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File: 183 KB, 1800x1265, 404 not found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31543455 No.31543455 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>31546595

Hololive Global

>> No.31543466

The migraine was a lie

>> No.31543475
File: 67 KB, 774x752, 1596071398777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comic should be her never returning from the supermarket or getting lost or bringing 2 thousand stuff she found while on her way for the milk and avocados

>> No.31543477

Why does everyone still think that that outdated ass Australian accent is still accurate?

>> No.31543479
Quoted by: >>31543565

why does seeing Ame's side jaw and neck/nape in this drawing awaken things in me?

>> No.31543486

Why do I look at my oshi’s likes? I’m so fucking autistic

>> No.31543488
Quoted by: >>31543616

every aussie slang is just take a work and end it with y/ie like hell aussie so Kiara just needs to change her endings with all that

>> No.31543489
Quoted by: >>31543553

Bros how do I become as happy as Ollie

>> No.31543492

Is Kiara taking advantage of Mori "I can't say no" Calliope?
>Immediately attaches herself to Mori, whose skills in music production, rapping, drawing, and animating make her the presumed star of HoloEN
>Pushes Takamori couple onto Hololive newbie, promising it would be good for both of their careers
>Main driver of Takamori, rarely letting it proceed organically, inserts it into everything
>In solo streams constantly shits on Mori and reveals private and industry information that has passed between them
>Kiara forces animation and song collabs onto Mori, then concernfags that she works a lot
>Concernfags that Mori will being incredibly lonely when Kiara leaves, despite them only being together for a few months

>> No.31543495

B-bros please I'm supposed to be loyal to Ina...

>> No.31543496

>I love British accents.
Come on lads, get in!

>> No.31543499
File: 105 KB, 850x601, 1604264582424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543501

>She loves British accents

>> No.31543503


>> No.31543505


>> No.31543507

>Ame is a fake brit
wtf Kiara

>> No.31543508

>I love Bri'ish accents

>> No.31543510

What the fuck why is Chicken doxxing Ame?

>> No.31543509


>> No.31543516

>Fake British like Amelia Watson

>> No.31543517

well, if mentally ill schizo #235 on 4chan says it then it must be true

>> No.31543519
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1587566045681.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging out with /hlgg/ while looking at Hololive enjoying and having a Happy New Year friends, where we at?

>> No.31543520
Quoted by: >>31543596


>> No.31543521
File: 319 KB, 513x315, 1606449301685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara likes Brits
Fucking god damn brits and their stupid accent getting woman drenched

>> No.31543523

>chicken streams
>thread goes to shit
KFPniggers are the worst.
Your chicken is a whore.

>> No.31543526
Quoted by: >>31543600


>> No.31543530

>not a fake brit like AMELIA WATSON
doxxbird doxxing now

>> No.31543536
File: 392 KB, 521x857, cuter than usual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543574


>> No.31543537
Quoted by: >>31543756

Why are [x] so sensitive?
[x] is a whore.
Why is [x] in Hololive? They are boring and have no talent?
[x] has a boyfriend.
[x] is pregnant.
[x] is a leech.
[x] is declining.
[x] graduation when?
[x] doesn't care about Hololive.
t. [x]

>> No.31543538

>Oh shit I’m high as fuck
>can’t tell them that
>I’ll just say it’s a migraine because ???
>Stream perfectly fine 90 minutes later staring at a bright screen

>> No.31543540


>> No.31543542

>Fake British
Oh shit, it was there all along.

>> No.31543546

>Hews is sending me a superchat. I like your art a lot.
Chicken has good taste.

>> No.31543548
Quoted by: >>31543669

Ah yes no Holo has ever said a lie, keep coping retard. At least try to bring an actual lie that has some weight.

>> No.31543554
File: 3.71 MB, 2633x3851, EqJ3tENVoAAsR3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543552
File: 80 KB, 1023x341, image_2020-12-31_114259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543553

You need to die first like her

>> No.31543555

tumugon sa post na ito o ang iyong ina ay mamamatay sa kanyang pagtulog ngayong gabi

>> No.31543556
File: 57 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31543557
Quoted by: >>31543685

All girls love British accents. The dude could look like Mr. Bean and it wouldn't matter

>> No.31543558
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1578035210460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543559

You forgot the best part,
>Forces Mori to eat out her gravy-covered pussy

>> No.31543562
File: 827 KB, 1202x1016, tako_sanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543842

Tako-bro follow me for your re-education

>> No.31543566


>> No.31543567
File: 68 KB, 455x468, 30AE139E-5CD3-4F36-BF6C-AF64AF87E1C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543565

I want to place my hand on it

>> No.31543574
File: 562 KB, 617x540, kiara phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes one to know one

>> No.31543578
Quoted by: >>31543599

>Light of my life

Nigga what the fuck

>> No.31543580
File: 1.44 MB, 1365x767, Screenshot_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy Indogs are already eating

>> No.31543583
File: 265 KB, 828x1544, takobunkericbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your first mistake against us

and your last

>> No.31543587
File: 81 KB, 841x776, __gawr_gura_and_watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_enot__ba591a7ecc9455884732d5f9937d861c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543628

>> No.31543588

Thats it, I'm impregnating this bird lads.

>> No.31543590
File: 164 KB, 805x1201, 1582574851340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting that Hews is sending supas to Kiara of all people.

>> No.31543591
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1603411741147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543673

Kiara will regret ever crossing us Teamates.

>> No.31543592
File: 62 KB, 1688x789, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544146

>Most of the ppl sperging about it doesn't even watch her or even try to understand her.

>> No.31543594

imagine spending $100 to send Kiara a sweet message and she reads it in a fucking shitty Australian accent while laughing

>> No.31543596


>> No.31543597


>> No.31543600
Quoted by: >>31544632

she kills them to make space for new

>> No.31543601

Please take your meds, seaschizo.

>> No.31543599

Ki. A. Ra.

>> No.31543604

>Arse like the universe

>> No.31543608
File: 532 KB, 1500x2137, 1590634429816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an outdated cope

>> No.31543612
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, InaInaInaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.31543616
Quoted by: >>31543739

I know bottle-o is aussie for liquor store.

>> No.31543620

You should just kys yourself.

>> No.31543626
Quoted by: >>31543687

why didnt Kiara and Mori incline from their 110k viewer exposure today?

>> No.31543627


>> No.31543628
Quoted by: >>31543723

Are they...?

>> No.31543632
File: 1.06 MB, 811x1080, 1609113962869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka didn't lose weight this year...

>> No.31543634


>> No.31543637

oh my days mates big man ting watson just got proper baited out and parred by kiara

>> No.31543644

an inter-tako-nential ballistic missile...

>> No.31543655

So you think Kiara will play Tsukihime remake with live translation or will we need Anya for that?

>> No.31543656
File: 174 KB, 1096x1647, 1609146364007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I understand.
Pic unrelated, don't look at it.

>> No.31543657
Quoted by: >>31543710

>Ollie wants to sing for 25 hours and break Astel's record
I'm so goddamn prepared.

>> No.31543665
Quoted by: >>31543733

Is that official? I'm getting hyped.

>> No.31543666

"migraine" means having sex with her boyfriend

>> No.31543667
File: 222 KB, 1489x1470, EqlGoJCVQAEnHYl-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31543669
Quoted by: >>31543752

>i-it's ok because other holos do it too
holy mother of cope

>> No.31543673

go back I just want to fuck Kiara along with Ame

>> No.31543676

Ina Ina Ina.......

>> No.31543681

the comic relies on the ambiguity of the word "six" without a noun attached to it. The reader will naturally assume it means six avocados because it was mentioned just before, but Gura thought it meant six jugs of milk. The punchline is that Gura is retarded

>> No.31543679

It happens with every accent people don't hear that often, they just hear more and more exaggerated stereotypes over time.

>> No.31543683
Quoted by: >>31543785

>Thinking the migraine just started when she posted the tweet.
Actual retards

>> No.31543684


>> No.31543685

There was a reason Blackadder had so many descendants.

>> No.31543686


>> No.31543687
Quoted by: >>31543713

Giant collabs never cause anyone to incline anon

>> No.31543691

Kjyarrs tits look bigger here than usual

>> No.31543692

I kissed Kiara on the lips when the new year's countdown reached zero.

>> No.31543696
File: 206 KB, 1000x1476, EqZpU9bVEAA70eH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543697


I can't be the only one that gets reminded of Huey Lewis and the News when I hear his name right.
I'm not going crazy right

>> No.31543699

>we'll be sleeping together

>> No.31543700

25 hour sleeping stream with my cute zombie

>> No.31543703

You have impeccable tastes like myself.

>> No.31543708
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x1170, 1605666257072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Scotbros, how does it feel to be the CHAD accent for the girls to speak?

>> No.31543710

she'll die in like four hours, she has no idea of the inhuman stamina it requires

>> No.31543713
Quoted by: >>31544005

They were first time special guests though

>> No.31543714
File: 3.02 MB, 1182x1526, B5A6396F-D74D-4A2A-8281-1414CF5E9AEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543842

Come on anon~

>> No.31543717
File: 148 KB, 850x850, 76d243626e2604c04a54415fc23181eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine realizing how bad it looks singling out and not inviting a single girl
>Then damage control try to invite them at the very last second and they say no.

>> No.31543723


>> No.31543725

Neither did you, retard

>> No.31543728
File: 1.44 MB, 1291x1267, 1609076393312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's past midnight where I am, so Happy New Years, /hlgg/. You guys can be insufferable at times, but I've also had a lot of fun here. So, fuck you, and I love you very much

t. a SEAnig

>> No.31543727

Kiara is pretty racist.

>> No.31543733
Quoted by: >>31543851


>> No.31543737
File: 11 KB, 290x97, inabayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken graduation tomorrow

>> No.31543738


>migranes are an all day affair, can’t go away in 90 minutes unless she took pharmaceutical painkillers (which means she abuses drugs)




>> No.31543739

yea quite a lot of places/shops end in -o

>> No.31543740
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1605367485629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544356

____ ____ __, did Ina see the Tsukihime stuff yet? I know Anya did

>> No.31543742

>this "accent"
I am literally dying

>> No.31543745
Quoted by: >>31543763

Chicken's laughs are treading dangerously close to Pikamee kettle territory

>> No.31543746
Quoted by: >>31543842

ina wouldn't mind a side girl or two

>> No.31543749

>Forgetting Aki

>> No.31543752
Quoted by: >>31543804

>Not bringing more evidence
Keep coping retard, are you really gonna cry cause Gura didn't sing baby shark? That's the most retarded thing I've heard today

>> No.31543753 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 402x360, 1608583567073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544430


>> No.31543756

why are [y]fags like this

>> No.31543757
Quoted by: >>31543842

There's no shame in UNITY, submit to it.

>> No.31543759
File: 471 KB, 526x603, 1601190493775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she definitely was having sex with her boyfriend.

>> No.31543763
Quoted by: >>31544010

its all fake

>> No.31543764

I always knew trinityfags were SEAniggers.

>> No.31543766
Quoted by: >>31543828

please do crocodile dundee watchalong

>> No.31543767

based SEAbro

>> No.31543769

Did Suisei just mention Mori?

>> No.31543773
File: 153 KB, 360x360, 1583889788246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543838

>you're a faggot

>> No.31543775

Aki said she was busy. She even said that earlier. Coco wasn't invited

>> No.31543779

Aussiefags can you confirm that this is how Australians talk?

>> No.31543785

I can assure you, migraines do not end abruptly. If she actually had a migraine she would have cancelled the stream or pushed it back a day

>> No.31543793
File: 554 KB, 782x790, 1608809453092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest, i would also take advantage of Mori. those people are useful and more if you can manipulate them.

>> No.31543798
File: 3.34 MB, 1535x2048, 1608481695974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm really loving Gura's streams lately. She's on a roll and she's really finding her streaming rhythm. I hope she plays more Minecraft soon, those are some of her best streams.

>> No.31543799

what are abortive migraine medications for 300 alex

>> No.31543801

She was asked, but declined do to being busy.

>> No.31543804

lmao I don't care if she sings that shit song or not, my point is that she literally lies to her fans and you retards defend her

>> No.31543812

But its true though, whats the point of your post?

>> No.31543815
File: 105 KB, 629x351, 1608604426173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543842

We're watching you tako.

>> No.31543820

when drunk

>> No.31543823

this. australian accent is basically chink accent now.

>> No.31543824

Yes, and it's okay because Mori wants to be taken advantage of.

>> No.31543825
Quoted by: >>31543840

Newfie accent

>> No.31543827
File: 756 KB, 1080x1080, hedtr5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kiara looks up to Pekora as her ideal idol
> Kiara says she doesn't want to acknowledge any "it's my birthdday" scs because she can't be bothered singing for each an every one and they could be lying anyway
> Pekora happily sings happy birthday a dozen times per SC read and never questions whether its true just wants listeners to be happy
> Highest memberships / sc holos like Rushia / Watame also do it happily

So Kiaras just being a snob here right? Not only is she assuming the worst of her own chat in this instance but by taking the attitude that it's beneath her shes indirectly disrespecting her senpai who all do it.

>> No.31543828

That would be amazing.

>> No.31543833
Quoted by: >>31543952

>more MC
I love Gura but this is challenging my will to live if we get anymore

>> No.31543838

wtf i like cock now

>> No.31543840

Point taken

>> No.31543842
File: 41 KB, 543x242, Ina Tako Melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you're sending me mixed messages bro...
Save me Tako friends, before I commit a sin
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah yamete

>> No.31543843

no, this is how Australians talk

>> No.31543847

Despite Kiara moving back to Australia soon her accent is terrible

>> No.31543850

>and they say no.
she had to say no because she already planned a stream since they hadn't invited her

>> No.31543851

Thanks. I should keep that thread in open tabs all the time, like /hlgg/, to keep up with the latest discussion.

>> No.31543852

>local chicken taking (sexual) advantage of impressionable young boy

>> No.31543854

>Kiara likes all the Anglos
Not like this Kiara... you were supposed to oppose them...

>> No.31543856


>> No.31543863
Quoted by: >>31543910

Smettila di parlare italiano GALLINA DI MERDA

>> No.31543865

>she's finally finding her streaming rhythm
>I hope she plays more Minecraft
>those are some of her best stream
Do minecraftfags really?

>> No.31543872

How are we gonna unlock the last chapter of Hololive DDD? Any leads on the true ARG? Does it stand for Dream Drop Distance?

>> No.31543875
File: 180 KB, 744x1053, 1606516258149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544058

Just let it happen, tako

>> No.31543876

>kiara speaks Japanese, German and Italian
axischads, WW@?

>> No.31543879

Shut the fuck up mutton cunt

>> No.31543881

Shit teeth bros unite...

>> No.31543883

I don't think either will, not in Kiara's wheelhouse and Anya doesn't plan to stream more VNs. honestly I'm really curious how much it will change, besides obviously the sex scenes.

>> No.31543886

Maligayang bagong taon! That's how we say happy new year in my language, happy new year and fuck you too anon I love you

>> No.31543887

but she didnt sound normal fag she sounded a little loopy and tired like someone who takes
non over the counter grade migraine meds

>> No.31543897

a lotta effort for a shitpost

>> No.31543901


>> No.31543902

RFA, passpartout and baking stream just ceased to exist. All Minecraft autists want is endless MC

>> No.31543905

You know a certain Austrian artist wanted the Anglos and Krauts to be allies, not enemies.

>> No.31543904
Quoted by: >>31543988

So what? Pekora play it all the time though

>> No.31543906

axis bros we won

>> No.31543910
Quoted by: >>31543943

Shut the fuck up Mario.

>> No.31543912

Man that face never fails to scare me

>> No.31543914
File: 217 KB, 850x1203, sarue_marine_wet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31543983

Guys, Senchou's dusty womb is calling me.

>> No.31543915

>Kiara loves my country

>> No.31543917

Jesus fuck, Ollie

>> No.31543919

italiananons...you have a chance....

>> No.31543921
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 1441464319620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine needing to run with a narrative on New Year's Eve.
Not me. The only thing I'm going to be running is a modded copy of Fallout 4, along with all of the DLC, celebrating New Year's with my friends, family and chuubas.
Happy New Year, /hlgg/. And here's to the next year being better than the last.

>> No.31543924

I love Ina too!

>> No.31543927

>unless she took pharmaceutical painkillers
Like every normal person? You schizos are just getting bizarre now

>> No.31543928

I don't even have my headphones in and that scream from Ollie hurt my ears

>> No.31543930

Who goves a fuck. The reality is almost every holo tells lies to an extent. It's just part of keeping the keyfabe.
The only reason you single out Gura is because she's at the top.

>> No.31543931
File: 191 KB, 754x660, 12412515151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there it is.

>> No.31543935

Italian chads ww@?

>> No.31543937

Ouch, my fucking ears

>> No.31543941
File: 364 KB, 589x996, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, me too!

>> No.31543942

>Kiara says she doesn't want to acknowledge any "it's my birthdday" scs because she can't be bothered singing for each an every one and they could be lying anyway
She literally wishes everyone a happy birthday

>> No.31543943
File: 252 KB, 490x490, 1588069387558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543944
File: 49 KB, 112x112, 792265763394158603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544011


>> No.31543948

>Failed Idol
>Loves Anglos
>Loves Italy
>Loves Japan
Shes literally Hitler...

>> No.31543950

kek based/

>> No.31543952
File: 589 KB, 1984x2019, 1603149814460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544009

>Gura releases next weeks schedule
>2x as many MC streams
>Overcooked holiday dlc stream

>> No.31543953
File: 1.10 MB, 2185x1524, Takolony Drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31543954
File: 100 KB, 639x800, 1606835844688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544040

>tfw I don't even believe the migraine was a lie narrative
>still shitpost with it because my fellow chumbuds are retarded and can't help but give me sweet (You)s

>> No.31543956
File: 2.40 MB, 1200x1697, 1609337363595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544058

Join us.

>> No.31543957

So do i

>> No.31543963
File: 126 KB, 1150x1200, 86041297_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544074

>RFA (...) and baking stream just ceased to exist
Anon, she's baking this week and she's going to be playing RFA every week

>> No.31543964
Quoted by: >>31544072

Simpler explanation: Gura is dumb enough to think "migraine" equals an ordinary headache

>> No.31543967
Quoted by: >>31544069

she doesnt like alcohol. watch streams instead of clips and lurk more newfag

>> No.31543969


>> No.31543971

>You Australian shit

>> No.31543976

bwahahaha she walked straight into the ESL trap

>> No.31543977 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 1280x1920, 1609433552719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544004

>housou marine looks like that
wow, i love her now.

>> No.31543980

Ah thanks for the reminder, will do based bros

>> No.31543983


>> No.31543986
File: 703 KB, 3232x4096, 1608290949131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Gura antis get more and more desperate by the day. They either use tired old narratives or just make up completely impossible new ones. Imagine thinking someone faked a migraine with literally no evidence. Can't wait to see what you schizos come up with next. Maybe she faked being a shark from Atlantis?!

>> No.31543985
File: 88 KB, 302x271, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people here don't understand migraines at it shows, but instead of looking it up they just use it to antagonize, pretty sad

>> No.31543987
File: 248 KB, 1448x2048, 1607387880365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544798


>> No.31543988
Quoted by: >>31544087


>> No.31543991
File: 75 KB, 267x267, 1596915592696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544039

>Failed idol

>> No.31543992
Quoted by: >>31544038

Who M00da again?

>> No.31543993
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, 1607261997812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mooda you Australian shit

>> No.31543998
Quoted by: >>31544074

>RFA and baking stream just ceased to exist
Are you retarded? She's literally doing a cooking stream and playing rfa this week. Gura antis are literal braindead retards I swear to god.

>> No.31544002

m00da you little shit, we're not in twitch chat here!

>> No.31544004

wow i wanna fuck her

>> No.31544005

JP viewers already know that they exist, but they didn't do anything noteworthy to make people sub. Did you run out and sub to say, Roboco or Lamy just because you saw them on screen during that?

>> No.31544006

for a moment I thought that was Todd Howard shopped into the unabomber's police sketch

>> No.31544007

>Hitler started ww2 because of his failed idol career

>> No.31544009


>> No.31544010

well yeah, it's controlled by breathing in during the laugh. over time it can be made a habit, just listen to Reine's chain laughs. chicken even did it today on Mori's stream when she didn't know about the hot mic.

>> No.31544011

now imagine in 1-2 years when she has pitch balance, her singing voice is very chracteristic

>> No.31544018

She was just recovering in that lapse, she even sounded out of it at the start of the stream, keep coping. Migraine can last just 4 hours at minimun or up to 2-3 days. or it could be just a mild headache (which I get those sometimes too, randomly and the lights don't affect it) and said it was a migraine.

>> No.31544022

>Maybe she faked being a shark from Atlantis?!
You shut your whore mouth

>> No.31544024

>And HER pain will range from up, down, and sideways

>> No.31544028
Quoted by: >>31544230

As a Kansan I love that trick nice to see Tenchou fall for it, also fun fact the Arkansas river is pronounced the ARE-Kansas River but only in our state borders but is arkansaw river else where

>> No.31544034


It's almost a new year for Ollie !

>> No.31544038


>> No.31544039

Hitler was a failed artist.

Or ratheran artist that was shunned by art school snobs.

>> No.31544040
File: 281 KB, 1080x1920, F2240926-A4F5-467F-89C7-81D3E2B09BBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544064

Same, current timezone is really prime for shitposting

>> No.31544043

I enjoy her Minecraft streams, they are comfy as fuck. But she still needs to mix it up again. Monotony will kill her growth and scares away viewers

>> No.31544051
Quoted by: >>31544080

qui, triste perchè mi è venuta la nostalgia di quando per fine anno andavo con i miei amici a far scoopiare i peterdi

>> No.31544053

I'd assume a cult is lying, too.

>> No.31544054

Well you just outted yourself as someone who never watches her...

>> No.31544055

No one warned Ollie about the 'your mic is muted' comments

>> No.31544057

Nah Kiara would be an emotional drunk. Drunk crying the whole time. Not to mention it would be yab central

>> No.31544058
File: 137 KB, 594x730, 1608787270805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaah I can't resist. I'm sorry Tako friends, the bird's body is calling to me and I can't ignore it's whispers.

>> No.31544062


>> No.31544064
File: 219 KB, 318x343, 1584775078966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31544068

She pushed it back a full 90 minutes. It's enough time for a mild migraine.

>> No.31544069

Learn to read between the lines faggot. I've been on this site since 2005. They only newfag between us is you whore. Slit your throat

>> No.31544070

don't forget she quit art school so she's one step ahead of hitler

>> No.31544071

>Cover hires broken girls because they did their history reps about what can happen to failed idols

>> No.31544072

You know, I buy this one the most. She had a headache and it went away because she got some fresh air and something to eat, but she called it a migraine because she's retarded

>> No.31544074

I was talking to the guy who wants even more MC instead of those

>> No.31544080
Quoted by: >>31544094

Mi spiace Ciro, niente Bomba di Maradona quest'anno

>> No.31544087

Cope for what? I didnt even watch her you faggot

>> No.31544089
Quoted by: >>31544138

>makes up shit
>s-shes lying to you
Ok retard

>> No.31544090
File: 249 KB, 1084x1500, 1309431711144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch chinken's superchat strims
>mark all the times she thanks red superchats with kisses
>go back to the video later and masturbate while imagining her kissing the head of my penis
>cum hard

does anyone else do this?

>> No.31544092
File: 1.63 MB, 600x338, Gura's Big Apple 3 AM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544458


>> No.31544093

>He doesn't remember the failed polka idol song Feuervogel...

>> No.31544094
Quoted by: >>31544132

ma sono di varese

>> No.31544100
File: 46 KB, 443x307, takolauncher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I have to do this to you.

>> No.31544102

And yet you don't even post a counteragrument other than she refusing to sing a song and straight up telling that she lies. Can't believe the amount of mental gymnastics that you use.

>> No.31544103
Quoted by: >>31544208

>migranes are an all day affair, can’t go away in 90 minutes unless
Are you brain damaged? I had headaches that go away by themselves in like 30 minutes and they were never so bad I couldn't play some games.
Kill yourself, nigger.

>> No.31544104

>faked being a shark from Atlantis?!

>> No.31544105
File: 1.41 MB, 1651x1423, 1597503330070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544148

ARE GOING TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WITH THE FUCKING SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.31544108

why watameposters so shit?
is it even possible to redeem them?

>> No.31544112

thanks im now buying skyrim on my Casio FX-115ES

>> No.31544117

So an average matsuri stream>

>> No.31544118
File: 340 KB, 503x573, 225-2251640_marie-splatoon-squid-callie-mariesplatoon-freetoedit-splatoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a v-tuber, the only thing stopping me is my fear of being doxed.
How do I prevent that from happening? What's the most common way these girls slip up?
My real girl voice teehee

>> No.31544120
Quoted by: >>31544843

hitler was a shit artist

>> No.31544121

Lets say she faked it. Why does it matter when she still streamed 90 minutes later? Seriously, give me a single good reason to be upset about this

>> No.31544126


>> No.31544125

Kiara literally got into art school and quit when she didn't like it so she's better than him

>> No.31544128


>> No.31544130

chimkin sneeze

>> No.31544132

Sorry, il terùn sono io

>> No.31544134
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1680, 1605562806901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels like a good time to mention that I will unironically forgive literally anything Gura does. She could cause the rest of EN to graduate and I'd still forgive her. This is the power of being a chumchad.

>> No.31544135

Oh man that chicken sneeze. That's 2/5 echo sneezes now.

>> No.31544138

if it wasn't a lie then why did haachama sing it without any issues?

>> No.31544141

"Girl" sure, FAGGOT.

>> No.31544142

A real takobro would know that it's 'its.'

>> No.31544143

Ollie is really cute wtf

>> No.31544146

>or even try to understand her.
Your reading reps

>> No.31544148
File: 16 KB, 300x375, 3662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544193

Is this the final form of cunnysharts?

>> No.31544152


>> No.31544154


>> No.31544164
File: 256 KB, 1348x1422, takociws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31544162
File: 198 KB, 1272x2048, 1595259042162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura can do no wrong, unironically.

>> No.31544165

>does anyone else do this?
the KFP discord already does that for every video

>> No.31544172

Any game where Gura can interact with other EN is fine, minecraft itself is pretty uninteresting but it's a good game to produce content. Stuff like Gurame pirate ship adventures, or Ina making Gura fall for her own tricks.

>> No.31544176

t. totally a chumbud

>> No.31544177
Quoted by: >>31544343

unironially, go to /trash/. They can answer questions for you.

>> No.31544179

She really is, she's happy as fuck too

>> No.31544180
File: 170 KB, 820x552, 1608853818211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, you just have decided your fatal fate.

>> No.31544183

>she's not even at the NYE stream yet
She was really smart not to schedule Ryza for American time

>> No.31544187
Quoted by: >>31544204

Oy vey...

>> No.31544188

>Pushes Takamori couple onto Hololive newbie, promising it would be good for both of their careers
Honestly, their yuribait ship is just your typical anime plot for Japanese comedic effect. You think I am baiting or trolling, but all you need to do is look at the anime industry.

TakaMori reminds me of Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto from the To Aru franchise. They play out almost exactly the same (one attracted to the other who is a straight girl who may already have someone she likes), it's uncanny just looking a it.

>> No.31544193

He's practicing for the storm that's coming...

>> No.31544195
File: 1.81 MB, 850x1063, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know it's over for you, Takobro.

>> No.31544197
File: 278 KB, 1727x2048, 3E15AF6E-B96D-46BC-B9FA-A1EEE1EA1A50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544246

>Post shitty bait
>Get tons of replies anyways
So this is the power of SEAnig hours..

>> No.31544201


>> No.31544203
File: 530 KB, 1359x768, 1608745317972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayameanon was able to redeem his oshi because the person who used her to shitpost ran away after they got caught on the election. Watamates who want to salvage her still have to deal with active sheepfags. It's much closer to a tug of war, but it's one that isn't ending for a while.

>> No.31544204

>big nose = Jews
They fucking ruined it. Kill all Jews NOW

>> No.31544206

>The arrows

>> No.31544208

>they were never so bad I couldn't play some games.
Good for you? People have bad headaches all the time that stop them from playing video games. It's even worse for streamers since they have to be entertaining and keep track of chat while playing games.

>> No.31544216

Poggers my man

>> No.31544219

If only Oga

>> No.31544223
Quoted by: >>31544253

Ollie doesn't like my banana, but she'll eat it, and now she's coming to enjoy it

It really sounds like she's talking with my dick in her mouth

>> No.31544230

As a fellow Kansan I am glad to see that Kiara is not afraid to supports us.

>> No.31544231
Quoted by: >>31544309

I still want that seanigger range ban

>> No.31544233

Ask in >>>/trash/35138131

>> No.31544235

Mori literally sounds really happy when she talks about time spent with chikin and their future plans together. Also they've known each other for over 6 months now. They both have a past of struggling to make it in Japan and have great chemistry together. Mori isn't even someone who gets pushed around easily, rather she's probably the most likely out of all of holoEN to tell management to go suck a dick. God I hate falling for shit bait like this but the 1% chance that someone is actually this retarded makes my blood boil.

>> No.31544241

Adorable. She sounds a bit drunk.

>> No.31544244

Just nuke every account that you have made and you are ready to stream!

>> No.31544246

We need more chaos agent, join us chumbuddies

>> No.31544247
File: 1.87 MB, 2048x1042, Tako 3-inch gun M5 coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing High Explosive M42A1 shells work on more than just schizos...

>> No.31544248
Quoted by: >>31544497

why id gen 2 flopped so hard?

>> No.31544249
File: 3 KB, 284x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31544251

what did albedo write?
did she really change it?

>> No.31544252
File: 526 KB, 2220x2160, 1609367239827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544482

>being proud of this
anon that's dumb

>> No.31544253

Keep us posted Zomrade. Sorry but I'm listening 10chou.

>> No.31544254
Quoted by: >>31544340

>Chickin started stream on JP countdown
>superchatto so hard she is now doing ID countdown too

>> No.31544261

Aki was invited with enough time to properly decline. Coco wasn't invited until the very last second by which then she already had a scheduled stream.

>> No.31544263

Oga is a pretty cool dude

>> No.31544264

okay guys bets on how long it takes into the new year before ollie yabs

>> No.31544267
Quoted by: >>31544510

Work your cringe factor.

>> No.31544270
File: 249 KB, 1280x1390, 1609017808725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak little sister content, Ollie, damn.

>> No.31544272
File: 162 KB, 1782x1962, 1607635965553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina Ina Inaaaa!

>> No.31544280

>A migraine usually lasts from four to 72 hours if untreated. How often migraines occur varies from person to person. Migraines might occur rarely or strike several times a month.
Have you even done your research? Also she never stated when she started having the migraine, retard. Or also it could be a mild headache that she treated it as migraine, which happens.

>> No.31544281

Ollie is cute!

>> No.31544283
Quoted by: >>31544400

Amelia Witson Churchill...
Kiadolf Takatler...
Shiroseph Botlin...
Sakujo Mikodeki...
Cocodinand Kiryusevelt...

>> No.31544282
File: 23 KB, 222x197, 1597645847780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dog!

>> No.31544289

Happy new year you fucking indogs.
t. pignoy

>> No.31544295

Happy new year, indogs.

>> No.31544299

Happy New Year other SEA countries

>> No.31544300
File: 1.02 MB, 3000x3000, 980EF24B-67A4-45E3-A0A2-F31037ADF4EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite my raging desire for her, I haven’t masturbated to my oshi once. It would feel wrong. Every other holo is fair game, though.

>> No.31544302

Happy New Year
Indoxxesians in /hlgg/
Go FUCK YOURSELF to a new year.

>> No.31544304


>> No.31544309
File: 33 KB, 290x397, 1608568128972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA contributes to good site traffic, so please understand.

>> No.31544310

Give me your best the girls are gay narratives for any of the girls.

>> No.31544315

I hate this fucking retarded chicken

>> No.31544318
Quoted by: >>31544377

Happy new year SEAnigs

>> No.31544320
Quoted by: >>31544358

Ollie is really cute
Happy New Year ID Anons

>> No.31544321


>> No.31544327
Quoted by: >>31545830

Not that anon but funny that you bring up that example since the anime exaggerates the hell out of their dynamic. In the manga, Kuroko isn't nearly as much of a psycho lesbian.
Also a tangent but Mikoto's character goes to shit whenever she's around Touma. Her character is so much better when not reduced to a typical tsundere.

>> No.31544330

k schizochama

>> No.31544332
File: 289 KB, 1168x578, BONE OF MY SWORD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Odds on Anya or Ina streaming Tsukihime Remake? Will it be a buff game?

>> No.31544336
File: 556 KB, 1145x838, lunaitos and kfps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're always recruiting

>> No.31544340

She's not at the countdown stream yet anon

>> No.31544343
Quoted by: >>31544564

Is it the vtuber lewd posting thread because I only see that and a bunch of furry and gay porn

>> No.31544345

Happy new year indog i hope you get more tsunami this year

>> No.31544347


Fuck "Hololive" anyway, they showed their true colours segregating Coco away from the NY stream. Literally Nijis lite.

>> No.31544357
File: 533 KB, 1414x2000, Engcj8PUYAAM7de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't?

>> No.31544358

Very cute
Happy New Year

>> No.31544355

>Gura faked migraine to fuck her BF
>cuckbuds: “Here’s how we still win”

>> No.31544356


>> No.31544361
Quoted by: >>31544602


>> No.31544367


>> No.31544370

What was that last superchat?

>> No.31544371
Quoted by: >>31544438

>thank you albedo at least I don't sound as stupid as you do
banter is good

>> No.31544373

Just shadowban them then lmao

>> No.31544377


>> No.31544387

Wait why is Albedo being talked about in chat?

>> No.31544392

>Why does haachama does x?
Who tf knows? Don't compare with Haachama, idk how she gets away with it everytime, she's the only one with yab content and doesn't have any repercusion other than the ch*nk incident but that was Coco's collateral dmg.

>> No.31544397

Happy new year from Philippines (superior country btw) indogs

>> No.31544400

Strategy game anon who wanted a Holo to play a map painter game will get his wish, except it's on a grander scale than just a game

>> No.31544410
Quoted by: >>31545547


>> No.31544411
Quoted by: >>31545547

>that's not my problem
>you deadbeats have to handle it
>adam sadler isn't my problem
>we don't serve horse meat

>> No.31544412
Quoted by: >>31545547

>Shitting on deadbeats
God bless you Kiara

>> No.31544415

Cover has gone beyond the primitive rules of other Idol agencies and no longer forbids the dating of men. Every girl in Hololive gets raped by everyone else to mindbreak them into lesbians so it can't happen to begin with.

>> No.31544416


>> No.31544425
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1607623347424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Anya is able to go for it day 1 or so, that'll be a massive buff game for her and the JPs. I don't know how Type-Moon is with rights, but I'm hoping they're not stupid about it and she can!

>> No.31544429
Quoted by: >>31544452

Kiara is shitting on deadbeats again...

>> No.31544430


>> No.31544432

Take your meds, cuckmate.

>> No.31544438
Quoted by: >>31544481

what did he do? i missed it all

>> No.31544444
File: 145 KB, 850x850, 79C608A5-920E-4526-A1FF-926BFC622CEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544666

That’s ok, anon! I love her more than I’ve ever loved anything so it balances out!

>> No.31544446

Rangeban SEA and I will buy one of your passes.

>> No.31544447

A-Are you actually seething, KFP jannie? If not, go get a job.

>> No.31544448

people sometimes call the usual headache a migraine.

>> No.31544450
File: 387 KB, 2076x1978, Eqe1dKnVQAICETO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544488

Shark cute.

>> No.31544452

Good, someone has to if Mori won't.

>> No.31544453

>1 hour ago
>HNY seaniggers
>HNY seaniggers

>> No.31544455
File: 409 KB, 650x650, Hyper Ollie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year fellow zomrades!!!

>> No.31544458

Fuck yeah. Turtles man!

>> No.31544471
File: 1.03 MB, 1064x1136, chumguts 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31544475

Reminder that we cucked Gura's boyfriend by picking the EST timezone

>> No.31544477
File: 612 KB, 1280x720, xpxrsjs8w7731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's still media noche here.

>> No.31544481

he criticized her aussie accent as an aussie

>> No.31544482

You're just sad that you don't loclve your oshi as much as I do. That's okay, I can be the real fan she needs.

>> No.31544485

Philippine SEA vs Indo SEA

>> No.31544488
File: 380 KB, 1302x1903, EqjPoRmVQAARt6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.31544489

Ok... this rrat would work if there was evidence of a bf. J doesn't count, he on an island.

>> No.31544493

>European primetime

>> No.31544495

Indonesia has 3 time zones, it's pretty big.

>> No.31544496

>European primetime streams
fuck yeah lets go

>> No.31544500
File: 3.74 MB, 3508x2480, 1605925205770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion cute

>> No.31544497

They are doing well for ID and people are still sleeping on them. They will incline decently after the collab ban.

>> No.31544498

seas have multiple timezone

>> No.31544499
Quoted by: >>31544579

Just because she sounds happy doesn't mean she isn't being taken advantage of. Chicken will squeeze her for every drop of usefulness.

>> No.31544501


>> No.31544502

t. deadbeat

>> No.31544503

Eurobros heres your salvation even if some of you don't like her

>> No.31544508
Quoted by: >>31544634

>I'll probably be streaming a lot for European primetime. Between 7pm to 1am.
Yes please chicken, kill off those dead hours.

>> No.31544510

To be more cringe or less cringe?

>> No.31544512

Indonesia is huge

>> No.31544516
Quoted by: >>31544650

0%, Cover doesn't have Type Moon permission, did you forget that Fubuki has nuked most if not all of her fgo stream

>> No.31544515

The absolute state of cucksharts

>> No.31544518

>Schizoposter literally can't conceive that she took her meds and the headache went away
>schizoposter also literally can't conceive that an untrained 20 something zoomer called a normal headache a migraine, thinks she self diagnosed on the spot

New level of pathetic

>> No.31544521

I'm still a bit puzzled by Gura, her viewership droped to half, at this point every other holo isback to her normal viewership so I don't think there is a bug no more, but her superchats grew a lot and her subs/day remain the same, and her clips are as popular as ever.

>> No.31544530
Quoted by: >>31544553

>holoen doesn't serve european times that well
>so i'm glad to fill up that spot

>> No.31544536
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, 1608392287824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muramasa beyond broken
>DW comes up with 100+ nodes in response
>They're all fucking cancer and require double cas + muramasa
This is the future you FSN faggots chose.

>> No.31544538

>will stream between 7PM and 1AM CET
Sorry chicken, but thats Takotime.

>> No.31544547
Quoted by: >>31544757

>HololiveEN doesn't really serve Europe well right now
ina....ina inaaaa

>> No.31544549
Quoted by: >>31544757

>EU primetime
wtf chicken is my oshi now

>> No.31544551

ogey cuckfag

>> No.31544550

Hopefully all the euroshits will stick to chicken now and leave the other girls alone

>> No.31544552
File: 244 KB, 543x475, 1609046471591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAKUZER (in 14 hours)

>> No.31544553

HoloEU for gen 2 or not?

>> No.31544562

>Kiara acknowledges EUbros
I'm so happy... we were neglected for so long...

>> No.31544564

look for /wvt/

>> No.31544566

>"Hololive doesn't serve the European time zones really well"
>Literally the biggest void of deadhours inside across all gens with the sole exception of Ina
Oh really.

>> No.31544569

It hasn’t been the same since the yab..

>> No.31544574
Quoted by: >>31544616

So after europeans don't turn out for her will she go back to good NA times?

>> No.31544576

Dont think about it too much

>> No.31544577

Today is a good day, fellow Britbongs and Eurobros!

>> No.31544579
File: 113 KB, 275x273, 7038213B-8A88-4AF9-B6A6-7EE5E8D83463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Kiara would squeeze every drop out of me

>> No.31544580
Quoted by: >>31544721

>I want to do a lot of firsts with you guys

>> No.31544582
File: 789 KB, 1300x1483, 1592817592116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but her superchats grew a lot and her subs/day remain the same
Not really, they're slowly going down

>> No.31544583
File: 1.25 MB, 850x850, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, new year is drawing near, I've been drinking for the past hour, and I'm felling a bit tipsy.
I have to say, I love you all fuckers. I got into hololive a couple weeks before gen 5 debuted and shitposting with you lot for the last half a year has been a blast.
I love all holo girls and I wish them only the best.
That goes for you too, stay safe, stay based. Here's for anither year of good times and watching chuubas.

>> No.31544586

>Kiara fills EU hours
>Ina fills NA morning-afternoon hours
>Gura and Ame fill NA afternoon-night hours
>Mori fills JP hours

>> No.31544590
Quoted by: >>31544892

Double Skadi will still carry my ass to salvation, don't you worry

>> No.31544591

schizochan pls take your meds already

>> No.31544599

Ollie's first ara ara of 2021 is pretty good

>> No.31544600
Quoted by: >>31544630


>> No.31544597

>Move to Japan last month
>Mori is planning to change her streaming schedule soon
>Kiara is moving to EU primetime meaning extreme early morning here
God damn it it's already borderline impossible to catch the trinity live for me

>> No.31544601


>> No.31544602

Does he stand a chance against MAX-NENE-MAX?

>> No.31544603

Literally no one knows how Haachama gets away with the shit she sings. The Queen cover alone is baffling.

>> No.31544607


>> No.31544608
File: 322 KB, 435x505, 1607451416320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel and Flare are gay, that's it.

>> No.31544611

Has anyone edited the danny phantom gif to have him turn into ryan gosling?

>> No.31544612

Ollie, give me your first sex of the year...

>> No.31544614

It's over, only thing to look forward to now is Kirsch for 6th Anni

>> No.31544615
File: 360 KB, 478x468, corratsive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chicken gaining viewers on a Super chat stream

>> No.31544616

>go back to good NA times
chicken never has good times for North Americans.

>> No.31544618

Cant even beat my oshi pekora kek, meme shark my ass

>> No.31544620

First time seeing Shion's NY outfit, and holy shit it looks retarded

>> No.31544621

No one replied, but rest assured I'm here Ayamebro

>> No.31544630

Ina only streams 9PM EU anyway so that's still 2 hours Kiara fills

>> No.31544632

but why

>> No.31544634

Wait did people actually thought that wouldn't happen?

>> No.31544635

>HoloEN2 confirmed as HoloEU.
Is there someone who can speak and read jap, while being an EU?

>> No.31544638

coco is mia on the NY event, did chinks win?

>> No.31544640

>we were neglected for so long...
you fags deserved it and I can't wait for her to abandon the times again after she gets shit views and super chats

>> No.31544641

ENMa is like dark espresso because she's a bitter old hag!

>> No.31544649

Ina already fills those EU hours unless Kiara runs 1-3 hours before her.

>> No.31544650

>Shirou pseudo-servant finally gets released after years of hype
>Perfect opportunity for dagger loli
>None of the holos can stream their rolls to capitalize on the hype
God fucking dammit

>> No.31544651

Bros I love this zombie. Her design might be ok at best but her energy is unmatched.

>> No.31544653

Hell yeah, brother. Happy New Year's, and let's keep on doing those reps and having fun.

>> No.31544654

wonder how kiara's stream schedule will change once she's back in austria.

>> No.31544656

Gura is a confirmed virgin, imagine pushing the bf narrative.

>> No.31544657
File: 73 KB, 736x915, 20201227_121623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inas old website has been completely privated/locked aside from the landing page, which just now has the same animated gif. Do you think she's planning to go full time soon?

>> No.31544659

First try streaming.
Stream for or with your friends, if you are not able to entertain people who more or less are in the same wavelength as you then its kinda a lost cause.

>> No.31544660

The J*y yab unironically scared the nips away, and since nobody bothered to go to 5ch to disprove it they're not gonna come back.

>> No.31544663

Gen 2 gives us more options

>> No.31544665
File: 101 KB, 850x705, sample-d59b189b1afad839e249f782cc8b8bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Gura seem to attract so much antis and rrats? I can't tell at this point what is sincere criticism anymore. These posts are leading me to believe she's a cynical bitch when I just want a genki loli VTuber.

>> No.31544666
Quoted by: >>31544779

Checked, nice quints bro!

>> No.31544670

Never leave based Ayame poster.

>> No.31544673

Not so weird when you think about the fact that it's not 2021 in most of the world.

So people read "NY countdown", think "oh shit it's not NY yet lets gooo", only to run smack into chimkins 25 hour superchat stream.

>> No.31544675

>Someone cute and funny like Gura being a virgin

>> No.31544685
Quoted by: >>31544823

I don't now when EU hours are. Ina just streams at 12pm for me most of the time
>t. Californian

>> No.31544691
File: 30 KB, 1743x264, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then who the fuck was she streaming for? (time in UTC)

>> No.31544693

russian weebs

>> No.31544694
Quoted by: >>31545034

>at this point every other holo isback to her normal viewership
This is bait.
Pekora still only gets 25-30k in her normal streams compared to 60k
Ame used to get 30k, now barely breaking 10k
Same with Ina.

>> No.31544695

>at this point every other holo isback to her normal viewership
not really, after the youtube fuckery with the live viewers every single holo lost viewers. Pekora used to get 55-70k viewers for Minecraft, even her recent collab with Moona only got half the viewers the first collab got etc.

>> No.31544701

The brightest star draws the harshest ire

>> No.31544702
Quoted by: >>31544782

Kiara is saying she'll start at 7pm GMT+1, so that's 2-3 hours before Ina usually starts.

>> No.31544704
Quoted by: >>31544831

Probably just closing commissions for all but the biggest projects, scaling back stuff to increase her free time but still keeping the lines open for companies. Think Mori but for companies instead of friends

>> No.31544705

After witnessing the 18 wheeler clip and the cookie baking stream I have a hard time believing this

>> No.31544706
File: 83 KB, 850x905, a2effb502838464169b6ef308054daa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My New Year's resolution is to fuck Ollie in 2021. Not even her roommate, but actual Ollie.

>> No.31544708

I'm actually becoming convinced that Miko might have an actual crush on Pekora after some of the things Marine and Peko have said since the PekoMiko offcollab. I mean they could just all be playing it up for the whole Pekoharem shtick but idk shit like Miko worrying that Pekora, who she's been friends with for years, might secretly hate and the way she cried when Peko hit 1m makes her seem pretty sus. Then there's Peko mentioning that Miko's (browser?) background is a pic of Miko in a Peko bunny hood...

>> No.31544707
Quoted by: >>31544785

Die burger

>> No.31544713

She attracts the underage crowd. A good part of them are what we latinos call "niños rata".

>> No.31544714
File: 402 KB, 500x500, 1605644650205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, she's pregnant

>> No.31544715
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, takodachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544785

This is why Ina will always beat the shit out of chicken's views.

You non EU jannies have no dedication.

>> No.31544717
Quoted by: >>31544882

I’m a chumbud and i bait in SEA hours ;)

>> No.31544718

>Why does Gura seem to attract so much antis and rrats?
1) She's the most popular so she attracts schizo jealous SEAniggers and trannies
2) People love to shitpost against her and bait here and that's it

>> No.31544721

>ollie+multiple virgin zomrades
fucking hot

>> No.31544726
Quoted by: >>31544826

How can I stick my dick into a motorcycle mouthed indog??

>> No.31544729
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1603909232398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe now that Kiara is gonna stream at EU primetime they'll actually start donating. I rarely ever see european currencies.

>> No.31544731

Watching Kiara's stream and being entertained by it!

>> No.31544734


>> No.31544736

she had great NA times the past 2 weeks

>> No.31544737

Pekora is a whore that panders to underage children. If she's your oshi you don't belong here, underage faggot.

>> No.31544740

It scared the nips on 5ch away sure, not the average nip. You have to have a mind of steel to brave the 5ch shitposting loop every single day.

>> No.31544743
File: 2.15 MB, 4096x3194, 1609396900746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for the best, popularity was stressing her out. She'll do better with a smaller audience.

>> No.31544742

>My Japanese viewers are all neets
You can't say that Kiara.

>> No.31544746

>"Let's all be each other's first!"
O-Ollie, stop...

>> No.31544752
Quoted by: >>31544818

What's your dream for 2021?

>> No.31544753

>still thinking 5chan is more relevant than other places on the internet

>> No.31544757
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1608176002537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of waking up at 5-7AM.
Thank god.
Western EU kind of. A bit late for central and eastern.

>> No.31544758

Mori is planning to add more streams. She will still stream at Japanese primetime.

>> No.31544759

>let's all be each other's first this year

>> No.31544762

Happy that I set my phone alarm to Shark Dance.

>> No.31544764
Quoted by: >>31544793

>claps while T-posing
yea, no, i'm calling bullshit on that one, Ollie.

>> No.31544767
File: 346 KB, 900x900, 49410CE2-035D-4A5C-B71F-290D85F32ED9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, i bait in her deadhour


>> No.31544768

Based on Gura’s behaviour she doesn’t like her fanbase that much, or maybe HER past makes her more hesitant.
>Doesn’t tweet much at all
>Retweets for 10 minutes at best
>Doesn’t heart any YT comments at all
>Forgets to read SCs constantly

>> No.31544772
Quoted by: >>31544831

She also changed her twitter to allow only followers to comment on her tweets. Thats honestly a very good idea. Theres nothing more retarded than seeing people with the chuubas avatar as their pfp replying to roommate twitter posts.

>> No.31544776

So that's 1-7PM Eastern or so? Not bad.

>> No.31544777

I'd love to fuck Ollie but I can help but imagine her pussy as rotting flesh.

>> No.31544779
File: 173 KB, 850x950, 7DD07979-50A6-4815-9850-E1CF9EC97E25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t even notice, wow

>> No.31544782

>Starting at 6pm where I lice
>right when Uni day ends
>Right when uni club starts

This might not go as well as I would have liked

>> No.31544783
Quoted by: >>31544862

I think even SEA SCs more than EU or i dunno, theres a chart about it.

>> No.31544784

We are Ollie's first hope and first favourites in 2021. This zombie is too cute, isn't she?

>> No.31544785

europeans are stingy fucks and don't donate

>> No.31544788
File: 361 KB, 1979x2048, 1578765462961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a day 1 Chumbud and I still shitpost with her because it brings in the (You)s and I need to feed my family.

>> No.31544790
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1607274397183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544991

>scared the nips away
you either have a severe case of schizophrenia or don't check gura's art tag at all if you unironically believe this

>> No.31544792

>>Muramasa beyond broken
Don't forget his skillset is practically built to accommodate Castoria

>> No.31544793

You can clap other things besides your hands

>> No.31544798


>> No.31544800

Typical chickencuck, measures fanbase loyalty in money since his oshi will never have views or subs.

Cynical.Churlish. Downright Takanashian.

>> No.31544805

So how were Kiara and Mori on the New years stream?

>> No.31544806

Kiara isn't moving her streaming schedule until she's moving back to europe

>> No.31544808

>Let's all be each other's first and last
SO, a marriage?

>> No.31544812

What even this work ethic right? She doesnt deserve it. Graduate her now

>> No.31544814

>Doesn’t tweet much at all
>Retweets for 10 minutes at best
>Doesn’t heart any YT comments at all
>Forgets to read SCs constantly
None of this implies that she doesn't love her fanbase you stupid retard.

>> No.31544818

survival with a side of comfort

>> No.31544819
Quoted by: >>31545158


>> No.31544820


>> No.31544821
File: 126 KB, 549x370, chumguts 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544859

Don't bother with "sincere criticism." It's all just shitposters. I bothered during the threads in September and never got anything. Still never have. And what the hell are you supposed to do with it anyway?

>> No.31544823

Ina's usual timeslot is the exact same time chicken said would be the start of her timeslots.

>> No.31544826
Quoted by: >>31544867

Be her father and don't ask her consent

>> No.31544828

success breeds jealousy

>> No.31544829
File: 676 KB, 1368x760, erherojhgeoifjwef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544908

>> No.31544831
Quoted by: >>31544904

I believe that's how she had it before, the website didn't even include commission pricing or entry requests. Even her about page and such is gone. It was just there last week.
Yeah I noticed that too, but she did that awhile ago. It annoys the fuck out of me when you see people with hololive icons or Oshi marks comment on roommate shit. People are retarded and can't control themselves.

>> No.31544832

>I rarely ever see european currencies
Because the only Europeans capable of watching HoloEN streams are neets or students, both groups with barely any income.

>> No.31544833

Zoombie marrying her whole chat right now

>> No.31544838
Quoted by: >>31544899

>EOPs don't supacha
I've heard this one before.

>> No.31544843
File: 684 KB, 1593x1145, hitlerpainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had a funky sense of perception but he had potential.

>> No.31544846

Bitch, all of EN's viewership halved due to Holidays+bug

You only notice it on Gura because she's the biggest/you watch her

>> No.31544847
Quoted by: >>31544863

just married to Ollie, AMA.

>> No.31544848

I just got married to the zombie, see ya later virgins.

>> No.31544850

Ollie's my wife now bros

>> No.31544853
Quoted by: >>31545830

Takamori feels like Kiara watched Hololive, saw the gay shit, and thought "Oh, this is supposed to be everyone's character." So she put it on herself and Mori because nobody else in her gen was gonna do it (it seemed). That's why it's so artificial as a relationship. It has nothing to do with being 'corporate' and everything to do with Kiara thinking it's what Hololive is because outside of Pekora all she ever did was watch clips.
>Mori isn't even someone who gets pushed around easily
Mori crumbles almost instantly to pressure and is a self-admitted people-pleaser. When chat encouraged her to keep acting retarded and acknowledging them breaking rule 4, she did that. When her members told her to cut that shit out already, she did that in response.

>> No.31544855

>year of the rrat

>> No.31544856

Goodbye virgins

>> No.31544858
File: 286 KB, 594x597, 1605968600805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year of the rrat

>> No.31544859

Opinions here doesnt matter anyway, too many schizos

>> No.31544862

even seanigs are better than eu for loyalty

>> No.31544863
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's really a marriage. This is fucking gold and Gosling pain at the same time.

>> No.31544867
Quoted by: >>31544914

Why do salat dogs love fucking their daughters so much or is just a common thing in developing countries?

>> No.31544868
File: 59 KB, 900x900, sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.

>> No.31544872

Who else starting the new year with an undead wife?

>> No.31544873

>laughs at Kiara btfo'ing Ame for being fake british
>come to thread to see reaction
>SEAcucks end up trying to make Gura's migraine "BF Pounding"
you guys are a load of faggots, I'm even amazed she pushed herself to stream, proud of our shark daughterwife

>> No.31544874


>> No.31544878
File: 217 KB, 1000x920, 1591159390015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not her year, faggot.

>> No.31544882
Quoted by: >>31544964

You're not a chumbud, you're just a falseflagging shitposter.

>> No.31544886

>How long do rrats take to have babies?

>> No.31544887
Quoted by: >>31544991

Ah yes, Jay killing the viewership of literally ALL of HololiveEn by appearing in a notification

>> No.31544888

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.31544890

>they'll actually start donating
Probably no more than already. In the end this is an english medium and the number of people who actually understand english fluently enough in euro countries isn't that big outside of the northern europe.

>> No.31544892

Double Skadi + Space Ishtar can handle literally anything. Even 1/1/3 nodes. Fuck Castoria.

>> No.31544894
Quoted by: >>31544919

You would think they’d bait teammates for maximum (You) potential here but I guess with how frequent she streams not even the rrats can stand against her.

>> No.31544895

Yes, otherwise they're all guilty of Zina, and getting a hundred lashes as punishment Inshallah

>> No.31544899

difference is we have 4 months of proof yall stingy on when people did stream at your times

>> No.31544904
Quoted by: >>31545085

Future yab prevention then I guess; if you're already known in the industry having your website still up prolly won't do as much. That or Cover worked a deal with her to have her on as an in-house artist soon./spoiler]

>> No.31544906
Quoted by: >>31545024

French are huge weebs. Also, slavs.

>> No.31544908

What is this clip, i want my numberfagging briefing from CEO of Numberfagging

>> No.31544909

She unironically has the fanbase most spread among timezones due to her erratic schedule.

>> No.31544910

Kiara killed him...

>> No.31544915

Migraine isn't a real thing anyway, it's just a meme

>> No.31544914

I don't know if it's common, I just know that it's what Ollie is into

>> No.31544917

Ollie truly is the best Hololive.

>> No.31544918

anyone have the clip of roboco explaining the behind the scenes of the JPxENxID among us collab where Nene ended up inviting everyone

>> No.31544919

Because you can post the shittiest bait for Gura and get 10+ replies

>> No.31544922

rrats, your hours are numbered

>> No.31544925
File: 335 KB, 1363x1371, 1608996967116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New year Zomrade!

>> No.31544926
File: 64 KB, 540x567, 1608490162346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31544974

Eurohours would include Africa...

>> No.31544928
Quoted by: >>31544958

When is an EN gonna play rrrrrrato shimureta?

>> No.31544929

I do. but there's not generally going to be that many euro donations at 5 am euro time.

>> No.31544930

It just means shes lazy

>> No.31544933
Quoted by: >>31544991

>scared nips away
explain this then


>> No.31544934
Quoted by: >>31545117

Already an Indie

>> No.31544939


>> No.31544945


>> No.31544947
File: 206 KB, 988x1316, EqZpU9cUwAE4uj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31544955
Quoted by: >>31544991

Is this seriously how the average seanigger thinks?

>> No.31544957

Because her bait farms (you)s like you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.31544958

Kiara plays it every day what do you mean?

>> No.31544964
Quoted by: >>31545196

I am anon, wait till her/EN hour and i will post cunny

>> No.31544971
Quoted by: >>31545078

>yall stingy

Don't niggerspeak here, American

>> No.31544974

Oh shit you're right but barely anyone can afford to watch streams let alone send SCs

>> No.31544975

Either lazy or doesn’t care about fans
Pick one cumbuddies.
News flash: your oshi is not perfect

>> No.31544978

it also has a page view counter

>> No.31544981

newfag here, why does the community hold the VA's identity taboo? is it the girls' request or is it part of the protocol to keep the character's integrity?

>> No.31544982

I'm still surprised how a Yakuza front company ended up being so popular

>> No.31544986
File: 1.40 MB, 220x252, 1606510691071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year of the rrat ending
>2021 is year of the Oxx
What is an Oxx?

>> No.31544987
File: 904 KB, 2122x2976, 1609202948992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are free to shit on Gura or any ither holo as long as they dont doxx. And youre free to call those people faggots. Those people are then free to call you thinskinned. Then youre free to call them tourists or /hlg/fags. Repeat the cycle to infinity. Not your hugbox, but neither is it anyone's free ticket hatebox.

Accept it, learn to ignore or leave.

>> No.31544991

Thanks for giving (You)s to my humble rrat, looks like I'll be able to feed my son today

>> No.31544993

>Kiara fills EU hours
I guess I'll stick to just catching JPs and Ina live...

>> No.31544996
Quoted by: >>31545102

Are there any Africans here? Like at all?

>> No.31545001
Quoted by: >>31545085

Well she got that job since starting hololive didn't she? maybe she's just not taking any freelance work at the moment with her other shit going on.

>> No.31545008
Quoted by: >>31545151

Yeah of the (d)oxx

>> No.31545011

Subaru got her ASMR voice joke from vinesauce

>> No.31545020

>blind rrats in the walls
that's kinda cruel

>> No.31545021

>Rat Poison
>Doesn't kill them

But why. Just kill them.

>> No.31545024

>French are huge weebs
Thats why they translate virtually everything, the french don't go around learning other languages.

>> No.31545025
File: 267 KB, 1962x1274, EpmO9ieUUAMf3VM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year!

>> No.31545026
Quoted by: >>31545175

wtf kind of pest control is, just fucking kill them

>> No.31545028

This is a success!

>> No.31545029
File: 427 KB, 570x570, 1608352909210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casper has been blinded and is trapped inside her wall slowly starving to death.

>> No.31545030
File: 880 KB, 1612x2277, 1607149844742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>News flash: your oshi is not perfect

>> No.31545034
Quoted by: >>31545203

she got her usual 45k on her last solo MC stream

>> No.31545035

its half Cover and the girls not putting it out half the conqenses of insane people knowing their identity

>> No.31545036
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Ame perspective drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545803

But /ic/bros, is it worse than Ame's?

>> No.31545045

Because they're not "VAs" you fucking moron, they're literally the people behind the avatars. You can't replace them.

It's like saying "why isn't it okay to dox XXSephirothXX the 10 viewer streamer with no cam as Jim Smith, Jim Smith is just his VA!". Do you fucking see any "VA" credited anywhere on a Hololive channel?

>> No.31545046

News flash: your oshi is a whore and you're a faggot.

>> No.31545047
Quoted by: >>31545387

Shit rat poison then, unless they didn't want the bodies to rot up there

>> No.31545057
File: 160 KB, 1000x1250, 1608061012020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year, zombro!

>> No.31545059
File: 203 KB, 512x512, 1607788890358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545124

What I meant was: If Africat applies, she might get in. She fits the profile and streams in EUhours.

>> No.31545063
Quoted by: >>31545175

>Japanese pest control
>Doesnt kill the Pests

>> No.31545064
Quoted by: >>31545171

Imagine believing this crap, only old people can't speak English here

>> No.31545065

aloe incident is a good example of what may happen

>> No.31545071

That sounds like a weird kind of poison, the ones I knew someone used just killed them.

>> No.31545076

>The year of the Doxx

>> No.31545078
Quoted by: >>31545170

He is talking about EU.
US mogs everyone when it comes to donations numbers, followed by japs then a considerable gap between the rest.

>> No.31545080
File: 945 KB, 600x480, 1604858639781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

>> No.31545084
Quoted by: >>31545164

Casper, the Founding Rrat

>> No.31545085

I think she just might be setting up to go full time. She used to do it sometimes but now she seems to really enjoy streaming, it's probably a side effect of finally making friends she feels super close to.
Pretty sure she's had her shrine duties for awhile, ontop of freelance.

>> No.31545087

you know they're streamer idols, and not characters from anime, right? They aren't reading a script every stream, they're just being themselves, so usual streamer protocols and usual idol protocols are in place, instead of usual VA protocols

>> No.31545089

Half to preserve the "kayfabe" and half as a protection against murderous schizos.

>> No.31545090
Quoted by: >>31545215

You okay there, buddy? Not having a stroke?
Mori streams at JP time slots and she gets way more SC from EOPs than JP holos do. It's about who people consider "their" chuuba. Ina sometimes doing streams that are somewhat okay for yuros doesn't make her theirs.

>> No.31545094

There exist a timeline where he wasn't a failed artist

>> No.31545097

You guys sorely underestimate 5ch's influence in Japan. 5ch isn't the 4chan equivalent, it's reddit.

>> No.31545100

Mori is a bitch who doesn't care about hololive.

>> No.31545102

Maybe some south africans.

>> No.31545106
File: 146 KB, 800x800, EjNH_IzWAAAGVJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 months of streaming and all Gura antis have is

>s-she doesn't stream enough for my sensibilities! S-she sometimes cancels streams! S-she doesn't tweet a lot!

Good to be a chumchad

>> No.31545108

and that is totally normal for everything when the initial hype wears off. she still is doing better than most holos by a big margin though

>> No.31545117
Quoted by: >>31545172


>> No.31545118
Quoted by: >>31545261

Not as big as the US maybe, but the UK alone has almost twice as many people as canada, despite the size difference, and their currencys worth almost twice as much. over half of germany speak it too, and a good amount of other countries (the french are weird about it though)

>> No.31545121

This was fun, see ya later in EN hours anon

>> No.31545124

IIRC she don't want to join things like Hololive

>> No.31545132
File: 34 KB, 493x276, oh my fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking clown

>> No.31545135

Those are true chumcuck

>> No.31545136
File: 535 KB, 967x809, chumguts smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545145

More like you overestimate its influencce

>> No.31545151


>> No.31545154 [DELETED] 

I finally found her address, I am going to send my own fanmail directly to there instead of dealing with shitty cover

>> No.31545153
File: 50 KB, 554x554, 1598873641061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545311

>Gura does X
To be fair I think at this point everything is bait tho, I seriously can't believe there's someone that retarded to anti Gura for real besides dogfuckers

>> No.31545158

Tipping has nothing to do with donating, moron.

I hate american tipping culture because if I'm already paying for a service, I shouldn't be expected to give an additional and arbitrary amount of money.

There is no such expectation for superchats. You can consume hundreds of hours of entertainment for free, it all depends on your own true generosity.

>> No.31545161

>5ch is like reddit
Now this is a rrat

>> No.31545164
File: 33 KB, 151x275, 1606602432063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrat killers

>> No.31545166


>> No.31545167
File: 707 KB, 1200x821, publiclashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want Ollie to get publicly flogged?

>> No.31545170
Quoted by: >>31545526

>US mogs everyone when it comes to donations numbers, followed by japs then a considerable gap between the rest.
exactly we have the NUMBERS to prove they don't have the donating culture

>> No.31545171

LMAO, try go and having a english conversation with some random dude in Valencia or Tours or literally anywhere in southern or western europe. You might have a little bit more luck with the slavs but even thats pretty shaky.

>> No.31545172
Quoted by: >>31545202

She became an Indie Vtube on Twitch

>> No.31545175
File: 342 KB, 840x494, 1582242503577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have multiple rats/mice, then a poison that works indirectly or takes a while to kill a rat will create less suspicion towards the poison. If a rat sees another eat something and die immediately, it won't eat it. If it sees a rat eat something and it dies a few days later from starvation, then it won't notice anything strange and will eat the poison.

>> No.31545178

Deadbrap hands typed this

>> No.31545182
Quoted by: >>31545195

>Gooruh doesn't stream or takes breaks cus sick
>S-She's a lazy whore having sex with her bf!
>Meanwhile Ayame exists
Man I am so happy Gura at least has the will to make a schedule

>> No.31545183
File: 128 KB, 2047x1152, EqlJt1CUwAYiGV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545225

Don't mind me. I just want to post cute pic of my daughterwife

>> No.31545185
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1587520571927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545184

>5ch is reddit
wtf I hate 5ch now

>> No.31545190

nice larp

>> No.31545195

You still believe the sick rrat? Yikes

>> No.31545196

Again, you're not a chumbud if only two modes of posting you have is shitting on her and jerking off to her character design

>> No.31545200

Nice anon! Make sure to put your return addr on the letter so she can send you a reply back!

>> No.31545201

Reine's past life unlisted english only stream

I'm upset that she privated her jp only karaoke stream instead of unlisted it

>> No.31545203

She got 49k on her recent collab with Moona compared to 100k.
Either bug isn't fixed or she literally lost half of her viewers.

>> No.31545202
Quoted by: >>31545234

i thought she disappeared, along with her videos.

>> No.31545212

fucking kek, love this clown

>> No.31545214

SEAniggers are subhuman.

>> No.31545215

>It's about who people consider "their" chuuba.
And that won't be Kiara

>> No.31545217

>its reddit

You dont even understand that site

>> No.31545218
File: 42 KB, 285x271, ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545223

I'm going to start doing my indo reps for Ollie.

>> No.31545225
File: 320 KB, 2000x2000, 1582546605206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547093

She put some fish in her house, but won't they despawn once she goes away/logs out? Or do they count as neutral mobs like cows and so won't despawn?

>> No.31545227
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, Reminder_ the phrase [we did it reddit] originated from a thread where they_doxxed_the boston bomber. they got the wrong guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think fucking reddit has any influence, too? The only thing they've done of note is be Coco's shitty meme content farm and try to make the EN girls say pogchamp. Even we've done more than that, even though it isn't saying much.

>> No.31545228
Quoted by: >>31545255

Never change chumcucks. Your cope is delicious.

>> No.31545229

>Ina is bi
>Ame is bi
>Kiara is lesbian
>Mori is gay
>Gura is actually straight but misinterprets types of love
Ina absolutely loves cute girls. She's madly in love with the sexiness and adorable nature of girls to the point of making her entire live revolve around them. She also acknowledges and loves the InAme and GurIna art.
Ame loves girls as much as she loves dudes. There's no reason for it other than that's just how she is -- she's full of love. She loves all the art of her being lovey with Ina and Gura but understands Gura doesn't know how to parse that type of thing correctly so she promotes InAme more while more quietly spreading GurAme art
>Kiara wants to break you
>Mori literally can't get men off of his mind and regularly talks about his Oshis and how much he wants to collab with them. Gay as fuck and doesn't try to hide it.
>Gura was lonely and afraid to open up to anybody for the longest time. This warped her perception of friendships causing conflict between how things are and how she perceives things to be, making her unable to distinguish between romantic and friendly love. This is why she regularly ends up depressed because she mistakes other friendships as encroaching upon her own and the other EN girls know this. It's why they treat her so gently in comparison to the others
Anybody paying attention to all the streams can easily see this so it isn't even a rrat, but some schizos tend to ignore reality.

>> No.31545234
Quoted by: >>31545475

Yes but return i think this year

>> No.31545238

Kureiji is only pulling 2.5k views.

>> No.31545239
File: 542 KB, 683x700, 1608236898162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has male friends that she talks to while she's not streaming. How does it feel chumcucks?

>> No.31545243

Newfags think Gura is the only one to do this in hololive

>> No.31545244
File: 592 KB, 2480x2974, ina_death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we must slowly kill the rrats. Humu humu

>> No.31545245

How the hell do you fucks find unlisted videos?

>> No.31545247

We need to take the IDs out of that shithole country

>> No.31545249

>Not even her roommate, but actual Ollie.

>> No.31545252
File: 86 KB, 840x960, rod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His applies to all of them really. None of the HoloENs have anything to anti about. Well almost. None of them played one of the best RPGs ever created by humans. And that is worrying.

>> No.31545255

All me

>> No.31545256

The talents want to have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.31545258

Remember when Kiara said this was going to be a short strem?

>> No.31545259
File: 156 KB, 1050x1100, 1609082859873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545465

>decided to sleep in because I haven't been getting much sleep lately
>miss like 6 2+ hour new year streams I want to watch, plus my already growing backlog, and all of A Way Out
This hobby is fucking exhausting

>> No.31545261

>over half of germany speak it too
Over half maybe learned english at some point and can recognize a few words. But even among students not even half are fluent enough to follow a stream. The supposed english fluency in most of europe (besides the scandis) is just pretension.

>> No.31545268
File: 137 KB, 768x590, caspar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he mutated, the poison made him stronger

>> No.31545270

Aren't those high numbers for indogs?

>> No.31545272
Quoted by: >>31545407

Well I have female friends I talk to when I'm not watching Gura. How does it feel Gura? Huh?

>> No.31545271

Ame is not bi, she's just horny.

>> No.31545274

My favourite JP indie gets less than 10, my favourite EN indie gets around 60-70. 2.5k is massive compared to that!

>> No.31545275
File: 236 KB, 1280x678, 1607385144479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think japs never a big presence in terms of live-viewers in the first place.

>> No.31545276
File: 187 KB, 313x317, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based.

>> No.31545279

Funny how she sounds like a tomboy in her native language lmao.

>> No.31545289

>but some schizos tend to ignore reality
Like you.
Meds. Now.

>> No.31545290

>German lol
What did Frau Kiara mean by this?

>> No.31545294

>chumcucks barely dealt with J yab
>now have to cope with fake illness
>RFA part 3 will bring another yab

>> No.31545299

Yet another /u/schizo blogpost

>> No.31545303

>Mori not streaming on 1st and 2nd
Probably getting fucked by some rare nigger she found in Japan. Fucking whore.

>> No.31545304

Antis are seething because success breeds jealousy

>> No.31545311

I don't know for sure, but I think it's mostly /hlg/ colonizers who've made their place here.

>> No.31545313
File: 150 KB, 1000x978, 1607363532433_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not VA, they are also the personality. But anyways;
>Safety from more rabid antis, fanbases and fans
>Kayfabe, keeping up the illusion of an anime girl
>Privacy, let them have their lives while also being in a pseudo idol job
>Let's the girls have a new beginning, old crap is harder to dig up and isn't spread nearly as far.

>> No.31545314

I can't believe Gura is going to get pounded while playing RFA...

>> No.31545316


>> No.31545318

Alright. Is she here?

>> No.31545320

>Ina and Kiara been basically equal in sub count for over a month now

When do you think Kiara will finally overtake her?

>> No.31545321

oh that's a cute cat

>> No.31545324

>>Ina is bi
>>Kiara is lesbian
Its more likely the other way around.

>> No.31545323
Quoted by: >>31545367

all women are bi

>> No.31545326

This is true!

>> No.31545329
Quoted by: >>31545525

To keep viewer immersion. It's part of company protocol, and a courtesy on the part of the fans (including here). Ignore the people that say it's safety. There are tens of thousands of Japanese idols, VAs, regular streamers, musicians and celebrities of every other type that function perfectly fine with people knowing their name. There's nothing inherently more dangerous in being a streamer that uses an anime avatar.

>> No.31545328

>Mori is gay
>can't get men off of his mind and regularly talks about his Oshis and how much he wants to collab with them. Gay as fuck
Kek, you got me good at first

>> No.31545334
File: 275 KB, 1684x1191, Eqk-fwjUcAAfpkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545436


>> No.31545336
Quoted by: >>31545385

Stop, before some literal retard in here sees your post, thinks you're being serious, and tries to do the same.

>> No.31545337

She hit 4k before New Year's. That's the nature of New Year's content; as soon as it's the next year, the draw factor is over.

>> No.31545342
File: 306 KB, 493x465, 1604882250942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545459

I'll spend the new year ignoring my family, playing video games and watching hololive, how about you?

>> No.31545343

Twitter or using some website that using computer magic find each video ID on the channel and show it

>> No.31545351
Quoted by: >>31545470

>that little Europe
wow and Kiara wants to stream for them?

>> No.31545359

You can't trust charts like this unless they're straight from youtube.

>> No.31545360
Quoted by: >>31545437


>> No.31545369
Quoted by: >>31545537

Who is this indie? I like her voice, sounds tomboyish.

>> No.31545367

Go outside

>> No.31545370

Very irrelevant. Not having beta orbiters is a sign of failure and ugliness.

>> No.31545379

PSTfag here, what is considered EU prime time? GMT? Does that mean I won't have to wake up at 5 am?

>> No.31545385

I posted the link in /vyt/ back in May

>> No.31545387

Or it the type of rat that the poison don't work on

>> No.31545389
File: 184 KB, 548x578, feelin ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, anon!

>> No.31545393
Quoted by: >>31545478

you can never take it easy around Ollie, can you...

>> No.31545394

Cover and Yagoo has forced all the girls to yuri bait and at least pretend to be Bi so that they will be less likely to focus on men on stream and have unicorns seethe. This is the reason Holostars is shunned when it comes down to Hololive. Amelia actually hates gays and is only pretending to yuri bait and be thirsty for girls so she can keep up the protocol, in the end she only loves men and is an alt right conspiracist that hates all gays

>> No.31545402

How the FUCK is Kiara's fanart teacher outfit like a million times sexier than her actual outfit when it's almost exactly the same? This is some penrose stairs level mindfuckery.

>> No.31545404

Why are you like this? She was up to 4k and constantly at 3k+.

>> No.31545406

>some bloke SC'd this
but why

>> No.31545407
Quoted by: >>31545447

She doesn’t care about you or any of her fans so probably pretty good

>> No.31545409
Quoted by: >>31545431


>> No.31545411



>> No.31545414
Quoted by: >>31545719

>basically equal

KFP cope. Kiara will never overtake Ina, the air of desperation keeps people away.

>> No.31545416

>Mori fills JP hours
her and ten million JPs
she truly gonna become #4 at this rate

>> No.31545419

Why are condomates like this?

>> No.31545420

Thats not even a rrat

>> No.31545423

All me

>> No.31545427

Ina's streaming times are EU prime, maybe one or two hours earlier

>> No.31545428

20:00 GMT, or 21:00 GMT+1, the second being eastern EU primetime.

>> No.31545430

how based.

>> No.31545431

Well, yeah.

>> No.31545432

EU prime time ranges from 5PM - 10PM GMT which would be 9AM - 14PM PST

>> No.31545433

Why not? It's a good song.

>> No.31545434

Ina isn't actually on any big company payroll. She quite literally "made it" on a commission-based system alone working on her own. She even mentioned this in her streams, so most likely she'll just cut down some big projects and focus more on hololive now yes.

>> No.31545436

Why is Moona so big in this pic?

>> No.31545437

>no one told Festival about the weekly Hololive lesbian gangbangs as a prank

>> No.31545440
File: 6 KB, 363x45, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545447
Quoted by: >>31545458

I don't care about any of my fans either, so we have that in common

>> No.31545451

Not a day passes without me imaging my oshi getting brutally fucked by someone else’s giant bulging throbbing cock. The thought of my oshi having her knees weak and her pussy destroyed by another man makes me feel whole inside. I only wish I could be there physically to witness it myself and see it happen in front of me as she murmurs moans, and later on I will donate a red SC to congratulate her on hitting a sub milestone. Knowing full well that money will go to fund the very relationship that is cucking me. Feels good.

>> No.31545454

You're looking at around 10 AM- 2 PM-ish you're time.

>> No.31545457

why are takokeks like this

>> No.31545458

but I care about you anon...

>> No.31545459

I'll spend it eating homemade snacks, being snug in a blanket, drinking tea and watching Ina with my gf, because the stream will start right before New Years.

>> No.31545462

Kiara said she streams from 7PM to 1AM. There's a 9 hour difference from PST to local Austria Time so I guess it's going to be around lunch time for you.

>> No.31545463
File: 1.94 MB, 1804x2399, FriendlyWatson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey teammates just want to let you guys know I Amelia Watson will be streaming in 5 hours. If you truly loved me, Amelia Watson, you will be buying Fallout 4 so we can have the same experiences together my little goslings. I know some of you are having some money troubles so I heard that really cool and incredibly sexy man Todd Howard put it up on sale so even you can afford it.

>> No.31545465

The worst part is at one point literally every girl in holoen (even haachama) was overlapping at once. everyone who watches multiple girls either drove themselves insane trying to watch all at once or got a big backlog from it.

>> No.31545466

holy cope

>> No.31545467
Quoted by: >>31545573

Based condomate

>> No.31545468


>> No.31545470
Quoted by: >>31545539

>Never stream during EU prime time
>"Wtf why Europeans never donate?"
Anon pls.

>> No.31545472

That's a federal crime if this crosses state-lines in any way.

>> No.31545473

She was at 4k just before Indonesian New Years

>> No.31545475

Valkyrie > Nerine.

The latter is just too lazy to care. Sophie is also a bitch to her own fans by denying them access to the videos they liked, irregardless of how she feels as a creator.

>> No.31545476

Given her estimate of 7pm to 1 am the next day (UTC+1)
It'd probably be 10am to 4pm PST.

>> No.31545477

>n-no my oshi thinks and feels the exact same way I do

>> No.31545478

What did she down now?

>> No.31545484
File: 50 KB, 429x431, tako_cheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545744

Unless Kiara has some sort of huge event that gives her a 1 day boost in numbers, I don't see it happening. Even if it happens, Takodachi don't really mind.

>> No.31545488
Quoted by: >>31545560


I love how Ollie rolls her R in ramen.

>> No.31545490
Quoted by: >>31545550

Is Kiara planning on streaming until it's NY2021 in America too?

>> No.31545491
Quoted by: >>31545573


>> No.31545492

Takos got desperate and started sub botting, so never. just kidding I love you takobros

>> No.31545493

Happy New Years HLGG! (Still NYE here in case you cared because I’m a attentionfag)

>> No.31545495

It's the lack of her usual hats. The two hats completely ruin her normal outfit

>> No.31545497
File: 915 KB, 3905x4096, 1609183207431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, I don't want to know what I missed.

>> No.31545499
Quoted by: >>31545649

>at this rate
"At this rate" has her continuing to match, if not overtake, Amelia's growth every day. Learn what words mean before you decide to try using them.

>> No.31545501
File: 30 KB, 321x320, 248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even we've done more than that,
Like for example?

>> No.31545505 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 125x123, 1609435795372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on RRAT dad feed your son my poison muwhahahahhahahahaahha

>> No.31545507
Quoted by: >>31545619

What is the source of this? because it's either frighteningly consistent or more likely, is months old.

>> No.31545516

Now you made me curious and I looked it up. Not sure if you were talking as an expert here but what I've just read means that the whole blindness thing is for the rats to seek out light and die there - not inside the house but outside in the open. I guess they loose their vision slowly. Normal poison can be slow too so that shouldn't be the main reason. Why the fuck am I even talking about this here, damn you Kiara.

>> No.31545521

>Amelia "Gay TF2 Fanfiction" Watson
>hates gays


>> No.31545522

I agree, more Minecraft. It obviously makes her happy and I'd rather see her play something she wants to rather than a game she clearly doesn't like. Most of those boring story horror games she played I fell asleep. I woke up and watched the VOD and it was just as boring and I didn't miss much. Why do fags want her to play other shit when MC makes her happy.

>> No.31545525

>There's nothing inherently more dangerous in being a streamer that uses an anime avatar
it's not about being more dangerous, it's about making it less dangerous, retard.

>> No.31545526
Quoted by: >>31545578

>Inconsistent schedule.
>Euro-primetime empty most of the weeks.
>3:00AM seems to be the most popular slot.

>> No.31545531

Reine is lesbian because she drew yuri fanart, hentai and wrote yuri fanfic.

Wait... Rrrats?

>> No.31545533
Quoted by: >>31545603

Homophobic eh? That must mean she actually wants to fuck Gura...

>> No.31545537

Red Cat

>> No.31545538

>Kiara makes cute noises stream
Yep this is what I paid for

>> No.31545539

Moona is the closest ID to get similar donation numbers as EN and she doesnt stream during NA times and look at that lots of NA barely and euros

>> No.31545540

Deadbrap hands typed this post

>> No.31545543

Nice "content" chickenshits.

>> No.31545544


>> No.31545545
File: 162 KB, 298x428, 1608942703587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you real Amelia Watson. And thank you Mr. Howard.

>> No.31545547

>infects Mori's chat with Takamori bullshit
>is mad it flows back to hers
oh no, Chimkin, what could you do? maybe not attach yourself at the hip to someone more talented and liked

>> No.31545550

Depends on how long the tangents go

>> No.31545548

I agree every day should be MC, shit like RFA is just lewd bait for horny motherfuckers.

>> No.31545553

Because it's showing less skin which allows it to be a more complete outfit. Also the lack of blue straps gives the outfit more cohesion.

>> No.31545555

...in 14 hours...at 3 am...Kaichou please.

>> No.31545556

Glasses+longer clothes+no dumb fucking hats

>> No.31545560
Quoted by: >>31545668


>> No.31545561
Quoted by: >>31545575

Fuck I need to fap now

>> No.31545569

There has got to be someone working in Discord's pr department who is genuinely a fan of Hololive

>> No.31545570

These eating sounds are curing my ED

>> No.31545571
File: 672 KB, 1295x494, Screenshot_20210101_013111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check subs for post new year streams.
>Miko streaming with 13k viewers, cool.
>Shion streaming with 17k viewers. Wow that's a lot.
>Fucking Gundou with 19k.

>> No.31545572


>> No.31545573

Why are SEAniggers like this?

>> No.31545575

Need help?

>> No.31545577

Oh hey look 8am a reason to get up earlier than 9am

>> No.31545579

Because they're /v/tards

>> No.31545578

you can see from Moona that it's not a time thing

>> No.31545584

Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.31545585

What the fuck are these chicken noises?

>> No.31545586

Highlights of /hlgg/:
>harassing Amelia in her first Q&A and doxxing her, forcing her to delete her old life stuff
>making Kiara almost cry in her sleep
>making Mori angry
>ruining /jp/ completely
>making 5ch believe Gura dates a tranny gay black 20000 kilometers dicked man

>> No.31545590

It was supposed to rrrats not the truth anon.

>> No.31545592

Never, getting her channel deleted was the closest she ever was from catching up to Ina. She is running out of collabs and she is never gonna get Hinotori numbers on another song.

>> No.31545593

>new year's over
>kiara still streaming
What a tryhard leech. Know your place bitch

>> No.31545595
Quoted by: >>31545625

Why are KFP like this?

>> No.31545598

I want crossdressing tomboy peacock

>> No.31545600

fuck off kfp go wage slave for your shit girl

>> No.31545603
Quoted by: >>31545749

Hey that's most of the people here that will always tell you to take your meds when they say that women can always easily want to fuck other girls, but who am I to say what you're saying just gives /u/schizo's dreams more hope knowing Gura is a total bae and if Ame is homophobic she will be HIGHLY likely to fuck her

>> No.31545605

>Wanting a lazy, anti-fan bitch to become a member of HoloEN2
She'll even be worse than what antis think of Mori.

>> No.31545610
File: 26 KB, 408x408, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing this

her husband is a cuck

>> No.31545609

No problem. I hope someone is hurting that little cunnny.

>> No.31545613

Pizza dad and robberu fuck daily

>> No.31545614
File: 658 KB, 1153x813, CKN3HIu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but some schizos tend to ignore reality.

>> No.31545618


>> No.31545619

It is months old.
And it was manually compiled so implying we'll ever get and update or a confirmation of veracity

>> No.31545622

its the new years stream buff

>> No.31545623

>When do you think Kiara will finally overtake her?
Possibly when she has another big new event. Ina is going slow and steady, and while she has great ideas for streams she obviously isn't competing with the chicken in that department.
Its nice to see chicken reclined this hard since their debuts, she worked hard for it.

>> No.31545625

Why is Unity like that?

>> No.31545636

I'm glad I don't watch Ollie with headphones

>> No.31545637

She should be married to my cock

>> No.31545639

>making Mori angry
I believe we made her laugh more than make her angry

>> No.31545642
File: 36 KB, 1086x552, yes Im ESl sue me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ch is niche as fuck and has less IPs than we do. also
> scared the nips away
It's the literal other way arround, Japanese translated clips of gura keep popping up and get more viewers faster than before, its the bandwagoning western audience that left.

>> No.31545643

>discord hopping between channels

>> No.31545644
Quoted by: >>31545681

How did /hlgg/ make Mori angry?

>> No.31545646

You are brave one for talking about nijisanji here. She unironically gets lots of viewers for her gacha streams. Got 20k+ last time. Why? I don't fucking know.

>> No.31545648

sometimes i hate this place

>> No.31545649

I don't know why people continue to fight over this. Mori started out ahead. Ame almost caught up during her week off. Then the podcast bump restored the lead. They've been growing basically in lockstep since this.

>> No.31545650


>> No.31545652

Why are ntrfags like this?

>> No.31545654

>for over a month now
Anon, it's been ~3 weeks since the channel deletion that made Kiara catch up

>> No.31545655
Quoted by: >>31545783

How so? He has the real girl all to himself

>> No.31545657

>baby goy-le

>> No.31545661
Quoted by: >>31545766

She recently did several streams that were pure cancer for Europe but okay for PST and the numbers weren't any better than usual.

>> No.31545664
File: 198 KB, 946x2048, 1596952458237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are cumsharts like this?

>> No.31545665

this but unironically

>> No.31545667
Quoted by: >>31545777

Is Anya the only one without a traceable past life? Or is she entirely new to streaming? I feel like that's the case on how shitty her PC is

>> No.31545668
File: 176 KB, 950x1403, 45wuvw4sajerfheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545672

Beep boop seagull SEAnigger tranny lolcow

>> No.31545670
Quoted by: >>31545724

not anymore

>> No.31545674
File: 433 KB, 428x451, 1608884939116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you lie on the internet?

>> No.31545676

You heard that, brits? That's exactly how you sound.

>> No.31545677

Unity... even in hate

>> No.31545680

Dont forget we also bring ruskie bros

>> No.31545681

She's the one who most probably browses here, she must get angry daily by reading these threads

>> No.31545683

Wanting your oshi to do things she doesn’t want to do is the peak of selfishness like seriously, just stop being a faggot and enjoy the content.

If Gura decided to replace every stream with MC I would be fine with it because I like Gura too much to care about it.

If your enjoyment of content is dependant upon a game to be satisfied then you should go jump off a cliff. Your oshi hates you and thinks you are a retarded autist.

variety games is only for zoomer kids that can’t handle normal content

>> No.31545682
Quoted by: >>31546562


>> No.31545684
File: 1.98 MB, 1881x2788, 20201231_123304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545895

I want to mate with this chicken

>> No.31545690
File: 126 KB, 310x310, binkychama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hachama chama!

>> No.31545693
Quoted by: >>31545892

Have you considered she’s just another dumb woman who mistakes a simple headache as a migraine? My girlfriend and even my sisters call every headache they have a migraine

>> No.31545692

Jesus she's literally here

>> No.31545694
File: 81 KB, 828x828, Somewhere, Over the Chem Trails in the Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boss asked for overtime
>I asked her how many hours I can commit
>She told me up to me
>It's my 9th hour
>Forgot to ask her what's the legal maximum of hours in my country
>I keep asking my work socials when can I stop
>everyone is asleep

>> No.31545695

We've lost Holobros. Hololive had it's time in 2020, but 2021 is the year of Nijisanji

>> No.31545696

If you believe it, it's likely that the reason Ollie noticed her YAB on Twitter during HoloFes was because some anon here figured out a way to contact a Hololive staff member.

>> No.31545697

all me

>> No.31545698

>Amelia is going to stream fo4 for 9 hours on a fucking new year's eve instead of being with her family or friends because she's a fucking nolife loser
>condomates are going to actually watch this shit like pathetic neet cucksimps they are instead of being with their family or friends
This is genuinely pathetic. Fanbase reflects the oshi I guess.

>> No.31545699


>> No.31545700

>I was thinking about gawr gooyla

>> No.31545701

Gar goyla...

>> No.31545707
Quoted by: >>31546339

Aki is married? That's new

>> No.31545708

Kiara likes GRANNY GUMJOBS posters

>> No.31545714
File: 1.03 MB, 971x733, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She unironically gets lots of viewers for her gacha streams. Got 20k+ last time. Why? I don't fucking know.
Because it's a gacha stream. Guess why that one Apex stream of Matsuri's is far higher than her usual stream numbers.

>> No.31545719

anon, the difference in subs amounts to a 0.6%

>> No.31545723

>I don't know why people continue to fight over this.
There is a small handful of Teamates who are really asshurt over Mori having more subs and superchats than Ame who, in their mind, "deserves it more".

>> No.31545721


>> No.31545724

Welcome to the club

t. korone

>> No.31545728

Even the smallest things that have made the girls happy or help them.
>Anon who posted his marshmellow calling Ame cuter than usual today, she loved it and even started using the phrase
>Anon who was sad that Ina referred to herself as a side-dish streamer, sent in a superchat praising her and genuinely flustering her with the compliments
>The deadbeats who left comments in Mori's T2 streams giving her advice on how to improve, almost all of them apparently posted here, too
That kind of stuff is more for them than a million shitty memes and clipbait donations.

>> No.31545730
Quoted by: >>31545837

Ok but imagine Gura giving you a rimjob

>> No.31545734
File: 272 KB, 637x644, 1583206165549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545843


>> No.31545735
Quoted by: >>31545840

Just stop right now, what could possible go wrong?

>> No.31545738


>> No.31545739
File: 563 KB, 1500x1714, TC1CFHf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that man sure sounds sexy as hell, thanks Amelia Watson from Hololive

>> No.31545740

All me

>> No.31545742

Another highlight of /hlgg/ is they kept me happy and sane and addicted to Hololive this year, so it balances out

>> No.31545743

All me

>> No.31545744
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1607202918887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's much better to stay close, Takobro. Every sub milestone will be shared between Chickens and Takos!

>> No.31545746
Quoted by: >>31545804

Who the fuck are you talking to, anon?

No one who has Gura as their oshi is making autistic complaints about her schedule or that she doesn't tweet enough.

>> No.31545747

I'm so proud of this community

>> No.31545748
File: 319 KB, 1500x750, spa date new sizepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546006

>making Mori angry
You got to be kidding me. She hates(loves) us just as much as we hate(love) her.

>> No.31545749

1. meds reps
2. english reps

>> No.31545751

>tfw gonna miss Ina's stream...

>> No.31545755
Quoted by: >>31545840

uhh well bro you tried they cant fire you if you tried

>> No.31545758

Nice projecting SEAnigger

>> No.31545763


>> No.31545766
Quoted by: >>31546202

I mean duh, she doesn't have a built-up watcher base in PST

>> No.31545771

I'm convinced it's just Discord being a huge fan of vtubers in general. Whomever runs the account also appears in Pikamee and Monoe's chat (never in TMSKs though) as well as my indie oshi's despite her only having like 5k subs. I wouldn't even be surprised if the one who runs the account attends the threads here since the range of which they visit vtubers is pretty fucking wide.

>> No.31545777

She uses laptop so definitely new to streaming
Need more clues to find out what she does before joining hololive

>> No.31545778

>Forgot to ask her what's the legal maximum of hours in my country
If only you had some way to look that up on the spot.

>> No.31545779
Quoted by: >>31545900

>Why? I don't fucking know.
the experience of gambling, but without spending your own money

>> No.31545783

>how so? she still comes home to me

>> No.31545787

Has Guts shown up on Shion yo's stream yet?

>> No.31545789

We did it /hlgg/!

>> No.31545790
File: 70 KB, 168x194, 1580283576316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>seaschizo hours
>900 posts
>page 4
cya faggots

>> No.31545791
File: 11 KB, 512x512, tako_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to the Ina X Kiara collab to get both above 700K.

>> No.31545793

Holy shit we are more based than I thought

>> No.31545794
File: 245 KB, 1072x1250, 1601141931548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting your oshi to do things she doesn’t want to do is the peak of selfishness like seriously, just stop being a faggot and enjoy the content.
In fact I'm perfectly fine with what she's doing? Do you seriously think it's chumbuds pushing that retarded shit? It's braindead faggots who don't even watch her.

>> No.31545796
File: 29 KB, 800x610, gura2661.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31545850


>> No.31545797
File: 294 KB, 641x642, 938387CA-DD74-425D-9F56-4EC1826DECBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrat! Tell me what I should expect from your oshis membership and why I should join it.

>> No.31545801

Do you guys think Kiara is a kindhearted and genuinely nice person offline or a complete narcissistic bitch? Somehow both sound plausible to me.

>> No.31545803

No one on /ic/ draws

>> No.31545802

I already celebrated New Years with my friends and family, her celebration starts 10am new years day for me, cope harder

>> No.31545804

Its always hilarious that all the people who complain about Gura do not even watch her

>> No.31545806

>Every sub milestone will be shared between Chickens and Takos!
Collabn milestones would be super cute. I don't know if any girls have done this before.

>> No.31545808
File: 488 KB, 2048x1536, Eqkav2BUwAEp2XF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you greet Aloe yesterday?

>> No.31545809

well discord may be run by babyfurs but atleast they have some taste

>> No.31545811
Quoted by: >>31545985

>I don't know why people continue to fight over this.
Because people keep making inane comments like
>Then the podcast bump restored the lead.
One to two days of sudden growth, which immediately leveled back out. You act like she just magically jumped 50k subs ahead. The podcast appearance unironically did more to give them subs than it did Mori.

>> No.31545819
Quoted by: >>31545875

>showing up for anyone but ame
Do you guys still think this shit? She only cares about ame

>> No.31545820
File: 436 KB, 1034x514, 3588766-walt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon here figured out a way to contact a Hololive staff member.
Yeah and I'm Walter White

>> No.31545826

Ina barely has anything there so dont bother mr rrat

>> No.31545827

Stop this logical thinking in this SEA hours

>> No.31545830
Quoted by: >>31546414

>In the manga, Kuroko isn't nearly as much of a psycho lesbian.
Wouldn't even be surprised if that were the case, but looking at it from the Anime perspective is just... wow.

>It has nothing to do with being 'corporate' and everything to do with Kiara thinking it's what Hololive is because outside of Pekora all she ever did was watch clips.
Wait, are you saying that Kiara actually has very little knowledge of Hololive beyond Pekora? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised given the sheer amount of content produced on a daily basis and Pekora generally streaming over a large part of it, but still...

The one thing that I am surprised about is the fact that Cover thought that Kiara and Calli were going to be the leaders of their group.

>> No.31545831

Some Discord social media intern realized that they can get free advertising in front of thousands of people just by posting 1-2 messages in VTubers chats and giving them free Nitro. It's pretty smart to be honest.

>> No.31545832
File: 156 KB, 472x602, chumguts huhn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545833

Kiara please stop this isn't how English people speak

>> No.31545834

If you can post on 4chan then you can google that shit. Stop being retarded.

>> No.31545837

God I want Gura to bite my dick.

>> No.31545840

I'm not tired yet. I still have to watch Kwapi.

>> No.31545843
Quoted by: >>31546765

Why is that artist taking so long to finish it? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can't UOH properly

>> No.31545844


>> No.31545846

Gura desn't, Gura's AUDIENCE on the other hand are a perfect target, as they are thin skinned bitches that can't take a tiny bit of banter or critisism or too retarded to detect obvious bait, and since this place is a whore for (you)s, people will antipost her knowing they will get lots of replies.

>> No.31545847
Quoted by: >>31545996

The week Mori took her break and Ame almost overtook her was so goddamn insufferable here. And you still have people push the dead subs narrative even though their VODs get comparable views.

>> No.31545848

lots of unarchived singing from goopy gooperson

>> No.31545849

>form emotional bond with my boxed copy of Windows
>form parasocial relationship with chicken streamer
>currently watching Kiara with Hugo, the Windows box
2020 has been weird

>> No.31545850
File: 190 KB, 1571x1286, 1583538246628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545856

and somehow we are still better than /hlg/ it really goes to show how much fucking collected schizophrenia and autism we have on these boards

>> No.31545859
Quoted by: >>31545950

We've fucking noticed, avatarfag

>> No.31545860

You forgot harassing some depressed guy from the UK who may not even be J*y, just because he played games with Gura

>> No.31545861

Aren't people complex creatures? Are you yourself something of the two, or just a thing in between? Like all of us?

>> No.31545863
File: 1.12 MB, 809x829, 1608226595609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you liked playing Fallout 4, Amelia Watson from Hololive i'm sure you will be delighted to play Skyrim too.

>> No.31545865


>> No.31545868

You get to see that time Kiara broke down in tears and was insulting herself because she couldn't get things running right for her Fire Emblem stream

>> No.31545869
Quoted by: >>31545950

When will you stop avatarfagging whiteyboy.

>> No.31545871

Now that Inas started collabing with JPS Kiara will never pass her. Her Nene x Polka x Ina stream was better than anything Kiara put out this month.

>> No.31545872

Please sir...may I have some more?

>> No.31545875
Quoted by: >>31546170

Your reading reps, he said Guts.

>> No.31545874
Quoted by: >>31545950

How ya doing with that teacher job, Walty?

>> No.31545877
Quoted by: >>31545950

anon its not hard they have a form >>31545840

>> No.31545878

Codependent clown

>> No.31545879

Is Koopa the 4chan vtuber or is this some totally independet thing?

>> No.31545880
File: 953 KB, 1362x768, erhftrhtrgjeyrj[.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31545883

what the fuck

>> No.31545884

coco is enma
kiara has a gun
gura is romantically invested in gurame
ina made art for gacha games


>> No.31545885
File: 50 KB, 464x490, 1dd253428ec82a0cd1f4c05c4a54479b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545889
Quoted by: >>31546563

she turned 18? fuck

>> No.31545890

>Marry a fit belly dancing performer
>After making her your housewife, her dancing skills are transferred to a career where she performs with a 3D avatar online so she isn't even performing to live 3DPD
I don't know sharkfag, sounds pretty good.

>> No.31545891

Based schizochad

>> No.31545892

I get migraines with auras (flickering lights in my vision). Sometimes they clear up in an hour or two, sometimes my whole day is fucked.

>> No.31545893
File: 174 KB, 1059x494, takoxecution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you've...
cocked up.


>> No.31545895
File: 220 KB, 1000x1390, 1DCC02B2-31C2-4F03-A257-903C049679B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546283

I want to make this chicken my loving wife and the mother of my children.

>> No.31545896
Quoted by: >>31546123

She tries her hardest to be the former but on occasion the latter slips out, something which she hates.

>> No.31545897
File: 181 KB, 436x456, 1607365371165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to ignore and report all schizos. hooCHA

>> No.31545898

Give it your best guess

>> No.31545900

The weird part is that people donate to streamers explicitly to watch them roll too.

>> No.31545901


>> No.31545902

Correct, i purposely reply to bait in SEAhours

>> No.31545903
Quoted by: >>31546069

I find it kind of funny that you followed two examples of making someone happy with twisting someone's arm and telling them to shut the fuck up about certain topics. It's a good thing you threw "help them" in there otherwise you'd be 1/3 full of shit about making the girls happy.

>> No.31545905

Based. Stay strong, Troopa.

>> No.31545909
File: 371 KB, 1448x2048, 1609423019160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545911
Quoted by: >>31545968

nigger your rrats are so last year
I need fresh rrats

>> No.31545914
Quoted by: >>31546025

How new?

>> No.31545917

So is the bird gonna milk supas until its new years in every time zone?

>> No.31545918

>Among Us with Ollie
This fucking zombie is just inviting yabs herself.

>> No.31545919
Quoted by: >>31546063

What's legal maximum hours?
t. burger

>> No.31545920
Quoted by: >>31546025

Boy I hope this is bait
Lurk 1000 years

>> No.31545925
File: 649 KB, 3383x4018, 721EC58A-1BE8-4F2A-B1C4-07DC2B26D96F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post shitty retarded bait
>still get tons of replies
>shitposters will keep baiting
chumbuds for the love of god stop being thin skinned

>> No.31545923

Fucking hell not only Cover had someone underaged and talked about sex on her roommate's twitter also fags attacked her when she was underaged

>> No.31545924


>> No.31545928

based schzioanon, never take the meds.

>> No.31545931

Also he forgot the time Mocca debuted. The debut stream was posted here, people shitposted about Mocca's voice, then some schizo created a collage and sent it to Mocca.

>> No.31545935
Quoted by: >>31546038

>you can no longer superchat Kiara in foreign currency without her reading your message in a shitty accent
time to buy a VPN I guess

>> No.31545942

>fog sound
god damn my cock

>> No.31545943
File: 46 KB, 519x629, 1607090081645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate it!

>> No.31545945

That fucking frog noise

>> No.31545947

reminder to take your meds, no girl is bi, they all love cocks cause nothing can beat the "BABY MAKER" anyone telling you that isn't the case is a tranny or under yagoo's lies to make women pretend to be gay for money (see OkaKoro)

>> No.31545948
File: 377 KB, 640x630, 1607539326583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck Kiara

>> No.31545950
File: 490 KB, 1280x717, 3421417-you got me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.31545953

I have this saved from the day.

>> No.31545955


>> No.31545957
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1608042435460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545956

>Frog noise
Kiara that's a deepthroat noise what the fuck

>> No.31545958

K-Kiara chama?

>> No.31545960
File: 5 KB, 299x192, 1606270314302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those rrats are already outdated anon, where are you been?

>> No.31545962

What the fuck was that noise Kiara? H-hot

>> No.31545963

Thanks Gregorian Calendar

>> No.31545965
File: 208 KB, 1598x698, 21412412451516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546235

Thanks Gowr Gorba

>> No.31545967

what the fuck chicken

>> No.31545968

no refunds goyim

>> No.31545974


>> No.31545976

How the fuck does Cover keep hiring teenagers? JP labor laws, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.31545979
File: 42 KB, 440x441, glasses_dagger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546064

>SEAschizos celebrate the new year by shitting up these threads harder

>> No.31545978


>> No.31545981
Quoted by: >>31546001

What the fuck was that Kiara

>> No.31545984


>> No.31545985
Quoted by: >>31546109

>One to two days of sudden growth, which immediately leveled back out.
That sounds like a bump to me

>> No.31545983
Quoted by: >>31546096

Super Deep Throat

>> No.31545986


>> No.31545987

What the fuck Kiara lmao

>> No.31545988

I want to do an off collab with ID Gen 1 and 2 and have them all fart directly onto my face at one time

>> No.31545993

>Open Kiara stream
>She's chocking on cock
>Unzip my pants and keep stream open

>> No.31545996

still, no one answered the question how those people count as 'dead subs' when they listen to her songs daily which is represented by their viewcounts

>> No.31545998

Mori does like 1 stream a month unless you pay more, so unless you have plenty of money or really like her I wouldn't really recommend it, she seems to be considering doing more in the future though, so keep an ear out.

>> No.31546004
File: 3.36 MB, 4096x2458, EqilS_hVgAAwO8P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31545999

>regurgitating food into your throat ASMR

>> No.31546001

She was choking on my cock

>> No.31546006
Quoted by: >>31546511

Sometimes I wonder if this is what people tell themselves to cope, that if the girls were here they'd love us and not immediately despise the thread that goes out of its way to dig up everything about their personal life, trashes them and their streams regularly, and only cares about their interactions with others by looking at it through a lens of whether or not they'll fuck each other.

>> No.31546007

so whose gonna be the player on Ollie's Among Us to be called something like NEGRO

>> No.31546009

>Kiara is literally deepthroating right now
How can you still pay her?

>> No.31546010

Only this time bros, please forgive me

>> No.31546011

loserbait didn't deserve the harassment either

>> No.31546013
File: 160 KB, 351x370, 1604428367313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546014
Quoted by: >>31546563

Statutory rape....

>> No.31546016

Gracias Garganta Gélida

>> No.31546017

All me anon, I can't stop samefagging

>> No.31546024

She's probably cutting back even further, and the companies she'll draw for already know how to contact her. I seriously doubt she'd ever quit professional illustrating completely.

>> No.31546025

Not really new but I never bothered about shit that happens outside of the threads here and all I have seen are shitposts related to her that got removed shortly after

>> No.31546026

And even after all of this, /hlgg/ and /hlg/ still don't hold a candle to 5ch nijiniggers.

>> No.31546031

Leave this place at once.

>> No.31546034
Quoted by: >>31546336

What was her Twitter yab? I missed it because I was just watching FES at the time.

>> No.31546033
File: 361 KB, 587x398, 1584253653808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because people will talk about Gura more this way

>> No.31546035

>reverb frog
Blessed stream.

>> No.31546036
File: 28 KB, 352x288, anon_hololive_reddit_ollie_convo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546037

>Do you guys think Kiara is a kindhearted and genuinely nice person offline or a complete narcissistic bitch?
Seems like more of the formar than the latter. But you can't reduce people to a singular trait, and the latter is definitely there, like in most woman.

>> No.31546038

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.31546043

True, but also if you check a lot of those replies are 1 minute apart from eachother

>> No.31546044

my grandma used to make those sounds when she reurgitated phlegm

>> No.31546045


>> No.31546047

fun but uneventful, I really like her dumb energy

>> No.31546048

What is Tylenol Extra Strong for $1000 Alex?

>> No.31546049

Man, Kiara is brave to do a whole ASMR in a concert hall

>> No.31546050

Happy New Year Takobro!

>> No.31546052
File: 655 KB, 4000x2500, EqlV3aXU0AA_51Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546122

I got married to Ollie. Her zatsudans are really good, top notch energy and she knows when to dial it in.

>> No.31546054

Ina's memberships are only good if you like Ina. They're very high-quality Ina content streams but if you don't like Ina enough to consider her to be your Oshi you probably won't feel too enthralled. She really loves her takos and though people talk about the emote spam, it's not so great that it makes talking difficult since it's slow and steady enough to actually highlight regular posts.
Polka isn't my Oshi but she is one I would consider being one of the best to member to even if you don't regularly watch her. The videos she makes are out of this world.

>> No.31546055

>Kiara is doing the NTR stream
Caspar...please....not on stream....

>> No.31546059

She's doing this with a huge dildo, isn't she?

>> No.31546061
File: 73 KB, 573x500, 1593148463558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot stop me.

>> No.31546062

>does all this fancy shit
>only 7k chads watching

I feel blessed and my throat feels fucking weird listening to this

>> No.31546063

anon even burgers have this if you are a part time worker
t, burger

>> No.31546064

They just celebrated their new year and what better thing to do than shitting up the thread once the main celebration is over?

>> No.31546067

is this how it sounds for Chikim to be sucking on your cock? Goddamn new fap material for me

>> No.31546068

KEK, god I love this bird!

>> No.31546069
Quoted by: >>31546176

Happiness isn't always born of positivity, you know. It obviously doesn't sound nice, but I can't imagine Mori was happy running head first into a brick wall again and again that the management already said no to. Moving past it helps.

>> No.31546073
File: 287 KB, 436x456, 1609198798423(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546325


>> No.31546075

>i'm phr0g
What did she mean by this??

>> No.31546076
Quoted by: >>31546611

It's been particularly weird for you, anon

>> No.31546077
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1605317977379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546114

>Open Kiara's stream
>She's doing weird shit again
>close stream

>> No.31546080

Koopa is from this very thread, newfagchama

>> No.31546083
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546111


>> No.31546085

I still don't get the loserbait arc.

>> No.31546086

It fucking happened in the threads

>> No.31546088

Jesus fucking christ Kiara...

>> No.31546091
Quoted by: >>31546121

uh she does know that people will record this and fap to it later right?

>> No.31546094
Quoted by: >>31546496


>> No.31546096
Quoted by: >>31546217

BRB downloading it and making a Kiara skin

>> No.31546097

Nice to see you takobro

>> No.31546102
File: 528 KB, 418x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546107

Wtf, I sent them a proper message of someone larping and they didn't even answer.

>> No.31546109
Quoted by: >>31546460

Because you conveniently ignore the fact that Amelia was still catching up regardless. "Podcast bump" and "new song bump", the latter of which didn't pan out because Mori only actually released one song on her channel, are the two ultimate copes by people who don't want to admit that Mori is just doing better than her genmates, sans Gura.

>> No.31546111

I will never ever ever stop being grateful to Amelia for convincing her to buy that new mic

>> No.31546114

>not keeping it open
Ngmi, Senchou...

>> No.31546121

Why do you think she's doing it in the first place?

>> No.31546122
File: 545 KB, 1794x2048, Eqk79CGXUAAm6QI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and she told me she loves me and gave me multiple kisses as well. That's an important detail. 10/10.

>> No.31546123
File: 102 KB, 242x311, 1607897980509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... a normal woman?

>> No.31546126

he did for being a man and showing up on Ame's stream

>> No.31546129

Rate what?

>> No.31546131

>what? you want me to gargle on echo? okay
see guys, this is why Kiara's years of training as an actual whore are a good thing

>> No.31546133

Discord trannies were using her contact info to send dick pics

>> No.31546139

Just in SEAhours chumbros

>> No.31546140

REMINDER: Gura has the strongest eyes known to mankind, she withstood a migraine and proceeded to stare at two bright ass monitors for 3 hours with no issue whatsoever.
What a chad of a shark

>> No.31546147
File: 238 KB, 351x348, 1602939553557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want me to gargle? Sure.

>> No.31546148

Kill Jesse already you faggot

>> No.31546151

These are just blowjob noises wth

>> No.31546160
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1606691767477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara truly is the best holo.

>> No.31546161

Kiara's guzzling semen live on stream????

>> No.31546163
Quoted by: >>31546214

3h 10m is about the timestamp for this.... performance

>> No.31546167

>spilling it everywhere

>> No.31546168

Aki being married literally just makes my shota/aunt fantasy even more real.

>> No.31546169

>Mori is gay
>Mori literally can't get men off of his mind and regularly talks about his Oshis and how much he wants to collab with them. Gay as fuck and doesn't try to hide it.

>> No.31546170
Quoted by: >>31546335

I think both, but unknowingly selfish and a bit naive.
>making questionable sounds on mic

Might be a typo. t and s are right next to r and a.

>> No.31546178


>> No.31546176

Saying someone's happy doesn't make it so either. If you think she was after reading all of those comments and not dejected by how many people don't want it to happen, regardless of whether or not it should, then you're delusional.

>> No.31546177

>KFP employees tricked Kiara into making blowjob noises

>> No.31546187

This is Korone choking on water with Mio all over again.

>> No.31546189
Quoted by: >>31546238

What a retarded fucking attitude to have. They both deserve more than we could ever give them.
Now Kiara, on the other hand, deserves to have our love and support too. LOL get fucked tribalists.

>> No.31546191
Quoted by: >>31546488

Blue light is what causes migraines to increase. She was probably playing on night-mode which filters all that out.

>> No.31546192

when EN was new everything was a yab
go back to any late september to october 1st thread on warsou
i did it by accident when i was trying to see pekoras pekos
its just as bad as they describe it

>> No.31546193

What the fuck is Kiara doing?

>> No.31546194

How did Asian cultures end up being so toxic on the internet?

>> No.31546195

Uhhh chicken... that last sound was kind of NG

>> No.31546197

Holy shit
This just her choking on KFP employee fluids

>> No.31546199
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, koro math.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 hours playing without rage


korone bros we lost

>> No.31546200

>that cough

>> No.31546201

Chicken, if you were gonna do weird shit with my cum I would've just told you to swallow

>> No.31546202
Quoted by: >>31546292

She doesn't have one in JST either. Her JOP pandering got sidelined for several months.
It is natural for her to grow fanbase in Japan, they are the target audience for her music. There are plenty of nips and non-mainland chinks interested in EN streams and they are way more likely to be into anime girls streaming than Westerners on average. I'm not sure why you think that trying to compete with Gura and Amelia in their timzone would be better for Mori than getting a niche all for herself once Kiara switches to EU times.

>> No.31546205

Kiaras chat is entirely green, with 1-2 grays... S-sugoi! I thought I had filtered poorfags for a second.

>> No.31546204

Isnt she great? Learn from her dedication anon

>> No.31546207
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 94C648F2-4019-4D36-97DE-6BB16E73CF81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d do anything to marry this bird! Anything!

>> No.31546208
File: 22 KB, 624x641, Failure_rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546210
Quoted by: >>31546310

>two bright ass monitors
Please anons tell me you don't keep your brightness high... Your eyes...

>> No.31546212

>When do you think Kiara will finally overtake her?
When she does her subtitling-reps for those JP-collabs that are basically unused.

>> No.31546214

I'll get on it as soon as she finishes...

>> No.31546215

She is going to need a new keyboard any second now.

>> No.31546216

Gargling with reverb on.

>> No.31546217
Quoted by: >>31546535

an ame skin would be easy to make with all the cut outs of her hats

>> No.31546218

>this is how it sounds after you cum in Kiara's mouth
ok when is she gonna let all her employees fuck her goddamn I love this preview

>> No.31546219

Here's a real rrat for ya: Cover pressured Aloe into quitting once they found out she was a minor and just used her harassment to avoid talking about the truth.

>> No.31546220

Blowjob ASMR

>> No.31546222

She's gonna die on sgream again...

>> No.31546225
Quoted by: >>31546297

Remember when Kiara wanted to make Yagoo proud by being a seiso idol?

>> No.31546229

Why is it that every time a fanbase succesfully shits on antis and shitposters its "think skin"?

Takamori just mad Ame and Gura fans can btfo antis while their antis get joined by others to shit on their oshis to the point where it actually looks like the thread is going anti.

>> No.31546230

>she's straight up doing deepthroat and swallowing noises with reverb for her chat
We're reaching peak parasocial relationship jesus

>> No.31546232

Someone better be making animation with these noises

>> No.31546235
File: 13 KB, 336x300, perkele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogei rrotta

>> No.31546238

Based unitychad

>> No.31546239


>> No.31546240

Remember her mom is probably watching this

>> No.31546243
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1603301711090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus H. Christ, Chikin...

>> No.31546245


>> No.31546246

>says she won't do ASMR because it's too weird

>> No.31546247

It really is something that even at our very worst, we at least try to tell them to fuck off. If we had the option of stronger moderation, I feel like 8/10 posters would take it. 5ch nijiniggers are on another level entirely.

>> No.31546251

Inferiority complex

>> No.31546254

certainly not taking her meds

>> No.31546255

>2 monitors
She said she only has one and wants to upgrade to 2 monitors anonchama.

>> No.31546256

cute cumguzzler

>> No.31546257
Quoted by: >>31546661

>on the internet
AKB48 chainsaw
Junko Furuta

>> No.31546263
File: 64 KB, 574x574, lewdkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546265
File: 159 KB, 463x453, 1596641795752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Chicken water boarding herself?

>> No.31546264


>> No.31546266

"ha ha someone is here" shouldn't be a surprise, desu. So it's really silly to insist no one is monitoring this thread, or the girls don't ego search here from time to time.

>> No.31546267
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1608664463368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bubbling noises
Is this what her womb sounds like after 400 KFPs cummed inside of her?

>> No.31546268
Quoted by: >>31546400


>> No.31546269

i opened kiara's stream and she's gurgling some cum
what the fuck happened

>> No.31546270
Quoted by: >>31546301

Chiken wtf are you doing?

>> No.31546276
Quoted by: >>31546563

holy shit her mods were actually groomers then???

>> No.31546281

>jan 1st, 3 am
>making gargling noises on stream
where do i find a gf like this?

>> No.31546282

I'm going to aka supacha anybody that splices some of these Kiara gargling sounds with deep throat blowjob sounds into a realistic audio file.

>> No.31546283

Bad Idea, but the guy you quoted gets it.

>> No.31546285

so... this is the kfp experience

>> No.31546286

omegaverse bros....

>> No.31546288
Quoted by: >>31546359

Pretty sure she has 2 and wanted a third one. But maybe my brain is acting up.

>> No.31546292
Quoted by: >>31546426

This is Hololive ENGLISH, not Hololive Japan, last time I checked. Appealing to a pack of yellow monkeys who don't superchat and don't watch, you might as well just say that you want her to crater her numbers. Which is fine, but at least be honest about it.

>> No.31546295

Alright KFPs I'll watch your Oshi for now

>> No.31546297
File: 51 KB, 198x280, 1608500372381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit died with her first Mario Kart stream

>> No.31546299

she used night mode so it was ok :^)

>> No.31546300
Quoted by: >>31546485

she sounded like the water zombies

>> No.31546301

Practicing for when she has to gargle Marines juices.

>> No.31546302
File: 261 KB, 750x750, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546355

Thankfully my oshi isn't as lazy and creatively bankrupt as Gura, so I never have to worry about this.

>> No.31546304
Quoted by: >>31546424

>the way we got in touch was through Reddit
Really seems like Reddit has more influence...

>> No.31546307
File: 280 KB, 1419x1108, 1607555465425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tangents never end

>> No.31546309
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, 1608987374929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright get in line for your bonking

>> No.31546310

I do. I like to have my lights on though.

>> No.31546313
Quoted by: >>31546405

Did you find the pekos?

>> No.31546312

I kneel kz

>> No.31546315

>Oh my god what the fuck am I doing??
Ok she's back.

>> No.31546317

Is 2

>> No.31546320
File: 950 KB, 1200x1783, awefq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel wants to get closer to English viewers this year. Have you tried her ear licking ASMR yet?

>> No.31546322
Quoted by: >>31546563

anon why does it keep getting worse

>> No.31546324
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chikim goes shlop shlop shlop

>> No.31546325
File: 424 KB, 436x912, 3218873070137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Great Gurandmas.

>> No.31546326

loserbait deserves it for shit talking us (even if it was all true)

>> No.31546327

What happened to the bug attack on Coco? I'm seeing no spam in her chat and her twitter replies are devoid of insane schizoposts. Even the downvotes are going down. Did she win?

>> No.31546328

Why yes, welcome to KFP. May i take your order?

>> No.31546331
Quoted by: >>31546829

>Jan 1st
>3 am
It's almost 7 pm, retard.
Irrelevant, kys.

>> No.31546332

Go under a bridge in Austria and look for a rock munching ogre that's in love with Japanese culture.

>> No.31546335

It was phone posting, didn't notice that gura got changed to guts.

>> No.31546336

She liked a bunch of tweets on the holofes tag, including one that linked to an illegal Chinese restream

>> No.31546339
Quoted by: >>31546398

Hello there newfagchama

>> No.31546341
Quoted by: >>31546408

>chikin stream during that whole thing

>> No.31546347

Mori has an asmr mic. Imagine the off collab

>> No.31546351

Not immediately, of course, that's why I said help as well. I don't want to pretend it's all positivity and sunshine, but I don't want to act like it was a bad thing, either.

>> No.31546352
Quoted by: >>31546388

I tried her roommate's asmr streams.

>> No.31546353


>> No.31546354

>Noel planning to learn more English
>Mori has an ASMR mic now

One step closer deadbros...

>> No.31546355

Thats...not a correct example anon..

>> No.31546358
Quoted by: >>31546399

I actually still feel really bad about that one, he had to board up everything...

>> No.31546359

She has 2. Wants one for the game, one for the other applications and on for chat spamming that stupid face.

>> No.31546361
Quoted by: >>31546523

Holy shit she's still playing??? She has the patience of an angel.

>> No.31546360
Quoted by: >>31546436

chicken is going to schlick at least 3 times in bed after stream ends imagining making those sounds while sucking kfp cock

>> No.31546362
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1605849696575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546442

And her bitch of a mom stole money from her. Aloe...

>> No.31546365


>> No.31546366
File: 102 KB, 320x225, 1606072374020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546422

>Starts the new year off with cum play ASMR
Never change Tenchou

>> No.31546382

Well, I'm glad I tuned in just in time for that.

>> No.31546386

Migraines are a spook

>> No.31546387
File: 45 KB, 824x713, 1605925800585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel wants to get more English viewers this year
>2021 is the year of the cow
I'm ready

>> No.31546388

Same, cummed

>> No.31546394
Quoted by: >>31546606

some chink got sent to prison because of that so they gave up

>> No.31546396

>Be J
>Get harassed

>> No.31546397

t. Unicorn that took the bait from 5ch

>> No.31546398

Is it rrat of real?

>> No.31546399
File: 227 KB, 719x729, 1587909481481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546640

You can feel bad for Gura, Ame, their retarded dumbass friends, doxxfags are the worst.

But they're at fault too. FUCKING HIDE EVERYTHING YOU STUPID BITCHES, it's not the first time it fucking happens you know.

>> No.31546400
File: 45 KB, 300x300, have sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546545


>> No.31546402
File: 117 KB, 361x387, 1607812327040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546563

This is a nasty one.

>> No.31546405
Quoted by: >>31546937

just googled them
were not worth it dont fucking bother

>> No.31546406

It's almost 2am in flipnig land, someone better upload the entire sequence to catbox so I can fap to it later.

>> No.31546407
Quoted by: >>31546563

>once they found out she was a minor
But how could they miss that? They had to hire someone, how in the hell could they not notice who they were hiring? The amount of incompetence it would take to hire someone underage without knowing and somehow missing that through all of the legal processes of hiring them, that's nearly impossible.

>> No.31546408

>posting Etika in response to drowning noises

>> No.31546410

She sometimes reads English comments during her NND streams

>> No.31546411

Noel and Mori docking...

>> No.31546414

>Wait, are you saying that Kiara actually has very little knowledge of Hololive beyond Pekora?
She watched Pekora's entire archive of streams and clips for everybody else. Other than Pekora knowledge, her head is empty.

>> No.31546422

> cum play ASMR
I love this bottom left tenchou like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.31546424

It has much more influence just for the fact that they have a direct way to talk to Hololive staff/members. We don't even know if anyone on Hololive lurks here.

>> No.31546426

>This is Hololive ENGLISH, not Hololive Japan
Is she supposed to stream in GMT primetime?
>Appealing to a pack of yellow monkeys who don't superchat and don't watch, you might as well just say that you want her to crater her numbers.
She was #2 in live viewer numbers back when she did exactly that.

>> No.31546427

263 IPs
400 posts to go
I asked this question 8 hours ago, so I'm covering a different set of anons here:

>Your oshi
>Your NY resolution
>Will you make it?

>> No.31546428


>> No.31546430

pretty much
bugs are slowly getting tired
they a are still a bit stubborn tho since they spammed the chats of her collab partners during the latest ark collab

>> No.31546432

Someone post the Kiara blowjob clip

>> No.31546434
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 1606747488164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546563


>> No.31546436

And KFP employees are fapping to the idea of Kiara schlicking while imagining sucking her employees cocks

>> No.31546438

I think I need a break from these threads. These cope narratives are starting to get annoying as anti’s narratives

>> No.31546440
File: 258 KB, 1530x2115, 1605990636684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Year of the Ox (Cow)?

>> No.31546442

Fucking hell that evil

>> No.31546447

She has two, you can even tell which one she looks at with how her live2d is set up.

>> No.31546451

kek, but also RIP

>> No.31546453

Better grades

>> No.31546458
Quoted by: >>31546484

>we don't even know if anyone on Hololive lurks here
HoloEN is a MYTH.

>> No.31546460

The gap between them hasn't really changed in months. They're both doing great.

>> No.31546461

Happy New Years mofo, I wish you to get everything you want done and be the person your chuuba would want you to be!

>> No.31546463
Quoted by: >>31546860

Sorry, ASMR canceled indefinitely. But hey, maybe after we get another DOOM stream though? That one was "postponed" too, I wonder how that's going.

>> No.31546468
Quoted by: >>31546500

You already asked this
>Lose 20kg of fat, gain 20kg of meat
>Fuck yes, else I'll die trying

>> No.31546469

10 bitcoin

>> No.31546470

anon you didnt have to
this is worse than the fucking watame post from a couple days ago

>> No.31546473

Honestly, IIRC, a good number of the comments weren't even saying for it to not happen, they said they were sick of hearing about it if nothing was changing and didn't want to hear the same shit every stream.

>> No.31546475

>Here's a real rrat for ya:
Weak rrat, everyone knows Hachama was a minor when she started working for Cover.

>> No.31546478
Quoted by: >>31546563


>> No.31546484

That's still on rrat territory tho.

>> No.31546485
File: 39 KB, 446x468, 1607830298395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up to watch the new year's stream
>family starts making noise and I have to go afk
>too many distractions to continue watching chicken's stream
>the fun starts after I just stop trying to watch
what the fuck is up with this timing for me lately? nearly every fucking time.

wtf is she a pro?

made me chuckle, anon

>> No.31546486
File: 258 KB, 950x1460, 1609265280561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Hololive girl] is gay is not a narrative, it's her default setting. "Narrative" is when you suspect some holo is straight because she accidentally said something about boys. Know the difference.

>> No.31546488

>filters all ouf it out
don't think it'd filter out the entirety of her notably blue house

>> No.31546493

Not everyone has light sensitivity with migraines

>> No.31546496
File: 942 KB, 1920x1080, 12428979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546569

Force me

>> No.31546497
Quoted by: >>31546563

She's only 18? what the fuck???

>> No.31546498

Giving up gacha
As long as I have Kiara, yes

>> No.31546500
Quoted by: >>31546533

Why are you still here?
Oh right. WfH wagiebeat

>> No.31546504

I don't think ぐら by itself is a good term to use for this, the interest has barely changed since 9 months before EN debuted, so most of the searches have nothing to do with her.

>> No.31546506

If she was a complete narcissist, knowing her family history, she wouldn't have bought her brother and mom new cars.

>> No.31546508

How is Sex so powerful?

>> No.31546511
Quoted by: >>31546627

I mean, I don't hate it despite empathizing with the girls. Must be something good to it.

>> No.31546515
Quoted by: >>31546529

What happened with that situation? Were people messaging him on Twitter, or did he preemptively lock everything down

>> No.31546518
File: 3.97 MB, 10000x10000, 1596801027876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.31546519

I regularly watch her roommates ASMR streams and the leaks of hers if I find them

>> No.31546522

Just call it a PC spec stream

>> No.31546523

Lulu is an angel
accurate to biblical descriptions

>> No.31546529

People messaged him on Twitter

>> No.31546533

I'm eurobeat, it's night here.

>> No.31546534


>China banned coal from Australia
>Is now suffering energy shortages

>> No.31546535

Wamehole skin

>> No.31546536

The CCP is cracking down on them for forming a base of power outside of the CCP control. Even having a CCP supportive hatemob is considered a threat to the CCP elite's powerbase, so they arrested/drafted some of the ringleaders.
Also, they literally have rolling power outages throughout the country right now due to a power shortage they caused themselves by blacklisting Australian coal when they didn't have enough coal themselves, so antis can't shitpost on computers with no power.

>> No.31546540
Quoted by: >>31546939

>picture with kusogaki
>that says they're not idols
>cause she gets railed by Ojisans every night
should have posted better dyke fanart

>> No.31546541
File: 967 KB, 1249x1574, hlgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546594

The year of the Rat is almost over...

>> No.31546545


>> No.31546547

Restart my life

>> No.31546548
Quoted by: >>31546563

But how can she be the CEO of that if she was only 17 yo...

>> No.31546555
File: 235 KB, 2048x1152, 1598224076770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korosan ended 2020 without playing Doom Eternal
>But she said that she will start playing games with Okayu
Okakoro chads, we won
A Way Out stream when?

>> No.31546558

Stop being so lazy
I'm going to give it a real try, I just hope it gets easier as time goes by

>> No.31546559
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1606796480583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google amp

>> No.31546560

I want to make a drawing that I'm proud of to show Ina.
Probably. Still doing my art reps

>> No.31546561


>> No.31546562
Quoted by: >>31546598

What did Chimkin say about gooruh this time

>> No.31546563

>>31546478 >>31546322 >>31546402 >>31546407 >>31546475 >>31545844 >>31545865 >>31545889 >>31545923 >>31545976 >>31546014 >>31546219 >>31546276 >>31546434 >>31546497 >>31546518 >>31546548
Isn't that her bother's one?

>> No.31546566

Eh? You fucks told me Cover hires an adults since Gen2!

>> No.31546569

Post him breaking down that shit always cracks me up

>> No.31546573

Exercise regularly, finish my game.
I'm sure as shit gonna try.

>> No.31546580

Haachama and zion

>> No.31546583

nigger we had Haachama doing lewd asmr while she was still 17, be grateful. Yet knowing Aloe was actually 17 and she was THE CEO OF SEX makes me just feel bad to know all of her mods in her new life are actually groomers

>> No.31546585
File: 389 KB, 1445x2048, 363a2e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31546586
Quoted by: >>31546643

>Gura changes NYE stream to a Minecraft NYE stream
This would be for the better

>> No.31546592

I always tell myself to keep a simple goal: make it to the next year better than you were at the start.
I'll make it.

>> No.31546595

Does anyone find it creepy that Kiara constantly mines unconditional and adoring worship from her KFP employees to boost her own self-confidence?

>> No.31546594

what is next year?
should i be worried?

>> No.31546597
Quoted by: >>31546654

no idea friend, did I just fell for a naive rrat?

>> No.31546598

She said the thing, the gargantuan gargoyle thing

>> No.31546601
Quoted by: >>31546725

Write a book or game
Probably not I already had I 10 months to do it since I lost job due to virus

>> No.31546606

Really? Anywhere to read expanding on that?

>> No.31546608

When it gets translated into japanese never

>> No.31546609

Yes but the rrat in my head said otherwise

>> No.31546611

Other people have stuffed animals I guess

>> No.31546613

No, this is acceptable.

>> No.31546615

Take last year of uni seriously
Probably not.

>> No.31546618

I'd never thought I would say this but... BASED CCP

>> No.31546620
Quoted by: >>31546671

Please no, I don't give a fuck about Noel.

>> No.31546621

year of the (d)ox

>> No.31546624

How can a government be so retarded?

>> No.31546627
Quoted by: >>31547012

Empathizing with someone and actually being that someone are worlds apart. You can like it because there's always going to be a degree of separation between you and the person you're empathizing with and, in the end, nothing here actually affects you or your feelings.

>> No.31546628

J*y is weak willed

>> No.31546631

when there's a jp version of it, unfortunately

>> No.31546636

Hey so Gura is supposed to be streaming in about 2 hours but I don't see the stream, was it cancelled?
t. Not a regular viewer of Gura

>> No.31546640

lmao how the fuck is Jay at fault? We already knew they were friends, he was completely fine until the notification, which was 100% Gura's fault.

>> No.31546642

Recover from wrist injury, get better at drawing, healthier lifestyle
Barring unforeseen circumstances, yes

>> No.31546643

Gura should play Minecraft every stream honestly
Gura should switch to ARK and do the same honestly
And maybe convince to do the rest of HoloEN to do the same honestly
And maybe get hyped for ARK 2

>> No.31546644

get wrecked bugs

>> No.31546646
Quoted by: >>31546696

>she's still at the member stream
So is she gonna stop for the night

>> No.31546649


To be fair, the doxing doesn't originate here at all. Psychos from other websites post it here so then our own psychos re-post dox information and go full schizophrenic for a few days until they go unconscious from their medicine for a few weeks.

Also we've done nothing to any of them directly. Because as much as it hurts to admit it, none of them browse here.

>> No.31546654
Quoted by: >>31546747

That what >>31534354 said

>> No.31546655

Do you archive reps

>> No.31546656

>Start working on my game
Also Happy New Year /hlgg/

>> No.31546657

Nah, besides she gives unconditional and adoring worship back to her employees

>> No.31546659
File: 414 KB, 1281x1116, 1606614008357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546661

Fucking schizos, man
Great, those plots aren't that far from truth after all

>> No.31546665

Kek its cultural revolution all over again

>> No.31546666

And now there’s evidence it might not even be the UK j*y but the holoEN manager that also goes by J*y

>> No.31546667
File: 20 KB, 273x266, 1601880643098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546669

Just taking a couple non-commital searches I've seen Gura's real face.
I feel so disgusting right now.

>> No.31546671

>He doesn't want Mori and Noel rubbing their tits together "heartbeat" ASMR

>> No.31546673

Year of the (d)ox(x)

>> No.31546678

>lmao how the fuck is Jay at fault?
I said Gura and Ame, not him.

>> No.31546685
File: 340 KB, 2048x1654, EpMsVlWVEAAYEOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31546687

It's a rrat, but it's also one of those rrats where other answers are almost more improbable. I'd be surprised if some anon just happened to get a phrase right for what HoloEN would be, days before the announcement, and then latch onto it as a shitpost he'd send all the way until it happened. Seems almost more improbable than someone on the inside shitposting.

>> No.31546688

I can see your tail, Kaichou

>> No.31546689

Write at least a thousand words every day
Yes, it's just an upgrade from last year's 500

>> No.31546690

yes but i didn't want to ruin the joke

>> No.31546691

Never. Can't buy it in Japan.

>> No.31546692

oh no

>> No.31546693

Please don't start the SHE'S HERE and SHE'S NOT HERE time loop again

>> No.31546696
File: 285 KB, 1668x2048, 1606715215871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she'll clear all the superchats so she starts the new year fresh. But who knows.

>> No.31546697
Quoted by: >>31546732

Work out regularly again
I think so, I was on a roll last year until the coof.

>> No.31546702
Quoted by: >>31546740


>> No.31546705

Lose weight
Yeah, I'm on that Gura diet.

>> No.31546706

>Even having a CCP supportive hatemob is considered a threat to the CCP elite's powerbase
A government-supporting hatemob outside the direct control of the government is how the communists came to power in China in the first place, so it makes sense

>> No.31546707
Quoted by: >>31546854

Finish university

>> No.31546711
File: 58 KB, 415x539, 1609389278465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time

>> No.31546714

Year of the Bull is pretty self-explanatory.

>> No.31546713
Quoted by: >>31546915

Reminds me of that perfectly functional African country casting whites away and then starving and eating rrats

>> No.31546719
Quoted by: >>31546886

Is there a source for that first paragraph?

>> No.31546724

>Blaming the EN girls instead of the other party

>> No.31546725
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1608901395876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow KFPbro, let me tell you as a published author (admittedly one of which was a doctoral dissertation so guaranteed publishing anyway), maybe these tips will be of use for you:
1. consider writing about something you genuinely give a shit about rather than fiction;
2. if you procrastinate because writing "a book" is too daunting, write smaller pieces instead; you can always tie them together later;
3. you write the first chapter as the second to last one (because it sets the frame for everything else) and the last chapter at the very end once you have all the pieces.
Best of luck!

>> No.31546726
Quoted by: >>31546781

>shark meido is KIA
>threads already filled with dox and dox schizo posts
it's just gonna get worse bros...

>> No.31546727

One of my new year goals is to expand from trinity and into unity, this is my first Kiara stream, it's very fun but also how fucking long is this?

>> No.31546732 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1609437684564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31546767

we're gonna make it brah

>> No.31546737

>is it weird if someone boosts their confidence by getting praise for their work
Not really? She is needy for praise, but thats not exactly weird.

>> No.31546738

Whipping Australia into submission is worth some minor inconveniences.

>> No.31546740


>> No.31546741

Its not just that, someone knew about Aloe's graduation and Coco's suspension before hand.

>> No.31546743
Quoted by: >>31546780

8pm pst means in 10 hours anon

>> No.31546744

Kiara is a stupid bitch running over Ina's time when there's plenty of dead hours before.

>> No.31546747

well at least that makes things a little better

>> No.31546748
File: 37 KB, 460x215, TheForest_Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN should all just play the forest just to get ready for new one coming out

>> No.31546749

stop smoking, get fit
well i just might

>> No.31546751

/hlgg/ has done more to make me dislike gays and their self-centered belief that everyone is gay just like them than any piece of /pol/ propaganda to the point that I wonder if that was the goal all along.

>> No.31546756

Nah, I love Mori but I'm not looking for that from her. leave the coomer shit to Noel.

>> No.31546758

Some of it definitely gets posted here first, publically at least. Not gonna name any examples for obvious reasons but it definitely happens.

>> No.31546759

I believe Mori was the one that posted the link to her old albums here.

>> No.31546761


>> No.31546763

I mean, it's pretty smart
You wouldn't want them deciding to attack a politician or actually important investors next, would you?

>> No.31546764

Nothing specific, I just want to keep a consistent schedule.
Maybe. Would be great if Ame's streaming schedule was more consistent

>> No.31546765

What artist?

>> No.31546767
Quoted by: >>31546799


>> No.31546768

Doesn't make it any better

>> No.31546772
File: 518 KB, 1738x2105, 1608665439673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally its Nenechi's year

>> No.31546777
Quoted by: >>31546790

What the fuck did I miss?

>> No.31546778

Based. The superchat readings can be really really long but the clippers usually get the best moments.
No shame if you prefer to just watch that.

>> No.31546780

Fucksake I hate that teamup doesn't auto shift to your timezone

>> No.31546781

the dox thread last night got deleted pretty quick so we do have some mod some where

>> No.31546782

time to watch kwappi

>> No.31546783
File: 19 KB, 256x273, Fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546785
Quoted by: >>31546927

I want /v/iggers to leave.

>> No.31546787

>Just got back
left 1.5 hours ago, is she still on her members stream?!
kfp calm down geez

>> No.31546790
Quoted by: >>31547046

She did those in the Sakuna streams already

>> No.31546792 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 780x328, 1609437793842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many zeros to not be a red one...
HUFbros... she doesn't know...

>> No.31546794

She said she'd start streaming at 7 CET, which is 2 hours before Ina. Kiara will run longer than 2 hours because of course she will, but that's difficult to avoid.

>> No.31546799

do it for him and your oshi anon

>> No.31546803

Day 1: MC
Day 2: MC
Day 3: Rust
Day 4: ARK
Day 5: ARK
Day 6: The Forest
Day. 7: (any of the above)


>> No.31546808

When will this fucking end? Mori could stream herself posting on 4chan and people will still accuse her post as a larper and deny that she's here.

>> No.31546810

>outside of the threads
Wrong again, sorry

>> No.31546817

Mori is a coomer too
t. last T3 stream

>> No.31546821

>wasn't here for the massive overlap all the EN girls had last night

>> No.31546829
Quoted by: >>31546870

>ever relevant

>> No.31546831

Reminder that he just wanted to play some Animal Crossing...

>> No.31546833
File: 6 KB, 367x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter zoombie.

>> No.31546834
Quoted by: >>31546987

Okay, how about:
>takamori ASMR
>sleepy reaper
>whisper kiara
Imagine, just... imagine....

>> No.31546837

She's in her early 20s

>> No.31546846
File: 164 KB, 1080x524, ab472250f3deb48f957f1480e71f3a292cf5789c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you'd understand if you had sex for once!

>> No.31546847
Quoted by: >>31546940

Damn. Did niggermark share it yet?

>> No.31546848
Quoted by: >>31546962

Why does it fucking matter if she's HERE or NOT HERE anyway

>> No.31546850

>you oshi
>Kiara. How many times?

>> No.31546849

Holy shit Koopa is monetised

>> No.31546852

What did Australia do now? Not low enough taxes for CN companies?

>> No.31546854

Same, have been really slacking off since the rona.
We'll make it anon, probably.

>> No.31546858

I'm not denying it but I think there's a bigger chance they hang around places like lolcow or even PULL. I don't know if PULL allows vtubers though, haven't been on there in literal years.

>> No.31546860
Quoted by: >>31547020

DOOM is definetly coming back but only after she finishes crash because mori wants to recover her gaming confidence, instead of asking for DOOM it would be more asking for crash.

>> No.31546864

Day 1: MC
Day 2: Shitty kusoge, if it's horror it's better
Day 3: MC
Day 4: ARK
Day 5: MC
Day 6: Apex
Day. 7: ARK

>> No.31546865

>I don't even know who Goku is

>> No.31546870


>> No.31546872

>never watched dragonball
Sorry Ameribros.

>> No.31546873
Quoted by: >>31546991

minors were already employed by hololive with any problem. aloe got kicked out for shady stuff like promoting prostitution on her roommate twitter.

>> No.31546875

>doesn't watch DBZ

>> No.31546876

>Kiara: I don't watch dragon ball, I don't even know who Goku is

>> No.31546877

>Your Oshi
>What things has this thread make you hate?

>> No.31546882


>> No.31546884

>Kiara doesn't even know Goku
I thought she was a diehard weeb...

>> No.31546886

Someone was posting it before who mines the CCP forums, I'll see if I can find it.

>> No.31546887
Quoted by: >>31546973

>Ina wants to keep making wallpapers as long as people respect the rules
Obviously some faggot will leak the extra versions here and we won't get any more

>> No.31546895

>"I don't watch DBZ"
Hello, based department? You want to see this.

>> No.31546896
File: 1.17 MB, 1279x719, 3131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Nene fucking clickbaiting or do I need to do my nihongo reps?

>> No.31546900


>> No.31546901
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, dbs niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547088

>doesn't know who goku is

>> No.31546902

7 hours

>> No.31546905
File: 14 KB, 329x173, dbz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547022

So this is the power of KFP..

>> No.31546908

She's an idol otaku anon prease undastandt

>> No.31546912
Quoted by: >>31547030

I don't care whether or not they're HERE but pretending that if they were they'd like this place is pure delusion.

>> No.31546914


>> No.31546915
Quoted by: >>31546967

Didn't the one who made that happened get removed from power?

>> No.31546916


>> No.31546925

ZEEfags btfo

>> No.31546927
Quoted by: >>31546979

Never been on /v/ in my life, I just don't want her to make soft porn.
I was there, but I don't remember any of that, granted I was half asleep.

>> No.31546935

She only talking about it, outfit wont come till the end of january

>> No.31546937

Oh that video
I still busted a nut to her, peko

>> No.31546938

Add Sakuna for the cherry on top

>> No.31546939
File: 298 KB, 527x690, protochumguts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31546940
Quoted by: >>31546977

I am niggermark, bro
also, I'm pondering on it, Mori treated it pretty intimately
I might drop it after the Reaper Reset when she's settled in new pace and we can see where it took us

>> No.31546946
Quoted by: >>31547019

>Pekora playing yakuza 0
Sega is on the menu boys

>> No.31546948
File: 621 KB, 498x498, 1605690525714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried with possible Gen 6 or EN2. We should keep Nene away from them

>> No.31546949

>Has not watched JoJo
>Has not watched Dragon Ball
I want to kidnap this chicken and forcefeed her shounen anime.

>> No.31546952

Time for 100 posts of DBZfags seething

>> No.31546956
File: 1.28 MB, 1159x1684, gura2552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 100 posts remain and we still have images, you know what to do.

>> No.31546958

Most likely

>> No.31546962

Because it's funny as fuck if Mori saw the Globo Holo coupon

>> No.31546967

Don't know.
By the way I remembered, it's Zimbabwe.

>> No.31546971

She became a weeb later in life and she was probably an infant when DBZ was relevant.

>> No.31546973


>> No.31546977

Yeah. Cool. Damn. I downgraded my membership to T1 after the shitshow of the last T2. Glad it went okay this time around.

>> No.31546980
File: 202 KB, 600x600, 1604197621141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make NY resolutions, I'm already doing everything I want
We're all going to

>> No.31546979
Quoted by: >>31547031

her talking about writing up a spicy AV scenario but being incapable of acting it out because she doesn't know shit about 'that'

>> No.31546984

>Tell me doctor... am I going to die? "That's poor posture?" **** you!

>> No.31546986
Quoted by: >>31547090

her favorite anime are minami-ke and ttgl

>> No.31546987
Quoted by: >>31547065

>Okay, how about:
>>takamori ASMR
>>sleepy reaper
>>whisper kiara
>Imagine, just... imagine....
Someone tell Ame about Aki Rosenthal's bathing-stream. A shower should be easier because it's over faster and the microphone is outside the cabin.

>> No.31546991

Aloe did nothing wrong.

>> No.31546992

>daddy issues

>> No.31546994
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1592097866034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her shoulderpain is a wrestling injury

>> No.31546996

>Daddy issues
It was inevitable, someone was going to say it

>> No.31546999
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 157B992D-D747-4D40-96B8-A1B805E85D81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547064

>Going to have to deal with even more of these zedfags when Kiara moves back
Fuck this

>> No.31547000
File: 506 KB, 2323x1926, 1591562113966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547008


>> No.31547011
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1606631893775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547012
Quoted by: >>31547096

Eh, there are gushing posts as well as shitposts. This place has that gap moe going on, see.

>> No.31547016
File: 479 KB, 1000x1094, 1590876466143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547078


>> No.31547017

Dangerous rrat

>> No.31547018
File: 126 KB, 514x213, 1588946614127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547075


>> No.31547019
Quoted by: >>31547054

That's.cool.and all but SEGA permission for EN fucking when?

>> No.31547020
Quoted by: >>31547116

>DOOM is definetly coming back
And Blasphemous was next week back in October. DOOM's not coming back and you should throw away all hopes of Mori actually doing her ASMR stream. When Mori rescheduled, she rescheduled. When something is canceled, it's as good as dead.

>> No.31547022

Mori would be beerus, kinda obvious

>> No.31547023
Quoted by: >>31547072

you never sell reapercoin bro, it always bounces

>> No.31547026

basically she's saying she wont get a new year's outfit, so she drew one herself
but she's also saying to not get hyped about it since she only used a day to draw it

>> No.31547028

maybe chickens not so bad after all

>> No.31547029
Quoted by: >>31547115

Find a purpose in life
I don't think too much about it

>> No.31547030

If they lurk here during SEAnigger hours they’d definitely hate this place

>> No.31547031
Quoted by: >>31547130

>because she doesn't know shit about 'that'
uuuuh. Definitely, kayfabe, right?
Who are we kidding. Definitely not lmao. Any doxxbeat who knows his salt knows this.

>> No.31547034
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>> No.31547036

Now this is rratracing

>> No.31547039
File: 301 KB, 2048x1440, EqlPDfSVEAMDj3V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547046

Not that anon, but I'm hearing she also did it with echo this time.

>didn't watch DBZ
>doesn't know Goku
not surprised after hearing she doesn't know what a MILF is

>> No.31547047

Kiara, stop, turtle is streaming!

>> No.31547048

Dangerous rrat that is close to being true

>> No.31547051

Commies don't have brains, what's new?

>> No.31547053
File: 738 KB, 1024x592, 1609252291780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547054
Quoted by: >>31547114

They been had it since Kiara played Like a dragon.

>> No.31547055

She isn't streaming for another 9 hours and 50 minutes. 11pm EST

>> No.31547057

t. deadbeat

>> No.31547060

China actually leaked a list of grievances, and most of them come down to
>stop calling us mean
>we're not mean fuck you
>and shut the fuck up about the virus it isn't our fault
>we live rent free in your head and it's fucking annoying, stop calling us a problem
It's about as stupid as the reason their citizens got mad at Coco, but you know what they say, the country is a mirror of their audience

>> No.31547064

just wait til shel talks about the Y

>> No.31547065

Having an oshi really changes things. Never thought I'd feel something imagining a stream where I'd listen to a girl take a shower.

>> No.31547066
Quoted by: >>31547113

>he sold
That's rough to hear. Is the money really that tight?

>> No.31547070
File: 153 KB, 320x624, protochumguts eat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547072

Not when I'm not exactly a rich man.

>> No.31547075


>> No.31547078
File: 629 KB, 2282x3157, 1609273112404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547129


>> No.31547081
File: 191 KB, 463x453, 1605378440112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this rrat.

>> No.31547084


>> No.31547087
File: 977 KB, 1080x1235, A0635ABC-AF9E-431C-BEF8-42ACA34A78FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s still time to hit the image limit cmon bros!

>> No.31547088

are you doing it on purpose or you seriously don't know spanish and portuguese are different languages

>> No.31547089


>> No.31547090

based taste

>> No.31547093
File: 348 KB, 413x564, 1607536493655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does TAKERU only draw Gura?
They must be having sex.

>> No.31547094

>Fnish writing that d&d campaign for my peeps
>Yes, one way or another

>> No.31547096

And the human brain is wired to more vividly remember unpleasant experiences, of which there are many more. What do you think is more likely if she was here, Mori remembering the one hour she streamed and people loving her or the 23 hours that followed where people kept talking about how she doesn't give a fuck about anything and keeps ruining hololive?

>> No.31547098

She sure tried hard not to say "cult" right there

>> No.31547100
File: 219 KB, 498x497, 1608503437707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31547109


>> No.31547112
File: 156 KB, 638x479, trolls-arent-the-only-threat-under-the-bridge-oscon-2014-3-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547113

I earn 14$/day, anon. SEAnig living wages.

>> No.31547114

Like A Dragon was still sponsored, they didn't get permissions until a week or so later. Isn't there still some issue with Sega of America that's stopping the EN girls from playing their games or is that just a rrat?

>> No.31547115

Don’t find purpose anon, just live it. Finding a purpose actually feels restrictive

>> No.31547116
File: 85 KB, 978x1024, xq1ku0dsitrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31547140

anon-san, you made the same posts about Blasphemous when she kept putting it away and look how deep down your own ass you are now

do you really want to go through the humiliation again? are you trying to use some weird reverse psychology on her by accepting the pain of being branded an idiot? are you a hero, anonchama?

>> No.31547117

> /u/fags shitposting for a hit of (you) makes anon hate gays
i shiggy diggy

>> No.31547119
File: 148 KB, 379x379, 93f5661122643d1520522c78ac4b063a0894edb4d4998f034c218d5e1733f825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ was the vtuber antis all along
pain tako

>> No.31547123

>Noel actually learning English

>> No.31547126

fellow germans, everytime when she speaks german my heart melts

guten rutsch jungs

>> No.31547130

How the fuck is a girl like her still a virgin?

>> No.31547129
File: 124 KB, 754x1111, 1580477119164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous picture...

>> No.31547134

Friendly reminder, this is Europeans on DBZ:

Do not bring this up with tenchou ever again.

>> No.31547135


>> No.31547137
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>> No.31547138
File: 2.58 MB, 581x672, 1599044906992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31547140

Based Ai-poster
