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File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1599557609099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32434225 No.32434225 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.32434252


>> No.32434257
File: 3.21 MB, 2480x3508, 1611072017819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434406

I fucking LOVE Mori!

>> No.32434264


>> No.32434268


>> No.32434271

>reaction content is bad
>oh hey I love this guy who has that as his only content

>> No.32434273
File: 291 KB, 775x1250, Mori's Q&A stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32434274
Quoted by: >>32434297

Holy shit, you're right.

>> No.32434277
Quoted by: >>32434329

Jesus is Botan still streaming

>> No.32434278

Do not bring the Korean near me, for there will be heavy consequences if you do.

>> No.32434280

I love my boy

>> No.32434283

>Mori just checked 'em

>> No.32434285

Everyone has an exception to their rule.

>> No.32434289
File: 854 KB, 1076x570, 1611070042733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32434292
Quoted by: >>32434461

>Mori manipulating all of her paypigs into not putting aka messages

>> No.32434293

She loves him because she likes his voice and shortness.

>> No.32434296


>> No.32434297

Hey bro. 4chan = fortune

>> No.32434300
File: 540 KB, 1752x2048, EpSugaNVEAMg2A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love Takanashi Kiara!

>> No.32434303
File: 36 KB, 640x360, butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434304
File: 90 KB, 900x675, 9A72BD97-07C9-4779-9DE3-43B67F1BDCDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed that was superlit I love this girl man

>> No.32434307
File: 910 KB, 1257x705, 3422435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434403


>> No.32434306
File: 294 KB, 2048x1448, 1602178114662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori trained her chat to drop ampty akas, saving time and disincentivizing the sending of big wall of text sob story akas like Kiara
>She still got the mother of all walls of texts
It's just not fair.

>> No.32434315


>> No.32434317
File: 350 KB, 2048x1489, Eqi1cAVVQAA1Gor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.32434318

Yeah, pretty damn weird.

>> No.32434319

Ayame you can't act like this when you're on Holotalk.

>> No.32434322
File: 172 KB, 377x370, 8978977984253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't it attach the image, ree

>> No.32434324


>> No.32434323
Quoted by: >>32434384

That's literally all let's plays in existence anon

>> No.32434326

I'm pretty sure doxxbeats would prefer it if their boy was a twitch streamer with a live cam

>> No.32434329

I think she said at the beginning that the stream would end after she dies 3 times

>> No.32434331

I checked him out since she gave him a plug in a previous stream, mans really doin a lyrical breakdown of Pop on Rocks. Least he got a sense of humor

>> No.32434332
File: 1.81 MB, 460x614, 1579195938554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434333

I love my boy but I hate my fellow deadbraps, if only I could murder half the people in her chat.

>> No.32434336
Quoted by: >>32434413

But today is not Christmas, Haachamaaaa!!!

>> No.32434339
File: 806 KB, 640x597, 1609282356262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy's the best.

>> No.32434338
Quoted by: >>32434511

I'm gonna show my hand here, but I watch him a lot and I can't remember ever seeing him post a reaction video.

>> No.32434341
File: 1.22 MB, 988x992, 1610075939071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434342

Honestly, I'm starting to get more annoyed at the sperging out here than the actual mentions themselves. I don't give a shit about what you think of the manlet.

>> No.32434343

Asian manlet buff, plz undastan

>> No.32434349

yaknow, I watched the shit out of that guy when he was still a faceless /v/tard playing jank old games and old school corruption mods. Has he really fallen so far?

>> No.32434355
File: 158 KB, 264x231, 1609599644279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434368

>Question didn't get picked
It hurts...

>> No.32434358

Maybe if chat would fucking stop spamming him.

>> No.32434360
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, mori smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434361

>hyping up no message superchats so that people feel good about being called a chad and she doesnt have to read a message out in supa readings
Galaxy brain strat

>> No.32434362

Well, it's Christmas somewhere in the World, right?

>> No.32434364
File: 270 KB, 1000x1207, 1604848865715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ME 2

>> No.32434366
File: 182 KB, 900x1200, 20210118_224942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so fucking much it hurts.

>> No.32434365

This is the same for every group though

>> No.32434367

Already had that spoiled for me, un4chanately

>> No.32434368

I know that feel

>> No.32434371
Quoted by: >>32434423

Yeah but that was literally a life changing wall of text. I feel like a different person having listened to the 13 minute audio play.

>> No.32434372

I would prefer if you were rotting in a ditch somewhere

>> No.32434373

Thanos loves death, more at 11

>> No.32434374

Help I'm falling for Mori she's really cute

>> No.32434376
File: 1.83 MB, 3301x4726, 8160518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chammers is the gift that keeps giving!

>> No.32434379

Fucking hell this was too much Charlie just what is wrong with chat.

>I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna pretend that I don't love him and the content he makes

Can't really call her my oshi when Mori "You can only have one oshi" Calliope is like this

>> No.32434380

We're all hypocrites

>> No.32434383

It's that way for every fanbase.

>> No.32434384

reaction content=/= let's play. She's talking about people where their video is just them watching another youtube video which is the majority of his shit

>> No.32434388
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, YEAAAAHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434390
Quoted by: >>32435516

Pretty sure she means "Faggots react to" type videos, not people responding to things they are currently doing which is everyone.

>> No.32434392

Now I have to filter his name in this format too, huh?

>> No.32434395


>> No.32434398

will the nip idolfags hate mori now because of " i love charlie"

>> No.32434400
Quoted by: >>32434524

A big fat cow/10.

>> No.32434402
File: 139 KB, 774x1032, Kira-kira-yamato-28045486-774-1032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434524

comfy calli/10

>> No.32434403
File: 224 KB, 1450x2000, coco lives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope management unleashes Coco's full potential again one day.

>> No.32434406
File: 410 KB, 2052x2702, 1611069043964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's a fat ass cow and I love her!

>> No.32434408

Deadbeat who missed the stream here. How was it? Any yabs or containment breaks?

>> No.32434409 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1366x768, 1611072487879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe moririn never adressed this

>> No.32434411
Quoted by: >>32434518

>Mori collabs with Coco
>chinks shit up the chat
Would unironically make it better.

>> No.32434412


>> No.32434413

She's autistic but I love her

>> No.32434414
Quoted by: >>32434458

In short, yeah. I'm glad my recommendations are full of vtubers instead of him these days.

>> No.32434417


>> No.32434416
Quoted by: >>32434603

Yea, I'm not gonna watch most of his shit, but getting at least a semi-pro's opinion on something in their field is interesting, just like when someone posted that vocal coach's take on HER song for Belle.

>> No.32434419

Sure. But I was talking about the person-to-person relations if they'd happened.

>> No.32434420

She wouldn't act as genuine and even she knows 2d>3d.

>> No.32434421
Quoted by: >>32434524

Imagine getting "ur mom's gay" picked instead of your question/10

>> No.32434423

I think no one actually read the damn thing except the legend who made the vocaroo, Mori least of all. It changed me too, anon.

>> No.32434424
Quoted by: >>32434524


>> No.32434425
File: 207 KB, 657x767, 1611071100080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was fun, time for the thread to go to shit like it does after every Mori stream.

>> No.32434426
File: 487 KB, 2352x4096, EsBAo-mXIAsyVY8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434524

Every single stream that passes causes me to fall for this girl even more.

>> No.32434427

mori callioupe
calli can be used to save her from referring to herself by birth name

>> No.32434428

Anon depressing superchats will always come no matter the girl.

>> No.32434429


>> No.32434430
Quoted by: >>32434486

does he even do let's plays anymore? I thought he only uploaded sex toys, reactions and card pack openings

>> No.32434431
File: 498 KB, 698x698, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>K**** Fortuna
>Fortuna wasn't just a random rhyming word


>> No.32434433

Deadbeats are cucks.

>> No.32434435


>> No.32434437

Mori proves once again that she is more entertaining and has more personality than the other En girls. Makes me wonder why Gura is more popular

>> No.32434442

I should really go back to watching more of Calli's content, catching the back end of this stream oddly endeared me more to her.

>> No.32434445
Quoted by: >>32434524


>> No.32434448
File: 130 KB, 750x1105, 75F7C966-B8DE-4C30-B56A-928B8B48476F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Add today’s and yesterday’s supas together is how much she made this stream

>> No.32434452

Water is wet.

>> No.32434451


>> No.32434453

can't wait for Mori to be a guest on Charlie's Official Podcast.

>> No.32434456

what was her response to the fist fight questions?

>> No.32434455


>> No.32434457

Yeah he's alright with that, I honestly thought Ame was singing about hookers and making stacks of money the first listen too as I wasn't there for the stream
He can break shit down on the fly, but I ain't sure he would be good for a collab at all, he doesn't even know that they are speaking Japanese half the time and thinks its K-pop, calls her shorty and would likely yab all over the place
He's the type of guy people would probably have to worry about, Charlie however has a head, he actually can control himself and act correctly, he just makes yab tier content

>> No.32434458
Quoted by: >>32434540

>In short

>> No.32434461

Hey not bad, less cringe shit to hear

>> No.32434462

It's not fucking over/10

>> No.32434463

how is it different from Gura saying that
she likes dunkey's videos?

>> No.32434466

Wait until fucking Live Again starts playing you retard. We always get something good in the outro.

>> No.32434467

Everyday until you like it!

>> No.32434471
File: 147 KB, 760x523, 1601310609868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434601

Reine's talking about this kind of place?

>> No.32434474

Isn't this an NL reference

>> No.32434477
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434679

Threadly reminder that this cat is fat and cute

>> No.32434480

Can relate deadbeat. That's how I feel about a good majority of kfp normalfags.

>> No.32434481

>How was it?
Fantastic, made me want her to do these Q&A sessions at least once a month/every two months.
>Any yabs or containment breaks?

>> No.32434482
Quoted by: >>32434522

So are KFP, Teamates, Chumbuds and yes even Takodachi. How new?

>> No.32434483

She talks about Charlie. A lot. Again.

>> No.32434485
File: 31 KB, 986x118, LOVERS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fphiys8.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post from last night inspired me to make a vocaroo about /u/schizos and anti/u/schizos. Here you go!

>> No.32434486

He also does science experiments and trash truck hunting sessions these days.

>> No.32434487

>$22 / Chat

>> No.32434488

Nothing that would meam anything to the non doxxpilled

>> No.32434489

>how is it different from Gura saying that
>she likes dunkey's videos?
do you actually watch the streams?

>> No.32434490

Cause Gura doesn't mention him ten thousand times?

>> No.32434491

>she likes dunkey's videos?
That was Ame

>> No.32434493
File: 376 KB, 609x524, Hair tentacles are FLAT like her CHEST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them.

>> No.32434494

Something something SHE GOT LUCKY

>> No.32434496
Quoted by: >>32434544

I thought it was because she had four tunas...

>> No.32434498

t. Charlesbeat

>> No.32434499


I HATE /hlgg/

>> No.32434500
Quoted by: >>32434574

I have a question for you Mori. How come you suck so fucking much?

>> No.32434501

That's Ame

>> No.32434504
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, 1600645137653.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy as hell listening to Reine as her Piano Arrangement BGM and adorable voice sends you on a relaxing journey through the clouds.
While Botan is as cautious as ever after losing a life, now taking the time to look around corners, bait zombies and keep her health in better check in Zombi.
While Flare, Watame and Fubuki continue to traverse through the horror house of Visage, getting scared shitless.
While Rushia continues her underwater adventure in and Noel continues her land filled adventure in Minecraft.
While Moona uses the arcane powers of Skyrim because it's illogical that she wouldn't use such an amazing system in the amazing game that is vanilla Skyrim.
While Coco, Calli and Akirose finish off their streams with some Supachat readings.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.32434505
File: 54 KB, 667x500, Wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434577

Bolls of Wah, oyt Wah, 55 Pence, 78 Pence, A couple of quids

>> No.32434508
Quoted by: >>32434524


>> No.32434509
File: 150 KB, 900x900, charlie liquior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi loves this guy.
Hence, you should too!

>> No.32434511

>youtube nights

>> No.32434515

Our boy's drunk as fuck

>> No.32434516

I miss when I could actually catch Ina streams live; she was one of my favorites but she feels so distant now

>> No.32434517

My boy is more real and based than ususal today/10
She should do those monthly.

>> No.32434518
File: 120 KB, 271x312, 4156456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously based.

>> No.32434520

I love Ina!

>> No.32434521
Quoted by: >>32434598

I mean that, but Fortuna is also the name of the city in DMC4.

>> No.32434522

Haven't KFP made Kiara into a mother rather than a potential lover?

>> No.32434523

>Mori is blitzed again

>> No.32434524

not over yet retards

>> No.32434526
File: 247 KB, 463x453, 1607439464091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434531

Fucking simps

>> No.32434532
File: 270 KB, 1080x665, 1610579927679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stream, laughed hard at the roast questions, learned some stuff and had some fun/10

>> No.32434535

Wrong retard, although he's just as obnoxious

>> No.32434538

Unironically 10/10 one of my favourite streams

>> No.32434537


>> No.32434540
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, smug mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434543


>> No.32434544

>four tunas...
i have five
me 5 tuna haver>kopper

>> No.32434547

>Mori wobbling to her kitchen

>> No.32434549

Don’t get me wrong, I like Mori and I want to titfuck her in a cow bikini like the rest of you guys would, but I see that one consequence of the TT podcast is that all the charliefags in her chat has been roused since then and they’ll try their hardest to strike the opportunity to have her bring him up, and Mori biting it isn’t helping.

>> No.32434551

another one to the filter

>> No.32434552

Thats just the usual anti-GFE part of chat they all have being dumb, she herself calls it imaginary girlfriend.

>> No.32434558
File: 735 KB, 988x992, ineineine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434559

go back and neck yourself

>> No.32434566
File: 293 KB, 1563x2048, Er19kcOU0AEnoOb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434568

Well you're free to leave until at least whenever Ame or Gura's schedules materialize, since other than that there's no more streams until Mori wakes up (besides the various ongoing jp streams that are likely to end soonish)

>> No.32434567

that means there is a chance she'll do hololive hentai

>> No.32434570

I like how deadbeats just accept that their oshi keeps bringing up her e-celeb crush that nobody in her company wants her to collab with and don't consider it a flaw

>> No.32434571

Was fun, wish people asked more questions we didn't already have answered though

>> No.32434572

>reaction content

>> No.32434574

Put in the next marshmellow retard

>> No.32434576

Why do i feel like if today is going to be a really boring day?

>> No.32434577

Based Limmy poster

>> No.32434578
File: 45 KB, 337x450, 749243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog water in a traditional sense

>> No.32434580

I love my fat ass cow wife/10

>> No.32434583


>> No.32434582

>The socks

>> No.32434589
File: 317 KB, 360x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434625


>> No.32434590

Good stream/shit thread gas all doxxbraps

>> No.32434592
File: 102 KB, 987x992, 1610040339074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434595
Quoted by: >>32434648

has there been a clussy fan art in this fashion?

>> No.32434596
Quoted by: >>32434620

The protagonist of HoloEN, fags and gents.

>> No.32434597
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1b93cc8c-af78-40b1-b0c4-57260b50f576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434598

It's also the name of a planet in StarFox 64.

>> No.32434599

I actually thought it was a DMC4 reference

>> No.32434600

Just remove her mouth next why don't you.

>> No.32434601


>> No.32434603
Quoted by: >>32434706

>vocal coach's take on HER song
Whats this?
I know we have some singing pro anon who reviewed all the girls after their first karaoke streams but was there some other proper breakdown?

>> No.32434604

They were milked recently! they aren't flat

>> No.32434605
File: 274 KB, 1280x1314, 1595567884351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434710


>> No.32434608
File: 1.50 MB, 1426x803, 1608733794226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first out of hololive collab is... Ina

Didn't expect that

>> No.32434610
File: 795 KB, 4000x2300, ElUtnzCVcAE4X5W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434613
Quoted by: >>32434732

Imagine overworking your oshi. Its not like shes not doing anything in the background and being a lazy fuck like a certain shark.

>> No.32434618
Quoted by: >>32434819

She wouldn't bring him up if chat would shut up about him. I wish I could genocide half of the chat.

>> No.32434620

Dont get ahead of yourself

>> No.32434621

>just don't drive off a bridge

>> No.32434622
Quoted by: >>32435503

>Makes me wonder why Gura is more popular
She feeds off from your seething and converts it into subscribers.

>> No.32434624

Right here, Ayamefriend!

>> No.32434625

fighting dreamers?

>> No.32434627

She talked about the audition tapes.

>> No.32434630
Quoted by: >>32434781

Is she real female?

>> No.32434632


>> No.32434634

My boy is blitzed and telling stans not to murder-suicide!
Yes I know it's a song

>> No.32434637

This "No message"-bit is a bit annoying.

>> No.32434639
Quoted by: >>32434748

How does Mori make the most superchats and yet have the worst SC reading streams?

>> No.32434643

Is it normal to love Ame?

>> No.32434644

Me too!

>> No.32434645

cute hands

>> No.32434648
File: 28 KB, 643x477, pagliacct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im retarded

>> No.32434650
Quoted by: >>32434689

She needed a ship

>> No.32434652

I consider it a flaw, I just don't consider it an overwhelmingly fatal flaw like some people seem to.

>> No.32434654

Stop sending stupid shit in the superchats then, nigger.

>> No.32434656

I want to make her a mother. Big difference.

>> No.32434657

Just don't watch the supa reading then

>> No.32434659
Quoted by: >>32435213

To be fair here, it's just Pochi. And even if it wasn't Ina's the only one mature enough to handle it. Enma seems to trust her the most.

>> No.32434661

Just finished watching super comfy Aki, she's such a cute! I love her BGM's, i love her voice, i love her patta patta sensors.

>> No.32434662
File: 2.74 MB, 300x300, 1610892860703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The critical Drinker

>> No.32434664
File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, ElCuIBRVcAE2fBb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434988

Fucking amazing/10

Great variety of questions, good humor and stories. Fuckin love this woman, man.

>> No.32434666

It's abnormal not to love her.

>> No.32434668

They're called paypigs here reddit-kun.

>> No.32434673

I really don’t care

>> No.32434679
File: 386 KB, 1023x724, sekkushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434802

I want to Daddy the Flabby Tabby!

>> No.32434680

It’s abnormal not to

>> No.32434681
File: 112 KB, 759x798, 1609991256022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in schizo standards it's abnormal not to

>> No.32434684

the fact that you mixed up which girl said it shows just how often it isn't brought up

>> No.32434687

I couldn't give less of a shit

>> No.32434689


>> No.32434690


>> No.32434693
File: 803 KB, 988x992, inoinoino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434814


>> No.32434695
Quoted by: >>32434739

imagine you're Japanese and you live next to this autistic tall white girl who seems to just go spastic on some kind of recorder during the night from time to time.

>> No.32434694


>> No.32434698

Silent bob?

>> No.32434700

holoEU when?

>> No.32434701

Does K's-san count

>> No.32434702


>> No.32434706


Actually an interesting look HER voice, since he realizes the song sucks and goes to her channel for one of her actual videos half way through.

>> No.32434709
Quoted by: >>32434774

Personally I feel like collabing with mamas/papas isn't really going outside of hololive. And we've already had Huke in game with Kiara a few months ago.

>> No.32434710

haven't watched her content in months but nice cope

>> No.32434711
Quoted by: >>32434780

Based, can you post the lyrics?

>> No.32434713

K's san...

>> No.32434714

Love me some Canes

>> No.32434716 [SPOILER] 
File: 355 KB, 500x750, 1611072940237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434796


>> No.32434719

>deadbrap hours
>thread is shit

>> No.32434723

when kiara retvrns

>> No.32434727

Anyone else starting to remember the paypigs names at this point just by these sc streams.

>> No.32434729

I just don't understand the strong aversion you people have to him being mentioned. That one T2 stream was bad but since then he rarely comes up. This stream was the most he's come up in ages. I just ignore it and move on.
> I like Mori and I want to titfuck her in a cow bikini

>> No.32434730

How the hell did did Reine not show on jetri? Thanks for the notice, Ayamefriend.

>> No.32434731


>> No.32434732

she could stop working for asian manlets and make music videos for her own music

>> No.32434733

Fuck off

>> No.32434736

Not really helping the "she's not rent free" argument there, anon.

>> No.32434737

because it's a smokescreen. BaconBeanerKaio is her real oshi.

>> No.32434739

I'd stop being a little bitch, summon up the last remnants of my YAMATO DAMASHII, and ask her out.

>> No.32434741
Quoted by: >>32435720

Just bought Wallpaper Engine today, i need more non-portrait Ame art for my desktop, the steam workshop one's are mostly trash save for a few.

>> No.32434746

Honestly wish shed crack down on the critikal fags. Theres a fucking reason the chat rules exist. We get she likes the guys shit, but theres a point where it starts to become part of her identity, and it gets fucking annoying. Shes more than just "the holo who thinks Critikal is cool".

>> No.32434748

because to them she is actually entertaining and actually responds to SCs

>> No.32434749


>> No.32434750
File: 52 KB, 702x873, 1582630477379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434755

Here, have a (You)

>> No.32434756

Deadbeats... I kneel, I got baited by the SEAniggers into thinking Mori is shit, but this stream was great, I'll try to catch her stuff more often.

>> No.32434757

I'm more surprised you haven't already

>> No.32434758

t. not a chad

>> No.32434760
File: 1.28 MB, 550x550, She Will Be Loved[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flkx7ds.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32434764

>the reason this stream was so kino is because the vodka got to her halfway through
Buzzed mori is top tier, hope she'll drink for the 1M endurance stream as well

>> No.32434765

I remember most of the frequent SCers from Ames streams,

>> No.32434767

guru guru mawaru...

>> No.32434768
Quoted by: >>32434830

Did Mori just groom her paypigs into giving her blank akas? Holy fuck this woman knows how to work a crowd.

>> No.32434771
File: 432 KB, 856x764, 1604674804531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my dumb chikin wife!

>> No.32434774

>And we've already had Huke in game with Kiara a few months ago.
Not at the same time.

>> No.32434777

b-but Charlie

>> No.32434780

I like girl on girl
Girl on girl?
Girl on girl!

I like yuribait

I like purest love
Pure? Yes, pure!
Oh yes I dooooo
Well /u/, you know,

I don't really like any of those things
But I like you!
Awww, anti/u/...

I like GFE

Love the mating press
Mating press...

I love wombposting
Wombposting! Yes, I doooo
Well, anti/u/...

I'm not crazy bout any of those things
But I like you!

I like to stay awake at night and start a fight with you
Yeah, I know

I like to take your bait
and post some rants...

I like to see the girls have a lot of damn fun whenever they stream
Hey, anti/u/! You know what?
What /u/?
I like that, too!

I like waifuposts!

I like shipping pairs!
Shipping pairs?
haha, yeah!

I like a cover song!
I like karaoke streams!
Yes I doooo!

But though I don't always like everything
That I like
(both)Still I like you!

Though I'm not too crazy bout your fertileposting
Though I don't love yuri
(both) Still we're awfuly lucky
(both) Cuz I Like You!

No homo though

>> No.32434781

yes you tard you can hear her sing if you really want. That guy was literally making a joke but forgot there are retards

>> No.32434785

Why would you ever let /hlgg/ influence your opinion on anything?

>> No.32434790
Quoted by: >>32434834

It'll just be infested with frogs.

>> No.32434788

Guru Guru Mawaru.

>> No.32434795

>Gangster beat Mori coming

>> No.32434796


>> No.32434800
Quoted by: >>32435788

They live in my mind rent free

>> No.32434801
File: 103 KB, 540x600, Mori Love[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdctx71.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if she lives this rent free in your head imagine how rent free she lives in our heads...

>> No.32434802
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, 38118751a6ca3bb7657a64499b3fb9ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434897

Very based. People need to stop using the exact same sexy cat images every thread

>> No.32434803
File: 30 KB, 714x156, Gn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434827

She makes it hard not to love her

>> No.32434804

We all fucking hate it and wish she'd stop, we're just not gonna endlessly bitch and moan about it like your faggot ass.

>> No.32434805

Bros, I love her so much. I'm not a ghostling yet, but I'm definitely steadily getting there. She's like a cool bro I never had. I want to hang out with her and talk about life and shit... man. I feel like watching her makes me a better person.
I think I'll take her advice and straighten things out with the girl I've been seeing. I'll be honest and true to myself.

>> No.32434806
Quoted by: >>32434940

Shit was he an actual /v/tard?
I haven't watched a single thing about him in years, I was suprised as fuck the mid of 2020 seeing that he already did a face reveal and was screaming victory at a twitch chess championship
He still seems like a cool level headed guy running with the same childish humour from the clips I've come across which is why I'm okay with him doing a collab with Mori, dunno what his streams/vids are actually like now though

>> No.32434808
File: 185 KB, 1019x1019, Tired Moririn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these niggers who are donating messageless akas right after she mentioned that she loves them the most

>> No.32434809
File: 342 KB, 1387x2047, Menhera [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhcov9g.mp3].jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32434813

Which one is turkey

>> No.32434814
File: 357 KB, 493x369, Yangchen female airbending avatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know Ina was an Airbender

>> No.32434815
File: 31 KB, 600x584, 1288310765635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434816
Quoted by: >>32434859

Disaster sandwich, right?

>> No.32434819

>She wouldn't bring him up if chat would shut up about him.
you do realize she can just ignore those messages right? This is on her

>> No.32434820
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1599654979977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434850

I thought it was an Adam Jensen drawing i am going blind

>> No.32434821

Anyone else here loves Mori but absolutely despises Deadbeats? Why is her fanbase so bad?

>> No.32434824


>> No.32434826

If you don't know how to tune things out, you're gonna remember them far earlier then by now.

>> No.32434827
Quoted by: >>32434895

Why would you post the image?

>> No.32434828
File: 66 KB, 230x230, 1586390354640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434929

I wonder how Kiara would have handled those shitposting Marshmallows considering how fragile she is.

>> No.32434830
Quoted by: >>32434973

it's a pretty good idea for Mori, though it doesn't work for someone like Kiara as she thrives on reacting to her audience. It shows she's adapting well.

>> No.32434831

Fuck you for spoonfeeding

>> No.32434834
Quoted by: >>32434913

Frog Holo when?

>> No.32434835
File: 12 KB, 480x113, Screenshot_20210119-081651_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434927

Wow, gotta love Mori threads! Thread barely started too!

>> No.32434837

I mean, even if it wasn't intentional, it's pretty clever on her part. Incentivizes both akas as well as not sending her essays.

>> No.32434839

I thought she was supposed to be a mommywife?

>> No.32434844
File: 222 KB, 850x1269, The Hounds [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fttdufe.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434850

I thought it was RDJ's Tony Stark.

>> No.32434853

Hey, if it works, it works.

>> No.32434854

Thats why I always skip Superchats but on Kiaras's stream its hard to skip it and thats why most of KFPs are now working in my mind

>> No.32434856

Oh hey I follow that one. She's fantastic.

>> No.32434858

>and actually responds to SCs
how do you respond to a blank aka there's nothing to talk about there

>> No.32434862
File: 678 KB, 2870x1870, clockwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have it easy man

>> No.32434857

I don't know but the same thing that makes them all terrible cringe schizos also makes Mori into Money Mori the Akasupa Queen so I guess there's a silver lining.

>> No.32434859


>> No.32434861

Yes, and you are one of them.

>> No.32434863

Because Mori is probably the only Holo attractive to Twitch and /v/ e-celeb faggots, so she brings every faggot here and in her chat

>> No.32434867
File: 42 KB, 478x557, eb5add641376ecf9628cd89f199a1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to take care of and love 2d korone

>> No.32434868

I think it's more of people being annoyed that chat won't stop bringing him up at this point.

>> No.32434869
Quoted by: >>32434946

You fuckers talk about him more than Mori ever has.

>> No.32434871

Of course, deadbeats outside of here for the most part are complete irredeemable faggots

>> No.32434873
Quoted by: >>32434912

Reine is considering upgrading her audio interface before buying a binaural mic

>> No.32434874
File: 3.46 MB, 600x338, Haachama [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frxk5b0.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32434875
Quoted by: >>32434979

>She's like a cool bro I never had. I want to hang out with her and talk about life and shit... man.
Motherfucker, that's way too close to home.
Good luck, dew it.

>> No.32434879


>> No.32434881
Quoted by: >>32434919

All fanbases are trash.

>> No.32434882

Anon, there are easier, more humane ways to get yourself killed

>> No.32434885

Most aren't bad. Just a minority of loud faggots.

>> No.32434884

>that scream

>> No.32434889
File: 413 KB, 1043x1805, 1600354486647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435974

Mori x Aki x Lamy drinking collab when?

>> No.32434890

better than another pastebin

>> No.32434891
Quoted by: >>32434950

>Because Mori is probably the only Holo attractive to Twitch and /v/ e-celeb faggots,
I wish I could be this delusional.

>> No.32434895

Why wouldn't he?

>> No.32434897
File: 632 KB, 1200x840, slim cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434994

Would you still love Fat Cat if she went on a diet?

>> No.32434898
Quoted by: >>32435248

She didn't get to bed till like 5am est, her ass is probably still asleep.

>> No.32434900
Quoted by: >>32434950

>only Holo attractive to Twitch and /v/ e-celeb faggots
You don't actually believe this, do you?

>> No.32434901
File: 269 KB, 2048x1359, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fe7uasw.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina + pochi + iofi
the dream team is finally happening!
tako bros...I'm so happy!

>> No.32434904
File: 1.19 MB, 2893x4092, 1610347286676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love mori but have to turn off her superchat readings. Recorder ear rape too strong

>> No.32434905
Quoted by: >>32435006

you made me check if Flare is doing uta

>> No.32434907

Hope you teamates enjoyed the Ame cameo in Mori's stream today.

>> No.32434908

I think Kiara and Ame have better SC readings

>> No.32434910

I wish I didn't, the discord faggots that SC Ame live in my mind rent free

>> No.32434912

>Reine ASMR
Oh god I need this

>> No.32434913

>*pop* *pop* *pop*
>ribbit ribbit

>> No.32434914

Vgamer311, pekorin, something for the top

>> No.32434915
File: 78 KB, 629x594, 1597086112189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh yeah, Reine's living alone somewhere on the outskirts of the city. Those sounds from motorcycles.

>> No.32434918

dababy danke schon

>> No.32434919


>> No.32434920
Quoted by: >>32435061

Don't (You) want to be called a chad by your oshi?

>> No.32434921

its the same for the other fanbase anon.....
Its just they dont have this e-celeb shit, they have things that make their own fanbase bad

>> No.32434922
Quoted by: >>32435035

>how do you respond to a blank aka
wow another blank aka what a chad

>> No.32434924

Every chat is trash.

>> No.32434925

I hope you take this as a learning experience to not let this place influence your opinion on anything. Being a deadbeat here since the beginning has taught me that. Glad you enjoyed the stream bro.

>> No.32434926
Quoted by: >>32435018

Member stream? I'm playing CK2, I'm only paying half attention. Ikuzo nevertheless.

>> No.32434927
Quoted by: >>32434985

Put his name in your post next time so I don't have to see it either, faggot.

>> No.32434928
File: 66 KB, 236x214, 1610504320792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32434950

Haha yeah

>> No.32434929
Quoted by: >>32435054

By not including them? Are you retarded enough to think she doesn't get them?

>> No.32434932
File: 756 KB, 1080x1080, 1603238087988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434933
File: 15 KB, 360x360, Larry_Foulke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEADBEAT-1 appearance

>> No.32434935
File: 104 KB, 828x872, 1590751056796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435286

I dont watch Mori, I've been watching Reine and Rushia

>> No.32434939
Quoted by: >>32434987


>> No.32434940

As someone that followed him back when he facelessly shit-talked video games then fell off over time, he seems about the same to me. His Cyberpunk video seemed pretty funny to me, but I also haven't been going through everything he's done in years so I don't know if he's mostly shit now or something.

>> No.32434942
File: 215 KB, 324x349, too bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435004

>This thread

>> No.32434943 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 326x271, 1611073270813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435011

Hmmm.....Chicken Nuggets

>> No.32434944
File: 274 KB, 455x373, 1591513733312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine making comics of her collabs is really fucking adorable and such a fantastic idea for a zatsudan. The only other person I know who does this is Marine, how come the other holo drawers don't do something like this?

>> No.32434946

Is that possible?

>> No.32434947


>> No.32434949
File: 193 KB, 992x1386, 20210113_111052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the fanbases are completely shit outside of /jp/'s containment, and even thats debateable.
Dont let the fans sour your oshi's image

>> No.32434950

Well all the rest of HoloEN and Ollie is declining because these faggots moved on from them but keep sticking to Mori. Without counting that her mentioning their favorite e-celeb doesn't help this at all.
Stop coping already.

>> No.32434952

Hopefully when Kiara gets back to krautland
As far as she doesn't decide to stream at peak JP or NA hours, then we're fucked anyway

>> No.32434956
File: 365 KB, 775x848, 1608226427035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

>> No.32434955

>She even has Ghost Rider
Jesus, they're really one and the same.

>> No.32434957

Anon those are her guards patrolling the compound.

>> No.32434958

Ame cameo? Did she not go to sleep or something?

>> No.32434960

these are fucking annoying bur have you heard these

>> No.32434962

>Ame cameo
I actually did and huge ups to your oshi deadbeats it was pretty fun and tuned in for a while

>> No.32434964

We are lovers

>> No.32434965
Quoted by: >>32435035

are you even watching her streams? if u are listen closely before commenting

>> No.32434966


>> No.32434967
Quoted by: >>32435112

Those motorcycle sounds have been there for a while. Kind of worried for her since you can locate a streamer's location with that shit.

>> No.32434970
File: 79 KB, 398x414, 1590261484693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cant wait to hear updates about your death machine that bombs entire families
>Please come back alive, stay safe, I want those stories

>> No.32434972
File: 862 KB, 1920x1080, 531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a staple at this point. The rest of them can be alright sometimes, but I especially hate the nigger who wrote this particular message. <---

>> No.32434973

Well Kiara uses superchats to stretch out content. Mori just wants to be done with them so no message is better

>> No.32434974 [SPOILER] 
File: 486 KB, 538x4096, 1611073331798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435019

Never Forget

>> No.32434976
Quoted by: >>32434997

>these faggots moved on from them
I wish I could be this delusional.

>> No.32434977


>> No.32434979
Quoted by: >>32435084

>I want to hang out with her and talk about life and shit.
She would if she could. But imagine the logistics of talking to 10,000 people.

>> No.32434981
Quoted by: >>32435343

She did, I slept the same amount of hours as her

>> No.32434982

>rest of HoloEN is declining
Nutsacki, your tail is showing.

>> No.32434983

>Well all the rest of HoloEN and Ollie is declining because these faggots moved on from them but keep sticking to Mori.
Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.32434985
Quoted by: >>32435028

Filter fail.
I don't blame you i am half tempted to filter this shit. But then again I'm not a pussy bitch scared of words.

>> No.32434988

Same boat here.
I can't believe 3 hours passed by so quickly, though I was working through it, so I never saw the threads.

>> No.32434987


>> No.32434991

For god sake Cover! just let her collab with ecelebs yeezus before she use her roommate for it/10

>> No.32434993
File: 408 KB, 1080x973, 1609232889581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32434994
File: 550 KB, 800x1131, 82d7bd582a33d4f23171c1a6fc725ab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i can acquire a taste for large cats because of Okayu, i can do the opposite for Okayu

>> No.32434995
Quoted by: >>32435103

Most likely a production intern and wouldn't be credited. Basically get people coffee and stuff like that.

>> No.32434996

If there's one group I hate the most it's the therapyfags, you just know they're probably fucking 14 year old girls with pronouns in their social medio bio's

>> No.32434997
Quoted by: >>32435034

You're not delusional, you're completely fucking schizo at this point friend.

>> No.32435000

>does that
>views are under 1k now

>> No.32435001
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1600109221324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only Holo attractive to Twitch and /v/ e-celeb faggots
you're outing yourself as a newfag

>> No.32435002

10 bucks says you're a Guramefag who ignores the fact that Ame is literally from Twitch and dozens of shitty e-celebs have said they want to collab with Gura.

>> No.32435003

I want to know the truth
The rrats live rent free in my head

>> No.32435004

my fucking heart

>> No.32435006

Well, she's singing a song of summoning.

>> No.32435010
Quoted by: >>32435058

>Makes me wonder why Gura is more popular
Victim of HER own success, has done everything in her power to make people stop liking her and it's done almost nothing, really has nothing to do with her quality at all. If you account for the HER base and stream averages, Mori is actually doing much better.

>> No.32435011
File: 74 KB, 640x368, SNIIFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435014
File: 493 KB, 2048x1330, 160849840984980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to a SC reading instead of watching an actual stream
How far into this rabbit hole have I gone?

>> No.32435016

I like every JP and EN female Holo, except for Luna, but I hate all their fans.

>> No.32435018
Quoted by: >>32435102

She is planning to buy an ASMR mic and she will do ASMR streams.

>> No.32435019

context? i dont know much about mio
and from the very little i know about subaru i only know that they are good friends

>> No.32435023
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1603844802895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32435024

>hell yeah, Texas is awesome

>> No.32435026

Fuck Deadbeats, I'll support Mori by myself

>> No.32435027
Quoted by: >>32435101

but japanese...

>> No.32435028

Its not about being scared, not everyone is a deadbeat or cares about the charlie shit

>> No.32435029

>Texas is awesome!
It sure is, Calli.

>> No.32435032

Him going off sometimes in the direction of being a drama reaction channel is a major turnoff for most anons. It’ll be like if a holo collabed with Narukami, even though he’s not really as deep in that department as Keemstar.

so the trick to showing you’re genuine in still liking the holo while criticizing them is to just preface it with a horny disclaimer, that’s a note taken

>> No.32435033

Nice falseflag.

>> No.32435034

When everyone's telling you you're a retard, consider that you actually are one.

>> No.32435035

that's not what I mean by react I mean actually have a reaction beyond saying a canned phrase

>> No.32435041

>Ina has great collabs planned this week
>They're all early morning


>> No.32435044

Why would you quote yourself?

>> No.32435046

Holy based

>> No.32435045


>> No.32435051
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1361, 1609479297186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435092

That's fighting words you nanonigger

>> No.32435053
File: 98 KB, 538x530, 1586641015174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 bucks says you're a Guramefag who ignores the fact that Ame is literally from Twitch and dozens of shitty e-celebs have said they want to collab with Gura.
Nice, but remind me when did happen? Months ago, while you faggots keep mentioning C**rlie no stop even today, Mori included.
Without counting Ame tries to keep these faggots away at the best she can.

>> No.32435054
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1604448233627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By not including them?
So she's a coward then.

>> No.32435055
File: 1.70 MB, 342x198, ryIk4e8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435056
File: 577 KB, 726x539, 1595712151660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since we had another reckoning.

>> No.32435057
File: 91 KB, 434x809, Screenshot_2021-01-19 YouTube Channel HoloStats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435058

>and stream averages
Mori has the lowest in all of EN dude. What are you smoking.

>> No.32435061
Quoted by: >>32435113

I'd rather send her something sweet that she'll enjoy reading...

>> No.32435062
Quoted by: >>32435117

This artstyle is very cute GUH

>> No.32435063 [SPOILER] 
File: 499 KB, 567x603, 1611073501169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435065
Quoted by: >>32435135

I’ve been telling you deadbeats are shit.

>> No.32435070

>Finding someone in Indonesia based on motorcycle sounds

Have fun with that.

>> No.32435073

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Reine situation?

>> No.32435079

Dont bring Ame into your shit please

>> No.32435080
File: 5 KB, 128x128, 1607002977271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checks out. I kinda miss Texas.

>> No.32435083
Quoted by: >>32435140

Psst, Charlie
Are you angry yet?

>> No.32435084
Quoted by: >>32435222

Shes the type of person to unironically try to do so. More of a reason to love her

>> No.32435089

You would know, Mori.

>> No.32435090

Who thou quote?

>> No.32435092
Quoted by: >>32435190

>Holo who is in worse shape than Marine or Okayu
>Moving fast

>> No.32435094
Quoted by: >>32435197

Mori literally just streamed the second-most out of the ENs last week, you dumb bitch. It's not October anymore.

>> No.32435097

You're streaming Mori, focus on it

>> No.32435099

>Big ups for turning those Palestinian children into aka paste, my dude!

>> No.32435100

Will Mori genocide the Californians moving en masse to her state?

>> No.32435101

iofi will translate and pochi has been doing her english reps!

>> No.32435102

Sweet. I am VERY excited.

>> No.32435103
Quoted by: >>32435235

How can the doxxfags get this info if it's not credited

>> No.32435104
Quoted by: >>32435167

Literally every fanbase is trash, especially the ones in YT chat. Deadbeats outside of here aren't any worse than teamates or KFP.

>> No.32435106

Gura and Mori have almost the same humor but gura is stuck with the pedo normalfags

>> No.32435109
Quoted by: >>32435269

all of you underestimate haachama's intelligence and can't see beyond the surface

>> No.32435112

There are 10 millions or more motorcycles in Jakarta, she'll be fine.

>> No.32435113


>> No.32435114

That's basically a universal experience with any fanbase due to the amount of exposure you'll have to it, though each one's shit in its own unique way.

>> No.32435116

But I wish those faggots who can't stop spamming Charlie in chat would just off themselves already.

>> No.32435117
Quoted by: >>32435504

Mori looks like Sonic there

>> No.32435121
Quoted by: >>32435151

>Pekora's numbers declining hard
>Numbersagis don't want to see numbers at /hlg/ anymore
>Create a numberfag thread

>> No.32435122

What the fuck did Luna ever do to you?

>> No.32435125

Fucking faggot

>> No.32435129
Quoted by: >>32435385

Mori's SC are nothing to write home about and I'm saying this as a deadbeat. Listen to chikin, she's fantastic at them.

>> No.32435132

who's that?
I don't recognise this man

>> No.32435134
File: 129 KB, 1474x1154, 20210114_084527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic drawing and drawing full illustrations have 2 different mindsets. Someone like Ina has too much focus on small details that even with chibis she puts too much focus into them, not to mention she cant do backgrounds.
Reine just seems to not think to hard about detail but more about the storyboarding and just lets the art come out naturally. And marine is a manga artists so same obviously applies.
Its a fun idea, but it really depends on how much focus the artist puts into drawing as opposed to the zatsudan.

>> No.32435135

Holy shit you are not kidding. Doxxing other hololive members now, deadbeats?

>> No.32435136
Quoted by: >>32435197

You're delusional if you think Mori streams less than Ina or Gura these days.

>> No.32435137

they should also add Ui and Marine with that

>> No.32435139

Filtered you pleb tier retard

>> No.32435140
Quoted by: >>32435210

I don't want to get banned for off-topic. By the way thanks for proving you have no argument and I'm right I guess.
Ok but how does that prove me wrong lol.

>> No.32435141

Turns out the way to a girls heart is money. Go figure.

>> No.32435142

Gotta be honest Deadbraps I don't normally watch Mori but this has been amazing and I kneel

>> No.32435150
Quoted by: >>32435184

>I sound like a teacher

>> No.32435151
File: 332 KB, 1084x1080, 1608584082206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should join them faggot

>> No.32435154
Quoted by: >>32435184

>"I can provide you with a place to live"

>> No.32435156
File: 490 KB, 2048x1701, 1610686652783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys want a place to live?

>> No.32435158
Quoted by: >>32435215

>this guy on 4chin hates others and himself
On other news, water is wet.

>> No.32435159
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x822, 456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no your oshi's MC number...

>> No.32435163
File: 101 KB, 214x176, unknoel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435162
File: 226 KB, 1919x1079, 1610248129456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435227

Anon you know mori does it to piss you off specifically right. She actually hates YOU and wants to make YOU miserable.

>> No.32435164

I think drawing comics and drawing a single picture are not the same skill, the former requires storyboarding. It reminds me of how different people working in anime specialize in different things, so you have character design, storyboard, key frames etc.

>> No.32435167
Quoted by: >>32435225

add chumbuds into this, HERfags here and there

>> No.32435170

That's how it always starts with the tomboys...

>> No.32435171


>> No.32435172

Of course, she

>> No.32435173
File: 1.04 MB, 1034x1919, ce82fe6ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 1230 of hololive
still no rrat chuuba

>> No.32435174

Don't worry I hate you too

>> No.32435177

>Mori endorses pre-chat
Aight, I'll concede then

>> No.32435178
File: 235 KB, 436x456, 1609198798423(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436782

>I hungry

>> No.32435179

I have to say i'm pretty much at that point. Maybe a rapper wasn't a great idea.

>> No.32435180

reine this joke fucking sucks

>> No.32435183

Well it made me realize i care way more about the illusion of the hot anime girl, so 10/10 for aiding my awareness?

>> No.32435184


>> No.32435186

Being Reine's student doesnt sound so bad.

>> No.32435187

Why don't you watch her? She's always like this

>> No.32435190
File: 464 KB, 374x594, Luna Shakes her Ass for the Cash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435254

>Holo who is in worse shape than Marine or Okayu
>Moving fast
Say that to her hips! Nanora gains strength when sexually aroused or suggestive. Why do you think she thrives off Matsuri so much and tries to molest Subaru?

>> No.32435194

Instead of replying to bait, post your favorite clip of your least most liked HoloEN girl

>> No.32435197

How the fuck does "Stream averages" mean "time streaming" you retards, and how is that a measure of success?

She has lower average live views and VOD views than everyone but Kiara which is terrible considering she has the 2nd most subs.

>> No.32435200

Which Holo has the best vagina bones?

>> No.32435201

>more viewers than literally everyone else in Hololive
Wow... Declining...
Probably the faggots I mentioned moved on from her too

>> No.32435205
Quoted by: >>32435300

Why are deadbraps like this? Mori is a whore who only cares about some twitch ecelebs.

>> No.32435207

Why does Reine laugh like that?

>> No.32435208

Alright man. Let's colonize.

>> No.32435210

I don't like the peepee poopoo man, and I certainly don't like the other fag bringing Gura and Ame into his argument.
But, you know, ________Charlie

>> No.32435212
Quoted by: >>32435241

You guys sure are angry, huh?

>> No.32435213

I mean, it's not like she's collabing with crit1kal or anything, it's a mangaka who has strong ties to hololive.

I still buy into the rrat that Ina, Enma and AO-chan all met in FFXIV and that's why they're all as seemingly close as they are.

>> No.32435214
File: 338 KB, 533x576, 1610815476505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of people saying this today is leading me to believe that most people who say they dislike Mori either just believe everything they read on /hlgg/ and/or haven't watched her since September. And no, anecdotal person who responds to this post with 'I try watching Mori all the fucking time and I hate her' doesn't really change my mind.

>> No.32435215

Stop, you’ll trigger Ame!

>> No.32435218

she really has you guys whipped

>> No.32435219

Thanks man, appreciate it

>> No.32435220
File: 42 KB, 399x565, 1594997404751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good being a Teamate

>> No.32435222

Just 166 hours if each one gets a single minute.
About 9 years if everyone gets 3 hours (at 3 a day).

>> No.32435225

the difference is that Gura isn't HER while CrapsSatan is just Mori without a filter.

>> No.32435227

That's kind of hot.

>> No.32435229

There's a treerrat tho

>> No.32435231

Truly criminal that there's no mouse-girl in Hololive.

>> No.32435234

It's mori's fault she give the spammers any attention she could just not say his name and they'd stop

>> No.32435235
Quoted by: >>32436010

Might have talked about it in her social media, would be my guess. Interning is pretty common for people to do between semesters in a field someone is interested in, at least in the US.

>> No.32435237

She's a free speech type of person. As long as they're merely being faggots, she can ignore them.

>> No.32435239

Mori streamed almost as much as Ame this week, just 1 hour less. Gura and Ina arent close

>> No.32435240
File: 248 KB, 850x1202, 082bf37624625b3000ef5866a1703231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming one of Reine's serfs
Such a life would be worth living...

>> No.32435241

The bonus seethe after a Mori stream is always worth it

>> No.32435242


>> No.32435244
Quoted by: >>32435265

I wish the datafucker was awake to put you in your place but he's not so I'm just gonna tell you to kill yourself.

>> No.32435246

R-reine-sama, onegai... Please don't send me to the watermelon room.

>> No.32435248

>Just RT'ed Haachama like 10 minutes ago
You forget that Ame can only either sleep for 5 or 12 hours at a time

>> No.32435250

There is no 'situation'. All is well.

>> No.32435252

Bird laugh, please andastand.

>> No.32435253
File: 238 KB, 373x377, 1611073795036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435254

>lol Matsuri x Luna
Go back. Only Reddit still thinks they are on good terms. They fell out months ago.

>> No.32435255
Quoted by: >>32435346

>no rrat
>no frog
>no panda
>no grizzly bear
>no centaur

>> No.32435257

I fucking hate deadbraps/10

>> No.32435258

>is leading me to believe
It has always been this way.
Unironic autists and schizos.

>> No.32435260

I see far more people bitching about deadbeats than I do bad deadbeats
t. takodachi

>> No.32435261

I watch Mori all the time and i love her!

>> No.32435262
File: 534 KB, 624x1056, 1585275298753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435296

>jetri not showing Turkey stream

>> No.32435263

Reine's releasing her mommy energy, bros...

>> No.32435264
Quoted by: >>32435338

Her prechat is the absolute worse

>> No.32435265

I literally just checked the data dumbfuck.

>> No.32435266

Even Gura's Skyrim had more viewers.

>> No.32435269

You underestimate this thread.

>> No.32435270
File: 337 KB, 433x437, 1609860874250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435348

Guys, Reine's trying to abduct me. I don't know if I want to resist.

>> No.32435272

>romantic in a traditional sense

>> No.32435274

>not watching the alternate, superior mori's stream
but why?

>> No.32435278
File: 665 KB, 1280x1709, Deadbeat poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you've seen the light brother

>> No.32435275

>romantic in a traditional sense

>> No.32435284


>> No.32435285

>romantic in a traditional sense
10/10 whoever sent that

>> No.32435286
File: 5 KB, 602x77, 1611067798507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435326


>> No.32435287

They dug too deep, and too greedily. They did not know what they were toying with.

>> No.32435288

>Romantic in a traditional sense
Okay which one of you deadbeats did this shit hahaha.

>> No.32435289
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1510851020508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romantic in a traditional sense

>> No.32435290

Honestly? I don't mind Mori as a streamer but I can't get over how annoying I find her music

>> No.32435294

As a Teamate I have been saying they're bros for the past month

>> No.32435296

Because it wasn't scheduled until right before it went live maybe?

>> No.32435297

>romantic in a traditional sense

>> No.32435300
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, smugmiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435351

thats like saying ame is a whore for sucking 2 dicks and she only cares about your money

>> No.32435301
File: 303 KB, 800x700, usual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the watermelon room.
the what?

>> No.32435303

>more viewers than literally everyone else in Hololive
Marine kek

>> No.32435304
File: 206 KB, 400x400, 1607073264341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really watch Mori because of her weird ass schedules for me, but I still love her.
Anything /hlg/ hates is usually pretty alright.

>> No.32435306
Quoted by: >>32435807

Also I watch all her Supa streams, shes my Oshi. You'll start doing it too if shes yours
It's not a proper zatsu, but you get to listen to your boy laugh at dumb funny names, shout her love for the deadbeats and sometimes drop some interesting responses to akas. Doesn't compare to Kiara and her full zatsudans that are longer than the actual stream, but it's still comforting in a way

>> No.32435307

Pekora peaked at 30k+ stop being a numberfag and just enjoy your oshi

>> No.32435309

>2M stream of a fun game (to watch) had more viewers than a regular stream
Color me surprised.

>> No.32435310

Only defense I have for them is this is the first time she's done a zatsudan like this in a non garbage time zone for a while now. America could catch it as they're waking up.

>> No.32435312
Quoted by: >>32435390

Even Kiara has higher VOD views than Mori.

>> No.32435313

Is Ame going to play a game today or is it going to be another day with no Trinity? Feels like I've only been watching JPs lately...

>> No.32435320

>romantic, in a traditional sense
I just lost my shit, which one of you fags did it?

>> No.32435322
File: 19 KB, 300x300, MIDDLEEASTREDZONE_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435451

>you will never work for Reine's PMC

>> No.32435327


>> No.32435326

Guess I'll have to skip leg day

>> No.32435328

Wait reine's streaming? why's she not showing up on the fuckin jetri then.

>> No.32435329


>> No.32435330
File: 300 KB, 800x436, 1584565635949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever wonder how Ina, Kiara and Calli managed to keep their number of live viewers relatively the same since debut while Gura and Ame reclined hardcore?

>> No.32435336

Despite this being an anonymous board, groupthink is still a thing. It's easier to let other people form your opinion instead of forming it yourself.

>> No.32435337

Reine, please be my teacher in the ways of love.

>> No.32435338

KFP though? How can they be worse than those cringy fucks

>> No.32435343

somehow i've adopted the same insane random sleep schedule as her, more than a few times i've been waking up randomly in the night only to get yt notifications literally minutes later saying that she's awake too

>> No.32435346
File: 215 KB, 503x498, kiarafrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no frog

>> No.32435348
File: 358 KB, 454x443, 1610338140046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reine leaning into the blackbag shit.

>> No.32435350
Quoted by: >>32435399

Stream reps. Only /hlg/-dropout narrative-reciting EOPs still think Festivaluna is still on bad terms. They've been doing streams again together after months without and get along great in them. Things have clearly gotten better for them after the Birthday incident.

>> No.32435351
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1606345595022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435396

but that's a true statement

>> No.32435353
Quoted by: >>32435392

Reine is setting up memberships
Idk, the stream was scheduled for yesterday.

>> No.32435355

It's not the same after the yab...

>> No.32435356

They literally sang together weeks ago fagit

>> No.32435357
File: 922 KB, 851x705, 1593320061733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ever wonder how Ina, Kiara and Calli managed to keep their number of live viewers relatively the same since debut

>> No.32435359
Quoted by: >>32435535

>things that didn't happen
They all reclined when the bug happened. All 5 of them.

>> No.32435361
File: 535 KB, 2896x4096, 20210113_113400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch a lot of Mori, but this stream shes been really down to earth. Felt almost like a Kiara zatsudan but with dunking on underage fags and dumb stories about shitty memories. Shes never been bad to me, but I like that shes a lot more confident in herself.

>> No.32435363

Anon, don't compare a game where she hit a milestone with the other one, also to any delusional anon trying to backfire, that wasn't a celebration stream as well, in other words, fuck off numberfag

>> No.32435364

probably has to do with the stream originally being scheduled for yesterday

>> No.32435368
File: 3.30 MB, 697x458, 1610994640157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all that we make fun of other groups for believing bullshit narratives, these threads are full of people that do the exact same thing. Idiocy knows no borders.

>> No.32435372
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1609646140528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435511

>Waternelon room is code for the torture room
>Gura ate a whole melon and tweeted about it
Is Reine feeding doxxniggers to Gura?

>> No.32435371

Didn't she say she's doing the sponsored stream for that gacha game today?

>> No.32435374
File: 103 KB, 1652x583, GFE gone too far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435377
File: 1.71 MB, 1321x825, all the time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'I try watching Mori all the fucking time and I hate her' doesn't really change my mind.
but I really do though

>> No.32435379

she's doing the sponsored stream tonight.

>> No.32435380
File: 96 KB, 710x751, 1611073967631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435445

I can see your prolapsed anus, nutsuck. Keep copeing.

>> No.32435385

Mori's SC reads are good because she gets through them quickly so she can spend time doing better things, and it somehow doesn't hurt her bottom line.

>> No.32435386
Quoted by: >>32435451

>doxxing her future location
Kamon, Moririn...

>> No.32435387
Quoted by: >>32435552

So is the "watermelon room" like the "usual room"?

>> No.32435388

You fuckers made me listen to Noel's King cover and now I can't stop listening to it


>> No.32435389
File: 86 KB, 220x215, 1607696848181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time?

>> No.32435391


>> No.32435390
Quoted by: >>32435478

i dunno why you'd say this when anyone can just check their channels and see you're wrong. Is it to make people actually check?

>> No.32435392

>Reine is setting up memberships
By "setting up" I mean the whole talk about people becoming her staff as opposed to the students is foreshadowing eventual memberships, but it's just speculation on my part.

>> No.32435395
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1610644609802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being conscripted into Reine's PMC stream soon

>> No.32435396
File: 539 KB, 606x565, glass raise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously Based

>> No.32435399
Quoted by: >>32435412

You're the EOP and an autist if you can't tell the strain in both their tone and word choice. Festival still collabs with Fubuki too but it's not the same.

>> No.32435401

Speaking as a Deadbeat, Mori's views reclined a fair bit, but they've been stronger than usual this past month (probably because of her more regular streaming schedule). I honestly think only Ina has kept anything close to consistent viewership.

>> No.32435403
Quoted by: >>32435483


>> No.32435404


>> No.32435406

>holoID gen 2 really did just become HoloEN 1.5
I remember when they tried to say they were going to be 90% indog

>> No.32435408
File: 155 KB, 380x380, 1539877265241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435429

Mori ten latest VOD views: 193.2k
Ina ten latest VOD views: 166.1k

>> No.32435409
Quoted by: >>32435466

Finish the mariokart stream you nigger

>> No.32435410

Cringy shit sure but thats all they are. Harmless. Kiara has trained them well.

>> No.32435411


>> No.32435412

>N-no u!
Sasuga dogfucker

>> No.32435415
File: 355 KB, 2105x1185, 1604240236235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so lucky. I can get my own personal recommendations from my deadbeats. I love you guys.

>> No.32435417

It's where her family keeps those who dare touch royalty such as doxxniggers

>> No.32435418
File: 627 KB, 792x1224, 1600586815623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435419

Oh god what's wrong with her anatomy

>> No.32435423

I haven't watched her since the JewMori arc with her outrageous membership tiers.
But i don't shittalk her either.

>> No.32435427

Its benign cringe, but its better than the crap in Mori's and Gura's prechat

>> No.32435429

Delete this.

>> No.32435433

>Reine wants me to call her.
I'm in. See you later, virgins.

>> No.32435434

I can't even imagine watching that much of someone I hate, but you do you.

>> No.32435437
Quoted by: >>32435510

>no peace
Still too early, my man

>> No.32435439

Fun stream/traditional sense

>> No.32435443
File: 232 KB, 345x315, 1602512761526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435445
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1597611880871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a nousagi, you stupid faggot, I'm a chumbud, and if you think that I'm doing something wrong to Gura by saying that her views are nothing special then you're a faggot because Gura is based and she doesn't give a fuck about numbers.
Still, saying shit like that makes me angry and makes me want to correct you.

>> No.32435447

>no peace yet

>> No.32435448

so THAT's what happened during the Among Us collab...

>> No.32435450

If i became a doxxfag, will i get sent to the watermelon room?

>> No.32435451

Reality is so cruel.

It don't matter, short men are probably too scared to approach Mori.

>> No.32435453

think about this way
imagine if it was other girl on that podcast

>> No.32435455

I respect the hustle anon. I give you permission to give up

>> No.32435457

Imagine eradicating doxxfags from existence for Reine-sama and getting paid for it.. it's the life I never knew I dreamed of.

>> No.32435462


>> No.32435466
Quoted by: >>32435508

I did finish it, I actually went back to rewatch parts of it

>> No.32435469


>> No.32435470
File: 1.10 MB, 4000x2249, EsG2RKeU0A055S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435541

>> No.32435478
File: 254 KB, 2558x1400, 1604641130039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435576

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.32435480
Quoted by: >>32435548

>I'm not even a nousagi, you stupid faggot, I'm a chumbud
Honestly, at this point, the difference is real hard to notice.

>> No.32435482

>Random sounds from Visage
>Shortly followed by Sheep crunching.
This is next level horror.

>> No.32435483
File: 242 KB, 365x291, 1603030379624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435568

I'm sure the 30th wine party stream is of the highest quality. Do deadbraps really?

>> No.32435492

hey reddit can you rate my meme

>> No.32435491
Quoted by: >>32435587

You still believe that?

>> No.32435493

Oh it’s this guy again

>> No.32435494

Skyrim is an absolutely miserable game to watch

>> No.32435495

Rate my filter list.

>> No.32435498

I got to touch it

>> No.32435499

yeah sure and i'm Santa claus

>> No.32435500

Frankly, I'm happy it ended up that way. ID Gen 2 girls are great and it's a good thing they realize how much they've got to gain by catering to the English speaking audience.

>> No.32435501

>Don’t get me wrong, I like Mori and I want to titfuck her in a cow bikini like the rest of you guys would
I think we'll find a way to coexist

>> No.32435504

The nose makes it look like she has a Sonic face. >>32435117

>> No.32435503

Lol, this shit reads like a special RPG ability "As long as there are seethers nearby, Gura continues to gain subs"

>> No.32435505

>I love talking with you deadbeats, hanging out with you
l-love you too, Mori

>> No.32435507
Quoted by: >>32435702

I was going to just accept that they were gonna speak indog, especially after Reines nationalist debut. That said they're the first gen to debut after EN, and everyone even the JPs realized pandering to english leads to more viewers, so they mostly dropped the indo pandering.

>> No.32435508

Good taste, that was a particularly fun stream

>> No.32435509
Quoted by: >>32435681

JST +8 is the only time that matters.

>> No.32435510

Nah, mang. You write it up while waiting for the PEACE

>> No.32435511

they sleep with the fishies

>> No.32435513

No, fuck you. GMT lives matter!

>> No.32435516

Anon, half of the content i remember from that guy this year other than dildos and card packs were reactions to slap fights and the public freakouts of [entitled soccer moms] (he did it enough to have a fucking tier list). He even does reaction streams just like that koewhatever guy does

>> No.32435517
File: 73 KB, 259x259, 1610597164336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everywhere I go I see the stripes

This is the fate of all doxxniggers.

>> No.32435519
File: 560 KB, 993x518, Ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all reclined, including Ina

>> No.32435518
File: 700 KB, 220x227, 911 peko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435557

How does it feel knowing JP clipfags are no better than EN ones?

>> No.32435520
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x667, Iamtheakastormthatisapproaching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435527
Quoted by: >>32435831

Has Mori mentioned what she's watching with T2 members?

>> No.32435528

Pretty good, but you are still a redditor for using a filter

>> No.32435529
Quoted by: >>32435767

Since you are qualified, care to tell me why do you hate her?

>> No.32435531
Quoted by: >>32435556

You don't need to search where she lives using motorcycle noises
Reine lives in so

>> No.32435532

You must hate a large portion of JPs then

>> No.32435535
File: 44 KB, 720x397, 1587526129844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura used to pull 40-50k Viewers. Dropped to 20-25k
Ame used to pull 25k-30k Viewers. Dropped to 10k.
Ina used to pull 20k Viewers. Stays in the close zone with 15k-18k viewers.
Mori used to pull 25k Viewers. Pulls 20k Viewers.
Kiara used to pull 15k-20k vieewrs. When not playing a shitty RPG shittily stays relalatively close with 12k-14k viewers.

>> No.32435536
Quoted by: >>32435590

>it gets better around episode 50, believe me bro!

>> No.32435540

What did she mean by this?

>> No.32435541

Nice art. I'll take it.

>> No.32435542


>> No.32435544

I can smell you, nutsuck. Go back to your numberfag thread.

>> No.32435545
Quoted by: >>32435589


>> No.32435546
Quoted by: >>32435792

Shes related to some big powerful international family, naturally as you'd assume for a otaku fun having daughter she isn't forward facing and is in the family background, if you dig enough to find stuff about her you start finding things about the family that make you wanna back off, families don't just become powerful for no reason, and they don't stay powerful without doing things to maintain it

>> No.32435548

Yeah you get destroyed by nousagis or chumbuds every fucking time no wonder you can't recognize them anymore lmao, leave number battles to us thanks you retarded outsider.

>> No.32435549


>> No.32435550
Quoted by: >>32435589

Well that was random.

>> No.32435552

just like how she plans to have a Top Right emote and a 11/10 emote, Reine's retarded chat keeps pushing chicken's shit on her and she's too kind to stop them

>> No.32435553

I dont use a filter but if I did it would look like this

>> No.32435555

Which chuuba would be the first one to start her own PMC?

>> No.32435556


>> No.32435557

It feels the same

>> No.32435558
Quoted by: >>32435738

>filtering stuff
You're too weak

>> No.32435563

I was wondering the same thing... Will have to hear more to judge if I like it or not though.

>> No.32435565

>Mori used to pull 25k Viewers. Pulls 20k Viewers.
Dude, I'm the biggest Mori fan and that's just an outrageous fucking lie.

>> No.32435567
File: 2 KB, 195x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even fucking notice it was 3 hours.

>> No.32435568
Quoted by: >>32435687

It made massive dough, despite having lesser viewers than Ame and Gura's average.

>> No.32435571
Quoted by: >>32435936

>I haven't watched her since the JewMori arc
Goddamn this place really does affect people's views of chuubas. Wtf...

>> No.32435573


>> No.32435574

Don't fucking lie, even Kiara's minecraft has dropped to like 9k.

>> No.32435577

no, doxxfags get killed on sight. The watermelon room is code for the Indoctrination room for her PMC

>> No.32435576

Her membership streams lower the average

>> No.32435581


>> No.32435583

I wish for nothing but their death.

>> No.32435584 [DELETED] 

Considering they're on good terms and she keeps bringing him up, how do deadbeats feel about the fact that they she most likely speaks to him in DM's often?

>> No.32435587

No i don't. From what i understand she lowered her tier pricing, right?

>> No.32435589

Well she did say she was close to being actually drunk.

>> No.32435590

t. filtered by one piece and never got over it

>> No.32435591

A bunch of these numbers are outright fabrications.

>> No.32435592

Ina MC is starting to gain better CCV nowadays tho, obviously not as high as in the beginning, but they are having higher CCV. Her draw stream is getting lower however

>> No.32435594
Quoted by: >>32436058

My Mori was more based then usual / 10

She could have spent the entire time fucking dunking on the dumb questions, and I would have enjoyed it almost as much. She's still a great story teller and I hope she'll continue to do more longer talking streams like this in the future.

>> No.32435597

>Ina used to pull 20k Viewers. Stays in the close zone with 15k-18k viewers.
>Mori used to pull 25k Viewers. Pulls 20k Viewers.
>Kiara used to pull 15k-20k vieewrs. When not playing a shitty RPG shittily stays relalatively close with 12k-14k viewers.

>> No.32435598

One of my favorite Mori streams in a while, I'd love if she did more longer zatsudan style streams

>> No.32435601

Youre a retard

>> No.32435603
Quoted by: >>32435652

it's always interesting to notice when a pic has literally never once accompanied a good post

>> No.32435605


Alright, goodnight/morning Deadbeats.

>> No.32435608
File: 50 KB, 700x593, 1591460833894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what I'm drinking tonight.

>> No.32435610

Y'all Californicators get dunked on now, y'hear?

>> No.32435614
File: 113 KB, 485x251, usadagura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435615

A suggestion

>> No.32435620

you missed charlie, critikal and the like

>> No.32435623
Quoted by: >>32435694

>Reine is becoming the mommy Vtuber we were predicting she would be

>> No.32435626
File: 1.53 MB, 1438x781, reinewatermelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435669

>> No.32435627


>> No.32435628
File: 278 KB, 1448x2048, 2AA24B64-ADC4-446C-B390-76D6D18A6ADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435893

>gets drunk on stream
>insults esls
>insults children
I’ll forever kneel

>> No.32435630

Thats because she does nothing but explore. People that watch minecraft like seeing you build shit.

>> No.32435631
Quoted by: >>32435756

>Mori used to pull 25k Viewers. Pulls 20k Viewers.
What fucking fantasy realm are you living in? She had 3k just now and her average is less than 8k. Fucking moron.

>> No.32435632

Man she releases those streams for free a month later, I don't think there's anyone else who does that

>> No.32435633
File: 273 KB, 699x604, 1611074315077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435688

What happened to Pekora? Why is she reclining so hard lately? 24k viewers for MC? Down from 70k? How is this possible? Was 5ch yab really this damaging?

>> No.32435635

why do you care?

>> No.32435639


>> No.32435641

>Ina's MC content is her most successful
I mean her MC content is fine, but it really isn't her best stuff. Are MCfags really that autistic?

>> No.32435640

Feels like if I thought reporting you for anything would get you banned, I'd do it.

>> No.32435647
Quoted by: >>32436456

GBP&EUR have second place in SC after USD.

>> No.32435648
File: 1.83 MB, 3718x2927, ErIXLt7U0AAbccR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill Mori/10

>> No.32435650

>filtering anything but Towa baby

Harden the fuck up or get the fuck out

>> No.32435651

>your oshi
>her oshi
>their oshi

>> No.32435652

Is it autism?
If I want to shitpost I pick a picture I never used before, why would I do this.
This anon is not even the first, this ALWAYS happens.
Are they autistic? Retarded? What the fuck?

>> No.32435654

did reine really **** ** ***** **** *** ******* *** ***** *** ********** ** ********** ** ********** * *** ****** **** **** ** **** ****** *** ????

>> No.32435658
Quoted by: >>32435774

Does Ame really only get 10k or is it just her choice of games recently? What does she get for Minecraft?

>> No.32435659

No, but everyone realized it was an unironically great system that filtered out the chaff.

>> No.32435660

>From what i understand she lowered her tier pricing, right?
No. But you can't believe she's a jew for the membership tiers, it's kind of dumb.

>> No.32435662
Quoted by: >>32435704

Wtf is Peko's thumbnail?

>> No.32435663

Isn't stormchad ACTUALLY an investor. She talks like one.

>> No.32435666

Do chumflakes really

>> No.32435667

Just doxx Stormtag so you can fuck him already deadbeat.

>> No.32435668


>> No.32435669

that place look like torture and I fucking hate that misplaced paint on top of the window

>> No.32435670

Everyone has membership streams dipshit.

>> No.32435672
Quoted by: >>32435841


>> No.32435676

Maybe I spoke too soon.

>> No.32435679
Quoted by: >>32435925

No, mostly because people realized that having high tier streams where they could actually interact with Mori is fucking great, so they told her not to lower them when she said she was going to.

>> No.32435681
Quoted by: >>32435709

That time zone doesn't even exist, anonchama.

>> No.32435682

>Hambargar as a war cry.

>> No.32435687

That was never the topic deadbrap. You said quality and those zatsudans are anything but that. Just because Mori has paypigs with blank checks doesn't mean shit.

>> No.32435688
Quoted by: >>32435875

Nah she's just not the current FOTM, right now I think it's Marine and then it'll be someone else and then someone else after that and so on and so forth

>> No.32435691

Just add /.*/i to the list and you'll be good

>> No.32435692
Quoted by: >>32435731

doxchads are based, exposing all the zoomers who can't resist blogging about every detail of their life online

>> No.32435693

Uhh based?

>> No.32435694
Quoted by: >>32435722

I'm looking forward to her 1 year anniversary where she looks back at her debut. She's probably changed the most

>> No.32435697
Quoted by: >>32435744

i made a typo i meant **** **********

>> No.32435700

Does it count public streams and members only separately?

>> No.32435701


>> No.32435702

I think they've dialed back the English a bit and might have gotten enough backlash for Anya to hide her model behind props.

>> No.32435704

kid friendly vtuber

>> No.32435708


>> No.32435707

Add "doesn't care about Hololive", "reclining" and you also filtered /hlg/.

>> No.32435709

>he doesn't know

>> No.32435711
File: 414 KB, 1836x2048, 1582000804079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I remember correctly during that specific Minecraft stream, she was streaming against like 7 other JP senpais as well as Gura. Not to say Kiara hasn't dropped in viewers it's just her constant flip flopping with timezones because she wants to give everryone an experience to see her livestream is an honest goal but also incredibly damaging to her numbers.

>> No.32435712
File: 160 KB, 702x518, 1602344577985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic highly related. Old lore refreshers, new lore, fuckton of wholesome and otherwise emotional moments. I didn't even notice the time fly by.
This was definitely more than worth leaving work early with a bullshit excuse today.
Wish I had an extra $500 lying around too, so I could repay her for all the sweetness and good times desu.
Catch you on the clipside.

>> No.32435713

wut Not the same anon, but I swear there was another ss with peak at 45k

>> No.32435715

Yes she is *** ******* ** **********'* *** ***** *** *******

>> No.32435718
File: 86 KB, 800x716, 1592319850099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435752

I am not really into mommy shit but Reine is oddly erotic

>> No.32435719

What was it?

>> No.32435720
File: 114 KB, 1397x911, El6JL8DUYAADBq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look through pixiv or danbooru

>> No.32435722

Wonder how she's gonna react to the "MOSTLY INDO" bullshit she was spouting only to do a complete 180 almost immediately after

>> No.32435727
Quoted by: >>32435761

Does everyone make them public at the end of the month, dropping their total average?

>> No.32435731

oldfart don't you have parents to disappoint or have they died while being disappointed

>> No.32435733

Yeah and her songs massively increase it because they're like 3 minute videos with high replay value. Without those her channel would be by FAR in last place in views, it's not even close. Now consider Gura who is already outperforming her by more than double has not even released one original song yet.

>> No.32435735

Bros who tf do I watch now?
>inb4 ID
I refuse to watch the SEAnig holos

>> No.32435736
Quoted by: >>32435817

Reine is almost 100% English in her streams though

>> No.32435737

Jesus Reine. The rrats were right

>> No.32435738
Quoted by: >>32435838

Its not about "hardening". If your experience can be better, why not use it? I'm not here to read SEAmonkeys being niggers.

>> No.32435741
File: 805 KB, 988x992, ingoingoingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435772

i lab ena!!!!!

>> No.32435744

***** *****

>> No.32435745
Quoted by: >>32435857

does that one with the asterisk in it work? that should be interpreted as "zero or more 'j' characters followed by 'y'".

>> No.32435747
File: 35 KB, 540x540, laow1uuuw72y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435811

>mori mentioned FFXV

>> No.32435748
Quoted by: >>32436001

Are you sure you know what you're talking about?
Majority of the JP holos have tier price parity and offer all thier services at the first tier, which is usually about 5$ mark. RBC has her asmr at tier 2, 15$ approximately that makes her one of the most expensive asmr holos. Suisei's first tier is around 3$ iirc.

>> No.32435749

Welp, seeing that list makes me feel dumb for using Catbox. Guess I'll revise that decision for the future.

>> No.32435752

There's nothing 'mommy' about Reine. The lady can barely feed herself.

>> No.32435755
File: 133 KB, 850x601, 7333b3c25ad20dce789d0207671d708e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435847

Reine literally talking about locking doxxniggers and antis in reeducation camps...

Guys I am beginning to think Lammy actually is a Yakuza princess with a torture chamber full of Aloe antis...

>> No.32435756
Quoted by: >>32435804

The anon you're replying to is a retard, but it's not fair to use her superchat reading viewercount as representative. She had like 9-9.5k for good chunk of that stream.

>> No.32435758 [SPOILER] 
File: 642 B, 672x672, 1611074611832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435761
Quoted by: >>32435813

Once it's public anyone can go watch it, increasing the views.

>> No.32435764


>> No.32435767

>care to tell me why do you hate her?
Not him but as someone who used to be a fan of charlie and grew out of his style, she copies his mannerisms way too fucking much so it's just like I'm watching him

>> No.32435766

So why does Pekora get so many views?

>> No.32435769

Why would I give a shit about numbers, I watch the IDs lmao

>> No.32435770
Quoted by: >>32435860

Maybe Ollie but Reine hasn't.

>> No.32435772
Quoted by: >>32435950

I feel like this has been posted before. Remove the eyes.

>> No.32435774


>> No.32435777

Are deadbeats really acting like they don't act like the most oppressed fanbase every day

>> No.32435778

Pure Kino/10
My boy got tipsy, opened up about herself, dunked on ESLs, told some hilarious stories, and made hgg seethe again
How does she keep doing it! I love this dork

>> No.32435779

I was using catbox for a while and it took me a while to finally switch to streamable. Mostly because everyone else was using it. But mostly for the named clips.

>> No.32435782

How wrong can a person be

>> No.32435786

>you will never attend a school where Kiara is the headmistress, Reine is your teacher, and Subaru is the sports coach

>> No.32435787

Cool, i did not know that.

>> No.32435788

It’s far from free anon

>> No.32435791


>> No.32435789

Rushia, Noel, Friend, Lion.

>> No.32435792

Conspiracies are how things happen.
Conspiracy theories exist to over exaggerate and get people off their tail.

>> No.32435793

Laziness and FOMO won't let me set any up. Thankfully, scrolling past things you don't like works just fine in a community as lively as this one.

>> No.32435796
Quoted by: >>32435921

if you guys are going to call me a chumbabby, then i am going to have to insist that gura do some mommy RP so i can get into the role

>> No.32435797
File: 3.80 MB, 2480x3508, 1611072017819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an artist was good for something/10

>> No.32435800

>reine treating chat like pets who she will keep locked up in her kindergarten prison


>> No.32435801
File: 32 KB, 250x240, 1598509565671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats talk about Ch*rlie more than Mori does.

>> No.32435804

Fair point.

>> No.32435806
Quoted by: >>32435888

As someone who did the same what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.32435807

I've been looking for the past 5 minutes and I can't find shit for some reason.

>> No.32435808
Quoted by: >>32435837

Didn't VGAMER kill?

>> No.32435809

The Charlie shit honestly reminds me of when girls won't shut up about their boyfriend. I don't know how anyone can stand it.

>> No.32435811
Quoted by: >>32435894

Didn't she fucking defend it on /v/ like 6 years ago?

>> No.32435814 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1439x780, 1611074697549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435813
Quoted by: >>32435842

So that's a no, okay then, thanks.

>> No.32435816

Objectively? Takos. The other 4 is just tribalism

>> No.32435817

I still wonder if she unironically thought her English was bad, or if there were enough ID fans to support a healthy viewerbase, or what.

>> No.32435820

I'm sure it's those pesky deadbeats.

>> No.32435824


>> No.32435821

The only thing i notice and because of that stupid shit meme is the "let's goo babyy" so i guess she probably has some other mannerism i am not aware

>> No.32435825

>Takodachi this high
Something happened?
Unless this includes Iname fags, in that case they should be higher even more than Chumbuds.

>> No.32435828

Did Ame stop releasing her membership streams for free? I'm a member so I just watch them live, but I stopped seeing the VODs pop up in my subbox several days later.

>> No.32435829

Sorry you didn't get the result you wanted chumbaby

>> No.32435830


>> No.32435831

No, not yet.

>> No.32435832

Deadbeats are all at once the most oppressed but also most oppressive group of fans. It's why rrats and antis hate us so much... and why I hate deadbeats.

t. deadbeat

>> No.32435834

Kids exposed/10

>> No.32435835

>if things were different then things would be different
Classic argument.

>> No.32435836
Quoted by: >>32435891

she's charismatic and publicly endorsed by tomokazu sugita

>> No.32435837

I wanna give it a few more weeks to see how serious he was

>> No.32435838

>experience can be better
>not living the full 4chan exp
Oh well up to you, at least you resort to filter instead of sperging like anti/u/fags

>> No.32435839

imagine being older than 16 and still watching gura.

>> No.32435841

I just got annoyed when they were spammed 5 times every thread and I would miss out on actually cool tweets because I was assuming it was a shitpost.

>> No.32435842

Anon that makes it no longer an argument for dragging down the average, if it's public it's fair game.

>> No.32435843
File: 99 KB, 680x468, 1602311323722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435917


>> No.32435846

Yeah I don't get where people are getting a mommy vibe from (other than the design), she's too much of an adorable dork

>> No.32435847

She's a cute, dorky woman that's also assertive with a ton of power. That's insanely erotic.

I still find it funny that not a single person tried to go after Lamy. I wonder how many schizos in Japan were given a pair of cement shoes shortly after harassing Aloe IRL.

>> No.32435851
Quoted by: >>32435876

>not KFP
/kfpg/ strikes again.

>> No.32435852

Hold on, let me activate my 256 proxies

>> No.32435857
Quoted by: >>32436162

What should you do in this case then, for shit like J*y, N**t, Ch*rlie, etc?

>> No.32435859
Quoted by: >>32435927

>hlgg talks about Ch*rlie more than Mori does
There I fixed it

>> No.32435860

Ollie mostly dials back the English when she's collabing with JPs or her ID senpais for obvious reasons.

>> No.32435861

Look that video is embarassing and I feel bad for Kiara but it's also funny as fuck.

>> No.32435862

Retards falling for the KFP vs Takodachi falseflag

>> No.32435864
File: 58 KB, 571x571, 1599174812700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32435903

This thread kinda sucks, not gonna lie.

>> No.32435865

Takos no contest

>> No.32435866

>not a single question about her collabing with JP/ID was picked

>> No.32435872

Yeah the chat brings it up most of the time

>> No.32435875

I thought JPs are loyal and not fad chasers?

>> No.32435876

The proxyfag is voting takodachi tho

>> No.32435878

its deadbeat hours anon, what were you expecting

>> No.32435881

/hlgg/ does the same for every single off topic streamer

>> No.32435885

Am I just deaf or did Reine just started a grooming ring under the guise of a kindergarten?

>> No.32435886
File: 13 KB, 373x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

【Sad News】Haachama has been overtaken by her sister.

>> No.32435887

She just goes "wooo baby, uhhh, that's what I'm talking about" and that's it. Not any deadpan delivery is imitating him.

>> No.32435888
Quoted by: >>32435959

her vocal intonation is nearly 1 to 1, the way she reacts to shit uses the same "voice" he does

>> No.32435891

ok, let me rephrase
why does she get so many views with an exclusively Japanese audience?
>publicly endorsed by tomokazu sugita

>> No.32435893

Why did she put a movie-watchalong on T2?

>> No.32435894

There's a tweet where she makes fun of /v/irgins raging about it being a boyband simulator, if that's what you're talking about.

>> No.32435903

Mori threads (can) be good when she's streaming, but always suck in post discussion
Kiara threads always suck when she's streaming, but (can) be good in post stream discussion.

>> No.32435904
Quoted by: >>32435926

>Thinking those are takos

>> No.32435905

Good, take it as a message and shut the fuck up. Collab autists need to learn their place already.

>> No.32435907

>not a single question about Coco was picked

>> No.32435910

Can we talk about how shit Ina's schedule is?
>two days break
>gachatrash shill stream
>boring watchalong
>kusoge with worst indog
What went wrong? The only good thing there is collab with Pochi but it will be ruined because lofi is also there.

>> No.32435911
File: 167 KB, 622x362, 1600278728862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32435913

>I still find it funny that not a single person tried to go after Lamy.
She got harassed pretty hard as the primary instigator of the janny yab.

>> No.32435914

I think she only releases some of the more anticipated ones and leaves the normal ones for members

>> No.32435916
Quoted by: >>32436073

Fuck you, go watch Reine right now, she's great.

>> No.32435917
Quoted by: >>32435970

Why isn't Reine showing up on holotools?

>> No.32435918
File: 1011 KB, 500x394, 1609054105682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically true. This is why we should have driven out the Deadbeats.

t. Deadbeat

>> No.32435919

She just forgets to do it. She mentioned she still intends to release them recently.

>> No.32435921


>> No.32435922

>Retards falling for the KFP vs Takodachi falseflag
Yeah this seems like fucking cope to be fair lmao. I guess anons are right.

>> No.32435924

Filters poorfags

>> No.32435925

She must really hate T1.

>> No.32435926

Reading comprehension

>> No.32435927

Mori should just never say his name and ignore those retards in chat

>> No.32435929

A lot of them are passive aggressive and love to constantly compare how great their goddess is relative to the other girls

>> No.32435930

>I still find it funny that not a single person tried to go after Lamy.
You are new.

>> No.32435933

* who is charlie
Should I worry?

>> No.32435936

It's got nothing to do with here and everything to do with me coming to my own conclusions.
Don't think that because i use thread buzzwords, that i'm indoctrinated and without my own agency.

>> No.32435937
Quoted by: >>32435995

Should've taken her eigo reps seriously instead of trying to chink-pander

>> No.32435939

She wanted to change things up for members this time.

>> No.32435942

>he doesn't know sugibro
go back

>> No.32435946

>grooming ring
Pretty sure you mean enhanced interrogation unit.

>> No.32435950
File: 921 KB, 988x992, 1579681518425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436388


>> No.32435952


>> No.32435953


>> No.32435955

Normalfag deadbeats and doxxbeats are the worst. Yes even the “protodoxxbeats,” everybody already knows about her roommate, we don’t care about how long you’ve listened to her

>> No.32435954

put everyone at the same number

>> No.32435956

Just proxied and voted Takodachis 15 times to make them look bad
don't thank me
kill all poalfags

>> No.32435958


>> No.32435959
Quoted by: >>32436047

No, that's just her autism, anon.

>> No.32435961
File: 248 KB, 850x1209, 8f47bab8bee19173027287fc3627d88e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the ones who actually made it to court were only given slaps on the wrists and fines. More then we will ever know and it still wasn't enough. Lammymama will not rest until the streets run red for their crimes.

>> No.32435962

Y-yes, am a good 5 years old kindergartner now.

>> No.32435966
Quoted by: >>32436124

holy fuck are you serious?

>> No.32435968

Based proxy autist

>> No.32435969
Quoted by: >>32436343

Right but why do people care if he endorses Pekora?

>> No.32435970

Glitched because she delayed the stream maybe

>> No.32435971

Big voice actor, Gintoki from Gintama and Joseph from JoJo are probably his two most known roles if I had to guess

>> No.32435974

Do you want to kill Mori or something?

>> No.32435975

Why are you using my country to proxy aaaaaa

>> No.32435979

Ina needs a fucking break man, look I know she already streams the least but that's too much for her body as is

>> No.32435978

I think he writes songs about being a cuck I dunno

>> No.32435983

Gura threads vary between utter kino or complete trash while she's streaming, always suck afterwards
Ame threads usually good while she's streaming and good afterwards
Ina threads ...

>> No.32435984

She's probs just busy with other work

>> No.32435985
Quoted by: >>32436018

Voted for takos 10 times, kill yourself loser

>> No.32435986

>"I don't feel like my art/animation fit in with what I'm trying to do in Hololive."
>Still does art and animation streams for her T3 members
What exactly does Mori mean by this

>> No.32435991

that SC in Reines stream just got BTFO
I knell

>> No.32435992
Quoted by: >>32436233

>Kiara threads always suck when she's streaming
This is not always the case

>> No.32435995
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1608529228641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436051


>> No.32435997

yes he is fucking mori with his 3" legs

>> No.32435998

But the Q&A might be good

>> No.32436000

Youtuber, number 2 on Mori's want to fuck-list.

>> No.32435999

Takos feel themselves above criticism and chimp out when they finally get attacked. Also they're perfect, any Takodachi misbehaving is obviously a falseflagger.

>> No.32436001
Quoted by: >>32436169

Haachama has ASMR for higher tiers only but seems to release them on T1 for some reason.

>> No.32436002

He's the big, scary man that's gonna kill Hololive.
Better hide yo kids and hide yo wife.

>> No.32436004


>> No.32436005

>not kyon

>> No.32436010

That's a possibility but there is still a possibility of her actually credited
So I'm looking for someone with autism that happens to understand id naming system to dig into it

>> No.32436012
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>> No.32436016
File: 200 KB, 791x1138, 1611002778635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436292

>Enma was the one to deny the Suisei collab
Why must we suffer?

>> No.32436018
Quoted by: >>32436032

So.. chumbud?

>> No.32436019
Quoted by: >>32436068

>exclusively Japanese audience
Uh, no.

>> No.32436020

Its being proxied, dont take it seriously

>> No.32436024

I wouldn't say it's so much fad chasing as it is like building up momentum

>> No.32436027
Quoted by: >>32436124

The absolute state of /hlgg/

>> No.32436028
File: 226 KB, 898x1080, 7T8mAXd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnamese antis, they're always lurking in the bushes. Stay alert anon.

>> No.32436029

Funny man streamer with a girlfriend.

>> No.32436030

Going to vote for takos and teamates 20 times later for the hell of it

>> No.32436032
File: 93 KB, 717x726, 3KPeOodCywbCWL2L3QpE7km4MLvuZSjJ3YJjwRQ5Euk (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite

>> No.32436033
File: 456 KB, 582x512, Pain Peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436110

No no no numbersagi...
Not like this...

>> No.32436034

>all these votes
KEK tell me your secret bro

>> No.32436037

Proxied every fanbase but takodachi, thank me later

>> No.32436038
File: 45 KB, 510x462, 1610341553241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436045

This absolute even split, holy fuck. U-unity?

>> No.32436046
Quoted by: >>32436080

The point wasn't to get her to answer it on stream, since she never would. The point was to get her to see that her fans want to see her do it and that she should reach out to them. We even got a little bone thrown when she talked about not wanting to impose on her senpai during an unrelated question, so I think it worked.

>> No.32436047
Quoted by: >>32436117

>>No, that's just her autism, anon.
>Children with autism do not take advantage of this kind of mimicry but instead tend to repeat things almost unconsciously.
>These children find it difficult to control when to mimic and when not to. In some instances, they fail to mimic at all while others mimic excessively
She's in the excessively portion

>> No.32436049

She likes deadbeats and is willing to go out of her comfort zone for them. Non-deadbeats can eat shit.

>> No.32436051

Haachama apologized for being away on her return stream and people immediately concluding she's bending over for Xi.

>> No.32436056
Quoted by: >>32436160

Now check VOD views.

>> No.32436057
File: 106 KB, 1242x906, EjIQn0_VoAES_8q.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Mori and deadbeats so obsessed with e-celebs and e-celebs collabs?

>> No.32436058
File: 3.17 MB, 1440x1800, 87131396_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Also, she actually managed to resist the urge to read the akas and stuck with her stories, which means she's genuinely improving (and is based as fuck).
Aw man, I have to fire up my proxy everytime I want to use it. Also, is there a way to download a clip from there?

>> No.32436062

That her T3 members are her fans first an hololive second,

>> No.32436063

He's /hlgg/'s Jun.

>> No.32436065

>not even bothering to schedule the shill stream
Yeah EN is never getting a deal like that again

>> No.32436067

Based unity

>> No.32436068
Quoted by: >>32436152

If she speaks exclusively Japanese, then she's only streaming for a Japanese audience.
Maybe a better question would be "why the fuck do so many EoPs watch her if they have no idea what she's saying"?

>> No.32436069

Teamates I kneel

>> No.32436070
File: 23 KB, 198x281, Inaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436109

Takodachis, there is a clan named Tentacult in Princess Connect, it's not mine but hey, join if you want to.
Leader says it's going to be disbanded if Ina creates one

>> No.32436071
Quoted by: >>32436135

>people care so much they are changing their one vote to at least move their oshi up one

>> No.32436073

Fuck off indog, I refuse to support anyone from SEA

>> No.32436076

I thought you guys said Reine was super gay, why is she happy a bunch of guys keep sending her flirting super chats and encourages them?

>> No.32436079

Oh, it sucks alright, it sucks hard...

>> No.32436080

I hope she didn't see them either or just rolled her eyes whenever they came up as she scrolled past.

>> No.32436081

because some of them are okay?

>> No.32436082

It's a mystery. She set it up in her debut, and then never even attempted to stream primarily in Indonesian except for collabs with Anya. That probably killed some of her initial momentum as people had to slowly discover that no, she was not in fact streaming in Indonesian. My only guess is that someone in management told her "we recruited 3 English speakers for a reason..."

>> No.32436083

Ina needs to collab with her EN genmates.

>> No.32436084


>> No.32436089

Lol desu

>> No.32436091
File: 149 KB, 850x932, 01884fc8577bcef2ec5d71b1a8184242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436204

She has confirmed she spent all day yesterday ordering doxxniggers to be black bagged.

That's a stay in the Watermelon Room anon.

>> No.32436095

I just noticed that KFP is the only fanbase that doesn't get called by retarded names.

>> No.32436096

>What Jun is to 5ch, C is to 4ch
Holy shit, it all makes sense now.

>> No.32436097

So how awkward is Ame’s shill stream going to be? Correct me if I’m wrong, but she doesn’t have much, if any experience with gacha games. Will she be able to pretend like she’s having fun convincingly?

>> No.32436101

the crazy small guy in It's Always Sunny

>> No.32436104
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>> No.32436105

That's what you get for bait and switch

>> No.32436107
Quoted by: >>32436144

Ina makes art work so what the hell mori. Hell even chicken does art streams and her next member's stream is an art one

>> No.32436109

Not playing unless Ina is a summon.

She's shown interest in a board game collab, but yeah I would like to see some more EN collabs from her that aren't with Kiara.

>> No.32436110

Im surprised that some games are so dogshit even Pekora can not carry the stream. I have always thought that she is a powerhouse, but seeing this she still needs a good game to go with

>> No.32436111

More like why is this thread in general obsessed with e-celebs

>> No.32436112

Ame has never pretended to have fun, she just shits on the game when it's bad.

>> No.32436113

Chickenshits, or even worse jannies

>> No.32436114

Does anyone have the post by the anon that said he never watched Korone because he thought she was just the dumb "reddit dog" and got clowned on? Because that's what this reminds me of.

>> No.32436115
File: 216 KB, 1515x1031, NUMBERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this place liked numbers.
So here they are

>> No.32436117

Autism also manifests in a lack of vocal intonation, retard. Mimicry is about word choices and such, which is why she speaks in memes at times and can't stop breaking containment.

>> No.32436118

She wants to keep it as a hobby and not feel forced to do it for work.

>> No.32436120

That watchalong is going to be kino, just you wait!

>> No.32436122

The card shilling stream was fun

>> No.32436124


>> No.32436130
File: 2.20 MB, 2518x1416, 1603086666547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive English Generation 2: Hololive Gamers EX
Given the success of the kemonomimi designs of Hololive Gamers, Hololive Gamers EX will feature designs from the popular "Monster Girl" genre.
Four highly skilled female gamers will be chosen, featuring:
>A kind hearted Lamia that can't resist hissing when under stress
>A calm Cyclops that focus on puzzle games due to her poor depth perception
>An energetic Harpy who loves ducks and claws at her controller
>An Arachne who is skilled at fighting games and isn't afraid to let her tsundere side show
Amelia Watson of Hololive English will occasionally appear along with Gamers EX as needed.

>> No.32436132
File: 45 KB, 490x587, suipeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I heard that Suisei is into an American rapper named Clippy Mary. Do you think the two might collab together?

>> No.32436135

I just want them to have the same amount anon... it's triggering my ocd

>> No.32436137

/hlgg/ thinks everyone is gay. Buncha faggots in here, I swear.

>> No.32436138

I don't think I've ever seen a straighter woman.

>> No.32436139
Quoted by: >>32436174

>Moona still playing
what the fuck

>> No.32436140

KFPfag and variations of that style are the only ones I see regularly

>> No.32436142

pretty good, for a youtuber

>> No.32436144
Quoted by: >>32436238

She doesn't feel like her art/animation style suits Hololive. Basically, she's being her typical insecure self again.

>> No.32436151
Quoted by: >>32436205

So why is it okay for Ina to collab with a literal pedophile outside of Hololive but when Mori wants to collab with Cr1tikal it's bad?
Takocucks are such hypocrites.

>> No.32436152
Quoted by: >>32436190

You're on this fucking board and you think everyone not in Japan is an EOP?

>> No.32436154

I mean they call themselves Jannies... what could we possibly call them?

>> No.32436155

KFP is insulting enough
t. kfp

>> No.32436156


>> No.32436157
File: 46 KB, 461x461, 1590979818034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436160

we werent discussing VOD views anonchammers >>32435159

>> No.32436161

It's too bad Japs have no frame of reference for who Cr1tikal is because clipfags never clip her talking about him, would be fun to stir shit with on 5ch

>> No.32436162
Quoted by: >>32436482

normally you'd escape the asterisk like /th\*s/i to match a literal asterisk, or use an escaped dot like /th\.s/i to match a single arbitrary character.

>> No.32436168

Jannies can be either a derogatory term or just a synonym for KFP and all other variations of KFP are pretty generic shit like KFPfags or cultists which overlaps with takos

Chickenshits are the one exception I can think of but still not that common to see

>> No.32436166

No, thankfully.

>> No.32436169

That is true, i neglected to mention her. But then again i didn't care to go into too much detail for a clueless anon.

>> No.32436170

Mori actually talked about how she wanted to emulate Suisei's 3D debut if she ever got her own 3D debut today so... maybe?

>> No.32436171

People say her roommate is gay. These are Indogs though so can you really trust anything they say?

>> No.32436174
File: 239 KB, 455x469, 1606451059094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim is a pretty fun game if you haven't played it before.

>> No.32436176

What it with birds and making fans into little kids and sending undesirables to punisment rooms?

>> No.32436180


>> No.32436183
File: 1.15 MB, 1410x1000, 1609243469812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wear the janitor badge proudly

>> No.32436186


Do your Wah Wah World reps KFP!

>> No.32436187
Quoted by: >>32436418

I am actually upset

>> No.32436188

Did chickenshits fall out of style or something or am I blind and going crazy?

>> No.32436190
File: 137 KB, 300x200, mpQMvty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436327

>You're on this fucking board and you think everyone not in Japan is an EOP?

>> No.32436192

Kyon-kun denwa....

>> No.32436193
Quoted by: >>32436477

She probably thought because she's in the ID branch she should speak ID. After it turned out the vast majority of the viewerbase ended up being English speaker, she switched over.
It's just a shame it kneecapped her initial growth. I was one of the many in here that didn't give her much of a chance at the start due to that and now she's one of my favourites to watch.

>> No.32436194

>why does an entertainer lean into audience participation
The pickup lines thing are an ID meme that started with Ollie, but they all shifted to Reine because she was visibly uncomfortable with the first few she got, and now she's just leaning into it because it gets her superchats and her fans like it.

>> No.32436199
Quoted by: >>32436225

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.32436204
File: 65 KB, 600x1054, fredrunning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't catch me!

>> No.32436205


>> No.32436208

Reine is hiring Janitors
Be sure to apply!

>> No.32436207

Doubt it'd do much, the only EN that 5ch has unicorn tendencies for is Gura and to a MUCH lesser extent Ina.

>> No.32436209

shit man that image as a former /mgt/ poster I almost feel bad for abandoning the thread for hololive. How are you guys doing it feels like the migration from /a/ was just yesterday

>> No.32436210

I miss featherheads

>> No.32436214
File: 327 KB, 524x723, Eldritch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So (You) want Monster Musume but with Ame as MC. It has potential

>> No.32436219
Quoted by: >>32436559

Subaru has no complicity in their crimes

>> No.32436220
Quoted by: >>32436260

Reine is a proper muslima and has never had a homosexual thought in her life. This isn't Iofi.

>> No.32436222

It was a terrible name in the first place.

t. Doxdeadbrapbeatshitcuck

>> No.32436223

True unity

>> No.32436224

I never managed to watch the whole thing, is it worth it?

>> No.32436225
Quoted by: >>32436275

As opposed to figuratively killing myself? What are you a teenage girl?

>> No.32436228
Quoted by: >>32436317

Nah I'm glad she's getting outside of EN.

I mean just a couple months ago everyone was going on how she didn't collab outside of EN.

>> No.32436231

He's alright. If you're against the very concept of YouTubers obviously you won't like him, but as far as those go, he doesn't do most of the really annoying shit (drama chasing, pandering to children).

>> No.32436233

Whenever it's a big stream or happens to fall during SEAhours it is typically awful here

>> No.32436238

>Basically, she's being her typical insecure self again.
well that's retarded I hope she gets over it soon cause art streams are awesome

>> No.32436240
Quoted by: >>32436274

There's a cute Mori noise in it for you

>> No.32436242
File: 40 KB, 521x449, 1602399424185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436245

Well you'd have to be a retard to be a KFP in the first place, a specific insult just for them is a bit overkill

>> No.32436254

You're either missing a lot of garbage or your tolerance for it is greater than mine. 40 separate lines just to make this thread halfway worth reading and it still isn't enough.

>> No.32436255

>no Lobocorp this week

>> No.32436258

Well chickenshit is already an existing insult that doesn't apply well..

>> No.32436260

Isn't she more likely to be Christian based on whatever her weird SEAnigger ethnic group is?

>> No.32436265

>Coco needs to collab with her EN genmates.
>Gura needs to collab with her JP workmates.

>> No.32436266

She is ga

>> No.32436269
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>> No.32436271
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, 4FXEAE4zJX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436418


>> No.32436274
File: 26 KB, 150x73, 1599929356818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436275

>figuratively killing myself
I imagine that means becoming a new person, killing your old self metaphorically.

>> No.32436276

>More kemonomimi/mostergirl shit
into the trash it goes

>> No.32436277

I kinda wish cluckholds too off, it really rolls off the tongue.
t. KFP

>> No.32436278
Quoted by: >>32436316

Guys, I sent Reine an akasupa but now I'm afraid she won't like it and will send me to the watermelon room, I don't want to go to the watermelon room...

>> No.32436279

>Membership tiers
I want to strangle this flaming faggot.

>> No.32436280 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32436331

>Gura needs to collab with her JP workmates.
False, she need to consume them and acquire more pore

>> No.32436283
Quoted by: >>32436596

i agree since i want to see more en collabs, but given she had to use a vacation day just to collab with kiara. it might be a time/schedule thing

>> No.32436287
File: 3.39 MB, 2894x4093, mori sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The disinformation campaign brought by the schizos was dialed up to 11 since the beginning, and they had many yabs to work off of (The membership pricing, her scheduling and split focus on other commitments, her scuffed among us collab, TT/Charlie) to make the strongest somewhat believable rrats which would be spammed relentlessly in the thread during her streams. They only started to lose traction when Mori started blowing up their narratives one by one and rrats in general stopped being as effective because there isn't any language barrier preventing us from understanding them, so they could only use rrats from out of context situations. Additionally things like Amegeddon also shifted their attention away from Mori and on to Ame which further weakened their disinformation campaign.

>> No.32436282
Quoted by: >>32436389

Isn't this just her chat being retarded and mimicking Kiara's jokes not that they are even good jokes. I know the ID2 chat's tried to force "ollie as takamori daughter" so couldn't it be something similar

>> No.32436286

Wtf horror game is this, you can actually get ambushed?

>> No.32436290
File: 448 KB, 2268x3488, ErwshSzVEAAYy7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. The best thing to come out of the cover was the outfits.

>> No.32436292

More like
>JP management is ghosting EN now because Enma ghosted Coco

>> No.32436296

>membership tiers
Alright. Time to fucking die. Or used a VPN. Fuck you Clero.

>> No.32436298

Deadbeats are cucks

>> No.32436299
Quoted by: >>32436532

What about motherpluckers? Can we make that happen?

>> No.32436303

I assume this is a shitpost, but Sui did tweet out she wants to do a Western song karaoke. She wants those big American numbers.

>> No.32436304

Its passable

>> No.32436309

>membership tiers
Well, it's fucking over. I'm packing my bag.

>> No.32436313
File: 164 KB, 600x720, 1610746212840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The work result was bad, we'll hope for next week.

>> No.32436317

Meanwhile it's been over 2 months since she's collabed with Mori or Ame and over a month for Gura.

>> No.32436316

Guess you're lucky anon, she stopped reading the SC's.

>> No.32436318
File: 743 KB, 666x698, 1586146328953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436331

>Gura needs to collab with her JP workmates.
False, she needs to consume them and acquire more power

>> No.32436324


>> No.32436327

Good point, but someone has to sub our anime and manga.

>> No.32436329

As long as it's like the trinity and just for extra support, that's fine. It's the locking extra content behind tiers that puts people off.

>> No.32436330

I'm glad the poors are getting filtered again.

>> No.32436331


>> No.32436332


>> No.32436335
Quoted by: >>32436418

>publicly endorsed by tomokazu sugita

>> No.32436336

So why did Ina pick Lovecraft theme anyway? She doesn't seem that big of a fan

>> No.32436341
Quoted by: >>32436619

Im a fan of wagecucks, personally.

>> No.32436343

because he's highly respected?
here's a clip of him gushing about pecor for 10 min straight

>> No.32436342
Quoted by: >>32436526

>Membership tiers
Congrats deadbeats, you managed to ruin my turkey. I hate you so much.

>> No.32436347
File: 83 KB, 408x440, 1588609198533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I delete that post for a reason...

>> No.32436350

Truly ID Mori

>> No.32436352


>> No.32436355

pic related

>> No.32436358

>Not drama chasing
He literally weighs in on every hot YouTube drama there is

>> No.32436360

So how do profits work? Youtube takes 30% and Cover takes 30%, right? Does Cover take 30% of the revenue, or 30% of the remaining profit?

>> No.32436364

Unfortunately the scheduled dedicated lobcorp thread has been postponed. I honestly love them desu, lobcorp posters are based

>> No.32436370
Quoted by: >>32436405

https://mobile.twitter.com/_TAKUMI928_/status/1351225470445113346 So this is what would happen if Gura was in control of a car.

>> No.32436376
File: 1.92 MB, 2250x1500, 86645644_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of curious since I'm finding it hard to grasp thread sentiment on this. Everyone, including Deadbeats, shat on Mori's membership tiers when they came out. I did as well, and yet last month I bought T3 membership and don't regret it one bit.

As a result, I genuinely kind of wish that other girls, especially Ame and Gura, would do some sort of higher paywalled content for a slower/more involved experience with more dedicated fans. Am I alone in this?

>> No.32436379

Definitely. You should have bullied us while you had the chance.

>> No.32436378

>Reine is gonna collab with Pochi
Nice, how is her nihongo? I find it super cute that Pochi specifically requested to draw an ID.

>> No.32436387

That faggot isn't even loaded. I see him complaining about his wagie job.

>> No.32436388

Looks familiar for some reason. Like a pokemon or something.

>> No.32436389
Quoted by: >>32436474

Reine herself set up the joke by saying the watermelon room was a euphemism fronting as the principal's office that bad kids get sent to, it's not like chat randomly invented the joke out of thin air to be more like Kiara.

>> No.32436390
File: 498 KB, 627x627, 1608324289710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the stream!

>> No.32436391
Quoted by: >>32436424

Mori is truly the cancer that will ruin hololive

>> No.32436395
File: 369 KB, 639x881, 1610808334034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the peacock stream

>> No.32436398

>drama chasing
>he doesn't know

>> No.32436402
File: 33 KB, 500x500, pprags[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fukd3ps.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is the best merch cover has ever created

>> No.32436403

Reminder that whatever remains the Holo gets, it'll still be taxed.

>> No.32436404
File: 65 KB, 682x1082, Ery3qEfVoAEbt9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the stream!

>> No.32436405
File: 159 KB, 1056x1132, 1582893118519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436514

>implying she would be able to get out of the garage
No, wait
>implying she would be able to start the car

>> No.32436406
Quoted by: >>32436445

Doesn't her designer really like Lovecraft stuff? It's possible the design was pre-made.

>> No.32436408
File: 68 KB, 291x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436547

Dapper friends with Friend

>> No.32436409

Watermelon Room/10

>> No.32436411

Nah, I shit on her tiers relentlessly, but I've realized it makes sense since. Her chat is dogshit, paying to get away from those fags for a stream is understandable.

>> No.32436412

What theme would have been more fitting for her?

>> No.32436413
File: 45 KB, 327x147, 1604260182587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still buy into the rrat that Ina, Enma and AO-chan all met in FFXIV and that's why they're all as seemingly close as they are.
Now that's a rrat I can believe in. This works on so many levels.

>> No.32436415
Quoted by: >>32437034


>> No.32436416
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1603209548650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hambaga please!

>> No.32436417
Quoted by: >>32436511

Reine can read kanji

>> No.32436419

very chilled, she's ticking too many of my boxes, thought i was immune to this shit

>> No.32436418
Quoted by: >>32436675

So is he a meme or something? Like the Japanese Matthew Mercer?

>> No.32436422
Quoted by: >>32436590

Comfy but FUCK tiered memberships

>> No.32436423

>Botan is still playing ZombiU
How the hell is she enjoying this game?

>> No.32436424


>> No.32436428
Quoted by: >>32436640

And they say they're the most oppressed fanbase here.. Blatant lie.

>> No.32436430
Quoted by: >>32436616

Her initial membership wasn't what she's doing now. when she first announced it this is what it was
They got nothing no streams
They got a single stream
They can watch the T2 stream
So yeah her very first membership idea was retarded

>> No.32436436
File: 115 KB, 500x282, 1610990891431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436469

because she is good at her job. Like most holos retard. if they weren't then we wouldn't be here

>> No.32436441

>tiered memberships

>> No.32436442
File: 1.29 MB, 2810x3840, 1610410259246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436445

Its possible but it seems like that would be the one exception to how the HoloEN designs were made.

>> No.32436447

Missed it/10

>> No.32436449

Reference to abby/Gaijin class from Fate, fits the HoloMyth theme.

>> No.32436450
File: 777 KB, 738x774, 1610992980394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enrolled in the Kindergarten/10

>> No.32436451

Something that bothers me about this delusion that somehow Mori has a crush on Charlie, is that Charlie already has a girlfriend.

So it's like, maybe she's just a fan?

>> No.32436454
File: 200 KB, 878x768, 1608227800988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436510

KFP is such a bizarre name that barely anything sticks, you have people rotating between 5+ variations and none of the really stick like deadbrap. I suppose we're not that interesting.

>> No.32436455

Seiso Kindergarten/10

>> No.32436456

Isn't canada second?

>> No.32436458

>Am I alone in this?
I love Ame but I refuse spending more than 5 bucks every month on her

>> No.32436459

Let it go, who gives a fuck

>> No.32436461

I'm too poor to like tiered memberships

>> No.32436465

Was watching Moririn, sorry Turkey, will watch the VOD, wish they'd stop fucking overlapping so much/10

>> No.32436468

t. chickenshit

>> No.32436469
File: 1.02 MB, 3539x4096, __anya_melfissa_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_cromwellb__ca31009aaa267f882efd84b5b0167654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because she is good at her job. Like most holos retard.
Then why don't all holos get Pekora's numbers?

>> No.32436474

>it's not like chat randomly invented the joke out of thin air to be more like Kiara.
alright fine, just feels odd when she already also uses the bottom left/top right joke cause of her chat. but if it was natural then that's cool weird how both birds have torture chambers

>> No.32436477

What do you think of Anya avoiding English and hiding behind things?

>> No.32436480

I wish, but they won't be called gamers and they will probably all be like Mori and Gura, so I'll just start waiting for gen 3.

>> No.32436482
Quoted by: >>32436504

Thanks anon.

>> No.32436483
File: 47 KB, 1200x650, cute rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436646

I fucking love this rrat.

>> No.32436484

Wait, when people mention Ame's sister is not always a reference to haachama? Then who is it refered to?

>> No.32436485
File: 64 KB, 1080x604, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436490

I haven't been this relaxed since Ina played that game about how an entire family died. It was great, Reine is growing on me so much that I feel silly for shitting on her when she debutted.

>> No.32436491

Cover takes 50% of the remaining 70%. Then the girls have to pay 20-25% of that to the government at the beginning of the year.

>> No.32436494

It never really was a thing. It was just one autistic retard who tried to push it and you could tell because it always was used around the same time each day with the exact same typing style

>> No.32436498

No, it is Haachama. They're the only sisters.

>> No.32436500


>> No.32436501
Quoted by: >>32436700

JPs are capable of enjoying, or at least pretending to enjoy, literally anything
>when the ENs try the FOTM kusoge and quit after barely an hour

>> No.32436505

I want Reine to keep me as a pet / 10

>> No.32436504

sorry, i brain farted and told you how to match a literal dot. do like /th.s/i to match a single arbitrary character.

>> No.32436506

Holy shit doxxbraps, come to terms.

>> No.32436509

More than qualified

>> No.32436510

Yeah, KFP and Kiara especially is basically a non-entity to this thread.

>> No.32436511

Reading and speaking are different skills, so that tells us absolutely nothing.

>> No.32436514

Gura seems like she has experience with games and an actual racing wheel.

>> No.32436513

Internal +external competition and visibility. Shit anon why isn't your favorite local thing a national chain that everyone eats. Do you even understand business?

>> No.32436516

>it always was used around the same time each day with the exact same typing style
they do this every fucking time

>> No.32436518
Quoted by: >>32436623

It's more that she keeps bringing him up. Mori should be like Kiara and not mention him by name even if it's extremely obvious who she's talking about.

>> No.32436520

Damn, being Angeir is suffering
>dragonborn is a khajit and not a Nord
>you are the bitch of the greybeards, the other Voice is so strong that they can't speak normaly anymore without automatically using a Th'um
>try to explain shit to the dragonborn
>the cat girl ignores you, drink, eat
>"Said something?"

>> No.32436523
Quoted by: >>32436887

It's annoying shitposting, the same as J*y or N**T or the Hand guy.
Just ignore it.

>> No.32436524
Quoted by: >>32436666

Haachama was the original sister, then Uto/Blue Ame because the "Ame's sister" for awhile after her debut because they share the same mama.

>> No.32436526

Anon she hasn't even announced anything on that, she just laughed at the joke about them.

>> No.32436527
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1610354911141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's real

>> No.32436528

I guess someone has to. You know, statistically,

>> No.32436530
File: 764 KB, 960x602, watermelon room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY fun/10
Tiered memberships are going to filter me, but I think it's going to be worth it. Her leaning in to her mic to say "That's correct." made my dick diamonds after all.

>> No.32436531

Anyone that tells you otherwise is an Amelia anti

>> No.32436532

that sounds like what coco would call her audience if she was a chicken

>> No.32436533

How do people still shitpost about views when they're no longer accurate

>> No.32436534


>> No.32436535

why don't you?

>> No.32436537

Is this the first time Moona plays Skyrim?

>> No.32436538

Haachama is her only sister

>> No.32436539

yeah he does and lives with her for years. he needs to get married already

>> No.32436540

Japs really dig her character.

>> No.32436543

Its already stuck in my head. What more do you want from me?

>> No.32436546
Quoted by: >>32436571


>> No.32436547

Whats that black thing?

>> No.32436548
Quoted by: >>32437027

WAs it a member stream? Wasn't on my holotools.

>> No.32436550
File: 157 KB, 806x1136, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Pekora's endorsed by the chinks.

>> No.32436551
File: 159 KB, 283x290, 1598549776832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436577

Uuuuuh anon?

>> No.32436552
Quoted by: >>32436577

Wrong thread but also Lorkhan did nothing wrong

>> No.32436554

>He thinks accuracy matters here

>> No.32436556
File: 24 KB, 399x329, 1610995958422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436859

What happened?

>> No.32436558

I think she assumed the game would be harder then it was and accidently made an endurance stream

>> No.32436559

Subaru was sending people to EMC since long before.

>> No.32436564

The common typing style that a lot of shitposters have is almost as good as an ID some of time. Just laziness.

>> No.32436565
Quoted by: >>32436623

she can be a fan that doesn't mention him and ignore his name when mentioned by rule breakers in chat. To name a similar example Kiara is a big fan of this German let's player, so big she even went to see him at a fan meet up despite most of his fan base being just kids. You want to know how many times Kiara has said his name, ONCE and this was while she was answering a german dude's question which included the name.

>> No.32436567
File: 456 KB, 720x720, 1610393259849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just me, ameria watsun an mai sister Haato, no more question, O.K.?

>> No.32436566

That's what enables them, and that's why it's retarded when you people take the bait and give them (You)s when we all know Youtubes code has been fucked for like 2 months now and none of the live viewcounts are even close to accurate anymore.

>> No.32436569

It's a hard name to meme since you can't just replace one of the words with something insulting since it's an acroynm.

>> No.32436572

i picked khajit because its a cat and cats are cute
lost interest in the lore like 1 hour in

>> No.32436571
Quoted by: >>32436721

I love this sassy brat, even if I don't understand the context. Is Lo-fi extra smol?

>> No.32436574

Bets on Moona attacking Parthanax

>> No.32436577

Moona is talking is meeting Parthunax now

>> No.32436578

I want tiered memberships for Ame only so I can have comfy chats with her away from the mass of faggots

>> No.32436581

Nice try zhang.

>> No.32436582
File: 937 KB, 1200x1600, 1601954570564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436598

I am deeply in love with Amelia Watson!

>> No.32436583

This is honestly the only reasonable answer I've gotten thus far to any of my questions.

>> No.32436586
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1609840449488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436748

Post your fucking schedule, Ame!

>> No.32436590
Quoted by: >>32436606

Tiered memberships?
The extra-support but everything is available for T1 or the kind that sucks?

>> No.32436593


>> No.32436596
Quoted by: >>32436938

The Kiara one I get, since it basically had to be in burger hours for them both to be awake without Kiara's internet shitting the bed, but ame and gura could hypothetically collab earlier in the day, or mori and kiara (outside of minecraft) could work in the more jp friendly hours that Ina's awake in.

>> No.32436597

Ame's 'cousin'.

>> No.32436598


>> No.32436600

No one actually knows how much they get.
It's blind belief in a handful on mentions by girls

>> No.32436601
Quoted by: >>32436625

Jesas christ that art is unfortunate

>> No.32436602
File: 11 KB, 232x227, 1610328043218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm starting to think the SEAniggers had an ulterior motive this entire time, and it's working.
Ever since they've started shitting up the thread months ago, I've found myself learning more and more about Indonesian culture, and I'm worried that the actual reason they do this is to get people to look up Jakarta time and start learning more about their civilization, like some kind of fucked up tourist ad.
It even tracks with the way they talk about money in these threads, advertising that men with American money saved up can live like kings compared to the average person. Am I being baited into a tourist trap?

>> No.32436603

Its Part 2. She played earlier too.

>> No.32436606

Based watson

>> No.32436607

her hair was blonde

>> No.32436609

Mr anonymous i've tried to play skyrim on 4 separate occasions and i always get bored very quickly. What mindset do i need to enjoy it?

>> No.32436610
Quoted by: >>32436645

Paarthurnax LOVE
Blades HATE

>> No.32436611
Quoted by: >>32436679

Thank God Mori hours are finally over.

>> No.32436614

Deadbeat falseflagger

>> No.32436616

She was going to down it even more but deadbeats said no

>> No.32436617

Ame looks cuter than usual today!

>> No.32436618
Quoted by: >>32436767

>5 hour so far Botan stream for a kusoge
What the fuck

>> No.32436619
Quoted by: >>32436676

Yeah I tried to push wageclucks a while back but it never stuck
t. KFP as well

>> No.32436620
File: 807 KB, 722x827, 1605918817531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436653

Too many reasons to list!

>> No.32436621

>How do people still shitpost about anything?
It almost like shitposters will shitpost with or without a reason to.

>> No.32436622
Quoted by: >>32436701

If you ignore that Europe has multiple currencies?

>> No.32436623

She mentions him so much because he acknowledged her, talked to her in private and even gave his song permissions.

>> No.32436624

Haachama is the trueborn sister, not the bastard cousin.

>> No.32436625

Reine doesn't get that much art.

>> No.32436626

Ina still makes more from streaming than I ever had at any job I've ever worked.

>> No.32436627

TES lore is unironically kino you just have to dig deeper than the shallow generic fantasy shit the main quest throws at you

>> No.32436628

This is so fantastically schizo you'd probably fit right in there.

>> No.32436630
File: 1.23 MB, 2741x4093, 1608066264020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436825

Liberate our people, white man. Come to South East Asia.

>> No.32436633

>What mindset do i need to enjoy it?
dnd/viking/fanatsy larper

>> No.32436635
Quoted by: >>32436653

You wouldnt understand if you dont already

>> No.32436638

either be so incredibly autistically absorbed into the game that you can immerse

or play the game to intentionally break the shit out of it with its armada of glitches

>> No.32436639
Quoted by: >>32436863

Considering making people hate you, especially Americans who're responsible for keeping China in check to some extent, seems like a poor plan to do intentionally, I doubt it.

>> No.32436640

When the fuck has that been said? Our oshi is definitely the most unliked but us as the most oppressed? I think teamates or deadbeats take that.

>> No.32436644

I'm not made of money. I can throw out 5$ to six or seven holos, but not 20$ to six or seven.

>> No.32436645

>Paarthurnax LOVE
Based, but can you not kill him?
I unironically quitted Skyrim because I didn't want to kill him and it looked like it was obligatory

>> No.32436646

and why are they Cover employees? Why would they take a bunch of literal whos with no portfolio who just played a game with upcoming holoEN member?

>> No.32436651

I doubt we'll have any designs that doesn't walk on two legs

>> No.32436653
Quoted by: >>32436677


>> No.32436655

Don't listen to the other anon, Elder Scrolls lore gets trippy and tries to be clever with its presentation but it really isn't all that special.

>> No.32436658
Quoted by: >>32436680

Poor people don't like the idea of missing content but can't grasp the fact that it's their fault for being poor in the first place.

>> No.32436659

Just ignore the quest

>> No.32436661
File: 62 KB, 1000x562, ElfaXnXUYAAUtno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib grandchildren

>> No.32436662
File: 3.94 MB, 3000x3000, 1586831080676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Announcement Quiz!
Too bad Nene already jumped the gun on Lamy

>> No.32436663
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1606981294592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we getting Gura's schedule or Ame's schedule first

>> No.32436666

And now she getting 3 more

>> No.32436667

Now think a second about how they are able to get that many SC despite leaving Euro-primetime consistently empty and having the biggest block of content around ~3AM.

>> No.32436668

Nousagi are the most oppressed

>> No.32436672
Quoted by: >>32436778

>LOL reality is like, actually just a dream from this eldritch god bro, nothing's real man, have you tried LSD?
It's meh as fuck. Better than generic shit like you said, but only barely.

>> No.32436671

Oh god what is that faggot doing now? I sometimes give him a pass because of his art but god is he annoying

>> No.32436675
File: 37 KB, 512x288, yukita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is he a meme or something?
"a meme" is underselling it since the man is probably the highest sought after male seiyuu in japan right now but his personality and mannerisms do make him a living meme, yes
>Like the Japanese Matthew Mercer
i'd say sugita is a lot more influential (but then again im not that well-versed in western voice actors)

>> No.32436676

Damn kind of wish we didn't have an acronym as a name.

>> No.32436677
File: 518 KB, 800x800, 1607723915239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont doubt my love for Ame

>> No.32436679

Yes anon
Now it's officially DEAD(BEAT) hours again!
Enjoy your stay.

>> No.32436680
Quoted by: >>32436730

>Poor people
Find another argument already.

>> No.32436682

Lore autism

>> No.32436685

>has Mori as her oshi
>following her footsteps with tiered memberships
Fucking based. A comfy stream with Reine sounds perfect.

>> No.32436686
Quoted by: >>32436752

so? She still doesn't have to mention him when chat brings him up. At best Kiara only ever alludes to him saying that she "watched a let's play about x " and her chat doesn't start spamming DOMTENDO DOMTENDO DOMTENDO

>> No.32436689

Just ignore the quest, it doesn't unlock anything good.

>> No.32436691
Quoted by: >>32436758

Stealth archery

>> No.32436693
File: 149 KB, 346x482, 1610398391199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Moona's going to end up killing Paarthurnax, isn't she?

>> No.32436697
Quoted by: >>32436801

Can I get my amazon card now

>> No.32436698

Just roleplay in your head or something, also don't use fast travel

>> No.32436699

anon i have reps to do
im not gonna sink 50 hours reading into something i have barely any interest in to enjoy it
thats why i like new vegas, it gave me a fun story and nice DLCs without me having to dig in and collect data
t.never been into /v/ideo games

>> No.32436700

>when the ENs try the FOTM kusoge and quit after barely an hour
That's a good thing and I'm proud of all the ENs for mostly ignoring Fall Guys and Among Us.

>> No.32436701
Quoted by: >>32436818

Either way, everyone else combined still eats shit compared to what they get from big daddy USD

>> No.32436707


>> No.32436708

no you don't have to... at least that's what i remember but Skyim was a long time ago

>> No.32436709
File: 72 KB, 1028x519, ustax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potentially a lot more. The federal brackets are bad enough on their own, but some states (like California, poor Ame) have another 13%+ income tax on top. Ame in particular might have to pay over 45% of her income in tax depending on how well 2021 goes for her.
Given that vtubing doesn't exactly require living in a particular place, moving to a state with zero income tax would certainly pay for itself several times over, and she could even move somewhere with good internet.

>> No.32436710

for the better really, LC is only going to get more and more hectic as she progresses and she's already playing in a way as to protect the lives of her employees so she's restarting days a lot already. Not going to be a chill stream and she could do with more chill streams until she recharges.

>> No.32436711

Trash Taste...

>> No.32436715
Quoted by: >>32436752

Which is all lovely for her, but Hololive isn't the place to celebrate that.
She has her own platform where that would fit better.

>> No.32436717

Depends, if you're trying to play it vanilla then you either need to be a massive lorefag or a braindead normalfag. If you're trying to play it modded, then you have to have enough patience to download 80 mods and hope none of them conflict with each other. This is especially bad if you're just trying to use it for a fap session

>> No.32436718
File: 111 KB, 418x426, 1610486304920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helllo! Everyone! I am just here to say, that I think Pavolia Reine, Airani Iofifteen and Ninomae Ina'nis are very cute! And I hope you will enjoy my upcoming art filled collaboration with Ninomae Ina'nis and Airani Iofifteen later this week! Thank you for supporting me and my friends, hope you have a good day!

>> No.32436719

>ID tiered streams
T3 will have like, four people in it

>> No.32436720

Two leeches, nothing of interest.

>> No.32436721

Alien is 150 cm tall, while not being a loli character

>> No.32436722
Quoted by: >>32436810

still her retarded first attempt really poisoned people from wanting to give membership another chance I still don't know how the fuck she thought it was a good idea

>> No.32436723
File: 210 KB, 850x1266, 1604596507156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436960

You get used to it!

>> No.32436724

Ame seemed to have a good idea of what she was going to do this week. Gura sounded like she had no clue yesterday at the end of the stream about her schedule. Ame definitely.

>> No.32436726

Ame first and Gura if not today then tomorrow.

>> No.32436730
Quoted by: >>32436777

Find some money between your couch cushions or get a better McJob.

>> No.32436734

Power trip

>> No.32436738

Thanks, Pochi-mama!

>> No.32436737

Look at your picture and you'll know the answer

>> No.32436739
File: 23 KB, 400x400, EbMz3_dUYAMTsdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436775


>> No.32436740


>> No.32436741

there is no conclusive information about this, but it's probably similar to what you said.

>> No.32436743

That sounds fucking awesome.

>> No.32436746
File: 435 KB, 1700x956, 4308911-1429563108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Parthunax Moona

>> No.32436747

Of course it is Haachama, even if she would have another sister/cousin with like white hair or something she would have been bullied off the internet by now.

>> No.32436748
File: 689 KB, 850x853, c4cea865258bf57d1903f6c17bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437014

Damnit Ame this cute Triangle has more consistent schedules then you and she (allegedly) jumped out of a building 4 months ago!

>> No.32436751

Good. Fuck em.

>> No.32436752

Of course not. I was just explaining why she might feel compelled to respond to chat bringig him up.
Also he's MUCH more famous.
It doesn't even matter, I don't give a shit.

>> No.32436753

No offense but I'm pretty sure one tier is all she needs for a comfy stream

>> No.32436755

I like Kiara's system the best since all members are equal and most behave since there's no need to attentionwhore since she mainly focuses on how active you are in chat rather than your tier when giving attention. While having tiers is great in theory, I am afraid of what happens to retarded individuals' egos when they are given a modicum of preference over others.

>> No.32436756
Quoted by: >>32436808

You know there's a certain coastal state in the southeast US that would have several benefits for Ame...

>> No.32436758

Everyone says Stealth archery is the thing to do but i really enjoy the idea of being a necromancer in fantasy settings. Is this possible/enjoyable in todd's game?

>> No.32436759


>> No.32436762

Your life is wrong faggot!!

>> No.32436763
Quoted by: >>32436814

>Then the girls have to pay 20-25% of that to the government at the beginning of the year.
I don't know why people bother to mention this like it's an additional loss. EVERYONE pays taxes you dumb nigger. It doesn't need to be specified. They aren't losing 20-25% of the money that someone else making the same amount doing a different job wouldn't ALSO be paying.

>> No.32436767
File: 119 KB, 1474x829, 156486456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's taking coaching lessons from the pro.

>> No.32436766

>a conversation with Reine, myself, and only 3 other people I have to put up with
Sounds incredible desu.

>> No.32436771

Recently I think its definitely teamates because of the schedule change and Ame not streaming 40+ hours like she used to. Antis take every opportunity, like her not interacting in members chat for 10+ hours, to shit on her.

>> No.32436773
Quoted by: >>32436807

>Moon takes out her bow in front of Paarthurnax
Cute autist

>> No.32436774

Im a SEAnig, is this per year or per month?

>> No.32436775

Too soon, but she was going to attack him now before noticed was a quest giver

>> No.32436777
Quoted by: >>32436835

>give advice
>completely ignore it and proceed to repeat the same error
Based retard

>> No.32436778

Honestly I care less about the reality aspect and more about the Aedra/Lorkhan fuckery that went on into creating Nirn

>> No.32436779

thank you for drawing milfs with big boobies
makes my day

>> No.32436780

I'll watch your collab with Reine too.

>> No.32436781

Oh my...that's haram.

>> No.32436782
File: 275 KB, 436x456, 1610680953943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436786

>Cover sets up a studio and office in Monaco
HoloEU baby!

>> No.32436787

Pochi can you make a doujin that focuses on /ss/ breastfeeding please?

>> No.32436790

This Pekora looks like grotesque Steve
Fitting since she's the /v/tard Holo

>> No.32436792

Sounds like the best deal in Hololive

>> No.32436797
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1609661283262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436946

>e-celeb crush
what you mean like the entirety of everyone here has? jesas retardchama.

>> No.32436801


>> No.32436805

lol, so many different edits

>> No.32436807

i mean... most people did the same on their first run

>> No.32436808

is it perhaps where the aligators and sharks roam the street?

>> No.32436809
Quoted by: >>32436870

>how do I play a RPG

>> No.32436810

>still her retarded first attempt really poisoned people from wanting to give membership another chance
/hlgg/ is not reality, anon. Step outside of this bubble and realize that very few people care about these perceived slights.

>> No.32436814

People just love to diminish how much they're actually making like some sort of jealous jab

>> No.32436817
File: 181 KB, 436x456, 1609198798423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436848

>Thank you!!!

>> No.32436818

>Either way, everyone else combined still eats shit compared to what they get from big daddy USD
It isn't that bad. I think.

>> No.32436820

Anon you're selling me on the idea even more.

>> No.32436821

Ame is pretty active in her members only posts but I guess higher tier memberships would help her out in thinning out spammers. Gura definitely needs tiers if she really wants to talk to chat/ cut out all the zoomer spam, but even then I think her T2/T3 streams would still be pretty sizable compared to the rest.

>> No.32436823
File: 99 KB, 274x274, 1600906051790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436824
Quoted by: >>32436884

>California unironically taxes the average joe more than fucking Canada
My mind is boggled.

>> No.32436825
File: 213 KB, 850x1198, f63faa6a0889ef926653346cebe86dac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.32436834

If Reine does t3 streams I will be one of them

>> No.32436835

However you have to cope with your lower class life, just make sure your ARS membership is still on auto-renewal.

>> No.32436845
File: 165 KB, 284x326, 1597327223105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 of them are anons
>all of them are deadbeats

>> No.32436846

Imagine comparing numbers pre-bug, ahem, I mean "feature" to post bug. Whether you believe it's a bug or its clear something happened and its still stupid comparing the two. Your best bet would start comparing from the 2nd week in December until now.

>> No.32436848
File: 176 KB, 436x456, 1608505466924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436849

What would you pay to have 5 other people in the stream with your oshi? It's like you're dropping aka's the entire duration.

>> No.32436850
File: 2.33 MB, 2300x2240, 1609746034477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436853
File: 88 KB, 1280x721, luke-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has thus offhand comment that Coco made ONCE taken as such gospel?

>> No.32436854

Implying her father's hitmen aren't required to be in the chat at all times. So there'll be a couple dozen + that one serious gachikoi she's got that sent like 10 messages with nothing but pickup lines in them.

>> No.32436855

It's crazy KFP is such a cult she would probably have lots of T3 memberships if she had one, but I do like her only having one tier

>> No.32436856

That's a lot of projection friend!

>> No.32436858
Quoted by: >>32436889

I really need to stop coming to these threads.
There's nothing of value here, and I waste too much time.

>> No.32436859

May be because the game is so shit not even Pessan can carry

>> No.32436860
Quoted by: >>32436892

>live your entire life in complete poverty
>finally make it out of that hole and making hundreds of thousands per year
>government steals half your income after doing fuckall to help you
i see why ame is a libertarian

>> No.32436861

While I actually don't dislike Mori's membership tiers and I'm glad they stayed, I wish she would stop making decisions based on random samples of chat she sees at any given moment instead of using a poll or something, it's generally a lot easier to say yes than no if you want to avoid being rude or want any kind of nuance.

>> No.32436863

>Americans who're responsible for keeping China in check
Excuse me what?

>> No.32436866

Thank you, Pochi-mama! I look forward to a Suisei collab at some point too.

>> No.32436870

I've tried alot of RPGs and i rarely enjoy them even if i try and get into the lore. I figured i must be doing something wrong

>> No.32436871
Quoted by: >>32436985

That wouldn't be a bad plan. But your maid will spy on you to ensure that you spend at least ~180 days in Monacco.

>> No.32436883

Weird that she's never used the polls, yeah

>> No.32436884
Quoted by: >>32436981

There is a reason everyone is fleeing that fucking state as fast as they can, even the big businesses.

>> No.32436885

I'll take it!

>> No.32436886

You thought you were smart posting this without realizing that people would gladly pay the cost to have as close to a one-on-one conversation with their oshi as they can get. Now you look like a fucking idiot, anon. Save yourself.

>> No.32436888
File: 608 KB, 1000x958, 1603407818069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437086

If we're talking tax rates, it's important to note that they tax on an incremental scale. So for a single taxable income, the first $9,700 of income is taxed at only 10%, then the next chunk of cash up to 39,475 is taxed at 12%, etc.
She won't be paying the highest taxes until she makes that much money, and when she does, it will only be paying for the amount that exceeds that.
So it's not anything to worry about at that level. Considering she made enough to comfortably buy that computer, she'll be able to live comfortably for a long time with even the most basic planning of savings.
But yes, moving to a midwestern state with good internet is objectively the correct move to make for an internet performer, if only to maximize your savings while you can and have proper investment setups.

>> No.32436887

>Hand guy

>> No.32436889

See you at the next thread,

>> No.32436891
Quoted by: >>32436966

Sugita is definitely more influential than Mercer, not only because voice acting is an actual job in nipland, but also because Mercer was just discount Troy Baker until Baker got big enough to be in AAA games.

>> No.32436892

Really rich people should be paying a lot more than half. The fact that they aren't is WHY everyone else is fucked and living in poverty.

>> No.32436896

wait Kiara only has one tier of subs? Is that normal in the JP branch?

>> No.32436898
File: 186 KB, 831x978, 1607364319242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bird up.

>> No.32436899

Two of those will be Risu.

>> No.32436901

Sugita is a overselled hack

>> No.32436903

Disaster sandwich is what unironically brought me around to liking Mori as opposed to being largely neutral.

>> No.32436904
Quoted by: >>32436924

just minmax and explore/sidequesting and never touch the faction questlines until you need something to do

>> No.32436906
Quoted by: >>32436952

wtf Pochi can speak english?

>> No.32436912
Quoted by: >>32437089

True the KFP name is enough

>> No.32436913

You realize how much people would pay if HoloEN did those one-on-one arrangements Kiara and Ame have talked about? For probably just a few minutes?

>> No.32436915
Quoted by: >>32436943

in no way is ame "really rich"

>> No.32436918

>sudden mention of ARS from nowhere.
Really gets the noggin joggin.

>> No.32436922
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1607101468090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32436984

Hey Reine's hitmen: I just jacked it to your lady and her sweet peacock tits. Come at me faggots.

>> No.32436923

Are we sure she actually knows polls exist?

>> No.32436924

I've never finished the main quests despite spending who knows how long in Skyrim.

>> No.32436925

holoANDORRA branch when?

>> No.32436927
Quoted by: >>32437053

>deadbraps are the worst fanbase and the biggest paypigs
I hate them.

>> No.32436928
Quoted by: >>32437026

Honestly, objectively speaking, no. It’s still the same peepeepoopoo dildo humor he had a decade ago. The only thing that’s changed is that he’s using his fame to dip his toes into controversies and built up a company to help indies survive the YouTube sphere. He got a guy who tortures animals on video banned a couple months back. I don’t know why people shit on him in here so much.

>> No.32436930
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 78df7fe9e57237c01583b6e1827034f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alduin tonged to death

>> No.32436933
File: 375 KB, 2500x964, ErVxPuQVcAEvnsM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437015


>> No.32436934

Having a single well-behaved layer seems also safer in the long run.

>> No.32436935

Tiered membership is retarded. Even the JP holos don't do it, only Mori could get away with it because her paypigs are retarded. Nobody is going to give 30$ monthly to ID. I really hope Anya and Ollie don't do the same, it will filter their audience.

>> No.32436936

Subaru's hip vent...

>> No.32436938

yeah thats true. ame and gura have been in ina's chat a few times, but who knows what ame's sleeping schedule looks like now.
and gura has her reason why she can't stream earlier in the day.
i'd like to see a MorIna collab since there hasn't been one in a while. but i don't even know what i would want them do anyways.

>> No.32436940

Pochi mama you are beyond based for creating Reine, I kneel to you.

>> No.32436942

>Ina sent Mori a reply to her tabletop RPG thing
>Gura showed up in Mori's Minecraft stream
>Ame showed up in Mori's Q&A stream
Did they notice Mori going 2 weeks without collabs and feel bad or something

>> No.32436943

Anyone making enough to start getting taxed half their income on a substantial portion of it at that increment is indeed really rich.

>> No.32436944

What if Kiara stuck an egg up her vagina when she was on her period?

>> No.32436946
Quoted by: >>32436977

Of course the apologist is a cocoposter

>> No.32436947

If it ends up being in the double digits, I'm gonna have to ARSfag and join even if I don't watch Reine that much

>> No.32436948

She probably doesnt

>> No.32436952

Pochi loves using google translate to make posts thanking everyone for the support she gets, it's really fucking cute.

>> No.32436953
Quoted by: >>32437057

A lot of non deadbeats seemed to have really come around because of that watchalong.

>> No.32436956

You can, but it's hell getting there from the beginning. Strong spells need strong magic, and you need to level and get spells to do it.
That's where mods come in. Go to the /tesg/ website and find some good ones. Not the thread, that's just waifuposting their OCs, but the actual website that's filled with guides.

>> No.32436960
Quoted by: >>32437018

I want to scribble numbers on my cock, hang it erect over Pekora's face and watch her drool uncontrollably as she begs me to ram my length down her throat and unleash my hot, fat, thick load while she wallows in ecstacy as her tongue tastes those sweet, sweet numbers..

>> No.32436961

Mori is cute.

>> No.32436963
Quoted by: >>32437032

She used to stream on Youtube, so she probably does. She is also aware that polls are worthless.

>> No.32436964
File: 982 KB, 1000x1415, 1597433633510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436966
Quoted by: >>32437063

Matt mercer is also on dnd stream thing right? They get like 90k live viewers so he must be liked some what

>> No.32436971
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 20210119_122134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina Ina Ina

>> No.32436973

Ame was probably in bed after having a shit 2-3hr sleep and decided to see how Moris Q&A was going

>> No.32436974

An you can bet I'll be one of them.

>> No.32436977

>>>/etch erru jii/

>> No.32436976

>Even the JP holos don't do it
Continue exposing yourself as a newfag.

>> No.32436981
Quoted by: >>32437037

>Then vote the same elsewhere.

>> No.32436984

I mean, the hitmen do that too. You're only in danger if you're a doxxnig.

>> No.32436985

Doable, I'm sure they'd run into at least one drunken multimillionaire who'd get turned ghostling and bankroll the company.

>> No.32436987
File: 181 KB, 1555x1520, 1586808053821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori also showed up in a lot of their streams too.

>> No.32436988

It's for the best. Honestly she should drop it until she has more free time >implying because at this rate she'll just end up forgetting everything.

>> No.32436989

You say it like it's a bad thing or something, amigo?

>> No.32436996
Quoted by: >>32437062

I really hope the tabletop stream ends up happening, that would be really fun

>> No.32436997
File: 9 KB, 215x249, festival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32436998

sounds like the only one in danger of getting filtered is you tbqhwy

>> No.32436999

You have to be fucking dumbass to think that people won't want this

>> No.32437001

It's moona, so yes.

She wouldn't even need a reason. Chat will beg her not to and she'll do it to spite them.

>> No.32437004
File: 41 KB, 512x398, 1581335853488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pochi's design for avatar is so weird but it has grown so much on me that I find it quite endearing. It could be the fact that's she's so proud of it and also she has a very adorable voice that matches said avatar.

>> No.32437005
File: 12 KB, 247x371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most holos only have a single tier. When Mori came out with the triple tiers, the assumption was this was something they were testing in HoloEN to roll out to the JPs.
A few JPs do have extra tiers, but like the trinity very few of them lock content behind the higher ones. Most are just for bonus support like Matsuri.

>> No.32437006

there's no fucking reason to play it, the game structure is really outdated, it was always a bullshit half-formed game that they threw everything but the kitchen sink into without any idea of how it all fits together. todd and bethesda thinks any kind of coherent overarching game design or structure is the enemy of a good player experience, while they autistically pursue (and fail) at weird/unnecessary engine features like the ability to spawn in 5000 cheese wheels and have the game remember that you put those there 300 hours later, while simultaneously despawning the sword you dropped on the ground 10 minutes ago. the combat sucks, the character progression is fucking stupid, the npcs are brain dead, the voice acting is wooden, the main questline is fucking stupid. it's a game by retards for retards.

>> No.32437010

Yup and always was happy with her about that decision. Never unmembering from her.

>> No.32437014

How do you survive jumping out of building? Asking for a friend.

>> No.32437015

Birds are the superior race! : Not-a-cult-leader, 2021

>> No.32437018
File: 682 KB, 850x1202, 1610133296231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437148

That's fucking crazy, man, but as for fucking Pekora, I'm on board!

>> No.32437019
Quoted by: >>32437047

Which EN girl is based enough to do an Eric Andre watchalong?

>> No.32437023


>> No.32437026

People hate him because he's another channer who outgrew the place and moved on

>> No.32437025

The ENs are in each other's streams all the time. You're seeing more of them in Mori's streams because Mori is streaming more.

>> No.32437027

She doesn't have memberships set up. It was the stream she scheduled for yesterday but cancelled and I don't think she technically rescheduled it, so maybe that's why it didn't show up for you.

>> No.32437031

I've been saying it again and again, but Kiara would look better even in her current outfit at least a little bit if she didn't look like she has Jaundice.

>> No.32437032
Quoted by: >>32437113

They're still a better check of what people want than just looking at the chat and guessing based on what seems like popular opinion.

>> No.32437033
Quoted by: >>32437110

>The fact that they aren't is WHY everyone else is fucked and living in poverty.

Cause if there's one thing that the government does, is spend money wisely and cheaply. This is why places with high taxes have 0 problems, like LA, NYC, San Francisco, Canada (the whole fkn thing).

>> No.32437034

i would gladly pay more for a higher membership tier to gura's channel for exclusive streams, but i dread what the backlash would be like.

>> No.32437037

Never claimed they were smart or welcomed wherever they moved to.

>> No.32437039

>Income tax exists to slow down the competition for old wealth.

>> No.32437043

I don't mean to shittalk, but what's up with her model?

>> No.32437044

Dude Ame and Gura show up in Mori's streams pretty often.

>> No.32437047

Mori definitely.

>> No.32437051

It's great after you bite the bullet, and if only support one holo. For unitychads, this might be a bit too much.

>> No.32437053
File: 185 KB, 850x1202, My Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

envy (noun)

>"painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage"
>"a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck."

>> No.32437054
File: 263 KB, 850x1182, ALOELOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437151

I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.32437052
Quoted by: >>32437079

i thought the plural was moosi

>> No.32437057

I didn't even watch that stream. I saw the clip after the fact.

>> No.32437061

Yeah man, I love it too

>> No.32437062

Jackbox onegai...

>> No.32437063

Yeah, he and some other voice actors did, or maybe still do I don't know, some DnD streams. They got Vin Diesel on once I think.

>> No.32437064
Quoted by: >>32437119

Why would anyone be filtered by shit they don't gotta pay for?

>> No.32437066
File: 210 KB, 406x525, 1589463921610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437087

>Even the JP holos don't do it

>> No.32437068

>Why does an e-celeb and fans of said e-celeb obsessed with other e-celebs?

>> No.32437069

>Miko crying after Kiwami 1 ending
Elite tears...

>> No.32437071

>100 euros a month
Jesus fuck that's like 1/7 of what you need to rent a shitty apartment in Madrid, what the fuck

>> No.32437079

I was gonna respond seriously, then I got it

>> No.32437080
Quoted by: >>32437091

>but i dread what the backlash would be like.
Nobody cares outside of here, and nobody cares about the shit /hlgg/ bitches about.

>> No.32437082

Holy shit Moririn

>> No.32437086
Quoted by: >>32437169

Yeah. I just hope she's setting aside some money to pay for taxes, since Cover sure as shit isn't withholding for her. Otherwise she's going to be in for a shock when tax season rolls around and she owes $80k+.

>> No.32437087

>cries when people repost her member shit outside
Imagine being this pathetic

>> No.32437089

I don't know about that. I think that only applies to the normalfags who actually put it in their name. The rest of us are without something because we refuse to larp.

>> No.32437091
Quoted by: >>32437125

well, yeah, but i do read the threads.

>> No.32437094

Get filtered poofag

>> No.32437095

Several people mentioned it during a recent members stream, and I'm pretty certain she did at least some on her roommate shit.

>> No.32437101

>by retards for retards
And that's why I love playing it

>> No.32437102
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1590970544737.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeat thread
>not even going to reach image limit
You niggers are the redditest

>> No.32437105

I still don't get the whole locked content stuff except for early access to new music

>> No.32437110

Isn't it funny how these kind of debates always come down to the competence of the person in charge?
I think any system can work, if the person running the system is competent. But then you get into debates on how to find a competent leader, and how to get succession of power going for the next leader if you give the competent one too much power.
Politics is interesting, but I'm glad I can just think about Vtubers here instead.

>> No.32437111
File: 14 KB, 1183x416, sadasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32437155

Haachama your ASMR frame...

>> No.32437113

Sure, but I don't thinks she does that either. Whenever she says something about taking chat's opinion into consideration, you have to remember she has no short term memory and will forget it by the end of the stream unless she writes it down. She seems to base her decision off of Twitter, Youtube comments, her own sensibilities, and here.

>> No.32437114

Gura will never do that so you don't have to think about it.

>> No.32437116

This but I got addicted instead, did a vanilla playthrough and several fully modded ones, then picked up Morrowind afterwards.

>> No.32437119
Quoted by: >>32437196

A few anons admitted that they stopped watching Mori completely because of her membership "fiasco"

>> No.32437120

Something I assume it goes.
>Youtube takes percentage
>Cover takes percentage after Youtube
>then there is an income tax after those two
If I recall memebership money is not touched by Cover or YouTube but someone correct me if I am wrong. Also their is ad revenue as well.

Cover then probably uses the money as follows
>pays off Cover employees, managers and such
>legal shit lawyers and all that
>updating infrastructure
>trickling down money to under performing talent

>> No.32437121

Ironically, Mori's content is the least locked, since she releases every members-only stream. No other holo does that.

>> No.32437125

Well just stop doing that, or do what I do and not give a shit. Lots of things stop bothering you when you realize /hlgg/ as a whole is ineffectual and has the power to change next to nothing.

>> No.32437127
File: 1.08 MB, 608x900, Eo6ttAyUcAYmLP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you!

>> No.32437132

>but like the trinity very few of them lock content behind the higher ones.
I like that the trinity does it that way

>> No.32437135

>Pekora endorsed by chink...
Anonchama she is the most hated hololive by Chink only second to Coco and Haachama.

>> No.32437144
File: 1.47 MB, 1968x454, reine_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I was watching Reine.

>> No.32437147

>not eating up image slots to not dominate the thread
Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.32437148
File: 163 KB, 463x453, 1610568455842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32437150
Quoted by: >>32437182

>He wants to tax the rich instead of eat them.
Democracies are a modern failure that we all pretend work, they cannot adequately fend off inherent corruption. Embrace monky or embrace the boot, it's the only way.

>> No.32437151

You're in luck, Triangle will be streaming a couple of times this week, including a Marshmallow Q&A.

>> No.32437153

No one fucking knows retard we've gotten some handwaving from Coco and that's it we have never seen the goddamn contracts go tie a fucking noose you shitworm

>> No.32437155


>> No.32437158

You're not supposed to point that out though...

>> No.32437160

>actual posh casino streams instead of 51 streams.

>> No.32437161
File: 521 KB, 225x350, 1585552952197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that...Sora loves you and I do too!

>> No.32437163

Back in za day, we had shitposting that didn't rely on avatarfagging.

>> No.32437164

you don't actually get anything for giving her 100 tho right?

>> No.32437167

Sorry, I'll post more ghostlings next time she streams so we can get the /ameg/ experience. Maybe some ASCII art of it as well?

>> No.32437169

She said she was getting help from Brother Watson on doing her taxes, so hopefully he knows she'll need to do that.

>> No.32437172

I wish they all did it the same way as Mori. Why should I share my oshi with the poors?

>> No.32437174

What is up with you niggers and filling up the image slots?

>> No.32437176
File: 546 KB, 2000x2750, 1602746516263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the niggers sperging out about the manlet caused this

>> No.32437178


>> No.32437180

Dunkey is funny, nothing wrong with that

>> No.32437182
File: 7 KB, 226x223, 1608699568088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Napoleon Bonapartist

>> No.32437183

Ame does too though.

>> No.32437185
Quoted by: >>32437205


>> No.32437187

Would be nicer if T1 could just watch with chat locked to the tier it was for.

>> No.32437189

Feel free to head to the other thread if you want image spam that results in hitting image limit at 800 posts.

>> No.32437190
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>> No.32437193


>> No.32437195


>> No.32437197 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1750x1100, 1611077407750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you all i'm posting my oshi. If you wont use the images i will.

>> No.32437196

Wonder what is the average opinion for Gura membership, I want to try it cuz people keep talking about how comfy it is, and Im kinda curious about her member singing. Her public karaoke is too rare to enjoy in between

>> No.32437199

Eventually, or so she claims.

>> No.32437200

is she also going to release her member's only watch along? Or is it just the 3 planned streams ?

>> No.32437205

I never experienced image limits until I've been in /hlgg/

>> No.32437208
File: 1.32 MB, 1542x2000, 1608150284019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, though it's a bit barebones without mods.
Apocalypse spell pack is a great all-around magic mod, so I'd recommend starting (or finishing, if you don't plan to mod much) there.

>> No.32437210

i love you, gura!

>> No.32437213

>every members-only stream
She does release a few (when she remembers) but not every single one.

>> No.32437214

This website was built off the back of the original avatarfag.
I hope they're enjoying their dream of being a little girl...

>> No.32437216


>> No.32437219

Gura love!
