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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, 3C4EC0BC-679C-44F9-ABE4-904D976D3397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28142777 No.28142777 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28142793
Quoted by: >>28142905

aqua <3

>> No.28142807
File: 129 KB, 332x351, 124252352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me...

>> No.28142812

Noooooo! Please! Noooo!

>> No.28142816
File: 352 KB, 500x486, 1603362788146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peko whore

>> No.28142819
File: 25 KB, 363x331, matsuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this menhera!

>> No.28142821


>> No.28142822

>your server only has 5 people
moona control your 'tism

>> No.28142823

Who made jeb_ anyway?

>> No.28142826

This collab confirmed to me that Gura has a stinky puss

>> No.28142825
Quoted by: >>28142873

Where is everyone in the holoserver????

>> No.28142827


>> No.28142830
File: 2.32 MB, 1400x2000, 83849057_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143037

I love Marine!

>> No.28142832
Quoted by: >>28142919

>en FILTH near shion's house

>> No.28142831
File: 226 KB, 968x544, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143035

Sora has been broken

>> No.28142834
File: 89 KB, 556x688, F42A86AD-4003-4E78-A770-F4DD0FD76ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People please do not be angry. Have a cute image.

>> No.28142835

These threads are actually ruining my enjoyment of hololive as a whole

>> No.28142837

fk this bros im out (been saying this for 30 min)

>> No.28142839
File: 233 KB, 850x1202, 1589857419589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142838
File: 465 KB, 1000x562, toolate_tosell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142843

What would've the ideal collab looked like? I'm thinking


>> No.28142844
File: 1.55 MB, 1366x768, shionyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28142846
File: 294 KB, 1358x2044, 906ae46424e00f62becc87f05d051a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142845

HoloEN was honestly a mistake and I wish it never happened.

>> No.28142848
File: 276 KB, 498x399, 31DCF3C9-E3E2-4722-B991-0D23203354B3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142849
File: 362 KB, 2000x1000, ElCCmXhU8AUGyJD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143079

Cardboard CEO!

>> No.28142851

Forgot how sweet Aki really is.

>> No.28142853

I'm not even watching the stream anymore and I still feel the awkward silence

>> No.28142857
File: 6 KB, 131x293, QJpVMXh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142860

Lucky Sexy Not Boomer. Based Dope Superlit Extasy Gal.

>> No.28142863
File: 475 KB, 1296x1080, 1603070249454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142864
File: 74 KB, 304x338, 1573210534693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just stuck around because i wanted to say what a piece of shit gawr gura is. kills me and runs me over like that? Gutless. Gutless. Piece of shit

>> No.28142866
File: 327 KB, 1439x1051, Screenshot_20201023-200857_Firefox Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours
>still over 110k viewers
this is the power of intercultural exchange

>> No.28142873
Quoted by: >>28143244

anon, it's 12pm, they're all asleep.

>> No.28142874

They're here to stay, cope.

>> No.28142880
File: 303 KB, 900x900, 1573940168419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28142927

I love Towa.

>> No.28142882 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 577x139, 1603509005382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143016

Fuck off

>> No.28142883
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x1687, w764c1vgobk51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28142921

>mfw not watching this stream and won't be watching any clips of it either

>> No.28142884
File: 45 KB, 362x384, Screenshot (293).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora your chat....

>> No.28142889
File: 2.87 MB, 3000x4000, 20200906_015325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142890

Please end this shit before Sora stars streaming

>> No.28142892

Hey I've seen that house before! It's where marine and aqua pranked shion!

>> No.28142898
File: 98 KB, 660x789, Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends!

>> No.28142900


>> No.28142901

Amame Canaya
Siempreoscuridad Torre

>> No.28142904

Get out of here anon, go enjoy the stream please

>> No.28142905
Quoted by: >>28143010


>> No.28142909


>> No.28142913
File: 137 KB, 729x563, 1602942333592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143005

Mel is cute as always!!!

>> No.28142915
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, TW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsunowaki Watame!

>> No.28142917

Maybe you should stop coming here.

>> No.28142919

I liked Shion's parts in the Halloween song. I hope she feels well soon.

>> No.28142921


>> No.28142926

It's been 114 minutes...

>> No.28142927


>> No.28142931
File: 133 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun towa

>> No.28142932
File: 299 KB, 445x436, 1596425991710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143110


>> No.28142933

>Gura with double Ame's viewership
Sharkfags really live in their own world, huh?

>> No.28142935


>> No.28142936

keep dragging this on until one of the other holos gets on moona!

>> No.28142938

Yeah, I remember someone trying to charge back a set. and she got mad

>> No.28142939
File: 236 KB, 1447x1200, 1600398132455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moona telling gura to shut the fuck up

>> No.28142942
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28142944
File: 22 KB, 436x370, ahg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about faggot

>> No.28142943
Quoted by: >>28143084

Huh, how is it a mistake? I'm legit curious to hear this one.
Why are some few autists so full of spitefulness and negative attitude towards something so innocent and endearing.

>> No.28142945

Thanks god it's over

>> No.28142948
Quoted by: >>28143038

Have they been to the Aquamarine ship yet?

>> No.28142949
File: 9 KB, 290x333, 1603217758706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very IMPORTANT poal

>> No.28142954
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1601653609197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28142996

Some fucking stream that was.

>> No.28142955


>> No.28142956

>I saw her build this on stream

>> No.28142957
File: 627 KB, 675x1200, Ekw4y7yVgAAMQBq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143041

Marine, please stop shlicking at the thought of having Flare eat pussy tonight and just do your solo stream!

>> No.28142959

Same, this place is just for of actual hatred instead of ironic one.

>> No.28142960

>Moona suddenly ends it



>> No.28142962

I'm cringing inside..

>> No.28142963
File: 1.78 MB, 1366x768, AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTISMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




let's see you vote



>> No.28142964

>Adding viewers
realistically speaking at least 20k are watching all 3 at the same time
Still impressive

>> No.28142970


>> No.28142973
Quoted by: >>28143136

If you need the threads to watch the streams you never liked hololive at first place.

>> No.28142974
File: 194 KB, 1400x1320, 1603317044702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142976
File: 993 KB, 646x848, 1598640598115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel please have sex with black men in front of me !

>> No.28142975
Quoted by: >>28143056

Was it always like that?

>> No.28142978
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1602364075976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143234

I just wish I could keep discussing Japanese Vtubers on /jp/ in peace. Why must EOPs ruin everything

>> No.28142984
Quoted by: >>28143464

it pulled away the mask of the rest of the holos for me.... I now realize they're all just annoying attention seekers but it's more endearing when you don't understand what they're saying.

>> No.28142986

Gura pretending she watched Shion built this. Does she even know Shion?

>> No.28142988
Quoted by: >>28143043

Spanking Friend!
Choking Friend!
Manhandling Friend!

>> No.28142989

Aqua, your sister...

>> No.28142992
File: 20 KB, 346x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143432


>> No.28142994


>> No.28142997
File: 300 KB, 469x419, 235645623132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143087

S... E...

>> No.28142996

It's not over yet

>> No.28143003

Nice 66 minutes x2

>> No.28143005
File: 105 KB, 692x712, D20CD8EB-4C63-4799-B3AD-983B211FAC21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very very cute !!!

>> No.28143008
File: 804 KB, 3024x4032, rrat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea.

From now on, every time a new holo is introduced, an old holo would have to graduate.

>> No.28143010
File: 1.87 MB, 4192x4192, aqua1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143069


>> No.28143012

moona, you're staring right at korosan's house

>> No.28143011

>yes except kiara
you missed the objectively correct option

>> No.28143016
Quoted by: >>28143095

You and I know that’s not yours, anonchama.

>> No.28143017

its more than 2 hours bros.

>> No.28143018
Quoted by: >>28143098


Not be a numberfag, but Mel is almost at 300K subs

>> No.28143024

Just got on, why are people pissy?

>> No.28143026

anonchama...you're showing how new you are

>> No.28143025
Quoted by: >>28143230

Man.. EN collab streams are awkward as fuck.
I think its because they dont know each other in real life that its hard to talk to each other unlike JP girls who always have something to share with each other because they go out and eat.

>> No.28143027

>towa please /hlgg/

>> No.28143028
File: 55 KB, 180x155, 1583127152602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill roberu

>> No.28143029
File: 62 KB, 560x314, 1603059057559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be stalked by Sora-chan...

>> No.28143033
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 93231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143035

i dont get it

>> No.28143037

Anon,I don't want to cum yet

>> No.28143038


>> No.28143041

>eat your

>> No.28143044

>Korone house
>haven't found it
Fucking dumbass

>> No.28143043

Deep mating presses with Friend!

>> No.28143045
Quoted by: >>28143245

Stream would've been a lot stronger without Moona desu, she hasn't really clicked with them and has made the whole thing a bit awkward

>> No.28143046


>> No.28143048

Literally standing on the Korone house. lol

>> No.28143049

>/hlg/ is complete meltdown
PTSD from Aquamarine vs shion yo kick in

>> No.28143050
File: 258 KB, 450x449, 1591454748847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143549

Time to clear up some of the houses and structures built by the less popular holos like Mel and Mio and ID so that EN has space to build in the main town. More EN & JP interaction will draw more viewers and more money, they need to redesign the MC town to accommodate for that.

>> No.28143056

God no, it mostly is like 90% Japanese with a few EOP's mixed in

>> No.28143059

guras mc perspective is generally better than Ames from my perspective. but also yes.

>> No.28143064
Quoted by: >>28143114

Uhhh it's been about 115 minutes..... Sooo should we end here?

>> No.28143068
Quoted by: >>28143233

Can't wait until she makes it into Hololive and I can say I was there from the start.

>> No.28143069

That's it. I'm going for the fourth.

>> No.28143070
File: 144 KB, 850x601, 1600293525055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143179


>> No.28143072

They didn't see the giant dog? Jesus...

>> No.28143073
Quoted by: >>28143126

Shion is probably the closest JP to her besides Marine.

>> No.28143076
Quoted by: >>28143160

>Have a cute image.
I'm waiting.

>> No.28143077

>they didn't recognize Korone's thin line dog as a dog

>> No.28143079

The flat jokes were fun

>> No.28143080




>> No.28143082
File: 240 KB, 640x729, 20200719_035834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143084
Quoted by: >>28143192

They have a mental illness and they refuse/are unable to take medication for it. Imageboards are their group therapy sessions.

>> No.28143087
File: 53 KB, 651x569, 1595980266757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143088

The old man is not happy that Roberu took his spot

>> No.28143094

ok now I'm angry

>> No.28143095 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.18 MB, 3840x1080, 1603509169120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143098

Yes I know ! I am very very happy !!(^∇^)

>> No.28143100
File: 131 KB, 828x1721, 1600840723141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona tells Gura to stop singing when they enter Shion's house
>tries to end the stream after leaving the house
that was the final straw

>> No.28143103
Quoted by: >>28145125

>the gura buff is real
fuck no, we're gonna get boring ass collabs like this with stagnate holos now

>> No.28143105

What if some of them watched from all POVs, wouldn't it be shared viewers?

>> No.28143108
File: 112 KB, 264x269, 1603479698597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up is it that bad

>> No.28143110

Lime shouldn't you be on your honeymoon?

>> No.28143109

Hey mel

>> No.28143112
File: 5 KB, 386x78, DC5BB390-FA38-40B3-B762-5BA96D07CA1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28143114

I think she wants to end for Sora's stream.

>> No.28143120
Quoted by: >>28143224

>tokinosorach joined the game
Is it time to stalk them one last time before they leave?

>> No.28143125

since hlgg is probably here can i ask which of the holoens are the most fappable?

>> No.28143126

Implying, Gura doesn't even speak Japanese

>> No.28143127
File: 752 KB, 900x1273, cha1602731088762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming and cute!
Your heart is boing boing!

>> No.28143130

I was watching Ame's pov but she has portions of the screen fucking cut off.

>> No.28143131

unless they're watching all 3 unmuted it counts as 1 view i thought

>> No.28143135

>-1k people watching moona

>> No.28143136
Quoted by: >>28143203

Where else am i gonna go talk about them after or while watching then? This is the only place that allows discussion because the site in general hates this stuff because jts considered simpong and the other imageboards dont allow it period

>> No.28143141
File: 1.64 MB, 1366x768, daisenpaidada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daisenpai's coming!

>> No.28143142

Lol last thread ENfags were talking about how they wanted to end the stream when they're the ones who just stopped Moona from ending it

>> No.28143144

Moona slapped Gura in front of Sora

>> No.28143145
File: 113 KB, 167x366, 1586749433035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shion would've saved us from this

>> No.28143147

So CoCo was just a bitch that didn't care about Moona then because the trio works pretty fine right now

>> No.28143154

holy shit newfag, at least pretend you watch streams.

>> No.28143156

Aki looks really cute today.

>> No.28143160

What is the problem this time ??? Filesize is small. Please fix your Internet connection !

>> No.28143162


>> No.28143167
File: 50 KB, 470x706, 1592263785805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesh, very nice

>> No.28143169

the ENs keep deviating from Moona's plan and aren't listening to her.

>> No.28143175

anonchama...this means you haven't even been here a month ago

>> No.28143176
Quoted by: >>28143240

moona is a fucking autist

>> No.28143179

Uh... Ninja Head Angel and Twin Purple Punk Girl

>> No.28143180

Watch Hololive please

>> No.28143185

She can't even save herself.

>> No.28143187

I want to save Aloe.

>> No.28143188
Quoted by: >>28143383

I havent been able to catch her streams, even after sending her pikmin 3

>> No.28143190
Quoted by: >>28143232

Nice fake.

>> No.28143192
Quoted by: >>28143327

It's my mental illness I get to choose the coping mechanism

>> No.28143194


>> No.28143196

It's fine, just /hlg/ having an episode like usual

>> No.28143198

>digs up dirt
>immediately plants it back


>> No.28143199
Quoted by: >>28143931

They literally mentioned talking to each other on Discord. Perhaps through a machine translator and caveman grunts.

>> No.28143202

>>>>>>>>>>entered dog's home


>> No.28143203
Quoted by: >>28143305

You don't need to talk about them

>> No.28143201

you can't be this stupid, right?

>> No.28143207

Can't believe Watson just said that

>> No.28143209
File: 288 KB, 365x486, 1603364973217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143211
File: 3.85 MB, 2300x3322, 1589488332583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her already...

>> No.28143212
File: 447 KB, 1639x2048, 1603498627892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143308

>> No.28143213
Quoted by: >>28144055

Really anon?


>> No.28143215
Quoted by: >>28143261

she doesnt have a plan

>> No.28143214

they have talked in discord anon...

>> No.28143217

>coco watching hlgg

>> No.28143222
File: 41 KB, 1080x608, gelbooru.com 5600335 blue_hair braid bunny carrot_hair_ornament food_themed_hair_ornament gogalking hair_ornament full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143469

Do you think even yagoo knows who towa is?

>> No.28143224

I think she has a stream in 45 mins and it’s currently noon

>> No.28143227

ina because she's korean and not an ugly jap

>> No.28143230
Quoted by: >>28143344

They're the first generation of a exported streaming culture from Japan. People need to give them some slack it could have been way more obnoxious and way worse.

>> No.28143232
File: 334 KB, 1280x930, 1603289899935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and watch the streams falseflagger kun

>> No.28143234

go to the Virtual Youtuber thread then, retard

>> No.28143233
Quoted by: >>28143321

But half of her charm is her Live2D... hate to see it go.

>> No.28143236
File: 135 KB, 600x419, 20201023_032829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably autism
Aqua ...

>> No.28143238

why are you even bothering?

>> No.28143239

Hot. Based Melcuckposter.

>> No.28143240

forgive moona for she is autistic...
i think you'd do the same too anon with people you barely know..

>> No.28143244
Quoted by: >>28143415

It's 12NN, its lunch time over there anon...

>> No.28143245
Quoted by: >>28143300

If Moona wasn't there everyone would blame Ame and Gura for being awkward instead, they're social retards too but moona is a bigger autist than them

>> No.28143246

>Watson carves out a step in the soil to get up
>Gura uses the step
>Watson fills it back in as Moona is coming

>> No.28143247

Coco is always a bitch. A cute endearing bitch.

>> No.28143248

If you're going to pretend to be a JSL who hates HoloEN, at least watch the streams.

>> No.28143251

To be honest, I didn't see how that was a dog until she built it.

>> No.28143254
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1346, 1595883076163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi friend!!

>> No.28143255

>deciphering korone's retarded art

>> No.28143256

she still has several times more viewers than before and walls of green
she's happy

>> No.28143257
Quoted by: >>28143688

I think that concludes the tour, right? :^)

>> No.28143261
Quoted by: >>28143365

she had places she wanted to go, but the ENs kept running off and she didn't know what to do.

>> No.28143266


>> No.28143267

Started more or less rough but it got better with time. People are mad because it's not Gen5's first visit tiers of entertaining.

>> No.28143268



>> No.28143273
Quoted by: >>28143331

For the among us stream later, will they talk via vc or just in game chat?

>> No.28143274

moona did great fuck you guys

>> No.28143281


Here you go, take a 2 minute break and clear your head with Haachama's voice

>> No.28143285
Quoted by: >>28143403

Moona kept dragging them away from Sora when they were trying to interact with her

>> No.28143288

this but unironically

>> No.28143291 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 326x359, 1603509353423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143542


>> No.28143292

>Ame actually sees the dog in there

>> No.28143293

Reminder that Ina looks like THIS

>> No.28143300
Quoted by: >>28143499

Ame and Gura streamed for hours by themselves and do just fine, they already know how to bounce off each other

>> No.28143302

thank God this garbage is over, now the ENtards can go back to their containment thread

>> No.28143305
Quoted by: >>28145839

>dont need to talk about them
Whats wrong with looking for a place to merely talk about them from time to time? Its already bad enough i cant talk about video games on /v/ or the spinoffs that dont have their own general on vg

>> No.28143308
File: 1013 KB, 2591x3624, EfSXwL4VoAIRNo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink it straight from the source

>> No.28143309

Fuck off EN whores, it's time for Sora and Botan to play

>> No.28143314

Maybe she'll come back once she's out of the mental health hospital.

>> No.28143316

Uh, i just tuned in.

Is there any place they didnt visit

>> No.28143321

her live2d is so fucking good

>> No.28143322

Let me eeeeeend!!!

>> No.28143323


>> No.28143327
Quoted by: >>28143461

more like you get to choose your seething mechanism

>> No.28143329
Quoted by: >>28143574

How long did it take you to get to N1, anon? What were your rep sessions like?

>> No.28143331

VC like the other big JP collab

>> No.28143333

Will "that concludes the tour" become the new "66 minutes"

>> No.28143336
File: 604 KB, 900x1273, 8591dcb260ceaf745d8a8eed67516c65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal?

>> No.28143341

>2 holos streaming minecraft next hour, plus more shortly after
>tour is over

>> No.28143345

if you can't think of a good goodbye message, murder always works

>> No.28143344

yeah of course its gonna be awkward as fuck. Cover should unironically just merge ID and EN because of this so that others can know each other better.
I know moona is trying and i feel bad.

>> No.28143349

>amelia REALLy wants to finish the stream
she can't wait to fuck her boyfriend

>> No.28143354
Quoted by: >>28143438

Have they visited Pekodam? I missed most of the stream

>> No.28143359
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ホイホイアホイ ホイホイアホーイ
ホイホイアホイ ホイホイアホーイ
ホイホイアホイ ホイホイアホーイ
ホイホイアホイ ホホイのホイ

>> No.28143357

oh no, moona's turned on them

>> No.28143358


>> No.28143360


>> No.28143363


>> No.28143365

she barely knew anything, her chat was telling her what to do

>> No.28143371
File: 59 KB, 828x807, 1603312939754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cleansing begins...

>> No.28143373


>> No.28143374

>let's say goodbye

>> No.28143377
Quoted by: >>28143431

>stream ends with Moona trying to kill EN

>> No.28143380
File: 52 KB, 354x519, 1596757758991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know Tora
>Doesn't know Kanata
>Doesn't even watch any Minecraft streams
>Doesn't kno

>> No.28143383

Her streams these past two weeks are mostly Genshin and collab, you aren't missing much.

>> No.28143387

Formalities are over, take out your sword.

>> No.28143388

>yes I can see it
I can't this thing isn't a dog.

>> No.28143389


>> No.28143391

Ending the stream with murder.

>> No.28143393


>> No.28143397

finishing with a battle to the death

>> No.28143399
File: 1.56 MB, 850x1195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck her so fucking bad

>> No.28143402

My dick

>> No.28143403
Quoted by: >>28143605

they are not worthy enough to interact with god

>> No.28143406

based moona murdering them all

>> No.28143412

>more minecraft coming up
I don't FUCKING think so.

>> No.28143416
Quoted by: >>28143497

I'm rethinking if I should watch tomorrow's among us

>> No.28143415

what do you this 12pm means?

>> No.28143418

I paid for over 200 condoms, she better make use of them

>> No.28143419

Of Flare? everything she's perfect

>> No.28143422

Doesn't kno what?

>> No.28143423
File: 651 KB, 2371x3556, 1603506972570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 54 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.28143424
Quoted by: >>28144306

They're actually having fun now. Maybe the next visit will be better.

>> No.28143429

>not ugly

Enjoy your moonface fag.

>> No.28143430
Quoted by: >>28143458

Moona fucked up so bad... it was a disaster! If you think otherwise, kill yourself

>> No.28143431

Usada Kensetsu sends their last regards..

>> No.28143432
File: 10 KB, 338x106, cute jap gachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143433
File: 752 KB, 878x1288, yasu00kamiki_1315219435976683521_EkCYSY_VkAEN9f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143579


>> No.28143435
File: 175 KB, 717x1000, 1603381429552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143436
Quoted by: >>28143584

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>they're building a memorial to mark the day they came to holoserver

>> No.28143437


>> No.28143438
Quoted by: >>28143484

Yeah, they even fell for Pekora's new trap.

>> No.28143440

Watson is about to build something

>> No.28143446

You mean "We".
Friend will get chained to the wall and turned into a public cumdump for friends!

>> No.28143450


>> No.28143451

I'm a Homofag but there's no chance that's ever going to happen. the only Homo that would have been enthusiastic to tour the Holoserver anyways would have been Kaoru because he was a fan of Hololive before he joined but...
she's said in a post that she was outright deleting Japanese language DMs on twitter without reading them for awhile because the harassing comments she got during it all were in Japanese whereas comments in other languages were almost entirely supportive

>> No.28143452

I'll catch soras vod, these are peko hours

>> No.28143453

Wait, really???

That's kinda important :/

>> No.28143454
Quoted by: >>28143652

I can't lewd her. All I can think about are her avatars dead eyes.

>> No.28143458

i will kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.28143456
File: 464 KB, 1500x900, EerGNdrUMAETHoF (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143461


>> No.28143464

The "language barrier magically changes who they are" narrative is as old as it is retarded.

>> No.28143462
File: 311 KB, 567x593, 1583850441470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143526

Didn't know this thread was holoEN

>> No.28143466
File: 222 KB, 900x900, EbaV9TnUcAASfLP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143467


>> No.28143469
File: 166 KB, 220x160, Twand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143527


>> No.28143473

>good architectural sense
>very cute personality

>> No.28143475

She was quiet in the beginning, but she's perked up now. She's pretty funny when she actually talks.

>> No.28143476

Did Roberu...win?

>> No.28143481

this is what moona was trying to protect sora from. i'm sorry i doubted you, moona.

>> No.28143483

building the retard embassy

>> No.28143484

Dammit. Time to wait for the archive

>> No.28143487

Friend will happily make love to you is you ask nicely. Because she is such a great friend

>> No.28143492

They did visit it, they didn't go into it.

>> No.28143493
Quoted by: >>28143606

>making a monument
The beginning of an invasion...

>> No.28143494


>> No.28143497

nene will be there at least so at least someone has energy

>> No.28143498

They saw it from afar, alongside Risu's house but yeah not an indepth visit.

>> No.28143499

Each other yes, but they would make it awkward for the third person anyways, see how they cut moona off and go look for something else sometimes

>> No.28143506
Quoted by: >>28143711


It's either Kiara or Nene isn't it?

>> No.28143510
File: 1.42 MB, 4092x2893, 1594000961571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember our names?

>> No.28143509


>> No.28143520

I would have preferred Aloe stay than deal with the cancer EN brought

>> No.28143519


>> No.28143524

Today's among us stream will surely be boring.

>> No.28143526
File: 388 KB, 1269x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143589

talk about aki playing death stranding RIGHT NOW motherfucker I fucking dare you. Go ahead.

>> No.28143527
Quoted by: >>28143592

whats the deal with you global retards and polls

>> No.28143528
Quoted by: >>28143544

That's not friendly. That's not friendly at all.

>> No.28143529
Quoted by: >>28144424

Is Aki sick?

>> No.28143530
File: 972 KB, 1180x664, 1601561009318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give me all your Towa images...

>> No.28143532
Quoted by: >>28143616

>Suisei stream
>Hoshi no Kanata stream

>> No.28143533
File: 475 KB, 2840x1760, EaAAHY6UYAUSCaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143616


>> No.28143536

i just noticed that fandead are very quiet in these threads

>> No.28143537

>Moona misheard "say goodbye" as "do you want to fight"
>But Gura totally doesn't know who Towa is

>> No.28143540


>> No.28143542


>> No.28143544

The pleasure she will get from her friends will be better than anything ever.

>> No.28143546
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, 1574451299308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28143549

Just demolish towa's house.

>> No.28143547
File: 1.49 MB, 1366x768, moona&#039;sgonnablowit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, what's this "A" in our holoserver???

>> No.28143553
File: 809 KB, 2048x1536, 1595823456697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28143603


>> No.28143556
File: 100 KB, 229x245, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.28143560

blessing of aqua...

>> No.28143562


>> No.28143569

The only thing we know is crossposters will ruin this thread regardless of it's quality.

>> No.28143570

she's not streaming atm

>> No.28143574
File: 257 KB, 1000x1230, EftenQ1U0AAG2iB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145081

4 years. I used books and real paper Anki cards. My reps were me basically holing up in my room listening and writing vocabulary and grammar in a notebook until my brain remembered what they meant. I then went to talk to Japanese people and asked for advice
Just keep at it anon. You'll make it eventually!

>> No.28143573
Quoted by: >>28144147

You are unironically retarded.

>> No.28143575

She's a very good singer and has a hot girlfriend

>> No.28143578

Uh... Angelica and Tiara?

>> No.28143579

made for rough sex

>> No.28143583
File: 46 KB, 293x317, 15859324728322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how there was no problem remembering WATAME-SENPAI?

>> No.28143582
Quoted by: >>28144081

Same but what else can we do besides throwing money at her fanbox?

>> No.28143584

Hope Pekora nukes it like she did with Aqua's chest

>> No.28143585

This. I watch both en and jp still find then enjoyable except for maybe ame and shark (the latter is me not liking the design) and even then i occasionally check them out

>> No.28143589

aki playing death stranding

>> No.28143590
File: 1.69 MB, 1993x1584, EicI6oIVoAUvbcB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colonization complete.

>> No.28143592
Quoted by: >>28143631

how fucking new

>> No.28143600

>how do we end the stream?
I dunno Moona, just ask Coco!

>> No.28143603

Towa was right to hate her foreign fans

>> No.28143604

Stop that.

>> No.28143605

Didn't stop everyone here from spinning a narrative that the EN girls are deliberately ignoring / disrespecting Sora though

>> No.28143606

Oh no the black ships are coming.

>> No.28143607

He won his first match, because his opponent didn't show up. The second round matches are happening right now.

>> No.28143610
File: 200 KB, 354x332, YAGOO DRAGON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143614
Quoted by: >>28143708

She doesn't even know who Kanata is. Stop defending it.

>> No.28143615
File: 160 KB, 336x318, 1601137915188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona is the best holoID

>> No.28143616

hoshi no kanatamind...

>> No.28143620

So what happened in this collab? is it worth watching the archive?

>> No.28143629
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Eh5AYQwVoAEqNAz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143632

Moona's English is in the deadzone where she's not bad enough to be cute but she's bad enough to cause awkward misunderstandings

>> No.28143631
Quoted by: >>28143684

before the vyt split, tourist.

>> No.28143633

>Holos will treat the memorial like sacred ground making sure this bunch of dirt is well kept

>> No.28143634


>> No.28143636
File: 327 KB, 531x486, 1597500094606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143637

Yes. Stop trying to blame Moona when Gura really doesn't know anything.

>> No.28143644
File: 270 KB, 540x489, EkE4WpUUwAAZw2M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to introduce your girlfriend to hololive.
Which stream would you choose?
>Miko cookie baking stream
Seems like the most entertaining and girlish

>> No.28143645

Moona, at least put a signboard there so people know what the A is for...

>> No.28143643

>Moona, do you have anything you want to say?
>I believe not

>> No.28143650


>> No.28143651

What would Botan say about Polka treading on her territory?

>> No.28143652

that's the best part

>> No.28143653

Rushia cuck was the only real Rushia fan here.

>> No.28143658

moona tried to kill the guests

>> No.28143660

Absolute disaster, and not in a cute or funny way, just painfully bad. Don't know why I expected anything more out of vapid Twitch rejects.

>> No.28143662
File: 268 KB, 1198x2048, 1317758849437200384_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143663
Quoted by: >>28144142

>moona announcement is a fucking break


>> No.28143668
Quoted by: >>28143799

>Moona do you have anything to say?
>I believe not...

>> No.28143669
Quoted by: >>28143787

C'mon Ame, invite Moona to fill the roster on that Among Us collab hehe

>> No.28143670

Bros it's 5 AM. Should I go to bed and stay awake?

>> No.28143671

the only thing this collab has done is solidify my dislike for both EN and their audience

>> No.28143672

>what about you Moona, you have anything you wanna say?
>I believe not.

>> No.28143675

I'm going to hurt that fucking shark for not knowing who Towa is. Snob bitch.

>> No.28143677
File: 583 KB, 771x557, 0aaff82dc21403147666412467c454ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143678


>> No.28143685

Gura pushed Aqua into the bush and killed her and Sora stalking. Other than that, it's not worth watching.

>> No.28143686

no, go back to pekomoona

>> No.28143684
Quoted by: >>28143747

then you would know that they've been a thing for over half a year consistently, you stupid fuck.

>> No.28143688


>> No.28143689
Quoted by: >>28143799

Her autism is a blessing

>> No.28143691
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1600573190130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143696
File: 227 KB, 463x453, 1603270001592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally leaving 2 TNTs (bombs) on the JP server

>> No.28143705
Quoted by: >>28143789

so what will happen when someone logs on and finds the A mysteriously was destroyed?

>> No.28143708

She did though

>> No.28143711

She just wants orange wool

>> No.28143713
File: 399 KB, 2048x1653, SuiKana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143714
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1603295942824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ENs humiliated our girl...

>> No.28143718
File: 186 KB, 630x566, matuli....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if

>> No.28143720
File: 266 KB, 456x493, EdSaxd7VAAA1HQo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143721

unironically kino end, unlike 66 minutes that fucking bitch

>> No.28143723


>> No.28143731


>> No.28143732

Noel and Marine ASMR

>> No.28143735

Always go to sleep before a Korone "until complete" stream.

>> No.28143739


>> No.28143743

I want to make her give birth to our friends!

>> No.28143744

2 bombs were enough.

>> No.28143745

Good friends with my oshi.

>> No.28143747

and its still fucking retarded, it came with the influx of you retards from coco's 3d and never went back down, nobody makes polls with pekora or korone are at 40k+ viewers, fuck off back to global

>> No.28143748
File: 162 KB, 335x468, 1602951626866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you typing like that?

>> No.28143752

not really exciting, but it was cute after the rough start. like 6.5/10, not bad but could have used more direction. moona warmed up by the end which was nice.

>> No.28143750


>> No.28143754

>2 TNT
2 A tomic bombs planted in jap, nice

>> No.28143757
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1586798623667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143758
File: 436 KB, 1765x2048, 1591358051717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew she was planning something good, NICE
Finally a regular Hoshi no Kanata!

>> No.28143760

Just move Moona to EN and drop ayyy and the Rat

>> No.28143767

Aki keeps coughing...

>> No.28143772

i can almost swear to god this announcer is a niji homo

>> No.28143776

This level of awkwardness reminded me of the first EN collab. Fuck me it was awful.

>> No.28143778
File: 114 KB, 210x233, 1603434260170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143783
Quoted by: >>28144190

Fellow eurochad, let's go sleep, its for the best...

>> No.28143787


>> No.28143786

She's like that one guildmate you had back in the early 00s.

>> No.28143789

War plans will be drawn up

>> No.28143791

why are you so mad
is this the first time you've seen them? They've been here for a month

>> No.28143792
File: 46 KB, 720x720, 1575899320976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder she watches over kanatan and coco's diets

>> No.28143794

They learned from the best

>> No.28143799

is it actually the fucking autism.

>> No.28143802

i just show her translated clips and she calls me horny or a retard

>> No.28143808

Autists can be pretty based once in a while

>> No.28143806

Too ugly for twitch. Too boring for holo. Just join myfreecams

>> No.28143810

they got reminded that EN exists

>> No.28143815
Quoted by: >>28143964

>best tour guide

>> No.28143816

Someone needs to go over and light that tnt

>> No.28143821
Quoted by: >>28143967

Two bombs? Fucking really?

>> No.28143824

Moona...Risu's house...

>> No.28143829
Quoted by: >>28143943

Her fanbox is 500yen, you can tell her how much you want to save here there.

>> No.28143832
File: 255 KB, 500x262, 16027332003308914702556600201688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143848
File: 3 KB, 183x43, 1602844769290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143849

Rate the stream
??/66 minutes

>> No.28143852
Quoted by: >>28144056


>> No.28143855


>> No.28143856

that is not going to end well

>> No.28143861
File: 469 KB, 491x643, 1600938602005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you one and a clip.

>> No.28143864

It has more to do with Moona's accent than anything.

>> No.28143878
Quoted by: >>28143993

holy based reminding jaypee of their place

>> No.28143879
Quoted by: >>28143954

>they could have invited Moona to AmongUs stream

>> No.28143880 [DELETED] 
File: 805 KB, 1075x2811, 1481871943117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread will be like pic related.

>> No.28143881

Was it possible to retrieve blessing of aqua, or would it explode if they tried to dislodge it?

>> No.28143883
File: 53 KB, 275x409, 1600771630075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.28143892
File: 298 KB, 463x453, 1579491667790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143893

Pretty alright, the beginning is cringe but the ending is good enough

>> No.28143894

Why is Moona really bad in wrapping up streams? The last part was pretty awkward.

>> No.28143899
Quoted by: >>28143984

Tour was a bit on the bland side but decent still. The girls tried their best. As usual the worst thing about EN is the fanbase, nothing more.

>> No.28143900
File: 167 KB, 427x381, 1601085556549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143904


>> No.28143908

Yes let me taste your tears, so delicious!

>> No.28143909


>> No.28143910

moona needs social reps.

>> No.28143915
File: 342 KB, 1600x1244, US-Marines-flag-Mount-Suribachi-Iwo-Jima-February-1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monument with two tnt

>> No.28143919

when you call them twitch rejects it's really hard to take your opinion seriously

>> No.28143920

Bless you Towa-sama for taking care of my dumb oshi

>> No.28143922
Quoted by: >>28143961

no, it literally didn't. they were doing this shit way back during suisei's first 3D live. stop trying so hard, retard.

>> No.28143928 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 344x304, IMG_20201024_042131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28143929

Two bombs
In an A
A bombs

>> No.28143930

Why would I show my girlfriend videos of herself?

>> No.28143932

>Stream ended before Sora started
well, at least that's a positive

>> No.28143931

Their manager

>> No.28143935
File: 15 KB, 366x411, 1586961930441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you get bibi

>> No.28143937
File: 1.57 MB, 1424x802, 1596270924541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minato Aqua
>Minato means Harbor
>They wouldn't have gotten the bombs if it wasn't for her.

>> No.28143942
File: 123 KB, 673x639, 1603383662050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ENfags will try to blame Moona for the faults of this collab when it was the ENs who kept messing with the flow

>> No.28143945

she herself said she doesn't know how to end the stream

>> No.28143943

whats her fanbox

>> No.28143946
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, holo9amongus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143947

What was the point of hiring an obese autistic SEAnigger in the first place? Moona is absolute shit.

>> No.28143948
Quoted by: >>28144630


>> No.28143950

at least ame retained the 1 good thing about twitch culture, shouting out the other peoples channels and DIRECTLY telling them to go watch.

>> No.28143954

That would've been disrespectful to Aloe's memory, which gen 5 cares about

>> No.28143956
File: 184 KB, 664x559, 1585042976142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pure fucking trash. Moona shouldn't have been there. It would've been probably mildy more entertaining with just Gura and Watson stumbling around.

2/10 stream

>> No.28143961
Quoted by: >>28144077

hahahahaha good one tourist
now pack it up and go back to your thread

>> No.28143964
File: 207 KB, 427x381, 1600304170197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are polite
They will never collab with Moona again

>> No.28143966

nope. Not bad. Its just because they barely know each other anon.
They need to be closer to each other.

>> No.28143967

They're literally racist

>> No.28143968

the TNTs were named "Aqua's Blessing", but we all know they were really "Little Boy" and "Fat Man"

>> No.28143973
File: 49 KB, 730x574, Ee0qgw2U4AcJxQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they really forget?

>> No.28143974
File: 94 KB, 700x480, 1603128455115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona securing future collabs with the EN
>20k viewerpeak
>over 2 hours
>created the Towa and PPT who meme

>> No.28143977


>> No.28143979


>> No.28143982
Quoted by: >>28144466

I love the resurgence of Minecraft in recent months. They should all only play Minecraft, big Nintendo games and retro games. Everything else sucks.

>> No.28143984
Quoted by: >>28144091

As if /hlg/ is any better.

>> No.28143992
File: 2.04 MB, 4204x5947, 6q236squmck51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143990


>> No.28143993

God i forgot how long pools can last, gonna check the bracket tomorrow instead>>28143878

>> No.28143995
File: 65 KB, 1000x728, 1602687064505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28143999

>Only 66 minutes

>> No.28144003
File: 629 KB, 775x915, dam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest will we ever be able to coom to old Kiara roommate, her gravure previews look more coom worthy than anything Noel has ever posted

>> No.28144007


>> No.28144008


>> No.28144009


>> No.28144012
File: 23 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144015

Towa is the anit architect

>> No.28144016


>> No.28144019


>> No.28144020

Oh shit

>> No.28144027
File: 1.23 MB, 5500x2000, 1602178907847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the influx of you retards from coco's 3d

>> No.28144028
File: 124 KB, 463x453, 1603429436006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144034


>> No.28144037

Can you really be at fault for blaming moona when she's stilted and awkward at the best of times? They'll get used to her brand of autism quickly enough.

>> No.28144040


>> No.28144042

Okay stream's over you can go back to your thread now

>> No.28144044
Quoted by: >>28144129

show me the preview

>> No.28144045

Reminder that only the chinks are trying to divide JP and EN. 2nd rape of nanking can't come soon enough.

>> No.28144046
File: 79 KB, 233x169, 1600161286427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144048
File: 118 KB, 750x1334, かなたそ15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144111

They might forget but she's always here in my heart

>> No.28144049
File: 275 KB, 855x1079, 0D90C759-BE5F-4693-BE31-20A24C9AAEA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheat on me, Mel !

>> No.28144055
Quoted by: >>28144299

Collab didn't work well because CoCo didn't even care despite Moona enthusiasm
>Oh it's because Moona is an autist
Pekora and Moona works well despite language barrier and Pekora also being a well known autist
>Oh it's because Moona didn't talk
Collab works quiet well with the trio EN and ID right now, it's not filled with perfect teetee moment but it definitely works, what's your excuse now /hlg/?

>> No.28144056

Awkward at times, kino at times, it's their first collab with different languages so it's excusable
Not my favorite but I've had my fun

>> No.28144058


>> No.28144060
Quoted by: >>28144727

Nobody is blaming no one, stop false flagging

>> No.28144061

newfag but what is 66 minutes?

>> No.28144064
File: 124 KB, 219x362, EiCoz8oUMAAS2n4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Towa stealing Nene's meme?

>> No.28144065
Quoted by: >>28144536

>amon9 us

>> No.28144066

basically a diary, do not join if you are going to feel like shit because of how her life is absolute shit thanks to the haassment and family

>> No.28144069


>> No.28144072

Americans are not very smart, you see

>> No.28144073

Moona didn't even know where to go.

>> No.28144074

yes i do

>> No.28144075

Full Danganronpa gameplay never ever...

>> No.28144076

Yogiri did a better job touring Kanata and Noel

>> No.28144077
Quoted by: >>28144236

yea, no actual poster would behave like you if you were from before the split. kill yourself posthaste, the world would be a better place if you were dead.

>> No.28144080
Quoted by: >>28144144


>> No.28144081
Quoted by: >>28144261

>all those SEAfags in Sora's pre-stream chat
if you're a drawfag, she retweets art from people that support her on twitter

>> No.28144086

Pekora's cheap foreign labor ravage the place and kill the locals

>> No.28144091
Quoted by: >>28144285

Go back, I wasn't even talking about the autists on 4chan but I guess /hlgg/ are really populated with overly sensitive kids quick to take offense at anything.

>> No.28144092
File: 79 KB, 315x279, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the post for farming Peko images?

>> No.28144095

>Aqua's blessings were used to make two A bombs

>> No.28144096

It got better towards the last 1/3rd. Seems like they started to get a little bit comfortable.
The end was really nice.

>> No.28144099
Quoted by: >>28144214

Objectively wrong, though. Ame and Gura had to awkwardly wait for her to sort out her technical issues for the first 20 minutes, and her stilted speeches would grind everything to a halt every once in awhile as she struggled to explain something for like 4 minutes.

>> No.28144103

p-poggers daddy...

>> No.28144104

People really do think Coco is at fault for 66 mins? Moona got better once the girls got used to her brand of autism, if you really like her then you should appreciate the fact that in the end they got closer

>> No.28144106

I'm staying up..

>> No.28144107

I got this uh...uh


>> No.28144110
File: 136 KB, 850x601, 1594124132253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144202

Towa is crying...

>> No.28144111
File: 104 KB, 750x1334, かなたそ19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144166

Why do you have my filename

>> No.28144114

What the fuck Gura

>> No.28144117


>> No.28144116

She has a small bladder, forgive her.

>> No.28144119
Quoted by: >>28144189

Yeah, they had such insightful commentary like
>Wow I love firework, they go BOOM!!!!! (yes this was actually said)
>"Towa? Who?"
>"Who is PPT?"
>"What is this????"
>accidentally ruins one of the elaborate contraptions

>> No.28144121
Quoted by: >>28144201

Suck my dick retard

>> No.28144122
Quoted by: >>28145240

that logo's actually pretty neat. did ina make it?

>> No.28144124
File: 830 KB, 1077x690, minecraaaaaaaaaaaaaaft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28144127
Quoted by: >>28144189

>problem was moona
sure anon

>> No.28144128

My oshi would never care what a flip thinks

>> No.28144132
File: 170 KB, 1158x816, IMG_20201023_174702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144247


>> No.28144129
File: 149 KB, 443x455, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144220

Meidos will fucking evicerate me I've already posted on /t/ and /v/ and found nothing, this is my last resort before going to /hlgg/

>> No.28144134

literally no one is saying that
please take your meds

>> No.28144135

If you donate prepare to feel like pure shit. Don't do it if you don't want to suffer.

>> No.28144140

what do you think Moona is eating now?

>> No.28144143
Quoted by: >>28144230

Gonna need a sauce on that chief

>> No.28144142

was it her or Iofi that was moving out of the HoloID house and back in with her parents?

>> No.28144144
File: 1.69 MB, 1900x1343, 1593032712194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144230


>> No.28144147

No anonchaama, it is you who are autistic for requiring the same language to be spoken in order to gague personality.

>> No.28144148

>A for Amelia
>A for Gura's meme
>TNT and A for Aqua
Very nice.

>> No.28144158
File: 117 KB, 304x299, 1612521920868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144159
File: 309 KB, 608x595, 1603227945442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144213

so the other thread liked it

aren't >we supposed to like moona more than them?

>> No.28144164
File: 136 KB, 373x360, 1600568604602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144166
File: 166 KB, 1748x1240, a61464ccf4b47f8969c8fc4832bebf64b6228596e7bd9f3f8a72da90a3652cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't often rename images that I saved, sorry

>> No.28144167
Quoted by: >>28144250

check her roommate account. I'm not joining her fanbox until she starts creating new covers and songs

>> No.28144168


>> No.28144169

Aqua's thumbnail... I wonder how she feels about them leaving behind the blessings of aqua.

>> No.28144170
File: 20 KB, 764x132, 1603040846877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros? the asmr mic gives you cancer!
but only in california
are the girls safe?

>> No.28144175
Quoted by: >>28144281

Who has better porn Amelia or Gura?

>> No.28144182

Yes yes EN bad, anything new from you?

>> No.28144189
Quoted by: >>28144264

Keep it down, moonalards. You don't understand entertainment.

>> No.28144190
Quoted by: >>28144943


>> No.28144191
Quoted by: >>28144292

I wonder if Sora would check out Botan

>> No.28144192
File: 162 KB, 731x381, 1602474772958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144193

What heppened in the last 2 hours, why so many threads?

>> No.28144195

No one's blaming though?

>> No.28144196
Quoted by: >>28144289

It was 100% that. Towa and Gura have interacted with each other before.

>> No.28144197
Quoted by: >>28144249

I want the invasion to be over, please.

>> No.28144201

don't worry about it I figured it out

>> No.28144202
Quoted by: >>28144304

She would NEVER care what a SEAnig thinks

>> No.28144207
File: 443 KB, 3270x1878, 1602877641481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144737

>25k more subs than Risu now
Stop! She's already dead!

>> No.28144209

5/10 dull as fuck

>> No.28144212

i think it's moona because her dad(?) is sick or something

>> No.28144211


>> No.28144213

wrong thread on both counts faggot

>> No.28144214
Quoted by: >>28144729

Moona at the start was actually trying to show them stuff, but immediately the ENs ran off like "WHOOOOOOOAAAAA LOOK AT THE COLORS ON THIS LLAMA, HAHA I LOVE LLAMA'S THEY GO BAAAAAAAAA”

>> No.28144215
Quoted by: >>28144296


>> No.28144219

No! but she seems very cute, care to introduce me?

>> No.28144220
Quoted by: >>28144948

>this is my last resort before going to /hlgg/
You came here when the other thread was doxxing her for so long?

>> No.28144223

Lots of awkward silence but it's not as bad as the infamous 66 min one

>> No.28144224

everything is said to give cancer in cali

>> No.28144228
Quoted by: >>28144329

Despite Moona actively trying to ruin the stream at each step it wasn't that bad, if a bit boring. Every other member who showed up and taken control over the guide were the highlight of the stream but it was just a regular tour otherwise.

>> No.28144229
Quoted by: >>28144343

>wait for moona to say something
>she's either silent or awkwardly tries to explain something that she doesn't know much about
it wasn't a good situation for anyone involved

>> No.28144230


>> No.28144235

I've already coomed to her previews

>> No.28144236
Quoted by: >>28144381

I think you have a deluded vision of what vyt was like, the threads were always shit and we were kicked out because of /v/ermin from MGS like you anyway

>> No.28144238
Quoted by: >>28144308

why are you guys so angry all the time?

>> No.28144246

I-I'm not crying anon... (You) are!

>> No.28144247


>> No.28144249

why the fuck would they invade? take your meds

>> No.28144250

She did release a few unreleased songs before all this happened to her.

>> No.28144255

This image kills narratives.

>> No.28144257
Quoted by: >>28144350

wopekojacks banned when

>> No.28144259

Post the most yab clip you have

>> No.28144261

I can't draw for shit but Im somehow decent at sculpting and posing 3d models. Maybe I'll try and make a low poly model of her roommate design

>> No.28144263

I was expecting it to be bad but it was pretty normal. Moona doesn't know the history of the server she isn't qualified to be a tour guide but Amelia and Gura are EOPs so they had no choice but to ask only her. Iofi was sick but she was supposed to be part of the collab.

>> No.28144264

anon all 3 were retarded

>> No.28144277

Ok ENfags you can leave now, we are about to talk about Sora and we know you don't care about her

>> No.28144279

If Gura placed the third bomb would that make it better or worse?

>> No.28144281
Quoted by: >>28144660

She's got a ton more and also some good loli artists going for her

>> No.28144285
Quoted by: >>28144372

Go back where you retard, I post here because I watch more HP than EN.

>> No.28144287

california is the cancer

>> No.28144288
Quoted by: >>28144453

awkward start with technical issues followed by Gura/Ame combination being too high energy for ESL Moona, eventually they settled down some and had some cute interactions while being shown around by someone who isn't completely familiar with all the features herself.

Lasted more then 66 minutes and I'm convinced Moona despite her awkwardness will be fine. Slow start is to be expected. Amelia started being more accommodating after a while and Gura mostly got distracted with shiny things and before remembering to stick to Moona's guide. It was okay, more of a first uneasy step for future interactions.

>> No.28144289
Quoted by: >>28144389

Towa was so unimportant to Gura she forgot who she was

>> No.28144292

sora have already interacted with gokisei in the past, specifically polka and nene

>> No.28144294
File: 84 KB, 649x204, ID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Moon remains high and up above

>> No.28144295
Quoted by: >>28144485

when will Aqua go back to playing skill games?

>> No.28144296

fucking lol

>> No.28144299

its about being the same wavelength anon.
Im an autist and i get well with other autists or social outcasts in real life. The autism makes it better. Much better is if theres a language barrier.

The EN tour could've gone better if they knew each other better. Thats why im hoping for cover to merge ID and EN.

>> No.28144298
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1593320915194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144395

hes gonna take the bait

>> No.28144300

5/10 but made /hlg(g)/ totally seethe amirite /hlg(g)/ bros

>> No.28144301


>> No.28144303

C. Good background noise. Would probably have watched something else in hindsight though

>> No.28144304
File: 38 KB, 501x424, 1595519714573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144490

I'm Scandinavian!!

>> No.28144306

To do hat.

>> No.28144307


>> No.28144308

Sexual frustration. That's why everyone is so gay around here.

>> No.28144309

i doubt they even know who she is

>> No.28144316
File: 55 KB, 209x188, 1603200317004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144320

What people wanted: A museum tour of the Hololive server with information of every site and any famous incidents.
What people got: 2 people that are obviously newer to Hololive than others having a fun adventure site seeing where their eyes took them while being protected by Moona, who had herself limited info.
They all had fun, discovered a lot of stuff and really were interested in the technical aspect of all the things they saw and were eager to learn about their senpais. Aqua broke through her own shyness and even hung out briefly with them before they ran into the horizon. Sora herself stopped by twice and on the second visit came and greeted them, for as much of a loner as she is.

>> No.28144323

moona's shitshow of a collab playing bunnyman with coco

>> No.28144324


>> No.28144328
Quoted by: >>28144398

How the fuck did Yogiri of all people made for a better tour guide, she was the biggest social autist in hololive

>> No.28144329

>every other member
>literally just aqua
>just showed the stuff she built

>> No.28144330
File: 19 KB, 534x248, hol coupon ku100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28144332
Quoted by: >>28144624

Two bombs, for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

>> No.28144337

Moona handled it despite awful start and autism + inability to pick social clues, tard wrangling those two kids wasn't a small task. For an introverted ESL she did her job well enough and shown most of what server had to offer so 7/10.

>> No.28144343

>Moona tries to explain something
>they don't even pay attention and start making random noises over her

>> No.28144346

Glad it's over.
Moona got 20k subs
Ame got new ideas for minecraft building
Gura is closing in on 2m subs

Terrible collab, but at least they benefit from it.

>> No.28144347
File: 414 KB, 1460x2048, 1582526137992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still happy that mikochi is back

>> No.28144348

blonde was cute

>> No.28144350

Never, it's part of ''culture''.

>> No.28144355
Quoted by: >>28145194

I had no trouble understanding her, nor did anyone in the thread until people started coming up with this damage control

>> No.28144360
File: 72 KB, 348x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill all spics

>> No.28144367

If Gura placed the third bomb it would be BITES ZA DUSTO

>> No.28144372
Quoted by: >>28145174

Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out from, who gives a shit where at long as it's not here. Fuck off.

>> No.28144375


>> No.28144377

>Promoted by Pekora and EN
Iofi lost this chance

>> No.28144378
File: 399 KB, 463x839, Ahoge is Live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fathers of /hlg/, take responsibility.

I thought the threshold for YT Membaship was like 30K which was why the Holostars don't have it but apparently you can get it at 1.8K subs so it must be like 1.5K or 1K?

>> No.28144381
Quoted by: >>28144395

>we were kicked out because of /v/ermin from MGS like you anyway

>> No.28144382

thank you towa-mama for watching over my gorilla angel

>> No.28144385
File: 526 KB, 856x962, holoEN__manager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 bombs
What did they mean by this?

>> No.28144389
Quoted by: >>28144598

Can't blame her. I'd forget about Towa too if the contrarians in this thread didn't spam her all the time.

>> No.28144392


>> No.28144393

will this cause moona to improve? good

>> No.28144395


>> No.28144396


>> No.28144399
File: 428 KB, 220x165, 1572141422693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144398

A lot of it is on Gura for being so easily distracted. You can't be a good guide if the person you're supposed to be guiding keeps running off.

>> No.28144400

What do you like about Botan?

>> No.28144401

All 3 of them were kind of awkward.

>> No.28144402

>and really were interested in the technical aspect of all the things they saw
Ame clearly wasn't

>> No.28144403
File: 201 KB, 819x460, nnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amateur Lunaart

>> No.28144404

Oh shit, I can resell these to hololive

>> No.28144409

>implying half of hlg doesn't post in hlgg too

>> No.28144411

i wish all spics would go infest EN

>> No.28144424

She's been feeling unwell recently.

>> No.28144426

>Choco/Met/Ichika cooking
>Pekomiko Tom and Jerry clips
>Anything from Bakatare or Subaru.

>> No.28144430

It's 1k.

>> No.28144435

>thousands of Exploring the Hololive Minecraft Server videos over the past few weeks
>nobody has once seen, mentioned, or noticed Mel's house
She's been working so hard on it too.

>> No.28144438

And Ame clearly wasn't interested in Minecraft before

>> No.28144441
Quoted by: >>28144990

>gravure previews look more coom worthy than anything Noel has ever posted
Are you insane, Kiara's roomate is ugly

>> No.28144442

her laugh is pretty cute

>> No.28144444

false flags upon false flags

>> No.28144445

better than anything i could ever draw good work anon

>> No.28144446


>> No.28144447

someone post the very dark flare edit please

>> No.28144448
Quoted by: >>28144698

most retarded post itt

>> No.28144453

I feel Moona/Ame collab couldn't be that bad but Gura has too much chaos for Moona to handle

>> No.28144456

the thong

>> No.28144459

iofi only wants sora

>> No.28144461

It came across more as if they didn't have any interest at all and didn't really know how to act

>> No.28144464

Moona is gonna hit 300k before the end of the year at this rate. Amazing.

>> No.28144466

ok boomer

>> No.28144467

>What people wanted
What some autists in /hlg/ wanted, you mean. That and a lot of people here just wanted to seethe at EN in general for some schizo reasons.

>> No.28144472

put that on the fridge: its cute

>> No.28144474
Quoted by: >>28144541

Sora's chat?

>> No.28144478

after 1K you'll receive the Community tab and the option to apply for membership/superchats

>> No.28144481

While Haachama would have been a better guide, do you believe ame and gura would have been better guests?

>> No.28144483

mel needs to talk and do encounters with other holos anon..

>> No.28144485
Quoted by: >>28144542

she's already said that she's rusty on apex so don't expect her to stream that anytime soon
I don't know about other games since she really only plays that out of the different FPS, so the likelihood that she plays with botan or towa or ayame is still super low. In fact I'm still unhappy that she never did stream APEX with ayame ever in the past

>> No.28144486

the forced enthusiasm was tiring but at least the three autists kept it entertaining

>> No.28144487

half of this thread are SEAnigs who don't understand fluent english and are butthurt at the ENs over it

>> No.28144489

no one cares about sora

>> No.28144490
File: 119 KB, 231x231, 1591345314920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Gura doesn't actually know her senpais. It's all a meme.

>Towafag is a Scandinavian
Somehow, I am not surprised at all.

>> No.28144492

>it's super bureaucratic and expensive to prove your product is not cancerous so instead, you should just slap this warning on anything to save money and time
I fucking hate politicians

>> No.28144496

>Japanese calling moona a mother tending 2 children having fun in the server rather than being a senpai


>> No.28144503

chuba stream
hololive thread talk
pls andstnd

>> No.28144505
Quoted by: >>28144715

They saw it at the start. The one that doesn't have a roof, at least, if there's more

>> No.28144507
File: 256 KB, 463x453, 1600902650700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144509

Aki is already 2/3 of the game. Neat.

>> No.28144513
Quoted by: >>28144715

the collab that just happened started there. And the ENs couldn't even read the hiragana properly.

>> No.28144515

and Watame

>> No.28144516


>> No.28144519
Quoted by: >>28144569

>towa's 3D debut just before the influx
wait, it's all towafags

>> No.28144520


>> No.28144523


>> No.28144525

proof where?

>> No.28144526
Quoted by: >>28144724

Fucked, I missed Coco singing stream, Has anyone got an archive?

>> No.28144527

Moona also forgot Mel when listing the people who were there for Korone's Miko fireworks celebration.

>> No.28144529

get a better narrative

>> No.28144532

The official guideline says 30K but it also has a footnote that says "Note: You may see memberships on some channels with fewer than 30,000 subscribers. We plan to make memberships more broadly available in the future." so i guess she just got lucky
also thanks for letting me know, youtube is a shitter with notifications

>> No.28144534

>3D Live
>and now Minecraft
blessed week to be a Hoshi no Kanata fan

>> No.28144536

Aloe in my soul

>> No.28144535
Quoted by: >>28144715

They saw it at the beginning, when amelia tried to read hiragana

>> No.28144537

>I don't think Gura doesn't actually know her senpais.
>Towa wrote on Gura's streams

Ya think?

>> No.28144541
File: 63 KB, 345x502, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144691

Her's at least still has some decent people in sight

>> No.28144542
Quoted by: >>28144595

>she's rusty on apex
that's exactly why she should stream, she'll just keep getting worse at this rate. even astel regularly practices.

>> No.28144543

cover uses it as a reward for doing well, and an event to farm money.

>> No.28144544

My awkward mom!

>> No.28144545
File: 100 KB, 630x670, 1603506235933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koronebros we got too cocky...

>> No.28144549
File: 53 KB, 578x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moona incline!

>> No.28144550

go back

>> No.28144554
File: 587 KB, 1045x794, 1603226169749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the tourists gone? Is it safe to come out now?

>> No.28144555

Good job. I refuse to draw Luna myself, because I have no idea how to go about it

>> No.28144558

No, They wouldn't have been more polite, but haachama is more used to dealing with cwazy people

>> No.28144560

>the most sociable, the most fluent in japanese and english
>has the least sub
>is the dumbest, the least fluent in japanese and english
>has the most sub

>> No.28144563
Quoted by: >>28144895

no, I won't leave your general
no, I won't learn japanese
yes, I will spam Korone's chat with spanish

>> No.28144566

I mean that's quite literally what happened.

>> No.28144567
File: 324 KB, 557x557, 1600167635547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144753

More like
>2 people that are obviously newer to Hololive than others repeatedly OOOOH AAAHing while Moona goes silent until the onion shows up

>> No.28144569
File: 261 KB, 1060x1500, 4FGfRXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*points gun* always has been

>> No.28144571
File: 224 KB, 850x1202, 1573600665746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144581
File: 1.74 MB, 1447x2039, 1598750345697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144747


>> No.28144582

wait for the clips you fucking JOP

>> No.28144583

Yes, anon. You can come out as gay.

>> No.28144584
Quoted by: >>28144713

>Coco enter the bar
>ask a hard drink
>my chat is so shit...
>Sora and Korone appear behind her
>"fucking noob"

>> No.28144587


>> No.28144589

And the Ayamecuck is a flip
All right in the world

>> No.28144590

No, while a batter guide would have improved things both of them were very bad on their own

>> No.28144593

>they get their free advertisement and then pull it

>> No.28144595

she's probably got more important things to do
hint: holofes 2 is coming up, and practice is a real thing, like you say

you stop using that image in hologlobal now, you hear me?
don't fucking taint the name of botan

>> No.28144598

I wouldn't even remember EN if not for you tourists.
And the numberfag guy.

>> No.28144602
Quoted by: >>28144644

>"Whose house is that?"
>I dunno
>"Why is it named like that?"
>I dunno
>"Where do we go?"
>I dunno
>"What's over there?"
>I dunno
>"Hey it's Sora Senpai!"
>Guys look it's wool farm
>"Where's Korone's house?"
>Haven't seen it (standing in Shion's castle)
>"Anything else to see?"
>*30 seconds of silence*
Wow, amazing guide you had there who literally didn't know the first building they encountered and couldn't tell that the mansion was NPC built.

>> No.28144606

no its not

>> No.28144609

>g2 vs damwon and Among us stream happening at the same time
Gotta decide what kino I want to consume

>> No.28144615

towa can sing!

>> No.28144617

If is so easy why don't Risu and Lofi give it a try? Also wasn't Risu the ID queen, what the fuck.

>> No.28144620

Not yet, wait for the next thread.

>> No.28144621
Quoted by: >>28144684

For me, it's https://youtu.be/FvcyZOVCORM

>> No.28144623

No you're still here, as long as you remain we won't be safe from the tourist

>> No.28144624

And one more for Aloe.

>> No.28144630

I hear Doa-senpai

>> No.28144631

I wish I could draw this well

>> No.28144634

Oh wow shark is not slowing down at all...

>> No.28144635
File: 3 KB, 272x29, sorachan....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144799

>Sora's chat is still a mess
>even JOPs are complaining

>> No.28144637

>What people wanted: A museum tour of the Hololive server with information of every site and any famous incidents.
why the FUCK would you expect this when the person giving the tour is moona?

>> No.28144640
File: 470 KB, 463x453, kepopek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144698

shut the fuck up you retarded nigger

>> No.28144638
Quoted by: >>28144822

This. Ame could handle herself in collabs with most people, she's only limited by language. Gura is like having a little sibling following you around always getting lost, breaking shit, and generally being a nuisance. I guess it fits with her avatar and persona, but difficult for autists to handle.

>> No.28144644
Quoted by: >>28144720

>couldn't tell that the mansion was NPC built.
she literally said "we'll avoid that mansion because it was made by minecraft, not us"

>> No.28144649

Go back to your tranny filled general
G2 all the way and it's not even close

>> No.28144656
Quoted by: >>28144766

Is Nene the only person that actually managed to tame the LatAm menace?

>> No.28144659
Quoted by: >>28144752

>Bethesda didnt have Cover permissions

>> No.28144660
File: 184 KB, 349x362, Watapolice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli is inherently bad. It's like trying to make wine with fruitless grapevines.

>> No.28144662

This thread is going to be a fucking wasteland during the Among Us collab, like so fucking bad it wouldn't even belong on /trash/

>> No.28144663

Moona is so artistic :)

>> No.28144664
Quoted by: >>28144752

Because of the Chinks

>> No.28144668
Quoted by: >>28144752

Someone in the dev team sneak it into the game and after it became public the company might have asked to pull it out for reasons, the good part is that we will never know.

>> No.28144674

I like how they were curious about where 001 was because Okayu changed it to 000 to sound cooler.

>> No.28144678

it was one of the first things they found

>> No.28144683

>1k waiting for sora
>1.2k waiting for botan
Already taken over by the newest kouhais

>> No.28144684
File: 214 KB, 2048x1152, 1576328417469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that song hits so damn hard.

>> No.28144685

Didn't Pekora insult her house? Called it a prison

>> No.28144686
Quoted by: >>28144738

the reason why their reactions were kinda fake/forced was because they've already seen most of it through streams
gura literally said she was watched aquamarinego and shion's castle being built on stream

>> No.28144691
File: 43 KB, 898x321, 48E4E8CC-BC32-42E8-9948-FD9FBBFECC11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144865

Sora almost always gets decent people and her sleepy BGM makes sure anyone will get her style. The only issue is some EOPs that ask where her membership is

>> No.28144693

>What people wanted
>A museum tour
Actually, I just wanted them to just walk around. With 70% less dead air, holy shit.

>> No.28144695
File: 842 KB, 721x847, 1603247491617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is UNIRONICALLY, not joking, schizo behaviour to believe that actually nobody here is interested in what the EN do and whenever there is an incline in IPs during an EN stream it's just tourists invading. Your own anti-ness gets in the way of your rational thinking and makes you come up with alternative explainations that make you feel better.

Protip: The IP incline during the holofes announcement collab and this collab are actually mostly the same people.

>> No.28144698
File: 1.18 MB, 600x338, 1589199401196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corny entry level trash
Get better taste

>> No.28144701

>she's probably got more important things to do
she's going to be streaming anyway, so it's not like she's actually doing anything more important.

>> No.28144704

I'm not sure if I want to watch Among Us because even though Gen 5 is amazing, EN is garbage.

>> No.28144706

>Coco schedules a stream over Noel's outfit reveal
>Korone schedule a stream over the among us collab
Based Koro-san she doesn't give a fuck

You are a bunch of hypocrites that just like to hate shit because EN is involved, go fuck yourselves self hating EOP commers

>> No.28144709
Quoted by: >>28144822

Gura alone might be not so bad for Moona, but with Ame by her side she's typically more energetic and confident. There were times where she was trying to riff off Amelia but it interrupted the flow of whatever Moona was trying to show them. They would probably both be a lot better around her in the future once they get used to the appropriate pace so Moona can follow along and join in. They were getting there near the end.

>> No.28144710

Towa was really cute doing the call outs during trial heart

>> No.28144711


>> No.28144713
Quoted by: >>28144755

Rushia's is worse.

>> No.28144715

No, her new house that she's been working on. It's made of multiple kinds of wood with a really dorky stairway entrance. I think it's near the barfing Flare house, but it's hard to tell just from spectating.
Yeah I noticed that too, sad

>> No.28144714

Because is true, just wait for shitty reddit memes doing that

>> No.28144717

go back to /mu/ and listen to your IASAP

>> No.28144720

After two minutes of them walking to it and not finding the entrance to it. You really going to tell me someone who knows the server wouldn't be able to tell it's not something a member built?

>> No.28144724

check archives, there's a mega link

>> No.28144727

read the thread

>> No.28144729


>> No.28144734

Who asked moona to be the tour guide? Even she admitted that she didn't know anything to be a tour guide so someone must have asked her to

>> No.28144737

Moona having more subs than Risu happened this week, right? One more for the best week ever.

>> No.28144739
Quoted by: >>28144905

one is an event that is a reveal. the other is a collab.

>> No.28144738

The reason why their reactions were fake/forced is because they think they're better than holoJP

>> No.28144743
File: 3.99 MB, 2319x2872, 1597397562186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked your attempt in the other thread better.

>> No.28144745

It's the long con

>> No.28144747

I want to pinch Luna's stupid baby cheeks!

>> No.28144748

Fuck off Soo Min

>> No.28144750
File: 73 KB, 851x851, 1573227700608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a tab open there, don't worry!

>> No.28144751


>> No.28144752

It was just an easter egg. The put it in as a little joke. The laugh was had and now it's over. Why do you retards need to treat everything like a big conspiracy?

>> No.28144753
Quoted by: >>28144872

It would've been more awkward if Mori was one of the tourists.

>> No.28144755
Quoted by: >>28145122

Rate the worst chats /hlg/

>> No.28144757
File: 425 KB, 707x1000, 2f7b1209c43ed40f3e2d6f7feb88a5b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua, your friend Ayame...

>> No.28144761
File: 5 KB, 145x109, 1586371085925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua still haven't forgot the time Sora dropped her with her trap

>> No.28144764
File: 1.73 MB, 1470x2335, 1579208785520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so i'll listen to dilla and his endless beats also

>> No.28144766

No. She is so irrelevant that spics barely noticed.

>> No.28144769

just watch Gen 5 POVs and mute it whenever the ENs start talking during meetings

>> No.28144770
Quoted by: >>28144926


>> No.28144774
Quoted by: >>28144878

Trying too hard.

>> No.28144780

stop using sora instead of shark to shitpost retard

>> No.28144781

fucking hating that bitch is /hlg/ official pastime though

>> No.28144782
File: 653 KB, 660x742, 1596553356697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people were watching Suisei's concert when it was live? I'm just catching up on it and it's cool as fuck.

>> No.28144783
File: 18 KB, 469x168, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28144788

>Lofi sick
>Tree Rat decide to stream at 12 am

>> No.28144794


>> No.28144795
Quoted by: >>28144905

It's just a fucking collab.

>> No.28144796
File: 140 KB, 362x326, 1603404846838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145719

It's all a big conspiracy anon, are you forgetting that we live in a society?

>> No.28144797


I thought Noel posted on the wrong account again

>> No.28144799
File: 1.94 MB, 232x232, 1598235154665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144843

>she changed the thumbnail

>> No.28144798

I hate weekends

>> No.28144801
Quoted by: >>28144878

HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS GUY! He fits in so well! He is /hlg/ incarnate! I'm gonna do what he does out of pure respect

>> No.28144804

never use sora for your retarded posting again

>> No.28144805

Korone is unironically more entertaining then all of EN.

>> No.28144810

did you watch her go?

>> No.28144814
Quoted by: >>28144878

post grievances if you're not shitposting

>> No.28144815

I'm fluent in Japanese and EN should have never been made

>> No.28144817

Too much text

>> No.28144818
File: 192 KB, 2048x1280, 1600236432954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Holololis

>> No.28144819

wait did EN actually damage Towa's Simpsons house what the fuck?

>> No.28144820

Anons set the expectations bar too high for Moona and got dissapointed. First awkward collab is nothing new, especially if the group is pretty much all introverts. Worth a watch? Not really, had some moments but not enough. Kinda wasted opportunity as Kiara would have been the best possible tour guide.

>> No.28144822
Quoted by: >>28145177

In the end, building chemistry isn't that easy. Honestly PekoMoona situation is unlikely happen often. You need to build chemistry first

>> No.28144823

Based Moona, a model employee.

>> No.28144824
Quoted by: >>28144868

A kiss for anon

>> No.28144825

Are Watameposters the kings of these threads?

>> No.28144826
Quoted by: >>28144918

>movie about The Iron Sheik

>> No.28144828

even if you dont watch it ENfags will just shit it up over here regardless of them having their own thread

>> No.28144830

Why are there only 8 frames for the 9 people among us stream?

>> No.28144832
Quoted by: >>28144926

>you stop using that image in hologlobal now, you hear me?
what are you actually on about?

>> No.28144835

Bad post

>> No.28144837


>> No.28144841

it's literally the truth. you schizos are fucking retarded.

>> No.28144843
File: 18 KB, 225x42, sorachan...2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a cute thumbnail
>be forced to change it because indogs won't shut the fuck up and started arguing with each other
jeruk is serious buisness

>> No.28144845

Who else should have done it?
Iofi and Risu know less about the server than Moona
Coco knows less than all of the indogs
Kiara had never played in it before
The remaining JPs cannot speak English.

>> No.28144846

Prestream warm ups and getting to know each other usually were the standard, even Mio mama enforced that and rehersals and OBS checking.

>> No.28144849

That was a cute stream. I liked it.

>> No.28144851

I'll watch it just because there's Nene my CEO

>> No.28144858
File: 702 KB, 549x587, 1603302318511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel has been going full audiophile for a while on twitter, it's really cute you can tell that she's really happy that more people are interested on her hobby

>> No.28144860
File: 631 KB, 1024x682, 1601909799413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lofi missed out on getting more subs.

>> No.28144863

they literally didn't go in because moona said no

>> No.28144864


>> No.28144865

the issue rn seems to be seafags, they were litteraly spamming about Oranges in Chat

>> No.28144866

Why did Sora change her thumbnail?

>> No.28144868
Quoted by: >>28145118

Bend over, I'll give you something better.

>> No.28144869
File: 77 KB, 1280x700, 34D159BD-05D6-4C9B-94C4-FC7950E8FAE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28144926

Stupid ID chat pressuring Sora to change her thumbnail over a typo

>> No.28144872
Quoted by: >>28145029

I don't get why she's so awkward. Very formal in every setting, and she manages to make even a simple reaction sound more forced than Amelia does.

>> No.28144875
Quoted by: >>28144897

Yeah they were gonna make it their own but weren't allowed so they fucked with it instead

>> No.28144876
File: 34 KB, 128x128, 1601597311380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145368

Korone is more entertaining than everyone in that collab, bar CEO and polka

>> No.28144879

Should've gotten Kiara as a guide, she probably knows the server from Pekora's streams. I think any Hololive fan could've done that job, really. Amazing how someone who plays there doesn't know the first thing about it, you have to aggressively not give a shit to misremember half of the landmarks.

>> No.28144878

There's two threads for a reason.

>> No.28144884
Quoted by: >>28145008

She was the only one capable of doing it, unless they had to add Kiara to translate them.
>But what about Coco and Haato?
Coco know jackshit about Minecraft and Haato doesn't have enough english to give them a tour.

>> No.28144885

Why were they so triggered?

>> No.28144886

he says, with a watame picture

>> No.28144887

>muh SEAniggers
>muh EOPs
>muh spics
/hlg/ is dead, you can't enjoy things anymore, you just stay here and get angry, you won't even watch streams

>> No.28144894
Quoted by: >>28144928

>IDs made Sora change the thumbnail

>> No.28144895
Quoted by: >>28144949

I blame Sr.Pelo for this shit.

>> No.28144897
Quoted by: >>28144962

Why would they think that was OK at all

>> No.28144898

all memes aside that's how it was.

>> No.28144901
Quoted by: >>28145119

I don't get it. Why did she have to change the thumbnail?

>> No.28144904
File: 331 KB, 1200x1920, 1600236683634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28144906
File: 334 KB, 2048x1338, 1583311474557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ASMR is purely nutt worthy. thanks noel for that

>> No.28144905

It's a bigger even than an outfit reaveal

>> No.28144910

To be fair there was also a lot of anti ID posting too

>> No.28144911


>> No.28144912

Pekor and Botan to save us from these shitty times. 15 minutes to go

>> No.28144916

A-chan thought it was too lewd

>> No.28144917

>Language is serious business
There is a reason you can summon foreigner in chat with speaking their language

>> No.28144918

brought back some nostalgic feelings.

>> No.28144919
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1580804913545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ won...

>> No.28144926
File: 768 KB, 702x504, stopthat=).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145003

what did I just say?


>> No.28144928
Quoted by: >>28145057


>> No.28144929

>literally "it's good so I hate it"
I want /v/ to go back

>> No.28144933

>what is oppai loli

>> No.28144934

Movie date with Ina in a few minutes

>> No.28144935

i've studied kanji for a month and only see like 4 of them in there, how long until i can read all?

>> No.28144936

are you this pathetic that you just make random anti-EN posts to "signal" people to go back to their own thread? despite all the proof that most people here don't throw a tantrum when ENs are mentioned?

>> No.28144943
Quoted by: >>28144972

i-if you want...

>> No.28144945
File: 15 KB, 738x416, 1602699786775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Coco privated her last stream where she sang Spanish songs?

>> No.28144948

I havent touched /hlgg/ since EN announcement how much did I miss...

>> No.28144949
Quoted by: >>28145045


>> No.28144950

Danchou...your credit card...

>> No.28144953

They didn't go to the FestivaLuna house...

>> No.28144954

it does nothing when there is no enforcement its just our thread and /v/ living on /jp/

>> No.28144958

To cancel gaijins.

>> No.28144959
Quoted by: >>28144984

go back

>> No.28144960

How are SEAnigs, burgers and spics like this?
At least there's people with the decency oh knowing the rules, respecting them, having common sense and not shitting the chats

>> No.28144961
File: 41 KB, 375x375, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145215

you don't even speak japanese

>> No.28144962
Quoted by: >>28145165

no respect

>> No.28144966

She is literally children's entertainment

>> No.28144971

Anon, she said it wasn't going to be archived because she was singing copyrighted songs

>> No.28144972

I'll be the big spoon, then. Let's go to bed!

>> No.28144973

how new?

>> No.28144974

Not wrong.

>> No.28144977

>you just stay here and get angry, you won't even watch streams
Multiple windows/monitors is common and split screen has been available since android 7 at least

>> No.28144982
Quoted by: >>28145259


>> No.28144983

>watch stream
>glance at /hlg/
>continue enjoying stream
its that easy

>> No.28144984

i'm from here. neck yourself.

>> No.28144985

For someone who haven't seen the whole HoloJP server so far this stream was pretty good.

>> No.28144987

I wonder what Aki reaction will be to the ending.

>> No.28144989

She's a baby that produces sweetened milk

>> No.28144991
File: 788 KB, 839x753, ECFC2FC8-8EF9-4F83-9B74-DB6E5B17CE87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /hlgg/, you can fuck off back to your /v/ermin crossboarder shithole now.
Go away

>> No.28144990

I am insane and also not a homo anonchama, she is easily easier to coom to then any holos roommate ever, thats a fact

>> No.28144992
Quoted by: >>28145055


>> No.28144993

Did you even read the description?

>> No.28144994
Quoted by: >>28145337

>Implying either one of those is a loli.
It's not just about technical age. If you're 2, but have the body and mind of an adult, you're not a loli.
Luna just talks like a toddler, but in every other way, she appears to be in her late teens.

>> No.28145000
File: 72 KB, 369x258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep making those OCs anon

>> No.28145003

That's not me though?

>> No.28145008

Is haachama REALLY worse than moona at english?

>> No.28145009
File: 120 KB, 275x264, 1602818818420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop being mad that EN discussion that has an entire thread just for itself drowns out the actual topic of this thread

>> No.28145012

go back

>> No.28145015

Watame would be ashamed of you.

>> No.28145018
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x1200, 20200618_085221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking gooooo

>> No.28145017

Also Sora

>> No.28145020
Quoted by: >>28145259

How new?

>> No.28145022
File: 412 KB, 537x548, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the hololive related piece of media (asmr, fanart, etc) that is the best to jerk off to?

>> No.28145024

Okay I'll be back later for the Among Us collab. Love you.

>> No.28145025

that's sad. poor sora.

>> No.28145028
Quoted by: >>28145095


>> No.28145029
Quoted by: >>28145107

She's not used to streaming and she probably has autism..

>> No.28145030
Quoted by: >>28145259

imagine actually thinking this

>> No.28145033

Why would you patch out an obscure out of the way Easter egg?
You act like it's normal to do that but I've never seen a game patch out easter eggs.

>> No.28145036

I hate this

>> No.28145038

Nice narrative.

>> No.28145043
Quoted by: >>28145096

normal people. Like actual fans actually know how to follow the rules.
Please for the love of god Cover. Pin the fucking rules in the chat like moona does.

>> No.28145045

Some Mexican youtuber that does animations.
He's the one that started the latam invasion on the holo's chat.

>> No.28145046

Botan and Sora*

>> No.28145048
Quoted by: >>28145105

Any choco asmr collab

>> No.28145052
Quoted by: >>28145130

I just want to see Roberu get BTFOd so i can go to sleep already...

>> No.28145053 [DELETED] 
File: 894 KB, 1366x1080, 1600303425319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hlg stands for holoJP
how hard is that to understand
if I wanted to watch an ugly white girl and a muslim play together I'd go to Detroit.

>> No.28145055

recognize, im autistic please andastd

>> No.28145057

The Indonesians were having their own conversation in the chat over oranges, as Sora’s thumbnail art had the word alongside the other translations of orange, which was annoying everyone else

>> No.28145060
Quoted by: >>28145152

Heres a narrative for you

>> No.28145059
Quoted by: >>28145105

We just had Noel Choco ASMR collab.

>> No.28145069
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, MinecraftHololive_JP_Server_TOUR_feat._Moona_00.28.14.467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I kneel...

>> No.28145074

joke... veryvery hard....

>> No.28145075
Quoted by: >>28145511

You got me curious, took me 5 min googling to get a gravure set set and 5 unarchived videos of her that she should delete and I hope she does and will go with me to the grave, it's not worth it anon.

>> No.28145076
File: 184 KB, 455x372, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather them than a phoneposter like you.

>> No.28145078

Remember when Haato was the smart one?

>> No.28145079

Fuck, I still haven't watched the previous Pekobound ep. Guess it's Botan for me.

>> No.28145080

Just pick a random Choco or Noel ASMR

>> No.28145081

Lucky you. I'm a N5 going on 5 years. I genuinely don't see the point when rikaichamp carries me.

>> No.28145085
Quoted by: >>28145433

Why though?

>> No.28145087

This is why you need Towa attitude.
Give a simple phrase, Towaiting, Towamachi. TMT, TMD. So they know what to spam without shitting up the chat.
Until she had to berate everyone in membership stream for spamming them on Bushiroad stream.

>> No.28145088

watame is a lolican newchama

>> No.28145090
File: 663 KB, 685x624, 1599434010111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145150

Its no use, they go everywhere and declare it "their own" like a bunch of unruly seanigs
>you dont want me here
>then ill post here
actual /v/ mentality

>> No.28145093

RFA streams.

>> No.28145095


>> No.28145096
Quoted by: >>28145146

Rules are for redditors

>> No.28145097

but moona fits well with JP though somewhat.
It makes very interesting encounters.

>> No.28145101
Quoted by: >>28146146

It says EN is cute looking and speak softly meanwhile Pekora is all distorted and screaming ogey.

>> No.28145102


>> No.28145104

I'll watch korone mainly but will also watch the collab just because of gen 5, tako and chicken.

>> No.28145105

whats the best choco asmr in your opinion though?

>> No.28145107
Quoted by: >>28145149

That's at least 1/3rd of Hololive, now. What's the deal?

>> No.28145109

good thing I'm not a m*xic*n then

>> No.28145110
Quoted by: >>28145378

Hulk Hogan and the Rock as dlc for BBTAG. Nice.
Also Roberu's fight anytime now.

>> No.28145111


>> No.28145114

I feel bad for Sora...

>> No.28145117

you can't just

>> No.28145118

No need for anything in return anon, your friendship is it's own gift!

>> No.28145119
Quoted by: >>28145179

it had different names for the color orange on it, "jeruk" was there which apparently refers to the fruit instead of the color. it's a pretty asinine topic but it set them off which resulted in chat police reminding people about rules and such.

>> No.28145120
Quoted by: >>28145186

please do not use Sora to write nonsensical garbage

>> No.28145121
Quoted by: >>28145187

This wasn't even the topic of discussion. Everyone agrees ENs shouldn't be the main topic of discussion, but making "hahaha I hate EN so much they are so bad this is not your thread go back" posts is cringe, and everyone finds them cringe (all polls we did and surveyposting shows that), and it's about time you start to neck yourselves for your constant shitposting

>> No.28145122

Korone's is only bad when it doesn't matter like pre-stream. A few hundred spics can not outchat 18-20k JOPS and EOPS.

>> No.28145124
File: 253 KB, 1200x870, kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145125
Quoted by: >>28145448

That's a good thing. Gura and the rest of EN are disproportionately popular for their experience level. This lets them practice while also helping out the less popular JPs.

Imagine the disaster if they just shoved them together with the flagships just because they're popular.

>> No.28145127
Quoted by: >>28145214

No one else speaks english

>> No.28145129

Awkward as hell but they tried

>> No.28145130

Round 2 starting now

>> No.28145133

Moona and Pekora is alright. I don't particularly find Moona's solo stuff to be entertaining. If I take a good look at the PekoMoona collab, Peko made it really entertaining and Moona was just along for it. I think chat only is a much better interaction with her because it fits her pace. I dont understand Indonesian language, is she more talkative in her native language? Her english isnt the best but I hope she keeps learning it.

>> No.28145134

Respect isn't a part of US culture anymore, not for a long time but it feels like it gets worse with each new generation. Ignorance is also super problematic when dealing with foreigners

>> No.28145136

>someone post a HoloJP on hlgg
>nobody bats an eye
>someone post a HoloEN on hlg
the absolute state of this anti thread

>> No.28145139

More MariFlare kino coming soon

>> No.28145140


>> No.28145144
File: 39 KB, 614x394, sLs07SpuaY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different languages, same narrative.

>> No.28145146

wow so basically everyone here is reddit now.

>> No.28145149

She speaks English so you can probably relate to her more

>> No.28145150
File: 22 KB, 309x338, 1603169366011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this.

>> No.28145152


>> No.28145156

Moonas was just few weeks ago barely above Iofi

>> No.28145158
File: 59 KB, 607x557, 1582671489801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145189


>> No.28145161

that's alright moonie... you tried you best. you'll learn something.

>> No.28145162


>> No.28145163

90% of all participants in every category you can think of are retards. This includes humanity as a whole. Nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.28145165

As a burger, fuck EN

>> No.28145166
File: 51 KB, 750x145, 4978421F-2302-473B-B917-C8A01B1DB9E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about deja vu

>> No.28145167

I noticed that a lot in the last two months.

>> No.28145171

post it in her tag. she will use it.

>> No.28145170

I really miss Flare's old voice, i don't if it's just me but i feel like she's making it even higher pitched as a recent

>> No.28145172

Marine Noel's heartbets.

>> No.28145174


>> No.28145177
Quoted by: >>28145410

Amelia and Moona have some chemistry in chat/twitter otherwise I don't think Moona would been involved at all. The whole thing feels like a idea Amela floated because Moona was hanging in her streams and watching her Mario/Minecraft content.

I'm pretty confident Moona's interested in becoming friends, spoken language is just harder then slower written text. She can't take her time.

>> No.28145178
File: 466 KB, 1000x822, 1592981318845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onii chan....I couldnt score in divegrass peko...

>> No.28145179

Sasuga Indogs.

>> No.28145182
Quoted by: >>28145234

to piss (you) off

>> No.28145183

This is a shit narrative and you know it anonchama

>> No.28145186

He's right though. I like all of Hololive but I won't leave this thread despite people who hate EN because they are EN.

>> No.28145187

If you didn't come shitpost here you wouldn't have to see those posts retard.

>> No.28145189
File: 471 KB, 480x480, 1603495714747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145253

Get this ugly whore out of my sight.

>> No.28145194
Quoted by: >>28145276

Towa was in Gura's first Musedash stream and she said TOWA-SAMA. She clearly knows her you retards, it's the accent.

>> No.28145197
Quoted by: >>28145234

because it makes you angry

>> No.28145199

>m-muh talented oshi..

>> No.28145200

At least you got 3rd place...

>> No.28145201
File: 381 KB, 1256x885, 1598653681830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy... princess...

>> No.28145202

Anyways, don't forget that AZKi will be streaming in a few hours! With Ashino as guest.

>> No.28145204

Spics have no word for civility.

>> No.28145205

as a representative of viewers who don't announce where they're from, STOP POSTING THESE SCREENSHOTS

>> No.28145206

Retard zoomer, respect is a part of the conservative states of the us. Its just lefty libtard shitholes like cali and jew york

>> No.28145207

>is she more talkative in her native language
no its the same, she need to either play or chat.
thats how her autism work

>> No.28145212

Rushia RFA, literally just don't see the video even what she says is straight out of a hentai

>> No.28145213
Quoted by: >>28145339

do better next time or else no more milk for you

>> No.28145214
Quoted by: >>28145457

Who is Coco?

>> No.28145215

I-I'm trying my best...

>> No.28145216


>> No.28145218
Quoted by: >>28145646

Okayu's tour from last night was way less rage inducing

>> No.28145227

>respect is a part of the conservative states of the us

>> No.28145232

I can't say I have a good feeling about the people shitting up sora's waiting frame chat

>> No.28145233
Quoted by: >>28145342

>hurr durr what does global mean

>> No.28145234

I have no emotions left so good luck with that. Go back.

>> No.28145236

Cringe screenshots again

>> No.28145238
Quoted by: >>28145388

>EN fags likely to watch some holoJP
>JP fags unlikely to watch holoEN
Now back to your containment thread

>> No.28145239

but basedjabes is literally /mu/ trash

>> No.28145240


Seems like Polka made the announcement picture but the logo design is from a 'god passing by'

>> No.28145241
File: 40 KB, 360x360, 1602311170744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the collab was pretty fun.

>> No.28145242

Indonesian isn't even her native language

>> No.28145245

I hate EN because they have no personality except for reciting zzzzzz meme language everyone under 40 years old knows. Ina is the only good one.

>> No.28145246

Time to nap before Azki and guitar god Ashino
see ya losers

>> No.28145247
File: 599 KB, 699x715, fenrich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just two more matches, Roberu.

>> No.28145248

guitarbro, you manwhore...

>> No.28145251

That reason is pretty much pointless now that the collab ban is lifted and we're getting all these EN/JP collabs.

>> No.28145252

I really wish the JP server could make its map downloadable. It would be so much fun to talk around and see it for yourself.

>> No.28145253
File: 75 KB, 703x805, 1578093499002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ugly or a whore!!!

>> No.28145258

Why? Why not have two threads, one that discusses JP and one that discusses EN? Why is that not a rational process to follow? Both sides will ignore each other and we can be peaceful. Why do you want to throw shit?

>> No.28145259

>they don't think 9 people is more important than 1

>> No.28145262

You thought wrong, sissy boi. Now get on your knees and service me.

>> No.28145264
File: 523 KB, 1370x1401, 1591637031047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ENfags promised me they would take all the spics from Korone's chat
>It just got worse
Fuck you

>> No.28145268

>First awkward collab is nothing new
kek, Moona can't into collab

>> No.28145269

Noo you're supposed to dislike it!!!

>> No.28145273


grab some food, some tea or coffee, and relax for a comfy stream void of tourists who can't into jp

>> No.28145274
Quoted by: >>28145373

How do the membership revenues get calculated depending on country? If you pay 5 pesos do they only get 5 pesos?

>> No.28145275

Almost all sing streams are privated?

>> No.28145276

Imagine being this retarded. She obviously has no knowledge about the JPs

>> No.28145280

>n-no I'm not angry go back!!

>> No.28145278

she's boring. thats it. unless you have other explanation. im very open to hear it.

>> No.28145284

What are you quoting?

>> No.28145285

>because they have no personality
This is such a forced meme. You don't even know what their personalities are because you don't watch them. You don't know what the JP personalities are either because you don't fucking understand japanese, you just watch clips and project. You are a dumb faggot.

>> No.28145286
File: 476 KB, 2117x1499, 1601758600294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN girls live rent free in /hlg/'s head
>/hlg/ lives rent free in /hlgg/'s head
Imagine choosing the 4chan posters over the girls.

>> No.28145291

you're entitled to your own opinion, I personally thought it was boring due to EN and ID have no chemistry together but don't let that ruin your fun

>> No.28145292

this is what respect looks like indogs.

>> No.28145295

Polka is gonna be aiming for Gura.

>> No.28145298

Ashino, what about Aki?

>> No.28145300

Wait for HoloES

>> No.28145301

I'm not surprised she and Ina get along.

>> No.28145306

No one cares

>> No.28145311
File: 947 KB, 1200x1186, FBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145380

You can deny it all you want, but we're reached here - directly, or indirectly due this this one minute of absolute glory:

Today happens to be one year since the Scatman arose, we have never turned back.

>> No.28145313

Collabs happen all the time. How often do they get costumes again?

>> No.28145314
File: 3.90 MB, 2381x3458, 1602826199119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145361

I hate EN posters so god damn much

>> No.28145315
Quoted by: >>28145530

god that would be so fucking funny

>> No.28145317

Wait, she sung butterfly?

>> No.28145319

its ok anon, dont let the thread change your opinion.

>> No.28145320

>he doesn't have a local save he manually updates
Do you even like the hologirls?

>> No.28145323
File: 821 KB, 835x1200, 1583863273805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I didn't

>> No.28145325

now you're going to tell me it deserves a sticky and you're going to gore and doxx post if it doesnt happen

>> No.28145326

Ina is watching Alien(1979) in 10 minutes
Minecraft avoided

>> No.28145327

>crossposters don't exist

>> No.28145328
File: 63 KB, 400x400, 1603110150349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145330

God i want Botan to bite my dick off

>> No.28145331


>> No.28145335

>entire thread filled with reposted images
>cry when other sites repost ours

>> No.28145336
File: 359 KB, 900x561, 1600210313898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons set the expectations bar too high for Moona and got dissapointed
I haven't picked up the bar since the Coco collab.

>> No.28145337

Retard. Watame loves loli

>> No.28145338

Because the dog have a dedicated channel to her

>> No.28145339
File: 1.51 MB, 939x743, 1574585916827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145399

at least we got this?

i just wish they dont get fucking relegated after one meh loss. sunday is gonna kill me

>> No.28145342
Quoted by: >>28145396

>thread name is Hololive
>no mention of being exclusively JP
>EN posts are not even deleted
>gets angry when a hololive vtuber is posted
really makes you think

>> No.28145341

Why do you assume shit is being thrown? How is making literally a normal comment about a stream I'm watching flinging shit? Why do you automatically assume just talking about them is being a problem?

>> No.28145344

Imagine being this ESL.

>> No.28145345
Quoted by: >>28145428

why would you hate someone for having no personality? at most you'd be indifferent, are you legit spastic?

>> No.28145346


>> No.28145353


>> No.28145356
Quoted by: >>28145415

Why is the dog popular with spics?

>> No.28145357

I live in the south, most people are respectful but there's definitly much less in the younger populations and "minorities" plus I'm as old as Botan.

>> No.28145358

aiming to kill her as impolster you mean

>> No.28145361

and you won't do SHIT about it

>> No.28145368


>> No.28145369
File: 138 KB, 828x1553, 7686848468846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong thread

>> No.28145370

Some autists could have replicated that map in creative mode already.

>> No.28145373

Yes, they get what you paid, youtube takes their cut and handles the transaction and conversion but nothing more

>> No.28145375
Quoted by: >>28145513

did anyone record coco's singing stream? pls share

>> No.28145378

Wait, is he actually decent at it? Never watched the archive.

>> No.28145380

Happy fox friends.
One year of Scatman

>> No.28145383

>one that discusses JP and one that discusses EN?
because they aren't two separate entities and it's also about culture. we always discussed moona since months, should we suddenly stop and now discuss her with /v/ invaders just because you say so?

>> No.28145384

If you actually watch EN, Ina has no personality outside of saying memes

>> No.28145386


>> No.28145387
File: 75 KB, 1080x240, Screenshot_20201023-205307_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is RRAT die?

>> No.28145388

>JP fags seething too hard to watch holoEN

>> No.28145396

retardchama please shut up

>> No.28145399
Quoted by: >>28145524

Honestly, I thought they played pretty okay. They created plenty of chances but couldn't finish it off. Bringing on Kizuna AI was a mistake though.

>> No.28145400
Quoted by: >>28145496

Friendly reminder

>> No.28145401

Why didn't we send our friend or the bitch...

>> No.28145407

this thread has barely posted about sora even before gen 5, why would they start now?

>> No.28145410

Yep. Moona is just better in text form. In fact, she's great in text form. I think, that's the sole reason PekoMoona took off, with the other IDs she's usually talking, so Pekora gave her a chance to only use text and her real personality could really show through that more than her other collabs.

>> No.28145413


>> No.28145415

Her spanish video got viral, spics love dogs, plus there is a group translating her clips, with a lot of views

>> No.28145416

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Chiak6bhk Sora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1i7vwvjkNE Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ggHN-PFzZI Botan

>> No.28145417

Anon, watching someone working quietly and munching some stuff while MCing is one of her charms. It's definitely not a content for everyone, but when she finished the gizmo, it has that peko magic.
it's like a mix of Flare and Pekora, but less chatty I guess. PekoMoona was fun because watching both perspective trying to understand each other was peak entertainment. And moona has the gift to decipher mangled English.

>> No.28145421
Quoted by: >>28145509

>generic nasally Korean
She and the shark are at the fucking bottom.

>> No.28145423

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Chiak6bhk Sora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1i7vwvjkNE Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ggHN-PFzZI Botan

>> No.28145425

>makes hundreds of thousands doing it

>> No.28145428
Quoted by: >>28145473

What's the point in hiring someone for entertainment when they are in no way entertaining. I just hate incompetency.

>> No.28145433

Because he is a retard who is desperate to remain relevant

>> No.28145437
File: 75 KB, 338x322, 1603175282109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145572

>ou don't know what the JP personalities are either because you don't fucking understand japanese,
Why do EOPs always feel the need to project. This is the Otaku Culture board, of course there are people here who understand Japanese

>> No.28145439
Quoted by: >>28145478

>no comeback

>> No.28145441

I love this whore! One day, she'll chuu on my PP!

>> No.28145444
Quoted by: >>28146077

how in denial are you?

>> No.28145447


>> No.28145448

>Gura and the rest of EN are disproportionately popular for their experience level.
But Anon, they're clearly popular because of their superior talent. I mean, what other reasonable explanation is there?

>> No.28145452
File: 809 KB, 3840x2160, 1584370465314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145586


>> No.28145453
File: 90 KB, 204x225, EgD6EhyXgAAEb1w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine didn't deliver her morning stream so that she could be eaten out earlier by Flare

>> No.28145456
Quoted by: >>28145484

I'm watching anime right now but you don't see me talking about it here because it doesn't belong here

>> No.28145457

That bitch HATES Minecraft

>> No.28145458

Is Nene not streaming her Among Us POV?

>> No.28145461

Do you know Towa?

>> No.28145462

it was alright, I enjoyed it though I was a bit frustrated by Gura's short attention span. Still plenty of cute moments but clearly awkward until much later in.

>> No.28145472
File: 935 KB, 1414x2000, 1600274500346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not have two threads, one that discusses JP and one that discusses EN?
Because some of us like both and we're not going to contain all of our discussion of EN girls to a separate thread just to satisfy the autism of you fucking freakazoid schizos.

It's like saying why don't we have a separate thread for every gen and never discuss Gen 4 girls in the Gen 2 thread or something even when there's a collab involving both.

EN is hololive too. Get used to it and suck a fat fucking dick because they are never going away, especially now that the number one biggest holo is an EN girl.

>> No.28145473

just because you personally don't like they doesn't mean they're not entertaining.

>> No.28145476
Quoted by: >>28145514

Fucking 5ch wants more Moona/Gura.

>> No.28145478

Im so fucking tired of this shit

>> No.28145480
Quoted by: >>28145540

>polka: black sus
>ame: pol is never wrong
>kiara: ame sit on myface!!!!
if it's not text chat I'm not watching

>> No.28145484

You made the same comparison 2 threads ago, if the girls recognize each other as hololive then it's hololive, fuck off with this shitposting.

>> No.28145485
File: 487 KB, 891x579, 1590805297925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145486
Quoted by: >>28145562

it's been almost two months and you still don't understand ENs aren't banned and never will be, and people will always discuss them, and that this kind of posting isn't "gatekeeping" but pure, unadultered shitposting that does nothing.

>> No.28145488

That's a hell of a lot of projecting, Anon.

>> No.28145494

Holy cope

>> No.28145496

Sora really is the cutest

>> No.28145497


>> No.28145498

Toe? Who?

>> No.28145503
Quoted by: >>28145570

>Ina who is the main one saying old /a/ memes and dad jokes
I hope this post is ironic

>> No.28145504
Quoted by: >>28145590

Because it causes unnecessary conflict. This thread has been non stop shitposting since EN joined, ignoring the times late at night when EN is not discussed at all.

What do you have against two separate threads with unique focus? Do you realize how insane our current separation is? Try explaining it to someone who doesn't already get it and they will tell you "why not just post EN in one place and JP in the other" because that's the thing a sane person would do. This isn't a chat room, it's a thread with a topic. JP should go here, and EN/ID should go in another thread because discussion is too fast for a single thread to handle. It's a perfectly rational way to split up traffic. Why does it bother you so much?

>> No.28145505

Tell me, why is Aqua a cat now?

>> No.28145506
Quoted by: >>28145536

since this thread can't get any worse, bros how did we do in /jp/ football

>> No.28145509
Quoted by: >>28145563

Beautiful soul and has probably gotten cheap plastic surgery to make her perfect looking. Literally japs btfo

>> No.28145510
Quoted by: >>28145532

Roberu ain't passing this match.

>> No.28145511
File: 343 KB, 455x551, beatif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You motherfucker I have been looking for a few days already, and couldnt find shit. You must help me ONEGAI

>> No.28145513


>> No.28145514

They resonated together, Ame was the Stacy in the collab getting curious by everything

>> No.28145517
File: 337 KB, 462x399, 957E7BAE-74B9-4118-8B05-752C0EA98F0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if the opponent is a beginner. Otherwise he’ll get destroyed

>> No.28145524
File: 364 KB, 506x414, 1597986856205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145629

you wanna know good irony? sachiko was the worst player today and we all were seeing how upset twitter was over the use of m@sterpiece during miko's return. Its a fucking weird effect and i know they could've escaped with a draw. onto the next one i guess? still think coco should've been the narrative over peko

>> No.28145526

Get well soon.

>> No.28145530

who is that fenritti faggot supposed to be anyways?

>> No.28145532
Quoted by: >>28145593

his game hasn't started yet

>> No.28145535

Based. Fuck tribalists.

>> No.28145536

lost 1-2

>> No.28145540
Quoted by: >>28145638

you might as well not watch then

>> No.28145544

16 years of reps say otherwise, now fuck off

>> No.28145547

It was alright, but it would have been better without Gura. I still don't get what people see in her. If it's just about acting cute, even Ame's cuter.

>> No.28145552


>> No.28145554

Cat tail buttplug

>> No.28145556

Nah, you're always going to be refugees here no matter how much you whine, faggot. Get used to it.

>> No.28145559
Quoted by: >>28145704

everyone says we are mean and angry all the time
that cant be true right? we aren't that bad are we?

>> No.28145558
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1595907083926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145618

>gura doesn't know what PPT means
I'm not surprised. Nobody fucking cares about Pick Pocketted Tenshit

>> No.28145560


>> No.28145561
File: 312 KB, 2500x1643, 1597034463225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145604


>> No.28145562

>a whole thread dedicated for EN seethe shitposting
now i understand. thank you anon

>> No.28145563

>Beautiful soul and has probably gotten cheap plastic surgery to make her perfect looking
Having gone to a convention last year where she sold merch, I can confirm that is not something that happened. Less likely now with the pandemic.

>> No.28145567

Okay retards how many times do I have to tell you faggots?
Both threads clearly love hololive but they express them in a different way
Stop going to each other's thread you faggots

>> No.28145568
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145600

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.28145570

doubt it. probably someone who doesn't even watch EN desperate for something to bitch about.

>> No.28145571

he entered the raffle to join for fun and somehow got in.

>> No.28145572

This is common on discord and twitter, they'll say people here have no clue while they are ironic weebs that only know one piece and eekum bokum.

>> No.28145573

Why is Yumi so fucking strong in this game? Jesas.

>> No.28145574
File: 267 KB, 1449x2048, 1585916197828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145575

Man that was a tight match.

>> No.28145576
Quoted by: >>28145903


>tfw Gura completely forgot about Towa after having gotten flustered when she showed up in her chat last month
Damn, I guess the subs must have gotten to her head.

>> No.28145577
Quoted by: >>28145947

EN is not hololive tho, they're holoEN.
Their channels are not featured in hololive girls' channels. Not in Mikochi's return stream.

>> No.28145581
File: 22 KB, 591x303, tortelini....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh narratives?

>> No.28145583

>no matter how much you whine
But you're the one whining like a little bitch because people are discussion holoEN in the thread. You can keep bitching, we're not going away. I'll be here for the Among Us collab.

>> No.28145586

God damn her voice is perfect for it.

>> No.28145588


They let to keep that Markiplier Easter egg but not a harmless DOOG logo!?

>> No.28145590
Quoted by: >>28145706

Read this (>>28145504). This seperation is insane. Go ask any other board or any other group of anons and they will tell you we are fucking retarded for doing this. We have two threads that both have the same fucking topic. It's effectively two generals. If we're going to have two threads constantly on the board, we should split them up explicitly by topic and stop this stupid general mentality of wanting to chat with the same group of people.

>> No.28145591
File: 260 KB, 1448x2048, aqctf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cute.

>> No.28145592

Wait wtf? People think having maids is weird? I'm a flip and we have a maid as well and we're not rich, just in the middle class

>> No.28145593

I know that. But unless a miracle happens, he's losing.

>> No.28145600

>Aloe comes back
>hlg and hlgg must merge

Would you agree?

>> No.28145602

thank you friend

>> No.28145603
File: 2.89 MB, 406x360, 1590128848322.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145667

Stop using Watame to post bait, you fucking FAGGOT shark lovers

>> No.28145604
Quoted by: >>28145807

Teaching mommy Mio why BWC feels good!

>> No.28145605

Based. I legitimately never post in the other thread. I only want to discuss ENs during collabs here and don't want to go to a thread whose culture and history I don't know and don't understand just because of a bunch of schizos.

>> No.28145606

can you even be an idolfag and a towafag at the same time? how many levels of denial do you have to be on for that to be the case?

>> No.28145607
File: 749 KB, 1242x1206, 1603502193667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going to happen is Hololive is going to start spamming new EN gens soon, until EN discussion will become so overwhelming that the mods will be forced to give it it's own thread and enforce the rule. I look forward to the day you subhumans are corralled into your ghetto with the pewdiepie crowd gura attracted making any semblance of thread quality impossible.

>> No.28145609
File: 827 KB, 2404x1260, hlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic related.

>> No.28145611

You chose the wrong job anon.

>> No.28145612

He's a top level anime fgc guy, he does well in blazblue and recently dragonball fighters

>> No.28145613

Remember Moona's start? She's grown so much...

>> No.28145618
Quoted by: >>28145842

Is that what that stuttering autist was trying to say?

>> No.28145624

I just had it as background noise while I worked and even then it was awful.

>> No.28145627

She hates that ugly flip

>> No.28145628

Maid for what?

>> No.28145629
Quoted by: >>28145700

She should with the recent events but /jp/manager will be /jp /manager. Peko, aniki, and the goalkeeper played pretty well. Hopefully, they can carry in the next two games.

>> No.28145631
Quoted by: >>28146028

>I'm a flip
Serious question: why does your kind attention whore so hard?

>> No.28145633

I don't dislike Moona, but it would've been better with a different guide. I honestly think that Kiara might know the layout of the holoserver better, if she watches Pekora as much as she says she does. They also shouldn't have announced it like 2 hours before it started so that more of the Holos might have shown up, which I think was what most people were looking forward to.

>> No.28145634
Quoted by: >>28145710

they aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.28145638
Quoted by: >>28145810

It won't be voice chat. Only 2 of EN can speak Japanese and none of gen 5 can speak English.

>> No.28145642
Quoted by: >>28145996

/v/ can stay on their own shit board. they dont love hololive they dont even know most of the girls they love their numbers their tribalism and muh seething posts

>> No.28145643

Really high profile player on a bunch of fgs like Central Fiction, Dragon ball and tag

>> No.28145646


It was a great time.

>> No.28145647

>aloe was a mikufag
i will never forgive the japanese

>> No.28145650

hlgg is already here so there's nothing to lose

>> No.28145651
Quoted by: >>28145708

clean the pig pen

>> No.28145654

She is mad.

>> No.28145660
File: 221 KB, 500x500, 1601465321755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tow-sempai actually seething

>> No.28145661
File: 438 KB, 667x515, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are (You) watching?

>> No.28145664

I wasn't the guy you replied to, I just saw you niggers crying about your lower station and told you the facts.

>> No.28145665

This doesn't make sense. This is the first time I've ever seen a patch out Easter Egg. The logo is not even copyrighted. It was thought out on a whim.

>> No.28145666

that's kind of pointless
it'd be like saying "hey, I know you watch these guys and you visit this forum topic for them, but when you watch these other guys you cannot, I repeat, you cannot both visit both of the respective topics at the same time"
the ones who do will continue to do so, just like how retards like you and me who keep coming here will continue to do so (even if they know it's retarded behavior and ultimately a waste of productive time)

>> No.28145667
File: 328 KB, 347x498, 1603049031122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145679
Quoted by: >>28146028

burgers don't get maids unless they are rich and they think they're the only culture in the world

>> No.28145681
File: 31 KB, 292x127, ourlosingson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu got wrecked

>> No.28145682
File: 337 KB, 1687x949, Let&#039;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28145683

Sora time

>> No.28145685


>> No.28145688
File: 89 KB, 400x400, comf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, she's my oshi afterall

>> No.28145689
File: 17 KB, 205x91, losing son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he tried

>> No.28145690

holy based

>> No.28145699

>Both threads clearly love hololive
what a joke

>> No.28145700

well i am the former guy before I got banned and they didnt do bad but no push at 90 is bad. they needed a draw and letting fate in the hands of the next match isnt good. /tv/ will be hungry, anti's will hate /jp/ because vtubers, and we have to play a fan favorite team regardlessly

>> No.28145704
File: 68 KB, 640x707, Happybuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, it's me not being as bad.

>> No.28145706
Quoted by: >>28145758

Fucking this, also keep in mind there's going to be an ID gen 2 and an EN gen two, they're going to keep growing. Make an official split of HoloJP and Hololive Global, because this half-assed double threads clearly doesn't work.

>> No.28145708

That doesn't sound like a maid unless you call your house pig pen.

>> No.28145709

It's fucking weird mate. We do hire cleaning from time to time but paying people on days when cleaning is not needed is kinda dumb.

>> No.28145710
Quoted by: >>28145775

sure, but her knowledge wasn't acquired on pursuit of a hobby, but to be better at her job

>> No.28145713

As expected of my winning son

>> No.28145717
File: 99 KB, 1186x903, ElEE93PUYAEAqsF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceramic cooking up some more Okayu magic.

>> No.28145719


>> No.28145721

he got BLOWN the fuck out, holy shit

>> No.28145723
Quoted by: >>28145794

>posting this meme image unironically
Holy shit you're like a parody of yourself.

>> No.28145724
File: 180 KB, 409x406, EjOtAqiU0AEt_Wm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you know, it's Golf rules, lower number wins ;)

>> No.28145725
Quoted by: >>28145804

but aren't we all girls here?

>> No.28145726

Yes, the thread is still in a shitflinging state

>> No.28145727


>> No.28145728
File: 664 KB, 2048x1152, 1602514929554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145731
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1592267513100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheepshaggers are based as fuck

>> No.28145732

Awww she is trying her english, isn't that cute as FUCK?

>> No.28145735
File: 1.70 MB, 1366x768, konaqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody told me aqua was on, what???

>> No.28145737

The people who hate this pic are all part of the problem

>> No.28145738

sasuga spics

>> No.28145740

Woah i'm also an autist with no social awareness and think that a few insults on the internet can make me cold, broken and emotionless, wanna be friend?

>> No.28145741

We got too cocky

>> No.28145743


>> No.28145744
File: 235 KB, 501x711, vtuber pikamee mask sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't winning, son

>> No.28145745
Quoted by: >>28145781

There is no price too high for getting Aloe back.

>> No.28145747
File: 300 KB, 379x454, king_usada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.28145748
File: 783 KB, 882x1026, 1600876139582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145751
File: 507 KB, 2000x1267, Cwningen (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.28145752

>interact with ENs
>get technical issues

>> No.28145753

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.28145754

3-0 lmao

>> No.28145755


>> No.28145756
Quoted by: >>28145830

Nine is such a cancerous character.

>> No.28145757

absolutely based.

>> No.28145758

We need a vtuber board. Even this thread is unbearable with too many streams and everyone talking about different stuff. If you watch a smaller stream when multiple are on 80% of posts become useless filler to you. Fuck Hiro so much.

>> No.28145761

Allahu akbar Towa.

>> No.28145764

>black saitama gets to be spoiled by noel
How can we compete?!

>> No.28145765

Roberu got 3-0’ed off screen

>> No.28145768

He "won" 1 round sasuga son!

>> No.28145775
Quoted by: >>28145828

that's not any different from wanting to be better at a game because you enjoy it.

>> No.28145776

When do sora industries start!

>> No.28145778

Who is this? Anyway no indie shilling onegai.

>> No.28145779


>> No.28145780
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1597581521202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about this post is the fact its actually going to happen at some point.

>> No.28145782

At least he got a technical win.

>> No.28145781

She's gone anon, it's not your fault, let her go

>> No.28145784

Fuck off, don't you ever talk about Korone with your shit baiting. Yes, she doesn't give a fuck and you should too!

>> No.28145787
File: 362 KB, 381x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145829

Sora is cute! CUUUTE!

>> No.28145793


>> No.28145794

Its unironically the truth, even moreso because women destory every hobby they invade see: video games
>inb4 women and sjws didnt ruin video games m-manchildren did

>> No.28145797

At least he got a place in the second round
But why? Playing against people with over 4k wins

>> No.28145803
Quoted by: >>28145833

He won 1 round, that's enough. H-haha...

>> No.28145804

Who else would love gossip this much

>> No.28145807


>> No.28145808

My roberu vs fenrich finals...

>> No.28145810
Quoted by: >>28146000

Calli can't 'speak' for shit, have you seen her N4 practice?

>> No.28145814

>Robel got wiped
>wasn't even streamed
at least the shame wasn't recorded

>> No.28145817

But that's a circle of life. Old guard retired because they don't like it anymore. Newfags becomes old guard. Another newfags come again and thats continued

>> No.28145822
File: 3.53 MB, 500x500, 1603435917369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely dangerously based sheepbro

>> No.28145824

Do you know the artist friend? The only thing I can find is a wiped out pixiv profile, and can't find anything else with that username.

>> No.28145828
Quoted by: >>28145921

it's the difference between learning the meta to get to diamond or learning the meta to win a tournament

>> No.28145830

So are Yumi and Adachi. It’s just winning the zoning game

>> No.28145829
File: 1.30 MB, 1070x1082, soraneck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute!

>> No.28145831

I-it's about the e-experience!

>> No.28145832


>> No.28145833

he didn't win that...

>> No.28145834

Pecor...koe ga...

>> No.28145835

pools be like that

>> No.28145836
File: 476 KB, 1200x675, Ee0tw3JUEAArR5h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145937

pecor... your voice...

>> No.28145838

>pekora's post blowjob voice

>> No.28145839
Quoted by: >>28145962

Theres other websites faggot

>> No.28145840
File: 457 KB, 464x537, 1596165288909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan's comfy BGM
>Sora's dreamy BGM
Man, I feel tired

>> No.28145842

If you don't hear ppt here you're clearly deaf like kanata

>> No.28145843
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1595633259947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i await patiently for this day

>> No.28145845
File: 446 KB, 843x1034, 1500738709701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145844
File: 1.52 MB, 1844x1844, 1602142694755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145941

pecor your voice...

>> No.28145856
Quoted by: >>28146012

>pewdiepie crowd gura attracted making any semblance of thread quality impossible.
How many % of shitposts here are because of the imaginary pewdiepie crowd that supposedly invades this thread and how many % are because of native hlg schizos?

>> No.28145859

Based hiro

>> No.28145862
Quoted by: >>28146174

Full hair physics for 3d models when?

>> No.28145863

She fits her character well from what I've seen. Things she does as Gura are seen as fairly in character and evokes a feeling of wanting to protect her. I think you're right in saying someone like Watson is more conventionally entertaining but Gura has managed to capture the hearts of more people.

Main reason people hate on Gura is more her fans being obnoxious shits about it. The girl herself is new, cautious and kind of scatterbrained. She can be fun but needs more time to settle down.

>> No.28145864


>> No.28145866

Pekora.. your voice...

>> No.28145871

Peko your voice...

>> No.28145870

Our loosing Son

>> No.28145881


>> No.28145883

Not to be a concernfag but pekora probably needs a break, her voice sounds horrible

>> No.28145885
File: 2.15 MB, 5871x4175, d67515c7b7a6042e75ce9e277bea049f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua is still on the server
Dumb onion

>> No.28145889

>Moonas botched English just spawned a narrative

>> No.28145890
File: 3.74 MB, 3500x3000, 1591753194041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28145986

gen 3...

>> No.28145897
File: 2.93 MB, 1416x1980, 1603426959678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop fapping to her since yesterday, help!

>> No.28145903
Quoted by: >>28145946

She wasn't asking "who" because she doesn't know who Towa is, she was asking "who" because she didn't understand what Moona said through her thick accent.

>> No.28145908

Can we post aged-down peko yet

>> No.28145907

Cough peko cough peko cough peko

>> No.28145909

Sheep saying the truth.

>> No.28145910

Pekora fuck off and get proper treatment already. I don't want you to get permanent throat damage.

>> No.28145913

Not sure if a good comparison, but she sort of reminds me of Meatwad from ATHF.

>> No.28145918 [DELETED] 

Why doesn't everyone in this thread just start shitposting at the other one? They'll probably be forced to make a new board if we can fuck up both thread enough

>> No.28145922

pekora stop streaming you're sounding like an old hag

>> No.28145920
Quoted by: >>28146219

The voice, Anon. Remember the voice

>> No.28145921

it's closer to grinding raids for new gear, it's extra shit that you don't really need to do, but do anyway because that's what you love to do.

>> No.28145923

>She fits her character
not him but what character
I get what the others are (except the chicken)

>> No.28145924


>> No.28145929
Quoted by: >>28145954

>are ya jackin' off?

>> No.28145930

how did she manage to look smug here?

>> No.28145931

>Es profile pic
She keeps coming back.

>> No.28145933

Not winning today huh...

>> No.28145934
File: 132 KB, 800x1164, 1578021406016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*spurt* *spurt* NEXT CUM!!

>> No.28145937


>> No.28145940
File: 106 KB, 400x400, 1603116599033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least we get to look forward to the Rev2 arc roberu bros

>> No.28145941
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1603449248042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doctor tells her to chill out while she has a cold

>> No.28145944

Because i am not mentally ill?

>> No.28145945


>> No.28145946


>> No.28145947

>EN is not hololive tho, they're holoEN.
>Gen 5 is not hololive tho, they're holofive
>Gen 3 is not hololive tho, they're holofantasy
This is how fucking stupid you sound.

>> No.28145949
File: 175 KB, 353x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145953

Pekora's voice makes my eyes feel itchy.

>> No.28145954


>> No.28145955
File: 178 KB, 1366x768, sheepmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28145956

dumb shark

>> No.28145958

>Roberu stright up throws exactly as Pekora is starting

>> No.28145962

No there isnt, the rest are circlejerks and the only options that were left are
>8kun (doesnt allow vtubers because they are against streaming culture in general)
>meguca/shamikoo (they literally deleted their /a/ because vtubers took up the majority of the cstalog)
>other imageboards dont allow period
I refuse to use discord or reddit to talk about my hobbies so 4chan is the best it van get

>> No.28145966

She can't even do her signature laugh.


>> No.28145967
File: 78 KB, 543x522, 0022022212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28145968
Quoted by: >>28146041

Doing house chores like cooking food, cleaning the house.

They live in the house and expenses is paid to them by the owner.

>> No.28145970
Quoted by: >>28146031

I'm just glad that he didn't come last kek

>> No.28145978

Why though?

>> No.28145983
Quoted by: >>28146065

Imagine getting mad at this

>> No.28145985

pls dont hurt sora anymore

>> No.28145986

Gen 3 doesn't feel as united as they did back then...

>> No.28145989

>he also plays street fighter

>> No.28145990
File: 33 KB, 320x425, what is this SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even know why non bitter fags post here yet, its perfectly fine to talk about jp holos in the other thread.

>> No.28145994
File: 349 KB, 604x813, 1603457136567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When an ASMR is on the thread becomes full coomerposting and you can't discuss anything else, sasuga 4channel.org

>> No.28145996

Blame the meidos for not allowing hololive threads on /v/. They are forced to come here because they cannot discuss it there. So you're going to have to fucking deal with it.

>> No.28145997

I didn't bother watching the collab, did the meme shark unironically not know who Towa was?

>> No.28145998
Quoted by: >>28146073

shut the fuck and kill yourself you brain-dead faggot

>> No.28146000

so it pretty much has to be text based then

>> No.28146001

A lot, it was very fun.

>> No.28146002

she should just use only her home 3D, her 2D model is really fucking ugly

>> No.28146008

Is Roberu on losing bracket or is single elimination?

>> No.28146012


>> No.28146011
Quoted by: >>28146165

if you stick to actually talking with people who are actually trying to have a discussion and ignore the obvious noise and bait, it's not that bad. Be the change you want to see and ignore shitposts unless you want to have fun being baited. Either way you are in control.

>> No.28146013
Quoted by: >>28146196

Twitch streamers usually direct their viewers to other channels when they go offline, which is probably where she picked up the habit. She's talked to her viewers about being respectful before, though.

>> No.28146015

>HololiveEN Gen 1
That reallly didn't work for you

>> No.28146016
Quoted by: >>28146037

Either peko has been sucking dick or she has rona. OR she can't keep up her fake entertainer voice.

>> No.28146017

eigos shitting up soras chat atm

>> No.28146018
File: 38 KB, 542x543, 1594881169547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146189

Y-You're watching daisenpai Sora, right?

>> No.28146019
File: 430 KB, 837x1181, 2eb67bf8876ddbef74850293985d5c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146067

Why contain it?

>> No.28146021

>english spam
>"a" spam
>meme speak
fuck you amelia

>> No.28146026
Quoted by: >>28146092

He managed to get to the 2nd round with luck
I wonder if Matsuri will survive her Apex tournament

>> No.28146028
Quoted by: >>28146060

Not him but my family also has a maid/housekeeper in the fliplands, The pricing varies by region but its extremely cheap like $60 a month in terms of USD

>> No.28146031
File: 2.76 MB, 3496x1644, 1602949424423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146068

Free drinks for the guy that forfeited his match

>> No.28146036

She knows who Towa is, she misheard what Moona said because Moona's ESL.

>> No.28146037

shes been sucking my dick

>> No.28146038

Either she doesn't know or didn't understand Moona's English.

>> No.28146039

who's that?

>> No.28146041
Quoted by: >>28146085

How fucking lazy you need to be?

>> No.28146044

don't ever forget that you faggots are /a/'s containment board

>> No.28146047

Unironically PANIK'd when she suddenly said that out of nowhere

>> No.28146049

it's imaginary that they are invading hlg

>> No.28146055

No, she did. However she unironically did not know about PPT

>> No.28146057


>> No.28146060
Quoted by: >>28146168

Didnt ask fuck off with your blogshit

>> No.28146061

Jesas you are mentally ill no more yous from me

>> No.28146063

Yeah she's a snobby cunt who didnt bother doing her homework

>> No.28146064

I thought Coco was a vegetarian?

>> No.28146065
Quoted by: >>28146114

>unironically advocating for twitch culture
Why are globalfags like this

>> No.28146066
Quoted by: >>28146082

So are you calling yourself a bitter fag or why are you currently posting here?

>> No.28146067

Asacoco Onahole CM when?

>> No.28146068

SWS, pure meme magic

>> No.28146069
Quoted by: >>28146111

>at Towa's house
>who's house is this
>Moona says "Towe"
>Gura askes "who?" because Moona's pronunciation was shite

>> No.28146072
File: 977 KB, 842x746, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New construction spotted at Suisei tetris
>Only Botan and Aqua online

New Akuqin construction in progress?

>> No.28146073

lmao nigger got hurt in his 1 inch deep pussy

>> No.28146074
Quoted by: >>28146102

Sora's extra cute today, I wonder why.

>> No.28146077

Probably just a nijinigger trying to stir shit again.

>> No.28146082


>> No.28146085

>how fucking lazy
Everyone goes out to work, the maid stays at home to keep things in place like cleaning and other stuff. Then as soon as we return by evening, dinner is served.

>> No.28146092

when is that exactly?

>> No.28146100

>new generation of hololive
>vs new branch entirely
Anon you are the dumbest person in this thread right now

>> No.28146101

It felt really weird. I got hard after she asked that on stream and I've never seen Coco sexually before it and now I can't stop thinking about it.

>> No.28146102

she is always cute

>> No.28146104

Morning raspy rrat

>> No.28146109

lets be real here, it wasnt great, it was okay at best. you can clearly see it how moona still nervous and need sometime to get comfy with them. Also im a little dissapointed she didnt do enough prep for this collab, i hope she'll learn from that.

t. moonafag

>> No.28146112

Ok I borrowed my wife's iPhone and aparrently iPhones don't have region locking so you can just download the Vark app. So I've got access to the concert! Now if I can find a good air play receiver for PC I can record it.

>> No.28146111


>> No.28146114

You know Fubuki does this kind of thing on Twitter all the time, right?

Oh, wait, I forgot. JP good, EN bad.

>> No.28146116
Quoted by: >>28146145

Why do you even need 2 threads if that's the case...

>> No.28146117

You guys can go back now

>> No.28146122
Quoted by: >>28146182

Sora's BGM makes me so happy..

>> No.28146124

If you want to force them to make a new board the only way to do that is spam hololive threads in the catalog. Good luck.

>> No.28146125
File: 48 KB, 172x169, 1599605438223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146184

This shit confused the fuck out of me because it was literally not fucking there when they passed it by earlier in the EN stream.

It was just a flat piece of LAND. I think you're right, Aqua was preparing it for something.

>> No.28146127

Sora is peak comfy, wow

>> No.28146128 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.34 MB, 2700x1388, 1603512759147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146249

post THAT

>> No.28146129
Quoted by: >>28146179

Reminder that you win by not caring

>> No.28146130

how can anyone download from that shitty website with such short download quota

>> No.28146132
Quoted by: >>28146183

So how are Gurafags gonna spin around her not knowing what PPT was

>> No.28146133

I'm a spic and having a maid is to larp that you can afford to waste money on poor people.

>> No.28146135
Quoted by: >>28146210

Sora's BGM always gives me that feeling of blissfully drifting away in the clouds.

>> No.28146141

it's over

>> No.28146143

I like Peko's voice here she reminds me of my aunt

>> No.28146145

because this autistic fuck >>28145567 wants it

>> No.28146146

literally the same thing I posted some weeks ago

>> No.28146147 [DELETED] 

what if it's for Hoshi no Kanata collab

>> No.28146158

I wish we could go back in time and warn everybody not to spread hololive everywhere.
We were so excited about it we never realized how bad it could truly get.

>> No.28146162


>> No.28146165

You probably mean well, anon. But no amount of motivational speech can save these threads now. I say we let this go to shite until people just die from seething or the hiros actually does something

>> No.28146164
File: 8 KB, 763x158, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true.

>> No.28146167

Ohhhhhh so that's why there was a flat piece of land earlier when they passed that section.

My holoserver autism kicked and my mind was trying to scramble to whoever did that.

>> No.28146168


>> No.28146169

It's gonna break my heart if Roberu's next stream is him being disappointed from his loss.

>> No.28146174

dont they render stuff in unity? Theres plugins for that. I dont know why they arent using it.

>> No.28146173
Quoted by: >>28146244

Even /fgo/ generals manages to behave better than us. Imagine being worse fucking gacha general.


>> No.28146177


>Hololive JPN work hours

>> No.28146179

Im too addicted to shitposted for me to completely not care

>> No.28146184
File: 3.82 MB, 2898x4000, 2f9f60a179f97226911e4fc814b075ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146224

Aqua works fast, she's good at what she does

>> No.28146183
Quoted by: >>28146229

Their excuse is that Moona doesn't know how to pronounce Towa.

>> No.28146182

Unironically, yes. Have you see the chat?

Oh wait I forgot. EN good, JP bad.

>> No.28146185
Quoted by: >>28146252

didn't he recently start playing? i hope he didn't expect to win and is just happy to be there

>> No.28146190

No loser brackets in this tourney.

>> No.28146189

never have never will

>> No.28146196

We're talking about the average viewer. If she's not there constantly asking them to behave they're not gonna behave.

>> No.28146195

What is that faggot even referring to?

>> No.28146203

>fapping to Coco
Literally how

>> No.28146204
File: 25 KB, 474x266, sorasux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does sora's streams always suck

>> No.28146205

Why is aqua so autistic?

>> No.28146207


>> No.28146210

that's the appeal of Sora

>> No.28146209

I have sex with Minato Aqua

>> No.28146211

>waaah this website with minimal moderation hurt my feefees
Get out nigger or use filters

>> No.28146213

Considering how energetic and positive he is, probably no

>> No.28146219

Because we're better than them.>>28145920

>> No.28146221

Remixes of Holo sound clips are starting to get used by tiktok weebs.. The end is here.

>> No.28146222

without EOP viewers Sora's numbers would be beyond pathetic and sad and pretty embarrasing

>> No.28146224
Quoted by: >>28146313

I just fapped mate.

>> No.28146225
Quoted by: >>28146254

what's so bad other than these threads and chats that nobody reads

>> No.28146226


>> No.28146227

Minato Aqua is monkey

>> No.28146229

He said PPT not Toewa. Do you know who PPT is?

>> No.28146235
Quoted by: >>28146267

Anyone know what app the holos use to airplay their character from the phone to their PC?

>> No.28146238
File: 3.38 MB, 1596x2258, 83451314_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekora's voice gonna get fucked at this pace...

>> No.28146241

Carrying on the Hololive tradition of being dead last.

>> No.28146244

never been there but I'll assume they are just coomposting

>> No.28146246


>> No.28146245

why do you love talking cocks in every hole and catching bugs?

>> No.28146249

w-what the fuck is this...

>> No.28146251
Quoted by: >>28146305

She has to share her NND and the youtube though

>> No.28146252
File: 14 KB, 300x457, 1602645262099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said that he had fun on twitter, true winners enjoy the ride the most

>> No.28146254


>> No.28146259

Shion yo...

>> No.28146258


>> No.28146263
Quoted by: >>28146312

What exactly bad happened?

>> No.28146265

Yes it is imaginary, you think a literal 9-12 years old or 20-25 years old normalfags are autistic enough to post and handle the autism on this page? Stop creating boogeyman

>> No.28146267
Quoted by: >>28146297

Literally Hololive. The app is called Hololive.

>> No.28146268
File: 866 KB, 879x494, 1586408556922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua was inside

>> No.28146269

he had to expect that this was gonna be the case

>> No.28146270

She's REALLY limited in what she's allowed to do.

>> No.28146271
File: 200 KB, 1476x1063, 1603329974233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28146306

Why are you so angry about this? It makes total sense to split the threads by EN/JP and enforce it.
They're way too fucking fast to ever be one thread again, so why not split and categorize them in a way that makes sense and prevents conflict so the threads can stay on topic as much as possible?

>> No.28146277

AZKi's pretty active these days. I like it.

>> No.28146286


>> No.28146291

she comes across as childish, on a loli character design. Her character is sort of a cheeky girl, scatter brained. She tries to be wholesome but will use a lot of innuendo when she calms down. I think she'd be better with more confidence and a bit more focus but it's clear she's had a nervous first month.

Honestly of the EN girls I'd rate her 4th of the bunch, but that's just my tastes. She really isn't as entertaining as people make out but she has potential, they all do. Nice voice helps too but not counting that as her character.

>> No.28146293


>> No.28146296

Robel yo

>> No.28146297

No I'm talking about the airplay host for PC they use to airplay the hololive app to their PC.

>> No.28146299

the only thing "beyond pathetic and sad and pretty embarrasing" here is you and your life.

>> No.28146305

How does she do on NND?

>> No.28146306

Because when there's a collab then EN posts ARE on topic.

>> No.28146312


>> No.28146313


>> No.28146315
File: 24 KB, 965x188, look at all those nice tabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon, chumbrain, it's even in English.
