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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1608444397793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32703466 No.32703466 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.32703540


>> No.32705587

Why is Mori putting out her new track on the same day as Nene's new outfit reveal? Fucking bitch.

>> No.32706844


>> No.32706854


>> No.32706863

Kiara's MK streams are the best.

>> No.32706884


>> No.32706886
File: 258 KB, 1200x1200, 1602615439871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32706892
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>> No.32706893


>> No.32706894

I like it when she goes german mode for a round

>> No.32706897
Quoted by: >>32706913

>everybody left
Cult power...

>> No.32706902

It's a Nene diss track, obviously.

>> No.32706909


>> No.32706911
File: 546 KB, 1549x875, #1FrombehindCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when she loses she wins

>> No.32706913

k-kono pressure

>> No.32706915


>> No.32706914

https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1353692806007508992?s=20 Ina!

>> No.32706919

Opinions on AZKi's new MV?

>> No.32706921


>> No.32706922
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, EpUSV7mUwAEbY74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori. Acknowledge her. Otherwise the next time it's really gonna be your co-worker on the menu.

>> No.32706923

Kiara's MK8 streams are unironically her best

>> No.32706924
Quoted by: >>32707109

B-but I have a cleft chin...

>> No.32706926
File: 2.08 MB, 220x220, 1606317543177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I missed chicken and her MK streams.

>> No.32706925
File: 33 KB, 251x237, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP.... your oshi...

>> No.32706931


>> No.32706934
Quoted by: >>32707977


>> No.32706945


>> No.32706947

Hanging doxxniggers from trees!

>> No.32706949

>Mario Kart is back

>> No.32706950

love me some diva

>> No.32706951

Reminder that doxniggers deserve to be doxxed themselves even if they are 15 year old dipshits.

>> No.32706953

I would gladly become king asshole of the world than let my oshi be stalked, raped and killed because some idiots enabled a psycho. I would ruin the lives of thousands of people to protect the members of hololive.

>> No.32706954

Kiara streamed mortal kombat?

>> No.32706955
Quoted by: >>32707013

Skinning doxxniggers alive!

>> No.32706956

WAH minds...

>> No.32706958

They are my favorite desu

>> No.32706959

I see you ogey poster from her animal crossing.

>> No.32706960
File: 146 KB, 1273x714, oshi rene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been doing her reps.

>> No.32706961

>at least I don't have an ass on my chin
chicken can I have your ass on my chin

>> No.32706966


>> No.32706971
Quoted by: >>32707052

Despite only making up 13% /hlgg/ 50% of all shitty posts are made by KFP. Really activates your almonds doesn't it?

>> No.32706980
File: 312 KB, 900x809, Ek-0yOgVMAAcff0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707418

Kill yourself retard. Harping on pre-debut shit as if she fucking knew.

>> No.32706982

>chicken faring badly
I'm now curious how Mori and Kiara would do in 1 v 1

>> No.32706985

It'll be funny if it is.
What stream was this even in anyway?

>> No.32706986
Quoted by: >>32707074

she did recently, also ended with Rene making a new friend

>> No.32706989

Giving doxxniggers fifty lashes in the public square!

>> No.32706992

>Kiara wipes herself out with her own bomb

>> No.32706994


>> No.32706995
Quoted by: >>32707019

Graduation when?

>> No.32706996

This was a very good stream

>> No.32706997

who needs a reminder for something that obvious?

>> No.32706998

based and would do the same

>> No.32706999
Quoted by: >>32708136

>Suisei and Miko are yelling SAME-CHAN in GTAV
Gura wake the fuck up already

>> No.32707000


>> No.32707002
Quoted by: >>32707072

>5am-8am US guerilla

>> No.32707004
Quoted by: >>32707023

We'll find out on the vacation I suppose

>> No.32707006

Kek, that shortcut clutch

>> No.32707005

Reporting doxxnigs to Reine!

>> No.32707008

How is Kiara still this dogshit after playing for so long?

>> No.32707010
File: 780 KB, 3500x3500, 1610475387195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707073

Just finished Ame's Se7en watchalong. What a movie.

>> No.32707009
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>> No.32707012
File: 297 KB, 2000x1434, menharaTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beheading doxxniggers!

>> No.32707013

Evil yadda yadda good men doing nothing.

>> No.32707015

After the Pekora stuff will people stop with the lovable Yagoo shit? All these management problems and lack of support are at his feet.

>> No.32707017
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's everyone's favourite fat cat.

>> No.32707019

When you finally wake up

>> No.32707021
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>> No.32707023

supposedly, Mori still doesn't know that she's ez-drifting.

>> No.32707024
File: 136 KB, 828x1529, EheDPnUU4AE0zLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Tenchou the worst hololive mario kart driver?

>> No.32707025
File: 3.28 MB, 462x640, winkingIna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707027
Quoted by: >>32708368

I think she is working on something with Mori given how hard she's been leaning into the EOP pandering recently, between singing English songs and translating Japanese memes for the English audience. That stream was great for giving us a gem like this: https://streamable.com/to23ww

>> No.32707028


>> No.32707030


>> No.32707031


>> No.32707034

Fuck yeeeeah, looks great

>> No.32707035

Reposting this
I love when she does this song

>> No.32707036


>> No.32707040

Not unexpected.

>> No.32707043


>> No.32707044
Quoted by: >>32707102

She uses auto steer. She isn't even playing. It's like the little sister you give an unplugged controller and pretend to play with.

>> No.32707045

She only plays on stream and every time she plays she forgets everything

>> No.32707046

Strip away auto-steer from them all? Most probably.

>> No.32707050
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 92938329313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread is so hard to clean. If only there were an easier way.

Hi, I'm Derek Bum. Say goodbye to daily rrats and dirty Indos with new Global Gun. This thread is filthy but just three shots from Global Gun...[BANG BANG BANG] and it sparkles like new! Look how it cleans this greasy doxxbeat! [BANG BANG BANG] Goodbye Tony! Grubby narratives! [BANG BANG BANG] I love you Global Gun! Rusty Royposters! [BANG BANG BANG] Hahahahaha! You can even use it on the unwashed Gosling! [BANG BANG BANG] There, all clean again!

NEW Global Gun, now with SEAsight for even tougher rrats.

>> No.32707051


>> No.32707052


>> No.32707053
Quoted by: >>32707116

Is this good Japanese?

>> No.32707055
File: 108 KB, 505x438, 1603327809895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo had the stinkiest, rankest farts?

>> No.32707056


>> No.32707058


>> No.32707059

> Suisei and Miko beating up some late 20s looking NPC on the beach
> Calls him Oji tan

Whats considered old in Japan...?

>> No.32707062
File: 60 KB, 800x619, comfy gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707060
Quoted by: >>32707129

Gura seemed like she believed in Mori more
honestly, Mori seems to become decently competent in anything she practiced for a bit, she just doesn't do that if she isn't super interested
meanwhile chimkin appears to have a skill ceiling the height of a large dog

>> No.32707064
File: 1.28 MB, 550x550, She Will Be Loved[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flkx7ds.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32707066

I think Geralt from the Witcher has a similar quote I cant remember right now, something about "this world not worth it if it cant keep my loved one alive" or something

>> No.32707070

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.32707072

It's on the schedule....

>> No.32707073

It's a really fun watchalong. Love Ame's discussion in the end over film design.

>> No.32707074
Quoted by: >>32707875

What? Mori mentioned her? Which stream and what did she say?

>> No.32707078

25 and up.

>> No.32707080
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>> No.32707081
File: 2 KB, 347x23, 1608302374671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When all of EN hits 1M, will the number fagging finally end?

>> No.32707083

How was Mori's endurance stream?

>> No.32707084
Quoted by: >>32707096

>Is Tenchou the worst hololive

>> No.32707085


>> No.32707089


>> No.32707091

have the same sentiment here.

>> No.32707093

I have never once gotten into one of these MK streams. I've just given up at this point.I just want to play Mario Kart...

>> No.32707094

Based Charlie B

>> No.32707096

based, but don't let the KFP Gestapo hear that

>> No.32707098

vocaroo anon or r.ratman, somebody

>> No.32707101
Quoted by: >>32707128

>I'm now curious how Mori and Kiara would do in 1 v 1
well somehow in the Ina collab Kiara managed to somehow get good enough that by the end Ina nearly got tilted it was funny

>> No.32707102
Quoted by: >>32707980

Amelia got worse when she turned steer assist off.

>> No.32707103

Oji-chan can just be a respectful way to call someone older than you.
Once you passed uni age, you're an oji-chan.

>> No.32707109
File: 177 KB, 454x374, 1606717494726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It somewhat saddens me that kiara limits her best content fuel to one hour.
Has she disabled the auto-steering stuff yet?

don't worry about it anon. chimkin is superficial.

I still need to complete the MK8 VODs. Chicken had me at "I know how small holes work".

>> No.32707115

15 year olds haven't fully finished developing their frontal lobes and as such shouldn't be held to the same standard as adults.

Not saying not held accountable, just not to the same standard.

That's like handing out regular justice to an autistic down syndrome ridden schizo bipolar person, punishment doesn't fit

>> No.32707116

But it's cute!

>> No.32707119
File: 74 KB, 274x276, Inasmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody joined
Nice support for your oshi there, KFPs.

>> No.32707121

No, it was Mein Kraft

>> No.32707123


>> No.32707124

10/10 except for the karaoke being out of sync but she did these great acapella songs.

>> No.32707128
Quoted by: >>32707231

That was more KFP aiming for her since they wanted to see Kiara in a bathing suit.

>> No.32707129

I really hope for someone in Gen2 to have better JRPG skills. I always fall asleep when watching Kiara, because of grind tactics.

>> No.32707131

I missed the tournament, but since Flare didn't come last, there's a chance she's not.

>> No.32707136
File: 351 KB, 594x761, 1611461204693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707259

It was Reddit and SEAnigger Facebook group. Their audience love to give rimjob for Yagoo.

>> No.32707137
Quoted by: >>32707180

>post it here https://www.reddit.com/

>> No.32707141

You know the answer already.
>Live viewers dick measuring
>SC dick measuring

>> No.32707142

Very cool anon, very cool.

>> No.32707145
File: 38 KB, 1200x598, parkerCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would we watch her play competitive if not for pain-kino
there's other holos if i wanted to watch competent driving

>> No.32707146

ara ara bitch/10

>> No.32707150
File: 14 KB, 649x165, image_2021-01-25_212844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707148

Very long

>> No.32707153
File: 2.49 MB, 1488x1010, 1595504957854.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Hololive's top murderers in the GTAV universe, Suisei and Miko, team up together to cause double the amount of chaos and pain to unsuspecting pedestrians.
While Aki collabs with some of the sexiest sounding folks across the virtual world playing Among Us.
While Haachama finishes up her nousagi stew by cooling us and our stomachs down with a Supachat reading.
While our Winning son becomes our scared son as he gets fucking spooked and stalked in Infliction.
While Holostars wife Miyabi wants to get his own ass scared as he starts up Teketeke, a japanese horor game.
While Marine starts her Minecraft stream of the Akukin Relay.
While Fubuki, Watame and Flare gather around and play some Japanese Monopoly (Momotarou.)
While Aruran gets a heap of praise from his fans as he talks about his performance in the Apex tournament yesterday, gushing about how amazing and fantastic Astel and Izuru are.
While Nene prepares to start her own Akukin Relay stream in Minecraft.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.32707161

>I wanna play a Zelda game!
can't she? the JP holos have been playing zelda games and she's got the language fluency.

>> No.32707164
Quoted by: >>32708195

only when youtube eliminates all numbers will the fagging end

>> No.32707165

Ame is legitimately worse than her. She's seemingly a terrible driver in every game.

>> No.32707172
File: 448 KB, 527x465, 1608359660887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707305

>Not even 5k viewers on a Mario Kart stream

>> No.32707174


>> No.32707180

>doxxing is bad except when I do it

>> No.32707181
Quoted by: >>32707229

Bullet Bill is fair and balanced.

>> No.32707182

No but it will be hard since everything will update in 10,000 intervals only. In a half a year most of the major holos will be over 1M and only IDs and bottom feeders like Aki and Nene will update by 1,000s still. Then EN 2 will premier and get like 400k on debut.

>> No.32707187
File: 86 KB, 220x215, 1607696848181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707190

>4th place
holy shit

>> No.32707191

Strong fucking finish chicken

>> No.32707192

>moralfagging on 4chan

>> No.32707193
Quoted by: >>32707244

I was just about to say I don't see them robbing any banks.
And they are robbing a convenience store.

>> No.32707205
File: 398 KB, 1000x1000, 84458360_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comeback

>> No.32707210

sui-chan is very cute again today

>> No.32707213


>> No.32707216
File: 3.41 MB, 1920x1080, My Great Capture Screenshot 2021-01-25 23-53-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entered 2 chikin races so far over all her MK8 streams
>got first place on a course I never played and last place on a map I played tons of on both DS and 3DS
I don't know how to feel.

>> No.32707217
Quoted by: >>32707310

Ayamefriend... my tenchou....

>> No.32707221
Quoted by: >>32707296

>Suisei just mugged a conbini then the clerk floored her with a shotgun

>> No.32707227

Bullet Bill is bullshit.

>> No.32707229

Family friendly game.

>> No.32707231

>That was more KFP aiming for her since they wanted to see Kiara in a bathing suit.
I'm talking about the 1 on 1 they ended the stream with

>> No.32707232
File: 33 KB, 135x132, gooruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32707233
Quoted by: >>32707282

>doxxing is bad except when I do it to doxxfaggots
You're damn right redditard

>> No.32707234

On the night of 4/13/08 I came across a car wreck on U.S Route 58, the driver was trapped inside the wreckage. An apparent head on collision with another driver, a blue Ford truck, and a red Sedan. The driver in the Ford was already long dead but the one in the red Sedan was clearly breathing. I slowed down and managed to get a good look at him. He barely mustered up the energy to look at me and trying to keep his entrails inside he begged me to call for help.
I'm not proud of what I did next.
I slowly started to push down on the has pedal and continued moving forward while keeping eye contact. I was maybe 50 feet away before there was only darkness and I could still feel him staring at me through the eternal darkness. As his face faded out I could see the pain in his eyes worsen. By then he had no hope but he didn't want any more suffering. I only added to it. I went home that night. Sat down, put on some Radiohead and Kanye West, threw up, then went to sleep.

>> No.32707235

/hlg/ hates EN because they are hipsters who can't accept that their niche hobby is getting popular.
EN all getting 1M will just fuel their underdog complex.
They are literally flaunting over how Marine is getting 60K live viewers now (though we all know they are Pekora refugess).

>> No.32707238
File: 3 KB, 124x122, 1606182654137s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even 5K on Kiara stream
I know she wanted to replace Moona as Peko's foreign buddy, but copying her viewership is not how you do it

>> No.32707239

Perfect items, golden mushroom and Bullet Bill.

>> No.32707243
Quoted by: >>32707610


we aren't talking about the retards making stupid references in youtube comments, dumbass, we're talking about the actual fucking discords and youtube channels ran by actual antis looking to give fuel to the kind of behavior that hurts the girls in the long run. Nobody is even fucking talking about "actual" dox either, like addresses and workplaces. following breadcrumb trails to these people's social medias isn't going to fucking ruin their lives any more than their bullshit is likely to completely ruin a Holo's career, but if they want to play the cyber-stalker/bully game then they should be prepared to have to deal with it themselves. By the way, you realize that these people are after ACTUAL dox themselves right? like if they finally dig up, say, Gura's address, something we KNOW some of these fucks are looking for, they aren't gonna just sit on that info. going through official channels to shut this shit down doesn't work, they just crop back up every time.

>> No.32707244

And Miko is killed immediately

>> No.32707245
File: 298 KB, 459x673, 1611049379915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707275

>> No.32707247

what an absolute faggot lmao

>> No.32707248

>4k viewers on a massive buff game
Kiara was a mistake.

>> No.32707252

You are the one trying to force some retarded bullshit standards. We just want to hang people we don't like from trees.

>> No.32707254
Quoted by: >>32708932

if the girls stopped memeing yagoo so much maybe other people would stop with the yagoo shit

>> No.32707255

I'm watching Kiara get 4th place in MK through her LUK 99 stat, thinking of when Mori got 4th in her MK game last night.

>> No.32707258
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1599756670486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ride never ends...

>> No.32707259
File: 59 KB, 915x455, 1607020276867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After the Pekora stuff will people stop with the lovable Yagoo shit?
It probably would if this wasn't the biggest nothingburger in Holo history and everyone wasn't a bunch of EOPs that could understand what actually happened

>> No.32707260

>Is Okayu supposed to be that small? Because size-wise.....
Not fat shaming the fat cat!

>> No.32707262

burning doxniggers' genitals off with an electric charcoal lighter!

>> No.32707265

this makes me realize how fucked Gura's mii is

>> No.32707266
File: 54 KB, 850x608, 327c037bc7c49caae35cedd1a499b9ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707381


>> No.32707267

So what happened to her anyway?

>> No.32707268
Quoted by: >>32707286

She only has a switch. For some reason she doesn't want to play BotW, she's never mentioned Link's Awakening, and she would probably be filtered by the graphics of Zelda 1, 2, or LttP. They have permissions for the whole series and even the spinoffs, so it's just Chikin being Chikin.

>> No.32707272
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1610364325788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707313

Get fucked

>> No.32707275


>> No.32707276


>> No.32707278

kek go back

>> No.32707280


>> No.32707282

The end result is two people get doxxed vs 1 person getting doxxed and the doxxer getting reported to cover

That's objectively a net loss nigger

>> No.32707283

>doxxfags trying to moralfag
LMAO fucking pathetic

>> No.32707285

*yawn* It's like you never watch a single one of her streams.
No (you)s for you.

>> No.32707286

>For some reason she doesn't want to play BotW,
she said she wanted to but it's such a long game she wants to clear backlog

>> No.32707287
File: 2.51 MB, 460x337, NUMBERS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly the numbers are eternal, they'll just argue over new milestones. Even if every EN was the exact same amount of subs they would talk about how long it took to get the numbers, or how many videos, or compare cumulative streaming time, or some shit.

>> No.32707288

I can't get in to save my fucking life save for one time with a Nene and Polka collab and I've watched at least 10 Mario Kart streams across all holos.

>> No.32707291
Quoted by: >>32707567

>Ina finishes Gura's milestone art
>immediately has to start on Mori's

>> No.32707295
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1204789124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707337

Fucking hell. How does Kiara know how to do absic drift boosting, but still doesn't jump off ramps?

>> No.32707296

Was just about to ask since I missed that.
Lol, wtf Sui-chan.

>> No.32707299


>> No.32707301

>saying the item that grants you a speed boost and invincibility isn't a good item
chicken what

>> No.32707304

>miko holds up the convenience store
>she only wants the porno mags

>> No.32707305
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 01ebfc40ecc194a2abc81e82ab877af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make one point to you, Bob: Tsunomaki Rokku-dono and the new Nation of Domination lives, breathes and dies respect...and we will earn respect, by any means necessary!"

>> No.32707310
File: 2.95 MB, 720x720, 1597390624344.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, that what I get for opening so many goddamn streams after just waking up. Yes, our favoite Phoenix is playing some Mario Kart 8, as she uses her EX luck stat to cause her to somehow place high, but also her suffer debuff which causes her to lose her position. Please forgive me KFP, don't send me to the room.

>> No.32707312

Risu i've seen the stuff you liked on twitter. Please keep your fetishes for yourself. At least try to act a little bit seiso.

>> No.32707311


>> No.32707313

glad we're in an agreement, don't cry when something bad happens to your oshi

>> No.32707316


>> No.32707319

so chicken is the worst holo at mario kart right, it certainly seems that way

>> No.32707321
Quoted by: >>32707572

When shes back home she wants to do Wind Waker

>> No.32707324


holy shit, Kiara

>> No.32707328

go back redditard you're trying too hard

>> No.32707332

suck it down, faggot.

>> No.32707334

>fuck off stupid monkey

>> No.32707335

Right back at you.
>noooo what if the doxxfags is just a poor 15 years old, he doesnt deserve it noooo ;-; he should be allowed to ruin other peoples lives, relationships and careers but you cant do that to them nooooo ;-;

>> No.32707337

Is there a tutorial for Mario Kart?

>> No.32707338

so hypothetically, if mori said the wanted some japanese shotas
...would she get them?

>> No.32707341
File: 579 KB, 799x564, numberspeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiar never stood a chance, Pekora only has one buddy

>> No.32707343

She just keeps driving in the wrong direction 50% of the time but the game won't let her....

>> No.32707346

okay I laughed

>> No.32707349


>> No.32707350
File: 467 KB, 637x352, weda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707371

> Terrorizing innocent brown people and stealing their money

Miko... your American viewers.....

>> No.32707352

>so chicken is the worst holo
Yes she is, don't know why Yagoo hired her
>hurr durr nip skills
She speaks worse nip than anya

>> No.32707353
Quoted by: >>32707429

Now that you mention it, I don't think there's any tutorial in the game.

>> No.32707354

That was decent.

>> No.32707357
Quoted by: >>32707429

I don't think so

>> No.32707358
Quoted by: >>32707413

I'm not a member so I can't confirm, but apparently Ame is fucking awful too.

>> No.32707359

Don't you mean short alpha chads?

>> No.32707360
File: 63 KB, 389x389, 160607126036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogfuckers are also doxxfags? I'm shocked.

>> No.32707362

rent free

>> No.32707363

Just like their frontal lobes, they don't have their lives developed enough to lose anything significant.

>> No.32707364

Ame is pretty bad too

>> No.32707367
Quoted by: >>32707431

This just makes me realize how amazingly popular Mori must be to have consistently held 15k-20k viewers during her entire endurance stream.

>> No.32707370

You're always good in my book Ayamefriendposter

>> No.32707371

Porn books over there please understand

>> No.32707372

This, based Moonabros, Pekora belongs to Moona and is only allowed to have her as a friend

>> No.32707380

No, numberfags will just pull out the other metrics such as like counts, live viewers and talking about whatever stupid way youtube fucks over the metrics getting displayed this month.

>> No.32707378

Waluigibros....we're not cute....

>> No.32707381
File: 462 KB, 2737x2480, 1608324762737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breed the bunny...

>> No.32707394

This is a pretty good burn. Nice anon.

>> No.32707393
Quoted by: >>32707582

She's not a fucking shotacon, you stupid clipnigger.

>> No.32707397

nene is very special!!

>> No.32707398

is there actually a meta combo for mario kart REALLY?

>> No.32707400
File: 401 KB, 788x762, 1607384689778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to stop directing our anger towards the girls. Each and everyone should be supported by us. Instead we should direct our anger towards /hlg/. They do nothing but spew hated and lies towards us and the girls

>> No.32707401

>he hasn't seen Ame's streams
must be why they are locked behind members

>> No.32707403
File: 76 KB, 156x214, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707405

I don't think they could be much worse without turning auto-steer off and driving backwards along the course as much as possible.

>> No.32707408

I think they're all pretty awful.

>> No.32707412
File: 521 KB, 1536x2048, 1605237264755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for cute happy married couple

>> No.32707413

She's bad, but not as bad.

>> No.32707414

The same way marine and Suisei can get shotas.

>> No.32707416


>> No.32707417

Surely she can't be worse than Mori who barely knows how to dorifto, r-right?

>> No.32707418
Quoted by: >>32707430

Wait when was this drawing from? 1m?

>> No.32707421

>Two people
Doxxfags are not people

>> No.32707422

I would bun bun her cha like there is no tomorrow

>> No.32707425

not your personal army retard

>> No.32707429
File: 114 KB, 600x600, ecfe3fa44b351c1864f143dd715ca943.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707558

Sasuga nintendo

>> No.32707430


>> No.32707431

Mori is approaching Gura CCV in the near future

>> No.32707433
Quoted by: >>32707497

Nah for Ame's case it's because of doxniggers.

>> No.32707434
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1610695614884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, never thought about this before..

>> No.32707435

Some parts are straight upgrades over others because they give more total stats

>> No.32707444

Bikes and also heavy racers I hear are good. More momentum or something like that

>> No.32707445

Oh no no no KFP... are you just gonna let architects mog you like this?

>> No.32707446
File: 1.73 MB, 1754x1240, 1594048346838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707496

I want to fuck a holohag so bad

>> No.32707452
Quoted by: >>32707492

You're right. We absolutely should get Kiara graduated and then direct our anger towards her

>> No.32707453

yeah, that waluigi build pekora uses (and several others, i'm not picking on her specifically).

>> No.32707455

She was doing better than this when she had steer assist on.

>> No.32707458
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, TRASHMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707749

She's not after shota, she's after real men. Real short men.

>> No.32707461

The things she's most embarassed about (her singing and MK) she only does it for members. Kinda cute.

>> No.32707464

Why has Kiara played more Sims? That was a pretty popular stream for her.

>> No.32707465

is nene writing in cyrilic?

>> No.32707468

WTF is the chinkspam in kiara's stream?

>> No.32707472
File: 99 KB, 715x1000, 1610919185390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707799

Super cute

>> No.32707473

All this "buff game" talk, every single time, when Marine got huge numbers with Rimworld, and Kiara's own best numbers came from chess collabs. I just want Kiara to play games she's invested in.

>> No.32707481
Quoted by: >>32707510

Theres usually at least one optimal combo per game. God forbid I relive the hell that was MKWii online with everyone playing funky kong

>> No.32707488

Same and I don't even watch her.

>> No.32707490
File: 495 KB, 850x1099, f7d76bb5b2db410feaf970e7462a9405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A single female rabbit can have 1-14 babies per litter, but let's be conservative and say that the average litter size is six.

>> No.32707492

What stops us from doing it like the Nijichads did it with Aloe? But this time the shitbird actually deserves it

>> No.32707494

lmaoing at all the larpers itt

>> No.32707496
File: 248 KB, 446x667, 1604746308397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, your oshi WILL eventually turn into a hag

>> No.32707497
Quoted by: >>32707566

>doxxniggers enter anyway
I don't know why she gets it so bad compared to Gura

>> No.32707498

I would love more Sims from her, making the other EN girls, maybe JP and ID too in a Hololive Town. It's a game she likes too.

Would be so much fun.

>> No.32707500

Well she's starting Ryza 2 after Ryza 1....

>> No.32707506
Quoted by: >>32707546

KFP... stop bullying your boss...

>> No.32707510


>> No.32707514

While Kiara does obviously care alot about numbers, it doesnt seem like she actively chases them.

>> No.32707519

After vacation

>> No.32707520

>the holos work together to build something cool on MC
>/hlg/ hates it

>> No.32707521

Another clutch, wow

>> No.32707528

I'll still love her!

>> No.32707541
Quoted by: >>32707628

>you are now imagining how pekora sounds during intercourse based on her laugh

>> No.32707546
File: 47 KB, 500x620, 2v65fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707547

>1-14 babies per litter
I'm gonna peko my pants bros...

>> No.32707553

What do you expect? /hlg/ hate hololive

>> No.32707556
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, pixy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It may be true that the world has no need of n numbers. But would getting rid of them really change anything? Hololive won't change for the better unless we kill nousagis. Trust is vital in a peaceful world. But that will never happen."

>> No.32707558

Nintendo, despite how much they want to apeal to casuals, really sucks at usinf tutorials properly.
Guess they figure people dont want to read shit in game and stuck everything i to the digital manuals.

>> No.32707566

That's what I want to know too.

>> No.32707567
Quoted by: >>32707666

Don't worry, by the time Ina finishes Mori's 1 million art now Ame will be at 1 million too.

>> No.32707572

>I don't need a star!

How does getting the crown work after a race? Is it just given to people randomly?

oh right! I'm looking forward to that

>> No.32707574

>I just want Kiara to play games she's invested in
so does Kiara that's why we are getting JRPG streams

>> No.32707578

Don't care, let hlg rent free in your head anonchama.

>> No.32707579 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.61 MB, 500x288, 1611582049101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a peek inside ayamefriend
make sure to not do it again and we'll be on good terms

>> No.32707580

What can you expect from doxxniggers?

>> No.32707581

If a game isn't perfectly homogeneous, then there will always be a meta.

>> No.32707582

She was already showing shotacon tendencies since before the AWO collab. That collab just confirmed it.

>> No.32707583

If there's ~5000 viewers, how many full lobbies can she realistically rotate before someone has to join a second time? I can't imagine that many people actually try to join streamers, but maybe I'm out of touch.

>> No.32707584
File: 92 KB, 850x1200, EskXOb2VkAICVe_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707587

>took a peek
>AKUKIN or whatever

>> No.32707588
Quoted by: >>32707633

>Kiara's lobby opens up with everyone leaving
>Get forced into spectate for a race with 4 people or get DC'd immediately
ffs I give up

>> No.32707592

Tell me something new.

Akukin HQ looks really cool, including PPT's creepy but adorable face.

>> No.32707593
Quoted by: >>32707699


>> No.32707604
File: 276 KB, 543x483, 1591640201231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707608

haha. kiara nearly veering off the map at the sight of frogs. I thought she was trying to turn around to see them better.

>> No.32707609

>No one responds to his shitty bait, so he resorts to samefagging

>> No.32707610

Glad someone finally clarified it correctly.

>> No.32707615

/hlg/ is weird right now.
It's a mix of
>lmao look at all these leeches trying to gain views by doing collabs with Aqua
>Suisei Miko good heavens no
One is definitely more wholesome than the other.
Maybe it was the right idea to split into smaller generals

>> No.32707616
File: 441 KB, 1550x2048, EslJuYIWMAAIQ3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708739

Me on the left.

>> No.32707618

>Miko as the next guess

>> No.32707620

Ame said she can't really operate any vehicle

>> No.32707621

Rimworld is a good game with a rather dedicated and sizeable fanbase providing near endless content via mods. Same can't be said about most JRPGs, if any.

>> No.32707625
Quoted by: >>32708100

Post a tweet about reaching 1 million subs Mori. Let your senpai congratulate you.

>> No.32707628
Quoted by: >>32707661


>> No.32707629

Kiara only cared about numbers when it was affecting her in a bad way. Once when she was feeling not worth of Hololive and other when having to chase numbers became a tiring thing that Hololive demand from their talents.

These member only streams were what made these shitposts about her so nasty, but in the end she just wants to play anything that she feels that is fun for her, reason she doesnt drop the JRPGs.

>> No.32707632


>> No.32707633
Quoted by: >>32707702

if you think that's bad now imagine trying to get into a MK lobby with a JP holo that averages more viewers than the chicken

>> No.32707636

Alright full collab is art related

>> No.32707638

how new

>> No.32707641
Quoted by: >>32707890


>> No.32707644

>make shit up
>get (You)s because you mentioned the other thread
is it really that easy?

>> No.32707645

YO KFP! How "open minded" are you in defending Kiara?
And because I know you're discordniggers, how "open-minded" are your discord members?

>> No.32707647
Quoted by: >>32707808

>art related stream on Ina's channel

>> No.32707648


>> No.32707649

Day threads are just /hlg/ with a little bit of ENs

Dozens of "who are your favorite holos" "who would you give 1 million dollars" replies, barely any EN replies. This is getting silly

>> No.32707650

Link me their post. I don't see anything like what you said..

>> No.32707652

>on Ina's channel because it fits her theme

>> No.32707656

>Kiara is responsible for the EN collab
>SHE wanted it on Ina's channel
Another rrat slain...

>> No.32707657

>Kiara calling the shots on when and how they should collab

>> No.32707659

>full collab will be drawing based

>> No.32707661

This has never failed to make me laugh.

>> No.32707666

Bold of you to assume Ame will hit a million after she literally said on stream that her lighter schedule is because she needs time away from her chat

>> No.32707673
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, 0E761674-3E40-4028-AB23-6C3EE2228268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707706

Shut up SEAnigger

>> No.32707675
Quoted by: >>32707788

>killing people/making their life miserable
Seems like you don't know what that word means l*dditor

>> No.32707680

At the end of the day she does things for a passion, she doesn't like feeling forced to play games she isn't in the mood for.

>> No.32707683

>KFP is not a cult

>> No.32707684

>Forcing Mori to draw again
luv u chikim

>> No.32707685


>> No.32707686
File: 318 KB, 1400x2000, 6hd9e77jmkt51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko's the next Holotalk guest
Did I hear it right?

>> No.32707689
Quoted by: >>32707731

>Kiara suggested the collab be on Ina's channel, even though the two of them are close on subs count
uhh kiara-antis? Care to explain this one?

>> No.32707694
File: 785 KB, 3000x3000, EsAgMZoXAAAsvQe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically shoehorning her into being an artist holo. She doesn't mean the character theme but she means the channel theme itself.

>> No.32707697

This but unironically.

>> No.32707699

Was this made by a SEAnigger?

>> No.32707700
Quoted by: >>32707818

Disagree. She was only worse in the most recent Mario Kart stream when she turned the steer assist off. She had it on in the previous ones and was better than this.

>> No.32707702

Oh believe me I've tried with them too. It's even worse especially with a higher frequency of lobbies disbanding because the holo wasn't there

>> No.32707703

>That's like handing out regular justice to an autistic down syndrome ridden schizo bipolar person, punishment doesn't fit
Please go back. Retards should not be giving special treatment because they're too retarded to know better.

>> No.32707704


>> No.32707705

They'll play Montagsmaler. Qoute me!

>> No.32707706

I'm asking this exactly because SEAniggers are specifically targeting Kiara. I'm not your enemy here.

>> No.32707707

sasuga bait, guaranteed (you)s. very nice.

>> No.32707708
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 1608726201056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What question would you ask to Miko for Holotalk?

>> No.32707709

Open minded what? Also no I don't hang out on the discord.

>> No.32707716
Quoted by: >>32707761

Rrat: Kiara is enma

>> No.32707719

Kiara is already working towards an ID1+2 and EN collab

>> No.32707724

I'll be an old man by then...

>> No.32707731

t-tick t-tock
same fate for rrats as always

>> No.32707735

Shitposter-kun it's time to stop. You didn't even mention boyfriends or condoms. You're slipping.

>> No.32707739

I've been into Hololive before EN, and I can definitely say that few other Holos have this sort of... relationship with their chats.
Only Rushia is worse than this.
I love Ame, but I don't think this is healthy for her psyches.

>> No.32707742
Quoted by: >>32707809

They're throwing for her right

>> No.32707743
Quoted by: >>32707905

that was her making fun of people overly attached to her. She has been doing that for a while since new year.

>> No.32707744

KFP are not a cult, they're war criminals

>> No.32707745

I think Mori's got enough of a unique style yo compete at least

>> No.32707747

"How can I become a perverted ojiisan like you?"

>> No.32707748
Quoted by: >>32707817

>people actually sandbagging

>> No.32707749
File: 25 KB, 598x384, devito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fuckin chad

>> No.32707750

Is it true that Aki and Haachama hate each other?

>> No.32707756

>drawing based full member collab
This is how legends are born.

>> No.32707757

Goddammit. They are literally betting on horses in game.

>> No.32707760
Quoted by: >>32707801

Wtf, did the players disconnect or something?

>> No.32707761 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.61 MB, 2508x3541, 1611582384779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Coco.

>> No.32707763

KFP you aren't...throwing are you? She earned this right?

>> No.32707766 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1611582389445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>47k viewers
S-see Nenecchi bros! Our CEO is finally inclining!

>> No.32707768

I legitimately don’t understand what you’re attempting to imply

>> No.32707771

Kiara is growing to be the de facto leader of her Gen

>> No.32707772 [SPOILER] 
File: 398 KB, 1916x1078, 1611582400136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest whore around or Savior of Japanese Race?

>> No.32707778
Quoted by: >>32707862

That's exactly what a SEAnig says too..
t.not KFP, i just see this shit way too often, you glow in the dark.

>> No.32707782
File: 51 KB, 844x884, 1603273765925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks Kiara's design is actually really fucking good but the two hats on her head completely ruin it? I mean I know the colors of her outfit could be toned down a bit since the orange is way too fucking bright but other than that, I kind of like the outfit but the double hats is so distracting. It's why whenever she goes hatless, it looks so much better.

>> No.32707783
File: 198 KB, 1202x1276, 1611573446721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707788

>Seems like you don't know what that word means
stop pretending you care about that

>> No.32707790

i can't believe i have to wait for ina to turn into a hag... it's not fair...

>> No.32707793
Quoted by: >>32707821


>> No.32707799
File: 71 KB, 448x509, 1595624350232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708081

Gura watch out!

>> No.32707801


>> No.32707803

What's with the recent talk about doxxing aside from the 8k doxxcord being purged? Is a doxxnigger posting here again?

>> No.32707804


>> No.32707806


>> No.32707808
File: 180 KB, 479x363, 12312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for SOUL.

>> No.32707809

gotta be a full KFP-employee lobby

>> No.32707810
File: 232 KB, 345x315, FAST kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32707844


>> No.32707813

>throwing MK to make chicken feel better

>> No.32707814
File: 803 KB, 1360x768, cat 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st place

>> No.32707817
Quoted by: >>32707861

well, it's a complete opposite of Mori. Mori gets more upset when you make it easy for her. Kiara literally forces you to slow down for her.

>> No.32707819
Quoted by: >>32707862

Sorry, weird phrasing. I don't know, I'd prefer not getting involved with discord faggotry, we already had to deal with that bullshit back in december

>> No.32707818

disabling steering assist normally causes an immediate drop in driving performance for beginner players. you have to re-learn how to handle the vehicle and take advantage of drift mechanics to get around corners. you have to get worse before you get better, but the end result is that you can get around the track much faster.

this does mean you have to start taking your mario kart driving seriously, practicing a lot and critically analyzing your own driving. if you don't feel like taking it seriously, then it may be better to just turn on steering assist, accept the limit it places on your overall speed, and just have some fun. there's no right way to play; some ways are just way more competitive than others.

>> No.32707821

and all it took was the entire field sandbagging for her

>> No.32707822

>Abe was Sora all along

>> No.32707823

Kiara's schedule has been up for a while, anon.

>> No.32707830
File: 93 KB, 403x381, 1605738917750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, that miComet collab is fantastic so far.

>> No.32707831

Singlehandedly repopulating Japan with Sora-chan!

>> No.32707833
Quoted by: >>32707856

Ina Ina Inaaaa

>> No.32707835

>Dissing the hats

>> No.32707844
File: 109 KB, 262x176, The Numbers [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3p3394.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707851

Fuck you the hats are amazing

>> No.32707852

when the people of japan fully transcend into digital beings she will be seen as a visionary

>> No.32707856
File: 682 KB, 1500x2388, Esgx6t4XAAIYlG0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not gonna stream unless she bothers to guerilla late late late into the day. Tech is gonna take forever to get to her place and even then she takes Mondays off.

>> No.32707858

I'm not even KFP, but these doxniggers Discords are literally fucking full of discord trannies dedicating all their times to hate and harass Kiara, that then proceed to raid our threads thinking like acting like absolute niggers will do you any favors.

What you retards need is a rope around your necks.

>> No.32707857

I'd drop the accessories as well.

>> No.32707861

Fascinating how TakaMori are the complete opposite of each other.

>> No.32707862

Alright fine, I'll do it myself. Can't talk much because the rrats are watching.

How do you report to cover again?

>> No.32707867
File: 15 KB, 170x243, numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bun.. bun..

>> No.32707868

I love how Nene keeps looks down and left to the chat while she's talking, it's so cute

>> No.32707869
Quoted by: >>32707909

Theres no way everyone in the lobby just gave her the win

>> No.32707873
File: 37 KB, 768x768, moricute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Deadbeat clipfags still alive here? I'm dead tired but I just wanna contribute 56:00 from the Mori endurance stream when she said that numbers make her anxious. Might be good clip for this thread. Alright peace out, I'm taking a good sleep.

>> No.32707875
Quoted by: >>32707964

Retweet, then the people Mori retweeted looked at the other people she retweeted and got to know each other

>> No.32707884

>the two hats on her head completely ruin it
i don't think they are amazing, but "completely ruin it"? no.

>> No.32707886
Quoted by: >>32708723

What were you thinking when you said the N word?

>> No.32707890

I hope they will play this skribbl.io

>> No.32707896

Cute art

>> No.32707900

OK KFP I kinda hate how chimken is with taking credit for things but I am happy she's the one calling the shots for full collabs. Thank you, the rest of them are too autistic to plan these things

>> No.32707905

She was trying to explain that she didn't want to burn out on streaming without saying it so she used the analogy of saying it was like spending too much time with someone, but she never got to elaborate on it as her dogs interrupted her.

>> No.32707909
Quoted by: >>32708009

yeah the KFP larpers would never do that

>> No.32707910

>Ame won't collab with anyone unless they ask her directly
>Ina "if you want to collab dm me"
>Mori "Could be fun, but again, I don’t really reach out to people. "

>> No.32707913

they had a tantrum and have been sporadically shitting up here and leddit since they got their shit pushed in.

>> No.32707915

I miss /v/ skribbl.io threads

>> No.32707921

Doxxniggers are upset because someone is trying to counterdoxx them

>> No.32707926

I think the white thingy on her head is shit, but if she only had her hat it'd be fine.

>> No.32707929

Feels too weird, wouldn't surprise me if there was some glitch or something. Someone far more autistic than I am to look over the replay and try to look for any potential glitches that could've caused it.

>> No.32707940

To be fair, Mori literally asked Reine for a collab in the endurance stream

>> No.32707949

Oh boy, Suisei and Miko is betting real money now

>> No.32707950
File: 149 KB, 1278x850, KFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it or not, Kiara and Ina will hit 1M at the same time, whether it be same day or 1 day apart.
They should do a duo collab at 980k for 12 hours honestly

>> No.32707952

I just dislike her outfit in general, but I love her normal hat.

>> No.32707955
Quoted by: >>32708007

>Gura: "Ame Ame collab with me!"
>Now: I don't want to feel like a pest/I don't want to feel like I'm filling up Gura's schedule
I miss the old days sometimes

>> No.32707956

Sleep tight deadbeat, today was a good day.

>> No.32707959
Quoted by: >>32708151

That "Calli" person in Mori's MK8 segment was Lucitan, right?

>> No.32707961


>> No.32707962

Gura will just want to collab with Ame all the time

>> No.32707964

Which one did she end up connecting with? I'd assume Riri or Luci since they're both Japanese and probably wouldn't have known each other, while Boogey and her are big enough to know each other.

>> No.32707966
Quoted by: >>32708107

/hlg/ HATE

>> No.32707967

Antis lurked it for ammo and would occasionally shit up these threads with it. Now that it's gone they're just having a tantrum.

>> No.32707969
Quoted by: >>32708006

>KFPs actually leaving on command
Not a cult btw

>> No.32707970

>Thank you, the rest of them are too autistic to plan these things
>still hasn't replied to Mori's ttrpg collab request

>> No.32707972
File: 634 KB, 2817x1015, 1610080064458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32707977
File: 20 KB, 636x346, 1603927755168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708011

Horrible VA casting

>> No.32707980

well duh, you gotta actually learn to drive after that

>> No.32707981

I hope Gura will take as much days off as she need and even more just to spite numberfaggots
also its good for my sleep reps

>> No.32707983

My oshi likes hanging out with her friends and to entertain us. Should be fun seeing Ina mog everyone.

>> No.32707985

A moralfag defending doxniggers, I would not be surprised if it was an actual doxnigger coping.

>> No.32707996

Is the KFP discord as bad as people make it out to be? They are attention seeking faggots but do they leak from here and stuff like that?

>> No.32707997

I like the two hats, but still wonder if huke is secretly trolling his daughter about the design: Is the white one a chef's toque or a turkey/chicken booty/frill?
>whenever she goes hatless, it looks so much better.
Looks too big and bare to me. I could get used to it, but accessories on kiara make her cuter.

I think the dual-wielded chicken drumsticks is silly though.

>> No.32708002
Quoted by: >>32708066

>chicken saw the stream where Mori said she didn't want to draw on stream
>make a full EN drawing collab to force her to draw on stream
Kiara is pretty based

>> No.32708005

That will only end in absolute shitpost central here when one takes considerable longer than the other to hit the 1m

>> No.32708006
File: 611 KB, 811x1079, Brotherhood of KFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708007

They still collab the most out of every HoloEN pairing.

>> No.32708009

A good amount like to bully the shit out of her. Even when she asked to win in the past only like 3 or 4 people would slow down for her.

>> No.32708011

>actual brit as Artoria

>> No.32708015

She didn't mean it the way shitposters are trying to spin it. She had just finished talking about how she wanted to focus on gaming and streaming but didn't want to stream TOO much. That's when she used the metaphor that it was like spending too much time with someone and needing to balance your time out.

>> No.32708018
Quoted by: >>32708105

why would any of us know lol

>> No.32708020


>> No.32708024
Quoted by: >>32708105

why do you care? thinking about joining, discordfag?

>> No.32708035

>They should do a duo collab at 980k for 12 hours honestly
doesn't sound like something Ina would be into, though speaking of long streams Kiara said she wanted to do an Animal crossing competition like first to fish "x" and said that even if Ina had to end her stream early she'd still keep going until she hits the goal and says it's a free win that way

>> No.32708036

if she needs a couple of weeks, then i'll wait patiently.

>> No.32708038
Quoted by: >>32708239

Doxxniggers have been throwing tantrums in every single corner of the internet, crying how not being allowed to act like giant faggots is harassment, their talk about "the internet should not be nice" is now "nooo pls be nice to me nooo"

They kept pissing people off, raiding communities, acting like absolute twats, and after their Discord got banned, it got worse, then they started getting doxxed themselves, and are actually, legit moralfagging for pity.
>noooo what if the doxxnigger is just a poor 15 year old or retarded tranny mentally ill manchilodren, theyre's allowed to attack and harass people, try to ruin people's lives and careers, but you can't do the same to them, nooo ;-;
I'm laughing my ass off

>> No.32708041
File: 724 KB, 1447x2047, 86279356_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708141

The cutest couple!

>> No.32708040

Mori had a small redemption moment when she immediately reached out to Reine when she popped up during Blasphemous

>> No.32708043
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, 1610535373847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708092

Born into a world without anime
Where the sun doesn't shine, there's no sanity
We are left alone with these killing machines
We have no home, we have no dreams
Crushed under the weight of the mechanical demon
We are victims of fate from the power of semen

>> No.32708045

Me on the top left

>> No.32708054 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 605x800, 1611582872180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708119

>Like it or not, Kiara and Ina will hit 1M at the same time

>> No.32708058

About fucking time Ina, God damn. What a bitch

>> No.32708061

>tfw no Kiara gf to teach absolute basics of video games while drinking choccy milk under a warm blankie
why live

>> No.32708063

I missed this. I know zombie showed up and Mori was like "oh, right, we're collabing. anyway..." Reine showed up too?

>> No.32708066
Quoted by: >>32708090

Poor Ame

>> No.32708067
Quoted by: >>32708185

They're sanitized /pol/ from what others say, disciplined and makes Hololive pdf fanzines uploaded on docdroids.

>> No.32708068
Quoted by: >>32708114

>her design is perfect
>EXCEPT for this thing
>and this thing
>and this thing
>yeah otherwise, perfect!

>> No.32708069
Quoted by: >>32708183

Imagine if an actual brit got cast as Ame.

>> No.32708071
File: 90 KB, 243x194, 1595523846987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's pretty fucking good at manipulating (in a good way) and organizing things she knows fans of said person and that person themselves would enjoy despite the words they say on stream.

>> No.32708077

I love that yukata artwork of her it looks actually incredible.


>> No.32708081
File: 682 KB, 1271x1232, 1610698272094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708083
Quoted by: >>32708103


>> No.32708084

I've always felt that the interactions between Mori and Reine seemed weird. Like they knew each other before Hololive or something.

>> No.32708086

Yeah, during Blasphemous. I don't have a timestamp ready though.

>> No.32708088

But Altria's Welsh.

>> No.32708090

Not like it matters, everyone's just gonna wanna see what Ina draws while the rest never finish what theirs.

>> No.32708092

Mori's existence in Hololive is one huge shitpost and I cannot love her any more for it

>> No.32708100

what was the final chat/tweet list for the stream

>> No.32708101
File: 653 KB, 729x478, 1610345166337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Miko and Suisei

>> No.32708103


>> No.32708105

Just curious. I'd never post anywhere not anonymous

>> No.32708106

Susei and miko encouraging gambling
i can´t believe they would do such a thing
especially suisei

>> No.32708107


>> No.32708111
File: 67 KB, 371x638, tagsaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that bad and mods try to crack down on containment breaches
t. only uses it for the post stream tagging because they are autistic

>> No.32708114
File: 155 KB, 369x351, 1607758282887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no instance of the word perfect in what I typed, are you okay Anon?

>> No.32708116

>says she will stream more
>streams even less

>> No.32708119

This is true

>> No.32708124

Post the HoloEn protagonist

>> No.32708128

The blackjack in GTA is so rigged it's not even funny

>> No.32708131

That'd be based.

>> No.32708134
Quoted by: >>32708508

No idea, I just joined for the Kiara emojis and haven’t even looked at any of the channels

>> No.32708137

I think her design is all over the damn place. "She's a phoenix but also a warrior but also a power ranger but also a fast food employee". Fucking choose one. Maybe two at most. And even then, the things that are there don't make sense. The phoenix part is supposed to be the most important because HoloMyth, but the only indication that she's one are the feathers. Why does she wear two hats? Why is her skirt shorter than a whore's?

>> No.32708136
Quoted by: >>32708234

Why were they yelling Same-chan? I joined late and missed that part.

>> No.32708141
File: 972 KB, 1696x2344, 1604056790814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.32708139
Quoted by: >>32708186

She's roman

>> No.32708146

Kiara is dumb annoying and a whore

>> No.32708147
Quoted by: >>32708642

Holy shit, Nintendo online and MK lobbies are so fucking retarded

>> No.32708151

Nah, she doesn't have enough self awareness to make that kind of joke, and isn't that subtle. That was 100% a shitposter from here.

>> No.32708156
Quoted by: >>32708213

Was that hitler?

>> No.32708159

she was going to finish this on her gesture stream if her internet hadn't shit the bed, wasn't she?

>> No.32708176

They play blackjack
>first game, dealer gets 21
>second game dealer gets 20
Peak entertainment isn't something you can plan.

>> No.32708178
Quoted by: >>32708271

So how hard does amelia not doing sc readings at end of streams hurt her sc income. I remember reading most sc actually come in during sc readings

>> No.32708183
Quoted by: >>32708252

I can't imagine her being anyone else now.

>> No.32708184
File: 3.21 MB, 2480x3508, 1611223645722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708186

Nah, that's Nero.

>> No.32708185
File: 33 KB, 401x434, KFP NAZI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sanitized /pol/
sometimes the retards stop being sanitized like when some of them had the bright idea to make this during the EN Christmas collab

>> No.32708187
File: 403 KB, 673x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like her two hats, they remind me of the important ghosts

>> No.32708192

very cute gura

>> No.32708195
Quoted by: >>32708235

It would be nice if they got rid of live viewer count.

>> No.32708203

you can hear her brain run out of ram

>> No.32708202

You never heard of how Reine threw a party in her Indonesian palace and had Mori's past life flown in for a personal concert?
These political brats got some pull.

>> No.32708209

No idea like most others here, but from what I've seen ITT, they make some OC the newsletter seems cool, good job and keep to themselves. I've heard Ame's and Mori's discords are annoying, but who knows.

>> No.32708210

holy shit kiara sucks at mario kart

>> No.32708212
File: 312 KB, 1752x627, Screenshot_20210125-092641_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They don't work.

>> No.32708213
File: 533 KB, 509x520, 1602253584317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just keeps happening.

>> No.32708215
File: 58 KB, 641x635, 1601784182103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708216
Quoted by: >>32708371

welsh are british

>> No.32708217


>> No.32708218
Quoted by: >>32708303

Anon... your late antiquity history reps...

>> No.32708221
Quoted by: >>32708360

not a cult btw

>> No.32708227

>starts singing
>starts going off track
Kiara can't into multitasking

>> No.32708228
File: 56 KB, 200x200, 1611067548355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708231
File: 688 KB, 1568x4096, 1610465893356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all protagonists of their own story

>> No.32708232

when will they buy a nuclear submarine and do the biggest heist

>> No.32708234

They were jet-skiing.

>> No.32708235

numberfags will just find proxy variables to argue about and i'll be even worse.

>> No.32708236


>> No.32708239
Quoted by: >>32708841

What pisses me off is that there are people that indirectly supports them cause they can't think that there are consequences by doing that and think they do no wrong, they think they live in a candy world and just go with the "muh secret knowledge".

>> No.32708240

He's so cute.

>> No.32708246
File: 138 KB, 855x955, 1607256327817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708278


>> No.32708248
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>> No.32708249
File: 14 KB, 583x54, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes that is where you come from

>> No.32708250

I like Kiara. Do (you)?

>> No.32708252

Exactly. I can't think of any good candidates for a brit holo off the top of my head.
>inb4 froot

>> No.32708253
File: 148 KB, 1080x1080, 1609623531562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream is almost over and i still can't join the lobby
please... just one race...

>> No.32708254
File: 2.16 MB, 848x1200, 1599765127314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708297

They're playing Call of Cthulhu tabletop confirmed.

>> No.32708260

Here you go.

>> No.32708261
File: 146 KB, 960x956, haachamainaustralia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708264
File: 197 KB, 500x500, f1tmpk3vu73gespm0k0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708374

Is Gura really going to be okay?

>> No.32708267
Quoted by: >>32708354

Do your Arthurian legend reps, she's the last Roman King.

>> No.32708268


>> No.32708271

Not that much, what hurts is when she turns it off during super sunday like she did today.

>> No.32708274

ah-chan is her ao-chan
always watching

>> No.32708278
File: 2.97 MB, 1855x1600, chumguts v ojisan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708307

Move aside.

>> No.32708277
Quoted by: >>32708313

Unironically Mori

>> No.32708280


>> No.32708284

Not a cult!

>> No.32708285

Of course I do!

>> No.32708289


>> No.32708290

you need to learn to hide your power level discordanon

>> No.32708291
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1606717898679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708308

>friends stopped playing skribbl.io after I joined the games because I kept winning by a landslide
>before I came along, their best player would barely win against them

>> No.32708294

>Why is her skirt shorter than a whore's?
Kiara is going to offcollab with 10 lucky KFP and fuck them to show her appreciatioin.

>> No.32708297
Quoted by: >>32708345

It's art related you fucking retard.

>> No.32708298
File: 152 KB, 290x265, 453121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708301

She had already been teasing people that said they missed her or missed being spoiled by her 40 hour schedules all night. Even in her off time she continues her parasocial relationship with her fandom through Community Posts and even last week's guerilla Zatsudan felt like her missing everyone. No way she seriously was talking about needing time away from her chat.

>> No.32708303

Nasu says she's Welsh.
So she's Welsh, 'nuff said.

>> No.32708305
File: 179 KB, 720x892, 20210125_210011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708307
File: 1.82 MB, 1045x1217, femtOjisan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708308

nice blog

>> No.32708312
File: 1.25 MB, 2480x3508, tummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fuck off do it yourself discordfaggotry is still faggotry

>> No.32708315
File: 25 KB, 1187x163, pekopeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32708313
File: 28 KB, 399x512, 83a05efc420caa792cf8efd7ebd732a5ccfa3a03_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708473


>> No.32708314

Why does she get every single name wrong?
She can't even pronounce Steve Buscemi correctly.

>> No.32708316


>> No.32708318

Thank you.

>> No.32708321
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 38292019234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708322
Quoted by: >>32710697

Need to couple with a dosage from an ugly bastard

>> No.32708324
Quoted by: >>32708591

Feels rushed. Mostly saying this because I feel like Ina is better than giving Gura the second most generic pose other than double claw hands.

>> No.32708330

That faggot took that from here or that guy posted it himself

>> No.32708333

>Kiara with the black ships

>> No.32708335

is the ancient ones literally here?

>> No.32708336

Mori's big, FAT Bundles of cash!

>> No.32708338
File: 808 KB, 1352x1418, illust_87290477_20210125_160004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32708337


>> No.32708339

i'm actually really proud of her for directly saying "no stream today", because that's something she seems to have had trouble with in the past. i know writing a simple tweet is easy for a lot of people, but she seems really bothered about disappointing people, and has often relied on things like releasing a new schedule that just shows nothing instead of the planned stream on the old one, or emphasizing that it's been moved and will happen on a new date instead.

>> No.32708341


>> No.32708345
Quoted by: >>32708399

Is it actually? I thought people were just assuming. I wasn't watching the stream.

>> No.32708354
Quoted by: >>32708412

If you're talking about ACTUAL Arthur, then yes I agree with you.

>> No.32708356
Quoted by: >>32708425


>> No.32708360
Quoted by: >>32708465

it's a weird mix of ex-tumblr and ex-/pol/

>> No.32708361


>> No.32708363
File: 203 KB, 850x1202, 38198219021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708365

>Is the stream dying?
>stream dies

>> No.32708368

Oh god her voice is so husky, muh dick

>> No.32708372


>> No.32708371

Welsh are celtic Britons, ethnically related to Scots, Irish and picts. British are mostly a mix of Angle, Saxon, Dane, Scandinavian and French.

>> No.32708374
File: 131 KB, 631x474, SD_Amuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean if she's going to be a mother she could also be a mother to you, right?

>> No.32708383
Quoted by: >>32708552

How was Ame's members only karaoke practice stream last night?

>> No.32708384

do you really belevee iiit?

>> No.32708385

>only 10

>> No.32708389
File: 84 KB, 500x500, DrLexus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all tarded.

>> No.32708393

ID2 collab

>> No.32708397

>Kiara bragging about her trident again

>> No.32708399

She literally said the reason why it's on Ina's channel is because it's art related.

>> No.32708403
File: 45 KB, 322x720, 1611329531851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually took the time to go to reddit, browse, screenshot, and then post it here

>> No.32708405

Youtube you fuckin monkey fix the EU servers already

>> No.32708406

Mori do you never talk with her?

>> No.32708411

>He doesn't know about the 5000 people train

>> No.32708413

Please let it be me

>> No.32708412
Quoted by: >>32708516

FSN's glossary even specifies that she's roman

>> No.32708418

>i asked my roommate

>> No.32708419

YAB KIARA YAB!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.32708420

>calli sabotaging her job saved some ledditor
sausage, mr California

>> No.32708423

is that KFP holding down chumguts?

>> No.32708425
Quoted by: >>32708468

If I took them off, would she die?

>> No.32708430
Quoted by: >>32708491

why even bother linking them if they're going to be full indogspeak

>> No.32708431
Quoted by: >>32708678

is shark milk good for the bones?

>> No.32708432
File: 1021 KB, 421x389, 1607162004862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another stream of Anya hides her booba while Reine proudly displays them.

>> No.32708434


>> No.32708436

>Kiara talking about her roommate
She's here?

>> No.32708438

>they're just gonna be speaking Indo

Never have I ever thought that after Reine's debut I would be (mentally) asking her to get them to speak more english

>> No.32708441

Post holo butts onegai

>> No.32708444

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

>> No.32708446
File: 82 KB, 850x765, 1607496402498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708521

>Another Mario Kart stream that I was not able to join

>> No.32708447


>> No.32708451
File: 406 KB, 2048x2048, 1611529699138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32708453
File: 257 KB, 2048x2048, EslDTooVcAAuweB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32708462

based doxchads living in /hlgg/ head rent free making them shit up the threads while not doing anything themselves

>> No.32708463
File: 925 KB, 882x496, Screenshot_2021-01-25 【Mario Kart 8DX】WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #kfp #キアライブ - YouTube(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la experiencia del pollo

>> No.32708464

>35 down
>9.5 up
FUCK it's shit internet month AGAIN

>> No.32708465
Quoted by: >>32708506

A-and somehow they manage to get along?

>> No.32708468
Quoted by: >>32708593

No but she'd be incredibly naked.

>> No.32708473
File: 42 KB, 600x338, 4a18fe1f23bd5f0b-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708481

Kek. Explain yourselves EUfags.

>> No.32708487


>> No.32708492

>Kiara's room has bad internet connection
Oh no, the time loop never ends!

>> No.32708491

Just 240p the stream and mute the tab

>> No.32708496
File: 2.58 MB, 640x360, 1608204596078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be full indog my dude. No point linking it.

>> No.32708498
File: 395 KB, 784x749, femtea 2.5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708562

Very funny, Ame.

>> No.32708506

Just like the good 'ol days of the 4chan wars...

>> No.32708508

KFP: sanitized /pol/. But also fucking tumblr. I swear I'm impressed that those two can get along.
Deadbeats: Literally just pre-chat, filled with gachaniggers and cocksockers. Too many NEETs.
Teamate: It's a /v/ colony and is filled with twitchniggers. What more can you say?
Chumbds: Lmao you know Gura's fanbase is unsalvagable due to its sheer size. And it's not her fault.
tako tako taaakoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

t. crawl in these just to check who's breaking containment

>> No.32708509
Quoted by: >>32708558

Kiara talking about how she'll have shit internet when she goes back home to "Australia"
When will she stop losing? I'm sick of being KFP

>> No.32708510
File: 915 KB, 3905x4096, 1609183207431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708513


>> No.32708514

EU internet is completely dogshit.

>> No.32708516
File: 29 KB, 480x360, slut of victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708520
Quoted by: >>32708561


>> No.32708521

Sorry anon, good luck next time.

>> No.32708522

It's seanigs meme to call it bad.

>> No.32708524

Is the chikin currently doxxing herself even more?

>> No.32708526
File: 1002 KB, 1179x659, 1610832736959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708635

Tell me about Anya. Why is she ogey?

>> No.32708537
File: 106 KB, 320x454, 3647603D-B62E-4A40-8E40-7C2551292049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708541

Last night, my workshop caught fire. I was trapped in the corner, pinned behind the table saw and with the lumber pile on the other side. The flames weren't moving fast, but I had nowhere to go and it was only a matter of time before I burned to death. I could see my neighbor through his window across the yard. He was just sitting in front of his computer like he always does, staring at god knows what all night long. I yelled over and over for help, but even though he wasn't wearing his headphones, he just acted like he couldn't hear me.

Eventually the fire department showed up, but not before I got third-degree burns on my left arm and leg. The doctor says it'll be a long and painful road to recovery, but at least I should be able to walk again. I guess I managed to escape the reaper this time.

>> No.32708545

Rikka is playing Hollow Knight!

>> No.32708546

this is healing....

>> No.32708551


>> No.32708552

Good, she's actually working on her singing and you can tell.

>> No.32708554
File: 155 KB, 1130x2048, 1580086869654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708889


>> No.32708557

>9mbs upload
>in Austria
>money can't fix it
>"high speed internet" in name only

>> No.32708558

Being kfp is like being proud to be french. You get used to losing

>> No.32708560

>She's still awake after doing an 11 and a half hour stream

>> No.32708561

Yet somehow Romania the shithole of Europe has better Internet than Austria...

>> No.32708562


>> No.32708565
Quoted by: >>32708715

>Avenger Ushi.

>> No.32708567
File: 258 KB, 762x800, gosmile 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708603

God, I love Mori.
No homo.

>> No.32708569
File: 101 KB, 980x1280, cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear I'm impressed that those two can get along.
Tenchou unites all

>> No.32708570
File: 11 KB, 692x354, EqoSQmaVQAAOJ9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning NA teamates
ame isn't streaming today
don't forget to do your reps!

>> No.32708572
Quoted by: >>32708685

The empire was already gone at that point. Literally killed by vandalism.

>> No.32708574

Are you implying takos are based enough to not make a fan discord?

>> No.32708575
Quoted by: >>32708893

old man streams some cool games

>> No.32708576 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 558x492, 1611583648038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708578


>> No.32708580

He's been playing it nonstop lately. It's rare to see the old man get so into a game.

>> No.32708585

No, I love her.

>> No.32708586
File: 205 KB, 955x1403, 1610436481145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so proud of my boy...

>> No.32708591

It does look rushed. She probably remembered that she hadn't done anything for Gura yet and worked on something really quickly.

>> No.32708592


>> No.32708593

She's a big bird

>> No.32708597

I don't know, I have a pretty decent 500/100 in the suburbs of a small city. Must be an Australian thing

>> No.32708601
Quoted by: >>32708621

I haven't heard Noel King in a while

>> No.32708602


>> No.32708603

Congrats Mori. You really earned it. Proud to be a deadbeat.
Nothing gay about wanting to impregnate your boy.

>> No.32708604

Do you know where your ELITE title originated from? yes i know it came from here

>> No.32708605
Quoted by: >>32708661

Almost everyone Mori shouted out has that low husky voice like she does when singing. It might be her personal 'fuck you' to the shit taste nips who destroyed Towa's voice.


>> No.32708606

>I swear I'm impressed that those two can get along.
Tumblr was and always has been 4chan for girls.

>> No.32708607

I went to do something and came into the internet talk part way, did she mention if moving could solve the problem?

>> No.32708608

Guys I’m starting to think Internet is shit everywhere

>> No.32708609
File: 56 KB, 828x718, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She just needs to choose another place to live

>> No.32708610

>66 minutes of Mario Kart

>> No.32708613

At this point it would be cheaper for Kiara to move somewhere else in the country to get better internet

>> No.32708616

I have 30/3 on a good day...

>> No.32708617
File: 219 KB, 800x450, sc read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now Superchat Reading time

>> No.32708618 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1611583729110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708621

cringe, here you go

>> No.32708620

>he's currently in deepnest
Looks like I have a stream to watch since Kiara's ending, thanks anon.

>> No.32708628

The other girls have much worse discord. Decided to check them all out of curiosity and I think Gura's is the actual worst one.

>> No.32708629
File: 982 KB, 2334x4096, 1585382511055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708630 [SPOILER] 
File: 388 KB, 1535x2048, 1611583742216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait and see.

>> No.32708631

Internet in europe is pretty good overall, she just lives in some rural area with no infrastructure. Move to the big city, chikin!

>> No.32708632

what does your butt smell like

>> No.32708634

>Susei pummeling fatties on GTAV

>> No.32708635

She got a small body with big titties.

>> No.32708637

chickens stream is starting now lets GOOOOOO

>> No.32708639
Quoted by: >>32708679

She has a great KING cover honestly

>> No.32708642

It seems fine to me, but i don't pay it much attention.

>only uses it for the post stream tagging
I love that feature so much along with the kiara-sounds channel.

easy to find; no archive reps needed.

I found out the other day that it's still a paid service and was shocked.

>> No.32708649


>> No.32708650

I do, but god, every week she gives me something new to worry about. It can be exhausting

>> No.32708653
Quoted by: >>32708723

what is your position on males?

>> No.32708659

Ina's fan discord is not something you want to see, and It's better to not talk about it unless you want her fans here to get attacked to no end

>> No.32708660

Man it was so fucking fun

>> No.32708661
Quoted by: >>32708718

I don't really watch indies but I'm 100% digging through Rene's archives now.
I hope Mori eventually gets Towa to use her natural voice more.

>> No.32708667

>Chumbds: Lmao you know Gura's fanbase is unsalvagable due to its sheer size. And it's not her fault.
I find this hilarious for some reason. I wish Gura had a smaller fanbase for her sake.

>> No.32708669

Because they got their Internet later, so their shit is newer
A lot of places in US, for example, have shit connection because ISPs don't want to replace decades old equipment

>> No.32708670
File: 38 KB, 1186x161, 1589901338343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Nintendo servers and lobbies are awful to deal with.

>> No.32708674

>living in /hlgg/ head
Mocking them for getting fucked over
>shit up the threads
Having fun mocking them
>Based doxchads
Do you swim in that river of trash outside your mud hut anon?

>> No.32708677

ogey Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.32708678
File: 639 KB, 3031x3662, illust_87290033_20210125_160017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708679

Queen of Zatsudan!

>> No.32708681
Quoted by: >>32708699

What's the general gist of that one?

>> No.32708684

why do you hate my boys?

>> No.32708685
File: 14 KB, 480x360, smuggest tako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708687
File: 678 KB, 1094x587, 1583020550049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708693

No idea, I live in a suburban area and my upload speed is a third faster than Kiara's flat.

>> No.32708696

It's pretty bad.

>> No.32708698
File: 187 KB, 313x317, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... You made me kinda want to see it.

>> No.32708699

it's full of people who use discord

>> No.32708700

t. discordfag
kfp almost had a minor war with the inacord but we handed out milk coupons as a peace offering, forgot which collab it was

>> No.32708706

I didn't know, gonna do my holostory reps

>> No.32708708

Developing countries will, ironically enough, most likely overtake the first world in terms of internet infrastructure. Most established ISPs don't give a shit about upgrading their hardware, but new providers tend to adopt newer tech. Maybe Starlink will save us all or maybe it'll be shit. We have to wait and see.

>> No.32708709
File: 17 KB, 436x126, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708754

which one of you is this

>> No.32708713
File: 124 KB, 1167x661, HQ_stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically it is the worst in 1st world countries (most apparent in the US) since the infrastructure was made way before broadband was a thing so they barely keep up as providers have no reason to upgrade on their own. Meanwhile the rest of the world got modern, easily scalable equipment right away.

>> No.32708715

She's not even Ushi, bro.

>> No.32708718

She's technically not an indie, she's a part of 774 which has their own thread here if you want to go ask about her. You should also check out the devil angel since she gets low when singing English songs.

>> No.32708721

Your infrastructure is generally better the later it was built.

>> No.32708723
File: 145 KB, 860x1000, EsYyj-jU4AERMUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708756

So this is the same thread that complains that Kiara doesn't ask more in depth, non-meme questions for Holotalk huh...

>> No.32708724

>ywn be able to nurse Gura back to health like Ame can but that's okay because they deserve each other more than anyone

>> No.32708732 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 303x166, 1611583969163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32708734

Risu... Friend... Here comes a new challenger.

>> No.32708739

Me in the back with the BIG RED HEART

>> No.32708741

How exactly bad is it? Don't tell me doxxniggers make haven there too

>> No.32708742

....I'm watching through Reine's stream. I don't speak a single word of Indonesian. Please help.

>> No.32708746

Discord "war" autism somehow sounds worse than the /hlg/ vs /hlgg/ autism we have.

>> No.32708751

Tumblr is just a dead website now, but it had really great sides, with many great Japanese artists and good fanbase producing good content, not to mention really good porn. What people meme about is the crazy furry/fujo side with all the weird shit about genders and sexuality that make /lgbt/ look sane.

>> No.32708752

Okay you need to explain

>> No.32708754
Quoted by: >>32709170

"Me nans got the coof lets fucking gooo" would have been more funny 6/10

>> No.32708756
Quoted by: >>32708772

these answers
believe it or not
were not 100% serious in nature

>> No.32708760

I'm sorry Shrek, but it's Oga

>> No.32708761
File: 620 KB, 2568x3883, riob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't watch Botan, Korone and Mio without getting horny anymore

>> No.32708762

Oh sweet Christ, they're just cats. They'll get over it. Do what you need to make sure they can live said cushy life you want to provide them.

>> No.32708765

If you don't speak Indo that means you still have a chance.

>> No.32708770
File: 518 KB, 900x900, Straya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709435

Who's fuckin laughing now cunts. FIBER LOVE!

>> No.32708772

You're right, I don't believe it.

>> No.32708773

No, it's just that no one cares about Ina.

>> No.32708774
File: 115 KB, 1200x675, 3dad8cd1b1258489590c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708799

>Gura 2 million art [DONE]
>Mori 1 million art
>Nene new outfit art
>Ame 1 million art
Ina Ina Inaaa...

>> No.32708779
File: 212 KB, 429x421, 1610880293193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YO, WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.32708782

both of them had a musician-like past.
so maybe, they actually know each other with their past persona.

>> No.32708785

When you consider that Hololive's initial foreign popularity was caused by you saying something that most people would consider highly taboo, does it weigh on your mind? That the success you have was in part due to ignorance, instead of talent or hard work.

>> No.32708787
Quoted by: >>32708849


>> No.32708790

Once your oshi has graduates, will you keep watching her archives or move on to other girls?

>> No.32708795

It's called RNGKart for a reason.

>> No.32708796

We have a literal open borders policy here, so take that as you will.

>> No.32708799


>> No.32708802


Based Milky.

>> No.32708804

This feels like a tactic from takodachis to discourage people from check their discord

>> No.32708806

There's no EN translators in chat
They decided to rebrand as HoloRO, becoming the first romanian representatives in Hololive

>> No.32708808
Quoted by: >>32708822

>the things that are there don't make sense
She's a phoenix with many past lives and likes to be flashy, so she's wearing bits of her lives.

>> No.32708810

You guys know that Oga unironically has an NTR fetish right? Like he's talked about it on stream before. I just thought that was interesting

>> No.32708813

Move onto other girls. I'm more of a DD anyway.

>> No.32708817


>> No.32708818

depends on whether my oshi will continue streaming.

>> No.32708822

>Kiara was a Kamen Rider in her past life

>> No.32708833

>I was thinking of renting an office space or an apartment just to stream in
Jesus Kiara, you'll have to just move. Living with your roommate won't work in the long run anyway. She'll get sick of you screaming like a chicken at 3am.

>> No.32708836
Quoted by: >>32708905

Is he the bull or the cuck?

>> No.32708838

Basically this. I live in a borderline military dictatorship country, but internet is good - unlim 200 mb/s for like 25 bucks a month. And only 7-8 years ago we bough internet in kiosks, in 100-200 mb packages, on cards with numbers you have to type in. Amazing how technologies have moved on.

>> No.32708839

Have someone ever sent a GPU as a birthday gift to one of the Holo girls?

>> No.32708841

Yeah that shit pisses me off so much. You see a lot of those subhumans trying to push "muh secret knowledge" in youtube comments all the time. Wish they just minecraft themselves

>> No.32708842
Quoted by: >>32708899


Kiara is smart, streaming income is fucked

>> No.32708844

Kiara why didn't you check this shit in September?

>> No.32708845
File: 98 KB, 200x196, OGEY (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the list of people who congratulated Mori in chat or on Twitter.

>> No.32708846

How rushed does Ina drawing look? iofi could have done better than that

>> No.32708849

Was it a member? She really put that nigger in his place.

>> No.32708851

No and never got in, i will personally bonk you fuck you

>> No.32708853
Quoted by: >>32708905

but is he the one fucking or the one getting fucked over?

>> No.32708852
Quoted by: >>32708905

the one who NTR or being NTR'd?

>> No.32708857

>Rikka and Roberu in chat
>Oga replying
Can Mori manage to get all of the homos?

>> No.32708860

KFP fan discord is /pol/like, but it's ok with gays and shit like that, they have a military larp, it's like an ARMA discord

Ina's fan Discord is like /lgbt/ but also only loves cock and hate pussy, they ERP, it's like an VRchat discord

>> No.32708864

>All 11 hours of Mori
>Zombie Fall Guys
>Luna's return
>The Minecraft Relay so far
>Haachama cooking
>Miko Suisei GTA
>Chicken MK
Fucking christ I feel like I watched a whole season's worth of anime. I'm out or at least gonna watch a little from my phone in bed.
Night bros, I'm dead as fuck

>> No.32708865
Quoted by: >>32709070

It's a bunch of nonsense smalltalk so far, I don't understand why they just don't do another love letter consultation again for this one.

>> No.32708867
File: 378 KB, 3000x1000, IMG_20210119_104649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708912

Same but Polka, especially since she is so prone to do early morning streams with a raspy sex voice or voice act something when she references something

>> No.32708868

I was in the same situation of Kiara then when changed ISP they told me they refused to do normal ADSL contracts and that a technician for fiber installation would have came regardless and in case of installation failure no contract so i told them "fine, go ahead"
Turns out the guy they sent me really wanted to get home the contract and found out some sort of tunnel someone must have made at some point i ignored the existance he could use to burteforce through the cables and make it work, he took him 3 hours while he should have stayed for like 30 minutes

>> No.32708870

deadbeats owe milky a lot for changing Backgammon Bael's mind.

>> No.32708872

OgaxAnge when?

>> No.32708873
Quoted by: >>32708928

w-what are you going to do with it?

>> No.32708875


>> No.32708878 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 96x82, 1611584274630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709080

I wonder what's the overlap with the Deadbeats server and this one

>> No.32708880
Quoted by: >>32709048

Reminder that this was the closest we got to Avenger Boudica and she STILL became a Nerofag by the end of the event.

>> No.32708884

girl who convinced Mori that not all idols are shit and made Mori like idols

>> No.32708888

I move on to other girl. Her next reincarnation

>> No.32708889
Quoted by: >>32708972

>giant ass
Ina is literally build like Yoko Ono

>> No.32708893

how old is he anyway ?

>> No.32708894
File: 841 KB, 1980x2435, 87290298_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32708989

How did you manage to watch Botan without getting horny BEFORE?

>> No.32708896
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1606669752803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you feed yourself, nutsacki.

>> No.32708897
File: 181 KB, 880x546, ikasbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking ikadachis.

>> No.32708899

She is dumb as hell but I think being independent for so long has made her street smart a bit

>> No.32708901

>month without collabs

>> No.32708904

>all of the homos?
not astel, too much spaghetti to talk to a tomboy

>> No.32708905

Send him a superchat and ask, I just know he likes the genre

>> No.32708906

a certain other thread is having a multi-day nuclear meltdown over discord (loserbait style happening)

>> No.32708910

you would be surprised the amount of guys who have an NTR fetish

>> No.32708912
Quoted by: >>32708995

When Polka breaks into voice acting impressions, it's so good. She could go pro with her skills

>> No.32708913
File: 246 KB, 1300x1800, EmAh6jnUYAEgrMZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the best at anything
>terribly insecure about her lack of skills
>misunderstood as a gremlin
>arguably the underdog of HoloEN talent or skill-wise
>still loved by many
>has attracted the love of the most famous EN girl
fight me

>> No.32708914

She's a huge procrastinator, this was only natural.

>> No.32708918
Quoted by: >>32708968

>but also only loves cock and hate pussy
That is the opposite of what I expected. Honestly, the KFP one makes me want to join just to understand what sounds like a shitshow.

>> No.32708921
File: 166 KB, 830x1080, 1611491626107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eww, now I hate him

>> No.32708922
Quoted by: >>32709101

She wont get astel.

>> No.32708924

Im new, put it simply
Is Ame lighter her schedule because of her chat?

>> No.32708925
Quoted by: >>32709057

>Lamy told people to watch Mori in her stream
>Mio, Ollie, Reine, Rikka, Roberu in chat
>Korone tweeted
>Oga replied to Mori very recent tweet
I'm excluding ENs and indies.

>> No.32708926

Why are [insert fanbase here] like this?

>> No.32708928

analyze the NUMBER of people who congratulated of course

>> No.32708932
Quoted by: >>32708976

It's a vicious cycle. The EN audience memes Yagoo and thus the girls, having reddit as their primary interface, deliver on Yagoo memes because that's what their audience wants. Every fucking meme review has like 3 Yagoo memes. The girls go with the flow because they are entertainers, which leads to more Yagoo memes. Also most people don't know about what happened to Mel.

>> No.32708935

Not even a teamate but I'm really excited for Amelia hitting 1m soon. I wonder what she'll do for it

>> No.32708936
File: 3.81 MB, 498x280, 1582126490567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Gura...

>> No.32708939
File: 674 KB, 595x533, 1607058565600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, Mio's womb is dry and dusty, why do I want to fuck her so much?

>> No.32708945

i love it

>> No.32708946

It's okay. Despite me having joined it, I ironically learn more about it from here, such as the newsletter and its numberfagging section.

>> No.32708951

Oh, I see, he just wants to watch

>> No.32708952


>> No.32708953

Facilitator of step0 of Callification and part of the Mai Princess idol trio. Made Mori rethink her stance on idols.
I apologize for the ONE THREAD https://youtu.be/8Fjt_k8G2UM

>> No.32708959
File: 725 KB, 1159x638, F R I E N D S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just can't win can she

>> No.32708960

No wonder he's doing this.
Poor Risu and Friend....

>> No.32708961
Quoted by: >>32709027

We all know why, too preoccupied with streaming shit. All of EN got blown away by how much they had to adapt.
Obviously should've checked way sooner, but this is Kiara we're talking about.

>> No.32708967
Quoted by: >>32708997

7362789672303401349871398 What's this do you you?

>> No.32708968

From what I heard its probably the least offensive one.

>> No.32708970
Quoted by: >>32709005

This sounds like you're baiting people to shit up his SC.

>> No.32708972

An ass thats GIANT

>> No.32708974

by roommate she means boyfriend, right?

>> No.32708976

>Muh superior Japanese company, the paper on which the policies were written on were folded 1000 times.

>> No.32708977
File: 175 KB, 319x395, 1589554164481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too elfriend...

>> No.32708979

What is it with this birb and watermelons?

>> No.32708980

holy shit kiara

>> No.32708982

You could just not post it, you know?

>> No.32708984

>yes I know calli hit 1 million thanks for telling me something obvious

>> No.32708989
File: 88 KB, 540x978, La lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709200

Botan is my oshi since debut she always got me hard with her giggles. I am so happy she is playing games where she laugh a lot recently

>> No.32708993
Quoted by: >>32709033

it really wasn't that bad
apparently the inacord started bashing the kfp discord so we got someone to send over a milk coupon and they kinda freaked out we had something like that

>> No.32708994
File: 92 KB, 600x600, 1609948704794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just getting FBK's sloppy seconds

>> No.32708996


>> No.32708995

Polkas DDLC was the best, really highlighted her talents.

>> No.32708997


>> No.32709001

I don't think she'll do anything too big. Probably just a karaoke stream.

>> No.32709004
Quoted by: >>32709021

>"Ask your roommate to move with you"? That wouldn't be a good idea for various reasons .....
Watch yourself Kiara, that has rrat potential

>> No.32709005
Quoted by: >>32709073

I'm serious, check the archives and Twitter and shit and YouTube comments on his videos and you'll see people talking about it, it's well known

>> No.32709009
Quoted by: >>32709074

I was just seeing if you knew Kiara jesus you don't have to be so mean....

>> No.32709011
Quoted by: >>32709049

Kiara is PISSED today

>> No.32709015
File: 188 KB, 327x316, 1581700128875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, Kiara is so fucking blunt with her chat sometimes, it's hilarious.

>> No.32709016

why is chicken getting bent out of shape again, did she not actually think this moving thing through

>> No.32709018

>KFP fan discord is /pol/like
Based. Gonna join that now.

>> No.32709020

Maybe listening to this will cheer you up, if only for a bit

>> No.32709021

You mean Casper?

>> No.32709022

She was already dealing with a ton of shit just trying to stream in Japan.

>> No.32709024


>> No.32709027

fine if not September then why not October when you had internet issues

>> No.32709031

I’m sure she is wondering the same thing.

>> No.32709033
File: 334 KB, 372x415, 1602484915588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709040

Because it's not dry and dusty! She probably gets wet easy!

>> No.32709044

>But also fucking tumblr
Pre or post porn being banned

>> No.32709048

Nero can do no wrong ,except in Extella Link.

>> No.32709049

I don't blame her, her chat comes up with some real braindead comments

>> No.32709051

Why are chumbuds so scared of fat old bastards?

>> No.32709052
File: 310 KB, 2149x3035, 1602401208584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a fucking witch, that's why

>> No.32709053
Quoted by: >>32709089

roommate is a real woman though she looks so dykelike her retarded Japanese past life fans thought she was a dude

>> No.32709054


>> No.32709057


>> No.32709061
File: 89 KB, 600x706, 1610631061775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back off.

>> No.32709063

Reine is making autistic slurping noises.
Ollie is screaming indiscriminately.

>> No.32709066
Quoted by: >>32709134

Kiara getting real tired of people mentioning Mori when she isn't talking about her.

>> No.32709067

>SEAniggers are STILL letting a dumb chicken live absolutely rent free in their heads
Please explain this. Do these dogs have nothing better to do than eternally seethe about the Aussie that mindbroke them?

>> No.32709070

exactly. small talk like this is not even fun to listen, except they have a solid topic to talk.

>> No.32709073

you should be able to post shitty clips then

>> No.32709074

>doesn't know that Kiara would obviously know and would've talked with Mori about it beforehand
>doesn't know that any numberfag would obviously know and have been paying attention to numbers in advance
>didn't watch stream to see that Kiara already mentioned it and was pleased about the acappella stuff

>> No.32709077

anon.... people (women) used tumblr for reasons besides porn

>> No.32709078

Damn, Kiara is fucking pissed

>> No.32709079

yeah, me

>> No.32709080

Now? Probably a significant overlap, but that's paywalled, no?

>> No.32709082

>Kiara acknowledged the friendzone tweet
Fucking kek. Sometimes this TakaMori gag is really funny.

>> No.32709083 [DELETED] 

having a think

>> No.32709085
File: 69 KB, 646x687, 1607989554701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709171


>> No.32709088

>Kiara's decided to finally rag on her chat for mentioning other vtubers

>> No.32709089

So what you're saying is, she's gay for ya boi literally and figuratively

>> No.32709090

Because somewhere in there, there might be a hidden oasis.

>> No.32709092
Quoted by: >>32709171

they are porn ec

>> No.32709093

It's such a gap going from the absolute chaos of calli's chat to Kiara's now where she takes entire tangents to shit on rulebreakers and enforce the shit

>> No.32709096
Quoted by: >>32709141

the pekora thing must have annoyed her

>> No.32709097

The real question is: Why aren't fat old bastards scared of chumchads?

>> No.32709098

Chicken is feisty today

>> No.32709100

Jesus kiara...

>> No.32709101
File: 221 KB, 420x420, 1611481855400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709150

Well yeah, he's already claimed after all.

>> No.32709105

kiara really taking out her IRL frustrations with the KFP larpers kek

>> No.32709111
File: 959 KB, 828x1179, 1599742929646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the fucking rules, faggots

>> No.32709117

Shogun's blood is still boiling at the mere thought of whitu piggu in Hololive, so nah. I think she'll get Astel some day with a song, though.

>> No.32709124
Quoted by: >>32709335

It's a pain but it'll be funny for people to know this fact about him so I'll do my best to pull up a clip of him talking about it, just know I'm not bullshitting for memes for now

>> No.32709126

I regret asking now..

>> No.32709127

>Kiara's chat constantly breaks the rules so she has to chastise them now
Wait I thought Kiara had the best chat?

>> No.32709128
Quoted by: >>32709246

>implying we're not fat old bastards

>> No.32709130
Quoted by: >>32709162

this feels like when siblings piss off a parent and you have to put up with the parent's following lecture.

>> No.32709133
File: 141 KB, 480x360, Risu laughs at the fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Fubuki ever fucked
oh im laffin

>> No.32709134
Quoted by: >>32709405

she shouldn't have hitched her name so much to mori's then, chat shitters will never let it go

>> No.32709139
Quoted by: >>32709320

But Haachama doesn't have rules

>> No.32709142

Mori’s marathon stream is at almost 900th views wtf?

>> No.32709141

Yeah that's what I thought. She was spammed with Pekora comments.

>> No.32709144
Quoted by: >>32709183

God, I wish Mori did something like this once.

>> No.32709146

can you tell me which rules are? i cant read

>> No.32709148

This is untrue

>> No.32709150

>he's already claimed after all.
yea by his debts

>> No.32709152

the tardwrangling levels are over 9000

>> No.32709154
Quoted by: >>32709284

>Retarded chat still won't comply
Why are the holos infested with 12yr-olds?

>> No.32709155

They didn't stop with Mel, didn't stop with Aloe, didn't stop with HaaCoco, why would they stop here?

>> No.32709159

more like reasons AND porn

>> No.32709162

I dont't even look at the chat and I feel like I'm being told off

>> No.32709164
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1610806415224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs a reminder

>> No.32709167
File: 642 KB, 893x537, 1598726633364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, being scolded by Kiara just fucking hits different. It's like I'm being scolded by the hot boss I want to fucking bone, it makes my penis harder the more she reprimands me.

>> No.32709170

Can't swear in SCs unfortunately.

>> No.32709171
Quoted by: >>32709234

look at these good boys

>> No.32709172

Still the best chat because she actively whips them back to shape to keep it that way.

>> No.32709174

The bar isn't high.

>> No.32709176
File: 690 KB, 960x881, 1589727158249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709236

Are we forgetting about the original hag?

>> No.32709177

Man I wouldn't wanna be in Kiara's position. having to wait periods of about 1 months for changes in her streaming capabilities is gonna gimp her growth quite a bit.

>> No.32709179
File: 1.36 MB, 3200x3430, 1611152691784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709227

At this point she might as well move to SEA. Free rent for days

>> No.32709183

It's too late anon

>> No.32709188

What about it?

>> No.32709190


>> No.32709193
Quoted by: >>32709248

Wait what's going on now?

>> No.32709195

Not mentioning other streamers until brought up must be one of the least practiced rule in the EN community.

>> No.32709200
File: 231 KB, 640x640, 64574654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710006

Botan's giggles are a blessing to this world.
I love her so much.

>> No.32709201
File: 158 KB, 850x1206, 1589297349719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="sjis">WON'T BE DRY WHEN I'M DONE WITH IT[/spoiler]

>> No.32709202
File: 703 KB, 700x1400, 1610720856504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709249


>> No.32709204
File: 44 KB, 475x433, 1611488357001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homo talk
>NTR posters getting uppity
>One of the Homos is unironically into NTR
ah how fucking rich

>> No.32709205

Its been a moment before she put them in check. New members come in without the training she put her older members.

>> No.32709206
Quoted by: >>32709237

How am I meant to feel about these ID eating noises?

>> No.32709208

>Wait I thought Kiara had the best chat?
I mean that's Ina, but this is how Kiara keeps it good

>> No.32709212
File: 512 KB, 685x794, 1611584685755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are ya watching anon?

>> No.32709218

this fucking chickem

>> No.32709220

Mikoti was right once again

>> No.32709221
File: 49 KB, 599x552, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709253

Baby steps

>> No.32709224
Quoted by: >>32709527

That's Ina though

>> No.32709225
File: 575 KB, 845x474, micomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this 35p?????

>> No.32709227

Come to the Philippines. We have churches here but you don't pay them taxes.

>> No.32709230

It was 12 hours long. What did you expect?

>> No.32709234

If I'm a good enough boy maybe she'll give me a headpat.

>> No.32709236
Quoted by: >>32709271

irl Marine isn't a hag like the others tho

>> No.32709237


>> No.32709239

holoen works well together and she has incredible extrovert powers vs. everyone else in holoen, we might have a week or more of other people streaming to her channel with in collabs where Kiara's just a voice.

>> No.32709244
Quoted by: >>32709527

"Best chat" if you excluded Ina's, but all the unmoderated chats are some flavour of shit, so the gap isn't exactly wide.

>> No.32709245

>Please explain this. Do these dogs have nothing better to do than eternally seethe about the Aussie that mindbroke them?
We're talking about SEA, not the Chinese.

>> No.32709246
File: 298 KB, 527x690, protochumguts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm implying that.

>> No.32709247

>One of the homos is into ntr
Yo what

>> No.32709248
Quoted by: >>32709293

He place back home has shit tier internet speeds. Might have to wait a month to get a new place.

>> No.32709249

This shit is funnier than it has any right to be

>> No.32709251
File: 294 KB, 430x574, 1605235906185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come to the Philippines
no thanks

>> No.32709253

>The dick isnt transcontinental anymore

>> No.32709257
File: 429 KB, 800x748, 1599938219925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709265

People would've spammed Gura' chat about Kiara's trident
Glad Kiara BTFO the people who would do this and spam about other members unprompted

>> No.32709266
File: 772 KB, 504x760, 1610503587888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.32709271
Quoted by: >>32709392

she smells like one though

>> No.32709274

invest... it's a Catholic country... pls help us...

>> No.32709275

The fact that she enforces rules only gives the placebo that her chat is worse when it's actually better than most. Kinda the same with Ame who quietly moderates her chat. She mentioned recently that chat has been well-behaved. And Ina who has Ao-chan to moderate.

>> No.32709278

>Come to the Philippines
kiara isn't a programmer who wants underage girls

>> No.32709280

You're one to talk.

>> No.32709282

While it might suck, being back among family/cats/friends will give her more prioritize than just streaming growth.
I'm glad to hear she's not being reckless about securing good internet for streaming at the cost of everything else.

>> No.32709284
Quoted by: >>32709363

Anime. Maybe there should be an age restriction on anime. Just make it 18+ across the board regardless of context.

>> No.32709286
Quoted by: >>32709323

Delete this image you shitter

>> No.32709287
Quoted by: >>32709755

people join gura's discord just for the member karaoke backup, because I dont want to waste time recording it when Im enjoying karaoke

>> No.32709291

Fuck I want an oddworld playthrough

>> No.32709292

Very easy to live there if you're a foreigner. Cost of living is cheap.

>> No.32709293

Back home? Kiara's back to Austria now?

>> No.32709294

How the fuck did the thread get taken over by unironic Homostar cuckposters and shipperfags? This is why the Homos need to be banned.

>> No.32709297


>> No.32709302

Please don't say weird things about the Ogre. He's just congratulating his colleague.

>> No.32709306

Based. Fuck em up.

>> No.32709307


>> No.32709314


>> No.32709315

Thanks Kiara

>> No.32709316

oh my god
wtf im kfp now

>> No.32709317

>not ikemen


>> No.32709318

huh, mio is gone already?

>> No.32709320

She did have rules once. Not that long ago actually.

>> No.32709322
Quoted by: >>32709374

Don't. Absolutely backwards ass country and most f*l*p*n*s don't even realize it.
t. flipfag

>> No.32709323
File: 107 KB, 271x257, 2115865165547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709324
File: 358 KB, 576x605, 1609734053515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709325
Quoted by: >>32709350

The kabedon without the kabedon....

>> No.32709329
File: 248 KB, 1700x2000, fierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was a different feeling but it was nice

>> No.32709330


>> No.32709331

Why can you see the sound in Moona's stream.

>> No.32709332
Quoted by: >>32709387

>People would've spammed Gura' chat about Kiara's trident
>Glad Kiara BTFO the people who would do this and spam about other members unprompted
Only 3k watcing the SC vs the ~20k that'll be watching MC. She's still going to get spammed. If anything, hopefully Kiara told Gura already and Gura is ready for it

>> No.32709335

okay it was easier to find than I thought, here's a clip of Oga talking about his NTR fetish
from my (very) limited japanese somebody asks him what his favorite type of NTR is, and he says something like a wife who gets visited by 2 super muscular men(??) and presumably gets xxx'd

>> No.32709336
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1580897805821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709360


>> No.32709344
Quoted by: >>32709497

I'd rather not step either into the capital and/or the Deep South.

>> No.32709346

Kiara just kabedoned me, see you lager E G G s.

>> No.32709349

It had like 800k by the time it finished.

>> No.32709350
Quoted by: >>32709379

The no one?

>> No.32709356

gay sex with hats on

>> No.32709359
File: 489 KB, 611x497, lustful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steals victory from Aqua
>steals Miko from Pekora
>sends the video of her fucking Miko to Pekora mid stream causing her to break down

>> No.32709360

Hey, me too!

>> No.32709363

Are you trying to kill anime? We need young blood, as cringe as they may be.

>> No.32709364

absolutely fucking based.

>> No.32709367
File: 77 KB, 818x687, 1606723193231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She understands

>> No.32709370
Quoted by: >>32709532

Not yet but when she does go back its not looking very good for her streams. She said she has 35mlbs download and 9mlbs upload and she can't upgrade it

>> No.32709374

It's a backwards ass country because you're all self-hating fucks who would rather suffer in silence than dabble in insurrectionism.

>> No.32709379

on the ear of the wall?

>> No.32709387

unfortunately yes
Hopefully Gura addresses it quickly so chat doesn't spam it as much

>> No.32709392


>> No.32709397

>people discussing the Ina discord without bringing up the secret members-only channels

>> No.32709400


>> No.32709403

as if any 3rd world insurrection would ever lead to anything other than america colony number 30

>> No.32709405

Sometimes I wonder if she's really still ignorant about how consistent retards pop up in chat.
They're never going to leave so she should either ban or ignore.

>> No.32709407


>> No.32709409

No but the place she's moving back to has shit internet (for streaming) and it can only be fixed by an expensive renovation (30K+ euros). The only other option is to rent out another place to stream at, in which case she should just get another apartment with better net.

>> No.32709414


>> No.32709418


>> No.32709417


>> No.32709420
File: 64 KB, 574x574, lewdkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709460

>"remind me where is the first aid kit"
>Under my skirt

>> No.32709421


>> No.32709422
Quoted by: >>32709460

>Under my skirt
what the fuck kiara

>> No.32709423
File: 478 KB, 727x720, jesasuisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STILL can't get Mori to notice her

>> No.32709424


>> No.32709426

This fucking horny chiking...

>> No.32709428

I missed pochimamas membership start.. feels bad..

>> No.32709429
Quoted by: >>32709476

what did kiara do?

>> No.32709434
Quoted by: >>32709961

Would Gura even care about the spam though? I get the impression that she would not. She doesn't have the same kind of antagonist relationship with her chat that someone like Ame or Kiara does.

>> No.32709435

Straya has some of the worst internet infrastructure in the fucking world m8

>> No.32709440
File: 200 KB, 337x332, 1590470557056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this basically confirms she groomed okayu

>> No.32709441

>muh super secret treehouse
nobody cares fag

>> No.32709445
Quoted by: >>32709532

No but her (literal) roommate did some tests apparently and told her the grim results.

>> No.32709448
File: 396 KB, 1500x500, 1606267940753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32709450

wrong thread

>> No.32709453


>> No.32709454

it's actually not that. The poorfags like being poor because they get sprinkled by the government their money in time for election. The rich people (the absolute Upper class) do not care unless their businesses are hurt, while the middle class is eternally fucked.

>> No.32709456


>> No.32709460

She's horny and angry...

>> No.32709461
File: 327 KB, 616x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Ina play it?

>> No.32709462

Best girl

>> No.32709466


>> No.32709470

fuck off with your discord faggotry

>> No.32709472

>Kiara blew on my dick

>> No.32709475


>> No.32709476

strayed too far from seiso and instantly regretted it.
The regretting it's much funnier than the original joke.

>> No.32709477

>she'll blow
she can't stop

>> No.32709482


>> No.32709489

Do discordniggers really?

>> No.32709497

What a coincidence! The central islands are beautiful places! In a few years, we'll have the infrastructure to support your taga-sagwa businesses! You get tax free deals for the first decade, cheap labor, and cheap cost of living! Modern conveniences of the first world are available, especially to you!

Invest invest invest!

>> No.32709499


>> No.32709503


>> No.32709512

God I love this bottom left dumbass

>> No.32709514

Maybe Indog doesn't sound that bad...
Unless it's Ollie screaming it or Risu speaking it in her non Ayunda voice. Anya has the best voice for it and makes it sound cute.

>> No.32709516

not sure i want a toothgap blowjob from kiara

>> No.32709521


>> No.32709527

I remember she had a retarded autist as a mod so you can't have any fun in the chat. How come her chat is the best?

>> No.32709531
Quoted by: >>32709587

I'm sure once she tweets after this stream, Mori will send a heartfelt thank you to Hosimati senpai

>> No.32709532

Yishh, 9mbps upload. How is Central Europe internet speed as shit as Asia developing countries?

>> No.32709534
File: 294 KB, 567x387, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She waiting for the perfect moment to c*ck Kiara. Give her some time

>> No.32709537

>People just getting into vtubers now is just surreal
She knows the honeymoon is over

>> No.32709538


>> No.32709547
File: 29 KB, 385x37, 3246453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709548

been a while

>> No.32709551

Fair. The few who are aware of how shit this place is would rather leave. But honestly there's so many reasons why this place is so shit that it'd take days to list them down.

>> No.32709552


>> No.32709554


>> No.32709563

Motivation chimkin...

>> No.32709564


>> No.32709565


>> No.32709566
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709678

Want to get out the Luzon hellhole, What the best island to go to?

>> No.32709578
Quoted by: >>32709696

>Maybe Indog doesn't sound that bad...
>the KFP sonic weaponry destroyed anon's hearing so bad he think indogs is tolerable

>> No.32709580


She's right

>> No.32709581
Quoted by: >>32709735

>he actually uses youtube chat
everyone in there is a retard and need to penned in like cattle by slightly smarter retards

>> No.32709587

suisei, focus on the stream

>> No.32709589

Why so many discordfags breaching contaiment?

>> No.32709590


>> No.32709591

Mario Kart always makes Kiara unchained. She literally says what she wants.

>> No.32709600

Im dead tired, Is the ID Gen 2 collab mostly EN or ID, if it mostly EN I'll watch it but if it ID imma pass out....

>> No.32709603
File: 21 KB, 340x408, 0i3jr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Validation. There.

>> No.32709606


>> No.32709613


>> No.32709619

why the fuck did this make me laugh so hard it's such a shit joke

>> No.32709621
Quoted by: >>32709682

is ID anon, go to sleep

>> No.32709622
File: 51 KB, 540x423, 1604275792692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ina. And no fuck you I already did my reps.

>> No.32709624

I unsubscribed to mori lol

>> No.32709629

It's a good fit for her because it's supposed to be sung poorly. It also fits her cause it's a really cute song.

>> No.32709634


>> No.32709636
File: 69 KB, 263x273, 1610866684432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full indog collab
I am laffing.

>> No.32709635
Quoted by: >>32709721

they leaked holoRO

>> No.32709638


>> No.32709643


>> No.32709645

Ollie has deafened you to the point where you can't hear anything, hasn't she anon?
Or you're learning to listen with your heart instead of your ears.

>> No.32709647
File: 26 KB, 352x370, 1444236127163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709650

Sounds pretty gay bro

>> No.32709652
File: 129 KB, 894x1046, 1583427309910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32709656
File: 126 KB, 283x197, 1583593245070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ Kiara, you're unhinged.

>> No.32709657

KEK fuck me I started laughing so hard.

>> No.32709660 [DELETED] 

I don't even care anymore. Her roomates makes me horny alone by virtue of who she is. Id mush her face into a pillow with one hand and grab her thick Austrian thighs with the other and make her a mother.

>> No.32709663

Would she raise my baby?

>> No.32709666

>it can only be fixed by an expensive renovation (30K+ euros).
I mean that's expensive but unless she's been retarded with her income shouldn't she be able to afford that?

>> No.32709669
File: 10 KB, 341x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this burn lads?

>> No.32709673

it's a mario kart stream

>> No.32709674

Do them again.

>> No.32709678
Quoted by: >>32709719

The Tri-cities of Bacolod, Iloilo, and Cebu. They're the only centers of civilization in Visayas while the rest are just jungles and rivers. Unlike the metropolitan north, we actually have trees so you can breathe like a human being.

>> No.32709682
File: 1.06 MB, 1587x1743, Chibi reine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; I just want more Peacock wife but I cant understand ;_;

>> No.32709686
File: 88 KB, 500x371, 1611458865562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709696


>> No.32709697 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 590x656, goorah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32709703
File: 112 KB, 731x725, 20210121_074347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709767

Stay strong tako

>> No.32709708
File: 3 KB, 159x132, pnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709711
Quoted by: >>32709746

Pretty crinch, it's Yen so maybe the burn was lost in translation?

>> No.32709712
Quoted by: >>32709731

based. who's stream is that from?

>> No.32709715
File: 52 KB, 702x873, 1580787369217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709719

Will be considering it once we get funds for a piece of land from there.

>> No.32709721
Quoted by: >>32710128


>> No.32709730

I understood like 2 out of 10 words in there. But I'm still watching them.
t. fiip

>> No.32709731


>> No.32709735

As >>32709581 said, just need to wrangle chat so it isn't going to get derailed for a few minutes.

>> No.32709736

It's a decent burn. She's probably gonna get a little pissy!

>> No.32709741

what happened I'm doing Gura reps

>> No.32709742

Thats my job you fucking faggot. Get away from the mother of my children.

>> No.32709745

I just woke up. What did I miss. Tell me now or it never happened.

>> No.32709746
Quoted by: >>32709759

Could even be a terrible flirt made worse by translator

>> No.32709748
File: 1.01 MB, 1369x911, 1611501298332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon, Mori. Stop joking and rest.

>> No.32709751

Would you want to get a renovation that costs as much as a decent car for a standard apartment?

>> No.32709753


>> No.32709755

i record every gura stream anyway, and i read this thread so i can grab someone else's if mine fails, so their convoluted release process is useless to me. i noticed there was no discussion there at all even when she was streaming, which i thought was weird for a discord with 10,000 members.

>> No.32709756

>Kiara screaming "Kikkerikki" when she cums

>> No.32709757


>> No.32709760

I heard Germany have shit tier internet. Does this apply to the rest of Europe?

>> No.32709759

Oooh good point i didn't consider that!

>> No.32709767
File: 116 KB, 591x735, 1611236388287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709835

That chicken looks like it's thinking about its life decisions after being told to stand in the corner of the usual room.

>> No.32709773
File: 85 KB, 329x333, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709774

i don't think god will let kiara have children until she pays her church taxes

>> No.32709777

she isn't reading green ones so she probably wont notice

>> No.32709778

what transition is chikim talking about?

>> No.32709782

I missed what Kiara said, which animator is she talking about?

>> No.32709785
Quoted by: >>32709888

I mean, there's this little bit. >>32708260

>> No.32709787

not only that. They have stricter laws regarding it.

>> No.32709791

polka liked this

>> No.32709792

Checked my free dorm wifi in NE EU, shows that download is 66Mbps and upload 56Mbps. Dunno if it's good or not. Might not be precise too, since when I upload something to streamable, it shows 120mbps.

>> No.32709801

Kiara is unhinged today which is making this stream kino. She put newfag kfps in their place.

>> No.32709803

I think it's the one where a chicken hands her red superchats and the empty one gets stamped denied but the one with full text gets stamped approved.

>> No.32709804


>> No.32709808
File: 583 KB, 4096x2892, EslAdfqUUAAmjMo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709875


>> No.32709811

You heard her.
Later, virgins.

>> No.32709823

I've been living in your country for almost a decade now, and I've gotta say I'm lucky to live here in Mindoro, and not at Manila and/or somewhere in Mindanao.
Quiet little town with little to no incidences, it's the simple and peaceful life I've been striving to attain ever since I grew disillusioned with American politics back home. Helps that the place is basically one of the crossroads between the Luzon mainland and the Visayas, so supplies are mostly decent.
I really HATE the monsoon season though.

>> No.32709829

Miko is cute! Miko is funny!

>> No.32709830

>My dear migopi fan

>> No.32709831

>I'll have to repay you guys again sometime
>not with the first aid kit though
This chickim....

>> No.32709834

Hella cute.
And hella funny.

>> No.32709835

I dont wanna talk about it.

>> No.32709836

She said the reason already, old buildings have old infrastructure without someone paying out of their pocket for it.
She could probably afford it but it's more of a question of if the apartment is worth spending that much money on.

>> No.32709839
File: 2.65 MB, 376x240, 13435434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooooooooooooo! Okay..

>> No.32709841

>miko cute and funny

>> No.32709846
Quoted by: >>32709859

this was animated

>> No.32709847
Quoted by: >>32709865

she's here

>> No.32709851

I love Reine

>> No.32709852

migopi keeps on winning

>> No.32709857

You hear that 35P?

Well, maybe not, because Miko is streaming. But Kiara loves her!

>> No.32709856

It varies a lot from country to country. Sweden and Denmark have faster wifi than Japan on average, but a lot of Eastern Europe is slow.

>> No.32709858
File: 60 KB, 476x717, no_use_taking_meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709859

This is ugly.

>> No.32709860
File: 230 KB, 1000x822, 1611458877059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709979

Oni-chan am I cute today too?

>> No.32709865
Quoted by: >>32709883

most of EN lurks here, it's not really new info anon

>> No.32709868

Please. We all know you just post variations of I love Ina! And Me too!

>> No.32709870
File: 492 KB, 1383x2048, 1609954772446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32709948

Mindoro is mostly hit by storms though, keep safe. My father used to work there.

>> No.32709874
Quoted by: >>32709971

God I wanna fuck drunk Lamy so bad

>> No.32709875

Is this the non-gorilla angel experience we've been missing for so long?

>> No.32709876

ur ugly

>> No.32709880

It really depends, there's a lot of countries, mostly with independent networks as far as I know, I have pretty good internet (which would be better if I didn't have old ass cabling restricting my speeds outside of one room) but before they rolled out fiber to my neighborhood a few years back my download capped at 400kb/s

>> No.32709882
File: 1.15 MB, 899x739, 1610698783499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching miComet, what did she say about Migo?

>> No.32709883

every EN gen2 is here taking notes

>> No.32709884

Get that glass out of there, that's dangerous.

>> No.32709886

1000/1000 Mb/s for <20 euros here, one border away from Kiara. Germany is notoriously shitty though in the region and I've heard that Austria has better internet on average, so it shouldn't be that bad for Kiara to find a place with a better connection, especially since she has already mentioned she wants to move to another place to be alone.

>> No.32709888
Quoted by: >>32710000

tyty, I haven't been able to watch her stream recently cause Minecraft just puts me to sleep and I fucked up my sleep schedule bad and missed her other ones

Ohhhh I had most of the stream on in the background and must of missed this part :0

>> No.32709897

that she should check out some homos

>> No.32709898

Oh no, this is going to be the worst Holotalk.

>> No.32709907

A 35P donated and she was gushing about Miko!

Miko is loved!

>> No.32709911

Then make a better one, you ffffffffuck.

>> No.32709916
File: 127 KB, 850x1189, 1585366386712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710057

I can't stop

>> No.32709917

That she's hella cute and hella funny.

>> No.32709920

considering that rrat about ValkyrieAurora. I think hopefuls are monitoring /jp/ to see if they'd be able to get an audience here.

>> No.32709921

you are not entirely wrong


>> No.32709923
File: 423 KB, 506x700, 1611421363209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709928

She got a super from a 35p thanking her for inviting Miko and she said Miko is cute and funny but she's also a little nervous about it because of seniority and stuff.

>> No.32709929 [SPOILER] 
File: 298 KB, 1536x2048, 1611586185053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a new picture of Mori irl. She's cute!

>> No.32709931
Quoted by: >>32709972

>She speaks to Miko in keigo
5ch rrats completely blown out

>> No.32709932

>talking to guest for the first time 5 seconds before the stream
holy shit thats begging for a disaster

>> No.32709936

Could be, depends on how comfortable she gets talking with her over the next few days.

>> No.32709938
File: 496 KB, 1280x720, birdchats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710007


>> No.32709946

but Miko already talks to Flare

>> No.32709948
File: 415 KB, 2048x1448, 12287787232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got used to it, bro.
Almost a decade, remember?
You take care of yourself too now, ya hear?

>> No.32709949
File: 32 KB, 386x329, 1611331766408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709950


>> No.32709952

Only if Miko flanderizes herself

>> No.32709953

no that's an horrible idea

>> No.32709954

A 35P said they are glad Miko is gonna be on the talkshow so that everyone can know how funny she is. Kiara then said everyone already knows that. She's hella cute and hella funny.

>> No.32709957

depends. I live in the sticks and have cable 1GBit down / 50Mbit up. where I work we got fiber 1GBit up/down but it costs like 500€a month.
many smaller towns only have shitty DSL.

>> No.32709961

This! Gura would see it, acknowledge it and then not pay attention to it. I like how Gura will play into the spam, like she did with that face emote.

>> No.32709962

kek Kiara roasting /hlg/

>> No.32709968

Finally one without a complete babyface.

>> No.32709970
File: 62 KB, 1284x1086, 1604786067389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709971
File: 1.65 MB, 1714x1000, 1611524628425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting to liberate oppressed mexican villages with El Lamy.
ngmi, gringo.

>> No.32709972
File: 492 KB, 2048x1988, 1607975871467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709973

Stop Kiara, /hlg/ is already dead

>> No.32709976

uhhh keigofags?

>> No.32709978
File: 196 KB, 482x268, AA578212-AD59-4B27-9791-C4B618B8ECA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32709979

What about Ayame?

>> No.32709980


>> No.32709981

Kiaras shitting on clip watchers

>> No.32709982

How many rrats Kiara killed today?

>> No.32709986

>Shitting on EOP and clipfag

>> No.32709987

but 35ps ITT make me dislike 35!

>> No.32709989

>Kiara wants to throw away the keigo
No, chicken, I want to hear you go full ます、です、ございます.

>> No.32709990
Quoted by: >>32710115

1/10, isn't carrot enough.

I really liked that Kiara cosplay that seemingly looks like the roommate

>> No.32709996
Quoted by: >>32710056

>Reine Senpai

>> No.32709998

>antis don't know Japanese
/hlg/ on suicide watch

>> No.32709999

Good for you, anon. Hyper-urban cities aren't great for mental health. Man is not meant to live in rrat cages. But yeah, storms.

>> No.32710000

Yeah, her comments aren't super visible but she basically just said congrats and then did a blush emoji after Mori asked for a collab.

>> No.32710001

Why did you censor this? It's a really good cosplay

>> No.32710002
Quoted by: >>32710056


>> No.32710006

god bless

>> No.32710007


>> No.32710013
File: 35 KB, 457x527, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710110

Reading through comments from JP translated clips is a treasure

>> No.32710014

So what did non-deadbeats think of Mori's endurance stream?

>> No.32710016

How the fuck are Kiara's superchat readings so good?

>> No.32710017

don't lie, kiara. you were bullying reine.

>> No.32710019
File: 58 KB, 381x314, 1611509075603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710020

>she follows the rrats

>> No.32710022


>> No.32710023
Quoted by: >>32710088

same my family moved from a shitty expensive apartment in Itaewon then moved in to Bataan to start a poultry business, little peaceful peninsula full of ricefields and mountains where you can actually breathe. People are pretty decent too

>> No.32710025
File: 1.12 MB, 2597x2597, EmqndBNVkAEi7He.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based.

>> No.32710028

B-basada? HoloEN2 y HoloES confirmado?

>> No.32710029

Oh god, Kiara stop acknowledging the Twitter LARPers please

>> No.32710031

>Kiara is feeding a rrat farmer

>> No.32710033

not lucitan/10

>> No.32710035

Oh shes talking about that guy

>> No.32710036

kiara wtf

>> No.32710041

>rrat about Nerine
Did someone find out why she suddenly pulled out of Youtube?

>> No.32710043
File: 21 KB, 750x750, 1606631089401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710042

>She believes the rrats on Twitter
That man needs to take his meds

>> No.32710044


>> No.32710046

>schizo ritualposter replying to kiara everyday regarding her re-debut
which of you is this

>> No.32710048


>> No.32710051

>Kiara believes the earth is fat

>> No.32710052

>Kiara doing more twitter stalking

>> No.32710056

seems like
>know your place, bitch, ID2 are your senpais
tweet had an effect

>> No.32710057
File: 101 KB, 823x1200, 1610686642523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont stop

>> No.32710062

rrats got to his head

>> No.32710069

I am still pissed she deleted her Nier videos and that one review of the magical girl JRPG

>> No.32710070

This is actually pretty fun.

>> No.32710071

Do KFP really...

>> No.32710075

My fucking sides, holy kek

>> No.32710079
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1166, ErgNjdjVgAMT9lj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the good work, gentlemen.

>> No.32710083

>Kiara approving of a narrative merchant
Dangerous territory tenchou

>> No.32710085


>> No.32710089
Quoted by: >>32710157

What twitter rrat is Kiara talking about now? I'm not watching the stream

>> No.32710088
File: 14 KB, 480x360, kirashock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710149

I used to live in Bataan. Are you from Balanga?

>> No.32710090

Holy shit Kiara is so deep into her rrats.

Holy fuck, I don't know what to think of this.

>> No.32710091

Oh I'm a good ol' schizo
Now that's just what I am
And for this normie general
I do not give a damn
I'm glad I fought against them
I only wish we won
I don't want any pardun
For anything I've done

I rode with Ratthew Ratman
For 2 years thereabouts
Got banned on 7 proxies
And starved during dead hours
I catched the autism
From shitposting all day
But I posted tons of rrats
And I'd do it all again

Three hundred thousand normies
Lie stiff in SEA dust
We've got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us
They died from schizo narratives and schizo rommate posts
I wish we got three million
Instead of what we've got

I can't induce psychosis
And fight them down no more
But I'm not gonna like them
Now that's a certain sure
I don't need any pardun
For what I was and am
I won't be medicated
And I do not give a damn

>> No.32710093

>he's obviously a troll

>> No.32710100

Kiara my sides pls

>> No.32710101
File: 114 KB, 679x960, haachamapiggu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710105

>Kiara enjoys a good troll

>> No.32710106
Quoted by: >>32710225

Uh, so that's why I couldn't find them
It's a shame, I really liked her

>> No.32710108

Jwu. Did something new happen with the doxxcord meltdown? Or is it the same twitter posts and a few reddit doxxposts from the kid who talked about nestle water and how everyone his age are too nice?

>> No.32710107
Quoted by: >>32710481

The earth is fucking fat, Anon, the whole USA is in it

>> No.32710110

I'm glad someone else is reading them. They're so good.

>> No.32710112

thats where you are wrong, a lot of eastern countries has better internet than west

>> No.32710116

feels good to be a schizo

>> No.32710115

Huh? She looks the most like Carrot out of any of the ones I've seen. I was about to comment on that actually.

>> No.32710118

>Kiara laughing at people taking twitter shitposter seriously

>> No.32710120

Okayu IS my world!

>> No.32710122
File: 2.86 MB, 3000x2518, 1609012225465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara enjoys the rrats

>> No.32710124

we don't take our meds, what do you think?

>> No.32710127
File: 81 KB, 828x763, 20210124_213042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fun and I'm glad to be apart of such a fun time. Mori is always fun to me

>> No.32710128


>> No.32710134
File: 80 KB, 983x1024, 1607510958452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't feed the rrats, be the rrats

>> No.32710136


>> No.32710138
File: 112 KB, 208x217, 1607640064148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my creative daughter!

>> No.32710140

omg I am a huge fan of her on both accounts but never realized they were the same person.......

>> No.32710141

See this is how you do it, you dont shitpost your rrats sometimes YOU LIVE YOUR RRATS, YOU BREATH YOUR RRATS


>> No.32710142

$35k means roughly $110k in SC income. Has she got $250k in SC income yet even?

>> No.32710145

We make Fried Chicken, not medication

>> No.32710149
Quoted by: >>32710274

Samal, that place is too congested to our liking

>> No.32710150
File: 131 KB, 647x1044, Eshb8K-U0AAGzzZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he saying?

>> No.32710151
File: 32 KB, 543x543, 1603962525577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what?
What happened, brothers?

>> No.32710157

there is a troll that pretends that Kiara actually is EN gen 2 and makes posts about that

>> No.32710159

kiara knows the LARPers butter her bread i guess

>> No.32710161

Damn KFP is really organized

>> No.32710168


>> No.32710170

not a cult

>> No.32710172

>Kiara laughing at schizoposters

>> No.32710177
Quoted by: >>32710235

When will Kiara domesticate her rrats to use them for her KFP arsenal?

>> No.32710179

"You're pretty bad at this game Korosan."

>> No.32710180
File: 258 KB, 1280x1440, 1608353654955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710182

Oblong not wrong.

>> No.32710181
Quoted by: >>32710206

Kiara's ass: trash compacter
Kiara's underskirt: first aid kid

the web of lewd synonyms is growing

>> No.32710184


>> No.32710185

wait can somebody spoonfeed me on what happened I was distracted for a bit

>> No.32710192
File: 3.81 MB, 384x338, 1583492198262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait. Kiara is not just a rrat slayer, she's a fucking rrat incubator. Jesus fucking christ Kiara.

>> No.32710195

Everytime. It's a weird spiral of chaos and getting deep into Kiara's mind.

I don't know what to think of all of this.

>> No.32710200
File: 98 KB, 980x1280, cult2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710229

Not a cult please read this flyer that proves we aren't

>> No.32710201
File: 258 KB, 2000x2000, 02d4d93a3bb4b2ca9833eac13fb9f155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watched up to the mario kart segment, but I thought it was very good. Been watching calli more frequently ever since she changed her times.

>> No.32710204

The rrat is that the date she pulled the videos is the same date that she got shitposted here.

>> No.32710203
Quoted by: >>32710264

>KFP African warlord

>> No.32710206

is just a bandaid too?

>> No.32710208

"Go to bed."

>> No.32710210
File: 1.42 MB, 771x1269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710396

Does jops also have these hag lover posters ?

>> No.32710214
File: 1.29 MB, 1919x1079, kfp rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32710218
File: 300 KB, 728x737, 1606842431824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of our rratslayer

>> No.32710223
Quoted by: >>32710278

shhhhhhhh don't let him hear that or he'll "muh western world is superior" you

>> No.32710225

Yeah I realized she deleted them but never realized she was Nerine.

Here is a Mega I found of all her old videos. I'm not that big of a fan but I recently got a 6TB harddrive as another back up and gonna download the whole thing to archive fag

>> No.32710228

>KFP plantation owner

kiara no...

>> No.32710229


>> No.32710231


>> No.32710235

Well there's already organized disinformation campaigns whenever something leaks out

>> No.32710238

with the power of both death and life, she's a rratmancer
or a rrat farmer

>> No.32710239

Renovating a rented apartment, that you want to move out of in the near future for that much money is retarded

>> No.32710240
File: 22 KB, 375x514, 1610763413242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here's rrat country now

>> No.32710241
File: 254 KB, 647x1044, 1611586505441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710243

She's so fucking good at this its insane.

>> No.32710244

She raises the rrats specifically to kill them later, we've been over this

>> No.32710245

Why the hell does Calli's archived stream keep loading so slow for me? It it because it's too long for youtube or something?

>> No.32710248

WTF Haato is a Haaton?

>> No.32710255
File: 161 KB, 850x1133, 1581065393839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these hags know how much we want to fuck them

>> No.32710259
File: 480 KB, 1280x1811, 83822357_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710341

>Here is a Mega I found

>> No.32710264


>> No.32710267

>is it possible we scare off newcomers

oh no no no KFP employees are fucking banned

>> No.32710273
Quoted by: >>32710299

She's about as bulky as a planetoid, I'll give ya that.

>> No.32710274
Quoted by: >>32710324

Oh, good for you. Bataan is actually one of the good places in Luzon. The leadership is actually forward-thinking and they really want to improve.

>> No.32710278

yeah you are right let him think his 100e overpriced 50/50 is good kek

>> No.32710280

damn mio's so cute

>> No.32710281

mori please acknowledge you #1 snake...

>> No.32710286

I think it just dawned Kiara...

>> No.32710299


>> No.32710300

Maybe, but Mio doesn't even understand why people call her mama
For some reason that obliviousness to her own appeal makes me even more attracted to her

>> No.32710305
Quoted by: >>32710358

>does KFP larping scare away newcomers
she's starting to figure it out

>> No.32710309

she already did on her birthday, now is time to go ghost

>> No.32710315
File: 997 KB, 1364x1050, 1596864945791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horny Korone is so precious holy shit

>> No.32710318

$5.99 A MONTH

>> No.32710321
Quoted by: >>32710395

Has anybody tried to DO U RLY BELEB Kiara in a SC?

>> No.32710324
Quoted by: >>32710345

Yea our place is still full of stupid temp checkpoints because authorities in here are too paranoid from the coof.

>> No.32710325

Finally the conversation I've been wanting for her to have.

>> No.32710329
Quoted by: >>32710377

>Here is a Mega I found of all her old videos.

>> No.32710332
File: 31 KB, 174x145, 1600493669743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Mori!

>> No.32710341

Okay I was the Anon posting about needing sleep sorry, I'm retarded >_<

Not even a mega lmao, a google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BWjYKVFNq-Atmt8oO4gm3GYZVvwu_Js9

>> No.32710340

>non members only chat
funny joke Kiara

>> No.32710345

that's for the better, Quezon city right now is a nightmare.

>> No.32710347

She liked her tweet

>> No.32710349

non-member appreciation day

>> No.32710352
File: 183 KB, 349x273, 1605166943671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving attention even to non-members
I love this bird so much

so rrats do hatch from eggs...

>> No.32710359

I heard Romania had some insane internet

>> No.32710358

what she's figuring out is that member-segregated chats would be useful. Separate but equal chats.

>> No.32710363

Kiara you can just filter out the members using ytcfilter

>> No.32710365

I bet she would cry after a few hundred comments.

>> No.32710368

Guys do we still like Kwappi

>> No.32710370

I'm not watching chimken right now but from what I'm reading she sounds extra bitchy today.

>> No.32710375
Quoted by: >>32710490

Did you forget when she said in her debut stream or the one immediately thereafter that using ad block is okay?

>> No.32710376
File: 1 KB, 253x285, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP gatekeeping the retards is a good thing.

>> No.32710377


See >>32710341
I'm dumb ;_;

>> No.32710379


>> No.32710380

KFP are so into femdom they are willing to pay to that privilege
t. KFP

>> No.32710382

Yes. Now go away

>> No.32710384

She's offtopic.

>> No.32710385
File: 83 KB, 659x421, 1605930897103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impying I'm not mikopi and KFP at the same time

>> No.32710386

damn comet really does not have any weapons right now

>> No.32710389


>> No.32710391

MK8 stream Purisu aandaastaand

>> No.32710392

they have a lot of camwhores so that makes sense. My country border Austria and I have 500/250 for 18e

>> No.32710395

The actual meme? No I don't want to break containment.
The gist of the meme? Fuck no that's rude.

>> No.32710396

They only like high schoolers, for some strange reason.

>> No.32710404

form your own opinions

>> No.32710406

Nahh she's being incredibly nice right now. Just had to tardwrangle newfag kfps into reading the rules.

>> No.32710411
Quoted by: >>32710453

>I know nothing but i want to bitch anyways

>> No.32710412

Why do poorfags even watch Chubas? Shouldn't you be working instead? Lol.

>> No.32710423

Opposite if anything, just with less filter.

>> No.32710422

she laid down some rules and complained about some dumb remarks but 95+% is the same comfy zatsudan

>> No.32710428

>so rrats do hatch from eggs...
someone made a joke that mice were laying eggs in her oranges and it took her a second to go "wait a minute mice don't lay eggs"

>> No.32710437
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1607090983511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710550

danke schon anon ill do this for next stream

t. kiara

>> No.32710444

Trash belongs in /trash/

>> No.32710446

in a few years we will see the consequences of a child that grew up as a member of KFP

>> No.32710453

Relax KFP. I had no ill intent. I like the chimken.

>> No.32710458
Quoted by: >>32710505

Ina is incapable of drawing Gura well.

>> No.32710459

I'm working and I'm a poorfag.

>> No.32710462
File: 125 KB, 552x928, McCoy_medical_tunic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to roll the dice on a Call center right now, anon.

>> No.32710465


>> No.32710466

Ah, sadly doesn't seem complete, I don't see the dmc 5 video or the ffx one she uploaded the same day she nuked it. probably more but those were the ones I wanted to see.

>> No.32710470

Fucking hell Kiara those eyes

>> No.32710475

you Austin powered yourselves...

>> No.32710481

The moon isn't on Earth and that's part of America.

>> No.32710482

She's genuinely too sweet right now to the point i had to mute her for a bit to stay in the mood for my WoD Game in an hour

>> No.32710484
File: 286 KB, 375x523, 1603226719560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710486

I don't like trannies.

>> No.32710490

Anyone thinking vtubers are scary can't unsee the uncanny valley.

I haven't yet viewed her beginnings, so no.

>> No.32710493
File: 12 KB, 294x166, 1606334626885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710533

If they had jobs they wouldn't be poor

>> No.32710496

Also Kiara is cuter than usual today

>> No.32710497
File: 541 KB, 1256x991, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck I thought kiara was some kind of voice line

>> No.32710499

Someone call the en manager, this bird has gone off the rails!

>> No.32710503

Off topic. But yes

>> No.32710505

Yeah, I'm glad she drew something for Gura but it looks rushed, it's iofi tier.

>> No.32710507
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1609074877672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not poor, but FREE ENTERTAINMENT.
t. KFP

>> No.32710510

...That's an expensive but extremely funny card. 10/10 smart design I like it.

>> No.32710513
File: 29 KB, 637x404, wtf galadriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that a motherfucking LOTR reference?

>> No.32710518

So this is the power of MK8 Champion.

>> No.32710523

teamates ....

>> No.32710524
Quoted by: >>32710656

Used /trash/ goods

>> No.32710525
Quoted by: >>32710568

Holy shit they clipped it already

>> No.32710529

Kwappi... stream onegai...

>> No.32710528

>why are people scared of me?
>proceeds to talk about her torture chamber

>> No.32710530

Keep it in trash and think for yourself

>> No.32710533

I doubt that some seanig gets paid much for harvesting palm oil.

>> No.32710547

She's off-topic. Didn't bother checking her out because of the spam, might check her out in a few months.

>> No.32710550
File: 2.20 MB, 540x395, p3fs3sVOwH1uryjeso1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710591

This. Most companies are going full-retard with the New Normal when this stupid government can't reliably get the right vaccine.

Have we seen Kiara's sword in full length officially?

>> No.32710552

Marine's fat ass....

>> No.32710554
File: 312 KB, 1438x1442, ima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710604

I've tried telling her this multiple times

>> No.32710561

>Your delicious
>HoloENs you practically never watch or didn't watch fully for a long time

>> No.32710562

Koopa love!

>> No.32710563
Quoted by: >>32710628

I bet those fuckers put you officially in minimum wage and just gave you 9001 bonus so they can get away with tax exceptions. WHERE IS MY TAX RETURNS YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS? I'LL BLOW THOSE FUCKING BANKS UP.

>> No.32710565

Always have.

>> No.32710568
Quoted by: >>32710613

I'm surprised it took this long

>> No.32710573
Quoted by: >>32710594

>Being the villain is my job
Oh shit she buys into the wrestling kayfabe. She's the heel

>> No.32710574
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1596364345154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated HoloEN Cult Danger Levels
(highest to lowesṭ̶̭͍͌̎͝):

A litera̷̖͛̂͌̿̕̕l fucḵ̴͕̩̯̱͖̑̔̑̓͂ing cult.

They do̶͔̠̙̪̳͕͌͊̀ cult-y stuff I guess

They like posting images of a famous Hollywood̶̩̥̮̫̜̈͗́̌̒̍ actor on a Mongoliá̴̡̨̛̻̗͉̜̏͗n basket weaving forum.


>> No.32710578
Quoted by: >>32710641

1000 / 300 mbps fiber, haven't had a service outage in 2 years. I feel so fucking bad for the EN girls when they struggle with their connections, but at least they don't live in a shithole like me.

>> No.32710586

Gura is a hulkamaniac. That's pretty based

>> No.32710589

This might b p cool actually

>> No.32710591

Fucking boomers are insisting to go back to the office when it's actually more cost-effective and hassle-free to stay home. I hate their obsession with wagie cagies.

>> No.32710594
Quoted by: >>32710637

She's making a heel-face-turn so often, she's spinning.

>> No.32710595
Quoted by: >>32710617


>> No.32710596

押し != 美味しい

>> No.32710597


>> No.32710599
File: 41 KB, 437x430, 1608742553858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710666

Looks good to me. Very accurate list. Good job.

>> No.32710603

>he still underestimates Gura's dark brotherhood
You poor fools...

>> No.32710604

Maybe she doesn't use Chrome.

>> No.32710606
Quoted by: >>32710619

KFP is not a cult I can leave anyti

>> No.32710613

You shouldn't be, there was two competing clips up within minutes. I hope they split the viewers enough that neither goes viral so people don't bother her to do it again.

>> No.32710612

discussing rrats with Kiara

>> No.32710614

zalgo what's going on

>> No.32710617

takos in hiding

>> No.32710619


>> No.32710624
File: 29 KB, 400x400, yyTLb77A_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right...

>> No.32710626

99% she was using chrome in the discord leak

>> No.32710628

they usually cheat. like contracts are packages that lowered down your actual salary, but have bonuses so they don't have to pay tax.

>> No.32710632

sssshhhhhh let them keep thinking that

>> No.32710635

Sorry, scheduling issues. I want to watch Ame too and I manage to catch 20% of her streams.

>> No.32710637

Fucking Kek I want a gif of that. Just Kiara heel turn kicking repeatedly

>> No.32710641

Is that kind of internet widespread in Romania or only in the bigger cities?

>> No.32710644

I watch all the girls. Unity my man.

>> No.32710645
File: 50 KB, 1019x480, 1609695697085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710674

>Kiara approves of re-education

>> No.32710651

Wait I missed it, what did Kiara say about Suisei loving Mori?

>> No.32710652

>re-education camps

>> No.32710653
File: 28 KB, 439x312, 1610446388206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Good job. Nothing more to see here.

>> No.32710656

I'll be fine if the faggot trying to groom her into his internet GF fucks off

>> No.32710666
File: 41 KB, 437x430, tako_draw_no_flaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I haven't heard anything that would go against this ranking

>> No.32710669
File: 64 KB, 462x169, abp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe she doesn't use Chrome.
This is her browser and she's retarded and uses adblock plus over ublock

>> No.32710674

everything is re-education if your altering your mind.

>> No.32710673

Don't know. But the threads keep melting down, that's for sure.

>> No.32710675
File: 184 KB, 201x430, 1602342412899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for your mandated re-education non-KFP!

>> No.32710676
Quoted by: >>32710687

Deadbeats are a group of mobsters and Mori is our boss.

>> No.32710680


>> No.32710686
File: 659 KB, 1000x563, Gawr Gura has marked you for death [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjfv3j0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not a cult We are a legion

>> No.32710687

Get out Stormtag.
You will never be TonyBones.

>> No.32710689

man today's streams have been fucking kino. What was that about the 25th?

>> No.32710693

What's wrong with adblock plus? I use it...

>> No.32710697
File: 406 KB, 1132x432, chumguts knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710704

>are you only blabbering or do you play games as well

>> No.32710705

Akukin HQ looks awesome, fuck that was good

>> No.32710709
File: 63 KB, 500x629, 798c06c47a9b3d8381746fc10426dac0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is gurame

So who's the Jannety

>> No.32710710

>Kiara getting pissed off at German newfag

>> No.32710711

haachama english rrats, where are you?

>> No.32710712
Quoted by: >>32710757

is that Edge?

>> No.32710725
Quoted by: >>32710793

>What was that about the 25th?
/trash/chuubas took the burden for that they have had like multiple 1k post schizo threads

>> No.32710728

Chicken's problem with the internet that she probably lives in a rented apartment in one of those houses that contain lots of them.
And those obviously have a central fiber connection which is probably dogshit internally like she described even if she can probably get decent speed in the street but not at her house.

>> No.32710732
Quoted by: >>32710762

uBlock plus is preferred by most people. I also don't know the reason.

>> No.32710736

sold out to allow sponsored adds

>> No.32710739

>Kiara is Toad now

>> No.32710742

They made deals to not block certain ads

>> No.32710747
Quoted by: >>32710803

>but a lot of Eastern Europe is slow
You have no idea what you are talking about. The internet there is fast and cheap as fuck. I pay ~$7 for 100 mbps.

>> No.32710750
File: 405 KB, 1079x568, Screenshot_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine is going to be executing doxxniggers live on a comicon.

>> No.32710752

they doubted chammers
but she will show them

>> No.32710754
File: 83 KB, 989x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710785

Nice number forest

>> No.32710757
Quoted by: >>32710777

at this point, what even is the difference? Edge even has the edge-pun intended because it can install extensions from the chrome web store.

>> No.32710761


>> No.32710762

mob mentality-san....

>> No.32710764

That's just an instant win card unless you play against Blue

>> No.32710766

I am here.

>> No.32710769

>that badabing
Fucking shit chikin you're hilarious sometimes.

>> No.32710776
File: 606 KB, 250x250, 1604899144866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I just learned that youtube channels dedicated to translating clips of the EN girls to JP exists. Knowing JOP EN clipfags exists feel surreal for some reason

>> No.32710777
Quoted by: >>32710800

i don't get it, what's the pun?

>> No.32710785
Quoted by: >>32710814


>> No.32710792

impressively slow anon.

>> No.32710793
File: 71 KB, 371x210, 1611512509796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hgl/ also took it with pekora rats. Praying for the rabbit to comeback with a smile today

>> No.32710795

>I'm never gonna give up to become official #HololiveEN​ !!

Hope she does a double title like friend with Gamers

>> No.32710797

Welche Farbe hat die Nacht?
Sanguine, Mein Bruder!
I have literally no clue what that line is english, it can be as good as the german one anyway

>> No.32710800

edge has the edge

>> No.32710803
File: 459 KB, 933x589, 1610195182849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32710827

>100 mbps

>> No.32710804
File: 454 KB, 603x500, 1611225793897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710805

how new?

>> No.32710806

Gura got Covid

>> No.32710808

My god anon how was your coma?

>> No.32710811

i love you, gura. i hope you feel better soon.

>> No.32710814
File: 1.54 MB, 323x233, dcvcozy-796d38f7-68ca-4d52-8825-4f49bf8890cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710821
File: 2.35 MB, 1500x2000, 85294483_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32710826

they are also like 1 month delayed.

>> No.32710827

That's 80 bucks in some places in the US and in others they can't even get those speeds
