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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 279 KB, 994x1374, Eluy3WdVoAIUg5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28586059 No.28586059 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28586064
File: 184 KB, 2048x1642, ElvcJGOVkAEcEo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think I went and fell for our boy, deadbeats

>> No.28586070
Quoted by: >>28586113

>Yes, Moona lied and said that management didn't allow nsfw
nice narrative faggot but HoloID management made them all retweet this https://twitter.com/hololive_Id/status/1252884889696796672

>> No.28586069

HoloEN Teamup schedule isn't updated, when is Ame's SC reading happening today?

>> No.28586078

Who's the Coco of EN, Kiara or Mori?

>> No.28586079

That's one hell of a thumbnail.

>> No.28586080

I thought that was a dick

>> No.28586083
File: 217 KB, 2048x1587, fuck kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK Idolfags

>> No.28586084
Quoted by: >>28586168

>calling me a newfag
this place has been shitting on her for being the most active reddit user among the ENs since pre-debut
fuck off newfag

>> No.28586085
Quoted by: >>28586208

Plenty of purity stuff from places like r*ddit apparently.

>> No.28586087
File: 132 KB, 567x800, 1604189042059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is every hololive horny for Pekora?

>> No.28586088
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>> No.28586093
File: 79 KB, 315x279, 1603789245499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger takeaway is that holo management didn't give a fuck about keeping the server holo only.
Btfos people like >>28585575 who think Cover will be against those kind of collabs. They don't care.

So it's up to Gura herself to not collab with Sykkuno, because Enma is clearly fine with it.

That's bad news.

>> No.28586096

>but it's the gameplay Minecraft autists!
Choke on a dick idolfags

>> No.28586097
File: 2.68 MB, 2220x1228, 1599723391082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586181


>> No.28586098
File: 459 KB, 1051x1096, 1603978029078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the numberfags arrive.

>> No.28586100

For the final results, yes. But they do exit polling results literally as soon as the polls close, then give live updates as the official results start coming in. So yeah, chat and these threads will be talking about it like crazy. Hopefully they actually have a few of the managers do their job. Not their stalking/harassment job.

>> No.28586102

how upset would these threads get if Gura was the one saying this shit

>> No.28586103
Quoted by: >>28586582

>Kiara confirmed that Enma gave Gura full permission to do her big twitch collab

>> No.28586105
File: 372 KB, 750x760, F4E4E63A-8E02-4979-8CBF-3337D3D22657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do dog fuckers really

>> No.28586106
Quoted by: >>28586131

It's called being reasonable. Yes she does browse plebbit but that doesn't mean she's not gonna call them out on their bs.

>> No.28586108

bunny girls are top tier sexy

>> No.28586111

Matsuri has gotten better recently, she understands the value of a person's no-no square so Gura won't have to worry

>> No.28586112
File: 169 KB, 900x1265, 1603732793868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587886

what is the best way to buy hololive merch online in the USA ??

do i have to fly to japan or something ?

>> No.28586113
Quoted by: >>28586587

The religion of peace would peacefully reeducate them if they didn't remove lewds

>> No.28586115
Quoted by: >>28586195

>>Some people get really sensitive about me even mentioning the other gender.
Kiara is not aware that she can basically do what she wants as long as she does not rub it into our face. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.28586116

I thought she was holding a large cock in the pose, while resting against it. I'm upset it wasnt the case. Mori looks perfect when there's a large throbbing dick in a drawing, resting against her upset cheek.

>> No.28586117

The unreachable straight girl is the most desired one

>> No.28586118
File: 704 KB, 797x547, festival ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586119

Who vod only here?

>> No.28586120
File: 148 KB, 764x787, 1600786651971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't checked the threads in a while, are we still hating on Mori or have the schizos moved on to another target?

>> No.28586122
File: 158 KB, 228x304, 1603951037253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586327


>> No.28586126

ugly bastard holostarsEN when

>> No.28586127
File: 5 KB, 441x40, alrighto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholeheartedly agreed.

>> No.28586129
File: 17 KB, 777x57, 20201101_110958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you

>> No.28586131


>> No.28586135
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>> No.28586136
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>> No.28586137
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1594734892698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is old news anon

>> No.28586138

Kiara. Unfiltered and supportive.

>> No.28586139
File: 38 KB, 593x316, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, Gura is in US, so is Ame, and Ina is not that far. If Mori comes back to Texas(even just to visit) when she's done with her teaching job, in half a year or so - the dream of holoEN offcolab might come true.
Chikin... but hey, she's used to traveling, maybe she can come visit too.

>> No.28586140

>idol agency
Yagoo, you have to let go.

>> No.28586141
File: 69 KB, 340x372, 1603797823091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought that she's holding a dark dick.
I thought that she's based. But then I realized that it's a bottle. That's not based.

>> No.28586143
Quoted by: >>28586843

Not saying it wasn't, but considering the amount of autism I've seen about the girls not playing Minecraft right it's entirely possible that there were more complaints about cheating than purity.

>> No.28586144

I dont get this. Why cant I just like both?

>> No.28586145
Quoted by: >>28586219

shouldn't have joined an Japanese idol agency, dumb bitch.

>> No.28586146
Quoted by: >>28586317

That's gay, deadbeatbro.

>> No.28586147

I hope Kiara collabs with Moona in the future, I don't want people believing that her playing up the jealousy of Moona means that she hates her

>> No.28586148

Why is the flask and table the same color that fan artists likes to draw dicks in.

>> No.28586150

Idolchads living rent free in your head

>> No.28586152
Quoted by: >>28586266

Is kiara actually being open and honest in her member stream? Man almost make me wanna member just to hear her being sad

>> No.28586153
File: 408 KB, 750x840, C669BFDC-7BC1-44BB-940D-2B92527A9F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one jesus it’s just numbers why are you so mad it’s just subs calm down

>> No.28586154

>I want to go to Australia

>> No.28586156

There's another one at the bottom. Whoever put them there has cash to spare.

>> No.28586161
File: 525 KB, 600x800, Tokino.Sora.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that we have Ame and Kiara, would you like an unironically seiso HoloEN?


>> No.28586162
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1601962208261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just reading superchats and getting derailed easily as usual, but honestly if you enjoy her content enough to be upset by missing it, why aren't you a member?

>> No.28586164

We must be tribalist schizos

>> No.28586165
File: 173 KB, 1242x1234, watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28586166
File: 442 KB, 4000x2800, EluQKsLU0AICF1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all unforgivably lewd

>> No.28586167
Quoted by: >>28586882

Kiara herself said she "heard" something different, so she just goes by what others told her and she, most likely, read on reddit. The idolfag narrative is pretty strong there and funnily enough they blame us.

>> No.28586168

Only idiots shit on the holos for interacting with the Reddit

It's literally their own modded, controlled yabee free hugbox. Of course that's where they go for fan interaction (especially the JPs).

>> No.28586170
File: 52 KB, 491x620, matuli's hip to shoulder ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586171
Quoted by: >>28586240

Seems like they moved on to Gura and her twitch friends for now.
Ina is next after.

>> No.28586172
File: 446 KB, 609x540, 1591393254235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586181

Yes, me

>> No.28586182
File: 2.07 MB, 1382x2100, 1602721787807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's basically perfect, the highest spec possible female form
other women can sense it so clearly, they can't stop thinking about her

>> No.28586183
File: 308 KB, 433x530, 1603870048418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586292


>> No.28586184
File: 325 KB, 661x424, 1604045600163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>GEN 0



>Doing their Eigo reps

>Being lazy and not working on their Eigo reps

>Unknown Eigo status

>Too stupid to do their Eigo reps

>Will never do it and/or actively dodges the question


>> No.28586186

I think there is a difference between someone with closer connections to hololive and having had a direct connection with her design than some random twitch faggot saying shit on twitter

>> No.28586187


>> No.28586188

>I feel like they don't want us to cum

>> No.28586190
Quoted by: >>28586237

>this is real
But what does it mean?

>> No.28586195
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1601996976596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586713


>> No.28586197
File: 202 KB, 1080x1728, 20201031_190320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586260

This was yesterday and today people loved both the collab and her stream

>> No.28586196 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 500x491, 1604253912321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586198


>> No.28586201
File: 335 KB, 508x775, Ojisanisready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My time to shine, I will clown myself as purityfag to keep the twitchfags away.

>> No.28586200

They are busy trying to claim gura isn’t a holo or en isn’t Holos truely top skitzo cope

>> No.28586204


>> No.28586207

They double banned him? Excuse me?

>> No.28586208

No, they're over there lecturing eachother.

>> No.28586210

I'd watch, but because I don't mind either way, every girl is different

>> No.28586211

>Seiso western woman

If only...

>> No.28586213

Unironic Seiso? Yes
Fake Seiso? Nah

>> No.28586214

Mutt's law applies even in /jp/, huh?

>> No.28586215

It was literally a guy from this thread.

>> No.28586219

based kiara filtering (you)

>> No.28586221
File: 251 KB, 2279x1550, 1603887708719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idolfags might be strict and huke had to die for our sins, but he will set a precedent. Idolfags are the last defense we have from holoEN becoming indistinguishable from Pokimane x twomad x Markiplier.

You should be grateful, even if huke is a good guy. It was for the better.

>> No.28586222
File: 66 KB, 887x512, 1595046041113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sopa de peko

>> No.28586224
File: 314 KB, 519x332, 762CD5C969B64CA4BA1FB659C9BCBD93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not home right now, what did Kiara say about the Huke crossbow?

>> No.28586226

t. reddit dragon faggot
she is cancer, go back

>> No.28586230
File: 2.86 MB, 942x1080, twapi dance1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586231

You can if you're not a schizo

>> No.28586232
Quoted by: >>28586311

Am I imagining things, or am I actually hearing a bit of Gura's accent from Kiara recently?

>> No.28586234

If Cover wants to succeed with Holostars EN, they need to go away from the fujoshit cuteboy bait nonsense for males and pick best friend and bro experience Holo Males.

>> No.28586235

Gura is pretty seiso

>> No.28586236

>Occasional concoction videos

>> No.28586237

absolutely nothing

>> No.28586239

I think we can all agree Mori ruined /hlgg/

>> No.28586240
Quoted by: >>28586299

>Gura and her twitch friends
The fuck is going on now? I swear I cant even sleep and go grocery shopping without some new schizo narrative popping up.

>> No.28586243
File: 262 KB, 995x969, 61e0c743fd614d422010e06251f308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this chicken!

>> No.28586245

>Kiara confirmed that Gura can go anywhere and Cover management doesn't have any issue with it

>> No.28586246
Quoted by: >>28586377

Anon don’t make me get the poal you won’t like the result

>> No.28586247

Sadly the world doesn't run like that, Joseph.

>> No.28586252
File: 3.57 MB, 2373x3378, 684648455331535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detective dekai!

>> No.28586253
File: 2 KB, 112x112, 1602536744505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is upset at Huke leaving the MC server.
>Has gained an even bigger hatred of idolfags.
>"I know there are people who get upset if I even mention the other gender"
>Knows there are only 2 genders.
>Calls out reddit/MCfags as secret idolfags.
>Management did not care about the couple people complaining.
>Huke leaving was his decision.
>Kiara is as based as fren.

>> No.28586255
File: 134 KB, 225x258, 1593750693154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post says that a twitch collab most likely won't happen

What? Did you link the wrong post?

>> No.28586256

Yeah it's a business after all and Reddit is one of the biggest online platforms for advertising and exposure for audiences globally.

>> No.28586257

When is 5th gen going to tour ENs undermine?

>> No.28586258
File: 62 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586331

>Watching Mori's drunk stream
>She's gonna go on a spa day with Chicken

Is it possible to stop the Gigastacey?

>> No.28586259
Quoted by: >>28586404

Because Pekora is unironically the most heterosexual girl in Hololive, the forbidden fruit.
She's so straight she went from A to B in Death Stranding with no detours no matter the mountainous terrain.

>> No.28586260

Oh shit, it's Pac-Man.

>> No.28586262
Quoted by: >>28586306

>>Unknown Eigo status


>> No.28586264

>Amelia and Gura are Twitchfags

>> No.28586265

>chicken just said that Mori is appearing in person on the trash taste podcast with a paper bag on her head with her pog emote poorly drawn on it

what the FUCK

>> No.28586266

All of them are more honest in member streams.
I get the feeling that the numbers they have in their member streams are the numbers they expected to have for all of their streams and so they're much more relaxed in front of a smaller audience. Especially since everyone there paid money to be there, so there's less chance for antis.

>> No.28586267

I'd buy one

>> No.28586273

Do they really switch gears from shitting on a holo to praising them if it fits their agenda? Absolutely.

>> No.28586276
File: 880 KB, 1757x850, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588128


>> No.28586278

I hope it stays that way.

>> No.28586281
Quoted by: >>28586344

what an absolute semen demon

>> No.28586282

Anon, idolfag here, I'm sorry if you are a fucking newfag but no idolfag has any problem with holos interacting with males in professional enviroment, even less with their papa, which in this case was even married so not even the unicorns would be annoyed.
Idolfags =/= Unicorns
Leanr the difference before posting in /jp/ anonchama.

>> No.28586284
File: 291 KB, 1031x2048, 1603865946820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it on good information that Gura and Ame are planning on moving in together so they can do regular duets and off collabs every week
t. Anonymous inside holo source

>> No.28586285

She said she didn't think that was the reason why people were getting angry.

>> No.28586286

Noel knows enough to call herself "THICC AS FUCK"

>> No.28586287
File: 56 KB, 828x827, 1603679461214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love idolfags/purityfags. They walk the walk. I hope you guys realize what the true purpose of an anti is. They are our gatekeepers.

>> No.28586289

Nanolish isn't good for conversations but it gets the point across fairly well.

>> No.28586290

huke is a good papa

>> No.28586292
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, bunny cunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WANT TO ________ PEKORA'S BUNNY ________!

>> No.28586294
File: 341 KB, 552x586, NUMBERZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586297
Quoted by: >>28586520

That would be so perfectly on-brand, I wouldn't even be mad.

>> No.28586299

Well, the friend part isn't a narrative, the naive rrat is that they're gonna have a collab. Probably won't happen, but shitposters don't let that hold 'em back.

>> No.28586302
Quoted by: >>28586486

That's a strange way of saying they need to clone Jerma 5 times, but I agree

>> No.28586304

They're being punished by AO-chan with a hurricane

>> No.28586305
Quoted by: >>28586846

Roboco did an EN-only stream right after EN debuted.

>> No.28586306

And so are you apparently

>> No.28586308

I'll never be able to hear those peko soundbites...

>> No.28586309

She knows Japanese idol culture, why the fuck is she complaining

>> No.28586310

the absolute state of ojisans

>> No.28586311

>tfw not alone

>> No.28586317


Y'all need more Jesus in your lives.

>> No.28586320

>denies all collabs to make her friends work around her autism

>> No.28586321

She didn't see much complaints about the bow but about "other things", probably idolfags since she was complaining about not being able to mention men beforehand, and said it's ridiculous and kind of sad

>> No.28586322

Man I hated Kiara and Ame at first
But every day that pass Kiara feels so earnest, hololive needs people like her

>> No.28586325

Have fun with the number that the ironic weeb youtubers bring in

>> No.28586328
File: 1.10 MB, 720x900, 1599909986893.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586327
Quoted by: >>28586383

gonna cry? Fuck me yourself coward

>> No.28586331

chicken spent 3 akas on that spa day

>> No.28586332

daily reminder idol fags caused the AMEGEDDON do not trust these fat incel fucks with your oshi

>> No.28586333

There's a difference between using a streaming platform and being part of the twitch culture.

Although yes, Amelia was more twitchfag. She actively disassociates though and I don't see any concerning behavior so it's fine.

>> No.28586335


>> No.28586337

numberfags are subhuman but idolfags are even lower than animals

>> No.28586338

Noel knows many english words, so she probably has basic understanding of it.

>> No.28586340
File: 1012 KB, 1278x719, 1538015148593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586375

Today I will remind them

>> No.28586341

Sure, but I wonder what her fanbase would look like

>> No.28586343

They make enough money for cover to fund a trip for them. I'm sure they'll meet up some day.

>> No.28586344
File: 2.02 MB, 720x1280, twapi dance 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586453


>> No.28586347 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 541x216, 1604254136153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586409


>> No.28586351

idolfags won lel

>> No.28586352

You can call stuff retarded even if you know about it.
Example given, I come to 4chan even if it's riddled with retarded newfags and shitposters.

>> No.28586355
File: 49 KB, 583x498, speechless whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586356

>Idolfags made Kiara sad
>Numberfags made Gura sad
they're both shit in my books

>> No.28586358

marine is really grinding her reps
peko has been streaming a bunch
but I think all the JP girls that care are going to take it very seriously. The EN girls aren't slowing down, there is no reason for the JP girls to not go after the global viewers

>> No.28586360
File: 9 KB, 256x197, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach Jesus

>> No.28586362

I'm actually a Christian
i just want blacked mori porn

>> No.28586364

Is Korone's english really that good?

>> No.28586366
File: 34 KB, 499x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586367

Her shorts are too tight, that can't possibly be comfortable.

>> No.28586368
Quoted by: >>28586466

>knows something is retarded
>does not complain about it being retarded
you are retarded.

>> No.28586369
Quoted by: >>28586438

>Staff was okay with it.
EN-staff is dumb. They are not really versed in this parasocial-thing, are they?

>> No.28586372
File: 13 KB, 900x900, EkM3VTcVcAE5RvR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586375

antichadsama I kneel

>> No.28586377

Post whatever poal you want, I don't open them because I have a 3-digit IQ

>> No.28586378

True. Some of the Holostars seem like cool dudes, but god damn, Astel and the others look goofy as hell. Hopefully they get designs more similar to Niji's Belmond.

>> No.28586379

Would you watch a movie stream with Kiara and Marine watching LotR?

>> No.28586381

No, I need more HoloEN drawings of them being dicked, rolling their eyes from ecstasy, being breathless after a mating press or covered in goop. I'm gonna give all the drawfags about a year for them to do their reps.

>> No.28586382
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1603044708418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586476


>> No.28586383
Quoted by: >>28586597


How hard is being a wizard?

>> No.28586386

>She had her previous career ruined precisely because of this culture
Jeez, I wonder why she hates idolfags

>> No.28586387
File: 355 KB, 2105x1185, 1603263835053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invited Mori to a spa date because she's overworking herself and needs rest
>literally booked the most expensive massage parlor available
Why are they such good friends?

>> No.28586385
File: 55 KB, 205x189, 1597634700830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idolfags made Kiara sad
glad the chickenshit and huke hack got BTFO

>> No.28586389

She hasn't said, but I would assume later in the evening.

>> No.28586392
Quoted by: >>28587044

Letting Holo's interact a lot with their Papa/Mama is nothing new you retard newfag.
You gonna flip your shit when Ui-Mama interacts with Subaru?
Says nothing about twitchniggers/anitubers.

>> No.28586390

>constipation or diarrhea

>> No.28586396
File: 3.44 MB, 2745x3680, 15681496846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've ogey'd for the last time rrat

>> No.28586398
File: 387 KB, 1908x1080, Lamy meds for all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking hololive actually follows idolfag culture

>> No.28586397


>> No.28586399

Which one is her friend?

>> No.28586400
Quoted by: >>28586520

I'd actually accept that collab then. The other option would be to introduce herself with "nigger of nihongo"

>> No.28586404

>Because Pekora is unironically the most heterosexual girl in Hololive
Why do tourists adopt these delusional narratives so easily? Nothing about Pekora makes her more hetero than any other holo. She teetees and yuribaits just like the others, with the few girls she is comfortable with.

>> No.28586405

See you tomorrow.

>> No.28586407
Quoted by: >>28586759

I didn't realize the appeal of seiso until I started watching Sora. It'd be a herculean task to find a seiso westerner though

>> No.28586408

Uma delicia

>> No.28586409

imagine being a 2hu fan on this board and seeing this shit

>> No.28586413
Quoted by: >>28586450

I mean. I really don't think it's a hidden secret that people don't want their idols dating people

>> No.28586415

She's engaging plan 2 of her master plan to make Mori into a gigastacy to double team all of JP.

>> No.28586417

go back

>> No.28586419

Why wouldn't you be?
She's funny, cute, shy at times but brash at others, has ambition to match politicians, the confidence to do anything jumping right into it, and maternal instincts Rank EX.
She's like the Ferris Bueller of Hololive.

>> No.28586420
Quoted by: >>28586536

>Numberniggers made Gura anxious
>Idolfags made Kiara sad about Huke
Both are subhumans

>> No.28586424
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1599946600013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586429
Quoted by: >>28586556

It's what friends do, remember how Mori took her out for a dinner

>> No.28586434
File: 72 KB, 247x248, 1594759770649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586483

>implying holostars aren't "best friend and bro experience"

>> No.28586432

Rent free

>> No.28586436

Suisei actually read quite a bit of English during the recent holoJP Among Us collab and did it quite smoothly. I think she's just keeping it on the downlow.

>> No.28586437

>Hololive isn't an idol agency
>Dance lessons
>Vocal lessons
>Original songs
>Variety shows
>most of them calling themselves one
How new? Just because they aren't traditional idols they aren't less.

>> No.28586438

They just read the reddit reactions and go with whatever they agree with.

>> No.28586440
Quoted by: >>28586520

it would be weirder if she did anything but that

>> No.28586442
File: 142 KB, 1800x1178, 1604242223835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what separates Kiara from almost all of hololive for me. Every other Holo all feels like they have some hidden feelings they hide behind and let their feelings get burried by their character. Kiara is open about everything she says, her sadness, her happiness, and everything in between. If there was any Holo I'd honestly say that I beleeb in, it'd be her.

>> No.28586444

Her English is unironically more comprehensible than Lazychama's.

>> No.28586445
File: 337 KB, 2600x2700, 34345543453435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586508

If Ame and Gura doesn't have another collab next week I'll be sad.

>> No.28586446

Kiara would become my favourite if she just insulted people on stream and didn't care about hurting viewer's feelings

>> No.28586447
Quoted by: >>28586520

God I wish

>> No.28586448

she obviously has a decent vocabulary and understanding for a jap.

>> No.28586449


Meds trans

>> No.28586451

As a Texan, I hate what they've done with my word.

>> No.28586450
Quoted by: >>28586489

dating is a HUGE fucking step from collabing with your artist

>> No.28586452
File: 2.53 MB, 2045x2200, 1601056496028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I really hope Kiara won´t get burned to hard if Pekora does not like her as much as Moona.
I don´t wanna see this kind of suffer chicken...

>> No.28586453
File: 349 KB, 281x281, internal heartache 49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn get to cuddle this to sleep
why does it hurt so much?

>> No.28586454 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1604254293442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Holostars EN to truly succeed, they need to bring HIM on board.

>> No.28586455

>Nooo these fictional characters are not living up to my real world standards! Cancel them!
Idolfags are just Twitter SJWs.

>> No.28586458

t. Clip watcher

>> No.28586459


>> No.28586460
Quoted by: >>28586555

It's obviously an ironic post. I'm agnostic and I don't usually post like that.

>> No.28586462
File: 489 KB, 579x723, 1603332525903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why we should be very worried. I fully expect them to greenlight Ame x moonmoon or Gura x sykkuno collabs.

>> No.28586465

I wanna belib but I don't

>> No.28586466
Quoted by: >>28586548

Should have become an indie twitch streamer if she dislikes it so much

>> No.28586467

The falseflag is too painfully obvious. Make it more subtle.

>> No.28586473
Quoted by: >>28586544

>She had her previous career ruined precisely because of this culture
was she taking dick or something

>> No.28586476

ding ding ding!

>> No.28586480

>Kiara wants collabs with other EN and JP girls

>> No.28586479

>>in Minecraft
>It was just a front for idolfags.
>Don't want to use the crossbow? Stick in a box and forget about it, or throw it in lava. It was never an issue.
I'll chalk her understanding up to Kiara being a woman.

>> No.28586482
Quoted by: >>28586557

>Kiara wants MoriXRushia Collab
How many Aka suupas copypastas will spawn from this?

>> No.28586483

They were definitely targeted at women first until that flopped.

>> No.28586486

I want Jerma 5 times but each of them are a different character from his lore

>> No.28586487

They told Ame to do singing lessons but she hasn't done any so I'm pretty sure most of that is optional

>> No.28586489

No it's not

>> No.28586490
Quoted by: >>28586523

idol fags doxed ame and tried to bring her kitkats not to mention made her delete all of her old life due to being creepy stalkers and probably will make everyone else do the same

>> No.28586491

>I wanna see more collabs with EN members and JP members.
Me too Kiara! Fuck the language barrier, it would still be fun.

>> No.28586494

Both suck, but idolfags are delusional on top of everything else. Numbersfags are just autistic and obsessed with the subs/views race because their parents never truly loved them.

>> No.28586495

She only hates the idol business because she was forced to suck producer cock to get anywhere and her career still went nowhere.

>> No.28586497
Quoted by: >>28586543

Can someone post that one picture with Mori, Chicken and a burning Hololive building?

>> No.28586498

Korone's the only one that actively references her English teacher. Her teacher even made fun of her for not playing Doom 2016 on a harder difficulty.

>> No.28586500
Quoted by: >>28586753

Is this the only stream today?

>> No.28586503

based chickenchad

>> No.28586504
Quoted by: >>28586527

They don't? Where's Aloe then?

>> No.28586505


>> No.28586508

>gura in pic
i love it

>> No.28586509

got to poach the daughter first

>> No.28586510

Her pronunciation kinda sucks, and her grammars not perfect, but she decent vocab and last we heard she's had a tutor since pre-holoEN debut.

>> No.28586512
File: 19 KB, 320x368, 1601646474079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't even jerk off to Pekora because her entire personality is like a retarded, autistic little sister. And I mean that, she doesn't activate my dick at all despite being a literal bunny girl.

But this particular animation? The uncensored version could do it for me. But that's it.

>> No.28586513
Quoted by: >>28586593

>Daughter is on Niji
>Father is on Holostar
Now that would be absolute kino

>> No.28586515

I don't know how she'll convince people. Sort of Ina with all the seasoning removed?

>> No.28586517

Based fellow Texanbro. I hate not being able to say it without being associated with other garbage

>> No.28586520


I fucking hate that I agree with you guys, If cali goes all in on this fucking meme and adds a pepega emote I will tier 3 sub to her

>> No.28586519

A Mori/Rushia collab could fund a whole new company just from the superchats

>> No.28586521
Quoted by: >>28586715

They fall into their own niche. They have the entertainment aspects of idols but expecting 24/7 "pure" behavior and devotion from them is retarded. Especially when someone goes rifling through their real life stuff to find things to be upset about and associate with the character. People who intentionally look to be upset have no validity in their complaints.

>> No.28586523
Quoted by: >>28586626

>idolfags doxxed ame
Were you even there? They didnt

>> No.28586525
Quoted by: >>28586599

and so are Ina and Kiara if you look for their twitch accounts. Mori too if you've subbed and seen the emotes

>> No.28586526


>> No.28586527


>> No.28586531


>> No.28586533

Idolfags are based, keeping holo true to holo culture.
I kneel to them. Their service is appreciated.

Without them we'd already have twomad appearing on holo channels.

>> No.28586534
Quoted by: >>28587115

Have anyone here watched Ayame's Among Us stream? How was her vocabulary and understanding of english?

>> No.28586536

>be kiara
>huke denies a collab with you he knows it's a bad idea
>keep pushing huke
>agrees to join the minecraft server
>it's a bad idea
Kiara's mad at Kiara for being a retard once again. Huke probably doesn't even care if he did he'd still play and just vacate when one of them starts streaming.

>> No.28586540
File: 13 KB, 622x101, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28586543
File: 343 KB, 1799x1514, 1602529281709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586581

Here you go bro

>> No.28586544

No she had a fan that she wouldn't date so the fan impersonated a theater owner and convinced her boss to fire her over rumors he made up

>> No.28586548

She did try being a twitch streamer though. Cosplaying as Arknights characters while at it as well.

>> No.28586552

based and chickenpilled

>> No.28586554
File: 492 KB, 1115x773, idolchadswin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586555
Quoted by: >>28586604

I'm just annoyed I can't think of cool Cowboys anymore when I see that word
Sorry bros

>> No.28586556

What's it like having a friend?

>> No.28586557
File: 512 KB, 900x767, 1600562797198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586633

>Big ups to "Pettan Pettan" for the akasuupa! I dont know what that means but thanks anyway!

>> No.28586558
File: 776 KB, 805x797, unknown-156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck doxxposters
Fuck people that reply to doxx posts
Fuck people that bait doxx posts
Fuck people that call any doxx a "good doxx"
Fuck idolfags
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck /hlg/ falseflaggers
Fuck nijiniggers
Fuck ironic weebs
Fuck super chat baiting

>> No.28586560
File: 306 KB, 1422x1900, 1574542183649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is open about everything she says
Thaats because she has no talent and cant keep up charac

>> No.28586561

5ch is laughing at us again....

>> No.28586562

It's weird. I love bunny girls but Pekora is too stupid for me to find hot and I want to fuck haachama.
>Chung e

>> No.28586563


>> No.28586565

Guys, how do I become an immortal cyborg to keep watching Kiara for hundreds of years?

>> No.28586568

how fucking new?

>> No.28586570
File: 1.10 MB, 1491x1066, 1578206367317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586780


>> No.28586572


>> No.28586571

Are they laughing at us? Or are they supporting the sentiment

>> No.28586573
File: 60 KB, 915x455, 1604044317607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, whats this Huke drama?

>> No.28586575

Didn't they all unsubscribe from Towa over hearing a male voice in the background?

>> No.28586577
Quoted by: >>28586616

>Kiara going Who Wants to Live Forever now

>> No.28586576

i remember when yall was a southern thing now its a cancer thing maybe Sherman shouldn't have burned down the south

>> No.28586578
Quoted by: >>28586628

I will support Gura, even if she ocllabs with cancer.

>> No.28586580
Quoted by: >>28586715

>buttplug skits
>vomit asmr

>> No.28586581

"Based." TakaMori will burn Cover to the ground.

>> No.28586582
Quoted by: >>28586624

>>Kiara confirmed that Enma gave Gura full permission to do her big twitch collab
Is there a clip?

>> No.28586584


>> No.28586585
Quoted by: >>28586668


but this poster is pretending like 5ch won't flip shit when they find out shark is gonna collab with men. Especially if they hear sykunno's voice and see what he looks like.

It'll be a meltdown I guarantee it.

>> No.28586587

they can't officially support it because its illegal there and "reserves the right" to request removal is a cover their ass statement in case it ever ends up causing them trouble

>> No.28586590

the duality of ayamefags

>> No.28586591
Quoted by: >>28587029

Chung E Cheese sponsorship confirmed

>> No.28586592

You mean went apeshit insane.

>> No.28586593

did Hana got any kind of boost from HoloEN exploding?

>> No.28586594
Quoted by: >>28586715

I dunno do they actually provide all those for their talents? I heard that the talents have to get all of those for themselves.

>> No.28586597

Actually awesome

>> No.28586599

Calliopog wasn't made by Mori, it was a gift from a friend.

>> No.28586601
Quoted by: >>28586689

W-wait... we're the purityfags?

>> No.28586603
Quoted by: >>28586653

The duality of ayamefags

>> No.28586604
Quoted by: >>28586833

What's with "Y'all" now?

>> No.28586608

/hlgg/: fuck idolfags hehe
also /hlgg/: what NO! you cant collab with other youtubers!

>> No.28586610

You faggots are laughed at by them daily btw.

>> No.28586611

idolfags and minecraft autists are falseflagging each other

>> No.28586615

Kiara... your super chat reading reps...

>> No.28586616
Quoted by: >>28586643

...You did not understand that song

>> No.28586617
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1601664244683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone eventually leaves. It's just another part of life

>> No.28586620

Ayameposter has been pretty based instead of retarded for the last few days, is it a new one?
Ah that must be the old one.

>> No.28586623

Pekora is a literal Looney Tunes character somehow transplanted into our universe. It's honestly a miracle that she exists.

>> No.28586624

No. It's in his schizo brain.

>> No.28586626

were you there guy said he dug into her because he was obsessed and then got triggered when people didnt believe he had the info

>> No.28586627
File: 177 KB, 503x559, 1602123244195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if they'd let the girls collab with men haha and they could do a 3d offcollab like this wouldn't that be funny haha

>> No.28586628

I can't.
If she collabs with those kind of people, I'm out, as much as it would pain me to let go of Gura and it would sting like hell.

>> No.28586629
File: 642 KB, 474x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Ayame fucking with her boyfrien so bad! All while saying "my viewers are so pathetic!" so I can feel degraded!

>> No.28586630

Nothing new, Kiara is just discussing it.

>> No.28586632

good one! NEXT MEME!!

>> No.28586631

pick up the pace chicken I need to pee and I can never know if you actually announce plans for the extermination of seaniggers or just normally read the superchats

>> No.28586633

>Ya boi readying up for a oof-korabo in Ni-hon with the first Russian Hololiver

>> No.28586636

i feel the same way about all of the holos

>> No.28586637
Quoted by: >>28586680

You guys really shouldn't be using VPNs to post on 5ch.

>> No.28586640

>Real world standards
You absolute retard thats what idolfags dont want.

>> No.28586641
File: 973 KB, 600x324, 1603784366544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please I'm trying not to nut here...

>> No.28586643

I was thinking of the Highlander use

>> No.28586644

But most of all, fuck ayame posters

>> No.28586652

thats so deep bro
this bong rip goes to you kiara

>> No.28586653


>> No.28586654
Quoted by: >>28586709

Which one is THHK?

>> No.28586668
Quoted by: >>28587266

dw sykunno's looks are so easily brought back down to earth once you see how he looked before he had his work done

>> No.28586670


>> No.28586673

And we laugh at them. Really is no difference between us.

>> No.28586674
Quoted by: >>28586758

It's been only 1 day, anon, keep it together!

>> No.28586677
Quoted by: >>28586704

>Literally everything I do someone will have a problem with it
And you fags said she stopped reading these threads

>> No.28586680
File: 9 KB, 408x107, 1603862564002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ch dumpster dives us regularly, especially for EN content. They even pick up some /hlg/ + /hlgg/ slang.

>> No.28586681

you think that shit is sacred or something?

>> No.28586682

I just want hololive to be part of the anime and weebshit community.

Not cloutchasing with western streamers and """"influencers"""""

>> No.28586683

they are also massive faggots it goes both ways just because they are japs doesnt make them better fucking unicorns

>> No.28586684

>Haters gonna hate, and whatever I do, someone's always gonna have a problem with it.

>> No.28586689

Purityfags and anti-purityfags were the same all along, anon

>> No.28586694

>why don't you want these no talents to shit up streams?
I thought idolfags were obsessed with their offstage life.

>> No.28586696
File: 406 KB, 1280x768, Ameryza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supremely based.

>> No.28586698
File: 87 KB, 444x511, 1600282991967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mater what I do, someone's going to hate me for it
Kiara, get the anti's off your head

>> No.28586699 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 537x372, 1579040657512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586731

>> No.28586701
Quoted by: >>28586829

Turns out Huke is actually Kiara's biological father, and that's why she never mentioned her father when talking about her real family.

>> No.28586704

She's just pitybaiting. Classic Kiara.

>> No.28586705

what did I miss? people trying to collab with Gura?

>> No.28586709
Quoted by: >>28586844

The second one. He's seething that he never made princess into a vtuber.

>> No.28586710
File: 47 KB, 915x455, jesas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586712
File: 714 KB, 789x693, Enr58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586848

New? No. I'm >>28586558, the "doxxbeats" one, Mori seemed to have been talked to by her manager about her superchat reading. I still like her the least but I've never actively shit on Kiara, she's improved like crazy since debut and is very entertaining. Still not a fan of doxxbeats posting so much roommate shit but Mori herself may be improving. Still don't care for her content tho.

>> No.28586713

That doesn't really fit.

>> No.28586715
Quoted by: >>28586760

>>28586487 >>28586521 >>28586580 >>28586594
Nothing of this invalidates the fact that they are so and they decided to join an agency like that.
And yes, its providen to the talents or at least Cover covers it as Coco and Luna said.

>> No.28586717
File: 203 KB, 419x490, Pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586763

>All these Pekos in the thread

>> No.28586718
File: 211 KB, 400x400, Risu 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586729
File: 2.08 MB, 3541x2507, 1603798472794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not her first rodeo, man. She really knows how to milk the experience before things turn to ash. Both Chicken and Mori feel this is a fleeing experience. We should too.

>> No.28586732
Quoted by: >>28586807

fuck idolfags
t. fan of a failed idol and failed porn whore

>> No.28586731

Go back.

>> No.28586733

>No mater what I do, someone's going to hate me for it
ogey rrat

>> No.28586734
Quoted by: >>28586855

I honestly can't imagine someone like Peko existing in the real world, I swear Peko has to be like the polar opposite of her roomate or something

>> No.28586736
Quoted by: >>28586901

Anyone who thinks Gura is going to collab with anyone outside of Hololive is kidding themselves. She still has a hard time fully interacting with half of EN. It would require a lot of prep on her part to warm up to someone, and it won't happen unless they're in-company and have the in on discord.

>> No.28586737
File: 60 KB, 385x394, hahaha future is good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587012

>hey brits

>> No.28586735


>> No.28586740

AHHHHHHHHHH Kiara grow a thicker skin PLEASE that's the only thing you need to become perfect

>> No.28586744
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1580638362332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586745
Quoted by: >>28586808

so character chads win again get btfoed idol nigger you have no power

>> No.28586749
Quoted by: >>28586796

If cover paid for the lessons I'm sure she'd do them.

>> No.28586751
File: 27 KB, 340x222, 160395939834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if gura collabs with those twitchfags, im
>cancelling my membership
>crying myself to sleep
>only going to watch ame until she does the same
im already ready to unsubscribe from moris channel for her anituber collab. just waiting for confirmation.
if you think its ok having gura collab with syykuno, who looks like a fucking boy band member that'll 100% fuck her after stream, you're a fucking ntr cuckfaggot.
like, syykuno literally has only female viewers. there was a clip of him doing some viewer discord call and all of them were female. this dude swims in fucking pussy and hes a predator, 100% hes going to take our daughter away from us. fuck that bugman.

>> No.28586753

Don't forget drawing reps with tako


>> No.28586758
Quoted by: >>28587043

The only thing that could make me lose is people making more Polka porn

>> No.28586759

Recommend to watch?

>> No.28586760
File: 934 KB, 731x727, Snsns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fuck people that reply to pots horizontally. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.28586762

Yes. The faggot guys from Pokimane's streamer house group.

>> No.28586763
File: 323 KB, 1764x2508, 1603807490749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more pecc all the time

>> No.28586769

>Watching gura's campfire
>She likes the number 3
Trinity bros....

>> No.28586772
File: 363 KB, 750x750, Kanata's ass abuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will holoEN have an ass slapping stream? Which girl would be the LIKELY one to get her ass slapped?
Which one would you WANT to get her ass slapped?

>> No.28586777

>actively baits knowing it hurts her
Yeah sure.

>> No.28586780
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, 1602020536545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smell

>> No.28586779


>> No.28586782

Based Ayamechad dabbing on idolfags

>> No.28586783

Huke sacrificed himself to save Kiara. Now Kiara hates idolfags more than ever.

>> No.28586786
File: 132 KB, 305x358, 1589696888577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based LunaChad

>> No.28586787
File: 470 KB, 600x941, dumb as fuck chicken is fucking YOUR oshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28586788
File: 749 KB, 1467x1377, 1597491666537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586790

Someone made a public offer to collab with Gura. Schzios have convinced themselves she will accept.

>> No.28586789
File: 16 KB, 617x618, RRAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28586791
Quoted by: >>28586887

>reddit controls the fate of this fandom
i fucking hate those faggots

>> No.28586795 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1500x1062, 1604254854626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586923

I love how genuine she is, she always gets really personal about what she's thinking, it's cute.

>> No.28586796

They do

>> No.28586799


>> No.28586800

I already lost, so I will just pretend November ends on the 2nd of December.

>> No.28586803

>members-only kiss from Kiara
feels good to be a member

>> No.28586807
File: 121 KB, 768x1024, 1604078709190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex.

>> No.28586808
Quoted by: >>28586879

How new nigger? Idolfag =/= purityfag
You don't even understand the culture you are talking about.

>> No.28586809

Gura gives tailjobs live on stream.

>> No.28586811

This is the first time I've seen someone do that and I hate it. This is a vertical only board.
She was Asciing for it honestly

>> No.28586812
File: 291 KB, 927x378, vote!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586864

Alright, I'm sick of this. So let's do a vote about Gura



>> No.28586814 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 1037x751, 1604254886540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586936

Are you frustrated?

>> No.28586820

Now make a poll that isn't shit.

People here aren't against them collabing with men. It depends on the men though.
For example I have no problem with Gura collabing with Roberu or Astel.
I DO have a problem with her collabing with some western faggot twitchcunt though.

>> No.28586822

The only hope is Kiara ass slapping some jp holos, the holoEN girls live too far apart between each other

>> No.28586824

It's actually first time I've seen someone do that. or at least noticed.

It actually took me a few times reading that to realize what was off with that post/

>> No.28586826

Matsuri is my fav HoloJP
Kiara is my fav HoloEN
How fucked am I?

>> No.28586827

I still don't believe that's her actual dad.

>> No.28586829

Chicken lore:
I found an old post from her Patreon where she talked about how they'll never get together with her father's side of the family for Christmas so it was probably a bad divorce. That's the narrative I'm going with since her mom's such a badass.

>> No.28586828

>Kiara feels lonely
Looks like a job for me. Later, fags

>> No.28586833

just search it on twitter (its not limited to there though) and you'll realise soon enough

>> No.28586834

>I think I feel lonely
Mori...help the chikun...

>> No.28586837
File: 997 KB, 747x748, Kiara wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara already has experience with getting slapped, and Mori slaps herself on a daily so it'd be perfect

>> No.28586842

based chicken telling her employees to send more SC to extend the stream

>> No.28586843

I could have stomached Huke. But the implication of future cheating becoming a regular thing on the server was too much.

>> No.28586844
File: 413 KB, 1832x874, 1602853398491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still could, it's just nobody would want to see his voice coming out of her.
Imagine the timeline where Mori plays Princess as an indie

>> No.28586845
File: 372 KB, 483x602, 1575399894250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I won't think twice to stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat
Believe me when I say that I got something for his PUNK ASS

>> No.28586846

>plays without touching the run button
I don't think I can stomach this no matter how cute the strained English is.

>> No.28586848

Pretty based and I agree with the one on Deadbeats, I'm one myself but some of our bad aples constant obsession with her roomate is just inconsiderate to the other girls that don't have a career on their roomates and just invites anti shit towards Mori.

>> No.28586850
File: 59 KB, 828x807, 1603502351690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious? Peckers is an autistic neet barely capable of social interaction. Moona is an autistic indog with no clue about social interaction.. The reason the vibe so well is because minecraft text chat gives them freedom in how they want to express themselves, something to talk about like their newest project whatever it is, the complete absence of akward silence and the ability to do something on their own if they feel like it.
Now compare that to chicken, the epitome of gigastacy
Last pekomoona minecraft peko was to socially akward to tell moona she didn't mean for her to keep the netherstar, now imagine that with kiara. The best case is kiara noticing how uncomfortable peko is in this relationship and the worst is peko activly resenting her because she's unable to communicate when she oversteps her borders, and this isn't even touching the conflict between one being a turbodyke and the other staying as far away from anything sexual or physical as possible

>> No.28586851

You like playing with fire.

>> No.28586852

based, western leeches can go fuck themselves, Holos only collab with professionals.

>> No.28586853

I love it too but I remember people saying similar things about Matsuri and look at her now

>> No.28586855
Quoted by: >>28587194

i feel the same way about gura and pekora

it's like she's too perfect, some kind of AI developed by the worlds leading scientists to be cuter and more entertaining than any human is capable of

they're both so many standard deviations away from an average person that it seems impossible
like the other holo girls that they compete with are the best of the best, but they are still noticeably far above them

>> No.28586857


>> No.28586863

Nailed it

>> No.28586864

I'm sick of polls

>> No.28586865
Quoted by: >>28586885

so much for Mori being her best friend. what now yuriturds?

>> No.28586868

>pretty based
What? Ayamefags literally jinxed us.

>> No.28586869
File: 547 KB, 828x1224, 1601832647449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28586917

Mori know´s what she is doing


>> No.28586870
File: 13 KB, 476x302, 1602344647314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuck you idolfags.
To somehow compare fucking huke to some random trash is insulting.
This in no way will prevent non hololive collabs and only made chicken sad.
Fuck you guys for even trying to excuse/rationalize obvious anti behavoir

>> No.28586871

This but unironically.

>> No.28586873


>> No.28586875
File: 1.11 MB, 1313x962, 1600223937161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of this

>> No.28586877


>> No.28586878

>Alternate timeline where Mori became princess and Amelia signed up for NijiEN instead of HoloEN
>HER never stopped streaming
>Ina and Kiara would still just be doing their own thing
I like the current timeline

>> No.28586879

>You don't even understand the culture you are talking about.
That is the main problem of the rapid growth of holoEN. It's good for them to be successful but it's bad for the community

>> No.28586881

Sorry to break it to you, anon. But she probably will. Never meet your heroes as they say. I honestly don't see it ending well.

>> No.28586882

>Kiara herself said she "heard" something different, so she just goes by what others told her and she, most likely, read on reddit. The idolfag narrative is pretty strong there and funnily enough they blame us.
Probably read all those comments about those dumb incel purityfags being dumb incels.

>> No.28586884

there is only ONE twitch streamer that I would be okay with collabing with any hololive member, and I know that I don't even have to say his name for you guys to know who im talking about

>> No.28586885

mori is too busy for her friends and everyone else is free pls andahstand

>> No.28586886

I hope to god that Mori's already asleep if she's back to wageslaving tomorrow, it's half 3 in the morning there.

>> No.28586887

>reddit controls the fate of this fandom
>gura still doesn't browse reddit
Chumbuds how do we keep winning? The best these fags have is someone else begging for her attention.

>> No.28586889

Just got back, why is Kiara sad?

>> No.28586894

well gura does use some faggot catboy's blanket for her movie watch-alongs...

>> No.28586896

No, go the Japanese route and go after Gura instead

>> No.28586898
File: 126 KB, 465x523, 1604251191691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme gimme hime

>> No.28586900

Him being a guy is utterly irrelevant. Go collab with a drama-free male streamer like Giantwaffle or Cohh for all I care, just not them.

>> No.28586901

I think she probably would want to avoid the "twitch" crowd of ecelebs that would remind her of the retarded shit from her past life.

>> No.28586902
File: 11 KB, 986x153, 1600946875698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes we laugh at them, sometimes we laugh along with them.
It's a complicated relationship.

>> No.28586904
Quoted by: >>28586981

Good post.

We're going to see a broken Kiara arc where she realizes Pekora is distancing herself from her, won't we?

>> No.28586905

As long as you pay at least

>> No.28586908

the huke situation + being a bit lonely ATM apparently

>> No.28586910

She can't keep getting away with it

>> No.28586912

>I feel like I'm the most open one I say many things I shouldn't say

>> No.28586914

And he said Oy Vey and Shut it Down on his last stream correct?

>> No.28586915

>How fucked am I?
Imagine being in the same room as them
You'd be very fucked literally

>> No.28586917

there is something about girls that try to be sexy but just sound like fucking dorks in the end that makes me rock hard

>> No.28586918

she feels lonely

>> No.28586919


>> No.28586922

>Imagine the timeline where Mori plays Princess as an indie
Fucking jesus that sounds like one hell of a timeline, sounds awesome
If at any point Mori gets the boot, her becoming a DD vtuber sounds like a good idea

>> No.28586923


>> No.28586925

The problem is that Kiara will use Japanese with Pekora. Peko only goes chad mode in English.

>> No.28586926

Just menhera acting up, please understand.

>> No.28586927
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>> No.28586928

And fuck you for having a low IQ and thinking your opinion matters

>> No.28586931

nice thought

>> No.28586936

who is that?

>> No.28586944

Normally I hate idolniggers like you but in this case I 100% agree. Based idolfags are the last barrier against twitch niggers.

>> No.28586945

>this is actually what schzios tell themselves

>> No.28586946

Oh my god she is crying

>> No.28586948
Quoted by: >>28587074

New narrative: Kiara isn't horny, she just approaches others being lewd because they won't take it seriously and it's easier to not get pushed away like that.

>> No.28586951

Wait why is Kiara crying?

>> No.28586952
File: 300 KB, 638x645, 1596592597125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else starting to believe that purityfaggotry is some sort of psyop to misplace the blame on something else?

>> No.28586953

That's an awful narrative and I refuse to believe it

>> No.28586957

>actually starting to cry
chicken wow

>> No.28586959

>I say many things I probably shouldn't say.
>I feel like I shouldn't be so open.
>The fact that I have to hold back... Is a bit hard sometimes.
Sniffling afterwards.
I love this honest bird with all my heart.

>> No.28586960

Chicken fags, I'm considering membership, what did Kiara say about Pekora collab & Moona?
I don't wanna be sad by listening closer, I want to hear Kiara being confident and handling social cues well

>> No.28586961 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 348x440, 1604255148000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be realistic. What we really need is HIM

>> No.28586963

Read the post again and try to comprehend it, then come back

>> No.28586965

Taking Kiara's crutch away from her is good for her.

>> No.28586968

I can't imagine Pekora in a single lewd situation she's just too cute for it.

>> No.28586973
Quoted by: >>28587100

No one tell this guy we have two "twitchniggers" among HoloEN.

>> No.28586975

chinkin just called me cute brehs...

>> No.28586976
Quoted by: >>28588782

The pol isnt shit, your reading comprehension is tho because it wasnt about that.
The difference is that the homos and other vtubers may be on topic and in the culture knowing their shit but twitch faggots wont know shit, you may be a newfag but peole usually has no problem with holos collabing in professional enviroment. Holostars are hated but if it was niji males nothing happens.

>> No.28586981

to be honest i think it will end in a more uncomfortable version of takamori except this time kiara is the only one that thinks peko is playing the tsundere

>> No.28586982

You're the only one with low IQ idolfag

>> No.28586987


>> No.28586990

How was the movie with Chicken?

>> No.28586993
Quoted by: >>28587027

what are you skitzos even talking about this narritve is literally fucking made up or something retarded chicken said

>> No.28586999

It's pretty decent, and she has been going after global audience even before EN debut. She likes her western fans.

>> No.28586998
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1603286723343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chikken gang babyyyyyy we keep it 100% the REALEST mothafuckas

>> No.28587000

She wants more superchats and she read 1 bad comment somewhere last night so she started crying for an hour again.
She's that type of girl. She can get 1000 comments of love, but if just one of them says "I think you're annoying" she will cry in front of the other 999.

I know these type of women.

>> No.28587002

I too, would love a hololive collab with AvoidingThePuddle!

>> No.28587004
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1601575028240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587028

>I talk too much about everything. I'm too open.

>> No.28587006
File: 414 KB, 704x617, 1600227739750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice "stacy" you got there chicken cucks

>> No.28587007

Worth it for yandere Kiara.

>> No.28587009
File: 103 KB, 245x209, hwzsmxwf4dh51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I need more of Polka's roommate

>> No.28587008
Quoted by: >>28587045

>I'm like an open book and the more I close my book the harder it is for me to stay sane

>> No.28587011
Quoted by: >>28587050

>I don't wanna be sad by listening closer
That's part of the ride, brother. If you don't want that you'd best steer clear. The chickencoin is the coin of suffering half of the time.

>> No.28587012

Right. New chapter today.

>> No.28587016

wait, how do people know that they want to try and collab with her?

>> No.28587017

Movie was good. Post-movie zatsudan was even better.

>> No.28587018
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>> No.28587020

She just read the thread, that's why she cried

>> No.28587021
File: 848 KB, 1439x2881, Screenshot_20200909-012041_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait there are actual idolfags here
I thought these were just SEAniggers
you fags really compare this funny vtuber group full of random woman to real life idol agencies?

>> No.28587024
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You know you want to.

>> No.28587025
Quoted by: >>28587105

I forgot to save it but someone made a giant list of her roommates singing

>> No.28587026

Based. The threads were chill and the LOTR-posting was hilarious.

>> No.28587027

One random faggot tweeted at gura asking for a collab. they've gotten no official response. that's all.

>> No.28587028

Chicken... that's what I like about you...

>> No.28587029 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.28587032

Chumfriend don't be rude

>> No.28587038
File: 54 KB, 618x900, 543345354453153153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587132

Amelia miles... away

>> No.28587039
Quoted by: >>28587191

Those niggers want the drama. They know it's 100% gonna stir shit if they do a collab. Also there's no audience crossover at all. A bunch of normalfaggots are just gonna OMG HOW U KNOW THATS A GIRL? XD



>> No.28587040

Muh Stacy KEK

>> No.28587041
File: 10 KB, 202x174, Sharksawa Point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop using Gura to make shitty post

>> No.28587043

I'm assuming you've already seen this, then.

>> No.28587044

Refute this you niggers

>> No.28587045

She was the SEA schizo all along?

>> No.28587047

p. good. She was obviously getting sleepy by the end though and the live2d was a bit off because she was far from the camera.

>> No.28587048

>wanting them to collab with twitchfags
kill yourself

>> No.28587050
Quoted by: >>28587087

I already listen to Masturi twitcasts my brain will explode Kiara is also being insecure in member streams

>> No.28587056

It was fun. Watching LotR with /hlg/ was great too.

>> No.28587057

But the dragon shaving her pussy live is just like my factory made Japanese woman being super pure

>> No.28587058

Lmao, every time an incel brings up sykkuno is to shit on him. How mad are you, fag?

>> No.28587059

I'm starting to think Kiara is a bit of a menhera too

>> No.28587061


>> No.28587067 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.00 MB, 771x930, 1604255347509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587281

>> No.28587071

>Chicken knows she can't talk about her past but wants to

>> No.28587074

>Kiara tries this on Polka
Whoops, You walked into that one chief!

>> No.28587078
File: 225 KB, 690x683, BONERU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587121

alright that's it fuck this goddammit IM GONNA FUCK THIS RRABBIT

>> No.28587079

I really love our relationship with the nihongoloids at 5ch.
We both dumpster dive each other's stupidest posts and laugh at them. It's like that King of the Hill episode with Hank and JP-Hank.

>> No.28587080


>> No.28587083

>random faggot
Cmon dude. It's a big streamer. It's like Pokimane herself tweeting at Gura asking her to collab with some fag living in her house.

>> No.28587085

is the thread only fast when ame or gura streams?

>> No.28587086

In the land of the omegas, the beta is an alpha.

>> No.28587087

Yeah, steer clear, brother. This is a menhera ride.

>> No.28587088
Quoted by: >>28587110

You guys made Kiara cry, are you happy now?

>> No.28587091

You guys are forgetting Kiara is actually capable of shutting up and is way more flexible in JP.

>> No.28587093

what happened? i dont watch kiara

>> No.28587095

I saw it right when midnight hit and I'm angry I didn't get to fap to it

>> No.28587096

Oh no a menhera attack

>> No.28587099

>huke had to die to prevent non hololive men from collabing with the girls
>but this doesn't actually prevent that from happening as Mori still collab with kokoro and other men
It's a retarded argument with no logic

>> No.28587100

If they stop using twitch they are no longer twitchniggers. It's not a race retard you an reform.

>> No.28587101

Hololive is starting to feel like one of those Sitcom shows.

>> No.28587103

t. Brainlet

>> No.28587105
File: 587 KB, 850x480, 1604111058735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokusei no Beat
Cynical Night Plan
Teikoku Shoujo
Bitter Choco Decoration
Whole Lotta No's
Delusion Sensation Compensation Federation

>> No.28587109
File: 365 KB, 1448x2048, 1604107193369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is everything I have from another anon, fellow clownposter.

Mokusei no Beat
Cynical Night Plan
Teikoku Shoujo
Bitter Choco Decoration
Whole Lotta No's
Delusion Sensation Compensation Federation

>> No.28587110
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1603502071820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah moona made her cry

>> No.28587112
Quoted by: >>28587141

Okay? Ui is a woman you double nigger

>> No.28587113

>that two-colored patch

>> No.28587115

She struggled a lot, but she even said it herself that she's a rudimentary English beginner. So rudimentary, she had to translate what the menu options said

>> No.28587116


>> No.28587119

Daily reminder for Newfags:
Idolfags =/= unicorns
Idolfags just want the chuubas to stay in character as idols and professional, enjoy the idol aspect of dance and music as well as the chuubas being unreachable in a way but they can do whatever they want off screen if it doesnt reflects on the chuuba.
Unicorns are just insane incels who truly believe they can be the roomate boyfriend.

>> No.28587121
File: 86 KB, 227x222, 1604100869582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587122

Based Moona

>> No.28587124
Quoted by: >>28587165

She is honest, kind and relatable, which anon sees as a weakness for some reason.

>> No.28587125

K doesn't count, also no one cares about Mori

>> No.28587126


>> No.28587127

Moona just made her seeth. Not cry. They collab with pekora will.

>> No.28587131

This bitch will graduate she can;t handle it back to av

>> No.28587132

put on some pants dumb shark

>> No.28587133

Is she doing some superchat begging again?

>> No.28587134

This made me think, which girl has the least idolfags? I feel like it's Calli, whole rap thing doesn't sound like something those guys would like

>> No.28587135

you heard the ouji, kiara permeates both alpha and beta energy and brings the best of both

>> No.28587136

Cried to people who give her money to receive more money. Same shit different day.

>> No.28587138

It's funny because Subaru is known for collabing with Maimoto too, but she definitely maintains a seiso image.

>> No.28587140


>> No.28587141

Oui what? This ain't a french board, pal

>> No.28587143


>> No.28587153

No one knows him outside american net, it's a literal who

>> No.28587155

clown clown clown

>> No.28587156
Quoted by: >>28587257

>Both are completely delusional retards who should off themselves
fixed that for you.

>> No.28587157

Which is kinda pathetic and really unprofessional.
Patti g two streamers on the spot like that

>> No.28587158


>> No.28587160

>also keep those secrets secret

>> No.28587161

Chickenfags... Your secret reps...

>> No.28587162
Quoted by: >>28587320

>Kiara is open about everything she says
As if. She just seethes quietly and tries to manipulate people.
How much German self-hate does she have in her for her native language and culture?

>> No.28587163
Quoted by: >>28587529

Cali's fans are literally detached from Hololive, just like Cali

>> No.28587164

Real reminder for newfags:

No one who hates idolchads actually understands what they're talking about.

>> No.28587167

Please rate my pitch for Homostars EN.

Three member unit made up of
-Ordinary Sausage
-Report of the week

Their content is essentially unchanged except they all have live2D models which are just a giant coffee mug, sausage, and burger with faces on them. The unit is called Aqua Teen HoloForce.

>> No.28587165

stacys are supposed to be evil, kiara is more of a samantha or hannah

>> No.28587170
Quoted by: >>28587246

>keep those secrets secret
haha sure would suck if someone already spilled the beans

>> No.28587172

>a holo
Are you joking?

>> No.28587175

I'm pretty sure they don't want retarded twitch celebs interacting with Hololive

>> No.28587174

Thank you very much anons this was exactly what I was needing

>> No.28587178

It's like in long lasting marriages. You can cheat, but I don't want to hear about it ever. Be responsible and don't bring up your sex life.

>> No.28587180
Quoted by: >>28587324

What if I just don't want holos to collab with annoying people from the west like ironic weebs or twitchcunt streamers?

I just don't want these circles to collab and come together.

>> No.28587184
File: 27 KB, 582x254, DogCollab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys talk about this? Kiara is really getting a collab with all the senpai.

>> No.28587189

I will protect this bird!

>> No.28587191

I feel like they'll bait her into saying dumb stuff

>> No.28587190

>people are saying im manipulative when i cry
>what the actual fuck
>I'm tying to stop myself

>> No.28587193

oh, she's reading the thread

>> No.28587194

I understand pekora being a cartoon comedy character but gura?
>awkward girl
>soft voice with a vague accent
>humor consists of snark or dated references to pop culture or memes
>otherwise relatively quiet and weak at carrying conversations or exuding energy
There's this type of girl everywhere. Gura to me seems like the kind of person you'd find just about anywhere. The most rare and unique thing about her I'd say is her godlike singing talent and muse dash skills, but everyone's got a thing or two like that.

Imo every holo EN is somewhat of a common personality type you'd find in the west. Holo JP is more character-like, where do you ever find people like Luna? or rushia or even fubuki? or elito miko? Those types of personalities just don't exist in the west.

>> No.28587195

She was 100% here at some point.

>> No.28587196

Wait what?
Is Kiara narrative posting right now?

>> No.28587199

Ahahaha kiara btfo'ing people in this thread

>> No.28587201

Get fucked loser

>> No.28587204

>Kiara calling out 4chan

>> No.28587207

I think it's pretty common among streamers. I saw a clip of reckful before he an heroed where he spent time to address one comment that said kys while 99% of chat were supporting him
I'm pretty sure it's a thing in human psychology that negative things have a bigger effect than positive

>> No.28587208

>Calling antis the fuck out

>> No.28587209

This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!

>> No.28587210

Chicken is laughing at you all....

>> No.28587212

She needs to stop browsing social media all the time

>> No.28587213



>> No.28587214

Kiara is HERE

>> No.28587215

And now shes going out on the guys who say she fakes crying
Getting a lot of baggage here

>> No.28587216

Missing Townsends and DemoD.

>> No.28587218

Hello Kiara

>> No.28587222

I think holostar EN should be off-topic because it's only ever used to discuss unrelated e-celebs

>> No.28587225

I would love this.

>> No.28587226
File: 58 KB, 130x188, 67675678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is calling ou /hlgg/ right NOW
Are you guys happy with your way of life?

>> No.28587227

>I try to cry less.
>Some people even say "Duuh she's faking her crying, she's being such a manipulate-"
>I mean how much anger do you have to have in yourself to automatically assume that someone is trying to manipulate you.

>> No.28587230
Quoted by: >>28587292

Why should I pretend to care about a washed up league player?

>> No.28587231

Called the fuck out

>> No.28587234
Quoted by: >>28587398

With Korone, it's a nothingburger because Korone just says that to everyone and never follows through. We're still waiting for the collab with Risu.

>> No.28587236

What a bitch.

>> No.28587238

Because she doesn't understand etiquette and no one would ever refuse a public collab request

>> No.28587239
Quoted by: >>28587306

what would be the point?

>> No.28587240

Mori fans aren't even holo fans and Mori herself isn't holo, so they do their own thing

>> No.28587243
File: 518 KB, 1033x942, 1603997299473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros.. gura is the biggest antisocial introvert in holoEN. i doubt she'd step out of her comfort zone and collab with a random twitch basedboy ladybitch.
and 100% she knows the history of idolfaggotry in hololive, i doubt she wants to be endlessly harrassed.
lets have faith in our daughterwife, she's smarter than this.

>> No.28587244

love you chicken but stop using social media 24/7

>> No.28587246
File: 200 KB, 431x584, 1602180550175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By now not just /hlgg/ but the whole discord already knows about this.

>> No.28587248
File: 472 KB, 538x671, FUAMI2QaiT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the HololiveEN girls will ever become corrupted and start virtue signaling about trans rights and BLM shit?

>> No.28587251

>How much anger must you have inside of you to accuse people of such things?

>> No.28587252

Get off 4chan, chicken

>> No.28587254

You forgot the "Like what the actual fuck" line
Love this chickn

>> No.28587255


>> No.28587258


>> No.28587256

uh oh we got BTFO

>> No.28587257
Quoted by: >>28587316

You will be grateful when idolchads are the last stand agaisnt this kind of twitch faggot

>> No.28587259

Hello Kiara i know you are seeing this

>> No.28587260
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1603465562089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is reading this thread say something nice to her

>> No.28587265

Call me when one of the holos I care about does it.

>> No.28587266

Work done? Dude looks the same aside from better personal care.

>> No.28587267

Not my problem if she keeps coming here. If you can't handle negativity you shouldn't go to 4chan

>> No.28587270

Holy BASED chicken!

>> No.28587273


>> No.28587276

>Koro-san promises to collab with Towa
>still hasn't happened
>Koro-san talks about a collab with Risu
>still hasn't happened
I'll talk about when she actually schedules any of these.

>> No.28587278

Kiara is 100% here.

>> No.28587279

Nearly on Red doing anime watch a longs and story analysis.

>> No.28587280
File: 2.49 MB, 2400x1900, 1603497372298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Chicken!

>> No.28587281


>> No.28587288

>I hope I didn't say too much weird things today

>> No.28587289

Drink bleach, Kiara

>> No.28587290

Ive been supporting her since she corrected herself from her debut. I think that things are better as you look for those around you to improve rather than dragging people down.

>> No.28587291

I love the Chimkin

>> No.28587292

You don't have to. But the fact is that he is a known streamer from a big streaming clique. The fact that his "HEY GURA COLLAB WITH THIS DUDE LOL" got 10k likes in a short time should tell you that it's an actual threat and might happen.

>> No.28587294
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1603597396758s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587466


>> No.28587296

Hi Kiara!
If you're reading this...

>> No.28587299
File: 60 KB, 579x709, 1598103754712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you cant make this shit up

>> No.28587300
Quoted by: >>28587398

Korone says that to everyone

>> No.28587302

She's the best

>> No.28587304

Members only zatsudans are the best

>> No.28587305

Kiara i dont like you but at least you are not a whore like ame

>> No.28587306
File: 171 KB, 494x495, point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587307

Fucking love this chickn
Even when she's having menhara attacks she still mogs her haters

>> No.28587312

You guys are such spergs.

>> No.28587314

Ame is passive aggressive towards immigrants, Gura is too much of an introvert to care about politics, Kiara only did it because women are easy to manipulate, Calli has said offensive things before, and Ina hates abos. They're fine.

>> No.28587315



Well, Holo's entire core is to be a mix of Kizuna Ai and AKB48 compared to Niji's who are pretty much just streamers with an anime avatar and only some of them follow some lore.
And pretty much that is the formula that boosted Holo to international viewers compared to Niji and any other current Vtuber agency.
Unironically, Holo is barely mainstream in Japan compared to Niji lol.

>> No.28587316

>implying that they aren't already here
>implying that there are not Twitch holos already

>> No.28587317

No one expects her to accept it. But no one expected HoloEN to be good in the first place. We've been predicting this shit since last year, so it's scary that we're at a pivotal moment.

>> No.28587320
File: 242 KB, 855x339, 1604220351578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds.

>> No.28587323

Honestly as a deadbeat I don't really care about whole idol thing and Japanese vtuber culture, I just watch for Mori

>> No.28587324

You are kind of an idolfag anon because you want them to stay in their ways and not interact with something that corrups what you consider an already good culture, there are different degrees of idolfag, but many new anons didn't know and think all idolfaggotry is being an unicorn.

>> No.28587326

Jesus christ hlgg destroyed.

>> No.28587327
File: 3.59 MB, 1372x2636, 1603216540662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587328

Kiara clearly only comes here during dead hours. It's sad because I want her to know that there are plenty of us here who support her.

>> No.28587331

so many people itt falling for her manipulation, pretty sad

>> No.28587332

/hlg/ was so mogged with this horseshit pre-debut that it was worse than unreadable for days until the split

>> No.28587333

Japanese corporations carry japanese philosophy and morals. So don´t worry about it

>> No.28587334

>getting your own friend's @ wrong

>> No.28587338

Bless this bird

>> No.28587340

Would headpat if I could.

>> No.28587342 [SPOILER] 
File: 309 KB, 498x498, 1604255777744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget idolfags fragmented gen 5

>> No.28587344


>Called out the antis and autistic people here

Imagine not being first day chickencoins, i pity you.

>> No.28587346

>person who fakes crying automatically assumes other people believe she's faking it
Yeah, that's how manipulators work. Genuine people don't worry about people not believing them.

>> No.28587347

I don't care about purity. Kiara can have all the sex life she wants for all I care. I would cheer for her to be in a good relationship. My wife and I were both used goods and rejects of lifes when we married so I have no standard.
However I will never tolerate using cheats in a survival Minecraft world. That's just over the line.

>> No.28587348


>> No.28587350

. Normally my christmas is lonely and shitty but this time our family got together for the first time in many years (well, atleast one part of the family, my father's side will most likely never get together with us and thats fine lol)!!
Wow that's actually pretty sad.

>> No.28587351

>how angry do you have to be to assume someone is trying to manipulate you in a business that holds manipulation and illusion as its core principles and means of profit
beats me

>> No.28587352


>> No.28587353

Kiara will

>> No.28587355

You are a fake ass bitch though, Kiara.

>> No.28587357
File: 35 KB, 479x395, 1579063832329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587508

>Kiara is here
>She watches chumcucks shit the bed over nothing

I cant... the thought is just too fucking hillarious.

>> No.28587359


>> No.28587360


>> No.28587361

I feel like that's a downgrade, but I guess it's fine as long as it's a side-thing for him.
Coincidentally, I was watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IKrdyt9zzg

>> No.28587362

That's not how that works you anti social fuck

>> No.28587363


>> No.28587364
File: 225 KB, 495x495, 1603692436242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. I knew this whole meme with THEY AREN'T ACTUALLY IDOLS would bite us in the ass one day. We now have faggots unironically being okay with a normalfag twitch streamer clique.

I should have seen this from how people defended the Gigguk podcast. If you think this is purely just about purityfagging you need to neck yourself newfag.

>> No.28587365
File: 244 KB, 624x973, 85324594_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love this chicken

>> No.28587366


>> No.28587368

ALOE LOVE! I will always remember her.

>> No.28587370
Quoted by: >>28587475

I don't ever want people to call Mori "manipulative" or "akasupa baiting" after this shit

>> No.28587378

Tenchou please make a Conan watchalong.

>> No.28587379
Quoted by: >>28587483

Honestly anything but more bishoushjin men would be a godsend to the community

>> No.28587385

Kiara shouldn't but her roommate. I'm not mentally ill so I can seperate them.

>> No.28587386

I really wish all of Holo EN followed Kiara's footsteps and directly told antis and idolfags to fuck off

>> No.28587387

Did we already forget about the gura and sykkuno collab?

>> No.28587388

love the chicken

>> No.28587390
Quoted by: >>28588000


>> No.28587392

>Blaming idolfags for Aloe's tragedy

>> No.28587394


>> No.28587397
Quoted by: >>28587644

All this talk about idolfags made me sad about Ame nuking her old content. She's the only one who doesn't have anything to return to, or in the least, have that identity if she ever wanted to return to it in some way. I guess there's nothing else to be done about it now.

>> No.28587398
Quoted by: >>28587547

Ah right, that does happen. But with Kiara, isn't she aggressive enough to make it happen?

>> No.28587401

if you watched streams you would realize how they try to stay away of it, even Ame. And using a plataform doesnt mean diving into twitch culture.
Artia is not a holo btw.

>> No.28587405


>> No.28587406

ok now i'm starting to understand why idolfags are like this

>> No.28587407

>I mean how much anger do you have to have in yourself to automatically assume that someone is trying to manipulate you.
This is exactly what a manipulative woman would say.

>> No.28587408

Now this could be something

>> No.28587409

>heh, you're mad that I'm calling you a liar? That just proves that you are a liar!
your meds anon... please...

>> No.28587411

>cries to get more donations
can she stop with the act?

>> No.28587412


>> No.28587414

Then you need to persecute all the managers in both HoloEn and JP, since it was not just Huke doing this kind of stuff, all of them helped the girls in half creative mode.

>> No.28587416

Chicken good

>> No.28587417

go back

>> No.28587418

Holy based

>> No.28587420
File: 197 KB, 390x550, YAGOO Fires Aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587763

She fragmented herself. BTW
No sex below this point! IT'S NO NUT NOVEMBER and that's doubly so for our talented girls!

>> No.28587422
Quoted by: >>28587561

The state of these threads.

>> No.28587423

I like you Kiara, but please understand holo live culture and why people like it. It's because we don't want this to just be twitch shit 2.0

>> No.28587424

Why are you grouping all layers? What is this? Photoshop?

>> No.28587428

To be fair, some people are overly defensive about that kind of thing because they have been manipulated in the past by an ex or something.

>> No.28587430

Where the fuck did you get those songs? I scouted the entire fucking Internet and couldn't find them.

>> No.28587432

We're reaching based levels I didn't think were possible!

>> No.28587433
Quoted by: >>28587518

Which one: murder barbarian or murder shota?

>> No.28587435

Damnit Kiara don't take us seriously it's mostly shitposting

>> No.28587437


Gura is 100% sociable, even if all her friends are made online. It's exactly like Amelia, which is probably why they became good friends so quick. It doesn't mean she's gonna collab with anyone but I'm just saying that this weird narrative of her being awkward and super introverted and that she doesn't talk to people is fucking weird.

They pretty much all have online friends or other friends in general. Maybe Gen 2 has some legit antisocial lady, but not this one.

>> No.28587439
Quoted by: >>28587577

>If you think this is purely just about purityfagging you need to neck yourself newfag.
Ah yes, I forgot it's actually about 4chan incels pretending their 1 million subs vtuber is legally owned by their secret club and not already mainstream.

>> No.28587440
File: 684 KB, 1280x720, 【Minecraft】Road to the ULTIMATE CHICKEN FARM #1 #kfp #キアライブ 3-56-31 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to your Phoenix mommy.

>> No.28587441

Korone is a lazy ass dog that has trouble scheduling a collab with her best friend.

>> No.28587442
Quoted by: >>28587772

if she doesn't see that she has a conflict of interest with her morality and being a "genuine" streamer she really is a dumb ass chicken

>> No.28587444
File: 434 KB, 1200x1200, Aloe Unravel - pixiv: 84833541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587447
Quoted by: >>28587760

Did you not see the meltdown of the trash podcast?

>> No.28587448

Love you Kiara! But you have to stop being on social media 24/7 and responding to literal whos

>> No.28587452

it is, you are just one of those people. If you're crying and your first thought is people will think your tears are fake. You're fucking fake.

>> No.28587453

Yeah I kinda fumbled the explanation 'cuz I read it a while back, but I feel bad for the poor Chicken. That "lol" at the end hits.

>> No.28587457

>MUH antis
Get new material, you fat fuck

>> No.28587456

How new?
It was literally nijiggers

>> No.28587458

Yes, I'm seething hard about it right now. Cover wil no recover from this.

>> No.28587460

I genuinely love her content and wish her the best.

>> No.28587464
File: 1010 KB, 4096x4096, 1556978734374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was initially cold on the whole TakaMori thing but this angle with Kiara trying to break Mori out of her shell really appeals to me. Reminds me of Locked Girl. If Chikin manages to resolve some of autistic reaper's issues I will literally clap, that would be some anime IRL stuff.

>> No.28587463

Stay mad, incel

>> No.28587465

I'm starting to hate Kiara because she doesn't respect autism. On the other hand she might simply be unable to comprehend it, on account of being a woman. So maybe it's okay.

>> No.28587466
Quoted by: >>28587685

Hah! told ya fags.

>> No.28587467
Quoted by: >>28588427

Gura is active and liking/retweeting
Moment of truth bros

>> No.28587469


>> No.28587470
File: 78 KB, 422x309, 22322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what her character was like or anything but christ she has a coomer ass design that I want to fuck, a literal succubus with full control over her tail IMAGINE

>> No.28587472
Quoted by: >>28587545

Please chicken leave these schizo threads which contribute nothing to society or to your stream quality.
We will love you always.

>> No.28587473

I believe that she's gonna have the strongest staying power and she has a will of steel.

>> No.28587474


>> No.28587475

I consider Mori just plain retarded when it comes to anything Hololive. That said, pure retardation is hard to differentiate from actual maliciousness. Time will tell which one's the case.

>> No.28587476

She has said before that it is because she is socially retarded.

Please understand.

>> No.28587477

Kiara is the least twitch HoloEN, equal with Ina.

>> No.28587478

Dunno but I'm convinced deadbeats would leap in front of a train for Mori so what does it matter?

>> No.28587479

her spooky stream was fun, I admire her determination to face her fears

>> No.28587482

Holo 5th Gen, forever 5.

>> No.28587483

Just hit the roberu sweet spot. He covers both.

>> No.28587484

Huke got like, 18 wool blocks for Kiara

thats unforgivable

>> No.28587485

I wanted to watch her horn grow.

>> No.28587489

Take your meds Kiara.

>> No.28587491 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 718x498, 1604255541127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587548

>he unironically goes to reddit to post /jp/ memes

>> No.28587494
Quoted by: >>28587597

So it's confirmed they lurk here, right?
Damn, I couldn't imagine Ame's opinion about this place and teamates here.

>> No.28587497

Kiara if you are reading this, just to let you know we don't want twitch faggots near holos, its fine with people like huke.

>> No.28587499

When she stops her donation begging

>> No.28587501
File: 112 KB, 850x1189, Matoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Collabs with Pikamee and Gura*

>> No.28587500
File: 119 KB, 1100x1000, ElvLYDwVgAA9WT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news: Gura is awake.

>> No.28587502
File: 12 KB, 226x226, 1593275805182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587503

I'm fairly confident Kiara can adapt to her talking partner's energy level.

>> No.28587506
File: 156 KB, 427x381, 1604046246045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ is anti thread, get out and dont look back.

>> No.28587507

Kiara, not all critics are antis, but it should be your manager's job to sort out the feedback, not you. Please have a thicker skin for your own good.

>> No.28587508

chum bud here i dont get why the others are seething so hard and promoting idol faggotry must be new fags or transfers from hlg who werent here for oct 1st i fucking hate them

>> No.28587514

Of course she hates idol fags she dind't make it on the industry

>> No.28587515

She isn't assuming anything, she literally read comments with people calling her manipulative.

>> No.28587516

how can women fake cry this much

>> No.28587518


>> No.28587521
File: 130 KB, 1324x1228, 1603791593830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who rejected you to be so damage anon?

>> No.28587524

Thank you for being yourself. I love your streams. They are kino. I think it is funny to watch you mess up for a while before eventually succeed.

Also I love Lord of the Rings and thank you for giving me an excuse to rewatch the movies.

>> No.28587528

They're virtual idols anon...

>> No.28587529
File: 16 KB, 514x447, 1602425675528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587610

I respect for you people, "hallow live", but If push comes to shove, I will chose Mori Calliope.

>> No.28587535

you're right but 99% of this thread never dealt with this kind of woman

>> No.28587538
Quoted by: >>28587885

Not now, chumfuck.

>> No.28587539

She's feeling particularly lonely because austria entered a new lockdown, further delaying any family visits.

>> No.28587540

There aren't any twitch holos anon

>> No.28587542

Mother estranging the father from his kids is a tale as old as time.

>> No.28587543

This is an idol group just like AKB0048

>> No.28587545


>> No.28587546

>nip Corporation
>getting into politics
No they won't

>> No.28587547

Possibly. But Kiara already has 4 weeks of collabs planned, and Korone is busy as fuck

>> No.28587548
Quoted by: >>28587663

can't wait till Towa unironically debuts on 4chan because she doesn't know how yab it is here.

From my understanding she'll think it's like 5ch, which is relatively "normalfag"

>> No.28587550
Quoted by: >>28587620

I actually hope chicken is faking it, because the alternative is she's actually crying over some random anonymous comment on here while people are spending hundreds of dollars to tell her how amazing she is, and that would just be too pathetic.

>> No.28587551

I'm so glad my oshis are filtering the disgusting mentally ill schizos so only true fans can enjoy them.

>> No.28587554 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 794x846, chuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this based or cringe?

>> No.28587556

Saying "half-crying" is unfair. We're bawling our eyes out.

>> No.28587557
File: 317 KB, 1192x1781, 1603473184198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is GOD

>> No.28587558

>it's fake because I say it's fake
>anyone implying otherwise is naive, it's impossible for me to be the one that's wrong

>> No.28587559

ohayou gura

>> No.28587560

JESAS!, I need a fucking hobby instead of being here all the time...

>> No.28587561

Based Maxposter

>> No.28587562

Half the posts here are just to elicit a reaction, I hope Kiara isn't taking it too seriously

>> No.28587563
Quoted by: >>28587649

anon seek help its a charcter they promote fucking noodles and cpus just dont watch them Collab with literal whos if you dont like it

>> No.28587565
File: 48 KB, 480x347, 1603560335987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588850

i need moona pictures please

>> No.28587566
Quoted by: >>28587659

Fuck, being divorced and listening to this kiara stream is so rough.. I just wanted to have fun this WE

>> No.28587567


>> No.28587568


>> No.28587571


>> No.28587573

I love you chicken but this place is awful for your health

>> No.28587577

You actually like those fags? I just don't want a shit stream where gura says 3 words while a group of retards go "a" and "shaaaaaak" at her. If that's gonna happen anyway it might as well be some of the jp holos at least they have the excuse of not speaking english.

>> No.28587580 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers not even once.

>> No.28587587

How long have you been living without actual friends anon? The rambling of a jaded child who was too autistic to make a single lasting friendship because of their "real" attitude.

>> No.28587586 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28587609

Not even cringe, it doesn't look like a costume at all, just regular clothes.

>> No.28587590
File: 757 KB, 1541x1106, 1602074436502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We go where our boy goes, hololive or not.

>> No.28587594
Quoted by: >>28587654

For 99,9% of people no.

For 0,1% of people yes, and that includes Cover since they prefer to listen to schizos instead of actual, paying fans.

>> No.28587597
Quoted by: >>28587777

Ame was so annoyed to the extent where she basically brought it up on stream, talking about having a tough week having to delete every trace of her old self after dealing with idiots scouring the internet for stuff. She defs despises this place

>> No.28587598
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 1595920436292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I just woke up. That is all.

>> No.28587605

Have you heard what are alternative idols?
Thats hololive, as long as they use the idol prefix they will be ones, but with differences to a traditional one being in hololive that they are less innocent and more real.

>> No.28587606

ideally they need separate people to fill the fujobait role, someone to fill the bro role and the rest with some sort of skill focus (games, art, whatever). the key thing though is that they also need people who speak at least basic JP. they can't rely on HoloEN for collabs and it would be mutually beneficial to Homo and a HomoEN

>> No.28587607

fuck whores, it's hololive not nijisanji ffs

>> No.28587609 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28587738

that's one of subaru's charm points

>> No.28587610

This unironicaly I'm not even a weeb, I just enjoy my boys content

>> No.28587612


>> No.28587613

so that's where her issues come from, now it makes sense

>> No.28587614

Okayu said that's because they end up having fun hanging out and forget about the stream.

>> No.28587616

they did stop trying to pretend unicorns and idol fags are different you are just 2 shades of the same color

>> No.28587617

here's a pro tip for kiara: get some fresh air. why are you crying over some trivial shit

>> No.28587618

We know Gura now where's the schedule?

>> No.28587619 [DELETED] 

hey at least he tried

>> No.28587620

Oh no, she's a human being. How terrible. The idiots throwing money at her are just the result, not like she's forcing them to

>> No.28587622

I gotta admit, being a chickenfag is great for (You)s. Her members SC reads are often so juicy. I don't normally shitpost, but relaying her words feels like my dear tenchou is doing the shitposting for me.

>> No.28587627

I honestly feel bad for the emotionally stunted anons who keep saying its fake crying, imagine not being able to comprehend emotions

>> No.28587629

Cope chicken cuck
She is fake as fuck

>> No.28587628

They are just streamers larping as idols.

>> No.28587630

>girl shaves her pubes on stream
>girl talking about shoving things up her ass
>constantly horny and lewd girl
>crazy big titted girl that has lost her shit playing video games
>several confirmed to have boyfriends
>one girl has literally molested the majority of hololive and is a pedofile
yeah they are idols just like my akb6969

>> No.28587631

Did you go to the church?

>> No.28587632
File: 522 KB, 690x876, 1603607887103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys really think these girls even know about /hlgg/s existence? We are a total of at most 300 people and they have over 500,000 fans.

>> No.28587634
File: 135 KB, 1010x1207, 1599369905733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mornin sunshine

>> No.28587638
Quoted by: >>28587697

I wish this wasn't a member stream so this could be clipped. I think it would need to be posted at least once a thread

>> No.28587639
Quoted by: >>28588000


>> No.28587641

They are idol-lite with a sliding scale on the straight up Idols like Sora and many that just give it brief attention, like different character classes.
Nobody can seriously say Hololive is 100% Idol after watching one Coco video.

>> No.28587640 [DELETED] 

Look at the SEA idolChad.

>> No.28587643

Who else is there to blame?

>> No.28587644


Nah, bullshit. She can literally re-open or remake an account with her old name if she's ever truly done with Hololive. And with her unique voice, people will know who it is and follow her, giving her a large audience again but this time she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Things aren't as sad as you think they are, anon.

>> No.28587648
File: 42 KB, 600x525, 16049345717310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most, if not all 5 of the holoEN girls will have sexual interactions tonight.

>> No.28587649
Quoted by: >>28588119

I don't see you dumb niggers don't realize that this influences their content decisions. Yeah we should totally pander more to normalfaggots.

Holy fuck man.

>> No.28587651

Kiara you are doing great just play your cards carefully because a lot of people who don't really enjoy vtubers at all will wait for any mistake to hate on you or others.

>> No.28587650

>Ranting on stream
Chicken you are unprofessional

>> No.28587652
File: 418 KB, 484x1000, 1603850556266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L̴̨̯̬͚̻̮̳͛͌̆̾̚ặ̷̞͚̭d͉͕̟̩͔̩̺̳͆ͦ͗ͦs͎̬̜ͯ̓ͤ̕ ̴̉ͧͪͩ͏̣͎I̸ͮͪ̀͏̳͇̣ ̢̯͔͐̔ͪ̀̈́̇̏jͨ̂͏̧̰͓̩̳̱͇̣̜͢u̪̫̹̪̻̔̀͠s̼͍ͭţ̦̥̼̺̊͑ ͔͖ͬ̄͞m̷̴̝̪͓̜͓̬̍á̛̙ͅs̮̹̙͖̘̻̖̹̿̈̀t͈͕̬̮̩̘̆ͮ̄̌ͤ͘ư̴͓̬̮̤͎͉̫̗͌̑̎͋̏ͧ̃ṙ̸̒͗͏̼̝̺ͅb̝͉͙͔̣̼̓̂͐ͬ̚̕͠a͕̒͂ͨͪ̊͌ẗ̛̮͎͇́̕̕eͩ̎ͭ͑͏̴̰̗̭̗̱͖̀d̸̢͍͆̃̀̓̑ͭ ̼ͩ̐͠a̢̮̜̳̣̖̣̘͊͆ͤ͛͐̿ͅnͦ̂̌̀̚͏̪͓͚d͓͍̗̘̤̾͛̂͆̌̃ͮ ͇̟ͮ͊͡c͎̝͂̈ͅh͚̱̙͈̬̪̓̕ų̭̠̯͕̗̽̿̏͛̏ͭ͘ṃ̳̆ͧ͂̆m̮̯͙̈͛ͭ͝e̯̙̠̝̖͔͒ͣ͗̈̆ͩd̷̺̻̮̦̱͔̞̬̑͐̈́̑̽̃́͆͞ ̴̭̩ͬͧş̦̟̠̣͔͔̗ͯͭ̂ͅö̶͔̗͈͎̜̇ͬͫ́ͫ̀ ͨ̈́͌̃̓ͤ́ͨ͏̭̭̥͡h͔͔̫̓ǎ̶̙̱̩̰͍̪̺̟͍̃̂̄͢ŗ̙̙̪͓̞͇̫̈́̾͛ͫ͆͑̿d̷̴̬ͧ̏͛̈́̀͟ ͎̪̳̜̬̎̄̑̋ͧ̑̊̕͠m̼̯̠̟̜͎̄́̀̓͋ͯ͛ͬ̄͟ͅẙ͕͈̤̼͑ͭ͐͊ͦ͜ ͉ͬ̈ͣ̈́̃ͦ̆a̴͎̭̜̺̱͙̖̼̬̾̀̕s̨͙͈͔̦͚͎̮̋̽̂̆͋̄̃ͅͅs̺̳ͬ̀̃ͪ̈́̃͂̾͠c̶̭̟̈́̈̃̇h̯̦͇͔̬͉͌̏e̸̺̦͛ë̛̗̘̩̩́̉ͮ͊ͧ͑̾̆͝k̷̡͔̰̹̤͉̝̩̔̈́s̫̫͚͋ͩ̓̈͋ͧ̇́͆́ ̴̢̱̠͉͛̂̿ͮ͊ç̷̪͈͇̻̪̳̟͈̽͗͢r̶̰̣̖̼̳̃͐ͣͯ̚ă̷̠̜̭̖̟͎̣ͯ̀m̤̯̜̥̦͔͑̌͂̋́ͅp̷̡̻̜͉̩͌̌̽̐ͅḛ̪̰̟͌̈́̀̎̑͑̈́̽̇͡d̴̩̰̐ͤ̂ͧ ͐ͭͧ̿ͬ͏̖̗̯u̡̨͚͉̫̜͉͔̮̓̈́͊̚̕p̀̈̐̊͌̐͋̓͝͏͖̻ ̴͉̙̥ͮͯ̀̚á͇̥̺̤̙̌ͅǹ͇̹̆ͬͫ̿̏̑̄͡d̰̞̗͕͔̜̥ͧ̀̕͘ ̮͍͔̫̤̺ͮ̈́͘I̭̺͕̮ͮ̊̒̇̏̆̂̚͟ ̢͇̮̭̙̤͖̃͒͛͂͊͡c̨̯̟͆̆ͤ̍ͮo̢͈̝͚̺͂͗͆̋̚͞u̢͈̦̠͇̓ͨͦ̒ͩͩͅl͕̺͎̖͓͖ͧ͆͟d̜̗͔͇͓ͭ͘͟ń̴̛̰͔̯̱̗͓̃̓̕'̨̯͗̿́̌ͭ͐͘t̷͍̗͉̄̄͗ͣ̌ ̵̢̖̭̞̺͔̎̿ͪ̔ͨ͆͡w̛̪̱͇̻̟͕͕ͨ͆͋̀ͨ̀ͩ̕͜ä̶͓ͨ͐͛̀ḽ̝ͬͦ̊ͫͫk̠͕̹̖͙̺̙̆̃͠ ̸̢͙͕̖̬ͭͩ̉ͯf̘̺̦͍̾͜͞ö̵̠̜̪̤͆̚͘͝r̢̧̰̖̥̥̥̪͔̯̐͊͛̌̐̀ ̤̙̣͉͎͍͔̗̉ͯ͋̐̂ͬ̌́2͇̗̟̫̟̩̱͕͈̃ͪ̔̈́͟0̡̜̬̩̱̳͓̗̪̻͒͂̊̑ͪ̒̈́ ̵̧̮̯̭̙̝̜̰͋ͪͫͩm̸̧͍͙̬͙̗̌ͩͧ̀ĩ̴̼̪͕̩͉̙̭̼́̓ͣ͑͠n̛̦͍͍̿̏͂̾u̶͍͈͉͛̊ͣt̺͇̙͒̀ͨ͆̉̚͝e̛̗̐ͦ̄ͯͣ̀͝s̮͕̫̮͓̼̻̤̉ͬ̈͛̽̓͒͜.̴̝̫̙̰̥͚̣͂ͦ̎ ̶͍̰͉̫̹ͭ̉͟W̯͖͚̣͈̝̺̆̒̔̊ͪ́̑̀̕h̢͉͛͒̌́̓̑̚o̡̫̒̊̃̈́͗͛̑̇͟l̓͋̓͗ͨͧ̔͏̨̻̝̜̘̫̪ě̹̺̣̺͕̳̦̥͍̐͐͗̌ͦͯ́ ͓̪͈͎̦ͩ̓͘͡m̦̣̱̮̺̞̫ͩͬ̏͛ͪ͛̃̓u̴͓ͤ̈́̐͐ͫ̀̀ͬs̶̳̼̹̙͚̜̮ͩ̔̾͛͆͡͝cͯ̀͐̾͗͏͖ͅl̨̰̰͔̼̤ͯè̸̼̗̗̤̰̞̰̳̽͂͆͊ͭ͗͌ ͍̙̟̗̥̥ͩ̾į̟̥̰͊́ͪn̽̂̃̎ͪ͏̧̼̠̞̘͖̳ ̶̝̻̥̤̩̹͙͛̈́͛b̼̞̭̟̫͓͇͖̀ͫ͝oͣͯ̒ͫ͌̃͏̦̳̯̤̭̩̮t̒̈́͐͋̽ͫͦͅḩ̷̬̤͇͕̔̊̈̏ ̵̡̝̬̙̰͕̯̗̂b̵͕͎͈͉̆̇̒̎̚̕͞ǎ̱̺̩̻͉̟͍̿ͦ͆̕g̡̡̠̜͈̼̟͙̘̒̈́̉̏̃̿ ̝͙̭̜͓̼̿̌̈͋l̠̣͔̬̤̠͙̀ͪ̈́͒ͭ̈́ͧe̢͔̜ͯͧ͞͞g͉̫̘͙ͪ͂̍ͯ͑̽̈̈̒́͞s̯̰̤̮͙̞̭̉̐̎ͫ̌ͭ̀͟ ̬͚̮͚̉̽̍͂̇̈́j̡̘̖̎̊́ũ̜̪̯̙ͣ͌͌͗͂͆s̤͈͎̪̿̽̿ͭ̉͆ͫ͗t̢̻̝͍ͤ͢͟ͅ ̦̬̱̗̰͔͍ͪc̎͒ͧ͏̵̭̟͍̗͇ͅr̗̭͛̏ͦų̵͓̱ͩͭͤ͘m͓̦̤͊͐͠p̵͙̩̯̻̼͇̂ͤͩļ̰͇̰̱̾͊̈͂̇̆ͅe͉̫̹̯̫̳̰̝͆͘͢͠d̷̤̱̜̪̣ͫ̀ͩ͆͌̀͡ ̵͉̣̺̞ͩͨu̝̣͇̞̔ͧp̛͚̩̻̟̹̪̣̱̊̾̀ ̖͓̺̗̈́͌̐̌̔i̴̧̜͎̝̫̘͙̻ͬ̌̄́̀̚n̴̘̳͕̬͈͙͌͛ͪt̰̄ͨ̿̓ͧo̟̘̟͗̄̕ ̷̤͚̤̖͉̤̬͓̬̄͜a̢̢̠̮̥̱͍̮̝ͬ̄͋͐̍ ̛͓͙̳̰͛̂̉b̭̏̓͢a̘̥̱̳̳̯̓̒̀͊̀̀͜l̸̵̨̞̘̾ͣ͑l̠͋ͣ̍̏̿ͤ̚̕͘.̻̣̯͙ͦͣ͌ͦͤͩ̚ ̧̰̻̯̟̖͇̹͔͑̀̀͌͌Į̼͔͕̮̱̩͂ͪͮ̒ ̧̥̮̰̤͖̳ͣͧ̈̇́͂̚a̠̳̜ͪ͆͑ͯͪͩ̂͐͘͞ͅl̠ͬͤ̂̃̕š̛̠̺̬̙͗͐̄̐̌ó̶̪̰͇͈̮̜̝͂̍̀ͅ ̝͙ͣ̎ͪ͜l̰͍ͪͫ͠ô̶̻̣̘͎̞̱ͨ̽ͣ̓̾̚ͅs͓̜͕̻͊̂͗̌͟͝ţ̼̣͍̥̟̈͑ ̯̹̬̘̻͒̃͐͆͗̈́̄̑̀̀h̤̩͍̤̬̖̘ͤ͆ͭ̆͐͆̾̕ͅé͈̥͔ä͍̰͚́̾͂̐̆͐͑ŕ͔̤̰̤̋i̡̡̡̱̣ͭ̂̃͛͊ͬ̂ͩ͒n̪̜̰̻͕̠͎̯ͦ̋g̵̸̦͉̠̀̂͜ ̝͚̺̹́͐͋̊̈ͯ̕f̯͎̝͇͇̭̀̓͊͒͌͡o̼̩͈̯̺͓̺̤̓̊ͭͪ͢r̡͈̭̞͓͆ͮ͌ͪ͗ͫ͗͌ ̠̄ͨ̕͢͞a͕͚̻͍̥̪̋̌ͣͬ̈́bͮ̌̈́̄̎ͫ͌̾͜͏̜̯o̵̗̪̭̩̣͇̺̹̓ü̷̸̸̙͇̣͖̭̳͍̪̿ͣ̏̃ͪ̚t̴̢̫̮ͭ̓̇̇ͭ͗̚͟ ̵̩͚̬̊ͮ̓̉̍̈́͆͋̆1̠̹̳̻̄͑ͮ͋̒ͦ͂ͤ͜͝5̸̧̞̩̩͙̀͛ͮ͆̓ͦ ̥̻ͭͪ͊͗̃̀͘m͙̹̖͈̼̓̓̈́̈́͢͜͢ͅi̵͇̹̰̳ͣ̃͜n̙̬̭̟͓̟ͯ͂͒ű̼͓͍̆͌̐ͬ̾̃̚ț̙̻͓̻̘͈͛̈́̾̚͡e̷̗̜͇͙̬̺̘̓ͅs̠͈̖̰̖̙͕͓̠ͦͤ͌̋̎ͨ̀

>> No.28587654

>actual, paying fans
purityfags are the ones that pay lmao

>> No.28587655

this sounds like how every manipulative whore acts
Why is this bitch always crying and whining anyway?

>> No.28587656

Yeah but that usually causes the kids to resent the mother. Here it's clear that Kiara loves her mother very much and her mother is super supportive of her.

>> No.28587657

I don't like the idea that people have to be wary of what they say online because someone could be hurt reading it somewhere. It's the reader fault for being hurt.

>> No.28587659

Same, bro....

>> No.28587661

I fucking love you Chicken!

>> No.28587663

>From my understanding she'll think it's like 5ch, which is relatively "normalfag"
Yea so is 4chan, this place isn't special anymore and hasn't been since 2014's gamergate, the Fappening and the 2016 election
Anyone who still thinks 4chan is some fringe of society is wildly mistaken

>> No.28587664
File: 46 KB, 227x222, 1604210022867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal twitchfaggots in this thread thinking it's fine for gura to collab with a bunch of otv sjw predators and their normalfag communities
go back you faggots.

>> No.28587665
File: 250 KB, 457x428, aaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.28587666
Quoted by: >>28587723

this is some /r9k/ level shit

>> No.28587674

Schizo narratives advancing at a ridiculous pace

To you fucks not only was the invite accepted, it was scheduled and now it even happened.

>> No.28587676
Quoted by: >>28587741

Yeah, with me.

>> No.28587682
File: 121 KB, 800x1149, mom feeds child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye with me

>> No.28587683

Although I dislike how idolfags act on a personal level, I cannot deny your necessity to the community. This madness creates the environment necessary for things like Hololive to exist.

>> No.28587684
File: 334 KB, 1673x1700, 1602482336921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587819

You know, given the amount of posters we have and the demographics that come here, it's likely that there are at least several misandristic trannies and unironic cuckolds that are active posters at any given time. What kind of posts do you think they make?

>> No.28587685

but /hlgg/ is all reddit and twitter tourists. If it was said here it was said elsewhere. Just look at those places they say the same shit but like a week or two later.

>> No.28587686
Quoted by: >>28587722

Today I will remind them.

>> No.28587691 [DELETED] 

This could be a shitpost on 4chan and he'd get an endless stream of (you) and "Based" for one thread. So hypocritical.

>> No.28587693
Quoted by: >>28587894

I don't even know whom you're talking about because I don't follow Twitch streamers. But either way, I can just not watch it and my enjoyment of Hololive and Gura will remain unaffected.

>> No.28587695

There might as well be thousands of people lurking these threads too, it's not just the 300 posting that's using the site obviously.

>> No.28587696

Idolfags aren't welcome here

>> No.28587697

I think that's why she was so open in the first place, anon. Because she knew it couldn't be clipped/seen by a larger audience.

>> No.28587698
File: 9 KB, 480x360, KEKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587770


>> No.28587700

Yes I really beleeb it. 4chan is the heart and soul of the internet

>> No.28587701

Except Ina, right?
She's a pure hikki

>> No.28587702 [DELETED] 

I wish he looked more feminine

>> No.28587703
Quoted by: >>28587770

Maybe it's true for GF simulator chuubas like Rushia but not for everyone.

>> No.28587705

>implying no one does that
>implying that's not the case

>> No.28587706
Quoted by: >>28587770

Prove it, let me see those akasupa you sent.

>> No.28587707

I don't care about the predator part, I only care about them being faggots.

>> No.28587708

i dont like weebs in general but im not gonna shit on my content creator for doing a fucking collab once with some guy ill forget about in a few days

>> No.28587712

because it's effective af
cry a bit and all simps get the urge to PROTECT

>> No.28587716

SHARK FACT: Sharks love Italian cuisine.

>> No.28587721

I haven't subscribed yet so I'm going to use last night's collab from her POV as an entry point

>> No.28587720

Gura won’t because she’s a west coast Asian. The only people who support BLM bs are people who haven’t grown up around those apes.

>> No.28587722

Today I will remind them.

>> No.28587723

No, it's literally gaslighting 101.

>> No.28587726
Quoted by: >>28587861


>> No.28587727

Sorry Kiara, I've been lied too much, I've suffered too much, I can't trust people like this anymore

>> No.28587731
Quoted by: >>28587774

i could give less of a shit about her collabing with twitchfags but why this huge fag is particular.
an xqc collab would have been funny to be honest.

>> No.28587732

>Most holos are known to have had relationships in the past and no one cares.
>Nijiggers destroy Aloe's career
>Nijiggers manage to blame it to idolfags

they keep getting away with it...

>> No.28587738 [DELETED] 

too bad she rarely wears that outfit anymore

>> No.28587741

Teach me how to teleport

>> No.28587743

Bro are you okay mentally?

>> No.28587744

They are vtubers pretending to be idols with a few exceptions

>> No.28587746
Quoted by: >>28587860

Ame literally deleted all of her old content because of us

>> No.28587748 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 653x595, 1604256374005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its time for HER to give Kiara 'the talk'.

>> No.28587750
File: 59 KB, 802x716, 1604185123265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the Nexus of internet culture.
300 is just the number of posters.
Lurkers are much more.
When vultures fly back to their nests
Our narratives are disseminated their kind.

>> No.28587752

imagine steve doing asmr

>> No.28587753 [DELETED] 

4chan good
reddit bad

>> No.28587754

Cut the fake crying next time okay?

>> No.28587758

God I hate nijisanji so much

>> No.28587759

Not when it comes to westerners

>> No.28587760

He might have a point, a lot of the negative comments I saw there were from people who already didn't like her who were afraid that their oshi would get infected by proximity or something.

>> No.28587762

Why is sunday so dead? It should be a packed day since most people are home and can watch shit. I dunno why HoloEN follow this schedule of putting a lot of shit on weekdays and basically nothing in the weekend.

>> No.28587763
File: 289 KB, 1454x1755, 7f9747988eed6931358a048bff23a09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587766
File: 80 KB, 750x1081, EhfryMpU0AEubfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until Ina's seething gamer rage manifests on stream?

>> No.28587765

isn't aloe just in the hospital or something? she could have came back from her break but she chose not to because she couldn't guarantee that she'd be well enough

>> No.28587767


>> No.28587768

nah she is just some one who cries alot and because of that people assume its fake due to frequency calling her out then she gets self conscious

>> No.28587770
Quoted by: >>28587847

how fucking new? i'm asking seriously

>> No.28587772

I think she just wants to make everyone happy, but the problem is that that's just not possible because different people want different things from her and often they're diametrically opposed to each other.

>> No.28587773

I felt that

>> No.28587774

fuck off, xqc is no better

>> No.28587776

It's obviously fake crying. You have to be a clueless whiteknight or under the age of 18 to believe women's crocodile tears, especially one literally hiding behind an anime avatar begging for money. You have to grow up at some point, anon.

>> No.28587775 [DELETED] 


>> No.28587777

That one time she talked about the old cases and being a new detective right? That's just sad really.

>> No.28587780

>she she can't be faking it I gave her a superchat and a membership to make her feel better
fucking idiots.

>> No.28587782
File: 174 KB, 850x1289, __gawr_gura_ninomae_ina_nis_watson_amelia_mori_calliope_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_raneblu__sample-a24fc7563f8cee3f0971328e77b69a75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started watching hololive girls before holoEN debuted and I like most of them with a few favorites. Saying that, idol culture is dumb and purity fags can go fuck themselves.

>> No.28587783
Quoted by: >>28587861

I'm sorry...

>> No.28587785

The Marie Antoinette talk? Or the Raft talk?

>> No.28587790

300 people posting at once you mean. Now imagine the amount of lurkers.

>> No.28587793
File: 56 KB, 1080x570, 116842839_3280196598704223_8890893016052982630_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587855

Wow, all the haters came crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.28587795
File: 76 KB, 540x569, 1581597051329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587922


>> No.28587799

anon, we joke about gura and ame having discord sex but we know for a fact that ina actively roleplays on ff14, she is probably having a discord gangbang right now

>> No.28587803


There a few of haters here but got their ego damaged by manipulation Kiara + their politicals views always tell them about how everyone is being manipulated but not them for some reason.

Fuck them, they live on copelad 24/7 because they can't handle the truth, and that is, they're now where they're because of their own decisions.

>> No.28587806
File: 25 KB, 507x263, black_line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587808

anon they are all good Christian girls who are busy with church on Sunday

>> No.28587807
Quoted by: >>28587876

No dude it's because Aloe accused NijiSanji of bullying Chitose into graduation. That can't be true and insults the fans.

>> No.28587815


>> No.28587817
File: 3 KB, 123x125, 1604026517413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I sure remember people posting stupid hyperbole shit like this back when holoEN still up in the air.

>> No.28587819
File: 25 KB, 387x473, 1604183000455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to guess, probably ones like (You)rs.
Fuck off faggot

>> No.28587823

very cute

>> No.28587825

On reddit the ratio of lurker to poster is like 130 to 1, so I can't imagine for here

>> No.28587826
Quoted by: >>28587941

She's married to Nene, bro.

>> No.28587828

yeah, she's afraid of hurting the rest because she would get hate if she came back. And thats BS because she could come back and the hate has long ago died.

>> No.28587833

Anon they need to go to the church on Sunday.

>> No.28587834

desu holos shouldn't be allowed to collab outside of an extremely curated pool of very connected talents (like tamaki or hana macchia)

Just nip that shit in the bud.

>> No.28587840
Quoted by: >>28587911

kiara is not very smart. she should cry in a public stream and not behind a paywall

>> No.28587842

it isnt yab unless you do it on pol or some other cancer board then again you dont really annouce yourself on 4 chan

>> No.28587843
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit lost here. Is Kiara a confirmed menhera now?

>> No.28587845

Fucking pecor

>> No.28587847

Well I've sent about $300 in akasupas so far not including memberships and I'm not an idolfag.
I'm not even kidding I added all the google receipts and this was just for september.

>> No.28587848

When clip studio crashes

>> No.28587849

>an american corrupted everything
why does this always happen? is it because americans have no culture?

>> No.28587852
Quoted by: >>28587918

>they broke her kneecaps
holy shit

>> No.28587853
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know about the schizos and antis here,
but i like takanashi kiara

>> No.28587855
Quoted by: >>28587929

Welcome to off hours. See you losers next week for Return of the King.

>> No.28587858
File: 959 KB, 960x720, 1603563274147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are idols because the concept of idolhood and what it entails changes throughout human history

>> No.28587860

They know about it but I seriously doubt that they actually come here. Maybe for a quick ego ctrl+f but even that would be stupid. Earlier in this thread someone posted a screenshot where people explained /hlgg/ stuff on reddit so a lot of our shitposting probably leaks out.
Someone messaged her

>> No.28587861
File: 21 KB, 327x327, ina09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587917


>> No.28587866

it already has, but she puts a leash on it quickly

>> No.28587867


Ok CHUMBUDDIES you are up for the test.

>> No.28587869
Quoted by: >>28588004

Spoken like a true friendless virgin. Go outside for once.

>> No.28587870 [DELETED] 


>> No.28587871


>> No.28587872

>Rushia collab
>Rushia was the one who asked for it
Fucking chicken, how does she do it?

>> No.28587873
Quoted by: >>28587948

fucking oof

>> No.28587875
Quoted by: >>28587939

>chicken acknowledges negative comments
Meanwhile she spends hours streaming while being positive and upbeat but the second she complains about anything some people are complaining about her crying all the time.

>> No.28587876


>> No.28587877

Kiara you are fucking based, stop listening to the fucking antis, idiot

>> No.28587880

imagine trying to explain hololive culture to the biggest fucking weeb/hololive fan on god's green earth

>> No.28587882
Quoted by: >>28588082


>> No.28587885

why are you so mad its only shark

>> No.28587886

you can probably use a proxy service for that. Ive used white rabbit to order some things from yahoo auctions jp.

>> No.28587888
File: 508 KB, 2566x2436, 1601254878701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know that idol rapper's such an oxymoron?

>> No.28587892
Quoted by: >>28588004



>> No.28587893
Quoted by: >>28587967

Fuck this keemstar wannabe no one wants his kin here

>> No.28587894
Quoted by: >>28588006

>admit it would make for a shit stream that he wouldn't watch
Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.28587896
File: 389 KB, 991x1111, 1602807014330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was just feeling really shit recently because Huke left the server.
At the beginning of the stream she alluded that she had been sad recently. And then she went on talking about it at the end.
She's just feeling defenseless because her extremely based Papa was not trusted just because he was a guy.

>> No.28587897
Quoted by: >>28587942

Oh come on, not everyone who plays FF14 is like that.

>> No.28587899

she is just retarded and lonely
think most people here can relate

>> No.28587901

they are idols but they are allowed to have sex and have 2 bfs maximum

>> No.28587905

But doxxfags and perverts post here sometimes! That means everyone is terrified and hates us! Because they never, ever post doxx or lewds on youtube, twitter, or reddit.

>> No.28587907
File: 334 KB, 750x1059, 48648684468486846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Gura. Sorry there's not much in the way of AmeSame art today but there are a couple of nice butt shots of you and Ame got one or two decent pieces too.

>> No.28587908

Holy shit, JPonly schizos can't stop being utterly destroyed by Kiara

>> No.28587911

if anyone is gonna be donating to her its gonna be people that are subbed to her, and this way she can cry about topics that won't turn away people that arnt already invested in her, its actually quite a good stratergy

>> No.28587912

That's kind of hot

>> No.28587917

if it makes you feel any better, she's the one with the strap-on

>> No.28587918

What the fuck!?

>> No.28587919

Mori and Kiara grew up on 4chan

>> No.28587920

Ina is undoubtedly the most unpure holoEN

>> No.28587922

You may be utterly retarded if at this point you don't get it.

>> No.28587923

don't know what the fuck to do with myself during dead hours

>> No.28587924

Why did Pekora even ask that? What was even the fucking point if she's just going to ignore

>> No.28587926
File: 219 KB, 502x502, 1602905481096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hurt

>> No.28587925

gap moe

>> No.28587929

No, it's even more than before. A lot of them suddenly popped out when it was revealed that Kiara goes here.

>> No.28587932
File: 393 KB, 688x446, 1602760938124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you're behind the times

>> No.28587934

Rushia wanted Ame but she can't overcome language barrier so she went for chicken instead.

>> No.28587936
Quoted by: >>28588004


Imagine being emotional destroyed, suck to be you.

>> No.28587939

Well, its 4chan.

>> No.28587940 [DELETED] 

Yep, I'm thinking based

>> No.28587941
File: 1.02 MB, 884x521, 1603755606756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe Nene understands what sex is.

>> No.28587942

I used to think like that until I played. It's a shithole.

>> No.28587945

She's too busy to care about sex. What's the point of sex anyway, it get in the way of work and hobbies.
At least that's what my last asian gf thought.

>> No.28587944
Quoted by: >>28588019

I mean she did say "oke deeesu" but I guess when Moona logged in her plans changed.

>> No.28587948

haha f in the chat!

>> No.28587953

We get it you've never had friends

>> No.28587955

It's not that hard, idols but they don't act innocent and are more real, thats all on it. It's not that deep.

>> No.28587957

It hurts

>> No.28587956 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 289x400, 1573272696758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28587958

Gura is already for normalfags, retard. Who do you think make up the bulk of her subs? There are posts all over social media of parents watching the funny meme shark with their kids.
You say go back, but it is in fact you who is watching a vtuber whose target audience does not include you.

>> No.28587961


>> No.28587962

What's your VOD backlog looking like? I still need to watch The Thing with Gura, then the collab I missed yesterday.

>> No.28587963

If she understands holo live culture so well, how come she didn't foresee there being at least a handful of people complaining about huke moving in with her on the server?

>> No.28587964

How is pekora supposed to know that Moona will log in immediately after she asked?

>> No.28587967

I just took some image from google, just now saw what you mean

>> No.28587977
File: 7 KB, 230x230, 1603951633656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588008

please joseph, save this thread

>> No.28587978

Is she the japanese equivalent of an amish girl or a mormon girl?

>> No.28587981

>>people are saying im manipulative when i cry
Makes a big show out of it, because she knows exactly that it will draw whiteknights.

>> No.28587983

kiara is right but she is definately reading these threads and shouldn't be
99% of the anti posts are from here and im 99% sure that most of them are just fags trying to start shit.
literally any other website would have normal and sane people

>> No.28587984
File: 137 KB, 256x206, 1603746252332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although Mori isn't an idol in a traditional sense, make no pretense,
She aspires to inspire more than any idol could.

>> No.28587985
File: 125 KB, 933x1217, 1603327824569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly Mori is probably the only legitimate virgin because of how awkward she is

>> No.28587989

she's also sad because europe is on covid lockdown again

>> No.28587988
File: 82 KB, 1019x480, 1603654820934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want them to be happy.

>> No.28587990

i will unsubscribe and unmember only if she gets stale and boring like calliope did to me

>> No.28587991
File: 2.71 MB, 711x400, icarly wiki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that theres a non 0 percent chance that she has analyzed this

>> No.28587993
Quoted by: >>28588022

200-300 posters at any given time pushing 400+ during big threads I think
some posters even just lurk some threads im guilty of that
and there are probably alot of people here who never post and only lurk.

>> No.28587994

nono you don't understand on 4chan schizos have the last say on what hololive should do. Not Yagoo, not hololive insiders but SEAniggers on 4chan who donate in PHP.

>> No.28587999

think of it in the terms of of game thats more cutsceen then game its still a game even if its basically a fuckin movie they are still idols even if they are more about as degenerate as you

>> No.28588000

So, you've unlocked the next level:



>> No.28588001

Breaking news: I'm trying to shop and Gura is blowing up my phone notifications with retweets.

>> No.28588003

given what we know of kiara's history and what she's said about her mom, dad must've been a real piece of shit

>> No.28588004

Yes, a woman who slept around to get where she's at and has a history of being a normalfag roastie, who is doing a fake voice with an anime avatar pleading for donations. She's totally 100% honest and not a shit tier actor at all. Whiteknights are braindead but some of you have to grow up into adults soon. It's inevitable.

>> No.28588006

Yes, but who cares? Every holo has shit streams. I didn't watch Gura's shitty baby simulator playthrough either.
It's not going to magically poison the experience going forward, like you schizos make it sound.

>> No.28588008

Joseph became cringe, I'm sorry anon

>> No.28588010
File: 138 KB, 1269x846, atarashii_1803_10998-1269x846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588011

Nah faggot, and she's going to ignore your normalfaggot ecelebs too. Goodbye.

>> No.28588013

skip the collab. They had great chemistry but the game was not fun to watch

>> No.28588019

it was kinda brutal when she greets moona in the same sentence

>> No.28588022

Most of the time I only post so I can bait people into give me ideas for oc

>> No.28588023

if you retards didnt relay everything chicken said in her stream then this thread wouldnt have gone to shit, you only have yourselves to blame

>> No.28588025

Why are you reading our posts REEEEEEEEEEE I just wanna shitpost, not influence your life

>> No.28588026

its real she is just bipolar

>> No.28588031

We can at least take solace in knowing that idolfags are guaranteed to die alone and bitter, too autistic to ever convince a real girl to give them the time of day, and with such unreasonable standards that even if by some miracle someone is interested in them, they would turn them down because they aren't the cookie-cutter squeaky-clean fake persona they have come to assume is the only acceptable option

>> No.28588033

That's because this is the only site where you can actually say what you think without being instantly downvoted/buried/hidden/banned for not conforming to group think

>> No.28588034
Quoted by: >>28588074

I love chicken but now there's going to be narritives for weeks about her actually hating Moona
The fucking pros and cons of the Gigastacy

>> No.28588038

Holy shit dude can you please just take your meds. Your mother is worried about you.

>> No.28588039

Gura is lost

>> No.28588041
File: 30 KB, 527x703, 20201101_135156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other vtuber merch you guys recommend? This shirt is mad comfy, sad it took so long to get in the states though.

>> No.28588043

Poor Risu, someone should invite her to the EN server where she'll be appreciated.

>> No.28588044

>We are a total of at most 300 people and they have over 500,000 fans.
And yet roughly every 10th T3 is from here
We don't call her /ourboy/ for no reason, y'know

>> No.28588046

She probably had sex once. Twice tops. But she's still thinks like an awkward virgin, because of course she does.

>> No.28588047
Quoted by: >>28588145

Is this the part where a handful of autists become Kiara antis and try to shit up every thread until dumbass tourists show up and actually buy into it like what happened with Mori?

>> No.28588049

Of course she has daddy issues
Now everything makes sense

>> No.28588050
File: 90 KB, 705x377, 1602606673162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588148

Kiara is seen as the "in" into holoEN for the other JP girls.
If you want to collab with Gura you have to make the chicken happy

>> No.28588052
Quoted by: >>28588453


>> No.28588053
Quoted by: >>28588269


>> No.28588055

kinda cringe but kinda based

>> No.28588060

>aloe was making dildo sashimi and blasting people with the god finger while nene watched teen beach movie for the tenth time

>> No.28588068
Quoted by: >>28588215

>>Kiara is calling ou /hlgg/ right NOW
>Are you guys happy with your way of life?
Should have thought of that before her tirade on only idolfags.

>> No.28588069

Do that say "Edgy"?

>> No.28588072

I'm actually worried a bit whatever Kiara recommended might be a bit much for the poor soul.

>> No.28588074

Just ignore them and they'll go away. They're out to farm (you)s

>> No.28588078

pain peko

>> No.28588080
Quoted by: >>28588269


I mean, you're not being honest about yourself, why do you think people should do the same with you? How much of a fucking retard you are?

>> No.28588079
File: 675 KB, 1920x2560, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy...

>> No.28588082

Are you winning son?

>> No.28588085 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1603782501637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brought in tons of normalfags
>tons of twitchzoomers
>chat quality gone in every streamer since holoEN debuted, cant even enjoy my hime streams anymore.
>is about to collab with anitubers -> more normalfags + collabing irl with males, literally going against everything your holojp senpais worked up to uphold.
>if gura collabs with twitch normiefaggots, its over. especially if its with that faggot syykuno who will no doubt make her wet and fuck her after the stream. dude is a bonafide basedboy gigachad that fucks every girl that likes anime.

>> No.28588086
File: 165 KB, 850x1212, 08dc35163915674fed9362971ad500b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW getting jealous over the possibility of a male interacting with Gura

>> No.28588087

I think she definitely had sex but she doesn't do it often, not that I really care t.deadbeat

>> No.28588089
File: 335 KB, 2048x1477, 1603942193604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588103


I have no idea what I'm looking at, but it's probably some good clowntent.

>> No.28588091

It's literally undeniable.

Don't make me post her shilling herself on /mu/ cause it's funny as fuck.

Kiara a /cgl/ native.

Ina and Gura is arguable but they reek of 4chan faggotry and habits.

>> No.28588096

What did she say what?

>> No.28588097

50% of the shit people says here is good criticism tho. And you won't find it outside here because *eddit and twitter are mostly hugboxes towards them, which is shit.

>> No.28588099

>Kiara just being all around fun and great
>literally nothing to fuel his shitposting
I love how there's nothing the anti can do about Kiara anymore, so his levels of desperation are on the limit. Korone asking Kiara for a collab really broke the fag.

>> No.28588100

by any chance do you know what version of The Thing did Gura watch? i wanna watch it too

>> No.28588102
Quoted by: >>28588269

She came out of the gates swinging, with whiteknight bait day after day after day. That's why her fans are this bad, the people that attached themselves to her are the most desperate whiteknights that eat this shit up

>> No.28588103
Quoted by: >>28588175

Fuck what do I do with the numbers

>> No.28588106


>> No.28588108
File: 77 KB, 599x688, 78687486486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad at least Ame is subscribing to Nonstop Nut November instead of whatever gay shit Reddit and Twitter is trying to push.

>> No.28588110

i pay for gura because she is calming but i dont give a shit what she does anon this is some delusional shit

>> No.28588113

>Lets make a sticky hot mess!
>I can be the bread.. You can be the m..filling
>Stick the banana inside my oven
Its getting harder for Gura to suppress her degenerate side every passing day. Just look how she talks during member streams and collabs. I 100% believe she'll ignore all the normalfag shit she gets invited to.

>> No.28588117
File: 87 KB, 248x238, 1603331183082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588269


>> No.28588118
Quoted by: >>28588287

How long until official Gura merch?

>> No.28588119

they already pander to that audience, what do you think the point of holoEN is ?

>> No.28588125

I couldn't give less of a fuck about her opinion.

>> No.28588128

Found the wanker lads

>> No.28588129
Quoted by: >>28588169

>brought in old men into her home
>emptied their balls

>> No.28588130
Quoted by: >>28588251

no I just don't want western shit in my anime SoL LARPing

>> No.28588131

Ayame retard is based now?

>> No.28588132

gura daki

>> No.28588136
Quoted by: >>28588563


>> No.28588135
Quoted by: >>28588201

>We share thread with people wanting collabs with twitch faggots and fat fucks to happen
We didn't gatekeep enough.

>> No.28588138

I know Kiara goes to the /cgl/ colony, but proof?

>> No.28588141
Quoted by: >>28588783

its not just any male you faggot.
its sykkuno. dude is a twitchfag yet somehow all of his viewers are female and he pulls in big numbers.

>> No.28588143

Depends on how deep into it you are.

>> No.28588145

No, we already had that arc back in September for the entire fucking month. Then I had to read a bunch of retards talking about how Kiara had "improved so much" when in reality the only things that have changed is that she does less on-the-fly translations.

>> No.28588146
Quoted by: >>28588243

This post is what being a schizo actually looks like, in case any newfriends were wondering.

>> No.28588148
File: 325 KB, 1538x2048, EibW5n3U4AEUwbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what your saying is that KFP is a black company that smuggles english subs to the east as long as your on Kiara's good side?

>> No.28588149


>> No.28588151

I don't really have anything to go against what you say cause it's true. I just hope Gura won't do that collab. Or any of that kind.

>> No.28588152

wtf I love chicken now. Fuck idolbutas.
Not really, idolfags are pretty much unfuckable I mean prostitutes would actually turn them down.

>> No.28588154
File: 154 KB, 650x700, 1603832754627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588269

Meds right now

>> No.28588159

it was just a fucking tweet she didnt even fucking respond calm your tits

>> No.28588160

Not happy about whatever the fuck I just saw, anon

>> No.28588161

>noooo holos can never collab with twitch normies!!
You guys realize Artia has literally collabed with big time twitch streamers like MOONMOON and sodapoppin

>> No.28588163

Every 4chan user is autistic but not every autistic person is on 4chan

>> No.28588164

So chickenchads, you're telling me with her members streams I can get Matsuri's twitcasts but in english? This sounds like a steal.

>> No.28588169 [DELETED] 

>brought in old men into her home
>emptied their balls

>> No.28588170
Quoted by: >>28588269

It's sad how deluded you are. That girl that rejected you back in school had the right idea lmfao.

>> No.28588172

nice neckbeard

>> No.28588173

>Korone asking Kiara for a collab really broke the fag.
She does that with everyone, newfag. No collab will happen

>> No.28588175
File: 187 KB, 341x443, 1604025852334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, so I'm just gonna keep posting clowns until someone spoonfeeds.

>> No.28588178
Quoted by: >>28588239

Mori yeah, but Kiara was not a /cgl/ native, but she was a subject, in /cgl/ colonies they had some sort of "SHES HERE" kind of thing going on but nothing solid, she was mostly in german speaking communities before Japanese ones and probably doesn't know anything about those places.

>> No.28588179

good taste but needs to understand you have to smile to the camera

>> No.28588180
File: 353 KB, 1446x2048, 453435454345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588182

Just because they are a checkmark they have the spot? Fuck off I'd rather have them interacting with actually interesting people and senpais.

>> No.28588186
Quoted by: >>28588344

we dont care about chink bugmen unless its civia.
artia is a ugly fucking bitch with an ugly voice + design that looks like a tranny with aspbergers decided to go trick or treating

>> No.28588191
File: 461 KB, 434x631, 1602925497569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are unironic idolfags in this thread who defend the predatory industry

>> No.28588192

That has nothing to do with why I don't want it. I just don't want normalfag Twitch shit mixing with Hololive. People here would still have the same reaction if it was Pokimane instead. Stop trying to make everything about cuck shit.

>> No.28588195


>> No.28588197

We really need a new holoEN generation so that there are less dead hours and the schizophrenics are kept entertained...

>> No.28588198
Quoted by: >>28588402

I didn't even say that. You're the fag that said
>if you don't like this it's because you're an idol/purity fag
Less shit streams and more good streams is better and this would make for an obvious shit stream.

>> No.28588201
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1586680403443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you about Coco man, why didn't you believe me?

>> No.28588203

I don't know, I've seen this happen to Singsing and Lirik over the last few years where their channels exploded in popularity, chat became complete garbage which all but rendered them mute, and interaction only resumed after they lost enough viewers. Imagine if Watson just gave up trying to wrangle Witcher backseating and every single game she just streamed without reading or interacting with chat in the least.

>> No.28588206
File: 488 KB, 598x800, Elqj2FCU8AABuZ_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is the type that would try to go wild during sex only to wind up hurting herself and breaking the mood.

>> No.28588207

Who? This is the thread for Hololive, anon

>> No.28588210


>> No.28588213
File: 111 KB, 1051x1035, 1602903096080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not, and NEVER will spend a single cent on anything hololive related!

>> No.28588215
Quoted by: >>28588276

KFPbros. What did she say?

>> No.28588217


>> No.28588218

Just need Holos based in Europe or South Africa.

>> No.28588220
File: 32 KB, 400x400, wkJgq8LE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I see all the comments from different sites, like I see them all, we all do. From the sweet to the toxic"
>"It's so weird but I read most of the really toxic ones because I love the mental pain, it helps me become stronger"
>Chat talks about lewd posts
>"Oh no, the lewd ones are fine, just can't be in these chats or twitter because of rules, I'm a bigger degenerate than you guys think, this is just PG Kiara" then laughs


>> No.28588222

I always believed that her stalker made that up, but seeing she grew up without father I believe it now

>> No.28588224
File: 355 KB, 640x480, 1594345248339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588225

The point was she had a plan to summon wither and that can potentially go in unexpected ways. She didn't want others to get fucked up by accident so she asked.

>> No.28588226

There's some good shit but you can't say that this place isn't infested by falseflagging niggersanji fans, genuine schizos and doxxers.

>> No.28588227

>I love how there's nothing the anti can do about Kiara anymore
>she has been seething about it for a whole video


>> No.28588229

Yeah but what do I do with this?

>> No.28588234


>> No.28588238
File: 132 KB, 285x360, 1603635536578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588289

Her members streams are the real girlfriend experience, except instead of trying to feign being romantic she just lays her feelings out for you to bear.

>> No.28588239

I believe she's browsed 2ch in her previous life though. She admitted to browsing something like it in an interview.

>> No.28588241

What's the point of living life if you're gonna be this jaded, you might as well neck yourself now anon

>> No.28588243

Lmao, you're just one giant butthurt faggot, there's no meds that can cure your illness. Keep coping.

>> No.28588244
File: 78 KB, 300x250, 1hleuzplrkeqmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he right, /hlgg/?

>> No.28588247
File: 178 KB, 368x329, its 3am in flipland why are you making me do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588249

Too bad they're all tourists who won't get this

>> No.28588251

i'd rather holoEN stay cringy weeb shit

>> No.28588253

Only BASED post ITT

>> No.28588254

The possibility doesn't exist.

>> No.28588255
Quoted by: >>28588326

oh you're a /cgl/ tranny

>> No.28588256
File: 459 KB, 2800x2800, Artia Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588257

By being the only one who speaks Japanese. The JP girls all went that EN audience but they don’t want to do their reps

>> No.28588259

she 100% comes here
hey chicken, i dont give a shit about you but dont get in the way of any gurame collabs. thank you

>> No.28588261
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important pole on all the happenings today.

>> No.28588266


See >>28586820

>> No.28588267
File: 270 KB, 1000x1000, EjSR5cKVcAAWHU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that but what will actually happen is that we get overlaps with Ame/Ina/Gura instead.

>> No.28588268

Did she really say that?

>> No.28588269

>can't refute any of it is because it's all facts
As expected of whiteknights. Keep simping for a fake bitch who isn't even good at acting. Literal youtubers have fake cried better. If you response to this doesn't debunk Kiara's rl history of sleeping around being a typical roastie hag, I'll call it a concession. Spoiler: You won't, and I'll be right in the end because of it.

>> No.28588276

She said that people who think that other people are faking their emotions to be manipulative are living sad lives and should reevaluate themselves.

>> No.28588278

Are you sure about that?

>> No.28588279

Not a holo, nor was relevant when she was.

>> No.28588280

Oh yeah, whatever happened to that girl stalking kiara?

>> No.28588284
File: 513 KB, 878x1240, 1603600310440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not Ayamefag

>> No.28588287

And how long till it gets hotglued

>> No.28588289

Girlfriends don't do that, virgin-kun.

>> No.28588292

Who? Get your dead indie whore back to your own thread.

>> No.28588297
File: 239 KB, 1439x808, 12312132023312351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Background done.
>Doing shading and lighting effects.
/saruei seems to be eating pizza on her stream at the moment though.

>> No.28588298

fuckin BASED

>> No.28588300
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1603347965139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588428

>threads during streams are comfy and discuss the content
>threads after stream ends go to shit immediately
if the holos that come here actually dont check old threads, they will always see the ones while they aren't streaming, which means they always see only shitposts.

>> No.28588304
File: 3.81 MB, 460x640, KoroneHappy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of the girls congratulated Korone on hitting 1 million compared to Gura?

>> No.28588307

we wouldn't get these narratives if the schzios actually watched

>> No.28588308

Cover is legitimately the most drama-filled entertainment company in my memory. Not even WWE is this unstable.

>> No.28588312

>Uses Sora the real idol to falsefag and doesnt even understand what an idolfag is in hololive.
Holy newfag

>> No.28588314
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, 1604248643277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588385


>> No.28588313
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, xqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588318
File: 374 KB, 554x709, Pekora 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588320

if she said that she is BEYOND stacy
keep writing antiposts you ONE GUY
it only fuels her power

>> No.28588321

Ogey rrrat
I wont even give you a (you)

>> No.28588322

When can we get the NC-17 Kiara?

>> No.28588326
Quoted by: >>28588360

You do know everyone like her need to fuck someone to get anywhere why else did you think she was fired

>> No.28588328

Someone has to.

>> No.28588338

No filter, but at least she's got a strong will.
Would take more than a schizo ranting to break a girl like that, I imagine.

>> No.28588342
File: 127 KB, 463x453, 1603291607431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shelved my second ogey rrat ad because the fucker is bidding way too damn much to show his ad

>> No.28588344

Artia is an artist dog lady (3 dogs in one apartment) and barks back at them when they start barking instead of disciplining them

>> No.28588345
File: 12 KB, 232x227, 1603201437350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588348

Damn, why does Kiara makes /hlg/ fags so fucking mad? When it's Gura it's numberfagging and shitpositng, but the butthurt over Kiara is so fucking real it's hilarious.

>> No.28588350

I guess not even your mother cared enough about you to cry at your bullshit.

>> No.28588351

Yeah, fuck the antis.

>> No.28588353
Quoted by: >>28588497

Every industry is predatory because corporate is always looking to minimize costs while maximizing profits. If you only complain about some industries while tolerating others then you're a hypocrite.

>> No.28588357

you really struck a nerve anon. good job.

>> No.28588358


>> No.28588359


>> No.28588360

Didn't fuck well enough

>> No.28588361

I don't deny it. Crucify me, but I won't deny it. It was Gura who made me into an idolfag after all. Hell, I even get jealous of Klaius every now and then.

>> No.28588367
Quoted by: >>28588405

That's pretty fucking specific lmao.

>> No.28588369
Quoted by: >>28588398

A random anonymous person on the internet quoted it, isn't that proof enough?

>> No.28588368
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1603138586372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588370

It shows that she's trying to hold back from being full rated R

>> No.28588374
Quoted by: >>28588516

Don't specifically remember this, was this today's stream?

>> No.28588375
File: 36 KB, 447x447, b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588376

Nah, they will be the downfall
>I always believed that her stalker made that up, but seeing she grew up without father I believe it now

>> No.28588377

If these posts were against Gura, they'd be gone by now.

>> No.28588378
File: 218 KB, 884x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ voted

>> No.28588384
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1600811786490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the "not an argument, I win" schizo again
Oh great and here I thought you fucked off

>> No.28588385

wow is this real????

>> No.28588386

>>Don't make me post her shilling herself on /mu/
Still waiting for you to spoonfeed me on that one desu senpai

>> No.28588392
Quoted by: >>28588486

Uh, if your girlfriend isn't open to you you're being cheated on anon

>> No.28588393

>/r9k/cucks think they know shit

>> No.28588394


>> No.28588396


>> No.28588398

It is, thanks anon! I will add this information as verified

>> No.28588400

So I can watch Kiara's slow descent into Matsuri level menhera without needing subs? Nice. I can't wait until she starts crying over Pekora.

>> No.28588402
Quoted by: >>28588487

If the streamer doesn't get to do what she wants, there's going to be more shit streams in the long run.
Which presents the question: Does Gura even want to collab with these Twitch fags? Oh wait, there's no reason to assume that she does? It's all just baseless doomposting? What a surprise.
Anyway, I'm all out of (You)s now. Have fun getting mad over your own schizo imagination.

>> No.28588403

I really don't think she is reading this thread. She is the kind of girl who will read 100 positive comments, but when she see 1 negative she breaks down. I'm sure there are at few of these on her video's comments.

>> No.28588405

I mean I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of what she said.

>> No.28588407

This has to be the less 4chan like thread of all the board and its fucking disgusting how many twitchfags post here now.

>> No.28588417

Idol/purity culture is the only thing differentiating Hololive from nyanners and her crew. It is of immense value even if idolfags themselves are fucking schizos .

>> No.28588416

Hey, Ichikara exists you know.

>> No.28588419

Morning Gura Gremlin voice uuuuuooohhhhhh

>> No.28588421

Because she lives rent free in their heads like the rrats live rent free in her walls.

>> No.28588423


>> No.28588426
File: 81 KB, 800x713, 1591013275623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588427

Looks like she's done
we're in the clear lads.

>> No.28588428
Quoted by: >>28588537

Good, it's better if there's as much distance between them and us as possible.

>> No.28588430


>> No.28588436

/hlg/ is 2 threads down weeb

>> No.28588440

I just want her to stop this e idol shit and go back to porn I'm sure she would like it better as well

>> No.28588441
File: 66 KB, 803x711, 1487889292927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question:

Where did vtubers go wrong?

>> No.28588444

Poalfags get the rope

>> No.28588445
Quoted by: >>28588526

That once again the antis/idolfags are just a very vocal and annoying minority who want to ruin things

>> No.28588446
File: 81 KB, 764x305, DJzKDzXXcAE1Fgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588448

Anon, I...

>> No.28588452

I don’t know what those names are and I don’t care to find out.

>> No.28588454

Imagine caring enough to go looking for her past. How obsessed can you be?

>> No.28588453

that proves what?

>> No.28588456

The options are shit

>> No.28588457

*old ladies

>> No.28588463
File: 43 KB, 173x165, 1604201036738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mori and Kiara enjoy their spa date together. Sounds like Kiara needs it more than Mori now.

>> No.28588462

I'm rrat

>> No.28588464

Kiara needs to realize this board is half autist and other half baiting the autists to say autistic shit

>> No.28588465

WWE is held hostage by an insane old man in his 90s who insists that everything must be done his way and, to ensure this, he only gets 5 hours of sleep a night.

>> No.28588466
Quoted by: >>28588538

If Gura collabs with twitchfaggots, she's done, there's no coming back.

>> No.28588467
File: 229 KB, 900x900, 1603651398327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28588469

You're a fucking idiot if you actually think nobody in this industry has used fake tears to further their career.

>> No.28588472
File: 707 KB, 780x1060, 1584123982498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuke onegai

>> No.28588476

/cgl/tranny please...

>> No.28588478

I have no idea what you're talking, Kiara sentiment in hlgg is mostly positive on average.

or are you gonna say a few schizos is the same as hlgg?

>> No.28588480

When Eilene couldn't shitpost on youtube anymore

>> No.28588481

>/hlg/ is 2 threads down weeb
You know you're on /jp/, right?
Can you people please leave again?

>> No.28588482
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1582328814499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588543

Drop the fucking meds, /hlgg/. I'm diagnosing you with a stronger dose right now.

>> No.28588483


>> No.28588484


>> No.28588485

Sober ones tend not to.
Something tells me that we're safer that Kiara doesn't drink. The resulting lack of inhibitions would cause a scorching inferno in which the weak burn to fuel the strong.

>> No.28588486

And if you're gloating about getting GFE from pay-to-play YouTube streams your girlfriend is imaginary.

>> No.28588487

>Oh wait, there's no reason to assume that she does?
She literally follows him on twitter / is a fan of him. Safe to assume she likes the guy.
Whether that translates to her wanting to collab with him as Gura I don't know, but that's that.

>> No.28588488
File: 215 KB, 1240x1754, 1603307406209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people still cant get over her sloppy debut, or just think that her loud extraverted self is all an act after going full menhera.
People just need their meds.

>> No.28588490
Quoted by: >>28588529

t. roastie whore

>> No.28588491

>Doesn't even try to deny it
Go back nigger

>> No.28588492

If Gura accepts it's literally Mori's fault.

>> No.28588494


>> No.28588497

based jim sterling

>> No.28588498

>want to be an idol
>knowing the industry is what it is
Am I supposed to pity them? That's like crying over the safety of oil rigs. The people getting on them know what they're getting into.

>> No.28588500

it's ogey, rrat. you no longer need to use your tears to further your career.

>> No.28588502

Literally every single EN makes hlgg mad. Except Ina.

>> No.28588503

I'm going to do my chicken reps and just might member her. She keeps growing on me

>> No.28588504
File: 307 KB, 463x453, Im going to Battle Peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588505
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588506
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588510
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588512
Quoted by: >>28588564


>> No.28588513
File: 323 KB, 484x484, 1603870362286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaahhh make it stop....

>> No.28588515

this. 100%

>> No.28588516

I think that anon is pulling that out of his ass but here's what she said in her past life:
>Have you ever read about yourself in gossip magazines or on the internet?
>I never read anything about myself in real gossip magazines, but on the internet, a lot. Of course, there was a lot of negative stuff but also a ton of positive stuff! Like on 2ch...I don’t have much confidence in myself so reading those negative things often made me cry and killed my motivation. But oh well, what can you do.

>> No.28588517
Quoted by: >>28588547

only three more hours until ina's stream

>> No.28588518
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588519

True. Never forget that Mori killed Hololive in the west.

>> No.28588520
File: 461 KB, 639x617, 1602904631982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing went wrong. It was always gonna be like this. Internet culture chews up and digests anything put in front of it.

>> No.28588525
File: 232 KB, 824x1593, 1603106243926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent my money on reapercoin
>Don't have any leftover for chickencoins
Someday, I will join your ranks KFP.

>> No.28588526
Quoted by: >>28588923

How new are you?

>> No.28588527


>> No.28588528


>> No.28588529
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588531

Artias fault and her shitty discord. Can’t do anything about it either.

>> No.28588534
File: 295 KB, 1277x1460, 1604131454243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.28588536
Quoted by: >>28588804

I have a solution for your problems, /hlgg/, just fuck something you pussies

>> No.28588537
Quoted by: >>28588693

You know you don't have to be a shitposting asshole to fit in here, right?

>> No.28588538

EN is done if she does the collab. They can barely tard wrangle their audience right now. Imagine the flood of actual twitch normies.

>> No.28588539
File: 71 KB, 1429x336, goback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is good that they don't be as raunchy as them, but there are limits, and Huke shouldn't have caused a problem.

>> No.28588541

xqc would legitimately make her cry playing among us like he did it with Wolf and 5up

>> No.28588542

>been to college
>drinks alcohol
>that body
>plays the awkwardness up during the streams
Ehhh, if you say so

>> No.28588543

You diagnose a condition. You prescribe a medication.

>> No.28588544

Fuck off, schizo. I've done my doxx reps. Unless she's kept up the act for the last eight fucking years, including avenues that don't get you any money for it, she's genuine.

>> No.28588546

>Gura hasn't even collab'd yet with her senpais
>people autistically think she is gonna collab with Sykunno, predator confirmed, prior to anything
Are schizos for real?

>> No.28588547

>only three more hours until ina's stream
You guys did your art reps, right?

>> No.28588550

You naive rrat.
You fail to see the true culprit: the moment Cover decided to expand into the Western market it was over.
YAGOO is your enemy.

>> No.28588551
Quoted by: >>28588579


>> No.28588552

>Not even WWE is this unstable.
Kiara and Asuka/Kana collab would legitimately be comfy as all hell. I

>> No.28588554
Quoted by: >>28588635

Are KFP just making shit up so people join membership to listen

>> No.28588556
Quoted by: >>28588617

This thread is kind of bad, not gonna lie

>> No.28588560

It's alright, man. The KFP doors will always be open for you.
Just remember that once you're in, you will be here forever.

>> No.28588561


>> No.28588563
File: 588 KB, 2870x2000, 1603707244292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, you have my axe
Liberate me anon, I'm dying

>> No.28588564

I will never go away, you are here with me until the end, faggot.

>> No.28588566

Can we all agree that xqc is accepted here. He is autistic enough to count as non normie while being the biggest normie. I like him

>> No.28588568
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, c144db026c3992df5c32eb6b5df5ab38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went all in on Reapercoin and bought myself a marriage, wish us luck.

>> No.28588569


>> No.28588571


>> No.28588573


>> No.28588574
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1603460083592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey (you)

>> No.28588577

+ Internet Historian
+ Schaffrillas

>> No.28588579
File: 804 KB, 3024x4032, 1603471583945 rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588580

Twitch is the biggest game streaming site of all time. I don't know how you could NOT expect at least some amount of overlap between the two communities.

>> No.28588584

Idol culture is based and it makes redditors seethe.

>> No.28588585
Quoted by: >>28588729

Why does Kiara only have 1 membership level? She could easily get a bunch of tier 3s if she opened that level.

>> No.28588587
File: 142 KB, 1079x524, Screenshot_20201101-140741_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588588

>Except Ina.
Probably because she's off their radar...

>> No.28588589

Please fuck off.

>> No.28588590
Quoted by: >>28588651

Where are my forsenboys?

>> No.28588591


>> No.28588592
File: 14 KB, 316x161, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588656

what happened to Gura respecting the Sabbath?

>> No.28588593

He's literally forsen tier, fuck off.

>> No.28588595

I hope people don't blindly believe these "reports" of other threads. Sometimes I go to check to see what you guys are talking about and half the times it isn't true.

>> No.28588600

I like that she liked both versions but only retweeted the Halloween version to make it less obvious.

>> No.28588601
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1601059195505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588603

>almost the same height
>always drawn a foot taller because tits

can these fucks just draw a short ame so I can actually fucking IMAGINE

>> No.28588606

I will not be fine until ALL IDOLFAGS ARE DESTROYED

>> No.28588607


>Bla bla bla i got rejected so everyone is wrong but me

Kiara will be the center in november, so i hope i got out more of you hate to laugh at you.

>> No.28588608
File: 61 KB, 768x1024, 1602907610423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura choosing to collab with male twitch streamers over her senpais is something in the realm of impossible.

You guys needs to calm down, it's not gonna happen.

>> No.28588610

This is an /hlg/ narrative.

>> No.28588615
Quoted by: >>28588768

Incorrect. Hololive is just normal, sound, reasonable. What the default should be. Not the crass bluntness or western whores hiding behind vtuber fascade, not the pupe seiso idol dream. Just normal, how it should be.

>> No.28588616
File: 13 KB, 228x240, 1497777358954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588617

It’s a discord raid. Literally talking about twitch e-celebs as if it’s alright to talk about them here.

>> No.28588619

>implying 99% of this drama exists anywhere outside of local schizos' heads
It's not the company, Anon, it's us.

>> No.28588621


>> No.28588624

she's mocking you fags lmao

>> No.28588626

Gura can barely handle the holo en collab streams where they are all supposedly friends. If she did this she would do it once and never again.

>> No.28588627

All this over a fucking invite

Thank god all the people here are incels who will never have a real girlfriend can you imagine

>uh honey some dude just hit on me today, just walked past him

>> No.28588632

timestamp or she never said that

>> No.28588633
File: 2.20 MB, 1882x1371, 1591635623601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588712

>Kiara literally just admitted to having multiple Pekora dakis

>> No.28588635

you can tell if somethings real if 10 people post about it at once whereas the fake shit will only be 1 person but they'll probably get a bunch of (you)s

>> No.28588638 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 500x471, 1604257759105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit anon, you've cracked the code...You're not leaving this thread alive.

>> No.28588640


>> No.28588639
Quoted by: >>28588854

>on twitter
>on a Sunday

>> No.28588642

Rare sunday gura

>> No.28588644


>> No.28588645

But someone @ed her on Twitter, that means she has to accept

>> No.28588646


>> No.28588647

It's not like she has a limit on to how many collabs she can do, she can do both

>> No.28588648

Basado. Doesnt like idolfags but agree with this

>> No.28588649

And because shitposting isn't immediately buried then shitposters can actually get attention.

>> No.28588651

forsen is fucking gay
quin is where it's at. as long as he isn't play that boring as shit poe

>> No.28588655
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1601572681047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588654


>> No.28588656

She read the thread and decided to blow out narrativefags once again.

>> No.28588657

I hope she had a good time at church today.

>> No.28588663 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 220x209, 20201027_101523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588716

Can we all agree that jerma is accepted here. He beat dark souls 3 on stream.

>> No.28588662


>> No.28588665
File: 101 KB, 902x671, DoubleFaggotNaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the cycle is back on again

>Anti Kiara, the improves her content and people stop listening to your ravings
>Move into anti'ing Amelia for the sin of being a normal girl who's had normal relationships. People stop giving a shit because your a faggot and idolfagging is cringe
>Next target is Ina. Complain about her chat moderator because you cant find a single thing wrong with her besides calling her "boring". People don't fucking care and call you a faggot again
>Desperately move on to Mori, who is in a weakened state due to real life commitments. See some mild success creating a shitposting storm, but people easily flip within one stream when her life settles down and she shows shes just as good as the other EN girls when not exhausted and busy
>Fuckfuckfuckfuck uuuuuuuuuhhhh lets do Gura next! Yah shes bad because numbers! You guys hate numbers right? God please give me (you)s i'm desperate
>All other plans have failed, so lets restart the cycle and make up a new narrative that's just screaming "LOL WHORE" about Kiara

Imagine the absolute mental degradation you have to have to get to this point as an antiposter. Just the saddest shit I have ever seen

>> No.28588670

That's retarded logic anon

>> No.28588673

Ina makes me mad when she mutes her mic before her fits of rage. I need the desk slamming ASMR.

>> No.28588676

give me the spiciest narratives as to why she is tweeting that RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.28588678

>Thank god all the people here are incels who will never have a real girlfriend can you imagine

projection anon.

>> No.28588679
File: 930 KB, 1200x2000, 543531351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubbing Gura's thighs.

>> No.28588682

You sound unhinged, drink some water or take your meds.

>> No.28588684
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601331142953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you schizos aren't bombarding Gura on twitter over this nothingburger...

>> No.28588686

The worst part is that this is exactly like this conversation, however, the two are not even dating.

>> No.28588687
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1603932416661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, clearly something changed in the last half hour. We were just watching LotR and shitposting, and now the thread has fractured into a mess of different arguments, and everyone is talking past each other and arguing different things.
You can kinda tell when there's an influx of people from out of nowhere, threads go from stable to fractured, and things absolutely got fractured with lots of single statement, inflammatory shitposts. Did the membership stream genuinely activate a bunch of schizos who weren't active before, or did some other group show up when they heard something?

>> No.28588691

Reminder to also report people talking about some random Twitch streamers or e-celebs.

>> No.28588693
Quoted by: >>28588965

I'm not encouraging the shitflinging that occurs between streams and in dead hours. That is simply inevitable. I also don't see any benefit whatsoever to the girls interacting with this cesspool of humanity. It would be much more damaging than the hypothetical twitch cancer collab everyone was chimping out about.

>> No.28588694
File: 66 KB, 184x178, 1603698604850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588696

nice false equivalency.

>> No.28588698

Whoa I'm not reading your dumb schizo shit.

>> No.28588701
File: 679 KB, 809x900, hoshimachi_suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the game you want the Holos to play, but they never will.
I'll start
>Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters

>> No.28588702

Pastor got sick?

>> No.28588703
File: 549 KB, 1200x1200, 1602904081762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until based fucking Pewds notices HoloEN and the fallout that will ensue

>> No.28588707


>> No.28588710
Quoted by: >>28588770

Reminder that every cent you send to Gura winds up in her boyfriend's wallet

>> No.28588711

I'm a geopolitical nerd and I wish Cover would make one Holo per European country. I would write the most crazy alternative universe fanfictions based on diplomacy went over the centuries. I miss Polandball.

>> No.28588712

There is no narrative. She is obsessed with Pekora and she has admitted this since day one.

>> No.28588716

call me when he beats Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

>> No.28588718

Both Ina's personality and content is so ridiculously inoffensive that her ragequitting Minecraft after a creeper explosion was the only thing people could fucking talk about for a good bit. Now they're projecting anger issues on to her for no real reason.

>> No.28588719


>> No.28588723

even her porn didn't sell so now she cries online for income

>> No.28588726

>implying that's what people are anxious about

>> No.28588727

Did none of them see the old z*wa mega with her brit ex bf singing to her on stream and shit?

>> No.28588729
Quoted by: >>28588815

I think she said that she doesn't have any ideas for tier 3 streams/rewards and that one tier is enough.

>> No.28588731

the thread was already in semi-meltdown about some stupid twitchfag when LotR started, we just drowned them out until it ended

>> No.28588734

She wants to talk to someone, but Ame is busy

>> No.28588733

No, Kiara just went back to her old crying/begging/complaining persona.

>> No.28588738 [SPOILER] 
File: 432 KB, 579x674, 1604257913247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the chicken, but I respect her hustle
Ganbare chimkin

>> No.28588739
File: 57 KB, 1433x593, 1601748773361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, LorR/Hlgg posting was fun while it lasted. This thread is in fucking flames so I'm out. Peace.

>> No.28588740
File: 526 KB, 846x920, 1574903366911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back from church Gura.

>> No.28588741

Dang didn't know she streamed. Thanks anon.

>> No.28588743

>over her senpais
She can literally only collab with Coco or the IDs. Not wanting to possibly hurt ESLchama's feelings because of her nigh uncomprehensible English will hold her back and the other holos havent done enough eigo reps to make good zatsudan.

>> No.28588744

Well, at least all this meltdown and naRRATive shit made this dead hours interesting

>> No.28588746

It's not about them being men you absolute schizo

>> No.28588747


>> No.28588748
Quoted by: >>28588772

I mean how much anger do you have to have in yourself

>> No.28588750
File: 209 KB, 364x426, Amelaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588962

I just want to support my Oshi and her genmates. What is this shit storm?

>> No.28588751


>> No.28588753

Off topic, keep indies in vyt

>> No.28588758


>> No.28588759

People were fine with Kiara until she brought it up herself about things people say about her negatively.

It's like what, why focus on those things? You're massively successful and popular

>> No.28588761

She's here, isn't she?
This proves it. She saw the state of the threads.

>> No.28588762

Probably, I don't think the japanese and en audiences can get along. It's probably just a matter of time before some twitter fag goes and checks out the reddit and see all the "matsuri predator" jokes and it makes the chinks spergout look like a joke.

>> No.28588765

>a mess of different arguments, and everyone is talking past each other and arguing different things.

Yeah that sums up this site pretty well, just tab out until the schizos wear themselves out

>> No.28588766
Quoted by: >>28588859

Holy shit, antirapist is that you?

>> No.28588768

>Hololive is just normal, sound, reasonable. What the default should be.
But not what the default actually is, correct? Without the idolfags dragging them away from the "western normal" we couldn't have the ideal normal you enjoy.

>> No.28588769

>sunday gura post

>> No.28588770

yeah thanks guys, been appreciating all the money coming in

>> No.28588772
Quoted by: >>28588822


>> No.28588774

-5 days until the complete destruction of these threads.
This is but a taste of what's to come.

>> No.28588782
Quoted by: >>28588894

>The poll isn't shit
Yes it is. The choices are a bunch of really specific responses which might not reflect peoples' true positions.
Remove the super long sentences and keep your answers simple, and make them comprehensive.

>> No.28588783

literally who are you talking about i dont even know this faggot he isnt big news he is just some random guy stop shitting the bed

>> No.28588785

now that you mentioned it, schizos and antis from the other thread probably will in order to cause drama cause they hate her so much.

>> No.28588784
Quoted by: >>28588907

Idolfags are the bulwark of schizophrenia that allows Hololive to be what it is. Without idolfags, Hololive becomes just like every other twitch streamer, with an avatar. If people wanted that, they'd watch twitch streamers.

>> No.28588787

KF jannies got uppity

>> No.28588789
Quoted by: >>28588834

Just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.28588790

t. schizo

>> No.28588792
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601200167453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the shitstorm is Pewdiepie collabs with Gura. Oh god the amount of seething and coping would be legendary.

>> No.28588793
File: 848 KB, 1473x1260, 1603921258437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588794
Quoted by: >>28588874

idolfags are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to male value.
Chad thundercock on one end and idolfags all the way on the other. They are extremely insecure and if a male so much as looks in a direction of a girl they start to seethe.

>> No.28588795
Quoted by: >>28588943


>> No.28588796

Map the times to their timezone and look which blocks are free.

>> No.28588797
Quoted by: >>28588830

It all boils to people not understanding what an idolfag and an unicorn is, as well as people not understanding why others don't want normalfags to be involved in hololive.

>> No.28588798

Huh, what's going to happen?

>> No.28588800
Quoted by: >>28588905

>mel's drama was the fan's fault
your newfag is showing

>> No.28588801

Gura gets bombarded by thousands of messages on social media nonstop from fans, haters and opportunists alike. She doesn't read any of it

>> No.28588802

How new?

>> No.28588804

Are dogs okay or will that banish me to /hlg/

>> No.28588805

>threads go to shit during ded hours

>> No.28588806

hate this no nose shit

>> No.28588808

The eagle and the sun can never be friends

>> No.28588809
File: 321 KB, 1216x912, 1604033766846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28588812
Quoted by: >>28588845

this one officially dethrone 24jhup

>> No.28588814

Probably just trannies trying to start shit about Kiara since it was her stream, but being btfo since they can't even say anything that sounds like an argument anymore.

>> No.28588813
Quoted by: >>28588893

Are there people who actually believe that Kiara was fake crying? Jesus do you people actually have autism?

>> No.28588815

well that's cool of her, I know when I noticed the other girls had tiers I went back to Kiara's page thinking I must have missed it and googled the issue of how to upgrade my membership. I really am retarded

>> No.28588819

Trash Taste podcast with Mori probably

>> No.28588820

The anituber podcast

>> No.28588822

The Antirapist gets replaced by a Idolfag rapist

>> No.28588823
File: 130 KB, 354x385, 1602212371392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your favorite EN
>Kaguya or Mokou
>Rei or Asuka

>> No.28588825

why would gura collab with himself?

>> No.28588826
File: 218 KB, 750x558, FUBUKI TRIES TO HELP SCHIZOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588866


>> No.28588829

Depends which shit you mean. A lot of them have been talking about vtubers since lockdown started it seems.
Therefore, its all COVID's fault these threads went to shit.

>> No.28588830
Quoted by: >>28588900

a unicorn*
the sound of u in unicorn is consonant(yu) so you use "a"

>> No.28588831
Quoted by: >>28588884

You are the same faggot spamming in CAPS all the thread about idolfags aren't you? Have you realised you are worse than an unicorn?

>> No.28588832
File: 759 KB, 960x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588872

sure is fun watching those girls have fun together haha

>> No.28588834
Quoted by: >>28588864

Kiara had a fun LOTR watchalong. Then it turned to regular schizoposting and antis.

>> No.28588835

This fucking jew ruin HoloEN in 1 month

>> No.28588839

no he is copeing

>> No.28588843

Baba is you, i don't even think the ENs will ever touch it

>> No.28588844


>> No.28588845

24jhup is still worse, since it happened over voice.

>> No.28588846

That would be painful to watch

>> No.28588849
Quoted by: >>28588881

>the literal state of sharkfags

>> No.28588850
File: 780 KB, 849x1200, 1603662920093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588852

i have set up 300 different ip adresses around indonesia which will all post moripog as soon as a thread is created which will subsist until everyone has forgotten about the podcast

>> No.28588854

West coast is 11:00, east coast is 14:00. She probably goes to the late morning worship, so we can assume that Gura is one of the 50 people who live in the North American Mountain time zone and church just let out.

>> No.28588859

I am antirapist not him. I haven't been feeling well for the past 3 weeks. Sorry to let you down. But I still support our girls and wish them the best

>> No.28588864
Quoted by: >>28588903

Is it true? The bomb that KFPfags dropped?

>> No.28588866


>> No.28588868

Narrative: She's HERE

>> No.28588870

Because being successful doesn't magically get rid of all your insecurities and self doubt. Part of why Kiara's fanbase is so dedicated to her is because she's willing to open up so much about her worries. Mori has a similar thing going on with her deadbeats.

>> No.28588871


>> No.28588872

Yeah, it's pretty fun

t. Shizoid

>> No.28588875
Quoted by: >>28588914

pewdiepie is not toxic like otv

>> No.28588874
Quoted by: >>28588960

I wouldn't appeal to the alpha-beta narrative here. "Alpha" males repel men that approach their woman, and discard a woman that betrays them. Read more books.

>> No.28588876


>> No.28588879

She also called out Minecraft autists as being secret Idolfags in reality.

>> No.28588880


>> No.28588881
Quoted by: >>28588934

nice video lol

>> No.28588882
File: 4 KB, 78x80, 345345435355344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588904

Are people worried about Ina's diamonds? Don't be. I just got these over the last 40 minutes or so just strip mining and using a fortune III pickaxe.

>> No.28588883

It would be a few raindrops in the constant flood she gets

>> No.28588884
Quoted by: >>28588939

How? I'm not demanding the girls to be pure virgins or anything like that? In fact the fact that you're not calling out idolfags means that you're much worse than them, accepting the behavior. The fact that I'm speaking out against it means that I'm doing something about it, unlike you.

>> No.28588886

Guys how can we HELP Risu?

>> No.28588887

The V part. Some people feel the Virtual part is inherantly disingenuous so will automatically be skeptical of the person behind the avatar's true emotions and intentions.

It allows introvert streamers to act like extroverts, but it also allows cynics to go: 'were they really even introverts or is everything that feels real just part of the act?'

Ultimately, everything is taken on faith and what you want to believe: that parts are being hidden to make it easier to entertain or exploit you.

>> No.28588888

An audience this huge would affect anyone anon. Even you.

>> No.28588891


Mostly /clg/ fags trannies mad at Kiara and she just personally BTFO them on stream

>> No.28588893

Those people have never experienced love or compassion in their lives anon (and never will)

>> No.28588894

the pol was about of people enjoys the idol aspect of hololive, how is that not related

>> No.28588896


>> No.28588897

You should take negativity and boil it down to the objective truths, and take that criticism to improve yourself. There is a big difference between taking the ramblings of a schizo as full truth, and not just extracting things like "I shouldn't mention akasupas during collabs" and improving in positive ways. Ignoring all criticism is how you get into stagnating hugbox situations and should be avoided

>> No.28588900
Quoted by: >>28588967

Interesting how little I know about grammar but still follow its rules as an EOP.

>> No.28588901

/cgl/ cabal became active again. In other words, jealous femanons are contributing to the shitstorm.

>> No.28588902

Give her the nut

>> No.28588903

All the ones that have 2+ posts within a minute of each other are true

>> No.28588904

only retards think she cheated those in

>> No.28588905


>> No.28588906


>> No.28588907

Incorrect. Every holo is ironic in their idol play to some degree. It is used by Cover mearly as a playful trick to make the audience go "teehee shouldn't say that" with the holo.

>> No.28588909
File: 47 KB, 650x366, hitomi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588950

428 onegai...

>> No.28588911

Oh shit, I'll be on the side of deadbeats just for fun

>> No.28588913

Here's for (You)

>> No.28588914

he's a fascist but ok

>> No.28588917
File: 413 KB, 750x748, 1591136379437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588916

But they didn't

>> No.28588918

>OfflineTV are really getting into vtubers
>they even got their own avatars and everything
>they have a bigger fanbase than hololive
It will be foolish for Gura not to collab with them

>> No.28588922

the anituber/unironic weeb crowd are leagues above the normalfags Gura will collab with

>> No.28588923
Quoted by: >>28588971

might as well you niggers arnt any different

>> No.28588924


>> No.28588927
Quoted by: >>28588990

Pewd most likely already know about HoloEN and will avoid talking about it because it's actually not compltely stupid

>> No.28588928

oh he is? based.

>> No.28588934
Quoted by: >>28588961

kek he took it down literal seconds after I posted it here. Good.

>> No.28588935
File: 311 KB, 539x556, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot your pic

>> No.28588936

tourists who came here because of the huke drama, /hlgg/ was mentioned pretty often in those discussions, so they came here just to keep falling for bait and shitposts.

>> No.28588939
Quoted by: >>28588980

Gonna cry? I will make your holo graduate if she doesnt behaves, now keep crying in caps, nigger.

>> No.28588940

>he is a fascist

>> No.28588943
File: 123 KB, 705x708, 1603162765843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted to tell high IQ chumbuds that she's actively ignoring the @

>> No.28588944

>People who didn't watch the stream getting mad about shit said in a stream they didn't watch

>> No.28588946

this is bait, but this is why numberfags should jump off a cliff. They unironically believe this

>> No.28588950

Polka is playing it.

>> No.28588951


>> No.28588952
File: 56 KB, 506x728, 5423243234243234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where the roe is made.

>> No.28588955

I don't even hate the podcast tbdesu

>> No.28588960

>"Alpha" males ... discard a woman that betrays them.
Women don't betray alphas. Women only discard low value males for high value males. Idolfags are the lowest value males possible.

>Read more books.
lol neckbeard. Reading books to learn about women have you tried socializing?

>> No.28588961

I clicked on it the very second it appeared in browser and it was already unavailable

>> No.28588962
File: 36 KB, 300x300, pepelaugh-emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized.

>> No.28588964

She's about to graduate and wants to make one last tweet. In a couple of months she'll do the 1mil sub speedrun again

>> No.28588965

>I also don't see any benefit whatsoever to the girls interacting with this cesspool of humanity.
Well it's pretty apparently that they are, whether or not it's healthy for them.

>> No.28588967

Wow, no need to get passive-aggressive Anon. I just wanted to improve your writing skills.

>> No.28588969

I don't even know who "Mokou" is.

>> No.28588972

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.28588971

>two literal different things
how new?

>> No.28588974

Hunt Showdown would be a nice change of pace from APEX

>> No.28588973


>> No.28588975


>> No.28588979

But lilypichu is friends with destiny and he's a freak in general.

>> No.28588978

I can't wait for when Kiara does a Sound of Music watch along though in her case it would be a singalong

>> No.28588980

so you admit that you're an idolfag? allright then let's meettoasdljkfasdf43t340tuaiogfalkcxov78zoi43j4tadfg

>> No.28588984

This is your average anti-idolchad poster

>> No.28588985

I love chicken.

>> No.28588989

Are they really? God I hate these bandwagon faggots.

>> No.28588990

I think Pewds is a humble guy. I also give him massive props for not mentioning Gura's name for the horse in his subreddit review.

Although he might have and no one said anything about it.
