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31298290 No.31298290 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you general-faggots just go and make a discord already? That would save you from every problem and you wouldn't hace to cry about being in the 10th page after an hour because no one cares about your shitty topic. Just make a discord, all of your friends can go there. Generals were always the biggest cancer of 4chan and they're literally the opposite of what an imageboard should be.

>> No.31298371
Quoted by: >>31298630

Just make a separate board.
Whether its a board or a discord, someone has to moderate it.

>> No.31298630

Whatever, generals should never have been allowed on this site and the fact that people insist their protection so hard is a disgrace.

>> No.31298996

>generals should never have been allowed on this site
Go ask the mods to nuke /vg/ and any general thread then. There's an exclusive board for that.

>> No.31299195
Quoted by: >>31299395

They should nuke that too, yeah. Or at least put every general in one board.

>> No.31299390

Forget about generals, they are eternal and always come back again and again. The real loss is the non-generals that normally were up for days, now they don't last even hours.
This is the end of the NEET Samurai.

>> No.31299395

It's mainly the appeal or anonymity, which I'm sure you understand. Unless you're a namefag or an absolute retard who can be identified by their post style, anons just want to comment and share with others their experiences without being tied to a name.
