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34672988 No.34672988 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>34293654

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:
>Latest Elona+

>Elona+ 1.90 and 1.89 Archive (and mods):

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread (currently outdated):
>Go here for Custom download too

>Current Version:
Elona+ 2.04 (2021-4-25)
>Latest Custom (currently outdated):
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>OOMSEST Updates

>Elin's Inn

>OO English CUSTOM

>Elona Vanilla CUSTOM

>Elona Mobile

>> No.34672997

Whoops, meant to link >>34492841 as previous

>> No.34674734
Quoted by: >>34675652

dead thread for dead game
Does anyone know what spells the female eudernia halloween child does?

>> No.34675652
Quoted by: >>34677243

Magic Dart, apparently.

>> No.34676995
File: 202 KB, 800x800, 1606026762301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like coomiromi

>> No.34677243
Quoted by: >>34679909

Wow, I'm pretty dumb, I read the wiki page before and somehow missed that entirely
Well, halloween children are cute and totally that's all that matters when making one a pet

>> No.34677515
File: 35 KB, 238x334, Blademaster Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34688232

Just came inside of a fleshlight and am going to play for the first time. What should I do/expect.

>> No.34679909

Personally I prefer to choose a pet with powerful abilities and just give them a custom sprite.

>> No.34683748
Quoted by: >>34684415

Do pets handle being given dimensional move through AP well?

>> No.34684415

They have a 1/5 chance of using it when their target is in range 1 or 2.

>> No.34684867

Sounds perfect. Thanks.

>> No.34688178
Quoted by: >>34688258

Will they not use it if they have equipment that prevents teleport, or will they just waste a turn and stay stuck in the same place?

>> No.34688232
File: 881 KB, 1200x1200, 1593918100188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34688452

Fuck miromi's boy pussy

>> No.34688258

They'll waste a turn and stay stuck.

>> No.34688452
Quoted by: >>34688508


>> No.34688508
File: 87 KB, 1200x675, 1607416605632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your new god

>> No.34689019
Quoted by: >>34689104

whats the highest possible attribute potential %

>> No.34689104

In plus? 400%. In omake? ....it depends. You can get 455% with titles/trophies in NC, or 800%+ using starting stats.

I don't know nothin' 'bout mobile.

>> No.34689825
File: 10 KB, 200x200, dc0f6b0f43d36b02fbdb3aa9a3e8d736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34692603

one day we'll get a custom-g update

>> No.34691898

I'm in the middle of Act 2 in plus and am looking to get new spellcasting pet
What's some good, preferably cute, casting pet I should add to my party?
I heard higher level pets are harder to train and thus get obsolete and need to be discarded later, is this true? Low level pets don't know many spells though, and AP training only gives a few spells, and I want my non-spellcasting pets to focus on their shooting/stabbing.

>> No.34691937

Yeah, high leveled pets have some problems with getting AP.
I think the Itzpalt pet is decent.

>> No.34691966

The Exile only know Magic Dart, Nether Arrow, and Dark Eye, and if evolved Eclipse, and isn't the cutest pet around though. Its special multicast ability doesn't work if you give it extra spells from AP training either.
Also I'll have to change gods, which is a pain

>> No.34692603
Quoted by: >>34692935

Will he come back?

>> No.34692935

Never left, just not enough free time to maintain Custom.

>> No.34693567
Quoted by: >>34703297

The Fox Brother starts from level 1 so has good AP gain and knows Mind Bolt, Magic Dart, Raging Roar, Nightmare and Divine Wisdom, and uses the Touch of Sleep special action, and can be evolved to get Megid Flame, is he good? I'll have to hoard a bunch of diaries though, and he's a BOY.

>> No.34694727
File: 132 KB, 480x564, __exile_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__f282d0f16f74cb09269a9b714f5d84e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't the cutest pet around though
You shut your whore mouth

>> No.34695899

Exile definitely works with AP darts,
A bigger problem is the poison nerve combine not working if you lock it to nerve arrow.

>> No.34696386

It's not so much the level as it is the speed INI, which can be dropped at the oblivion palace. Which means there are tons of good caster pets you could raise long term, the real issue is finding a cute one. There are very few cute NPCs and most of them have mediocre kits or just no kit at all.

>> No.34696717

Besides leaving your pet at ranches and shops, is it worthwhile to leave your pet at your home to work (or any other location)?
Curious if it would be worthwhile to train the less combative skills on my pets like jeweler/alchemy or if I'm always better off just doing that stuff myself..

>> No.34696733

fuck, I played a lot of elona a long time ago and I don't remember which one was the version

So with a new computer now I must ask, what are the differences between Elona+, custom, custom-G, plusone, omake or custom-GFU?

I don't know at all which one to play now

>> No.34696843
Quoted by: >>34696866

Just play Custom-G
It's what we gaijins deserve

>> No.34696846
Quoted by: >>34696866

Custom G is the better translated one, if you're playing + you want to play G.

>> No.34696866
Quoted by: >>34697408

I think the version I just played was +custom, besides better translation, what does G have?

>> No.34697083

The basic version of plus and the most updated. Translations are poor, but it's playable.

A version of plus with better translations and some QoL features. It hasn't been updated in well over a year so it's somewhat outdated.

Machine translates the parts that weren't already translated in custom, and removes several mechanics and reverts a lot of balance changes that the creator found objectionable.
if you like to savescum, spam overpowered spacts, and meme about piss, this is the version for you

Latest version of plus with some QoL features and balance changes
I haven't played too much of it but I did like what I've seen so far.

A whole different variant to plus entirely, plays significantly differently. I haven't played it so I can't say much more than that.

>> No.34697408
Quoted by: >>34697755

It includes a changelog. Better to see the facts for yourself rather than trust hearsay; there's some watersports-obsessed faggot in these threads that always posts lies about it because he's butthurt over the thirst/pissing mechanics being removed.

>> No.34697755
Quoted by: >>34697840

>spam overpowered spacts
Spacts are overpowered in every version of plus. The "nerfs" were trivial, and by extension Custom-G's reversion of nerfs was also trivial.
Take your meds

>> No.34697840

I mean, that's not wrong, but it's just the fact that Custom-G would even believe the nerfs needed reverting when spamming those spacts would still break the game in half kind of tells you a lot about the thought process that went into it.

>> No.34697924

>the fact that Custom-G would even believe the nerfs needed reverting
Incorrect. It's not so much a matter of "this needs to be reverted", but "why was this changed?". Changes that make no sense are not incorporated; simple as that.

>> No.34697940
Quoted by: >>34698191

Maybe if you spent all this time updating your version instead of defending it on anonymous messageboards we might not need to have this debate.

>> No.34698137

Why does it matter that the thought process was stupid if the end result is more or less the same? I'd understand if it was still being updated, because then you could argue that it'll get worse over time. But it's already a dead end.
>Changes that make no sense are not incorporated
Plus is full of changes that make no sense and Custom-G incorporated 99% of them anyway. In fact, Elona itself hasn't made any sense from the beginning. That's part of the charm.

>> No.34698191
Quoted by: >>34699821

Well, first I need to put my new computer together, since the old one got wrecked. After that, I'm going to work on an idea I had for a tool that uses regex to split a decompiled HSP file into smaller, more manageable files. (It'll be open source, naturally.) Then, assuming there's still no one maintaining Custom, I'll have to work on a new version of that before I can finally work on Custom-G again.
It's infuriating that I haven't been able to release a new version in so long, but I've finally got free time again, so unless civilization collapses or something I'll be able to release new stuff this year.

>> No.34699821

Why don’t u just help the open nefia guy? Wont his engine make it easier for you to mod the things you want

>> No.34701969
Quoted by: >>34702004

How does the oblivion place reduce ini? It doesn't say in the wiki
> the real issue is finding a cute one. There are very few cute NPCs and most of them have mediocre kits or just no kit at all.
I knoooow, life is suffering

>> No.34702004
Quoted by: >>34702086

it reduces a pet's stats and recalculates their INI with the new stats,
You can do it multiple times, to a minimum that tends to be around 400/50.

Any pet can be a dartcaster, the only time you need to choose specific creatures is if you want them to buff themselves or a ballspammer.

>> No.34702086

Oh, so the reduce stat option also works on pets, I see
I know, I just want a cute pet that knows a wide range of spells so that it can do many magic things, like buffs and debuffs and spells with cool animations like chaos or nether arrow.

>> No.34703297
Quoted by: >>34703536

>he's a BOY.

That's what forbidden meat is for anon

>the real issue is finding a cute one.

With sprite changing, you can make anything cute.

>> No.34703387
Quoted by: >>34706815

game crashed on loss mode and i got that nosave penalty. any way to reverse?

>> No.34703536

But I'll know and remember that it used to be uncute

>> No.34704218


Suck it up buttercup, you can't expect to have everything handed to you on a platinum platter.

>> No.34704520 [DELETED] 

anyone make that /vg/ elona guild yet

>> No.34704765
Quoted by: >>34704822

Are Blank Business Card and Business Card two separate things? I can't use the former to gain a class feat despite typing in lowercase letters as instructed.

>> No.34704822

Nevermind. The feat is just invisible for some reason.

>> No.34706815
Quoted by: >>34710951

Have backups/Don't play loss

>> No.34707452

What shopkeeper traits should I give my shopkeeper?

>> No.34707568

The best version is the most faithful one to Noa's and Ano's.

>> No.34708636

That's the most retarded thing I've heard in months. Congratulations.

>> No.34709583

just sold my wife

>> No.34709708

Omake is essentially just vanilla with QoL standalone enhancement mod
Plus is almost an entirely different game from the original

>> No.34710916
File: 319 KB, 500x700, Haruna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to embrace moe anthropomorphism, anon.

>> No.34710951

i ended up using elosnack to turn off the buff, reset my karma, and fix my life/mana. Seems to work perfect

>> No.34712377
Quoted by: >>34712400

>The best version is the most faithful one to Noa's and Ano's.

Can't have it both ways, and Ano is the lesser master who hates fun and fetishizes nerfing and shitty "balance" changes.

>> No.34712400

Who hurt you, anon?

>> No.34713288
Quoted by: >>34713943

Ano BAD!!!!

>> No.34713943
File: 3.52 MB, 600x408, dubs confirm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34714225

what are the cutest pets i can get in game early-on?

>> No.34714321


>> No.34715341
File: 160 KB, 640x800, 378a9bc5696a4ea769f93170e959e35b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a horse in the first town

>> No.34716532

Buy little girls at Derphy

>> No.34719991
Quoted by: >>34720117

How good is elona plusone?

>> No.34720117
Quoted by: >>34720218

It's decent, I don't disagree with any of the changes it makes.

>> No.34720218
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1515, haaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34720226

Does it have some of custom version's QoLs, namely:
- the percentage of potential
- the stores' remaining time for replenishment

>> No.34720226
Quoted by: >>34720265

you can see what it does here https://github.com/1n17/elonaplusone

>> No.34720265

Oh, thank you for your time, Anon.

>> No.34720404
File: 1.67 MB, 1802x1043, oomSE_southtyris_2BCtUsvz7H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34720701

First time finding use for the resurrections spell to revive my pets before the boss floor and I get this message.
What does that message even mean? Are there some restrictions to the spell I'm not aware of?
Feeling scammed considering how hard it is to get stocks for this spell.

>> No.34720701
Quoted by: >>34721052

>if ( bonus < rnd(100) ) {
>txt lang(name(cc) + "の力は冥界に及ばなかった。", name(cc) + your(cc) + " prayer doesn't reach the underworld.")
>goto *effect_end

>> No.34721052
Quoted by: >>34721876

I have rather limited coding knowledge, but does what you just describe state that if my resurrection spell bonus is less than a randomly generated number from 1-100 it'll fail?
Guess I'll stick to those one time book of resurrection instead of the spellbook version if that's the case.

>> No.34721076
Quoted by: >>34721269

From where can I get previous elona+ versions?

>> No.34721269
Quoted by: >>34721544


>> No.34721544

Thank you so much!

>> No.34721876

You just need to level the spell and your willpower some more, yeah. I think willpower is the more important of the two.

>> No.34724213
Quoted by: >>34728023

Can mediocre pets be fixed in oomSEST or are they stuck with what they come with AI/skill-wise?

>> No.34726883
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1867, help_me_senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any GNU/Linux user here who has encountered a problem with custom music (mainly mp3)? Whenever I change the musics file and add mp3 files: the game crashes. The default music/sound works fine.

>> No.34728023
Quoted by: >>34729752

You'll need NC to teach them new spacts/etc/full AI, but you can give them a spellbook and have them cast those. Stock is consumed based on memorization stat, and you can set the rate they cast in their strategy menu.

Yes. I fixed it by never using mp3s.

>> No.34729752
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, let_us_see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34731043

Well, I fixed it. Currently the following is considered a somewhat messy but it serves the main intention: playing mp3 files. I found two approaches each with two different goals (I still have not tested if I can simultaneously play both the default music and the custom ones):
- Complete support for the default music and sounds effects.
- Complete (?) support for the custom music and sounds effects.

For the first approach; you need to install these packages: (1) wine-staging; (2) wine-gecko; (3) wine-mono; (4) winetricks. After that create a new 32-bit prefix and install the following dependencies:
- lib32-libpulse (change it based on your device default sound package. Check https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/WINE#Sound).).
- lib32-mpg123 mpg123 (I am not sure about mpg123 but I have it installed either before or after it).
- lib32-openal (also not sure if it is needed here).

Now use winetricks to install sequentially quartz, directmusic, gmdls.

For the second approach; just install the following in addition to the above mentioned dependencies (lib32-libpulse… etc):
- lib32-gst-plugins-base
- lib32-gst-plugins-good
- lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs

Do note that this was done in a clean, minimal Arch Linux installation (from 200–295 packages); thus get ready to embrace the dependencies hell!

>> No.34729997
Quoted by: >>34730020

Do you run it through wine or proton?

>> No.34730020


>> No.34731043

How viable are chainsaws in E+?

>> No.34731327

High base damage, no real pierce. Basically, just like blunt weapons.

>> No.34732007

They're not good but weapon type doesn't really matter that much for melee so you wouldn't sacrifice much power by using them.

>> No.34735246

With a monstergirl character.bmp every pet is cute

>> No.34737016
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1601675710061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34737182

So my god is Kumiromi and I have a farm. I thought he was supposed to turn my rotted fruits into seeds? I am playing Elona+ 2.04.

>> No.34737182
Quoted by: >>34737278

>His passive bonus has also been changed, so instead of producing seeds from rotting meat, his worshipers have their stamina restored by 1 every other turn.

>> No.34737278

fucken outdated wiki

>> No.34740713

what do devil fragments do, can't find anything on wiki

>> No.34741285

Changelogs should mention them and their purpose
IIRC they were for future content and not yet useful but version 2.something could have changed that

>> No.34741370
Quoted by: >>34767357

The wiki lists them as "dark fragments" for some reason I think. Apparently you can use them to gain "abyss power" as of 2.01?

>> No.34743214

Is there anyway that I can use to bypass the wizard mode gene ineligibility? I want to prepare the necessities (the utility items namely).

>> No.34743377

You could just get a gene file from someone with them.

>> No.34744331

You could use Elosnack to turn off your wizard mode flag.

>> No.34744559
Quoted by: >>34744757

faggot here. playing Elona+. hoe do i expand the screen?

>> No.34744757

Edit config.txt

>> No.34746600
Quoted by: >>34748965

Do Elements Eyes not work on Variable Storm?
The wiki says "It sets the element of the Variable Breath and Attribute special actions based on the player's choice rather than the user's highest elemental resistance." and when I tried using Elements Eyes on my pet it kept using the ball attack of its highest resistance instead of the one I wanted

>> No.34747954
Quoted by: >>34748076

>You can't drop items anymore.
wtf?? Is there a limit to how many items you can drop in home?

>> No.34748076
Quoted by: >>34748446

Yes, buildings have a max item limit. Therefore, you need to buy storehouses and stuff

>> No.34748446
Quoted by: >>34748584

I can't move because I'm grossly overburdened, and I can't drop anything cause of the item limit. lol I think I'm fucked

>> No.34748584

Are there lightweight things under your space? Perhaps you can pick those up and drop the heavy things and escape

>> No.34748590
Quoted by: >>34748659

It's been like 5 years since I've played e+ but I noticed that version >2 is out and I'm wondering: What's significantly changed between 1.x and 2.x? Also, I can tell sort of what Elona Mobile's deal is, but is it any good/similar enough to e+? Thanks for your time, anon-tachi

>> No.34748659
Quoted by: >>34748691

There's pissing mechanics now and a bunch of untranslated text
Play e+custom instead, it's actually translated. Don't be like me who got to Lost Ivra for the 1st time on E+ and bumbling around not knowing what anyone is saying and being unable to downgrade my save file to E+Custom which is still in version 1.9-ish
Elona Mobile is ptw garbage, don't do it

>> No.34748691
Quoted by: >>34749041

Good call, thanks for that. There are a lot more versions than I remember, so it's a bit daunting trying to know if I sink a lot of time into a character if I'll be able to enjoy new updates depending on the version. Do you know if E+Custom is still being updated?
The art looks cute on the mobile game so that's kind of a shame. Based on the developer who's made a lot of other shovelware, I'm kinda shocked that it's legit and not just literal theft.

>> No.34748965

It works but only for fire, ice, sound, chaos, and magic.

>> No.34749041

Nope, custom's dead. The only English translated lines being updated atm are NC, open nefia, and possibly foobar, though foobar hasn't seen an update since January.

>> No.34749079
Quoted by: >>34750461

Is there any way to cancel the Elements Eyes and return the ball spell back to the pet's max resistance element? choosing "Nothing" just keeps the element I chose before

>> No.34749474
Quoted by: >>34756989

That's dumb, why don't the other elements work?

>> No.34750117
File: 84 KB, 767x562, Annotation 2019-12-23 022005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should work if I'm not mistaken. Because wizard mode disables auto save, so long as you don't manually save the game before you toggle it back off your save won't be flagged.

>> No.34750461

After doing more testing I found that choosing "Nothing" DOES work in clearing the selected element
So does the Ball spell on "Nothing" choose the pet's highest resist out of fire, ice, sound, chaos, and magic?

>> No.34753279
Quoted by: >>34754494

If you could only purchase either the treasure maps or the artifact seeds from the wandering vendors, which would you choose?
Balancing out how treasure maps give you additional goodies and refund a bit of gold, but artifact seeds are pretty afk friendly. Can be planted and subsequently collected all without leaving your home.
Would buy both if I could but I'm at the mid game point where I'm dumping a lot of gold raising my investing skill.

>> No.34754494
Quoted by: >>34754699

Artifact seeds. I wouldn't take treasure maps even if they were free. Useless wastes of time.

>> No.34754699
Quoted by: >>34754769

Didn't realize treasure maps had a bad reputation. But thanks, maybe I'll try and buy a bunch of artifact seeds to grow in my castle as I slowly grind out my fishing skill.

>> No.34754769

They don't, that's just what I think. Treasure maps give you a paltry few pieces of usually crappy gear and maybe a small medal or some other crap. It's faster to get those things from just DESTINY and blackmarkets.

I'm not saying artifact seeds are amazing either, but since they take so little effort to farm the effort:reward ratio at least balances out.

>> No.34755773

Didn't get that far yet, but are the later parts of E+ simply in japanese, or is it full of "untranslated sentence" messages?

>> No.34756064

Last I heard, huge chunks of the Act 3 main quest are untranslated, and Plus still doesn't translate the story cutscenes.

>> No.34756771

"Sorry this is untranslated" or copypasted random other parts of the game, which is even worse because it tricks newbies into doing stuff like killing guild leaders for Sophia.

>> No.34756989
Quoted by: >>34757200

Variable storm just turns into the appropriate ball spell (this is why it also works with combines)
Except nether for some reason?
So if there's no ball spell for that element it won't work.

>> No.34757058
Quoted by: >>34757079

so is elona +1 the best to start with then? Ignore mobile, omake, and custom which is dead?

>> No.34757079
Quoted by: >>34757092

Either that or standard plus, you likely won't notice the changes from plusone if you're new.

>> No.34757092
Quoted by: >>34757100

Oh, so plusone doesn't keep all of the translation changes of custom? I thought plusone was basically an upgrade of custom. I've got a lot to learn

>> No.34757100

Plusone is Plus with some QoL and minor balance tweaks.

>> No.34757199
Quoted by: >>34757678

When you summon a god to the Truce Ground will they remain there for the rest of the month or will they despawn once you leave the map?
About to hit 40 faith so I'll be able to receive the third favor reward, but I'm not at the 47 faith soft cap to both summon/receive the weapon simultaneously. I know I don't have to receive it in person but I want to do it for RP reasons.

>> No.34757200
Quoted by: >>34763188

>Except nether for some reason?
Also Thunder Vortex, Eclipse, and Poison Storm. I guess it only works for ball spells that were in vanilla.

>> No.34757678

They stay the rest of the month. And if you have the self control to not visit outside that month, they'll be there next year too.

>> No.34758081

tira is gay


>> No.34758217
Quoted by: >>34759519

Any way to change furniture material without picking it up? Palmia bed spawned as iron and is too heavy to pickpocket

>> No.34758331

Is there any 'best' notable skill to pick at the start? Like, hard to train/obtain? I'm playing a lich warmage if that helps.

>> No.34758389
Quoted by: >>34758406

they're all hard dipending on your version of the game , since you can get by far and hard to get by wishes
the're usefull ones
I like vampire that restores stamina and fucks over enemy with high evasion but it's melee range
exorcist so you don't get your shit randomly cursed
that is if you mean special actions and not actual skills , since you can get skills by joining a guild or some random trainers

>> No.34758393

So question, How come in elona+ the keys listed on the menu tabs dont actually work for navigating, i have tp use tab to switch. what am i doing wrong?

>> No.34758406

I mean skills. In elona plus you can choose a free skill outside of class and race, or add +10 to a skill you do have. I'm just wondering if there's any skill in particular that helps early-game progression.

>> No.34758417
Quoted by: >>34758423

Greater evasion would be the logical choice here.

>> No.34758423
Quoted by: >>34758434

Marksman is the usual one for sniper thief shenanigans.
Pickpocket if you're not starting as a thief.

If you're playing a fairy for some reason.

>> No.34758425

weight is usefull but also trains easily

>> No.34758434
Quoted by: >>34758443

Is pickpocket training limited to guild trainers? If so, then I think I'll probably want to pick that, yeah.

>> No.34758443

you can pickpocket literal trees

>> No.34758583

Pickpocket for an early bbq set. Early game progression revolves around food, not combat, and pickpocket is the only food-related skill that you can't learn from regular town trainers. If you went thief though, you're free to pick anything.

>> No.34758882
Quoted by: >>34759117

Is it worth training riding for characters who use heavy weapons?

>> No.34758905
Quoted by: >>34758941

who do you pickpocket for the bbq set?

>> No.34758941
Quoted by: >>34759531

party time quests

>> No.34759117

That's what the zin-ba feat is for.

>> No.34759519

You can hit it with an alchemy rod, steal the new item, and then wait for the map to reset to hopefully get a lighter material.

>> No.34759531
Quoted by: >>34759561

So do they appear by themselves or are they on a npc?

>> No.34759561
Quoted by: >>34759623

you'll see them dotted around the area
Kill/teleport any nearby NPCs, remember their detection is based on distance, not line of sight, so walls won't help

>> No.34759623

Isn't it both, line of sight and distance?

>> No.34759665

I'm pretty sure line of sight doesn't matter at all, but I could be wrong.

>> No.34761079

LOS does matter in theory, but in practice the distance requirements mostly out range los concerns anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.34763188

There's no mind or nerve ball spells, so it looks like.... the only ball spells that work are ice, fire, chaos, sound, and magic, I see.

>> No.34765840
Quoted by: >>34765864

any way to make companions not walk in acid

>> No.34765864

Give them float. God pets and a few others get it by defualt, you can also find it on wings, as well as rarely on other equipment.

Disclaimer, gravity disables float.

>> No.34766117

I'm getting close to enough money to purchase an estate, but I'm struggling on where exactly I should place it. Being near the capital for tax reasons would be nice, as well as being central to a lot of stuff but what I have relied on for cash so far has been the fighters' guild, so maybe somewhere near port Kapul would be better. Is there any general place you guys would say is good for a home?

>> No.34766624

I prefer Palmia for party money and proximity to Yowyn for herb seeds. But Port Kapul is also a good town, so if you like doing guild stuff then that's fine too.

>> No.34767254
Quoted by: >>34773308

I placed my castle on the road between Palmia and Luminest and I would not recommend what I did.
Thought it was smart since it was half way between the mages guild which I use a lot, as well as Palmia and Noyel. However due to its proximity to the snow, it really dampers how good farming is inside my castle. Often have to use Lulwy's Statue due to how frequently the weather will pick snow over rain.
In hindsight I'd stick to building my home on the southern/central portion of the map.

>> No.34767357

Can make something with it using the pot. No usage for now

>> No.34767409

investing in furniture vendor also have a chance to sell bbq set

>> No.34767443

For estate it doesn't really matter, but I recommend you put the palace one or two tiles below truce ground. That way you can reach it and have rain, but still go a few tiles above and get snow so you can pass time very quickly.

>> No.34769793

>for tax reasons
Just buy a tax box dude

>> No.34772711
Quoted by: >>34772852

I have a spreadsheet with artifact names and their respective ids. what is the best way to go about sharing it with you anons?

>> No.34772852

>open spreadsheet
>press PrtScSysRq
>ctr-v it in paint
>repeat until you've got everything in 1 picture

>> No.34773308

So is it best to farm inside your castle/home, rather than buy your own farm plot? I don't know much about the farming mechanics so I don't know what's best to farm.

>> No.34773337
Quoted by: >>34773728

addendum to this question, what kind of servants are best to purchase/ can and should you invest in their shops/can you have more than one of the same merchant?

>> No.34773728
File: 1.59 MB, 1802x1043, oomSE_southtyris_wnoeTm7Cke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34774501

Should have specified I was playing OOMSEST. Because I am, I don't really get a lot of seeds since harvest time quest don't give those as a rewards like they do in plus variants. Which is why I just set aside a small plot in my castle for however few seeds I get. You probably shouldn't do this since you'll take a hit to growth chance whenever you plant your crop off a field tile.
For what servants to have in your castle I heard magic vendors were the best due potions of potential showing up in stock. Even at a low invest rank of around 25 my magic vendor will rarely stock them. Although you can have multiples I'm not sure if you will want to. I'm sure late game when you don't need the wizard/bartender you can replace them all with magic vendors. But they are nice quality of life for when you return from a nefia with a bunch of dead pets and unidentified stuff.

>> No.34774501

Goods vendors are the best
They sell a little bit of everything and few what other vendors can't (rods, etc)
Second best is the magic vendor for spellbooks and scrolls/potions which you'll need a lot even if your PC is not a spellcaster

>> No.34774604
File: 3.62 MB, 1876x5200, 1500 Artifact Names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are 1500 artifact names and their respective ID numbers. The quality of the names are all over the place due to randomization but there are plenty of good ones to use.
