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File: 602 KB, 2684x4096, 1605908121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29557934 No.29557934 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29557939

ouh tiddy ououh

>> No.29557940

>Kiara hot mic.

>> No.29557942

This. It's a great game but it's also hard and complicated and Ame threw everyone in with almost no direction. I hope they play it again but after teaching everyone some basics.

>> No.29557943

booba window

>> No.29557945


>> No.29557946
File: 338 KB, 447x640, Waachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558002

Haachama No Archive English Karaoke https://youtu.be/3MW9gAy4Yrs
Watson LOOPER watchalong https://youtu.be/frPrZ9YudYM
>>Teamup schedule!!!

>> No.29557947

>barricuda and his narrative BTFO'd in 5 seconds

>> No.29557949
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1603872157351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanted to say my single is releasing next week
>Oh well....

>> No.29557951
File: 187 KB, 341x443, 1597578352039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29557950
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>> No.29557953
File: 60 KB, 579x709, 1603335760738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29557980

>Kiara cucked from shilling her generic JPOP single
EN is pretty based sometimes.

>> No.29557956

She didn't really drop the chicken voice all the way guys it was like half and half and she does that voice every so often

>> No.29557957

Somebody clip this, jesus christ.
I might actually supachat if she talked like this all the time.

>> No.29557958

Maybe this game is the fucking Venus de Milo of indie games, but it came out in a swamp of
>early access
and did nothing to differentiate itself to potential customers.

>> No.29557960
Quoted by: >>29558059

God I hope Kiara uses her normal voice more.

>> No.29557961
File: 93 KB, 896x896, 1604429125760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29557965

Hololive EN Among US + Holo ID and Polka when? It's a perfect 10 man and everyone understands each other.

>> No.29557966

Sorry? Nene is not EN
Nene is Hololive EspaƱol

>> No.29557968
Quoted by: >>29558050

I was kinda shit desu

>> No.29557970

>Did you not hear me when I said a 1000 times I wanted to promote my single?
>Extremely low voice "oh well

Cmon boss, don't sound so desperate.

That said, someone here said her accent was more noticeable on her real voice and you're 100% right/

>> No.29557971
File: 1.71 MB, 3269x2294, 1591543718176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you like the collab?

>> No.29557975

Man her real voice is so much better. Also I feel bad for her.

>> No.29557980
Quoted by: >>29558014

>Sing Japanese song

>> No.29557982

Will Calli ever play Minecraft all by herself?

>> No.29557983

I guess I'll make like Ayame and play LoL until Looper starts

>> No.29557985

leading Rockstar Games to part ways with Team Bondi following L.A. Noire's release. As a result of this, the developer saw itself unable to sign a publishing deal for a new game that was being written by McNamara.

In August 2011, the company's assets, as well as the intellectual property to a new game being written by McNamara at the time, were acquired by film production company Kennedy Miller Mitchell. Team Bondi was placed into administration on 31 August 2011, and finally entered liquidation on 5 October 2011.

Not sure about that

>> No.29557986
Quoted by: >>29559877

So why is 90% of Gura's fanarts now have her doing the cat claws.

>> No.29557987

Kiara's ending: Yab or Hot?

>> No.29557989

her normal voice is so hot
god kiara please start using it

>> No.29557991
Quoted by: >>29558143


>> No.29557992

>Gura doesn't shill Kiara's song

>> No.29557995

>Microsoft x Cover
>Promo spots where Master Chief and Marcus chill with chuubas
>Official Hololive liveries for Forza cars
>Hololive controller and console skins
>An actual Holo game
Microsoft pls, you might actually be able to get more than 5 nips to buy an Xbox this time

>> No.29557996

Kiara... your fake voice....

>> No.29557997


>suggests a shit fucking game
>tries to teach/dominate the entire conversational space and basically ruins the fucking vibe.
>shouldve let the girls learn stuff on their own with minor tips, instead of constantly shouting commands and tips and backseating.
>kiara and mori were about to pass out from the boredom
>ina was playing gacha on her mobile and barely talking
>gura was running around aimlessly

>> No.29557998
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1601873050161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29557999

Chimkin please use this voice

>> No.29558000

anyone got the timestamp of Kiara's fight with AO-chan?

>> No.29558002
File: 14 KB, 251x262, Artia 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streams at the same fucking time
Guess i will have Haachama for background music

>> No.29558004


>> No.29558005
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1602127560428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558006
File: 33 KB, 572x497, 1599057878508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it

>> No.29558007

honestly it was pretty dull, it was ame doing everything while everybody else ran around solo

>> No.29558008

It was fun and chaotic. I like Minecraft a whole lot more though.

>> No.29558010
File: 343 KB, 1799x1514, 1589473602394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558087

I love how stupid she is, who would've though a few months ago EN would be filled with suck loveable dorks

>> No.29558009
File: 174 KB, 1405x992, 1600495958565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina PLEASE make an original song, I need something to listen to when were not together. I'm lonely when you don't stream Ina please.

>> No.29558011
File: 613 KB, 779x1038, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558012
Quoted by: >>29558083

Kiara's natural voice is cute

>> No.29558014

Yes, that's what Gura does.

>> No.29558020
Quoted by: >>29558281

People are shitting but honestly was their best 5man to date by a longshot/10

>> No.29558022

Yab but Hot

>> No.29558023
Quoted by: >>29558109

>Kawaii~ Kawaiiope~

>> No.29558024
Quoted by: >>29558465

why the hell is there no chat replay on any of the vods

>> No.29558025
Quoted by: >>29558224

so glad theyve begun to stop saying boings, it was legit pissing me off that they had been boxed into saying that instead of boobies or titties

>> No.29558027
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>> No.29558028
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>> No.29558029

Ame and Kiara hard carrying the collab, sucks that there was a yab at the end but it made me hard

>> No.29558031

Hot minor yab

>> No.29558033


>> No.29558032


>> No.29558035


>> No.29558036


>> No.29558039


>> No.29558040

she wanted one before the bird

>> No.29558042
File: 65 KB, 245x209, hwzsmxwf4dh51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard did Kiara beg everyone to post about her upcoming song?
0% chance it's a coincidence that all 4 others decide to drop a message about it after their stream ended simultaneously

>> No.29558043

Hot. I know there's no chance but I wish she'd use her real voice all the time.

>> No.29558044
Quoted by: >>29558121

She did though

>> No.29558046
File: 95 KB, 1867x380, Screenshot 2020-11-21 234337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I won't let the dogfuckers live this down

>> No.29558048
File: 117 KB, 361x387, 1603699245273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558049


>> No.29558050

Glad your being honest with yourself for a change, bro.

>> No.29558051
File: 725 KB, 850x1086, 1605727969141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This aint the first time Holos have dropped their voice accidentally. Not really anything yab about it. Hot as fuck tho

>> No.29558052
File: 5 KB, 318x55, Screenshot 2020-11-07 024210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to point out that Ina has done post-stream salutes. I think it's a recent thing, but I also can't confirm if she does it every stream since I usually watch her streams as vods.

>> No.29558053
File: 160 KB, 555x354, 1599257948338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chikens normal voice is not annoying

>> No.29558054

they literally asked her questions non-stop rather than trying to figure shit out themselves retard

>> No.29558058

Ame's stream, you can see that Kiara's is trying to speak but no one can hear her...

>> No.29558059

she will

>> No.29558060

>and did nothing to differentiate itself

It's got a unique artstyle and aesthetic, actual characters with specific abilities and plays very different from most other survival crafting games.

>> No.29558061

God damn she should transition to using her normal voice somehow. It's so cute when compared to the character voice.

>> No.29558062
Quoted by: >>29558191

She went back to her normal voice. Fuck I can't imagine what the other girls' voices were like.

>> No.29558064

>still has that peko-ish chicken laugh

>> No.29558065

yab, but her sound was all over the place this stream so I can't say I'm surprised

>> No.29558066

yab? not at all. bit awkward if anything.
hot? 100%

>> No.29558067
Quoted by: >>29558136

>real voice
>still has pekora's laugh

>> No.29558068

so that's why we got a full gen collab this week. chicken needed to shill.

>> No.29558069
Quoted by: >>29558199

>5+3+1 = 9
Anon canā€™t count for shit

>> No.29558070

>shill my song you peasants
fucking bitch

>> No.29558072

Why is it okay for Moona to have creepy affection towards Pekora but not Kiara?


>> No.29558071

kek desperate.

>> No.29558073

Hopt yab

>> No.29558074


>> No.29558075


>> No.29558076

I wish I could hear what everyone's real voice sounds like now.

>> No.29558077
Quoted by: >>29558137

Not an anti but genuinely this collab was the worst one yet, yes I know take meds, my point still stands

>> No.29558078

Pretty cute

>> No.29558080
File: 23 KB, 347x101, 3465gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558134

>"B-Buh Gura hates Kiara!"

>> No.29558082

rrato shimureta

>> No.29558083

I still don't understand why the fuck she feels the need to put on the fake voice

>> No.29558086

>>were you muted
>no i wasn't but okay
can confirm she was like at 2% volume during the end for some reason

>> No.29558087


>> No.29558090
Quoted by: >>29558192

Kiara yab was highlight of the stream, otherwise pretty listless.

>> No.29558093

If she does a solo minecraft stream I'll drop 500 bucks and include an /hlgg/ dog whistle

>> No.29558091

Spicy yab

>> No.29558092

I mean, we heard her exact words. She probably didn't realize that it wasn't stream-muted.

>> No.29558095
Quoted by: >>29558189

ame promoted it at the end

>> No.29558096

so you guys weren't kidding when you said that Polka is honorary EN huh?

>> No.29558097
Quoted by: >>29558146

Is it just me or did she sound legit mad at the other girls?

>> No.29558098

I prefer the full chicken voice.

>> No.29558099

She's extremely insecure as is so it's a given that she'd be more desperate to prove herself.
It's also insane how much of the white girl voice she hides on stream.

>> No.29558100
Quoted by: >>29558321

Yes and now I want to see more of the game after ignoring it preivously. Fortunately I know just how to get my fix of DS and DST.

>> No.29558102

because i like Moona

>> No.29558103


Catbox version

>> No.29558104


>> No.29558108
Quoted by: >>29558313

you do. all the time. constantly. in every stream.

>> No.29558109

It's so bad I love it

>> No.29558110
File: 1.24 MB, 6400x3600, 84205416_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she going to be playing again several hours?

>> No.29558112
File: 227 KB, 1500x514, HoloEN3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558241

Liked Chicken exploration and Ame babysitting 4 retards

>> No.29558114
File: 1.19 MB, 1867x1583, 1606018953090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: these are the faggots from hlg you are dealing with

>> No.29558116

I hate narrativefags so much

>> No.29558117

She gave the collab direction. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.29558118

Why are they in such a rush to end the collab? Usually JPs have some chit-chat before they end, and everybody gets to shill their stuff

>> No.29558119
File: 494 KB, 565x661, 1605950531437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yab but also very nice, damn why won't she sing with that voice

>> No.29558121

I'm gonna need receipts for that

>> No.29558122

t. KFP

>> No.29558123
File: 25 KB, 600x592, 1600038706218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New narrative:
Chicken will power-up through lots of training and receive permission from Huke to transform, giving her a new outfit that looks more refined while also allowing her to use her actual voice, or at least one closer to her natural one. Reveal of that transformation will be followed by karaoke which will force all clippers to kneel, leading to chicken inclining like never before.
Let me dream at least.

>> No.29558124

It was only interesting when random monsters showed up to chase people.

>> No.29558125

The clussy belongs to EN now bro

>> No.29558127

>Did you guys not hear what I fucking said that I want to say something at the end a million fucking times?
Kiara this is going too far

>> No.29558128

Brain worm from listening to Pekora too much.

>> No.29558130


>> No.29558132

I think it can wait, try doing something while you watching like eating or drinking, its pretty comfy stream

>> No.29558134
File: 144 KB, 512x441, 1604182791088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That narrative was blown out a week ago anon

Gura said she was hanging out with Kiara on discord and Kiara SANG for her

>> No.29558135

she did
ina >>29557717
gura >>29557881
mori >>29557797
ame in audio

>> No.29558136
Quoted by: >>29558340

We keep tellin you niggas that that's her real laugh. Her room mate has the same one.

>> No.29558137

this was really the bottom of the fucking barrel.

>> No.29558138

>>suggests a shit fucking game
Stopped reading there.

>> No.29558139

Moona is cute about it

>> No.29558142

>gura couldnt even peak at 30k viewers
>dropped below 20k after shadowban
>100k video views
>70k subs/week
>500k views on her most recent mc video (usually averages 800k)
>300k on superliminal, barely hit 40k

gura is fucking irrelevant now. holoJP still rules it seems

>> No.29558143
Quoted by: >>29558229

She's too powerful...

>> No.29558145
Quoted by: >>29558256

MC delayed

>> No.29558144

>for fuck's sake!
It was hot.

>> No.29558146

I think she was more mad at her mic for fucking up

>> No.29558148
File: 86 KB, 965x1081, 1605845824440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558147

Moona is pure, Kiara is a hound dog

>> No.29558150

Scuffed ending is the good ending, I really hope she gradually drops the chicken voice as time goes on, her regular voice is nice

>> No.29558151

Chicken's white girl voice is pretty hot. Also I don't usually care about her numberfagging but christ that was cringey to hear.

>> No.29558153

she always had it

>> No.29558152

>kiara guilting everyone into shilling her album

>> No.29558158


>> No.29558156

Was expecting peak yab when I heard Calli's voice, but was hot.

>> No.29558157
File: 1.10 MB, 1491x1066, 1605848346537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even I feel bad

>> No.29558159


>> No.29558160
Quoted by: >>29558207

holy shit she sounds so sad i feel bad for her

>> No.29558161

Did kiara end that collab?

>> No.29558162

Kinda seems like Kiara's the only one who sounds different. Maybe Ame too but only slightly.

>> No.29558165
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x988, holomyth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was cute and fun, nothing to write home about but I enjoyed it. Probably better as a 2-person game though.
If anything, it reinforced that the girls have been getting along really well, so games that foster more interactions and banter in the future should be really fun.

>> No.29558163
Quoted by: >>29558206

Scroll up retard

>> No.29558166

Because that doesn't support my narratives

>> No.29558167


>> No.29558169

So we can all agree that Low Energy Kiara > High Energy Chicken

>> No.29558170


>> No.29558173

Her normal voice is much more nicer, damn.

>> No.29558172

Slight yab, but does highlight what most people already said, her natural voice is much more appealing than her chicken-voice. So its more hot than yab really.

>> No.29558174

dont care stop posting about those faggots

>> No.29558175

Would you rather believe Mori, Gura, Ina, and Ame are and callous and uncaring as you?

>> No.29558178

Ina and Mori talk normally
For Ame do your archive reps

>> No.29558180

lmao, someone needs to send it to her because nobody heard shit.

>> No.29558181

Doesn't even sound that different to be honest. Or maybe it's because I've already seen her roomate's stuff

>> No.29558184


You can here Kiara asking "can i say something?" but her mic is too low for anyone to hear over the buhbyes!

>> No.29558185

>have a better normal voice
>force yourself into using a less attractive and more annoying voice
>sing in that voice too

Can someone explain? Why would anyone do this?
Aren't you supposed to do it the other way around? As in only force yourself into a different voice if your normal one is worse?

>> No.29558186
Quoted by: >>29558293

So much for the not watching to leech narrative. You already had an entire stream dedicated to shilling your song chicken

>> No.29558187
Quoted by: >>29558429

she cant handle much on her own can she

>> No.29558189

Yes I know, I'm not saying that Ame or the other girls didn't wanted to let her speak, it's just that for some reason, Kiara's mic stopped working properly and no one could hear her.

>> No.29558191

Chicken, Ame, and Gura have fake voices. Ina and Mori are normal.

>> No.29558192
Quoted by: >>29558253

What fresh new yab is this? Roommate voice at the end?

>> No.29558193
File: 74 KB, 596x530, 2020-11-21_23-46-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This enough for you?

>> No.29558194

She's been doing it since pre-Hololive.

>> No.29558196

>even kiara, with the lowest numbers in EN still gets more views than 60% of the JPs
atleast try when you bait.

>> No.29558197

Once again Mori ruined everything

>> No.29558198

Don't forget this part
just barely in the background you can hear kiara say
>can I can I say something

>> No.29558200

I think it's honestly the only way she'll actually learn to enjoy it, she just gets dragged along too much to do goals for others and clearly feels bad about asking others for resources.

>> No.29558199
Quoted by: >>29558260

>6+3+1= 9

>> No.29558201
File: 477 KB, 1200x675, 1601496435996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558202

It was boring.

>> No.29558203

Chicken also left a bit of open discord as well, you can hear Mori and Ame. Mori doesn't sound different, but Ame has dropped the cutesy pitch.

>> No.29558206

Scroll? Up? What's that?

>> No.29558207

>Ina said something in chat.
>Amelia said something as her easter egg.
>Gura said something in her tweet
>idk about Mori because I didnt watch hers.

>> No.29558208

>Even got the anon having a literal stroke
Nice job, saved

>> No.29558209

the stream was shadowbanned retard

>> No.29558210


>> No.29558211

You would be very surprised, I'm sure.

>> No.29558212
File: 52 KB, 334x298, 4541d2f1507f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Mori has more views on her vod despite having less live viewers than ina and ame?

>> No.29558213

You'll never see Iofi in a EN+JP collab again after the last one.

>> No.29558215

>im gonna need receipts
do your archive reps you fucking newfaggot. kill yourself afterwards

>> No.29558217

Because Moona is cute about it. Kiara comes off as a creepy stalker

>> No.29558218

PekoMoona is true love, they were so fucking cute yesterday on their first voice chat

>> No.29558221

B-but they hate each other...

>> No.29558224


>> No.29558227

>tries to end the stream early to go eat
>still wants all the girls to shill her single

>> No.29558228

I'm not passing judgement on either instance

>> No.29558229

Her voice is really limited in kiara form.

>> No.29558230

Thanks this is better than my screenshot

>> No.29558231
Quoted by: >>29558436


Coco RIP

>> No.29558232
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1604942197576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558233
File: 806 KB, 640x597, 1605592809672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara didn't mute
>Mori literally asked Kiara and Ina how much money they made after the stream



>> No.29558234

>3 fish have been deposited into your chumbucket

>> No.29558235

I hope she gets a suit for her talkshow. Never have I hated her shitty outfit more than there, it really ruined the atmosphere

>> No.29558236

For the same reason Gurame is cute but Takamori isn't.
It grew naturally.

>> No.29558237
Quoted by: >>29558362

I barely paid attention. I need to stop coming to these thread during streams
I've been saying this for 2 months

>> No.29558239

So when is Kiara getting her own Moona?

>> No.29558240

It's not a common thing.

>> No.29558241

>chicken veil
Not bad at all.

>> No.29558242

That's good to know, i'm just sick of fags turning them against each other just because they haven't collabed yet

>> No.29558244

>plus Holo ID
no, theyre boring

>> No.29558245
File: 1.06 MB, 1404x1463, 85811193_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29558247

they're really good girls

>> No.29558246
File: 72 KB, 622x443, 4866445654456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, new Gura header.

>> No.29558248

Well without getting too deep into roommate posting she might have been trained to do that to appeal to Japanese tastes but it doesn't really work in English

>> No.29558250
File: 439 KB, 1224x2181, 1603844710324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558252
File: 811 KB, 868x652, 1554185941317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no members schedule, none of the 3 monthly streams done so far
>a week behind on SC reading
>Chikin's MV needs to be finished by the 26th
>at least two JP collabs and an utawaku already planned for the next week
>monthly song still in the works
Morichama... your time management reps...

>> No.29558253
Quoted by: >>29558352

Just her using her normal voice at the end.

>> No.29558255

>try to promote music coming out but microphone fucks up and no one hears it
>30 seconds latter try to talk but the microphone fucks up and hot mics her for the whole stream

>> No.29558254

Risu does the same thing, but that's cuz her thing is voice acting. Kiara's trying to differentiate herself from her roommate because of 5ch shizos

>> No.29558256

Seething because she can't promote her song

>> No.29558257
File: 403 KB, 1705x2048, EnCgyt4UYAIegTG.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559586

I love my daughter!

>> No.29558258

The accents not as thick but it's mostly the same

>> No.29558260

Wow rude!

>> No.29558261

Guys you fucks this isn't the first time she's dropped her voice she did it a few times in the rice loli game

>> No.29558262

Must, squish

>> No.29558264


>> No.29558268

fuck this is so sad, she repeated that like 10 times, poor chikimn

>> No.29558270
Quoted by: >>29558371

Viewers swapping in and out at a steady rate?

>> No.29558275

I watched coco's karaoke instead. Too much complexity, too little know-how

>> No.29558276

some of you people have some serious mental illnesses.

>> No.29558278

my bulge

>> No.29558281

Nah, that was easily Neighbor.

>> No.29558283
Quoted by: >>29558346

>tfw you're the only one left who still prefers chicken voice

>> No.29558284
File: 120 KB, 257x312, 1605075474396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt Haachama will return to the EN server. She put in all that work to start her castle next to Gura's house, and then Gura decides to move her house. So now Haachama's castle is in the middle of nowhere

>> No.29558285

Kiara is actually pretty so that intimidates pekora, Moona sounds fat so she's not intimidating

>> No.29558286

Moona earned the right to gush over Pekora, Kiara still has to show us a non fangirl interaction with Pekora

>> No.29558287

>Couldn't quote anything from
Kek did he forget all the kusogaki moments like her killing the robot?

>> No.29558288


>> No.29558290

...She said she's exiting the game, what the fuck are your meds doing to you dude?

>> No.29558291
File: 455 KB, 900x900, out-transparent-36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey this debunks the Amelia is using a fake voice because she says "Im closin the server" just like her normal streaming voice. Kiara's is 100% fake tho.

>> No.29558293

Oh fuck off they always shill each other event.

>> No.29558295
File: 260 KB, 620x640, 1498795187167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mori literally asked Kiara and Ina how much money they made after the stream

>> No.29558294
File: 79 KB, 614x723, ss+(2020-11-18+at+09.31.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558372

Because Kiara is an obsessed fan, while Moona isn't.

>> No.29558297
Quoted by: >>29558585

She called for the stream to end and didn't mention it during the several minutes it took everyone to wrap things up. I feel bad, but it's at least a little on her for not speaking up despite having plenty of time.

>> No.29558298

trash taste/music only crowd coming in and being filtered instantly

>> No.29558301

It's fine because Moona's beliefs don't allow her to have anything more than admiration for Pekora.

>> No.29558303
File: 796 KB, 4096x3272, EnXAy4qXEAci0U4@Lumiiii6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29558304
File: 676 KB, 1071x1511, dramatic_shork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i fell asleep during superliminal and throughout all of the dont starve together
polkas rice autism it is

>> No.29558313
Quoted by: >>29558355

They're clearly putting on character voices. Maybe not Ina and Mori. I wonder if it feels weird talking to people using those weird voices for a couple hours.

>> No.29558314
File: 389 KB, 548x538, 1605489295796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her fault then

>> No.29558316
Quoted by: >>29558528

If they weren't playing endless mode, they would learn. Why bother surviving or learning the basics if you can just revive infinite times

>> No.29558317

well no way they just ignored her on purpose
probably some technical problem

>> No.29558320

Damn she relay was begging

>> No.29558321

Fuck off shill

>> No.29558323

What's sad is that it's a newfag to the Hololive thread. You can tell because he uses green arrows for things that aren't quotes.

>> No.29558324
Quoted by: >>29558390

Kiara's the only one that changes her voice from what I can tell. Mori sounds the same except not like a stilted funimation dub

>> No.29558325

>Ok I'm exiting out, how about you guys?
Nice narrative, retard

>> No.29558326

Anon stop forming narratives while listening

>> No.29558327
Quoted by: >>29558544

Judging by last month, the member collabs are going to be end of next week

>> No.29558329

Anon, your hearing reps....

>> No.29558330
Quoted by: >>29558444

I love Kiara but this is fucking hilarious

>> No.29558332
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 1601097994209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558333
Quoted by: >>29558355

Do your reps newfag

>> No.29558336
Quoted by: >>29558455

What happened with HoloJP?
Dead hours?
What the fuck is this invasion of faggots right now?

>> No.29558334


>> No.29558337

Are you deaf?

>> No.29558338

I can't believe Kiara said this

>> No.29558340

no one actually reads the thread they just scan for (You)s

>> No.29558341
File: 46 KB, 562x623, 1596453892873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558343

I hate to say the shadowbanned word because it sounds like I'm wearing a tin-foil hat, but it's the truth
YouTube-kun is retarded

>> No.29558344
File: 80 KB, 566x522, 1605928504412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both fine

>> No.29558345

>That narrative was blown out a week ago anon

The new narrative is Gura on TT. People need to move the fuck on and keep up.

>> No.29558346

i like both voices, but i will say that her normal voice is way sexier

>> No.29558351
File: 111 KB, 647x474, 357865486375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Gura was insinuating a dick hitting her cervix in this clip @ 0:22.

>> No.29558352
Quoted by: >>29558474

If there's one reason I wish the girls would lurk here, its things like thread's reaction to her yabs like this. Imagine if she would sing with that voice,,,

>> No.29558354
File: 758 KB, 641x556, jawvchawmawm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even watch the stream cause it was boring and too loud but I had fun hanging out with the thread.

>> No.29558355

please take every medication your psychiatrist prescribes.

>> No.29558356
Quoted by: >>29558524


>> No.29558357

>no Gura
Damn, thwarted again.

>> No.29558358

Clipped chicken's voice dox just in case.

>> No.29558360

Could have been a bigger Yab, you can hear Mori and Ame talking about closing the server.

>> No.29558362

but anon, the threads are half of the fun I spend more time posting here than actually watching the streams, help

>> No.29558364
Quoted by: >>29558524


>> No.29558365

Someone tell Kiara to just use her real voice. She'll gain more subscribers that way.

>> No.29558366

which girl do you think blamed Kiara's issue on her muting herself?

>> No.29558367

After rewatching the ending, kiara's voice got REALLY quiet when she was saying "can I say something". No wonder they didn't hear her.

>> No.29558369
File: 36 KB, 112x112, 1595398243611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558401

>Gura barely tweets at all after streams
>tweets this out instantly when Kiara was sad about not being able to talk about her single
such a good friend

>> No.29558371

Shouldn't that apply to the others too though?
Not trying to numberfag btw, just kinda curious as how it happened.

>> No.29558372

>it's real
So this is the power of DuoLingo...

>> No.29558373
File: 448 KB, 658x533, 1604851931507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until the National Socialist party of Hololive forms?

>> No.29558374
Quoted by: >>29558524

Anon!? Your hearing reps?

>> No.29558375

Touristchama... your roommate reps...

>> No.29558376
File: 121 KB, 828x996, Sad Peko 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558377

a narrative i found here is that she does it because pekora doesn't drop her voice, either.

>> No.29558378
File: 429 KB, 800x748, 1605581800349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a falseflagger is sad, why do you insist on such a sad lifestyle?

>> No.29558381
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1605372366923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558524

Your listening reps deafchama

>> No.29558382

Yes. Chicken not dying was surprising even with the ghost boost.
t. KFP

>> No.29558384

Nah. Makes her look a little desperate at worst.

>> No.29558383
Quoted by: >>29558524

are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.29558385

Why the fuck would it be yab beyond it not being intended to be heard? She didn't say anything inappropriate and normal voices aren't an issue, see Ayunda/Risu's DLC voice/whatever you want to call it.

>> No.29558387

Oh fuck, that's really hot. What a horny shark.

>> No.29558388
File: 85 KB, 1078x1135, MKFPUltra Activation Phrase[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9yadr1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you.

>> No.29558389

Ina obviously

>> No.29558390

She honestly doesn't sound much different from when she's talked as 666d6, including that stilting. It's funny because she has such good flow as a rapper, but can't keep it up when just fucking talking. What a dork.

>> No.29558392

i'm the dice

>> No.29558396


>> No.29558397

>K I-I'm exiting now
>How much did you make?

>> No.29558398

How do you explain their voices being different than their roommates, you retard.

>> No.29558400


>> No.29558402

I don't even know how to respond to that

>> No.29558401

Gura is a sweet girl

>> No.29558403

Yab, but so small that it might as well not be one. Lucky no one said anything about anything important.

>> No.29558406
File: 16 KB, 240x240, e23c2f2b418bbab27b239d67ae6ddc31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558407
Quoted by: >>29558468

Both and it made me goering hard.

>> No.29558410
Quoted by: >>29558620

Ame and Gura probably haven't used their natural voice in years considering they don't leave the house or talk to anybody.

>> No.29558411

I don't think she's really inclined to do that, maybe you'll get a produced cover eventually, but she doesn't seem that focused on music.

>> No.29558413

Simple, Pekora actually likes Moona, not Kiara

>> No.29558415
File: 284 KB, 2048x1468, gura372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter is such a sweetheart

>> No.29558418

t. doxxbeat

>> No.29558419
Quoted by: >>29558524

Get them ears checked, and take your meds

>> No.29558420
Quoted by: >>29558558

Ina and Mori are pretty much 1 for 1.
Ame's is definitely off but it's hard to tell exactly what she's doing with it, but she's putting something on Like what she made fun of dubs for doing
I could have sworn that Gura was putting on a fake voice for her roommate, but her voice now sounds a lot more natural and less forced, unless she got better at faking it of course.

>> No.29558421

her mic was acting up during the whole collab

>> No.29558422
Quoted by: >>29558544

Isn't the MV already done?

>> No.29558424
File: 1.32 MB, 2892x4096, 1571183216490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never fuck Kiara
>Her brain won't shuffle through three languages while also switching between the chicken and normal voice
>She'll never empty your soul as she screams "kicky ricky"
Are we here just to suffer?

>> No.29558425
Quoted by: >>29558603

>Youtube comments all immediatly posting the time
lmao I thought the jannies were more loyal than that

>> No.29558427


>> No.29558428

I had a good laugh, thanks

>> No.29558429
File: 51 KB, 847x672, 1599918872504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't handle banter at all sometimes and criticism affects her to a ridiculous amount considering she dropped the Peko worship immediately after her debut due to complaints
Kiara is extremely delicate. For all her giga Stacy bravado she has absolutely no defence

>> No.29558430

This is true but that Anon was also correct

>> No.29558431

Ya no, Amelia just knows good opsec and that you don't drop your voice until at least 5 min after.

>> No.29558432
File: 209 KB, 444x440, 5725713437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know exactly why you dumb shark

>> No.29558434
File: 711 KB, 2195x2312, 1600577260861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post more Gura greentexts that make me feel sad and alone while I wait for Ame's watchalong
You need your ears checked

>> No.29558435
File: 161 KB, 1980x1080, 08223D10-90B7-4181-B50D-9E26DACCAA3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559098

Did you forget Haachama is the strongest idol in Hololive? She will keep coming back and remind HoloEN the true definition of ā€œinsanityā€.

>> No.29558436


>> No.29558438

Never as she's not big enough to support a leech

>> No.29558437

Deadbeats are at work when they catch her stream so they can jump in and out. I'm on my last break and was only able to catch some of the stream on my lunch.

>> No.29558439

It also happens with Ina, it really was Kiara's bad luck

>> No.29558440

>don't starve gets black listed because of the shadow ban
fucking youtube

>> No.29558442
Quoted by: >>29558492

unironic schizophrenia

>> No.29558444
File: 130 KB, 1324x1228, EkPWxA0VcAAWD4s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really just isn't a HoloEN collab without a dash of cute chicken suffering.

>> No.29558445
File: 764 KB, 1280x458, 1604994660895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me

>> No.29558446
Quoted by: >>29558524

anon... your ear medicine...

>> No.29558448
File: 39 KB, 720x720, Risu 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its time to take meds in form of a bullet

>> No.29558450
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1603152107726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558526

>nobody even noticed Kiara's mic was scuffed

>> No.29558451

She really needs to switch from streamlabs to OBS. That's 3 streams in a row now where the mic has randomly fucked up.

>> No.29558452
Quoted by: >>29558492

the absolute state of this fucking earlet

>> No.29558453
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1605845034785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's super sonic weapon destroyed this anons ears please understand

>> No.29558454
File: 275 KB, 474x729, 1604785535943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558455
Quoted by: >>29558502

Polka only for a couple of scuffed minutes and left sign, wouldnt really call that an invasion

>> No.29558458
File: 24 KB, 534x248, 1601097994209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558459

anon, your not-bending-reality-to-fit-your-narratives reps....

>> No.29558462

She said "how about you guys"
Clean your ears anon

>> No.29558464

Yeah, if I didn't have this thread to post in, I'd of probably gone to bed.


>> No.29558465

Happens every time with recently finished streams, should be back after a little while.

>> No.29558468

the term is goosling

>> No.29558469

LMAO I want to make a soundpost of this so bad but even I'm not that fucked in the head

>> No.29558471
Quoted by: >>29558531

>K, I'm exiting out
>How 'bout you guys?
>I'm closing the server
How the hell did you get those two mixed up?

>> No.29558470

Are you one of those people who thinks the character is actually representative of the roommate?

>> No.29558474

Why do you think we have at least 3 KFP cultists shilling her old idol songs all the time and more importantly her old idol voice here?
>inb4 hurr its studio edited, doesn't count

>> No.29558475

I respect you for not making it louder than you could have, but my headset wasn't maxed so get a 6/10.

>> No.29558477

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.29558478
Quoted by: >>29558732

I hope in the future she does something Risu and considers this the "Takanashi voice".

>> No.29558479

When her dungeon is complete

>> No.29558483

It's amazing that despite having a branch that speaks in a language everyone understands, you fucking mentally retarded monkeys still fail to hear the easiest words
God I can't wait for the day all SEA gets fucking nuked to the ground.

>> No.29558484
Quoted by: >>29558517

RIP I wanted to hear her natural voice.

>> No.29558485

Yep. Can't really blame her because of her past. And yeah, I don't think she's really mad. Germans/Austrians are just very frank.

>> No.29558486

Either deaf or schizophrenia. Get checked.

>> No.29558487

She said "how about you guys?", deafchama

>> No.29558489 [SPOILER] 
File: 349 KB, 1451x2048, 1606020842792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29558491

>people unironically think kiaras attention-pandering behaviour is normal
she literally did that full collab just for her shitty song shoutout thatll probably get less premiere viewers than moris halloween song.
wait, scratch that. itll DEFINITELY get less.

>> No.29558492

She said it right after she's exiting.

>> No.29558495

I wish they would change their YT headers. There so bland.

>> No.29558496
File: 4 KB, 227x222, 1605166852994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558497

I think we can all agree Mori ruined it.

>> No.29558498

I heard "how about you guys?"

>> No.29558499

she said "How about you guys", you friendless dipshit

>> No.29558500

very naive of you m8

>> No.29558501
File: 631 KB, 900x662, 1605768996016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558562

Give me a chicken edit......

>> No.29558502

I'm not talking about the girls I'm talking about the retards in this thread

>> No.29558505

I can't believe Kiara is collabing with Merzbow

for Merzbird II

>> No.29558506

Girls can be pervy, yeah. Or better yet, purposefully bait those thoughts.

>> No.29558509
Quoted by: >>29558516

>Gura's mama playing Passpartout

>> No.29558510
File: 49 KB, 640x559, 1604903446622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most unironic time I have ever made this statement, take your fucking meds.

>> No.29558512

>K I-I'm exiting now
>How bout you guys?

Anon your english reps.....

>> No.29558513

whether or not you liked the collab, i just wanted to say my single is releasing next week

>> No.29558515
File: 290 KB, 609x318, 1604502620581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're mad but this was funny. Good one.

>> No.29558516
Quoted by: >>29558566


>> No.29558517
Quoted by: >>29558661

You already can if you do archive reps

>> No.29558519

Mori is the least gamer of them, so its not really surprising her ratio is low on a game stream. Especially a collab where shared subs are more likely to stick with the normal people they watch for games.

>> No.29558521

something music related might actually get Gura to get off her ass, huh.

>> No.29558522

She literally said "How about you guys?"

>> No.29558524
File: 123 KB, 495x500, 1603852280739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you people deaf? She says "I'm heading out, how much you got?" Implying how much money they made.


>> No.29558525

Please anon you can't live with such a lack of hearing. You need to see a doctor.

>> No.29558526
Quoted by: >>29558782

chat told her she was super low at the start of the stream then she raised it too loud then she lowered it to perfect for her stream no clue how those changes messed with what the girls heard

>> No.29558527
File: 263 KB, 722x561, 1605574533495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558528
Quoted by: >>29558696

Yeah I kind of agree with this. I want to see them actually have to start over if they wipe.

More importantly though, they should all play this game solo or in pairs a couple times to learn the basics before trying a 5-person collab.

>> No.29558529

>Updates her twitter pics
>Still using the defaults for her youtube channel
But why.

>> No.29558530

It's not that Amelia uses a fake voice, it's more that she exaggerates a "cuter" voice.

>> No.29558531

>How 'bout you guys?
It's "How much didya make?"

>> No.29558533

>Mori antis are genuinely schizophrenic

>> No.29558534

She should talk like that all the time. She has a nice voice.

>> No.29558538

When Kiara called her out of the blue for tech support she sounded pretty much like on stream but tired.

>> No.29558539

Ame's normal voice is literally 97% of the one she does on stream, it's the same thing except ever so slightly lower

>> No.29558543

Why do the action lines on the ball make it look like its flying towards the screen from the right if the racket isn't positioned in a way where it would be post-swing?

>> No.29558544
Quoted by: >>29558695

End of next week should be collab with Korone, unarchived utawaku and song release party unless she is planning to do several streams a day.

She was talking about trying to render some parts of it on Friday and it was apparently not going very well.

>> No.29558542 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29558574

SO what was Mori saying after they ended the stream?

>> No.29558548
File: 666 KB, 1536x1024, 1605975707089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene....go back to work

>> No.29558550
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1604875887770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558551

The way she looks at chat to see the reaction is the best.

>> No.29558553
File: 854 KB, 1793x314, banners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still the only one without a unity header (besides Kiara who's promoting her single in the banner)
Why does she hate her genmates so much?

>> No.29558552

>how about you guys
fucking ESL

>> No.29558554

They always talk about things they have coming up after collabs, schizo

>> No.29558555
File: 183 KB, 850x1336, 1605584985533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power up.

>> No.29558557
Quoted by: >>29558677

Mori is addicted to working. You could say its her hobby.

>> No.29558558
Quoted by: >>29558684

Gura is still faking her voice. I'm surprised she never made it as a VA she's actually really good.

>> No.29558559

Based Ame for shilling us MiA, I really enjoyed watching it, unfortunately I now need to find another anime that gives off similar vibes, it was too good

>> No.29558560

Are you guy insane Kiara's real voice didn't sound all that different. The accent wasn't as thick at most. Why are you people so obsessed with their real voice?

>> No.29558561
File: 488 KB, 1420x1319, 1604738851347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after every EN collab the flaseflaggers come out

>> No.29558562


>> No.29558563

Oh look, it's another fag pretending to be a HoloJP fan who uses green arrows to type shit that aren't quotations, which nobody from the original Hololive split from Virtual YouTubers would do.

>> No.29558564
Quoted by: >>29558701

kiara pitches her voice up a bit for sure
ame does something with her voice but i cant exactly tell what
ina and mori basically talk normally
gura i don't really know to be honest.

>> No.29558566

https://www.twitch tv/nacho_dayo

>> No.29558567

Neato. Pretty sure I randomly came across her channel and the video I added to my backlog is still just sitting there unwatched.

>> No.29558568

Based HERfag

>> No.29558570
File: 1.81 MB, 1350x1909, 85630466_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish a certain someone else would use their real voice.

>> No.29558569
File: 36 KB, 680x383, EiRVaeuU8AAgG38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESLs need to get off of my American internet

>> No.29558571


>> No.29558572

I blame Mori

>> No.29558574
Quoted by: >>29558607

>Im going to go suck on some little boy cock, what about you guys?
How did she get away with this?

>> No.29558576
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftnpfo4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558577
File: 290 KB, 380x380, 1605061408992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey rrat

>> No.29558575

Retarded ESL she says "how bout you guys"

>> No.29558578

Fuck off Kiara was having a ton of fun. Someone has to keep track of time and she takes the reign for that.

>> No.29558579
File: 24 KB, 534x248, 1601097994209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna post this image as many times as necessary, schizochama

>> No.29558580
Quoted by: >>29558711

This is a fucking fantastic (you) farm. Congrats anon

>> No.29558581
File: 381 KB, 960x1050, 1602387491411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559518

She was so horny today, she had to change her normally scheduled game to get it out with this one. What a great stream.

>> No.29558582

>Amelia just knows good opsec

>> No.29558583

It's fucking "How about you guys"
t. King of the ESLs, if I can understand it then you have no excuses

>> No.29558585

She did mention it. If you listen to the wrap up at the end, you can really faintly hear her saying "I wanna say something!" over and over while everyone else is saying goodbye. Her mic just fucked up at the end or something.

>> No.29558587

Did Kiara acquire another high quality drawfag?

>> No.29558588

do your archive reps, her roommate's voice is deeper

>> No.29558590
File: 238 KB, 673x459, 1606020977480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558593
File: 116 KB, 900x1000, 1605587702065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With everyone liking Kiara's voice maybe she can take a hint and gradually start dropping the chicken voice

>> No.29558592

t. deadbeat

>> No.29558594

anon, i'm sorry but you're fucking retarded

>> No.29558595

>He didn't play don't starve when the ham got released in TF2

>> No.29558597
Quoted by: >>29558672

Bros.....He's right.........

>> No.29558598

She said "how about you guys" anon...

>> No.29558600

Add Gura to the top list. Puts a little pep in her voice, that's it.

>> No.29558601

So we all agree that Kiara is objectively the worst EN so far, yeah?

>> No.29558602
File: 199 KB, 1024x796, Elx-AdVVkAAT6Eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm exiting out, How bout you guys?
I'm not a brap but come on

>> No.29558603

funnily enough the first person to link the timestamp in comments had a mori profile pic

>> No.29558605
File: 108 KB, 750x500, WaffenSS West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fucking ESL its time to face the wall... even i being a ESL can understand that

>> No.29558606

>Why does she hate her genmates so much?

>> No.29558607


>> No.29558608

dude I'm ESL and even I know she said "how about you guys?"

>> No.29558609

her mic was fucked up in the beginning so i can see it bugging out again at the very end.
she was probably just VERY unlucky that it happened to quiet right then and there

>> No.29558610

Unironically meds anon. You are hearing voices

>> No.29558611
File: 224 KB, 1200x1669, nacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing gave birth to Gura.

>> No.29558614

That is YOU implying, not them.

>> No.29558615
File: 260 KB, 463x453, 1604018349912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558618

Gook-san is almost done with Amelia's 3D model. Looking pretty great.

>> No.29558619

God I wanna pound that cunny so much

>> No.29558620
Quoted by: >>29558719

amelia does not use a fake voice
and guras/her voice is not fake ether
its just aged from the older recordings and a better mic
If you use a voice full time it changes the shape of your voice box until you cant make any other voice

>> No.29558621

Different mic set ups and older clips dont count. Newer clips in and out of her live3d sound basically like she does now.

>> No.29558624

Remember when people said Kiara was the one who ruins collabs? Deadbeats apologize right now.

>> No.29558626


>> No.29558627

>Mori antis hate her because they don't even know what she's saying half the time
This is fucking hilarious

>> No.29558629


>> No.29558631
Quoted by: >>29558913

>in the middle of nowhere
It's near their closest water source and direct acess to the ocean. If they every do anymore treks they have to directly pass it
Plus with how tall it's going to be you can't miss it either

>> No.29558633

kiara has become the embodiment of suffering kino even if she doesn't want it

>> No.29558634

what the fuck dude, im a fucking ESL and its says how bout you guys

>> No.29558636


>> No.29558637

>ina was playing gacha on her mobile and barely talking
so this is why ina never talks

>> No.29558638

Clean your ears

>> No.29558641

Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.29558642
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1588950516731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I fucking love anon, how about you guys?"

>> No.29558643

I understand how you feel, though, I don't dislike the new voice.

>> No.29558644

Shit I'd believe it

>> No.29558645

"I'm exiting out. How boutchyou guys?" You stupid fucking ESL.

>> No.29558646

>(Besides kiara who's promoting her single in the banner)
Anon your reading comprehension reps...

>> No.29558647

I am certain that this is bait... r-right?

>> No.29558648

design is 50x better than guras

>> No.29558649

sorry anon

>> No.29558650

I dropped a comment about it in the youtube vod, hopefully she reads it

>> No.29558651

I feel bad now

>> No.29558652
Quoted by: >>29558940

The leeches should be grateful that they even get to collab with her. Goorapi doesn't need hololive, it's needs her

>> No.29558653

Meds. They always shill eachothers stuff at the end of group collabs..

>> No.29558654

Understandable because it's a promotion of her upcoming single, she had a unity banner beforehand

>> No.29558656
File: 398 KB, 1000x1000, gravity gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29558657

Did she forget to mute her stream? She sounds like a normal woman when talking here

>> No.29558659

Easy (you)s

>> No.29558661

How do we know if she wasn't putting on a voice for her audience (she did say she wanted to be a 'voice over animation actress'). Plus she was a young teenager.
I want to believe relaxed Gura is her real voice, but who knows.

>> No.29558666
File: 167 KB, 427x381, shit ogey peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558667

ive seen her oldest twitch clips theres no diffrence besides the mic set up

>> No.29558669

>"I'm heading out, how much you got?"

Anon if you knew English you would know that in the context of the whole conversion that doesn't make any sense to say. Your mind is trying to hear words that aren't there.

>> No.29558672
Quoted by: >>29558761

Unironically get your ears checked out and kill yourself

>> No.29558673
File: 416 KB, 606x908, 1605860080123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now she wants Gura to give birth to Amelia's babies.

>> No.29558674


>> No.29558677
Quoted by: >>29558722

It's not working if she's not getting shit done.

>> No.29558680
Quoted by: >>29558739

What the fuck she talks like a Japanese Gura

>> No.29558681
File: 186 KB, 327x258, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no surprise that we end up with the deranged narratives that we do when even the ones who watch the fucking streams manage to get everything wrong.

>> No.29558684
Quoted by: >>29558743

It's just really hard to fucking tell for me compared to the other girls.
Her roommate's voice was pretty far out there for how fake voices go
Is there a clip anywhere of her real voice from what HER might have yabai'd?

>> No.29558686
Quoted by: >>29558918

Because it's more pleasant to listen to her real voice then her chicken voice, much less when she tries to sing in it. It isn't a huge change, but I totally agree with the KFP that she needs to take her limiters off.

>> No.29558689
Quoted by: >>29558850

I might do the same

>> No.29558688


>> No.29558691
File: 883 KB, 837x716, 1605208070253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously a rrat but this was a shit game to do a collab in. Unless you've played it before you likely won't enjoy watching it and since only one person knew what they were doing it ruined the stream even for the people who were familiar with the game.

>> No.29558692

ye, they feel more at home in Gura and Ame chats

>> No.29558695
Quoted by: >>29558755

Im going by last month, when her t3 membership stream was the 29th, like a day or two before the song dropped.

>> No.29558696

They really need to know the importance of not dying in the game

>> No.29558697

Anyone got the timestamp of Kiara fighting the tentacles?

>> No.29558698

I always knew Mori was like this, You guys realize that she was bullying her genmates with comments like these...

Canadian make Mori too cocky.

>> No.29558699

How do we get Mori to stop ruining these full group collabs?

>> No.29558700

holy shit
Imagine being so obsessed with narratives that it affects your perception of reality
Seek help friend

>> No.29558701

Ame does use autotune and a GoXLR mixer. Although I am not sure how much of a pitch adjustment you can do with that software hardware combo.

>> No.29558704

Can you read?

>> No.29558705
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1603844802895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori please clarify

>> No.29558708
File: 777 KB, 1193x1080, 1602838585028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure sounds like a roastie

>> No.29558709

Kiara seems to be the most unstable one irl. Is she getting really shit pay or something or is she just sensitive about being the least popular of the 5?

>> No.29558710
Quoted by: >>29558726

Did this really happen on a stream?

>> No.29558711

yeah he's raking them in kek

>> No.29558712
File: 125 KB, 940x960, 1575115362222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baka, when you are Gura, self-promoting is basicaly promoting all Hololive

>> No.29558716

so why do we hate her again?

>> No.29558718

I really hate that she's been doing this shit again lately.

>> No.29558719

>amelia does not use a fake voice
Anonchama...your archive reps...

>> No.29558721

>Unless you've played it before you likely won't enjoy watching it
Can confirm.

>> No.29558722
Quoted by: >>29558833

And how do you know this?

>> No.29558723
File: 332 KB, 1084x1080, 1605456155139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559007

Ame saved this collab, just like every other collab

>> No.29558724


>> No.29558725
File: 423 KB, 2048x2048, 1604789422629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized this would've been the first full collab with no technical difficulties except they had one in the literal last minute.
God really fucking is a chicken anti, I feel for you KFPs

>> No.29558726

Yes that's why they interrupted the collab dumbass

>> No.29558728
File: 326 KB, 2048x1536, 1605569252502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558729

shitposter avatarfagging

>> No.29558731

chicken voice is barely different stop obsessing over it I can tell you fags don't watch Kiara often because this is NOTHING NEW

>> No.29558732

What if she's saving her real voice for her eventual henshin? God that'd be kino.

>> No.29558733
File: 370 KB, 1906x2048, EnRmWMxVgAAcyQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy currently has a poll up on whether to draw cute or lewd Gura x Ame.
I trust you will vote wisely.

>> No.29558734
File: 20 KB, 757x608, 1605813846552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558737

Oh god, this is actually sad

>> No.29558738

WHat happened to protecting your daughter...

>> No.29558739
File: 74 KB, 640x832, 1604888886074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like mother, like daughter

>> No.29558741

It was alright, nothing notable. Ame's a good squad leader though, I'm glad she's recently become my oshi.

>> No.29558743
Quoted by: >>29558845

It's so old I wouldn't bother. She wouldn't sound like that anymore.

>> No.29558745

she wants grandkids before Gura vanishes again

>> No.29558746

I am genuinely struggling to hear "How much did you make", there's not even an excuse of the 'make' cutting out. It wouldn't even make sense for Ame to say "I'm closing the server" immediately after that.

>> No.29558748
Quoted by: >>29558818

It is not THAT far from her real voice if i remember correctly.

>> No.29558749
File: 490 KB, 958x539, 1605819224360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558987


>> No.29558750
Quoted by: >>29558885

You want family friendly Gura? That's not her real personality, anon.

>> No.29558752

She broke into EN and refused to leave. Now Clussy is EN.

>> No.29558754
Quoted by: >>29559028

roommate lore. she got FUCKED by antis in her past life to the point where she lost her dream job.

>> No.29558755
Quoted by: >>29558783

I get and I'm saying she already has the weekend planned out this time. She didn't even do public streams that week last month.

>> No.29558757

there is a kiara stream, I think it was about SC reading, where ame helped her with a technical problem, there ame spoke more out of character, I do not remember the name of the stream

>> No.29558759

Anonbros....we won....

>> No.29558760

>shouldve let the girls learn stuff on their own with minor tips, instead of constantly shouting commands and tips and backseating.
Not gonna work with this game

>> No.29558758


>suggests a unique fucking game
>she was distracting me by being cuter than usual
>should have stopped talking in such an adorable voice, it was causing me to gosling the entire time
>kiara and mori were both really enjoying themselves
>ina was quiet but ended up talking at the end
>gura was running around aimlessly for the first half but ended up finding her footing

>> No.29558761

He's right though

>> No.29558762
File: 1.17 MB, 1700x1488, EnF3KBSUYAAMDaR@harurrpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558813

>> No.29558763
File: 1.23 MB, 2359x3329, 1605762770447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559428

I tried watching the collab and went right back to Polkas, I love this clown so much.

>> No.29558765
File: 177 KB, 386x405, 1604389237472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally hear Mori say "I'm heading out, how much you got?"

Where the fuck are you people hearing "How about you guys?" I don't even hear that at all. Mori was talking about how much SC that people were making

>> No.29558764

your moms a ho
anon and get your ears checked

>> No.29558766

>Unless you've played it before you likely won't enjoy watching it
Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.29558767
File: 223 KB, 800x800, 1604801806067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, you share the board with literal schizos.

>> No.29558769
File: 1.05 MB, 1608x2406, 1605839573640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"'K i'm sucking this shota off. How about you guys?"

>> No.29558771
File: 853 KB, 1302x1524, 1588559226961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame sounds the same though, but to be honest maybe a little cuter.. what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.29558773

You would know.

>> No.29558774

Well Kiara did say you really like meat

>> No.29558775

aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh i'm goslinging!!!

>> No.29558776

Yes she was being passive aggressive towards her genmates

>> No.29558778
Quoted by: >>29558885

Kill yourself, thanks

>> No.29558779
Quoted by: >>29559219

it blows my mind that people think her voice at the end there sounds different from her usual streaming voice in any meaningful way. it's immediately and undeniably obvious it's the same person, just speaking in a slightly different tone.

>> No.29558780

The narrative anons being ESLs all makes sense now.

>> No.29558782

it felt like she was muted the first few minutes then a bit loud than normal

>> No.29558783

Fair point. Gunna be rough for her.

>> No.29558784

Now this is shitposting.
Imagine having to struggle to to come up with all of those retarded reasons and typing them, you deserve a (You) for the chuckle you gave me.

>> No.29558785

I hope Ina keeps that picture forever, I love the whole edgy appeal of HoloEN's designs

>> No.29558789 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 812x1025, 1595482436909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558923

Just needs Ame's mama approvation and it's done

>> No.29558791
File: 257 KB, 800x800, 1603991797190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Gura's stream of the collab not show up even in her channel?
Was it privated or something? Was there a yab?
It can't be shadowbanned again, right? Why the fuck would Youtube keep shadowbanning a verified channel with a million and half subs?

>> No.29558792
File: 19 KB, 1062x421, 2020-11-22_0-01-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last 7 days

>> No.29558795

Ahhh fuck its hurts I can't anymore. She can't catch a break

>> No.29558797
File: 154 KB, 650x700, 1601537215646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558906

Anon that is objectively untrue.
t. KFP since day 1

>> No.29558798

not yab since nothing of importance was spoken during hot mic. But 110% hot

>> No.29558800
Quoted by: >>29558953

She's closing the server because she's seething that she didn't get as much money as Mori and Kiara.

>> No.29558801

It's much closer than Kiara's

>> No.29558805
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1605814221736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558804

well fuck you, Mori

>> No.29558807

>"watson please fuck my daughter"
>no way bro

>> No.29558808

Ina sounds like a man

>> No.29558809
File: 114 KB, 1175x1291, 1605116363556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558810
Quoted by: >>29558907

idk, i really liked the collab. i do have like a hundred hours in the game though, and i can understand you guys not liking it and why i can't get my friends to play with me

>> No.29558812
File: 172 KB, 2000x1247, 1602654652061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.29558813

I understand why it did, but I still find it strange that the 'Ray of Hope mix' started playing in my head.

>> No.29558811

>spent adolescent years amassing a following by literally playing with toys
>spent early adult life amassing a following by shitposting on youtube
>spending her remaining time here on earth amassing a following by roleplaying as a shark girl from atlantis
she fucking deserves it.

>> No.29558814

include me in the screenshot

>> No.29558816
File: 1.46 MB, 2600x1800, gura avocado3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f avocado
>0 results

>> No.29558818

It really is. I didn't even believe it was Ame at first because the roommate sounded like nothing like Ame/s*chi

>> No.29558819


>> No.29558823

They should have played Terraria instead

>> No.29558825


>> No.29558829
Quoted by: >>29558969

>mori is a tentacultist falsflagger

>> No.29558830
Quoted by: >>29558945


>> No.29558832
File: 13 KB, 354x60, 1604490110902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558833
Quoted by: >>29558895

I'm not seeing members schedule on the community tab even though it should have been there 3 weeks ago?

>> No.29558834

They should've probably streamed the singleplayer or played off stream to get familiar with the metagame. Other than that I really enjoyed Kiara's stream.

>> No.29558836

Nice post.

>> No.29558835
File: 574 KB, 812x1025, 1588312346753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just needs Ame's mama approval and it's done

>> No.29558838

wish they had more art together

>> No.29558839
Quoted by: >>29558885

gays please leave

>> No.29558840

yes she was really shadowbanned again

>> No.29558841

Underboob demon is streaming if you wanna watch something while you wait for looper. She's singing.

>> No.29558842

This is true.

>> No.29558844
File: 1.14 MB, 720x720, just like minecraft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558867

Is it just like minecraft????

>> No.29558846

It was shadowbanned anon.

>> No.29558845

Maybe we'll get something in the near future.
She seems the most anxious to avoid anything happening with her identity since she already has a streak of anonymity.
Kind of makes me want to hear it since it's the only real one we haven't heard.

>> No.29558848

We didn't even get Palta this thread. Damn.

>> No.29558850

Again, Risu's DLC voice has existed without issue, for all we know this could be a good thing for Kiara.

>> No.29558852
File: 498 KB, 719x627, 1579238159370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your mental illness /hlgg/?

>> No.29558853


>> No.29558854
File: 373 KB, 429x637, 1605604874326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori speaking in a relaxed tone instead of the weird stilted speech
>keeps going on about picking flowers and making flower wreaths
>asks Kiara if they can sleep together in the same sleeping bag
>is actually useful to the group by providing semi-consistent income of meat, figured out how to use the traps to hunt rabbits without much trouble
What happened?

>> No.29558856

More goslings are gonna pop up (mostly from the JOPs) if Ame uses her real voice.

>> No.29558855

It just showed up for me, but it wasn't during actually streaming and bit afterwards, I had to go to Holotools.

>> No.29558857
File: 470 KB, 600x941, 1604428042488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, this is what full power Kiara sounds like.
>inb4 hurr durr, studio edited, doesn't count

Support true unity today.

>> No.29558858

Welp Mori antis have reached a new level of retardation I didn't think was possible. Bravo. Here's your (you). Now neck yourself you stupid fuck.

>> No.29558859

I think the problem is that all the comparisons are from older videos with a worse mic so we might never be able to tell. even in that one kfp member stream where she just woke up she still sounded more or less the same.

>> No.29558861
Quoted by: >>29558886

do people bother recording unarchived streams?

>> No.29558862
File: 1.70 MB, 1776x1344, 1605650355943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my energy to grow strong avocado!

>> No.29558863
File: 14 KB, 247x233, 1604215708805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558865
File: 445 KB, 1200x1697, 1604300416499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to watch polka's stream, but i just started up this game myself and don't wanna spoil anything

>> No.29558866

I want to yell at her about how childish and pathetic idol work and cosplay are

>> No.29558867

A lot more like Minecraft than Don't Starve is

>> No.29558871


>> No.29558869

always use earplugs around loud sounds. consider spending a little bit more on headphones or speakers next time.

>> No.29558870
File: 2.48 MB, 1252x2952, 1605261530441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't but she sure does hate her fans

>> No.29558874

Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate Avocado Palta Aguacate

>> No.29558875
Quoted by: >>29558982

Anon, context changes how you speak. I don't even even sound the same when I speak to my friends vs when I speak to my family. I can't imagine how I would sound if I had to stream for 20k people.
"Putting on a voice" implies a much bigger change than just sounding a little bit excited all the time. It's basically the same voice.

>> No.29558876
Quoted by: >>29558962

Mori antis can't properly understand english.


>> No.29558877

Loving Gura

>> No.29558880
File: 202 KB, 850x1202, 5c8374eea8edd1f767abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558901

I wish I was an anime girl making thousands of bucks for a few hours of video gaming a day

>> No.29558879

I dont know about you anons but it sounded like she said "K, I'm going to farm (You)s on /hlgg/ now, what about you guys?"

>> No.29558881
File: 87 KB, 412x159, 1585874091781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559247

It's there, check better.

>> No.29558882
File: 186 KB, 697x292, Screenshot 2020-11-22 000315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559247

I see it on her channel.

>> No.29558884

severe ADHD
yeah thats really it to be honest

>> No.29558885

Clip watching children like you are what encourages her behavior. God I hate you faggots so fucking much.

>> No.29558886
Quoted by: >>29558928

How new?

>> No.29558887


>> No.29558888

Polka stream is most comfy stream tonight. No drama, just chill and lewd moaning.

>> No.29558890

But rails there sucks

>> No.29558892
File: 152 KB, 1047x943, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job

>> No.29558895
Quoted by: >>29559096

Ah yes, because she hasn't scheduled the members only stream this clearly means she isn't working.

>> No.29558896
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1440, 85810978_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29558898


>> No.29558899

This is wrong though, Gura has more than 10k weekly, it should be around 20k instead.

>> No.29558900
File: 225 KB, 495x495, 1605234972626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I, can I say something?
>Can I say something(cut off by thank yous)
>Can I say something(cut off by goodbye)
>Oh well ahh
>Welp... (taps mic to restore sound) did you guys not hear me in the end...

>> No.29558903
File: 32 KB, 250x240, 1605941238135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread derailed by an ESL with hearing problems
well, not the worst thing to happen after a group collab

>> No.29558901

follow your dreams!

>> No.29558902

She got shadowbanned again
Nobody knows why. Theory is because it's a back-to-back stream

>> No.29558905
File: 692 KB, 531x1258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558907

I don't think anyone hated it, but for the rare collab with all of them, it was rather boring to just have Ame trying to tard wrangle while they all ran around doing their own thing. There wasn't much interaction between the girls.

>> No.29558906

Likewise KFP from day one she used the voice in the rice loli stream before

>> No.29558911
File: 184 KB, 546x429, 2cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes from REALLY LOUD to impossible to hear
Truly the sufferkino I subscribed to.

How the fuck is this possible?

>> No.29558912
Quoted by: >>29559018

Thanks for the heads-up bro

>> No.29558913
Quoted by: >>29558997

It being 40x40 would make it hard to miss

>> No.29558914

Depression, ADD, and probably schizoid disorder (not schizophrenia)

>> No.29558916
File: 139 KB, 1204x1200, 1604536864337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day will come when full power is unleashed, I'm only waiting

>> No.29558917

This is one of the funnier images to circulate these threads. Ame, your future stepmom wants it, onegai...

>> No.29558918
Quoted by: >>29559147

>Because it's more pleasant to listen to her real voice then her chicken voice, much less when she tries to sing in it.
Really? It just sounds like some rando girl to me, in a way it was kind of dull. Granted most voice aren't all that interesting anyway.

>> No.29558920

Anyone saying Kiara only did the collab to "shill her song" is totally delusional. They have done many group collabs together on Sundays, and talked about upcoming projects.
Obviously just reaching for things to complain about.

>> No.29558919
File: 143 KB, 397x450, 1604003539787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Amelia is such a bitch. She tried her best to help my oshi play the game so she could enjoy it instead of just letting her suffer and ruining the collab.

>> No.29558921

anxiety disorder

>> No.29558922

Huke papa... costume onegai... let Takanashi out...

>> No.29558923
File: 117 KB, 584x932, 3645436546546456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think she's too against it.

>> No.29558929

Y'know, they should go to Minecraft and build Calli a house

>> No.29558928

since late september

>> No.29558930
Quoted by: >>29559033

Does Gura's mama ever draw tits or does she exclusively draw little girls?

>> No.29558931

Nothing that compels me to shitpost, I'll say that much.

A simpler game that Mori can ease herself into, also not playing it alone and has the assurance of guidance.

>> No.29558932
File: 486 KB, 420x610, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558933


>> No.29558935
File: 132 KB, 284x286, 1604310982424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Ame for helping my retarded daughter out!

>> No.29558937

they each posted about it on twitter or the youtube chat at the end so all is good.

>> No.29558938


I think /hlgg/ can't exist without conflict.

This was their best collab yet purely because of they talked, just completely natural and all the thread was doing was whining.

>> No.29558939
File: 278 KB, 498x497, kiara[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcik2p3.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558981


>> No.29558940

>it's needs her
Pretty much all of them(Kiara is almost there) has over 500k subs in less than 3 months, i'm pretty sure none of them need each other
>buh they're leeching off a gura
sure, just like how the mel, who's been around for 2 years sure is banking off of korone's success with her whooping 300k subs

>> No.29558941

If Gen 2 comes, i hope they like the same games Gen 1 members like. Really hard to Collab if some members don't really like the genre of a game.

>> No.29558942
Quoted by: >>29559024

Are you gay or afraid of cunny?

>> No.29558943
File: 32 KB, 222x137, 1605759261535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559071

>recently become my oshi.
What changed? Just wondering, I'm always curious to hear these things.

>> No.29558944


>> No.29558945

Oh fuck, now I remember this.

>> No.29558947

It's hilarious so I forgive him.

>> No.29558948
File: 55 KB, 1289x701, 2020-11-22_0-04-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point out where it's wrong then

>> No.29558950
Quoted by: >>29559048

oh c'mon are the schizos really mad at her for playing games off-stream?

>> No.29558952

Seasonal depression

>> No.29558953

because she had SC disabled for half the stream

>> No.29558954
File: 305 KB, 492x421, 1588044362779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao your ears are broken

>> No.29558955
Quoted by: >>29559014

>studio edited, doesn't count
I mean this is true though. I do support unity and like Kiara but if she could sing better live than she does in her karaoke streams, she would. She has no reason to sandbag herself. This is the difference a produced song has vs live singing.

Now you are realizing how fucking mindblowing Gura is.

>> No.29558956
Quoted by: >>29558992

i think he's literally going once a day and writing down the point-in-time 24-hour growth number from holostats. his chart is so bad that i almost want to believe it's a troll.

>> No.29558958

>Mori had some sleep
>Mori had some sleep
>Mori has to drop the tsun act because time is limited
>Mori had some sleep

>> No.29558959
File: 199 KB, 427x381, 1603502183503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia just knows good opsec
I wish
t. teamate

>> No.29558960

https://www.twitch dot tv/chikb
man that guy's still working on it

>> No.29558961
File: 396 KB, 759x1600, AAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558962

>Mori antis hate her because they don't even know what she's saying half the time
that makes sense in hindsight

>> No.29558963
Quoted by: >>29559227

I have to agree even if you are shitposting. Some Holo designs have corporate's interference.


>> No.29558965

yeah i didn't really hear a difference, then again maybe my ears are as bad as that schizo

>> No.29558964

Taking the smallest step out of my comfort zone fills me with dread, so I guess anxiety?

>> No.29558966

Social autism

>> No.29558967

Just have Gen 5 again and throw in Coco or Hachama.

>> No.29558968

collab when?

>> No.29558969

Mori is a pun connoisseur

>> No.29558971

Did Kiara write her own character's lore? Part time warrior-idol phoenix who is also a fast food restaurant manager? It seems like her to do something like that.

>> No.29558974
File: 429 KB, 636x777, amelia_railson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but does it have rails?

>> No.29558975
File: 89 KB, 273x253, amesurprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29558977
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1602211381568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559187

welcome, teamate

>> No.29558976
Quoted by: >>29559175

wasn't that game supposed to be about rice farming? why is the clown punching dinosaurs?

>> No.29558979

I was honestly surprised when she didn't completely shut kiara down when she called mori her wife but instead just thanked her for the food.

>> No.29558978

No, this >>29558338 is what full powered Kiara sounds like

>> No.29558981
File: 126 KB, 1280x804, grooving ame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit anon don't leak the single!

>> No.29558982
Quoted by: >>29559182


HER and pre-her do sound different, but I'm chalking that up to aging. But Gura and her are a 100% match.

>> No.29558983
File: 122 KB, 377x323, 1603507515174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559084


>> No.29558986

>Be an ASMRfag
>Own a pair of 400$ headphones with an amp hooked up to your rig.
She said... how 'bout you guys... Fucking deaf ass poverty stricken anons get good audio!

>> No.29558988
File: 1.11 MB, 1940x996, 1574687335510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559130

I don't know but here are my symptons!
>a lack of interest in social relationships
>a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered lifestyle
>emotional coldness
>detachment and apathy
>unable to form intimate attachments to others and simultaneously possess a rich and elaborate but exclusively internal fantasy world.

>> No.29558987

lol is this some Christ posting?

>> No.29558989

Is she a good singer? I liked her original raps, but her covers didn't catch me.

>> No.29558990
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x2400, 84626350_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, it's the guy that made this.

>> No.29558991
File: 491 KB, 854x480, 1450495932207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression and Mahjong PTSD

>> No.29558992

Your chart reps...

>> No.29558993

stay mad, faggot

>> No.29558995

She actually likes the game

>> No.29558996
File: 6 KB, 128x128, AmeE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier Model

>> No.29558997

Exactly. She's not exactly that far away anyways so she's not "in the middle of nowhere"
Gura's Coral Reef is in the middle of nowhere. There's no other way to get there other from the Nether Highway

>> No.29558999

im normal!

>> No.29559001
File: 707 KB, 1340x1290, 1605703876904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be glad you're not cause hoo boy her farming is designed to destroy your OCD if you give a fuck
Enjoy the game anon. It's been a blast for me so far.

>> No.29559004

Is this guy actually fucked in the head? There's no way this fag isn't looney tunes

>> No.29559005

Everyone chose to mentally tap out after that snorefest, can you really blame them?

>> No.29559006

She's being more comfortable with making the jokes she wants to. Seethe.

>> No.29559007

Ame was the reason this collab needed saving. It's like if Superman threw you from a plane with no parachute, but every couple of seconds he stops you from falling before he lets you go again. Games with steep learning curves are not good for collabs when everybody but one person is completely clueless.

>> No.29559008

She sounds so insecure.

>> No.29559009

thats kinda pathetic but they're antis after all

>> No.29559010

Just schizos coming out trying to find something to complain about.

>> No.29559013 [SPOILER] 
File: 361 KB, 776x776, 1606021624531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting superior lewd version

>> No.29559012

They just need to play Jackbox. Simple and easy, many laughs to be had.

>> No.29559014

>She has no reason to sandbag herself.
She does. We already know her single is going to be in her character voice.

>> No.29559015
File: 1.01 MB, 1257x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korean man is trinitychad

>> No.29559017
File: 130 KB, 1026x532, numberfagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your growers for the day!

>> No.29559018
Quoted by: >>29559044

Who is underboob demon?

>> No.29559019
Quoted by: >>29559095

you'd need to compare now with her older live singing for it to be fair

>> No.29559020
File: 236 KB, 445x400, 1605919896097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression and Anxiety I guess? these words get thrown around so often that they pretty much lost all meaning by now.
I really hope our girls are taking care of their mental

>> No.29559021

Is Kiara's minecraft stream a members only?

>> No.29559023

is she still nopan or did he give her panties
call me a fag but Ill take panties over nopan any day of the week

>> No.29559024
Quoted by: >>29559196

If I wanted to see lewd jokes I'd watch reddit dragon.

>> No.29559026

angelcube is being erased

>> No.29559025

Don't lie, anon. She had fun with her friends, but she was pretty clearly just wandering around dazed and confused for the entirety.

>> No.29559027
Quoted by: >>29559079

No Kiara Minecraft?

>> No.29559028
Quoted by: >>29559075

It's not just that.
Imagine having everything you built life towards ruined by some asshole that publicly hates you and has been trying to ruin your life for years. Poor girl got her dreams destroyed in an instant.

>> No.29559029

Earlier this year, there was a stretch where she took a long hiatus and literally only came back to periodically do celebration streams to rake in cash. It was like the Mori jew meme on steroids.

>> No.29559030


>> No.29559031

>Obviously just reaching for things to complain about.
you don't say?

>> No.29559033
File: 533 KB, 678x714, Screenshot_2020-11-21 Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559662

I haven't seen any. Mama is a lolicon

>> No.29559035
Quoted by: >>29559294

HER will be back anon and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.29559036
File: 157 KB, 1754x1240, 1605853471104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559091

Gura's Mama is streaming Passpartout

>> No.29559037

All these unintentional moments are really making me fall hard for Tenchou.

>> No.29559039

she's about to cry

>> No.29559040
File: 426 KB, 940x500, 1605983502229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia just knows good opsec

>> No.29559041
File: 596 KB, 911x519, unknown (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559042

I love my oshi too much

>> No.29559043
Quoted by: >>29559116

It has nothing to do with "character voice" anon. Produced songs sound 100x better than live singing ALWAYS.

>> No.29559044

Your mom

>> No.29559046

>no bush

>> No.29559047
File: 201 KB, 680x673, 1604522888600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559246

HUGE COCK syndrome

>> No.29559048

Is she, design carried? Why not just simply stream League of Legends?

>> No.29559049
Quoted by: >>29559603

Well, Youtube tracks from 10ks so Gura might have grown 19k one day but it will only show up as 10k.
Only when she does 20k plus does it show as 20k

>> No.29559050

Hey anon, maybe she just wants people to believe the narrative that shes bad at games but you'll never know :}

>> No.29559053

Nude version?

>> No.29559054

Doxclucks please fuck off

>> No.29559055
Quoted by: >>29559311

>Intrusive thoughts
That reminds me that I should get a refill soon.

>> No.29559056

Chicken is shilling it so much that id expect similar numbers to Cali's Halloween song. I mean Mori announces her songs too but not with the intensity Kiara is doing it right now.

>> No.29559057

Even if Ame points on a voice, her "v-tuber" voice sounds like a generic american anyways, Kiara and Gura are the only two that has an animated voice in their streams

>> No.29559058


>> No.29559060
File: 921 KB, 1282x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trinity....

>> No.29559061

i think not, she postponed it

>> No.29559062

Severe OCD

>> No.29559064


>> No.29559071

I don't even really think I have to explain other than say that Mori was my prior oshi.
I also don't hate Mori either, but things are not the same, and it doesn't help that her stream times are way too difficult to catch for me. Watson has always been my second pick prior, and honestly I feel out of all the ENs, she's the one I respect the most. Still wouldn't gosling though, that's a bit much.

>> No.29559072

your daughter-wife is a pervy exhibitionist and she likes it, take your meds pops

>> No.29559073

GloboHolo happened.

>> No.29559070

I like how long Ame's skirt is in here

>> No.29559074

This is correct

>> No.29559075

i understand why kiara is insecure about criticism and antis,
especially since all it took was ONE anti to ruin her life.

>> No.29559076
File: 295 KB, 619x499, SkyrimSE_TrainwizHeader_619x499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dread the day Ame discovers Mori's Thomas autism.

>> No.29559079

No, she just moved it back.

>> No.29559081

Adhd dyslexia narcolepsy hereditary depression probably something with anger issues

>> No.29559080

>11k for mori
Wait what? I thought it was fake at first. How come?

>> No.29559082

someone explain how Mori went from 5k growth yesterday to 11k?
numberfags help

>> No.29559084

uhh, based department please

>> No.29559085

I can't stop thinking about my oshi

>> No.29559086

The actual kind

>> No.29559087

A severe and uncontrollable desire for the cunny, I will not rest until ive pounded the world's supply of sweet sweet cunny.

>> No.29559089
File: 271 KB, 2048x2026, 01523452565435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based

>> No.29559088

I wish ChiKB uploaded his models to ArtStation or something. So that you at least can rotate them around and undress them.

>> No.29559091
File: 401 KB, 652x652, 1604459728043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura's mama
>gura's sister
Why is her entire family so cute

>> No.29559092
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, EmzkRjbVgAEeesA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori antis in a nutshell.

>> No.29559093

I am sad now

>> No.29559096
Quoted by: >>29559142

I think we are having a misunderstanding here. I'm saying she should really start working smarter instead of harder because the way she does things clearly isn't working out for everyone involved. She will overwork herself again and this week is going to be scuffed as fuck despite that anyway. What's the point of taking on a dozen projects if you are going to half ass them and feel like shit about it?

>> No.29559094

She's proving her narratives true: she's being bad on purpose

>> No.29559095

An anon posted kiara singing in karaoke live (voice only) but gay meidos cleaned it up. You can search the archives I gues

>> No.29559098
File: 24 KB, 948x932, geography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she seriously going to keep building in that spot in the middle of nowhere?

A better spot might be here.

>> No.29559099

Chicken had a tough week
>barely any increase in subs after talkshow
>still lowest viewership in the collab
>fucks up shilling her song
>hot mics herself bitching about it
>ame going to overlap her minecraft after an hour

>> No.29559100

>11k Mori
no way lmao

>> No.29559101

>Amelia just knows good opsec

>> No.29559102
Quoted by: >>29559447

So what does the guy do with those models, considering he gave them realistic pussies with bandaids on and such?

>> No.29559103

although i strongly disagree, i don't even know how gura ended up with the design she did. i looked through amashiro natsuki's old stuff and the only design that even came close was this drawing of cirno in a frog raincoat.

>> No.29559104

Just leave it on and listen while you play. That's what I do.

>> No.29559105

Would be nice if Cover was to license the rights to companies that make these type for statues so that people can buy them...

>> No.29559106

this is going to make me cry

>> No.29559108

Idk man but it's fucking gay. the spa date was the turning point

>> No.29559109

>how many CADs did you bagged in
what the fuck Mori

>> No.29559110
Quoted by: >>29559134

>tries to cater to JP
>tries to collab with fellow genmates
>*still flops*

>> No.29559112
File: 138 KB, 587x924, SCREENSHOT(92).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559111

>Kiara would rather sandbag her own song than use her real voice
Well that's depressing.

>> No.29559113

Bipolar and spergs

>> No.29559115

This man has devoted his life to the Trinity

>> No.29559116

I'm not denying that, but it's still a fact that she's not using her regular voice even when doing studio songs.

>> No.29559117
Quoted by: >>29559159

>Kiara didn't mute discord
>Mori is talking about the holocaust not being real

>> No.29559118
File: 50 KB, 486x485, 6356435b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559198

social anxiety disorder

>> No.29559119

Iā€™m a narcissist according to that one doctor i talked to

>> No.29559121

she's becoming a meme on mainstream reddit and twtich
sorry to tell you this

>> No.29559122

her mic is super low

>> No.29559123


>> No.29559124
File: 477 KB, 1494x1494, 1600755492140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora 1m soon?

>> No.29559126


>> No.29559127

Calli hates these games and she's there every time

>> No.29559128

there's a persistent form of anti-posting that proposes outlandish claims about how "fake" the girls' voices are, ranging from comical tales about super-exaggerated character voices to outright claims of electronic processing. this type of anti wants to undermine fans' enjoyment of the girls' performances by casting doubt on their honesty and integrity.

you really shouldn't take these narratives seriously. unless you have hearing problems or certain kinds of neurological disorders, all the normal life experience that you rely on to identify people's voices and read their mood and expression from it still apply to vtubers.

>> No.29559129
Quoted by: >>29559209

why do chinks hate Mori and Kiara?

>> No.29559130

Wait a minute, that list...

>> No.29559131

Where did you find this? Is there a Kiara one?

>> No.29559133

god knows
There was no notification for it and it didn't show up in search. You could only see it if you went on her channel

>> No.29559132
File: 153 KB, 477x268, 1602204080596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extreme depression and severe learned helplessness with infrequent intrusive thoughts to boot
amelia does cool it down when she streams though, i just spend all day waiting for her to stream

>> No.29559134
File: 817 KB, 2896x4096, 1605996549432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559293

Just put her out of her misery....

>> No.29559135

Paranoia and AVPD.

>> No.29559138

La hermana prohibida...

>> No.29559140


>> No.29559141

It does and it actually has a wide variety of different minecarts with unique abilities.

>> No.29559142

>What's the point of taking on a dozen projects if you are going to half ass them and feel like shit about it
That's my point. She is addicted to working even if she does a shit job. That woman just can't stand the fact that she has free time when she could be working.

>> No.29559144

Fuck off numberfag

>> No.29559145 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 3144x3172, 1606021840400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I screen capped from the Korean guys streams while he was working on it. I can see if there's any more earlier stuff later.

>> No.29559147

I'll take rando girl over the gratingly high pitched one she normally puts on, but I'm also biased since I really like Mori's lower voice.

>> No.29559148
File: 474 KB, 973x1200, 85387080_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck i didn't ask for this...

>> No.29559151

Probably undiagnosed ADD

>> No.29559153

>11k subs
>9k viewers on her dont starve stream, 10k less than guras lowest and gura was shadowbanned

>> No.29559149

Gura's sister's L4D2 stream was fun. If only they interacted

>> No.29559154
File: 132 KB, 995x956, 1606013842731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Autism, idk, I've never been to a hospital

>> No.29559156

There was no way they could have heard her, she was so quiet

>> No.29559157
Quoted by: >>29559215

Coco did her song on karaoke

>> No.29559158

So proud of her, teammates on suicide watch

>> No.29559159

>k guys im beheading, how about the jews

>im closing the sewers

>> No.29559160

>proto-gura was cirno
>"the strongest" = "apex predator"
>"shark brain" = "baka"
>9 ball = 9,000 years old
holy shit anons...

>> No.29559161
File: 220 KB, 800x700, 1604644421506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559217

i want gura and ame to play this game again by themselves so gura can follow ame around like a puppy and they can just chat, build a boat, and go sailing and make it to the moon island together

>> No.29559162

>are what encourages her behavior

>> No.29559163


>> No.29559164

Why do Chumbuds hate Mori so much?

>> No.29559167
File: 57 KB, 291x218, 1568486647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559169
File: 455 KB, 2640x2946, 1602382175868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inattentive spectrum ADHD and Asperger's. Also dyslexia but who cares about that shit.

>> No.29559170

How though? She didn't do anything special.

>> No.29559174
File: 431 KB, 594x608, 1603851851364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you like the collab?

>> No.29559175

it has a bit of everything

>> No.29559176

Sounds exactly the same to me too. I don't know why people are going 'real voice' especially when we've heard basically the exact same from the stepped on head and toecrack clips

>> No.29559179


>> No.29559180

Both Korone and Gura had more than 10k though, it just doesn't show exactly what was the correct growth because Youtube's retarded ways of tracking.
I don't get why Calli had 11k when yesterday was doing 4-5k, did she release a new song or something, she hasn't done anything significant, right?

>> No.29559182

Anon I don't know how to tell you this but your voice doesn't naturally get higher as you age. HER and Gura obviously alter their voice slightly to sound cute. Every girl does this when they want to appear cute. HER just took it to the extreme while Gura is more relaxed cute.

>> No.29559183
File: 26 KB, 540x620, 1605928652108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559184

>Is she, design carried?
that and her laugh
>Why not just simply stream League of Legends?
she probably plays it with her group of friends

>> No.29559185

>gura still has more subs/day, its probably at like 15k or something

>> No.29559186


>> No.29559187

Thanks Larsposter.

>> No.29559189

A floating castles sends a louder message than a castle on a hill

>> No.29559190

Yeah I've listened to it 10 times it's
>how about you guys
She's not talking about the money you deaf motherfucker

>> No.29559194
File: 927 KB, 2480x3496, EnX_6E1XMAAzywb@NoobRaiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29559192

Nice, she's inclining real hard lately

>> No.29559195
File: 26 KB, 485x334, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this collab happen just to shill chicken's song?

>> No.29559197

monster comes in piss flavor now?

>> No.29559196

What kind of retarded manchild are you that lewd jokes bother you? Were you raped or something? Faggot.

>> No.29559198

Based eye contact avoider

>> No.29559200

There's a series on youtube where a guy beat most of the game by only moving on rails

>> No.29559201
File: 244 KB, 1772x1181, 1598293099478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559317

Man by next year all of them will be over 1M, the pressure on gen 2 will be ridiculous

>> No.29559202
File: 1.00 MB, 1165x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may also be a schizoid because a shit ton of the symptoms apply to me

>> No.29559203
File: 42 KB, 640x516, qoieqnefq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

escapism, disassociation, fear of intimacy, possibly a little bit of sociopathy. Not the worst debuffs but they sure make bonding with people hard.

>> No.29559204
File: 584 KB, 900x889, EnSf-zaUwAAorFF-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an only child

>> No.29559205

How do you pull up the channel comparison for stream earnings by month on youtube? I've seen a billion pics of it but can't seem to find it myself in youtube's awful design mess. Or is it through a 3rd party application?

>> No.29559207

Pepsicola's really gonna hit a million before the end of the year too.

>> No.29559209
Quoted by: >>29559249

They boring and annoying?

>> No.29559210

I feel like she liked it because the 2d art and shit, seems like her type of game

>> No.29559211 [SPOILER] 
File: 364 KB, 398x400, 1606021968533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken yab...

>> No.29559212

stop doomposting,
she's been doing better than she's been in a while.
this is definitely an improvement from her beginning weeks.

>> No.29559213
File: 48 KB, 363x474, subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly caused the larger growth in subs? It's all of Hololive, not just EN.

>> No.29559214

the podcast was over a week ago. The fuck?

>> No.29559215

Was thinking about that actually but I didn't expect it to give such a boost. That's nice of Cocock. I hope they collab together sometime.

>> No.29559216

Most of these are correct, except for
>ame going to overlap her minecraft after an hour
because she's postponing it.
Ironically enough, taking into consideration rescheduled streams and geurilla streams, I'm pretty sure she'll end up having more streams in GMT slots compared to PST slots this week, both in number and total runtime.

>> No.29559217

it'll be fun in a year when ame and gura go adventuring to beat the ender dragon

>> No.29559218

Fuck off numberfag stop trying to start shit with my little goorah, she's a greedy jew and nothing will change my mind. Go back dogfucker

>> No.29559219

Some anons just have an obsession with the holos real voice for some reason. Even though 9 times out of 10 their voices aren't all that different.

>> No.29559223

Yes, it was cute.

>> No.29559225
File: 253 KB, 1500x2158, 1600637713653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so weird too since the bulk of Amashiro's art is cat girls. Gura's pretty much the only outlier and it's so outlandish that it stands out compared to the rest of their catalogue

>> No.29559226

The full house collabs are always good. I hope one day they can all get together irl and have a 6-hour campfire/barbecue zatsudan collab.

>> No.29559227

Don't forget titty window Nene as well

>> No.29559228

Oh look it's that one fucking weirdo freak who spergs out every time Gura curses now and claims that's not her real personality even though he's a complete fucking newfag with so many dicks in his mouth he doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.29559232
File: 142 KB, 242x288, 1605815399785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559275

The therapists and shrinks said I have ADD, dyslexia, aspergers, a speech impediment, and antisocial personality disorder, but also extroverted tendencies.
Little did they know that I was acting the whole time so that they would throw me out of the office faster.

>> No.29559231
Quoted by: >>29559347

Yea, she did say it was on brand for her tastes at the start.

>> No.29559233

x potato

>> No.29559234

No, if it was they would've remembered to shill it at the end.

>> No.29559235

Sports fest collab?

>> No.29559237

Some will believe that and others will deny it.
The truth shall never be actually known.

>> No.29559236

She'd probably still be the way she is even if she wasn't the least popular.
The root of the issue is that she takes being a Holo very seriously while simultaneously only really ever having a tenuous grasp of how to execute the things which she wants to do as a Holo.
So when something goes wrong, she takes it quite personally. Bit of a double edge considering that although it makes her receptive to feedback, it also leaves her ego in a pretty damn fragile state as she becomes more and more dependent on being validated via said feedback.

I have 4th stage armchair psychologist syndrome.

>> No.29559238
Quoted by: >>29559268

I'll spoonfeed you this time anon

>> No.29559239
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1550, 1604738932594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Gura is just a wonderful friend.

>> No.29559242

How sexually frustrated is this brat on a scale of 1 to 10?

>> No.29559241
File: 19 KB, 294x294, 1603695187814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559269

>in 2021 all of EN will have 1m subscribers
good lord

>> No.29559243
Quoted by: >>29559297


>> No.29559245
File: 144 KB, 1192x1240, 1603859203289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where Ame's (unfinished) statue is

>> No.29559246

What are the symptoms?

>> No.29559247

It just showed up, wasn't there a few minutes ago

>> No.29559249

Anyone annoying to the chinks is okay in my book

>> No.29559252
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 1594363585981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame cuter than usual
>Ina cuter than usual
>Gura cuter than usual
>Mori cuter than usual
>Kiara hotter than usual

>> No.29559251


>> No.29559254

Just read THAT about Gura and I got to say Gura being the most natural personality of HER makes perfect sense. She has that autistic sweetheart part of HER past sprinkled with the occasional HER jokes but made more mature. I love Gura even more than ever now

>> No.29559255
Quoted by: >>29559319

Roboco's celebrating 400k subs with song! Come check it out if you have the time.

>> No.29559257
File: 36 KB, 227x222, 1601934875958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there, I thought that when Friend and Doggo reached 1M, the gap with Gura would narrow. Nut no Gura is just too powerful

>> No.29559258

i've been a fan of amashiro for years and i am at a loss to offer any kind of narrative for why gura ended up with her. i think it worked out pretty well, though.

>> No.29559259

People will deny it but it was the TT podcast. People who have never heard of Hololive are now being exposed to it.

>> No.29559260

Floating castle is a powermove

>> No.29559262

if it was Kiara would've been harping about it all stream. This was just a last minute unity promotion because Kiara's mic failed and she cried about it to them at the end of the stream.

>> No.29559263

>hotmic moment leads to anyone who watched her stream now knowing she guilt tripped everyone into shilling her album even though it was her own fault for fucking up her volume

>> No.29559264

Im glad I have this shit filtered.

>> No.29559265

No this collab happened so Kiria would have an excuse to continue staying in your head RENT FREE

>> No.29559266
Quoted by: >>29559633

Anyone have a timestamp on either Ame or Gura's collab streams for when Ame asked for Gura's morning wood? :)

>> No.29559268

That's not actually what I was looking for, was looking for the $ values not subscribers. Looked like it was coming from youtube directly, even.

>> No.29559269

despite kiaras shit numbers compared to the rest of EN, she's still on a good path.
god bless.

>> No.29559271

The D-word and crippling anxiety. And suicidal tendencies.

>> No.29559270

more like how did EN get boosted without joining the sports festival?

>> No.29559272
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, Sharkawa 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559274
File: 79 KB, 576x576, 1604931000940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDbros...we're fucking LOSING to a GOD DAMN CHCIKEN...

>> No.29559275
Quoted by: >>29559298

>Little did they know that I was acting the whole time so that they would throw me out of the office faster.
I diagnose you with a severe case of being an idiot, why even get your brain checked if you are going to lie

>> No.29559282

It was ok, it's just not a super good game.
But there's not too many games for 5 players so

>> No.29559283

Why would the effect be delayed by a week?

>> No.29559284

Coco gave her a shoutout by singing RIP.

>> No.29559285
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1605416950148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splitting cunts like Oppenheimer split the atom

>> No.29559286

When is Kiara's MC stream? How many hours?

>> No.29559287

I don't want to put blame on Kiara but working on two songs simultaneously when she was getting into the grove of relaxing herself probably didn't help. I think had she taken a month off from doing extra work she'd have gotten used to not working as much.

>> No.29559289

Probably because Gura asked to be a shark and not a cat?

>> No.29559290

(Formerly) paranoid psychosis.

>> No.29559293
File: 2.55 MB, 2480x2480, 1602291815097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559294

I thought Gura told you guys to kill yourselves already. What are you doing here?

>> No.29559295

>That woman just can't stand the fact that she has free time when she could be working.
That's my point. She already doesn't have free time. She accepts more work and tries to hamfist it into timeslots that should be dedicated to work she accepted earlier. She is "working", but she isn't getting the job done because of it.

>> No.29559297
File: 2.71 MB, 3840x2160, 1603995105926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559358

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,

>> No.29559298
File: 76 KB, 242x288, OOUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like, 8 or 9, you think it was voluntary?

>> No.29559299


>> No.29559300

Generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and persistent depressive disorder.

But meds genuinely improved my quality of life and I'm pretty content 95% of days now, which is great.

>> No.29559301
File: 321 KB, 1500x750, 1605821023734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559302
Quoted by: >>29559337

The Schedule has Kiara playing MC right now right?

Am i retarded?

>> No.29559305
File: 95 KB, 1514x610, 2020-11-22_0-13-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol. shat itself and didn't record any points between 11-20 and 11-21.
When it updated last night it assumed the +7k happened at 05:00

>> No.29559310

No her statue is in the plains.

Anyway I guess it depends how much she's planning to build. As the world gets more filled with creations, the houses will all have a certain "radius" around them of stuff. Even though her house is on the outskirts right now, it could end up being close to the center of the action.

>> No.29559311

>Intrusive thoughts
Is that when you have strange violent thoughts about things that never have and could never take place that make your heart rate go up and you run out of breath? I have those a lot.

>> No.29559312

he has the easiest bait more power to him

>> No.29559314

Was it worth it? The TT podcast was painful to watch.

>> No.29559316

Obsessive compulsive personality disorder

>> No.29559317

>tfw the more successful they are the harder it will be for you to get into hololive

>> No.29559318

She said "How much you got?" (talking about money earned)

>> No.29559321
File: 3 KB, 159x68, 1586424694691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559319

She's starting off with the friend song, blessed.

>> No.29559325
Quoted by: >>29559370

Doing what? experimenting with game physics?

>> No.29559328

Podcast views / day are still going strong. Normalfags are a huge buff to her.

>> No.29559329

yep. my pipe dream is that they stick with it, git kinda gud, and go cave-exploring (like when they went to the nether for the first time in minecraft)

>> No.29559331
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, 1523913461613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559373

I wonder how many people got into Girl's Last Tour because of Ame. It's also funny that tkmiz threads became the de-facto ronery threads on /a/ nowadays

>> No.29559333
File: 1.20 MB, 1060x1500, 1605668230837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she want make baby with us anon.

>> No.29559335
File: 223 KB, 592x800, negi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559336
File: 136 KB, 1163x1162, 1603772723601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559452

>11k for Mori
Is this the power of the Cocock?

>> No.29559337

check twitter she is moving it

>> No.29559338


>> No.29559339
File: 76 KB, 588x500, karaoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this really boosted up Mori's subs huh.

>> No.29559340
Quoted by: >>29559362

B-but two women can't make children!

>> No.29559341
File: 49 KB, 878x934, 1388819111685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559784

They're not good.

>> No.29559343

I was going to go back through the archives and find the anons who wouldn't stop talking nonstop about how Amelia was going to pass Mori "any day now" for the past five weeks but it seems childish to do that. Everyone in EN has surpassed all expectations and I'll leave it at that.

>> No.29559345
File: 2 KB, 180x85, twitter trend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sports festival was trending worldwide for the entire day yesterday

>> No.29559346


>> No.29559347
Quoted by: >>29559404

at the end when Ame mentioned that there is a single player version with tons of more content, Mori said that she would definitely check it out. Seems the game might have clicked for her

>> No.29559349
File: 102 KB, 572x522, 1604640796038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia used her normal voice in Kiara's FE stream where she had technical difficulties.
I don't think it's that different, but she's obviously acting more cutesy on stream.

>> No.29559351 [SPOILER] 
File: 336 KB, 1982x1326, 1606022221549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's what I could find of Gura. He doesn't seem to have any Ina clips at all.

>> No.29559350

>he fell for that narrative
Hahaha, holy fucking new.

>> No.29559355
File: 111 KB, 900x900, 1577908426421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you hear the storm that is approaching?

>> No.29559356
Quoted by: >>29559454

Will the Sakuna devs sponser Polka's addiction?

>> No.29559358

you nigger...

>> No.29559359
Quoted by: >>29559488

>all holoEN members get a huge spike in subs except gura
saturation has been reached, bros

>> No.29559361

It's possible some clip of Mori went viral. Maybe even a JOP clip.

>> No.29559362

Not with that attitude.

>> No.29559364
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 85808792_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559365

Schizoaffective disorder

>> No.29559367

Intriguing post anon but it does not fit my narrative of Mori ruining Hololive by bringing in TT fans so I will choose to ignore it

>> No.29559370

This, I don't understand how you all retards saw that as "HAHAHAHA PENIS".
She probably was just acting dumb like she does when throwing stuff around randomly.
That said, I don't care if she was making an innuendo. HERfags need to die tho.

>> No.29559371

Fuck it, Kiara's voice should not be dropped until she has to flex it. There's not point on having it everyday, it lost it's value.

>t. KFP since day -90

>> No.29559373
Quoted by: >>29559489

I'm getting into it right now thanks to /a/ storytime going on right now, shit's comfy

>> No.29559378

The vanishing DD always gets me. I fucking love that bitch.

>> No.29559379

I remember thinking if ame had a chance it'd have to be before the podcast and it'd be short lived and I was right except she never got ahead.

>> No.29559380
File: 27 KB, 1039x403, 1583182956155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and suddenly this happens

>> No.29559381

Do you retards only watch Amelia's intro's or something?

She only speaks in a cutesy voice when she starts the stream warming up her voice jesas...

>> No.29559382

Probably rages a lot.

>> No.29559383


>> No.29559384

Ain't he the one that unironically got his kids to watch the "family friendly" shark?

>> No.29559386
Quoted by: >>29559548

She was obviously talking about her little toy videos from her pre-HER days you fucking tard. It was so obvious people were even picking up on that BEFORE the new dox dropped.

>> No.29559387
Quoted by: >>29559522

Shes going to get more JOPs now....this wigger is going to conquer Japan.....

>> No.29559388
File: 305 KB, 688x1067, 1605896557845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559391

Gura does a slight grunt right as Mori says "how bout you guys". It's pretty faint, but there.

>> No.29559392

where's the pregnant belly and gills

>> No.29559394


>> No.29559395
File: 62 KB, 208x246, 1605271756919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeats are the new numberfags

>> No.29559396

wide hips
wish how I could see how the tail is attached

>> No.29559400
Quoted by: >>29559615

It's not Kiara's fault. It's most likely Mori that thought they should do a duet then decided to animate the music video for her.
I am not exaggerating when I say that Mori would do anything to have fun with her best friend

>> No.29559401

How much longer untilcoombucket

>> No.29559402
File: 10 KB, 443x206, 1601686383063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559403
File: 587 KB, 1536x2048, 8EADFF2E-F712-4A77-A7B7-13E84A1F8731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thatā€™s pretty sick

>> No.29559404

I think she was just being polite. It reminded me of when she was trying to be positive about that platformer that sponsored her that I completely forget the name of.

>> No.29559408
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x2198, 83800677_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I agree. It did work out in the end, even though whoever did Gura's rigging botched it something fierce
but it's just so odd. Why get the neko fan to draw a non-neko?

>> No.29559409

Is her tail phasing through his torso?

>> No.29559410
File: 166 KB, 266x266, 1603923717869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surprising lack of sufferkino during the stream
>this happens at the end
Life just always finds a way to fuck with chicken doesn't it.

>> No.29559412

its when you have thoughts that you cannot get out of your head no matter what you try to do, and stay for quite a while.
Some narratives about my oshi get me upset but then they stay in my mind for hours on end no matter what I try to do. Sometimes Ill try to go to bed to escape them, but first thing I do when I wake up is think about it. It can take many forms, sounds like you have it but im no doctor

>> No.29559414


>> No.29559415

>He doesn't seem to have any Ina clips at all.

>> No.29559418

none of their voices are that different from natural which makes sense given how long they stream in them, hell I could drop my voice a little deeper and turn that into my new natural if I wanted so it's not crazy

>> No.29559420

Moririn is inclining

>> No.29559422
Quoted by: >>29559520


>> No.29559423
Quoted by: >>29559613

Anon, it would've happened if Mori didn't go to the podcast. It boosted her daily growth from 5k to 10k for 4 days and then 8k for 3 days and then consistently 6k for awhile

>> No.29559425
Quoted by: >>29559480

Here's a narrative: Gura asked to be a shark. Simple as that.

>> No.29559426

They always were awful numberfags, if not subs then SCs.

>> No.29559424
Quoted by: >>29559481

>deadbeats numberfagging someone that has the 2nd most subs in holoen, but has the lowest ave viewers, the lowest subs to viewer ratio, the lowest viewer engagement, etc.

fucking kek. all her subs are from music normalfags

>> No.29559427

Bros, have you ever jerked off to a clip?
Because I'm about to do it.

>> No.29559428
File: 406 KB, 1912x2048, EhTC4sWU4AETdnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.

>> No.29559429

You didn't even get the first part right, if you're going to attempt to quote something at least quote it exactly. it was 'K, I-I am, exiting out; how 'bout you guys?'

>> No.29559430

>overwork yourself half to death in October
>friend schedules some time for you to relax
>and then proceeds to rope you into so many extra projects that you're once again working yourself half to death
I better not see my boy's health declining in real-time again because of you, chikim.

>> No.29559434

Mori's Biden?

>> No.29559432

There is no +11k jump, that's just hol. being shit

>> No.29559436
File: 118 KB, 1307x736, 1593819931011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot water
>just plain hot water

>> No.29559439
File: 99 KB, 230x238, 1602736639622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559442
Quoted by: >>29559878

What the fuck, how good has her English gotten?

>> No.29559443

Yes and it's only going to get better as they learn more about it, it seems.

>> No.29559444

wtf??? google is that good now?

>> No.29559445
File: 969 KB, 850x961, 1585646885546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559529

Our boy is turning gay and it's the chicken's fault

>> No.29559447
File: 108 KB, 900x1200, EXzdkchUEAASGSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, maybe 3d printed it just like he 3D printed Marine womb?

>> No.29559448
Quoted by: >>29559492

Of course numberfags are going to stick to Mori. Shes on the road to get a million right after Pekora

>> No.29559450

what the hell is that I don't see any ching chong letters on that tweet

>> No.29559451

Pretty sure it's just a combination of the gen collab distributing numbers across the girls + coco singing her song during the karaoke in mori's case.Whatever boost came from the podcast didn't last more than 4 days and their video isn't really gaining anymore views.

>> No.29559452

Hey bitch! Collab with EN already for crying out loud.

Coco Love!

>> No.29559453
File: 9 KB, 480x360, KEKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559454

The better do it soon, she's going to burn through this game in 1 or two more streams.

>> No.29559455
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20201122_001804320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gen 5 and EN get new costumes at the same time
>Lamy is changed to be a loli and Gura becomes a tiddy monster
How would you react?

>> No.29559456
Quoted by: >>29559523

God that picture is so fucking cute

>> No.29559457
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1605498046318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame posts here using cute images of herself and asks reasonable questions about the streams to get feedback

>> No.29559459
Quoted by: >>29559603

When you get over 1m subs, it only counts up to 10k rounding down. So if you get 19k, it says 10k subs for the day. If you get 11k, 10k. Less than 10k and it says 0 (see: Korone and FBK)

>> No.29559460
File: 164 KB, 1024x788, 1604164883074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bait.. It's evolving...
Still shit though.

>> No.29559461

It all makes sense now.

>> No.29559462
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, 1605055465099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559561

despite the troubles my chicken has been having,
everything has been looking up for her.
god bless.

>> No.29559465

d-doesn't count she's abusing the music buff, stop counting the analytics or I'll sue you.

>> No.29559467
File: 185 KB, 937x937, 1585795771032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559468
Quoted by: >>29560074

Sorry I just woke up. What characters did they play? Was Mori dead weight like I feared or did she play normally?
t. Deadbeat

>> No.29559469

Mad Rat Dead? She said that she ended up playing more of it off stream and actually started getting decent at it

I don't know if Mori will stream DS, but chances are she'll go play it off stream a bit at least

>> No.29559470

>plain hot water
nousagis, explain this shit

>> No.29559474

why do you guys hyper HER so much? she's was only popular because "muh drunk loli that sings weeb songs" even HER old streams were boring

>> No.29559476

Don't have any. Most (You)s are probably self diagnosed bullshit or I somehow found myself in a fanbase full of damaged people.

>> No.29559478

sports fest was huuuuuge, even got a sticky on /v/

Commentator: Elite Miko
Team Captain: Haachama
Team Captain: Aqua
Team Captain: Fubuki
Team Captain: Pekora

>> No.29559479

She adores talking with her chat and feels really happy for the feedback she got from her talk show.

Get fucked.

>> No.29559480

the saddest part is we can see from another of amashiro's live2ds that she's good at rigging them, and they had someone else do it instead.

i think you might have missed the point. we're wondering why someone looking for a shark ends up with a nekomimi specialist.

>> No.29559481

Itā€™s cause she streams at shit hours for EN

>> No.29559483

You know, I've only ever listened to Crush and Self vs Self until now. Because of some montages.

>> No.29559484

Naturally. Mori and Chicken never stream at this time, it would have been another "TBA" canceled collab if there wasn't something to sell.

>> No.29559485

she just added shark teeth

>> No.29559486

that sounds like the normal Ame I watch every day though

>> No.29559487

>plain hot water
What the fuck is wrong with the Japanese?

>> No.29559488

You don't know how numberfagging works, friend.
After reaching 1M, if you get 10,000 or 19,999, it'll just show 10,000.

>> No.29559489

wait, someone's doing a GLT storytime on /a/? Fuck I didn't notice

>> No.29559492

Nah, onion is going to get there first.

>> No.29559494
Quoted by: >>29559566

its an asian thing.
you crackers wouldnt know a thing about culture unless it smacked you in the face.

>> No.29559496

this is true

>> No.29559497

Looks like a map of Korea lol

>> No.29559500
File: 87 KB, 1000x448, 1595583512389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it was trending WW for 12 hours straight

>> No.29559502
Quoted by: >>29559559

Crash Bandicoot?

>> No.29559503

seems about right

>> No.29559504

they will play whatever they get permission to do so

>> No.29559505
File: 290 KB, 290x530, 1605291158415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who have never heard of Hololive
Their fans have already heard of Hololive though. TWICE before then, actually. Millions of them.

>> No.29559507

You are a good girl, Ame.

>> No.29559508
File: 155 KB, 1615x786, 1602708693390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Ame! I love you!

>> No.29559510
File: 387 KB, 646x647, 1603263691670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the JOPs are gonna unironically sing to this thinking it's some really kakkoi english instead of distilled cringe. She's really damaging the youth of Japan huh

>> No.29559512

Real talk, how well would those three play together?

>> No.29559514
Quoted by: >>29559540

>even got a sticky on /v/

>> No.29559517
Quoted by: >>29559580

>Un-sub to Gura
>Sub to Lamy

>> No.29559516

Holy shit.
We didn't even get a "rate the stream" post for this collab.

>> No.29559518
Quoted by: >>29559598

It's been a thing for awhile now. Remember SOMA yesterday with the numberpad code?


There were others too I'm not remembering but I do distinctly remember talking about how fucking horny Gura was in another previous stream.

>> No.29559519

it's "oh yeah i like [that band] but their old stuff was better" but for vtubers.

>> No.29559520
Quoted by: >>29559602


>> No.29559522

White pride world wide

>> No.29559523
File: 194 KB, 850x1188, __omaru_polka_hololive_drawn_by_ghett0taku__sample-d09eaa149d68302c4fe67a9083aafd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about Polka without her makeup does things for me

>> No.29559525
Quoted by: >>29559556

She likes her art and requested her

>> No.29559528

I'm proud of her english improvement if this is all her. She is really taking it seriously.

>> No.29559529
Quoted by: >>29559590

but that's not fair Kiara can't just turn her gay then leave the country she has to take responsibility

>> No.29559527
Quoted by: >>29559583

All these Americans getting filtered by any drink that doesn't have a week's worth of sugar in it.

>> No.29559531
File: 77 KB, 1567x336, 1556263270171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559532

Yeah was just looking at it myself now. Guess it's just a bug.

>> No.29559535
File: 393 KB, 2000x1250, 1602489836076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559536

Ok, that makes sense, sometimes it will not show any growth for some reason and then next day shows like double.

>> No.29559537

She's doing her reps for her wife

>> No.29559538

>trying to shill chicken
>forgets to shill

>> No.29559539
File: 219 KB, 375x523, MM01 All for the Cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559594

Another kuso card for the Kiara set.

>> No.29559540

On /jp/

>> No.29559541
Quoted by: >>29559607

I have no idea why they got someone else to do Gura's rigging. Gura's sister's rigging is absolutely fantastic while Gura's rigging looks like they got someone whose never used L2D before to do it

>> No.29559542
File: 1.07 MB, 2912x2400, 546435435354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to invite all the EN girls to my own private island and then have them all play volleyball and do butt battles and stuff.

>> No.29559543
File: 97 KB, 187x206, 1605598288662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559691


How much would you spend for Haachama sweat?

>> No.29559545
Quoted by: >>29559625

She can't play Mad Rrat on stream because the publisher is fucking retarded about what sections you can and can't stream.

>> No.29559546

>sticky on /v/
I don't believe you.

>> No.29559547

So nothing new

>> No.29559548

Have you actually watched HER streams? She forces cringe adult jokes in any way she can.

>> No.29559549

Thinking I'm normal.

>> No.29559550
Quoted by: >>29559620

It's cool, shut up

>> No.29559551
File: 183 KB, 1350x1150, 1605868977143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frick you, Mori's songs are cool. Cool!

>> No.29559552
File: 282 KB, 664x465, Artia 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sticky on /v/
WHAT? No way, you are fucking lying

>> No.29559553


>> No.29559554
Quoted by: >>29559657

I think they mean they bleed pixels, mad rat dead wasn't sponsored and she's said she would stream more of it but she can only stream up to a certain point, which I assume isn't much further than she got.

>> No.29559555

OCD, some sort of anger issues, anxiety, paranoia, possibly bipolar but that might just be me being stupid, and superdick syndrome. Do I get a prize Mr.FBI?

>> No.29559556

do you have a reason to think that, or are you just cooking something up to hear yourself type?

>> No.29559557
Quoted by: >>29559629

Pretty based if I do say so. Femcel revenge on the people who wouldn't have sex with her.

>> No.29559558

Delusions of Grandeur
Tobacco Addiction

>> No.29559559

he said sponsered so gonna guess they bleed pixels

>> No.29559560
File: 154 KB, 1280x1000, Ejr6rJmVgAEaSfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora replying to some random gaijin in full english

>> No.29559561
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x1125, EnJz7dRVEAExAjW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope the song does well for her. I'd really hate to see her dream get crushed in her face. I don't expect 1M or anything like RIP, but hopefully a good 400K start like Cursed Night

>> No.29559562
File: 18 KB, 407x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559563

UUUOOOHHH the fuck out because that Lamy is top notch and there's nothing better in the world than a lady-like loli.

>> No.29559565
File: 542 KB, 1920x849, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559566
Quoted by: >>29559664

It's good though, I've started drinking it ever since getting into singing.

>> No.29559569
Quoted by: >>29559573

we had like 3 of them

>> No.29559572
Quoted by: >>29559714

oh my fucking god this is bad

>> No.29559573

yeah i just checked i was looking at the wrong archive

>> No.29559575
Quoted by: >>29559610

amashiro has very cute loli art and Gura isn't totally a shark. Just a loli with a shark tail and shark clothes. Probably not much else to it.

>> No.29559577
Quoted by: >>29559657

I assume you're taking about Demon's Souls, which won't happen cuz From is being stingy with permissions to begin with, and it's even muckier for that game since Sony is involved

>> No.29559578
File: 215 KB, 1647x1647, 1604019636552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you very much ame!

>> No.29559579
File: 1.01 MB, 640x480, 1585342670723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559580

kek, I am membered to both

>> No.29559581

haven't heard of this artist until this thread but my GOODNESS this art is cute
this art style is just fluffy, cute, kittyness personified

also gosh I just googled "amashiro" and the pixiv banner that shows up is so darn cute
how can one artist have such a good artistic sense of understanding cuteness?

also in terms of gura's character design, there may not be many nekos but I'm definitely seeing a lot of white and blue color scheme; that already by itself definitely had a lot of influence

>> No.29559584

I remember the first time I saw one of my asian friends bring a thermos to class, I naturally assumed it was like coffee or soup or something but I was gobsmacked when he said it was just hot water. Apparently it goes down easier but I couldn't imagine drinking water that isnt room temperature.

>> No.29559583


>> No.29559586

Oh baby, this is a fresh one.

>> No.29559587
File: 62 KB, 182x150, 1602807132206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see it

>> No.29559588

>Mori's songs are cool. Cool!
Yes this what the JOPs think

>> No.29559589
Quoted by: >>29559618

>sticky on /v/

>> No.29559590

She's visiting every 1-2 months and likely crashing at Mori's place while doing so.
They can have monthly gaycations

>> No.29559591

Yes but I seriously doubt they'll play it again/much longer. This game is punishing if you dont know what you're doing. If they somehow make it to winter I seriously doubt they will make it past Deerclops, he will kill them all and destroy their base.

>> No.29559594
File: 2.49 MB, 2400x1900, 1605456605112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been outta the game for a while
What the fug am I looking at?

>> No.29559595
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, gnj7mhltdql51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This confuses the Polka, but she is happy nonetheless.

>> No.29559597

I really liked Ame and Kiara this stream in particular,Ame is actually a superb leader
I wish Ina had talked a little more because I really like her but oh well

>> No.29559596

Wtf tyrone

>> No.29559598
File: 489 KB, 579x723, 1603256335193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been horny but Superliminal was extra horny

>> No.29559599

That's just J-rap in general, she isn't adding much on top of the existing cringe. There is a reason why RIP was way more popular in Japan than overseas from day 1.

>> No.29559600

>missed deabeats bragging about superchat numbers, Itunes nr 1 spot, second highest subscribers for the last 2 months

Really? They even make it a point to shit on Ame every time she catches up but doesn't quite overtake Mori.

>> No.29559601

If you go to karaoke trying to look cool you are already the biggest fucking loser in the room.

>> No.29559602
Quoted by: >>29559728

I AM not doing this, Anon. Even if I want to reclaim my naaaaAAAAME

>> No.29559603

Close enough
Over the past 7 days Gura has gained at least 10k each day
She did not exceed 11.4k/day otherwise it would have rolled over to 20k by today

>> No.29559605


>> No.29559607
Quoted by: >>29559741

I think Gura's sister is unironically rich so that's probably why she could afford that quality.

>> No.29559609

Yeah, it's pretty common to stick a glass of water in the microwave for a nice, refreshing glass of burning hot water. What country do you live in where they don't do that?

>> No.29559610
Quoted by: >>29559694

i can "probably" and "maybe" and guess myself.

>> No.29559613

I'm sorry teabro but this is cope
Mori averages like 4-6k subs a day the day of podcast she got a boost of around 12k which was probably at most 7k more than her usual
This the result of her making highly clipable content like the date stream or the ""amsr"" stream

>> No.29559612
File: 496 KB, 460x314, Amelia and Watson.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559646

this is true

>> No.29559615
Quoted by: >>29559669

Whoops I forgot it's actually 3 songs. The duet, Chicken's original song, and her monthly cover.
Regardless I think it was poor planning on both ends. There was no rush to have the duet this month. Kiara's the one who pushed Mori to relax for the spa date and take a break in the first place. Even if Mori was eager to do stuff with her bff, Kiara should've been more self-aware on the matter. However, Mori needs to learn to prioritize her different projects too. I think guidance from a senpai would go a long way.

>> No.29559616

Anon I'm your best friend wont you invite me?

>> No.29559619
File: 816 KB, 1214x933, 1604718252406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hololive tsunami is growing stronger and stronger. Long live the Holos may they rule the world.

>> No.29559618

no on /jp/

>> No.29559620


>> No.29559621

We did, their wording was different, though.

>> No.29559622

Calli really knocked out her live concert yesterday. Really strong performance.

>> No.29559625

Bleed Pixels, anon. We all know that regardless of the gameplay of Mad Rat she'd love every single moment because it's her oshi's music.

>> No.29559627

>Moona reps actually work
All of them should start playing with her.

>> No.29559628
Quoted by: >>29559656

Based DoAposter

>> No.29559629
Quoted by: >>29559642

Is it that hard for a big titty white girl to get laid in Japan?

>> No.29559632

HER two original songs she sang were unironically better then most of the songs she's sang so far as Gura. Which makes me more hype for any upcoming original songs she does.

>> No.29559633
Quoted by: >>29559718

>The first mention of Gura's wood
>The second mention

>> No.29559636

Just like EOPs and JP songs

>> No.29559639
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1590069261432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559640

Not really.

>> No.29559642

When they're loud and autistic? Yes.

>> No.29559643

Surprise collab Subaru x Kiara

>> No.29559644
Quoted by: >>29559661

Also she's right, plain hot water is really good for your throat and stomach.

>> No.29559646

if ame can make clones of herself, does that mean she could make a copy of herself for every gosling so they can have their own ame gf?

>> No.29559650

She ended up with a loli specialist.

>> No.29559652

true enough, Mori got a bigger boost after the BFE/GFE stream

>> No.29559653

I think so, violent, sexual, potentially socially unacceptable, basically any unwanted thought. They don't generally mean anything, but it's still not great when you're afraid you'll say something out loud mid-thought.

>> No.29559655

I'm fucking dying lmao

>> No.29559656

venus vacation but with holos instead when?

>> No.29559657

Don't Starve, anon

I'm pretty sure it was MRD, because she mentioned how she realized that it was sort of a rhythm game and that's when she started doing better in it

>> No.29559658

some ambitious JOP was live-translating the live show
also Mori delivered those honestly pretty wild (excluding technical dips) performances on Cruel Angel Thesis and the new Tama Onsen song, those bring people in (Gura herself being an example)

>> No.29559660
File: 65 KB, 310x271, 1605413468204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it really popular on Japan? Holy fuck

>> No.29559661

is tea not as good?

>> No.29559662


>> No.29559664
Quoted by: >>29559796

oh, so amelia is shit(soul) at singing because she can't drink warm drinks. case solved.

>> No.29559666

Seeing "peko" typed in english by Pekora herself is hilarious for some reason

>> No.29559668
File: 1.30 MB, 3011x4772, 1605253889162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka with her glasses when?

>> No.29559667

No, there are only two. The close was Watson.

>> No.29559669
Quoted by: >>29559689

>The duet, Chicken's original song, and her monthly cover.
I thought the duet is the monthly cover given how the duet is covering a song

>> No.29559671
File: 66 KB, 500x375, frrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I request an updated pregnant Gura narrative

>> No.29559676

I laughed

>> No.29559678

i see what you did there, lmao.

>> No.29559679
Quoted by: >>29559840

Gura is still my oshi
I will continue to ignore Lamy as I have.

>> No.29559681

>Holoen gen0
>canā€™t speak English

>> No.29559682
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1601318620275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi false flagger. How's it going? Is your plan to throw an entire base under the bus with your fake narratives working? There's a good chance of this working since this place eats up fake narratives all the time. Anyways good luck with your shitposting and I hope you kill yourself.

>> No.29559683

stop the count!

>> No.29559686
Quoted by: >>29559743

Mori is doing to JOPs what anime did to weebs, its come full circle

>> No.29559687
Quoted by: >>29559993

wrong. She usually doesn't post images when she posts. The keyword is plausible deniability.

>> No.29559691

I'd pay top CAD for Haachama's vaginal discharge. Her sweat is too vannila for a degenerate like me.

>> No.29559689
Quoted by: >>29559716

According to Mori it is not.

>> No.29559692
File: 44 KB, 550x430, 1603160224592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it. Don't give me hope

>> No.29559693

Take your meds.

>> No.29559694

anon you're probably autistic

>> No.29559695

I just hope most teamates aren't numberfags like our oshi. Takodachis are also cool.

>> No.29559696

Have you ever watched Pre-HER toy streams? They are some of the worst cringe I can ever imagine doing. I would hate myself to.

>> No.29559699
File: 141 KB, 233x216, LeechKingara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559700

reminder that holoEN full collabs literally prove that there still isn't as many EN viewers relative to JP
JP viewers are only low because there's literally 20 people streaming at the same time. yet some of them can still get 20k+
the moment a full collab with only 5 members happens, kiara drops to 6k, gura barely manages 30k before being shadowbanned, mori gets 9k, ame gets 15k/ina gets 12k.
a holoEN gen 2 would kill viewership numbers.

>> No.29559701

It's good for you to drink occasionally and especially when sick.
Next time you get a sore throat, drink a glass of water as hot as you can handle, instant relief.
t. burger

>> No.29559702

but tea stains your teeth

>> No.29559703
File: 1.15 MB, 1300x1849, 79288093_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559773

Amashiro draws the fluffiest neko's. With good rigging (Like Gura's sister) they make really adorable L2D's

>> No.29559705
Quoted by: >>29559748

>She's really damaging the youth of Japan huh
It's revenge for what they did to *us*. They're getting what they fucking deserve. If I hadn't gotten into anime I wouldn't have been ostracized and stuck in this website. I coulda been a contender.

>> No.29559706

holy shit Subaru is collabing with clint stevens?

>> No.29559710
File: 13 KB, 336x300, 1603498348127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't handle my narratives, rratposter.

>> No.29559713


>> No.29559714

Get ready for the cringe Japan

>> No.29559716

what the hell mori you coulda just used that one

>> No.29559718

Gura was eating something that's cute

>> No.29559719

have any /hlgg/ anons rapped it yet?

>> No.29559721
File: 15 KB, 192x298, 1601688414605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god man... thank you for bringing this to my attention... now we have hope again...

>> No.29559723
File: 148 KB, 674x1000, Parasite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559803

Ina watchalong pic related when?

>> No.29559725

Gura gave birth to a healthy litter and has already recovered and back to work thanks to Atlantean medical technology

>> No.29559726
File: 682 KB, 200x171, 1504055533358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numberfags spam about Gura for literal months
>have to hear /hlgg/ talk about how numberfags aren't chumbuds, they're just numberfags with no oshi
>someone posts about Mori's numbers
>have to hear /hlgg/ talk about how it's definitely deadbeats that are behind this

>> No.29559728

Understandable. It was actually my first time chiming in like that

>> No.29559730

Don't Starve singleplayer came out in 2013, it was unique at that time

>> No.29559733

Ina membership stream?

>> No.29559734

imagine japanese seifufku wearing school girls jamming out to this with their friends thinking its good for their english reps fucking kek

>> No.29559735
Quoted by: >>29559755

I request a fatter rat

>> No.29559737
File: 74 KB, 217x157, rene_final form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559813

I think Calli is kakkoi!!

>> No.29559739
Quoted by: >>29560068

This is literally true for every holo I've looked into btw.
Hololive, and vtubing in general, can allow people to be the best version of themselves. Some JP chuubas have literally slowly turned swathes of their antis into fans after joining Hololive.
Hiding being an avatar ironically allows them to drop the real masks. Like the layer of irony for some of them, or the huge net of self-defense mechanisms and fakery that comes with composing with the NND culture for years.
I've experienced it firsthand. Trying to judge holos negatively based on their past lives starts generating cognitive dissonance when more and more proof accumulates that the vtuber persona is the one being genuine.

>> No.29559740

Ame is teh Rei?

>> No.29559741
Quoted by: >>29559868

Who knows. It's just sucks that Gura got shafted in the rigging department. Hell, even her own Genmates have better rigging
I kind of want her to get better rigging first before a new outfit

>> No.29559743


>> No.29559744


>> No.29559745
Quoted by: >>29559855

TEEHEE time to work herself near to death :}

>> No.29559747

imagine fucking kiara in her chicken voice while she slowly goes into her real voice.

>> No.29559748
Quoted by: >>29559829

That's what they all say you retard.

>> No.29559751


>> No.29559753

Give Ame model gooksama, onegai...

>> No.29559755
File: 365 KB, 430x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559756
Quoted by: >>29559856

>hungryhungryhungry (idk what this game is about)
i think youtube descriptions and thumbnails are the only place i've seen gura use this writing style. she seems to do it consistently. i like it, it's cute.

>> No.29559759

in the shower of course

>> No.29559760
Quoted by: >>29559892

Anon.. I'm a takodachi first off
Second the so called retarded gap was 11k right before the podcast and it was consistently getting smaller
Four days after the podcast it became 20k

At least if you numberfag do it properly

>> No.29559762
Quoted by: >>29559807

>one post out of 1200 gets him like this
grats on falling for the bait anonchama

>> No.29559763

100% Hot. Tenchou, if you lurk these threads tonight, transition to your normal voice like Mori did. Itā€™ll be difficult, but for the love of God do it.

>> No.29559765
File: 552 KB, 996x985, 1603395735074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes been doing it for a while now

>> No.29559766


>> No.29559767
File: 120 KB, 677x1024, EnXnuZPWMAAYO1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559768

To be honest Gura seems to always cringe at herself. Even in the moment she stops herself from saying things and cringes. Cringes at her own streams right now when she watches them back. She should be more kind to herself.

>> No.29559769

>caught up on all streams
>finished doom eternal dlc
>bored as fuck until 2077 is out
I need something to do, I'm fucking bored.

>> No.29559771

Thank you

>> No.29559772
File: 73 KB, 948x1168, 1598911853521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This horny Gura narrative is unironically turning me into an UOH poster holy fuck.

>> No.29559773

I kinda need to know now, is amashiro female?

I feel like I need to know if this perfect fluffy cuteness sense comes from within, or an external appreciation

>> No.29559776


>> No.29559777

I think Mori even mentioned the duet is going on Kiara's channel. She's technically doing two projects for her best friend on top of her own. I worry for what happens after the move

>> No.29559779
Quoted by: >>29559847


Anon...that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.29559780
Quoted by: >>29559854

Uhhhh where's the Kiara stream??

>> No.29559784

>oh jeez

>> No.29559786

Nah it's going on Chicken's channel so I think they agreed it would count as Chicken's song, not hers.

>> No.29559788
File: 294 KB, 1103x1200, EGqqG1UUUAAIX6d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being THHK and passing up your chance to fuck the dumb gaijin groupie and losing your chance forever
He'd probably have gun in his mouth right now if they were legal in japan

>> No.29559789
Quoted by: >>29559894

>HER two original songs she sang were unironically better then most of the songs she's sang so far as Gura
you're objectively wrong and a faggot

>> No.29559790

Catching up on chicken's SC reading, and I am fucking livid that she did a bunch of nip songs instead of the pop-punk-emo stuff she wanted to do for her unarchived karaoke. You're in fucking EN, my girl, and people loved it when Ame butchered those type of songs. Imagine if someone who could actually sing well did a set list like that.

>> No.29559791
Quoted by: >>29559862

Mass produced Ames?

>> No.29559793
File: 320 KB, 1334x1002, 1605855534636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike other girls who give us the GFE we are Mori's BFE. Never doubt the power of a Tomboy being vulnerable and acting like a cute girl.

>> No.29559794


>> No.29559795
File: 51 KB, 185x171, 1605576689066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559863

It's so nice seeing Polka playing a game because she's legitimately having fun with it
I wish I could still enjoy vidya like that

>> No.29559796

And because she has no singing skill.

>> No.29559800

what the fuck, why are they so assmad at her?

>> No.29559801


>> No.29559802

Based and YEET!

>> No.29559803

that movie its ok, no idea why people think is a master piece, i guess you gotta be korean for it to hit

>> No.29559804

Numberfags only oshi is numbers. It is neither us chumbuds or the deadbeats.

>> No.29559805

Its not a narrative, its a fact that she's been horny as fuck recently.

>> No.29559806

You can find it in her profile. I still understand why the fuck would that get shadowbanned of all things

>> No.29559807

>pretending it's one post
your next self-fellating post is ">/hlgg/ is one person" btw, stick to the script

>> No.29559809

>Mori goes to karaoke one day and must resist singing her songs when non-Holo friends bring them up
>Mori will at some point encounter her songs being sung/used in projects by her students and still grade fairly

>> No.29559810

>Mori sings a somewhat cringe song mixed with both JP and EN
>Nip idoru sings a song in broken English or even just blabs it incoherently
Are you guys for real?

>> No.29559812

/hlgg/ karaoke night when?

>> No.29559813

Place your bets, which red Oni is gonna get a collab with Mori first? Ayame or Rene?

>> No.29559815

have you tried masturbation?

>> No.29559816

Can't they redraw ame like this? I'm really a sucker for tomboyish looking characters. Subaru and A-chan specifically tickle my fancy.

>> No.29559817
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1600389105892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bored until 2077
Might wanna invest in a time machine, anon

>> No.29559824
File: 33 KB, 512x512, nu400ko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about the ghost ta400ko that inspires you guys to repost it so often?

>> No.29559826
File: 341 KB, 500x376, 1605234287875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Jewtube

>> No.29559827
File: 3.60 MB, 530x698, kanadancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559941

At least Kana has some awesome rigging

>> No.29559828
Quoted by: >>29559947

Just check their twitter you lazy cocksucking nigger

>> No.29559829
Quoted by: >>29559899

Well it's the truth isn't it!

>> No.29559830

Hopefully never. Mori is enough cringekino for me.

>> No.29559831

Holy shit that is one fat rrat

>> No.29559833
File: 293 KB, 2000x1250, 1604450258532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, bro
This is what happened

>Cruel Angel Thesis
Mori's rendition was kind of shit though, she kept fucking up the lyrics and losing her cool, I don't get why she gets so nervous during karaoke if she is supposed to be musician one.
Gura I can understand, she is someone who doesn't leave her house and was obviously a shy kid, but Calli is the opposite, so I don't get the weird behavior during karaokes when it should be her element.

>> No.29559836
Quoted by: >>29559897

Isn't the 15-20k range the usual numbers for Ame?

>> No.29559837

>Eats a bizzaro diet that specifically highlights overly sweet things as well as nutrient rich foods such as salmon and ginger and avocados, indicating frequent and drastic fluctuations in her preferred tastes, possibly the most well known symptom of pregnancy
>Has extremely low stamina, sits down as frequently as possible to alleviate the weight on her tiny feet, only recently started standing up to sing
>Mood swings, Minecraft stream 14/11/2020 1:12
>sensitive to overly loud music so she does acoustic quite a bit
>Doesn't like even weak flashing lights as seen in the Whistleblower stream
>Always plays games which feature pregnant characters or breeding mechanics, because pregnancy is actually her fetish and she can't hide it completely
>Constantly fidgeting with her feet, pregnant women often get minor inflammation in their feet and they become somewhat sensitive, this is due to the added weight and also the hormones
>She has said herself that she's "heavy"
>Has been doing the "baby check" bit since nearly her debut, it's not a joke or she would've abandoned it after Amnesia cause you know she lacks the attention span to make callbacks like that
>"Screans "Daddy's home!" to cover up the door opening and closing when her actual baby daddy comes home
>Got flustered when Ame mentioned getting married and having a family in Stardew Valley
>Always says "oh baby" or "yeah baby" because she can't help but drop us hints
>Poor bladder control, yet consumes a significantly larger amount of liquid than someone her size should need
>Is clearly enamored with the idea of growing things and taking care of them, extremely strong maternal instincts that didn't exist before
>Clearly has the habits of a boared housewife, penny pinching amatuer home cook and gardener, spends all day singing and playing games and cleaning her house
>Doesnā€™t go outside much, probably embarassed to walk around in public with her belly since she's so self concious normally and pregnancy only makes it worse
>Literally orders for two at Mcdonalds
>"itches" from inside (read baby kicking)
>Has trouble sleeping cause there's no comfortable position to lay down with a pregnant belly
>Lives in a home large enough for a family, probably wants a family of 5 or 6
>Talks introspectively about her past, embarassed of that time when she wasn't being true to her desires for a simple family life
>Gets leg cramps, extremely common for pregnant women due to the sudden increase in weight
>Refers to herself as "mommy"
>Breast expansion fetish, probably excited for her own breasts to grow during pregnancy
>Craves kitkats, French fries, once ate 50+ marshmallows at once
>Stomach constantly makes noises, very often due to the bizzare mix of food pregnant women consume
>gets cold easily, poor little heart is probably bareley strong enough to circulate blood for her and the baby
>slouches in her chair, probably can't sit up straight out of habit but also because her belly gets in the way
>Eats entire melon, very good for pregnant women
>Wakes up at random hours, could be hikineet, could be tired mom to be, the chances are 50/50
>ADHD like symptoms are common for first time pregnant women, they often get extremely scatterbrained during the second trimester when the hormone kick is in full effect
>Loves "watching things grow," finds it extremely satisfying
>Went for a jog and had to jog in 1 minute bursts before getting too tired
>"filled" with feelings of self doubt, very common anxiety for expecting mothers and funny analogy
>Wants it bigger, possibly a reference to either her breasts or belly, possibly overall family size, also possibly vegetables

>> No.29559838
File: 919 KB, 1200x1205, 79663535_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29559947


>> No.29559839

I always thought she was talented. Despite what newfags will tell you a lot of her old fans could see that too. I'm glad she's able to shine on a huge stage now. Also this >>29559632 I think her original songs as Gura may be really great so I hope she takes her time with them. People here seem to want her to rush something out.

>> No.29559840

>ignoring gen 5

>> No.29559841

Teach is good too, especially green tea, but plain hot water doesn't have caffine or anything so in terms of pure benefit from the warmth it's best.
Generally it's not good to drink caffeine in the morning, especially regularly as it is addictive and you'll develop cravings.

>> No.29559842

The fans of the other vtuber company are slut enablers.

>> No.29559843


>> No.29559844

Really cute

>> No.29559846
File: 148 KB, 1920x1180, 1605932276462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29559847
Quoted by: >>29559907

Aki translations did a live translation of one of her videos, as it was going on live

>> No.29559848

Lol Koreabro is definitely gonna sculpt Noel in her new outfit next.

>> No.29559849

Marathon Atelier series?

>> No.29559850

2077 is coming out in 2177 at this rate kek

>> No.29559852

Ame must be doing a number on that cunny..

>> No.29559853
Quoted by: >>29559923

>Youth of japan being told to JERK IT NOW by moris karaoke songs


>> No.29559854

She moved it back.

>> No.29559855
Quoted by: >>29559971

> This is her way of coping with the risk of failure, she overloads herself so that failure is inevitable and she doesn't have to worry that her best effort isn't enough.

>> No.29559856

It's honestly proof intellect lurks behind Gura's facade.

She's playing the algorithm to get the kiddies with these kid-bait descriptions.

>> No.29559859
Quoted by: >>29559992

she promised to do one EN karaoke soon

>> No.29559862

I wanna see her fill her stream with copies of herself with different delays. Or better yet, copy that one Jerma joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vHx9IvyoV4

>> No.29559863
File: 130 KB, 781x989, 1603985929878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let Polka play the games for you while you worry about all of life's problems.

>> No.29559864


>> No.29559867

Gen 5 is my favorite!

>> No.29559869

She didnā€™t stream pre-HER retard. And the pre-HER is just an autistic sweetheart who actually put effort in making the videos.

>> No.29559868

She could get both at the same time, I imagine.

>> No.29559870

>It's true
>only Ina's, Ame's and Mori's show up

>> No.29559872

No just Lamy.
I watch Botan and Polka the most.

>> No.29559874
Quoted by: >>29559975

But it is, Mori doesn't have the biggest numbers so the real numberfags are still numberfagging gura.

>> No.29559875

>three posts out of 1300 get him like this
not much better anon, not much better

>> No.29559876

Wrong thread

>> No.29559877
Quoted by: >>29559905


>> No.29559878

Unlike everyone else she actually does her reps anonchama.

>> No.29559879
Quoted by: >>29559943

That's not fair... Hololivers get more priority for collabs

>> No.29559880

i mean, i could tell that from her humor in general.

>> No.29559881

There's going to be an entire generation of Japanese boys that have a fetish for foreign women. She made sure no girl would suffer the same fate she did. What a hero.

>> No.29559882

Never numberfagged, never will, glad all our girls are doing well. (pretty sure most numberfags loyalties are to the charts)

>> No.29559883
Quoted by: >>29559954

>before being shadowbanned
she was shadowbanned from the start baitposter
I didn't even get a notif on youtube saying Gura was live
If anything 30k people showing up to her stream because they remembered the collab was happening rather than seeing a youtube notif is a lot

>> No.29559884
Quoted by: >>29559984

>Mori will at some point encounter her songs being sung/used in projects by her students and still grade fairly
I think she would implode with self aware cringe

>> No.29559886
Quoted by: >>29559940

>mfw 10 years from now, Japs would speak english just like how Mori does
you can't stop the cringining

>> No.29559887

I wonder if Mori will turn it into a once-a-month thing or if they'll be planned for whenever she has the chance. That the date was so high quality and so well-received makes me think she'll want to put in even more work ironing out the script for the next.

>> No.29559890

During the second trimester women feel much more hornier.
This may explain the Superliminal stream earlier today.

>> No.29559891

I remember finding this gem on that bitchute site

>> No.29559892

My apologizes takodachi, I'm not very good numbers

>> No.29559894

Don't be a bitch, bro.

>> No.29559895

>Wakes up at random hours, could be hikineet, could be tired mom to be, the chances are 50/50

>> No.29559896

Cover...figure onegai

>> No.29559897

I think it's 20-25k. SC and movie streams are dragging down the average.

>> No.29559898

Bless you.

>> No.29559899

You and I both know we're all just mentally ill.

>> No.29559901

>sane people vs HERfags
>HERfags vs HERfags
>pre-HERfags vs HERfags
on-topic gura discussions... onegai...

>> No.29559902

I'm not a chumbud or attracted to loli like some creepy perv, BUT I do enjoy shitposting with y'all.

>> No.29559904

God, imagine if she had. Would've probably been kino, even if her voice would've been a little out of sorts.

>> No.29559905


>> No.29559907
Quoted by: >>29559950

Do you not know what JOP means?

>> No.29559908

the anon who said he's mixing "/hlgg/ sings RIP" never delivered
may he rest in peace

>> No.29559909

Not really, Kiara and Ame where the only fun ones, the rest where a fucking mess.

>> No.29559913

At least Live Again's lyrics are good.

>> No.29559914
Quoted by: >>29559950

Mori isn't cringe at all and I'm tired of pretending that she is.

>> No.29559915

play dorf or cdda

>> No.29559916

God bless you anon.

>> No.29559917

Why aren't Lamy and Botan honorary ENs?

>> No.29559920

>I know my argument is a fallacy but i'm going to make it anyway

>> No.29559921

Reminder she's excited to play RFA and she knows exactly why we want her to play it.

>> No.29559923

the birth rates....keep declining....

>> No.29559924

Gura is an unironic lolicon

>> No.29559925

How much do you think Gura weighs?

>> No.29559926
File: 1.56 MB, 1137x1500, Pachi Pachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do they keep doing this to her anyway?
She is the most family friendly and has over a million subs, she should be in Youtube's list of exception by now.
Than again they shadowbanned fucking Pewdiepie of all people, that company seems to run by morons.

>> No.29559929

She was literally underage when she made those. We all did stuff in our teens that we cringe at now, which is what she was most likely referencing in that Minecraft stream.

>> No.29559931

Herfags sure are a contentious people

>> No.29559934

DonĀ“t look at me men
IĀ“m ES, Just say "Hola" or something broken in spanish and IĀ“m happy as shit.

Also, go back to /hlg

>> No.29559935

Still waiting on that movie watching collab Amelia, you know shark brain will never remember.

>> No.29559936
Quoted by: >>29559961

Autist here, even I can tell these are joke posts. Or people are legitimately insane and being serious, but I choose to believe they're joking.

>> No.29559937


>> No.29559938

If you have any observation skills at all you'd know it's not a narrative.

>> No.29559940

>Fuck you, the future me who's looking back and cringing!

>> No.29559941
Quoted by: >>29559956

>We could've got neko sisters
I still love Gura though

>> No.29559943

Rene already mentioned they were talking on Discord, though, so she's got a head start vs just a random thing with Ayame.

>> No.29559944
Quoted by: >>29560114

90 lbs at max

>> No.29559945

their English reps are pretty bad

>> No.29559946
Quoted by: >>29560018

Yes and I want an AmeMori collab now more than ever

>> No.29559947

not only are you rude but that doesnt help at all, theres no info on that on her twitter profile
I did find a twitch link in the thread though and shes got a cute voice

clever post, i love you

its nice to know that the amashiro cuteness comes from within
guys like cuteness too but theres something about a girls sense of cuteness thats genuine and natural and thats what makes it beautiful

>> No.29559950

oh, right my bad
shes not anymore, the spa date did something to her man

>> No.29559953

what that word mean?

>> No.29559954
File: 587 KB, 1579x747, 2020-11-22_0-33-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.29559956

Agreed. Her mesugaki nature makes her much more appealing to me.

>> No.29559957

>Your Oshi
>What kind of reps are you doing?

Chess reps

>> No.29559960
Quoted by: >>29560029

Fuck you leatherman

>> No.29559961

Seems we got a dramafag up and fishing, it seems

>> No.29559965

Never, too much cringe and I would be tempted to mog all of you but I don't want to dox myself.

>> No.29559966

Chumbuds have become roommate posters and deadbeats have become numberfags.

>> No.29559967
Quoted by: >>29559996


Do people really need to ask where all Mori's subs are coming from? This song has almost 8m views (EIGHT MILLION!!!!). Its a huge success, of course she'll get many more subs than the others, even if they're dead subs that don't watch her stream.

>> No.29559971

please that's not even remotely how she acts

>> No.29559972
Quoted by: >>29560046

cumming reps

>> No.29559974

Dorky exhausted reaper, please understand

>> No.29559975

>Numberfags only stick to one person
This is the mind of a schizo in action. So desperate to trigger tribalism fights that their arguments start devolving into nonsense. It's quite fascinating to see.

>> No.29559976

Still hilarious to think that HERfags still didn't get her message during that Minecraft stream. Truly shows how much they really know about her or how much they didn't give a fuck about her at all to begin with before she became Gura.

>> No.29559977


>> No.29559979

Drawing reps

>> No.29559980

As someone that used to watch HER it's very clear Gura is the true personality.

>> No.29559983

anki and vn reading reps

>> No.29559984

Normally, that sounds like stuff that would only happen in manga.

>> No.29559986

Is it just a coincidence that smartass sounds like RIsu?

>> No.29559988

Kiara would be the biggest tryhard in Keijo, but would be easily defeated by Mori's soft butt technique. Gura punching above her weight. Ame tricky but weak. Ina decimated every time.

>> No.29559987
Quoted by: >>29560061

Image/video editing reps. Learning to use Premiere and Photoshop

>> No.29559989

Draw reps
Nippongo reps
Programming reps
Singing/voice reps (hopefully soon)

>> No.29559991

unironically engineering reps

>> No.29559992

I'll trust you to restore my smile and keep watching, but if you lied to me, anon, so help me god.

>> No.29559993

She definitely posted coupons here. If she ever does the review stream as originally intended we have her red-handed.

>> No.29559995

Merchant reps

>> No.29559996

sorry to tell you this but Mori's growth today has been 5K check socialblade, holostats got bugged

>> No.29559998

Art, Japanese, reading, diet

>> No.29560000

We really don't know. The shadowbans pre-checkmark were the algorithm thinking she's a bot. But once she got authorized, it calmed down
This was out of nowhere. Nobody knows why she got hit this time

>> No.29559999

/his/ reps

>> No.29560001
Quoted by: >>29560099

Gura is just pre-HER plus HER

>> No.29560002
Quoted by: >>29560058

>I don't get why she gets so nervous during karaoke if she is supposed to be musician one.

She went from performing to a crowd of a few dozen tops to a crowd of 15-50k. Even if you're a musician and have experience performing in front of a crowd, it's not enough to save you from the nerves especially when you miss a lyric.

>> No.29560005

Damn you, anon. Now I will want a Lofty Ambition style costume for Mori.

>> No.29560006

I honestly want a Mori Ayame just so that I can witness Chilean Ayameposter fucking seethe.

>> No.29560007

They're fat. Full of content (food).

>> No.29560010

google it

>> No.29560011

>Miko dropped blood sweat and tears building the sports complex and planning the entire event. Right after coming out of the hospital from a three month illness.
>That FUCKING DOG still gets more growth and she wasn't even there at the event....

Miko hard carries hololive

>> No.29560012

Ina/Gura/Ame's solo streams get their typical numbers even when the overlap each other, at worst a 1-3k drop. I think it's more that the majority of the EN audience doesn't feel the need to multistream when they collab, but yes the EN audience isn't as big as the JP audience quite yet.

>> No.29560014

Fennec Clown Reps

>> No.29560015

uh, it means that they're content with each other!
seriously though how does the adjective content transform into the adjective contentious

>> No.29560016

>image saving/naming reps

>> No.29560017

Drawing Reps

>> No.29560018

I hope its Apex and Ame hard carries her. The end score is like Mori doing something like 666 damage and that's it.

>> No.29560019

WK reps

>> No.29560020

biochemistry reps

>> No.29560022

Drawing reps

>> No.29560024

Chess reps and working out

>> No.29560025

She unironically makes a lot of jokes that encourage it. Her "Are you frustrated" line isn't aimed at the audience demographic that coddles her.

>> No.29560026

Polka reps

>> No.29560027

Lamy's not even close to trying.

Polka and Nene interact with EN audiences. Botan's game taste is western as fuck (surprised she doesn't know English by sheer osmosis, but this is what having dubbed media does to a country's eigo reps).

>> No.29560028
Quoted by: >>29560084

>Coco has sang it
>Fubuki said that she wants to sing it
Every single holo karaoke will include this song

>> No.29560029

Fuck YOU

>> No.29560031

i unironically think she's a prodigy at modern meme-based marketing.

>> No.29560033

They do En collab every week on saturday or sunday retardchama.

>> No.29560034

Does everyone forget she just did her second karaoke last night? Even as scuffed as it was, that's going to be a huge buff.

>> No.29560035

Slightly different case, the fucks at corporate still have a grudge against him for the bridge incident and the Indian nazi clip. I can't see any reason why they'd shadowban Gura besides not wanting vtubers to potentially overtake whatever they're backing

>> No.29560036
Quoted by: >>29560076

Why not?
Also, I like how some clippers subtitle her laugh.
bottom left

>> No.29560037

Japanese, Composition, Piano, Art, Programming

>> No.29560038

The more you delude yourself into thinking this the harder it'll hurt when the illusion is shattered. Stop yourself before it's too late.

>> No.29560039

Singing reps
Music reps
Fit reps
Mental reps

>> No.29560040
Quoted by: >>29560077

Why do you think you know her any better than anyone else? Kill yourself already.

>> No.29560041

Rust programming reps so I can figure out how to scrape more content related to her

>> No.29560043
Quoted by: >>29560092

>Guilty Gear reps
When is our boy playing?

>> No.29560044

I mean she's a legitimate scatterbrain/birdbrain.
I have no doubt that she only remembered those songs once the chat actually enabled her to do so.
I feel like her EN is only really getting more pronounced as she goes because of the parasocial thing she's got going on with her chat since she probably hasn't had a good venue to actually exercise an English focus outside of just watching Netflix.

>> No.29560046


>> No.29560045

About to do some sleep reps

>> No.29560048
Quoted by: >>29560079

Here is the stream link you can hear voice>>29558566

>> No.29560050

Is she really pregnant?

>> No.29560054

I love Polkahime!

>> No.29560055

>Your oshi
>Do you know Pekora?

>> No.29560056

Souls reps

I want to finish and 100% every Souls game before 2020 but it's too cold for me to get out of bed to play DS3.

>> No.29560057
Quoted by: >>29560080

>Cringing at a child
Do deadbraps really?

>> No.29560059
Quoted by: >>29560097

Reminder that Ame is a gachi fan and could hypothetically recreate this scene in 3D if she ever shows her powerlevel.

>> No.29560058
Quoted by: >>29560090

I just want a Mori karaoke that isn't scuffed.

>> No.29560061

Abandon premiere, it's shit and has been for years at this point. Fuck adobe for not putting in a modern fucking hardware accelerated encoding or decoding system, download Davinci Resolve for free and you'll have a far better time.

>> No.29560062
Quoted by: >>29560106

That's really so stupid. But I'm glad it was her and not, say, Kiara instead. Gura can handle this bit of view drop. Now Kiara could be shaken

>> No.29560063

"Oki doki" and "Cowboy"? Compared to serious Country Roads, Sorairo Days, and Ride on Time? I thought HER stuff was cute and pretty neat but let's not be delusional here.
I will agree with you that I'm looking forward to original songs given her talent.

>> No.29560064

Algorithm also randomly shadowbanned Korosan a few days ago, and she's also over 1 million/verified. I think it was an Asscreed stream too, so hardly some intense r18 game.

>> No.29560065


>> No.29560066

It comes from the OTHER pronunciation of content (cunntent) which means to dispute

>> No.29560068

I love Pekora too!

>> No.29560069

Can any of you actually nail her songs?

>> No.29560070

Hades reps/Anki reps/5ch diving

>> No.29560071

eh? I thought it was a transformation of "contest"

>> No.29560073

Teachads which version of Looper do you have?

>> No.29560074

Mori was... the default mc I think? with the spiky hair, Ame and Kiara were both the girl with the ghost, Ina was the black kid with the dog. Gura was the girl with the lighter.

Honestly all of the girls except ame just kinda wandered aimlessly most of the time, Mori got herself into a good rhythm as a hunter by the end of it though.

>> No.29560075

>didn't get her message during that Minecraft stream
She wasn't sending the message you think she was, you just read into it what you wanted to hear because you're a coping retard.

>> No.29560076

They do that? Kinda neat.

>> No.29560077

>no, you
Nice argument.
Stop HERfagging already then, retard.

>> No.29560079


>> No.29560080

it's not even her lol

>> No.29560082


>> No.29560083

Writing reps

>> No.29560084

Coco didnt ask for permission like FBK did, narratives?

>> No.29560085

>Motivation to do jap reps reps

>> No.29560086

is goorah unironically gonna hit 2 mil subs before she celebrates 1 mil?

>> No.29560087

wikia editing reps

>> No.29560088

anki, drawing, and biomed reps

>> No.29560089


>> No.29560090

The scuff adds SOUL

>> No.29560091

>a rainstorm outside
>gura whispering a song
>hot dog hot dog ho...

>> No.29560092

When Stride's out and she's got a fight stick. She talked about getting a custom one but neither she nor I know how to go about doing that.

>> No.29560095


>> No.29560097

Gura's familiar with gachi too
Question is, who will be leatherman?

>> No.29560098

This week has been great for her tho

>> No.29560099

It's almost like as people grow up they don't just purge their entire personality in relation to internet projects but instead build on top of them!

>> No.29560101

>haha funny bunny says peko

>> No.29560105

just finished up some go programming reps for archive scripting, and working on some class work currently

>> No.29560106

Kiara would fall apart if she ever got shadowbanned

>> No.29560107

i love dicks

>> No.29560108


>> No.29560110

I love Gura

>> No.29560112

I love you Gura, you sexy brat!

>> No.29560109

i love you, gura!

>> No.29560114

Right around 100lbs.

Little too low from what we've seen of her body. She's small but she's not skelly.

>> No.29560115

I love you, Gura!

>> No.29560116

I love you Gura!!!! always!!!

>> No.29560118

i love you gura!
