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File: 674 KB, 1360x1920, 86596286_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31381480 No.31381480 [Reply] [Original]

A thread about Mori Calliope from hololive.

>> No.31381548

0 charisma
stick to things you can edit in post BITCH

>> No.31381595

My favorite wigger

>> No.31381612
Quoted by: >>31381665

How long until someone supachas her Dunkaccino?

>> No.31381665
Quoted by: >>31381800


>> No.31381800
File: 210 KB, 2208x1242, bh0r5u5uopw21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind if I do. What's my name? Dunkaccino It's a whole new game Dunkaccino You want creamy goodness, I'm your friend Say hello to my chocolate blend Attica, hoo-wah, latte lite This whole trial is out of sight They pulled me back in with hazelnut, too Caramel swirl... l know it was you Everyone wants my Dunkaccino Can't get enough of my Dunkaccino Kids from seven to seventeen-0 Lining up for my Dunkaccino What's my name? Dunkaccino A-Dunka-Dunka Dunka-Dunka-Dunkaccino

>> No.31381985
File: 512 KB, 900x767, 1609117766753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute.

>> No.31382306

I wonder what wine does mori drink on stream? I could go for some wine right now bros

>> No.31382343

Ya boi is fuckin based and I'm tired of pretending she ain't

>> No.31382344

Sake for sure.

>> No.31382550

I just hope that she ignores this fucking thing...

>> No.31382576
File: 20 KB, 128x111, B73FE575-3C49-4DC2-B4B3-DC0B8852D6D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the full version of English remix of Flick to the Future a friend of mine put together
Music: https://files.catbox.moe/wj7nlq.mov
MV: https://mega.nz/file/1lZlwSYb#WL6BN_4NGQhvpMymL03FxzYQljdpVRVv9D1IPHMUhBk
Hope you guys enjoy the late Christmas gift!

>> No.31382625
Quoted by: >>31382867

Wtf is this a virus

>> No.31382806
Quoted by: >>31382827

she's a huge seen so it should be sake.

>> No.31382827


>> No.31382867
Quoted by: >>31382895

Shouldn’t be... it’s just a Mega with the MV stored there because he was too stupid to compress it and I didn’t feel like doing it myself.
Unless I did it incorrectly you can just watch it without downloading anything.

>> No.31382873
Quoted by: >>31382998

what's with the weird english accent?

>> No.31382895
Quoted by: >>31382950

he's trolling you

>> No.31382950

It would appear I have been baited...

>> No.31382998

I’m pretty sure the second girl, MilkyQueen, is a britbong or something.

>> No.31383092
File: 751 KB, 1920x5400, 1609098035605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, Ty anon.

>> No.31383286
Quoted by: >>31383454

Yea, she has the brit flag in her Twitter.

>> No.31383421

It’s really no problem, I hope any who wanted to hear the full version are now satisfied.

>> No.31383454

Oh I didn't realise it was a duo song.

>> No.31383516
File: 546 KB, 745x752, morishame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31383700

fuck you

>> No.31383747


>> No.31383980

I fucking hate it when she start moaning for no reason and I don't have my headsets on. Your aren't being funny Mori, you're just making others uncomfortable.

>> No.31384015

She's having a hard time swallowing her spit anon...

>> No.31384072
Quoted by: >>31384176

She's such a dork and I love her.

>> No.31384176
File: 147 KB, 904x912, Dork Pog 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31384255


>> No.31384255

Funny thing is she does look like that irl, don't know if she has lost any weight yet.

>> No.31384432

What do you mean, she looked fine in 2018.

>> No.31384584
File: 285 KB, 1078x1666, 3ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's hope not

>> No.31384621

Anonchama, she's clearly overweight here

>> No.31384654

Holy fuck, American weight/body standard are so fucked.

>> No.31384695
File: 13 KB, 287x287, Sheep What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even see her body ffs and she's got a baggy shirt on.
Big tits doesn't automatically = fat.

>> No.31384758

Stop being an autist that watches VTubers with other people in the room then, especially if you're doing it without headphones.

>> No.31384789

There are multiple videos of her, retard.
I woyldnt call her fat either but absolutely overweighted

>> No.31384960

She looks like a person who used to beat others up for their lunch money in school.

>> No.31384973
Quoted by: >>31386027

Would still fuck her goddamn brains out regardless

>> No.31385093
File: 1.22 MB, 699x693, MoriCalliope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31385363

Anon, she ALWAYS wears baggy clothing. You can not be this dense as to why it is.

>> No.31385134
Quoted by: >>31385225

Kek. She honestly does, but that's probably only due to her wigger personality and clothing.

>> No.31385147

That’s the character her roommate plays anon.

>> No.31385225

>due to her wigger personality
Ok since someone brought this up, can someone explain to me the appeal to an adult western wigger pretending to be an idol?
Like I can not imagine hanging out with her casually you wouldn't find her obnoxious.

>> No.31385363
Quoted by: >>31385963

she's insecure about having big tits. she's talked about this on stream before.

>> No.31385460

She likes what she likes, doesn't hide behind a veneer of irony, and has a lot of passion for her favorite things. If you can't see why that makes her an interesting person, you might just be retarded.

>> No.31385874
Quoted by: >>31385907

Heard she moved to Japan, because Japanese men makes her clam moist. Pretty based, if you ask me.

>> No.31385907

Hey, if you think it’s based I won't kill the rest.

>> No.31385963

Yes, she's self-conscious and doesn’t like to be objectified
which is why I always get pissed off when you DeadBrap coolers break containment

>> No.31385986

Anons, please watch the sheep's anniversary tomorrow. Our boy might make an appearance

>> No.31386027


>> No.31386172
Quoted by: >>31418590

chubby reaper.

>> No.31387233
Quoted by: >>31390255

so, will there be a mega for DD albums?

>t. someone who wants to buy them, but can't.

>> No.31387448
File: 878 KB, 1436x992, CalliFire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31387604

What is Flick to the Future?

>> No.31388040
Quoted by: >>31415669

It was a collaborative song between Mori’s roommate and MilkyQueen https://youtu.be/02c9tLyWsyo

>> No.31390255

Anon, your Soulseek reps...

>> No.31390598
Quoted by: >>31398625

The original Japanese version was also from the indie rap circle Mori got into

>> No.31390863

She'll be the first EN to graduate 100 percent

Seems like she doesn't like the idea of being a vtuber at all and is only doing this to promote her music

>> No.31390923
Quoted by: >>31390931

how long are you going to spout that outdated narrative, Indog?

>> No.31390931

This is probably my 3rd ever post here, but ok

>> No.31390952

Do deadbeats have a recommendation list of her streams? It's hard to keep up with everyone in hololive.

>> No.31390994

Are y'all going to pretend that Mori Calliope didn't poo while livestreaming?

>> No.31391051
Quoted by: >>31391204

Roberu took a dump and talked about during a morning stream. Mori is fine.

>> No.31391204

The difference is some autist here didn't use his rainman audio wizardry to isolate roberu's fart noise

>> No.31392554

I’m just gonna say, you guys need to do your roommate reps if you still think mori is fat now

>> No.31392761


>> No.31393916

As far as essentials go:
The harmonica/recorder debut
The emergence of Calli
The first Sleepy reaper stream
Writing the Bread Rap
Sleepover with Kiara, their best collab.
The Boondock Saints watchalong. It will open your third eye concerning Mori's tastes and personality.

Gaming-wise, A Way Out playthrough with Kiara is a must and other than that, her Crash or Doom streams are solid entry points. In general though, it's her zatsudans that are a good place to drop in and get a sense of the experience and what most of Deadbeats follow her for.

>> No.31394029
Quoted by: >>31399699

Oh, and when it comes to music, her most recent live show is the best of the archived ones. The unarchived karaokes are her best though, particulary the second, where she went on a roll with MCR covers.

>> No.31394392

*farts* How do you do, fellow deadbraps?

>> No.31394435
File: 173 KB, 1060x1267, film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I'm watching some old Hollywood films (like 40s), and I have exactly the same impression of any collabo streams including Calli when I see descriptions of dorms of girls' schools in those films and why?
Could any American poster explain it?

>> No.31398320
Quoted by: >>31442142

me too anon, the timing of the schedule coming out and the super chat reading stream was so bad, because it's the perfect opportunity for that thing to try and get some attention, but we will see what happens in the T3 stream. Still surprised that kiara didnt told mori anything about him when she unfollowed him after he debuted

>> No.31398557

Probably some cheap garbage like every other American white girl who likes red wine.

>> No.31398625

Man Japanese hip hop is really kinda bad.

>> No.31398994
Quoted by: >>31399337

It probably sounds a lot better stoned. Mori...

>> No.31399083
Quoted by: >>31399160

I mean I liked the hook a lot.

>> No.31399160

On a second listen it's not bad, but most shit I've heard from Japan just sounds really, I dunno, cookie cutter? It's true that Japanese hip hop hasn't produced abject trash like a lot of the shit you see come out of the US, but at the same time the highs are never nearly as high as American hip hop.

>> No.31399337
Quoted by: >>31399680

>mori "I set my hair on fire while trying to get stoned" calliope

>> No.31399680
Quoted by: >>31399998

when did this happen?

>> No.31399699

Bless you kind anon.

>> No.31399901
File: 58 KB, 348x383, Retainer Calli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31399998

in the Q&A stream

>> No.31400080

my sis from another miss!

>> No.31400860
File: 228 KB, 802x402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Mori's 4chan OCfagging

>> No.31400919
Quoted by: >>31452895

have you seen her superchats recently? one turbo autist keeps referencing bodily functions on the regular to the point where she's crushing on him for doing so and laughing hysterically at them making the faggot continue

>> No.31401540
Quoted by: >>31401669

Wtf is this real?

>> No.31401635

Maybe one day when I feel like delving into the archives for KLK OC again.

>> No.31401666
File: 32 KB, 750x205, DCA19204-1783-429E-820C-ACFBDE6B5414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31401669

Yes, Mori is secretly a TriggerFag

>> No.31402106

based trips

>> No.31402201

Is she trans? It sounds like it. Someone post info. I can never find anything when I search. I am curious.

>> No.31403809

Takes one to know one, Calli.

>> No.31403870

Yes, 90% chance of being trans due to that voice.

>> No.31403943


>> No.31404064

Feels like half her streams are just pandering and SCbaiting. She can use some streaming 101 lessons.
Unless she's only in it for the money, then I guess she's perfect.

>> No.31404340

This post reeks of poorfag

>> No.31404439 [DELETED] 

Based as fuck

>> No.31404631

Along with her yuri-bait-bird, they cornered the HoloEN e-girl market. No wonder the bird doesn't want Yagoo to hire more people.

>> No.31405661
Quoted by: >>31409620

You're ignoring this huge culture of weeb j-hop fans. Basically weed smoking weebs who vibe out on Scha Dara Parr or whatever contemporary j-hop heads are into. I was into the scene in 2008 but dropped it when the only other people in the community had a fascination about wearing camo and anime patches (YK if you're reading this, fuck you, I know you're jacking off to Mori every night). I'm both shocked and not surprised someone like Mori finally came out of it.

>> No.31405693

She's not wrong

>> No.31406768

this is how i feel too

>> No.31407793
File: 43 KB, 554x554, 6AC94BB3-BF42-4176-BC8D-BCB0D9F8E3B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31409159

>browsing 4chan until running across (at least) one good discussion and getting into it
I rather wanna have her sleep longer.
>an expert says you need some rest to keep your youth and can’t go back once it is impaired (at least younger than 16)

>> No.31408110

She doesn't need to bait sc you newfag. You'd know that if you saw her persona 3 begging stream, people throw money at her no matter what she does.

>> No.31408178
Quoted by: >>31409733

lmao how does 4chan know what i like

>> No.31408371

>Autistic manchildren
Mori your "not being an ableist" reps...

>> No.31409159

Might as well not stop then.

>> No.31409348

Show this to modern twitter and see her get cancelled for berating autism

>> No.31409489

Looking at Mori's follows, Kosaka will most likely be the "cool dude" Mori was referring to, if it wasn't the homos.
He's the guy with the cap on this vid, would be based if it is.

>> No.31409620

>Scha Dara Parr
Hype for Mori to sing Konya wa Boogie Back.

>> No.31409733


>> No.31409794
File: 183 KB, 1350x1150, 1606995582978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31413177

I bet her asshole tastes delicious.

>> No.31409807

Oh, he was one of the ones on Virtual Cypher with Rene. I'm not sure how he would be 'close to home', though.

>> No.31410003

I'd kinda like to see Gura collab with Artemis desu

>> No.31410011
Quoted by: >>31410070

I'm betting on BOOGEY VOXX since their artist literally drew her new icon and they also have a cover of her song

>> No.31410070
Quoted by: >>31410121

Literally said it wasn't Boogey, yet. Their papa also did the art for the 2hu bubble game she played which is why he drew her.

>> No.31410121

oh, dang, it would've been pretty cool

>> No.31410735

I want Mori Calliope to burp in my face,

>> No.31411330 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 539x391, 1609204809790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cute wife

>> No.31411578
Quoted by: >>31411599

Doesn't matter what she does. Cuckada will throw big $$$ at her. They do the same to the vtuber that did a remix of her song.

>> No.31411599

you mean the snek pet?

>> No.31411666

That's actually Korone unironically. She was a high school bully and is a reformed Yakuza, it's a well known fact.

>> No.31411730 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.90 MB, 1613x2141, 1609205740475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31412452

'sup mori

>> No.31411805
Quoted by: >>31412674

Anonchama your meds...

>> No.31411989
Quoted by: >>31412674


>> No.31412079 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 300x168, 1609206531086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute messy hair

>> No.31412303
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1608567277905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a creep saving up her roommate's photos.

>> No.31412409


She's not wrong in the slightest.

>> No.31412452


Am I the only one that wants to get beaten up by her?

>> No.31412554

Then don't. It's that simple.

>> No.31412655

I hope Mori considers hosting a cypher, I've been listening to hip-hop vtuber songs for hours now since you posted that MV.

>> No.31412664

it only makes me like her more

>> No.31412674
Quoted by: >>31464901

But it's the truth anons.

>> No.31412750 [DELETED] 
File: 2.52 MB, 2294x2002, Blond Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31412849
Quoted by: >>31413068

Anyone know what her tattoo says?

>> No.31412865
File: 1.86 MB, 1413x1991, Not fat reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31413068
Quoted by: >>31435064


>> No.31413177
File: 156 KB, 1050x1100, 1609044082542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet so too

>> No.31413307


Nice legs

>> No.31413843 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 720x962, 1609210361161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Mori!

>> No.31414115

Snake is singing:

>> No.31414738

She's so pretty.

>> No.31415203
File: 1.21 MB, 805x1201, EoOU9GcUUAAp2vg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a manlet, just need to do my eye-slant reps and then she'll like me

>> No.31415472
File: 71 KB, 720x818, IMG_20201229_091441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli feminization faggots btfo

>> No.31415622
Quoted by: >>31417924

>inb4 Calliope "Elliott Page" Mori

>> No.31415669
Quoted by: >>31415939

Kek, she answered a question asking what a VTuber is

>> No.31415939
File: 97 KB, 1377x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh that explains literally everything

>> No.31416141

Why do you cunts keep making hugbox threads for her outside of /hlgg/?

>> No.31416236
Quoted by: >>31416885

Because tards there get buttmad if someone wants to discuss about DD along with Mori.

>> No.31416491
Quoted by: >>31416988


>> No.31416885

Yeah, pretty much this>>31416236

>> No.31416988

Cute toot

>> No.31417032

Topham Kyo gave up a chance to hit this?

>> No.31417356

Do we have any leaks of her irl identity so far? I have to know if she is a landwhale or if she is based.

>> No.31417372
Quoted by: >>31417470

Where do you people even come from?

>> No.31417470
Quoted by: >>31417686

From the alps. Now answer my question pls. I also want to listen to her previous work.

>> No.31417686
File: 13 KB, 312x321, 1605113477013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31417791

Kill yourself.

>> No.31417696
File: 67 KB, 620x614, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tamawo_mu_gi2__97b84ab7be8f1cc24ff807558f93b88d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all need a hug every once in a while.

>> No.31417791

rude and mean.

>> No.31417839

You'll never be a man, Karen.

>> No.31417924
Quoted by: >>31417983

nigga if that ever happens and word gets out... all but the simpiest of her fanbase is out

>> No.31417983

It's a shitpost, retard.

>> No.31418227
File: 86 KB, 720x426, 17389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw an inch shorter than Mori.
I don't wanna live like this anymore bros...

>> No.31418328
Quoted by: >>31427027

Lucky bastard, I'm 2cm taller than her.

>> No.31418333

>sad about being a manlet
anon... she likes manlets...

>> No.31418463

She also said that preferences are just preferences and not any kind of deciding factor so being a manlet isn't the edge manlets think it is.

>> No.31418526

women in the 40's were real people rather than wet hole npc's who existed to satisfy BBC

>> No.31418572

Her personality and just the way she acts is incredibly irritating, easily the worst of EN

>> No.31418590

I withdraw my previous statement

>> No.31418749

>hates their personality and how they act
get filtered

>> No.31418756

I was most excited for her when Holo EN first started but that excitement quickly turned to dread. Watching her pout and bitch as Ame solved their first collab's issues was painful.
And seeing that attitude come back in the Among Us collab with Gen 5 was worse.
Cali is cool and has a great design. I'm sure we could sit down and shit talk some anime together irl. But her acting takes too much of her Roomate's personality. It's not a character she plays but an outlet for her career. And there's nothing wrong with that. Clearly she's got a following. She just doesn't resonate with me.

>> No.31419020

One of us

>> No.31419110

Most people in the position she was at the time wouldn't have streamed at all. I don't want to get into it because it's been discussed to death already, and anyone who actually cares knows why she was that way. If you truly do care but somehow are out of the loop, check her from now on, she's made tons of changes to put out better content as part of hololive.

>> No.31419339

If you formed your entire opinion on her based on streams from 4 months ago and think absolutely nothing has changed then nothing I can say will convince you of anything since you've already decided what you want to believe. Don't even know why you bothered opening the thread desu

>> No.31420853
File: 252 KB, 2048x1451, 16990037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31426108
File: 403 KB, 1861x1488, EqUTh1hVQAQ5avG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where Calli covered Buffalo Stance.
Now I can't get it out of my head.

>> No.31426161
File: 590 KB, 720x405, Luna Chuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31427027

Fuck you all, I'm.huge goddammit

>> No.31427126

Those among us collabs were just about the worst I've ever seen from any Holo. What the fuck was she thinking? She didn't do anything, and she speaks moderately comprehensible Jap so she could've spoken to 5th gen a little bit.

>> No.31427690
Quoted by: >>31435239

She fugged niggers for sure

>> No.31427846

Reposting the cliff notes of the latest member stream of a T3 from the global thread:
>still hasn't figured out how to use a corkscrew and had to look it up mid-stream
>hurt herself several times in the attempt and never actually figured out how to open the bottle properly
>the above took approximately 15 minutes, by the way
>all but outright confirmed that she's involved with Watame's 3D debut
>didn't get out of bed until 4 PM and hasn't fully fixed her sleep schedule yet but it's getting better
>like chicken in her curry, prefers beef for her meals otherwise
>at the 24 minute mark, she finally got the wine bottle open through brute force on her second attempt after a minute of T-posing
>Papa Reaper used to slam vodka and Red Bull
>still does the occasional freelance work but only for friends (and still won't be as bad as October because she doesn't have scythe-swinging)
>joked about making silly videos parodying things "from the human world," such as as Maury, and also something involving animal facts
>does a surprisingly decent British accent, very cute, can't do it without making herself laugh though
>used to enjoy dramatic theater, receptive to the idea of a musical watch-a-long
>went to see Shrek the Musical live because a friend invited her to see it
>potentially 4 to 5 hours of Blasphemous coming up (?)
>dropped soda from her diet and slimmed down as a result, which shouldn't matter unless you're a stupid roommate-posting faggot retard
>doesn't drink coffee anymore either, fucks with her sleep schedule too much
>JP-only stream planned for the future (note: that doesn't mean next week, it means it's planned for the future)
>watches Dogen's videos, still doing her reps off-stream
>went on an Adam Sandler tangent at the end before reading off the SCs
>Mori thinks Kiara actually plays games for 6 to 7 hours and that her streams aren't 1 hours of gameplay followed by 5 to 6 hours of zatsudan

>> No.31432197

Watame collab song:

>> No.31435064

Had no idea that was real. I thought it was just part of the mv for some reason

>> No.31435239

lol no. She has a heavily documented raging yellow fever, and she's also an autistic virgin beyond that.

>> No.31435759
File: 273 KB, 2048x2048, 1609248386995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to penetrate Mori's AT Field.

>> No.31435846

Do people that donate tons of money really think they have a chance with these girls?

>> No.31435991

Resist the urge anon, be a good person

>> No.31436102

I think the minority of those are litteral simps, most people just want to make the streamer aknowledge their existence

>> No.31436755
File: 2 KB, 125x70, Luna What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you ain't shit here
anyone else half-expect her to yab out nigga?

>> No.31437172

No, I'm poor and I have never donated, and I'm 100% certain I got a chance.

>> No.31437277

Anyone got the DD tweets about her getting bullied for being tomboyish?

>> No.31437476
File: 20 KB, 371x278, 1359384736598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31437591
Quoted by: >>31437757

>and I'm 100% certain I got a chance.
C'mon dude, it's not healthy...

>> No.31437664


>> No.31437733


>> No.31437757
File: 19 KB, 620x330, rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, it's not. It's necessary.

>> No.31438125
Quoted by: >>31444819

Mori actually seemed like a pretty cool person when she appeared on that Trash Taste episode.

>> No.31438255

Though the other hologirls in the Among Us collab they did really seemed to like her. Suisei and Polka in particular thought she was really cool

>> No.31438460


>> No.31438463
Quoted by: >>31438725

Why does Mori sound tired.

>> No.31438725

most people get tired at 2am almost regardless of how much they've slept or not slept in the 24 hours previous.

>> No.31442142

>Still surprised that kiara didnt told mori anything about him when she unfollowed him after he debuted
Kiara followed Artemis until it was "clear" that it's a dude?

>> No.31444819
Quoted by: >>31445356

Meanwhile the Trash Taste hosts came off as completely insufferable.

>> No.31445356

I can stand Joey and Gigguk, but Connor is an asshole.

Anyone saying that Cloudy Sheep sounds like an anime OP should listen to https://youtu.be/F8Yo2yq7LZI

>> No.31447646

Wow. Everyone thought it'd be kfp collab. This was surprising.

>> No.31448199

How does a weed addict like Mori survive in Japan

>> No.31448346

In ESL countries, speaking english is actually a job skill.

>> No.31449221

madness fags gtfo

>> No.31449519
Quoted by: >>31449998

So this was the song she promised for this month?

>> No.31449998

Maybe, but TakaMori song on Friday.

>> No.31450768
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1606633442312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks fine here, what's wrong with you?

>> No.31450972
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>> No.31451432

Entertainers and athletes have no problem finding weed in Japan. It's the workaday shlubs who are left dry

>> No.31452122

*likes Jap manlets

>> No.31452895

Not who you are talking to and I haven't seen those things that you're talking about but, knowing Mori and how awkward she's I doubt that she is roasting that autistic without looking pathetic.

>> No.31453862

Chubby girls are cute anon.

>> No.31454355

>hey anon, thanks for the akasupa
>*starts shitting and farting on livestream*
Tell me, what's her appeal again?

>> No.31454413
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>> No.31454636

that or he being a leech

>> No.31455324

You just said it

>> No.31456676

My only complain about her is that she zooms her head too much, why does she do it? Does she fear YT could axe her channeld because of booba?

Nah, I fear that would happen to Watson more than anyone.

Also if she's not a fan of advertising random shit then she may as well fall into the same rabbit hole as AZKi.

>> No.31457078
Quoted by: >>31466328

she said lazy negro on stream

>> No.31457377
Quoted by: >>31457712

she's a cute trap

>> No.31457405

Can't wait for this talentless hack to finally graduate. She's even corrupting Watame with her disgusting muttering now.

>> No.31457712
Quoted by: >>31466347

This is why I hate that bitch. Dakooters will always be the superior trap.

>> No.31457908 [DELETED] 
File: 3.49 MB, 1523x1501, 1605405526544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31458143


>> No.31458143


>> No.31458556

Based kiara

>> No.31458961
File: 15 KB, 272x272, 1606024354978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.31460383
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Quoted by: >>31461811

Get in here.

>> No.31461264
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>> No.31461347
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1603042604277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you send a horse to the afterlife, free of charge

>> No.31461811
Quoted by: >>31462093

Just tuned in, why's she sad?

>> No.31462093
File: 481 KB, 737x635, 1609299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31462420

Adam saddler died.

>> No.31462420

Bitch was still reading supas right after his death. Fucking whore.

>> No.31464271
File: 450 KB, 1692x2502, deadbeats doxing now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31464404
Quoted by: >>31466219

If Mori ever rips ass directly into her mic I’ll member her

>> No.31464414



>> No.31464901
Quoted by: >>31465446


prove it

>> No.31464951


niiice tits

>> No.31464994
File: 890 KB, 1476x1067, checked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31465033

for several seconds I wondered why the fuck she has a russian passport.
>tfw no big tit sleepy reaper weeb rap dork gf
it's not fair guys

>> No.31465101
File: 148 KB, 313x289, Emori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31465446

Do your archive reps.

>> No.31465614

>US Passport
How come some were saying that she's Canadian?

>> No.31465657

didnt mel got shadowbanned because of booba too? now that i remember, mori is the only holo that is constantly showing her booba, the others who used to prefer streaming using costumes that cover them

>> No.31465820
Quoted by: >>31466395

You're confusing her with Ina.

>> No.31465866 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 2000x2000, 1606490848981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31466005

Magnesium, Kalium, Natrium, Iodine etc...

>> No.31465970

Nah, but bitch was baiting Canadians into giving akasupas in one of her streams.

>> No.31466005

I'm sorry sharkchama but this is a Mori appreciation thread.

>> No.31466219

watch her do it to shut griefious up once and for all

>> No.31466291

>Nah, I fear that would happen to Watson more than anyone.
Why though

>> No.31466328

Prove it

>> No.31466347

Anon.. That IS Dakooters..

>> No.31466395
Quoted by: >>31476771

Ina is a Korean

>> No.31466693
Quoted by: >>31483926

I know that, but I'm talking about my preference towards one persona over the other.
Dakooters gets a good chuckle out of me with her skits and whenever I hear anyone talk about her it's about how funny she is. But every time I open Artemis' stream it's just her acting like a cute gay shark and whenever I hear someone talk about Artemis it's always them boasting how cute she is and how well she gets along with other well sized vtubers. Artemis doesn't make me laugh, Dakooters does.

If I'm a fan of a shitposting trap I want to support them as a shitposting trap, not a cute gay one.

>> No.31468315
File: 973 KB, 220x242, 1609117746512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475755

She just HAD to thank that akasupa even during that moment...

>> No.31468408 [DELETED] 

>it's an "are we the dekinai-chans" episode
Ugh, reruns.

>> No.31470952
Quoted by: >>31476809

She's like girls when they talk to me.

>> No.31475755
File: 109 KB, 1080x665, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't like money?

>> No.31476771

She mentioned translating stuff for french-speaking community, she is from Dallas, but probably lived in Quebec or somewhere here before.

Korean, but from Canada.

>> No.31476809


>> No.31476900

Dakooters isn't artemis

>> No.31479177

Hey deadbeats, I am not feeling Calli lately. Her game streams are a turn off and even her karaokes feel cringe lately with all the grunting and attempts at joking. What to do I just want to go back to the honeymoon phase of being enchanted over her singing and voice

>> No.31483654
Quoted by: >>31496207


>> No.31483926
Quoted by: >>31496207


>> No.31491449
File: 18 KB, 358x161, 1609284592402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31492777

>> No.31492777

No it isn't.

>> No.31496207

It's like that umineko shit, personae are ontologically independent

>> No.31496442
Quoted by: >>31496560

I assume the pics here are older because she looks quite chunky in the Twitter video. >>31412865

>> No.31496560
File: 353 KB, 642x764, 1603106070853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google told me they are more recent than the video. Too bad she deleted the tweet after she became Calli. That moment of realization that there is a chance your boy will never post a picture of herself again

>> No.31496677


>> No.31496723

Looks cute

>> No.31496774
Quoted by: >>31496908

She might, but the problem then ends up being whether or not the doxxbraps are going to break containment and act weird in her roomate's replies and cause her to never want to post a roommate picture again.

>> No.31496775

>I'm 100% certain I got a chance.

>> No.31496808

Anyone got the source video of this one?

>> No.31496908
Quoted by: >>31497301

Doxxbraps gonna doxxbrap. There would always be a small minority of viewers like that. Take Kson for example, she uploads her pics and some fags start making asacoco references in replies but that hasn't stopped her from uploading more pics.

>> No.31496995
Quoted by: >>31497068

not mori

>> No.31497068

Technically correct.

>> No.31497301

That's true, to be honest I do expect her to eventually just go "fuck it" and either upload a pic of herself or participate in another live action MV.
Either that or when quarantine blows over she'll attend the next W.W.W. concert with her rapper friends.

>> No.31497481

Kek. Looks like Bieber here.

>> No.31497617

Probably just a fancam from WWW

>> No.31498470


>> No.31498522
Quoted by: >>31498588

And she likes manlets

>> No.31498588
Quoted by: >>31498856

So I've been hearing, but what's the lore behind this anon ?

>> No.31498856
Quoted by: >>31500101

She said on a podcast that she likes shorter men because taller ones are intimidating and also simps for cr1tikal who is a manlet

>> No.31498881


>> No.31498945

>merry, merry
She really isn’t trying to hide it, huh...

>> No.31499845
Quoted by: >>31501243

Is this Mori's roommate?

>> No.31500101
File: 236 KB, 603x513, End of Dolan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31500372

tfw she stands cr1tical and Sandler.
tfw Mori's gonna date a manlet gremlin who spouts piss jokes and makes fart noises.
Tfw when they collab for some rap

>> No.31500372

This will always be my favorite RRAT for the simple fact of how wrong it is but right at the same time.

>> No.31500978
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1608831554188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxxbraps have now defended:
>Harassing other groups
>Letting a top level producer win her (aimed at indies) contest
>Mori joining Hololive just to boost her failed music career
>Mori thanking superchats mid collab
>Mori numberfagging mid collab
>First collab not being a senpai
>First off-collab not being a senpai
>Mori actively ignoring hololive culture
>Bringing toxic normalfags to other holos chats
>Basically ruining every collab just by being there

>> No.31501058


>> No.31501169
File: 22 KB, 600x315, 1520451391408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i care

>> No.31501199
Quoted by: >>31508586


>> No.31501214
File: 2 KB, 95x45, BAD CHOICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not the dice
>Not karrot-chan
>Calling her Calli
>139 IPs
The fuck's up with your people?

>> No.31501243


>> No.31501250
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1609311032958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new Mori emotes (my personal favorite is moriblush)
>Adam Sandler Calliope emote is gone in two weeks, straight to hell, possibly sooner if she sees it getting spammed too often and gets sick of it
>next year, the Go Strider emote is getting a top hat
>new remix contest in the future, potentially planned for "by the time I run out of remixes". presumably from the top 200 to play for her intro
>spent the stream drawing an animation of her doing a fist bump/head bang, sorta like the one she had on Christmas, for her new intro
>sounded legitimately excited for the Princess Connect stream, has a lot of things planned for it and some interesting reveals that she couldn't talk about yet
>shifting from doing membership streams at the end of the month to doing one a week and spacing it out over the course of the month
>"I've got some nice hips. Maybe." She does. I love my girl's hips.
>really wants a 3D debut so she can shake her cape around, expects her arms to clip through it like crazy
>spent a good minute or so zoomed in to give people a good look at her hands, kept swaying from side to side and shaking her hips too
>was flustered by the chat's suggestion that she should animate her chest bouncing too but didn't say no
>working on some "secret drawings" that she didn't want to show off yet
>loves drawing and animating a lot, just in case you didn't know already
>admitted that she has difficulty saying no to people coming to her with projects she's really interested in but also that she needs to learn to do it because overwork causes the quality of her work in everything else to suffer
>finally has some free time to watch Holofes today (said she'll be watching it as soon as the stream ends), really excited to be up on stage herself one day too
>gets too excited when performing live, has had previous senpai tell her to slow down a little because she was wearing herself out
>Akihabara has the best arcades, as confirmed by Mori
>dreamed about playing more Blasphemous and a separate comic idea that she might be drawing herself one day
>is getting new BGM tailor-made for her, along with a new stream layout and new illustrations
>had a lot of fun contributing to Watame's 1 year anniversary, is looking forward to her own and hopes she can hold a concert for it too
>nervous about her first proper ASMR stream with the new mic tomorrow
>planning merch for the future (her birthday?) and "something from me to you" is how she described at least one of the items, also interested in making keychains for all the EN girls in her art style
>not "classically trained" in art and doesn't do her technique reps, just draws and animates, but also doesn't like doing either without a purpose, if she draws/animates something it's because she wants to release it rather than doing it for practice and hiding it away
>potential Bugsnax stream, maybe? no promises made though
>has three streams planned tomorrow (A Way Out, ASMR, New Year's)
>stream as a whole was really, really cute, wants to try extra hard and do her best for the deadbeats in 2021

>> No.31501304
Quoted by: >>31501373

Go back to /hlgg/ rratchama. We appreciate both Mori and DD here.

>> No.31501373

Circlejerks are killers of cultures.

>> No.31501404

>potential Bugsnax stream, maybe? no promises made though

>> No.31501459
Quoted by: >>31501615

You're intimidated by this little thread? The fastest thread on 4chan sure has fallen low.

>> No.31501615

5minutes between posts. It's fast. I thought this thread just existed to share scoops to other deadbeats who are still at work/asleep without digging through archives. I like d6 discussion, but karrot-chan doxxing is another matter. I have no control over what you guys do, but look at the KFP breakroom on how bad things can go.

>> No.31501693
Quoted by: >>31503197

So is her song coming tomorrow or was that little collab with sheep is all we get?

>> No.31501862
Quoted by: >>31502358

I don't want things to be this way either, but the only ones who can actually change it are the mods.

>> No.31501970

See this >>31450302
Not even schizos hate Mori desu. KFP antis and fans on the other hand are retarded and ended up making multiple threads on her a couple days ago to one up each other because they're so easy to bait.

>> No.31502358

Gigameidos have done the best thing they could by firing sharkmeido. That fag didn't even allowed separate threads like VOMS and 774 and basically made up his own rules by deleting whatever the fuck he pleased.

>> No.31503120

Why do you idiots keep coming here if you hate these threads so much? Just stay in your /hlgg/ containments. It's not that hard.

>> No.31503197
Quoted by: >>31506157

Pretty sure the TakaMori collab song is technically getting released next month.

>> No.31504518


>> No.31504608
Quoted by: >>31504650

Anyone know if Mori is a smoker or has been one? I'm hoping she's never smoked cigarettes before.

>> No.31504650

Not cigarettes but she must've definitely smoked weed.

>> No.31504995


>> No.31505117

Smoked it once, lit her hair on fire, never again.

>> No.31506157

I know the TakaMori collab but she also mentioned a song that she'll release before new year which means the watame collab was that song right?

>> No.31507220
Quoted by: >>31509077

Wasn't there the narrative that she'll release one of the 2 songs on dd channel?

>> No.31507668

Looks like we have legit tranny jannies here. Got banned in /hlgg/ for mentioning them.

>> No.31507929
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>> No.31508586
File: 422 KB, 216x194, 1609064542648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell I still couldn't believe she said that.

>> No.31509077
Quoted by: >>31513963

1 song, hope you’ll come.
Yes, she was talking about the Watame song.

>> No.31513942

My cute autistic reaper... if she collabs with Moona, would autismspeaks.org step in and intervene?

>> No.31513963


>> No.31513965


>> No.31514224
Quoted by: >>31514681

Hope she really gets confidence to speak in Japanese more

>> No.31514681

She's working on it, so one day she will.
