon

>> No.35722821

>padding games like void, shin crayon, rice loli
she must of not gotten the memo because she's playing the wrong games

>> No.35722824
File: 3.90 MB, 3508x2480, 1609342955096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722894


>> No.35722826

Is Subaru real? Are Subatomos real?

>> No.35722827

Haha it's Pomu! time

>> No.35722828

Nene is last in sub count

>> No.35722829

In terms of what

>> No.35722830

I like Reine and think she's entertaining, but she doesn't fit her design. Her design looks so elegant and collected, but Reine herself is impatient and quick to anger. Like how she almost snapped at Ina over that turkey joke.
Moona's doesn't fit hers either, but she can play it off as "generic purple haired girl", but Reine's literally can't do the same without a new outfit coming out.

>> No.35722831

they're more of a supporting cast than main characters. moona was a main character in an arc and i don't really know much about ollie other than she's a zoomer so she's probably cracked in some way.

>> No.35722834


>> No.35722836

>is Subaru real?
anon I...

>> No.35722840

>it's clear from their live viewer counts
Moona and Ollie frequently get higher viewership than Roboco, Matsuri, Aki, and Mel. Reine does as well sometimes.

>> No.35722841

Subaru isn’t real.

>> No.35722843

Being a cum rag isn't a mistake though.

>> No.35722847
File: 63 KB, 785x381, 1614084780363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722849

I can feel a timeloop

>> No.35722850
File: 18 KB, 357x80, aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722852
Quoted by: >>35722877

They all struggle to break 2k on a regular stream, even Roboco can do that easily

>> No.35722853
File: 62 KB, 592x297, Untitled(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, they have good VOD views and their fanbase is spread out across the world just like EN. And Ollie gets more viewers than gen 5.

>> No.35722854
Quoted by: >>35722877

Is that supposed to be impressive? and no, Moona hardly even get's 2k unless she's having an unarchived karaoke

>> No.35722855
Quoted by: >>35722867

IDfags are nijifags huh...

>> No.35722856

They fluctuate wildly based on what they are doing. People like to use the outliers either way.

>> No.35722859

Good that Nene can always count on her friend

>> No.35722861
Quoted by: >>35722883

I don't like Reine
there is something off about her.

>> No.35722863
File: 94 KB, 1529x228, 170215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask Mito

>> No.35722864

>getting tricked by some shitposter

>> No.35722866

we have like 0 narratives lately only schizo posts
id wish for another YAB but that went terribly wrong last time

>> No.35722867

Niji has KR aswell

>> No.35722868

Shill your e-celeb to /vt/

>> No.35722874

>muh VODs

>> No.35722876

Massfag is lazy just like his oshi, implying he actually gives a shit about her.

>> No.35722877

>They all struggle to break 2k on a regular stream
Not really, Moona had ~3k streaming earlier, also both Reine and Moona had more viewers than Matuli
Literally wrong, her stream today proves that.

Keep in mind, this was during primetime hours with Pekora and Noel's match going on, Lamycraft, and Okayu playing 2hu.

>> No.35722878

Moona and Ollie have a shitload of western fans. Polka had the same thing going for her that Ollie and Kiara have as the "le extrovert holo" niche, but Polka ruined that EOP money by playing nothing but minecraft and nip games when the spotlight was on her. Lamy and the rest have a dedicated JP base however.

>> No.35722882
File: 139 KB, 1547x340, 221051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated version

>> No.35722883

i just look at her titters

>> No.35722887
Quoted by: >>35722916

Her average viewership during June was 3000. She has an enormous amount of dead subs.
Saying she can beat some of the least popular JPs is hardly a cause for celebration considering it includes girls like Roboco who perma debuffs herself with APEX

>> No.35722888
File: 54 KB, 720x588, 1623179949382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a great thread!!

>> No.35722889
File: 336 KB, 2888x963, 20210628_002325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722953

It's been 320 days since Mano Aloe "graduated".

Thanks to the many voices of concern and encouragement she has received, Aloe was able to overcome a lot of difficult situations and now she's able to think positively and stay motivated to work on her album, merch and in the new design of her live2D model.

Mano Aloe is not a very strong person and she's a person whose mental health breaks down frequently, but I'm glad that she's alive and happy that she's working hard to accomplish her dreams.


>> No.35722892
Quoted by: >>35722896

>And Ollie gets more viewers than gen 5.
No? Litearlly everyone in Gen 5 has a higher average than Ollie. Those two streams in your image are her best forming streams and the average Nene gameplay or utawaku does better, so does literally anything Botan streams. I don't really see why you're trying so hard when opening the numbers site is more than enough to see that you're wrong.
Why do you hate the IDs so much to the extend of falsefalgging this hard?

>> No.35722894

>femdom subaru
why do I want more of this?

>> No.35722896

>Litearlly everyone in Gen 5 has a higher average than Ollie.
No they don't

>> No.35722897

its over...

>> No.35722898
File: 74 KB, 236x228, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722956

I can do that too

>> No.35722899

your not even trying anymore

>> No.35722903

Niji females look like their growth is getting strangled by the males. I guess you can never have a male-female agency and expect both to do well.

>> No.35722904
Quoted by: >>35722914

>5 times the amount of views
I don't think she minds considering those subs seem to do fuck all.

>> No.35722907

You guys really are this bored huh

>> No.35722908

The numbers...

>> No.35722909

so how much until they figure out the station cause of food?

>> No.35722914


>> No.35722916
Quoted by: >>35722945

>is hardly a cause for celebration
It is though, considering they're the least supported branch in hololive, and they're STILL inclining too.

>> No.35722919
File: 58 KB, 908x557, suitilyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722939


>> No.35722920

Nijifags using the IDs again...

>> No.35722922
File: 120 KB, 698x1048, 1622535932222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722923
File: 256 KB, 1160x1572, 1617929785868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35722930


>> No.35722926
Quoted by: >>35722938

Pomu is really cute

>> No.35722927


>> No.35722930

*sniff sniff*

>> No.35722935
Quoted by: >>35723024

Why are people still subscribing to her?

>> No.35722937

any new lies?

>> No.35722938

Yeah super adorable

>> No.35722939

Botan's laugh is too infectious.

>> No.35722942

>NijiJP has the best talents, not outshined by branch talents
>HoloJP mogged by holoEN and now holoID

>> No.35722945

Support doesn't mean shit when their regular every day streams gets obliterated by all but the absolute bottom-tier JPs.
If they were actually interesting their non-special streams would be higher, and you can't blame Cover for that.

>> No.35722949

This thread is not as bad as the previous 2, but still pretty bad now that baiters are awake.
I'mma play Scarlet Nexus instead.

>> No.35722952


>> No.35722953


>> No.35722955
File: 1.60 MB, 1300x2000, 1618648869171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723011

>> No.35722956

What a terrible example to use, considering roboco had fucking worse numbers than moona during the relay, seriously, she was like the only holo who made the viewership DROP during the relay.

>> No.35722957

I don't care what anyone else says. Her big fat natural veiny milkers look great.

>> No.35722958

ark streams like every holo promised to her?

>> No.35722964

>Ollie's last 3 streams
>Moona's last 3 streams
>Lamy's last 3 streams
>Polka's last 3 streams
>Nene's last 3 streams
>Botan's last 3 streams

What's your point? Ollie get's even worse viewership when doing regular streams, she got lucky that the tournament thing is boosting her numbers, go back a few days more and she dips into the 3-1k range

>> No.35722965

Nijisanji will always be a failure

>> No.35722967

It seems I was wrong. You look like an intellectual person, can you tell me more about niji my friend?

>> No.35722969
File: 703 KB, 1085x650, 1624558266008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722970
File: 193 KB, 905x407, red light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722971

Mito will slowly fall out of the top 50, but is going to take a long while, most likely we'll still see her on the top 50 at the end of the year, Kuzuha will get to the 1m at the end of the year and Kanae will follow on 2022, I highly doubt any other niji will get to the 1m, if Mito doesn't quit by 2023 I guess she could get there too.

>> No.35722976

Nene is a /hlg/ poster...

>> No.35722977
Quoted by: >>35722987

Polka was dumb, she could've done more EOP and zoomer pandering streams but instead decided to spam rice loli, Minecraft and song covers.

>> No.35722978

Subaru is my boyfriend.

>> No.35722980


>> No.35722981

Ollie > Moona
get fucked moonfags

>> No.35722982

Subaru got eaten...

>> No.35722986
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, 1620482033639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35722987

She doesn't want the EOP audience. Most of her other content is better with understanding.

>> No.35722988

Reminder that Pomu is a wagie and other girls make fun of her for that

>> No.35722990
File: 939 KB, 688x1629, _11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35722991
File: 1.49 MB, 1099x1071, 1624549320065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, how are you bragging about this, are Robosas retarded?

>> No.35722993
Quoted by: >>35723008

I wonder who'll they use to replace Mito if she quit, Shizurin is a non-entity so probably Deron. They're really lucked out that they still have Chima to replace Lulu for onstage shits.

>> No.35722994

IDfags aren't going to like this anon, you can't just post more than one stream, you have to pick only the outlier.

>> No.35722995

once EN2 debut she´s going to fall 5 more positions, 6 with Iris

>> No.35722996
File: 3.90 MB, 2000x2886, __yozora_mel_hololive_drawn_by_yukirei__acf2026205a70bbac601b27f6737203c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723063

>> No.35722997
Quoted by: >>35723026

But now her numbers are suffering for it.

>> No.35722998
File: 454 KB, 1058x550, 1624810622577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723006

>> No.35722999
File: 232 KB, 850x1202, 1622403761058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723003

I love my wife Iofi

>> No.35723003

Iofi is my wife actually

>> No.35723005
Quoted by: >>35723020

You guys aren't watching Shuba?

>> No.35723006
Quoted by: >>35723029

Why did Subaru do this?

>> No.35723007
File: 24 KB, 719x194, 1623751724891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723018

>> No.35723008

Gibara was the only shitposter that could've succeeded Mito...

>> No.35723010
Quoted by: >>35724084

tell me anon, why do you reply to eternally shitposting monkey?
you aren't dumb enough to actually expect a proper reply, right?

>> No.35723011

I wish Subaru has fat tits like that.

>> No.35723014

>doesn't want the EOP audience
You must be joking.

>> No.35723016 [DELETED] 


>> No.35723018

Gen 2...

>> No.35723019

Subaru is a male.
corkscrew cock..

>> No.35723020
Quoted by: >>35723035

Are you blind?

>> No.35723021


>> No.35723023

Towa is missing...

>> No.35723024
Quoted by: >>35723034

Same reason people are still subbing to Coco.
Mental illness.

>> No.35723025
File: 408 KB, 1756x1239, 1611076123690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723044


>> No.35723026

>7k average
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.35723027

Can the jannies delete all this literal off-topic niji spam?

>> No.35723029

ducks don't really have fingers, she was just jealous

>> No.35723030

they dont, dozo

>> No.35723033

Where are the chinese? I want more drama, I want more graduations, I want one of the girls to have a panic attack on live, SOMETHING, everything is so boring now...

>> No.35723034
Quoted by: >>35723181

Or maybe it's just a sign that they're more interesting than whoever's left even if they're no longer with the company.

>> No.35723035
Quoted by: >>35723053

Sorry, can you speak what you type? I can't read it

>> No.35723037
File: 898 KB, 1200x825, 1621924912346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723039
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1626360961180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723042

are you enjoying your time in /jp/?

>> No.35723044
Quoted by: >>35723076

I'm glad everyone recognize Subaru as the MC and Pekora and Aqua just as background dancers.

>> No.35723047
File: 647 KB, 3508x2480, 1600962461813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723048
File: 743 KB, 1077x657, 1616256364389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723698

pekora is a RETARD

>> No.35723053

Very well, send me your number and i will leave a message.

>> No.35723054

>asking this
>when the nijimeido will do everything to protect niji in this board
>in a place where the owner of the site is gookmoot, a literal nijinigger

>> No.35723055
File: 571 KB, 2048x2048, E6BoTMyVIAYgTQ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723057
Quoted by: >>35723102

Why don't you just watch pomu

>> No.35723059
Quoted by: >>35723068

What kind of hat does Pomu wear? A berry?

>> No.35723061


>> No.35723062
Quoted by: >>35723075

The one with China dress Aqua is funnier.

>> No.35723063

Holy shit, look at the size of those saggers

>> No.35723065


>> No.35723066


>> No.35723068

Looks like an acorn.

>> No.35723070

Is he still doing so, he was leaving nijidoxx to hang the whole thread yesterday?

>> No.35723072

It's just calm before the storm. Upcoming events
Shionyo's suicide show on a livestream
Haachama graduation
25th next week

>> No.35723074

I don't think I get the references.

>> No.35723075
File: 587 KB, 1280x720, 1599955111593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.35723076

Calling them dancers is being generous.

>> No.35723077
File: 182 KB, 1181x1144, 1611265645551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723096

>> No.35723078



>> No.35723081

can we talk about hololive in the hololive thread?

>> No.35723082
File: 205 KB, 2048x823, bp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to see that you apes have managed to keep up the treads status quo of being filled with complete retards who keep replying to baits
keep it up faggots

>> No.35723083

Nijimeido dont care about en shit, try posting them in the niji thread and see how fast he bans you

>> No.35723086
File: 1.11 MB, 1658x1087, cha1618337483398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming and cute!

>> No.35723087


>> No.35723088
File: 174 KB, 308x381, 1618778784923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723108

>We're entering anniversary season once again.
A little sad that Pekora and Noel won't have 3Ds this time around, but there's still a lot that could happen

>> No.35723090
File: 19 KB, 365x315, 1625877126986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this to happen to my beloved wife Kiara.

>> No.35723091

How can you relax watching Pecor megaman stream

>> No.35723092

she's already the best EN and she'll only get better once they fix her face

>> No.35723094
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, 1614873702904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute marine

>> No.35723095

rushia ecchi...

>> No.35723096

Those are some nice daikon legs.

>> No.35723097

>nene in the shitty game show on the main channel was recorded yesterday
Let's see how far in advance they record

>> No.35723099

Imagine the smug shuba

>> No.35723100
Quoted by: >>35724104

i feel bad bros..... how can we save them....

>> No.35723102

Watching a failure with cancer lmao

>> No.35723107
File: 194 KB, 750x1334, 1598989702824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wanna talk about Lamy

>> No.35723108
File: 465 KB, 1841x1033, 2839A24E-1684-48AB-ACD1-0ACCBB3B577D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty nice how busy early August and September will be

Of course there’s gonna be Aloe’s graduation anniversary, but what can you do

>> No.35723113

For me are horror streams, any horror game stream is the comfiest shit to me.

>> No.35723114

what does ramy smell like?

>> No.35723115
Quoted by: >>35723137

Yesterday? Marine recorded on te 12th and they record all 4 episodes in a row

>> No.35723116


>> No.35723118

I don't see how it's possible. Even discounting all the sound effects and bgms, Peko is pretty loud during the stream.

>> No.35723119
Quoted by: >>35723136

if you had to murder one holo to keep your oshi alive who would it be?

For me I'd kill Towa and Towa is my oshi

>> No.35723120

Subaru lived in Canada and I still barely understand her english.

>> No.35723121


>> No.35723125
Quoted by: >>35723156

I like that game show

>> No.35723126

Why are Yukimin like this?

>> No.35723128

i thought canada is full of french people.

>> No.35723131
File: 36 KB, 640x826, 1596012199275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like anyone can understand canadians either

>> No.35723132
File: 100 KB, 715x1000, 1602152444397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pounding Rushia big ass on her bed

>> No.35723133

She likes rose-scented perfumes and creams.

>> No.35723135

Good, now I hope the cancer kills her

>> No.35723136


>> No.35723137

I thought Subaru was talking about yesterday? Will have to double check later

>> No.35723140

Sake and Shishiron's cum

>> No.35723141

is rushia for anal?

>> No.35723143

>watame is a disgusting numberfag
I thought she was a safe bet... now who do I follow...

>> No.35723146

tis is nsfw

>> No.35723147

why is it a clown

>> No.35723152

spice love stream!

>> No.35723154

Subaru does sound like a male sometimes..

>> No.35723156
Quoted by: >>35723189

I only watch the beginning until they start playing whatever game they are shilling and then skip to the end to watch the puyo tetris part

>> No.35723158


>> No.35723163
File: 305 KB, 512x512, 1596958514082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723165

No she's not

>> No.35723169


>> No.35723170

Subaru is a smug piece of shit.

>> No.35723171

Kanata's room is still a mess

>> No.35723172

Did the burgers leave already?

>> No.35723174
Quoted by: >>35723198

She is only doing it to dump on the gorilla

>> No.35723179

Subaru´s smug face

>> No.35723181


>> No.35723183

Go back to vshojo

>> No.35723188
Quoted by: >>35723199

>Kanata house
They're not even calling it KanaCoco house anymore.

>> No.35723189

Well.. last part is the best. Altho I enjoy the rune factory eps

>> No.35723190
File: 880 KB, 600x450, 1613895230362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723198
Quoted by: >>35723223

Too bad she'll fail, Kanata's starting her stream earlier.

>> No.35723199

Are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.35723200
Quoted by: >>35723217

festival... you didn't forget her right? just invite her for some apex...

>> No.35723201

The face of someone who dumped all their money in FX

>> No.35723202
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1697, 1606638791424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723204

Fuck the chinks

>> No.35723205
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, 【#生スバル】free talk_おはスバ【ホロライブ_大空スバル】 39-24 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723208
Quoted by: >>35723222

Korone's new outfit, especially with the forehead showing, looks exactly like a dorky older sister who shuts herself in her room to watch korean dramas all day while eating ice cream

>> No.35723209

Towa, the only number Towa cares about is the number of loads dumped down her throat

>> No.35723210
File: 1.78 MB, 850x1200, 1622766504271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723211
File: 521 KB, 1738x2048, E6defGgVgAILdCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723256

>> No.35723213
Quoted by: >>35723220

I can't even remember where that face originally came from.

>> No.35723217
Quoted by: >>35723277

Sumire being cute... Towa x Matsuri x Sumire collab when

>> No.35723220
File: 81 KB, 952x720, 1344783975563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723258


>> No.35723221

Who am i supposed to eat dinner with if Lamy isn't streaming

>> No.35723222

Korone's new outfit looks like an almost 40 year old women pretend to be a dog slut online

>> No.35723223
Quoted by: >>35723240

What could Kanatan do to get 19k subs before Watame

>> No.35723224


>> No.35723232


>> No.35723233
File: 355 KB, 1420x2048, 1616664324837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723248


>> No.35723234

you don't eat dinner until lamy starts

>> No.35723235

I think Peko is actually just into this submission play, honestly

>> No.35723239


>> No.35723240

cry over coco and continue to leach over her corpse

>> No.35723241
File: 169 KB, 379x379, 1610562003166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723246

Who the fuck cares

>> No.35723248

what's that over her face? why is she holding her drink like a retard?

>> No.35723251

why does this make me hard for pekora

>> No.35723256

That's a massive tomato...

>> No.35723258


>> No.35723265

Well, duh. She literally commissioned a prison rape outfit.

>> No.35723266
Quoted by: >>35723282

Any yabe yet on the Ollie chess tournament thing?

>> No.35723268
Quoted by: >>35723284

is that a polka is fat joke?

>> No.35723269

Even Ayame streams more for now

>> No.35723272

Google translated it as trash for me lol

>> No.35723273
Quoted by: >>35723304

Is this a new vtuber trend, do they just all copy and paste the same collar and hand?

>> No.35723274

Tomato is an euphemism for testicles in portuguese

>> No.35723275

Fuck off cum rag.

>> No.35723277

Maybe if Matsuri joins the girls Overwatch club.

>> No.35723282
Quoted by: >>35723295

She said "juicy white cock" instead of bishop

>> No.35723283

Yeah, she's a woman

>> No.35723284

no, it's polka is italian joke

>> No.35723286

she won?

>> No.35723289
File: 172 KB, 289x399, 1624296894919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723308

Flare will NEVER have sex

>> No.35723290
Quoted by: >>35723299

Is this fanart or just an edit? It's pretty good.

>> No.35723295


>> No.35723296
File: 1.53 MB, 1558x2100, 1613791868406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me is Watame X Botan

>> No.35723299

You can see that it’s an edit

>> No.35723302
File: 381 KB, 1500x860, 1607687386222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723304
Quoted by: >>35723316


>> No.35723307
Quoted by: >>35723317

Aqua pegging tokyo ghoul, sasuga nijikiller

>> No.35723308
Quoted by: >>35723321

with >>35723289

>> No.35723309

Fuck off

>> No.35723313

Holy shit, Pekora looks like THIS?

>> No.35723314

Heh, last time Subaru asked chat for topics to talk about with marine all she got was talking about lewd jokes

>> No.35723316

Neat, this one is way better though.

>> No.35723317
Quoted by: >>35723323

Will she peg him together with blue Oni?

>> No.35723318

Ughh I want to sleep

>> No.35723321

I'm not an orc

>> No.35723322


>> No.35723323
Quoted by: >>35723328

She´s going to peg both

>> No.35723327

>Manager still shilling touken ranbu

>> No.35723328


>> No.35723330

Noel Zelda again? HELL YEAH BROTHERS

>> No.35723333


>> No.35723335

I wonder if the switch version have the same flying system as the wii motion plus, that was one of the best feature of that game

>> No.35723337
Quoted by: >>35723357

Danchou used that one

>> No.35723339


>> No.35723340
File: 49 KB, 500x442, hgiS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more people watching to Subaru talking with her nail on chalk board voice than there are people watching Korone play vidya these days and that's hella sad...

>> No.35723347


>> No.35723351

Go away EOP

>> No.35723352

Korone needs to be put to sleep old bitch pretending to be cute is disgusting

>> No.35723353
File: 1.27 MB, 2500x2008, 1610024403510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723354

I swear this pic gets darker everyday

>> No.35723355
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 【#生スバル】free talk_おはスバ【ホロライブ_大空スバル】 51-54 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723356

Its okay its the worst 3D Zelda game by like a hundredfold you arent going to miss much.
But since its super linear and story focused with no content for you to waste time on it might actually be a better stream game

>> No.35723357

Of course it would be Danchou. Although Rushia being the one collared would be interesting.

>> No.35723358

Subaru is too loud

>> No.35723361
Quoted by: >>35723377

Korone has gotten kinda weird since she started to openly abuse her fan on stream, it put me off, I don't want to be abused by a dog.

>> No.35723366
Quoted by: >>35723429

Koro-san is the original dead sub Holo. Even worse than Fubuki.

>> No.35723371
File: 838 KB, 2508x3541, 1617671346625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while since i watched noel live....

>> No.35723373

HOW is this not deleted yet
What the fuck

>> No.35723375

Literally the most perfect game for Noel if she uses the motion controls.

>> No.35723377

>I don't want to be abused by a dog

>> No.35723379

>17k viewers in subaru stream

When she inclined so hard? was it after the whole subaru police and the dancing duck meme?

>> No.35723382


>> No.35723386
Quoted by: >>35723439

So does Rushia and Botan but you never bitched and moaned this hard about it you absolute niggerfaggot. Either kill yourself or commit suicide.

>> No.35723387

>Dog louder than a semi
Uhh, what?

>> No.35723388

Tranny meido

>> No.35723389
File: 194 KB, 888x441, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723390
Quoted by: >>35723466

Korone's recline is seriously a huge embarrassment how do you from being at the very top to being a mid tier holo

>> No.35723394

I totally forgot about the olympics, any holo have talked about it? Is next week.

>> No.35723395
Quoted by: >>35723408

It's Pomu and friends

>> No.35723396

Idshit fuck off

>> No.35723397
Quoted by: >>35723424

>Of course it would be Danchou.
Noel using that one and Pekora using the one she used were the result of their DQXI collab.

>> No.35723404

Her morning streams are Asacoco 4.0

>> No.35723405

imagine how loud she must be in the bed

>> No.35723406

I can't read these kanji. What the fuck. What is a train bruidg and what kind of dog is she talking about?

>> No.35723408

Isn't that whore dying of cancer of something?

>> No.35723410

I hope at least someone plays that Mario Olympic game

>> No.35723413

She is

>> No.35723415

Are they still going to do the fucking Olympics? Wasn't like 80% of Japan asking to delay/cancel the event?

>> No.35723419

Pomu Pomu timu

>> No.35723420

We'll see. Depends on the first hour

>> No.35723422

yes, literally a failure with cancer

>> No.35723424
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 【ドラクエ11S】真のギャンブラーはどっちだ!ぺこらVSノエル カジノ王決定戦ぺこ!【ホロライブ_兎田ぺこら】 1-28-15 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723522


>> No.35723426
File: 165 KB, 2048x1212, EqPpDeqU0AE-N4S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723473


>> No.35723427

Fuck off newfag. Her saturday morning streams have been at 10k+ for over a year already.

>> No.35723429

Yeah. The pathetic numbers from that outfit reveal stream was the final nail in the coffin. Not even a single stream over 100k viewers with THAT many subscribers.

>> No.35723432

eop... go watch en streams

>> No.35723433
Quoted by: >>35723451

Nah she is fine
just high risk

>> No.35723436
Quoted by: >>35724422

It's really hard watching her now with her numbers

>> No.35723438

I wonder if Holos can stream over the olympics. WSJ taking a break as a result is unbelievable. It only comes out once a week.

>> No.35723439
Quoted by: >>35723494

Botan acts her age and Rushia is younger, Korone is close to 40, fucking digusting dog bitch

>> No.35723442

based as fuck

>> No.35723443
File: 1.15 MB, 2900x4000, 1614828699218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723447

the only people that say that are the poor fags that played skysward sword in a emulator, the whole wii motion plus was kino as fuck.

>> No.35723448
Quoted by: >>35723462

They already let a nigger out of the containment zone.

>> No.35723450

too much money on the line

>> No.35723451

Nah, shes going to die for sure

>> No.35723456

off indog

>> No.35723459


>> No.35723462


>> No.35723464
File: 424 KB, 1024x768, 0zsq7zj2hob71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723491


>> No.35723466
Quoted by: >>35723511

Because she didn't evolve, or maybe, just maybe, she's not that popular in Japan and most of her viewers were covid bandwagoner EOPs

>> No.35723467
File: 102 KB, 1527x729, 1602343515355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723478

Would you subscribe to watame channel if I pay you 10k watacoins?

>> No.35723468
File: 442 KB, 409x459, 1609272071758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No checkmark for Lamy....

>> No.35723469
Quoted by: >>35723505

Matsuri needs to be locked up.

>> No.35723470
File: 1004 KB, 1558x466, 1606680094046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723472

Pomu love!

>> No.35723473

ok gurgel

>> No.35723478

Sorry we don't take watacoins here.

>> No.35723479
Quoted by: >>35723942

>Miko hasn't streamed in over 24 hours
She's sick, I called it

>> No.35723485
File: 200 KB, 720x1230, IMG_20210717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are deadbeats are so proud to be cucks?
t. Deadbeat

>> No.35723486
File: 1.65 MB, 4112x2464, 1606863287978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723527


>> No.35723491

Didnt ask

>> No.35723494
File: 226 KB, 485x450, 1611504308762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723503

>a fancuck
>telling other bitches to act their age

>> No.35723495
Quoted by: >>35723599

shion dokko

>> No.35723501

>actual member comment

>> No.35723502


>> No.35723503
File: 376 KB, 608x1080, 1615400037535.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723504
File: 1.51 MB, 2674x3731, 91294554_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723505

sekuhara is okay for woman

>> No.35723506
File: 1.44 MB, 1170x1812, botan143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the first redbull outfits got art I also want art of the second ones as they are much better

>> No.35723509
Quoted by: >>35723538

A reminder that the olympic sex villages are proven to be true, if your Oshi isn't streaming during the Olypic days you just know where she's spending her time.

>> No.35723511
File: 47 KB, 500x442, Sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723512

Lol that's 100% a dude

>> No.35723513

I don't want to browse reddit Subara just to keep tabs on you please no

>> No.35723517
File: 2.04 MB, 2894x4093, 90520528_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! I've haven't really watched in a while, life has been busy! I'm excited for my oshi Coco's stream tonight! Who's the meme review guest?

>> No.35723518

I didn’t expect to actually hear something

>> No.35723520
File: 765 KB, 873x1236, E5X7P5zVIAQb20M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723522

>1 leash
>2 handles
That's not how it works

>> No.35723524

I fucking love tomatoes. Probably the best fruit after plums.

>> No.35723525

T3Beat here it is universally agreed Jeremy is a fag

>> No.35723527

Twitter sucks

>> No.35723529


>> No.35723530
File: 534 KB, 504x579, 1597401547585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723532

Fuck I missed this

>> No.35723536
Quoted by: >>35723800

It is time

>> No.35723537
File: 44 KB, 571x376, 1619908572815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723615

Why are people posting about EN shit when Subaru and Noel are streaming?

>> No.35723538 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>35723549

Olympic village is a strict lockdown zone. Then again, as I said, they did lose track of a nigger there already.

>> No.35723539

back to global

>> No.35723540
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1611348484409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy that since Coco graduated, now no one pander to reddit faggots

>> No.35723541
Quoted by: >>35723554


>> No.35723542
File: 209 KB, 326x273, 1604507007633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off tomatofags

>> No.35723543
Quoted by: >>35723554

well you heard it bros

>> No.35723549 [DELETED] 

Nigger doko...

>> No.35723550

Just another lie

>> No.35723551
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 1616822219398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723552
Quoted by: >>35723567


>> No.35723553
File: 107 KB, 400x400, E6bWbJAVEAQ_6Eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723554
File: 216 KB, 382x405, Shubawink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another lie!

>> No.35723558

Fret not. Marine is still there to get that covered, friend.

>> No.35723562
Quoted by: >>35723585

You forget Marine Miko Kanata

>> No.35723563
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1614605509580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, is Subaru a pathological liar?

>> No.35723564


>> No.35723565

don't say this on /vt/ otherwise they'll flip their lid

>> No.35723566

based based based
stay strong anon i love your posts

>> No.35723567
Quoted by: >>35723571

wrong thread

>> No.35723569
File: 31 KB, 581x528, 1626476556353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just En version of Towa yab. I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.35723571


>> No.35723572


>> No.35723573
File: 125 KB, 805x715, 1602016083341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only imagine what their threads must look like

>> No.35723575
File: 380 KB, 650x573, 1596862094527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but I still love her

>> No.35723577


>> No.35723578
Quoted by: >>35723591

right thread ENfriend

>> No.35723579


>> No.35723580

Towa was just a discord call, this is much much worse.

>> No.35723581

noel is gonna play it now

>> No.35723582
File: 3.50 MB, 2026x3624, 91220087_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723583

That rrat was already put to death

>> No.35723585
Quoted by: >>35723605

Miko only use it to shill her GTA streams for easy EOP views
Kanata will probably stop using it since Coco's gone

>> No.35723591
Quoted by: >>35723602

go back, global is full with ensharts

>> No.35723593

wrong thread

>> No.35723596

Cute headbanging duck!

>> No.35723599
File: 2.21 MB, 2142x2998, 1626322744966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shion yo... onegai...

>> No.35723598

>3 months ago
Clearly nobody gives a fuck

>> No.35723600
File: 775 KB, 765x1200, 1606325741857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723602

whats the rrat on this guy tonight

>> No.35723603
Quoted by: >>35723611

Are we being raided?

>> No.35723605

is cute

>> No.35723606
File: 153 KB, 296x323, 1625355999605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723607
File: 1.04 MB, 1061x1061, 1610289170984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723623

>> No.35723611
Quoted by: >>35723620

shut up, last thread was a raid

>> No.35723612

Why wont Korone go to sleep

>> No.35723613
File: 151 KB, 850x1202, 1614035739553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest ID

>> No.35723615

kek, stay mad faggot

>> No.35723617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>35723670

Fuck off ENigger

>> No.35723618
File: 973 KB, 1633x2178, 91289222_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>35723637

I want to FUCK Miosha

>> No.35723619
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, 1620994817849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35723620

We don't talk about last thread.

>> No.35723623

Subaru is a cat now?

>> No.35723626
File: 169 KB, 827x603, 1612551396700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35723627

full of ogeys

>> No.35723629
Quoted by: >>35723638

Towa was punished for her crime...

>> No.35723630

RFA killed Towa...

>> No.35723631


>> No.35723637

What's the point of art like this?

>> No.35723638


>> No.35723643
Quoted by: >>35723741

Towa was suspended

>> No.35723646

sex with noel

>> No.35723648

Not yet, glasses will be included.

>> No.35723649

I unironically want her to collab with Charlie.
t. Deadbeat

>> No.35723650

She had to bear Kanatan's child.

>> No.35723652
Quoted by: >>35723663

SS is the complete opposite of BotW with its linearity and excessive handholding. I don't think Noel will like it.

>> No.35723659


>> No.35723660


>> No.35723662

>Coomer schizo
I guess there is more than type pf schizo

>> No.35723663

Noel loves straight shota

>> No.35723666
Quoted by: >>35723674


>> No.35723669

That turned out for the best

>> No.35723670

hey MANE!!! HEY
I don't even know Japanese lol

>> No.35723672

The funny thing is, this is what everyone pretended Towa's yab was, except real.
I guess nobody actually cares, though.

>> No.35723674

what the fuck was that

>> No.35723678


wtf moona?!?!?

>> No.35723682

I don't care enought to click on this link but anything to get her to fuck off is good to me. Do wheelbarrow her please.

>> No.35723683


>> No.35723684

>game looks no different from the Wii version
Why the fuck is Nintendo so blatantly lazy

>> No.35723685


>> No.35723687

>new IP
Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.35723694

Towa's was real

>> No.35723695
Quoted by: >>35723752

if that fubuki bitch collabs with a homosh@rt again i will join the chinks and wheelbarrow her

>> No.35723697

cute little alien! this is one of my favorite pictures of her

>> No.35723698


>> No.35723703

Holy Jesus Christ. Mori just wont stop huh
So glad I left that ship long ago.

>> No.35723704


>> No.35723706

stop posting towa noises it makes me hard

>> No.35723710



>> No.35723713
Quoted by: >>35723719

I can't believe Towa fucking died.

>> No.35723715

Right thread, /v/ing

>> No.35723717
Quoted by: >>35723721

is this real?

>> No.35723719

I can't believe Towa died fucking.

>> No.35723721

cute ass

>> No.35723724

somehow ollie is the least cringe of the lineup

>> No.35723727
Quoted by: >>35723740

Wind Waker was trash, but I loved Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword was fine. The Zelda in that one was the cutest and I had fun with the motion gameplay.

>> No.35723728

Korone needs to be put to sleep by management bitch has been awake for 50 hours now.

>> No.35723731


>> No.35723733
Quoted by: >>35723763

This thread is really bad and approaching /djt/ quality rapidly, this is why /vt/ bans should be site wide

>> No.35723734

I hate that I perpetuate the cycle by thinking that BOTW is a soulless empty husk of what Zelda is. Fine game but bad Zelda game.

>> No.35723737

Believe all Towas.

>> No.35723740
Quoted by: >>35723777

>The Zelda in that one was the cutest
>I had fun with the motion gameplay
Garbage taste

>> No.35723741

But Towa is not a en or idnigger

>> No.35723742

>dog still awake

>> No.35723746


>> No.35723747

>3 months ago
How the fuck did I miss this Towa level yab

>> No.35723748
Quoted by: >>35723767

Towa is Chinese...

>> No.35723749


>> No.35723750

Mr. Paradise get some sleep..

>> No.35723752

she will
poor friends...

>> No.35723754

Towa lives matter

>> No.35723756
Quoted by: >>35723823

Stop linking your fucking channel, cunt.

>> No.35723759

I wish Towa would stop sleeping...

>> No.35723760

caps off retard

>> No.35723763

Sure alright w/e, but why does pomu wear the acorn?????

>> No.35723767
Quoted by: >>35723775

Gook Towa...

>> No.35723768

what a shit game to shill

>> No.35723771

Flare wants to do a DMC collab with Suba

>> No.35723772

I still prefer Twap yab

>> No.35723774

Towa is a whore

>> No.35723775


>> No.35723776

Cocochi mitsuketa!

>> No.35723777
Quoted by: >>35723821

Sorry that you are so fat and got tired after 3 minutes of swinging you obese arms.

>> No.35723779 [DELETED] 

Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu! Pomu!

>> No.35723780

>wake up and go freshen up in the bathroom
>see this
What do?

>> No.35723781
Quoted by: >>35724823

So this is the power of being the Holo to do 10k-sub endurance streams all the way from 300k to 1 million

>> No.35723786

One of these clip is rael.

>> No.35723788

Mr. Koone pls go to sleep...

>> No.35723789
Quoted by: >>35723804

I am Pomu!

>> No.35723792

breeding reps

>> No.35723793

Wake up again.

>> No.35723797

Towa controls the bees

>> No.35723799

shit noel's gonna sniff it

>> No.35723800

>japanese people name things they can't even pronounce

>> No.35723804

then you have cancer

>> No.35723809


>> No.35723812

Why did she do it bros?

>> No.35723814

So par for the course?

>> No.35723815

I take a shit on the floor. I take a fucking shit on the floor, you retard.

>> No.35723817

instantaneously ejaculate on forehead

>> No.35723818


>> No.35723821
Quoted by: >>35723840

Sorry that you need a physical gimmick to enjoy a video game

>> No.35723823

I didn't! I just saw it in my searchs and thought it was neat!!

>> No.35723826

Link... he had a hard life

>> No.35723832


>> No.35723837
Quoted by: >>35724081

How long until Korone's stream? I don't remember the last time she pushed herself to this extent, maybe during the gazillion hour long Dragon's Lair stream?
>15 hours of Yoshi
>played APEX with RBC afterwards
>watched Okayu become a 2hufag
>shilling stream soon
I die if I try to work 1 day on no sleep, and I'm in really good physical shape. I don't think this is very healthy.

>> No.35723840

>Sorry that you need a physical gimmick to enjoy a video game

My post literally said I enjoyed TP as well, you fucktard. Just stop replying.

>> No.35723842

Why do women get so wet for Link?

>> No.35723843


>> No.35723844
Quoted by: >>35723857

Don't fucking tell me what to eat.

>> No.35723848

>no one played the Hyrule Warriors 2

Why? Was it that bad?
The first one was pretty good for a musou.

>> No.35723851

Zelda looks like chicken...

>> No.35723852

give me the biggest, fattest noel tits you can find

>> No.35723855
Quoted by: >>35723937

less than 10fps because the Switch is an underpowered shitty tablet and then the BOTW autists are shitting on it because it's an alternate universe

>> No.35723857

you will eat towas banana and you will like it

>> No.35723860

I went to steal Towa's panties but there was nothing but boxers???

>> No.35723863

Danchou bought it, she just never got around to playing it on stream since she wanted to play Nioh and DQ...

>> No.35723864

>Just stop replying

>> No.35723866

TP was on Wii too numbnuts

>> No.35723869

>Noel playing Zelda has more viewers than Subaru zatsudan
It's over, the duck is already reclining. She is a bottom tier holo now and it's disheartening to watch her like this.

>> No.35723871

Noel wanted to play it, that's why she got koei temco permissions but she didn't want to play 2 zelda games in a row and she likes soulslikes so she played nioh instead.

>> No.35723872


>> No.35723873

(o )( o)

>> No.35723877

sadduck poster...

>> No.35723880

Boxers for her gentlemen callers.
Nothing for herself

>> No.35723882
Quoted by: >>35723927

Towa isn't real

>> No.35723885

too big

>> No.35723895
Quoted by: >>35723937

Had a really bad shitty FF7R Nomura style plot twist and people expected a proper prequel but it wasn't

>> No.35723898
Quoted by: >>35723944

₍ₒ₎ ₍ₒ₎

>> No.35723899


>> No.35723904
Quoted by: >>35723979

Subaru is reading SCs. Just put it into perspective Subaru just reading names has the same viewership as Noel playing a game on release
Noel is pathetic just graduate the useless whore already

>> No.35723906
Quoted by: >>35723912


>> No.35723907

Is this what the kids call "Malding"?

>> No.35723908

Me? gongaga

>> No.35723911

Dont be a retard

>> No.35723912

sorry I typed to small...

>> No.35723914
Quoted by: >>35723973

looks more like Kanata's breasts (2D plane, with big chocoball nipples centered on them)

>> No.35723915
Quoted by: >>35723933

I think Towa fucks

>> No.35723916

Why does Subaru keep trying to tell me what to eat?

>> No.35723919

luna dies....

>> No.35723925

Why is every Holo screaming so much now
I cant keep my volume high anymore

>> No.35723927


>> No.35723933

yea she fucking rules! TOWA!!!!

>> No.35723935

Watch Moona.

>> No.35723936

Just a reminder that Subaru is a horrible person
>Riajuu youkya, doesn’t belong in hololive
>Leeches from other holomen
>Lies every single day, constantly, she’ll lie about anything as long as it gets her the numbers she wants
>Abandoned Maimoto and now pretends like he doesn’t exist, textbook example of a fake whore just like Miko
Normalfag cunt piece of shit, can’t wait for her and that retard Miko to graduate
That is all

>> No.35723937

>it's an alternate universe
The fuck
I thought it was supposed to show Hyrule before BOTW happened

>> No.35723939


>> No.35723940

1. is almost a hag
2. cute voice
3. looks a bit retarded
4. is a bit retarded
5. lives in japan
6. is japanese (part)
7. speaks japanese
8. is almost a hag

looks good on paper

>> No.35723941

>Noel went from 45k to 9k
It's over, the recline is real and it hurts. I can't watch the knight like this.

>> No.35723942

Already pregnant again....

>> No.35723944

Anon... The advertisers...

>> No.35723945

This game did not age well.

>> No.35723952

>first scream
>second scream

>> No.35723953

Youtube increases ad revenue based upon a regular interval of audio spikes

>> No.35723957
Quoted by: >>35723976

Remember when Aqua played games?

>> No.35723958
Quoted by: >>35724007


>> No.35723959


>> No.35723961

It's so slow, clunky and unintuitive. BoTW definitely revolutionized the series

>> No.35723967

Designed at an amazingly smooth brained point in time

>> No.35723970

Why do people hate skyward sword so much? I think is better than breath of the wild

>> No.35723972


>> No.35723973

Abayo chocoball

>> No.35723975

meidos cant save you now

>> No.35723976

Respect the retired holos.

>> No.35723978

>your oshi
>your favorite zelda game
>your least favorite zelda game

>> No.35723979

>a game on release
It's not though

>> No.35723980

This is what happens when you design a game specifically for the casual audience the Wii was aiming for. It's really bad.

>> No.35723982

SS is a big step back from even Twilight Princess, I dunno how and why they did it.

>> No.35723984

It was already garbage at release, the game is like 4 hours long if they took out the padding

>> No.35723986

vt consists of ENshitters, Ina is okay though

>> No.35723987

Towa's enlarged clitoris...!

>> No.35723989

Phantom Hourglass, despite the fact that I have a soft spot for toon Link.

>> No.35723990

s-stop I'm not in a place where I can get a fap in that's not fair...

>> No.35723995

Link's Awakening
Zelda 2

>> No.35723996

Link to the Past
Wind Waker

>> No.35724000
Quoted by: >>35724276

Where did anon find the picture

>> No.35724001

>your least favorite zelda game
I am just gonna answer this one and it's motherfucking Spirit Tracks, that game was shit.

>> No.35724002

Oracle of Seasons/Ages
BotW is the only one I havent finished, so I guess that one

>> No.35724003

/v/ please leave

>> No.35724005
Quoted by: >>35724019

Minish Cap
The Wind Waker

>> No.35724007

I feed Ayame .5kg of cheese, two cups of yogurt ,and all the milk she can drink every day

>> No.35724010
Quoted by: >>35724019

minish cap

>> No.35724011

Noel wants to graduate...

>> No.35724012

The only one I played was A Link to the Past.

>> No.35724013

Aki love!
Of course anon

>> No.35724015

Link's Awakening
Phantom Hourglass

>> No.35724016

If your oshi is lactose intolerant, she might be a chink

>> No.35724018
Quoted by: >>35724031

Did Okayu accomplished in 1cc'ing IN? It's privated.

>> No.35724019
Quoted by: >>35724054

watmates confirmed homosexuals

>> No.35724021 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>35724133

Be sure to wheelbarrow these whores. We don't want EN whores ruining the purity of hololive. Graduate them.

>> No.35724022

a Link to the past
spirit tracks

>> No.35724023

Fuck off cunnyshitter

>> No.35724024


>> No.35724028

aqua isn't chinese stop spreading this false narratives she loves taiwan

>> No.35724031

No, she's trying again later.

>> No.35724034

Do you think an inkya like Subaru ever gets tired of pandering to otakus? She probably finds them disgusting and unpleasant.

>> No.35724036
Quoted by: >>35724047

never finished a Zelda game because all of them are the same, they get boring halfway through

>> No.35724039

But half her holo friends are otaku

>> No.35724043

Numberfag go back

>> No.35724044


>> No.35724045

Meant to say yokya*

>> No.35724047

Nice falseflag, real 35p love Zelda

>> No.35724049

Zelda 2

>> No.35724050

She ruined another collab with "throat problems"

>> No.35724051

Who cares idshitters
Fucking esl and eops

>> No.35724054
Quoted by: >>35724070

minish cap is the best zelda game by far

>> No.35724055
Quoted by: >>35724061

What if my oshi is allergic to eggs?

>> No.35724061


>> No.35724062

Western retards you mean

>> No.35724063

What the fuck?

>> No.35724064



>> No.35724065
Quoted by: >>35724077

or Amerindian

>> No.35724068

>Riajuu youkya
I miss AquShuba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDKXtkWLIi0

>> No.35724070
Quoted by: >>35724088

I liked it a lot but it was too short

>> No.35724071

She's going to formally announce her relationship with Flare

>> No.35724072


>> No.35724074

Your oshi WILL buy a Steam Deck and stop playing nintendo faggot games.

>> No.35724075

I want to fuck her.

>> No.35724076

Pomu is based

>> No.35724077

Or basically any non-White race

>> No.35724081

>during the gazillion hour long Dragon's Lair stream
Nice fucking joke, not even close to makamaka's 28h
Also you're talking about the hag who doesn't feel/notice pain when she breaks a bone or cuts herself

>> No.35724084

Imagine is shit was autodeleted

>> No.35724085

It's over...

>> No.35724087

I can't believe a twink like link gets to cuck groose

>> No.35724088

I was shocked when it ended, I could have sworn it was throwing a false ending. You have the right of it.

>> No.35724091
Quoted by: >>35724105

nijispam is better than schizos and numbershitting and globalniggers

>> No.35724096

Fuck off burger

>> No.35724097

Here we go again! Every time, I swear, every time she chases off her fans by flirting with men in apex, she runs back to minecraft or has an utawaku to try and reel them back. Every fucking time. It's the most shameless shit in the world.

>> No.35724103

All of them

>> No.35724104

Numberkeks go back
Watch indies retard with 20 viewers

>> No.35724105
Quoted by: >>35724157

>piss is better than vomit and shit

>> No.35724108
Quoted by: >>35724114

Looks like I know what I'm watching tonight.

>> No.35724111
Quoted by: >>35724189


>> No.35724112

these are my favorite festival streams always nice and comfy. she's really a cutie.

>> No.35724114

You can bet she's going to try and do her forced "comfy" voice.

>> No.35724115

Oracle of Seasons
The one with the trains

>> No.35724117

Indies and corporate vtubers should be measured by different standards

>> No.35724123
Quoted by: >>35724142

Filters work wonders.

>> No.35724126

I see nothing wrong with Matsuri. Why the hate?

>> No.35724128
Quoted by: >>35724152


>> No.35724130

Why doesn't has sex already? No seriously hot steamy sex could fix her forever.

>> No.35724132

A Link to the Past
Majora's Mask

>> No.35724133

You are not required to watch them anon

>> No.35724134

I never liked a single zelda game and I believe is the most overrated shit ever and that I'm being universally trolled by people saying is good, I played 4 whole games of that shit and hated every single minute, I think i never finish a single one, is just torture and at some point I can't stand it anymore.

>> No.35724135

No, I think it'll break her more

>> No.35724139

Never played any zeldakeks

>> No.35724142


>> No.35724143

You have to be 18 to use this website

>> No.35724145

It pisses me off seeing her try to play both sides, when 70%+ of her content is apex streams, it makes it feel like she only does anything else out of necessity.

>> No.35724147

No, that's Kirby. Literal baby garbage that people troll others with pretending it's some grandiose series. I don't understand how that archaic piece of shit wasn't left on the NES

>> No.35724149

wind waker
i've only played wind waker lol

>> No.35724152

t. Watching indies

>> No.35724153
Quoted by: >>35724195


>> No.35724155


>> No.35724157

Piss is objectively the best one of those.

>> No.35724159



>> No.35724160

How do we save Kyary Pamu Pamu

>> No.35724161
Quoted by: >>35724166

Tell the nips to watch them then, fucking japs I tell you, they dont have enough p

>> No.35724162
Quoted by: >>35724169

There are also corporate vtubers with low viewership. A good example is Irodori from Bushiroad.

>> No.35724164

If you fags don't stop talking about niji I'll go back to global.

>> No.35724166

Enough p? Enough penis?

>> No.35724168
Quoted by: >>35724188

there's no proof that she's not a virgin

>> No.35724169

Always the burgers spouting that, go

>> No.35724171

lemme guess
you only play bloodborne

>> No.35724172

>not even 2k

>> No.35724173


>> No.35724180

Nice try

>> No.35724183

How do you not understand by now that that's her niche? Liking pics of her getting fucked on twitter, flirting with men in apex, it's all just part of the character she's playing.
I mean come on, she's a cheerleader for God's sake. Everyone knows cheerleaders are the biggest sluts in highschool.

>> No.35724186
Quoted by: >>35724291

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with sucking dick?

>> No.35724187

I fucking miss him.
The prerecorded shit isn't the same.

>> No.35724188
Quoted by: >>35724409

Is there a contrary word for femcel? Because she acts like one.

>> No.35724189

If I'm remembering it right the popularity of the #1 can be attributed to viewers from countries with porn bans but no restrictions on tw*tch 草

>> No.35724195
Quoted by: >>35724209


>> No.35724196


>> No.35724198
Quoted by: >>35724207

Where is Twi...

>> No.35724207


>> No.35724209
Quoted by: >>35724245

i miss long hair luna....

>> No.35724230

What if she never comes back?

>> No.35724234
Quoted by: >>35724242

I'm always here anon

>> No.35724237

Towa will be back soon don't worry.

>> No.35724242

nobody cares r*su

>> No.35724243

good riddance

>> No.35724245

would long hair Luna work with her new outfit? what kind of hairstyle do you would fit well?

>> No.35724250

>Suzy break
>Marine break
>Flare will be depressed since Marine will be on break
This shit sucks

>> No.35724255

nigga its summer fuck this season its more depressing than winter

>> No.35724264
Quoted by: >>35724269

At least Suisei's break is just a summer vacation so nothing serious

>> No.35724265

Hololive sure is a strong family, lol.

>> No.35724267


>> No.35724269

This, it's just our honeymoon. I promise to not take too long with her

>> No.35724276

from this thread a few days ago

>> No.35724279

towa's husky voice...

>> No.35724286

Best tits

>> No.35724288


>> No.35724291

your moms gay

>> No.35724295

Towa's real voice...

>> No.35724296

towa's voice is deeper than mine...

>> No.35724298


>> No.35724304

deep sexy voice

>> No.35724311

She is the worst apex player and brings shame and disgrace upon Hololive.

>> No.35724322
Quoted by: >>35724362

Marine will just forget about Outlast 2...

>> No.35724336

Nene's SC readings come with elaborate plotlines.

>> No.35724342

Was SEA range banned or some shit? Where are all the usual shitposters?

>> No.35724344

How did the Pekora schizos and antis in this thread react to her enslavement earlier today?

>> No.35724347

When Marine goes mute will she use text to speech or will she get Miko's hand thing and use sign language?

>> No.35724348
Quoted by: >>35724360

It's not SEA primetime yet, wait for another 6 hours.

>> No.35724352

>Was SEA range banned
Am here.

>> No.35724354

I began masturbating furiously

>> No.35724358

For me it's chams

>> No.35724360

Also we made a mod angry, check 4bans.

>> No.35724362

Nothing wrong with that. Marine has better things that to waste her time with shit games

>> No.35724363

I want Towa's deep voice to impregnate me.

>> No.35724374

Why does this whore fakes her bad English?

>> No.35724382

Noel is not very good at this

>> No.35724388

Everyone enjoyed that stream, only Noelschizo got mad.

>> No.35724392
Quoted by: >>35724445

Where is Towa?
She hasn't been active anywhere in over 24 hours.

>> No.35724394


>> No.35724396

She's not even faking it anymore, she's completely forgotten how to speak English at this point

>> No.35724404

Why is her English the best sounding out of all Holos? None of them can speak English without sounding cute.

>> No.35724405

Don't lump me in with the 2husharts

>> No.35724408



>> No.35724409

The word you're thinking of is "whore"

>> No.35724414

Fuck off concernfag

>> No.35724421


>> No.35724422

Oh, this is a good post.

>> No.35724426

don't mind me, just posting the best hololive cover

>> No.35724427


>> No.35724429
Quoted by: >>35724439

What is it about Koro-san that makes your kind do this?

>> No.35724431

She doesn't say "YEEESSSS" enthusiastically enough at the beginning part which ruins it

>> No.35724438

You mistakenly linked something that isn't SorAZ Akatsuki no Kuruma

>> No.35724439
Quoted by: >>35724446

She's been up for over 40 hours and isn't getting any younger

>> No.35724445


>> No.35724446
Quoted by: >>35724471

So what? That's no worse than getting drunk.

>> No.35724453
Quoted by: >>35724496


>> No.35724463

korone is going to have a heart attack and you're laughing

>> No.35724464

Towa texted me just now saying to get tested.

>> No.35724465
Quoted by: >>35724482

Reine soon

>> No.35724471

which is also bad

>> No.35724475

If she dies she dies

>> No.35724482
Quoted by: >>35724493

why do people post off topic shit like this?

>> No.35724486

Natural selection, anon.

>> No.35724493

Report it then.

>> No.35724495
Quoted by: >>35724572

not even the best cover of that song


>> No.35724496

That was a surpisingly very good cover. I also have a greater appreciation for HoloID as they're holos who can speak English but lack the entire culture of the west.

>> No.35724501

Why is Pekora's scream of frustration or defeat arousing

>> No.35724507

best cover of that song so far

>> No.35724514

When will a holo stream Rune Factory 5?, wasn't okayu a big fan of the game?

The stream in the hololive channel doesn't count

>> No.35724527

No idea but I hope it happens considering that Hololive stream...

>> No.35724528
Quoted by: >>35724538

Why does Subaru want t drink unicorn blood?

>> No.35724533

I cant tell if Noel is dumb as fuck or the Switch controller is broken.

>> No.35724535
Quoted by: >>35724543

Now it all makes sense...

>> No.35724538

Legend says blood of unicorn restores a wench's lost purity.

>> No.35724543

Why did Botan do it?

>> No.35724544

Subaru just called me a little beta..

>> No.35724545


>> No.35724549

I think one of them was playing it off stream

>> No.35724553

The switch motion control is worse than the Wii motion plus, nintendo really didn't work on this game at all.

>> No.35724554


>> No.35724565
Quoted by: >>35724580

I just opened the stream. What is Noel even trying to do?

>> No.35724566

smoka yo

>> No.35724571
Quoted by: >>35724583

Is Subaru a pro gamer?

>> No.35724572
Quoted by: >>35724579

Akari's voice is not cute enough and doesn't fit, the same happens with Matsuri's cover
Miko fits perfectly

>> No.35724575

Fat Shuba...

>> No.35724579
Quoted by: >>35724685

>Akari's voice is not cute enough
>Miko fits perfectly


>> No.35724580

She spent 10 minutes on the tutorial where you jump off the statue and land on a platform with the glider before switching back to procon because the joycon's motion controls are bad.

>> No.35724583

She's an esports club manager

>> No.35724587
Quoted by: >>35724616

So what is this about? I missed that

>> No.35724593


>> No.35724596

Noel taking 20 screenshots per cutscene is cute, does she always do that?

>> No.35724597

Towa just sent me a picture of her erect cock. I asked why and she just sent a winking emoji. What do I do?

>> No.35724600


>> No.35724605

Stretching Subaru is cute.

>> No.35724606

how long until retards think this refers to Coco somehow

>> No.35724607

ask her to please tell down
now she'll know how it feels

>> No.35724608

Send her a picture of yours

>> No.35724611


>> No.35724613
Quoted by: >>35724619

Reine is cleaning her desk!

>> No.35724616

Nippon TV is expanding their news related to VTubers. Something about Suisei might pop up.

>> No.35724619

They must've changed the VA, the real Reine would never clean.

>> No.35724621


>> No.35724622

Reine is getting snappy

>> No.35724625

is this the most viewed ID video?

>> No.35724627

This movie's title makes no sense to me. It's so different in Japanese from the English one. It looks beautiful though. I want to see it too.

>> No.35724629

Noel is reenacting Pop's death live on stream

>> No.35724630


>> No.35724632
Quoted by: >>35724654

Noel smelled that racoon ass and throw him off the cliff

>> No.35724640

cant beat the treerat
not the treerat

>> No.35724641
Quoted by: >>35724663

She likes Zelda. Sucks that she spent so long playing BToW instead of Zeldas with actual story.

>> No.35724642
Quoted by: >>35724655

Have you accepted Nene's ASMR as the greatest ASMR there is yet?

>> No.35724645
Quoted by: >>35724677

The titles are basically the same aren't they? Or is imdb lying to me

>> No.35724647

They made them with motion controls in mind, but Link's sword animations are really bad. He's just sperging out

>> No.35724649
Quoted by: >>35724658

Towa said she would go out with me if I sent her Amazon gift cards, but after I sent them she just blocked me?

>> No.35724653

I want to fuck Fi

>> No.35724654

She should try tekken

>> No.35724655

no yes

>> No.35724658

I've got you friend, I'll send her some more and she's sure to come to her senses

>> No.35724659

What does Reine's room smell like?

>> No.35724660
Quoted by: >>35724672

Reine is such an ojou

>> No.35724661

When was the last time this bitch sing something?

>> No.35724663
Quoted by: >>35724695

The only reason she likes Zelda is because she played BOTW, she knew nothing about the series before. Sucks that she played the best game first though

>> No.35724666

Pepsi rice

>> No.35724672
Quoted by: >>35724686

she's a 3rd worlder, she can't be an ojou

>> No.35724674

smelly panties

>> No.35724677
Quoted by: >>35724737

imbd has it in romaji for me, so I don't know what you see. The official title is "Belle" though. In Japanese, it can have Belle at the end after the Dragon and Princess part, but it usually doesn't, so their titles are completely differently from my point of view. When the trailer first came out I had a tab open for the Japanese ver and the English ver thinking they were two different movies. Perhaps it has to do with how marketing works? Belle is an interesting character, she's actually kind of like a Vtuber.

>> No.35724679

we don't fucking know either

>> No.35724680

Between Risu, Moona, and Reine, who have the best nipples?

>> No.35724682

Risu has consumed too many nuts and cannot sing anymore.
Sorry everyone. It was my fault.

>> No.35724683

Literally nobody comes close.

>> No.35724684
Quoted by: >>35724701

Jesus Christ, did Noel break her controller in rage or what

>> No.35724685

Yeah, a special tone of retarded is just what the song need.

>> No.35724686

she's literally owns indonesia, she's an ojou

>> No.35724687

Towa has surprisingly girly nipples

>> No.35724688

Reine is going bald?

>> No.35724689

Reine since she's the fattest one

>> No.35724693

>she owns a garbage dump

>> No.35724695
Quoted by: >>35724699

>she knew nothing about the series before.
Are you that naive?

>> No.35724699
Quoted by: >>35724735

Are you retarded?

>> No.35724700


>> No.35724701

Tells a lot about this game since she made it through Nioh without such issues

>> No.35724706
Quoted by: >>35724724

This is

>> No.35724708
Quoted by: >>35724738


>> No.35724709
Quoted by: >>35724717

Did you even watch her stream

>> No.35724713

That one "NADENADR" irks me a lot after noticing it.

>> No.35724715

Reine is pretty cool, I think I'll watch her more from now on

>> No.35724716

I must be a king then

>> No.35724717

which one

>> No.35724718

Nioh is easy though. Just get lucky. There's no getting lucky with controllers.

>> No.35724719
Quoted by: >>35724730

where's towa..

>> No.35724721

Reine's voice is pure sex right now

>> No.35724724

what the fuck is wrong with indonesians

>> No.35724725

Why these threads so hostility to Indonesia

>> No.35724729
Quoted by: >>35724734

I might need to check my glasses but I don't see where people fucking asked about indogs here

>> No.35724730

She just bummed a cigarette of me and was complaining about Apex

>> No.35724734

Didn't ask if you asked

>> No.35724735

Are you?
Do you seriously believe a japanese person who been playing games since 2009 does not know anything about Zelda?

>> No.35724736

Reine, please don't moan like that, my dick...

>> No.35724737

>The official title is "Belle" though.
Oh, I was looking at the first English name in the AKA section which was "Belle: The Dragon and the Freckled Princess" which seemed accurate even if it included Belle but I just noticed it's labeled as the Candian title, which is also weird. I haven't paid any attention whatsoever to anime in a long time but the trailer does look interesting. Thanks for the recommendation, yagoo.

>> No.35724738

luna's throat...

>> No.35724739

I have a better question, are the indos the latinos of Asia?

>> No.35724743
Quoted by: >>35724763

nigga the fuck you talking about

>> No.35724744

She said so herself.
>even until recently I thought Zelda was the guy with the green hat.

>> No.35724745

Those are pinoys

>> No.35724751

that's the phil-apines, indoneaisans are based

>> No.35724752

I have an even better question, why are you faggots talking about some jungle shithole on /jp/

>> No.35724757

>It's so different in Japanese from the English one
Movie titles are always translated freely between languages.
Intouchables are "The Strongest Duo" in Japanese and Die Hard is "A Tough Nut" in Russian.

>> No.35724760


>> No.35724763
Quoted by: >>35724795

About Noel and Nioh in relation to her current stream

>> No.35724765
Quoted by: >>35724784

>can't tell a joke

>> No.35724767

I'm personally trying to kill this thread as fast as possible since I can't post pictures in this imageboard.

>> No.35724769

Since Reine is rich does she use an expensive variety of rice for her pepsi rice?

>> No.35724770
Quoted by: >>35724773

I wonder if Reine is wearing panties right now

>> No.35724772
Quoted by: >>35724791

Reine and Irys are resonating....

>> No.35724773

she's a never nude

>> No.35724775

just post towa.. faggot
or better yet leave

>> No.35724776

I'm indonesian and I like the ID girls anhd I like talking about them hear but every time I do I see nothing but racism and racist postings I'm sick of it and this is my stand

>> No.35724777

I'm so jealous..

>> No.35724778


>> No.35724779

Noel menhera episodes with videogames..

>> No.35724780
Quoted by: >>35724789

What the fuck is Pepsi rice?

>> No.35724781

I've been playing games since 2007 and I don't know anything about FF or DQ or CoD or Metal Gear or Fallout or a ton of series I've never played because I'm not very interested in them, that's completely normal

>> No.35724782

Search for "tire iron" on warosu if you want to know the truth

>> No.35724784
Quoted by: >>35724800

>can't understand Japanese
Watch the stream retard.

>> No.35724785

fuck towa

>> No.35724786
Quoted by: >>35724810

Reine's laugh makes me want to kill puppies

>> No.35724789

National dish of Indonesia

>> No.35724790

My stand is Towa.

>> No.35724791

IRyS feels like a mix between Reine and Ina

>> No.35724793
Quoted by: >>35724810

Reine's laugh makes my penis throb

>> No.35724794
Quoted by: >>35724802

Anon the only Nintendo consoles she has owned are the Super famicon and the Switch.

>> No.35724795
Quoted by: >>35724812

>in relation to her current stream
Which Nioh has nothing to do with.

>> No.35724798

>I've been playing games since 2007
are you underage?

>> No.35724800

>telling person who can't understand japanese to watch japanese stream

>> No.35724802

Famicom as well.

>> No.35724808
Quoted by: >>35724832

I am literally going to die without Lamy

>> No.35724809
Quoted by: >>35724840

So you believe everything they say?
Again, stop being so naive.

>> No.35724810

Reine's laugh makes me nervous and check if my car is stalling.

>> No.35724811

I bet you think the Holos pretend to play DQ and FF for the first time on stream too.

>> No.35724812

are you having a stroke?

>> No.35724813


>> No.35724816


>> No.35724817
Quoted by: >>35724839

>Doesn't know about Subaru's ambulance
So Reine doesn't know shit about hololive

>> No.35724821

Wrong thread nijinigger

>> No.35724823

Funny how that's not even remotely accurate. Really makes you think.

>> No.35724824

Are you japanese?

>> No.35724825
Quoted by: >>35724837


>> No.35724829
Quoted by: >>35724836

survey post to end this thread
your oshi

>> No.35724830
Quoted by: >>35724837


>> No.35724832


>> No.35724833


>> No.35724834


>> No.35724836

What the fuck is wrong with you? I made it easy and all...

>> No.35724837


>> No.35724839

ID's have no soul

>> No.35724840

Why the fuck would she lie about that? She's honest about having played DQ1-6 and other games.tgv04

>> No.35724842


>> No.35724844

I want to kiss Towa!

>> No.35724845


>> No.35724846

