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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 221 KB, 850x1202, 1605487065617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29944714 No.29944714 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29944717 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 848x1200, En0zskgUwAAoFL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944721 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1448x2048, EdDvFG1U4AA_wW6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944729


>> No.29944730
Quoted by: >>29944793

Aki's english is cute...

>> No.29944735
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x675, 1603603245772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944737
File: 581 KB, 2803x4096, Em385myUwAEJKiX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944738
File: 104 KB, 312x452, 1596723997685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-chan is coming through!

>> No.29944739
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1595227828369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

Such a top tier stream so far.

Why is this so full of soul? I wish the girls could get as soulful as this.

>> No.29944740
Quoted by: >>29944804

Stop talking about MUH numbers

>> No.29944742
File: 109 KB, 703x720, 9EF52A75-0462-460E-A6C2-FE3EAB059E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29944775

The cutest Yozora Mel.

>> No.29944748
File: 82 KB, 503x726, 1602764010646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, where's the homoOP they're the only ones streaming at the moment

>> No.29944762

>Another Towa OP

>> No.29944765

okayu's cover of planet loop is better to be honest

>> No.29944766
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x774, 80512325_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not homoshart


>> No.29944767
Quoted by: >>29944866

anyone who thinks holostars are failures know literally nothing about the vtuber industry and their only frame of reference is the top members of hololive.

>> No.29944775

Kiss the lips Mel

>> No.29944778


>> No.29944781
Quoted by: >>29944876

You're now in YAGOO's position when hololive was created, how long until you can the project for being a failure

>> No.29944782
File: 100 KB, 825x446, EoCvsXpUYAACF9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944786

roberu without his ridiculous accent is actually pretty nice

>> No.29944785
File: 53 KB, 750x718, 1603396907109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such great talent packed into a single stream alone. Holostars deserves more attention! We are so blessed to have you guys!

>> No.29944788

Is Roberu tone death?

>> No.29944793
File: 137 KB, 1184x890, akithink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is!! She's been practicing!!

>> No.29944794 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 1320x1867, 20201130_073903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








>> No.29944795
Quoted by: >>29945113

Towa is holostar tier crap so it's fine

>> No.29944797
File: 207 KB, 1100x1600, 1603245910986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29944799
Quoted by: >>29945113

Towa is basically a male

>> No.29944800
Quoted by: >>29945113

Towa and homos not much difference.

>> No.29944801
Quoted by: >>29944869

Why do you guys gotta hate on the bros singing? Tjeres nothing wrong with going out to a bar, drunk out of your minds singing and goofing around

>> No.29944804
Quoted by: >>29946543

The homofags are the biggest numberfags around so you better strap in

>> No.29944806
File: 153 KB, 360x357, 1602412154448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right old man, do my backing vocals, that's all you can really do in the presence the #1

>> No.29944808

I just remembered the /hlg/ SSS, oh jesus

>> No.29944810
File: 18 KB, 212x62, 1601520898810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29944856


>> No.29944817

Be honest anons, do you masturbate to numbers?

>> No.29944827
File: 869 KB, 880x986, A3101DDE-3957-4F8E-A35A-14C35E89B6DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei! Hello, your new outfit is so cute! Dunno what the zippers on the chest are for, but it’s still cute! Say, I’ve been trying to get into Tetris recently, but I’ve been having some difficulty. Maybe you could swing by my place and give me a few pointers? Just us girls...

>> No.29944826
Quoted by: >>29945113

The OP is a man what are you talking about?

>> No.29944832

35P, tell me all the ways you'll use your cock to set Miko straight
Make her proud to be a woman

>> No.29944840
File: 86 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yogiri cute

>> No.29944841

no way he's tone deaf, he's just a casual singer that doesn't quite know how to sing yet. He hasn't gone way off pitch like certain other holos have

>> No.29944842
File: 523 KB, 2400x1800, 1601472140677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944843
File: 86 KB, 960x540, 2A3C8ABE-B846-4F84-B8EE-8A97BF52BD24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stamina in fgo back to full price

Friend... why didn't you stop it

>> No.29944844

post the vocaroo

>> No.29944846

I can only blow my load to a countdown

>> No.29944849

I've jacked off to some weird shit but numbers would be a new one

>> No.29944852

Us bros have a strong bond that will NEVER be broken, not even women could dream of tampering with it

>> No.29944855

Rikka's backing vocals were kinda off when they bled through, old man's really losing his edge...

>> No.29944857

anyone who thinks holostars aren't failures know literally nothing about the vtuber industry and their only frame of reference is the clips they watch and the homobeggar discord.

>> No.29944858

hence Dig Deeper. The only one that still mysterious on the internet is Subaru.

She streams in Showroom

>> No.29944856
File: 130 KB, 491x265, barknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946650


>> No.29944862
File: 248 KB, 1548x338, 1602829157521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she likes pizza and Disney.

>> No.29944863


>> No.29944866

>Top members
>Literally everyone including the foreign branches preform better than them
Compared to everyone else in the company the stars are failures

>> No.29944869

I will watch them if do a jam session with instruments instead
Male vocal group is gay

>> No.29944872
Quoted by: >>29944931

Kneel barkeep

>> No.29944874

>Roberu learning the joys of singing from vtubing

>> No.29944875
File: 602 KB, 1536x2048, EoDRirVVgAERa6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944876

if YAGOO operated under this place's standards, there would've never been a Gen 2 of hololive.

>> No.29944877

Okay now including Suisei in it that's a step too far

>> No.29944880
File: 840 KB, 1076x945, maskedM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945055

Nyahello man

>> No.29944878
File: 404 KB, 455x427, 1586290796892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's your Holostars EN SSS cover

>> No.29944881
File: 43 KB, 552x425, 1605492465904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, LITERALLY EVERYONE here really likes Tokoyami Towa.


>> No.29944883
File: 257 KB, 1500x1500, mFrp5nbcJmwVhrHKzMuy7NgCSoftF77Jivxc6mUuCKo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for Fubuki's singing stream


>> No.29944885

the sheep embodies the chaotic nature of such individuals, they are left free to express their desires for funposting
but it's ok, Towasama is kind and they'll be forgiven

>> No.29944886

Just unskilled.
If you want to hear tone-deaf male singing, check Oga.

>> No.29944891
File: 20 KB, 149x110, 1603461190132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944893
File: 1.51 MB, 2894x4093, 84381359_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 91 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive and happy to hear her voice again.
Little by little things are getting better for her


>> No.29944894

>not edited to say CUNNY

Ichi jobbu

>> No.29944896
File: 453 KB, 2048x1442, 07D296BE-E8FD-4696-8E54-567E09E5DD74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944898


>> No.29944901 [DELETED] 


>Youtube Dox them
Noel, Coco, Aqua, Matsuri, Watame
>Quick Google Search
Ayame, Mel, AZKI, Pekora, Choco, Luna, Fubuki, Korone, Okayu, Mio, Marine, Kanata, Towa, Polka, Nene
>Dig Deeper
Aki, Flare, Haato, Miko, Rushia, Shion, Lamy, Botan, Sora, Roboco, Suisei
>Impossible to Find

>> No.29944910
File: 95 KB, 1064x1327, 1595257667772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Eugene!

>> No.29944911

That's really fucking cool

>> No.29944913
File: 199 KB, 1523x990, EkmVnotVgAEBoSt.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944917

Imagine shitflinging success among shitters when Gura gets 1M in what? 1 month?
It’s like watching children fight

>> No.29944918

Who would be the Dan Kuroto of 5th gen?

>> No.29944919
File: 169 KB, 545x431, 1606324015165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29944973

>> No.29944921
Quoted by: >>29945184

if your frame of reference is "in THIS specific company" then you have no real basis. the stars perform better than a lot of other vtuber groups but those groups aren't considered failures by any means.

>> No.29944924
File: 370 KB, 1315x1931, 1598306255902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Cocochi!

>> No.29944923


>> No.29944926
File: 159 KB, 1257x889, 1603285307732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29944976

>> No.29944927

>subaru karaoke

>> No.29944928

you don't fit in go back

>> No.29944931
File: 244 KB, 477x477, 832728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see you scrapdroid, have you faded out of fear of facing me

>> No.29944935
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, 862A6971-D61D-4756-9C72-EECF2A173284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944941

Polka probably.
Aloe is Kiriya.

>> No.29944945


>> No.29944946
File: 42 KB, 750x120, 0E47719B-F405-4C09-8359-C6DDBDB7137A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think Sora bought any games beyond Animal Crossing yet

>> No.29944957

Homos: just bros hang out together = soul
Holos: commercialized, always looking to milk their fans for superchats = soulless

>> No.29944958
File: 584 KB, 1300x1800, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roboco!

>> No.29944960


I want to sleep on towa's tummy.

>> No.29944968

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with following the bro code and believing in bros before hoes. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing your bros over girls even if you are in a relationship

>> No.29944970

B-but only Niji sell merch...

>> No.29944973
File: 242 KB, 328x442, 1591812445487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29944972 [DELETED] 

>Dig Deeper
lol no, literally just even looking for Patra's roommate and reuploads will lead to Flare being doxxed, she's in the same tier as Kanata

>> No.29944975

Holy based

>> No.29944976


>> No.29944977
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1597149231186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947222


>> No.29944981

Replace Aloe with triangle, she actively stayed away from social media during the Aloe birthday because her old avatar makes her want to puke

>> No.29944983

We can rebuild it. We have the technology.
And an absurd amount and influx of new anons to, surely, pull out a new, decent-ish /hlg/ sings.

>> No.29944985

I feel the guys have more chemistry with each other with the girls. Not dissing the girls of course since I watch them too.

>> No.29944989

Haven't seen this bait over and over

>> No.29944993
File: 1.49 MB, 1400x2134, 1605192589453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945321

Alright I got to ask because I am confused as fuck. Why is an anon posting the IRL person behind the vtuber dox posting? is it because it would turn all vtuber threads into spam threads? (like how allowing more than tits on /a/ would just turn it into /h/?). Because an anon typing "中の人" into yahoo.jp and calling it dox posting is fucking reddit as all fuck and last time I checked I wasn't on reddit.

>> No.29944992
File: 110 KB, 533x681, 1599943197979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never get the 3D, kid
I will beat my wife after this.

>> No.29944994

Hololive was a failure in the beginning, it would never have gotten to this point if you were in charge

>> No.29944995
File: 68 KB, 548x336, 1603744833279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945001


>> No.29945005

>Asian Kung-fu Generation

>> No.29945006
Quoted by: >>29945033

>acoustic rewrite

>> No.29945011

>already choco posting
Isn't it a bit late for choco posting?

>> No.29945013


>> No.29945015
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x1200, shiboge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaoru Graduated?
Let Roberu stream of him imitating a cicada
>Aloe Graduated?
Let Roberu stream right after the announcement stream
>We fucked up, and suspended Coco and Haachama?
oh shit, even Roberu won't stream
>CN graduated?
Activate the membership

>> No.29945017

Polka obviously, she will look at home coming out of the continue pipe

>> No.29945019



>> No.29945027

i love this one
>sang by Shien
even better

>> No.29945028
Quoted by: >>29945210

Only to CNo.39.
The design is too fucking sexy not to.

>> No.29945031

dox retarded

>> No.29945033

More like autistic rewrite

>> No.29945041

This is soul

>> No.29945043


>> No.29945047

Bros, I really want Moona to have a collab with Pekora and have it not turn into a travesty...Not even for Moona's sake, but for Pekora's. Her story of getting yelled at by some faggot in English always made me really sad, I want her to be able to be able to get some real positive reinforcement for Eigo reps. I want her to understand that we're not all fucking lunatics like Kiara.

>> No.29945048


>> No.29945055


>> No.29945057

Was Rewrite used as an opening for an anime? Feel like I've heard it from one.

>> No.29945058 [DELETED] 

you need to know/search Patra roommate which is 1 step extra compare to Kanata

>> No.29945059
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1602986943482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S-Sora senpai. That's not the j-joycon your holding...

>> No.29945060
Quoted by: >>29945166


New gen soon

>> No.29945063 [DELETED] 

>Just lurk in this thread for more than a week
That's why redditors are here 0-24 because they can't even manage to find the easy ones but you dumb niggers do the work for them and post everything instead of keeping it to yourself.

>> No.29945065

Roberu actually sounded really good that last song holy shit.

>> No.29945069
File: 791 KB, 3350x1922, 1599303404133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elite Wifu

>> No.29945070
Quoted by: >>29945099

Who's palying the acoustic?

>> No.29945073


>> No.29945083
File: 1.06 MB, 1304x842, www.youtube.com_watch_v=KwGKOBSZf7s&t=30481s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua streamed 9 hours yesterday!
Please say something nice about her

>> No.29945084


>> No.29945088
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945090

It was used in FMA

>> No.29945094


>> No.29945096


>> No.29945098
File: 561 KB, 585x644, 1606363686411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who joins hololvie at the moment is guaranteed to be successful, everyone but the holostars, we are not talking about baby hololive, we're talking about how even under Cover on of the biggest vtubing companies they're still massive fucking failures

>> No.29945099


>> No.29945102
File: 262 KB, 509x483, 1591782419245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he doesn't know you're here I will be joining you in bed right aft-
oh look who has shown up, how did the dirt taste when you knelt to the menhera to get that 3D?

>> No.29945101


>> No.29945103 [DELETED] 

if you're on /jp/ and don't know patras roommate you don't belong here

>> No.29945105

FMA, the old one

>> No.29945106


>> No.29945109
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x755, 1606718256782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish her good luck.
She needs it

>> No.29945110

Gen 0 kizuna...


>> No.29945113
File: 559 KB, 1098x1000, 1597662924216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying this cute girl!

>> No.29945114
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945235

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Two Mikochi streams today!
- Miko and Luna COD at 20:00 JST
- Another stream TBA at 23:00 JST

>> No.29945115


>> No.29945117
Quoted by: >>29945188

Are you kidding me?

>> No.29945121

>Roberu unable to join in on anisongs because he pretty much stopped watching anime in the early 2010s

>> No.29945124
File: 106 KB, 640x905, IMG_20200831_130823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945230

Rate her stream

>> No.29945126

Towa is cute! CUTE!!

>> No.29945132

So much soul in my cafeteria

>> No.29945134


>> No.29945135

Aaaaaaa I wanna go to Karaoke with my bros too fuck chinkflu

>> No.29945139

>Stop bullying this cute girl!
But anon she likes being bullied!

>> No.29945141

but they haven't had post-boom debut yet

>> No.29945145

Everyone knows this song though

>> No.29945147

Why isn't Fubuki singing with them, too? Isn't she their leader?

>> No.29945150

>because her old avatar makes her want to puke
Shit, that is pretty sad. A bunch of people probably wishing her well with fanarts and tags for it too.
Imagine from loving your avatar as a new holo to being disgusted and repulsed by it.

>> No.29945152

cute national socialist that didn't shun her co-worker

>> No.29945153
Quoted by: >>29945257

Why can't the girls get to this levels of SOUL?

>> No.29945157
Quoted by: >>29945239

I think you opened the wrong thread

>> No.29945158

That's it. I'm subbing to the homos.

>> No.29945160
File: 44 KB, 404x426, 1598430824531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive thread
>topic is about Holostars
Why can't we just change the title to Hololive/Holostars?

>> No.29945164

I want to sniff her butt, I bet it smells like onions

>> No.29945166

That's the avatar for the new EN? HOLY SHIT!

>> No.29945167
Quoted by: >>29945201

Anon FMA is 2003

>> No.29945169

Always makes me laugh

>> No.29945168
File: 242 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201130-005321_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945267


>> No.29945172

>Almost 2021
>Bought Animal Crossing and happy about it
Jesus, she's really cute

>> No.29945175


>> No.29945176
File: 1.61 MB, 4014x2894, 20201130_073419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aloe discord raid
>homofag discord raid
This is the worst thread in a while

>> No.29945181

I am glad her guardian farms works well and that her sword and elytra are safe

>> No.29945182

rabu you onion

>> No.29945184
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1598229776474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945274

Yes, we're talking about how as a part of hololive, as Cover employees the stars are huge failures.

>> No.29945188

Listen, I've never watched all of the original FMA but I've heard this song before at least.

>> No.29945189
Quoted by: >>29945357

>Everyone who joins hololvie at the moment is guaranteed to be successful
And it wouldn't have gotten to be like this if yagoo was like you

>> No.29945190
File: 571 KB, 1200x700, 1593626179762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roboco is always ready to play apex with you twap...

>> No.29945193


>> No.29945194

bros say it with me: BROS BEFORE HOES

>> No.29945192
File: 313 KB, 750x750, 1598167197897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945305

She never has any charisma breaks and is always cool!

>> No.29945195
File: 3.46 MB, 2240x1260, A3BA03AA-31C7-4961-A522-A83EFFFF9D1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946746

I love 5th gen. Yes, even Nenechi.

>> No.29945196

HoloPro is more accurate

>> No.29945201

I honestly don't even think Roberu's seen that despite being in the right timeframe....

>> No.29945207

She's so cute last night. I just wanna hug her!

>> No.29945209
Quoted by: >>29945294

We are in the middle of a Towa discord raid right now though

>> No.29945210
Quoted by: >>29945392

Za lightning is hotter

>> No.29945212
File: 232 KB, 850x1081, __kagami_kira_holostars_drawn_by_nozaki_tsubata__sample-585a71b462ef825f6c62fcef0a63320c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 0 days since Kira "graduated"
I'm glad he's alive but he's definitely not doing okay. I hope everything gets better for him.


>> No.29945226


>> No.29945228

Osaka inhabitants are all stupid and keep being the laughing stack of Tokyo to this very day.

>> No.29945229
Quoted by: >>29945501

I would watch Lofi-Sora stardew Valley

>> No.29945232 [DELETED] 


>> No.29945230
Quoted by: >>29945730

Her debut stream, or her apology stream?

>> No.29945235

Aka-chan combi!

>> No.29945236 [DELETED] 

Fair enough i guess, you've to be into some very specific things for Flare's roommate to show up on her own

>> No.29945239
File: 149 KB, 346x482, 1604857445718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945250

All Holos are Holos

>> No.29945245

>worst thread in a while
not really gay porn thread was worse

>> No.29945247 [DELETED] 

Or you simply need to know the magic Japanese keywords and you most are easily googled.

>> No.29945248

Bros before hoes

>> No.29945250

All Hololivers are Hololivers*

>> No.29945252

Very much this. If it wasn't for Fubuki pulling her miracle break out of nowhere, Hololive was on the verge of being bankrupt.

>> No.29945255
File: 599 KB, 3000x3000, 20201130_072936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deserved everything what she got, I hope her father will abuse and rape her for the rest of her life until she kills herself.

>> No.29945256


>> No.29945257
Quoted by: >>29945313

They have to keep their idol and virtual girlfriend image, so they can't go full SOUL like the boys.

>> No.29945258


>> No.29945262
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, akiwinkclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945302

I hope you watch Aki's announcement stream, Anon!!

>> No.29945267
File: 222 KB, 1100x1193, 1604417733647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945307

It's for the best. Towasama is the saving angel of /hlg/, just call for her and all homos, dykes, schizos, doxxers and sheep posters will dissappear.

>> No.29945268

Kira stream onegai at least for your last day

>> No.29945271
File: 3.98 MB, 2000x3514, 1602578187655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945325


>> No.29945272
Quoted by: >>29945385

That's... fucked mate

>> No.29945273

>aki is streaming
>thread is full of homoshit
Split when?

>> No.29945274
File: 187 KB, 342x324, omar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945469

>multiple members making more than the girls this month
>those girls won't be called failures but the guys will be
this place is retarded.

>> No.29945275

Her new farm is really cool. She should promote it to Towa and Pekora, they need glowing blocks for aquariums.

>> No.29945277

Hololive GAMERS at Akihabara GAMERS!

>> No.29945281

Haachama saving us from the dead hours

>> No.29945293


>> No.29945295
File: 723 KB, 3406x4096, 1592750101132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945294

How does a Towa discord looks like?

>> No.29945302

But I already know she's pregnant. I'm the father.

>> No.29945305
File: 24 KB, 402x339, 1599889945943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945342

I want to cover that towaffle in my whipped cream

>> No.29945304


>> No.29945307

I wanna pick akutan up!

>> No.29945309

So Towa is the new falseflagging target huh?

>> No.29945311
File: 3.88 MB, 2315x2265, 1604757720499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use filter
>homosharts just keep spamming that roberu faggot image without mentioning their name and invent new words like holobros or holosoul


>> No.29945313

The boys are also idols!
Barely anyone here watches Aki to begin with

>> No.29945316

Jesus those are some long tits.

>> No.29945317
Quoted by: >>29945488

I swear her boobs get bigger every time I see them, I've become afraid of checking her roommate because at some point I feel like I'll open a recent tweeted pic of hers and see them encroaching upon the Tokyo skyline

>> No.29945321

Isn't the official reason on here that it is offtopic? K**n has nothing to do with hololive thus it gets removed.

>> No.29945323 [DELETED] 

Put Korone on yt tier please, it showed up on my recommended one day and I don't even watch her.

>> No.29945325


>> No.29945329
Quoted by: >>29945362

I don't even watch Homos but if i was forced to watch streams right now i would watch Homos over fucking Aki.

>> No.29945331

I think it's the same guy who was using Ayame the other day

>> No.29945336


>> No.29945338
File: 196 KB, 1500x1358, 1603542272914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti stream onegai

>> No.29945339

Just filter "holo"

>> No.29945340

You're right let's all discuss her killing turkeys in ARK, that's a really rich discussion topic.

>> No.29945343


>> No.29945342
File: 202 KB, 1034x574, 1603768912371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945347

god damn shien

>> No.29945349
Quoted by: >>29945397

There's like 1 anon who watches her here.

>> No.29945353
File: 300 KB, 441x480, 1606158441897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa... Save this thread...

>> No.29945355
File: 1.36 MB, 1214x1720, 1606715670851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does her stocking smell like

>> No.29945357
File: 176 KB, 1097x1842, 1598849812873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you going to keep bringing up the past? or are you going to accept that even under the top vtubing company at the moment the stars are still huge failures?
because it literally doesn't matter at what period did the stars join, they still underperform they didn't go anywhere even when getting the Gen 3 and 4 boost, meanwhile it was the holos who because successful and managed to get Cover out of the gutter, while even when Cover trying their best the stars are still pathetic in comparison

>> No.29945358

How does it feel knowing that the girls will never be able to achieve this level of SOUL during utawakus? The bros are doing such a damn good job

>> No.29945361


>> No.29945362

When did /hlg/ start hating Aki?

>> No.29945365

My semen

>> No.29945372

Peaches and lavender

>> No.29945373
File: 831 KB, 1034x1080, 1580518922539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

How many times have towa orgasmed to this stream so far?

>> No.29945378

It reminds her of her test accident and having thrown away her one shot at life

>> No.29945379

wrong thread

>> No.29945382
Quoted by: >>29945438

Are we in a timeloop?

>> No.29945385

Its pretty tame for this website, at least he didn't write a 2000 word erotic fanfiction detailing exactly how she gets raped ever moment if the day, living in fear nit knowing if the next day will be her last

>> No.29945388

What's the title of the song he's currently singing?

>> No.29945389


>> No.29945391
File: 29 KB, 329x549, 1588827879789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best design
>best personality
>best singer in hololive
>cutest roommate by far
How is it fair to be literally perfect

>> No.29945392

I mean, you're not wrong, but design wise I still prefer Ray.
Holos playing Yugioh when, by the way? Polka sang Zexal first opening so that has to count for something, right Konami?

>> No.29945396

Remember bros

>> No.29945395
File: 297 KB, 483x483, 1589150643150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945397
File: 419 KB, 610x588, akicutemad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true!! There are a lot of Rosetai in /hlg/!!

>> No.29945402

it doesn't help that there were people retarded enough to say happy birthday on her FB either

>> No.29945403


>> No.29945407
Quoted by: >>29945513

trying to use Kanata for your negative posts like this would make her genuinely angry at you.

>> No.29945408


>> No.29945412
Quoted by: >>29945457

Shien healing my soul right now

>> No.29945413


>> No.29945418

how new are you?
lurk 10 years faggot

>> No.29945421

Say it with me bros: HoloSOUL

>> No.29945427

Holy shit Rikka

>> No.29945428

Tower why...

>> No.29945435


>> No.29945437

It's on the screen.

>> No.29945438
File: 835 KB, 498x280, since when were you under the impression that this is animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when were you under the impression that you were not in a timeloop?

>> No.29945439
Quoted by: >>29945475

wait where is the english singing stream?

>> No.29945442

When EN breaks containment

>> No.29945445
Quoted by: >>29945500

I've barely seen any since last month
I think the saviour EOPs from the reddit raids have left now anon

>> No.29945447
Quoted by: >>29945490

She still has more views than the collab that's going on tho?

>> No.29945456


>> No.29945457
Quoted by: >>29945473

by swaying?

>> No.29945460

Oh no no no I thought we agreed never to revisit this again?

>> No.29945461

Faq, i'm going to miss mikoluna stream.
I hope it's a first step to pekoluna collab, they are two of my favorites, i think they would have a nice synergy together.

>> No.29945469
File: 348 KB, 598x545, 1598901742217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple members making more than the girls this month
>2 faggots making more than 2 girls who barely stream all due to actually begging for SC and celebration streams...

>> No.29945470
File: 720 KB, 603x687, 1606198294432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought haachama was doing a karoke
why the fuck would I want to watch getting over it?

>> No.29945474
File: 264 KB, 946x2048, BDD09EA9-6C60-41C3-AE4D-C35593D6E668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People why are you so angry ??? Have a cute image.

>> No.29945473
Quoted by: >>29945507

by existing

>> No.29945475
Quoted by: >>29945990

All the ENs are having throat problems for some reason.

>> No.29945484
File: 2.86 MB, 530x700, nyoooom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss nyoomposter

>> No.29945485

We need a separate containment thread for the homos I'm sick of seeing them here.

>> No.29945488

She's getting bigger... she should really move to the holohouse already so Suisei can help her with her diet.

>> No.29945489


>> No.29945490

Song name is always top left
What does that have to do with what people in the thread are watching? You kno we had more posts about Moona's utawaku last night instead of the 80k view Momotetsu collab too right?

>> No.29945494
File: 22 KB, 444x350, 1603282166418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945496
Quoted by: >>29945600

Since she played ARK 24/7 which was always. Anyone who likes Aki is just a redditor or a saviorfag.

>> No.29945500
File: 191 KB, 478x312, aki peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945617

By my count there's at least 4 of us, but aside from akiposter we're lurking.

>> No.29945501

it'd be nice

>> No.29945505

Old man...
I kneel...

>> No.29945507

very based

>> No.29945508


>> No.29945509

>choco and roboco
>barely stream

>> No.29945510
File: 222 KB, 1585x1000, 1595129118551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945513

Kanata is a purityfag that would rather lose her hearing that acknowledge the holostars

>> No.29945519


>> No.29945525

Darude - Sandstorm

>> No.29945526


>> No.29945528

I-I still can't lewd her

>> No.29945529
Quoted by: >>29945596

Wait, Rikka is 1 year old?

>> No.29945530
Quoted by: >>29945556

The thumbnail makes Mel look angry but when you open it she is smiling
How is Mel today?

>> No.29945537

Agree. Just look at HoloEN. They're going full Jew with their superchat kikery.

>> No.29945536

She might be the fakest bitch in all of hololive, what do you expect?

>> No.29945538

have faith in haachama

>> No.29945547
Quoted by: >>29945687

Rikka is next level

>> No.29945548

>the girls will never be able to have this much soul when they sing compared to the bros

>> No.29945556
File: 145 KB, 774x556, 36D4678F-50B3-4FDB-99BA-6FCB972F167E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good ! Today Among Us stream with members !!!

>> No.29945565

This collab makes me realise that I'd probably kill a person to hear a full gen 5/gen 3 karaoke collab.

>> No.29945566

>Another flip fangirl superchat
Ok what the fuck

>> No.29945569
File: 2.22 MB, 3000x2200, 1597027382669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945573
File: 244 KB, 543x475, 1604691289274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such great talent packed into a single stream alone. Holostars deserves more attention! We are so blessed to have you guys!

>> No.29945575

Have any of the girls pop out in the chat yet? Fubuki should be all over it already.

>> No.29945577

Haato is a pro at getting over it
She even beat the game controlling the mouse with her eyeball

>> No.29945579
Quoted by: >>29945654

hehe bros before hoes amirite xd

>> No.29945580

Mel killed it during undokai.

>> No.29945583
File: 120 KB, 275x264, 1605388091772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally spend multiple threads trying to play some random mental gymnastics about how the holostars are the biggest flop in vtuber history and need to graduate. As well as spend every thread calling a holo a whore, demanding a holo retire, demanding a holo die, or posting shit holos don't want people to see like roommate crap.

>> No.29945587
File: 27 KB, 226x372, 1595637815351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry your oshi doesn't love her fans as much as Towa does.

>> No.29945593
File: 2.94 MB, 352x410, 1589521703210.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa deserved that yab moment just for doing this

>> No.29945596

yes, he's an android

>> No.29945598
Quoted by: >>29946886

Are the homos drowning in brown pussy?

>> No.29945600

I like Aki precisely because she plays ARK 24/7.
t. ARK-oji

>> No.29945604

Imagine watching mel when you could be watching tje bros being SOULFUL

>> No.29945606
File: 105 KB, 850x1271, 1605871788185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fatten meru up a bit

>> No.29945610

Sisters... I'm so fucking happy!

>> No.29945612
File: 152 KB, 723x1023, de0shwd-b14d2bea-04d4-4c8b-a089-395ca4cfacb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent to Kanatan for misusing her likeness.

>> No.29945613
Quoted by: >>29945709

The more you spam something the easier it is to recognize you're baiting anon...

>> No.29945615
File: 991 KB, 1404x1954, 1593263629897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945616

>Halo collab
Fuck they'll never finish it now.

>> No.29945617

I am a member but I do not have the game... I'm sorry Mel...
Yeah but you guys were here before reddit went on their crusade

>> No.29945620

Stop posting, Sarah.

>> No.29945626

HolostarsPH may be a good investment, but one I'll never be a fan of.

>> No.29945629
File: 23 KB, 1080x462, 1600844812609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy newfag batman

>> No.29945632
File: 414 KB, 400x459, 1606120715631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch clips
>other girls have loads of interactions with other members and are always streaming
>try to find ayame clips and it's all breadcrumbs or older clips
There's nothing worse than having to skip through clips just to find a small sliver of another girl talking about Ayame.
Other people have it so easy with their oshi. They wouldn't understand the pain I go through.

>> No.29945633

Stream something you dumb whore

>> No.29945635


>> No.29945639
File: 152 KB, 904x1280, 20201130_080422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homofags literally just induce endless metadiacussions at this point. Their viewerbase is mostly different from the JP holos, just like the EN's. At this point they are just ruining the thread, not exactly because of the homo content, but the spamming and the shitflinging. They don't belong here, because they're derailing the thread and make them unbearably shit. They're acting exactly the same as the worst kind of ENfags, and it feels like there are at least as many of them too.

>> No.29945640
Quoted by: >>29945710

that's just schizoposting. being an anti means actively trying to ruin their lives and shit and nobody here can be fucked to put that kind of effort into anything

>> No.29945641

Newfags and crossboarders aren't people

>> No.29945645

>My sister and I loves this song. Thank you~~~
do you have a sister to watch holos with?

>> No.29945649
Quoted by: >>29945785

So, how many times are you going to spam this homofag?

>> No.29945650

You can play on phone for free or emulator !

>> No.29945653
File: 273 KB, 1189x669, 【オフ歌枠】ホロスタが弾いて、ホロスタが歌う【奏手イヅル_律可_アステル_影山シエン_夕刻ロベル】#HoloUters - YouTube - 117 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn pizzadad is such a chad

>> No.29945654

>he doesnt follow the bro code

>> No.29945659
File: 178 KB, 894x1689, 1597653250396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945660


>> No.29945666

Holostars Christmas Voice! おおおおおお I don't but voice packs but good for them

>> No.29945668
File: 685 KB, 849x1200, 1598149680736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945670
File: 68 KB, 404x546, 1598029693432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.29945675

Where's your encore roberu?

>> No.29945679
Quoted by: >>29945843

You could subscribe to her channel

>> No.29945683

>another /r/global crossie not knowing what anti means

>> No.29945684

>Gulag, thanks

>> No.29945685

I am the sister

>> No.29945687

Definitely one level above Azki and Suisei.

>> No.29945688
Quoted by: >>29945843

Her zatsudan are super comfy, do your reps

>> No.29945693

Does anyone here buy homo voice packs

>> No.29945694

We are really in the christmas season, isn't it? It's being a long year.

>> No.29945697

It's just 3-4 dwellers samefagging

>> No.29945698

So Luknights/Rosetai/Robosa,
have you joined the each other's memberships to watch the exclusive 3D clips?

>> No.29945701

>thread is a single person

>> No.29945703
Quoted by: >>29945765

SENPAI(S) had soul

>> No.29945704

You don't know what an anti means.

>> No.29945706

Until it gets to the point where there are people here trying to find real life addresses and stuff like that this won't be an anti thread regardless of all the shitposting

>> No.29945707
Quoted by: >>29945792

didn't ask

>> No.29945709

You think they care? They'll still get (you)s regardless

>> No.29945710

I'd say spreading JAV and claiming it's Aqua in the video when it's definitely not falls under that. As do the schizos that post moona's dox with her real name and demand she get stoned in the street.

>> No.29945713

Chinkrona does things to time

>> No.29945715
File: 164 KB, 717x1000, 1592180875693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945716

Meido is homofag who know how many actual homofags are, and the things is they're known spammers, he knows that given them a thread would only show how little people actually care about them

>> No.29945718

My sister wakes me up on the weekend with new korone clips to watch together

>> No.29945721 [SPOILER] 
File: 431 KB, 2100x1575, 1606719983590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, Kanata! Don’t mind me, I’m just relaxing a bit before the show today. What’s with that look? Coco says you do this all the time at home, it’s not weird if it’s just us girls, right? So anyway, I hear you’ve got some pretty strong hands...

>> No.29945729 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 1184x2392, 1592216175048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945730

there was the stream after her debut as well as after Polkas too

>> No.29945734
Quoted by: >>29945843

>knows nothing about her
take your meds

>> No.29945741
File: 1.29 MB, 1350x1909, EmXiZiFVcAAVaB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really loving all this Terracotta art! Thanks!

>> No.29945746
Quoted by: >>29945843


>> No.29945749

Yeah that /hlg/ guy really is an anti faggot, he should kill himself.

>> No.29945750

We don't have enough meds

>> No.29945755


>> No.29945759

Aruways has been

>> No.29945763

Stop it please... I beg you

>> No.29945764
File: 1.38 MB, 1568x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shitposting with my Oshi. The homos are fine
>inb4 post memberships

>> No.29945765

Nothing that can compare to the SOULKINO that's going on

>> No.29945767
File: 161 KB, 1200x1156, 1578100804922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945770

I never hatepost any holo, not even once.

>> No.29945774

This is the best recent meme.

>> No.29945777 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 1075x1075, 1601711212037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29945781

How the fuck would a Christmas Voice even work?
I get that Xmas is elevens' second San Valentin but the image feels rather misleading as to what the fuck the content of the voice packs would be.

>> No.29945782
File: 202 KB, 404x405, 1578821065947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>enter thread
>it's all just homostar discussion and falseflagging dialed up to 100

>> No.29945784

Sora, bring the cover back...


>> No.29945785

t. Soulless simp

>> No.29945789
File: 136 KB, 1266x943, 1579087963495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically based, quitters deserve nothing

>> No.29945792

Then kill yourself homofag, homos will never be accepted neither here, nor in the main branch.

>> No.29945797
Quoted by: >>29945843

Did you try watching her livestream archives? It's not like she has a massive backlog to go through

>> No.29945800

I wish I had a sister

>> No.29945804
Quoted by: >>29945948

>Little by little things are getting better for her
but are they really?

>> No.29945805
File: 39 KB, 343x357, 1585286526510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945807

You faggots don't know what a real anti looks like

>> No.29945813
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, womb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna undo Towa's belt and watch her shorts fall off and everyone will be able to see her BUTT and laugh at her!

>> No.29945814
Quoted by: >>29945883

You should just watch her actual content.
>There's nothing worse than having to skip through clips just to find a small sliver of another girl talking about Ayame.
Like half of Noel's post sports festival stream was just talking about Ayame that should keep you feed for while

>> No.29945823
File: 958 KB, 817x723, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945857

>binging up poggers again

>> No.29945829

She said the P word...

>> No.29945834
File: 469 KB, 491x643, 1576292021930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945879

-1 to image limit

>> No.29945835


>> No.29945843

You aren't understanding my post. I'm not talking about watching her streams, I'm talking about other members.
How many times have you watched a clip of a girl that isn't your oshi because she talked about your oshi?

>> No.29945845
Quoted by: >>29945864

Split when? I'd take merging with Global over the Homos.

>> No.29945849

>Asked what pog means to her highschool teacher

>> No.29945854

How? It was over in a flash for me. I remember buying my previous year's xmas tree like it had been yesterday.

>> No.29945855
Quoted by: >>29945900

>She says Poggers
>In a Aussie accent

>> No.29945857

haachama is so based

>> No.29945862
File: 14 KB, 487x407, 1594511335322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

>Holostar stream: SOUL
>Hololive stream: POGGERS

>> No.29945864

never you fag

>> No.29945866

Haachama's not bad at this game?

>> No.29945868

i know its likely shitposting but do you guys actually believe in the bro code?

>> No.29945869
Quoted by: >>29945893

Anyone knows the name of the song Yogiri tried to sing just now? I think it was from an anime.

>> No.29945872


But he's fucking right.

>> No.29945877

Fuck off, you are the one shitposting and shitting up the thread with trash no one cares about.

>> No.29945879
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x868, 1597460187698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+0 to image limit

>> No.29945883

Oh, then you're right although >>29945814
has your back

>> No.29945886

how new?

>> No.29945888

I only went out of my way looking for 切り抜き when I wanted to find out about what happened after the gen 2 off collab ended because Choco was taking forever to do a zatsudan about it
I think that's the only time I've ever bothered looking for clips

>> No.29945892

what the fuck is that

>> No.29945893

>Watching a chink instad of the bros

>> No.29945895

Literally whales from reddit shitting up the thread at the call from that izuru fag who always shits on here.

>> No.29945897
Quoted by: >>29945988

maybe 20% of those posters actually believe that stuff. Rest is memes/schizos/bait

>> No.29945899

Sing it son!

>> No.29945900


>> No.29945903
File: 1.12 MB, 1321x1102, 1600278336184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29945905
File: 1.32 MB, 1433x1013, 1599837482109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29945930

How do you feel about hololive's continued surge in popularity in the west?

>> No.29945908
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1601464648151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw he watches homoshitters

>> No.29945909

just leave the schizo be

>> No.29945911

Anon that asked about SMAP song before, there you have it

>> No.29945921
File: 614 KB, 1080x1325, 1597392802772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.29945924
File: 294 KB, 971x800, 1606297166168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is actually CRUSHING this game, impressiveCHAMA CHAMA

>> No.29945926
File: 99 KB, 193x217, 1606699051660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls streaming
>shitposting instead of watching
>nobody streams
>complains about lack of streams
>holostar streaming during dead hours

>> No.29945927

How new?

>> No.29945930

it'll die down and leave it in a ditch like what they did with Kizuna ai

>> No.29945936

Yep, I'd rather watch holostars right now

>> No.29945941
File: 152 KB, 2048x945, 20201130_081112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homofags are mad so they started to post dox
Every fucking time

>> No.29945944

I mean, it's just a recommendation to not forget your other relationships when you're in a romantic one. In moderation seems pretty good

>> No.29945946

all 5 going at it

>> No.29945948

yes, that was one of subjects talked about

>> No.29945949
Quoted by: >>29945998

For the schizo mad about Holostars posting, what exactly would you have preferred was posted for two hours while there were no streams? Genuinely curious.

>> No.29945951

>ruining the thread
Then you should just ban 90% of the thread

>> No.29945953


>> No.29945954

>Talk about streams like everyone wants
(You) are the problem

>> No.29945956

glad we're on the same page

>> No.29945969

Choosing friends before chasing after women I guess?

>> No.29945971
Quoted by: >>29946121

Shit like bros before hoes and putting your bros over a woman even if you're in a relationship with one. Dudebro tier shit basically

>> No.29945976


>> No.29945982
Quoted by: >>29946205

she literally played this kusoge a month ago jesus fucking christ

>> No.29945984

Why are homostars designs so ugly? Someone unironically explain to me

>> No.29945988

fuck now that I think about it I got baited hard huh

>> No.29945990

> some reason
You can say the word penis, anon

>> No.29945993
Quoted by: >>29946054

>Homo streams
>Thread turns to shit
I don't give a fuck who's doing it just fucking stop, do you retarded homofags have to take every single bait? are you that fucking insecure about your shit branch that a literally who flip is able to get under your skin this easily?

>> No.29945998

Are you seriously asking to reason with these spergs

>> No.29946002

>homofag falseflagging with Lamy of all people
You need to kill yourself. Lamy will NEVER acknowledge your existence.

>> No.29946007

Yozora no Mukou is really peak comfy song to sing

>> No.29946010
Quoted by: >>29946051

lamycucks are the worst

>> No.29946011

They went for the fujo demographic.

>> No.29946013

Haachama is unusually over excited today... Is she on drugs? Are drugs legal on Australia?

>> No.29946018
File: 195 KB, 338x322, 1582514349932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

>another flip fangirl superchat

>> No.29946019
File: 315 KB, 480x480, 1605457130566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946098

>not watching crazy top quality content
I hope you're not a fellow bunbunchads.

>> No.29946020

It's okay, anon. Most of those posters are falsflagging who are actually watching the Holostars sing while shitposting about them as a form of publicity.

>> No.29946023


>> No.29946025


>> No.29946031

Designed by women for women and you know how that works out

>> No.29946033
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 months
>can't even get 800k
What went wrong?

>> No.29946035
File: 496 KB, 525x812, 1588526351405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I go to the bathroom

>> No.29946032

>Towa streams
>Thread turns to shit
I don't give a fuck who's doing it just fucking stop, do you retarded Towafags have to take every single bait? are you that fucking insecure about your shit branch that a literally who flip is able to get under your skin this easily?

>> No.29946039

haachama back to japan SOON

>> No.29946040


>> No.29946041

She was sniffing gasoline.

>> No.29946044

i wish i was diogenes

>> No.29946045

Nothing wrong with being a homo anti.

>> No.29946047

That was a great encore, doesnt feel like that was two hours. The boys really sound like they are having fun together,I'm glad Izuru was able to make the trip.

>> No.29946050

Get away from the nude boy

>> No.29946051
File: 225 KB, 1200x1200, 1587443745073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isnt a bro in disguise

>> No.29946054

>do you x take every single bait
You can not name a single fanbase in these threads that don't take the bait about their oshi

>> No.29946056
File: 618 KB, 1280x720, 6264237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was weak son, you're going to take singing lessons from now on, think of the possible new harem applicants

>> No.29946057

yes and no? Your girl should be reasonable enough that spending time with people other than her is fine, and vice versa with the boys. If either side isn't go find better versions of them.

>> No.29946059

I miss Oga...

>> No.29946063

wrong timeline

>> No.29946066

If they rangebanned every single person who's posted a Watame image in the past week I'm convinced the thread would "magically" improve.

>> No.29946067
Quoted by: >>29946210

Honestly? cover's fine, song's shit

>> No.29946069
Quoted by: >>29946085

Who's the best holo and why is it Haachama?

>> No.29946070 [DELETED] 


>> No.29946073

Good stream, think I liked the first one more but this was still very enjoyable

>> No.29946076

>EN streams
>Thread turns to shit
I don't give a fuck who's doing it just fucking stop, do you retarded ENfags have to take every single bait? are you that fucking insecure about your shit branch that a literally who flip is able to get under your skin this easily?

>> No.29946077
File: 445 KB, 960x540, akioh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki announcement in 15 minutes!! Please go watch!!

>> No.29946078
Quoted by: >>29946118

>HoloJP not streaming
Literally why? Give me a Narrative

>> No.29946080
File: 177 KB, 455x372, 1598053886633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946082
Quoted by: >>29946150

No, it's downright retarded approaching how you handle a relationship with a person depending on their gender, be it a friendships or a romantic one, people who unironically believe on the "bro code" are a bunch of idiots who use it to cover thin veiled misogyny, every person is different it's idiotic to classify them by gender

>> No.29946083

PHP is a programming language

>> No.29946085


>> No.29946086

Towafags are the worst among the holofans but they nowhere neas ad bad as the homofags, don't even compare.

>> No.29946090
File: 89 KB, 262x262, t7yuig76iyuhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holost**s apologist

>> No.29946089


>> No.29946094
Quoted by: >>29946149

Why yes, I would like to post how Towa is a whore, Coco chink drama, Suisei coomerposting, etc. for the 474878th time. How did you know?

>> No.29946096

>Towa streams
God I fucking wish, she's going to take her sweet time after she settles up

>> No.29946098
File: 208 KB, 1055x1053, 1574446338257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946214

stop falseflagging faggot

>> No.29946101

That's a lot of superchats from flip women, imagine the easy pussy.

>> No.29946100
File: 318 KB, 550x565, 1604632718132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still the best performance https://files.catbox.moe/n207pv.mp4

>> No.29946102

Check her twitter. She scheduled karaoke but got throat problems.

>> No.29946103
File: 157 KB, 1259x1382, 6A86324C-E263-419D-A030-E12E7D622392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will !

>> No.29946108
File: 313 KB, 481x471, 1606452774718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the collab

>> No.29946107

Sure. But you have to eat all of the eggs.

>> No.29946110

I hope she announces the aki rose wife lottery
I got my tickets bros

>> No.29946111

>Nowhere near as bad
I see that you haven't been here for more than 2 months

>> No.29946112
Quoted by: >>29946167

Uhh bros why is Haachama streaming GOI? Wasn't she supposed to do an actually good stream?

>> No.29946118

Tired after last night stream?
Obligatory dance/sing training?

>> No.29946121


i mean it's easy to say now while i'm not in a relationship and it heavily depends on context too, but at the very least if it came down to a choice between the bros i've known for more than a decade and some fine piece of ass, it'd give me pause for thought

>> No.29946123

So is redstone

>> No.29946126

niche song
I'm honestly more surprised Tokomachi got 800k on 1 month, guess Enstars are bigger than I'd thought

>> No.29946128

>Homofag falsefalgging
No one cares about your irrelevant idiot, go spam with the other 9 fags who like them elsewhere

>> No.29946129
Quoted by: >>29946177


>> No.29946134


>> No.29946135

Damn right it is, son

>> No.29946137

Well that was a great time, the bros definitely had fun.
Too bad my oshi isn't streaming today, but at least there should be a Pekora stream later tonight.

>> No.29946139
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1594979825241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

>open up hololive stream
>it's just another low effort EOP pandering

>> No.29946144

Kinda boring at first, but they get increasingly hyped towards the end/10

>> No.29946145
File: 265 KB, 2048x1161, EoAP38OVQActqox.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fucking kino as fuck. Here to more HoloUters to come

>> No.29946147

Holostars don't cry about their numbers like that vapid whore

>> No.29946149
Quoted by: >>29946224

Literally all of these are better than homoposting. Only Aloecuck are lower tier than homobeggars.

>> No.29946150

>Muh soggy knees

>> No.29946152
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1590847167866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban 4th gen from these threads

>> No.29946154
File: 184 KB, 782x624, Screenshot from 2020-11-30 15-16-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946158

This one felt more emotional/heart warming then the last one

>> No.29946159
Quoted by: >>29946192

Just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.29946165

holostats must be purged

>> No.29946167


>> No.29946169

>implying they are not the same people

>> No.29946170
File: 133 KB, 1080x675, Yagoo_Speaks_the_Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder.

>> No.29946172

Sheepfaggots will get the rope first

>> No.29946174


>> No.29946173

Dont worry anon gen 4 is NOT REAL

>> No.29946175


>> No.29946177


>> No.29946179

Only caught the end, but damn great. Hope they do more in the future, but also not too often.

>> No.29946182
File: 493 KB, 596x527, 1592390527881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally homosharts can stop talking about their failed branch

>> No.29946186

Ahh thank god the homoshart stream is over, now we can finally have a good thread about how Towa is a whore

>> No.29946188

too many slow songs/10

>> No.29946190
File: 164 KB, 1080x877, IMG_20201130_151645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946259

Aki's graduation stream in 15 minutes

>> No.29946192

Seanigs baiting their fellow seanigs.
The homo collab was pretty good.

>> No.29946193
File: 104 KB, 601x344, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post em

>> No.29946194

I am feel maybe towards a 7 on this one out of a 10 a 7

>> No.29946198
File: 216 KB, 900x900, 1601306699497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad Roberu didn't sing as much as the others but when he did, it was a nice showing.

>> No.29946200
File: 42 KB, 481x481, IMG_20201129_231726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946236

she is going to play Among Us for next stream

>> No.29946201
File: 510 KB, 700x946, 20201128_081649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

あら ら ら ら ら

>> No.29946202


>> No.29946203
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946373

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.29946205
Quoted by: >>29946308

>a month ago
She literally played this days after she debuted 2 years ago

>> No.29946204

Nothing will be more SOUL

>> No.29946206

Unironically SOUL, why can't the women have collabs as soulful as this?

>> No.29946208
Quoted by: >>29946235

Why are Nooseagis like this?
>16 days

>> No.29946209
Quoted by: >>29946302

I don't know can you ?

>> No.29946210
Quoted by: >>29946276

The song's fine, but it's not the type of song you can listen to again and again

>> No.29946212

>horror 3d
newfags don't count falseflaggot

>> No.29946214
File: 1.12 MB, 2184x3083, 1606606897333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946267


>> No.29946228

You're delusional if you think they will stop, they will continue to shit up the fucking thread and probably spam dox, just like every time.

>> No.29946224
Quoted by: >>29946297

I think you're lost >>>/jp/global/

>> No.29946226

Very relaxing and got really fun towards the end.
I hope the boys are having a nice after party together.

>> No.29946231
File: 2.90 MB, 252x261, 1601469873557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual FUCK is this thread

>> No.29946233
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1595716731276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

I'm 100% sure there's only 3 or 4 loud homofags here who's membered to homos.

>> No.29946235

Nousagi are always such chads compared to the people who pretend to be them. How do they do it every time?

>> No.29946236

Are the streams still fanbox only?

>> No.29946242


>> No.29946245
Quoted by: >>29946296

More cats?

>> No.29946248

fuck I missed it

>> No.29946253

>no Windu Fishu

>> No.29946255
File: 2.20 MB, 2480x3683, 1606434660605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946257

Goddamn that was some SOUL. The girls fucking suck at singing and they should like the bros take over

>> No.29946259

did her reddit tourists ever become part of her regular viewership or is she still in the dumps?

>> No.29946263

I wish Gen 5 karaoke collab

>> No.29946264

Pretty good, kinda wish it was as crazy as the last one though

>> No.29946265

I liked it picked up once they got into a groove and some drinks, Rikka styling on son never gets old and Shien is nice.

>> No.29946267
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 16012441116712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refer yourself to >>29946212

>> No.29946268

Sorry people meido is too busy banning ritualposters !!!

>> No.29946269

Sex. With Towa.

>> No.29946274
File: 142 KB, 599x521, chrome_9kRXgZLLT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach it brother.

>> No.29946276

agree, but the harmonies on the chorus don't really do it for me, they seem kinda off for some reason

>> No.29946281
File: 352 KB, 1000x1231, 1606277310908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>ctrl + F "homo"
>34 results
>close thread

>> No.29946284

Unironically SOUL, why can't the women have collabs as soulful as this?

>> No.29946286

Based nousagi. You do you.

>> No.29946288

Someone wake up the 35p
The homos are getting uppity again

>> No.29946290
File: 39 KB, 712x664, 1576399995816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa! Towa! Towa! Towaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! Ahhhhh… aa… a, aahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Towa Towa Tooooooooooooowaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Ah kunkakunka! kunkakunka! suuhaa! suuhaa! Nice smell…kunkun nhaah! I wanna kunkakunka Tokoyami Towa-tan's pink hair! kunkakunka!AhaA! Mistook! I wanna mofmof! mofmof! mofmof! Hair hair mofmof! Karikarimofmof! cuincuin Towa on 3D Debute was Cuuuutteeee! AaaAA!…AAA…AhAaAAAA!FaaAAAnnn!! Congratulation 3D Debute was on air! Towa-tan! AaAAAAA! Cute! Towa-tan! Cute! AhAAaAA! Towa got supacha'd and I'm happ… NooOOOOO!!! NyaaAAAAAAAN! GyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! GahhhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Debut is not real! Oh…streams and videos are too… T o w a I s N o t R e a l? NyaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! UwaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA! GetchaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!! Noooooooo! HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAn! Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! This! Fxxk! I give up! I give up such a real…te…what? Look? Illustlated Towa-tan is looking at me? Illustlated Towa-tan is looking at me ! Towa-tan is watching me! Illustlated Towa-tan is looking at me ! Towa-tan on stream is reading me! I feel relieved… The world is not that bad! Iyahhoooooooooooooo!!! Towa is with me! I did it, Ayame! I can do it! oh, 3D Towa-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaNnnn!!! NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!! AhAnAAhAAna, Mr Yagoo!!!! To-towaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA! TooorrreeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! TwapiiiiiiIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! UUtUuuUUU!!! May my supacha go to Towa! To Towa of hololive!

>> No.29946291


>> No.29946294

spergs losing their mind over why people decided to talk about a holostar offcollab instead of ARK

>> No.29946296
File: 98 KB, 269x269, akiquestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know!! I wonder what it is!!

>> No.29946297

You're the one who lost homofag. This will never be your place.

>> No.29946301
Quoted by: >>29946320

Uh what nigger, Roberu's had membership for 18 days.

>> No.29946302
File: 232 KB, 484x468, 1579664659699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946303

proud of my son and his friends/10

>> No.29946305

It was pretty good. I feel like I'd like the First one though

>> No.29946308

>missing the point
you dumb nigger if he's not even here from a month ago then he's 3-4 weeks new at best

>> No.29946310
File: 44 KB, 824x713, 1603957960030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure unadulterated KINO.

>> No.29946312

tutty mo minutes!!!

>> No.29946316
File: 635 KB, 720x784, 1606028581438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

The stream was too soulful that I'm healed for the rest of the week

>> No.29946317

Roberu singing seriously was a surprise
Rewrite and Cruel Angel thesis were the Soul

>> No.29946320

Ok and? It's not like he's months late is it??

>> No.29946322
File: 10 KB, 1488x123, 1606189733920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's still at it

>> No.29946323

Why are homost*rs like this?

>> No.29946327

its better than that gay porn image dump.

>> No.29946329

Why are we here, just baiters baiting baiters.

>> No.29946330
Quoted by: >>29946390

crossboarder central

>> No.29946334

Post yours within 30 second faggot.

>> No.29946336 [DELETED] 

Official EOP dox tier list

>> No.29946344

It's always the fucking seaniggers.

>> No.29946345

The original pekoflagger would be ashamed and disgusted by such faggots like you.

>> No.29946347
Quoted by: >>29946380

>2 months

>> No.29946349

why is it "cute and funny" when haachama slams her desk but when I do it my desk breaks in half and my mom calls me a retard?

>> No.29946350
File: 476 KB, 392x707, 1606291510965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa always looks so funny.

>> No.29946351

nousagis and roberu fans have a big overlap from /hlg/

>> No.29946352

Is the homo hate falseflagging or genuine? At this point I cant fucking tell, I might be developing brain problems.

>> No.29946354
File: 90 KB, 221x256, 1602599282845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

Soul/10. Falseflaggers running rampant as usual but that'll always be the monkey paw in exchange for these soulful streams.

>> No.29946355

Based, they are siblings

>> No.29946359

Why is Haachama's Japanese English accent so much cuter than others?

>> No.29946361
File: 181 KB, 1072x1142, akiapplehug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they did!! She trained her EOPs into proper Rosetai!!

>> No.29946363
File: 51 KB, 483x101, 1602006821633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946365
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x988, rbrpkr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946448

Based nousagi

>> No.29946373

She moved on. You should too.

>> No.29946374

【 Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War 】2人で協力プレイ!ゾンビ達をやっつけて脱出するのらよ!

>> No.29946377

I hope Cover's realized that only a few of the Homos actually have female majority viewership and that they don't have to lean that hard into it for new designs.
the last one was full of energy and this one was a lot more relaxed. both were good in different ways

>> No.29946379

because she isnt using the bogan one

>> No.29946380

...homoanti is illiterate

>> No.29946381
File: 2.68 MB, 202x812, 1576098774347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946444

>> No.29946383

I want the bros to sing more bleach songs

>> No.29946384

>How do they do it every time?
The ability to enjoy good things while ignoring the popularity of the subject.

>> No.29946385

Damn I miss them already...

>> No.29946388

>dont enjoy holoen
>enjoy akagi heart's english streams
why is this?

>> No.29946389
File: 69 KB, 1160x385, moriy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it, I'm a Mori anti now
We better not start seeing a trend of sponsored videos, is nothing sacred to her?

>> No.29946390
Quoted by: >>29946430

Stop flexing eith your DeepL skills.

>> No.29946391
Quoted by: >>29946494

>Cowa Dooty LunaMiko

>> No.29946394

>no timer

>> No.29946395
Quoted by: >>29946576

I didnt catch the whole thing but I only caught Izuru's songs. Did the other homos sing?

>> No.29946401

I'm so happy right now.
I just found out that my girlfriend also watch and likes Korone!

>> No.29946402
File: 150 KB, 385x406, 1598521289355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora and Roberu collab when?

>> No.29946404

it doesnt matter either way because the effect is still the same: some retard sperging out

>> No.29946412
File: 493 KB, 1280x529, 1600004044961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946416

Something tells me Roberu has a better time with the Holostars then he does with his NND circle. The fact that participating in group covers and things like this with them is probably what prompted him to start training his voice and actually taking singing seriously hits me

>> No.29946422 [DELETED] 
File: 940 KB, 1220x1080, 0A07299E-6AAB-4EF1-9395-093EA614A6B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is she wearing lmao.

>> No.29946420

Can confirm.
My anime club frequently watches Pekora and Roberu streams before our cosplay orgies,

>> No.29946423


>> No.29946429
Quoted by: >>29946515

Did you miss that entire week that was dedicated to advertisting instant curry?

>> No.29946430
Quoted by: >>29946582


>> No.29946432
File: 236 KB, 460x480, 1606650983770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947123

>We better not start seeing a trend of sponsored videos

>> No.29946437


>> No.29946438

2(two) baby

>> No.29946440

>cawadoody partner
What a weird choice

>> No.29946441
File: 35 KB, 305x336, 1593265687537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this

>> No.29946442

Haachama's english isnt even near the top in cuteness

>> No.29946444
File: 2.87 MB, 1202x946, twap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946448

they're siblings you fuck

>> No.29946454
File: 487 KB, 550x682, 1592155797666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946571

Your games get taken away?
Your favorite VTuber is on vacation?
Turn that frown upside down with a healthy batch of Family Mart™ Chicken, the snack that's sure to turn you from Holodead, to Hololive! Mmmmmmmm Family Mart™ Chicken, 今日もおいしい!

>> No.29946456

wow, as homofags like to say with their crossvoarding "SOUL" posting
is this cope?

>> No.29946458

based and chinesetranslatorpilled

>> No.29946461

nousagi parents i kneel

>> No.29946462

Be honest, do you wish you were Akai "Haachama" Haato?

>> No.29946467

HomoCHADs run these threads

>> No.29946469
Quoted by: >>29946505

Learn English before posting, seanig.

>> No.29946470

I don't hate the homos themselves, I hate the homofags. Just like everyone else who aren't one of them.

>> No.29946471

yonkishitters need their own fucking thread

>> No.29946476

what the christ is this

>> No.29946478
Quoted by: >>29946493

Uhh no fuck australia

>> No.29946480

>We better not start seeing a trend of sponsored videos

>> No.29946484

he had a group cover with his NND circle too, and it's Alpaca's most viewed group cover...

>> No.29946486
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 1583482556673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the announcement?

>> No.29946487
Quoted by: >>29946613

Did you watch her podcast interview? She literally admitted that she didn't care about vtubing until she saw an opportunity for $

>> No.29946489

>We better not starting seeing a trend of sponsored videos
EN poster being a newfag, color me surprised lol.

>> No.29946493

fuck you too, buddy

>> No.29946494


>> No.29946500
Quoted by: >>29946591

Unironically SOUL, why can't the women have collabs as soulful as this?

>> No.29946503

Now that's a HoloLive Moment

>> No.29946505

i didn't misspell anything, /v/ wants you and your homoshit back

>> No.29946508

Pretty guud/10

>> No.29946509

This just proves more that hololive is 100% souless

>> No.29946511

>Aki announcement in 5 minutes
W-what's it gonna be hagbros...

>> No.29946514

She's pregnant with my baby

>> No.29946515
Quoted by: >>29946590

that at least generated content, storylines, narratives, and memes

>> No.29946518
Quoted by: >>29946584

Funny, because most Kenzocucks are Astelfags anyway.

>> No.29946519
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x1600, 1605618331852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946520


>> No.29946522

Shes graduating.

>> No.29946524


>> No.29946528

announcing her new marriage with me

>> No.29946532

5rd cat

>> No.29946534

Someone at Activision Japan really likes the baby.

>> No.29946535

We recently got engaged and we thought you'd all like to know

>> No.29946536
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1605880245208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

i'm not surprised Pekotards

>> No.29946540

Can you belieb it?

>> No.29946541
File: 220 KB, 1135x1258, winku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946661


>> No.29946543
File: 31 KB, 433x576, IMG_20201010_074614-removebg-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No theyre not

>> No.29946545

>Baby duo collab is Black Ops Cold War
Well that was rather unexpected

>> No.29946547

>anti-holostars are rather liking this shit than the actually good and SOULful streams https://youtu.be/Pw0tagKZoFg
Probably all of you are EOPs too, also Towa is a shit and looks like a man anyway.

>> No.29946548
File: 337 KB, 457x416, 1601455324694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946549

shut up australia doesnt exist

>> No.29946553
Quoted by: >>29946772

There's a lot of legit reasons to not like Mori, but Ame literally did a sponsored book reading by Bookwalker just the other day.

>> No.29946554


>> No.29946556


>> No.29946563
File: 64 KB, 156x246, TowaSamaMajiTenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless this thread

>> No.29946565
File: 62 KB, 360x200, 1203405870634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch newest Hologra
>why is Friend talking in that weird tone
>suddenly she becomes a Yukkuri
>hits me that she was actually talking like Bouyomi-chan
I can't believe we got Kemono Friends, ARK and 2hu all in one video!

>> No.29946564
File: 115 KB, 1154x719, 1588599330948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

Literal who who got a lucky break a few months ago from redditors which have already left her for FOTM EN whores

>> No.29946566

First week here?

>> No.29946568

Stop being a fucking creep and butting in on other people relationships, this shit is as cringy as the /u/fags who think Noel and Flare are dating

>> No.29946570

another outfit or merch/voicepack

>> No.29946571

I love her dumb cute buckteeth

>> No.29946572

When's part3 / 10

>> No.29946573
Quoted by: >>29946593

Which homo is that really buff one that looks like he was drawn by a grade schooler?

>> No.29946577
File: 713 KB, 1936x2471, 1578211169977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is MY wife

>> No.29946576

yes they all did obviously

>> No.29946578

4th gen literally destroyed hololive, it was true back then and it's still true now

>coco - endless chink arc
>towa - unironic gaijin cucks
>watame - numberfagging schizos
>kanata - deaf bitch who can't sing
>luna - diaperfaggot hag

>> No.29946580
Quoted by: >>29946657

Bestiality videos with her cats

>> No.29946581
File: 268 KB, 363x383, 1606716224701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOUL/10. N2bro here again, Roberu turning the pages for his bros was really cute and you can hear him gradually getting comfier. Rikka and Izuru were amazing as always, Astel went all out, and Bossu really busting it with those songs too. There's apparently one more announcement but I'm unsure if I misheard it. This wasn't as crazy as the last stream but it sure was more emotional in a way. EMOI... anyway, I'll go back to lurking. Thanks anons! Remember to do your reps! See you next HoloUters!

>> No.29946582

Don't listen to him, anon. There's no way someone on /jp/ would be as dishonoraburu to use a translation software.

>> No.29946584

I only love Towa.

>> No.29946591
Quoted by: >>29946675

I know you’re just baiting, but OkaKoro isn’t that long ago

>> No.29946593
Quoted by: >>29946785

Roberu, I really don't understand why anyone would watch him when the design is such an eyesore

>> No.29946590
Quoted by: >>29946820


>> No.29946596
Quoted by: >>29946680

I'm indifferent to the holostars themselves. I would never watch a stream with them in it and my oshi has no interest in collabing with them, so to me they are virtually nonexistent. I do however think that they should not be posting in this thread and meido should enforce that. For additional reference, I also think the EN split should be enforced.

>> No.29946597
File: 137 KB, 338x322, 1598812722291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nousagi are homosharts all along

>> No.29946602

5th cat
also a 6th cat

>> No.29946604

>There's apparently one more announcement but I'm unsure if I misheard it
You talking about the Christmas voice packs they announced or is there another one on the way?

>> No.29946609

Subaru's 2.0 L2D is a 1000 times better than her 1.0 but her default costume sucks.

>> No.29946613
Quoted by: >>29946692

Pekora said the same when she started.

>> No.29946616
Quoted by: >>29946700

Constant 3k viewers with ocassional Akasupas, if she does singing streams its easy SC rain. So yeah, Reddit actually doing something right

>> No.29946617

Remember when Haachama was the best GOI holo?

>> No.29946624
File: 88 KB, 1093x919, 1575598784818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946625

Mukirose Channel official debut
Mukirose 3D
Mukirose merch
Mukirose original song

>> No.29946627

Is she back yet?

>> No.29946629

self-inflicted. She clearly doesn't want to interact with the others. So unless you have danchou fangirling they aren't going to talk about her for no reason.

>> No.29946630

Cope, its okay to do it because hes a man and also a bro
>n-no its cringy

>> No.29946635

Just touch the tip Haachama!

>> No.29946640

Peak soul.

>> No.29946641

Haachamas making fun of poors again

>> No.29946646
Quoted by: >>29948131

Yonkisei? More like Yonkishit

>> No.29946648

If there is any justice in this world, she's riding that snake

>> No.29946649

Towa is very cute.

>> No.29946650

>son wants knightbowl all along
rapist jackal...

>> No.29946651
File: 1.28 MB, 1350x1909, 1589371687121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946654
File: 327 KB, 1000x822, 1601865706239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946747

>newfag nousagi is a homoshart falseflagger
color me surprised peko

>> No.29946653

Gen 3 destroyed hololive, it was much better before they come. If they wouldn't exist, the homos would play with the girls together, and those streams would be the best in the history of hololive.

>> No.29946655

SOUL/10. N2bro here again, Roberu turning the pages for his bros was really cute and you can hear him gradually getting comfier. Rikka and Izuru were amazing as always, Astel went all out, and Bossu really busting it with those songs too. There's apparently one more announcement but I'm unsure if I misheard it. This wasn't as crazy as the last stream but it sure was more emotional in a way. EMOI... anyway, I'll go back to lurking. Thanks anons! Remember to do your reps! See you next HoloUters!

>> No.29946657

Hot as fuck
Aki is my favourite now

>> No.29946660

I don't even watch holostars but I tuned into this one specifically because of schizos throwing a shit fit in this thread

>> No.29946661

Why are you giving me a boner, I just finished watching the guys singing

>> No.29946666

Do newfags really?

>> No.29946670

I was delusional for thinking that she would beat Aqua's record at some point

>> No.29946671


>> No.29946675

Retard, he posted the exact same reply 3 times, why ate you biting?

>> No.29946677 [DELETED] 


>> No.29946678
File: 375 KB, 680x581, 1587635554120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946680

>I do however think that they should not be posting in this thread and meido should enforce that
I still havent seen any convincing arguments for this. Do you have one?

>> No.29946683

Why are holostars fans not posting in hlgg instead since EN girls have actually expressed interest in collabing with them. Surely they'd find more like-minded people there?

>> No.29946687

>start seeing a trend
Are you for real?

>> No.29946688
Quoted by: >>29946739

>literally a fantasy they are purposely selling
>nooo how dare you believe it so cringe
Do you also think they're all whores and their likable personality is a fake fantasy, cucktard?

>> No.29946692

at least pekora puts soul into it

>> No.29946694

Who are the most insufferable fanbases?

>> No.29946696
Quoted by: >>29946726

I was watching with friends and some of us swore we heard another announcement being teased. Maybe it's something at a later date? That's our biggest hunch.

>> No.29946697

Speaking english lowers her IQ, please undastd.

>> No.29946699

You're not me

>> No.29946700

that's good to hear, i'm happy for her.

>> No.29946701
Quoted by: >>29946763

>also a bro
No. you want to suck his cock. He isn't your bro.

>> No.29946702

she's so fucking cute holy shit

>> No.29946703

Apparently snake takes really clanky.

>> No.29946705
File: 724 KB, 741x640, jin say hanyoo mu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946704

Rangeban when?

>> No.29946707
Quoted by: >>29946748

She was the second best for a long time

>> No.29946706

"I want to eat snake"
Well she can eat my snake that's for sure haha

>> No.29946716

Tanigox liked it

>> No.29946720
Quoted by: >>29947189

I can confirm there's another one to look forward to, but they didn't reveal what it was.

>> No.29946723

Brocodefags abd homosharts deserve death

>> No.29946724

why would anyone willingly go into that shithole?

>> No.29946726

Alright I guess we will wait and see

>> No.29946728

Literal twitch streamer esque advertising. I'm not even surprised.

>> No.29946731
File: 816 KB, 1029x1411, 1579968667120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946736
File: 1.20 MB, 1366x768, 83540792_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29946792

3rd gen swimsuits onegai...

>> No.29946737
Quoted by: >>29946798

Some 35p in there told them to fuck so they came here

>> No.29946739

>>literally a fantasy they are purposely selling
>>nooo how dare you believe it so cringe
Cool, so then stay within that fucking fantasy and stop trying to judge their friendships in comparison to their past lives

>> No.29946740

makes sense since she doesnt play it as much anymore

>> No.29946746

I love the 5th gen. Especially Nenechi

>> No.29946747
File: 108 KB, 221x256, 1599566238528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

how far have the nousagi fallen

>> No.29946748

And now she's not even the third best.

>> No.29946749

You are a good person anon

>> No.29946753
Quoted by: >>29947652

Its a miracle that the "Ayame Experience" on YouTube is 25 mins long. Didn't watch it, but I imagine the creator of the vid just strung all of the known Ayame clips into one video.

>> No.29946759


>> No.29946760
File: 296 KB, 850x1307, 1599515637342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946763

Cringe and bluepilled

Kys soiboi

>> No.29946765


>> No.29946766


>> No.29946768


Aki is graduating

>> No.29946770
Quoted by: >>29946932

EN fans, Towafags, Watamates, 35p, and non-Japanese Tatsunoko and Haatons

>> No.29946771
File: 472 KB, 2000x2500, 1577235663580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946772

Just realized that ame read along was sponsored, because they didn't put the sponsored message in stream.

>> No.29946773

Based on this thread sheep peko and towa posters but almost everyone is falseflagging so the results are skewed

>> No.29946774
Quoted by: >>29946811

You can't say that when one of them literally barely gives a shit about hiding their roommate.

>> No.29946777

Aki is late for her big announcement...

>> No.29946779
Quoted by: >>29946822

They don't like the homo either, and unlike us they actually did a good job at gate keeping them out of the thread

>> No.29946781


>> No.29946784

remember when chamers flexed on kanata?

>> No.29946785

His design turned me off at First but then over time it grew on me. It somehow matches his personality especially his laughs. Wish he'd use his mad expression more. It's pretty hot

>> No.29946788
Quoted by: >>29946824

> now
Anon she has indicated multiple times that she gives no shits about hololive except to use it as a springboard to gain notoriety as a content creator
She doesn't care about any of the culture hololive is rooted in.
But this is only a half reason to hate her. Idols are expected to promote products. Ideally not the same fucking products anitubers promote, though, like fucking bookwalker.

>> No.29946789

Why did no one tell me about this, this is lit.

>> No.29946792

I fucking wish 4th gen would get there's.

>> No.29946798
Quoted by: >>29946843

>Some 35p in there told them to fuck so they came here
Why would 35p be in global?

>> No.29946800

he likes everything aside from actually running the company and doing jackshit for his talents

>> No.29946801

If he liked it so much he should have joined in

>> No.29946804
File: 454 KB, 1920x1080, Jdowhawas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946805
File: 182 KB, 396x408, 1602727945787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

>4.1k viewers is all the homotards can muster

>> No.29946806

I dont mind if you guys wanna replace her old avatar, but is her posts are still gonna be allowed here then? Dont suggests /vytb/ because they want her posts to fuck off to /hlg/, so that makes her topic not belong anywhere, not even /trash/

>> No.29946807

JAV style fan thanksgiving event, as foreshadowed by the ARK event stream

>> No.29946808
Quoted by: >>29946863

I used to avoid watching Aki Rosenthal because I thought she was Jewish, but just recently I discovered she is actually a very cute and sweet lady! Just goes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

On a side note, is she really an alcoholic? I'm asking because I want to send a superchat, but I won't do it if she's just going spend it on booze. I wouldn't want to enable her or anything.

>> No.29946809

EOPs. It doesn't matter what holo they like. They don't know shit about her

>> No.29946811
Quoted by: >>29946848

>Homofags are also roommate fags

>> No.29946813
File: 1.77 MB, 1300x1839, 1577622782106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946814
File: 2.87 MB, 1728x2205, 1602638381147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946815
File: 321 KB, 468x422, akiamaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's announcement time!! I'm so excited!!

>> No.29946817

Just see the bans, also some schizos just like to farm (you), you can see it with Moona, some ENxJP and Kanata threads too.

>> No.29946820
Quoted by: >>29946879

jesas faqing christ how new are you

>> No.29946822
Quoted by: >>29946870

no, more like when Global was created, meidos made it clear that holostars are supposed to be in this thread and not that one. You'd know that if you were actually here when global was created

>> No.29946823

That's a great idea

>> No.29946824

I mean this all happened with Cover being involved so... you know it's not just them.

>> No.29946825

How many newfags are going to be surprised by Haato's surprisingly decent Tetris later...

>> No.29946826

Fucking newfag

>> No.29946830

Did Haachama just mock the chinks?

>> No.29946832

>this is lit.
Literally what?

>> No.29946834

Haachama is saying some really deep stuff.

>> No.29946835
Quoted by: >>29946877

What? That's just the MV

>> No.29946836

Powerful image...

>> No.29946837
File: 222 KB, 404x476, 1597628707348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

Reminder to ignore all the falseflagging from both sides.

>> No.29946839


>> No.29946841

Unironically SOUL, why can't the women have collabs as soulful as this?

>> No.29946843

That newfaggot thinks that every anti-homos are 35ps

>> No.29946847
File: 1.30 MB, 1494x1988, 1602346631053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946848
Quoted by: >>29946912

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.29946849

Did you just forget that Idolfags and Purityfags exist? With or without 3rd Gen, they would never accept the holos interacting with men.

>> No.29946854

So Tony Hawk did go for Luna because Miko was unavailable after all.

>> No.29946853

>ENfag comes here with Mori shitpost
>Gets +20 (You)s
You retards need to learn self restrain

>> No.29946856
File: 65 KB, 900x511, 1605958961247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946861

kino stream right there

>> No.29946863
File: 385 KB, 592x631, akishock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is not an alcoholic!! Please don't say that!!

>> No.29946864

Hope they did thier fps reps

>> No.29946865

Homofags don't watch Aqua.

>> No.29946869
File: 120 KB, 241x224, 1581049371256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

Hololive is just full of dramas in the last few months. When will it be comfy again?

>> No.29946870
Quoted by: >>29946908

Anon there's no split, you're free to talk about JP on /hlgg/ and most of the time people will actually engage on discussion about the holos over there, but if you post the homos everyone tells you to fuck off

>> No.29946871
Quoted by: >>29947005

Bet you $5 her Tetris is worse than the last time she's played and she makes retarded mistakes on purpose.
In any event the only Tetris holo I respect is Suisei.

>> No.29946873


>> No.29946877

Yeah, that's super fire. I didn't know it would get an MV, much less on her birthday.

>> No.29946878
Quoted by: >>29947176

>they would never accept the holos interacting with men.
They have done plenty of times and still do though?

>> No.29946879

Thought so.

>> No.29946883
File: 976 KB, 1223x1182, 1598464587834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946884

He literally recruited Roberu with just talking
Yagoo and his pet project.

>> No.29946885

yeah sure

>> No.29946886


>> No.29946893
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x1600, 1602039722876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946898
Quoted by: >>29946926

Please make a homo thread so I never have to read shills shilling failed streamers again.

>> No.29946899

Song's been out for months

>> No.29946902

Remember when Haachama had the best English in hololive?

>> No.29946901

EN: Baby Combi Zombi

>> No.29946904

Best Holo intro

>> No.29946908

people posted holostars in that thread and every post was deleted, making it clear they belong in this thread.

>> No.29946910

I'm giving you 10 minutes, Aki. Give me the announcement quickly and easy.

>> No.29946911
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 2345678903456r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Thread

BTW -1

>> No.29946912

.>Bros believe me from personally stalking his roommate I'm certain than Roberu loves the bros more than his friends from way back
Neck yourself homofag, roommate shit is bad no matter if it's the bros or the holos

>> No.29946915
Quoted by: >>29947187

but she crack open a can every stream...

>> No.29946920

SOUL singing

>> No.29946925

>i wanna do the fast, go faster
- Marcus Aurelius

>> No.29946926
File: 75 KB, 338x322, 1583012427568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK why they keep on rejecting it. It's literally the best possible outcome for BOTH fanbases

>> No.29946927
File: 261 KB, 1060x1500, 1594800348511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946932

all me btw

>> No.29946942
File: 663 KB, 685x624, 1599434010111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190


>> No.29946944

Please mak a falseflagger thread so I never have to read falseflaggers falseflagging as a fanbase ever again

>> No.29946947

I like the Aki Loading intro, but OG intro is great, she should play it at the start of all her streams after the other intros.

>> No.29946950
Quoted by: >>29946978


>> No.29946960
File: 175 KB, 545x498, 1606150082806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946963

He does, KNEEL

>> No.29946964

I don’t mind, as long as EN shit is a bannable offense in this thread too

>> No.29946968
Quoted by: >>29947021

not really, I don't want another thread.

>> No.29946971
Quoted by: >>29947114

You realize more than 1 person has been responding to you, right schizochama?

>> No.29946972


>> No.29946973
File: 175 KB, 850x1200, 1605623543580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946976
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1598219791801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly loved the homostar stream

>> No.29946978

shut the fuck up sheepfag

>> No.29946980
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1601356500694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29946986
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, akilaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the old intro!! It is amazing!!

>> No.29946989
File: 472 KB, 4000x3000, 1594008770421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29946990

I've never watched this girl but I'm really nervous is this normal?

>> No.29946993


>> No.29946991

My baby daughters against zombies.

>> No.29947001
File: 352 KB, 1060x1000, 1604627023206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homofags, they're absolutely insufferable and bite the easiest bait ever made, think of the idiots who bite china shit but turned up to 11

>> No.29947005

Now they have Sega permission Chammer and Suityan can play some Puyo Puyo tetris

>> No.29947006

>Haachama beats getting over it rta
>no posts cause just posting about homos who aren't even streaming

>> No.29947008
File: 42 KB, 648x427, 1590467156508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947007
Quoted by: >>29947064

Did aki just say "Holostars English"

>> No.29947010
Quoted by: >>29947064

>Holostars English

>> No.29947012

shouldn't that be turok?

>> No.29947013

You niggers literally defended hoshikawa, ui, sio, nose and tamaki posting here on the pretext of "honorary holos" and yet you sperg at delta
Eat a bag of dicks

>> No.29947017

Rather than that, we should just get a HoloJP thread for the girls.

>> No.29947018
File: 15 KB, 158x69, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about the Homos that makes sheepschizo so angry?

>> No.29947019

Oh hey are you going to star begging again? might as well make it clear
IT'S A WELL KNOWN PROBLEM IN THE INDUSTRY MALE A FEMALE COLLABS ARE BAD FOR THE GIRL, THEY ALWAYS END UP WITH THE SHORT END OF THE STICK, nijifags fucking hace accessorising, the holos not having to collab with the homos is god sent and a female only work spaces are great for vtubers

>> No.29947021
File: 35 KB, 640x612, 1580126385212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you'd rather want a dumpster fire thread rather than a good readable thread with a sacrifice of just having two tabs opened?

>> No.29947024


>> No.29947025

Korone's entire fucking Crash 4 playthough was sponsored

>> No.29947026
Quoted by: >>29947078

Aqua wants Ubereats so much that she's willing to move out.

>> No.29947028
File: 115 KB, 900x888, kaoru (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947437

Bros... These HoloUters streams are giving me soul...

>> No.29947033

Haato has played this game like 20 times, it's not really a big deal that she beats it anymore.

>> No.29947034
File: 382 KB, 559x525, Sheep's Sheeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190

Thoughts on this sheep?

>> No.29947039

I'm actually not Nyoomposter, I just put a Nyoom in all my video edits. But I also haven't been around lately and I'm glad to see these still getting posted occasionally.

>> No.29947045

Would be a really dead thread

>> No.29947043
Quoted by: >>29947102

I would read every post about homos if it mean never having to hear about China again.

>> No.29947046
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1581275428239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947098

>Miko and Luna doing paid promotion for Call of Duty
the fuck?

>> No.29947047
File: 179 KB, 587x800, 1577515636901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947048
File: 303 KB, 480x480, 1605623992028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just sheepfags that want them gone

>> No.29947049

He's just jealous, son.

>> No.29947050
File: 209 KB, 1088x2048, EoAr1jVVgAI-gQU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947056

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply she was an alcoholic, I was just asking because I want the best for her and wouldn't want to contribute to any self-destructive behaviors.

>> No.29947058


>> No.29947060

There aren't enough streamers to sustain the thread through massive dead hours but the real answer is that even if Holostars had consistent threads you schizos would shit them up on purpose so it would solve absolutely nothing.

>> No.29947059

You can go post them over there right now and said post isn't getting deleted, they're just going to tell you to fuck off

>> No.29947064
Quoted by: >>29947135


>> No.29947066

>/hlgg/ - HoloEN, HoloJP, HoloID
>/hlg/ - HoloEN, HoloJP, HoloID, HoloStars
Doesn't make sense, does it mean the mods think holostars aren't considered global while every other branch are?

>> No.29947070

I love it when Haachamaa says easy.

>> No.29947078

There isn't Ubereats near her house?

>> No.29947079
File: 38 KB, 425x423, 1599531737351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second the 35p, not only them want you gone

>> No.29947080
File: 113 KB, 262x262, a mysterious lamb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190


>> No.29947085
File: 230 KB, 423x475, 1585451973434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand.

It's easier for shitposters to shitpost in just one thread. Honestly only shitposters don't agree to splitting. If you disagree to splitting, you're a shitposter who only wants to make everyone in this thread miserable

>> No.29947087

Haachama's English has really improved since I first started watching her. Too bad I think she's done was Australia this year, I hope she keeps it up when she returns home.

>> No.29947090

nothing not to love about it

>> No.29947093
File: 31 KB, 400x400, mxI4YDA3_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947190


>> No.29947095

Haachama is a pervert.

>> No.29947098

Is this true? Activision ain't so bad after all. Although why Luna?

>> No.29947102

Okay zhao

>> No.29947104

Why GOI again? Jump King is much better

>> No.29947110

>they would never accept the holos interacting with men.
How fucking new are you. They used to collab with males and most have no problem with it.
And it was back then when Hololive is more ""idol"" than what it is right now.

>> No.29947113

She leave the fucking company when her genmates and the others girls wanted her back. She rejected Hololive and we should reject her.

>> No.29947114
Quoted by: >>29947161

>Just because i stated that trying to guess and make statements about people's relationships based on their roommates is bad
So it's that what you homofags do? call everyone who doesn't agree with you a schizo

>> No.29947115

why nnaaaaaaaaaat?

>> No.29947119
File: 785 KB, 554x634, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947123

I wonder if she'll get any more Asus sponsor after this

>> No.29947124

what's going on with AkiRoze?

>> No.29947126
File: 625 KB, 1828x1734, 1605496793654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can still post images
Whoa, this is the future

>> No.29947127

Sheepfags, Nousagi, 35P all want homoniggers gone

>> No.29947131

Wrong. I don't want a split because a smaller population means I don't get as many (You)s. It's not the same.

>> No.29947132

/vyt/ is already that.

>> No.29947135


>> No.29947138
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1593438205760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the time?haachama has played this game multitude of times.

>> No.29947140

Why does Aki have no nose?

>> No.29947145

No, the stars deserve to stay here

>> No.29947146
File: 908 KB, 739x699, akiah2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 Minutes until she announces!!

>> No.29947149

What the hell is Haachama talking about?

>> No.29947151

>Better dead than red nanora

>> No.29947155
Quoted by: >>29947301

>All those newfags in haachamas chat that haven't seen her play her favorite game

>> No.29947157

Because they wanted at least one fun streamer

>> No.29947159
File: 436 KB, 646x900, 1598740110811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, literally everyone wants them gone

>> No.29947161
Quoted by: >>29947209

Don't care, didn't ask plus you're a faggot.

>> No.29947160
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1595417598696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947162
Quoted by: >>29947307


>> No.29947167


>> No.29947169

I bet kenzocucks here aren't even members.

>> No.29947170

She's Akirose not Akinose

>> No.29947171
File: 182 KB, 337x438, CptMiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elite Miko

>> No.29947172

I'm okay with homos getting a containment thread only if sheepfags also get a containment thread and posting outside of it is a bannable offense.

>> No.29947174

Because she's not Aki Nosenthal

>> No.29947175
File: 618 KB, 552x546, 1594365327912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a sensible kenzoku post

>> No.29947176
Quoted by: >>29947215

And what happened each time? They
get shit on. 3rd gen existing had nothing to do with the antis coming at them for interacting with the homos.

Anon, just come out and say you don't like 3rd Gen because of Noel's roommate. You'll make friends here that way because there is at least one person here who doesn't like Noel

>> No.29947182
File: 11 KB, 220x246, 1599902651641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947935

>now is a sheepschizo
Made up your mind

>> No.29947183

Wait a minute, you guys said burger hours are the worst but it's nearly 3AM here and this thread is a total dumpster fire...

>> No.29947184


>> No.29947187
File: 433 KB, 2241x1089, samukirose En5pxltVkAI570i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cola! Aki likes Coke Zero and tea! She saves the alcohol for weekends and special occasions like drinking streams with her buddy Kazamiya Matsuri!

>> No.29947188

She likes to pat nude boys

>> No.29947189

Ah damn... so it wasn't just us then? Thanks for the triple confirm anon!

>> No.29947190

All m

>> No.29947194

You proved his point retard

>> No.29947195

>Aki is drinking again
So she baited announcement just to drink on stream again?

>> No.29947197


>> No.29947198
File: 177 KB, 1156x1227, 1578358133662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947202

>thinking these threads would still be readable with holostars not in it
bro there are times in the day when nobody talks about holostars and it's still a dumpster fire. splitting the thread does nothing but please a few autists here over a trivial thing that does nothing but make /jp/ even more annoyed over hololive.

>> No.29947203

Sell me whats likeable about luna, cause so far she just talks like a baby and its weird, still better than all of holo-EN though

>> No.29947205

Somehow Activision loves Luna. Maybe some PR guys are lunaito

>> No.29947206
File: 442 KB, 1378x1378, 1606312752293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947254

You're gonna watch Suisei's friend's concert with Suisei as a guest right anon?

>> No.29947208

Are you sure you should be typing, aussie?
That only leaves you one hand to hold on to the ground tether. You don't want to fall into the sky, right?

>> No.29947209

>Says the literally faggot who makes up Roberu fanfic in his head

>> No.29947210

not when she was living out in the country no
she moved to the city recently apparently, so i imagine there is now

>> No.29947211

I'm chihee! Ohhh I'm a chihee!! ohh me too!

>> No.29947214

Her genmates should have understood the problems she went through. If they cant respect and understand that then they're as shitty as cover

>> No.29947213

Did you learn your lesson about believing anything that this thread says?

>> No.29947215

>And what happened each time? They
>get shit on.
No. No they didn't and no they don't. Sora had a 3D collab with a male not that long ago and she's still employed last I checked

>> No.29947221
File: 93 KB, 670x1236, 1576866780131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4kKV2XHoI0

>> No.29947219

Haachama is actually speaking coherent english sentences. She's blowing my mind.

>> No.29947222
Quoted by: >>29947470

>because one day in the future in a lonely day, i want to be able to dust off an old hard drive, and at least for a while be able to hear her laugh again, wonder were i lost her acrylic stand, check her roommate's twitter which has been inactive for years, and remember that while it's over the memories of it will never leave me, just like and old internet friend who's email i lost, and the vague memories of a schooltrip. Think of the fact that i got to be there for what might have been the happiest period of her life, think about how even for a split second while reading my name she knew i existed, how she pushed me to learn a leguage, to improve my drawing, to go out an most and important of all, to be happy
>to wonder if she keeps up with her old friends, if she has fanart still saved on her phone for when nostalgia hits her, if she still sings like back in the day, and just for the that day allow myself to cry thinking about her very last goodbye

>and maybe to wish that wherever she is, married to a man or a woman, maybe even single, that above all she is happy. and that someone be it to my children, partner, friends or even a stranger that i can make someone as happy as she made me back in the days, because that might have been a fake persona, on a badly rigged avatar, but she really did make me happy

>> No.29947223


>> No.29947228
File: 71 KB, 640x522, 1585722087119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947330

So you agree you're all just shitposters who'd rather want to see /hlg/ burn

>> No.29947230


>> No.29947234
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 1596264466905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a nose!

>> No.29947236

Aki is psyching herself up

what is going on?

>> No.29947237

inb4 this blueballing is just for something on the level of Fubuki's announcement

>> No.29947240

schizochama...your meds...

>> No.29947242

>even the fans are begging leeches
Fans truly reflect their oshi

>> No.29947243

No she always complains about not having access

>> No.29947244
File: 2.13 MB, 3840x2160, streams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch streams, do your reps, or FUCK OFF

>> No.29947249
File: 172 KB, 915x1200, EUIY2C8WsAMlIct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does a tetris stream with suisei on the title
>suisei styles over her during her 600k tetris endurance later

>> No.29947251

Space elves have no need for noses

>> No.29947254
Quoted by: >>29947770

Is it paid, and in case it is, can you shoot me up a link?

>> No.29947262
Quoted by: >>29947308

Seanigger hours have always been the worst hours. Anyone who says otherwise is a seanigger in denial.

>> No.29947263

Not even midnight west coast time, turns out they're the shit posters.

>> No.29947265

she's cute

>> No.29947267


>> No.29947269

You're not replying to me anymore

>> No.29947271

what was haachama's first time?

>> No.29947272

It looks like they will be playing Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War and the subject of the stream will be

>> No.29947273
Quoted by: >>29947305

Why did Watame become the universal sign of a baitpost?
Is it because her live2D can sometimes unintentionally looks like it enjoys devouring the souls of children?

>> No.29947274
File: 1.38 MB, 1620x1215, smart fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.29947275


>> No.29947276

You're repeating exactly what he said.

>> No.29947278

nobody in these threads watch streams, they just use this place to bait people that also don't watch anything.

>> No.29947280
File: 3.78 MB, 2070x3013, 1599557806128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947325


>> No.29947282

Nude Boy Headpats

>> No.29947283
File: 454 KB, 740x493, 1605884265426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947284
File: 573 KB, 810x810, 1604723340878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947310

tell me about watame
why does she like the armpits?

>> No.29947289

Akua babu

>> No.29947299

aki nose?

>> No.29947301

it has been a while since she's played sbm

>> No.29947302

With me

>> No.29947303
File: 309 KB, 2560x1440, 1601469979869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou.. please stream onegai..

>> No.29947305

It's because of faggots funposting making their own retarded storylines with her ages ago and the tourists that they are thought it was so hilarious they never stopped

>> No.29947307
Quoted by: >>29947372

You can always talk in /vyt/ anon. She's not hololive related at all.
Tell me when she collabs with anyone in Hololive as delta and then maybe she can be talked here.

>> No.29947308
Quoted by: >>29947368

>Seanigger hours
Not even close

>> No.29947309

>based: Nousagi, homochads, 3kisei and 5kisei fans
>cringe: 35Ps, 4kiseifags aside from tatsunokos and heimins

>> No.29947310

Mokkun likes it

>> No.29947311
File: 534 KB, 1001x703, 1596919331976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all sheepfags are proud cucks

>> No.29947312
Quoted by: >>29947482

Why does Haachama want to see Diogenes so badly?

>> No.29947314
File: 43 KB, 213x162, 1604065294379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No ミオs

>> No.29947315
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1605834117956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947339

Your favorite CEO is embezzling money for her top secret omeganenepro project

>> No.29947316
File: 25 KB, 199x284, 1585287632804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>thread is just another shit show.

>> No.29947320


>> No.29947323
File: 251 KB, 724x1300, 1598578166072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947324
Quoted by: >>29947391

>what is multitasking

>> No.29947325

I told the witch doctor I was in love with her

>> No.29947330

The entire site, especially/jp/ hate e-celeb shit of any kind, including vtubers. We'll just be making them even more pissed

>> No.29947334
File: 84 KB, 232x202, 1603630959516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko Luna collab is a sponsored stream
it's all so tiring

>> No.29947333
Quoted by: >>29947436

last time she played it was with lamy right?

>> No.29947335

The first time she she streamed this she thought she was streaming it but the stream wasn't started, so she restarted after she went past the lamps, twice, and cried in the process.

>> No.29947336
Quoted by: >>29947420

They're as shitty as Cover, yes. Deruta still doesn't belong in this thread, fuck off to /vyt/to talk about her where they agree Cover is shitty too.

>> No.29947339

Sounds good

>> No.29947343

35p here, I like talking about homos. Chill bro, not like they can do anything about it.
Just like they can’t even kick EN out of this thread despite them having their own thread.

>> No.29947344

come back...

>> No.29947345

She can be cute. It's unironically a bit of a GFE experience if you like the teasing/stubborn type who likes to be pampered. The baby voice becomes way more bearable when you begin to understand its just a meme that she doesn't actually take all that seriously.

>> No.29947347

what kind of dumpsterfire player is that

>> No.29947352

Roboco's new 香水 Mashup is nice

>> No.29947357

60 minutes exactly of cowadooty

>> No.29947359


>> No.29947362

Suisei's fault

>> No.29947366

I agree, but let's not talk about it here.

>> No.29947367

She is extra cute when angry.

>> No.29947368

>Not even close
>4.00pm in SEA hours
Sure anon

>> No.29947371

They're are couple of anons here who want homo talks out of this thread before sheeposting even exists.

>> No.29947372

>She's not hololive related at all.
she's just as related as those I've listed if not more, also DESU WA happened so you're gay either way

>> No.29947374


>> No.29947375

This announcement is indeed very important.

>> No.29947376


>> No.29947380
Quoted by: >>29947436

She played GoI more but she does like both

>> No.29947385

She's just fucking with us now, right?

>> No.29947387

Haachama doesn't want to go back...

>> No.29947388
File: 60 KB, 954x961, 1589650474343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947510

Please look at this girl

>> No.29947391

retarded poster

>> No.29947392

i still like the original more

>> No.29947393

Why do you care if they get more pissed? Sounds like an excuse.

>> No.29947396

>it's another holo's normal singing and talking voice is hotter than the character voice episode

>> No.29947398

I'd take COD infinite times over more Apex/ARK

>> No.29947399

How new?

>> No.29947400
Quoted by: >>29947441

Why can't watamates be as endearing as their oshi can be sometimes?
Why can't they spend as much time crying as their oshi does, and thus have less time to post shit?
These are the questions that keep me up at night.

>> No.29947402

>They are taking money to play videogames! The horror!

>> No.29947404

This Aki song is very strong

>> No.29947407

I thought Akiroze was supposed to be a good singer?
Why is she butchering Amagigoe like this?

>> No.29947411


>> No.29947412

This aki announcement is going to be a fake out for some joke...

>> No.29947416
File: 171 KB, 312x257, 1600859983924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather take a lesser dumpster fire than a worse one.

There are literally no downsides to having a separate homothreads. Only shitposters benefit having a combined thread

>> No.29947417
File: 214 KB, 1700x1300, 1572906999010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947418


>> No.29947419
File: 88 KB, 212x259, 1606023150967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is an a announcement I can get behind.

>> No.29947420

>they're as shitty as cover
Frist off take aloe's cunt out of your mouths, they literally wished for her to come back but completely understand whatever decision she chose and respect it. I swear you aloefaggots manage to be more deluded than any other fanbase

>> No.29947424
File: 2.81 MB, 920x720, DRINK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947454

Stop your bickering, Aki is singing

>> No.29947429

anon your tone reps

>> No.29947431

she's doing a great job

>> No.29947433

holy fuck Aki

>> No.29947435

Have Miko and Luna even collabed before?

>> No.29947436
Quoted by: >>29947545

september before she got suspended i think
i don't remember her ever calling goi her favorite game like she did with sbm.

>> No.29947437


>> No.29947438

>people talking about aki only after the homo stream ends
You're all just contrarian hipster faggots aren't you?

>> No.29947441
Quoted by: >>29947534

They cry knowing that mukkun fucks the sheep every night while all they can do is watch helplessly

>> No.29947442

Aki is announcing my death!

>> No.29947444

It's almost December, be a good boy and end yourself

>> No.29947445
File: 25 KB, 105x113, 1595710223835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have you homofags switched boogeymans?

>> No.29947446

There was that thing with Noel awhile ago

>> No.29947450
Quoted by: >>29947555

So is this just going to be the norm now, every time the homos stream the thread is turning to shit, because the homofags spam all the time and can't stop taking bait, while the anti homofags start complaining and throwing shit the second the stream stars. The meido made it very clear that they're never getting their own thread, so i guess the homos ruined /hlg/, funny how men are seen as a bad presence in the vtubing work because they always end up harming the girls who associate with them and the same a happened here a thread dedicated to female streamer went to shit when people bring up males

>> No.29947452


>> No.29947453
File: 350 KB, 1448x2048, 1605661456811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the yonkisei cults, tatsunokos are the least chaotic group, really makes you think...
where are the cocofags now?

>> No.29947454

how does she drink without drinking wtf

>> No.29947456

You think Haachama masturbates while on her period?

>> No.29947455

Your ear got the broken on them

>> No.29947457

I want Haachama to talk about dicks.
Like what kind of dicks she prefers. Big dicks, small dicks, thick dicks, flaccid dicks.

>> No.29947458

shes killing it

>> No.29947461
Quoted by: >>29947521

Do you want me to start hornyposting about Suisei anon?

>> No.29947462

>Aki singing vs ARK

>> No.29947466

I WILL WATCH my daughters play COD zombies

>> No.29947467

Desu wa doesn't get talked about anymore nowadays, if you haven't noticed. That's because she hasn't had anything to do with hololive since then. Just like how delta has had nothing to do with hololive for 3 months and going either, you should come back when she is relevant to the thread.

>> No.29947468

She just started streaming you dummy dum dum

>> No.29947469

Aki is announcing her marriage to me!

>> No.29947471
Quoted by: >>29947514

Why in the fuck are aloefaggots blaming gen 5 for her leaving?

>> No.29947470

If I don't marry my oshi I'm probably going to kill myself anon, no future pain for me, only sweet pain-free darkness

>> No.29947474

She was streaming Ark, not much to talk about.

>> No.29947476
File: 495 KB, 1061x1500, akicover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki is the best at singing!!

>> No.29947477

Get that fucking telephone pole out of you ass anon and enjoy the streams, jesus christ.

>> No.29947480
File: 363 KB, 418x524, 1600823312252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homofags just can't admit that the reason why they want to stay here is so that they can continue leeching

>> No.29947481
Quoted by: >>29947492

Nobody care about Aki after she become reddit cumdump

>> No.29947482

she doesn't. she had to tell her chat to shut the fuck up about it since they kept spamming.

>> No.29947483

I think Haachama is a bit of crazy you know?

>> No.29947485

>she just talks like a baby
And makes cute/wierd noises too!

>> No.29947486

kicking the homofags out would still make the thread better, a less shit thread doesn't make a good thread instantly but it does make it better

>> No.29947488

Well, Haachama got mindbroken...

>> No.29947490

I think multiplayer works with pirated copies too, and it's free on phones.

>> No.29947492

>after she become ... cumdump

>> No.29947497

Oh yeah Turkey hunting is so entertaining I'm going to talk about it every thread now!

>> No.29947502

You're deaf

>> No.29947505

Waiting. Like they were told to.

>> No.29947510
File: 820 KB, 3277x4096, EZ6kBHPU0AEwmM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947509

>People bitch about Holostars and say nothing about EN posting.
I’d take Holostars any day over EN

>> No.29947513
File: 123 KB, 673x639, 1603383662050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread that seriously, unironically get mad when people talk about streams in this thread

>> No.29947514
File: 234 KB, 1500x798, 1592189937545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloefags are mentally ill whiteknights

>> No.29947517

No pain,no gain

>> No.29947520

she is also funny

>> No.29947521
File: 16 KB, 182x251, 1586756493806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scat wouldn't even look out of place in this fucking garbage thread, this place is really past saving anymore.
too many people with empty lives just baiting other posters.
back to lurking I guess.

>> No.29947522

please schedule a doctor appointment your ears are broken

>> No.29947529

Just being patient.

>> No.29947531
File: 3.42 MB, 5500x3895, ad81ab93a13e0f08fb5bc344e054231f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defenseless Shion

>> No.29947530


>> No.29947533


>> No.29947534

They clearly aren't crying enough if they're here shitting up the stream

>> No.29947535

New costume?!!!

>> No.29947536
File: 728 KB, 943x532, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947539
File: 39 KB, 128x128, 1599012661926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947541
File: 361 KB, 1451x2048, EmqxjJzVkAAS04C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947543


>> No.29947545


>> No.29947546
Quoted by: >>29947602


>> No.29947547
Quoted by: >>29947602


>> No.29947549
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 1604157830457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to bait onegai

>> No.29947551
File: 205 KB, 594x628, akiultrahappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Outfit!! I am so exited!! Yay!! Yay!! Yay!!

>> No.29947553
Quoted by: >>29947576

semen demon aki...

>> No.29947554
File: 150 KB, 1022x966, EnQsxMDVcAAjs5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947555

Not controlling homofags meant the discord fujos saw this as a safe space to start up their shilling and begging and shitting on holoJP girls openly out of jealousy because they wouldn't ever dare do that without being anonymous.

>> No.29947556
Quoted by: >>29947627

I need cute image of Mel, please...

>> No.29947557
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, laughing peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947651

>Homostream over for 30 minutes
>assblasted schizos still loosing their minds over them

>> No.29947560
Quoted by: >>29947653


>> No.29947561
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947583

There we go

>> No.29947562
File: 159 KB, 374x367, 1578529930076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have both fags and twitchniggers ejected from this thread

>> No.29947563
Quoted by: >>29947602

>small devil wing and small angel wing
will either be way too complex or god tier

>> No.29947566
Quoted by: >>29947602

Another gothloli it is.

>> No.29947571

First of all, shitposter stay up late.
Second, its not even midnight in a huge part of america.
In a few hours, when its around 2 to 3 am for the westcoast, you can check again.

>> No.29947573

who are you quoting?

>> No.29947574

I want to hug Haachama and tell her that everything is okay...

>> No.29947576

Anon please I just fapped.

>> No.29947579
File: 388 KB, 1886x1061, costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947580
Quoted by: >>29947615

She got both angel and devil wings

>> No.29947582
File: 1.04 MB, 1205x626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there you go, an actual announcement. Debiru costume for Aki.

>> No.29947583
Quoted by: >>29947664

I remember this SCP.

>> No.29947584

>Angel and Devil wings

>> No.29947586

Her hair thingy becomes a horns

>> No.29947592

Exactly. Especially when EN has their own thread already, but every attempt at making homo thread is shot down.

>> No.29947593

Devil aki????

>> No.29947595
Quoted by: >>29947653

Gen 4 costumes...

>> No.29947599

>Aki's Twins have little demon&angel wings on them

>> No.29947600


>> No.29947602


Gonna be her cats, nice try Aki fool me once shame on you...

>> No.29947601
Quoted by: >>29947690

>new outfit without an announcement in prtimes
? ? ?

>> No.29947606

>Watame Ch. 角巻わため きちゃあああああ楽しみ!!!

>> No.29947607
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1600982324004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all the yonkisei girls equally!
Specially the sheep!

>> No.29947614
File: 822 KB, 917x802, 1603745710546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947796

>new costume
>tiny angel wings to the right, tiny demon wings to the left

I can already see this costume being a fucking clusterfuck

>> No.29947612

>Aki costume
>Goth loli

>> No.29947615

halfu elfu

>> No.29947617
Quoted by: >>29947672

Aki is very cute today!

>> No.29947621

Is this her first new outfit for her Live2D or does she never use the others?

>> No.29947624
Quoted by: >>29947654

Because holostars discussion is off-topic in a thread called hololive.

>> No.29947627
File: 242 KB, 819x1077, 1DDEA0D5-ECA0-4C55-A503-293258D0D325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947632

It looks sick

>> No.29947636

Kanji captcha onegai...

>> No.29947641

It already looks so bad. Sorry Akibros

>> No.29947645

any guesses on her costume?

>> No.29947646
Quoted by: >>29947682


>> No.29947649
Quoted by: >>29947673

Thank you!!

>> No.29947651
File: 811 KB, 1280x720, 1602079799565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how much falseflagging you do won't change that nousagi hate homosharts, newfag

>> No.29947652

It's a lot of ancient clips and cleverly spaced clips from the same streams. Just wait for his 20 min Mel Experience. Did you ever see that clip where her and Choco

>> No.29947653

why do newfags expose themselves like this?

>> No.29947654
Quoted by: >>29947824

Link the right thread

>> No.29947656

Spray my sticky acerola juice all over her Mels...

>> No.29947657

Pekora costume....doko....

>> No.29947658

>her twintails become sentient and have opposite personalities, one growing angel wings and one growing towa baby

>> No.29947659
File: 279 KB, 416x412, 1576214292629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no yonkisei costumes

>> No.29947660
File: 684 KB, 1524x720, 1606450806818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29947716

Kill yourself, piece of shit

>> No.29947661
Quoted by: >>29947706

What the fuck? WAtame is still awake?

>> No.29947662

Really nigga? Are you defending your 3 streams reject? Fine. I'm going to fucking teach you.
Matsuri and Haato collabs with her and unfortunately she is part of Matsuri's menhera love.
She made Subaru and just a few days ago had a collab with her and Maimoto.
She had collabs with not only Towa, but Pekora, FBK and others holos and her scandal was Holo related. You get a warning if you talk about her here.
She had a fucking collab with Towa just days ago.
>and Tamaki
Anon... she leech from the holos and nijis. A few days ago had a collab with Luna and Subaru.
Tell me a fucking time Delta had a collab with a Holo. Aloe is gradated. The person behind the avatar is doing another thing and is not holo related.
Now, kindly, stop being an idiot and talk about her here and go to /vyt/ where she belongs.

>> No.29947664
Quoted by: >>29947800

Great now I remembered it too but can't find it, help me out what was the number?

>> No.29947671
File: 147 KB, 904x912, dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEW OUTFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.29947672
File: 1.09 MB, 1210x679, akiah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she is!!

>> No.29947673

No problem ! I am always happy to help !!!

>> No.29947674

People still watch reddit queen?

>> No.29947677

Coco,Kanata and Towa have the best signs, Luna and Watame are too messy too cluttered

>> No.29947678


>> No.29947682

Aki Muki Debiru

>> No.29947683

Nothing will ever disappoint me more than learning that there are literal cucks in this thread. Imagine a group of people in love with their oshi, sexually attracted to their oshi, a woman who is probably older than them that they treat like a "daughter" instead of a spouse, and then turn around and ship and push and defend the very idea of her getting pounded in the ass by literally anybody but them, of getting ignored by her in favor of literally anybody else. I don't think I can ever feel more revulsion for another 'human being' than I do towards those...things.

>> No.29947690

Same as Haachama and Matsuri
They don't care about the failure that is 1st gen anymore

>> No.29947692

>silhouette removed
>it's just her cats in poses
That's going to be kino ngl

>> No.29947694

She literally said it wouldn't be a cat

>> No.29947695

Ayame, subaru, and pekora when?

>> No.29947696
File: 31 KB, 480x401, 1595124903444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the silhouette so far. How are your expectations?

>> No.29947700
Quoted by: >>29948403

Finally. Hope she get rid off her stupid twintails.

>> No.29947697

Not hololive.

>> No.29947706

She stopped streaming 9 hours ago and has to be in the studio in 3 hours.

>> No.29947707

>Arguing with the mentally challenged
Why do you do this to yourself anon?

>> No.29947708


>> No.29947709

When i see a post i don't like, i ignore it. At most, i'll hide it so i don't have to see replies to it. I cannot understand what goes on in the mind of someone who instead insists in making 15 different posts about how much they hate it and how it's ruining the threads. I have to assume that you know it's fucking idiotic and you're only doing it because you know it actively decreases the quality of the thread, because you're bored out of your mind and shitposting and creating fanbase wars is the only thing that keeps you from killing yourself

>> No.29947710

nigger I just want the seiyuu to be happy

>> No.29947716

This I watch active streams and support Clover in most things desu

>> No.29947721
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1599636356871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA Hours:
-Holostars posting
-Broken English all over the thread
-FB links
-Roomate posting
-Miko hate
-Reddit jokes
-Clip watcher

I miss something?

>> No.29947723
Quoted by: >>29947778

Just stop trying, newfag 35P. Nousagi are here for true unity.

>> No.29947724

Would you watch vsingers if it was a ESL japanese idol?

>> No.29947730


>> No.29947729

She has a new years outfit.

>> No.29947733

looks cute, i like the bobcut she has going

>> No.29947734

that's just someone falseflagging as a sheepbro, sheepbros are allies of the Homos https://twitter.com/tsunomakiwatame/status/1264729412022317056

>> No.29947735
Quoted by: >>29947769

So this mean all 1st gen has their 2nd costume right?(FBK belongs to both Gamers and 1st gen so she get one extra)
Ayame/Subaru costume next?

>> No.29947736
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1586497061401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29947741
File: 1.02 MB, 1209x678, akismile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better be at the costume reveal stream, Anon!! I certainly will!!

>> No.29947742

based, aloecucks need to fuck off with their literal 3D e-thot garbage

>> No.29947746

wtf is vsingers

>> No.29947747
Quoted by: >>29947810

Marrin ! na-ni shiteru peko ka- !?

>> No.29947750

not hololive

>> No.29947751
File: 215 KB, 300x300, 1606461176944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947752

Gen4 costume never/10

>> No.29947756
File: 215 KB, 337x299, 1593438257688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But all those things happen in all hours though?

>> No.29947754

Anon don't waste your time to argue with retarded MASS.

>> No.29947757

Based sane anon

>> No.29947761
File: 546 KB, 986x940, 235256256262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner the homostars get their own thread the better

>> No.29947762
Quoted by: >>29947817

It still hurts
I hope he's doing alright

>> No.29947763

her stream finished about 8 hours ago, she probably just woke up.

>> No.29947769

next batch will be Aqua again, Ayame, Subaru and Peko.

>> No.29947768


>> No.29947770

It's a paid event.

>> No.29947771

I will of course !!!

>> No.29947773

Aki can be your angle....or yuor devil

>> No.29947774

Doesn't change the fact that they're not hololive related.

>> No.29947775
Quoted by: >>29947861

You're sharing this threads with dozens of people who are, legitimately, unironically, mentally ill

>> No.29947776


>> No.29947777


>> No.29947778

8 month sub to peko here, homos go away

>> No.29947780

I already watch vsingers and I don't think they even speak English.

>> No.29947781
File: 309 KB, 495x495, 1599154935117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a sheepfag Kanatan drives me wild for some reason I want to f

>> No.29947788

No more images. Sheepfags have been debuffed. We can run rampant now fellow homofags

>> No.29947792
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, EoCXigGUYAI-Mf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947795

Shut up whitekeks

>> No.29947796

she's going to end up looking like the Dean from Community.

>> No.29947797

the only honorary holos are ui-mama and kagura nana, they literally are listed on the biggest hololive numberfag site.

>> No.29947799

>M*ri begging Atlus to let her play P3

>> No.29947800


>> No.29947801

Thanks, I'm buying it

>> No.29947802
Quoted by: >>29947954

>フブキCh。白上フブキ みせてええええええええええええええええええええええええええええ
>フブキCh。白上フブキ みせてええええええあきちゃああああああああああん
>フブキCh。白上フブキ シナジーある!?!?!?
>フブキCh。白上フブキ 小林幸子さんくらい豪華?!?!?!?!?!!?

>> No.29947803
Quoted by: >>29947862

First off i am literally incapable of pleasing a woman outside of voluntarily being an emotional tampon and i would not be able to pleaze her sexually. I would help jer find someone that pleases her mentally and physically and leave her so she can be happy

>> No.29947805

why is birdkun so stupid? why does he make subbed videos for copyrighted songs? why does he want to cause trouble for others so badly? what a fucking asshole, I genuinely hope he dies
why are SEAmonkeys like this?

>> No.29947810


>> No.29947811

there are more posts that complain about holostar "spam" than there are actual posts about holostars. how fucking sensitive are you guys?

>> No.29947813

I have to work, but I'll watch it during my break!

>> No.29947817

his roommates pretty active with CoC TRPG stuff, he's either hosting or playing in sessions just about every other week and has self-published some scenarios in the last few months

>> No.29947824
Quoted by: >>29947863


>> No.29947825

We don't be reasonable in these threads, anon. Ever.

>> No.29947826

So try to be the one who makes them happy
Don't lust for another mans cock in their ass

>> No.29947830
Quoted by: >>29947975

Will she be acute?

>> No.29947836
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29947840

Of course they don't have.

>> No.29947842
Quoted by: >>29947892

150% Cute

>> No.29947843

So only Subaru, Ayame and Pekora are the ones left for the new costumes, right?

>> No.29947844


>> No.29947850

Nobody has Atlus permission. They go after western streamers too, that's how enthusiastic they are about giving people permission to stream their games.

>> No.29947852

No there aren't, why are you lying?

>> No.29947857

>tfw we'll never get a Kaoru and Coco collab

>> No.29947859

just mentally filter them anon its that easy

>> No.29947861

Im a literal, mentally ill schizo and i still watch streams. These fuckers have no excuse outside of being drama hungru fags

>> No.29947862

I hope you regain your humanity before you are purged as the subservient filth you are

>> No.29947863


>> No.29947864

Aki very cute and nice and great song
Thank you aunty now please beat me inches from death

>> No.29947866


>> No.29947867

>completely ignore Haachama related stuff.

>> No.29947868

Yonkisei outfits.... Doko...........

>> No.29947869
Quoted by: >>29947977

All Gen 1 have 2 outfits
Mel-tavern girl,goth loli
Haato-red jersey,goth loli
FBK-ARS gown,steampunk(the chink one is Gamers outfit)

>> No.29947873

Akirose really needs to put her English name in her youtube title. I'm certain it's one of the reasons why she's comparatively less popular than other holos.

>> No.29947874

I want to buy tickets to holofes but god damn if haato doesn't perform big red heart its all fucking wasted. That was the last time I truly loved her and I want to love her again

>> No.29947875

they do not

>> No.29947878

Aqua technically needs another costume, her most recent costume was her becoming even with the rest of Gen 2

>> No.29947879
Quoted by: >>29947923

>nousagi hate homosharts
No i'm not. Please stop posting and just concentrate on your gay porn collections.

>> No.29947881
Quoted by: >>29948098

6000 pts = 6000 yen?

>> No.29947884

Why are you making this post if you're ignoring it?

>> No.29947885

2:00 am
Looking forward to Aki's outfit!
Last post
T o w a . . .

>> No.29947890


>> No.29947892
Quoted by: >>29947943

That's Towa

>> No.29947894

So i went away for an hour, how did Haachama's english singing stream turn into a getting over it RTA?

>> No.29947902


>> No.29947903

>Round 2! Going for Those BIG Copy-Right Strikes
what kind of title is this, the fuck?

>> No.29947904

It's because she's boring, retard. Also too stupid to capitalize on her reddit boost which has been fading away for a while now.

>> No.29947905

Nigga if i can please a woman emotionally or even fucking physically why should i even fucking bother? Shes literally better off going to someone else for any of those things

>> No.29947908
Quoted by: >>29947953

no there aren't, half the thread was just faggots spamming SOUL SOUL SOUL

>> No.29947910

>ENfags raid

>> No.29947914
Quoted by: >>29948037

literally 0 people have permission to play atlus games, they will kill you if you even CONSIDER playing a persona game on stream. It's honestly surprising they didn't go after Roberu for playing Cross Tag given it has persona characters in it.

>> No.29947915

Atlus is autistic and greedy.

>> No.29947916
Quoted by: >>29948000

>nousagi is one person
Go back to global

>> No.29947917

>making an entire stream to beg for permissions for a company that will obviously never give them to you
this will only just make things worse

>> No.29947919
Quoted by: >>29948193

Do strayans really eat kangaroo?

>> No.29947921
Quoted by: >>29948011

Her voice it's sore, so she is taking care of it.

>> No.29947923
Quoted by: >>29948081

You are no nousagi, nousagi hate effeminate men like their oshi

>> No.29947927


>> No.29947928

Lurking and looking at the free chat all the time

>> No.29947935

All me

>> No.29947940
Quoted by: >>29948078

I don't think it's healthy to obsess over marrying a girl you know absolutely nothing about, but you watch hours of her doing her job

>> No.29947943
Quoted by: >>29947966

Towa is not an elf at all, please do not confuse

>> No.29947945

Pekora... your new outfit... doko...

>> No.29947950

*cant please

>> No.29947952


>> No.29947953
Quoted by: >>29948028

and this thread is all weirdos seething hard about dudes singing on youtube

>> No.29947954

Does she have a life outside holo?

>> No.29947961
Quoted by: >>29948032

Try harder

>> No.29947964

You can search for her on youtube with Akirose, so it's not like you need to know how to spell her name in kana..

>> No.29947966

Towa wishes she was an elf.

>> No.29947970

Miko pretty much confirmed she's also getting a new costume soon.

>> No.29947975

Aki will be the most acute angle you'll ever see

>> No.29947977

Nah mel only has her og, new years, and the new one.

>> No.29947981

So SEA hours is 24/7 ?

>> No.29947982
Quoted by: >>29948086

Why are SEA hours like this?

>> No.29947984

No, she is Hololive.

>> No.29947985

She wanted to try kangaroo meat before leaving Australia, but she hurt her throat taking the meat for the first time

>> No.29947986

Aki's outfit

>> No.29947990

Blame Cover for the copyright restrictions. Apparently Mori can't even do collabs with people like Charlie/Cr1tikalMoist/penguinzer0. Kinda sucks in that regard.

>> No.29947992

Yeah she lives in twitter.

>> No.29947995
Quoted by: >>29948023

let this serve as a reminder to never fucking ever pick haachama for your team

>> No.29948000

i think you should bring your homoshits with you back to where you belong >>>/jp/global
afterall all of EN supports and follows homoshits, i'm sure their fanbase will be happy to recieve you

>> No.29948003

>Aki solo
what the fuck

>> No.29948006

Semen demon.

>> No.29948011

>Sore throat
>showing flu like symptoms as she is finally about to go home to Japan
>gets quarantined due to it

She is gonna be stuck in Australia forever isn't she :(

>> No.29948012

not really Cover here, Atlus is notorious for never letting anyone stream their games.

>> No.29948013

>Apparently Mori can't even do collabs with people like Charlie/Cr1tikalMoist/penguinzer0.

>> No.29948015

That hair looks promising.

>> No.29948016

Not really.

>> No.29948019

>Floating Twin Drills

>> No.29948020

Curly hair?

>> No.29948023
Quoted by: >>29948060

if only she didnt agree to the rematch

>> No.29948022
Quoted by: >>29948065

>Wanting holo to collab with literal whos

>> No.29948024

>Your oshi
>Why are you here instead of doing your reps?

>> No.29948026
Quoted by: >>29948064

>Mori can't even do collabs with people like Charlie/Cr1tikalMoist/penguinzer0
wtf I love Cover now

>> No.29948028

Exaggeration, half of it is sensitive snowflakes upset that weirdos hate dudes singing on YouTube.

>> No.29948030
Quoted by: >>29948083



>> No.29948032

No, if i can't give her satisfaction then i merely failed as a potential mate and she unironically needs to go to someone else for a lover that can meet her needs. Id be saving both of us time and trouble

>> No.29948035
Quoted by: >>29948166

The magic of Hololive is gone, and their subscriber counts are hugely inflated, just like the Japanese Yen

>> No.29948037
Quoted by: >>29948067

>they will kill you if you even CONSIDER playing a persona game on stream
They actually almost never do anything to people who do, maybe they only pay attention to Niconico or some shit. The issue is Cover being a big corporation that'll obviously get their attention.
t. streamed P5 Royal on nip launch to hundreds of people and nothing ever happened

>> No.29948040
Quoted by: >>29948147

That would be like letting the JP girls collab with HIKAKIN, of course it won't happen

>> No.29948042
Quoted by: >>29948072

I dig this way of approaching outfits instead of hoarding them until a batch is done just releasing them when they're done or a mix of the two like did for Noel/Marine/Shion/Choco, better than waiting a whole year so everyone can get their Kimonos
Gen 4...

>> No.29948046

I fucking love Cover.

>> No.29948054

>gothic lolita

>> No.29948057

Are those fucking floating twin drills?

>> No.29948058

Haven't have an actual collab with the two. They did couple of times on a group collab though

>> No.29948060

she was the one who suggested it, right?

>> No.29948061
Quoted by: >>29948146

I’ll gladly go there once there’s no trace of EN here and posting EN shit is a bannable offense. Until then, nah.

>> No.29948064

and yet they let her do that shitty podcast

>> No.29948065

Anon I dislike eceleb "personalities" as much as anyone else here but calling him a literal who is trying a bit too hard.

>> No.29948067
Quoted by: >>29948125

Tim Barry...

>> No.29948072

need to give recharge period for the gachi's wallets

>> No.29948078
Quoted by: >>29948270

It's much more unhealthy to obsess over a girl enough to spend hours of your scant free time every day watching her do her "job", and still proudly pretend you don't actually desire her.
One is a delusion, the other is being a willing cuck.
The girls signed up to be idols, why are you denying them their dreams by being a zoomer-tier casual disconnected stream watcher instead of a gachi truly in love with them as the epitome of a woman, as god intended idols to be?

>> No.29948076


>> No.29948079

I don't know who the fuck they are, so Cover is based.

>> No.29948081
Quoted by: >>29948213

Stop ban evading and just go away, nobody like you.

>> No.29948083


>> No.29948086


>> No.29948088

The thumbnail makes her choker look like stitches, like she’s one of Frankenstein’s monsters.

>> No.29948089

Floating twin drills and horns?

>> No.29948091

This is a good thing.

>> No.29948092

>cringy anitubers vs youtuber that has multiple videos talking about all the fleshlights he owns and shit

>> No.29948096

desu charlie would probably only ever collab with meme vtubers like melody

>> No.29948098

Yes. Well you got 1% more points if you pay with credit card but it's not significant anyway.

>> No.29948100

>mori x penguinzer0
thanks for giving satan a new idea for something to torture me with in hell

>> No.29948101
Quoted by: >>29948154

thats impossible it's literally part of her design

>> No.29948102


>> No.29948104

then that's not Aki anymore

>> No.29948109

> Apparently Mori can't even do collabs with people like Charlie/Cr1tikalMoist/penguinzer0.
Cover can do something right sometimes

>> No.29948113

Should've checked what Hololive is about first before applying for the job.

>> No.29948115

>Blame Cover for the copyright restrictions
Every company has to follow them. If you want the freedom of an individual streamer then don't join a company.

>> No.29948118

Just be yourself bro haha

>> No.29948120

Mate, almost nobody (if not) has permissions to stream Atlus games because they are giga butthurt about people streaming those. Also, obviously Cover has a say in who their talents do collabs with, because they have a corporate image to maintain. Charlie is a very vulgar youtuber, he makes Akirose and Matsuri look like catholic schoolgirls who haven't figured out the whole yuri thing yet.

>> No.29948124

One of her character's gimmicks is that her ponytails are unattached what makes you think that would change. You can literally see they're unattached in the silhouette.

>> No.29948125
Quoted by: >>29948171

No I was the other one, I applaud tim's autism tho

>> No.29948126

are you here, so yes.

>> No.29948129

It's Aqua's birthday tomorrow!

>> No.29948130

Yeah, that cringy anituber got Kizuna Ai once, so he got away with it.

>> No.29948131
Quoted by: >>29948148

Yonkisei? More like Yabkisei

>> No.29948142

When is the last time you got a kiss from your oshi?

>> No.29948144

Lads, I think I have Covid. Tell my oshi I love her, I don't think I'll make it.


>> No.29948146

> Suggesting sharkmeido will ever do his job instead of doxxing talents who offend his faggot sensibilities

>> No.29948147

I just realized that HIKAKIN and SEIKIN are real person

>> No.29948148

But that's sankisei, literally everyone in that Gen is yab

>> No.29948150

other night

>> No.29948154

i wonder what would happen if you tried bullying her by taking her floating hair and playing keepaway with it or hiding it someplace like a toilet in the boy's bathroom

>> No.29948157


>> No.29948162


>> No.29948166

I'm agree with you bro. Let us leave this thread forever and be eternally tied to Niji thread.

>> No.29948170


>> No.29948171
Quoted by: >>29948197

Are you that Harufag with specific filename of screenshots or something ?

>> No.29948175


>> No.29948176

And it was one of the biggest mistakes Cover ever made

>> No.29948178

>thoughts and prayers
unironically I hope you get well, covidanon

>> No.29948180

I love sheep

>> No.29948181 [DELETED] 

>Apparently Mori can't even do collabs with people like Charlie/Cr1tikalMoist/penguinzer0.
I like Charlie, but this is how it should be.

>> No.29948182

Godspeed coofer

>> No.29948183

>tfw been so long can't even remember
I just pretend her cat cuddling is the same thing.

>> No.29948189
Quoted by: >>29948283

>Thinking Aki wouldn't just walk in to the boys bathroom and beat you senseless there

>> No.29948193

Yes but it's that common. It's usually only a few packs of sausages, steaks or mince and most people don't really like it much so it's used more as dogfood than people food. It's also pretty expensive (it's usually more expensive than most basic beef cuts, and up to 5 times as much as bulk chicken pieces) so there's no financial incentive.
It's very strong & gamey tasting in a way that's not common for Australians unless they happen to live near a place with deer they can hunt (which itself isn't common here).

>> No.29948196

Anon those hair things are sentient. They can move on their own.

>> No.29948197

Yeah the one /pg/ hates, haven't gone there since scramble dropped

>> No.29948205

send us a postcard from gensokyo

>> No.29948207

dead hours...

>> No.29948209

No personafags
No twitch niggers
i see no problemo amigo. based cover

>> No.29948213
Quoted by: >>29948238

> Anybody who dislikes faggots is evading bans
Room temp logic, don't expect any better from a faggot though

>> No.29948216

Make it through for your oshi anon, never give up.

>> No.29948217

But then what about AKUKIN?

>> No.29948219
File: 2.06 MB, 1450x2067, 1606474897965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29948234

So the narrative is that someone in Activision likes Miko, but she was unavailable, so they took the other baby. They liked her too and now they are doing a crossover.
Is it right?

>> No.29948237
Quoted by: >>29948276

Try harder faggot, also this isn't your blog

>> No.29948238

Fuck off.

>> No.29948240

IMAGINE tier body indeed

>> No.29948242


>> No.29948245

Where does the word oshi come from?

>> No.29948248

>It actually is
happy birthday onyon

>> No.29948249

Pekora is going to be the next one to get a new outfit right?

>> No.29948258

>Pay extra for proxy service
>Pay import tax
>Total cost exceeds the value of the product by at least three times
Is this the plight of a buyfag?

>> No.29948266


>> No.29948267

but the image post ratio...

>> No.29948268

Idol circles

>> No.29948269

I just realized this too.
WTF so Pekora is just a fame whore, I should have known it all along, oh god, and I supported her all this time, what have I done..

>> No.29948270
Quoted by: >>29948351

>desire her
nigger I don't know her and you don't either
what's your oshi's favorite food? favorite band? retard.

>> No.29948273

Harbor Awka

>> No.29948274

My 70yo grandma had it and she came out fine, you'll be alright, faggot.

>> No.29948276

You're the fag thwt asked

>> No.29948279

Find your oshi and propose to her in japan
You have nothing to lose but your wizardry

>> No.29948282

>only one outfit

>> No.29948283

I'll be sitting on top of the toilet naked while her hair tickles my balls as it tries to escape my rank ass so if she wants some of that she's welcome to it. And now that I think about it, are they just floaty discs with hair attached or are they flying portals to the hair dimension? Because if they're portals I'm so sticking someone else's dick in there

>> No.29948284
Quoted by: >>29948416


>> No.29948285


>> No.29948295

This >>29948268
It wasn't used that often in the thread until around may-ish

>> No.29948305

oh shit

>> No.29948307
Quoted by: >>29948358

more importantly, it's ayame's birthaday in 14 days!

>> No.29948313


>> No.29948315

Don't worry anon Miko is next...

>> No.29948316
Quoted by: >>29948384

Apparently 3 months ago.

>> No.29948322
Quoted by: >>29948344

I want to carry her on my shoulders!

>> No.29948323
Quoted by: >>29948381

Precisely, can't think of any other way why would Activision gave sponsored deal to Luna of all people in the first place.

>> No.29948337

Why does chammers talk about food so much?

>> No.29948340

lmao if that fat faggot trump could survive it you're gonna be fine

>> No.29948343

>tfw I complain about gen 4 not getting outfits yet
>But now my oshi gets a new outfit out of the blue
Thank you God.

>> No.29948345
Quoted by: >>29948461


I mean, is there a word play that the word comes from? Or is it just a stand alone word that the nerds came up with and gave it meaning

>> No.29948346

Fucking image limit, could you guys not.

>> No.29948344
Quoted by: >>29948468

You would die

>> No.29948351


>> No.29948352


>> No.29948356


>> No.29948358
Quoted by: >>29948412

>could have just said its Ayame's birthday in 13 days as well.
>no lets just shit fling for the sake of it.
it's all so tiresome.

>> No.29948360

From the most precious product of an idol, oshiko (おしこ).

>> No.29948365

Yeah I'll just fly over to Japan, obsessively track her down, and ring her doorbell during a stream. That's so much healthier

>> No.29948366
Quoted by: >>29948416

Small adorable onyon!

>> No.29948371

My dad is a janitor at cover. He told me everyday Polka harassed my dad, saying his dick is really small and step on my dad dick. Please spread this news.

>> No.29948374

she didn't just steal n*buhime's shitposting gimmick, she's stealing her architecture

>> No.29948378
Quoted by: >>29948416

luv u onyon

>> No.29948380


>> No.29948381
Quoted by: >>29948438

Why are 35Ps so insecure? did they finally realize that Miko is boring?

>> No.29948384


>> No.29948385

lucky bastard, usually you have to pay for that

>> No.29948387

Luna....CoD...wtf is this timeline?!? This is more insane than the Tony Hawk promotion.

>> No.29948390

the drill that will pierce the earth' core

>> No.29948394

That shit has been greatly exaggerated. As long as you're not 80 years old you'll be fine

>> No.29948397

>301 images

>> No.29948396
Quoted by: >>29948432

Pekora's outfit is too iconic, they're afraid of changing it.

>> No.29948402
Quoted by: >>29948447

Wait really? I though you guys used it all the time before that since I came here around April/May.

>> No.29948403

fuck you that's the best thing in her outfit, imagine being such a fag

>> No.29948404

bruh he got that for free? you kidding?

>> No.29948406

It's short for 推しメン.

>> No.29948409

>in love with their oshi, sexually attracted to their oshi
Reminder that this is in reference to the anime avatar and not the roommate.

>> No.29948410

Janitor ch audition when?

>> No.29948412


>> No.29948414

can you ask your dad if shes still fat?

>> No.29948416

joke.... very very hard

>> No.29948419
Quoted by: >>29948440

Luna.. your wrist

>> No.29948427

I wish a holo would play Robot Unicorn Attack

>> No.29948431

i would fuck every single holo and their roommate

>> No.29948432
Quoted by: >>29948460

Just give me a new Peko hairstyle.

>> No.29948435

She need a matching OHOHOHO to go with that drills

>> No.29948438

Miko played COD and that ski game (albeit it's not by Activision) before though.

>> No.29948440

Don't worry, she got a new one

>> No.29948447

No just EOPs taking a new word and using it to death in the wrong way
Everyone just said the English equivalent, or "favourite" is how they use it now

>> No.29948453

Someone post the love you onion clip. I can't find it on YouTube

>> No.29948460

This. A different playset of hairstyles would be more than enough.

>> No.29948461

Think about it for a second

>> No.29948462

Roboco 会いたい

>> No.29948465


>> No.29948466

Submit to Mel !

>> No.29948467

I love
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Elite Miko Miko Miko Miko
Mikochi Miko Miko Miko
Mikoti Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
So much!!!

>> No.29948468

A sacrifice I'm willing to make

>> No.29948470


>> No.29948472

